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UNIT # 1

TOPIC: Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) the model of Tolerance.


Words / Meanings.

Words / Sentences.

Fill in the blanks.

Questions / Answer.

Words / Synonyms.

Paragraph writing.


Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu Meaning English Meaning

Compassion Kindness , Mercy
Debt Loan , Lend , Borrow
Epitome A perfect example
Dreadful Very bad or unpleasant
Restraining Controlling
Amnesty Pardon , Forgiveness
Counseling Advice , Guidance
Perseverance Persistence
Debate Argument , discussion
Precedence Priority
Adversity Hardship
Renounced Gave up
Testified Attested
Rabbi Jewish scholar
Ostracized Banished
Opponent Opposite
Scarcity Inadequate amount
Gracious Graceful
Revenge Avenge

Q 2: Choose whether the following words or nouns are countable or un

countable (count or un count). Also use the words in sentences of your own.

Words Category Sentences

Coffee Un count A tug of coffee is a great
source of energy.
Tea Un count I would prefer tea to
Boy Count He is a naughty boy.
Soap Un count I would like to buy a bar
of soap.
Table Count I have a wooden table.
Car Count I wish to have a black car.
Honey Un count I need a jar of honey.
Keyboard Count My keyboard is out of

Q 3: Fill in blanks with a noun. Use each noun only one time.

1: I don’t have much luggage.

2: They are going to tell you all you want to know. They are going to give you a lot
of information.

3: There is room for everybody to sit down. There are a lot of chairs.

4: We have no furniture not even a bed or a table.

5: “What does Arif look like?” He’s got a long bread and very short hair.

Q 4: Answer the following questions?

1: What does the Quran say about tolerance?

The Quran says,

“O you who have believed seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is
with the patient.”


The Holy Quran says about tolerance that those who believe in the Day of
Judgment and life after death should seek help from Allah through patience and
prayer and no doubt he is with the patient.

Q 2: The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was a man of extraordinary

endurance? Explain.


The sublime character of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was a perfect model of
endurance. He was an epitome of tolerance, forgiveness, patience and compassion.
He forbore the attitude negative remarks and action of the pagans with patience
and calmness. He was ostracized by the Quraish but he didn’t do anything against
them and remained tolerant and patient.

Q 3: How did the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) treat the people of Makkah
after victory?


After the conquest of Makkah, the Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) ordered his
followers to remain tolerant. The Muslim army entered Makkah humbly and
peacefully. No house was robbed: no man or woman was insulted. The Prophet
(S.A.W) granted a general assembly to the entire population of Makkah.

Q 4: Why was the Rabbi asking for the repayment days before the loan was

The Rabbi was asking for the repayment days before the loan was due because he
wanted to test Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) tolerance. But he found that tolerance
and perseverance took precedence over anger and that harsh treatment was repaid
with kindness.

Q 5: What does the tolerance of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) teach us?


The tolerance of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) knew no bounds. It teaches us that we
should always treat people with kindness and compassion. We should even treat
the pagans with patience and calmness. We should show tolerance in the face of
adversity and kindness in the face of harsh treatment.

Q 6: What was the effect of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) kindness on the



After seeing what the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) did in response to his harsh treatment.
The Rabbi Zaid immediately renounced his religion and testified before the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) that there was none worthy of worship but Allah alone and that
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was his messenger.

Q 7: What is the main idea of the lesson?


The main idea of the lesson is that our religion, Islam propagates peace, Patience
and tolerance towards humanity. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is a
perfect example of tolerance, forgiveness, patience and compassion. We should
follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) to get success here and after

B: Consult a thesaurus and find out the synonyms of the following words.

Truth Reality
Rude Uncivil
Sincere Straight forward
Fear Fright
Kindness Beneficence
Forgive Pardon
Argument Dispute
Swell Expand


A: Write a paragraph on the “Patience of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)”

using specific words, vivid verbs, modifiers etc. Use appropriate supporting
details and transitional devices.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) was a man of great patience. The Holy Quran describes
him as Rahmatul-lil-Alameen, (a mercy into the whole mankind and the universe).
While Preaching Islam in Makkah, the Quraish banished him and his family Banu
Hashim. During this situation prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) remained calm and
tolerance and never thought about taking any sort of revenge. Even after the
conquest of Makkah, the Prophet (S.A.W) granted a general amnesty to the entire
population of Makkah. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) tolerance knew no bounds. He
showed tolerance in the face of adversity and kindness in the face of harsh

D: Write down the summary of the lesson” Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) the
model of tolerance.”

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last messenger of Allah. He is a perfect example

of tolerance, forgiveness, patience and compassion. The Holy Quran describes him
as Rahmatul-lil-Alameen. He and his family Banu Hashim were banished due to
preaching Islam. On that occasion, he remained calm and tolerant and never took
notice of it. Even after the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) forgave
all of them. Though he had power of revenge yet he didn’t take any sort of
revenge. Even though the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) forgave Abu Sufyan and his wife
who did the wicked things to him (S.AW.). Similarly a Jewish Rabbi credited some
money to him (S.A.W) and wanted it before the duet time. He grabbed the Holy
Prophet (SAW) from his cloak and asked harshly about his money. The Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) did not do anything against him rather he gave him twenty Sa’a
extra. The Rabbi wanted to test the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) tolerance. The Rabbi
was so touched by the tolerance of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) that in no time he
re nounced his religion and embraced Islam.

Topic: Iqbal’s Message to youth

Words / Meanings.

Words / Sentences.

Fill in the blanks.

Question / Answers.

Q1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Exploration Geographic expedition
Innovation Conception
Invention Design
Hamlet A man of thinking
Perpetual Continuous
Fore sight Prediction
Enthusiastic Ardent
Emperor The ruler of an empire
Thy Your
Forge Make
Brilliance Brightness
Nova A star
Inspiration A sudden brilliant idea

Q 2: Use the following words in sentences of your own.

Words Sentences
Nation We are Pakistani nation.
Battle field He is a lion in the battlefield.
Determination Quaid-e- Azam got Pakistan by the
force of his firm determination.
Symbol Candle is a symbol of knowledge.
Motive Eat, drink and be merry is an epicurean
Confined The youth of Iqbal is not confined to
material achievement.
Direction There are four directions.
Goals He did many goals in soccer.

Q 3: Fill in the blanks with who/ whom/ that/ which/ when/ whose/ why. There
may be more than one correct answer.

1: the shop that I got to is closed.

2: Your shop which will probably be shut down next year is really old.

3: I’ve met most of the people who are eager to take part in the competition.

4: Do you know the reason why our offer was rejected?

5: Do you remember the town where you were born in?

Q 4: Answer the following questions.

1: How is the youth standard bearer of a nation?


Youth is the standard bearers of a nation because if their energy is utilized in

proper way, it can bring a great change in the social, political and economic life of
the nation. Keeping this view in mind, Iqbal’s concentrated on the potentialities of
the youth in his poetry.

“Muhabbat mujhy un jawanu se hai

Setaroon par jo dalty hai kamand.”

2: According to Iqbal how can the youth change themselves?


According to Iqbal, the youth are like eagle (Shaheen) whose aim is going higher
and deeper. The youth of Iqbal are strong believers in Iqbal, a creative and
dynamic energy through which they can change themselves and bring about a great
change in the life of the whole nation.

Q3: Read the 3rd paragraph and write down the key idea?

It is crystal clear from this paragraph that in eyes of Iqbal, the Muslim youth is like
eagle (Shaheen) whose aim is going higher and deeper. He is a strong believer in
Ishq. Which is creative and dynamic energy through which he can find and control
the whole world. He believes in Khudi which has a person forge his destiny and
give direction to the world.

“Wahe hai sahebe amroz jis ne apny himmat se

Zamany ke samandar se nekala gohar farad.

Q 4: What is the main idea of the lesson?


The main idea of the lesson is that eyes of Iqbal, the youth of the Ummah is the
pillar of the nation. He is the standard bearers of any nation. He is a man of Khudi,
a creative and dynamic power; His life is not confined to limited worldly affairs.
He wants to discover a new nova of brilliance and inspiration. He is to lead and
take the nation to the height of self-n sufficiency and independence. He is a symbol
of hope and future of the nation. In short, the youth is the main focus and main idea
of the lesson.



The main idea of the lesson is that the youth in eyes of Iqbal are representatives of
the nation. They are pure in head and heart. They are enthusiastic in action and
optimistic persons. They have the best knowledge of each and every thing.

Naram dam guftago garam dam justaju

Razam ho ya naram ho pak dil WA pakbaz.

Q 5: According to Iqbal, the youth shouldn’t confine to material achievement?

Express your view on this statement.

According to Iqbal, the life of youth is dynamic and it shouldn’t be confined to

limited material achievement and enjoyment. He should enjoy the creative journey
of exploration, discovery, inventions and innovations. He must be Mard-e-Momin,
Mujahid, and Shaheen, an explorer and adventurer and seer.


