Multinational Corporations Advertising 10-4

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Multinational Corporations Advertising Project

Goal: To examine the influence of global media on cultural identity by comparing the advertising and products /
services that multinational corporations offer in different countries and cultural settings

You can work in a group for this assignment, but be sure that the paragraph (#4) is in your own words.
Each member of the group needs to submit their own answer sheet through the Google Classroom

Explore the websites of a multinational corporation. You can choose one of the following or another major
● McDonalds ● Disney ● Apple Computers
● Nike ● Sony ● WalMart
● Coca-Cola ● Microsoft

1. Go to the main website for the company you have chosen, and look for links for three different countries,
one in Asia, one in North America and one in Europe (if you do not know where these CONTINENTS are,
ask your teacher)

Country 1:

Country 2:

Country 3:

2. What language is the website in for each country?

Country 1:

Country 2:

Country 3:

3. Please include a picture of the national flag for each country you have looked at.

Country 1:

Country 2:

Country 3:

4. Do you think your company promotes cultural diversity or a homogenized culture? Why do you think that?


Cultural Diversity: When people have different values, religions, beliefs, ethnicities, languages
etc. in society.

Cultural Homogenization: When other cultures are absorbed into one dominant culture. This can
include language, religion, values, beliefs, etc.

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