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Tutorial - 12 (solutions)

Question 1 The 7.5-kg rod BC, see Fig. (1), connects a disk centered at A to crank CD. Know-
ing that the disk is made to rotate at the constant speed of 180 rpm, determine
for the position shown the vertical components of the forces exerted on rod BC by
pins at B and C. (15 Marks)

Figure 1: Figure for question 1.

Solution 1 We first determine the acceleration of point B of disk. ω = 180 rpm = 18.85 rad/s.
1 mark for finding Since ω = constant, aB = (aB )n = rω 2 = 71.0645 m/s2 at an angle of 60○ with the
aB horizontal directed from B to A ↙.
1 mark for finding a Since rod BC is in translation, ā = āB = 71.0645 m/s at an angle of 60 with the
2 ○

horizontal ↙.
Now the free body diagram and equivalent kinetic diagram for rod BC is shown

3 marks for
correctly making
FBD and KD

Figure 2: Free body and equivalent kinetic diagram of BC.

Vertical components of forces at B and C.

1 mark for this step + Á ΣMB = Σ(MB )eff : Cy × 750 − W × 375 = −m ā sin60○ × 375 1 mark for writing
this equation
Now, W = 7.5 × 9.81 = 73.575 N and m ā = 532.9837 N.
∴ 750 × Cy − 73.575 × 375 = −532.9837 sin60○ × 375
2Cy = 73.575 − 461.5775
Cy = −194.0013 N (↓). 3 marks for finding Cy
1 mark for writing
1 mark for this step + ↑ ΣFy = Σ(Fy )eff : By − W + Cy = −m ā sin60○
this equation
Solving we get By = −194.0012 N (↓). 3 marks for finding By

Question 2 Each of the 3-kg bars AB and BC, see Fig. (1), is of length L = 0.5 m. A horizontal
force P of magnitude 20 N is applied to bar BC. Determine the angular acceleration
of each bar when b = L.(25 Marks)

Figure 1: Figure for question 2.

Solution 2 Kinematics: Assume αAB Á and αBC Á. Also, ωAB = ωBC = 0

4 marks for this step

(i) Making the diagram
(ii) Finding aAB, aB, and

Bar BC:

3 marks for this step

+ Á ΣMB = Σ(MB )eff : P L = Iα

¯ BC + (māBC ) L
1 mark for this step

1 1
P = m L αAB + m L αBC 1 mark for this step (1)
2 3
+ → ΣFx = Σ(Fx )eff : P − Bx = māBC 1 mark for this step

P − Bx = m (L αAB + L αBC ) 1 mark for this step (2)

Bar AB:

3 marks for making

this FBD and KD

+ Á ΣMA = Σ(MA )eff : Bx L = Iα

¯ AB + māAB L
2 1 mark for this step

Bx = m L αAB . 1 mark for this step (3)
Adding (2) and (3):
4 1
P = m L αAB + m L αBC . 1 mark for this step (4)
3 2
Subtract (1) and (4) we get
αBC = −5 αAB . 1 mark for this step (5)

Substitute for αBC in (1):

P = − mLαAB . 1 mark for this step

6 P
αAB = − . 1 mark for this step (6)
7 mL
Using Eq. (5)
30 P 1 mark for this step
αBC = . (7)
7 mL
Using: L = 500 mm = 0.5 m, m = 3 kg, P = 20 N, we get

αAB = −11.4286 rad/s ⤸ . 2 marks for correctly finding


out this

2 2 marks for correctly finding

αBC = 57.1429 rad/s Á .
out this

Question 3 A uniform slender bar is released from rest in the horizontal position shown. Deter-
mine the value of x for which the angular acceleration is a maximum and determine
the corresponding value of angular acceleration α.(10 Marks)

Figure 1: Figure for question 3.

Solution 3 The free body diagram of the bar is shown below.

2 marks for making


Figure 2: Free body diagram of the bar.

Now, IO = IG + m x2 = 1
12 ml
2 + mx2 = m ( 12
+ x2 ) 1 mark for finding IO
+ Á ΣMO = IO α: m g x = m ( 12
+ x2 ) α 1 mark for finding MO
Solving for α, we get
α= 1 mark for this step
( 12
+ x2 )

∴ For maximum value of α we get

dα 1 mark for this step
= 0.
This implies that
x= √ . 2 marks for this step
2 3
Substitution of this value of x in expression for α we get
√ g
α= 3 . 2 marks for this step

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