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PERGAMON Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787

Selective electrocatalytic oxidation of

2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran in aqueous medium: a
chromatographic analysis of the reaction products
A. Al Baradii, K.B. Kokoh *, H. Huser, C. Lamy, J.-M. LeÂger
UMR 6503, Equipe Electrocatalyse, CNRS-Universite de Poitiers, 40, Avenue du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers cedex, France

Received 7 September 1998; received in revised form 23 November 1998


The electrocatalytic oxidation of 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran (DHMF) was carried out on platinum and nickel
electrodes in alkaline medium. Suitable operating conditions of HPLC analyses were found to determine each
reaction product formed during the anodic oxidation. When electrolysis was conducted on a bare Pt electrode or on
a NiOOH anode, DHMF is converted only into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). Conversely, the electrooxidation
of DHMF on Pt, modi®ed in situ by lead adatoms, yielded selectively 61% 2,5-furandialdehyde (FDC). In all the
cases, HMF was the primary reaction product. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: 2,5-Dihydroxymethylfuran; Electrolysis; Electrocatalytic oxidation; HPLC

1. Introduction chemical and catalytic methods were used for the oxi-
dation of HMF [2±11]. This shows that HMF, which
2,5-Dihydroxymethylfuran (DHMF) is a compound is a raw material easily accessible from biomass,
which can be produced from the reduction of 5- opens a large research ®eld mainly in the viewpoint
hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The only work con- of organic synthesis.
cerning the oxidation of DHMF was reported by Conversely to several works in organic chemistry,
Oleinik and Novitskii [1]. They obtained 2,5-furan- few investigations of the electrochemical reactivity of
dialdehyde (FDC) using manganese dioxide. FDC is HMF were made. At a platinum anode, FDC was
used in the synthesis of symmetrical diamines and selectively produced in a biphasic H2O/CH2Cl2
Schi€'s bases of the furan series and in various con- system [12]. At a nickel oxihydroxide electrode, 2,5-fur-
densation reactions. It is also used in the preparation andicarboxylic acid (FDCA) was also obtained with a
of annulene oxides, polyenylsubstituted furan or 71% chemical yield in alkaline medium [13]. As HMF
macrocyclic ligands. Besides HMF, all the other oxi- is considered to be an unstable chemical compound, its
dation products of DHMF may serve as starting ma- reduction product (DHMF) can be a convenient form
terials in several industrial applications [2±5]. For of its storage. Hence, when HMF is needed, it can be
example, all the oxidation products are potentially synthetized by the oxidation of DHMF on Au, Pt or,
building units for polymers. For this purpose, many above all, on Ni electrodes, if the conversion yield can
be improved.
Another aim of this work is to oxidize selectively
* Corresponding author. Fax: +33-549453580; e-mail: boni- DHMF to FDC on platinum electrodes modi®ed by adatoms.

0013-4686/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 3 - 4 6 8 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 0 6 - 7
2780 K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787

The experimental set-up consisted of a waveform gen-

erator (Wenking Model VSG72, Bank Electronik), a
Wenking Model LB81 potentiostat (Bank) and a X±Y
recorder (Linseis LY 17100). The counter electrode
was a glassy carbon plate and a saturated mercurymer-
curous sulphate electrode (MSE) served as reference.
A three-electrode glass cell, with two identical com-
partments (volume = 70 cm3 for each compartment)
separated by an ion-exchange membrane (Ionac 3470),
was used to perform long-term electrolysis. The work-
ing electrode consisted of a platinum or a gold grid
Fig. 1. Potential program used for long-term electrolysis of (Specpure from Johnson Matthey) having a real sur-
2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran. face area of 31 and 24 cm2, respectively. A 90% plati-
num/10% iridium perforated sheet and a saturated
mercurymercurous sulphate electrode (MSE) served as
2. Experimental counter and reference electrodes, respectively. The elec-
trolysis equipment was composed of a potentiostat
2.1. Voltammetry and electrolysis (PAR Model 362) monitored by a microcomputer. The
current intensity vs. time was followed on a Kipp and
Cyclic voltammetry was used for investigating the Zonen BD 40 X±t recorder, whereas the quantity of
reactivity of DHMF on Pt, Au and Ni electrodes. The electricity was measured directly by a coulometer
platinum and gold working electrodes were microbeads (Wenking EVI 80). The electrolyses on a bare platinum
(active surface area of 0.14 cm2 for Pt and of 0.34 cm2 electrode were carried out using an optimized potential
for Au) which were obtained by melting a 0.5 mm di- program which was composed of three potential pla-
ameter wire of the corresponding metal. A nickel teaux (Fig. 1). After adsorbing the organic molecule at
foam, with a geometric area of 2 cm2, was also used as low potential (Eads = 0.4 V (RHE)) for 0.1 s, the oxi-
working electrode. For this, an electrochemical dation reaction was performed at a potential plateau,
treatment [14] led to a nickel oxide/hydroxide anode in chosen at 0.6 V (RHE) for 10 s. The third potential
alkaline medium. Voltammetry measurements were pulse (Edes), set at 1.9 V (RHE) for 0.1 s, allowed to
performed in a double-wall thermostatted glass cell. reactivate the electrode surface by clearing out the poi-

