Consolacion Florentino de Crisologo

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Without special pronouncement as to

appellees, vs. DR. MANUEL SINGSON, defendant-appellant. costs."

From the above judgment, defendant Singson appealed.

It is admitted that Doña Leona Singson, who died single on
January 13, 1948, was the owner of the property in question at the time
of her death. On July 31, 1951 she executed her last will which was
admitted to probate in Special Proceeding No. 453 of the lower court
Action for partition commenced by the spouses Consolacion whose decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeals in G. R. No. 3605-
Florentino and Francisco Crisologo against Manuel Singson in R. At the time of the execution of the will her nearest living relatives
connection with a residential lot located at Plaridel St., Vigan, Ilocos were her brothers Evaristo, Manuel and Dionisio Singson, and her
Sur, with an area of approximately 193 square meters, and the nieces Rosario, Emilia and Trinidad, and her grandniece Consolacion,
improvements existing thereon, covered by Tax No. 10765-C. Their all surnamed Florentino.
complaint alleged that Singson owned one half pro-indiviso of said
property and that Consolacion Florentino owned the other half by virtue Clause IX of her last will reads as follows:
of the provisions of the duly probated last will of Doña Leona Singson,
"NOVENO. — Ordeno que se de a mi nieta por
the original owner, and the project of partition submitted to, and
parte de mi hermana mia y que al mismo tiempo vive en
approved by the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur in Special
mi casa, y, por tanto, bajo mi proteccion, y es la
Proceeding No. 453; that plaintiffs had made demands for the partition
of said property, but defendant refused to accede thereto, thus
compelling them to bring action. "(A). La mitad de mi casa de materiales fuertes
Defendant's defense was that Consolacion Florentino was a con techo de hierro galvanizado, incluyendo la mitad de
mere usufructuary of, and not owner of one half pro-indiviso of the su solar, ubicado en la Poblacion de Vigan, Ilocos Sur,
property in question, and that, therefore, she was not entitled to demand Calle Plaridel, actualmente arrendada por los hermanos
partition thereof. Fortunato, Teofilo y Pedro del apellido Kairuz. Pero si
falleciere antes o despues que yo mi citada nieta, esta
After trial upon the issue thus posed, the lower court rendered propiedad se dara por partes iguales entre mis tres
judgment as follows: hermanos Evaristo, Manuel y Dionisio, o a sus
herederos forzosos en el caso de que alguno de ellos
'1. Declaring that the plaintiff is a co-owner pro-
muriere antes. . . . . (Exhibit F)."
indiviso with the defendant of the house and lot
described in the complaint to the extent each of an The issue to be decided is whether the testamentary
undivided 1/2 portion thereof; disposition above quoted provided for what is called sustitucion
vulgar or for a sustitucion fideicomisaria. This issue is, we believe,
"2. Ordering the aforesaid co-owners to
controlled by the pertinent provisions of the Civil Code in force in the
execute an agreement of partition of the said property
Philippines prior to the effectivity of the New Civil Code, in view of the
within 30 days from receipt of this judgment unless it be
fact that the testatrix died on January 13, 1948. They are the following:
shown that the division thereof may render it
unserviceable, in which case the provisions of Art. 498 "ART. 774. The testator may designate one or
of the New Civil Code may be applied; more persons to substitute the heir or heirs instituted in
case such heir or heirs should die before him, or should
"3. That in the event the said parties shall fail to not wish or should be unable to accept the inheritance.
do so, this Court will appoint the corresponding
commissioners to make the partition in accordance with "A simple substitution, without a statement of
law; and the cases to which it is to apply, shall include the three
mentioned in the next preceding paragraph, unless the the testatrix, passed to and was acquired by another person, and that
testator has otherwise provided." person cannot be other than thefideicomisario. (6 Manresa, p. 145).

