Argumentive Essay

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Jovanna Pulido De La Rosa

English II

Are LGBTQ individuals born the way they are?

It can be argued whether one is born a certain way or if they were raised that to be that way. The

choice of being gay or it was pushed on to them to be that way. LGBTQ individuals have been

around for a long time it is just that people choice to avoid them or get rid of them. This is just a

of them trying to understand why this happens. To find a logical explanation for a reason of

being even if it is kind of insulting. Science backs up the idea that it is not a choice rather it is an

anate trait. The Christians believe that it is sinful. Nature is regulating the population though the

different generations. LGBTQ individuals are born the way they are.

LGBTQ individuals are born the way they are because genetics backs up the idea that it is innate

trait. In the article Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture it stated that “They examined how many of

the sample population examined were gay and how many were straight. They found that 52% of

MZ (monozygotic or identical) twins were both self-identified homosexuals, 22% of DZ

(dizygotic or fraternal) twins were so, and only 5% of non-related adopted brothers were so. This

evidence, repeated and found to be true a second time, showed to the biological camp that the

more closely genetically linked a pair is, the more likely they both are to exhibit gay or straight

tendencies.” The test on the “gayness” of the pairs of brothers concluded that monozygotic or

identical twins have a greater chance of both being gay than dizygotic twins by only 30% which

still beats that of brothers with not biological ties.

LGBTQ individuals are born the way they are because the church teaches them that it is wrong.

The Christian bible states that “​'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a

woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will

be on their own heads.” (​Leviticus 20:13) ​The church teaches their children what they believe

which is that relationships between men is sinful but the result still remains the same because

even tho they were taught to be “straight” they continued being gay.

LGBTQ individuals are born the way they are because ​nature is regulating the population with

them. In the article Homosexuality as Population Control? Why Gays & Lesbians Are Essential

to the Balance of Nature it stated that ​“Historically, civilizations have been observed to decline

in accordance with an overabundant growth in population that the environment cannot support.

Today overcrowding, urban sprawl, pollution, and increased yet inadequate farmland are

negatively affecting both wildlife and the humans who cause it at an alarming rate.” That as the

conditions of the planet change for the worst the population decreases in order to preserve itself.

Since the planet as it is now is facing problems of having to many people and the global warming

it is seeking to control how much life exists on it.

LGBTQ individuals are not born the way they are because who would want to set themselves up

for failure. Some people might feel this way because the life prospects of a LGBTQ teen are not

very great since many have to deal with the public backlash, the risks of having sexual

relationships, and bullying from their peers. This an insufficient reason to not be LGBTQ since

all relationships come with risks not just theirs because heterosexual relationships also can have
complications. Many people face public backlash not just the LGBTQ community since there are

still people that have trouble moving forward with the times. Bullying is a thing that happens

everywhere no matter how much schools and workplaces try after all it is human nature to want

to put down another to rise oneself up. In the article ​U.S. Statistics it stated that ​“Heterosexual

contact accounted for 24% (9,578) of HIV diagnoses. Women accounted for 19% (7,529) of HIV

diagnoses. Diagnoses among women are primarily attributed to heterosexual contact (87%, or

6,541) or injection drug use (12%, or 939).” Heterosexual sexual relationship also come with

risks such as HIV just like homosexual relationships though it may be less than that of

homosexual relationships they still experience some of the same risks.

It is important to understand that LGBTQ individuals are born that way and that can’t be

changed. A way to help the issue is to create more supportive environment for them to grow up

in. In this day and age society is more accepting than it was many years ago but there is still

backlash from those around them especially their families that refuse to move away from their

antique notion of what is right and what is wrong. Genetics has yet to prove that there is a

definite “gay gene” but there are chances of it being a genetic phenomenon since DZ twins have

higher chances than that of non related brothers. Even though the church teaches it children that

it is wrong to love someone of the same sex they still did it. The planet want to regulate the

amount of life that it has on it due to the deteriorating condition of the planet. ​Members of the

LGBTQ community did not choice to be that way they were born that way.

“Nature vs. Nurture: The Biology of Sexuality | BU Today | Boston University.” by Kimberly

Cornuelle, December 12th, 2017:

This source has data on those who had been diagnosed HIV both homosexual and

heterosexual. The data is compiled based on groups that go by race and sexuality. With

homosexuals having the highest rates no matter the demographic. This relates because

sexually transmitted diseases are usually associated with homosexual relationships

because there are some many things that could go wrong. Tis proves that statement

otherwise since there is still a good amount of heterosexual people that have been

diagnosed HIV. Heterosexual contact was the reason for 24% of the HIV diagnoses last

year. This helps my point because it proves that male and female relationships can also

lead to them having STDs.

“Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture.” by Christopher L.Heffner, December 12th, 2017:

The article written by Heffner offers many results of test performed in order to come up

with a cause for people being LGBTQ. It had many tests that were proven wrong but that

just lead to more questions. The people in the tests were from both sides. It relates to my

topic because it provided many tests that I could use to prove my point. The tests proved

that there may be a biological reason to being LGBTQ. When Swaab examined the brains
of homosexuals a small part of the Hypothalamus (directly related to sexual drive and

function) the suprachiasmatic nucleus was found to be doublethe size of a heterosexual’s.

This will be used to prove my point because this shows that there is a biological reason to

be LGBTQ which is in the brain.

“Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health.” December 12th, 2017:

This is an article that talks about the health of LGBTQ individuals, the hardships they

face, and the things that the people and schools can do to improve their lives. The things

that they face because of being open or being assumed to be LGBTQ like violence and

bullying. This relates to my topic because it shows all the things that happen to LGBTQ

individuals. Which is relevant since what person would purposefully bring such negative

repercussions if it was just a fleeting thing. About 29% of LGBTQ tweens/teens had tries

to take their own lives compared to the 6% of the hexerosexual tweens/teens. This a sad

reality that many young people face because of the environment they are in they feel that

they are better off not being there.

“What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?” December 12th, 2017:

This source refers to many excerpt of the Christian Bible that are on homosexuality. It

reveals the perspective the Christians have toward them and what they teach their children
since they are taught to live according to how “God” wanted them to live. This relates

since it provides insight into what one group believes is right. While proving my claim

since Christians live according to how bible states they should why would there LGBTQ

individuals among them if they know it is “wrong”. If a man is involved with man the

same way one is involved with a woman than they will be put to death for they have

committed an abomination. This proves my point because why would you risk everything

for something that is viewed as wrong unless it is stronger than that which you were

taught more of an instinct than a willful choice.

“Homosexuality as Population Control? Why Gays & Lesbians Are Essential to the Balance of

Nature.” G. Roger. Denson December 12th, 2017:

The article written by Denson provides an insight to why LGBTQ individuals exists in the

first place. That they preserve the balance since the current conditions of the planet are not

the best for the life on it because of the life on it. This is related because this why would

they occur if not for a purpose to fulfill. As the planet cries out because of the over

populations and pollution nature is taking over to control how much life it will have. They

preserve the species because they are nature's way of controlling human procreation. They

stop humans from overpopulating and polluting the planet that is being lead to its

destruction. This helps my claim because homosexuals are the limiters of humans that are

suppose to stop them for continuing down the path that will lead to end.

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