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Veterans Fed. Party v COMELEC G.R. No. 136781.

joined by other party-list organizations in a

October 6, 2000. Manifestation they filed on August 28, 1998. These
organizations were COCOFED, Senior Citizens, AKAP,
Facts: May 11, 1998, the first election for party-list
representation was held simultaneously with the
national elections. A total of one hundred twenty-three
Women Power, Inc., Ang Lakas OCW, FEJODAP, CUP,
(123) parties, organizations and coalitions participated.
Veterans Care, Bantay Bayan, 4L, AWATU, PMP, ATUCP,
On June 26, 1998, the COMELEC en banc proclaimed
thirteen (13) party-list representatives from twelve
(12) parties and organizations, which had obtained at
On October 15, 1998, the COMELEC Second
least two percent of the total number of votes cast for
Division promulgated the present assailed Resolution
the party-list system. Two of the proclaimed
granting PAG-ASA's Petition. It also ordered the
representatives belonged to Petitioner APEC, which
proclamation of herein 38 respondents who, in addition
obtained 5.5 percent of the votes.
to the 14 already sitting, would thus total 52 party-list
On July 6, 1998, PAG-ASA (People's Progressive representatives. It held that "at all times, the total
Alliance for Peace and Good Government Towards number of congressional seats must be filled up by
Alleviation of Poverty and Social Advancement) filed eighty (80%) percent district representatives and
with the COMELEC a "Petition to Proclaim [the] Full twenty (20%) percent party-list representatives." In
Number of Party-List Representatives provided by the allocating the 52 seats, it disregarded the two percent-
Constitution." It alleged that the filling up of the twenty vote requirement prescribed under Section 11 (b) of
percent membership of party-list representatives in the RA 7941. Instead, it identified three "elements of the
House of Representatives, as provided under the party-list system," which should supposedly determine
Constitution, was mandatory. It further claimed that "how the 52 seats should be filled up”
the literal application of the two percent vote
Issue: How to determine the winners of the subject
requirement and the three-seat limit under RA 7941
party-list election can be settled by addressing the
would defeat this constitutional provision, for only 25
following issues:
nominees would be declared winners, short of the 52
1. Is the twenty percent allocation for party-list
party-list representatives who should actually sit in the
representatives mentioned in Section 5 (2), Article VI
of the Constitution, mandatory or is it merely a ceiling?
Thereafter, nine other party-list organizations filed In other words, should the twenty percent allocation
their respective Motions for Intervention, seeking the for party-list solons be filled up completely and all the
same relief as that sought by PAG-ASA on substantially time?
the same grounds. Likewise, PAG-ASA's Petition was 2. Are the two percent threshold requirement and
the three-seat limit provided in Section 11 (b) of RA disregard an act of Congress exercised within the
7941 constitutional? bounds of its authority. As a mere implementing
3. If the answer to Issue 2 is in the affirmative, body, it cannot judge the wisdom, propriety or
how should the additional seats of a qualified party be rationality of such act. Its recourse is to draft an
determined? amendment to the law find lobby for its approval and
enactment by the legislature.
Held: WHEREFORE, the Petitions are hereby partially
GRANTED. The assailed Resolutions of the COMELEC
In view of the party-list system elements per COMELEC
are SET ASIDE and NULLIFIED. The proclamations of
First, "the system was conceived to enable the
the fourteen (14) sitting party-list representatives —
marginalized sectors of the Philippine society to be
two for APEC and one each for the remaining twelve
represented in the House of Representatives." Second,
(12) qualified parties — are AFFIRMED. No
"the system should represent the broadest sectors of
pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.
the Philippine society." Third, "it should encourage
Ratio: In sum, we hold that the COMELEC gravely [the] multi-party system." (Boldface in the original.)
abused its discretion in ruling that the thirty-eight (38) Considering these elements, but ignoring the two
herein respondent parties, organizations and coalitions percent threshold requirement of RA 7941, it
are each entitled to a party-list seat, because it concluded that "the party-list groups ranked Nos. 1 to
glaringly violated two requirements of RA 7941: the 51 . . . should have at least one representative."
two percent threshold and proportional representation.
In view of to whom should the seats be given
In disregarding, rejecting and circumventing these In the suits, made respondents together with the
statutory provisions, the COMELEC effectively COMELEC were the 38 parties, organizations and
arrogated unto itself what the Constitution expressly coalitions that had been declared by the poll body as
and wholly vested in the legislature: the power and the likewise entitled to party-list seats in the House of
discretion to define the mechanics for the enforcement Representatives. Collectively, petitioners sought
of the system. The wisdom and the propriety of these the proclamation of additional representatives from
impositions, absent any clear transgression of the each of their parties and organizations, all of which
Constitution or grave abuse of discretion amounting to had obtained at least two percent of the total votes
lack or excess of jurisdiction, are beyond judicial cast for the party-list system.
On January 12, 1999, this Court issued a Status Quo
The COMELEC, which is tasked merely to enforce Order directing the COMELEC "to CEASE and DESIST
and administer election-related laws, cannot simply from constituting itself as a National Board of
Canvassers on 13 January 1999 or on any other date In view of the 2.5% vote equivalent
and proclaiming as winners the nominees of the
"MR. MONSOD. . . . We are amenable to
parties, organizations and coalitions enumerated in the
modifications in the minimum percentage of votes. Our
dispositive portions at its 15 October 1998 Resolution
proposal is that anybody who has two-and-a-half
or its 7 January 1999 Resolution, until further orders
percent of the votes gets a seat. There are about 20
from this Court."
million who cast their votes in the last elections. Two-
In view of the 20% being mandatory and-a-half percent would mean 500,000 votes.
Anybody who has a constituency of 500,000 votes
The COMELEC cannot be faulted for the
nationwide deserves a seat in the Assembly. If we
"incompleteness," for ultimately the voters themselves
bring that down to two percent, we are talking about
are the ones who, in the exercise of their right of
400,000 votes. The average vote per family is three.
suffrage, determine who and how many should
So, here we are talking about 134,000 families. We
represent them.
believe that there are many sectors who will be able to
On the contention that a strict application of the get seats in the Assembly because many of them have
two percent threshold may result in a "mathematical memberships of over 10,000. In effect, that is the
impossibility," suffice it to say that the prerogative to operational implication of our proposal.
determine whether to adjust or change this percentage
Thus, even legislative districts are apportioned
requirement rests in Congress. Our task now, as should
according to "the number of their respective
have been the COMELEC's, is not to find fault in the
inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and
wisdom of the law through highly unlikely scenarios of
progressive ratio" to ensure meaningful local
clinical extremes, but to craft an innovative
mathematical formula that can, as far as practicable,
implement it within the context of the actual election
In view of the Three-Seat-Per-Party limit
An important consideration in adopting the party-
list system is to promote and encourage a multiparty
In view of the 2% threshold system of representation. Again, we quote
Commissioner Monsod:
In imposing a two percent threshold, Congress
wanted to ensure that only those parties, organizations "MR. MONSOD: …but we also wanted to avoid the
and coalitions having a sufficient number of problems of mechanics and operation in the
constituents deserving of representation are actually implementation of a concept that has very serious
represented in Congress. shortcomings of classification and of double or triple
votes. We are for opening up the system, and we our Congress and the Bundestag have threshold
would like very much for the sectors to be there. That requirements — two percent for us and five for them.
is why one of the ways to do that is to put a ceiling on
the number of representatives from any single party
that can sit within the 50 allocated under the party list
One half of the German Parliament is filled up by
system. This way, we will open it up and enable
party-list members. More important, there are no seat
sectoral groups, or maybe regional groups, to earn
limitations, because German law discourages the
their seats among the fifty. . . ."
proliferation of small parties. In contrast, RA 7941, as
In view of the method of allocating additional seats already mentioned, imposes a three-seat limit to
encourage the promotion of the multiparty system.
Having determined that the twenty percent seat
allocation is merely a ceiling, and having upheld the In view of the legal and logical formula for the
constitutionality of the two percent vote threshold and Philippines
the three-seat limit imposed under RA 7941, we now Step One. Rank all the participating parties,
proceed to the method of determining how many organizations and coalitions from the highest to the
party-list seats the qualified parties, organizations and lowest based on the number of votes they each
coalitions are entitled to. received. Then the ratio for each party is computed by
dividing its votes by the total votes cast for all the
In view of the Niemeyer Formula
parties participating in the system. All parties with at
Under this formula, the number of additional seats least two percent of the total votes are guaranteed one
to which a qualified party would be entitled is seat each. Only these parties shall be considered in
determined by multiplying the remaining number of the computation of additional seats. The party
seats to be allocated by the total number of votes receiving the highest number of votes shall
obtained by that party and dividing the product by the thenceforth be referred to as the "first" party.
total number of votes garnered by all the qualified
Step Two. The next step is to determine the number
parties. The integer portion of the resulting product will
of seats the first party is entitled to, in order to be able
be the number of additional seats that the party
to compute that for the other parties. Since the
concerned is entitled to.
distribution is based on proportional representation,
The Niemeyer formula, while no doubt suitable for the number of seats to be allotted to the other parties
Germany, finds no application in the Philippine setting, cannot possibly exceed that to which the first party is
because of our three-seat limit and the non-mandatory entitled by virtue of its obtaining the most number of
character of the twenty percent allocation. True, both votes.
The Court has previously ruled in Guingona Jr. v. of the votes will have an equal number of
Gonzales that a fractional membership cannot be representatives as the one obtaining twenty percent.
converted into a whole membership of one when it The proper solution, therefore, is to grant the first
would, in effect; deprive another party's fractional party a total of three seats; and the party receiving six
membership. It would be a violation of the percent, additional seats in proportion to those of the
constitutional mandate of proportional representation. first party.
We said further that "no party can claim more than
what it is entitled to . . ." In view of the formula for additional seats of other
qualified parties
In view of the formula for determining additional seats
for the first party
Step Three: The next step is to solve for the number
of additional seats that the other qualified parties are
The only basis given by the law is that a party
entitled to, based on proportional representation.
receiving at least two percent of the total votes shall
be entitled to one seat. Proportionally, if the first party
were to receive twice the number of votes of the In view of the 2% threshold rationale
second party, it should be entitled to twice the latter's
The rationale for the 2% threshold can thus be
number of seats and so on.
synthesized as follows:
We adopted this six percent bench mark, because
the first party is not always entitled to the maximum 1.To avoid a situation where the candidate will
number of additional seats. Likewise, it would prevent just use the party-list system as a fallback position;
the allotment of more than the total number of
2.To discourage nuisance candidates or parties,
available seats, such as in an extreme case wherein 18
who are not ready and whose chances are very low,
or more parties tie for the highest rank and are thus
from participating in the elections;
entitled to three seats each. In such scenario, the
number of seats to which all the parties are entitled 3.To avoid the reserve seat system by opening up
may exceed the maximum number of party-list seats the system;
reserved in the House of Representatives.
4.To encourage the marginalized sectors to
However, if the first party received a significantly
organize, work hard, and earn their seats within the
higher amount of votes — say, twenty percent — to
grant it the same number of seats as the second party
would violate the statutory mandate of proportional 5.To enable sectoral representatives to rise to the
representation, since a party getting only six percent same majesty as that of the elected representatives in
the legislative body, rather than owing to some degree The party-list system of proportional representation
their seats in the legislative body either to an outright is based on the Niemeyer formula, embodied in Art.
constitutional gift or to an appointment by the 6(2) of the German Federal Electoral Law, which
President of the Philippines; provides that, in determining the number of seats a
party is entitled to have in the Bundestag, seats should
6. if no threshold is imposed, this will actually
be multiplied by the number of votes obtained by each
proliferate political party groups and those who have
party and then the product should be divided by the
not really been given by the people sufficient basis for
sum total of the second votes obtained by all the
them to represent their constituents and, in turn, they
parties that have polled at least 5 percent of the votes.
will be able to get to the Parliament through the
First, each party receives one seat for each whole
backdoor under the name of the party-list system; 16
number resulting from the calculation. The remaining
seats are then allocated in the descending sequence of
7. To ensure that only those with a more or less the decimal fractions. The Niemeyer formula was
substantial following can be represented. adopted in R.A. No. 7941, §11.

