The 2012 Venus Transit: The Astonomy & Astrology

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The 2012 Venus Transit: The Astonomy & Astrology 13/09/18 03:47

The 2012 Venus Transit

The Venus Retrograde in Sidereal Taurus

The Venus Earth Synod with

Pholus, Ixion, Quaoar, and Pluto in Ophiuchus

Earth Viewing Coordinates

Excerpts from the May 20, 2012 Lunar Planner,

with dditional thoughts by authors
David Tresemer & Adam Gainsburg.
Featuring a new 3D Venus Transit Video Animation.
Produced by Marius Giurgi. Music by Pete Namlook.

The Venus Transit Video

Venus Main Page

Nick Anthony Fiorenza

©2008-2012 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 17
The 2012 Venus Transit: The Astonomy & Astrology 13/09/18 03:47

Ultra-high Definition View of the 2012 Venus Transit

SDO's Ultra-high Definition Video of the 2012 Venus Transit

Over a six-hour period on June 5-6 2012, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) collected images in many wavelengths of one of the rarest
predictable solar events: the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun.

The 2012 Venus Transit Geographic Visibility

00:00 00:32

Animation of the 2012

Venus Transit path across the Sun


The Sun-Venus conjunction occurs on:

June, 6, 2012, 1:09:22 UT (June 5, 2012, 6:09:22 PM MST)

This time marks the mid-point of the Venus transit. The transit starts about 3 hours before this time and continues about 3 hours after.

In-22:09:38 - 22:27:34 - 01:29:36 - 04:31:39 04:49:35-Out


The Venus Zenith (directly overhead) resides at

162° 20' E / 22° 41' N


Mapping details by Fred Espenak Page 2 of 17
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"The entire event will be widely visible from the western Pacific, eastern Asia, and eastern Australia.

Most of North and Central America, and northern South America will witness the beginning of the transit (on June 5) but the Sun will set before the
event ends. Similarly, observers in Europe, western and central Asia, eastern Africa, and western Australia will see the end of the event since the
transit will already be in progress at sunrise from those locations." Fred Espenak

Venus Retrograde & Transit in The Horns of the Bull

Notice the retrograde path (in the star chart below) starts at the North Horn of the Bull, Al Nath. The path then moves back along the North Horn,
across the ecliptic, where the transit occurs in the midst of the horns, toward the Hyades star asterism and the star Ain of Taurus, where it returns
direct. It then continues over Aldebaran, the Light of the Bull, and along the South Horn, its tip being marked by Al Hecka.

Taurus, the constellation of the Bull, is the progenitor of life, our primordial mother. Thus, the Venus Transit imbues the high-vibrational Divine
Feminine into our lives within the facet of human consciousness that is our primordial essence. It activates or enlivens the very source coding from
which manifest physical life springs.


Although an orange giant, is not a supergiant star like Antares or Betelgeuse, it is still 44 times our Sun’s diameter and shines with a luminosity of
425 times that of our Sun. It thus has significant influence throughout central sidereal Taurus, and embodies the principle theme of Taurus.
Aldebaran is the Light of the Bull.

Aldebaran, classically the Eye of the Bull, is one of the "Four Royal Architects" bringing order to the heavens. Directly opposite Aldebaran is
Antares, Heart of the Scorpion. Both of these stars mark the centers of their respective signs. The other Royals are Regulus of Leo, Heart of the Lion
(Leo), the law-giver; and humanitarian Fomalhaut in sidereal Aquarius. Aldebaran, the "Bull's Eye," means the mathematical center. The
Aldebaran-Antares axis was the primary fiducial (reference point) for the Babylonian zodiak (See Robert Powell’s book: History of the Zodiak).
Aldebaran (and sidereal Taurus) is the primogenitor of the zodiak, the Earth sign from which the bounty of life springs.

Aldebaran holds the vision for global leaders and world servers inspiring the administrative planning of world affairs, specifically for physical
logistics and a global infrastructure designed to support humanity through evolutionary growth and change. Prominent alignments with the
Aldebaran / Antares axis can express into the business and political arenas, and is of their leaders.

Aldebaran is a star of pioneering leadership. At a personal level, Aldebaran is of business and the home. It inspires vision and impels initiative to act
for our physical wellbeing. Aldebaran inspires involvement with physical places, business and projects supportive of our modalities of living for
self, family and friends. Aldebaran inspires us to take the physical action to manifest our visions in the physical world. Page 3 of 17
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The retrograde path of Venus at the time of the 2012 Venus Transit.

Pre-Transet Events

Venus conjoins Uranus and Ceres in sidereal Pisces in early February 2012 (not shown). Venus then conjoins Eris on February 26, 2012 in sidereal
Pisces. Both conjoin Revati of Pisces and Baten Kaitos of Cetus. This is also Venus' exalted location in the ecliptic.

Venus then conjoins Jupiter on March 14, 2012. Jupiter and Venus create a Grand Trine with retrograde Mars and Pluto—presented in the February
21, 2012 Lunar Planner.

Venus conjoins Sedna and the Centaur Asbolus as it arrives to its eastern elongation on May 26-27, 2012 in late sidereal Aries.

Venus then enters and traverses sidereal Taurus. She begins her retrograde on May 15, 2012 conjoining El Nath and Al Hecka (the horns of the
Bull), and Meissa (the head of Orion) and the belt stars of Orion. The Transit occurs on June 6, 2012 conjoined Kursa of Eridanus (when Venus
crosses the ecliptic and its North Node). The retrograde completes on June 27, 2012 in the Hyades, the a stellar asterism that lies just before
Aldebaran (the Eye of the Bull). Aldebaran marks the center of the sidereal sign of Taurus.Venus conjoins Murzim when ariving to its western
elongation on August 15.

