Bosanquet Etal DMCN 2013

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A systematic review of tests to predict cerebral palsy in young

1 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Royal Children’s Hospital; 2 Department of Child Health, The University of Queensland; 3 Queensland Children’s Medical
Research Institute, University of Queensland; 4 School of Population Health, University Of Queensland; 5 Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research
Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Correspondence to Dr Margot Bosanquet, Department of Paediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Level 2, Coles Building, Royal Children’s Hospital, Herston Road, Herston, QLD 4029, Australia.

This article is commented on by Hanna on pages 397–398 of this issue.

PUBLICATION DATA AIM This systematic review evaluates the accuracy of predictive assessments and
Accepted for publication 27th October 2012. investigations used to assist in the diagnosis of cerebral palsy (CP) in preschool-age children
ABBREVIATIONS METHOD Six databases were searched for studies that included a diagnosis of CP validated
CUS Cranial ultrasound after 2 years of age. The validity of the studies meeting the criteria was evaluated using the
GMA General movements Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy criteria. Where possible, results were pooled
assessment and a meta-analysis was undertaken.
IVH Intraventricular haemorrhage RESULTS Nineteen out of 351 studies met the full inclusion criteria, including studies of
STARD Standards for Reporting general movements assessment (GMA), cranial ultrasound, brain magnetic resonance
Diagnostic Accuracy imaging (MRI), and neurological examination. All studies assessed high-risk populations
including preterm (gestational range 23–41wks) and low-birthweight infants (range 500–
4350g). Summary estimates of sensitivity and specificity of GMA were 98% (95% confidence
interval [CI] 74–100%) and 91% (95% CI 83–93%) respectively; of cranial ultrasound 74% (95%
CI 63–83%) and 92% (95% CI 81–96%) respectively; and of neurological examination 88% (95%
CI 55–97%) and 87% (95% CI 57–97%) respectively. MRI performed at term corrected age (in
preterm infants) appeared to be a strong predictor of CP, with sensitivity ranging in
individual studies from 86 to 100% and specificity ranging from 89 to 97% There was
inadequate evidence for the use of other predictive tools.
SUMMARY This review found that the assessment with the best evidence and strength for
predictive accuracy is the GMA. MRI has a good predictive value when performed at term-
corrected age. Cranial ultrasound is as specific as MRI and has the advantage of being
readily available at the bedside. Studies to date have focused on high-risk infants. The
accuracy of these tests in low-risk infants remains unclear and requires further research.

Cerebral palsy (CP) occurs in 1 to 3% of live-born loskeletal and other comorbidities can be instigated and
infants.1–3 This increases to 8 to 40% in high-risk popula- early intervention programmes initiated.9–11 From the child
tions such as extremely preterm infants.4 CP is an umbrella and family’s perspective, receiving a diagnosis of CP not
term for conditions that are characterized by a non- only provides ‘an answer’ but also streamlines appropriate
progressive, but not unchanging, motor impairment related funding and social support. Diagnosis before school age
to brain injury early in development.5–7 The brain injury is maximizes opportunities for appropriate physical and
characteristically static and results in activity limitation.7 learning support to be in place for the child’s transition to
Given the diversity of the clinical picture and implications schooling.
on management, CP is a diagnosis that is further described The age at which an accurate diagnosis of CP can be
by motor type, distribution, functional severity, and co- made is, however, contentious. There is a paucity of data
morbidities.8 on the rates of misdiagnosis of CP within CP registers.3
Metabolic, syndromic, and genetic conditions that The data that are available suggest that misdiagnoses or
appear similar to CP may present in early life, with a pic- false-positive diagnoses of CP are more commonly made
ture of motor impairment. Differentiating these from CP before 18 months of age.3,12,13 Commonly reported false-
early on has genetic and treatment implications.8 When positive diagnoses include transient neurological signs of
CP is diagnosed early, surveillance programmes for muscu- infancy (usually dystonia and hypotonia) and other neuro-

