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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398

DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-8548-x


Comparison of soil heavy metal pollution caused by e-waste

recycling activities and traditional industrial operations
Kailing He 1,2 & Zehang Sun 1,2 & Yuanan Hu 3 & Xiangying Zeng 1 & Zhiqiang Yu 1 &
Hefa Cheng 4

Received: 30 June 2016 / Accepted: 1 February 2017 / Published online: 23 February 2017
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The traditional industrial operations are well recog- consistently show that Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn in the surface soils
nized as an important source of heavy metal pollution, while from both types of sites were contributed mostly by human
that caused by the e-waste recycling activities, which have activities, while As, Cr, and Ni in the soils were dominated by
sprouted in some developing countries, is often overlooked. natural background. No clear distinction was found on the
This study was carried out to compare the status of soil heavy pollution characteristic of heavy metals in the surface soils
metal pollution caused by the traditional industrial operations between the e-waste recycling areas and traditional industrial
and the e-waste recycling activities in the Pearl River Delta, zones. The potential ecological risk posed by heavy metals in
and assess whether greater attention should be paid to control the surface soils from both types of sites, which was dominat-
the pollution arising from e-waste recycling activities. Both ed by that from Cd, ranged from low to moderate. Given the
the total contents and the chemical fractionation of major much shorter development history of e-waste recycling and its
heavy metals (As, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu, and Zn) in 50 surface largely unregulated nature, significant efforts should be made
soil samples collected from the e-waste recycling areas and 20 to crack down on illegal e-waste recycling and strengthen
soil samples from the traditional industrial zones were deter- pollution control for related activities.
mined. The results show that the soils in the e-waste recycling
areas were mainly polluted by Cu, Zn, As, and Cd, while Cu, Keywords Soil pollution . Heavy metals . E-waste recycling .
Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were the major heavy metals in the soils Traditional industrial operations . Sequential extraction .
from the traditional industrial zones. Statistical analyses Potential ecological risk

Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues Introduction

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s11356-017-8548-x) contains supplementary material, The quality of soils is closely related to agricultural produc-
which is available to authorized users.
tion, human health, and ecological security (Burges et al.
2015; Chen et al. 2014). Among all the pollutants in soils,
* Hefa Cheng
heavy metals are of significant concerns due to their inherent
toxicity, bioaccumulation, persistence, and non-degradability
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute
(Liu et al. 2013). Heavy metals are considered as Bcontami-
of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, nants^ when their occurrences are unwanted, or in forms or
Guangzhou 510640, China concentrations resulting in detrimental effects to human or the
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China ecosystem. Although heavy metals rarely occur at toxic levels
MOE Laboratory of Groundwater Circulation and Evolution, School
naturally, intensive anthropogenic activities can drastically al-
of Water Resources and Environment, China University of ter the natural biogeochemical cycling and balances of some
Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China heavy metals (Alloway 1995). The major anthropogenic
MOE Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, College of Urban and sources of heavy metals include industrial point sources, such
Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China as mines, foundries, and smelters, as well as diffuse sources,
9388 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398