"ART. 785. Fidei-commissary substitutions by It seems to be of the essence of a fideicommissary substitution

virtue of which the heir is charged to preserve and that an obligation be clearly imposed upon the first heir to preserve and
transmit to a third person the whole or part of the transmit to another the whole or part of the estate bequeathed to him,
inheritance shall be valid and effective, provided they do upon his death or upon the happening of a particular event. For this
not go beyond the second degree, or that they are made reason Art. 785 of the old Civil Code provides that a fideicommissary
in favor of persons living at the time of the death of the substitution shall have no effect unless it is made expressly ("de una
testator." manera expresa") either by giving it such name, or by imposing upon
the first heir the absolute obligation ("obligacion terminante") to deliver
"ART. 785. The following shall be inoperative: the inheritance to a substitute or second heir. In this connection
Manresa says:
1. Fiduciary substitutions not made expressly,
either by giving them this name or by imposing upon the "Para que la sustitucion sea fideicomisaria, es
fiduciary the absolute obligation of delivering the preciso segun el art. 781, que se ordene o encargue al
property to a second heir." . . . . primer heredero, cuando sea tal, que conserve y
transmita a una tercera persona o entidad el todo o
In accordance with the first legal provision quoted above, the parte de la herencia. O lo que es lo mismo, la
testator may not only designate the heirs who will succeed him upon his sustitucion fideicomisaria, como declaran las
death, but also provide for substitutes in the event that said heirs do not resoluciones de 25 de Junio de 1895, 10 de Febrero de
accept or are in no position to accept the inheritance or legacies, or die 1899 y 19 de Julio de 1909, exige tres requisitos:
ahead of him.
"1.o Un primer heredero llamado al goce de los
The testator may also bequeath his properties to a particular bienes preferentemente.
person with the obligation, on the part of the latter, to deliver the same
to another person, totally or partially, upon the occurrence of a particular "2.o Obligacion claramente impuesta al mismo
event (6 Manresa, p. 1112) . de conservar y transmitir a un tercero el todo o parte del
It is clear that the particular testamentary clause under
consideration provides for a substitution of the heir named therein in this "3.o Un segundo heredero.
manner: that upon the death of Consolacion Florentino — whether this
occurs before or after that of the testatrix — the property bequeathed to "A estos requisitos añade la sentencia de 18
her shall be delivered ("se dara") or shall belong in equal parts to the de Noviembre de 1918, otro mas, el del que el
testatrix's three brothers, Evaristo, Manuel and Dionisio, or their forced fideicomisario tenga derecho a los bienes de la herencia
heirs should anyone of them die ahead of Consolacion Florentino. If this desde el momento de la muerte del testador, puesto
clause created what is known as sustitusion vulgar, the necessary result que ha de suceder a este y no al fiduciario.
would be that Consolacion Florentino, upon the death of the testatrix,
became the owner of one undivided half of the property, but if it "Por tanto, cuando el causante se limita a
provided for a sustitusion fideicomisaria, she would have acquired instituir dos herederos, y por fallecimiento de ambos o
nothing more than usufructuary rights over the same half. In the former de cualquiera de ellos, asigna la parte del fallecido o
case, she would undoubtedly be entitled to partition, but not in the latter. fallecidos, a los herederos legitimos o a otras personas,
As Manresa says, if the fiduciary did not acquire full ownership of the solo existe una sustitucion vulgar, porque falta el
property bequeathed by will, but mere usufructuary rights thereon until requisito de haberse impuesto a los primeros herederos
the time came for him to deliver said property to the fideicomisario, it is la obligacion de conservar y transmitir los bienes, y el
obvious that the nude ownership over the property, upon the death of articulo 789, en su parrafo primero, exige que la
sustitucion sea expresa, ya dandole el testador el
nombre de sustitucion fideicomisaria, ya imponiendo al Jose Eugenio Ramirez, a Filipino national, died in Spain with only his widow
sustituido la obligacion terminante de conservar y as compulsory heir. His will was admitted to probate by the Court of First
transmitir los bienes a un segundo heredero." Instance of Manila, Branch X. The administratrix of the estate submitted a
project of partition giving one part of the estate to the widow "en pleno
A careful perusal of the testamentary clause under dominio'' in satisfaction of her legitime while the other part of the "free
consideration shows that the substitution of heirs provided for therein is portion" to his two grandnephews Roberto and Jorge Ramirez, as the
not expressly made of the fideicommissary kind, nor does it contain a oppositors-appellants. Furthermore, one third of the free portion is charged
clear statement to the effect that appellee, during her lifetime, shall only with the widow's usufruct and the remaining two thirds (2/3) with a usufruct in
enjoy usufructuary rights over the property bequeathed to her, naked favor of Wanda Wrobleski. Jorge and Roberto Ramirez opposed the project
ownership thereof being vested in the brothers of the testatrix. As of partition as well as the substitutions provided by the testator as to the
already stated, it merely provides that upon appellee's death — whether usufructs of the widow and of Wanda. Nonetheless, the lower court
this happens before or after that of the testatrix — her share shall approved the project of partition in its order dated May 3, 1967. Jorge and
belong to the brothers of the testatrix. Roberto appealed.
In the light of the foregoing, we believe, and so hold, that the The Supreme Court upheld the vulgar substitution of Wanda's usufruct
last will of the deceased Dña. Leona Singson established a despite her having survived the testator as said substitution under Art 859 of
mere sustitución vulgar, the substitution of Consolacion Florentino by the Civil Code includes not only death but also refusal or incapacity to
the brothers of the testatrix to be effective or to take place upon the accept the inheritance but disallowed the fideicommissary aspect of the
death of the former, whether it happens before or after that of the same as the substitutes are not related to the heir as required by Art. 863 of
testatrix. the said Code. The Court further ruled that: (a) the widow who is entitled to
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the appealed judgment is one-half of the estate "en pleno dominio" as her legitime is not entitled to the
affirmed, with costs. one third usufruct over the free portion, hence the question on its substitution
has become moot and (b) that a usufruct in favor of an alien, albeit a real
right does not vest title to the land in the usufructuary and therefore not
Held: contrary to the Constitution.

