Kinley Gyenzo-Water Scarcity in Paddy

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Impact of Water Scarcity on Paddy Production in Pahngyul gGewog, wWangdue dDzongkhag

Project proposal

Dechen Zangmo

Kiney Gyenzo

Pelden Dorji

Sonam Deki

Tshering Dema

Group nNo: 3

Department of aAgriculture

Submission Date: 26 October, 2018 Commented [H1]: Delete coma.



LOBESA: PUNAKHA Commented [H2]: Why in capital letters?

Farmers depend directly or indirectly on the success of the rice crop each year, as it is one of the
main staple food. Despite the importance of rice farming in Phangyul gGewog, it has traditionally
been dependant on rainfall. Therefore, the study of impact of water scarcity on paddy production Commented [H3]: Rephrase it.
was carried out in Phangyul gewog, Wangduephodrang dzongkhang with the prime objectives to Commented [H4]:
determine the importance of the water on paddy production and also to analyse the relationship
between water scarcity and paddy production. The primary data were will be collected through
interviewing gewog officers and individual farmers’ with the a set of (type?) questionnaires. Commented [H5]: Army officers?
Through this study we expect that the major factor deterring the paddy production and the cause Commented [H6]: Delete apostrophe.
for the decrease in the socio-economic status of the people of Phangyul gewog is because of the
water shortage prevailing in that area. At the same time we also expect to assess and compare the Commented [H7]: Rephrase. Hard to understand.
difference between the yields and know by how much the yield decreases year by year. Commented [H8]: Rephrase.


1.1 Background

The word rice was first used in English in the middle of the 13th century and it is derived from the
Old French ‘ris’, which comes from Italian ‘riso’, in turn from the Latin ‘oriza’(Rice-IPFS). Rice Commented [H9]: Publication year??
is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa or Oryza glaberrima , which belongs to the genus
Oryza and family poaceae. The two cultivated species are Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima (R,
L, Thomas, 1997). Oryza sativa is commonly known as Asian rice. As a result of genetic studies,
many scientists believe that common wild rice, Oryza rufipogon was the wild ancestor of Oryza
sativa (, 2003). Recent genetic evidence shows that all forms of Asian rice, both Commented [H10]: Get other source of information.
iIndica and jJaponica, come from a single domestication event that occurred 8,200 to 13,500 years
ago in the Pearl River valley region of China and based on archaeological evidence, rice was
believed to have first been domesticated in the region of the Yangtze River valley in China
(Ricepedia). From an early history in the Asian areas, rice has spread and is now grown on all Commented [H11]: Scholarly source required along with
publication year.
continents except Antarctica. The above paragraph is long for a technical paper. Give us the history
in two short and crisp sentences. Then move on to next time.

Rice is grown under inundated condition i.e., standing in a water layer of 5-10 cm. and iIt is one
of the world’s most labor intensive and water thirsty crops, requiring lots of rain or irrigated water
(B. Bas, 2018). Rice is grown under both irrigated and rain-fed systems and terraces on the slopes Commented [H12]: Is this the correct way to cite?
of hills and mountains. Paddy crop is strongly influenced by water supply and water should be
kept standing in the field throughout the growth period. Rice uses about 35% - 45% of the fresh
water used for agriculture crops worldwide and fields remains flooded from planting to harvest
(IRRI, 2013). Rice thrives in flooded areas and grows where other crops cannot survive. Irrigated
rice uses up to 39% of global water withdrawals for irrigation and are known to consume more
water than any other crops (VOA News, 2011). The ideas in the above paragraph is muddled up Commented [H13]: News? You must be kdding. Avoid
news sources. It is a technical paper and so cite from
and some repeated. Rewrite it with ideas following in a logical sequence and without repeating. technical/scholarly work.

