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Callout for luke/nero

current url: tweddybears

luke changes urls very frequently, and i will keep this updated the best i can
past urls: vamplush, babydollfactory, nonhistrionic, homicidalideations, sedativehypnotic, snakeplushies,
harmedony, goodluckster, gothmilktea, lambcake, faeryqind, bortzu, blakccherry, w1shy, sqizophrenia,
babydollfactory, hecafe, schizofrendly, scaryscaryclown, tweddybears

social media:
Second insta

Follow me op while ur at it ​

TW for: emotional abuse, guilt tripping, manipulation, sexual harassment, predatory behavior, self
harm, suicide mentions, animal death

First and foremost, lets get to the main reason this callout has been viewed so much.
Luke killed his hamster & is currently in possession of 2 lizards.

“i killed my hamster.. because i want to make sure he stays with me for ever and ever. i preserved his organs
and his paw and now his flesh belongs to only me

I started dating luke in january of 2017. Our relationship started out fine with no major red flags & everything
seeming fine for the most part. When we started dating he was 16 going on 17 and i was 14 going on 15.
Nothing too major had happened until late late april/early may.
At this point he had broken up with me for a week(?) saying he was in love with a friend for a very long time.

“i dont wanna hurt you,,

i just have a ton of history with her and
ive been in love with her for a long time ;; i dont want to lie to you by staying together and then loving another
person while i love you
i really do love you
youre very special to me
Hhhhh i feel so shitty for doing this”

With coming back into contact with this friend luke had become very distant from me and with all the feelings i
had for him at the time it hurt me that this happened so quick, leading me to & nami (his friend at the time) to
believe we were being replaced. When i told him how i felt he reacted by lashing out

from here luke had started to become a lot more guilt trippy & manipulative
luke: “im sorry i just cant
do this
i cant take this stress man im so weak and fragile as it is
i have my fucking parents on my back threatening to send me away every chance they get,
and now im on the verge of losing my qpp
my grades are shit, i feel awful, i cant tell whats a hallucinatindn and whata sisnt”

Me: “im really sorry im not sure what to say…”

Luke: “now i get it, you guys only liked me for who i was at the time
thats gotta be it bc now that im expressing myself youre both freaking the fuck out”

Luke very quickly started to become more and more toxic and eventually nami wanted to cut him off and he
reacted very negatively to this and i was his outlet for it all. He would get unreasonably jealous of me being
friends with her still & made me feel guilty for it.

luke: nami thinks im replacing her with my irl friend

you think that too dont you

Me: i’d really like to think other wise but.. It’s hard for me to do

luke: i
i wish i could just be alone for the rest of my life im tired of people
im really really happy for once i understand it doesnt matter though
Luke admitting to me wanting to cut off nami:

luke: hhh
do you really want to kno what i want ? its awful and selfish of me

Me: what is it..

luke: part of me wants you to drop nami as a friend so i can have you all to myself.. but i know i could never do that to you

during this point in time, luke basically was threatening to cut me off if i didn’t cut off my best friend
or find a way to salvage their friendship.
luke: i cant deal with nami. she hurt me badly
and if nami is your qpp, i cannot deal with you
im not making you choose, im deciding to go on my own accord
if you want to fix, this i have advice
but if youd rather just throw me away like nami did then fine

me: how can i fix this…

luke: im willing to be nami’s friend again somehow, but youre the only one who can help us
if me and nami are on fine terms again, then ill be on fine terms with you.

luke: i love you so much but seeing you replacing nami as your qpp made me sad enough to consider cutting you off,,,,

me: !!! i want replacing you ?? it must have seemed that way tho im.. rly sorry
you can cut me off if you need to..

my memory from this point in time is very fogg, but at some point he reacted to all this by overdosing, as well as
lots of guilt trips and overall manipulation.

luke: i have no one le ft

i have nothing left
you havent comforted me, or tried to help me, and all this times ive been cjugging pills and cryinf
i loved you
so muc g
i wouldve died for you
me: is there anything else i can do for you..

luke: please dont leave me

dont leave me

luke: but,,, dont you want to stay qpps

and even date
me: i dont know what i want right now
luke: i thought you loved me
i thought you were never going to abandon me
me: ??? im not going to
luke: i know… i realized that
im sorry
leave me
i cant tell whats real and what is fabricated
im sorry i jist nees some tine to calm fown
kazu tell me you love me
and that im your one and onky

Me expressing my feelings & him victimizing himself in turn

me: i mean im,, kinda . hurt w how manipulative you were..and im really vulnerable to that kind of stuff
luke: i reacted incorrectly, im sorry
im vulnerable to that too..,
well im hurt by how you talking bad about me behind my back, which i havent forgotten about,
and then not caring enough to put me on an about page… both these things made me incredibly angry and
later at some point in this day he managed to resolve things with nami and i decided to date him again.
Things were fine for awhile and nothing horrible had happened. About a month later this all repeated. Luke had
gotten into contact with nami’s abuser, so she made an attempt to cut him off once again.