Order modified.


essence of a fideicommissary substitution that an obligation be clearly ||| 1. CIVIL LAW; TESTIMENTARY SUCCESSION; WILLS; WHEN
imposed upon the first heir to preserve and transmit to another the LEGITIME IS MORE THAN TESTATOR'S DISPOSITION; EFFECT. — The
whole or part of the estate bequeathed to him, upon his death or upon widow who is entitled to one-half of the estate "en pleno dominio" as her
the happening of a particular event. legitime which is more than what she is given under the will is not entitled to
the one third usufruct over the free portions which is an additional share in
the estate that will run counter to the testator's intention.

2. ID.: ID.; ID.; SUBSTITUTION; DEFINITION. — "Substitution is the

appointment of another heir so that he may enter into the inheritance in
Testate Estate of Ramirez v. Vda. de Ramirez, G.R. No. L-27952, [February default of the heir originally instituted" (Art. 857, Civil Code).
15, 1982]) 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; KINDS. — There are several kinds of substitutions,
namely: simple or common, brief or compendious, reciprocal, and
fideicommissary (Art. 858, Civil Code). According to Tolentino, Although the
Code enumerates four classes, there are really two principal classes of
Facts substitutions: the simple and the fideicommissary. The others are merely
variations of these two.'' (III Civil Code, p.185 [1973]). The simple or vulgar is PCIB vs ESCOLIN
that provided in Art. 859 of the Civil Code while the fideicommissary
substitution is described in Art. 863 of the same Code.
substitution is valid although the heir survived the testator or stated
differently did not predecease the testator because dying before the testator In November 1952, Linnie Jane Hodges, an American citizen from Texas
is not the only case for vulgar substitution. It also includes refusal or made a will. In May 1957, while she was domiciled here in the Philippines
incapacity to accept the inheritance as provided in Art. 859 of the Civil Code. (Iloilo City), she died.
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; FIDEICOMMISSARY SUBSTITUTION; DEGREE OF In her will, she left all her estate in favor of her husband, Charles Newton
RELATIONSHIP REQUIRED; NOT PRESENT IN CASE AT BAR. — Art. Hodges. Linnie however also stated in her will that should her husband later
863 of the Civil Code validates a fideicommissary substitution "provided such die, said estate shall be turned over to her brother and sister.
substitution does not go beyond one degree from the heir originally
instituted.'' Hence in the case at bar, appellants are correct in their claim that In December 1962, Charles died (it appears he was also domiciled here).
the substitution is void because the substitutes are not related to the heir Atty. Leon Gellada, the lawyer of Charles filed a motion before the probate
originally instituted. court (there was an ongoing probate on the will of Linnie) so that a certain
Avelina Magno may be appointed as the administratrix of the estate. Magno
6. ID.; ID.; ID.; I D.; MEANING OF "ONE DEGREE" EXPLAINED. — was the trusted employee of the Hodges when they were alive. Atty. Gellada
"Scaevola, Maura, and Traviesas construe 'degree' as designation, manifested that Charles himself left a will but the same was in an iron trunk
substitution, or transmission. The Supreme Court of Spain has decidedly in Charles’ office. Hence, in the meantime, he’d like to have Magno
adopted this construction. From this point of view, there can be only one appointed as administratrix. Judge Venicio Escolin approved the motion.
transmission or substitution, and the substitute need not be related to the
first heir. Manresa, Morell, and Sanchez Roman however, construe the word Later, Charles’ will was found and so a new petition for probate was filed for
'degree' as generation, and the present Code providing that the substitution the said will. Since said will basically covers the same estate, Magno, as
admininistratrix of Linnie’s estate opposed the said petition. Eventually, the
shall not go beyond one degree 'from the heir originally instituted.' The Code