The past years have seen a growing scarcity of water worldwide (Citation??). The pressure to
reduce water use in irrigated agriculture is mounting, especially in Asia where it accounts for 90% Commented [H14]: Which?
of total diverted fresh water. Rice is an obvious target for water conservation: it is grown on more
than 30% of irrigated land and accounts for 50% of irrigation water (Barker et al., 1999). Reducing Commented [H15]: This is a repetition again.
water input in rice production can have high societal and environmental impact if the water saved
can be diverted to areas where competition is high. A reduction of 10% in water used in irrigated
rice would free up 150,000 million m3, corresponding to about 25% of the total fresh water used
globally for non-agricultural purposes (Klemm, 1999). However, rice is very sensitive to water Commented [H16]: Thirty year old source. Get more
recent source.
stress. Attempts to reduce water in rice production may result in yield production and may threaten
Commented [H17]: Production to reduction?
food security in Asia. Reducing water input for rice will change the soil from submergence to Commented [H18]: Not necessarily. SRI needs very
minimal water and produce double the amount. That is why
greater aeration. This shifts may have profound-and largely unknown-effects on the sustainability you need to read, read and read so that you know what you
of the low land rice ecosystem. Water scarcity is an increasing phenomenon affecting all sectors are talking.
of economic interest. The water stress vulnerability of rice is the grave concern in our country due
to climate change and shortage of irrigation water source leading to the shortage of water in the
paddy field. Producing rice without or with less water is a formidable challenge for the farmers
and rice systems need water for three main purposes: i) evapo-transpiration; ii) seepage and
percolation; and iii) specific water management practices such as land preparation and drainage
prior to tillering and water consumption through rice evapo-transpiration can be as low as 25% of
the total (B. Bas, 2018). Commented [H19]:

The paragraph is VERY long. And the ideas – well you need to arrange them logical sequence
without repetition. Add more citations. Crucial statistics such as annual production of rice, area
under production, yield, etc. are missing.

1.2 Rationale

Rice is the Phangyul gewog’s most important staple food and it provides 27% of the calories and
nutrition in low and middle-income farmers (Dorji et al.,1990). According to the Agriculture Commented [H20]: More than 30 years old huh. No
recent information? Please read, get latest information.
Statistics of 2013, Phangyul gewog cultivated paddy in an area of 309 acres. Because of its high
volume of production and productivity, the paddy production has been identified as one of the Commented [H21]: We get Statistics of 2017 now.

business opportunities in all the Gewogs of the Dzongkhag especially in Phangyul gewog. Commented [H22]:

During the annual Regional Agriculture Review and Planning workshop held at the then RNR-
RDC, Bajo from 26th to 28th January 2012 in focus group discussion (FGD), participants shared
that the Phangyul gewog has a potential to produce different kinds of crops due to its agro-
ecological features but over the years, the crops production has declined due to water shortage.
With the decline in the water quality and resource availability, it is threatening the sustainability
of the irrigated rice-based production system, which is ultimately affecting the production of rice
and income of the farmers as result. Commented [H23]: This can be shortened, keeping on the
most important and relevant information.
About 50% of the farmers depend on rice as producer or consumer. Out of there some 20% poor Commented [H24]: Farmers of Bhutan or Punakha
and undernourished people are engaged in growing rice (Chhogyel et al.,2014). So, to lift both Dzongkahg or your specific study site? Specify.

producers and consumers out of poverty, rice production needs to be profitable while rice itself Commented [H25]: ???
needs to remain affordable. As mentioned in objectives this project proposal attempts to determine Commented [H26]: There?
the importance of water in paddy production at pPhangyul gewog. And, over the years yield has Commented [H27]:
been declined severely due to unavailability of water for irrigation. This project study will is being Commented [H28]: This sentence does not connect well
conducted in order to compare the yield changes in the recent years due to scarcity of water and with the idea in the preceding sentence. Ideas/sentences
should connect and flow smoothly.
furthermore to it will determine how farmers at phangyul gewog are managing their daily lives
Commented [H29]:
with the income that they get from the rice production.
The third paragraph above has so many ideas clubbed together. Consider dividing the paragraphs
into three or more to accommodate each of the idea. Arrange these paragraphs so that ideas are
linked together in a logical sequence.

1.3 Objectives:

 To determine the importance of the water on paddy production and paddy production Commented [H30]: Why do you want to determine the
importance. Everyone knows water is important for paddy,
for all crops and humans.
importance in overall household income.