Fig. 2. UV spectra of 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran (ÐÐÐ) and its derivative products: (- - -) HMF, (± ± ±) FDCA and (  ) HFCA.
K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787 2781

Fig. 3. Chromatogram of 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran (DHMF) and its derivative products: 1 Ð DHMF; 2 Ð HMF; 3 Ð HFCA
and 4 Ð FDCA.

soning species. This sequential unit program was depositing adatoms at the electrode surface was pur-
repeated for several hours throughout the electrolysis. chased from Fluka. Before each experiment, the sol-
In all the electrochemical studies, the electrode po- utions were deaerated with ultra pure nitrogen (U
tentials indicated in the text are given in the reversible Quality from l'Air Liquide) and a nitrogen stream was
hydrogen electrode (RHE) scale. maintained over the solution during the electrolysis.
All the electrolysis experiments were performed at
2.2. Chromatographic analyses room temperature and the glass cell was covered with
an aluminum foil in order to prevent the solution from
Chromatographic analyses were achieved by com- the possible photooxidation of DHMF or HMF.
paring the retention times of the reaction products
with those of references. Some reaction products
(FDC, HFCA and FDCA), which are not available on 3. Results and discussion
the market, were synthesized as described in Ref. [6].
These compounds so prepared were characterized by 3.1. Voltammetric study
IR spectroscopy (Nicolet 10MX), 1 H NMR spec-
trometry (Bruker 300) and by gas chromatography Cyclic voltammetry was used before each electrolysis
(Varian) combined with mass spectrometry (ITS 40 to check the degree of purity of the system and to fol-
Finnigan Matt). low the state of oxidation of the molecule. These pre-
The HPLC equipment consisted of an isocratic liminary studies are also helpful to choose the
pump (Knauer Pump 64), a reversed phase Alltima oxidation potential.
C18 column (2504.6 mm from Alltech), a variable
wavelength UV detector (Knauer) and an integrator± 3.1.1. On a bare platinum electrode
calculator (Merck-Hitachi, D-2000). Several operating The voltammograms of Pt, recorded at 50 mV s ÿ 1
conditions reported in the literature did not allow us and at room temperature in the supporting electrolyte
to separate and to detect DHMF and its derivatives alone (0.1 M NaOH) and in the presence of 50 mM
well. Thus, the suitable mobile phase, which was found DHMF, are given in Fig. 4. A shrinkage of the hydro-
by the approach of the Simplex method consisted of
H2SO4 in ultra pure water (pH 2.19). This acidic water
was added to a mixture of acetonitrile (50 cm3) and
methanol (50 cm3), in order to have 1 L of eluent. The
wavelength of the detector was set at l = 238 nm after
recording the UV-spectra of each reference product
(Fig. 2).
Under the optimum operating conditions, a chroma-
togram of a reference mixture is given in Fig. 3. The
sample loop size was 20 mL and the eluent ¯ow rate
0.6 mL min ÿ 1.

2.3. Preparation of solutions

Working solutions were prepared from ultra-pure

water (Millipore Milli-Q System). NaOH, acetonitrile
and methanol were purchased from Merck with the Fig. 4. Voltammograms of platinum at 50 mV s ÿ 1 and at
best purity available. DHMF and HMF were pur- 258C (- - -) in 0.1 M NaOH supporting electrolyte alone (ÐÐ
chased from Sigma. The Pb perchlorate salt used for Ð) in the presence of 50 mM 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran.
2782 K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787