e.g., vehicular emissions and urban and agricultural run-off large amounts of pollutants, including heavy metals, had been
(Nriagu and Pacyna 1988). Irrespective of their sources in the released into the air, water, and soils in the surrounding areas
soil, accumulation of heavy metals can degrade soil quality, re- (Awasthi et al. 2016a; Huo et al. 2014), which caused envi-
duce the crop yield and the quality of agricultural products, and ronmental pollution and posed a health risk to local residents
thus negatively impacts the health of human, animals, and the (Song and Li 2015; Wong et al. 2007a, b; Zeng et al. 2016).
ecosystem (Nagajyoti et al. 2010). Despite their rather different nature and production modes,
The Pearl River Delta (PRD) in Guangdong Province, both traditional industrial operations and e-waste recycling
which is a densely populated region of over 40,000 km2 with activities can cause pollution of surface soils by heavy metals
a population over 40 million, is a major manufacturing base in (Liu et al. 2011; Yekeen et al. 2016). Although pollution con-
China. There used to be few industrial activities in the PRD trol and prevention regulations have been well established for
before the launch of economic reform in the late 1970s (Hu various types of traditional industrial operations, e-waste
et al. 2013). Cities, including Dongguan, Zhuhai, and recycling industry is rather unique and has not received
Zhongshan, have been transformed from agricultural lands enough attention in the past. There is a pressing need for
to major manufacturing hubs over the past three and a half assessing the soil pollution by heavy metals in the e-waste
decades. Remarkable heavy metal pollution has resulted from recycling areas in comparison with that brought by traditional
the manufacturing operations and the associated disposal of industrial operations, while no previous study has attempted
industrial wastes (Hu et al. 2013). Along with the rapid indus- such comparison. The present study was carried out to evalu-
trial and urban development, numerous cases of water, sedi- ate and compare the soil heavy metal pollution in the e-waste
ment, and soil pollution have occurred in the PRD recycling areas and the traditional industrial zones of the PRD.
(Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau 1996). The results can help better understand the risk of soil heavy
Previous studies have documented widespread pollution of metal pollution brought by e-waste recycling activities and
surface soils in the PRD (Hu and Cheng 2016; Hu et al. traditional industrial operations to the ecosystems and support
2013; Qiu et al. 2015, 2016; Wang et al. 2015; Wong et al. the development of environmental policy on e-waste
2002; Xiao et al. 2012). In particular, land use type has been recycling.
found as a major factor influencing the occurrence of soil
metal pollution (Hu and Cheng 2013, 2016). Surface soils
from industrial lands and related waste disposal/treatment sites Materials and methods
were typically more heavily polluted than those from the other
types of land uses, including forestry lands, drinking water Sampling areas
source protection areas, urban areas, and agricultural lands
(Hu and Cheng 2013, 2016). A total of 70 surface soil samples were collected from three
In addition to the traditional industrial operations, an im- traditional industrial zones (Dongguan, Zhuhai, and
portant and unique source of heavy metal pollution in the PRD Zhongshan) and two major e-waste recycling areas
is e-waste recycling activities, which are largely illegal (Duan (Qingyuan and Guiyu) in the central part of PRD. The loca-
et al. 2016). Driven by the profits from recycling the non- tions where soil samples were collected in these five cities/
ferrous metals in waste electronic products and reusable com- towns are depicted in Fig. 1. To avoid the direct impact of
ponents, e-waste recycling has started and developed quickly point pollution sources, the soil samples were collected from
in Guiyu and Qingyuan since the late 1980s, transforming the surface layer (down to 10 cm below ground) in the forestry
them into major e-waste recycling centers in China (Sun and agricultural lands with no nearby pollution sources. All
et al. 2016; Wong et al. 2007a, b). Over 60,000 local residents the collected samples were stored in brown glass bottles and
and 20,000 migrant workers are engaged in e-waste recycling brought back to the laboratory after removal of the pebbles,
activities in Guiyu alone. It was estimated that over 150,000 t weeds, and sticks.
of plastics and 200,000 t of metals had been processed in the
simple and primitive methods between 1995 and 2003 in Sample processing and chemical analysis
Guiyu alone (Guo et al. 2009). Similarly, a major portion of
e-waste is recycled in Qingyuan by the informal sector using All soil samples were air-dried, ground into fine particles,
rudimentary techniques. The majority of the e-waste disman- sieved through a 100 mesh nylon sieve, and oven dried at
tled in these areas was shipped from the developed countries 105 °C prior to further processing. The total contents of heavy
(Ni and Zeng 2009; Pradhan and Kumar 2014; Robinson metals in these soil samples were analyzed following Method
2009), and the metal components were often handpicked after 3052 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
heating and burning of the e-waste, while the waste residues (USEPA 1996). In brief, approximately 0.2 g of soil samples
were typically dumped on the open ground (Sun et al. 2016). was digested in Teflon digestion vessels using trace metal grade
As a result of such primitive and outdated recycling methods, acids [9.0 mL concentrated nitric acid and 3.0 mL 40% (v/v)
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398 9389

Fig. 1 Sampling sites of this study, where Qingyuan and Guiyu are major e-waste recycling areas in the PRD of south China, while Dongguan,
Zhongshan, and Zhuhai have well-developed traditional industrial operations

hydrofluoric acid] in a CEM Mars microwave system. The of the heavy metals in all the soil samples (approximately
digestion solutions obtained were then heated on an electric 1.0 g) was determined using the modified BCR three-step se-
heating plate to near dryness. The residues were re-dissolved quential extraction procedure (Pueyo et al. 2001; Rauret et al.
in dilute nitric acid and their contents of heavy metals (diluted 1999). Specifically, heavy metals in the soil samples were ex-
by 10 to 100 times when necessary) were determined on an tracted into the acid soluble (step 1—CH3COOH), reducible
Agilent 7700X Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass (step 2—NH 2 OH·HCl), oxidizable (step 3—H 2 O 2 /
Spectrometer. For the purpose of quality assurance and quality CH3COONH4), and residual fractions under appropriate condi-
control (QA/QC), four standard reference materials (SRM tions (Hu and Cheng 2016). The contents of heavy metals in the
1646A, GSS6, GSS7, and GSS16), blank sample, and dupli- residual fraction were determined based on the difference be-
cates of 10% of the sample load were digested along with the tween their total contents and those removed in the three sequen-
samples. The differences between the measured values and cer- tial extraction steps in the soil samples. Various studies have
tified values for the reference materials were in the range of 79– reported good agreement (85–107%) for the contents of heavy
119% for the metals reported. metals in soil samples determined using the methods of sequen-
Chemical fractionation, which reveals the chemical forms in tial extraction and total acid digestion (Gao et al. 2010; Martin
which heavy metals occur in soils, can provide important in- et al. 1998; Yuan et al. 2004). In general, heavy metals in the acid
sights on their mobility, bioavailability, and eco-toxicity (Hu soluble fraction are readily mobile and bioavailable, those in the
and Cheng 2016; Rinklebe and Shaheen 2014; Shaheen and reducible and oxidizable fractions are potentially mobile and
Rinklebe 2014; Zhang et al. 2012b). Chemical fractionation bioavailable, while heavy metals present in the residual fraction
9390 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398

