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Daily Lesson Plan/Learning Guide

Course, Unit Theme and Grade U.S History, Gilded Age, 11th Grade

U.S. II Standard 1.1:

Students will assess how innovations in transportation, science,
agriculture, manufacturing, technology, communication, and
Utah State Core Standard and marketing transformed America in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Objective U.S. II Standard 1.3:
Students will analyze the causal relationships between
industrialization and the challenges faced by the growing working
classes in urban settings.

Essential Question(s) What conditions are too inhumane to allow in a civilized society?

How do activities, materials etc. Use of artistic and creative ability allows for students to draw on
connect to students’ prior prior interests and skills.
(academic, interests, learning styles,
motivation, Funds of Knowledge)

(formative and/or summative)
The modern day Sadie Frowne poem creation will show student
ability to reproduce with original material an authentic product.

Learning Activities: Students will read the famous Sadie Frowne story describing poverty
(Include description and time in the late 1800’s. They will highlight key points that resemble the
frame for each activity) situations discussed in the videos. This should take no longer than
ten minutes
Afterwards, students will work on recreating the story to be relatable
to modern day poverty in their view.

Accommodations made for A list of vocabulary words will be provided on the projector for
struggling and accelerated learners students to have an option to use. These can be read and incorporated
(grouping patterns, content into the short story for ESL and 504 students
literacy strategies, etc.)

Sadie Frowne Reading
How has the prior day’s Student inability to grasp old-fashioned language shows a need to
assessment shaped your introduce vocab beforehand for scaffolding

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