Survey On Jobs: Connected Speech - Would You .?

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Anh Doan Instructor’s Page

Connected Speech| Would You ….? them they are going to talk to their
Survey on Jobs classmates, ask and answer questions
about the jobs. They will record
Activity type: Survey
answers in the chart.
Level: Intermediate 3. To model the activity, have two
Purpose: Students practice linking students volunteer to play Student A
words, focusing on assimilation and and Student B. Give student A a
palatalization in speaking and sample card “Survey on the
listening. They do surveys on future President Job”. Ask them to read the
jobs. example dialog in the Student’s
Set-up: Interview classmates 4. Point out that the first row in the

Time: 5 minutes to prepare/ 20 chart has been completed as an

minutes to do the activity example.

Materials Preparation: 5. Have students walk around the room

1. Make one copy of the Student’s to interview as many classmates as
Page 1-2 for each group and prepare possible. Offer help if needed. Make
the cue cards. sure students pronounce and link
2. Be sure each student has a pen/ “would you” properly.
pencil. 6. Give them fifteen minutes, then call
7. Read the report example and have
students write their results on the
1. As a warm-up, ask students if they
Student’s Page.
have ever thought of their future
jobs, and what they want to do in the Follow-up
future. Ask volunteers to share their results.
2. Pass out one Student’s Page 1-2 and
one cue card to each student. Tell
Anh Doan Student’s Page

Connected Speech| Would you…?

Survey on Jobs
Use the cue card to ask your classmates questions about jobs. Write their names and answers in the
chart below. Write up your results when you have finished.


A: Excuse me, I’m doing a survey on doctor job.

Would it be OK if I asked you a few questions?

B: Sure. Go ahead.

A: Would you want to be a doctor in the future?

B: Yes, I would.

A: What would you do if you were a famous doctor?

B: I would treat poor people for free.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.


Name Question #1 Question #2

Anh Doan Student’s Page

Write up your results:

Example: Most people in this class would like to be a doctor if they had chances. Some people
would treat people for free if they were famous doctors.




Anh Doan Student’s Page

Surveys on Jobs

Sample card:
Survey on Doctor Job
1. Would you like to be a doctor if you had a chance?
2. What would you do if you were a famous doctor?

Survey on President Survey on Principal Survey on Astronaut

1. Would you want to be the 1.Would you want to be the 1.Would you want to be an
president of the USA? principal of your school? astronaut?
2. What would you do if you 2. What would you do if you 2. What would you do if you
were the president of the were the principal of your were an astronaut?
USA? school?

Survey on Billionaire Survey on Mayor Survey on Actor/Actress

1.Would you want to be a 1.Would you want to be the 1.Would you want to be a
billionaire? mayor of your city? famous actor/ actress?
2.What would you do if you 2.What would you do if you 2. What would you do if you
were a billionaire? were the mayor of your city? were a famous actor/actress?

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