Q: Discuss Iqbal’s youth with reference to today’s Pakistani youth. Write a

paragraph of at least 100 words.

Iqbal’s youth is an explorer is an explorer an adventure and seer, whose aim is

going higher and deeper like eagle (Shaheen) to find new world in the unknown
place. Younger are to lead the nation to the height of self- sufficiency and
independence. He wants his youth to have the knowledge of Quran and Hadith. He
wants his youth to be away from the west. The youth of today is attached to the
material world. They engage themselves in the limited materialistic. In nature, they
have thrown away the great lesson of Islam and did not feel the loss. They follow
the path of those who have destroyed themselves. It has become the down fall of
the youth.


D: Look at the mind- map below and describe youth from Iqbal’s perspective.


Youth in eyes of Iqbal / in Iqbal’s perspective are the representatives of the nation.
Through them a nation can be recognized. They do their work with great Zeal and
Zest. They have the best knowledge of each and every thing. They are optimistic in
nature. They always almost see the bright side of things. They are pure in head and
heart. They do not keep prejudice in their hearts nor do they think of negative

TOPIC: Quaid --------- A great leader


1: Word / Meanings.

2: Words / Sentences.

3: Fill in the blanks.

4: Questions / Answers.

5: Words / Antonyms.

6: Writing

Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Dignified Honorable
Empire State
Stern Strict
Stretched Being longer
Slogan Cheering
Vast Expanse
Cheering Slogan
Foreign Abroad
Leadership Guidance
Homeless People who have no home
Excitement A feeling of eagerness
Refuge Being sheltered
Violence Intended to hart
Determination Firmness of purpose

Q 2: use the following words in sentences of your own?

Words Sentences
Excitement The man remained calm, serious and
Ideal Quaid-e-Azam rarely showed his
Vast He fell headlong in the vast expanse of
Unity We should bring unity by ourselves.

Q3) Fill in the article a, an, or the. Where necessary, insert X where no article
is used.

1) I like the blue T shirt over there better than a red one.

2) Their car does 150 miles an hour.

3) Where’s the USb drive I lent you last week?

4) Do you still live in X Bannu?

5) Is your mother working in the old office building?

Q4) Answer the following questions?

1) Describe the person who had come out of the aero plane at Mawripur,
Karachi, on August 7, 1947.


The first person who had come out of the aero plane at Mawripur, Karachi on
August 7, 1947 was a tall and dignified man wearing a pure white sherwani. He
was looking sober and serious.

2) why did the crowd roar in one voice” Pakistan Zindabad”?


The crowd roared with one voice “Pakistan Zindabad”, because they saw their
great leader who had won Pakistan for them, the founder and the first Governor
General of their new country.

3) Who had people become homeless?


People had become homeless when India and Pakistan become separate countries.
Millions of people migrated to their home land. Therefore they became homeless.

4) Why did the Quaid-e-Azam look satisfied?


Quaid-e-Azam looked satisfied to know that the greater part of his work was done.
His achievement of separate homeland for the Muslims of India were
unprecedented. He did his work for the newly founded country by the force of his
grim determinants and leader ship.

5) What did the Quaid tell people about equal rights?

Quaid-e-Azam told the people about equal rights, “you are free to go to your
temples; you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this
state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed we are all equal
citizens of one state.

6) Find a sentence from the text, having cause and effect?


People had become homeless when India and Pakistan become separate countries.

1) People had become homeless -----> Effect.

When India and Pakistan became separate countries-----> Cause

There was much in those days of violence to sadden Jinnah.

2) To sadden Jinnah -----> Effect.

There was much in those days of violence-----> Cause.

7) Identify a sentence from text expressing an opinion?


Perhaps he was thinking of the thousands who were being attacked and killed on
the roads and railways as they tried to reach their homeland.

Q5) consult the saurus and find out the antonyms of the following words.

Words antonyms
Serious Funny
Violence Non violence
Weakness Strength
Delight Sad, displease
Harmony Disharmony

Q) Write an essay on your favorite / ideal personality.

There have been many important personalities in this mortal world. But among
these notable personalities the person. I like the most is Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah. He was the founder of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi on December
25, 1876. He got his early education from the sindh Madrassa, Karachi. From the
early days he was a brilliant student. In 1893 at the age of seventeen he went to
England for higher education. After obtaining the degree of the bar at law he
returned home and started to work as a lawyer.
Those were the days when freedom movement in India had been started. The
people of India wanted to get freedom from the British rule. In 1906 Quaid-e-
Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the All India congress and became its active
member. Later on he left congress and joined Muslim League. He struggled for a
separate dominion for the Muslims of sub continent. At last on 14th August 1947
Pakistan appeared on the map of the world as an independent Islamic state.

He worked for Pakistan day and night. There were many challenges for him. Due
to over work he became ill. On the advice of doctors, he was shifted to Zia rat to
take rest for a few days. But our great Quaid could not survive and died on the 11th
of September 1948. He was buried in Karachi, but he lives in our heart.

1) Write down the summary of the lesson “Quaid- the great leader “.


Quaid-e-Azam reached Karachi on the 7th of August 1947. As soon as she stepped
out of the aero plane a huge and excited crowd welcomed him. He was a man of
great courage. He was a tall and dignified man. He became the Governor General
of Pakistan. He got Pakistan for the Muslims of India but yet he is not happy. He
was thinking of the millions of people who had become homeless due to the
separation of India and Pakistan. He addressed his people about equal rights that
they are free to go to their temples, mosques or any other place of worship in this
state of Pakistan. He was definitely reminding them the Prophet’s teaching that all
men are equal in the eyes of Allah.


4) Analyses the last paragraph in the text to identify general idea and
supporting details.

The last paragraph shows that Quaid-e-Azam was tired and ill but he was satisfied
that he had almost completed his work. He had achieved a separate homeland for
the Muslims of India. He had in fact given them a unique entity. He told his people
after he landed in Karachi,” You are free to go your temples; you are free to go to
your mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may
belong to any religion or caste----------. We are all citizens of one state.

UNIT #04


1: Words/ meanings

2: Words/ sentences

3: Fill in the blanks

4: Question / answer

5: Paraphrases

6: Writing (summary)

Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu Meaning English meaning

Wandered Roamed
Vales Valleys
Host Great number
Fluttering To move quickly
Stretched Expand
Margin Edge
Sprightly Vivacious
Gay Happy and cheerful
Jocund Cheerful
Gazed Stare
Couch Bed
Pensive Thoughtful
Vacant Empty
Bay Gulf
Solitude Aloneness
Tossing Throwing

Q 2: Use the foll0owing words in sentences of you own.

Words Sentences

Oft It is an off-told tale.

Never-ending The daffodils stretched in never-ending
Glee The daffodils outdid the sparkling waves
in glee.
Bliss The pensive mood is the bless of
Twinkle The stare twinkle in the milky way.
Sparking The waves were sparking.
Stretch I stretched the rubber band.

Q 3: Fill in the blanks.

1. His tattered coat needs mending.

2. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

3. A lost opportunity never returns.

4. He kept me waiting.

5. She looked worried.

Q4. Answer the following questions.

1. Is there any personification in this poem? If Yes, Where?

The poet had used “personification”, the figure of speech. The poet says that he
saw a crowd of daffodils; they were fluttering and dancing in the breeze; they were
tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

2. Write at least two lines showing similes.

The two lines showing similes are as follows;

 I wandered lonely as a cloud

 Continuous as the stars that shine.

3. What does the word “Crowd” exactly mean?


Crowd is a collective noun which is related to human beings. Actually, the exactly
meaning of crowd is a large numbers of people gathered in a place.

4. Why does the poet compare himself to a cloud?


The poet compares himself to a cloud because cloud passes over valleys and hills
alone, so the poet also walks lonely over valleys and hills to enjoy the beauty of

5. Write the main idea of the poem?


The Poet, William Wordsworth describes the nature in a beautiful way. He was
wandering here and there to enjoy the beauty of nature. He praises the beauty of
nature and describes that sometimes a little things, like daffodils, gives us extreme
happiness, which remains with us for a long period of time.
6. Do you like this poem? Why?

Yes, I like This Poem because it shows us the beauty of nature and poet describes
the natural beauty by using effective figurative language. He skillfully takes us to
the very sight.

Q5. Paraphrase the following stanzas.


I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on a high over vales and hills, When all at
once I saw a crowd, A last, of golden daffodils, beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Flattering and dancing in the breeze.

Reference to the context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem” The daffodils” written by William

Paraphrase 01:
I wandered lonely as a cloud that smoothly passes over the valley and hills. When
all of a sudden, I saw a large number of Golden Daffodils. They grew by the side
of lake and under the trees. They were moving and dancing.


Continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the Milky Way, They stretched in
never-ending line, along the margin of a bag: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tops
sing their heads in sprightly dance.