The framers of the Constitution knew that the Indeed, the goal should be to fill all seats allowed
sectoral groups suffer from major disadvantages in the for party-list representatives, which at present are 52.
competitive election arena. They sought to remedy The provision thus fixes a ratio of 80 percent district
this inequality through an outright constitutional gift of representatives to 20 percent party-list
reserve seats for the first three terms of the sectoral representatives. If in fact all seats reserved for party-
representatives and no further. Thereafter, they have list representatives are not filled, that is due to the fact
to earn their seats through participation in the party- that the law limits parties, organizations, and coalitions
list system. to three (3) seats each. To maintain this ratio, the
entire number of seats for the party-list system, after
In view of the 3-seat limit rationale deducting the number of seats initially distributed to
The rationale for the 3-seat limit is to distribute the 2 percenters, must be allocated to them.
party-list representation to as many party groups as I see no legal or logical basis for the majority's
possible. According to Senator Tolentino, if one party fixation with designating the highest ranking
will be allowed to dominate, then the idea of giving as participant as a "first" party. This procedure, as
much as possible to the marginalized groups may be admitted by the majority, assumes that the seats to be
defeated. The purpose is to allow as many as possible allocated to the qualified parties depend on the seats
of the marginalized groups that would be entitled to of the so-called first party.
representation to have a seat in Congress, and to have
enough seats left for those who are way below the list.
In essence, the majority "formula" amounts simply Bayan Muna-Youth also filed a Petition for Cancellation
to the following prescription: (1) follow the "1 seat for of Registration and Nomination against some of herein
every 2%" rule in allocating seats to the first ranking respondents.
party only and (2) with respect to the rest of the 2 On April 18, 2001, the COMELEC required the
percenters, give each party one (1) seat, unless the respondents in the two disqualification cases to file
first ranking party gets at least six percent, in which Comments within three days from notice. It also set
case all 2 percenters with at least one-half of the votes the date for hearing on April 26, 2001, but
of the first ranking party should get an extra seat.. subsequently reset it to May 3, 2001. During the
hearing, however, Commissioner Ralph C. Lantion
The scheme adopted by the majority will prevent all merely directed the parties to submit their respective
2 percenters, which are not the first ranking party, memoranda.
from obtaining the maximum number of seats. This is
Meanwhile, dissatisfied with the pace of the
so because, with their votes being proportioned
COMELEC, Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party filed a
against the votes of the first ranking party, there will
Petition before this Court on April 16, 2001. This
never be an instance where the additional seats of
Petition, docketed as GR No. 147589, assailed
these parties will be equivalent to 2. Again, this is
COMELEC Omnibus Resolution No. 3785. In its
contrary to R.A. No. 7941, §11 which contemplates the
Resolution dated April 17, 2001, the Court directed
possibility of more than one (1) party obtaining the
respondents to comment on the Petition within a non-
maximum number of seats allowed by law.
extendible period of five days from notice
Bagong Bayani Labor Party v COMELEC G.R. No.
On April 17, 2001, Petitioner Bayan Muna also filed
147589. June 26, 2001.
before this Court a Petition, docketed as GR No.
Facts: On April 10, 2001, Akbayan Citizens Action Party 147613, also challenging COMELEC Omnibus
filed before the COMELEC a Petition praying that "the Resolution No. 3785. In its Resolution dated May 9,
names of [some of herein respondents] be 2001, the Court ordered the consolidation of the two
deleted from the 'Certified List of Political Petitions before it; directed respondents named in the
Parties/Sectoral Parties/Organizations/Coalitions second Petition to file their respective Comments on or
Participating in the Party List System for the May 14, before noon of May 15, 2001; and called the parties to
2001 Elections' and that said certified list be an Oral Argument on May 17, 2001. It added that the
accordingly amended." It also asked, as an alternative, COMELEC may proceed with the counting and
that the votes cast for the said respondents not be canvassing of votes cast for the party-list
counted or canvassed, and that the latter's nominees elections, but barred the proclamation of any winner
not be proclaimed. On April 11, 2001, Bayan Muna and therein, until further orders of the Court.
The Resolution of this Court dated May 9, 2001,
Issues: During the hearing on May 17, 2001, the Court directing the COMELEC "to refrain from proclaiming
directed the parties to address the following issues: any winner" during the last party-list election, shall
remain in force until after the COMELEC itself will have
1. Whether or not recourse under Rule 65 is proper
complied and reported its compliance with the
under the premises. More specifically, is there no
foregoing disposition.
other plain, speedy or adequate remedy in the
This Decision is immediately executory upon the
ordinary course of law?
Commission on Elections' receipt thereof. No
2. Whether or not political parties may participate pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.
in the party-list elections.
3. Whether or not the party-list system is In view of standing on COMELEC OR 3785
exclusive to 'marginalized and underrepresented'
sectors and organizations. Petitioners attack the validity of COMELEC Omnibus
4. Whether or not the COMELEC committed grave Resolution 3785 for having been issued with grave
abuse of discretion in promulgating Omnibus abuse of discretion, insofar as it allowed respondents
Resolution No. 3785." to participate in the party-list elections of 2001.
Indeed, under both the Constitution and the Rules of
Court, such challenge may be brought before this
Held: WHEREFORE, this case is REMANDED to the Court in a verified petition for certiorari under Rule
COMELEC, which is hereby DIRECTED to immediately 65.
conduct summary evidentiary hearings on the
Moreover, the assailed Omnibus Resolution was
qualifications of the party-list participants in the light
promulgated by Respondent Commission en banc;
of the guidelines enunciated in this
hence,no motion for reconsideration was possible, it
Decision. Considering the extreme urgency of
being a prohibited pleading under Section 1 (d), Rule
determining the winners in the last party-list elections,
13 of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure.
the COMELEC is directed to begin its hearings for the
The Court also notes that Petitioner Bayan Muna had
parties and organizations that appear to have
filed before the COMELEC a Petition for Cancellation of
garnered such number of votes as to qualify for seats
Registration and Nomination against some of herein
in the House of Representatives. The COMELEC is
respondents. The COMELEC, however, did not act on
further DIRECTED to submit to this Court its
that Petition.
compliance report within 30 days from notice hereof.
In view of the pendency of the elections, Petitioner
Bayan Muna sought succor from this Court, for there
was no other adequate recourse at the time. party-list system is the most objectionable portion of
Subsequent events have proven the urgency of the questioned Resolution." For its part, Petitioner
petitioner's action; to this date, the COMELEC has not Bayan Muna objects to the participation of "major
yet formally resolved the Petition before it. But a political parties."
resolution may just be a formality because the
COMELEC, through the Office of the Solicitor General, For its part, Section 2 of RA 7941 also provides for
has made its position on the matter quite clear. "a party-list system of registered national, regional and
sectoral parties or organizations or coalitions
In any event, this case presents an exception to the
thereof, . . .." Section 3 expressly states that a "party"
rule that certiorari shall lie only in the absence of any
is "either a political party or a sectoral party or a
other plain, speedy and adequate remedy. It has been
coalition of parties." More to the point, the law defines
held that certiorari is available, notwithstanding the
"political party" as "an organized group of citizens
presence of other remedies, "where the issue raised is
advocating an ideology or platform, principles and
one purely of law, where public interest is involved,
policies for the general conduct of government and
and in case of urgency." Indeed, the instant case is
which, as the most immediate means of securing their
indubitably imbued with public interest and with
adoption, regularly nominates and supports certain of
extreme urgency, for it potentially involves the
its leaders and members as candidates for public
composition of 20 percent of the House of

Moreover, this case raises transcendental In view of terms marginalized and underrepresented
constitutional issues on the party-list system, which
That political parties may participate in the party-
this Court must urgently resolve, consistent with its
list elections does not mean, however, that any
duty to "formulate guiding and controlling
political party — or any organization or group for that
constitutional principles, precepts, doctrines, or rules."
matter — may do so. The requisite character of these
Finally, when the decision sought to be set aside is parties or organizations must be consistent with
a nullity, or when the need for relief is extremely the purpose of the party-list system, as laid down in
urgent and certiorari is the only adequate and speedy the Constitution and RA 7941.
remedy available."
"Proportional representation" here does not refer to
In view of the participation of political parties
the number of people in a particular district, because
In its Petition, Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party the party-list election is national in scope. Neither does
contends that "the inclusion of political parties in the it allude to numerical strength in a distressed or
oppressed group. Rather, it refers to the representation construction that words employed in a statute are
of the "marginalized and underrepresented" as interpreted in connection with, and their meaning is
exemplified by the enumeration in Section 5 of the ascertained by reference to, the words and the phrases
law; namely, "labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban with which they are associated or related. Thus, the
poor, indigenous cultural communities, elderly, meaning of a term in a statute may be limited,
handicapped, women, youth, veterans, overseas worke qualified or specialized by those in immediate
rs, and professionals." association.
However, it is not enough for the candidate to claim
In view of OSG contention
representation of the marginalized and
underrepresented, because representation is easy to Notwithstanding the unmistakable statutory policy,
claim and to feign. The party-list organization or party the Office of the Solicitor General contends that any
must factually and truly represent the marginalized party or group that is not disqualified under Section 6
and underrepresented constituencies mentioned in of RA 7941 may participate in the elections. Hence, it
Section 5. Concurrently, the persons nominated by the admitted during the Oral Argument that even an
party-list candidate-organization must be "Filipino organization representing the super rich of Forbes Park
citizens belonging to marginalized and or Dasmariñas Village could participate in the party-list
underrepresented sectors, organizations and parties." elections.
Finally, "lack of well-defined constituency" refers to Indeed, the law crafted to address the peculiar
the absence of a traditionally identifiable electoral disadvantages of Payatas hovel dwellers cannot be
group, like voters of a congressional district or appropriated by the mansion owners of Forbes Park.
territorial unit of government. Rather, it points again to The interests of these two sectors are manifestly
those with disparate interests identified with the disparate; hence, theOSG's position to treat them
"marginalized or underrepresented." similarly defies reason and common sense.
In the end, the role of the COMELEC is to see to it It is ironic, therefore, that the marginalized and
that only those Filipinos who are "marginalized and underrepresented in our midst are the majority who
underrepresented" become members of Congress wallow in poverty, destitution and infirmity. It was for
under the party-list system, Filipino-style. them that the party-list system was enacted — to give
While the enumeration of marginalized and them not only genuine hope, but genuine power; to
underrepresented sectors is not exclusive, it give them the opportunity to be elected and to
demonstrates the clear intent of the law that not all represent the specific concerns of their constituencies;
sectors can be represented under the party-list and simply to give them a direct voice in Congress and
system. It is a fundamental principle of statutory in the larger affairs of the State.
In view of COMELEC’s grave abuse of discretion even if a candidate garners 49.9% of the votes, he
gets no seat.
When a lower court, or a quasi-judicial agency like
the Commission on Elections, violates or ignores the Thus, under the party-list system, a party or
Constitution or the law, its action can be struck down candidate need not come in first in order to win seats
by this Court on the ground of grave abuse of in the legislature. On the other hand, in the "winner-
discretion. Indeed, the function of all judicial and quasi- take-all" single-seat district, the votes cast for a losing
judicial instrumentalities is to apply the law as they candidate are wasted as only those who vote for the
find it, not to reinvent or second-guess it. winner are represented.
In view of the Courts assistance
What the advocates of sectoral representation
The Court, therefore, deems it proper to remand the wanted was permanent reserved seats for
case to the COMELEC for the latter to determine, after "marginalized sectors" by which they mean the labor,
summary evidentiary hearings, whether the 154 peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural communities,
parties and organizations allowed to participate in the women, and youth sectors. Under Art. VI, §5(2), these
party-list elections comply with the requirements of sectors were given only one-half of the seats in the
the law. In this light, the Court finds it appropriate to House of Representatives and only for three terms. On
lay down the following guidelines, culled from the law the other hand, the "third or fourth placers" in district
and the Constitution, to assist the COMELEC in its work elections, for whom the party-list system was
intended, refer to those who may not win seats in the
In view of the 2 systems of representation (Mendoza, districts but nationwide may be sufficiently strong to
J.) enable them to be represented in the House. They may
Indeed, the two systems of representation are not include Villacorta's "marginalized" or "underprivileged"
identical. Party list representation is a type of sectors, but they are not limited to them. There would
proportional representation designed to give those have been no need to give the "marginalized sectors"
who otherwise cannot win a seat in the House of one-half of the seats for the party-list system for three
Representatives in district elections a chance to win if terms if the two systems are identical.
they have sufficient strength on a nationwide basis. (In In sum, a problem was placed before the
this sense, these groups are considered "marginalized Constitutional Commission that the existing "winner-
and underrepresented.") Under the party-list system, take-all" one-seat district system of election leaves
representatives are elected from multi-seat districts in blocks of voters underrepresented. To this problem of
proportion to the number of votes received in contrast underrepresentation two solutions were proposed:
to the "winner-take-all"single-seat district in which, sectoral representation and party-list system or
proportional representation. The Constitutional In July and August 2007, the COMELEC, sitting as the
Commission chose the party-list system. National Board of Canvassers, made a partial
proclamation of the winners in the party-list elections
Thus, neither textual nor historical consideration which was held in May 2007.
yields support for the view that the party-list system is
In proclaiming the winners and apportioning their
designed exclusively for labor, peasant, urban poor,
seats, the COMELEC considered the following rules:
indigenous cultural communities, women, and youth
sectors. 1. In the lower house, 80% shall comprise the seats for
legislative districts, while the remaining 20% shall
For while the representation of "marginalized and
come from party-list representatives (Sec. 5, Article VI,
underrepresented" sectors is a basic purpose of the
1987 Constitution);
law, it is not its only purpose. As already explained, the
aim of proportional representation is to enable those 2. Pursuant to Sec. 11b of R.A. 7941 or the Party-List
who cannot win in the "winner-take-all" district System Act, a party-list which garners at least 2% of
elections a chance of winning. These groups are not the total votes cast in the party-list elections shall be
necessarily limited to the sectors mentioned in §5, i.e., entitled to one seat;
labor, peasants, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous
cultural communities, the elderly, the handicapped, 3. If a party-list garners at least 4%, then it is entitled
women, the youth, veterans, overseas workers, and to 2 seats; if it garners at least 6%, then it is entitled to
professionals. These groups can possibly include other 3 seats – this is pursuant to the 2-4-6 rule or
sectors. the Panganiban Formula from the case of Veterans
Federation Party vs COMELEC.
Barangay Association for National Advancement
and Transparency (BANAT) vs COMELEC 4. In no way shall a party be given more than three
seats even if if garners more than 6% of the votes cast
586 SCRA 210 – Political Law – Constitutional Law – for the party-list election (3 seat cap rule, same case).
Legislative Department – Party List System;
Proportional Representation; Proper Computation The Barangay Association for National Advancement
and Transparency (BANAT), a party-list candidate,
Statutory Construction – Rule in Interpreting the questioned the proclamation as well as the formula
Constitution – Intent of the Framers vs Intent of the being used. BANAT averred that the 2% threshold is
People invalid; Sec. 11 of RA 7941 is void because its
provision that a party-list, to qualify for a congressional
NOTE: This case is consolidated with BAYAN Muna vs
seat, must garner at least 2% of the votes cast in the
COMELEC (G.R. No. 179295).
party-list election, is not supported by the Constitution.
Further, the 2% rule creates a mathematical HELD:
impossibility to meet the 20% party-list seat
I. The 80-20 rule is observed in the following manner:
prescribed by the Constitution.
for every 5 seats allotted for legislative districts, there
BANAT also questions if the 20% rule is a mere ceiling shall be one seat allotted for a party-list
or is it mandatory. If it is mandatory, then with the 2% representative. Originally, the 1987 Constitution
qualifying vote, there would be instances when it provides that there shall be not more than 250
would be impossible to fill the prescribed 20% share of members of the lower house. Using the 80-20 rule, 200
party-lists in the lower house. BANAT also proposes a of that will be from legislative districts, and 50 would
new computation (which shall be discussed in the be from party-list representatives. However, the
“HELD” portion of this digest). Constitution also allowed Congress to fix the number
of the membership of the lower house as in fact, it can
On the other hand, BAYAN MUNA, another party-list
create additional legislative districts as it may deem
candidate, questions the validity of the 3 seat rule
appropriate. As can be seen in the May 2007 elections,
(Section 11a of RA 7941). It also raised the issue of
there were 220 district representatives, hence applying
whether or not major political parties are allowed to
the 80-20 rule or the 5:1 ratio, there should be 55
participate in the party-list elections or is the said
seats allotted for party-list representatives.
elections limited to sectoral parties.
How did the Supreme Court arrive at 55? This is the
I. How is the 80-20 rule observed in apportioning the
(Current Number of Legislative
seats in the lower house?
DistrictRepresentatives ÷ 0.80) x (0.20) = Number of
II. Whether or not the 20% allocation for party-list Seats Available to Party-List Representatives
representatives mandatory or a mere ceiling.
III. Whether or not the 2% threshold to qualify for a
(220 ÷ 0.80) x (0.20) = 55
seat valid.
II. The 20% allocation for party-list representatives is
IV. How are party-list seats allocated?
merely a ceiling – meaning, the number of party-list
V. Whether or not major political parties are allowed to representatives shall not exceed 20% of the total
participate in the party-list elections. number of the members of the lower house. However,
it is not mandatory that the 20% shall be filled.
VI. Whether or not the 3 seat cap rule (3 Seat Limit
Rule) is valid.
III. No. Section 11b of RA 7941 is unconstitutional. But how? The Supreme Court laid down the following
There is no constitutional basis to allow that only rules:
party-lists which garnered 2% of the votes cast
1. The parties, organizations, and coalitions shall be
are qualified for a seat and those which garnered less
ranked from the highest to the lowest based on the
than 2% are disqualified. Further, the 2% threshold
number of votes they garnered during the elections.
creates a mathematical impossibility to attain the ideal
80-20 apportionment. The Supreme Court explained: 2. The parties, organizations, and coalitions receiving
at least two percent (2%) of the total votes cast for the
To illustrate: There are 55 available party-list seats.
party-list system shall be entitled to one guaranteed
Suppose there are 50 million votes cast for the 100
seat each.
participants in the party list elections. A party that has
two percent of the votes cast, or one million votes, 3. Those garnering sufficient number of votes,
gets a guaranteed seat. Let us further assume that the according to the ranking in paragraph 1, shall be
first 50 parties all get one million votes. Only 50 entitled to additional seats in proportion to their total
parties get a seat despite the availability of 55 seats. number of votes until all the additional seats are
Because of the operation of the two percent threshold, allocated.
this situation will repeat itself even if we increase the
available party-list seats to 60 seats and even if we 4. Each party, organization, or coalition shall be
increase the votes cast to 100 million. Thus, even if entitled to not more than three (3) seats.
the maximum number of parties get two percent of the In computing the additional seats, the guaranteed
votes for every party, it is always impossible for the seats shall no longer be included because they have
number of occupied party-list seats to exceed 50 seats already been allocated, at one seat each, to every two-
as long as the two percent threshold is present. percenter. Thus, the remaining available seats for
It is therefore clear that the two percent threshold allocation as “additional seats” are the maximum
presents an unwarranted obstacle to the full seats reserved under the Party List System less the
implementation of Section 5(2), Article VI of the guaranteed seats. Fractional seats are disregarded in
Constitution and prevents the attainment of “the the absence of a provision in R.A. No. 7941 allowing for
broadest possible representation of party, sectoral or a rounding off of fractional seats.
group interests in the House of Representatives.” In short, there shall be two rounds in determining the
IV. Instead, the 2% rule should mean that if a party-list allocation of the seats. In the first round, all party-lists
garners 2% of the votes cast, then it is guaranteed a which garnered at least 2% of the votes cast (called
seat, and not “qualified”. This allows those party-lists the two-percenters) are given their one seat each. The
garnering less than 2% to also get a seat. total number of seats given to these two-percenters
are then deducted from the total available seats for means it has a guaranteed one seat PLUS additional 2
party-lists. In this case, 17 party-lists were able to seats or a total of 3 seats. Now if it so happens that
garner 2% each. There are a total 55 seats available BUHAY got 20% of the votes cast, it will still get 3 seats
for party-lists hence, 55 minus 17 = 38 remaining because the 3 seat limit rule prohibits it from having
seats. (Please refer to the full text of the case for the more than 3 seats.
Now after all the tw0-percenters were given their
The number of remaining seats, in this case 38, shall guaranteed and additional seats, and there are still
be used in the second round, particularly, in unoccupied seats, those seats shall be distributed to
determining, first, the additional seats for the two- the remaining party-lists and those higher in rank in
percenters, and second, in determining seats for the the voting shall be prioritized until all the seats are
party-lists that did not garner at least 2% of the votes occupied.
cast, and in the process filling up the 20% allocation
V. No. By a vote of 8-7, the Supreme Court continued
for party-list representatives.
to disallow major political parties (the likes of UNIDO,
How is this done? LABAN, etc) from participating in the party-list
Get the total percentage of votes garnered by the
party and multiply it against the remaining number of Although the ponencia (Justice Carpio) did point out
seats. The product, which shall not be rounded off, will that there is no prohibition either from the Constitution
be the additional number of seats allotted for the party or from RA 7941 against major political parties from
list – but the 3 seat limit rule shall still be observed. participating in the party-list elections as the word
“party” was not qualified and that even the framers of
the Constitution in their deliberations deliberately
In this case, the BUHAY party-list garnered the highest allowed major political parties to participate in the
total vote of 1,169,234 which is 7.33% of the total party-list elections provided that they establish a
votes cast for the party-list elections (15,950,900). sectoral wing which represents the marginalized
(indirect participation), Justice Puno, in his separate
Applying the formula above: (Percentage of vote opinion, concurred by 7 other justices, explained that
garnered) x (remaining seats) = number of additional the will of the people defeats the will of the framers of
seat the Constitution precisely because it is the people who
Hence, 7.33% x 38 = 2.79 ultimately ratified the Constitution – and the will of the
people is that only the marginalized sections of the
Rounding off to the next higher number is not allowed country shall participate in the party-list elections.
so 2.79 remains 2. BUHAY is a two-percenter which
Hence, major political parties cannot participate in the the Veterans formula is violative of the Constitution
party-list elections, directly or indirectly. and of Republic Act No. 7941 (R.A. No. 7941). On the
same day, the COMELEC denied reconsideration during
VI. Yes, the 3 seat limit rule is valid. This is one way to
the proceedings of the NBC.
ensure that no one party shall dominate the party-list
Issue: Considering the allegations in the petitions and
the comments of the parties in these cases, we
BANAT v COMELEC G.R. No. 179271 April 21, 2009 defined the following issues in our advisory for the oral
7/17/2010 arguments set on 22 April 2008:
1. Is the twenty percent allocation for party-list
0 Comments representatives in Section 5(2), Article VI of the
Constitution mandatory or merely a ceiling?
2. Is the three-seat limit in Section 11(b) of RA 7941
Facts: On 27 June 2002, BANAT filed a Petition to constitutional?
Proclaim the Full Number of Party-List Representatives 3. Is the two percent threshold prescribed in Section
Provided by the Constitution, docketed as NBC No. 07- 11(b) of RA 7941 to qualify for one seat constitutional?
041 (PL) before the NBC. BANAT filed its petition 4. How shall the party-list representative seats be
because "the Chairman and the Members of the allocated?
COMELEC have recently been quoted in the national 5. Does the Constitution prohibit the major political
papers that the COMELEC is duty bound to and shall parties from participating in the party-list elections? If
implement the Veterans ruling, that is, would apply the not, can the major political parties be barred from
Panganiban formula in allocating party-list seats." participating in the party-list elections?