The Pre-Transit Events Page 4 of 17
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All of the pre-transit events are significant as these energetics amalgamate and express into and through the Venus Transit. The March 26-27, 2012
conjunction of Venus at its Eastern Elongation with Sedna and the Centaur Asbolus also occurs on the Crescent Moon in the March 22, 2012 Lunar
Cycle. This is especially significant for a number of reasons. It invites us to reassess our values, to trust in the feminine intuition, in the path of the
heart, art and beauty, and to support the emergence of the feminine force in our lives and in the world. The Centaur Asbolus invites us to be
perceptually attentive to events occurring, especially where violations may be occurring regarding the rights of others. It invites us to use our
perception from the heart, to especially trust our intuitive process, and to use the feminine principle as an active force in our lives. This may be
extremely important through the times ahead. Asbolus and Sedna may also impel us to address any feelings of hurt, rejection toward, or
abandonment of the feminine principle within self. They require us to embrace and bring forth the feminine within self for it to re-emerge in the
world. This entire energetic will be carried into and express through the Venus Transit of June 6, 2012, at which time this force will emblazon upon
the Earth. This Crescent Moon-Venus-Sedna-Asbolus conjunction and its star alignments are presented in more detail in the March 22, 2012 Lunar

More about Venus Elongations and the Crescent/Balsamic Moon alignments can be found here:
E-Motions of the Heart: Venus Elongations & the Crescent Moon

The Venus Transit Theme

There are several factors defining the theme of this event:

• The Lunar Cycle in which the Venus transit occurs. (The Venus Transit occurs in the May 20, 2012 Lunar Cycle: A Solar Annular Eclipse) May 20
Solar Anular Eclipse Information
• Where in the Lunar Cycle the transit occurs (just after the Full Moon Partial Eclipse in Ophiuchus).
• The addditional aspects to Venus at the time of the transit and other significant planetary aspects occurring.

The Venus Transit theme and the new 584-day Earth-Venus Synodic cycle, in the context of the entire Eclipse Lunar Cycle is presented in detail in
the May 20, 2012 Lunar Planner.

Excerpts from the May 20, 2012 Lunar Planner

The Venus Transit Stars in Taurus

Larger Chart Above

The transit conjoins Kursa of Eridanus (the exact alignment); Rigel (Beta) of Orion; the stars forming the Shield of Orion; Hassaleh of Auriga; and
Gamma Camelopardalis (the Camel). Rigel is the primary star in this zodiacal band.

Rigel, Beta Orion, is a supergiant star about 30 times the size of our Sun and with a mass about 17 times the mass of our Sun. It shines about 40,000
times our Sun’s luminosity and is the seventh brightest star in the heavens. It lies south of the red giant Betelgeuse, also of Orion. Rigel has a faint
dwarf companion but it is hard to see in small telescopes due to Rigel’s brilliance.

Rigel is of enterprising entrepreneurialism. Orions in general are known for their architectural capacity. Prominent alignments with Rigel (and
Bellatrix) bring the capacity to embody, direct and execute large, extravagant and grandiose projects; bringing good through commerce and business

Kursa, conjoining Rigel, marks the beginning of Eridanus, the River of Life. Kursa is of new beginnings, new journeys, new involvements, and new
legs of our lives. Although it may be time to go forth anew, into a new phases of our lives, we must be aware of the tenacious perseverance required Page 5 of 17
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when staring new life journeys, to move from the wars and trials of the past to the freedom of the future. Kursa is also favorable for journeys
involving enterprises across water or in other parts of the world.

North of Taurus is Auriga, the Charioteer. Capella, the messenger of light, is the primary star of this constellation. Hassaleh is the third brightest star
of the classic pentagon of stars forming Auriga. Hassaleh conjoins Rigel of Orion and Kursa of Eridanus. Marking the foot of Auriga, Hassaleh
inspires innovative and persistent action; and like the essence of Auriga, to mobilize that which cannot move on its own accord. Conjoining Hoedus
adds a warrior quality to Hassaleh and is action oriented.

The northern Camel articulates the nature of this zodiakal band in Taurus well. (Alpha and Beta conjoin Bellatrix; and Gamma conjoins Kursa of
Eridanus). The Camel spreads wealth around the world through commerce and business, is a resilient, enduring, hard working and intelligent beast
of burden with the ability to go for days without water before becoming distressed, one suited for long and arduous journeys. This also articulates
the planning and administrative nature of Bellatrix and the plodding and enduring nature of Taurus in general.

In concert with our sidereal Taurus Lunar Cycle, we find inspiration for an enterprising fresh start, to engage in a new journey in life. Enterprises of
the Heart and Art are especially favored. The transit inspires us to create the means to move forward in a new heart-centered way that supports the
fundamental physical needs for people, home and family—a key quality of Taurus.

Venus also has a primary influence in the flow and use of financial resources. This transit, especially as the retrograde completes on June 27, 2012,
may stimulate a change in focus for the application of resources as well as stimulate a turning in the global financial scene. Venus and her
retrogrades are extremely significant in astrological financial forecasting. Revati of Pisces is Venus’ exalted star. Revati means money, financial
resources. Venus is also at home sidereal Taurus, which produces a clear and empowered feminine expression.

Additional Dynamics of the Venus Transit

The Sun-Venus Mars Square & The Venus Mars Pholus-Ixion T-square

Venus squares Mars a day before the Venus Transit, on June 4. Mars, in sidereal Leo, conjoins Mizar of Ursa Major; and Asterion and the Seyfert
Galaxy NGC 4151 of Canes Venatici. This is just a couple of degrees to the Earth-Mars synod of March 3, 2012 that occurred during the Mars
retrograde, still very much under the auspices of Mizar.