Reference to Context:
This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Daffodils” written by William

Paraphrase 02:

The daffodils were millions in number like the stars in the milky. They were spread
out in endless line along the bank of lake. I saw ten thousand at a glance. They
were moving their heads and were dancing happily.


The waves beside them danced, but they outdid the sparkling waves in glee:

A Poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company: I gazed-and-gazed but little thought what wealth the
show to me had brought:

Reference to Context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Daffodils” written by William

Paraphrase 03:

The waves of lake also danced but the daffodils outdid the bright waves and
danced with greater joys. How could a poet feel except to be extremely happy in
such a joyful company, I spent time looking at them but not realized at the time
that this scene had brought a new script in my life.


For off, when on my couch I lie in vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that
inward eye which is the bliss of solitude: And then my heart will pleasure fills, and
dances with the daffodils.
Reference to Context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Daffodils” written by William

Paraphrase 04:
Whenever I feel lonely in my couch or in pensive mood, the scene of these
daffodils suddenly flashes upon my mind. This kind of reflection is the blessing of
loneliness. And then my heart fills with joys.


Write the summary of the poem, The Daffodils.


The Poet, William Wordsworth, was roaming here and there on the valleys and
hills like a single patch of cloud in sky. He saw a tuft of golden daffodils near the
lake and under trees, which were fluttering and dancing in the air. They were
stretching out in the endless line of a bay like the stars which were shining and
spreading out in the Milky Way. They were looking charming and attractive. The
waves were also dancing with them but they outdid the waves in happiness, He
could not remain silent expressing his joy, He enjoyed it for many times without
realizing. Whenever he is alone in his couch in thoughtful mood, the sight of these
daffodils comes across before his eyes. His heart fills with joyful happiness and
dances with them. He calls it The Bless of solitude.
Unit # 05



Words (Meanings)

Words (Sentences)

Fill in the blanks.

Questions (Answer)


Q1: Write meanings of the following words.

Words Urdu Meanings Eng Meanings

Abolish Abrogate
Abandon Give up
Charter A document
Community Section
Converts Proselyte
Harmony Unity
Inhabited Settled
Kith and Kin Close relatives
Liability Responsibility
Migrated Shifted
Think and thin Good and Bad time
Signatory Signer

Q2: Use the following words in sentences of your own.

Harmony The Prophet (SAW) abolished the tribal

distinction to create harmony and co-operation.
Abolish Slavery was abolished in the nineteen century.
Tyrannized The Prince tyrannized over his subjects.
Trivial We Should not get angry over trivial matter.
Tolerance Tolerance is one of the path of winning Allah’s
will and happiness.

Q3: Fill in the blanks.

1. In many countries, Cycling can provide an economical way of moving around.

2. Surfing is exciting, especially if you catch a big wave.

3. Laila is talented in painting and has received awards in many art competitions.

4. My friend’s hobby is baking so she is going to make a big cake for my birthday.

5. He was accused of cheating in the examination.

6. Hiking is strenuous on mountain trails.

7. Skipping is easy, but only if your rope is of the correct length.

8. Racing is a dangerous sport.

9. Settling into a new school involves making new friends.

10. The thief admitted stealing the priceless painting.

Q4. Answer the following Questions.

1. Why did the holly Prophet (SAW) abolish the tribal distinction in Madina?


The Holly Prophet (SAW) first abolished the tribal distinction and grouped the
inhabitants of Madina under one general name “ANSAR” or “HELPER”. He did
so to create harmony and co-operation among them.
2. What did UN adopt unanimously?

The General Assembly of UN unanimously adopted the universal Deceleration of
Human Rights in 1948.

3. How do we know that Islam is the protector of Human Rights?


The incorporation of the clauses of Madina Charter in the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights by the UN Shows that Islam is the greater protector of Human

4. Define tolerance and give examples from text?


Tolerance means to control our emotions and forgive other’s mistakes. Here it
means a Fair and permissive attitude towards those whose opinions, religious,
races and nationalities differ from one’s own. As we have seen in this lesson that
our Holly Prophet Muhammad (SAW) brought all the sections and grouped them
as one nation. He allowed all the tribes to profess their own religion and perform
religious ceremony. Similarly, in Pakistan constitution and Universal Declaration
of Human Rights all people are allowed to perform their religious ceremony and
profess their religion regardless of religion, creed or caste.

5. We must always honor our words. Why?


We must always honor our words because it is the spirit of the teachings of Islam.
Besides this, the smooth sailing of our society is not possible. All great men honor
their words.
6. Write an account of act of tolerance you have shown/seen?

Once a person borrowed some money from a person and promised him to return it
within the stipulated time. The time came; the borrower did not have a single
penny. He continued abusing the borrower but he remained tolerant. The lender
returned home. After two to three hours, the borrower knocked at his door. He
returned him money and thanked him for giving him loan. He apologized in
delaying. He did not take notice of it.


A. Compare Madina Charter with the UN Human Rights Charter.


There are many points which seem common in them. Both the Madina Charter and
UN Human Rights Charter announce the great principles of civic quality, freedom
of worship and religious and racial tolerance. These Charters abolish the
distinction among different segments of society. Both the charters stress on
equality, and give opportunities regardless of color, creed and dogma.

B. Develop a mind map and write down the Summary of the lesson “The
Madina Charter”.


When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrated to Madina, there were many
people who belonged to different tribes and religious. Among them were the
faithful followers of Muhammad (SAW), refugees, helpers, idol worshippers and
the Jews. For Creating harmony and Co-operation among them, The Prophet
(SAW) first abolished the tribal distinction. He united them because he knew that
goodwill and support of all sections were essentially necessary for peaceful co-
existence. The Prophet (SAW) drafted a charter which is commonly known as the
Madina Charter. In this, it was written that all those communities world become as
one nation which signed the charter. They would defend each other. All the
communities would be free with respect to their religion and religious ceremonies.
Bloodshed, murder and evidence were abominated.

In 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nation Unanimously adopted the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There were many clauses which
resembles to the Madina Charter. It declares that Islam is the greatest protector of
Human Rights. It also declares that Islam considers all humans equal. Islam gives
rights to all men. It gives a legal framework to Muslims as well as Pagans.

Unit # “6”



Words (Meanings)

Words (Sentences)

Fill in the blanks.

Questions (Answer)

Q1) Write meanings of the following words.

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Pomp Traditional customs
Claim Arrogate
Anecdote Short story
Merchant Trader
Cloak A type of coat
Worn out Badly damaged
Furious Very angry
Turban Around the head
Ornament Jeweler
Ransacking Search
Fright A feeling of fear
Gallop Canter off
Blown To be moved by the wind
Uproot To pull out of the ground
Interrupt Interfere
Bray Sound of a donkey
Preference Penchant

Q 2: Use the following words in sentences of your own.

Words Sentences
Popular He is a popular singer.
Worn out My clothes are worn out.
Turban In olden day turban was a symbol of education.
Gallop Suddenly the horse standard to gallop.
Blown The kite was blown away by a strong wind.
Ornament Beauty needs no ornament.

Q 3: Fill in the blanks.

1: He is richer than his neighbors.


2: The birds were much younger than the grooms.


3: He is the most intelligent student of the class.


4: He is cleverer than I thought him to be.


5: When the old woman became stronger, she began to move about.


Q 4: Answer the following question:

1: What are Nasiruddin stories famous for?


Nasiruddin stories are famous for humor and fun. His anecdotes are famous all
over the world because they deal with the experiences of day to day life. His
anecdotes do not hurt anybody physically or emotionally.

2: which anecdote from the lesson you liked most? Why.


I liked the seventh story very much. It is full of humor when he repeated the same
answer again and again in response to the question of his age asked by a typical

3: Explain the point of laughter in the last story?

The point of laughter in the last story is that when Nasiruddin told the neighbor
that he had already lent his donkey out. In the meantime the donkey brayed. The
sound came from Nasiruddin stable and Nasiruddin lie was unveiled. He felt shame

but to conceal his shame he shut the door on man’s face saying that a person who
believed the words of a donkey in preference to his words did not deserve to be
lent anything.

4: How were the thieves treated by Nasiruddin?

Once thieves entered Nasiruddin house. He hid himself in a cupboard. The thieves
after ransacking the house reached the cupboard and opened it. They asked him
why he was hiding himself here. Nasiruddin answered, “Because of shame that
there is nothing worthy of you in my house.”

5: What was Nasiruddin explanation to the gardener?


Nasiruddin told the gardener that he had been blown there by a wind and he had
caught hold of vegetables to stop himself being swept along. Therefore they had
uprooted. Lastly he told him that he had been wondering about when he had
interrupted him.

6: Have you ever come across a humorous person like Nasiruddin? Compare
the character of Nasiruddin with that real life person.


Yes, I have come across a humorous person like Nasiruddin. He was living in
house next to mine. He was funny and humorous. As a humorous person, he used
to tell us the stories of his life. He had remained with us in our neighborhood for a
decade. Now he has shifted to another place.

