2014-The Neomuran Revolution and Phagotrophic Origin of Eukaryotes and Cilia in The Light of Intracellular Coevolution and A Revised Tree of Life

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The Neomuran Revolution and Phagotrophic

Origin of Eukaryotes and Cilia in the Light
of Intracellular Coevolution and a Revised
Tree of Life

Thomas Cavalier-Smith
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom
Correspondence: tom.cavalier-smith@zoo.ox.ac.uk

Three kinds of cells exist with increasingly complex membrane-protein targeting: Uni-
bacteria (Archaebacteria, Posibacteria) with one cytoplasmic membrane (CM); Negibacte-
ria with a two-membrane envelope (inner CM; outer membrane [OM]); eukaryotes with a
plasma membrane and topologically distinct endomembranes and peroxisomes. I combine
evidence from multigene trees, palaeontology, and cell biology to show that eukaryotes and
archaebacteria are sisters, forming the clade neomura that evolved 1.2 Gy ago from a
posibacterium, whose DNA segregation and cell division were destabilized by murein
wall loss and rescued by the evolving novel neomuran endoskeleton, histones, cytokinesis,
and glycoproteins. Phagotrophy then induced coevolving serial major changes making eu-
karyote cells, culminating in two dissimilar cilia via a novel gliding–fishing –swimming
scenario. I transfer Chloroflexi to Posibacteria, root the universal tree between them and
Heliobacteria, and argue that Negibacteria are a clade whose OM, evolving in a green
posibacterium, was never lost.

THE FIVE KINDS OF CELLS mechanisms of the radical transitions between

them. Figure 1 highlights three fundamentally
he eukaryotic cell originated by the most different kinds of prokaryote differing great-
T complex set of evolutionary changes since
life began: eukaryogenesis. Their complexity
ly in membrane topology and membrane and
wall chemistry. In all cells, the major membrane
and mechanistic difficulty explain why eukary- lipids are glycerophospholipids having two hy-
otes evolved 2 billion years or more after pro- drophobic hydrocarbon tails attached to a hy-
karyotes (Cavalier-Smith 2006a). To under- drophilic phosphorylated glycerol head, but
stand these changes, we must consider the cell glycerol-phosphate stereochemistry differs in
biology of all five major kinds of cells (Fig. 1); archaebacteria (sn-glycerol-1-phosphate) from
determine their correct phylogenetic relation- that in all other cells (sn-glycerol-3-phosphate).
ships; and explain the causes, steps, and detailed Negibacteria and posibacteria (collectively called

Editors: Patrick J. Keeling and Eugene V. Koonin

Additional Perspectives on The Origin and Evolution of Eukaryotes available at www.cshperspectives.org.
Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a016006
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T. Cavalier-Smith


2 cilia, centrioles
OM neokaryotes
TFs IIA, F; Smc Euglenozoa
mitochondrion 5/6, CENPA, 1-haem
reticulin cytochrome c
murein ventral feeding mRNA SL trans-splicing; loss of
loss groove, split right transcriptional control

eukaryogenesis: endomembranes, peroxisomes, EUKARYOTA

endoskeleton, nucleus, centrioles, cilia, cyclins, mitosis, sex
phagotrophy type IV secretion lost (=prokaryotes)
1.2 Gy ago isoprenoid ether CM
reverse gyrase
loss of PI, ACP, CL,
sterols, and many genes
neomura neomuran
eubacteria revolution N-linked glycoprotein
histones, Cdc6, MCM, PCNA;
OM murein ESCRT III GTPase; SRP arrest;
CM periplasmic losses of Xer termination,
loss DnaA, G, DNA gyrase, SecA
murein peptidoglycan
OM Omp85
Negibacteria porins

murein peptidoglycan CM

acyl ester phospholipids; SRP protein-targeting to CM ; cell division by FtsZ and divisome
DnaA replication initiator; Xer DNA replication terminator; anoxygenic green bacterial photosynthesis;
Smc condensins; parABS origin segregation; DNA translocases; conjugation via type IV secretion;
3.5 Gy ago
Figure 1. Relationships between the five major cell types, showing key evolutionary innovations in the transitions
making them. Rigid murein cell walls originated before the cenancestor of all life using both D- and L-amino
acids in the first cell, a posibacterium with acyl ester glycerophospholipids that divided using FtsZ, possibly a
photoheterotroph similar to Heliobacterium. Negibacteria evolved by acquiring an outer membrane (OM) with
complex targeting of porins and other b-barrel proteins inserted by Omp85-dependent machinery never lost in
the history of life, being retained when eukaryotes enslaved phagocytosed negibacteria to make mitochondria
and subsequently chloroplasts (even kept in secondarily anaerobic DNA-free hydrogenosomes and mitosomes
that evolved by drastically modifying aerobic mitochondria). The neomuran revolution was arguably a stabi-
lizing response to traumatic loss of murein. Histones H3/4 ensured passive negative DNA supercoiling (making
nucleosomes) to replace eubacterial ATP-driven supercoiling by DNA gyrase; this stabler DNA coiling forced
drastic coevolutionary changes in RNA polymerase and especially DNA replication machinery: repair polymer-
ase d replaced DNA polymerase III, the b-clamp became PCNA, the replication fork helicase Mcm replaced
DnaB, the unrelated Pol primase replaced DnaG primase, and Cdc6 replaced the replication initiator DnaA;
Cdc6 possibly evolved from a gene duplicate of the eubacterial clamp loader DnaX, itself undergoing minor
modification to neomuran RFC. (Legend continues on following page.)