Fig. 6. Voltammograms of nickel at 50 mV s ÿ 1 and at 258C

(- - -) in 0.1 M NaOH supporting electrolyte alone. (ÐÐÐ)
Fig. 5. Voltammograms of gold at 50 mV s ÿ 1 and at 258C in the presence of 50 mM 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran.
(- - -) in 0.1 M NaOH supporting electrolyte alone (ÐÐÐ)
in the presence of 0.1 M 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran. reaches its maximum at 1.4 V (RHE) with jmax = 1.5
mA cm ÿ 2. During the negative potential scan, any re-
gen region, which is caused by the molecule adsorp- duction current density can be observed and the sec-
tion, can be noticed. The oxidation of DHMF begins ond oxidation peak shows that DMHF is more
only after 0.4 V (RHE). Two oxidation peaks (A and reactive at a gold electrode ( jmax = 2.3 mA cm ÿ 2 at
B) are observed during the positive potential sweep. E = 1.1 V (RHE)) than a platinum electrode.
Peak A is located in the region where the electrode sur- The e€ect of the potential sweep rate and that of
face is covered by hydroxyl species, while peak B is temperature were investigated by cyclic voltammetry
formed in the region of the platinum oxides. During (with Pt and Au electrodes microspheres) to provide
the negative potential sweep, i.e. after the reduction of clear evidences on the kinetics parameters of the
the Pt surface, another oxidation peak (C) takes place. DHMF oxidation. The rate was varied from 5 to 500
In all the cases, the current densities of the oxidation mV s ÿ 1, while the temperature was studied from 278
peaks are relatively small ( jmax = 0.12 mA cm2 at 0.8 to 343 K. Plots of log jp against log v and against 1/T
V (RHE)), showing that DHMF is not very reactive allowed us to show that the mechanism of the electro-
on a bare platinum surface. oxidation of DHMF on platinum and gold, in alkaline
medium, is di€usion controlled (Table 1).

3.1.2. On a gold electrode 3.1.3. On a nickel foam electrode

The ®rst voltammogram of Au in the presence of 0.1 The voltammograms of Ni, recorded under the same
M DHMF was recorded under the same previous ex- previous conditions, are given in Fig. 6. The voltam-
perimental conditions. The electrode is a grid which mogram in the supporting electrolyte (0.1 M NaOH)
has a surface area of 24 cm2. Two main oxidation does not display a hydrogen adsorption region. The
peaks are observed (Fig. 5). During the positive scan, formation of oxyhydroxide species at the electrode sur-
the ®rst oxidation peak starts with the beginning of the face (at Emax = 1.44 V (RHE)) occurs after several vol-
covering of the electrode surface by hydroxyls and tammetric cycles. The stabilization of this layer results

Table 1
Kinetics parameters of the oxidation of DHMF at noble metal electrodes in alkaline medium

Electrode Plot Slope DH * (kJ mol ÿ 1) Kinetics control

peak A peak B peak A peak B

Pt log jp = f(log v) 0.5 0.5 di€usion

log jp = f(1/T) ÿ1.43103 ÿ1.32103 28.5 25.2 di€usion
Au log jp = f(log v) 0.6 di€usion
log jp = f(1/T) ÿ1.33103 25.4 di€usion

jp is the peak current density corrected from double layer and other contributions; v is the potential sweep rate and DH * is the
activation energy.
K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787 2783

Fig. 7. (a) Variation with the time of the current density and
the quantity of electricity involved in the electrooxidation of
50 mM DHMF at 0.73 V(RHE) on a Pt electrode. (b)
Evolution of the DHMF concentration and its oxidation pro-
ducts involved in the electrolysis of 50 mM DHMF at 0.73
V(RHE) on a Pt electrode. DHMF (Q), HMF (.). Fig. 8. (a) Variation with the time of the current density and
the quantity of electricity involved in the electrooxidation of
100 mM DHMF at 1.2 V (RHE) on a Au electrode. (b)
Evolution of the DHMF concentration and its oxidation pro-
ducts involved in the electrolysis of 100 mM DHMF at 1.2 V
(RHE) on a Au electrode. DHMF (Q), HMF (.) and HFCA

Table 2
Distribution and concentration of the oxidation products formed after long-term electro-
lysis of DHMF in alkaline medium, on Pt, Au and Ni electrodes

Electrode Potential Conversion Oxidation Selectivity

of oxidation V of DHMF products (%)
(RHE) (%)

Pt 0.73 10 HMF (5 mM) 100

Au 1.2 15 HMF (10 mM) 67
HFCA (5 mM) 33
Ni 1.7 29 HMF (12 mM) 81
HFCA (2.7 mM) 19
2 42 HMF (19 mM) 89
HFCA (2.3 mM) 10
2784 K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787

Fig. 10. Voltammogram of a Pt±Pb electrode in alkaline med-

ium (0.1 M NaOH), recorded at 50 mV s ÿ 1 and at 258C with
50 mM DHMF.

Fig. 9. Electrocatalytic e€ect of Pb adatoms on the DHMF

oxidation on platinum during the positive potential sweep.

from the oxidation of Ni(OH)2 to oxyhydroxide species

(NiOOH) [14±19]. The oxidation of DHMF on nickel
looks like that of many alcohols. This reaction begins
after the NiOOH layer has been formed (1.44 V
(RHE)) and gives large current intensities.

3.2. Long-term electrolysis of DHMF

3.2.1. On a bare platinum electrode

Despite the small current densities obtained at plati-
num, long-term electrolysis was realized on this elec-
trode using the three-potential program described in
Fig. 1. The potential plateau Eox was set at 0.73 V
(RHE) and the electrolysis was conducted for 8 h on
bare Pt, the active surface area of which was 31 cm2.
HPLC analyses of the bulk solution at regular periods
of time showed that DHMF was oxidized only to
HMF (Fig. 7).