He wanted me to cut off nami and tried to guilt me into it

luke: i wanted to talk to you about something ! but i was gonna wait until you got home so you can focus
properly and be free from stress !
me: you can tell me now!! im curious,,
luke: i dont want it to seem like im making you choose between me
or rin(nami), and i dont want to make you do anything you dont want to but aaaa
it makes me paranoid,,

luke: maybe she will understand ? because she did just block me
without telling me why and she knows that makes me feel awful inside
and out, so she knows she hurt me
and this is kind of like her cutting me off just because im still
friends with mimi(nami’s abuser), so im sure she’ll be fine with not talking to you

luke: how can rin say she doesnt understand why im so upset about you
Talking to her when she whole reason she cut me off was because im
Friends with mimi ??
im sorry shes just
being two faced

A couple days later, luke once again saw nami on my blog and got jealous, which lead to another sequence of

luke: im fine!! dont worry

no im not
i just asasdjkd
i saw nami on your blog and i got jealous and sad
i always go there and look at your posts because i love you ,,
i guess i should stop im sorry ..
luke: im sorry,, this whole thibg is my fault
its beacuse i was jealoud
i dont like it when other people get too close to you and im paranoid
theyr going to take you away from me

luke: it isnt that bad,,,

i just stabbed my arm
im only causing you stress,,
im a horribke person i,,,
im so sorry please please dobt abandon me
^ In this screenshot he’s accusing nami of lying about her abuser being manipulative, which is bs. She has sent
proof of it in the past and gone into details to luke himself.

luke: apparently she was the one who started talking bad about me to
mimi, and not mimi herself
which isnt surprising
she wasnt prompted or anything apparently ???
she probably talks bad about me to you too
me: no!! i promise she doesn’t
luke: i just cant believe she lied about mimi “manipulating” her
me: aaaah
luke: she talked bad about you too
but i understand, you cant talk right now
you have school, dont you ?
sorry for wasting your time
Accusing nami of being

luke: i know nami thinks im using you

has she manipulated you into thinking that too?

Getting mad when nami does not want to sort things out when she has no obligation to

luke: its funny

its really funny
after all this time she doesnt want to actually talk to me, to sort this out
me: komi,,
luke: thats whats bothering you isnt it ?
what has she done ??
**surrounded by voices telling me my lover and ex qpp are teaming up to kill me**
**tying the fucking noose**
After this things were pretty much okay again for a while. Luke had gotten nami back again and we all
celebrated his birthday together and later on in june he was sent to residential treatment for 4 months, which i
then realized a lot of his nasty behaviors then and tried to break up with him, but once he returned i ignored all
of this realization and nothing had changed from the months away.
Nami basically wanted nothing to do with luke once again after seeing nothing was different and did her best to
cut him off for good. He did not react well to this

luke: tbh do u know what i want

i want to spend time with nami and you
im fucking sick of being abandoned by people im so so so so so
tired of that
“oh fif youre a lovely friend” yeah ok??? So treat me like one for
fucks sake
once upon a time i was a bestfriend but i guess me getting
legitimate mental help knocked that down a couple knotches
im sorry for being so
im so fucking sad
Le epic compilation of guilt trips and manipulation that occurred at least once a day

luke: gil i cant think straight,, but

you still love me right ? do you love me

luke: you dont need me

me: what
Luke: im
Just a second choice
luke: im like. Stressed as hell and anxious and suicidal and if i tell nam she’ll just yell at me
me: luke is… even continuing to be her friend such a.. Idk. healthy thing
for you to do… i mean you just seem very stressed over this? and you have every right to be but… i hate to see
you so distressed
luke: if im not her friend then ill get jealous of you two and freak out whenever she sends you asks
i literally have to or else things will get worse

luke: i see… then i might have no choice

Me: what do you mean
Luke: i dont want to date someone who’s best friend with such a mean natured person
I might regret saying all this, bc im pretty mad
I just really need to talk to her

