MGMT 310 Project Plan

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MGMT 310 Project Plan

September 26, 2018

Adam Lorimer, Cam Armstrong, Lindsey Nuss

Matt Etherington, Omar Cordova
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
The overall goal of this project is to identify and improve problems within the Tucson Jewish
Community Center (TJCC) in regard to the staffs’ overall organizational commitment and how it
is affected by stress within the workplace. In order to achieve our goals, our group plans to
survey or interview each of the various stakeholders within the TJCC. These stakeholders
include the 11 department heads, part time staff, full time staff, and seasonal workers. Obtaining
this information will be relatively easy since our team has three meetings previously set up with
the organization.

After our first meeting with the department heads on September 28th, our team will have better
knowledge of management’s understanding on organizational commitment amongst their staff,
and the levels of stress they feel are present amongst their staff as well as themselves. Following
this meeting, we will meet with other members of the TJCC staff on Tuesday, October 2nd and
Friday, October 12th. These meetings will further our understanding of TJCC faculties
commitment to the organization and how stress impacts that commitment. On top of the various
meetings we have set up, another goal for our team is to reach out to at least 3 seasonal workers
via phone call in order to gain a better understanding of their commitment to the organization.

In order to make sure everyone is up to date with where we are at in our project and to create
new goals for the following week, our group plans to meet a minimum of once a week on
Fridays from 2:00-3:30. By October 24th, our group will have gathered data from the surveys,
and implemented them into our original goal. Our team’s strong communication, dedicated
attitude, and well-rounded strategic plan will help keep us on task and achieve our goals in a
timely manner.

Plan for Collecting Data

11 Department Heads
First, our team plans to address the 11 department heads within the TJCC. This meeting will
ensure a better understanding of how the management feels about their staff's commitment to the
organization, ranging from their seasonal workers up to full time staff. Furthermore, we hope to
gain a broader knowledge on the stress levels present within the company and how these may
impact organizational commitment. The questions we will use on our survey, with a response
derived from a scale ranging from 1-10, 10 being the best and 1 being the worst include:

1. How much do you feel your employees remain with the company based on the personal
relationships they have built?

2. How much do you feel your employees remain with the company based on their pay and

3. How much do you feel your employees remain with the company based on various things
you have done for them or out of obligation?

4. How would you rate your employees stress within the company?

5. How would you rate your personal stress on an average work day?
6. To what extent do you provide coping strategies for your employees to deal with day to
day stressors?

Full-time and Part-time Staff

Next, our team plans to meet with the full-time and part-time employees at the TJCC. From this
meeting, we hope to gain a greater knowledge of the individual staff’s level of stress within the
workplace, as well as how these stress levels affect their commitment toward the organization.
We will acquire this research by conducting a survey for as many members of the staff as
possible, having them first address whether they are currently part-time or full-time employees.
The questions we will include on our survey, with a response derived from a scale ranging from
1-10, 10 being the best and 1 being the worst are:

1. How strong are your personal relationships with other members of the TJCC staff?

2. How much do you enjoy spending time with your coworkers?

3. How satisfied are you with your pay?

4. How financially reliant are you upon your pay from the TJCC?

5. How would you rate your level of stress at the TJCC?

6. To what extent does the TJCC provide ways to cope with stress at the job?

7. To what extent does stress impact your job performance?

Seasonal Staff
After acquiring reference numbers for the seasonal staff, we anticipate on contacting three
workers at random. We will conduct phone interviews with these members, asking the same
general questions from our previous part- and full-time survey. By doing this, we can assure that
the results are unbiased. The team deadline for this deliverable will be set for October 24th.
Through this method our group is able to gain a better understanding as to how all employees
feel towards the company, given their different work schedules.

Secondary Research
We will utilize the University of Arizona’s online databases to provide secondary research for
our project. Our research will include articles about organizational commitment and stress
management and how various companies have improved these in the past. After researching
these trends, we will be able to relate them back to the TJCC and use these ideas to improve the
TJCC’s commitment and stress management.
GANTT Chart:

Structure of Timeline:

Task Start Date End Date Duration (Days)

Complete Project Plan September 12th September 26th 14
Prepare Questions/Surveys September 24th October 8th 14
Conduct Primary Research September 27th October 12th 15
Gather Secondary Research October 12th October 21st 9
Contact Seasonal Employees October 17th October 24th 7
Analyze Research and Finalize Research October 24th October 28th 4
Prepare Report Draft October 28th November 7th 10
Revise and Complete Final Report November 7th November 12th 5
Create and Rehearse Presentation for Recording November 12th November 16th 4

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