Copyreading Elementary Pangasinan

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Directions: Edit the following story by using appropriate

copyreading symbols. Provide a two-column headline (36 points,

Tahoma). Give as well the slug line and printer’s directions.


Reyes was slapped with the accesory penalties of

cancellation of eligibility, prohibition in taking civil service exam,
forfeiture of retirement benefits, and perpetual disqualification
from holding public office.

Cristeta Reyes was ffound guilty of grav misconduct, the

Office of the Ombudsman said is a resolution approved by
ombudsman Conchita CarpioMorales on September 27.

The case stemmed from the purchase of the lottery

allegedly owned by Reyes children for the construction of the
Santiago Natl High School.

The mayor of town Malvar in Batangas was been dismissed

in connection with the alleged anomalous procurement of a lot

We believe the given reprimand was too much for the

mayor. She should have bean given considaration given that she
had served the town as well.

Brian Dalton, DILG- Calabarazon operations officer, said Reyes

could still file a motion for reconsideration or bring the very
serious and sensitive case to the court of appeals.

A copy of the resolution was served by Adelma Mauleon,

Department of the Interior And Local Government (DILG)-

Batangas director, to the municipal goverment on


Reyes’ co-accused, municipalbudget officer Jeanette Fruelda

and treasurer Yolanda Cabiscuelas, was ordered suspended for
9 months.

Note: The name of the DILG-Batangas director is correctly spelled. Use the
correct copyreading symbol to inform the printer about this.
Directions: Edit the following story by using appropriate
copyreading symbols. Provide a two-column headline (36 points,
Tahoma). Give as well the slug line and printer’s directions.


The mayor of Malvar town in Batangas has been dismissed in

connection with the alleged anomalous procurement of a lot.

Cristeta Reyes was found guilty of grave misconduct, the Office

of the Ombudsman said is a resolution approved by
Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales on September 27.

The case stemmed from the purchase of the lot allegedly owned
by Reyes’ children for the construction of the Santiago National
High School.

Reyes was slapped with the accessory penalties of cancellation

of eligibility, prohibition from taking civil service examination,
forfeiture of retirement benefits, and perpetual disqualification
from holding public office.

A copy of the resolution was served by Adelma Mauleon,

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)-
Batangas director, to the municipal government on Wednesday.

Reyes’ co-accused, municipal budget officer Jeanette Fruelda

and treasurer Yolanda Cabiscuelas, were ordered suspended for
nine months.

Brian Dalton, DILG- Calabarzon operations officer, said Reyes

could still file a motion for reconsideration or bring the case to
the court of appeals.

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