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Places in town

• Solicita y entrega información sobre la ubicación específica de distintos
establecimientos y objetos en un vecindario o ciudad, tanto en
interacciones orales como escritas, haciendo uso de las
preposiciones adecuadas.
Where is the bank?

Where is the bank?

The bank is ________________ the hotel.
The bank is _________________ the bookstore.
The bank is _________________ South st. _____ West st.

What can you do at the bank?

I can ________________________________ at the bank.
I can ________________________________ at the bank.
I can ________________________________ at the bank.
Prepositions of place
• Next to / Beside
• Opposite / Across from / In front of
• Near / Close to
• On the corner of … and …
• Behind
• Between
• Among
• Far from
• On
Let’s practice!
What are the names of these places? What
can you do there?
Complete the sentences with the appropiate
preposition of place.
Guessing game: Give clues of where you
are, your partner guesses the location.

I am between the bank and the public library, across from the
supermarket, on palm street. Where am I?

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