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UJMG 1003: Creative Thinking and Idea Generation

Project 1
Topic: Personal Journal (Individual Project) (20%)

 Encourage a more holistic use of left and right brain.
 Learn to look at a subject matter from several different perspectives.
 Learn to think critically and provide constructive criticism.
 To be able to express their opinions on what they see as creative.
 To realize inspiration comes from anywhere and at any time.

Each of you are to start your own journal. The following topics are to be:

W1: Who am I?
W2: [Open]
W3: When I dream…
W4: [Open]
W5: My Father/Mother…
W6: [Open]
W7: The Song of…
W8: [Open]
W9: The Games we play…
W10: [Open]
W11: Movies are a reflection..
W12: [Open]
W13: What are Friends?
W14: The End?

Use the topics listed to fill your journal with your thoughts on the topic. Remember your journal should
include doodles, sketches, random ideas, etc. The topics listed should not be taken literally, it is up to your
interpretation of what that topic might mean for you. Do not be afraid to ‘run out of topic’, there is no
such thing. Your train of ideas can travel as far as you want but the departure point should be based on
the topic.

[Open] Topics are for you to decide. Choose things that inspire you during the 2 weeks, ideas that you
have had, or just something that caught your eye. Always be on the lookout for INSPIRATION. Bring your
journal everywhere, you never know when inspiration will strike .

Journal Entries are marked bi-weekly and you receive maximum 2 marks. This mark is dependent on the
tutor if the tutor find the entry to be insufficient then NO marks will be given for that week.


Method of Submission:
 Submit the actual Journal or if you wish to keep the original photocopy the pages of the journal.
You must have a cover page with the assessment criteria printed on it and it has to be in 2-hole
binding. If you have taken content from other sites, please reference the sites you have taken the
work/ideas/images/etc. from.
Assessment Criteria:

Bi-Weekly Blog Entries 14%

Creativity 4%
Presentation 2%
UJMG 1003: Creative Thinking and Idea Generation

Project 2
Topic: Comic Book (Group Project) (50%)

 Learn to apply effectively different methods of creative thinking
 Encourage group synergy.
 Encourage imagination and creativity.
 Effectively use brainstorming and brain writing in idea generation
 Be able to use judgment in the selection of ideas
 To critically analyze the potential of ideas and develop the idea to an end product which is
creative and innovative.

You are required to design a comic book. The storybook will be based on an event that the group has
chosen. Use the event as a basis for your idea. The character and the story have to be original and
creative. Illustrations of any type is possible e.g. cut and paste, watercolor, color pencil, etc.

Do not copy designs and stories from existing movies, book, comics, games, etc.

Students are encouraged to think of how to design a comic book which is creative and different from an
ordinary book. To have a book which is not conventional in its design and/or usage

 Mindmap of the chosen event.
 A comic book of at least 10 pages (not inclusive of cover) for groups of 3 members
 A comic book of at least 12 pages (not inclusive of cover) for groups of 4 members
 A comic book of at least 14 pages (not inclusive of cover) for groups of 5 members


Method of Submission:
All development works, design works must be together in an A4 book and submitted with cover page with
2-hole binding.

Assessment Criteria:

Research in the form of a Mind map 5%

Idea Generation (15 Approved Concepts: 1% per 15%
Approved Idea)
Idea Development (Weekly Development 15%
Assessment Max 5% per week)
Story Concept/ Book Concept 5%
Execution 10%
UJMG 1003: Creative Thinking and Idea Generation

Project 3
Topic: Self Representation – Mini Me (Individual Project) (30%)

 Further encourage a combined used of the left and right brain.
 Learn to apply more effectively methods of thinking via the formulation of mind maps and
random word.
 To be able to show metaphoric thinking in their idea generation.
 Learn to conduct and structure research materials effectively.
 Formulate a unique and original idea that represents you as a whole
 Explore the qualities found in different physical/tangible materials.

“The sum of each part makes a dynamic and greater whole”
You are required to create and construct a mini superhero that best represents, expresses and/or
symbolizes you. You should consider relevant aspects such as diverse concepts; texture, colors, images,
shapes, facades and any other pertinent aspects that would best represent yourself.
Write a rationale, explaining the conceptual and visual aspects related to the mini superhero (what are
your abilities, why does the world need a superhero like you). Images of the superhero (from different
perspectives) must be photographed and submitted along with all of the other supporting materials.

Assignment book containing:
 Mind maps of yourself
 Idea generations and developments sketches
 Photographs of the actual superhero from all angles.


Method of Submission:
All development works, design works must be bound together in an A4 book and submitted with cover
page using 2-hole binding. Presentation of the superhero must not be more than 5 minutes. You must
have the physical superhero with you during the presentation process.

Assessment Criteria:

Idea Generation 5%
Idea Development (Weekly Development 10%
Concept of the Superhero 5%
Design & Execution of the Superhero 10%

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