Mizar of the Great Bear, Zeta Ursa Major, is the overseeing and predominant star of this area of the zodiak. Mizar, and its companion Alcor,
articulates raw fiery energy that must express one way or another. Mizar must have a creative outlet, but for its proper expression, we must apply it
with creative vision. Mizar brings attention to use of our creative energies; creative and destructive tendencies, and the fear to create lest it may
result in destruction. Here we learn the nature of such volatile forces. Mizar, with averted alignments is also known for catastrophic fires or
massacres. Mizar can however express quite artistically—just as gunpowder can express as beautiful fireworks or devastating explosions. Mizar
tends to express in a grand way, in character with showy and dramatic Leo. Mizar imparts a dynamic, action oriented creative artistic expression.

Asterion and the conjoining Seyfert Galaxy NGC4151, both of the barking hounds, Canes Venatici, conjoin Mizar. Seyfert galaxies are spiral
galaxies that have very dense and bright cores that express a broad spectrum of emission lines, which suggests extremely hot gases in violent
motion. In general, Seyfert galaxies tend to stimulate dynamic, powerful and directed action.

Although of a dynamic, outgoing, artistic creative character, Mizar, Asterion and Chort, on the hind of the Lion, can also produce a lot of dramatic
racket and fiery commotion due to toxic conditions or an unrefined awareness. This can also be a part of the often diversionary tactics intended to
distract the unsuspecting from the real issues or path at hand, a theme common to late Leo. Page 6 of 17
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The conjoining Pulsar CP1133 in Leo provides impulses to act upon our intuition and upon the more subtle evolutionary and guiding currents
articulated by the stars of Velorum, the sail of the Argo, in this case Delta Velorum, which conjoins and lies in the southern heavens. Delta Velorum
provides and opening or way through the diversionary dramatics in the global arena for those who are able to function on more refined evolutionary

Mars squaring the Venus Transit stimulates dynamic creative action in leadership based from the Venus Transit theme. In addition there is a T-
square occurring with Venus opposite the Centaur Pholus (and the minor planet Ixion), square to Mars. The Pholus-Ixion conjunction, which is long
standing, is influencing a metamorphic transformation and healing regarding issues surrounding the tyrannical and exploitative use of power.

This T-square is an a significant facet of our Venus Transit and the years following. It places extra emphasis on the expression of Mars, but in an
entirely new way. The Venus Transit in Taurus and the Ophiuchus Venus synodic theme invite the empowered and masterful expression of the
feminine principle into the physical infrastructures of our lives, and in an enterprising capacity. This includes solution through intuition, art,
abundance, beauty and unconditional compassion. Pholus-Ixion impels a transformational catalyst in the masculine, perhaps unseen yet
mysteriously present. This entirety feeds into Mars, the foci of the T-square, which impels the externalized expression of this Sun-Venus-Earth /
Pholus-Ixion energetic. It motivates us to ACTIVELY EXPRESS Mars, the masculine force in our lives and in our world in an entirely NEW WAY.
It impels audacious creative leadership based from the feminine principle that catalyzes a paradigm metamorphosis into harmony, solution,
abundance and beauty, one that is compassionate, respectful and caring for all life.

Ceres and Sedna

Ceres and Sedna conjoin in late sidereal Aries and are inconjunct Saturn, which is approaching its station in opposition to Eris. Jupiter recently
conjoined Sedna on the Last Quarter Moon in the April 21, 2012 lunar cycle. Jupiter and Sedna also began a new 12-year synodic cycle on May 10,
2012. This was a significant precursor to the Cere-Sedna conjunction occurring at the time the Venus Transit, with Jupiter mobilizing and expanding
the feminine qualities of Sedna.


A planet-like object, or planetoid, orbiting the Sun at an extreme distance, in the coldest known region of our solar system was discovered in
November of 2003. The planetoid (2003 VB12), was named Sedna for an Inuit goddess who lives at the bottom of the frigid Arctic ocean. Sedna is
about one-quarter to three-eighths the size of the planet Pluto; and has an extreme elliptical orbit. Cold and removed, Sedna, approaches the Sun
only briefly during her ~10,800-year solar orbit. Sedna curiously has a peculiar reddish color, like that of Mars.

Mythically, their are several versions of Sedna’s story. Basically, Inuit Sedna is a beautiful but vain maiden who is quite content living at home with
her parents. She refuses several potential husbands but is finally coerced to marry by her father. She ends up marring an evil bird disguised as a man
and is wisped away to a distant island for a life of misery. Her father comes to rescue Sedna, but on their way back in her father’s kayak the birdman
attacks the kayak. In a vicious struggle and in fear of his life, Sedna’s father either inadvertently or deliberately pushes Sedna overboard into the
frigid Arctic waters while severing her frozen fingers from clutching the boat. Sedna eventually drowns in dramatic scenario of deceit, betrayal and
abandonment. Sedna becomes the goddess of the sea watching over the mammals of the oceans. Sedna has the head and torso of a woman and the
tail of a fish—our mermaiden.

Being recently discovered, Sedna’s astrological influence is still exploratory. Based upon an initial exploration of Sedna’s astrophysical parameters,
discovery, and myth, Sedna articulates the “return of the exiled feminine principle.” Sedna’s message is that humanity must recognize the truth
about the suppression, persecution, abduction and exploitation of the feminine force in the world; and the mentality perpetuating such must be
addressed and changed. Although it is quite obvious of our need for female’s re-emergence and balanced reintegration with the overly dominant
patriarchal world, there is still dire hesitancy for such participation due to the often awry, deceptive and exploitative use of creative power by the
masculine force in the world.

Sedna’s re-emergence suggests her purpose is to bring forth that which has been hidden, exiled, latent or suppressed; and specifically supporting the
emergence of the long-suppressed feminine principle in the world; and the participation of females equally with males in all walks of life;
prominently, openly and without fear, abuse, prejudice or exploitation.