BANAT filed a petition for certiorari and mandamus

assailing the ruling in NBC Resolution No. 07-88. Held: WHEREFORE we PARTIALLY GRANT the petition.
BANAT did not file a motion for reconsideration of NBC We SET ASIDE the Resolution of the COMELEC dated 3
Resolution No. 07-88. August 2007 in NBC No. 07-041 (PL) as well as the
Resolution dated 9 July 2007 in NBC No. 07-60. We
On 9 July 2007, Bayan Muna, Abono, and A Teacher declareunconstitutional the two percent threshold in
asked the COMELEC, acting as NBC, to reconsider its the distribution of additional party-list seats.
decision to use the Veterans formula as stated in its
NBC Resolution No. 07-60 because
Ratio: Neither the Constitution nor R.A. No. percentage is multiplied by the remaining available
7941 mandates the filling-up of the entire 20% seats, 38, which is the difference between the 55
allocation of party-list representatives found in the maximum seats reserved under the Party-List System
Constitution. However, we cannot allow the continued and the 17 guaranteed seats of the two-percenters.
existence of a provision in the law which The whole integer of the product of the percentage
will systematically prevent the constitutionally and of the remaining available seats corresponds to a
allocated 20% party-list representatives from being party’s share in the remaining available seats. Second,
filled. The three-seat cap, as a limitation to the number we assign one party-list seat to each of the parties
of seats that a qualified party-list organization may next in rank until all available seats are completely
occupy, remains a valid statutory device that prevents distributed. We distributed all of the remaining 38
any party from dominating the party-list elections. seats in the second round of seat allocation. Finally, we
apply the three-seat cap to determine the number of
We rule that, in computing the allocation seats each qualified party-list candidate is entitled.
of additional seats, the continued operation of the two
percent threshold for the distribution of the additional Neither the Constitution nor R.A. No. 7941 prohibits
seats as found in the second clause of Section 11(b) of major political parties from participating in the party-
R.A. No. 7941 isunconstitutional. This Court finds that list system. On the contrary, the framers of the
the two percent threshold makes it mathematically Constitution clearly intended the major political parties
impossible to achieve the maximum number of to participate in party-list elections through their
available party list seats when the number of available sectoral wings. In fact, the members of the
party list seats exceeds 50. The continued operation of Constitutional Commission voted down, 19-22, any
the two percent threshold in the distribution of the permanent sectoral seats, and in the alternative the
additional seats frustrates the attainment of the reservation of the party-list system to the sectoral
permissive ceiling. groups. In defining a "party" that participates in party-
list elections as either "a political party or a sectoral
In declaring the two percent threshold party," R.A. No. 7941 also clearly intended that major
unconstitutional, we do not limit our allocation of political parties will participate in the party-list
additional seats to the two-percenters. The percentage elections. Excluding the major political parties in party-
of votes garnered by each party-list candidate is list elections is manifestly against the Constitution, the
arrived at by dividing the number of votes garnered by intent of the Constitutional Commission, and R.A. No.
each party by 15,950,900, the total number of votes 7941. This Court cannot engage in socio-political
cast for party-list candidates. There are two steps in engineering and judicially legislate the exclusion of
the second round of seat allocation. First, the major political parties from the party-list elections in
patent violation of the Constitution and the law. parties or 42.8% of the total number of the major
parties garnered more than 2% of the total number of
votes each, a feat that would have entitled them to
In view of the inclusion of major political parties seat their members as party-list representatives. In
(according to Puno, J.) contrast, only about 4% of the total number of the
The Court today effectively reversed the ruling in remaining parties, or only 8 out of the 155 parties
Ang Bagong Bayani v. COMELEC with regard to the garnered more than 2%.
computation of seat allotments and the participation of
major political parties in the party-list system. I vote In sum, the evils that faced our marginalized and
for the formula propounded by the majority as it underrepresented people at the time of the framing of
benefits the party-list system but I regret that my the 1987 Constitution still haunt them today. It is
interpretation of Article VI, Section 5 of the through the party-list system that the Constitution
Constitution with respect to the participation of the sought to address this systemic dilemma. In ratifying
major political parties in the election of party-list the Constitution, our people recognized how the
representatives is not in direct congruence with theirs, interests of our poor and powerless sectoral groups
hence can be frustrated by the traditional political parties
who have the machinery and chicanery to dominate
There is no gainsaying the fact that the party-list our political institutions. If we allow major political
parties are no match to our traditional political parties parties to participate in the party-list system electoral
in the political arena. This is borne out in the party-list process, we will surely suffocate the voice of the
elections held in 2001 where major political parties marginalized, frustrate their sovereignty and betray
were initially allowed to campaign and be voted for. the democratic spirit of the Constitution. That opinion
The results confirmed the fear expressed by some will serve as the graveyard of the party-list system.
commissioners in the Constitutional Commission that
major political parties would figure in the IN VIEW WHEREOF, I dissent on the ruling allowing
disproportionate distribution of votes: of the 162 the entry of major political parties into the party-list
parties which participated, the seven major political system.
parties made it to the top 50. These seven parties
garnered an accumulated 9.54% of the total number of
votes counted, yielding an average of 1.36% each, In view of 2% being unconstitutional (according to
while the remaining 155 parties (including those whose Nachura, J.)
qualifications were contested) only obtained 90.45% or
an average of 0.58% each. Of these seven, three However, I wish to add a few words to support the
proposition that the inflexible 2% threshold vote the party-list system as a fallback position;
required for entitlement by a party-list group to a seat
in the House of Representatives in Republic Act (R.A.) 2. to discourage nuisance candidates or parties, who
No. 7941 is unconstitutional. This minimum vote are not ready and whose chances are very low, from
requirement ─ fixed at 2% of the total number of votes participating in the elections;
cast for the party list system ─ presents an
unwarranted obstacle to the full implementation of 3. to avoid the reserve seat system by opening up the
Section 5 (2), Article VI, of the Philippine Constitution. system;
As such, it effectively defeats the declared
constitutional policy, as well as the legislative 4. to encourage the marginalized sectors to organize,
objective expressed in the enabling law, to allow the work hard, and earn their seats within the system;
people’s broadest representation in Congress,the
raison d’etre for the adoption of the party-list system. 5. to enable sectoral representatives to rise to the
same majesty as that of the elected representatives in
Today, a little over eight (8) years after this Court’s the legislative body, rather than owing to some degree
decision in Veterans Federation Party, we see that in their seats in the legislative body either to an outright
the 14th Congress, 55 seats are allocated to party-list constitutional gift or to an appointment by the
representatives, using the Veterans formula. But that President of the Philippines;
figure (of 55) can never be realized, because the 2%
threshold vote requirement makes it mathematically 6. if no threshold is imposed, this will actually
impossible to have more than 50 seats. After all, the proliferate political party groups and those who have
total number of votes cast for the party-list system can not really been given by the people sufficient basis for
never exceed 100%. them to represent their constituents and, in turn, they
will be able to get to the Parliament through the
Lest I be misunderstood, I do not advocate doing backdoor under the name of the party-list system; and
away completely with a threshold vote requirement.
The need for such a minimum vote requirement was 7. to ensure that only those with a more or less
explained in careful and elaborate detail by Chief substantial following can be represented.9
Justice Puno in his separate concurring opinion in
Veterans Federation Party. I fully agree with him that a However, with the burgeoning of the population,
minimum vote requirement is needed -- the steady increase in the party-list seat allotment as it
keeps pace with the creation of additional legislative
1. to avoid a situation where the candidate will just use districts, and the foreseeable growth of party-list
groups, the fixed 2% vote requirement is no longer issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
viable. It does not adequately respond to the inevitable disqualifying them from participating in the 13 May
changes that come with time; and it is, in fact, 2013 party-list elections, either by denial of their
inconsistent with the Constitution, because it prevents petitions for registration under the party-list system, or
the fundamental law from ever being fully operative. cancellation of their registration and accreditation as
party-list organizations.
It is correct to say, and I completely agree with
Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7941
Veterans Federation Party, that Section 5 (2), Article VI
(R.A. No. 7941) and COMELEC Resolution Nos. 9366
of the Constitution, is not mandatory, that it
and 9531, approximately 280 groups and organizations
merely provides a ceiling for the number of party-list
registered and manifested their desire to participate in
seats in Congress.But when the enabling law, R.A.
the 13 May 2013 party-list elections
7941, enacted by Congress for the precise purpose of
implementing the constitutional provision, contains a December 5, 2012, the COMELEC En Banc affirmed the
condition that places the constitutional ceiling COMELEC Second Division’s resolution to grant Partido
completely beyond reach, totally impossible of ng Bayan ng Bida’s (PBB) registration and
realization, then we must strike down the offending accreditation as a political party in the National Capital
condition as an affront to the fundamental law. This is Region. However, PBB was denied participation in the
not simply an inquiry into the wisdom of the legislative elections because PBB does not represent any
measure; rather it involves the duty of this Court to "marginalized and underrepresented" sector.
ensure that constitutional provisions remain effective
at all times. No rule of statutory construction can save 13 petitioners were not able to secure a mandatory
a particular legislative enactment that renders a injunction from the Court. The COMELEC, on 7 January
constitutional provision inoperative and ineffectual. 2013 issued Resolution No. 9604, and excluded the
names of these 13 petitioners in the printing of the
Atong Paglaum, Inc. v. COMELEC official.
ATONG PAGLAUM, INC. v. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Resolution No. 9513, the
(G) COMELEC En Banc scheduled summary evidentiary
G.R. No. 203766, April 2, 2013 hearings to determine whether the groups and
organizations that filed manifestations of intent to
FACTS: participate in the elections have continually complied
with the requirements of R.A. No. 7941 and Ang
The case constitute 54 Petitions for Certiorari and
Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party v. COMELEC (Ang
Petitions for Certiorari and Prohibition filed by 52 party-
Bagong Bayani).
list groups and organizations assailing the Resolutions
39 petitioners were able to secure a mandatory consecutive terms of Congress after the ratification of
injunction from the Court, directing the COMELEC to the 1987 Constitution, "one-half of the seats allocated
include the names of these 39 petitioners in the to party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided
printing of the official ballot for the elections. by law, by selection or election from the labor,
peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural communities,
Petitioners prayed for the issuance of a temporary
women, youth, and such other sectors as may be
restraining order and/or writ of preliminary injunction.
provided by law, except the religious sector." This
This Court issued Status Quo Ante Orders in all
provision clearly shows again that the party-list system
is not exclusively for sectoral parties for two obvious
First, the other one-half of the seats allocated to party-
Whether the COMELEC committed grave abuse of list representatives would naturally be open to non-
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in sectoral party-list representatives, clearly negating the
disqualifying petitioners from participating in the idea that the party-list system is exclusively for
elections. sectoral parties representing the "marginalized and