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

“eubacteria”) are mutually closer in cell enve- non-cross-linked globular glycoproteins con-
lope chemistry and informational machinery taining hydrophilic oligosaccharides covalently
than either is to archaebacteria, whose basic linked to asparagine (N) residues. N-linked gly-
informational machinery is eukaryote-like de- coproteins are made cotranslationally, oligosac-
spite their cells being fully prokaryotic in struc- charides being attached during trans-membrane
ture and DNA segregation machinery. Eubac- protein secretion by membrane-associated ri-
teria, unlike eukaryotes and archaebacteria, bosomes. I argued that this shared character
generally have cell walls of the peptidoglycan evolved in the last common ancestor (cenances-
murein that forms a covalently cross-linked tor) of eukaryotes and archaebacteria, which
bag (sacculus) completely surrounding the cy- jointly constitute the putative clade neomura.
toplasmic membrane (CM). Murein hydrolase The neomuran theory of eukaryote origins (Ca-
enzymes must repeatedly cleave, and other en- valier-Smith 1987c; revised and updated: Ca-
zymes reseal, murein covalent bonds so that eu- valier-Smith 2002c, 2009, 2010c) has a phylo-
bacteria can grow without bursting under high genetic part and a causal mechanistic part, as
internal osmotic pressure (Egan and Vollmer should any scientific explanation of megaevo-
2013). lutionary events. Many inadequate “theories” of
Some derived methanogenic archaebacte- eukaryote origin focus exclusively on phylogeny
ria have covalently cross-linked walls of pseudo- and have no explanatory part or only a cursory,
murein, a different peptidoglycan with similar unconvincing one. Phylogenetically, the neo-
cleavage-resealing growth. However, other arch- muran theory asserts that (1) eubacteria are
aebacteria and all eukaryotes have cell surfaces of substantially older than and ancestors of neo-

Figure 1. (Continued) Novel TATA-box-binding transcription factors (TBP and others) (Ouhammouch et al.
2009) replaced the eubacterial transcription regulator CrtA. Murein loss freed MreB filaments that maintain
eubacterial rod shape (or related ParM filaments that segregate some plasmids) to become the actin endoskel-
eton, conferring osmotic stability; new ESCRT-III filaments helped membrane division, allowing loss of FtsZ in
eukaryotes and some archaebacteria. Novel cotranslationally made N-linked glycoprotein enabled archaebac-
teria to make rigid S-layer-like walls and eukaryotes a flexible cell surface coat, allowing phagotrophy and
ingestion of prey cells to evolve, triggering a cascade of eukaryogenic changes associated with coated vesicle
origins. These mediated endomembrane differentiation, internal digestion, targeted vesicle fusion, and nuclear
envelope evolution to protect chromatin internalized by phagocytosis (see Fig. 2); a-tubulin, b-tubulin, and g-
tubulin evolved from posibacterial plasmid-segregating TubZ GTPase, enabling DNA segregation by mitosis,
drastically changing chromosome organization; cohesins enabling mitosis and eukaryotic cell-cycle controls
evolved from duplicated Smc condensins. Archaebacteria replaced acyl ester lipids by heat-stable isoprenoid
tetraethers to become the first extremophiles, but lost so many lipids and proteins that they could never have
evolved directly into eukaryotes, as did the transient neomuran ancestor, retaining far more eubacterial char-
acters. Archaebacteria kept fatty acid (FA) synthesis (Lombard et al. 2012a) but lost acyl-carrier protein (ACP),
which enables rapid bulk FA synthesis in eubacteria and eukaryotes, no longer needed for the trace FA amounts
that sufficed after archaebacteria lost acyl esters, including phosphatidylinositol (PI) and cardiolipin (CL).
Neokaryotes retained bacterial transcription regulation but evolved new transcription factors (TFs). Soon after
mitochondrially donated group II self-splicing introns became spliceosomal introns in the cenancestral eukary-
ote (Cavalier-Smith 1991c), Euglenozoa evolved trans-splicing of spliced-leader (SL) miniexons for all mRNAs
(Cavalier-Smith 1993) and lost transcriptional control of gene expression. Neokaryotes alone replaced centro-
meric histone H3 by CENP-A and evolved Smc5/6 for DNA repair. Archaebacterial flagella are not homologous
to, and evolved independently of, eubacterial flagella, which must have evolved in Negibacteria, probably in early
Gracilicutes (Cavalier-Smith 2006c); so if the tree is correctly rooted within Posibacteria, they were presumably
acquired by Posibacteria by lateral gene transfer (LGT) subsequently, but before actinobacteria diverged from
Teichobacteria (see Fig. 3). Ancestral green bacteria lacked flagella but could probably glide and thus make
stromatolites, yielding the oldest fossil evidence for eubacteria. Absence of photosynthetic carbon fixation in
archaebacteria means that, unlike the much older eubacteria, they could never have fueled an extensive global
ecosystem alone.

