Technologies On SuperTitanium

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CITIZEN currently has four different technologies for its surface-hardening technology, Duratect. These are
ion plating (IP); cold plasma; gas hardening (MRK) and, finally duplex coating. By using the most appropriate
of them, we can create the desired hardness, hypoallergenic qualities and color variations.

Each of the different techniques can result in a different level of hardness even up to 5x the surface hardness
of stainless steel. At the same time color can be added to the treatment resulting in watch cases and bands
that are colored silver, black and shades of gold.

Surface-hardening technology, Duratect

Coating technology that enables more color variations Ion plating (abbreviated
to IP) involves vaporizing and ionizing metal material in a vacuum to apply it as
a coating to parts of the watch. While the technology does not make the solid
titanium itself harder, the coating serves to make it more scratch resistant. Since
no liquids are used, the process is also referred to as ‘dry coating’ or ‘dry plating’;
with watches, it is mostly used for decorative purposes.
In the case of Super Titanium™, the addition of a thin layer of platinum to a
titanium carbide (TIC) base produces PTIC. With PTIC, it is possible to create
color variations, such as gold and silver tone.
Coating technology that imparts toughness Cold plasma technology involves the plasmafication of gases containing raw materials
inside a vacuum to provoke a chemical reaction that applies an adhesive DLC coating to the surface of the watch parts. DLC is
an acronym for ‘diamond-like carbon.’ The DLC coating has an amorphous structure that contains carbon and hydrogen (like a
diamond) and has no grain boundaries. This produces hardness, a very high level of smoothness, and scratch resistance.
The automobile industry makes extensive use of DLC coatings for engine parts, but their density and quality vary according
to factors such as proposed use, who the manufacturer is, etc. CITIZEN’s cold-plasma DLC coating is a technology developed
specifically for the coating of watch casings. Its ability to apply a luxurious-looking dark gray color to every tiny piece of the watch,
including the links of the bracelet, is its most remarkable characteristic.

A hard coating mainly of amorphous carbon (made of carbon and hydrogen).
The color is a bold dark gray.
Technology to harden the titanium materials themselves
Gas hardening increases the surface hardness of titanium while preserving its original properties
of lightness and rust-resistance. But unlike the surface coatings created by ion plating and cold
plasma, gas hardening makes the actual surface of the titanium material harder. The traditional
method involved heating in an electric furnace. This, however, turned the surface of the titanium
yellow, destroying the metal’s natural beauty.
At CITIZEN, we spent many years investigating this problem before coming up with our current
gas-hardening technology. Our gas-hardening technology involves injecting two kinds of gas
into the titanium inside a vacuum furnace to produce a hard layer about 20 to 30 microns
thick on the surface of the titanium. The idea of conducting the process inside a vacuum—
which hardens the titanium’s surface at the same time as preventing discoloration—was the
breakthrough that put us on the right path.
Because the actual surface of the titanium material is hardened (rather than a hard coating
which sits on top of the material), gas hardening is the perfect technology for watches that
have to perform in the toughest of tough environments. That’s why it is used for most of our
sports models.

Duratect DLC hard amorphous carbon coating composed mainly of carbon and
hydrogen is applied to titanium materials whose surfaces have already been
hardened by Duratect MRK gas hardening.

Duratect α coating is applied to titanium materials whose surfaces have already been
hardened by Duratect MRK gas hardening. Placing a coating on top of the already hardened
surface of the material results both in greater scratch resistance and excellent hypoallergenic

A next-generation combination of existing technologies that delivers hardness and good looks Duplex coating brings together
gas-hardening technology-based Duratect MRK, cold-plasma technology-based Duratect DLC, and ion-plating technology-based
Duratect α. Because a coating is applied to the material which has itself been hardened, the final product is resistant not just to
scratches but to bumps and knocks as well. Duplex coating results in the hardest, best-looking and most evolved form of Super
Titanium™. You get the hardness and scratch resistance of Duratect MRK plus the good looks of Duratect DLC and Duratect α.

Duplex coating currently represents the summit of CITIZEN’s surface-hardening technology, Duratect. But we are still
working to achieve Super Titanium™ with even higher levels of scratch resistance and beauty.
Titanium is the fourth most abundant structural metal on Earth. An incredible material that does not react to sunlight,
salt water, or any body chemistry, it reduces the potential of metal allergic reaction and is corrosion resistant. In 1970,
we launched the world’s first watch using solid titanium that was light-weight, hypo-allergenic and resistant to rusting.

Titanium Processing
In its natural state, titanium is very soft making it extremely difficult to process solid titanium for the purposes of watch
manufacturing. CITIZEN designed and improved upon their own techniques to overcome these challenges.
Along the way we discovered a diverse range of advanced processing techniques. The process can be divided into 3

Titanium is an active metal that reacts easily with oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and other elements. When forging, the
titanium atoms easily adhere to the metal molds used in pressing and start fusing into the mold, making it difficult to
reshape. In order to prevent the adhesive bonding of titanium we change its qualities; heating it to a high temperature
before pressing, considerably lessening it’s resistance to shaping. This discovery lends itself to numerous pressing

Because it reacts easily to oxygen in the air, the filings from titanium stick to the edge of the drill and cause friction
when drilling. This results in reducing the thickness of the drill and inaccuracy in the holes being cut. CITIZEN refined
traditional cutting techniques for stable titanium processing though rigorous trial and error of numerous cooling oils,
lubricants and cutting speeds.

Polishing presents another hurdle when using titanium in watches. The conventional polishing process creates
irregularities on the surface that would mar a watch’s sheen, owing to slight variations in the hardness of the crystal
grains that form titanium. At CITIZEN we combine a number of polishing techniques, including barrel and Sallaz
polishing, to realize better surface quality of Super Titanium™ watches.
By treating CITIZEN’s proprietary surface hardening technology, Duratect, to crafted solid titanium, we created Super
Titanium™. Achieving more than 5 times the hardness of stainless steel and providing better wearing comforts, Super
Titanium™ represents CITIZEN’s pursuits for bringing something better to people’s life.

Harder Materials, Less Scratches
Keeping your watch scratch free and undamaged doesn’t mean you have to hide it away in your dresser. Super Titanium™
provides the ideal solution to the beauty vs. preservation dilemma. Thanks to CITIZEN’s proprietary surface hardening
technology, Duratect, Super Titanium™makes your watch incredibly resistant to daily wear and tear.

Light, for better comfort

Super Titanium™ is approximately 40% lighter than stainless steel. So light that you might forget you are wearing a
watch. Appreciate better comfort on your wrist, whatever you may do.

A gentle metal that’s kinder on your skin.

Super Titanium™ reduces the risk of adverse skin reaction to metals thanks to the use of hypoallergenic solid titanium
and CITIZEN’s proprietary surface hardening technology. Even people with sensitive skin do not have to be concerned
about skin irritation when wearing CITIZEN Super Titanium™ watches.

Note: Super Titanium™ does not prevent reaction to all metal allergies.

More resistant to corrosion, for lasting beauty

Super Titanium™ is more resistant to corrosion including when coming in contact with salt water. Wherever you are and
whatever you do, you can rely on Super Titanium™ to ensure your watch looks it’s best.

*The pins used for the bracelet may tarnish. We advise regular cleansing.

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