7: Write a note on character of Nasiruddin using evidence from the lesson.


Nasiruddin was a man of great fame. Nasiruddin day is celebrated in turkey with
great pomp and show. The age in which he lived is not exactly known. There are
even doubts about the century of his birth. He was a witty person. He faced any
difficulty happily. He was learned and experienced person. He had a tailor, a
merchant, a doctor and a judge. He had traveled widely.

A: Write a review of the lesson Nasiruddin.

Nasiruddin is a man of great humour. He has a good sense of humour. He is

famous all over the world. His anecdotes are often narrated by the people for
humour as well as for wisdom. The stories of Nasiruddin are popular because they
deal with the experience of day to day life. Several volumes of stories about
Nasiruddin have been published in different countries and in different languages.
Many of his stories have been published in Urdu and Pashto. People narrate his
stories for fun as well as for the solution of their problems.

UNIT# 07
Topic: The two Bargains


Words / Meanings.

Words / Sentences.
Fill in blanks.

Questions / Answers.

Writing (Essay, Summary)

Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Bitter Sour, Hard
Broke out Occurred
Decline Turned down
Famine Shortage of food
Generosity Greatness of heart
Proclaim Announce
Scare Shortage
Touch Impress
Turn down Reject
Apprise Express
Endowment Bliss

Q 2: Look up the meaning of the following words in the dictionary and make

Fetch Fetch me a glass of

Bring Bring me a glass of
Famous He is famous for
Notorious He is notorious for
Crime He does all crimes
Sin Adult ration is a sin.
Desert Sahara is the largest
Barren Barren land Is of no

Q 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.

1: I usually go to bed at ten o’clock.

2: I have never been to the china.

3: I have been to Mardan just once.

4: I mostly take both before I go to bed.

5: My grandfather live in Karachi, I visit them occasionally.

6: My friends are very helpful.

7: I was very impressed with her performance.

8: I always go for a work in the park.

9: I read English novels mostly.

10: They often go out.

Q 4: Answer the following questions.

1: Why did Hazrat Umar (RA) weep?


After hearing the generous words of Hazrat Usman (RA), the caliph, Hazrat Umar
(RA), was very much impressed by the greatness of heart of Hazrat Usman (RA)
that he wept.

2: Why did the Jew agree to Hazrat Usman (RA) offer?

The Jew agreed to Hazrat Usman (RA) offer because he thought that it might be
more profitable for him to make Hazrat Usman (RA) a partner as he was a chief

3: What simple steps can you incorporate into your life to faster generosity?


Generosity is a virtue from Allah Almighty to those who are by Allah. We can
incorporate generosity into our lives by lessening our expenditures on luxuries.
Generosity is a noble deed and o adopts it, is very easily. We should help the poor
and the needy through generosity, so we faster generosity.

4: How did the Jew learn a bitter lesson?


The Jew learnt a bitter lesson when Hazrat Usman (RA) purchased the well from
the Jew. It was proclaimed in Medina that on the appointed day everyone could
carry as much water, free of cost, as he / she liked. The Muslims as well as the Jew
carried enough water to last for the next day as well. The Jew made none at all
where as he thought that he (RA) helped in the beginning to make more money.
Therefore he decided to sell the other half of the well as well.

5: What is the role of generosity in Islamic history?


Generosity has a great role in our Islamic history. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) spent
his money and wealth generously in the way of Allah. The companions of the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) did competition in this respect. The poor and the needy were
given Zakat and charities in order to help them. Dole was fixed for the old people.
Having seen this, many of the people of Makkah renounced their religion and
embraced Islam.

6: Service to humanity is liked by Allah. Elaborate.


As a Muslim, I believe that service to humanity is most liked by Allah Almighty.

Large number of illustrations can be quoted from the Holy Quran and tradition
(Hadith). Islam emphasizes the service of humanity. It teaches us that we should
help the poor through feed hungry and treat others with kindness.

7: What did Hazrat Usman (RA) do when the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, “Is
there anyone here who would like to purchase paradise for himself in retain
for Bari-e-Roma?”


Hazrat Usman (RA) left the mosque quietly because he wanted to approach the
Jew for the purchasing of Bair-e-Roma prior to anyone else at whatever price the
Jew would like to sell it. Hazrat Usman (RA) returned to the Masjid and offered
his share in the well to the holy Prophet (SAW). The well was dedicated as an
endowment to the people of Medina. It exists in medina to this day and is known as
Bair-e-Usman or Usman’s well.

8: Why did Hazrat Usman (RA) keep on rejecting the offer Hazrat Umar

Harat Usman(RA) kept on rejecting the offer of Hazrat Umar(RA) because he was
a kind- hearted man and wanted to distribute the entire stock among the people of
Medina in the name of Allah who has promised to pay him at least ten times the
price it to seventy or even seven hundred times.
9: Identify a real life situation/ problem that could be improved with
generosity and how will you display personal generosity to that situation/


In our daily life, we come across a lot of people who suffer from lacking of
resources that could be improved with generosity by giving them helping hand as
such is the need of the hour and utter of the day.


A: Write an essay of about 100-150 words on “Generosity” using the mind-


Generosity is a noble deed which means the greatness of heart. It is a kind and
encouraging act. It also includes that we should share our money, time and energy
with others in times of great challenges. We should not expect anything in return to
it rather we should leave it in the name of Allah.

We should spend our valuables in the way of Allah in order to make other’s lives
easier and pleasant. To be generous we should save something in order to be able
to give it to the poor and the needy. Being sympathetic towards people is also a
generous deed.

The life of the Prophet (SAW) and his (SAW) companions is an epitome of
generosity; it reflects us to be helpful as much as possible. It is said that through
service one can reach to Allah Almighty. When we help others by generosity, we
feel that we have done something good. We become satisfied when we think of it.

In short, generosity is a noble act which is most liked by Allah Almighty.

C: Your grandfather has left you money but you have to spend some amount
in helping mankind?

First of all, I we’ll see whether there are some needy in my neighborhood or not. If
I find any poor or needy, I will spend some amount in helping mankind or
underprivileged. I will spend them according to the need of the people without
expecting anything in return. I will construct Masjid and Madrassas in the name of
Allah. I will give Zakat out of it if one year has passed over it. I will think to spend
these amounts in such a way to be benefitted to as many people as possible.

D: Write down the summary of the lesson “The two Bargains”.


Hazrat Usman (RA) was one of the four caliphs of Islam. He was a true and down
to earth Muslim. He was the richest and the most generous person in the history of
mankind. He was spending money in the name of Allah. When the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W) and his companions migrated to well of sweet water, which owned by a
Jew who sold its water at a high price .The companions of the Holy Prophet
(SAW) could not purchase it. The people came crying to Holy Prophet (SAW) and
sought his help. He announced in Masjid that who would purchase the well I will
guarantee for purchasing of paradise. He (RA) purchased the well in the name of
Allah. The well was bestowed as an endowment both for the Muslims and the Jew.
Once famine broke out in Arabia. The Caliph, Hazrat Umar (RA) wanted to lessen
the hardships of the people. He heard that thousand camel load flour belonging to
Hazrat Usman (RA) had reached Medina. He at once got reached Hazrat Usman
(RA) and offered to buy the entire stock at 25% profit but he (RA) turned down.
He raised his offer higher and higher but he too rejected this offer and said to him
that he has already sold his stock to Allah who has promised to pay him at least ten
times the price as profit and may raise it to seventy or even seven hundred times.
The flour was then distributed among the people in the name of Allah happily and

UNIT# 08
Topic: The two Bargains


Words / Meanings.

Words / Sentences.

Hope is the thing with feathers.

Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Abash Fell shame
Crumb Piece of break or cake
Gale Strong wind
Perches Lives
Sore Painful area of body
Tune Sweet sound
Extremity Hard time
Strangest Alienated

Q 2: Write the connotative and denotative meanings and use sentences.

Warm Hope keeps us warm

Warm The tea is still warm
Gale We should be satisfied
in the days of gale
Gale Strong gale demolished
the whole city
Sea The great sea of people
is waiting for him
Sea The sea water is salty
Extremity Hope does not want a
crumb in extremity
Extremity We should not go
beyond the extremity
Chilliest One should be hopeful
in the chilliest
Chilliest We wear warm clothes
in the chilliest

Q 3: Use the common prepositions from the word bank to complete the

1: The princes live in the castle.

2: I bought some mile from the grocery store.

3: My sister sat with my mom in the bus.

4: When we get ready for dinner, I had to take my books from the table.

5: We take a trip to town last week.

6: He is at home.

7: Her apartment is at the second floor.

8: The boat will take you across the river.

9: The Street runs along the seafront.

10: I prefer to ride my bike down the hill.

Q 4: Answer the following questions.

1: What is the implicit and explicit meaning of the poem “Hope is the thing
with feathers”?

