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Ex. 1 Choose the best answer for each of gaps

1) After you check in, wait in the ______ until you hear your flight called.
a)waiting room
b) reception
c) check-in lounge
d) departure lounge

2) All flights to Canada go out of our southern ______. You can get there on the
airport bus.
a) block
b) terminal
c) station
d) zone

3) Would you prefer a window seat or a(n) ______ seat, Mr. Robson?
a) corridor
b) line
c) aisle
d) non-window

4) Please ensure you have fully filled out the green form for ______ before we land,
stating anything on the list you are carrying into the country.
a) customs
b) police
c) immigration
d) aviation

Ex. 2 Discuss the following questions:

a) Do you like to travel by air? Why? / Why not? 

b) When was the last time you travelled by air?

c) Which is better: a window seat or an aisle seat? Why?

d) Do you think air travel is safe? Why? / Why not?

e) Would you like to be a pilot? Why? / Why not?

f) Would you like to be a flight attendant? Why? / Why not? 

g) What do you hate most about flying? Why?

h) What do you like most about flying? Why?

i) Compare business class and economy class.

j)Which is better: travelling by plane or by train? Why?

k) Talk about an interesting experience you had on a plane.

l) How are airplanes today different from 60 years ago?

m) How will planes be different in another 100 years?

n)When was the first airplane invented?

o) Who invented it?

p) Talk about the first time you travelled by air.

q) Where would you like to fly to next?

Ex. 3. Match the vocabulary to the pictures

Runways flight check-in departure gate destinations baggage claim take off passport
check boarding security checkpoint overweight

Unit II.

On the
Lesson 2:

Ex. 1 Fill the gaps with the correct word to complete the directions.

Straight take on past second at go

1. Go _________ on.
2. ________ past the traffic lights.
3. It's the building next to the library __________ the left.
4. ________ the roundabout turn left.
5. Then ________ the first left on to Green Street.
6. Go ______ the traffic lights and take the _________
right on to King's Road.

Ex. 2 Draw the directions

A) Get out of the classroom.

B) Go along the road.
C) Go under the bridge
D) Go past the post office
E) Go up the hill.
F) Go down the hill.
G) Go over the bridge.
H) Go through the park.
I) Go into the ZOO
J) Turn left into High Street.
K) Walk past the cafe.
L) Turn right at the crossroads.
M) Go straight on.
N) Go to the end of the road.
O) Take the second of the left.
P) Go round at the roundabout.

EX. 3 Here is a map of your town.

Ask your partner where you can
do the following:
buy some steaks.
see a movie
order some sushi
rent a bike
pick up a bathing suit
get some aspirin
purchase some software

(1) Ming’s Dynasty

(2) Hungry Burger
(4) Elegant Shoes
(6) Starlight Videos
(8) Mike’s Bowling Alley
(10) Monet Cafe


Ex. 1

1.The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I wanted
to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an expensive
Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main
course my wife ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate chocolate
cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!

2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very

expensive and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and
drank cola. It wasn't very good.

3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all
really friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very
relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice
and a sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my
boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!
4. My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of
restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with
cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it.
I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had something
different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.

1. In which text did the person go there for a special occasion?

2. In which text did the person visit an Indian restaurant?
3. In which text did the person eat pizza?
4. In which text did the person eat fast food?
5. In which text did someone eat seafood?
6. In which text did the person talk about the atmosphere of the restaurant?
7. Which restaurant was cheap?
8. In which text didn't the person enjoy their meal?
9. In which text did someone eat a very hot dish?
10. In which text did the person have a vegetarian meal?

EX. 2 Write the correct word to fill the gaps.

1. A table _______ two, please.

2. Are you _________ to order?
3. What would you ______ for your starter?
4. I'd ______ French onion soup, please.
5. What ______ you like to drink?
6. I'll ____________ a fresh orange juice.

Ex. 3 Students in pairs or in threes talk about the questions elaborating on the answers.

1. Is there any food or drink that you couldn’t live without? How often do you
drink/eat it?
2. Is there any food that you dislike? Which is it?
3. What was your favourite food when you were a child?
4. Do you eat healthily? Explain
5. Do you ever have…

 ready-made food?
 takeaway food?

1. Do you prefer to eat at restaurants or at home?

2. What’s the best restaurant you have been to?
3. Is a vegetarian diet better than a diet that includes meat? Why?
4. What kind of diet would you recommend to a friend?
5. Eating habits have changed a lot in Spain . Do you agree?
6. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” Do you agree with this proverb?

Decide if each section below consists of phrases used near the start of conversations
(S) or near the end (E)

I don’t think we’ve met before

I’ve been looking forward to meeting you
Is it your first time here?
Who are you here to see, please?
Delighted to meet you
Welcome to Veolia
Hi, I’m here to see Mr Koizumi
Pleased to meet you
How do you do
It’s great to see you again!

Thanks for having me
Give my love to William
Don’t forget to write
Don’t call us, we’ll call you
Promise to write everyday!
I never want to see you again!

We had a lovely time
Never darken my doors again!
Get lost!
I’ll never forget you!
I’ll be back
Get out of here!

Long time no see
How’s it going?
How are things?
How was your weekend?
How’s business?
How’s your mother?
You’re looking good
You’re looking well
How’s life?