418 DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12140 © The Authors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology © 2013 Mac Keith Press
developmental disorders such as global developmental What this paper adds
delay and cognitive impairment.3,4,14 A proposed age at • This is the first systematic review to evaluate the accuracy of multiple
which CP can be diagnosed is 36 months, when motor modalities used to predict a diagnosis of CP
capacity is more reliably assessed.15 CP can be difficult to • The strongest evidence and highest predictive accuracy is for general move-
differentiate from progressive conditions such as the ments assessment.
leukoencephalopathies and hereditary causes of spastic
• The studies included in this review provide evidence for predictive accuracy
of tests in high-risk infants only.
paraparesis, which have variable phenotypes and rates of
motor deterioration. The progression of these conditions had unusual population demographics, including a signifi-
may not be evident in early life, and, therefore, differentia- cant sex imbalance or unusually high or low rates of CP.
tion from CP at an early age may be clinically impossible.
There are many investigatory modalities that may assist Data extraction and analysis
in early accurate diagnosis of CP, including early motor The title and abstracts of the studies were independently
assessment tools, brain imaging (cranial ultrasound [CUS] examined for suitability by two reviewers (MB, LC) and
and magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) and neurological were checked by a third independent reviewer (RB). The
examination (more commonly the standardized Lacey full text of suitable studies was then retrieved and further
Assessment of Preterm Infants and the Hammersmith assessed for conformity to inclusion criteria. Study validity
Infant Neurologic Examination).16,17 was analysed using the Standards for Reporting Diagnostic
To date there has been no systematic review that has Accuracy (STARD) criteria with added specific questions
examined the predictive accuracy of all available tools used for this review (Appendix SIIa, online supporting informa-
to assist in diagnosing CP in young children. There are tion).27 Demographic variables collected included median
three systematic reviews on single modalities including and range of gestational age, birthweight, sex, age at diag-
neuromotor assessments (outcome at 12mo),18 General nosis, age at confirmed diagnosis, classification and distri-
movements assessment alone (outcomes from 1–18y),19 and bution of CP, identified differential diagnosis, and how
brain MRI (diagnosis validated after age 2y).20 There are differential diagnoses were handled (Table I and Table SI,
also existing broader reviews of GMA.21 online supporting information). For analyses of diagnostic
The purpose of this review was to search the literature accuracy, the investigatory modalities were separated. For
systematically for investigations and assessments that are each study the sensitivity (the proportion of true positives,
used to assist in the accurate diagnosis (diagnosis validation i.e. the proportion of children with CP correctly identified
after age 2y) of CP in children aged less than 5 years. by the test), specificity (the proportion of true negatives, i.e.
the proportion of children without CP correctly identified
METHOD by the test), positive likelihood ratio (how the odds of hav-
Search strategy ing CP change when a test is positive), and negative likeli-
A comprehensive search was undertaken of computerized hood ratio (how the odds of having CP change when a test
databases including MEDLINE via Ovid (1966–April is negative) were either directly extracted or calculated from
2012), CINAHL (1982–April 2012), PubMed (1980–April extracted data (Table SII, online supporting information).
2012), EMBASE (1988–June 2011), Cochrane Library Pooling of results for meta-analysis was undertaken
(1972–April 2012), PsycINFO (1806–April 2012), and where possible. For each meta-analysis, the pooled sensitiv-
PEDRO (1999–April 2012). The search strategy comprised ity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and
the MeSH headings or keywords detailed in Appendix SI the diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) were calculated. The
(online supporting information). DOR is an overall single measure of test accuracy, com-
puted as the positive likelihood ratio divided by the nega-
Inclusion criteria tive likelihood ratio. A large DOR suggests that the
Studies were eligible for inclusion if they were written in accuracy of the test is high; when a test is no better at
the English language and human based. We included ran- detecting CP than chance, the DOR is 1. Basic statistical
domized-controlled trials and cohort trials (retrospective or summary data were calculated using Microsoft Excel soft-
prospective) with an acceptable prevalence of CP (2–40% ware (Microsoft, San Diego, CA USA) and Descriptive
[SD 10%] in the preterm population and 1–5% in the term Sampling Statistics (Baltimore University; http://www.stat-
population).1,22–24 To be included, studies needed to con- Meta-analysis was undertaken using the ‘met-
firm a diagnosis of CP after the age of 2 years, when andi’ command in Stata Statistical Software (StataCorp,
motor function is considered more stable and myelination College Station, TX, USA).
is largely complete.25 As males are known to be at higher
risk of CP (accounting for 55% of the total population),26 RESULTS
a sex bias of 30% towards males was allowed for. A total of 351 articles were initially identified (Fig. 1). Nine-
teen articles, comprising a total of 4778 children (163 born
Exclusion criteria at term, 4462 born preterm, and 153 of unknown gestational
Studies were excluded if they were case reports or if they age at birth), met the inclusion criteria. The characteristics
assessed progressive and/or neurodegenerative disease or of the included studies and their population demographics

