New Drill Bit Designs: Maximize Performance in Horizontal Shale Wells

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APRIL 2011

The “Better Business” Publication Serving the Exploration / Drilling / Production Industry

New Drill Bit Designs

Maximize Performance
In Horizontal Shale Wells
By Danny Boyd
Special Correspondent

Drill bit designers and engineers are equipping operators with new bit
capabilities that are eliminating trips, cutting costs and allowing oil and gas
companies to stretch dollars in the hunt for new reserves, driving a
resurgence in drilling activity and arresting a decades-long decline in U.S.
oil output.
With oil topping $100 a barrel, the focus on exploiting oil and liquids-rich
natural gas acreage continues to drive domestic drilling activity. In fact, the
number of oil wells drilled last year in the United States outnumbered gas
wells for the first time since 1996. The rig count is up 27 percent over the
past 12 months and 57 percent over the past two years, signaling a healthy
recovery from the 2008-09 downturn. Moreover, industry data show that
the total estimated footage drilled in January was up 63 percent year-to-
year, reaching the highest levels since late 2008.
But while all the activity trend lines are up, new drill bit technology and
innovations to existing bit systems are enabling operators to maximize
efficiencies and hold the line on drilling costs. With operators focused on
drilling long-lateral horizontal shale and tight sands wells, many of the
advances in bit design are engineered specifically for these demanding
applications, including bits capable of drilling steep curves and extending
laterals all the way to total depth without requiring a trip.

Reproduced in part for Schlumberger with permission from The American Oil & Gas Reporter
SpecialReport: Drilling Technology

Shale-Optimized Bit cutters lower and redistribute cutter loading alyze bit vibration and cutter forces to
Responding to the challenge of designing and minimize vibration caused by rock adjust the design, according to Ford. “We
a bit capable of providing optimum steer- strength,” he notes. are able to make subtle changes in terms
ability through complex trajectories while Smith Bits opted to use steel instead of cutter geometry and blade orientation
also achieving high penetration rates in of carbide for the bit material to overcome within a simulation, and from that un-
long, low-hydraulic laterals, Smith Bits limitations of blade geometry that con- derstand the dynamic behavior of the bit
unveiled its Spear™ shale-optimized steel- tributed to bit balling and nozzle plugging even before it gets to the field,” he com-
body PDC drill bit in February. The bit is in shales, he says. “Steel has been used ments. “That is a key difference for how
designed to reduce drilling costs by meeting for many years, but it tended to lose Smith Bits designs and optimizes bits.”
demands in the Bakken, Barnett, Marcellus, favor in the past because of issues re- The Spear can be easily fitted with
Haynesville and Eagle Ford shale forma- garding resistivity and wear. However, Smith Bits’ premium ONYX™ PDC Cutters
tions, according to Robert Ford, senior di- those are not problems in shale applica- for hard rock drilling applications. “In the
rector of engineering. tions, and by using steel we are able to curve, we are drilling through a more chal-
“We have tried to understand what really extend the blade height, thereby lenging rock, which can include interbedded
operators are seeking to achieve in de- creating much more area for cuttings mixtures of sandstone, limestone and shale,”
veloping a bit capable of performing well clearance,” Ford points out. “So a steel Ford explains. “In that case, we see a more
in both curve and lateral sections,” he bodied bit overcomes hydraulic challenges abrasive component to the formation. In
states. “In the past, operators took a two- while maximizing hole cleaning, improv- response, operators are choosing the ONYX
bit mentality, with one bottom-hole as- ing directional response, reducing bore because of the extra durability it gives the
sembly for the curve and another for the hole tortuosity and enhancing stability.” cutter. If you drill the curve in a challenging
lateral. Ultimately, that increased costs rock environment and then have to drill a
Dynamic Simulation long lateral, you need a cutter that can
because of the associated trip time.”
Bits targeting the curve typically have Spear bits are certified through Smith handle that formation change and provide
strong build tendencies and predictable Bits’ Integrated Drillbit Design Platform the longevity at peak performance to get
tool face control, but low rates of pene- (IDEASTM), which allows engineers to the well drilled.”
tration in the lateral. On the other hand, create a computer-generated virtual picture The Spear shale-optimized steel-body
bits for the lateral section are built for of the bottom-hole pattern, as well as an- PDC drill bit has been used successfully
aggressive, fast penetration rates, but usu- in shale plays with more than 1,500 runs
ally increase the risk of improper build performed in North America, he reveals.
rates in the curve, Ford points out. The In the Marcellus, the target penetration
industry clearly needed a bit that was rate for drilling the horizontal leg was 50
equally capable in both scenarios. feet an hour for one operator, but the
Long lateral drilling in shale plays Spear bit achieved in excess of 65
also presents additional challenges from feet/hour, a 30 percent improvement, Ford
ribbon-like cuttings accumulating at the reveals. In the Haynesville Shale, the bit
bottom of the well. As a result, the cuttings drilled the horizontal section in one run
impede bit access to fresh rock, resulting 10-20 percent faster than the best offset
in low penetration rates, packed blades, performance, he adds.
nozzle plugging and stick/slip. “But the The Spear bit was developed for a
Spear shale-optimized bit, in addition to Haynesville operator who wanted to
reducing trips, lowers nonproductive time reduce the number of days and trips re-
by minimizing vibration and preventing quired to drill the 63⁄4-inch production in-
packed blades, plugged nozzles and cutter terval, by drilling both the curve and
damage,” says Ford. lateral sections in one run, Ford states.
The Spear drill bit permits high pene- Cooperation between the operator and
tration rates through a combination of Smith Bits’ team of field and design en-
tall and thin blades, which provide a gineers and hydraulic specialists led to
large area for cuttings flow, he elaborates. the Spear 63⁄4-inch SDi611 new PDC bit,
The bit’s hydraulic design directs flow Smith Bits’ Spear™ shale-optimized PDC which Ford says provides a good balance
toward the cutter faces, keeping them bit is engineered to provide optimum between superior directional control and
steerability through complex trajectories fast penetration rates.
sharp while sweeping cuttings away from while achieving high penetration rates in
the bottom of the hole and around the long, low-hydraulic laterals. In a Marcel- The steel-bodied bit, together with a
bullet-shaped body into the annulus. This lus well where the target penetration rate 2.0-degree, fixed-bend steerable motor,
immediately exposes fresh rock that then for drilling a horizontal leg was 50 feet an drilled the 6,063-foot curve and horizontal
hour, a Spear bit achieved more than 65 intervals in one run, setting a Haynesville
can be drilled and is a key element of the feet/hour. In a Haynesville Shale applica-
bit’s performance, Ford says. tion, the steel-bodied bit drilled a 6,063- horizontal drilling record of 49.7 feet/hour,
“Small cutters on the bit provide lower foot curve and horizontal interval in one according to Ford. “Although faster lateral
torque response and improve directional run, setting a Haynesville horizontal pen- runs have been posted, no other bit had
etration rate record and reducing total drilled the entire curve and lateral sections
control. Lo-Vibe™ depth of cut control drilling time by 124 hours.
inserts behind the shoulder and gauge at that combined rate,” he claims.
SpecialReport: Drilling Technology

Based on comparisons with two direct formance saved the Haynesville operator allowing more wells to be drilled in a
offset wells, the total drilling time was an estimated $365,000 in rig time and bit given period, Ford concludes. r
reduced by 124 hours. The improved per- costs, and shortened time to production,

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