Contract For Trucking Services

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cmar6,cl.for lruckhtgfuc.

s with Nonu ol Co{,l,pony

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Thi3 Contract is entered into by and between:

wlth principal omce addrcsscs at lm

rerepresented herein by REsl DEN n,
oflcgal age, Flllpino citlzln, and hcrcinaftar rcftrr€d to 8s'Company"
with olhce address at PLANTTRSVILLE
ifllllIlD, ..represented by DD of legal age,
Flllplno, herein after rcfcred to as 'Contractof

WHEREAS, Company. inten& to obtain thc servlcas, hcreinafter referred to as

- of cortrrctor for the transport handlin& 8nd delivery of th€ Compsny's
- h€rclnafter relerred to as 'Productt';

WIIERE S, Contracor rupres€ntl lBelf to be duly llcensed under Philippine

laws to provide the Servic6 and warrant5 havint the caFbility, skills, GxPeri.rc€ and
\ resources to Provide ths s€Mces requirsd by (Coafiactor) ard has 3i8nifl.d its
wllltnSness to provlde such seMces for the (Contractot)i

NOW, THEREFORE. for and in consideration of the foreSoing premlses. tlrt

parties hav€ mutually agrc€d to abide by thcse terms and conditions:

1.1 &I[!-d60fca. Thc coni"ctthau b" rftcdvc.nd biodlnt ior. P.rlod
of twelve (12) rnonth. t on (DII9,,&4SIfJ,,E,6iJ
1,2 Opdon b rcrgw. (Conpony) shall hav? the option to ranaw thc
COIITRACT for another 12 months aft3r roceivinS Conttacto/s rcqoest
for cxtcnsiotl of the Haulin8 Contr.ct throuSfi a writtco notic! rcqu'sl
aot latsr than slxty (5O) days bcfor. thc erpirrtion of this ori$Ml

2.1 @IIEr-AaIIt&e conrsctor shall toad. transPort handle' deliver and
unload tha Product3 of Compeny 8!d shall Perform luch otb.l oeces-'3ry
s€ lces from dle loadi4 point to Comparys off-site warehouses,
curtomcrs, distributors. or to any unloadiBt Point as may be desiFated
by th. Company wldrin the date rnd time indicated in the invoice or as
may be spcclictly dtrcctcd by Company prior to actual deliv€ry of $€
fhoducls to dcslgnat d Point/s.
2.2 conno.llor's na,.- For the purpose ol performlnS lts oblitadons under
this contrrct Connactor sltall comPty wlth Companys f,eet requlrem€nt
which bc dcdlc.tcd to th. scrvlc.s of thc Compeny under this
2.3 Liabirly for bs or domag.-Thc Conracbr sh.ll be lirble for tl|e loss or
damege of Compan!/s Products du€ b causcs whatsoaver, including
theft. mbbcry,0ood. storm. €erthquake, llthblill& or force maieure, ftom
the dm€ drc Prcducts G loeded in any of Conractor's vehides uotll
products rr. actudlt re€tivcd and duty acknowledted by deslSnated
rcprescntatlve of the dellwr,' polnt' o$-site warehouses, custome6 or
C.onlruc. fot Inxtdt8 s€rvk.r with Ndmc o, Compony
Pcge, of t
2.4 AccpurrbMltP to a$uru accept nce qf dellwrv, The Conrrador Is
accountable for thc ttmcty. accurate, and coniclcndous dallvery of
Products to Companys cunomers This .ccounrabtllty shall be fully
implcmented by Contractor's porsonnel who shdl .nsur€ that Pmducts
are a€ccptrd by Companys custome'3 uporl dallvcry. ln €are any of
Compan/s customer refus63 to rcEept any dellwry made by
Con(?ctoCa pcrsonnel, lt shsll bc thc .ctourtabllity of tha Contrdctor to
immedlately lnform the deslgnatcd repruscntadvc of th! Company
befor€ thc Contractorrs peBonnel lcave th" custometJs premi$s

Aetaun'' lttl, for deltrE,],, d,(armcnl\ The Contractor shall be fully

accaurtabl€ for prompt hvoicc runlttarca and submission of o&er
duly admowledged dellvcry documents such as but not llmited to SALES
INVOICES / Dellvery Recotpts / Comlru_Wryhu l.X$dti[t-BRp0El /
Coutrter Recelpts / Omcisl R€cellts. and othcr3. as proof of delivery. The
proof ofddivery document! should be complrta per customer collectiorl
requlremtnts Sald d€llvery documents shall be subml[ed to th€
\ dispatchi4 warchouse withln 24 hou6 trom fiml D€livery Maolfest