HELD: Second, the reservation of one-half of the party-list

seats to sectoral parties applies only for the first "three
No, the COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of consecutive terms after the ratification of this
discretion in following prevailing decisions in Constitution," clearly making the party-list system fully
disqualifying petitioners from participating in the open after the end of the first three congressional
coming elections. However, since the Court adopts terms. This means that, after this period, there will be
new parameters in the qualification of the party-list no seats reserved for any class or type of party that
system, thereby abandoning the rulings in the qualifies under the three groups constituting the party-
decisions applied by the COMELEC in disqualifying list system.
petitioners, we remand to the COMELEC all the present
petitions for the COMELEC to determine who are Hence, the clear intent, express wording, and party-list
qualified to register under the party-list system, and to structure ordained in Section 5(1) and (2), Article VI of
participate in the coming elections, under the new the 1987 Constitution cannot be disputed: the party-
parameters prescribed in this Decision. list system is not for sectoral parties only, but also for
non-sectoral parties.
Moreover, Section 5(2), Article VI of the 1987
Constitution mandates that, during the first three
R.A. No. 7941 does not require national and regional COMELEC opposed the petition alleging that 1)
parties or organizations to represent the "marginalized petitioners lack standing to file the instant petition for
and underrepresented" sectors. To require all national they are not the proper parties to institute the action;
and regional parties under the party-list system to 2) the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to entertain
represent the "marginalized and underrepresented" is the petition; and 3) Section 5(2), Article VIII of the
to deprive and exclude, by judicial fiat, ideology-based 1973 Constitution does not apply to the Interim
and cause-oriented parties from the party-list system. Batasan Pambansa.
How will these ideology-based and cause-oriented
ISSUE: Whether or not the SC can compel COMELEC to
parties, who cannot win in legislative district elections,
hold a special election to fill vacancies in the
participate in the electoral process if they are excluded
from the party-list system? To exclude them from the
party-list system is to prevent them from joining the HELD: No. The SC’s jurisdiction over the COMELEC is
parliamentary struggle, leaving as their only option the only to review by certiorari the latter’s decision, orders
armed struggle. To exclude them from the party-list or rulings. This is as clearly provided in Article XII-C,
system is, apart from being obviously senseless, Section 11 of the New Constitution which reads:
patently contrary to the clear intent and express
wording of the 1987 Constitution and R.A. No. 7941 Any decision, order, or ruling of the Commission may
be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the
Jose Mari Eulalio Lozada vs Commission on Elections aggrieved party within thirty days from his receipt of a
copy thereof.
120 SCRA 337 – Political Law – Vacancy in the
Legislature There is in this case no decision, order or ruling of the
COMELEC which is sought to be reviewed by this Court
Jose Mari Eulalio Lozada together with Romeo Igot filed
under its certiorari jurisdiction as provided for in the
a petition for mandamus compelling the Commission
aforequoted provision, which is the only known
on Elections (COMELEC) to hold an election to fill the
provision conferring jurisdiction or authority on the
vacancies in the Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP).
Supreme Court over the COMELEC.
They anchor their contention on Section 5 (2), Art. VIII
of the 1973 Constitution which provides: It is obvious that the holding of special elections in
several regional districts where vacancies exist, would
In case a vacancy arises in the Batasang Pambansa
entail huge expenditure of money. Only the Batasang
eighteen months or more before a regular election, the
Pambansa (BP) can make the necessary appropriation
Commission on Election shall call a special election to
for the purpose, and this power of the BP may neither
be held within sixty (60) days after the vacancy occurs
be subject to mandamus by the courts much less may
to elect the Member to serve the unexpired term.
COMELEC compel the BP to exercise its power of
appropriation. From the role BP has to play in the Sec. 10) of the Constitution. The reason given being
holding of special elections, which is to appropriate the that the term of the 8 senators elected in 1963, and
funds for the expenses thereof, it would seem that the who took part in the approval of RA 4134, would
initiative on the matter must come from the BP, not have expired only on December 30, 1969; while the
the COMELEC, even when the vacancies would occur in term of the members of the House who participated in
the regular not IBP. The power to appropriate is the the approval of said Act expired on December 30,
sole and exclusive prerogative of the legislative body, 1965.
the exercise of which may not be compelled through a
petition for mandamus. What is more, the provision of
Section 5(2), Article VIII of the Constitution was Issue: Does Sec. 14(now Sec. 10) of the Constitution
intended to apply to vacancies in the regular National require that not only the term of all the members of
Assembly, now BP, not to the IBP. the House but also that of all the Senators who
approved the increase must have fully expired before
Philippine Constitution Association, Inc.(PHILCONSA)
the increase becomes effective?
vs. Mathay G.R. No. L-25554, October 4, 1966
Sunday, January 25, 2009 Posted by Coffeeholic
Writes Held: In establishing what might be termed a waiting
Labels: Case Digests, Political Law period before the increased compensation for
legislators becomes fully effective, the Constitutional
provision refers to “all members of the Senate and the
Facts: Petitioner has filed a suit against the former House of Representatives” in the same sentence, as a
Acting Auditor General of the Philippines and the single unit, without distinction or separation between
Auditor of the Congress of the Philippines seeking to them. This unitary treatment is emphasized by the fact
permanently enjoin them from authorizing or passing that the provision speaks of the “expiration of thefull
in audit the payment of the increased term” of the Senators and Representatives that
salaries authorized by RA 4134 to the Speaker and approved the measure, using the singular form and not
members of the House of Representatives before the plural, thereby rendering more evident
December 30, 1969. the intent to consider both houses for the purpose as
indivisible components of one single Legislature. The
The 1965-1966 Budget implemented the increase in use of the word“term” in the singular, when combined
salary of the Speaker and members of the House of with the following phrase “all the members of the
Representatives set by RA 4134, approved just the Senate and the House,” underscores that in
preceding year 1964. Petitioner contends that such theapplication of Art. VI, Sec. 14(now Sec. 10),
implementation is violative of Article VI, Sec. 14(now
the fundamentalconsideration is that the terms of 4968 which provided for retirement gratuity of any
office of all members of the Legislature that enacted official or employee, appointive or elective, with a total
the measure must have expired before the increase in of at least twenty years of service, the last three years
compensation can become operative. of which are continuous on the basis therein provided
“in case of employees based on the highest rate
The Court agreed with petitioner that the increased received and in case of elected officials on the rates of
compensation provided by RA 4134 is pay as provided by law.” The House of Representatives
not operative until December 30, 1969, when thefull granted his petition however, Jose Velasco, the then
term of all members of the Senate and House that Congress Auditor refused to so issue certification. The
approved it will have expired. Auditor General then, Ismael Mathay, also disallowed
the same.
The thrust of Ligot’s appeal is that his claim for
Ligot vs. Mathay
retirement gratuity computed on the basis of the
56 SCRA 823 – Political Law – Salaries of increased salary of P32,000.00 per annum for
Representatives – Retirement members of Congress (which was not applied to him
during his incumbency which ended December 30,
Benjamin Ligot served as a member of the House of 1969, while the Court held in Philconsa vs. Mathaythat
Representatives of the Congress of the Philippines for such increases would become operative only for
three consecutive four-year terms covering a twelve- members of Congress elected to serve therein
year span from December 30, 1957 to December 30, commencing December 30, 1969) should not have
1969. During his second term in office (1961-1965), been disallowed, because at the time of his retirement,
Republic Act No. 4134 “fixing the salaries of the increased salary for members of Congress “as
constitutional officials and certain other officials of the provided by law” (under Republic Act 4134) was
national government” was enacted into law and took already P32,000.00 per annum.
effect on July 1, 1964. The salaries of members of
Congress (senators and congressmen) were increased ISSUE: Whether or not Ligot is entitled to such
under said Act from P7,200.00 to P32,000.00 per retirement benefit.
annum, but the Act expressly provided that said
HELD: No. To allow Ligot a retirement gratuity
increases “shall take effect in accordance with the
computed on the basis of P32,000.00 per annum would
provisions of the Constitution.”
be a subtle way of increasing his compensation during
Ligot’s term expired on December 30, 1969, so he filed his term of office and of achieving indirectly what he
a claim for retirement under Commonwealth Act No. could not obtain directly. Ligot’s claim cannot be
186, section 12 (c) as amended by Republic Act No. sustained as far as he and other members of Congress
similarly situated whose term of office ended on G.R. Nos. L-34046-7 March 24, 1972
December 30, 1969 are concerned for the simple
reason that a retirement gratuity or benefit is a form of
compensation within the purview of the Constitutional FERNANDO BAUTISTA, SR., petitioner,
provision limiting their compensation and “other
emoluments” to their salary as provided by law. To vs.
grant retirement gratuity to members of Congress
whose terms expired on December 30, 1969 computed
on the basis of an increased salary of P32,000.00 per HON. FRANCISCO MA. CHANCO, Presiding Judge, Court
annum (which they were prohibited by the Constitution of First Instance of Baguio and Benguet, Second
from receiving during their term of office) would be to Judicial District, Branch III, et al., respondents.
pay them prohibited emoluments which in effect
increase the salary beyond that which they were
permitted by the Constitution to receive during their FERNANDO, J.
incumbency. As stressed by the Auditor-General in his
decision in the similar case of Ligot’s colleague, ex-
Congressman Melanio Singson, “Such a scheme would
contravene the Constitution for it would lead to the
same prohibited result by enabling administrative FACTS:
authorities to do indirectly what cannot be done
The question raised in these certiorari proceedings is
Martinez v Morfe (1972) case digest the scope to be accorded the constitutional immunity
G.R. No. L-34022 March 24, 1972 of senators and representatives from arrest during
their attendance at the sessions of Congress and in
MANUEL MARTINEZ Y FESTIN petitioner, going to and returning from the same except in cases
vs. of treason, felony and breach of the peace.


FIRST INSTANCE OF MANILA, and THE CITY WARDEN OF Petitioners Manuel Martinez y Festin and Fernando
MANILA, respondents. Bautista, Sr., as delegate of the present Constitutional
Convention would invoke what they consider to be the
protection of the above constitutional provision, if
considered in connection with Article 145 of the No. As is made clear in Section 15 of Article VI of the
Revised Penal Code penalizing a public officer or Constitution, the immunity from arrest does not cover
employee who shall, during the sessions of Congress, any prosecution for treason, felony and breach of the
"arrest or search any member thereof, except in case peace. Treason exists when the accused levies war
such member has committed a crime punishable under against the Republic or adheres to its enemies giving
[such] Code by a penalty higher than prision mayor." them aid and comfort. Breach of the peace covers any
offense whether defined by the Revised Penal Code or
any special statute.
Both petitioners are facing criminal prosecutions, for
falsification of a public document and for violation of
the Revised Election Code. It is a well-settled principle in public law that the public
peace must be maintained and any breach thereof
renders one susceptible to prosecution. There is a full
The Solicitor General dispute such a contention on the recognition of the necessity to have members of
ground that the constitutional provision does not cover Congress, and likewise delegates to the Constitutional
any criminal prosecution being merely an exemption Convention, entitled to the utmost freedom to enable
from arrest in civil cases, the logical inference being them to discharge their vital responsibilities.
that insofar as a provision of the Revised Penal Code
would expand such an immunity, it would be
unconstitutional. When it comes to freedom from arrest, however, it
would amount to the creation of a privileged class,
without justification in reason, if notwithstanding their
ISSUE: liability for a criminal offense, they would be
considered immune during their attendance in
Congress and in going to and returning from the same.
Whether or not senators should be immune from the There is likely to be no dissent from the proposition
criminal charges. that a legislator or a delegate can perform his
functions efficiently and well, without the need for any
transgression of the criminal law. Should such an
unfortunate event come to pass, he is to be treated
like any other citizen considering that there is a strong
public interest in seeing to it that crime should not go
Nicanor Jimenez vs Bartolome Cabangbang HELD: No. Article VI, Section 15 of the Constitution
provides “The Senators and Members of the House of
17 SCRA 876 – Political Law – Freedom of Speech and
Representatives shall in all cases except treason,
felony, and breach of the peace. Be privileged from
Bartolome Cabangbang was a member of the House arrest during their attendance at the sessions of the
of Representatives and Chairman of its Committee on Congress, and in going to and returning from the
National Defense. In November 1958, Cabangbang same; and for any speech or debate therein, they shall
caused the publication of an open letter addressed to not be questioned in any other place.”
the Philippines. Said letter alleged that there have
The publication of the said letter is not covered by said
been allegedly three operational plans under serious
expression which refers to utterances made by
study by some ambitious AFP officers, with the aid of
Congressmen in the performance of their official
some civilian political strategists. That such strategists
functions, such as speeches delivered, statements
have had collusions with communists and that the
made, or votes cast in the halls of Congress, while the
Secretary of Defense, Jesus Vargas, was planning a
same is in session as well as bills introduced in
coup d’état to place him as the president. The
Congress, whether the same is in session or not, and
“planners” allegedly have Nicanor Jimenez, among
other acts performed by Congressmen, either in
others, under their guise and that Jimenez et al may or
Congress or outside the premises housing its offices, in
may not be aware that they are being used as a tool to
the official discharge of their duties as members of
meet such an end. The letter was said to have been
Congress and of Congressional Committees duly
published in newspapers of general circulation.
authorized to perform its functions as such at the time
Jimenez then filed a case against Cabangbang to
of the performance of the acts in question. Congress
collect a sum of damages against Cabangbang alleging
was not in session when the letter was published and
that Cabangbang’s statement is libelous. Cabangbang
at the same time he, himself, caused the publication of
petitioned for the case to be dismissed because he
the said letter. It is obvious that, in thus causing the
said that as a member of the lower house, he is
communication to be so published, he was not
immune from suit and that he is covered by the
performing his official duty, either as a member of
privileged communication rule and that the said letter
Congress or as officer of any Committee thereof.
is not even libelous.
Hence, contrary to the finding made by the lower court
ISSUE: Whether or not the open letter is covered by the said communication is not absolutely privileged.
privilege communication endowed to members of
Sergio Osmeña, Jr. vs Salipada Pendatun
109 Phil. 863 – Political Law – The Legislative
Department – Parliamentary Immunity
In June 1960, Congressman Sergio Osmeña, Jr. FLORES V DRILON
delivered a speech entitled “A Message to Garcia”. In
the said speech, he disparaged then President Carlos
Garcia and his administration. Subsequently, House Petitioners, taxpayers and employees of U.S facilities
Resolution No. 59 was passed by the lower house in at Subic, challenge the constitutionality of Sec. 13 (d)
order to investigate the charges made by Osmeña of the Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992
during his speech and that if his allegations were which directs the President to appoint a professional
found to be baseless and malicious, he may be manager as administrator of the SBMA…provided that
subjected to disciplinary actions by the lower house. “for the 1st year of its operations, the mayor of
Olongapo City (Richard Gordon) shall be appointed as
Osmeña then questioned the validity of the said
the chairman and the CEO of the Subic Authority.”
resolution before the Supreme Court. Osmeña avers
that the resolution violates his parliamentary immunity ISSUES
for speeches delivered in Congress. Congressman
Salipada Pendatun filed an answer where he averred (1) Whether the proviso violates the constitutional
that the Supreme Court has not jurisdiction over the proscription against appointment or designation
matter and Congress has the power to discipline its of elective officials to other government posts.
members. (2) Whether or not the SBMA posts are merely ex
ISSUE: Whether or not Osmeña’s immunity has been officio to the position of Mayor of Olongapo City and
violated? thus an excepted circumstance.