At some point, i had a meltdown, spilling everything that was going on and it caused luke to lash out on me. ​I
also should mention that in late november, i broke up with him.

luke: im
nami is.. there is something seriously wrong with her
me: luke stop it stop there isn’t there’s nothing wrong with her
luke: why does she care so fucking much about who you date?? me and beck discussed this and like???? its
your fucking choice
me: luke please
luke: its not hers, and if you lose her thats her problem
im so close to just being done with all of you. everyone.
luke: im done with this
i cant handle this
me: huh
luke: im obviously too unstable for you
im just
i cant do this anymore
im either goin to kill myself or get killed someother way

Making me feel obligated to date him

luke: i cant do this

i love you
me: luke. you need help more than i can give you.. I want you to get better. i genuinely from the bottom of my
heart do
luke: do you? not want to be with me? ever again?
do you hate me?


Luke and i dated for about 11 months. Throughout it he had consistently tried to get me to cut off my best friend
because they had issues with eachother, and would get angry with me when i wouldnt. I constantly had to
comfort him and be there for him everytime he was upset & had no time nor energy to focus on my own well

This next section will contain predatory behavior / sexual harassment.

As i mentioned in the beginning of this document, Luke started dating me when i was 14 and he was 16. He
turned 17 in june & i turned 15 in september.
All of these conversations he had initiated and I always felt uncomfortable, but obligated to keep it going out of
how he’s been manipulative to me in the past. I was scared to tell him to stop.
I also need to mention some of my replies are crossed out, because i feel really uncomfortable with the

I should preface this with that very early on during our relationship, Luke and I had been on call and before
getting on call he had gotten high. I was not aware of this. He then tried to initiate “skype sex” without me ever
verbally consenting & when i had hung up with no explanation, he didnt talk to me for hours on end because he
supposedly injured himself so badly he passed out. Thus why i felt so afraid to tell him to stop whenever he
initiated these conversations. Obviously i dont have proof of any of this since it happened in call.
luke: kazu do you realize……. we can do more than make out….
but youre so young i dont wanna make you uncomfortable >:o

luke: i was in class once but then my brain decided to mentally envious youu with no clothes on im a creepy
FUCKing person

luke: is it gay if i want to

also you….... are like 14 i keep FUCKING forgetting youre an innocent babe

luke: ok!!! i will sex u

i mean
we’ll have sex
it has to be gay though
luke: ahhh i keep thinking !! when we meet i dont want to dirty you with my touch,, i dont want to make you
impure,,, im disgusting
what would you want me to do!!
to you i mean,,,

I have no idea when i did bring it up, but i had discussed with luke how i was sex repulsed due to trauma but
you know….who gives a care.

luke: if we just have sex all night you wont have weird dreams

luke: i thought about having sex with you through the whole service
luke: gil!!!
do you uhhhhhh want to
phone sex
i know im undeseriable
ans horrible bur i want youm to have a good time
nno no no


while i was 14/15 and luke was 17/18, he initiated many sexual conversations with me despite me telling him I
was sex repulsed. I never told him to stop because i was scared of what he would do.

This next section is just a compilation of...weird questionable stuff so take that as an overall trigger warning.
I dont feel like transcripting it :p
This next section will be accounts of other people.
TW for suicide, manipulation, guilt tripping

Receipts from events taken place in person
^ this ones my favorite
TLDR; luke killed his hamster, has been extremely manipulative possessive and guilt trippy towards me
and others. He has displayed many predatory behaviors. He constantly says he is going to change and
never does.

Luke, if you are reading this i don’t want an apology. I just want other people to know of your treatment towards
me and others and to be warned.
update as of 2/9/18:

Luke is currently denying the fact he abused me and making jokes out of it, befriended a rapist & said he was
making fun of me to said rapist and made fun of a 13 year old.

u​pdate as of 4/25/18

participating in these type of jokes despite luke himself being christian & white

deathkultdisciple also has a callout which can be read here:
Update 9/29/18
Luke is a faggot and his boyfriend xiii (​nonpsychotic​) is a weirdo with an abuse fetish. Luke has cheated on xiii.
Their relationship is very on and off from what i know.
Xiii also gave xanax to a 14 y/o while being 17 himself.

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