3.1 tontroctorr'r Pelrannel. ln the perform:ncr of lts Servlces, Contrac-tor

warraltr to employ qualined ard exp€rlcnced personnel who are
physically and me[tally fit to perform their assigrlcd dudes end

rGponsibilldes. The Contractor warrants drat its p€rsonnel polscss all
the quallficadorls such a valid drive/s llcrlsc to op.ratc its vehlcles,
Salned the experlencc to make deliveri€s to dlffGr€nt qrstomers in
deslgnated areas, the compelenci€s r€qulrrd to handle Services, rDd thc
willingness to pcrform tie Servlces ln accordance witfi this Co[tract

3.2 Repla.,me of Bonhed PefJonneL Und€r this Coltract, it is the

rssponslblllty of Con tractor to ensure that lts personnelaod vehlcles are
available for the tlmely rts€ of dre Company on a dry-to-day basis ard
most espedally in csses where du€ ootlce and advlce have becn $ven

8446f!4i!!SSf, The Contractor warrants the roadworthlness and cleanliness

ofall vehides assitned to transport dre Compan/s Producis. Vehiclc chccklBt
shall be accomplished prior to loadln& The clmpaIly reserves the rlSht not to
load vehlcles that falled the Vehicle Checklist

3.3 communleadon devlc',. All vehlcles listed undcr thc Contractoy's fl€et
whi€h arc usod for thr transpon of the Company's Products shall b€
equipp€d wtth commurlcation deviees such as a mobilc phone or radlo.
an early warnlng devlcr. a wood stopper/chocker and such other tools
as may be r"qulred by thr Company or any of lts customers whlle tiese
vehial* are tn their premises
Cantroct lat fruc*lnr Slfvk r wnh $rrn ofcampony
Poge i ol5

jr,.L M.4l ross or dornogle dw to arll al Contractor or lts P&sanneL YlJie

Contractor shall indemnify dre Company for the aaual eost ofany loss or
drmage that fcontroctod may incur or suffer due to acts or omirsionq
negligence or lr€k ofdus diligeDce of Contractor or aIty of lts psr$]nnel
in Sre perlbrman e ollli $sMces to Compa[y.

tZ fram liens and other dsrns$elr The Conaactor warrants that tle
Comtany it hlld harmtess hom or ataiNt any actlon, clainr dematd or
ary le€el sction brought about or frled by any third parfy. either at law
or ill rquity. In case the Comprny incu r3 a ny lega I expense or any datnage
in order to assart i6 riSht over its int€T€sts or to protert itself

b from Contr&elort orarr: acls or omissiolr. the cost o, the bgal action shau
bc fu1ts ind€m$lfic{, by Conttactor. The arnount of los$ shall b€
\ aurornati€slly deducted by Contractor from the outstanilirs freiSht bills
witnin fifteen (15) days from recript ofdemand The Company res€
tts rl8ht ro be lirly.ompen ated for the eost ofdamage It the rmount of
lhe 6uBt&ndin8 idElrt bill is rot sumcie io cover for tbe cost of
damage drle to thr loss aforem€ndoned.


5,1. instrar(N cov.rdre. Th€ Conhrtctor i$ reqdred lo (alc all insuratce

poucy from tlre Company's design&ted lnsuranc€ broker to protett the
e"mpan/s lnterest itt the Products thet the Company entfilgB unto Cttltractor
fur d8llvery to desiSnated poitttt The inruraace pollly slall cover for any loss
or da eg? of Products while ths same are in thc poss€ssion and curtody of
Contractor from the tlme the Produc-ts arc loaded to Contraclo,'s vehlcle up to
the tlmc that the same are duly acknowledged as recelved by the customefs
duly authorlzed reprcseltative.

5,.. Compreb*sive lfldnd tonslt lnl/u,rwce poliry- ?hs Corltraeror shall take
a COMPREHENSIVE iflland triosit iosurdnce Policy at its owo cost and eryense
to cover p&l.ment of Products lost or drmaged. The Comprehensive intu|?rce
policf shall be cont'acted {dth dra deslCnat{d kuursnce broker of the
Company. The i*urable amount to be laken in thk comprehclrlige insuranca
policy shall b€ determtn€d by the Company based on the nutnber and qr!,e of
vehicles which Contractor wil {redica& to the s€rvices of th€ Company as
shown in llppendlx B hereof. Tlro Cs[trrctor shal provide the Comp*ny
photeeoples of the lnsur&nee policy takct! for this Psrpose at a prB'requlrem€ot
before actual sngagem€nt of seMces is employed.

