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Control of Production in the Final Distribution

Through The S ensor IR

Sergio Mendieta-Gómez
Avid Roman-Gonzalez
Electronic Engineering Department
Image Processing Research Laboratory
Los olivos, Perú
Los Olivos, Perú


Project aimed at the bakery industry, thanks to the accuracy of the
Keep track of the total production that is a specific transaction in
parameters of errors and the properties of the sensors, which do not
a specific area of the company "producers - consumers", in general, is
affect the product and make it much easier to control the company.
generated demaciados, costs that are due to the increase in personnel
Control: procedures, practices and organizational structures to
that is needed. With this project, this additional cost will be reduced
provide reasonable assurance that organizational objectives will be
thanks to the implementation of adequate technology instead of
achieved and that unwanted events will be avoided or detected and
personnel. The counter with infrared sensor (IR) being an economic
corrected. [2]
and easy to use project can count the inputs in the final distribution
area "producers - consumers" and take control of all products, without
the need to hire more staff generating reducing costs and increasing A. Flowchart
the accuracy with which products are distributed. The sensors have
been shown to have a 0.1% error. Developing the field for bakery
supplies being a success to achieve an adequate control of logistics.
Keywords STAR

production register, input logistics , dealer , java , arduino

In the industries, it is sought to minimize the costs of
production and labor in order to have an adequate record of
production; The control of the production will be specifically in
the final distribution, that is, the area of direct dispatch with the
client. For this, we determined that unnecessary personnel costs THE ARDUINO IS
could be replaced using technology that meets the purpose of PROGRAMED
keeping track of production. The concept of inventory has to do
with accounting, which is a system of control and record of
profits (income and expenses) [1]
The man has developed different projects so that the industry is JAVA PROGRAMED
increasingly effective using robots and machines that replace
manpower of the human being, this has a greater benefit in
some companies such as assembly and safety. In the production
of confectionery, it relies on measurements of electronic scales
in order to calculate the weight and thus seal the bags.Existe
infinidad de dispositivos al alcance de todos, las micro
empresas desean tener un adecuado registro de todo lo que
producen y distribuyen, para poder calcular si el trabajo es
rentable al saber que se generan más ingresos que perdidas.


B. Arduino // lcd.print("sensorcontador");
The versatility of arduino lies in the fact that there is a large void loop()
number of electronic elements that can be combined with the sensors, {
shields card and diverse electronic equipment. The cost of the // Set variable ValueTototransistor with sensor status pin 7
components that are compatible with Arduino is not high, so they are ValorFototransistor = digitalRead(Fototransistor);
available to the general public and schools that do not have resources
to purchase more expensive equipment [3] // Show all the information of the sensors on the serial monitor **** show on
the arduino console what is happening in the prog
The programming of Arduino is usually a bit complicated at the // Serial.print("ValorFototransistor : ");
beginning since the language of programming is paramount . // Serial.println(ValorFototransistor);
// delay(100);
We will use the Arduino one model, which is sufficient for the
performance it will have in the industry. // Check if the status of the input sensor has changed
if(ValorFototransistor!=1) // validation when the phototransistor stops
receiving infrared light
digitalWrite(LedRojo, LOW);
// Serial.print("Contador: ");
// The LCD screen is updated with the counter value
Picture 1
Main counter model with Infrared sensor (IR) else{
digitalWrite(LedRojo, HIGH); // When the Sensor receives infrared light,
Picture 1 shows the connection of the emitter and receiver to the LED will light
the arduino, the led screen to said ports to be able to transmit
the information in digital form

To this scheme, the serial port is coupled to a PC so that it can

receive the information transmitted by the arduino each time
the sensor detects the infrared radiation emission cutoff.

C. Arduino programming
In the programming we can decide what will be the function
that the Arduino will have in the project, which is the
automatic counting of the products that pass through the
infrared beam and detect it as the voltage change, causing it to
add one by one.