are considered as stable and non-bioavailable (Hu and Cheng respectively (Hakanson 1980). The threshold values for clas-
2016; Tessier and Campbell 1987). sification of the potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the
In all experiments, laboratory-produced triple-distilled wa- soils based on Ei and RI values are summarized in Table S1.
ter was used. The extraction liquids were prepared from re-
agents of analytical grade or better and were checked for pos-
sible trace metal contamination. All the plastic vessels used Results and discussion
were pre-soaked in dilute nitric acid solution (10%, v/v) for
24 h and rinsed with triple-distilled water. Heavy metal contents of the surface soils

Data analysis Table 1 summarizes the total contents of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As,
Cd, and Pb in the surface soils of the e-waste recycling areas
T test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test were conducted for the (Qingyuan and Guiyu) and the traditional industrial zones
heavy metal contents in all soil samples (n = 70) to evaluate (Dongguan, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan) of the PRD, together
whether e-waste recycling activities have caused more severe with their soil background values. The mean contents of Cu,
heavy metal pollution compared to traditional industrial oper- Zn, As, and Cd in the surface soils of Qingyuan were 33.8,
ations in the PRD. Principal component analysis (PCA) was 141.4, 20.6, and 0.5 mg/kg, which are 2.0, 3.0, 2.3, and 9.0
used to determine the distribution patterns of heavy metals in times higher than the corresponding soil background values,
the surface soils from the traditional industry regions and the respectively. Luo et al. (2008) found that the concentrations of
e-waste recycling areas, and identify their probable sources. Pb, Cu, and Cd in the soils surrounding e-waste open burning
Pearson correlation was performed to analyze the relationship sites in Longtang Town of Qingyuan were up to 1267-, 178-,
between the gross domestic product (GDP) and potential eco- and 100-fold higher than those in the control site, respectively.
logical risk of soil heavy metal pollution in both the e-waste As the surface soil samples were collected in the forestry and
recycling areas and the traditional industrial zones. All statis- agricultural lands with the intention of avoiding direct source
tical analyses were conducted using SPSS (version 18.0) soft- inputs in this study, the enrichment of heavy metals was much
ware package for Windows. less significant compared to that reported in Luo et al. (2008).
The contamination level for each heavy metal species in the Nonetheless, these results could be more representative of the
surface soils was evaluated with the pollution index (PI), overall heavy metal pollution in the e-waste recycling areas.
which is calculated as The coefficient of variation (CV) can reflect the degree of
variability in the contents of heavy metals in the soils (low,
Ci CV < 20%; moderate, 20% ≤ CV ≤ 50%; high, CV > 50%;
PI ¼ ð1Þ
Si exceptionally high, CV > 100%) (Xiao et al. 2015). It has been
where Ci is the measured concentration (mg/kg) of the metal reported that heavy metals with CV values less than 20% are
and Si is the corresponding local background level (mg/kg). The dominated by natural sources, while those with CV values
background levels of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the above 50% are mainly affected by anthropogenic sources
surface soils of Guangdong Province are 8.9, 0.056, 50.5, 17.0, (Guo et al. 2012). The CV values for the contents of Cu, As,
14.4, 36.0, and 47.3 mg/kg, respectively (Zhang et al. 2012a). and Cd in the soils of Qingyuan were all greater than 50%.
Based on the PI values, the level of heavy metal pollution can be That is, the contents of these metals varied largely among
classified as low (PI ≤ 1), moderate (1 < PI ≤ 3), or high (PI > 3) different sites and they were contributed significantly by an-
(Chen et al. 2005; Wei and Yang 2010). thropogenic sources, presumably the prevalent e-waste
The potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface recycling activities. In the soils from Guiyu, the CV values
soils of the PRD was evaluated with the comprehensive eco- of Cd, Cu, Cr, and Ni were 104, 85, 60, and 58%, respectively,
logical risk index (RI), which is defined as which also suggests that human activities had contributed sig-
nificantly to these metals.
RI ¼ ∑E i ð2Þ The above results indicate that e-waste recycling activities,
which often involve dismantling of circuit boards and cables
Ei is the potential ecological risk index of the individual by burning, heating, and acid pickling, could cause contami-
metal species and can be calculated from the measured content nation of surface soils by heavy metals. In addition, the PI
of the metal in the soil (Ci) and its background level (Si) as values (Table 1) show that the soils in Qingyuan were highly
Ci contaminated by Cd and moderately contaminated by Cu, As,
Ei ¼ T i ð3Þ and Zn, while the soils in Guiyu were moderately contaminat-
ed by Cu, Cd, and Zn. Such difference probably resulted from
where Ti is the toxicity factor of the heavy metal and the values different types of e-waste products dismantled in Qingyuan
for Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb are 2, 5, 5, 1, 10, 30, and 5, and Guiyu. Quan et al. (2015) observed that uncontrolled e-
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398 9391