3.2.2. On a gold electrode

Adsorption and oxidation processes take place sim-
Fig. 11. (a) Variation with the time of the current density and
ultaneously at a gold electrode. Thus, conversely to the
the quantity of electricity involved in the electrooxidation of
three-potential pulse program used for platinum, two 50 mM DHMF at 0.9 V (RHE) on a Pt±Pb electrode. (b)
potential plateaus were here sucient. The adsorp- Evolution of the DHMF concentration and its oxidation pro-
tion±oxidation potential plateau was set at 1.2 V ducts involved in the electrolysis of 50 mM DHMF at 0.9 V
(RHE) for 10 s and the second one, at 1.7 V (RHE) (RHE) on a Pt±Pb electrode. DHMF (Q), HMF (.), FDC
for 0.2 s in order to reactivate the surface of the gold (R) and HFCA (W).
K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787 2785

electrode. The electrooxidation of DHMF was carried The current intensities increased with the potential.
out for 8 h. The current density and the quantity of Oxygen and hydrogen were also evolved in the work-
electricity involved (Qexp) were recorded. The initial ing electrode and the counter electrode compartments,
current density was 0.82 mA cm ÿ 2 and at the end of respectively. This leads to a low Faradaic yield com-
the electrolysis, it decreased up to 0.3 mA cm ÿ 2. After pared with the conversion rate of DHMF also trans-
8 h of electrolysis, Qexp reached 270 C, corresponding formed into HMF. Table 2 summarizes the results
to an experimental number of electrons equal to 2.4. obtained on bare platinum and gold and on nickel
The analysis of the electrolytic solution by HPLC foam electrodes.
showed that, with a 15% conversion yield, DHMF The results of the electrolyses obtained with these
was transformed mainly into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural three electrodes show that the oxidation of DHMF
(HMF) and 5-hydroxymethylfurancarboxylic acid yields mainly HMF. The latter molecule, which is very
(HFCA) (Fig. 8). reactive but unstable chemically, is obtained selectively
on a Ni electrode, even if the conversion is not total
3.2.3. On a nickel foam electrode for a convenient synthetic process.
Under the same conditions, long-term electrolysis
was carried out on a nickel foam but at a ®xed poten- 3.3. Oxidation of DHMF on a Pt±Pb electrode
tial. Two di€erent oxidation potentials were applied
(1.7 V and 2 V (RHE)), i.e. on a Ni anode, the surface It is well known that the presence of lead adatoms
of which was covered with the oxyhydroxide species. at the platinum surface increases its electrocatalytic

Fig. 12. 1 H NMR spectrum of the lyophilized material obtained from the oxidation of 10 mM DHMF at 0.9 V (RHE) on a Pt±Pb
2786 K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787

Scheme 1. Distribution of the reaction products resulting from the electrocatalytic oxidation of DHMF on a Pt±
Pb electrode at 0.9 V (RHE) in alkaline medium.

activity [20±22]. Indeed, when depositing underpoten- sities were thus more signi®cant than those obtained
tially Pb adatoms at the Pt surface, the current den- on bare Pt. Therefore, the quantity of electricity
sities of the DHMF oxidation increase up to 90 times recorded at regular periods of time (Fig. 11a) shows
(Fig. 9). that the oxidation of DHMF on a Pt±Pb electrode is
Electrolysis was performed at a Pt±Pb electrode much important. The chromatographic analysis of the
(obtained with [Pb2+] = 510 ÿ 6 M) using again the bulk solution in the working electrode compartment
three-potential program of Fig. 1. The oxidation po- shows that DHMF is ®rstly oxidized to HMF and
tential plateau was set at 0.9 V (RHE) to take into then, HMF is mainly transformed into FDC (Fig. 11b).
account the shape of the voltammogram due to the Traces of HFCA and FDCA were also detected. The
presence of lead adatoms (Fig. 10). The current den- Faradaic yield reaches 97% while the experimental
K.B. Kokoh et al. / Electrochimica Acta 44 (1999) 2779±2787 2787

number of electrons (nexp) involved was evaluated close However, on Pt±Pb the oxidation was completed selec-
to 3.7. After 8 h of electrolysis, close to 95% of tively in FDC as shown in Scheme 1. This work shows
DHMF was converted and the selectivity in FDC that FDC can be synthetized with an high conversion
became 61%. yield (close to 100%) when suitable conditions are
found to oxidize DHMF on a Pt±Pb electrode.
3.4. Electrosynthesis of FDC using a Pt±Pb electrode

In the presence of lead adatoms (but obtained with

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