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2015 Dec.

Miyahara, Keizo

International Exchange Subject # 881224

"Topics in Mathematics and its Engineering Applications (II)"
Osaka University 2015 Fall
Take home assignment

' The first six questions (#1-6) are mandatory ones. Choose and answer other
two questions out of the last four questions (#7-10). Student may want solve
one or two remaining questions for extra credit.
' Each student is supposed to solve the questions with one's own efforts.
Students may ONLY consult one's own class notes, course handouts, as well
as (paper) books. Students must NOT consult any other materials, any
person (other than the instructor and/or the teaching assistant of this course).
Students must NOT use ICTs (PCs, tablets, mobile phones) except as a word
processing unit.
' This assignment is due on December 22nd Tuesday 13:00 (PM l:00).Late
papers will NOT be accepted.
' Each student must submit one's own answer-sheet via one of the following
means. Note that each student is responsible for completing own submission

fonts, in Plain text or in Picture file (peg or tiff is preferred);

Room#12, Suita campus, building #3 in <

u.acjplen/access/suita/suita. html>, or to the Toyonaka office (CIEE
Toyonaka branch, Toyonaka campus, building #75 in <
v acjp I en/ access/toyonaka>.
' Answer-sheet can be either hand-written (PRINT) or PC-printed, but must
be A4-size single side use with student name and ID number on the top of
the first page. Be sure that the answer-sheet is clear enough to be read and
that the answers are prepared in complete, grammatical English sentences.
Just for your information, some former PICTURE files for the home works
were not fine enough. It seems that more bright lights are necessary to make
them much clear.
' In the answer-sheet, statements (theorems, propositions, corollaries and
lemmas) and notations those are introduced in class can be used without
proofs or definitions. With appropriate proofs and/or definitions, other
statements and/or notations those are not introduced in class can be also used.
' Should you have questions, email to <> by
December 21st Monday 13:00 (PM 1:00). Any email after this deadline
might not be replied prior to the due of this assignment. Answers to the
questions might take up to 24 hours prior to be sent. Needless to say, the
instructor cannot assist students in solving the problem, but can help students
to understand what the problem is asking. :-)
' Good luck!
* The first six guestions (#1-6) are mandatory ones,

1. Set (10pts.)
Table 1 shows a result of a questionnaire for international students (100 Male and 100
Female students). Assume that 28 female students answered Yes for both questions, and
that 31 male students answered Yes only for Kyoto. How many students in total (both
Male and Female) have visited neither of the two places? Describe your consideration
steps as well as the final answer.

Table 1. Result of a questionnaire for international students

Question Answer Male Female
Have you ever Yes 46 55
been to Kyoto? No 54 45
Have you ever Yes 52 63
been to Nara? No 48 37

2. Binary operator (10pts.)

Let S be a set as S: NxN. For any (a,b),(c,d) e S, we define a binary operator * as:
(a,b)*(c,d) : (ad+bc, bd),

with ordinary multiplication over N. Note that the operation (*) is closed over S.

Answer the following questions, with describing your computation steps.

i. Is the operation commutative over S?
ii. Is the operation associative over S?
iii. Is the operation has identity element in S?
iv. Can we define appropriate inverse element of each element for the operation

in S?

3. Mapping (10pts.)
Note that a mapping f : G-'H is an isomorphism if f1 exists and both f and f1 are
homomorphism. Let f be a bijective homomorphism. Show explicitly that f is an
4. Algebraic structures (10pts.)
Complete Table 2. shown below.

Table 2. List of algebraic structures

Closedness Associativity Existence of Existence of
Item under the of the the ldentity lnverse
ooeration ooeration element elements
(N,十 ) True True False False
(N, -) True False
(2, -) True
(2,') True
(Q=+) True
(Q, True
(R,+) True

5. Group isomorphism (10pts.)

We consider the set of four matrices shown below:
1 0   .

ー 0   .

0 .
の    の

の   の



ブ 0  .

whereT2: 1. (Note thatT is called "double number" which is not either complex number
(i) or real number (1). The important issue here is that its square equals to one).
Assume that the set of four matrices forms a group under matrix multiplication (Note
that it is true).

Draw a multiplication table of the group. Show an isomorphic group that was
introduced in this course. Show one-to-one correspondence of each group element of
the two groups under the isomorphism. (It is NOT necessary to prove the isomorphism).

6. Normal subgroup (10pts.)

Let G be a group. Show explicitly that G is always a normal subgroup of G itself.
* Choose and answer two questions out of the last four guestions (#7-10).

Student may want so/ve one or two remaining questions for extra credit.

7. Coset and Normal subgroup (20pts.)

Let G be a group as G : S:: ({1, a, b, c, d, e), o) where:
r: Itz:1, Itz:1,

Irz:J' Lr:'.|'

← 歩

│:i:│' ││::│'行
Please note that:

the parenthesis notation denotes the "permutation" operation of three elements;

the group operation (o) is composition of the permutation;

the definitions of the elements might be partially deferent ones at the class. :-)

i. Complete the multiplication table of G shown below:

Table 3. Multiplication table of the six-element group

α   b



α   わ




ii. Please note that H: {1, a, 6} forms a proper subgroup of G (H < G).
Is H a cyclic group? Ifyes, show all the generators.
iii. Show all the right cosets, explicitly, of H in G.

iv. Is H < G? Prove it.

8. Theorem for subgroup (l) (20pts.)
Let G be a group. Prove that:
ifHsGandK sGandHoK t {},thenHnK <G.

9. Theorem for subgroup (ll) (20pts.)

Let G be a finite group. Let H be a subset of the set G. Let n be the order of H.
Prove that H is a subgroup of G if H is closed under the group operation.

10. Lagrange's theorem (20pts.)

Let G be a hnite group of order n, and n > 1.

Prove that G is cyclic if n is a prime number.

For EXTRA credit, prove that G is also simple if n is a prime number.

( end of Take home assignment )

Comments (optiona!)
Any comments regarding this class / international subjects / Osaka university (if any):

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