Table 1 Summary of heavy

metal contents (mg/kg) in the Location Items Mean Minimum Maximum SD CV (%) PI Si
surface soil samples collected
from the e-waste recycling areas Qingyuan (n = 27) Cr 27.92 3.46 91.13 18.68 67 0.55 50.50
(Qingyuan and Guiyu) and the Ni 13.06 1.51 51.35 10.87 83 0.91 14.40
traditional industrial zones Cu 33.77 3.05 158.25 43.47 129 1.99 17.00
(Dongguan, Zhuhai, and
Zhongshan) of the PRD Zn 141.42 14.00 258.50 64.68 46 2.99 47.30
As 20.55 4.56 55.91 15.97 78 2.31 8.90
Cd 0.50 0.01 2.54 0.70 138 9.00 0.06
Pb 34.39 5.64 70.35 19.21 56 0.96 36.00
Guiyu (n = 23) Cr 20.99 4.70 41.74 12.69 60 0.42 50.50
Ni 8.34 2.70 17.46 4.81 58 0.58 14.40
Cu 17.34 1.20 48.10 14.81 85 1.02 17.00
Zn 127.94 34.79 224.33 49.40 39 2.70 47.30
As 6.65 1.88 13.65 3.04 46 0.75 8.90
Cd 0.13 <0.001 0.44 0.14 104 2.35 0.06
Pb 34.47 5.40 66.25 16.10 47 0.96 36.00
Dongguan (n = 6) Cr 33.06 17.63 42.31 8.80 27 0.65 50.50
Ni 13.34 7.20 16.71 3.40 26 0.93 14.40
Cu 31.70 13.93 99.75 33.73 106 1.86 17.00
Zn 119.66 81.75 159.30 33.88 28 2.53 47.30
As 21.85 11.13 28.41 6.73 31 2.46 8.90
Cd 0.14 0.10 0.26 0.06 45 2.52 0.06
Pb 38.90 25.28 52.79 9.66 25 1.08 36.00
Zhuhai (n = 5) Cr 18.35 6.17 34.81 11.59 63 0.36 50.50
Ni 7.57 4.13 17.84 5.86 77 0.53 14.40
Cu 14.12 2.92 30.41 13.84 98 0.83 17.00
Zn 203.81 124.31 284.88 75.81 37 4.31 47.30
As 6.03 3.84 7.24 1.53 25 0.68 8.90
Cd 0.37 0.06 0.75 0.30 81 6.58 0.06
Pb 83.62 42.40 130.72 31.68 38 2.32 36.00
Zhongshan (n = 9) Cr 27.34 8.40 87.15 31.12 114 0.54 50.50
Ni 27.72 2.66 134.05 42.25 152 1.92 14.40
Cu 18.78 1.88 60.31 23.08 123 1.10 17.00
Zn 157.28 63.35 312.03 84.99 54 3.33 47.30
As 11.76 4.05 32.54 9.87 84 1.32 8.90
Cd 0.23 0.01 0.67 0.24 101 4.17 0.06
Pb 25.44 3.14 63.52 17.85 70 0.71 36.00