// Phototransistor sensor input pin (black)

int Fototransistor = 7;
// Variable that records the status of the input sensor
int ValorFototransistor = 0;
// variable that registers the number of products that passed through the sensor
int Contador = 0;
// Pin of the red LED connection
int LedRojo = 10;

// Settings LCD screen

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // pins for LCD screen
void setup()
pinMode(Fototransistor, INPUT);
pinMode(LedRojo, OUTPUT);
// Initial screen information
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("Contador: 0");
D. Java script In Proyect java

Java is a software of free use of Sun Microsystems, which

allows that the educational center does not incur in extra and package com.panamahitek.arduino;
unnecessary expenses. Java is multiplatform and has the great
advantage that programs made in this language can run on a import com.panamahitek.ArduinoException;
variety of platforms without having to modify them, so we import com.panamahitek.PanamaHitek_Arduino;
propose the use of this language of Object Oriented import java.util.logging.Level;
Programming (OOP) in the realization of this study.[4]
public class Window extends javax.swing.JFrame {
The java script program contains the tools to develop any type
of projects related to home automation and controls, for that PanamaHitek_Arduino ino = PanamaHitek_Arduino();
reason and because it is an economic software, it was
configured as the program with the most feasible programming SerialPortEventListener Listener = new
language to achieve receiving the information transmitted by SerialPortEventListener() {
the installed sensor in the arduino. private SerialPortEventListener listener;
Thanks to the adequate programming, what we were looking
for was achieved, the reception of sensor data in real time, @Override
being saved in java and exporting it in a spreadsheet in Excel, public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent serialPortEvent)
so it was possible to check the control of the inputs that are {
served in the the day.
try {
E. Java programming NetBeansIDE. if (ino.isMessageAvailable()) {
We rely on a NetBeansIDE download library for the
development of programming }
<repositories> } catch (SerialPortException ex) {
<repository> Logger.getLogger(Window.class.getName()).log(Le
<id></id> vel.SEVERE, null, ex);
<url></url> } catch (ArduinoException ex) {
</repository> Logger.getLogger(Window.class.getName()).log(Le
</repositories> vel.SEVERE, null, ex);

8</> export of data to a spreadsheet in excel

Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this text box.
F. Figure and Table
a) The next tab shows the time the count was recorded .

TIME CONTROL IR in arduino
10:40:30 1

10:40:31 2

10:40:32 3

10:40:33 4

10:40:40 1

10:40:41 2

Sample of a Table control


 To my parents who has been my support since the
The results of the analysis allow us to extract some beginning.
conclusions with greater representativeness. As the research  To my teachers thanks to whom I got so much
shows, the project was designed with the solution in mind to experience in the field of my career.
the production registry in bakeries thanks to the electronic  To professor avid for not being the one who directed
design programmed in arduino and java (NetBeans).
me not to stop.
 To verify, we transfer the information to an excel
database, which at the end of the day, can verify the
amount of supplies that were delivered.

 We can affirm that using only a circuit and a person [1] A. 2018,01. Concepto de Inventario. Equipo de Redacción de Obtenido 2018,04, de
who can monitor it, the reduction of costs and
[2] Hedyy luppi, MODELOS DE CONTROL INTERNO, jueves, 30 de
possible counting errors was achieved manually septiembre de 2010 blog pag 1.
[3] VARGAS-Manuel†, CASTILLO-Georgina, SANDOVAL-Juan &
BRAMBILA-Alfredo, “Arduino una Herramienta Accesible para el
 It is clear that there are different programs for reading Aprendizaje de Programación,” Revista de Tecnología e Innovación.
and exporting data that allows to recognize when the Vol.2 No.4 810-815 pp. 811 Septiembre 2015.
interruption occurs between the infrared emitter and [4] Diva Sanjur Araúz, “Una Metodología para el aprendizaje de la
receiver. Programación Orientada a Objetos basada en Programación Extrema
(XP), Panamá,2014 pp.2.

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