Sedna appears to motivate action from a mature social platform, from an open, honest and inclusive humanitarian focus, into an active focus in
leadership in the world; to break trail along a new path of discovery by demonstrating that a more feminine humanitarian type of leadership can
provide the answers to the challenges our wold faces.

Potential Sedna issues may include: a refusal or hesitancy to participate in fear of being hurt, or from resentment of being hurt; abduction or
abandonment issues (self-exile or forced exile); or fear of commitment.

Prior to 1950-1954 Sedna was south of the Celestial Equator (CE) in late sidereal Pisces. We might say that Sedna’s reemergence into the world was
gestating in human consciousness up to this time. Sedna’s role supporting the emergence of the feminine shifted significantly around that time, and
for those born at this time, as Sedna moved from being submerged in psychic-emotional sidereal Pisces onto the shores of sidereal Aries. Sedna was
also crossing from south of Earth’s celestial equator to north at the same time—creating a strong drive to support the feminine reemergence in the
world, for that generation and those to follow. We should begin to see another significant shift in the role of the feminine force in the world starting
2011, as Sedna enters the constellation of Taurus, and then in 2014-2017, as Sedna enters sidereal Taurus, supporting a more physically active and
prominent participation of females in world. More about Sedna.


Due to her size and spherical shape, Ceres was reclassified as a “dwarf planet” in Aug 2006, along with Pluto and Eris—appropriately honoring
Ceres to be the mother of the asteroids; and now places a “planet” in the orbital location where a planet should lie—in this case along with her many
children. Page 7 of 17
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Ceres, the mother of the main asteroids, brings awareness to how we nurture and to that which is truly nurturing to us. Ceres embodies mothering
and agricultural qualities and brings attention to our relation with the Earth, the land, agriculture, the environment and the seasons. Due to Ceres
association with the land and the environment, Ceres is of particular interest in charts associated with environmental changes or events. Ceres
reveals our ability to be in universal flow—the unification of giving and receiving as one flow of energy through ourselves. Ceres asks for
acknowledgment of our inner needs, to have self love and self worth. Ceres is of concern and caring for others as well as for the Earth. Ceres is
associated with fertility, the womb and stomach.

The Ceres-Sedna conjunction brings emphasis to issues surrounding the nurturing and caring for the re-emergence and empowerment of females in
the world and of the exiled and suppressed feminine principle in general. The Ceres-Sedna inconjunct aspect to Saturn provides opportunity for
creative solution in the social-political structures in the world regarding these issues.

The Ceres-Sedna conjunction and the Pholus-Ixion conjunction (opposite the Venus Transit) both compliment each other, and they augment the
infusion of the feminine force in our world catalyzed by the Venus Transit. The Pholus-Ixion conjunction stimulates a metamorphic transformation
of the masculine tyrannical exploitation of women while the Jupiter-Sedna and Ceres-Sedna conjunctions support the mobilization and nurturing for
females re-emerge as a dynamic influential force in the world.

The Moon triggers the Uranus-Pluto Square

Moon conjoins Pluto at the time of the Venus Transit triggering the Uranus-Pluto Square. Uranus and Pluto are now about 1° to their exact square.
The Uranus-Pluto square, which continues from 2012 though 2015, consists of seven exact squares (triggers), the first of which occurs on the
following New Moon. This Venus Transit, along with its dynamic planetary aspects, creates significant energetic as we enter into what should be a
powerfully transformative few year period. More about the Uranus-Pluto Square.

The Earth-Venus Synods with Pholus, Ixion, Quaoar & Pluto

The Embracing Context of June 2012
The underlying and embracing context of the Venus Transit, and what it means in terms of the "evolution of Human consciousness" is found by
looking at the greater planetary synodic cycles occurring at this time. The Venus Transit itself, and the Kursa star alignment presented above can be
thought of as the punctual (in the moment) theme. This punctual event (the transit) is but one point in a far-more embracing symphony of planetary

A new 584-day Earth-Venus Synodic Cycle begins at the time of the Venus Transit. The Venus transit is of course seen from the Earth as we look
toward the Venus-Sun conjunction in the constellation and sidereal sign of Taurus. A synod however is defined looking from the Sun toward the two
or more planets that are aligning. Thus, the Earth-Venus synod is seen in the exact opposite part of the zodiak, in this case in sidereal Scorpio and in
the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is also what you would see looking from Venus, seeing Earth nesting in this stellar backdrop. The star alignments
of a planetary synod reveals the theme of the new and unfolding synodic cycle. See Synodic Cycles and Planetary Retrogrades to learn the basics
about "Synodic Cycles" and 'Synodic Astrology."

Not only do Earth and Venus create a synod in Ophiuchus and start a new synodic cycle on June 6, but Earth and Venus also create synods with
Pholus, Ixion, Quaoar and Pluto—all in June 2012. Page 8 of 17
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00:00 00:14

The Earth-Venus-Pholus-Ixion-Quaoar Synods in Ophiuchus

June 6 - June 13

Earth-Juno (May 19); Venus-Juno (May 27); Earth-Venus Transit (June 6); Venus-Pholus-Ixion (June 7-); Earth-Pholus-Ixion (June 8); Venus-
Quaoar (June 10); Earth-Quaoar (June 13); Venus-Pluto (June 20); Earth-Pluto (June 29)

Ras Algethi, the head of Hercules, is the primary conjoining star for the Earth-Venus synod. It, and its surrounding cosmology, define the theme of
the new 584-day Earth-Venus Synodic Cycle.

As Venus continues moving in its orbit about the Sun (moving right to left in the above star chart), and after aligning with Earth, Venus then aligns
with the other slower-moving planets in the vicinity; first with Pholus and Ixion, then with Quaoar, then with Pluto. The Venus-Earth synod, the
Venus-Pholus synod, and the Venus-Ixion synod all occur on June 6, 2012—thus creating a compounded "Venus-Earth-Pholus-Ixion-Ophiuchus
Synodic Theme."

