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The spirit of life

A scientific overview on spirituality

Mainak Chatterjee

Once Swami Vivekananda asserted “You are responsible for what

you are.” It is needless to preach that we are the maker of our own fortunes.
We make ourselves suffer, we make good & evil, & it is we, who put our
hands before our eyes & say it is dark. Hence, we are driven by our desires,
old habits & pattern of thinking (resultant of sanskara) which mislead us to
the voyage of illusion; we are unable to see the reservoir of transcendental
knowledge to quench our thirst is under our vicinity. The cluster of desire,
which we always seek for to satisfy, can bring temporary pleasure. As the
earth rotates around the sun, desires spin around us, as such, again comes to
get satisfied. If we restrain our desires, it gets accumulated to explode &
being a slave to our desires we evoke that explosion to puzzle our mind & its
container (body). It only can bring misery & can inflict pain upon our lives.
So we need to control our desires to be refrained from such deeds,
which can bring evil thoughts in our minds because our body is alike a
temple where soul exists like a God, & our mind is the worshipper of that
God which should consecrate our soul & unite it (Him) with Supreme
Knowledge (Bramhagyana), which renders Eternal Peace & Perpetual
Happiness. Otherwise, being a slave to mere desires & its resultant deeds, if
our minds unchaste our souls, soul’s container (body) pass away by means of
the law of nature with plethora of desires. Desires which our soul carry after
the death of body always grope to satisfy it unsatisfied soul takes birth once
again with its in-built impressions (Sanskaras). Thus, we are being tossed

under the wheel of birth & death, which cast an illusionary bondage (Maya)
upon our soul.
But now, if we want to get rid ourselves of that bondage, we need
to cleanse the dirt of our minds associated with mere desires. After having
reduced of its vibration of desires, minds become subtle. As soon as our
perceptions become subtle, we are able to catch hold of those senses that
were no longer awakened before. Getting the perceptions of new senses is
called “ Spiritual Attainment ”. What is Spirit? It is our subtlest purified
mind. When mind is dormant, full of dirt, it is Evil. When it is awakened &
realized, it is God. Subtle Spirit (God) is having least frequency of vibration,
as such can take every shape, can move towards every direction &
dimension, can see everything, can smell everything & in doing so, can
enjoy profound pleasure, which lasts forever.
Our soul is having nothing but cluster of electron particles (e-)
having least frequency of vibrations. It is called Ectoplasm, having no shape,
but can form any shape by enhancing its frequency of vibrations. When our
soul is associated with desires, it’s frequency becomes increased & it takes a
gross form of body to come into the earth to fulfill its desires. Soul comes
with Sanskaras carried over from previous birth. These Sanskaras are
nothing but vibrations that enhances soul’s frequency so that it comes into
the earth because frequency of the earth is different, mismatched for the
Ectoplasm (Soul). The gross texture of the soul (i.e. body) acts & reacts
according to its Sanskaras & tries to fulfill its desires to become subtle. But
when mere desires are unable to accomplish its ultimate aim (i.e. unification
of soul <-> with Supreme Soul <+> which brings equilibrium state to the
soul), our soul falls into misery, over a period of time it leaves the body,
wonders into the 3rd dimension of the world (because it has got least
frequency as compared to other dimensions), sleeps for the time being,
dreams, then awakens, gropes the earth to satisfy its desires & at last comes
from the3rd dimension of the world (Astral Plain) & goes into the womb
according to it’s actions deeds of his last birth (karmaphala) from where he is
likely to acquire all the ingredients to fulfill its desires.

It is, indeed delightful and charming to know that all we
gather here in the platform of the world to reach our ultimate satisfaction
(Eternal Happiness & Peace) & it is only possible when we can put off all
our mere desires, cleanse our minds by discharging unnecessary vibrations
(ego, jealousy, anger, hatred, sensuality, malice, excitement, pain etc.) &
unite ourselves with Nirakara bramha. All we are waiting for the train of our
consciousness, which only can lead us to that ultimation. But if the train
comes, some of us are under reservation against cancellation i.e. we are
victim of external environment, & our in-built impression which constrains
our consciousness. So we need to keep ourselves apart from external
environment only which parameter is enough to be a constraints of our
consciousness. Chanting mantras, going temples are those medicines, which
can keep us, away from victimized of the external environment. Chanting
mantras merely produces nice solemn environment, but when we chant from
the core of our heart, we can achieve proper concentration of mind. Over a
certain period of time, any kind of meditation (puja, chanting, singing)
slowly brings about change in our mind. It is called Yoga which at last break
the bondage of Trikonmandal; Kulakundalini becomes awakened by uniting
seven Charkas & purifies and subtle our mind. This subtle mind is supreme
Bramha, the ultimate truth of Krishna consciousness.
So then let us pray to those Conscious Bramhas who can bring about
a change in our mind, who can set ourselves apart from mere desires, which
are unable to satisfy our ultimate hunger, & unable to quench our supreme
thrust. Let us pray to those Supreme Souls who can keep us away from evil
thoughts & evil deeds. Let us pray to those Chaitanyamoy Soul who can
keep us away from external forces not to be victim of that. Let us pray to
those Krishna Conscious who can purify the dirt of our mind so that we are
able to unite ourselves to become alike them, Supreme, having pleasure,
peace, & happiness forever, forever………

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