 To analyze the relationship between water scarcity and paddy production

 To compare the yield before and after the issue of the scarcity of the water. Commented [H31]: Yield or production? I hope you know
the difference between yield and production.
 To assess per unit costs and return of the paddy cultivation.

Please consider reducing the objectives to at most three, if not two are fine. Just

focus on the important aspects.


Literature review

2.1 Primary cause of the water scarcity

Water scarcity or water crisis or water shortage or water stress is the deficiency of adequate water
resources that meet the water demands for a particular region (FAO, 2010) . There are millions of
people all over the world who don’t have access to water or if they have access, the water is unable
to used. According to WWF, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total Commented [H32]: Very generic statement. Everyone
knows. So what? Be specific. Give us examples.
of 2.7 billion find water scarce for atleast one month of every year. Water scarcity can be due to
physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity. Physical water scarcity refers to a situation Commented [H33]: Expand it for the first time.

where natural water resources are unable to meet the region’s demand and economic water scarcity
is due to the poor water management. Critical factors such as rapid population growth, climate
change, reductions in the ice and snow areas of the Himalayas, urbanization, industrial growth,
poverty, distribution inequalities, unsustainable water consumption practices, loss of ecosystems,
more rapid runoff and bad management of water resources by the government have caused
degradation of the resource base and laid huge stress on the quantity and quality of water resources
(Shah et al., 2008, ; Hanja and Gichuki, 2008 ; Kamal, 2009).

The above paragraph can be broken down into three paragraphs. Please improve it further.
First paragraph could be on the definition, second, on causes of water scarcity, and third,
elaboration of the causes and so on. There should also be a paragraph on Bhutan’s water
scarcity situation.

2.2 Water and food security

In 2001, United nNations Food and Agriculture program (FAO) defined food security ( somehow
currently accepted ) in the following wordsmanner, [“Food security exists when all people, at all
times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which
meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life"]. Food availability is
achieved when sufficient quantities of food are consistently available to all individuals. Access to
food is achieved when a household and all members of the household have enough (economic)
resources to acquire food for sufficient intake of calories. Besides the physical as an aspect of
accessibility, food access is the principal function of a household’s income and food price. Food
access and food availability do not ensure food security alone. Food absorption is important at the
same level of food availability and food access. Food absorption is achieved when diet provided
adequate energy and essential nutrients to the human body.

Water scarcity has a huge impact on food production. Without water people do not have a means
of watering their crops and, therefore, to provide food for the fast growing population. According Commented [H34]: Yes, no water means we can’t water
our plants. Everyone knows. So stop telling us the obvious.
to the International Water Management Institute, agriculture, which accounts for about 70% of Tell us something new.
global water withdrawals, is constantly competing with domestic, industrial and environmental
uses for a scarce water supply. In attempts to fix this ever growing problem, many have tried to
form more effective methods of water management. Water is key to food security. Crops and
livestock need water to grow. Agriculture requires large quantities of water for irrigation and of
good quality for various production processes. While feeding the world and producing a diverse
range of non-food crops such as cotton, rubber and industrial oils in an increasingly productive
way, agriculture also confirmed its position as the biggest user of water on the globe. Irrigation
now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater appropriated for human use.

Please read the above paragraph….and break it down appropriately. Too many ideas presented
incoherently. Consider rewriting it.

2.3 Water source

According to the Mckinsey report (2009), the world is facing a water scarcity challenge where
agriculture is its predominant consumer. Commented [H35]: Rephrase it.

