Cabrera Finals Reflection

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Cabrera, Al Joshua Rei B.


Reflection Paper

Time flies truly quick, as quick as a flicker of an eye, it resembles

yesterday we were just on our adjusting period as if it is like the first day in

law school on going to and seeking after this course, now the semester is

practically over, and I didn’t even know how was I able to made it through

the first year of this course. I can't thank enough on how God has been so

great, which

I didn't expected cap I'll be making this far, in spite of the numerous

deficiencies and trials that I had confronted through to get by, regardless of

the loss of my companies whom at first I was with in this journey , this was

all a direct result of the beauty of our Ruler and it is his quality and

shrewdness that I am ready to confront regular with a grin. Also, alongside

my trip, this subject helped me a great deal in taking care of stress and in

reminding that I am not the only one on this adventure, this subject tied

down my confidence towards the awesome maker and was a mean and

expansion of indications of how God's Affection is functioning for me. I am

truly getting a charge out of the discourses and subjects handled since this

handles more about the life of the distinctive scholars and holy people on
which as an individual, their lives and stories can be a wellspring of

motivation and inspiration.

There were numerous lessons and unforeseen acknowledge on each

lesson we are tackling, however there were three lessons which i have

realized which I can use for my own self-change and to be a vessel of gift of

knowledge to somebody and thus, for the future.

I’ve been a lasallian for almost 5 years now, and never have I ever realized

the true meaning and importance of the lasallian core values which was

discussed thoroughly in this subject. This made me realized how important it

is to know the real reason behind on why we are called lasallians and what is

our purpose as one. The spirit of faith, zeal of service, and communion in



The spirit of faith streams from a relationship of fellowship with the

Triune God who wills to spare all individuals by drawing them into a

nurturing fellowship with him and with each other in the Lasallian custom,

the soul of confidence is a soul that enables one to find God's dynamic

nearness in his Statement, in men and ladies, in poor people, in nature,

ever, and in ourselves, judge and assess things in the light of the gospel,

scan for God's will so as to complete his sparing arrangement, join one's

activities to the continuous sparing activity of God on the planet and Trust in
God's cherishing nearness and provision when acting or observing God's will.

I can also relate to the struggles that I’ have been encountering here in Law

school, since it there were several times that I’ve been really down and was

really frustrated on what my hard works and sleepless nights are resulting,

and never did I experienced the need of faith, that it’s like the only thing I

can hold on to. Just then I realized that faith is not the last thing I should

need but It is the first. The spirit of faith will make me able to step out of my

comfort zone and to be at my best because I know that the divine creator is

my supply of courage, determination, wisdom and perseverance in this road

of path I’m taking.


Zeal is the dynamic articulation of confidence in gospel witness and

administration. It is situated towards the indispensable salvation of people,

especially poor people and the prohibited. It is simply the eager and

aggregate present for the mission communicated in such qualities as tip and

liberality, imagination and mettle, sympathy and responsibility. It also

includes a particular worry for poor people and the defenseless. The longing

to be of more prominent support of others conditions the mission for

brilliance and consistent self-change.

Being a witness of God’s goodness in this journey of mine is also an

entry point for me to be a witness for my co- law students, since I realized
that in this road is hard and bumpy, we need all the support we can have.

This core value enables me to be a channel of encouragement and a

testimony of how God’s power and grace can change our situation, it’s all

about trusting his capabilities and being dependent in his plans.


As an association with God, it is the wellspring of all mission and

service As a method for finishing mission, it proposes the solidarity and joint

effort that originates from partaking in one vision, one soul, and one

mission. As a method for identifying with others, it recommends openness to

all people and the yearning to be sibling and sister to all particularly those in

need As an objective of mission, it proposes the solidarity that comes

through compromise between God, individuals, and creation

As future lasallian lawyers, we need to share the same vision and

passion. In our future profession, I know that we are not just “lawyers”, we

can be more than that because we are the one blessed with the opportunity

to study this field, we can be a vessel of blessing and wisdom for those who

are in need. This is the mission that God has destined us to be, to be his

light in our own simple yet significant way.

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