The implicit meaning of the poem is that hope sustains life. It plays a vital role in
our life. It keeps us warm in all sorts of circumstances. The explicit meaning is that
hope is like a bird to fly very fast and high. It has feathers like a bird which enables
it to fly.

Q 2: What is the theme of the poem “Hope is the thing with feathers”?

“Hope” is the subject and the metaphor of bird is defining hope. Whatever is being
said of the bird applies to hope of “Bird”. She emphasizes that hope endures under
the most difficult circumstances, even under fear.

Q 3: How does the bird react to hardships in the poem “hope” is the thing
with feathers”?


The bird reacts to hardships in a brave manner. It survivors under difficult

circumstances even under fear. The strangest sea and the chilliest land cannot stop

Q 4: Discuss hoe “hope” and “the thing with feathers” are similar. What does
the poem reveal about hope?

Hope is the subject and the metaphor of bird is defining hope. As birds live in the
nest and face the severity of weather and remain bold. Same like lives in the hearts
of human beings which survives under most difficult situation and keeps us warm.

Q 5: What do you understand by “And sore must be the storm”?


In the aforesaid phrase the poet means to say that the hope lives in our hearts in

the most difficult situation.

Q 6: Do you like this poem? Why.


I like this poem because it makes a person hopeful. In this poem, Emily Dickinson
introduces metaphor in the first two lines, and this metaphor develops throughout
the poem. It makes one to overpower fear and survivors.

Q 7: Read the first stanza of the poem and write the following.

Which abstract noun is described as living characteristics?


“Hope” abstract noun is described as having living characteristics.

What living charactics does this item have?


This item has nests, flying and singing songs.

Q 5: Paraphrase the following stanzas.


“Hope” is the thing with feathers-

That perches in the soul-

And sings the tune without the words-

And never stops –at all.

Reference to the context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “Hope is the thing with feathers” written
by Emily Dickinson.

Paraphrase 01:
Hope lives in hearts of human beings. It has wings like a bird to fly very fast and
high. It sings very melodious and unique songs. It always gives us company and
keeps us warm in all sorts of circumstances.


And sweetest – in the gale is heard-

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm

Reference to the context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “hope is the thing with feathers” Written
by Emily Dickinson.

Paraphrase 02:

The poetess says that the gust of wind and gale make hindrances and erect
obstacles in the ways of little bird (Hope). But they cannot stop hope in anyway. It
keeps the spirit alive


I’ve heard it in the chilliest land-

And on the strongest sea-

Yet- never- in Extremity-

It asked a crumb of me

Reference to the context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “hope is the thing with feather” written
by Emily Dickinson.

Paraphrase 03:

The poetess says that she has seen the hope coming in the strongest circumstances
in the sea. It doesn’t want anything. Its services are free.


Write a summary of the poem “Hope is the thing with feathers”


In this poem the poet compares the hope with that of a bird which has wings to fly
very fast and high in the air. It makes a person strong and courageous to face the
challenges of life. It satisfies a person in the face of hurdles. It sings very melodious
and unique songs which can be heard in the difficult situations. It gives a person
company in the most critical situation of life. It keeps the spirit alive with hope one
can enjoy the beauties of life. It doesn’t want anything. It services are free.

UNIT # 09
TOPIC: The Fantastic Shoemaker


Words / Meaning

Words / Sentences

Question / Answers

Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Crisp Fresh and clean
Grave A dignified seriousness
Contempt Deserve no respect
Bitterly Show feelings of sadness
Dictation The act of speaking
Irrational Not based on logic
Starvation Hunger
Thinking A light high sound ringing
Brooded To think
Brisk A desire to done quickly
Nod To show agreement
Wriggle Twist and turn quickly
Serpentine Like a snake
Impression An ideology
Craftsman A skilled person
Over used To used too meal
Mysterious Strange
Hesitate Embarrassed
Mallet A wooden hammer

Q 2: Find the meaning of the following phrases and use in sentences.

Words Meaning Sentences

Look up We stayed up late to look
Look down We don’t look down on
the poor.
Look after He asked me to look after
his daughter.
Look in She will look in on the
Look out Look out, and you will
see the train has stopped.

Q 3: Answer the following Questions.

1: Why is Zarin gull different from other Businessmen?

Zarin gull is different from other businessmen due to his extraordinary shoe-
making. He uses high quality leather in shoe- making. He makes shoes of which
order is given. The shoes that he (Zarin gull) makes never fail to fit in the feet and
they last extraordinary longer. Than usual as you expect to be. He does not let his
customer disappoint.

2: How did the author come in touch with the Zarin gull Brothers?


The author came in touch with the Zarin gull brothers, when in his youthful days in
the holy month of Rmazan, his father took to his shop for ordering a pair of new
shoes for the coming Eid. Through this way he met with them and made contact
with them.

3: Describe the Shoe- maker and his shop?

Zarin gull the shoe- maker was a muscular man of fifty. He was a hardworking and
dutiful. He was honest and down to earth as well. His shop was in a small but busy
street of Qissa Khwani Bazaar. A big size black Peshawari Chappell overhung on
the faint colored wooden door of his shop. A big smooth square shaped stone, a
heavy wooden mallet, an awl and three legged anvil can be observed in his shop.

4: What were Zarin gull’s priorities in making shoes?


Zarin gull’s priorities in making shoes were their suitability to different people,
durability and reliability, fitness in the feet, using of good quality material. No
doubt, he made the shoes mysterious and wonderful. He made the shoes according
to the demand of the customers.

5: What is the setting of the story?


The setting of the story is worth seeing. The writer has masterfully portrayed the
shoes- maker, Zarin gull and his shop. The tone of the aforesaid is interesting and
serious. The writer describes the place in such a way which takes us to the very
place where the shop is situated.

6: What is the conflict about in the story?


The conflict about in the story is between the traditional shoe maker and the big
multinationals. The multinationals have dominated over the shoe trade. The
multinational snatch the bread and batter of the traditional shoe maker. The
traditional shoe makers are now jobless due to their hindrance and it is difficult for
them to make both ends meet.

7: What was the author’s opinion about Zarin gull as a shoe maker?


The author’s opinion about Zarin gull was that he was a strong man of fifty. He
was honest and dutiful. He was expert in shoes making. He used good quality
material in shoes making. He made only those pairs of shoes that were ordered.
Indeed, he was a fantastic shoes maker.

8: Why did the author visit the shop after a long time?

He was abroad for several years in persuasion of higher studies and career and he
could not have the opportunity and not even a single way of contact to Zarin gull
who was his old friend and a fantastic shoes maker.

9: What was Zarin gull complaint against big firms?

He told how these companies had hired the craftsman of shoe- making trade. The
big forms used their hands not their brain or experience. They got all things by
advertisement, not by work. They took all away from them and they had no work
to do.

10: Retell the story in the form of dialogue?


Ali: Do you know Zarin Gull the shoe maker?

Ahmad: Yes, why not, he is a well known shoe maker.

Ali: Do you know about his shoes quality?

Ahmad: Yes of course, he uses a good quality material.

Ali: What do you say about the durability of his shoes?

Ahmad: I would not be wrong of. I say that his shoes are free from all flaws.

Ali: Have you met him after coming abroad?

Ahmad: Yes, I met him, two to three times after returning abroad.

Ali: How is his business now?

Ahmad: Oh! His business is not as flourish as it was because some big
multinationals blacked his way of earning livelihood.

Ali: Is his shop situated at its old place?

Ahmad: Sorry, his shop is no more on that place. He has sold his shop and he
himself not live any more in this mortal world.


Q 4: Write down the summary of the Fantastic Shoemaker?


Zarin gull was a fantastic shoemaker. His shop was in a Qissa khwani Bazaar. He
was famous for his brand. He did his work with devotion. The author would go to
his shop in his youthful days now and again. He wondered with his wonderful and
mysterious work. The author went abroad for higher studies and returned after 15
years. He went straight was spoiled by the big multinationals. They had no self
respect. Zarin gull did not join these firms as he did not want to follow their stupid
dictation blindly. He felt sad that in no time he ordered many pairs of shoes. He
went there a week later but did not find Zarin Gull’s shop there instead a sign
broad of big multinational. He was told that the poor man was dead. He starved
himself and did not have a penny at home. The author came beak with a heavy
heart. The words of Zarin Gull were thinking that the big shoe- making companies
have no self respect.


B: Write a story of at least 100 words with the help of following beginning.

It was a strong night. Saad was sleeping in his bedroom. All of a sudden there was
knocking at the door. Saad became afraid but mustered up courage and opened the
door. There was no one expect the deep darkness.

Saad went to his bed but had no sleep. He was just lying on his bed. His eyes were
open. Suddenly, he saw a dark figure outside the window. No sooner did he see the
dark figure than he started shouting and fell like a long on the ground.
He was unconscious for a couple of hours. He went back to his sense and found
himself in bed. He jumped out of his bed and went outside to see what that thing
was. There was nothing. It was his illusion of mind because the dark figure was a
curtain of window.