probate of Charles’ will was granted. Eventually still, the Philippine
thus clearly indicates that the second heir must be related to and be one
generation from the first heir. From this, it follows that the fideicommissary Commercial and Industrial Bank was appointed as administrator. But Magno
can only be either a child or a parent of the first heir. These are the only refused to turn over the estate.
relatives who are one generation or degree from the fiduciary." (Tolentino, I I Magno contended that in her will, Linnie wanted Charles to turn over the
I Civil Code pp. 193-194 [1973]). property to Linnie’s brother and sister and since that is her will, the same
must be respected. Magno also contended that Linnie was a Texan at the
7. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; FIDEICOMMISSARY SUBSTITUTION; OBLIGATION OF time of her death (an alien testator); that under Article 16 of the Civil Code,
FIDUCIARY TO DELIVER THE INHERITANCE TO THE SECOND HEIR. — successional rights are governed by Linnie’s national law; that under Texas
Fideicommissary substitution is void where there is no absolute duty law, Linnie’s will shall be respected regardless of the presence of legitimes
imposed on the first heir to transmit the usufruct to the substitutes as (Charles’ share in the estate).
required by Arts. 865 and 857 of the Civil Code but in fact, the appellee
admits "that the testator contradicts the establishment of a fideicommissary PCIB argued that the law of Texas refers the matter back to Philippine laws
substitution when he permits the properties subject of the usufruct to be sold because Linnie was domiciled outside Texas at the time of her death
upon mutual agreement of the usufructuaries and the naked owners." (applying the renvoi doctrine).
||| ISSUE: Whether or not Texas Law should apply.
HELD: The Supreme Court remanded the case back to the lower court. Both
parties failed to adduce proof as to the law of Texas. The Supreme Court
FACTS held that for what the Texas law is on the matter, is a question of fact to be
resolved by the evidence that would be presented in the probate court. The
Supreme Court however emphasized that Texas law at the time of 'special administrator.' The special administrator of
Linnie’s death is the law applicable (and not said law at any other time). these lands, for his office, should receive one half of all
the produce from which shall be deducted the expenses
for the administration, and the other half of the produce
should be received by the Roman Catholic Church and
should be spent for my soul, Vicente B. Aranas
(Tingting), because he is a faithful and serviceable
nephew, should be the first special administrator of said
properties, without bond, until his death or until he
should not want to hold the said office anymore. Anyone
AL., petitioners, vs. VICENTE B. ARANAS AND HON. LUIS
of the sons of my brother Carmelo Aranas can hold the
B. MANTA, respondents.
said office of special administrator, and none other than
they. Their father, my brother Carmelo Aranas shall be
the one to decide who among them shall hold the said
PARAS, J p: office, but upon the death of my said brother Carmelo
Aranas, his said sons will have power to select the one
This is a petition for certiorari which seeks to declare the orders of among themselves. The special administration is
respondent Judge dated July 16, 1980 and September 23, 1980 as an perpetual."
exercise of a gross abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction, by
ruling that the properties under Group C of the testate estate of the late Fr. The lower court in its Order 2 dated November 17, 1977 ruled, upon
Teodoro Aranas are subject to remunerative legacies. petitioners' (in Sp. Proc. No. 303) "Motion for the Declaration of Heirs and
Partition; and for Removal of the Administrator (Vicente Aranas) and/or for
The antecedent facts of the case are as follows: his Permission to Resign, and appointment of His Successor" that the
"perpetual inalienability and administration of the portion of the estate of the
Fr. Teodoro Aranas, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, died on January late Rev. Fr. Teodoro Aranas, administered by Vicente Aranas, is null and