5,3. ,Vorlc. in .d3. .&,'l'q^os3 qfeodrrls. The Contaa€tor shdl

withio z,t hours from occurrerl€e oa discovery. nodfy the Company ln
wrltinB r€Sarding any accldent, incident, or loss of Products of whatwer
(,/nkoct f rucktng Servkcs wlth Nofie of .-J,mrrtay

6. gAuul{c FSES

6,1, *lledula of, potrrr- ,n eolr6idera{on of Servkes

cooeador, the comnauy shall pry rendered by tlte
schedule of rates-
co;;ctor,;iluffillo on rro

6.2. (:}ong"-(rr .otes. .l'h€ Companyand

l,:onrractor shall rgree to raview and
tmplement changss in feighr rare! lf and wi;; ,h";:ilil;

7. lf,nlfs ot pAYUElrr

Dal'e, The Company undertakes to pay for Servlees

conrra.tor from rhe datc ofrcce.otan.e of [il#;;;:;;;:,;;"1r.rrnder"d bv
and duly auditod srateme oi Ac.ount
proof of deltvery of producrr nor
,ul.ii,rn'ri *.pr","
more tha""oi'
fhirry i-#i ;;;.


The Company reserves the

dl. S€rviccs ofConrractor foranyofthese rearonr, -o
8.1.1. Failure without neason to commence lts Servi6,
to lermtmte

w'th this CONTRACL

h aqcordr[.a

8,1.2. For ary other justlfiable reason prwided rhat the Comproy gives
a 30-day5 notlce to Contractor.
9. coxaDgNTt{u?Y

&r4fdsattol t4fl,nnodan. All tnformadon 8od data ,€c€lvEd

contractor or which mry h!v.- b€en lorown by the
uy c"i#.a, j"'.r'r,, ui" rrr"
of thls Cotrrrsct" cirher directly or indirectly in
tf," *urs" oiii**,
transacdotrs, shall remain strlctly confidcntirl
'i" l"i' trr"
Cootractor shall not dlsclosc any ;uctr infornrarioror
party n'irhout lhe prlor consent ofthe
Company, "."-*irt

,O.L eldrev $
^qgreemdnts. Tltls Coltr8ct r€preslrts the eo,raty of tlrc
1{e,el:ot_b.rr"een .rhe company and Cootra.tor
oral or wrinen a8reements, negotiittions,"nJ "ry
and iommltnrenrs
wtth resplct to the subiea matter. iny fut r"
or a&endments hereto shrn bc sublea io',h;
parties and *re same shall be r.duccd
r"t" *rrii"gina ii"ir i."'""
i$tegral pan of this Contract

10,2. f,Jrfo3r?tht o( rthdtntag nrDvicto'ts. lf any one or more

provisions of thts Conirid shall bccome r"_fia, ,.il,-llf"ilfof the 'o,
unenforceablr by oporation ot law the rtal iarty,
teSa tity or ehfo;elb[lty
of rhe remal'lin8 provislons stal not b" i;fi;.T &;d.j;;",i;,
.stlnd alone regardless
of tne ,n"nforc"r[;1,,y-;; ;;;;".
Contrdct tsr lru&lng ScrvksJ vri& fidms of Compdny

aIAx thcir si8naturss this

,f.y, L 2018






ifl.cEr*|Jlr[tr||rrrs. )s.s,


^ ^-r, nnl0
dayLrljl]-4il zolS pcrsonally apperred

KNom{ ; ." and ro me klowr to be *I-*. o.""o* ** thc lo.cgotrg
CONTRIfi FOi TRI,CKINC SBR14CBS.l,,rri$tirr ofslx (tl grgcs lo.hdint the ,a(e ot whith
tlrirAckoovr&dgment i! sritbn ard thtsy a€klowbd$d to n1! &tl tbc 5lmt i! lhsir awr f.!n
lnd volsnlaty lct trd d8td.

Dor, No. ,ol

?agc No.
Book No. trll
Serics of2018.

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