HELD: No. Section 15, Article VI of the 1935 (3) Whether or not the Constitutional provision
Constitution enshrines parliamentary immunity upon allowing an elective official to receive double
members of the legislature which is a fundamental compensation (Sec. 8, Art. IX-B) would be useless if
privilege cherished in every parliament in a democratic no elective official may be appointed to another post.
world. It guarantees the legislator complete freedom of (4) Whether there is legislative encroachment on the
expression without fear of being made responsible in appointing authority of the President.
criminal or civil actions before the courts or any other
forum outside the Hall of Congress. However, it does (5) Whether Mayor Gordon may retain any and all per
not protect him from responsibility before the diems, allowances and other emoluments which he
legislative body whenever his words and conduct are may have received pursuant to his appointment.
considered disorderly or unbecoming of a member
therein. Therefore, Osmeña’s petition is dismissed.
(1) YES, Sec. 7 of Art. IX-B of the Constitution Provides: power to appoint. Appointment involves an exercise of
No elective official shall be eligible for appointment or discretion of whom to appoint. Hence, when Congress
designation in any capacity to any public office or clothes the President with the power to appoint an
position during his tenure. Unless otherwise allowed by officer, it cannot at the same time limit the choice of
law or by the primary functions of his position, no the President to only one candidate. Such enactment
appointive official shall hold any other office or effectively eliminates the discretion of the appointing
employment in the Government or any subdivision, power to choose and constitutes an irregular
agency or instrumentality thereof, including restriction on the power of appointment. While it may
government-owned or controlled corporations or their be viewed that the proviso merely sets the
subsidiaries. The subject proviso directs the President qualifications of the officer during the first year of
to appoint an elective official i.e. the Mayor of operations of SBMA, i.e., he must be the Mayor of
Olongapo City, to other government post Olongapo City, it is manifestly an abuse of
(as Chairman and CEO of SBMA). This is precisely what congressional authority to prescribe qualifications
the Constitution prohibits. It seeks to prevent a where only one, and no other, can qualify. Since the
situation where a local elective official will work for ineligibility of an elective official
his appointment in an executive position in for appointment remains all throughout his tenure or
government, and thus neglect his constitutents. during his incumbency, he may however resign first
(2) NO, Congress did not contemplate making the from his elective post to cast off the constitutionally-
SBMA posts as automatically attached to the Office of attached disqualification before he may
the Mayor without need of appointment. The phrase be considered fit for appointment. Consequently, as
“shall be appointed” unquestionably shows the intent long as he is an incumbent, an elective official remains
to make the SBMA posts appointive and not ineligible for appointment to another public office.
merely adjunct to the post of Mayor of Olongapo City. (5) YES, as incumbent elective official, Gordon is
(3) NO, Sec. 8 does not affect the constitutionality of ineligible for appointment to the position
the subject proviso. In any case, the Vice-President for of Chairman and CEO of SBMA; hence,
example, an elective official who may be appointed to his appointment thereto cannot be sustained. He
a cabinet post, may receive the compensation however remains Mayor of Olongapo City, and his acts
attached to the cabinet position if as SBMA official are not necessarily null and void; he
specifically authorized by law. may be considered a de facto officer, and in
(4) YES, although Section 13(d) itself vests in the accordance with jurisprudence, is entitled to
President the power to appoint the Chairman of SBMA, such benefits.
he really has no choice but to appoint the Mayor of
Olongapo City. The power of choice is the heart of the
June 29, 2013
On July 30, 1998, the majority leader informed the
GR No. 134577, November 18, 1998
body chat he was in receipt of a letter signed by the
seven Lakas-NUCD-UMDP senators, stating that they
had elected Senator Guingona as the minority leader.
By virtue thereof, the Senate President formally
During the first regular session of the eleventh
recognized Senator Guingona as the minority leader of
Congress Sen. Marcelo B. Fernan was declared the duly
the Senate.
elected President of the Senate. The following were
likewise elected: Senator Ople as president pro
The following day, Senators Santiago and Tatad filed
tempore, and Sen. Franklin M. Drilon as majority
before this Court the subject petition for quo warranto,
alleging in the main that Senator Guingona had been
usurping, unlawfully holding and exercising the
Senator Tatad thereafter manifested that, with the
position of Senate minority leader, a position that,
agreement of Senator Santiago, allegedly the only
according to them, rightfully belonged to Senator
other member of the minority, he was assuming the
position of minority leader. He explained that those
who had voted for Senator Fernan comprised the
"majority," while only those who had voted for him, the
losing nominee, belonged to the "minority."
1. Does the Court have jurisdiction over the petition?
2. Was there an actual violation of the Constitution?
3. Was Respondent Guingona usurping, unlawfully
holding and exercising the position of Senate
During the discussion on who should constitute the
minority leader
Senate "minority," Sen. Juan M. Flavier manifested that
4. Did Respondent Fernan act with grave abuse of
the senators belonging to the Lakas-NUCD-UMDP Party
discretion in recognizing Respondent Guingona as the
— numbering seven (7) and, thus, also a minority —
minority leader?
had chosen Senator Guingona as the minority leader.
No consensus on the matter was arrived at. The
following session day, the debate on the question
continued, with Senators Santiago and Tatad delivering
privilege speeches. On the third session day, the
Senate met in caucus, but still failed to resolve the
The Court initially declined to resolve the question of
who was the rightful Senate President, since it was could thereby elect the minority leader. Verily, no law
deemed a political controversy falling exclusively or regulation states that the defeated candidate shall
within the domain of the Senate. Upon a motion for automatically become the minority leader. While the
reconsideration, however, the Court ultimately Constitution is explicit on the manner of electing a
assumed jurisdiction (1) "in the light of subsequent Senate President and a House Speaker, it is, however,
events which justify its intervention;" and (2) because dead silent on the manner of selecting the other
the resolution of the issue hinged on the interpretation officers in both chambers of Congress. All that the
of the constitutional provision on the presence of a Charter says is that "[e]ach House shall choose such
quorum to hold a session and therein elect a Senate other officers as it may deem necessary." The method
President (read Avelino vs. Cuenco about the scope of of choosing who will be such other officers is merely a
the Court's power of judicial review). derivative of the exercise of the prerogative conferred
by the aforequoted constitutional provision. Therefore,
The Court ruled that the validity of the selection of such method must be prescribed by the Senate itself,
members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal by the not by this Court.
senators was not a political question. The choice of
these members did not depend on the Senate's "full THIRD ISSUE
discretionary authority," but was subject to mandatory
constitutional limitations. Thus, the Court held that not Usurpation generally refers to unauthorized arbitrary
only was it clearly within its jurisdiction to pass upon assumption and exercise of power by one without color
the validity of the selection proceedings, but it was of title or who is not entitled by law thereto. A quo
also its duty to consider and determine the issue. warranto proceeding is the proper legal remedy to
determine the right or title to the contested public
SECOND ISSUE office and to oust the holder from its enjoyment. The
action may be brought by the solicitor general or a
There was no violation. The Court finds that the public prosecutor or any person claiming to be entitled
interpretation proposed by petitioners finds no clear to the public office or position usurped or unlawfully
support from the Constitution, the laws, the Rules of held or exercise by another.
the Senate or even from practices of the Upper House.
The Constitution mandates that the President of the In order for a quo warranto proceeding to be
Senate must be elected by a number constituting more successful, the person suing must show that he or she
than one half of all the members thereof, it however has a clearright to the contested office or to use or
does not provide that the members who will not vote exercise the functions of the office allegedly usurped
for him shall ipso facto constitute the "minority," who or unlawfully held by the respondent. In this case,
petitioners present not sufficient proof of a clear and Constitution, the laws or even the rules of the Senate
indubitable franchise to the office of the Senate has been clearly shown to have been violated,
minority leader. Furthermore, no grave abuse of disregarded or overlooked, grave abuse of discretion
discretion has been shown to characterize any of his cannot be imputed to Senate officials for acts done
specific acts as minority leader. within their competence and authority.
Avelino vs Cuenco
83 PHIL 17, March 4, 1949
Grave abuse of discretion - such capricious or
whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack JOSE AVELINO, petitioner,
of jurisdiction. The abuse of discretion must be patent vs.
and gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty MARIANO J. CUENCO, respondent
or a virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law,
or to act at all in contemplation of law as where the
power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner
by reason of passion and hostility.
By the above standard, we hold that Respondent
Fernan did not gravely abuse his discretion as Senate In a session of the Senate, Tanada’s request to deliver
President in recognizing Respondent Guingona as the a speech in order to formulate charges against then
minority leader. To recall, the latter belongs to one of Senate President Avelino was approved. With the
the minority parties in the Senate, the Lakas-NUCD- leadership of the Senate President followed by his
UMDP. By unanimous resolution of the members of this supporters, they deliberately tried to delay and
party that he be the minority leader, he was prevent Tanada from delivering his speech. Before
recognized as such by the Senate President. Such Senator Tañada could deliver his privilege speech to
formal recognition by Respondent Fernan came only formulate charges against the incumbent Senate
after at least two Senate sessions and a caucus, President, the petitioner, motu propio adjourned the
wherein both sides were liberally allowed to articulate session of the Senate and walked out with his
their standpoints. followers.

Therefore, the Senate President cannot be accused of Senator Cabili request to made the following incidents
"capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment" or of into a record:
"an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of The deliberate abandonment of the Chair by the
passion or hostility." Where no provision of the petitioner, made it incumbent upon Senate President
Pro-tempore Arranz and the remaining members of the Whether or not the court has jurisdiction on subject
Senate to continue the session in order not to paralyze matter.
the functions of the Senate.
Whether or not Resolutions 67 and 68 was validly
Senate President Pro-tempore Arranz suggested that approved.
respondent be designated to preside over the session
Whether or not the petitioner be granted to declare
which suggestion was carried unanimously.
him the rightful President of the Philippines Senate and
The respondent, Senator Mariano Cuenco, thereupon oust respondent.
took the Chair.
Gregorio Abad was appointed Acting Secretary upon
motion of Senator Arranz, because the Assistance
Secretary, who was then acting as Secretary, had
followed the petitioner when the latter abandoned the
session. Rulings:

Senator Tañada, after being recognized by the Chair, In the resolution of the case, the Court held that:
was then finally able to deliver his privilege speech. The Supreme Court held that they cannot take
Thereafter Senator Sanidad read aloud the complete cognizance of the case. The court will be against the
text of said Resolution (No. 68), and submitted his doctrine of separation of powers.
motion for approval thereof and the same was
unanimously approved. In view of the separation of powers, the political nature
of the controversy and the constitutional grant to the
The petitioners, Senator Jose Avelino, in a quo Senate of the power to elect its own president, which
warranto proceeding, asked the court to declare him power should not be interfered with, nor taken over, by
the rightful Senate President and oust the respondent, the judiciary.
Mariano Cuenco, contending that the latter had not
been validly elected because twelve members did not The court will not interfere in this case because the
constitute a quorum – the majority required of the 24- selection of the presiding officer affect only the
member Senate. Senators themselves who are at liberty at any time to
choose their officers, change or reinstate them. If, as
the petition must imply to be acceptable, the majority
Issues: of the Senators want petitioner to preside, his remedy
lies in the Senate Session Hall — not in the Supreme
Yes, it was validly constituted, supposing that the the benefit of all concerned, the said twelve senators
Court has jurisdiction. who approved the resolutions herein involved could
ratify all their acts and thereby place them beyond the
Justice Paras, Feria, Pablo and Bengzon say there was
shadow of a doubt.
the majority required by the Constitution for the
transaction of the business of the Senate, because,
firstly, the minute say so, secondly, because at the
Hence, by a vote of 6 to 4, The Supreme Court
beginning of such session there were at least fourteen
dismissed the petition on the ground as it involved a
senators including Senators Pendatun and Lopez, and
political question. The Supreme Court should abstain in
thirdly because in view of the absence from the
this case because the selection of the presiding officer
country of Senator Tomas Confesor twelve senators
affects only the Senators themselves who are at liberty
constitute a majority of the Senate of twenty-three
at any time to choose their officers, change or
reinstate them.
When the Constitution declares that a majority of
“each House” shall constitute a quorum, “the House:
does not mean “all” the members. Even a majority of Pacete v Commission on Appointments G.R. No. L-
all the members constitute “the House”. There is a 25895. July 23, 1971
difference between a majority of “the House”, the
latter requiring less number than the first. Therefore
an absolute majority (12) of all the members of the Facts: Petitioner Felizardo S. Pacete alleged that he
Senate less one (23), constitutes constitutional was appointed by the then President of the Philippines
majority of the Senate for the purpose of a quorum. on August 31, 1964 as Municipal Judge of Pigcawayan,
The Court adopts a hands-off policy on this matter. Cotabato.