Also note that before the Venus Earth alignment, Venus and Earth (at slightly different times) align with Juno, asteroid of covenant relations. Thus a
Venus-Juno synodic cycle and an Earth-Juno synodic cycle are newly in process when the Earth-Venus cycle starts. All of these alignments and the Page 9 of 17
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new synodic cycles that they create reveal the embracing energetics and cycles of growth in consciousness surrounding the Venus Transit of June 6,
2012. Details of these events are in the monthly Lunar Planners in which they occur.

The table below shows the dates of the significant synods and the cycles they create surrounding the Venus-Earth Synod (the Venus Transit).

E a rth & Ve n u s Syno ds

Syno d Side re a l Location Date-GMT Cycle Duration

Earth-Juno Scor pio / Ophiuchus May 19 442 days
Venus-Juno Scor pio / Ophiuchus May 26 505 days
Venus-Earth Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 6 584 days
Venus-Pholus Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 6 479 days
Venus-Ixion Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 6 479 days
E arth -Pho l us Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 8 368 days
Ea rth -Ixi on Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 9 366 days
Venus-Quaoar Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 9 451 days
E arth-Q uao a r Scor pio / Ophiuchus June 13 367 days
Venus-Gate of God 5° sidereal Sag June 13 c onjunction
Venus-Pluto Sa g itta rius June 19 226 days
E a rt h-G at e o f G o d 5° sidereal Sag June 20 c onjunction
Eart h-Pl uto Sa g itta rius June 28 367 days The Full Moon
Eclipse and the
New 584-day Earth-Venus Synodic Cycle

The Full Moon eclipse of June 4 occurs in sidereal Scorpio and in the constellation Ophiuchus. It loosely conjoins the Centaur Pholus and the minor
planet Ixion by about 4°. The Sun conjoins retrograde Venus by 2.5°, slightly preceding the Venus Transit. Thus, the Venus-Sun conjunction is
opposite the Moon-Pholus-Ixion conjunction.

This Full Moon eclipse is of special significance because the Moon’s placement is near the exact same location of the new Earth-Venus synodic
cycle, thus with the same theme. The Full Moon, culminating the Pleiades-Perseus Annular Eclipse lunar cycle, also brings our awareness directly
to the longer 584-day Earth-Venus synodic cycle starting in Ophiuchus. The Venus Transit occurs 1.5 days after the Full Moon, on June 6, 2012,
1:09:33 GMT (June 5, 6:09 PM-MST).

The Venus transit is of course seen from the Earth as we look toward the Venus-Sun conjunction in the constellation and sidereal sign of Taurus. A
synod however is defined looking from the Sun toward the two or more planets that are aligning. Thus, the Earth-Venus synod is seen in the exact
opposite part of the zodiak, in this case in sidereal Scorpio and in the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is also what you would see looking from Venus,
seeing Earth nesting in this stellar backdrop.

The Earth-Venus synod lies about 1.5 degrees further in ecliptical longitude than the Full Moon. The stars expressing through this few-degree area
define the nature of our Full Moon Eclipse and the new Earth-Venus synodic cycle theme.

The Full Moon and the Earth-Venus synod lie between the legs of Ophiuchus. Conjoining stars include: Restaban of Draco; the Globular Cluster
M10 in Ophiuchus; a Super-Galactic cluster of galaxies called The Great Attractor; Alpha Apodis; Sarin of Hercules; Wei in the body of the
Scorpion; and Ras Algethi of Hercules. The Moon exactly conjoins the Great Attractor and the Earth-Venus synod exactly conjoins Ras Algethi of
Hercules, although all of these stellar forces synthesize.

Ophiuchus lies north of (above) and on the ecliptic, standing over the Scorpion. The body of the Scorpion swings south of the ecliptic, under the
legs and feet of Ophiuchus. Antares, heart of the Scorpion, defines the center of the sidereal sign of Scorpio, the Serpent Point, and embodies the Page 10 of 17
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essence of the Scorpio constellation. Antares lies below the ecliptic as well, in the body of the Scorpion. Only the head of the Scorpion crosses the
ecliptic (Dschuba), in the earlier part of the sign. Because Ophiuchus actually crosses the ecliptic, it is the thirteenth ecliptical constellation (not
sign), but it lies in the sidereal sign of Scorpio.

In our stellar image, Ophiuchus stands confidently holding the serpent (Serpentis) coiled around his body. The neck and head of the serpent point
toward the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis), which lies above the Chelae (claws) of the Scorpion (the scales of Libra). In Greek myth,
Aesculapius (Aesclepius or Asculapius) the mediciner of the ship Argo, is also imaged as Ophiuchus, knowledgeable of advanced healing processes
beyond the cycle of life and death. Aesculapius is the Greek version of Imhotep of Dynastic Egypt. Imhotep is considered to be the father of
medicine and author of a medical treatise (the Edwin Smith papyrus) thought to have been written about 1700 BC, but also believed to be a
compilation of documents a thousand years older. Ophiuchus also articulates the theme embodied by the Christian resurrected Jesus (or Jeshu).

Ophiuchus is knowledge holder over the raw creative forces governing life and death—one who has attained ascension from the lower-order forces
that perpetuate our scenarios of (re-incarnational) entrapment. Ophiuchus is exemplar of one who has mastered the initiatory forces of life and who
has brought the interplay of these forces to a greater spiritual fulfillment. The astronomical symbol of Ophiuchus is the caduceus—the entwined
double serpent upon a staff—representing both the double helix of the DNA and the fully active and awakened kundalini rising along the spinal

Ophiuchus and the sidereal sign of Scorpio are associated with our education regarding the use of primal creative forces and raw creative power.
The entire image of Ophiuchus standing upon the scorpion with this magnificent snake reaching for the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis)
represents the process of claiming our self-mastery to attain evolutionary fulfillment beyond of the karmic-dharmic based reincarnational process of
soul growth, the balancing of human experience in the polarity of duality. This is to become ascended in vibrational resonance, an illumined being
free from perpetuated entrapment—literally the illumination of the double-banned lattice of the DNA (the urn of the soul) into the one radiant spiral
of light. This is to live in a unified awareness beyond the entrapments inherent to a limited perception of a dualistic world.