Review 419
are shown in Table I. All studies evaluated patients at high The scores for each study are shown in Appendix SIIb
risk for developing CP. All studies except one28 were based (online supporting information) and Table SII. The med-
at tertiary neonatal units. Three studies reporting a high ian score on the STARD criteria was 16.6 from a maxi-
prevalence of CP were included and were explainable by mum of 25 with a range of 9.0 to 22.5. The highest
biased population selection from high-risk groups.31,35,40 quality was found for MRI studies (median 19.5, range
Study participants who were born preterm at gestational 16.6–20.3) with the weakest quality shown for ‘individual
ages varying from 23 to 38 weeks postmenstrual age with or other’ modality studies (median 12.9; range 10.9–15.5).
reported median or mean birthweights ranging from 502
to 2184g had a pooled CP prevalence of 9%. The term- Accuracy of prediction of CP
born population had gestational ages of 37 to 41 weeks The quantitative outcomes of accuracy of prediction of CP
and birthweights of 1501 to 4350g. None of the studies (sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative likelihood
which assessed both term and preterm infants described ratios) from the studies are illustrated in Table SII,
CP prevalence. In the only study of solely term-born grouped by investigatory modality.
infants, the reported prevalence of CP was 23%. This
study was of infants with hypoxic–ischaemic encephalo- General movements assessment
pathy. One study did not report on birthweight or sex.36 Six studies, with a total of 1358 participants, evaluated
Sex distribution was mildly skewed to males, with the med- GMA for diagnostic accuracy. Two studies described over-
ian being 53% (range 43–90). Sex was reported in 11 out all accuracy of GMA with estimates of sensitivity of 95 to
of 19 studies.32–34,36,37,39,43 100% and estimates of specificity of 96 to 98%.41,42
Motor distribution was reported in nine studies (total One study described the predictive accuracy of cramped
644 patients; Table I). It was described as monoplegia in synchronized general movements in preterm infants.
one patient (0.2%), diplegia in 267 patients (41.5%), hemi- Cramped synchronized general movements may be defined
plegia in 180 (28%), quadriplegia/tetraplegia in 67 as abnormal movements which are characteristically rigid
(10.4%), and of non-specified distribution in 129 patients without fluency or smoothness and involve almost simulta-
(20%). Eleven studies reported on the severity of CP (total neous relaxation and contraction of all limb and trunk
666 patients). Three studies reported using the Gross muscles.6,50 The specificity of assessing these movements
Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS),45 result- was higher than that of assessing for abnormal movements
ing in 26 participants classified as GMFCS level I, 12 as alone (92% vs 38% at 28wks postmenstrual age increasing
GMFCS level II, 11 as GMFCS level III, 18 as GMFCS to 100% vs 83% at 47–60wks postmenstrual age).
level IV, and 13 as GMFCS level V.34,35,39 Eight studies At any age, an abnormal GMA has a very high negative
used a mild, moderate and severe classification; in all cases predictive value of 95 to 100%, with a negative likelihood
the study was undertaken before the validation of the ratio of 0 (a negative test is excellent at predicting absence
GMFCS.16,18,28,32,33,38,41,43 In total, CP was classified in of spastic CP.)18,35 One study provided examples of indi-
180 participants as mild, in 132 as moderate, in three as viduals in whom a normal GMA and mildly abnormal neu-
moderately severe, and in 146 as severe; in 113 partici- rological examination resulted in a diagnosis of mild CP.31
pants, severity of disease was not specified, more com- Furthermore, cramped synchronized general movements
monly in those with dyskinesia. All eight studies included a alone were shown to have a very high negative predictive
clear definition of mild, moderate, and severe CP. We con- value (100%) and positive predictive value (87–100%) for
sidered this classification alongside the validated and more later spastic CP31 (Table SII).
currently used GMFCS, with participants with mild CP Two studies evaluated GMA in the fidgety period (46–
being defined as independent ambulators (GMFCS level I), 60wks postmenstrual age).18,29 Fidgety movements are
those with moderate CP as able to ambulate with assis- characteristically of small amplitude and moderate speed
tance (GMFCS levels II and III), and those with severe CP with variable acceleration of neck, trunk, and limbs in all
being non-ambulant (GMFCS levels IV and V).46,47 Col- directions, and are seen continually in the awake infant,
lectively this resulted in CP being classified as mild in 209 except during fussing and crying.6,50 Sensitivity and speci-
participants (31.4%), as moderate in 155 (23.3%), and as ficity in the preterm infant were shown to range from 87
severe in 189 (28.4%) participants, with severity not speci- to 100% and 82 to 95% respectively,18,42 and 94.4% and
fied in 113 (17%) participants. The timing of assessment 82.5% respectively in the term infant.31 The correlation
was highly variable between investigative modalities (from between GMA and neurological examination was given in
day 1 of life to 5y 6mo). one study as 81.5%.6 The interrater reliability, reported by
Participant demographics including age at diagnosis, three studies, was 0.88 to 0.91.29,35,42 Test–retest agree-
duration of follow-up, and identification of differentials ment was shown to be excellent in two studies, both
from the individual studies are presented in Table SI. reporting it as 100%.18,42
Sufficient data to conduct a meta-analysis could be
Quality extracted from four studies comprising 326 children, of
The quantitative validity of the individual studies was eval- whom 93 (29%) had been diagnosed with CP.18,29,31,35
uated according to the STARD criteria (Appendix SIIa). The pooled sensitivity and specificity were 98% (95% CI