The Court found it injudicious to declare the petitioner He assumed office on September 11, 1964 and
as the rightful President of the Senate, since the office discharged his duties as such. As his appointment, was
depends exclusively upon the will of the majority of the made during the recess of Congress, it was submitted
senators, the rule of the Senate about tenure of the to the Commission on Appointments at its next session
President of that body being amenable at any time by in 1965.
that majority.
On February 7, 1966, the then Secretary of Justice,
At any session hereafter held with thirteen or more
whom he likewise included in his petition, through the
senators, in order to avoid all controversy arising from
Judicial Superintendent, advised petitioner to vacate
the divergence of opinion here about quorum and for
his position as municipal judge, the ground being that
his appointment had been by-passed.
Held: WHEREFORE, petitioner is entitled to the writ of
Senator Rodolfo Ganzon, wrote to its Chairman stating mandamus and the Secretary of the Commission on
that he was filing a motion for the reconsideration of Appointments is commanded to issue the certificate of
the confirmation of the appointment of petitioner as confirmation prayed for by petitioner.
municipal judge of Pigcawayan, Cotabato, in view of
derogatory information which he had received. The right of petitioner to perform his functions as
municipal judge of Pigcawayan, Cotabato is in
Respondent Secretary of the Commission on accordance with law, his confirmation having been
Appointments thus was led to notify the then Secretary duly confirmed. No pronouncement as to costs.
of Justice accordingly, following what he considered to
be the prevailing practice of such body that the mere
presentation of such letter "automatically vacated the Ratio: For respondents to argue that the mere filing of
confirmation of the appointment in a motion for reconsideration did suffice to set it aside,
question . . ." Respondent Secretary of Justice through even in the absence of any further action, is, as
the Judicial Superintendent then advised petitioner stressed by petitioner, to lose sight of what is provided
that he should vacate his position as municipal judge, in the Constitution. That would be moreover
as he had not been duly confirmed. The Disbursing tantamount to imparting to a move of a single member
Officer of the Department of Justice was likewise of a collective body a decisive weight. It is bad enough
named respondent as he had, as a consequence, if the minority were to prevail. A one-man rule, which
withheld petitioner's salaries. is the effect of what respondent Secretary of the
Commission on Appointments contends, is infinitely
worse. It is indefensible in principle and pernicious in
Issue: Whether the confirmation of his appointment operation. It can find no shelter in the constitutional
had become final and executory upon the adjournment prescription.
of the fourth regular session of the Fifth Congress at In view of confirmation
midnight of May 21, 1965; In petitioner's memorandum submitted on August 1,
1966, it was contended that his confirmation became
Whether the petitioner's appointment was not duly final and irrevocable upon the adjournment of the
confirmed; and fourth regular session of the Fifth Congress on May 21,
Whether the Court has jurisdiction over the case. In view of construction
As was noted, the controlling principle is supplied by That would be moreover tantamount to imparting to a
Altarejos v. Molo, which interpreted Rule 21 of the move of a single member of a collective body a
Revised Rules of the Commission on Appointments, decisive weight. It is bad enough if the minority were
which reads: "Resolution of the Commission on any to prevail. A one-man rule, which is the effect of what
appointment may be reconsidered on motion by a respondent Secretary of the Commission on
member presented not more than one (1) day after Appointments contends, is infinitely worse.
their approval. If a majority of the members
present concur to grant a reconsideration, 3. The courts are called upon to see to it that private
the appointment shall be reopened and submitted rights are not invaded. Thus even legislative acts and
anew to the Commission. Any motion to reconsider the executive orders are not beyond the pale of judicial
vote on any appointment may be laid on the table, this scrutiny. Certainly, there is nothing sacrosanct about a
shall be a final disposition of such a motion." rule of the Commission on Appointments, especially
so, when as in this case, a construction sought to be
1. In Altarejos v. Molo this Court gave full attention to fastened on it would defeat the right of an individual to
the argument that the motion for reconsideration of a public office. The task becomes unavoidable when
Congressman Aldeguer on May 19, 1965 had the effect claims arising from the express language of the
of recalling the confirmation of petitioner's Constitution are pressed upon the judiciary. So it is in
appointmentand that, accordingly, it should be this case. It is a truism that under the circumstances,
considered non-existent. His opinion continued: what cannot be ignored is the primacy of what the
"Pursuant to this provision, the vote of a majority of fundamental law ordains.
the members present in favor of the motion for
reconsideration is necessary to 'reopen' the As due process is impressed with both substantive and
appointment — and, hence, to 'recall' its confirmation procedural significance, the scope of judicial inquiry is
— and to require a resubmission of the appointment thus not unduly limited.
for confirmation."
Arroyo v De Venecia G.R. No. 127255. August 14,
2. The other provision is worded thus: "The President
shall have the power to make appointments during the
recess of the Congress, but such appointments shall be
effective only until disapproval by the Commission on Facts: Petitioners are members of the House of
Appointments or until the next adjournment of the Representatives. They brought this suit against
Congress." respondents charging violation of the rules of the
House which petitioners claim are "constitutionally
mandated" so that their violation is tantamount to a
violation of the Constitution. would be to disregard the respect due the other two
departments of our government. It would be an
In the course of his interpellation, Rep. Arroyo unwarranted invasion of the prerogative of a coequal
announced that he was going to raise a question on department for this Court either to set aside a
the quorum, although until the end of his interpellation legislative action as void because the Court thinks the
he never did. House has disregarded its own rules of procedure, or to
allow those defeated in the political arena to seek a
On the same day, the bill was signed by the Speaker of rematch in the judicial forum when petitioners can find
the House of Representatives and the President of the their remedy in that department itself. The Court has
Senate and certified by the respective secretaries of not been invested with a roving commission to inquire
both Houses of Congress as having been finally passed into complaints, real or imagined, of legislative
by the House of Representatives and by the Senate on skullduggery. It would be acting in excess of its power
November 21, 1996. The enrolled bill was signed into and would itself be guilty of grave abuse of its
law by President Fidel V. Ramos on November 22, discretion were it to do so. The suggestion made in a
1996. case may instead appropriately be made here:
petitioners can seek the enactment of a new law or the
repeal or amendment of R.A. No. 8240. In the absence
Issue: Whether R.A. No. 8240 is null and void because of anything to the contrary, the Court must assume
it was passed in violation of the rules of the House; that Congress or any House thereof acted in the good
Whether the certification of Speaker De Venecia that faith belief that its conduct was permitted by its rules,
the law was properly passed is false and spurious; and deference rather than disrespect is due the
Whether the Chair, in the process of submitting and judgment of that body.
certifying the law violated House Rules; and
Whether a certiorari/prohibition will be granted.
In view of what is essential
Merely internal rules of procedure of the House rather
Held: After considering the arguments of the parties, than constitutional requirements for the enactment of
the Court finds no ground for holding that Congress a law, i.e., Art. VI, §§26-27 are VIOLATED.
committed a grave abuse of discretion in enacting R.A.
No. 8240. This case is therefore dismissed. First, in Osmeña v. Pendatun, it was held: "At any rate,
courts have declared that 'the rules adopted by
deliberative bodies are subject to revocation,
Ratio: To disregard the "enrolled bill" rule in such cases modification or waiver at the pleasure of the body
adopting them.' And it has been said that noncompliance with rules of procedure made by itself,
'Parliamentary rules are merely procedural, and with it follows that such a case does not present a situation
their observance, the courts have no concern. in which a branch of the government has "gone
Theymay be waived or disregarded by the legislative beyond the constitutional limits of its jurisdiction".
body.' Consequently, 'mere failure to conform to
parliamentary usage will not invalidate the action
(taken by a deliberative body) when the requisite In view of House Rules
number of members have agreed to a particular No rule of the House of Representatives has been cited
measure.'" which specifically requires that in cases such as this
involving approval of a conference committee report,
Rules are hardly permanent in character. The the Chair must restate the motion and conduct a viva
prevailing view is that they are subject to revocation, voce or nominal voting.
modification or waiver at the pleasure of the body
adopting them as they are primarily procedural. Courts Mr. TOLENTINO. The fact that nobody objects means a
ordinarily have no concern with their observance. They unanimous action of the House. Insofar as the matter
may be waived or disregarded by the legislative body. of procedure is concerned, this has been a precedent
Consequently, mere failure to conform to them does since I came here seven years ago, and it has been the
not have the effect of nullifying the act taken if the procedure in this House that if somebody objects, then
requisite number of members have agreed to a a debate follows and after the debate, then the voting
particular measure. comes in.

Nor does the Constitution require that the yeas and the
In view of the Courts jurisdiction nays of the Members be taken every time a House has
This Court's function is merely to check whether or not to vote, except only in the following instances: upon
the governmental branch or agency has gone beyond the last and third readings of a bill, at the request of
the constitutional limits of its jurisdiction, not that it one-fifth of the Members present, and in repassing a
erred or has a different view. In the absence of a bill over the veto of the President.
showing . . . of grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack of jurisdiction, there is no occasion for the Court to
exercise its corrective power. . . . It has no power to In view of grave abuse
look into what it thinks is apparent error. If, then, the Indeed, the phrase "grave abuse of discretion
established rule is that courts cannot declare an act of amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction" has a
the legislature void on account merely of settled meaning in the jurisprudence of procedure. It
means such capricious and whimsical exercise of Even in the United States, the principle of separation
judgment by a tribunal exercising judicial or quasi of power is no longer an impregnable impediment
judicial power as to amount to lack of power. against the interposition of judicial power on cases
involving breach of rules of procedure by legislators.

In view of the enrolled bill doctrine

Under the enrolled bill doctrine, the signing of H. No.
7198 by the Speaker of the House and the President of The Constitution empowers each house to determine
the Senate and the certification by the secretaries of its rules of proceedings. It may not by its rules ignore
both Houses of Congress that it was passed on constitutional restraints or violate fundamental rights,
November 21, 1996 are conclusive of its due and there should be a reasonable relation between the
enactment. mode or method of proceedings established by the
rule and the result which is sought to be attained. But
This Court quoted from Wigmore on Evidence the within these limitations all matters of method are open
following excerpt which embodies good, if old- to the determination of the House, and it is no
fashioned democratic theory: “Instead of trusting a impeachment of the rule to say that some other way
faithful Judiciary to check an inefficient Legislature, would be better, more accurate, or even more just.
they should turn to improve the Legislature. The
Vera vs Avelino
sensible solution is not to patch and mend casual
errors by asking the Judiciary to violate legal principle Facts of the Case:
and to do impossibilities with the Constitution; but to
represent ourselves with competent, careful, and The Commission on Elections submitted last May 1946
honest legislators, the work of whose hands on the to the President and the Congress a report regarding
statute-roll may come to reflect credit upon the name the national elections held in 1946. It stated that by
of popular government.” reason of certain specified acts of terrorism and
violence in certain provinces, namely Pampanga,
Nueva Ecija, Bulacan and Tarlac, the voting in
(In view of justiciability according to PUNO, J.) said region did not reflect the accurate feedback of the
local electorate.
With due respect, I do not agree that the issues posed
by the petitioner are non-justiciable. Nor do I agree During the session on May 25, 1946, a pendatum
that we will trivialize the principle of separation of resolution was approved referring to the report
power if we assume jurisdiction over the case at bar. ordering that Jose O. Vera, Ramon Diokno and Jose E.
Romero – who had been included among the political in nature and therefore not under the juridical
16 candidates for senator receiving the highest review of the courts
number of votes and as proclaimed by the
Commissions on Elections – shall not be sworn, nor The case is therefore dismissed
seated, as members of the chamber, pending the
Alejandrino v Quezon G.R. No. L-22041. September 11,
termination of the protest filed against their election.
Petitioners then immediately instituted an action Facts: "Resolved: That the Honorable Jose Alejandrino,
against their colleagues who instituted the resolution, Senator for the Twelfth District, be, as he is
praying for its annulment and allowing them to occupy hereby,declared guilty of disorderly conduct and
their seats and to exercise their senatorial duties. flagrant violation of the privileges of the Senate for
Respondents assert the validity of the pendatum havingtreacherously assaulted the Honorable Vicente
resolution. de Vera, Senator for the Sixth District on the occasion
of certain, phrases being uttered by the latter in the
Issues of the Case: course of the debate regarding the credentials of said
Mr. Alejandrino.
Whether or Not the Commission on Elections has the
jurisdiction to determine whether or not votes cast in
the said provinces are valid. Issue: Whether resolution above quoted is
unconstitutional and entirely of no effect, for five
Whether or Not the administration of oath and the reasons. He prays the court:
sitting of Jose O. Vera, Ramon Diokno and Jose Romero (1) To issue a preliminary injunction against the
should be deferred pending hearing and decision on respondents enjoining them from executing the
the protests lodged against their elections. resolution;
(2) to declare the aforesaid resolution of the Senate
Held: null and void; and
(3) as a consequence of the foregoing, to issue a final
The Supreme Court refused to intervene, under the writ of mandamus and injunction against the
concept of separation of powers, holding that the case respondents ordering them to recognize the rights of
was not a “contest”, and affirmed that it is the the petitioner to exercise his office as Senator
inherent right of the legislature to determine who shall
be admitted to its membership. Following the powers
assigned by the Constitution, the question raised was Held: As it is unlikely that the petition could be
amended to state a cause of action, it must be is not the office of the person to whom the writ of
dismissed without costs. Such is the judgment of the mandamus is directed, but the nature of the thing to
court. So ordered. be done, by which the propriety of issuing a
mandamus is to be determined."
In view of the Organic Law vs Power to Discipline
Ratio: We rule that neither the Philippine Legislature House Members
nor a branch thereof can be directly controlled in the On the merits of the controversy, we will only say this:
exercise of their legislative powers by any judicial The Organic Act authorizes the Governor-General of
process. The court accordingly lacks jurisdiction to the Philippine Islands to appoint two senators and nine
consider the petition and the demurrer must be representatives to represent the non-Christian regions
sustained. in the Philippine Legislature. These senators and
representatives "hold office until removed by the
The power to control is the power to abrogate and the Governor-General." (Organic Act, secs. 16, 17.)
power to abrogate is the power to usurp. Each
department may, nevertheless, indirectly restrain the They may not be removed by the Philippine
others. It is peculiarly the duty of the judiciary to say Legislature. However, to the Senate and the House of
what the law is, to enforce the Constitution, and to Representatives, respectively, is granted the power to
decide whether the proper constitutional sphere of a "punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with
department has been transcended. The courts must the concurrence of two-thirds, expel an elective
determine the validity of legislative enactments as well member." (Organic Act, sec. 18.) Either House may
as the legality of all private and official acts. To this thus punish an appointive member for disorderly
extent, do the courts restrain the other departments. behavior. Neither House may expel an appointive
member for any reason. As to whether the power to
"suspend" is then included in the power to "punish," a
In view of the propriety of mandamus power granted to the two Houses of the Legislature by
Mandamus will not lie against the legislative body, its the Constitution, or in the power to "remove," a power
members, or its officers, to compel the performance of granted to the Governor-General by the Constitution, it
duties purely legislative in their character which would appear that neither is the correct
therefore pertain to their legislative functions and over hypothesis. The Constitution has purposely withheld
which they have exclusive control. The final arbiter in from the two Houses of the Legislature and the
cases of dispute is the judiciary, and to this extent at Governor-General alike the power to suspend an
least the executive department may be said to be appointive member of the Legislature.
dependent upon and subordinate to the judiciary. . . . It
In view of effects of punishment
Punishment by way of reprimand or fine vindicates the
outraged dignity of the House without depriving the Facts: "That on or about October 17, 1988, or
constituency of representation; expulsion, when sometime prior or subsequent thereto, in Manila,
permissible, likewise vindicates the honor of the Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
legislative body while giving to the constituency an Court, accused MIRIAM DEFENSOR-SANTIAGO, a public
opportunity to elect anew; but suspension deprives the officer, being then the Commissioner of the
electoral district of representation without that district Commission on Immigration and Deportation, with
being afforded any means by which to fill the vacancy. evident bad faith and manifest partiality in the
By suspension, the seat remains filled but exercise of her official functions, did then and there
the occupant is silenced. Suspension for one year is willfully, unlawfully and criminally approve the
equivalent to qualified expulsion or removal. application for legalization for the stay of the
aliens in violation of Executive Order No. 324 dated
April 13, 1988 which prohibits the legalization of said
In view of no remedy disqualified aliens knowing fully well that said aliens
Conceding therefore that the power of the Senate to are disqualifiedthereby giving unwarranted benefits to
punish its members for disorderly behavior does not said aliens whose stay in the Philippines
authorize it to suspend an appointive member from was unlawfully legalized by said accused."
the exercise of his office for one year, conceding what
has been so well stated by the learned counsel for the Two other criminal cases, one for violation of the
petitioner, conceding all this and more, yet the writ provisions of Presidential Decree No. 46 and the other
prayed for cannot issue, for the all-conclusive for libel, were filed with the Regional Trial Court of
reason that the Supreme Court does not possess the Manila, docketed, respectively, No. 91-94555 and No.
power of coercion to make the Philippine Senate take 91-94897.
any particular action. If it be said that conclusion
leaves the petitioner without a remedy, the answer is Petitioner, then filed with the Sandiganbayan a Motion
that the judiciary is not the repository of all wisdom to "Redetermine Probable Cause" and to dismiss or
and all power. quash said information. Pending the resolution of this
incident, the prosecution filed on 31 July 1995 with the
Santiago v Sandiganbayan G.R. No. 128055. April 18,
Sandiganbayan a motion to issue an order suspending
On 22 August 1995, petitioner filed her opposition to of participation, is pending in court, shall be
the motion of the prosecution to suspend her. suspended from office.