Thanks again
It was nice to meet you
Hope to see you again some time
I’ll email you tomorrow
See you on Wednesday
I’m sorry, we really must be going
I’m afraid I must be leaving

Ex. 2 Complete the following conversations with the most appropriate words or

a M = Martin, J = Jacqueline

M Excuse me, ____________ Jacqueline Turner?

J Yes, that’s ____________.

M May I ____________ myself? I’m Martin Young. How do you do?

J ____________, Mr Young.

b C = Chris, F = Frank

C Hello, Chris Evans. Mind if I join you?

F Oh, ____________ not. Frank Richards.

C ____________ to meet you, Frank. So how are you finding the conference so far?

F Actually, I’ve only arrived this morning.

C All right. I …

Ex. 3 Select the correct answer for each sentence, which may be missing one or
more words.

1. What's your name?

A. I'm Nancy.
B. I'm from Russia.
C. I'm a student.

2. Where do you come from?

A. I'm from Canada.
B. I live in Chicago.
C. I'm fine.

3. How's school ?
A. Okay.
B. I'm going to school.
C. No problem.

4. What does she do?

A. She likes to work.
B. She's a teacher.
C. She works at City Bank.

5. Where do they live?

A. They're from Mexico.
B. They are in school.
C. They live in Tokyo.

6. How many brothers and sisters have you got?

A. I'm getting married soon.
B My father is a doctor.
C. I have three brothers.

7. How are you doing ?

A. I'm fine.
B. Nothing much.
C. That's too bad.

8. What does he do?

A. He's Japanese.
B. He's from Italy.
C. He's an engineer.

9. What do you like doing in your free time?

A. I like to exercise.
B. I'm busy this weekend.
C. I don't like sports.

10.Where does she work?

A. He lives in Hong Kong.
B. She works downtown.
C. He's a doctor.


Fit into the family tree:

1 (you) 6 grandmother
2 aunt 7 mother
3 cousin 8 brother
4 father 9 sister
5 grandfather 0 uncle


EX. 2

Family Vocabulary

Directions: Match the columns. Write the letters on the lines.

1. _____ mother a. brother’s wife
2. _____ children b. father and mother
3. _____ uncle c. father’s sister
4. _____ father d. father’s wife (not your mom)
5. _____ grandparents e. female grandparent
6. _____ your dad’s dad f. female parent
7. _____ family g. grandfather
8. _____ parents h. grandfather and grandmother
9. _____ cousin i. group of relatives
10. _____ nephew j. male grandparent
11. _____ grandmother k. male parent
12. _____ grandfather l. married man
13. _____ niece m. married woman
14. _____ aunt n. plural of child
15. _____ brother-in-law o. same mom & different dad
16. _____ sister-in-law p. sister’s daughter
17. _____ wife q. sister’s husband
18. _____ husband r. sister’s son
19. _____ stepmother s. your father’s brother
20. _____ half sister t. your mom’s nephew


Ex 1. Say what unit of measurement is usually used to measure these things.

fahrenheit pound
ounce ton
inch mile
furlong acre
gallon pint
yard foot

1. boiling point of water

2. petrol/gas in a car

3. beer

4. hot summer's day

5. tobacco bought from a store

6. distance to the sea

7. length of your garden

8. size of Britain

9. weight of an elephant

10. height of the Eiffel Tower

11. length of a matchstick

12. horse racing track

13. farmer's field



EX. 1 Answer the following questions.

Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?

What did you do for you last birthday?

What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?

What did you eat for you last meal?

Who did you meet last week? What did you do together?

When was the last time you went to an amusement park? How was it?

When was the last time you went to a movie theater? What did you see?

Talk about the last time you were really scared.

What tech problems annoyed you recently?

When was the last time you were shocked?

Who were some of your favorite sports stars in the past?

What was your best memory from when you were a child?

What is your earliest memory?

Who was your childhood best friend?

What were some of your favorite toys?

What kinds of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you eat the same things now?



Ex. 1 Read and fill-in the spaces with the following words.

are you free fine speaking I’ll see you I’m calling about visiting

Pam and Bob are working in different departments of Automotive Inc. Bob is calling

Pam: Hello - Pam Robertson ………………………...

Bob: Oh hello, Pam, it's Bob here.
Pam: Hello Bob. How can I help you?
Bob: ………………………… the new advertising budget meeting.
………………………... on Tuesday afternoon? Pam: Let me see. Sorry I'm
…………………… the new factory all day on Tuesday. How about Wednesday at
two p.m.?
Bob: Yes - I'm meeting a customer in the morning, but the afternoon is
Pam: Good. So …………………….. on Wednesday, then. Good bye.
Bob: Good bye.


EX. 1 Name the people who are doing these jobs:


2. Who takes care of teeth?
4. Who cooks in a restaurant or hotel?
7. This person helps to keep us safe.
10. Who flies planes?
11. This person reports the news on radio or TV.
1. Who fights fires?
3. What does a taxi driver drive?
5. This person treats patients at the hospital.
6. Who works in a restaurant, but is not a cook?
8. Where does a teacher work?
9. Where does a waiter work?


Ex. 1 The students should identify the unscrambled words:

Nnfyu funny
Slacerse careless
rignob boring
yatns nasty
dink kind
yhs shy
Alyz lazy
Boustmiia ambitious
Litbiranl brilliant
tbhgri bright
songyieag easygoing
per-meddabte bad-tempered
bicsoeal sociable
shidhilc childish
engueors generous
manicyd dynamic
critts strict
titineamp impatient

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