SD standard deviation, CV coefficient of variation, PI pollution index, Si regional soil background

waste processing caused contamination of surface soils by Ni, remarkably higher than those in the control areas without e-
Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Sn, and Sb in Guiyu, and the contamination waste dismantling, and the soil contents of Pb, Cu, and Cd
was particularly heavy for the surface soils in acid-leaching were closely correlated with e-waste recycling activities. Zhao
areas. Overall, the enrichment of heavy metals in the surface et al. (2016) reported that the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn,
soils in the e-waste recycling areas in the PRD is similar to that Pb, and Ni in the surface soils of e-waste recycling areas in
observed in the e-waste processing areas in Zhejiang province Wenling were above the background levels, with the contents
of southeastern China. For example, Fu et al. (2008) found of Cd and Pb exhibiting exceptionally high variability and
that the soils from e-waste recycling areas in Taizhou were those of Cu, Zn, and Ni having moderate variability.
primarily contaminated by Cd, followed by Cu, whereas the Pollution of surface soils was also observed in the tradi-
contamination of Pb, Ni, Cr, and Hg was not serious. Fu et al. tional industrial zones of the PRD. The contents of Zn, As, and
(2013) reported that the concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Pb in Cd in all the soil samples from Dongguan were higher than the
the soils from the e-waste dismantling areas in Taizhou were values of soil background in Guangdong province. The PI
9392 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398

values of Cu and Pb were in the range of 1.0 to 2.0, which are (64.7%), and Zn (63.4%) were primarily present in the resid-
indicative of moderate contamination. In contrast, with PI ual fraction, which is not available for biogeochemical cy-
values greater than 2.0, the contamination level of Zn, As, cling. Despite the relatively high contents of these metals in
and Cd was high, which suggests that anthropogenic activi- the surface soils, they could pose a relatively low risk to the
ties, primarily manufacturing of electronics and hardware, had environment and ecosystem. Overall, more than half of the
caused significant enrichment of these metals in the surface Cd, Cu, and Pb were partitioned in the non-residual fraction
soils. Similarly, the surface soils from Zhuhai were highly in the soils from Qingyuan. Zhang et al. (2015b) have also
contaminated by Zn and Pb, and severely polluted by Cd, previously shown that on the average, 61.3% of Pb, 65.3% of
while the soils from Zhongshan were seriously polluted by Cu, and 80.7% of Cd were present in the readily and poten-
Zn and Cd. This is not surprising as these cities are major tially bioavailable fractions in the farmland soils polluted by e-
production bases of electronic and information technology waste recycling activities in Qingyuan. In general, the chem-
products, machinery and equipment, hardware, and home ap- ical fractionation of heavy metals in the surface soils from
pliances in China. In general, the CV values of all the mea- Guiyu is comparable to that observed in the surface soils from
sured heavy metals in the surface soils from Dongguan, Qingyuan. On average, 60.1% of Cd was present in the acid
Zhuhai, and Zhongshan were higher than 20%, indicating soluble fraction, while most of Cr (85.1%), Zn (72.7%), Ni
moderate variability, except for Cu, which exhibited excep- (65.0%), As (49.6%), and Cu (38.9%) were partitioned in the
tionally high CV values. These results indicate that heavy residual fraction (Fig. 2b). Pb (59.7%), As (34.8), and Cu
metals in the surface soils of Dongguan, Zhuhai, and (30.2%) had significant portions distributed in the reducible
Zhongshan had been significantly influenced by anthropogen- fraction, indicating high potential mobility and bioavailability.
ic sources, mainly the traditional industrial operations. Soil Overall, these findings are comparable to those reported in the
pollution by heavy metals in the PRD has been shown to be study by Luo et al. (2011), which found that Cd had much
strongly affected by the types of land use, with much heavier higher mobility and bioavailability compared to the other
pollution occurring in the industrial lands compared to the heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, and Zn) in the surface soils
agricultural and forestry lands (Hu and Cheng 2013, 2016). impacted by e-waste recycling activities in Qingyuan.
Mahmoudabadi et al. (2015) also showed that the distribution Cd (66.5%) and Cu (52.1%) in the surface soils from
of heavy metals in the surface soils of an industrial zone in the Dongguan were mainly present in the acid soluble fraction
west of Tehran City, Iran, was primarily affected by industrial (Fig. 2c), while they also had considerable portions (26.1
activities and road traffic. Together, the above results show and 24.4%, respectively) partitioned in the reducible fraction.
that the contents of heavy metals in the surface soils from Pb was predominantly partitioned in the reducible fraction
the e-waste recycling areas were in ranges comparable to those (77.0%), indicating most of Pb in the soils is potentially mo-
occurring in the surface soils from the traditional industrial bile and bioavailable. In contrast, Cr (83.3%), Ni (72.5%), As
zones, and significant portions of the heavy metals in the (72.3%), and Zn (67.3%) resided mostly in the residual frac-
surface soils of these areas were contributed by human tion that is not bioavailable. In the surface soils from Zhuhai
activities. (Fig. 2d), Cu (33.9%), As (37.7%), and Pb (51.2%) were
primarily bound in the reducible fraction, implying they could
Chemical fractionation of heavy metals in the surface soils pose potential risk to the ecosystem, while Cr (80.6%), Ni
(61.5%), and Zn (56.5%) were present predominantly in the
Figure 2 depicts the overall partitioning of heavy metals residual fraction. Cd in the soils from Zhuhai could pose a
among the acid soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and residual significant risk due to its high contents (mean = 0.37 mg/kg)
fractions of the surface soils in the e-waste recycling areas and high percentage partitioned in the acid soluble fraction
and the traditional industrial zones of the PRD. Most of Cd (mean = 61.7%). Similarly, most of the Cd (53.6%) in the
resided in the acid soluble fraction (63.6%) and the reducible surface soils from Zhongshan was also present in the acid
fraction (20.6%) in the soils from Qingyuan (Fig. 2a), thus Cd soluble fraction (Fig. 2e). Pb resided primarily in the reducible
could pose significant ready and potential risk to the environ- fraction (51.0%), while Cr (81.2%), Ni (73.6%), Cu (41.3%),
ment and ecosystem (Hu et al. 2016). Significant portions Zn (62.4%), and As (84.8%) were mostly partitioned in the
(>20%) of Zn, Ni, and Cu were also present in the acid soluble residual fraction, suggesting they were biogeochemically sta-
faction. These results indicate that Cd, Zn, Ni, and Cu in the ble and posed a relatively low risk. Dongguan, Zhuhai, and
surface soils were sensitive to the variation of environmental Zhongshan are among the largest electronic manufacturing
conditions (e.g., pH) and could easily become mobile and centers in the world, and they also host many heavily polluting
bioavailable (Hu and Cheng 2016; Huang et al. 2013). Cu industries, such as chemical, paper-making, dying, smelting,
(39.4%) and Pb (45.5%) partitioned mainly in the reducible and electroplating. Qiu et al. (2015) found that the concentra-
fraction, indicating they were potentially mobile and bioavail- tions of Cd and Zn in agricultural soils of Dongguan increased
able in the soils. In contrast, Cr (84.6%), As (76.6%), Ni by 54.7 and 20.8%, respectively, while those of Cr, As, Cu,
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398 9393