The petition assails the authority of the

Sandiganbayan to decree a ninety-day preventive In view of suspension NOT as a penalty
suspension of Mme. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, a It would appear, indeed, to be a ministerial duty of the
Senator of the Republic of the Philippines, from any court to issue an order of suspension upon
government position, and furnishing a copy thereof to determination of the validity of the information filed
the Senate of the Philippines for the implementation of before it. Once the information is found to be sufficient
the suspension order. in form and substance, the court is bound to issue an
order of suspension as a matter of course, and there
seems to be "no ifs and buts about it."
Issue: Whether the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction
issuing suspension to petitioner. Thus, it has been held that the use of the word "office"
would indicate that it applies to any office which the
officer charged may be holding, and not only the
Held: WHEREFORE, the instant petition for certiorari is particular office under which he stands accused.
DISMISSED. No costs.
The law does not require that the guilt of the accused
must be established in a pre-suspension proceeding
Ratio: The authority of the Sandiganbayan to order the before trial on the merits proceeds. Neither does it
preventive suspension of an incumbent public official contemplate a proceeding to determine (1) the
charged with violation of the provisions of Republic Act strength of the evidence of culpability against him, (2)
No. 3019 has both legal and jurisprudential support. the gravity of the offense charged, or (3) whether or
Section 13 of the statute provides: not his continuance in office could influence the
witnesses or pose a threat to the safety and integrity
"SECTION 13. Suspension and loss of benefits. — Any of the records and other evidence before the court
incumbent public officer against whom any criminal could have a valid basis in decreeing preventive
prosecution under a valid information under this Act or suspension pending the trial of the case. All it secures
under Title 7, Book II of the Revised Penal Code or for to the accused is adequate opportunity to challenge
any offense involving fraud upon government or public the validity or regularity of the proceedings against
funds or property whether as a simple or as a complex him, such as, that he has not been afforded the right
offense and in whatever stage of execution and mode to due preliminary investigation, that the acts imputed
to him do not constitute a specific crime warranting his (3) Those aliens were disqualified;
mandatory suspension from office under Section 13 of (4) She was cognizant of such fact; and
Republic Act No. 3019, or that the information is (5) She acted in 'evident bad faith and manifest
subject to quashal on any of the grounds set out in partiality in the execution of her official functions.'
Section 3, Rule 117, of the Revised Rules on Criminal
In view of RA 3019 and Sec 16, Art VI of the
In view of multiple petitions The order of suspension prescribed by Republic Act No.
"Petitioner next claims that the Amended information 3019 is distinct from the power of Congress to
did not charge any offense punishable under Section 3 discipline its own ranks.
(e) of RA. No. 3019 because the official acts
complained therein were authorized under Executive
Order No. 324 and that the Board of Commissioners of Section 16, Article VI of the Constitution — which deals
the Bureau of Investigation adopted the policy of with the power of each House of Congress inter alia
approving applications for legalization of spouses and to'punish its Members for disorderly behavior,' and
unmarried, minor children of "qualified aliens" even 'suspend or expel a Member' by a vote of two-thirds of
though they had arrived in the Philippines after all its Members subject to the qualification that the
December 31, 1983. She concludes that the penalty of suspension, when imposed, should not
Sandiganbayan erred in not granting her motion to exceed sixty days — is unavailing, as it appears to be
quash the information (Rollo, pp. 25-31). quite distinct from the suspension spoken of in Section
13 of RA 3019, which is not a penalty but
a preliminary, preventive measure, prescinding from
the fact that the latter is not being imposed on
"In a motion to quash, the accused the accused admits petitioner for misbehavior as a Member of the House of
hypothetically the allegations of fact in the Representatives."
information (People vs. Supnad, 7 SCRA 603 [1963]).
Therefore, petitioner admitted hypothetically in her
motion that:
(1) She was a public officer, In view of the power of the Court
(2) She approved the application for legalization of
the stay of aliens, who arrived in the Philippines after Republic Act No. 3019 does not exclude from its
January 1, 1984; coverage the members of Congress and that,
therefore, the Sandiganbayan did not err in thus constitution. Respondents argued that the SC cannot
decreeing the assailed preventive suspension order. take cognizance of the case because the Court is
bound by the conclusiveness of the enrolled bill or
ISSUE: Whether or not the Court can take cognizance
Attention might be called to the fact that Criminal Case
of the issue at bar. Whether or not the said resolution
No. 16698 has been decided by the First Division of the
was duly enacted by Congress.
Sandiganbayan on 06 December 1999, acquitting
herein petitioner. The Court, nevertheless, deems it HELD: As far as looking into the Journals is concerned,
appropriate to render this decision for future guidance even if both the journals from each House and an
on the significant issue raised by petitioner. authenticated copy of the Act had been presented, the
disposal of the issue by the Court on the basis of the
Mabanag vs Lopez Vito (G.R. NO. L-1123)
journals does not imply rejection of the enrollment
Journal – Adoption of the Enrolled Bill Theory theory, for, as already stated, the due enactment of a
law may be proved in either of the two ways specified
FACTS: Petitioners include 3 senators and 8
in section 313 of Act No. 190 as amended. The SC
representatives. The three senators were suspended
found in the journals no signs of irregularity in the
by senate due to election irregularities. The 8
passage of the law and did not bother itself with
representatives were not allowed to take their seat in
considering the effects of an authenticated copy if one
the lower House except in the election of the House
had been introduced. It did not do what the opponents
Speaker. They argued that some senators and House
of the rule of conclusiveness advocate, namely, look
Reps were not considered in determining the required
into the journals behind the enrolled copy in order to
¾ vote (of each house) in order to pass the Resolution
determine the correctness of the latter, and rule such
(proposing amendments to the Constitution) – which
copy out if the two, the journals and the copy, be
has been considered as an enrolled bill by then. At the
found in conflict with each other. No discrepancy
same time, the votes were already entered into the
appears to have been noted between the two
Journals of the respective House. As a result, the
documents and the court did not say or so much as
Resolution was passed but it could have been
give to understand that if discrepancy existed it would
otherwise were they allowed to vote. If these members
give greater weight to the journals, disregarding the
of Congress had been counted, the affirmative votes in
explicit provision that duly certified copies “shall be
favor of the proposed amendment would have been
conclusive proof of the provisions of such Acts and of
short of the necessary three-fourths vote in either
the due enactment thereof.”
branch of Congress. Petitioners filed or the prohibition
of the furtherance of the said resolution amending the
**Enrolled Bill – that which has been duly introduced, main raw materials in the production of the said glues.
finally passed by both houses, signed by the proper They paid P33,765.42 in November and December
officers of each, approved by the president and filed by 1949 and P6345.72 in May 1960. Prior thereto, the
the secretary of state. petitioner sought the refund of the first and second
sum relying upon Resolution No. 1529 of the Monetary
Section 313 of the old Code of Civil Procedure (Act
Board of said bank, dated November 3, 1959, declaring
190), as amended by Act No. 2210, provides: “Official
that the separate importation of urea and
documents may be proved as follows: . . . (2) the
formaldehyde is exempt from said fee. The Auditor of
proceedings of the Philippine Commission, or of any
the Bank, Pedro Gimenez, refused to pass in audit and
legislatives body that may be provided for in the
approve the said refund on the ground that the
Philippine Islands, or of Congress, by the journals of
exemption granted by the board in not in accord with
those bodies or of either house thereof, or by
the provision of section 2 of RA 2609.
published statutes or resolutions, or by copies certified
by the clerk of secretary, or printed by their order;
Issue of the Case:
Provided, That in the case of Acts of the Philippine
Whether or Not Urea and formaldehyde are exempt by
Commission or the Philippine Legislature, when there is
law from the payment of the margin fee.
an existence of a copy signed by the presiding officers
and secretaries of said bodies, it shall be conclusive
proof of the provisions of such Acts and of the due
enactment thereof.”
No, it is not exempt from payment of the marginal fee.
The SC is bound by the contents of a duly Urea formaldehyde is clearly a finished product which
authenticated resolution (enrolled bill) by the is distinct from urea and formaldehyde. The
legislature. In case of conflict, the contents of an petitioner’s contends that the bill approved in
enrolled bill shall prevail over those of the journals. Congress contained the conjunction “and” between the
terms “urea” and “formaldehyde” separately as
Casco Chemical Co. vs Gimenez essential elements in the manufacture of “urea
Facts of the Case: formaldehyde” and not the latter. But this is not
reflective of the view of the Senate and the intent of
Casco Chemical Co., which is engaged in the the House of Representatives in passing the bill. If
manufacture of synthetic resin glues used in bonding there has been any mistake in the printing of the bill
lumber and veneer by plywood and hardwood before it was passed the only remedy is by
producers, bought foreign exchange for the amendment or curative legislation, not by judicial
importation of urea and formaldehyde which are the decree.
general subject, indicated in its title, may contain any
Decision appealed from is AFFIRMED with cost against number of provisions, no matter how diverse they may
the petitioner. be, so long as they are not inconsistent with
or foreign to the general subject, and they may
be considered in furtherance of such subject by
FACTS: providing for the method and means of carrying out
the general subject.
A petition was filed seeking the Court to declare The repeal of Section 67 is not violative of
unconstitutional Section 14 of RA 9006 or “The Act to the equal protection clause. Equal protection is not
Enhance the Holding of Free, Orderly, Honest, Peaceful absolute especially if the classification is reasonable.
and Credible Elections Through Fair Election Practices” There is reasonable classification between
as it repealed Section 67 of the Omnibus Election Code an elective official and an appointive one. The former
mandating the ipso jure resignation from public office occupy their office by virtue of the mandate of
of one who filed his certificate of candidacy, except for the electorate. They are elected to an office for a
President and Vice-President. definite term and may be removed therefrom only
It is the petitioners’ contention that the repeal of upon stringent conditions. On the other hand,
Section 67 is a rider on the said law, the same appointive officials hold their office by virtue of their
embracing more than one subject, inconsistent to what designation thereto by an appointing authority. Some
the constitution mandates. Further, it violated appointive officials hold their office in a permanent
the equal protection clause since the said law didn’t capacity and are entitled to security of tenure while
repeal provision relating to appointive officials. others serve at the pleasure of the appointing
Appointive officials would still be considered ipso jure authority. Another substantial distinction is that by
resigned upon filing of their respective certificates of law, appointed officials are prohibited from engaging in
candidacy. partisan political activity or take part in any election
HELD: except to vote.