C: Write a personal narrative / auto- biography.

Once I went to the Swat valley with my friends. The road which led to it was zig
zag and dangerous. I used to be afraid of such terrain but it was a long before. Now
I am used to these terrains. I deliberately told my friends that I didn’t want to go on
such ways.

The valley was blessed with the natural beauty indigenous to it but on all way I
didn’t take notice of it. I felt a bit dizzy. I felt uneasy over there because I was not
accustomed to it.

The valley had its own floor and fauna. We had seen a number of animals and
plant species. We enjoyed it. At the last moment, I felt better and then I was no
longer feeling uneasy. This was my first trip to swat valley. Since then, I went
there three times without feeling any sort of trouble.


Technology in everyday life


Words / Meaning

Words / Sentences

Fill in the blanks

Question / Answers

Words / Antonyms


Q 1: Write meaning of the following words?

Words Urdu meaning English meaning

Disrupt To discontinue
Benefit An advantage
Drought Storage of rain
Proprietors The owner of a business
Traits A particular quality
Genes A unit inside a cell
Notch A level on a scale
Ailments An illness
Bulkiness Large to move or carry
Conceive To form an idea
Stagnant Not developing, Growing
or changing

Q 2: Use the following words in sentences of your own.

Words Sentences
Technology Technology is a part and parcel of our life.
Agriculture We depend on agriculture for industrial
Transportation Transportation is one of the basic areas of
technological activity.
Fertile Punjab has fertile land.
Invention Necessity is the mother of invention.

Q 3: Consult a thesaurus and find out the antonyms of the following words.

Words Antonyms
Store Consume
Desert Fertile
Friend Enemy
Delay Precedence
Benefit Determine

Q 4: Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition from the list given below.

1: He is fond of tea.

2: she was angry with me.

3: Let us hope for the best.

4: They were absent from the class.

5: He will reach in absent twenty minutes.

6: My village is across the river.

7: The earth moves around the sun.

8: They are sitting beneath the tree.

9: There is a river between the two cities.

10: Wait till tomorrow.

Q 5: Answer the following questions.

1: What is the role of technology in daily life?


The role of technology in our daily life is undeniable. Technology plays a vital role
in our lives. It has made our lives comfortable. We are all surrounded by
technological equipments. Technological equipment is present in different forms
and manifestations, which is used in our Kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, offices,
schools and other institutions.

2: Discuss how you use technology at home and in your personal life?

Now and again we have to come across technological equipment which are spread
around us. In our homes, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, lounge rooms, etc is full
of them. We have mobile, phone, computer, electricity and such like other things
which have made our lives easy and comfortable.

3: How does technology help transportation?


Transportation is one of the basic areas of technological activity. Both business and
individuals have benefitted from the new technologies in the travel industry. Time
is money, so we must have fast and efficient means of transport. It has become a
basic need, because we use advanced transport means like cars, trains and air
planes to go to work, to transport goods, to go shopping, to visit friends and
families and so much more.

4: What is the important of technology in agriculture?


Technology has been of great benefit to agricultural industry. It’s now possible to
determine the climate changes as well as climatic conditions that favor various
plants. Today it is possible to grow crops in the desert by use of agricultural bio
technology. It is also possible through genetic engineering that plants can survive
in drought and to make them resistant to droughts and pest as well.

5: How is technological being used to generate cheap electricity?


Technology has enabled humans to build large dams which can harbor excess
water and use that water to generate cheap electric power. Similarly, wind is being
used to generate electricity. We have converted solar energy to power which is
being used in homes and businesses.

6: What is the impact of technology on medicine?


Technology has been of great use in the health science industry. The advancements
in the medical field have led to a sharp decline in the death rate. The life
expectancy has increased due to use of improved health technologies. The doctors
have enabled to discover most health problems in their early stages and treat them
before they develop into advance stages.

7: Does technology impact culture society? Why?


Yes, technology has a great impact on culture and society. Technology, on one
side, has made our lives easy and comfortable. But, on the outside, some modern
inventions such as T.V, computer, mobile etc have brought a dramatic change in
our society. It has changed the moral character of our youth up to great extent
which is a matter of concern.

Q 8: Write an essay on any scientific discovery of 21st century?

There are numerous things in this era. We can see countless things in our
surroundings which have greatly affected the life of modern move i.e. T.V, Radio,
Mobile and computer. But internet can be rightly called the miracle of 21st century.
It has changed the life of people widely. It has brought a revolution in every aspect
of life.

Communication across the globe is new easy. The invention and use of internet has
changed the world into a global village. People hailing from different geographical
regions can virtually communication through video calls, e-mails as well as many
social media plat forms.

It is a source of education. Now students can get admission through it. It is also a
source of entertainment. We can play songs, watch movies and can do numerous

In short, it has broadened the brinks of knowledge and news related to every aspect
of human beings.

Develop a mind map and write down the summary of the lesson “Technology in


Technology plays a vital role in our daily life. It has greatly changed the life of
human beings. We are surrounded by different technological equipments. In our
homes, we can come across many things which are made up of technology. From
kitchen, bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, to any other place of our home or
office, technological equipments is present in different forms and manifestations.
Technology has been of great use in the health science industry. Modern machines
are being in the treatment and diagnosing of different diseases. Technology has
made the communication easier and faster. Now people can communication with
each other in no time. Technology has eliminated the bulkiness of paperwork. Now
people can store their data in compact disk and micro chips and can secured their
confidential information with passwords and codes. Technology has been of great
benefit to agricultural industry. Through it now we can grow crops in a desert.
Through biotechnology crops can now be engineered to survive in drought
conditions. Through genetic engineering, we can make crops resistant against
droughts and pests. Through technology God has made humans co harbor excess
water and use that water to generate power. Technology has been of great use in
transportation industry. It has made the transportation fast and efficient. We go to
work, to go shopping, to visit friends and family without any delay. In recent
times, the transportation technology has become very fast and efficient.

UNIT # 11



Words / Meanings.

Words / Sentences.

Questions / Answers.


Q 1: Write meaning of the following words.

Words Urdu Meaning English Meaning

Collapses To fall down suddenly
Chocking To be unable to break
Thrust To push something
Evaluate To give somebody a
position higher
Wound An injury
Dislodge To knock something its
position out of
Emergency A sudden serious event
Adhesive A substance sticks
Lodge Make firmly fixed
Nostrils Opening part of nose
Q2. Make sentences of the following words.

Words Sentences
Look He looks at the window.
Search He is in search of thief.
Buy Salman bought a pen.
Purchase I purchased security bills.
Hide Aisha hides behind the door.
Conceal Salma concealed her grief.
Learn He is a learned man.
Educated We should be educated.
Reward They were given their rewards.
Awards Awards are distributed.

Q3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is first aid?


First aid is the help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is
available. First aid is about using your commonsense in ways that will keep that
person safe without doing harm.

2. Discuss a situation in which you provided first aid to someone.


One day, when I was in my village, Suddenly, I heard a shriek of someone. A child
was knocked down by a car. He got several injuries. He was completed in shock.
One of his legs was broken. His arm was a bit wounded. It started bleeding
already. We first stopped bleeding by putting clean cloth on it. We gave him some
pain killers at the same time. Then we rushed him to the nearby hospital where he
was given full medical treatment.

3. What will you do if someone cuts his foot and is bleeding?


In this situation, I would call on the emergency phone number for help while in the
meantime calm down the patient with consoling words. I should put a cloth over
the wound; apply pressure so that it stops bleeding. I should lift his foot up too.

4. You’re having lunch with a friend and he begins to choke on some food.
How can you help?


First of all, I should make sure whether he is really choking or not. If he can talk or
cough it means that the sir is passing through, should just let him cough. If he
cannot talk or cough then I should do some abdominal thrust.

5. A passenger travelling in bus with you in complaining of breathlessness and

a tight pain in the chest. You suspect heart attack. What should you do?


In such situation, I need to ease the strain on his chest and make him as
comfortable as possible. I need to sit him in a half sitting position, Support him
with head and shoulders, and bend his knees.


A. Write an essay of about 100=150 words on “Natural Disaster”.

A few years back in 2010. The rainy season had sit in. in the days of hot summer.
It was raining cats and dogs for a couple of days. The river was in low flood. A
few hours later, the water level in different rivers started rising and had over-
flowed the banks, the water level was rising from low to high. Soon the houses
roads and shops were covered with water. Communications of all types were
suspended. Agricultural lands were badly hit. Nobody could guess the terrible
thing that had happened. The walls were swept away. The shutters and windows
frames were ruffed off and smashed. Almost 2000 people were killed and millions
were affected badly.

Soon rehabilitation programs started from local as well as international community

to get out of this situation. This situation was control after sometimes but it was a
thing of concern that our help was not suitable according to the need.