Fig. 2 The overall partitioning of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn among the acid soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and residual fractions of the surface soils
from a Qingyuan, b Guiyu, c Dongguan, d Zhuhai, and e Zhongshan based on the mean measured contents

and Ni changed little between 2002 and 2012. Heavy metals Overall, the results of sequential extraction show that Cu,
introduced into surface soils by human activities would be Cd, and Pb were primarily present in the non-residual fraction
present primarily in the non-residual fractions and thus had in the soils from both the e-waste recycling areas and the
high mobility and bioavailability (Hu and Cheng 2016). traditional industrial zones, which is indicative of significant
9394 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398

anthropogenic contribution (Hu and Cheng 2016). These metals Cu (85%), Zn (80%), As (95%), Cd (92%), and Pb (90%)
are readily and potentially mobile and bioavailable, and could suggest that these five principal components could represent
pose a significant potential risk when occurring at high levels in the heavy metals well. Factor loadings are considered to be
the surface soils as the red soils in the PRD are typically highly excellent with the values higher than 0.71 and poor in cases
weathered and acidic (Hu et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2004). In of values lower than 0.32 (Garcia et al. 2004). PC1 explained
contrast, most of the Cr, Ni, and Zn were partitioned in the 21.95% of the total variance and was dominated by Cu and Cd
residual fraction, posing a relatively low risk to the ecosystem. with loading coefficients of 0.75 and 0.91, respectively. Pb and
As was primarily partitioned in the residual fraction in the surface Zn exhibited high factor loading values in PC2, which
soils from Qingyuan, Dongguan, and Zhongshan, about half of accounted for 21.24% of the total variance. These results indi-
the As in the surface soils from Guiyu was presented in the cate that Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn in the surface soils were probably
residual fraction. Relatively high mobility and bioavailability contributed primarily by the anthropogenic sources. As, Cr, and
were observed for As only in the surface soils of Zhuhai. Ni had the highest factor loading values in PC3, PC4, and PC5,
Apparently, there is no significant difference in the chemical respectively, and they originated mostly from soil parent mate-
fractionation of heavy metals in the surface soils between the rials, which is consistent with the findings of source apportion-
traditional industrial zones and the e-waste recycling areas of ment studies for heavy metals in the surface soils of the PRD
the PRD. (Hu and Cheng 2013, 2016). Each of the investigated heavy
metals had one factor loading value greater than 0.7 in these
Occurrence patterns of heavy metals in the surface soils five principal components. It should be noted that Cu and Zn
exhibited quasi-independent behavior in the group, as they also
The heavy metals in the surface soils from the e-waste recycling had factor loading values (0.52 and 0.41, respectively) between
areas and the traditionally industrial zones could come from 0.32 and 0.7 in other principal components (Hu et al. 2013).
both natural and anthropogenic sources (Cheng and Hu 2010; Heavy metal pollution in the surface soils from different
Hu and Cheng 2013, 2016). Due to the relatively large numbers sites was further examined with the score plots of PCA.
of soil samples and multiple heavy metal species measured for Figure 3a to c depicts the distribution patterns of heavy metals
each sample, it is necessary to reduce the multi-dimensional in the surface soils collected from two e-waste recycling areas
data sets to lower dimensions. PCA has been commonly and three traditional industrial zones. Table 2 indicates that the
employed to identify the heavy metals or heavy metal clusters variance explained by PC1 and PC2 is very close, while PC3,
in the soils that account for the majority of the variation and PC4, and PCA5 also explain comparable percentages of the