19, 1953. He had executed on June 6, 1946 his Last Will and Testament void after twenty years from January 19, 1954 . . ." and declared in the same
which was admitted to probate on August 31, 1956. In said Last Will and order the heirs of the late Fr. Teodoro Aranas. It also declared that "the
Testament, Fr. Teodoro Aranas stipulated the following: removal of Vicente Aranas will, therefore, not serve the ends of justice and
A. The return to Aniceto Aranas or his heirs of all properties acquired by Fr. for the best interest of all the heirs, particularly with respect to the portion of
Aranas from his brother Aniceto Aranas and ten (10) parcels of land the estate taken by the heirs of Aniceto Aranas, represented by the
described in the Will inherited by the testator from his parents. petitioners herein and the rest of the heirs of Carmelo, represented by the
intervenors, co-heirs of Administrator Vicente Aranas." 3
B. The return to Carmelo Aranas or his heirs of all properties acquired by Fr.
Aranas from his brother Carmelo Aranas and ten (10) parcels of land However, the abovesaid Order was subsequently set aside upon the "Urgent
described in the Will inherited by the testator from his parents. Motion for Reconsideration and to Declare Testate and Intestate Heirs of the
late Fr. Teodoro Aranas," filed by the administrator Vicente Aranas on the
C. The special administration of the remainder of the estate of the testator by allegation that said order was violative of due process and without legal and
Vicente Aranas, a faithful and serviceable nephew and designating him also factual basis because only the issue for the removal of the administrator was
as recipient of 1/2 of the produce of said properties after deducting the heard and not the matter of the declaration of heirs. Thus, the lower court
expenses for the administration and the other 1/2 of the produce to be given declared in its Order. 4 dated July 16, 1980 that the Order dated November
to the Catholic Church for the eternal repose of the testator's soul. Said 17, 1977 is "set aside and in the interest of justice, reopened in order that
pertinent provision 1 reads as follows: other heirs, successors-in-interest of Felino Aranas, 5 could likewise assert
their claims, as in the case of the heirs of Aniceto Aranas and Carmelo
"Fourth. It is my will that the lands I had bought from Aranas." 6
other persons should be converged and placed under a
Their Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by the lower court in normal enjoyment (or exploitation) of another's property, with the obligation
its order dated September 23, 1980, petitioners now come before Us by to return, at the designated time, either the same thing, or in special cases
certiorari raising the issue that the lower court erred in setting aside its order its equivalent. This right of Vicente to enjoy the fruits of the properties is
dated November 17, 1977 and in not applying the provisions on Usufruct of temporary and therefore not perpetual as there is a limitation namely his
the New Civil Code with respect to the properties referred to as Group "C" in death or his refusal. Likewise his designation as administrator of these
the Last Will and Testament. prLL properties is limited by his refusal and/or death and therefore it does not run
counter to Art. 870 of the Civil Code relied upon by the petitioners. Be it
The court ruled in its questioned order that this particular group of properties noted that Vicente Aranas is not prohibited to dispose of the fruits and other
(Group "C") is subject to the following: benefits arising from the usufruct. Neither are the naked owners (the other
heirs) of the properties, the usufruct of which has been given to Vicente
"1. Remunerative legacy by way of usufruct of the net
Aranas prohibited from disposing of said naked ownership without prejudice
proceeds of 1/2 of the estate after deducting expenses
of course to Vicente's continuing usufruct. To void the designation of Vicente
for administration in favor of Vicente Aranas, during his
Aranas as usufructuary and/or administrator is to defeat the desire and the