Lastly, the aforesaid calamity was unexpected. No one could cope it without the
help of Almighty Allah. We could just pray to God to save us from such

B. In your opinion, how should schools be equipped to face floods earth quack
and fire (Natural and manmade).

The Schools should be equipped with the modern technologies. There must be fire
extinguisher resources and experts to curb the situation in the wink of an eye.
There must be alarm bell which can be used at the time of disaster. Training
s\should be given to the teachers to cope with the situations concerned to it. There
must be expertise for the implementation of disaster plans.

Unit# 12

The Old Woman






Q1. Write meanings of the following words.

Words Urdu Meanings Eng Meanings
Radiance Brightness
Travail Labor
Brood Children
Ruined Destroyed

Q2. Answer the following questions.

1. Who does the poet praise in the poem ‘The Old Woman’?


The poet praises the old woman that she has spent her life. She is now exhausted
but still she gives us sacred light.

2. What does a white candle represent in the poem ‘The Old Woman’?


The white candle is a sign of sacred, so in this poem, the white candle represents
the old woman,

3. What is the message in the poem ‘The Old Woman’? Explain briefly.


The poet tells us that the aged have lived their lives in all sort of circumstances.
They suffer a lot. But in their last stages, they should be taken care of and
respected because in their last age they become a white candle as in a holy Place.

4. Why does the poet compare old woman to a ‘White Candle’ in a Holy place’
the winter sun and the water under a ruined mill in the poem ‘The Old


The poet compares the old age of a woman. The beauty of a woman vanishes and
looks like white candle in her old age. As the winter sun losses its light and heat,
same like the old woman passes through difficult situation. When the mill ruins its
slopes also ruin, and it becomes still, same as the old woman her vigor and Zeal are
no more.

5. Do you like this poem ‘The Old Woman’? Why?

Yes, I like this poem because it describes and praises the old woman in a beautiful
way. The aged suffer a lot and render a lot in their lives. Therefore, it is high time
to respect them.

6. What words in the poem help establish imagery?


White Candle, Winter Sun, Aged Face, Ruined Mill and Holy Place all represent

7. How many lines and stanzas are there in this poem?


This poem consists of twelve lines and three stanzas.

Q3. Paraphrase the following stanzas.


As a whiter candle

In a holy place

So in the beauty

Of an aged face

Reference to Context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Old Woman” written by Joseph

Paraphrase 01:
A burning candle is a sign of knowledge, brightness and virtue as a chastened
virgin. The burning candle is already sacred but when it is placed at a holy place,
it becomes more sacred and virtual. But when a virgin becomes old, her beauty and
glory enhances.


As the spent radiance of the winter sum, so is a woman with her travail done,

Reference to Context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Old Woman” written by Joseph

Paraphrase 02:

The Sun is used for a chastened old woman in metaphorical technique. She is
exhausted of her life. She is on the verge of death, yet her face doesn’t get ugly her
face is bright like the winter sun.


Her brood gone from her, And her thoughts as still as the waters under a ruined
Mill .

Reference to Context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Old Woman” written by Joseph

Paraphrase 03:

Her thoughts get limitation and calmness and still as the water flowing under the
ruined mill. When the mill ruins, the slopes also ruin and the water flows under it,
gets stillness and quietness like the old woman. Both have lost vigor and Zeal.

B. Write the summary of the poem “The Old Woman”


The poem “The Old Woman” is written by Joseph Campbell. He compares an old
woman to a white candle. He says a burning candle is a sign of knowledge,
brightness and virtue as a chastened virgin. The burning candle is already sacred
but when it is placed at a holy place, it becomes more sacred and virtual. But when
a virgin becomes old her beauty and glory enhance. He compares the old woman to
the sun light. The sun is used for a chastened old woman in metaphorical
technique. She is exhausted of her life. She is on the verge of death, yet her face
doesn’t get ugly. Her face is bright like the winter sun. He also compares the life of
an old woman to a ruined mill. He says her thoughts get limitation and calmness
and still as the water flowing under the ruined mill. When the mill ruins, the slopes
also ruin and the water flows under it, Gets stillness and quietness like the old
woman. Both have last vigor and Zeal.

C. Write an essay of about 100 words on “Appreciating and Respecting


Appreciating and respecting the elders is one of the basic things which are thought
by our religion, ISLAM. Those who are aged are deserved of respect. Elders
should be given respect everywhere and anywhere. When elders talk listen to them
carefully. In difficult situations, we should ask for advice to them. We should take
care of them because they are in other words an asset.

We should spend time with them in order to give them respect and appreciation.

Spending time with them keep them away from being alone.
In Short, the elders should be given proper respect. If we listen to them carefully,
Shake hands with them, take care of them, we faster respect to them.

UNIT # 13


Words / Meanings.

Words / Antonyms.

Fill in the blanks.

Question / Answers.


Q1. Write meanings of the following words.

Words Urdu Meaning English Meaning

Actualities Realities
Influence Impact
Distortion Detroit
Tender An after to carry work out
Epidemic Occurring every where
Sectarian Related to sects
Communal Related to community
Divisive Split into group
Esteemed Respected
Overseer Foreseer

Q 2: Consult a thesaurus and find out the antonyms of the following words.

Words Antonyms
Hardest Softest
Truth Lie
Substandard High standard
Baseless Factual
Advantage Disadvantage
Extensive Intensive

Q 3: Complete the following sentences by using the transition words given


1: The dog barked all night therefore the neighbors had no sleep.

2: Humera bought a new dress further more she also bought shoes and a purse.

3: The police had no clues for the case however tips were still coming in.

4: I have five hundred rupees even so I don’t want to spend it.

5: We got up early this morning consequently we are sleepy all day.

6: The band played her favorite song indeed it was the whole audience favorite

7: Sania forgot about the test as a result she didn’t do well on it.

8: They had salad before dinner none the less they were still hungry when the
main course arrived.

Q 4: Answer the following questions.

1: What is media? Explain with references from text.


Media is a word derived from the word medium which means carrier or mode.
Media denotes an item specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewers.
Media is a way which carries messages o the general public. Media plays a vital
role in spreading of news all over the word; Media covers all of our life aspect i.e.
health, finance, science, weather etc.

Q 2: What is meant by misuse of media? How can it be stopped?


Even though there are lot of plus points for use of Media, but there is also many
disadvantages/ drawbacks associated with it. Media has the bad effect of inducing
baseless ideas through advertisement. People are forced to buy harmful or
substandard products. Sometimes, the Media develops unnecessary sensation and
distortion of truth to attract attention.

Q 3: How should students take benefits from internet and avoid its bad effect?


Internet is an extraordinary invention of scientists of 21st century. Internet is a great

source of information and knowledge. It is beneficial to each and every student
with respect to knowledge. Students can search papers through internet regarding
their subjects. If a student comes across any difficulty with regard to his subject, he
can easily search it on internet with a few seconds.

4) Do you think television is useful source of information? Why.


Television is a useful source of information because it aware the masses of day to

day occurrence. It provides information regarding politics, education, science,
religion, culture, literature and health. It is also a source of culture and
entertainment. People watch countless programmers on TV screen for
entertainment, and know the culture of other people.

5) How can media bring about religious harmony?

Media is one of the four pillars of Government. If it is properly utilized, It can
bring great change. It can bring about religious harmony by enlightening. People
and discourage sectarian, communal and divisive trends.


A: - Write an application to your principal for remission of fine.

The Principal,

Government high school/ NIPSC,


Sub: Application for remission of fine.


With due respect it is stated that I was suffering from fever last week. Due to this I
could not attend the school. There was not anyone to bring my application over to
school. I have been fined Rs 700. I belong to a poor family and cannot have
offered to pay this fine.

Therefore, it is requested to remit my fine. I will take good care in future. I will be
highly obliged to you for this favor.

Thanking you,

Your obedient student,

Salman Sadique,

Class 8th A

Dated Sep 01. 2018

B) Write an email to your friend congratulating him/her on success in exam.

Examination hall,

10th October, 2018

Dear friend,

I am really feel very glad that you have passed your exam in remarkable marks. I
congratulate you on your great success. I really proud of you. I cannot explain my
happiness on your success. It is all your hardworking. You did not waste your time
in past. You did not join bad company. My parents are also happy when they heard
about your success. We will celebrate tour success when you come here.

I will you good luck in the upcoming endeavors.

Sincere regards,


C) Write an email to editor of a newspaper on road accidents and rash driving

N-1, H. No, 4,

Hayatabbad, Peshawar,

25th Aug, 2018.

The Editor,

The daily statesman,


Sub: Road accidents and rash Driving.

Dear Sir,

The number of road accidents is on rise. Many people god killed or injured
in this accidents. Some measures must be taken in this respect.

In most of the cases people and youngsters are driving without a valid
driving license. The license should be issued after proper training .The traffic
signals are mostly out of order due to load shedding and people drive fast to pass.
Documentaries must be shown on TV channels to educate people to observe traffic
I request the competent authorities through your esteemed newspaper to
address this serious issue and take necessary measures so that many precious lives
are saved.