infer their sources (Hu et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2015; Zhang et al. total variance. Thus, all five principal components are shown
2012b). PCA with Varimax rotation was used in the present on the PCA score plots. Overall, no apparent spatial clustering
study to examine the association of heavy metals in the surface of the sampling sites was observed. With the exception of
soils from the e-waste recycling areas and the traditional indus- several samples with extreme values from Qingyuan, the soils
trial zones based on the measured metal contents of all samples. collected from e-waste recycling areas were well mixed with
Five principal components (PC1–PC5), which could explain those collected from the traditional industry zones. That is,
more than 90% the cumulative variance, were retained for anal- there was no distinction in the pollution characteristic of heavy
ysis (Table 2). The communality values of Cr (97%), Ni (98%), metals in the surface soils between the e-waste recycling areas
and the traditional industrial zones. It is noted that PC5 and
PC4, which were dominated by Cr and Ni, respectively, ex-
Table 2 The rotated component matrix of heavy metal contents in the hibit significant linear correlation (Fig. 3c). This was due to
surface soil samples obtained from PCA with Varimax normalized
rotation the fact that these metals were contributed primarily by the soil
parent materials (Hu and Cheng 2013, 2016).
Metal PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 The T test and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test were conducted
to further investigate whether the mean concentrations of
Cr 0.16 0.16 0.19 0.92 0.15
heavy metals in the surface soils collected from the e-waste
Ni 0.09 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.97
recycling areas and the traditional industrial zones had com-
Cu 0.75 0.09 0.52 0.13 0.02
parable occurrence patterns. Table 3 shows that the p values of
Zn 0.21 0.71 0.06 0.41 0.27
T test vary between 0.10 for Ni and 0.81 for As, while the
As 0.22 0.13 0.91 0.18 0.14
Wilcoxon test yields p values ranging from 0.33 for Pb to 0.94
Cd 0.91 0.22 0.08 0.14 0.11
for Cr. The p values were all higher than 0.05, indicating none
Pb 0.13 0.93 0.12 0.02 −0.04
of these tests detect any significant statistical difference in the
Variance explained (%) 21.95 21.24 16.80 15.92 15.20
occurrence of heavy metals in the surface soils between the e-
Factor loadings greater than 0.32, which could account for significant waste recycling areas and the traditional industrial zones.
portion of the overall variance, are marked with boldface These results consistently indicate that the heavy metal
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398 9395

Fig. 3 PCA score plots grouping the surface soil samples from different sites on the planes of a PC1 and PC2, b PC3 and PC4, and c PC4 and PC5

pollution caused by e-waste recycling activities was compara- the surface soils from the e-waste recycling areas and the
ble to that brought by traditional industrial operations in the traditional industrial zones of the PRD. Apparently, Cd posed
PRD. a high risk in the surface soils of Qingyuan and moderate risk
in the surface soils of Guiyu, while the other heavy metals
Ecological risk of heavy metal pollution posed low ecological risk based on their Ei values. In the
traditional industrial zones, Cd posed moderate, high, and
Table 4 summarizes the potential ecological risk index (Ei) considerable risk in the surface soils of Dongguan,
posed by individual metal species and the comprehensive po- Zhongshan, and Zhuhai, respectively, while the other metals
tential ecological risk index (RI) of heavy metal pollution in posed low ecological risk. The potential ecological risk of

Table 3 T test and Wilcoxon

rank-sum test of heavy metal Metal Samples from e-waste recycling areas and traditional industrial zones
contents in the surface soil sam-
ples collected from the e-waste T test Wilcoxon rank-sum test
recycling areas and the traditional
industrial zones of the PRD T value Prob F χ2 p

As 0.06 0.81 0.01 0.92

Cd 0.54 0.47 0.24 0.62
Cr 0.19 0.67 0.01 0.94
Cu 0.31 0.58 0.11 0.74
Ni 2.74 0.10 0.69 0.41
Pb 2.68 0.11 0.95 0.33
Zn 1.80 0.18 0.76 0.38
9396 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398