The legs of Ophiuchus articulate emotional equilibrium, the stance from which he expresses his mastery. They also reveal a balance between the left
and right, the feminine and masculine. This is reflected in the second chakra of the human body, the balance between the splenic and hepatic organs
of the body (a gyroscopic chakra). Without clearing emotional issues held in this area of self and establishing this inner equilibrium there is not a
capacity to unify and balance the masculine and feminine in our selves and in our outer experience, let alone in our world. This inner emotional
equilibrium is a prerequisite to the spiritual and physical mastery that Ophiuchus exemplifies.

The M10 Globular Cluster of stars in Ophiuchus.

The Centuar Pholus is 19° north of the ecliptic passing directly over the cluster.

Image credit: Michael and Michael McGuiggan/Adam Block/NOAO/AURA/NSF

The Globular Cluster M10, along with the globular M12, expresses the heart of Ophiuchus. Globular star clusters are densely packed spheres of
stars, often containing many millions of stars. They impart an inner core strength and sense of self-conviction that can be drawn upon. These two
globular clusters articulate the powerful force expressed from the heart of Ophiuchus; and for one in self-mastery, they impart a powerful light and
passion expressing from the heart and from the integration of the dualistic forces of our reality, as well as the integration of the physical and

Hercules stands upside down in the northern Heavens, north above Ophiuchus, with his feet (foundation) in the Heptanomis (the seven heavens of
the celestial dome), in the realm of the gods; and with his head and hands at work in the realm of humankind aiding those in the incarnate world
struggling to claim their freedom from perpetuated mortal entrapment.

Ras Algethi is the lucida (brightest star) of this constellation and marks the head of Hercules. Ras Algethi embodies the wisdom of Hercules
(derived partly from his heavenly heritage and partly from his challenging Earthian experience) and contributes significantly to the Ophiuchus /
Scorpio theme. Hercules is one seeded from another realm but who is intimately aware of the human dilemma, the struggle and its cause (the
alchemical amalgamation of those from the heavens with those of the Earth). His beauty and intelligence he gains from Alcmene his mother and his
wisdom of evolutionary matters along with his shrewd sagacity he gains from Zeus is father. The motivation behind his undaunted and bold actions
expresses from experiencing the human struggle and knowing the heavenly freedom possible. His presence upon the incarnational plane is of a
service capacity, a mission of evolutionary proportion—to ensure our evolutionary freedom both personally and for all souls on Earth. Ras Algethi
impels an accomplishment oriented drive to excel or to achieve something phenomenal, greater and freeing.

Sarin, the shoulder of Hercules, along with Kornephoros, is of strength and responsibility to aid others in their pursuit for freedom. Both Ras
Algethi and Sarin lie over Ophiuchus, the illumined one who stands in self-mastery upon the Scorpion. Hercules helps and teaches others to claim
their self-mastery and freedom from the dominion of others and from false beliefs placed upon them. Page 11 of 17
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Restaban (Beta) and Etamin (Gamma) of Draco create the eyes of the Dragon. Draco is the constellation that encircles and guards the northern pole
of our ecliptic. Both stars are of a high administrative order overseeing the initiations of the incarnate soul. They lie north of and express through
Hercules and Ophiuchus.

Restaban expresses between the Head of Hercules (Ras Algethi) and the Heart of the Scorpion (Antares) into sidereal Scorpio. Etamin expresses just
into sidereal Sagittarius and oversees the heart center of our Galaxy (Galactic Center).

Restaban opens portals and pathways in the physical world for those who have truly embraced and mastered their initiations in life, who have
aligned with the path of soul rather than the convenient path of personality, for those who live true to self—as our Hercules exemplifies—portals
that are otherwise blocked to those who have not claimed their self-mastery and demonstrated their self-responsibility in applying that mastery in a
service capacity to others.

“The Great Attractor” (GA), a super-cliuster of galaxies, lies between the ecliptical longitudes of Restaban of Draco and Ras Algethi of Hercules. It
also conjoins Sarin of Hercules; the Globular Cluster M10 in Ophiuchus; Wei of Scorpio and Alpha Apodis. The The Great Attractor resides along
the galactic plane, about 29° south of the ecliptic. The Great Attractor complements the nature of Ras Algethi of Hercules, Restaban of Draco and
the Heart of Ophiuchus.

The GA is near the direction in space that our local group of galaxies is (seemingly) being pulled. The GA has been known about since the mid-80s.
Since then however, and due to deeper-looking survey instruments, the Shapely Supercluster (SSC) of galaxies was found beyond the GA, a far
greater attractive mass, which is a group of about 17 galactic clusters. The Great Attractor was thus revealed to have about one tenth the mass
originally attributed to it. The Shapely Supercluster is the most massive structure (so far found) topping the list of about 220 known superclusters.
So it is more like our local group of galaxies is being pulled past the GA toward the Shapely Supercluster. Although the SCC is behind the GA, the
SSC, as viewed from our solar system, falls into early sidereal Libra, a different zodiakal longitude than the GA, which falls into sidereal Scorpio.
Both are astrologically significant of course.