420 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2013, 55: 418–426

Table I: Study characteristics – population demographics
Population characteristics

Motor distribution
Age at
assessment Sex, Gestation Tetra/ Motor Severity of motor
Study ID Study design Modality n (PMA) male (%) PMA (wks) Birthweight (g) Monoplegia Diplegia Hemiplegia quadriplegia Other type functiona

Adde et al. P GM 74 50–58wks 33 (44.59) 30.5 (24–36)b 1367 (540–3800)b – – 5 4 1 9 Sp, 1 U x
Anderson P Corpus 41 2 USS >7d apart, 24/55 (43.63) 28 (23–33)c 1086 (630–1475)c x x x x x x x
et al.30 callosum <2wks, 6wks, term
growth per (CA). MRI at
ultrasound term (CA)
Bax et al.28 C, M population MRI 351 46mo (12–91)d 267 (76.1) 235 term, 47 <28wks, 19.1% <10th – 148 113 – 90 62 Dk, 17 A, 124 mild, 115
-based 69 28–31wks, centile’ 261 Sp, 11 U moderate, 95 severe,
79 32–36wks 17 not specified
Cioni et al.31 P, M (2 sites) GM, CUS, N 58 38–42, 43–47, 34 (58.62) 391 (37–41)d 3166 (SD 540) x x x x x x x
48–56, 57–65 (1870–4350)d
De Vries P, S CUS 1929 Day0–3, then weekly, x Group A: <32 x – 27 23 6 20 3 A, 73 Sp 24 mild, 1 moderate,
et al.32 (1460, 469)j and at term 22 severe, 29 not
Group B: 33–36 – 12 9 3 2 2 Dk, 24 Sp 7 mild, 9 severe, 10
not specified
Denays et al.33 P Spectroscopy 88 33–44 (38.4) x 43 preterm, 45 term 17 <1501g x x x x x 8 Sp, 1 D 2 mild, 5 moderate, 2
Eriksson P MAI 175 5mo (CA), and 5.5y x Mean 28.2, (23–36) 1046 (519–1900) – 5 1 2 – x 5 GMFCS I, 1 III,
et al.34 1 IV, 1 V
Ferrari et al.35 P, M (2 centres) GM, N 84 Birth to 60, at 3–5wks 42 (50.00) 30.2 (SD 2.7)c 1410.14 (SD 456.71)c – 22 8 14 – 44 Sp 15 GMFCS I, 5 II,
intervals 5 III, 9 IV, 10 V
Harris36 R MAI,e Bayleys 153 3mo 15d–4mo 15d x x x x x x x x x x
Hope et al.37 R, Sf CUS 85 (17, 68) Day 1 (0–2)g x 27 (26–28)g 925 (800–1100)g x x x x x x x
1050 (825–1150)g
Lacey et al.16 P, S CUS, N 203 (65,138) <33 36 (55.38) 27.6 (SD 1.3)c 1132 (SD 194)c x x x x x x 3 mod severe, 1
moderate, 3 severe
>33 77 (55.80) 27.3 (SD 1.7)c 1012 (SD 245)c 13 mild, 4 moderate,
12 severe
Mirmiran P MRI 61 USS92 <30, 31 (50.82) 23–29 502–1240h x x x x x Sp 6, H1 4 moderate., 3 mild
et al.38 MRI 36–39
Nanba et al.39 P MRI 289 36–43 x 23–34 – x x x x x 37 Sp 6 GMFCS I, 7 II,
5 III, 8 IV, 11 V
Pierrat et al.40 P CUS, SEP 39 (SEP) 36+6 (30–40)d x 29+5 (SD 05) 1110 x x x x x x x
(USS) not given (25–36)d (SD 230)c
Prechtl et al.41 P, M GM, CUS 130 32 (29–38)g 78 (60.00) 32 (29–38)g 1660 (1245–2730)g 1 18 5 20 7 1 Dk, 50 Sp 2 mild, 49 not specified
Romeo et al.42 P GM, CUS, N 903 HINE 3, 6, 9, 12 PMA. 496 (54.93) 34.5 (SD 2.3)c 2184 (SD 543)c – 25 13 18 1 1 Dk, 56 Sp x
GM <4wks, every
34wks thereafter
Seme- P GM, CUS 112 CUS d0-d90, GM 57 (50.89) 33 (26–37)b 1975 (660–3820)b x 7 1 x 8 1 H, 8 Sp, 7 U 5 mild, 2 moderate, 1
Ciglenecki18 3mo (CA) severe, 8 not
Szymonowicz P CUS 32 Day 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, x 27 (SD 4) (24–32)c 880 (SD 204) – 3 2 – – 5 Sp 3 mild, 2 severe
et al.43 then weekly (430–1250)c
Tudehope P CUS 146 x 63 (43.15) 29i 1170i x x x x x x x
et al.44
Total/range 16 P, 6 GM, 9 CUS, 4778 Day 0–91mo 52.91 23–41 800–4350 1 (0.2%) 267 180 (28.0%) 67 (10.4%) 129 (20.0%) 689k 666
1 C, 2 R 4 N, 3 MRI, (43.15–76.10)%b (41.5%)
5 other (coefficient of
variation 0.17)