Although food security has been significantly increased in the past thirty 30 years due to water
scarcity, water withdrawals for irrigation represent 66% of the total withdrawals and up to 90% in
arid regions, the other 34% being used by domestic households (10%), industry (20%) or
evaporated from reservoirs (4%) (source: Shiklomanov, 1999). Commented [H36]: Hhmm…hard to understand. Please
rephrase it. It is simple. If needed, break it into two
Water shortage in a mountain country like Bhutan, blessed with abundant water resources with per
capita mean annual flow availability of 109,000 m3, the highest in the region, is probably the
biggest ironies of our time. Phangyul gewog which is under Wangdue dzongkhag in Bhutan faces Commented [H37]: Oh, very poetic. But unfortunately,
this is a technical paper, so go easy on romanticizing the
water scarcity every year be it for drinking water or for irrigation. According to the National Health sentences.
Survey 2012, the proportion of Bhutan’s population with access to improved drinking water source
is 97.7%. However, in some rural parts of our country such as (name the place), people must
depend on rain water for both drinking and irrigation. According to study done by the Ugyen
Wangchuk Institute for Conservation and Environment Research (year???), climate change, in
addition to increasing anthropogenic activities, could impact both quality and quantity of water as
climate change in the region is occurring at greater speed than elsewhere. Ultimately rainfall, Commented [H38]: ???
extreme temperatures, flooding and wind storms have become common, leading to seasonal and
local water scarcity for drinking and agriculture.

Your contents above don’t align with the subtitle, which is Water Source. You are describing so
many other things that are not directly related to the title at hand.


Methods and Methodology Commented [H39]: Materials

3.1 Study area

Phangyuel Gewog is one of the smallest Gewogs in the region. As per the 2017 Census, Phangyuel Commented [H40]: Which region?
Gewog has a total population of 1,564. Phangyuel GewogIt consists of an estimated area of 32.70
sq km. The terrain consists mainly of gentle sloping areas, with an altitude ranging from 1,200 to
3,000 meters above the sea level.

New paragraph Phangyuel Gewog is agriculturally well known for rice, vegetables and fruit plants,
which grow by virtue of its location, soil and its climate condition. The Gewog basically grows Commented [H41]:
little of everything but the main crops grown are paddy, wheat, sweet buckwheat as food crops.
There are a total of 419.216 acres of wetland in which paddy is cultivated. But the agricultural
productivity was is hindered constrained by the water scarcity problems. Thus, most of the farmers
are depending on the monsoon rain for their cultivation. The information about your study site can
be improved by giving more relevant information.

3.2 Sample size

Phangyuel gewog consists of a total of six cChiwogs out of which we have chosen four chiwogs
facing more severe water scarcity problems are chosen. They are Phangyuel, Kumchi, Goenkha
and Chungoen with a population of 255, 210, 294 and 254, respectively. with a population of 255,
Kumchi with 210, Goenkha with 294 and Chungoen with 254.

The type of sampling that will be implemented is simple random sampling.

The sample size or the number of respondents for the interview (sample size) will be randomly
selected using the Yaname formula (Israel, 2012). This formula assumes 95% confidence and 5%

1 + 𝑁𝑋𝑒 2

n=Sample size

N=Total population

𝑒 2 =Error limit

Total population used in this study will be the population of four chiwogs. The population of each
chiwog is:





The total population from which we would interview is:

Therefore, 𝑛 = 1+1,013(0.05)2

1 + 1,013 × 0.0025
n=286 people
 Sample size of strata size = × 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒

Phanyuel= × 255
=72 farmers
Kumchi=1,013 × 210
=59 farmers
Goenkha= × 294
=83 farmers
Chungyen=1,013 × 254
=71 farmers Commented [H42]: You need not give the whole lot of
calculations. Just one formula should be fine. And the
sample size in each of the study cites can be specified.

3.2 Data collection

The method used here would be semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The questions will
be open as well as closed-ended. The method of sampling will be random sampling

Primary data will be collected through direct interview using a semi-structured questionnaire.
Some of the important questions in the questionnaire include (give two to three important, relevant
questions here).

 Interviewing
It will be a semi-structured interview done face to face with the inhabitants of the valley and the
gup (or any official of the gewog centre with the required information). With the farmers the
questions will mainly focus on the importance of paddy as a commercial crop in the farmers’
household and decrease in yield of paddy after the issue of scarcity of water. With the gup the
focus will be on the statistical information of per unit costs and return of the paddy and the yearly
changes in the data caused by the scarcity of water. Commented [H43]: ???