Section 14 is not a rider. The purported dissimilarity of United States vs Juan Pons
Section 67 of the Omnibus Election Code, 34 Phil. 729 – Political Law – Journal – Conclusiveness
which imposes a limitation on elective officials who run of the Journals
for an office other than the one they are holding, to the
other provisions of the contested law, which deal with Juan Pons and Gabino Beliso were trading partners. On
the lifting of the ban on the use of media for election April 5, 1914, the steamer Lopez y Lopezarrived in
propaganda, doesn’t violate the “one subject- one title Manila from Spain and it contained 25 barrels of wine.
rule”. The Court has held that an act having a single The said barrels of wine were delivered to Beliso.
Beliso subsequently delivered 5 barrels to Pons’ house. the Legislature. Pons’ witnesses cannot be given due
On the other hand, the customs authorities noticed weight against the conclusiveness of the Journals
that the said 25 barrels listed as wine on record were which is an act of the legislature. The journals say that
not delivered to any listed merchant (Beliso not being the Legislature adjourned at 12 midnight on February
one). And so the customs officers conducted an 28, 1914. This settles the question, and the court did
investigation thereby discovering that the 25 barrels of not err in declining to go beyond these journals. The
wine actually contained tins of opium. Since the act of SC passed upon the conclusiveness of the enrolled bill
trading and dealing opium is against Act No. 2381, in this particular case.
Pons and Beliso were charged for illegally and
fraudulently importing and introducing such
contraband material to the Philippines. Pons appealed FACTS: RA 4065 was passed which amended the
the sentence arguing that Act 2381 was approved Revised Charter of the of the City of
while the Philippine Commission (Congress) was not in Manila and provided for the power, duties and rights of
session. He said that his witnesses claim that the said the vice-mayor of the city. It tumns out that the
law was passed/approved on 01 March 1914 while the bill which was signedinto law contained amendments
special session of the Commission was adjourned at different form those approved
12MN on February 28, 1914. Since this is the case, Act by theSenate, The President of the Philippines after
2381 should be null and void. learning of such, had already withdrawn his signature
therefrom. This being the case, the Mayor of Manila
ISSUE: Whether or not the SC must go beyond the
issued circulars to the various departments of the local
recitals of the Journals to determine if Act 2381 was
govemnment unit to disregard the provisions ofthe
indeed made a law on February 28, 1914.
said law. thus, thepetitioner, then vice-mayor of Manila
HELD: The SC looked into the Journals to ascertain the filed a petition for Mandamus, lnjunction and/or
date of adjournment but the SC refused to go beyond Prohibition with Preliminary Mandatory and Prohibitory
the recitals in the legislative Journals. The said Journals Injunction to compel the necessary parties
are conclusive on the Court and to inquire into the to comply with the law. Respondents alleged, hovever,
veracity of the journals of the Philippine Legislature, that the bill never became a law as itwas not the bill
when they are, as the SC have said, clear and explicit, approved by Senate, and in such a case, the entries in
would be to violate both the letter and the spirit of the the journal, and not the enrolled bill itself should be
organic laws by which the Philippine Government was the basis for thedecision of the Court.
brought into existence, to invade a coordinate and
independent department of the Government, and to
interfere with the legitimate powers and functions of ENROLLED BILL DOCTRINE
The enrolled bill theory is based mainly on “the respect the specific facts and circumstances of this case, this
due to coequal and independent departments. which Court can do this and resort to the Senate journal for
requires the judicial department to accept, as having the purpose.
passed Congress, all bills authenticated in the manner
stated. If the attestation is absent and the same is not
required for the validity of a statute, the courts may Morales v Subido G.R. No. L-29658. February 27, 1969.
resort to the journals and other records of Congress for
proof of its due enactment.
That attestation of the presiding officers of Congress is Facts: "In the Senate, the Committee on Government
conclusive proof of due enactment of the law cannot Reorganization, to which House Bill 6951 was referred,
apply in this case because the Senate President reported a substitute measure. It is to this substitute
himself had already declared his signature on the bill bill that Section 10 of the Act owes its present form
to be invalid. Thus, the enrolled bill doctrine cannot and substance.
"It is be noted that the Rodrigo amendment was in
CERTIFICATION OF BILLS the nature of an addition to the phrase 'who has
served the police department of a city for at least 8
As far as Congress itself is concerned, there is nothing
years with the rank of captain and/or higher,' under
sacrosanct in the certification made by the presiding
which the petitionerherein, who is at least a high
officers. It is merely a mode
school graduate (both parties agree that the petitioner
of authentication.The lawmaking process in Congress
finished the second year of the law course) could
ends when the bill is approved by both Houses, and
possibly qualify. However, somewhere in the legislative
the certification does not add to the validity of the bill
process the phrase ["who has served the police
or cure any defect already present upon its passage. In
department of a city or"] was dropped and only the
other words it is the approval by Congress and not the
Rodrigo amendment was retained."
signatures of the presiding officers that is essential.
LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS The present insistence of the petitioner is that the
version of the provision, as amended at the behest of
While it is true that the journal is not authenticated
Sen. Rodrigo, was the version approved by the Senate
and is subject to the risks of misprinting and other
on third reading, and that when the bill emerged from
errors, the point is irrelevant in this case. The Court is
the conference committee the only change made in
merely asked to inquire whether the text of House
the provision was the insertion of the phrase "or has
Bill No. 9266 signed by the chief Executive was the
served as chief of police with exemplary record."
same text passed by both Houses of Congress. Under
thus: "Section 10 was recast for clarity. (with the
In support of this assertion, consent of Sen. Ganzon & Congressman Montano)."
the petitioner submitted certified photostatic copies of
the different drafts of House Bill 6951 showing the
various changes made. In what purport to be the page Issue: Whetherthe change an employee, as
proofs of the bill as finally approved by both Houses of purportedty was a rewriting to suit some stylistic
Congress. preferences, was in truth an alteration of meaning.

It is unmistakable up to this point that the

phrase, "who has served the police department of a Held: ACCORDINGLY, the motions for reconsideration
city or," was still part of the provision, but according to are denied.
the petitioner the House bill division deleted the entire
provision and substituted what now is Section 10 of
the Police Act of 1966, which Section reads: Ratio: The respect due to the other branches of the
Government demands that we act upon the faith and
"Minimum qualification for appointment as Chief of credit of what the officers of the said branches attest
Police Agency. — No person may be appointed chief of to as the official acts of their respective departments.
a city police agency unless he holds a bachelor's Otherwise we would be cast in the unenviable and
degree from a recognized institution of learning unwanted role of a sleuth trying to determine what
and has served either in the Armed Forces of the actually did happen in the labyrinth of lawmaking, with
Philippines or the National Bureau of Investigation, or consequent impairment of the integrity of the
has served as chief of police with exemplary record, or legislative process.
has served in the police department of any city with
rank of captain or its equivalent therein for at least The investigation which the petitioner would like
three years; or any high school graduate who has this Court to make can be better done in Congress.
served as officer in the Armed Forces for at least eight After all, House cleaning — the immediate and
years with the rank of captain and/or higher." imperative need for which seems to be suggested by
the petitioner — can best be effected by the occupants
The petitioner also submitted a certified thereof.
photostatic copy of a memorandum which according to
him was signed by an employee in the Senate bill If there has been any mistake in the printing of the
division, and can be found attached to the page proofs bill before it was certified by the officers of Congress
of the bill, explaining the change in Section 10, and approved by the Executive — on which we cannot
speculate, without jeopardizing the principle of other papers printed by authority of Congress, and
separation of powers and undermining one of the having reference to House Bill 9416, that a section of
cornerstones of our democratic system — the remedy the bill as it finally passed, was not in the bill
is by amendment or curative legislation, not by judicial authenticated by the signatures of the presiding
decree." officers of the respective houses of Congress, and
approved by the President."

In view of Harwood v Wentworth In rejecting the contention, the United States

What the Justice Harlan said in Harwood v. Supreme Court held that the signing by the Speaker of
Wentworth: “How much greater is the danger of the House of Representatives and by the President of
permitting the validity of a legislative enactment to be the Senate of an enrolled bill is an official attestation
questioned by evidence furnished by the general by the two houses that such bill is the one that has
endorsements made by clerks upon bills previous to passed Congress. And when the bill thus attested is
their final passage and enrollment, — endorsements signed by the President and deposited in the archives,
usually so expressed as not to be intelligible to any its authentication as a bill that has passed Congress
one except those who made them, and the scope and should be deemed complete and unimpeachable.
effect of which cannot in many cases be understood
unless supplemented by the recollection of clerks as to In Harwood the claim was that an act of the
what occurred in the hurry and confusion often legislature of Arizona "contained, at the time of its final
attendant upon legislative proceedings." passage, provisions that were omitted from it without
authority of the council or the house, before it was
presented to the governor for his approval." The Court
In view of two foreign landmark cases on enrolled bill reiterated its ruling in Marshall Field & Co.
Both Marshall Field & Co. v. Clark and Harwood v.
Wentworth involved claims similar to that made by the
petitioner in this case. In both the claims were In view of Mabanag v Lopez-Vito & CASCO v Gimenez
rejected. It was not until 1947 that the question was
presented in Mabanag v. Lopez-Vito, and we there held
Thus, in Marshall Field & Co. it was contended that that an enrolled bill "imports absolute verity and is
the Tariff Act of October 1, 1890 was a nullity because binding on the courts." This court held itself bound by
"it is shown by the congressional records of an authenticated resolution, despite the fact that the
proceedings, reports of committees of conference, and vote of three-fourths of the members of the Congress
(as required by the Constitution to approve proposals usurp, intrude into and/ or hold or exercise the said
for constitutional amendments) was not actually public offices respectively being occupied by them in
obtained on account of the suspension of some the Senate Electoral Tribunal, and to respondent
members of the House of Representatives and of the Fernando Hipolito restraining him from paying the
Senate. salaries of respondent Alfredo Cruz, Catalina Cayetano,
Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes, pending this action.
Thus in Mabanag the enrolled bill theory was Petitioners likewise prayed that judgment be rendered
adopted. Whatever doubt there might have been as to ousting respondents from the aforementioned public
the status and force of the theory in the Philippines, in offices in the Senate Electoral Tribunal and that they
view of the dissent of three Justices in Mabanag, was be altogether excluded therefrom and making the
finally laid to rest by the unanimous decision in Casco preliminary injunction permanent.
Philippine Chemical Co. v. Gimenez. Speaking for the
Respondents have admitted the main allegations of
Court, the then Justice (now Chief Justice) Concepcion
fact in the petition, except insofar as it questions the
said: "Furthermore, it is well settled that the enrolled
legality, and validity of the election of respondents
bill — which uses the term 'urea formaldehyde' instead
Senators Cuenco and Delgado, as members of the
of 'urea and formaldehyde' — is conclusive upon the
Senate Electoral Tribunal, and of the appointment of
courts as regards the tenor of the measure passed by
respondent Alfredo Cruz, Catalina Cayetano, Manuel
Congress and approved by the President (Primicias vs.
Serapio and Placido Reyes as technical assistants and
Paredes, 61 Phil., 118, 120; Mabanag vs. Lopez-Vito, 78
private secretaries to said respondents Senators.
Phil., 1; Macias vs. Comm. on Elections, L-18684,
Respondents, likewise, allege, by way of special and
September 14, 1961).
affirmative defenses, that: (a) this Court is without
Tañada and Macapagal v. Cuenco, et al., G.R. No. L- power, authority of jurisdiction to direct or control the
10520, February 28, 1957 action of the Senate in choosing the members of the
Electoral Tribunal
ISSUE: Was the dispute regarding the election of
En Banc
Senators Cuenco and Delgado as members of the
[CONCEPCION, J.] Senate Electoral Tribunal in the nature of a political
question that will divest the Court of jurisdiction?
FACTS: Petitioners pray that a writ of preliminary
injunction be immediately issued directed to HELD: NO.
respondents Mariano J. Cuenco, Francisco A. Delgado,
[T]he term “political question” connotes, in legal
Alfredo Cruz, Catalina Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and
parlance, what it means in ordinary parlance, namely,
Placido Reyes, restraining them from continuing to
a question of policy. In other words, in the language of prescribed election procedure in a given situation, the
Corpus Juris Secundum (supra), it refers to “those judiciary may determine whether a particular election
questions which, under the Constitution, are to be has been in conformity with such statute, and,
decided by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in particularly, whether such statute has been applied in
regard to which full discretionary authority has been a way to deny or transgress on the constitutional or
delegated to the Legislature or executive branch of the statutory rights ..” (16 C.J.S., 439).
Government.” It is concerned with issues dependent
It is, therefore, our opinion that we have, not only
upon the wisdom, not legality, of a particular measure.
jurisdiction, but, also, the duty, to consider and
Such is not the nature of the question for determine the principal issue raised by the parties
determination in the present case. Here, we are called herein.
upon to decide whether the election of Senators
Firdausi Abbas et al vs The Senate Electoral Tribunal
Cuenco and Delgado, by the Senate, as members of
the Senate Electoral Tribunal, upon nomination by January 22, 2012
Senator Primicias-a member and spokesman of the
party having the largest number of votes in the 166 SCRA 651 – Political Law – The Legislative
Senate-on behalf of its Committee on Rules, Department – Electoral Tribunals – Inhibition in the
contravenes the constitutional mandate that said Senate Electoral Tribunal
members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal shall be In October 1987, Firdausi Abbas et al filed before the
chosen “upon nomination .. of the party having the SET an election contest against 22 candidates of the
second largest number of votes” in the Senate, and LABAN coalition who were proclaimed senators-elect in
hence, is null and void. This is not a political question. the May 11 (1987) congressional elections by the
The Senate is not clothed with “full discretionary COMELEC. The SET was at the time composed of three
authority” in the choice of members of the Senate (3) Justices of the Supreme Court and six (6) Senators.
Electoral Tribunal. The exercise of its power thereon is Abbas later on filed for the disqualification of the 6
subject to constitutional limitations which are claimed senator members from partaking in the said election
to be mandatory in nature. It is clearly within the protest on the ground that all of them are interested
legitimate prove of the judicial department to pass parties to said case. Abbas argue that considerations
upon the validity the proceedings in connection of public policy and the norms of fair play and due
therewith. process imperatively require the mass disqualification
“.. whether an election of public officers has been in sought. To accommodate the proposed disqualification,
accordance with law is for the judiciary. Moreover, Abbas suggested the following amendment: Tribunal’s
where the legislative department has by statute Rules (Section 24) —- requiring the concurrence of five
(5) members for the adoption of resolutions of
whatever nature —- is a proviso that where more than It is quite clear that in providing for a SET to be staffed
four (4) members are disqualified, the remaining by both Justices of the SC and Members of the Senate,
members shall constitute a quorum, if not less than the Constitution intended that both those “judicial”
three (3) including one (1) Justice, and may adopt and “legislative” components commonly share the
resolutions by majority vote with no abstentions. duty and authority of deciding all contests relating to
Obviously tailored to fit the situation created by the the election, returns and qualifications of Senators.
petition for disqualification, this would, in the context The legislative component herein cannot be totally
of that situation, leave the resolution of the contest to excluded from participation in the resolution of
the only three Members who would remain, all Justices senatorial election contests, without doing violence to
of this Court, whose disqualification is not sought. the spirit and intent of the Constitution. It is not to be
misunderstood in saying that no Senator-Member of
ISSUE: Whether or not Abbas’ proposal could be given
the SET may inhibit or disqualify himself from sitting in
due weight.
judgment on any case before said Tribunal. Every
HELD: The most fundamental objection to such Member of the Tribunal may, as his conscience
proposal lies in the plain terms and intent of the dictates, refrain from participating in the resolution of
Constitution itself which, in its Article VI, Section 17, a case where he sincerely feels that his personal
creates the Senate Electoral Tribunal, ordains its interests or biases would stand in the way of an
composition and defines its jurisdiction and powers. objective and impartial judgment. What SC is saying is
that in the light of the Constitution, the SET cannot
“Sec. 17. The Senate and the House of legally function as such; absent its entire membership
Representatives shall each have an Electoral Tribunal of Senators and that no amendment of its Rules can
which shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to confer on the three Justices-Members alone the power
the election, returns, and qualifications of their of valid adjudication of a senatorial election contest.
respective Members. Each Electoral Tribunal shall be
composed of nine Members, three of whom shall be
Justices of the Supreme Court to be designated by the
Chief Justice, and the remaining six shall be Members
of the Senate or the House of Representatives, as the
case may be, who shall be chosen on the basis of
proportional representation from the political parties
and the parties or organizations registered under the
party-list system represented therein. The senior
Justice in the Electoral Tribunal shall be its Chairman.”

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