Mild, no interference with function/GMFCS I; moderate, has ability to mobilize with assistance/GMFCS II or III; severe, non-ambulant,/GMFCS IV or V.52. bMedian (range). cMean SD. dMean (range). eMost had mild to severe hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy. fAll known to have
cranial ultrasonography abnormality in neonatal period. gMedian (interquartile range). hRange. iMedian. jOwing to change in available machinery, group 1 1990–1991, group 2 1992–2000. k580 (84.2%) spastic, 20 (2.9%) ataxic, 69 (10%) dyskintetic, 20 (2.9%) unknown. PMA, postmen-
strual age; P, prospective; GM, general movement assessment; Sp, spastic; U, unknown; x, not reported; USS, ultrasonography; CA, corrected Age; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; C, cross-sectional; M, multicentre; Dk, dyskinetic; A, ataxia; CUS, cranial ultrasound; N, neurologi-
cal examination; S, stratified; D, dystonic; MAI, Motor Assessment of Infancy; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; R, retrospective; SEP, sensory evoked potential; HINE, Hammersmith Infant Neurologic Examination; H, hypotonia.

73–100%) and 91% (95% CI 83–95%) respectively. The were performed until 5 to 12 months corrected age (four
DOR was 453 (95% CI 18–11 495). assessments at age <12mo and reassessed at 2y). When per-
formed before term age (<37wks), the sensitivity of neuro-
Cranial ultrasound (CUS) logical examination ranged from 57 to 86%, with a
Ten studies, with a total of 2644 patients, met the criteria specificity of 45 to 83%.16,35 Neurological examination in
for evaluation of CUS (Table SII and Appendix the post-term age group ranged from 68 to 96%, with spec-
SII).16,18,31,37–44,51 There was variability in the specific ificity of 52 to 97%. Romeo et al.42 investigated the Ham-
focus of this investigation and in the definition of normal mersmith Infant Neurologic Examination and found that
or low-risk versus high-risk infants. Two studies included there was inconsistency in the cut-off between ‘normal’ and
any abnormality, except congenital malformations, as a ‘abnormal’, with scores of less than 50 and less than 57
risk.32,44 Seme-Ciglenecki18 defined low risk as normal, both being used. Outcomes, sensitivity, and specificity for
grade 1 intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), or transient children with scores of less than 50 were not disclosed. One
periventricular echodensities lasting less than 7 days, and study reported on the value of transient neurological abnor-
based measures of predictive accuracy on low versus high malities, with 34% of patients developing motor impair-
risk. This study found that the risk attributed to grade 1 ment with an overall negative predictive value of 95%.16
IVH did not significantly differ from normal CUS. Likelihood ratios could not be calculated, and sensitivity
Studies that broadly examined the outcomes of normal and specificity were not reported in this study.
versus abnormal CUS had predictive accuracy of sensitivity We were able to include data from two studies in a
of 70 to 96% and specificity of 69 to 99%.18,31,38,40,41,44 Pre- meta-analysis, covering a total of 142 children, of whom
dictive accuracy was best when duration of CUS data collec- 58 (41%) were diagnosed with CP.31,35 The pooled sensi-
tion was longer (sensitivity 70–76%, specificity 90–95%).18,32 tivity and specificity were 88% (95% CI 59–97%) and
Two studies evaluated the accuracy of CUS within the 87% (95% CI 57–97%) respectively. The DOR was 49
first days of life (before day 2 and before day 7), during (95% CI 15–158).
which time 84% and 99% respectively, of cases of IVH
will occur.16,38,52,53 Sensitivity (43–44%) and specificity (82 Magnetic resonance imaging
–87%) were similar in these two studies (Table SII). Three studies met inclusion criteria (n=702). Two studies
Central nervous system (CNS) malformation was were performed at term corrected age in the preterm
excluded from analysis in three studies with reported pre- infant38,39 and the other at a median age of 46 months in a
dictive specificity of 82 to 90%.16,18,31 Although the nega- population-based cohort.28 The sensitivity and specificity
tive predictive value from these studies (88–89%) was less of term MRI in predicting CP at 31 months, excluding
than when CNS malformation was included (88–89% vs those with CNS malformation, was 86% and 89% respec-
97.6%), the likelihood ratios did not differ between studies tively.38 One study focused assessment of abnormality of
regardless of inclusion or exclusion of CNS malforma- the corona radiata and corticospinal tract (i.e. deep white
tion.16,18,44 matter) and found 100% sensitivity and 97% specificity in
A study by Hope et al.37 was unique in assessing com- prediction of CP,39 exceeding the predictive value of peri-
puter measures of texture in the white matter and choroid ventricular cystic lesions (Table SII). However, the exclu-
plexus (one image only) as a predictor of CP. Notably, the sion criteria in this study were extensive, with it essentially
sensitivity and specificity of these measures were lower restricted to analysis of white matter damage of immatu-
than the sensitivity and specificity of measures used in rity, periventricular leukomalacia, and cystic change.39
other studies. A large European population-based study (n=351) by
Only one study evaluated the benefit of CUS in high- Bax et al.28 aimed to describe patterns of injury and CP
risk infants born at term, of whom the majority had distribution and severity and also described those patients
hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy. In this study, CUS with CP in whom MRI revealed no findings. This study
predicted CP with a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of reported exclusively on children with a diagnosis of CP
83%.31 validated before the age of 3 years and excluded those
We were able to include in a meta-analysis data from six without an established diagnosis. Magnetic resonance
studies, including a total of 2404 children, of whom 226 imaging changes were seen in 88% of children, with MRI
(9.4%) were diagnosed with CP.18,31,32,37,38,41 The pooled reported as normal in 12%. In this study the most com-
sensitivity and specificity were 74% (95% CI 63–83%) and mon finding in children with CP was white matter damage
92% (95% CI 81–96%) respectively. The DOR was 31 of immaturity (including periventricular leukomalacia,
(95% CI 8–117). affecting 43% of the cohort), with 46% of the study popu-
lation (total n=351) having been born preterm. Other MRI
Neurological examination findings were basal ganglia lesions (13%), cortical/subcorti-
Four studies met the inclusion criteria for neurological cal lesions (9%), malformations (9%), focal infarct (7%),
examination to identify CP (total n=1190).16,31,35,42 Partici- and miscellaneous lesions (7%). The highest rate of normal
pants in all studies were born preterm. In all studies, MRI was found in children with ataxic CP (8 out of 17);
except that by Lacey et al.,16 sequential assessments the prevalence of normal MRI in the other subtypes was