 Questionnaires
The questionnaire will be mainly for the farmers who have large land holdings since the lack of
paddy cultivation would affect their economic situation the most. It will be composed of open
ended questions. The answers will be recorded. The questions will mostly focus on determining
the changes in their living standard caused due to decrease in income caused by decrease in paddy
cultivation. It will give more detailed information on the negative impacts on farmers’ social life
caused by the effect of scarcity of water on paddy cultivation. Commented [H44]: Not required. This will be under data
collection where you mention about the type of
3.4 Data analysis

 Bar/line graph
This type of graph is used to track changes over time. It will provide a clear understanding of the
changes occurring in paddy returns over the year. Commented [H45]: This is not data analysis. Delete it.

 X-Y Plot
X-Y plots are used to determine relationships between the two different things. The x-axis is used
to measure one event (or variable) and the y-axis is used to measure the other. If both variables Commented [H46]: And so…?
increase at the same time, they have a positive relationship. If one variable decreases while the
other increases, they have a negative relationship. Sometimes the variables don't follow any pattern
and have no relationship. This will provide guidance in analyzing the relationship between water
scarcity and paddy cultivation. Commented [H47]: And…why are you saying this?
In Data Analysis section, you should tell us the tests or
analysis you will run for each of the different data you will

Where is your work plan?

3.5 Estimated Budget

Sl. Particulars Quantity Unit cost (Nu) Total Amount Formatted: Font: Bold
No. (Nu)
Formatted: Font: Bold
1 DSA for interviewer 8 people for 1 week 1000/day 56,000

2 Transportation 8 interviewers 300/person 2400

3 Refreshment for interviewees 285 people 140/person 39,900

4 Questionnaires printing 11 households 50/paper 550

5 Thesis drafting printing 1 400 400

6 Final draft printing 1 400 400

Grand Amount (Nu) 99,250


Very poor referencing style. Please be serious. Also read more books. No book is referred
from our library. Why not? Over 30% of the reference materials are very old.

Ricepedia-The online authority on rice, History of rice cultivation.

<>. Accessed on 15th September

R, L, Thomas., (1997). UCD plant biology, Rice history. Commented [H48]: Coma. Why?
Commented [H49]: Old source.
<>. Accessed on 15th

September 2018.

Rice-IPFS, Etymology of rice. <>. Accessed on 15th Commented [H50]:

September 2018. The natural history of rice. <>. Accessed on

15th September 2018.

B. Bas,. (2018). IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank, Does rice really use too much water? Commented [H51]:


B.Bas,(2018). ResearchGate, how much water does rice use? Commented [H52]:
<https://www.researchgate.netpublication>. Accessed on 15 September 2018.

Dorji, N., Flinn, J.C. and Maranan, C.,(1990). Rice production in the Wangduephodrang-Punakha Commented [H53]: Old.

valley of Bhutan, IRRI Research Paper Series, No. 140, The International Rice Research
Institude, Manila.

Chhogyel, N., Ghimiray, M. and Dorji, Cheku. (2014a). Installation of new rice processing Units Commented [H54]:

in Sonam Drupdey, Annual RNR Magazine, 1(5), 24-25.

Kamal, 2009, running on empty, Pakistan’s water crisis, and Pakistan’s water challenges: Commented [H55]:

Entitlement, Access, Efficiency, and Equity. Wood words Wilson centre for Scholars,
Asia Program.

FAO., (2010). Enduring Farms: Climate Change, Smallholders and Traditional Farming Commented [H56]:

Communities. FAO, Rome.

Khalil, J.K., 2007.Food security with special reference to Pakistan,D.G.Administration, Higher Commented [H57]:

Education Commission, Islamabad; 71-120.

UNDP.,2007). Human Development Report 2006--- BeyondScarcity: Power, Poverty and Commented [H58]:

Global Water Crisis. United Nations Development Programme,New York.

UNDP., (2008). Fighting climate change--- Human Solidarity in a Divided World. New York: Commented [H59]:


Rosegran, M.W., CAI, X., (2000). Water scarcity and food security: alternative futures for the Commented [H60]:

21stcentury. Journal of Water science and Technology 43(4), 61-70.

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