Table 4 The potential ecological

risk posed by individual metal Category Location Ei RI
species (Ei) and multiple metals
(RI) present in the surface soils Cr Ni Cu Zn As Cd Pb
from the e-waste recycling areas
and the traditional industrial E-waste recycling areas Qingyuan 1.11 4.53 9.93 2.99 23.09 269.91 4.78 316.34
zones of the PRD Guiyu 0.83 2.89 5.10 2.70 7.47 70.53 4.79 94.31
Traditional industrial Dongguan 1.31 4.63 9.32 2.53 24.55 75.67 5.40 123.43
zones Zhuhai 0.73 2.63 4.15 4.31 6.78 197.37 11.61 227.58
Zhongshan 1.08 5.92 7.16 3.33 13.21 125.08 3.53 159.31

heavy metals in the surface soils from Qingyuan was merely e-waste recycling could contribute to local economic growth
in the category of high (RI = 316.3), which was contributed and create employment opportunities, but it is much less ef-
predominantly by Cd, while the heavy metals in the surface fective compared to the traditional industrial operations.
soils of Guiyu posed a low risk. In comparison, the potential Furthermore, e-waste recycling is highly damaging to the en-
ecological risk posed by heavy metals present in the soils from vironment because of the primitive activities and the lack of
the traditional industrial zones ranged from low to moderate, supervision. It has been estimated that e-waste recycling gen-
which was also dominated by that from Cd. Together, these erated over 100 billion Yuan GDP per year in Guangdong.
results indicated that the ecological risk of heavy metals in the Assuming that all the e-waste recycling activities occurred in
soils from the e-waste recycling areas and that from the tradi- Qingyuan and Guiyu, the per capita GDP is only about 25,000
tional industrial zones was comparable. Yuan. In comparison, the per capita GDP in Dongguan was
Massive industrialization of the previously rural lands has estimated to be over 67,309 Yuan GDP in 2014 (Zhang and
occurred gradually in the PRD, spanning for over three and a Chen 2015a). Therefore, e-waste recycling has rather limited
half decades (Hu et al. 2013). In contrast, e-waste recycling contribution to economic growth, but bears high costs of en-
activities started in Guiyu and Qingyuan less than two decades vironmental pollution, particularly with respect to heavy
ago (Sun et al. 2016), but they already caused soil heavy metal metals. Therefore, the local governments of Qingyuan and
pollution comparable to that brought by the traditional indus- Guiyu need to take significant efforts on cracking down on
trial operations. Table S2 summarizes the average GDP of the illegal e-waste recycling activities. To minimize the pollu-
Qingyuan, Chaoyang District of Shantou (where Guiyu is tion caused by e-waste recycling, the governments should also
located), Dongguan, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan over the period guide the establishment of centralized facilities with proper
of 2005 to 2009. A statistically significant correlation was pollution control, while development of other types of indus-
found between the RI of heavy metals and the average GDP tries, including the traditional industrial operations, can help
in Qingyuan and Chaoyang District of Shantou, while the RI accelerate local economic growth. It is worth noting that the
values of heavy metals in the traditional industrial zones were pollution problem of e-waste recycling occurs not only in
not correlated with the local GPD values (Tables S3–S4). China but also in some other developing countries in Asia
These results suggest that contamination of surface soils by and Africa as well (Awasthi et al. 2016b; Fujimori et al.
heavy metals in Qingyuan and Guiyu resulted primarily from 2016; Iqbal et al. 2015). Thus, the findings of this study may
the e-waste recycling activities, which also contributed to ma- also provide valuable insights to these countries in term of
jor portion of GDP in these areas. In contrast, heavy metal developing local economy and managing the e-waste
contamination of surface soils in Dongguan, Zhuhai, and recycling activities.
Zhongshan was not correlated with local GDP. One possible
reason for this is that pollution prevention and control mea-
sures were implemented during the development of traditional Conclusion
industrial operations, while pollutant releases to the environ-
ment in e-waste recycling areas were proportional to the The total contents and chemical fractionation of Cr, Cu, Zn,
amount of e-waste processed due to the lack of effective pol- Ni, As, Pb, and Cd in 70 surface soil samples collected from
lution control. representative e-waste recycling areas and traditional industri-
E-waste recycling activities are largely illegal and unregu- al zones in the PRD were analyzed. The concentrations of
lated in China. Dismantling of the e-waste using simple and heavy metals were elevated compared to the regional soil
primitive methods and dumping of the waste residues in open background, and the CV values of some heavy metals were
air have been well documented to release a range of pollutants, over 30%, which is indicative of significant contribution from
including dusts that bear heavy metals and organic pollutants anthropogenic sources. The soils in the e-waste recycling
(Cui and Forssberg 2003; Leung et al. 2006). As an industry, areas were mainly polluted by Cu, Zn, As, and Cd, while those
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:9387–9398 9397

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