422 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2013, 55: 418–426

290 Articles excluded that did not meet the
351 Studies met search
inclusion criteria
criteria based on title and

60 Articles warranted close 41 Excluded not meeting strict inclusion criteria

assessment of the full (Appendix SIII, online supporting information):
• Inadequate duration of follow-up (18)
• Not examining CP as an individual
outcome, or using a predictive modality
• Inadequate study quality (5)

References (first author): Adde et al.,29

Anderson,30 Bax et al.,28 Cioni et al.,31 De Vries
et al.,32 Denays et al.,33 Eriksson et al.,34 Ferrari et
19 Articles met inclusion
al.,35 Harris,36 Hope et al.,37 Lacey et al.,16 Mirmiran
et al.,38 Nanba et al.,39 Pierrat et al.,40 Prechtl et
al.,41 Romeo et al.,42 Seme-Ciglenecki,18
Szymonowicz et al.,43 Tudehope et al.44

Figure 1: Flow chart for process of article inclusion.

approximately equal. MRI was more often normal in racy for these tests cannot be extrapolated to the general
children with mild CP (61%).28 This was the only MRI population. Other than this review, there is a paucity of
study that included CNS malformations.28 Further results published literature on tests of accurate prediction of CP
available from this study included correlates of MRI brain in ‘low-risk’ populations.
injury with clinical disease distribution.28 Collective evidence confirms that GMA is the most sen-
All the MRI studies in this review excluded IVH in the sitive and specific test currently available to allow early
knowledge that the investigation as being performed after prediction of spastic CP in high-risk infants. There is
the time when IVH commonly occurs. No studies were evolving evidence that GMA may predict distribution of
suitable for pooling for a meta-analysis. CP but not predict severity, in which case it cannot replace
accurate history, examination, and long-term follow-up.55
Other assessments GMA can be performed at the bedside or remotely, includ-
Two studies examined the value of the Motor Assessment ing retrospectively by video recording. However, assessors
of Infancy, which was performed between the ages of 3 need to complete standardized training and certification to
months and 5 months.34,36 Both studies were of relatively achieve maximum accuracy in assessments.21 Access to
low quality, with STARD values of 15.5 and 11.5.34,36 training courses is readily available in Europe, where GMA
Only one of the studies analysed data for predictive accu- is more often routinely incorporated in infant follow-up;
racy. The studies were not suitable for pooling for a meta- however, it may be difficult to access elsewhere. This tool
analysis owing to the diversity of the predictive modalities requires minimal equipment and staff time to be under-
and variable primary data content. taken, and for that reason provides exceptional value for
effort in the early accurate prediction of CP.
DISCUSSION General movements assessment has benefit over the
This systematic review has shown that there is good evi- Motor Assessment of Infancy, with significantly better pre-
dence that GMA can accurately predict the development of dictive accuracy (sensitivity 87–100% vs 74% respectively;
CP.18,31,35,41,42 There is reasonable evidence to support the specificity 82–100% vs 63% respectively). GMA is also a
use of MRI at term corrected age, neurological examina- more clinically feasible tool. GMA takes 15 minutes of
tion in the older infant, and, to a lesser extent, ultrasound gestalt observation compared with 1 hour of directed task
in infants of preterm age. requiring cognitive, behavioural ability, and compliance,
All included studies were performed in high-risk popula- for the Motor Assessment of Infancy. GMA at a minimum
tion groups with a predominance of preterm infants. Only requires a single episode of 15 minutes of observation in
one study evaluated term-born patients, who are under- the fidgety movement stage (2–4mo corrected age) and
represented in predictive analysis, despite accounting for has been validated in both term-born infants with hypoxic–
68% of the CP population.54 Thus, overall predictive accu- ischaemic encephalopathy and preterm-born infants.

Review 423
Evidence for neurological examination is strong in qual- both groups of patients receive close follow-up with neuro-
ity for the early accurate diagnosis of CP. Neurological logical assessment and ongoing review of developmental
examination and tools that incorporate it are clinically progression. No article in this review reported on or
influenced by the experience of an examiner and a child’s included spinal MRI findings in its analysis.
state of rest. There are a number of proposed neurological No study investigating advanced neuroimaging tech-
examination protocols, which share features of assessment niques, including diffusion-weighted imaging, spectros-
of tone and paucity of movement. Such protocols include copy, or tractography, met the criteria for inclusion in this
the Hammersmith Infant Neurologic Examination,17 the systematic review. Diffusion-weighted MRI may have a
Touwen Infant Neurological Examination56 and the Lacey role in early prediction of CP, including disease distribu-