Yours truly,


D. Write a letter to director, Peshawar development authority (PDA) to take

measure to improved sanitary conditions in your area follow the format of a
formal letter.

Examination Hall,

A, B, C (City) .

10th October, 2018.

The Director,



Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your attention to a serious matter in our localities. Our
area is fully neglected. The sanitary condition of our area is very bad. Dirt heaps is
lying in our area here and there. The drainage system is out of order. Dirty water
comes out of the drains and keeps standing for months becoming a breeding place
for mosquitoes.

Stinking smell has become a great problem for the inhabitants. The workers do not
come regularly.

Therefore, it is requested to direct the competent authorities in this regard.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Alam khan
UNIT #14

Biodiversity in Pakistan






Q1. Write meanings of the following words.

Words Urdu Meanings Eng Meanings

Inadequate Not enough busy
Engagement Busy
Mainstreaming To make a particular idea
Preserving Conserving
Endemic Found in particular place
Woodland Forest
Potential Development
Diversion Changing the direction
Cetacean A marine mammal
Extirpation To remove totally

Q2. Consult a thesaurus and find out the synonyms of the following words.

Words Synonyms
Endangered Threatened
Entrapment Catch
Extirpation Destruction
Restricted Limited
Preserve Conserve
Q3. Answer the following questions.

1. Describe the natural beauty of Pakistan?


Pakistan is blessed with several natural beauties including indigenous wildlife,

beautiful mountain of Himalayas, deserts of Cholistan and Thar, Manmade forests
like change Manga forest as well as several natural resources from the Balochistan

2. How can we preserve Pakistan’s fauna and flora?

Pakistan’s fauna and flora can be preserved by devising proper measures. The
government as well as the general public should take practical steps and perform
their due role concerning it. Wild life department trying its best in this regard
government should stop deforestation overgrazing, soil erosion, salinity and water
logging, which are poising major threats to fauna and flora of the country.

3. Name some endangered species of animals and plants in Pakistan.


Some endangered species of animals and plants are as follow:

 Snow leopard.
 Tigers
 Asian Elephant
 Hog deer
 Asiatic wild ass
 Woolly flying squirrel
 Kashmir Musk deer
 Fishing Cat
 Markhor
 Red headed Culture
 Indus river dolphin
 Juniper forests

4. Search the internet and find about the endangered peacocks?


Peacock is one of the attractive birds in the world. In the Holy QURAN, ALLAH
describes it as bird of heaven. It is a holy bird because people keep its feather in
Holy QURAN. People are fond of keeping it at home for beauty. But unfortunately
this specie is also threatened or endangered. There are three species of peacocks.
i.e. Green peafowl, Congo Peafowl and Indian peafowl. But among these three
species the green peafowl is endangered .It is less in number as compared to
others. It is on the brink of extinction and its population is decreasing rapidly.

5) How can we contribute as individuals to save nature?


As individuals we can contribute to save our nature by planting as many trees as

we can because plants are lungs of nature. They clean the biosphere, also provide
habitat for living things. We should keep our ecosystem free from all kinds of
dirt’s which will increase chances of saving many species of animals and plants.
We should avoid poaching unsustainable fishing practices and entrapment in
irrigation canals.

6) What type of challenges in Pakistan facing while preserving nature.


There are certain challenges which Pakistan is facing. There are political
instability, lack of technical and institutional capacity, lack of financial resources,
lack of awareness, insufficient access to local knowledge, legal impediments ,
limited public and stake holders participation, lack of mainstreaming of
biodiversity with other sectors, lack of transfer of technology and expertise,
inadequate engagement of scientific community, poverty, increasing population,
climate change and natural disasters.

Unit # 15
Topic Abu Ben Adhem


1) Words /Meaning.

2) Questions/Answer.

3) Paraphrases.

4) Writing.

Q1) Write meanings of the following words.

words Urdu Meanings Eng Meanings

peace Serenity/Mental solace
Bloom Blossom
Writest Writes/writing
Thou You
Blest Ask God to protect somebody/something
Vanish To disappear suddenly
raised At a higher level than normal

Q2) Read out the text and answer the following questions.

1) Why was Abu Ben Adhem’s name on top of the list?


Abu Ben Adhem’s name was on the top of the list because he loved his fellow men
2) What is the main idea of the poem?

The main idea of the poem is that we should love our fellows. Those who love the
creatures will be loved by God.

3) Describe the character of Abu Ben Adhem’s in your own words?

Abu Ben Adhem’s was a prince and a saint. He served the humans beings for
which he was awarded the love of God and his name was written on top of the list
of those whom God had awarded his love.

4) Write down the implied and explicit meanings of the poem?


The poem describes Abu Ben Adhem’s who saw an angel in his room. He asked it
to write his name in the list of those whom God loved the most. The poem also
describes that if we want the love of God. We sho9ould love his human beings.

5) Mention the other words used by the poet to refer to the angel?


The other words used by the poet are as under:

 Vision
 Presence
 Light
 Lily

6) Give brief descripyoin of the angel in Abu Ben Adhem’s?

The angel was as beautiful as in blossom. It had a book of gold in which it was
writing the names of the people loved by God.

Q3) paraphrase the following stanzas?


Stanza No 1:

Abu Ben Adhem’s ( may his tribe increase !) awoke one night from a deep
dream of peace and saw within the moon light in his room, making it rich, and
like a lily in bloom an angel writing in a book of gold:-

Reference of context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “Abu Ben Adhem’s” written by J.H
Leigh Hunt.

Paraphrase 01:

One night, Abu Ben Adhem’s, who was a saint and prince, awoke up from deep
sound sleep. He saw in the moonlight an angel in his room. The angel was like a
lily in blossom. It was writing something in a golden book.


Exceeding peace had made Abu Ben Adhem’s bold, and to the presence in the
room he said “what writest thou?”_The vision raised its head, and with a look
made of all sweet accord Answered, “the names of those who love the lord”

Reference of context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “Abu Ben Adhem’s” written by J.H
Leigh Hunt.

Paraphrase 02:

Finding the peaceful and serene environment, “Abu Ben Adhem’s” had become
bold and asked the angel, “What was it writing in the book?” The angel raised its
head, looked at him in a sweet manner and answered that it was writing the names
of those who loved the lord.


“And is mine one?” said Abu”. May not so”. Replied the angel. Abu spoke more
low, but cheerily still, and still, “I pray thee, then” write me as one that loves his
fellow men”.

Reference of context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “Abu Ben Adhem’s” written by J.H
Leigh Hunt.

Paraphrase 03:

“Abu Ben Adhem’s” asked about his name that whether his name was written in it
or not, but the response was in negative. Then he spoke in low but cheerfully and
asked him to write his name in the name of those who loved their fellow men.


The angel wrote and vanished the next night it came again with a great wakening
light, and showed the names whom love of God had blest, And lo! Ben adhem’s
name led all the rest.

Reference of context:

This stanza has been taken from the poem “Abu Ben Adhem’s” written by J.H
Leigh Hunt.

Paraphrase 04:

The angel wrote his name and disappeared. The angel came again next night with a
great wakening light. It showed him the names of those whom God loved very
much. Great was the Abu surprised that his name was a written at the top of the

A) Write a short poem on a theme similar to the one in ‘Abu Ben Adhem’.

The poem “Voice of God” has the similar theme to the one in ‘Abu Ben Adhem’.

I sought to hear the voice of God, and claimed the topmost steeple, But God
declared, “Go down again” .I dwell among the people.

B) Write the summary of the poem ‘Abu Ben Adhem’.

One night, Abu Ben Adhem, who was a saint and prince, woke up from his deep
sound sleep. He saw that it was an angel which was a sparkling light. It was
writing something in the book made of gold. As he was a pious man, he found
himself bold and asked it about the writing. It answered in negative mood. Then he
spoke of those who loved his fellow’s men. The angel wrote and disappeared. The
next night, the angw3l came again with a great wakening light. It showed him the
names of those whom God loved very much. By seeing this, Abu Ben Adhem
became surprised.

C) Write an essay of about 100 words on “Haqooq-Ul- Ebad”.

There are two Haqooq (rights) in our religion Islam. One is Haqooq ullah (the
rights of Allah) while the other is Haqooq-ul-Ebad (The rights of mankind).

Islam is the perfect code of life we can find solution of our problems in our
religion the utter difference between Islam and other religions is that Islam paves
the way towards every aspect of life whereas other religions confined to worship
only Islam emphasizes Haqooq ul-ebad. It teaches us that we should fulfill the
rights of human beings Allah forgive Haqooq ul Allah, if he wills but he does not
forgive Haqooq ul Ebad, until the man forgives himself.
Allah almighty binds human beings to their right .every man have five rights to
other man according to Islam so we should follow the golden rules of Islam and do
our duty in the name of Allah.

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