Comparing Performance of L7x Vs L6x Using Logix5000 Task Monitor Tool

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool


This document shows how to use the Logix5000 Task Monitor tool to compare the scan times of an
application running in an Logix556x controller vs Logix 557x controller.

The Logix5000 Task Monitor tool, available in RSLogix5000 tools, provides an overview of the various
user and operating system tasks that a Logix5000 controller is executing. Additionally, it provides a
listing of the connections and the memory consumed by the application.

In this procedure, we will record Task and Program scan times, system task scan times, connection
information and memory utilization in the L6x and the L7x.

Overview: Anatomy of a Controller and Logix5000 Task Monitor

The Logix CPU executes application code and performs message processing. There is also a
backplane CPU that communicates with I/O and sends and receives data from backplane. Because
the backplane CPU is operating independently from the Logix CPU, all I/O information is
sent/received asynchronous to program execution.

The Logix5000 Task Monitor tool shows the resource utilization of the Logix CPU Only. Backplane
CPU operations are not shown in this tool.

• Logix5000 Task monitor can be used with all Logix5000 controllers (excluding SoftLogix)
versions 13 and above.

• Version 2.3.6 is the latest version of the tool and is recommended for use in this test. It is
available for download here:


– Utilities

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Connecting the Logix5000 Task Monitor to a Logix5000 Controller

This procedure is the same for L6x and L7x.

1. Download an ACD file, or Logix5000 project, to the controller and switch the controller into Run

2. While you are online with the controller, open the Task Monitor tool from RSLogix5000 Tools
menu as shown. Or go to Start> Programs> Rockwell Software> RSLogix5000 Tools> Logix5000
Task Monitor.

3. When the tool opens, click the Help menu and select About to verify you have version 2.3.6

Once the version is confirmed, we can connect to the controller.

4. Click the Communications from the menu bar and select Monitor.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

The RSWho window will open.

5. Browse to your controller in the RSWho window, select it, and click OK.

6. While the tool is connecting to the controller, you will see the status bar at the bottom of the
Logix5000 Task Monitor tool acquiring task and program information. Allow some time for the
tool to connect.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

7. Once the tool has connected you will see the firmware, path, system over head time slice
information at the bottom of the window.

In this example, we are connected to a Logix5000 controller at version 16 firmware. In L7x, firmware will
be version 18 or above.

8. You can adjust the update rate of the tool by

clicking on the Options Menu and selecting
Communication Update Rate. Set it between
200ms and 60,000ms. If you chose to log the
data to a CSV file, the data will be recorded at
the update rate that you set here.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Getting and Recording the Data

Now that we have connected to the controller we can begin recording the performance data.

1. Record the data.

a. One way to record the data is to take screen shots of each tab. This will give you one set
of data and is easiest to use when comparing controller performance.
b. Another way is to log the data over time. To do this, usee the log checkbox at the
bottom of each tab in the Task Monitor.

To start logging, check the individual check boxes labeled “Log” at the bottom
right hand of the tool. Allow the tool to run for a desired period of time to gather
data. The data will be recorded at the configured Communications Update Rate
(Options menu).

To stop logging, uncheck the Log box.

c. If you log the data, it will be stored in a CSV file at the following directory and the name
of the file will match your project with the date appended onto it.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

User Tasks Tab

2. The first tab in view is the User Tasks tab. Here you can see the user configured tasks and their
corresponding scan times in microseconds.

The best way to compare performance between controllers L6x and L7x is to use the Max Scan time
and Last Scan time. Regardless of how the application is configured, Max and Last scan are numbers
that will provide a good comparison between L6x and L7x.

In the example below, there is one continuous task and 4 periodic tasks configured in the project,
and the last scan and max scan columns are highlighted.

There are reset buttons for max scan and overlap count if necessary.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

3. The Logix Task Monitor tool lets you to see program level scan times, highlight a task and click
the Show/Hide Programs button.

Shown here are the programs for Periodic_1000ms task.

Show/Hide Programs

4. Record the data by taking a screen shot or using the Log checkbox.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Processes Tab

5. Click the processes tab. This tab shows the user task scan times and execution times of all the
tasks running in the controller, including non-user configured tasks such as comms and
messaging, motion, RSLogix5000 trends, etc.

6. Record these numbers by screen shot or log to CSV.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Performance Tab

7. Click the performance tab. This tab provides overall performance information on the controller
such as CPU usage, and how much of CPU usage is doing comms. Additionally, it provides an
overview of Logix and IO memory consumption. Note: the CPU usage number does not indicate
an accurate CPU percentage for an application project containing a Continuous task. It is
accurate if all tasks are periodic or event based. The tool does, however, provide a relative
comparison number between the L6x and L7x in either case.

8. Record this data, if needed.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Networking Tab

9. Click the Networking tab. Here you will find the controller CIP connection data.

10. Record this data if needed.

7. Repeat the procedure for L7x controller and compare the performance. See example below.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Example: Comparing a Sample application on the L63 vs L75.

User Tasks Tab – See Max Scan times. Notice also, CPU usage in bottom right corner is about half in L7x.

Processes Tab – Compare CPU usage and execution times of user configured tasks and system tasks.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Performance Tab –see memory usage on L63 with 8MB of memory versus L75 with 32MB of memory.
Also, IO memory is higher on the L7x.

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Comparing performance of L7x vs L6x using Logix5000 Task Monitor tool

Networking Tab –total supported connections on L6x is 250 (+12) and L7x is 500 (+12)

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