Assessment of Preterm Infants;16 there remains no consen- tion and motor type; however, this needs further investiga-
sus on which is the best one to use. This review supports tion. So far, evidence for this comes only from case
the view that neurological examination is less valuable at studies, a number of which show that diffusion-weighted
preterm age, when GMA has better predictive accuracy. MRI provides earlier and more sensitive detection of white
Neurological examination detects signs that may be tran- matter change,50,57–59 including neonatal stroke.60 Diffu-
sient and which have been more commonly observed in sion-weighted imaging has also been shown to assist in the
preterm-born infants, including jitteriness and dystonia. earlier differentiation of metabolic leukodystrophies.61
Such signs are poor predictors of CP.14,32 There is a lack Cranial ultrasound studies included in this review were
of evidence on the reproducibility and interuser reliability overall of weaker quality than MRI studies; however, they
of neurological examination. Neurological examination reported a similarly high specificity (87–97% and 90–99%
remains invaluable in assessment of clinical disease distri- respectively).18 CUS is a widely used and invaluable tool in
bution and comorbid neurological impairment, which may the neotnatal intensive care setting as it is readily available
impact on motor development and function (e.g. vision and well tolerated in high-risk infants. Best predictive
and balance). There is possible value in the prediction of accuracy of CUS is available from sequential scanning of
milder cases of CP, in which GMA is less sensitive, with preterm infants up to term age.16,18,38
two such cases being described in a single study in this There was no evidence for the predictive value of CUS
review.31 in the term-born infant in relation to outcome related to
Magnetic resonance imaging shows usefulness at term CNS malformations. The CUS and MRI studies in pre-
age for accurate prediction of CP (sensitivity 86–100%, term-born infants also did not report on the outcomes of
specificity 87–97%).38,39 It is better at detecting changes in CNS malformation but included it as a possible aetiology.
white matter at term age than CUS in high-risk infants This may be of little value, as CNS malformation is a less
(sensitivity for MRI at term 97–100%).39 Before term age common cause of CP in the preterm population (3% vs
in high-risk infants, there remains insufficient evidence to 16% in term-born infants).20,62 The predictive value of
support use of MRI over CUS. early CUS may be better than reported in this review as
There is an additional benefit of MRI with prediction of half of the included studies were performed more than a
distribution, with established evidence on clinical corre- decade ago and technological advancement since that time
lates.20,28 There is also evolving evidence, although more is likely to give more accurate results.
scarce, for MRI in predicting the severity of CP.39 There Missed diagnoses occurred more commonly in children
is no evidence as yet for MRI used before term corrected with mild CP.31 No included study reported the rate of
age. MRI requires the infant to remain still for up to 30 misdiagnosis. One study evaluated the rate of misdiagnosis
minutes (longer if the spine is also imaged), which affects in a population-based cohort.3 The rate was found to be
the clinical usefulness of this test, especially in the preterm higher in those diagnosed before 24 months of age (71%),
infant who may be clinically unstable. The provision of with a total rate of misdiagnosis of 5% (total n=402). As
MRI-compatible ‘humidicribs’ may help to increase the most studies excluded patients without a diagnosis of CP,
number of infants at risk of CP who can be imaged with there were also insufficient data to report on the total rate
minimal disruption to the patient. MRI has possible future of false-positive diagnoses. Differential diagnoses which
benefit in predicting the broader clinical picture associated were evident after validation of diagnosis after age 2 years,
with CP in which patterns of injury may provide descrip- were developmental retardation, developmental delay,
tive risk of visual dysfunction, learning, and behavioural hypotonia, myotonic dystrophy, intellectual disability, mild
disturbance, and likelihood of responding to antispasticity disability, developmental coordination disorder, and minor
medications.9,28 neurological dysfunction (Table SI). There was also poor
Magnetic resonance imaging should always be consid- reporting of the initial age at diagnosis of CP.
ered when clinical findings do not match the history, as it
can show changes pathognomonic of metabolic and genetic Clinical implications
disease or incidental findings, such as ventricular enlarge- The evidence from this review comes from high-risk
ment. Suspicion regarding aetiology should remain for infants, predominantly those born preterm. This review
those children in whom MRI is normal, who can account supports the notion that the tools discussed can assist in
for 11.7 to 15% of children with CP. It is important that the prediction of CP, which is valuable in prognostic