I tend to think of the Great Attractor as a way station on the way to this super-cosmic mass of consciousness, the SSC. Astrologically, the GA allows
or facilitates passage to new ways of being, past our limiting human mold, or patterns, opening the way to a yet greater super-consciousness, to
greater possibilities of being. The GA pulls us toward a greater "cosmic awareness." It provides a unique perspective from outside our galactic space
of what is not commonly seen. Significant alignments with it can impel an ability to travel in a space-time warp with the capacity to see behind or
through the apparent solidified realm of matter. From a personality perspective, one with significant GA alignments might seem to be coming and
going at the same time. It produces a mysteriously seductive and magnetic character (fitting to sidereal Scorpio/Ophiuchus), luring us into the

Our "Local Galactic Group" of galaxies contains our Galaxy (the Milky Way), and many other galaxies, including the Andromeda Galaxy.

Our "Local Galactic Group" resides in the "Virgo Supercluster," which contains many other galactic groups and clusters, including the Virgo
Cluster, the Fornax Cluster, the Eridanus Cluster, the Dorado Cluster, the Ursa Major Groups, the Leo Groups, and several others.

The "Virgo Supercluster," to which we belong, is one of many Superclusters. Our "Local Superclusters" are shown in this image.

This "Local Supercluster" group of Superclusters, each containing many galactic clusters, is but one small area nesting within an unlimited number
of Galactic Superclusters in our Observable Universe—incomprehensibly endless.

Our Full Moon eclipse brings us from our original Perseus-Pleiades Eclipse New Moon theme to the perspective provided by Ophiuchus and Page 12 of 17
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Hercules. The Lunar Partial Eclipse is the second stage of our eclipse lunar cycle. It provides an opportune time to surrender emotionally as well as
any need to be in control. It invites us to surrender our very human mold, that sense of self that we hold together with the tension of our thoughts
and beliefs. It invites us to become energetically wide open to breathe in the infusion of feminine energy about to emblazon the Earth through the
Venus Transit. It brings us to the realization that this lunar cycle is about establishing a greater equilibrium between the masculine and feminine
principles with in ourselves, and to claim a greater level of self mastery by doing so, which we can then express throughout our lives and into the

This too is the theme that will express through the new 584-day Earth-Venus cycle—surrender to the Divine Feminine Essence in life—to allow it to
bring the abundance, beauty, and love we all seek to have in our lives and in our world. It is a major shift for much of humanity to surrender the
modality of fighting to survive, of having a focus on self and personal gain, especially when struggling to survive. Yet this surrender is the only way
to alleviate that struggle. It is by embracing the unconditional compassion to express love in all areas of our lives and to care for all life that will
change our world.

So remember, when you gaze at the Full Moon in Ophiuchus, you are gazing into this powerful theme and this Full Moon message. And remember
during the Venus Transit occurring the day after, whether visually watching it or not, that it is the power of Ophiuchus, where the Earth-Venus
fusion occurs, that stands behind you in support for you to open your Heart wider than you ever have before.

This new Earth-Venus synodic cycle theme will fully engage when Venus returns direct on June 27, 2012, on the First Quarter Moon in the
following lunar cycle.

Venus Unveiled (NASA)


The astrophysical resonances of Venus govern the heart bio-energy centre (chakra), and the thymus, which is the neurological control center for the
immune system. Like the thyroid (governed by Mercury) is reflexed to the liver, the thymus is reflexed to the spleen. The heart chakra is our centre
of intuitive knowing, harmony, magnetic attraction, that which we value, love, romance, and sexual rapture. It is where we find our capacity for
compassion and appreciation of beauty. The heart chakra and thymus resonate to the emotional tone of fear and judgment. It is fear that shuts the
heart down and causes all immune related problems. We defend our fear with judgment.

Venus (and the heart chakra), when mature and clear, expresses love in art and beauty, with a wonderful capacity for unconditional acceptance of all
conditions—true, non-judgmental love. The unconditionally open heart receives and expresses love that is harmoniously balanced. Mature Venus is
open to new experience, is courageous, optimistic, and aware of soul intent and purpose—as the unconditionally open heart is where soul fully
radiates its light. Mature Venus is also sociable, fashionable, artistic, good willed, benevolent, diplomatic, and magnetically sensuous. Venus is also
of wealth and resources and plays a prominent role in financial matters and the flow of money.

Thoughts by Author David Tresemer

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There are ways to meet the opportunities of this event, methods that are valuable all the time, but especially now. I have written about this in my
"Venus Eclipse of the Sun" book, but here I give a summary.

1. All of our pictures of the world are powered by energy. Giordano Bruno termed these “erotic phantasms.” Eros - passion, desire, love/hate,
Venus! - motivates and energizes phantasms - pictures of this-is-just-the-way-it-is, dreams, visualizations, ideas, world-view.... Rudolf Steiner
described the same dynamic, though with less colourful terms. “Erotic phantasms” are not to be banished – as in “do away with all desire” - but
more importantly to be recognized and worked with actively.

2. Eros/Venus will be stimulated and made turbulent by the eclipse on June 5/6 (the exact time mid-morning on the 6th is less important as we are in
this rare celestial event - by anticipation - right now, and will be for some months.) That restless eros will seek images to empower.

3. Marketers, especially of technological gadgets, have used and will use this undirected eros. Going-with-the-flow on your part accepts that the
world will be imagined by corporate marketers.

4. You too can direct that energy of eros - can meet it - by creating pictures of the ideal for yourself and for the world – not vague woo-woo pictures
but rather very specific and detailed pictures of anything that arouses your interest.

5. For example, with the situation at Fukushima still teetering on the edge of its largest explosion, you could imagine that the explosion does not
happen, that heroic scientists work out how to remove the fuels to a safe place, and that all species develop a capacity to learn from and transform
radioactivity. In terms of the mythic images in the Venus Eclipse book, this means envisioning the taming of the magical fire-bird to subdue its
expressions on the earth.