lifetime and shall continue an administrator of the
dying wish of the testator to reward him for his faithful and unselfish services
estate, and, who, upon his death or refusal to continue
rendered during the time when said testator was seriously ill or bed-ridden.
such usufruct, may be succeeded by any of the brothers
The proviso must be respected and be given effect until the death or until the
of the administrator as selected by their father, Carmelo
refusal to act as such of the instituted usufructuary/administrator, after which
Aranas, if still alive or one selected by his sons if, he,
period, the property can be properly disposed of, subject to the limitations
Carmelo, is dead; Pursuant to the Will. (Article 562, 563,
provided in Art. 863 of the Civil Code concerning a fideicommissary
564 and 603 of the New Civil Code).
substitution, said Article says:
"2. Legacy in favor of the Roman Catholic Church,
"A fideicommissary substitution by virtue of which the
particularly the Archbishop diocese of Cagayan de Oro
fiduciary or first heir instituted is entrusted with the
City Represented by the Reverend Archbishop Patrick
obligation to preserve and to transmit to a second heir
H. Cronin over one-half of the proceeds of the
the whole or part of the inheritance, shall be valid and
properties under Group "C." (Article 603, New Civil
shall take effect, provided such substitution does not go
Code) and to last for a period of Fifty years from the
beyond one degree from the heir originally instituted,
effective date of the legacy, Article 605, New Civil
and provided further, that the fiduciary or first heir and
Code)." (Annex "L-14," p. 87, Rollo)
the second heir are living at the time of the death of the
Assailing the aforementioned ruling, petitioners rely heavily on the doctrine testator."
laid down in Art. 870 of the New Civil Code to wit:
It is contended by petitioners that the ruling made by respondent court dated
"Art. 870. The dispositions of the testator declaring all or November 17, 1977 was already final and not subject to correction as what
part of the estate inalienable for more than twenty years was set aside and to be reheard was only regarding the determination of
are void." additional heirs. Such contention is not worthy of credence. Respondents in
their Memorandum allege and it is not disputed by petitioners that the order
A cursory reading of the English translation of the Last Will and Testament of November 17, 1977 has not yet become final because it was received
shows that it was the sincere intention and desire of the testator to reward only on January 12, 1978 by the counsel for respondent Vicente Aranas and
his nephew Vicente Aranas for his faithful and unselfish services by allowing the Motion for Reconsideration and to declare testamentary and intestate
him to enjoy one-half of the fruits of the testator's third group of properties heirs dated January 17, 1978 was filed by the said respondent within the
until Vicente's death and/or refusal to act as administrator in which case, the reglementary period. Besides the validity or invalidity of the usufructuary
administration shall pass to anyone chosen by Carmelo Aranas among his dispositions would affect the determination of heirs. cdll
sons and upon Carmelo's death, his sons will have the power to select one
among themselves. Vicente Aranas therefore as a usufructuary has the right As to petitioners' allegation that the order of July 16, 1980 is without basis,
to enjoy the property of his uncle with all the benefits which result from the the record shows that during the hearing of the urgent motion for
reconsideration and to declare testamentary and intestate heirs, it was
proven conclusively by the said respondent Vicente B. Aranas that he was
instituted as a remunerative legatee per mandate of the Last Will and
Testament by way of usufructuary. Likewise the right of the Roman Catholic
Church as the other usufructuary legatee for the duration of the statutory
lifetime of a corporation, that is, 50 years from the date of the effectivity of
said legacy, was also established. 7

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