424 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2013, 55: 418–426

discussions with families and also allows for the benefits of however, as CP was not described as an outcome, these
early intervention to be provided. GMA stands out as one studies also needed to be excluded from this review.
of the most cost-effective and sensitive tools available for
early prediction of CP. However, no single tool can result CONCLUSION
in a clinical diagnosis and there is no substitute for the This study provides evidence predominantly to support the
combination of frequent follow-up, clinical assessment, use of predictive tools in the high-risk preterm population,
consideration of differential diagnoses, and considered including GMA, CUS, neurological examination, and
investigation. The use of any investigative tool should MRI. It does not tell us the value of these tools have in
remain sensitive to the child’s age and ability. This is per- the general population or those with underlying CNS mal-
haps overlooked by the structure of some of the neonatal formation, as this was excluded from most studies. There
follow-up studies, in which young children are subject to is evidence that milder cases of CP are more commonly
prolonged assessments, which may confound results. missed by the more common predictive or screening tools
used in follow-up programmes.54
Research implications
This review assessed only those studies assessing diagnostic A CK N O W L E D G E M E N T S
accuracy after the age of 2 years. Given that reported mis- The authors acknowledge the Royal Children’s Hospital Founda-
diagnosis is more commonly not picked up until after age tion/Golden Casket Clinical Fellowship Grant (No. 10286), the
5 years, there would be benefit in assessing the longer- Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute, the NHMRC
term predictive accuracy of all of these measures.3 There is Career Development Award (Number 473840), and the QLD
also a distinct lack of description of diagnostic accuracy, Government Smart State Fellowship.
including classification, within the general population,
which would also benefit from further assessment. SUPPORTING INFORMATION
Additional supporting information may be found in the online
Limitations version of this article:
The studies in this review included high-risk populations Table SI: Confirmation of diagnosis and differential diagnosis
only. Table SII: Qualitative study validity (Standards for Reporting
There is a greater volume of evidence for predictive Diagnostic Accuracy).
tests, including many other motor assessment tools, which Appendix SI: Search terms used (MeSH or headings)
have been used in the under 2 years age group; however, Appendix SII: (a) Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accu-
in these studies, diagnostic confirmation after the age of 2 racy questionnaire. (b) Quantitative validity of studies per Stan-
was not performed, and therefore these studies could not dards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy criteria.
be included. Many papers look at neurodevelopment out- Appendix SIII: Excluded articles.
comes and may assess tools of value in predicting CP;

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