6. If you cannot formulate new pictures - if the world as you perceive it holds you in its thrall, then you can focus on the picture of how-things-are-
right-now-as-you-perceive-them each night before sleeping. Look closely at the details, best without judgment, and hold the picture in your mind,
for just a minute. Spiritual beings will take it up through the night and in the morning (or in a few days) you will have an insight about how to
penetrate even the most difficult problems.

7. In any case, take this opportunity to cultivate your relationship to ideals that engage eros behind them. Those imaginations will focus your desire
- the restless eros of this time - in ways that will be healthy for you and for everyone else.

Thoughts by Author Adam Gainsburg


Embracing Your Deeper Feminine, Empowering Our Shared Future

Excerpt from Adam's article: "The Synodic and Astrophysical Transit of Venus 2012."

Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the Transit event is the inversion of means by which she is visible to us. Rather than reflecting to us the Sun’s
light as her own, sometimes dramatically so, here she ‘presents’ herself by standing out amidst the engulfing rays of the Sun. During a Transit, we
see not Venus but her shadow, her outline, reminding us that our feminine nature contains our interior depth (Venus as black orb). As Venus crosses
the Sun’s disc, she is an outwardly-illuminated, yet vacuous marker of that same depth within us. It is hard to miss the Gemini symbolism of this
image: opposites or twins (i.e., dark/light or form/field) which necessarily rely on one another for their existence; the principle of duality; and its
transcendence. Yet in this case, we should not look for events of a transcendent nature but those of immanent nature, this being feminine Venus after

Venus crossing the Sun’s disc from Earth is an astrophysical representation of a lesser-known archetype known as the solar feminine. This way of
rendering the Transit event crept into my thinking after first viewing a computer animation of Venus forming a reverse-Z shape perfectly aligned to
both Horns of the Bull. While every inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun invokes a solar feminine array of energetics for us, a Transit is
clearly the most intensified type. If Venus is our interior reality of feeling, body and place, desire for comfort and beauty, then she is our
unavoidable, magnetic attraction to life and being connected with the world. If the Sun is our light force, indiscriminately shining in all directions
and animating our physiology, then it horoscopically signifies our personal mode of radiating trans-personal energy back out into the universe.
Combining Venus and the Sun in this way, we come up (or down?) with something like:

Venus + Sun = Light Found Within

Wholeness from Inside Out
Enlivened Femininity
Illuminated Feeling Page 14 of 17
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Light Body

Mundane or natal aspects and the house position of the Transit will naturally speak to specific manifestations, which are beyond the reach of this
short article. The core transmission of energy and information from the Transit event will manifest through us for the next 19 months of the Gemini
light-cycle, through 11 January 2014 when the next cycle starts.

2004 2012 Transit Comparison & Technical Notes

2004 Lunar Cycle in which the Venust Trasit occurred.

The Lunar Cycle in which the 2004 Venus Transit occurred began on the Taurus (Perseus) New Moon of May 19, 2004 (presented in the May 19,
2004 Lunar Planner).

2012 Lunar Cycle in which the Venust Trasit occurred.

The Lunar Cycle in which the 2012 Venus Transit occurred began on the Taurus New Moon Annular Eclipse of May 20, 2012. Perseus-Pleiades
New Moon opposite Juno. Page 15 of 17
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Sidereal Charts: Fagan-Bradley Ayanamsa. Subtract 0° 28' for the Galactic Ayanamsa

The Moon is exalted in early sidereal Taurus (~3°). Thus both are exalted lunar cycles. The Moon with Venus in sidereal Taurus exalts the feminine,
emphasizing the infusion of the feminine principle into Earth during the transit. Venus lies in early sidereal Gemini on the New Moon of 2004.
Venus lies in late sidereal Taurus on the 2012 New Moon.

Also note Jupiter's presence in Taurus in the 2012 chart (semi-sextile to Venus). As presented above, Venus and Jupiter conjoined in sidereal Aries
(on March 14, 2012) (as part of the Jupiter-Pluto-Retrograde Mars Grand Trine) as one of the precursor events leading into the 2012 Venus Transit.
This is a significant difference between the two transits. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction greatly magnifies and mobilizes the qualities / energetics of
Venus. In addition, a new Venus-Jupiter synodic cycle began on January 26, 2012 in sidereal Aries (presented in the January 23, 2012 Lunar
Planner). Thus the 2012 Venus Transit occurs in the emerging theme of the new Venus-Jupiter synodic cycle as well as carrying the motion set forth
during the very significant Grand Trine (presented in the February 21, 2012 Lunar Planner). We also have the transit occurring in the new Jupiter-
Sedna cycle, mentioned above.

In the 2012 chart, Vesta is now where the Jupiter-Venus conjunction occurred at the time of the Jupiter-Pluto-Retrograde Mars Grand Trine in March
2012, and Mars, now direct, has moved back to the its retrograde location during the March Grand Trine to create another Grand Trine, now with
retrograde Pluto and Vesta.

Pluto begins its retrograde on April 10, 2012 in mid-sidereal Sagittarius. April 10 marks "the turning" into the revolutionary few year-period created
by the Uranus-Pluto Square. This particular retrograde is of extreme significance because it leads into the first of seven triggers of the Pluto-Uranus
Square, which continues from 2012 through 2015. Thus, on June 10, we start to experience an accelerate squeeze into this very significant square—
the first square in the Uranus-Pluto 138-year cycle that began on January 7, 1966, exactly at the peak of the Vietnam War and the uprising of the
Flower Power Political Movement (See the Uranus-Pluto Square).

Pluto was still in sidereal Scorpio in 2004. Now in mid-sidereal Sagittarius Pluto becomes the "Revealer of a Greater Truth." In the Venus Transit
charts below, notice the Moon's conjunction with Retrograde Pluto at the time of the 2012 Venus Transit, triggering the Uranus-Pluto square. This
and additional planetary aspects are presented above.

2004 Venus Transit

2012 Venus Transit Page 16 of 17
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