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Impact Of ICT On



Name : Dylan Lee Pei Shu

Class : 4 Kerjasama
School : Sekolah Menengah Maktab Sabah
I.C. : 940322-12-5325


-What is Hacking ? 1
-How to Hack ? 1

Criminal Hacking
-What is criminal hacking ? 2

Ethical Hacking
-What is Ethical Hacking ? 3
-Who are Ethical Hacker ? 4
References 5

What is Hacking ?
 Computer hacking that is done for the purpose
of committing financial fraud is a white collar
crime that is taken very seriously by the
government. Federal law defines computer
hacking as intentionally accessing a computer
without authorization or exceeding
authorization in order to access restricted
information. Restricted information can include
a myriad of things including financial records of
an individual or institution, personal information
about an individual or organization, any
government information or intelligence
How to Hack ?
 A Trojan horse, for example, is a computer
hacking tool that appears to be a legitimate
program, when it is actually not. This may be a
back door created by a hacker to access
protected information later or may be a
program designed to fool a user into
downloading a virus. A Sniffer is an application
used in computer hacking to capture passwords
in transit. Viruses and worms may also be used
to commit computer hacking. The internet is
one of the most common tools used to commit
computer hacking.
Criminal Hacking

What is Criminal Hacking ?

 Criminal hacking is any act committed by a

person with detailed knowledge of computers
who uses this information to accomplish acts of
terrorism, vandalism, credit and debt card fraud,
identity theft, intellectual property theft and
other forms of computer-related crimes.

 Criminal hacking always involves some type of

infringement on the privacy of others or some
type of damage to computer-based property.

 Criminal hacking can be done for numerous

reasons including the commission of fraudulent
acts intended to secure financial gain at the
expense of businesses or consumers.
Ethical Hacking

What is Ethical Hacking ?

 An ethical hacker or white hat hacker is
someone who practices the so called Ethical
Hacking and could use his abilities to harm your
business, but he makes the choice to help
uncover security failings in your system and
then help you to find ways to protect your
company from other hackers.

Who are Ethical Hackers ?

 Ethical hackers are, in this way, helpful to many
companies and they can protect their online
business by closing the backdoor entrance from
hackers and company data can be safeguarded.
 http://www.criminal-law-lawyer-

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