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T. Cavalier-Smith

mura; and (2) archaebacteria are sisters of eu- These ideas arose before archaebacteria were
karyotes, not their ancestors. This explains recognized (Woese and Fox 1977). De Duve
why eukaryotes are a blend of eubacteria-like and Wattiaux (1966) suggested that rough ER
(e.g., membrane chemistry) and archaebacte- evolved by budding from the CM of a wall-less
ria-like characters (e.g., N-linked glycoproteins, bacterium when evolving an ability to ingest
information-processing machinery) plus en- other cells by a primitive version of phagocy-
tirely novel features (cell structure, mitosis). tosis, with subsequent differentiation of inter-
Eubacteria-like characters, ancestral for all life, nalized vesicles producing the Golgi apparatus
were inherited vertically by eukaryotes, while and lysosomes for more efficient internal diges-
archaebacteria secondarily evolved unique lip- tion. Stanier (1970) noted that such phagotro-
ids; shared archaebacteria-like characters origi- phy, absent from all prokaryotes, must have im-
nated only in the neomuran cenancestor (last posed novel selective forces favoring larger cell
common ancestor); and uniquely eukaryotic size and increased internal complexity, provid-
characters evolved immediately after eukaryotes ing sufficient explanation of the greater inter-
diverged from archaebacteria. No other theory nal complexity of eukaryotic cells, especially the
explains that as simply. Assuming that archae- origin of the internal cytoskeleton. I explained
bacteria were directly ancestral to eukaryotes how phagotrophy, by internalizing CM with
(Van Valen and Maiorana 1980) requires non- attached prokaryotic chromosomes, must have
parsimonious assumptions that eubacteria-like disrupted bacterial cell cycles and DNA segre-
characters were regained during eukaryogenesis. gation even more dramatically than wall-loss,
so phagotrophy imposed novel selective forces
causing evolution of mitosis, meiosis, and novel
genetics and chromosome organization of eu-
karyotes (Cavalier-Smith 1975) and much larg-
er genomes (Cavalier-Smith 1978b). John and
Three key innovations made eukaryotes: (1) an Whatley (1975, 1977) argued that mitochondria
internal cytoskeleton of formin-associated actin originated from endosymbiotic purple – non-
filaments cross-linked by actin-related proteins sulfur bacteria (now called a-proteobacteria).
(Arp 2/3) plus microtubules (a,b-tubulin) nu- I argued that these novel eukaryotic genetic
cleated by g-tubulin; (2) cytoskeleton-associat- features all evolved as coevolutionary responses
ed molecular motor ATPases: myosin for actin; to disruption of the prokaryotic cell-surface-lo-
kinesin and subsequently dynein for micro- cated genetic system by the new endomembrane
tubules; (3) the eukaryote-specific endomem- system, cytoskeleton, and associated motors.
brane system (endoplasmic reticulum [ER], Moreover, the nucleus evolved by incomplete
Golgi complex, and lysosomes—the bags of di- ER fusion around chromatin to protect it from
gestive enzymes discovered by De Duve that shearing damage by cytoplasmic motors, and
mediate intracellular digestion in eukaryotes peroxisomes stemmed from subdivision and
but no bacteria). Only subsequently could the specialization of endomembranes. As murein-
nucleus, centrioles, mitosis, and eukaryotic ge- wall-loss necessitated osmotically and cell-cy-
netic system evolve, using and stimulated by cle-stabilizing innovations, I proposed that mi-
this novel machinery. The decisive evolution- crotubules evolved to stabilize DNA segregation
ary mediator of eukaryogenesis was the origin by premitotic mechanisms, and actin was re-
of phagocytosis and intracellular prey digestion quired for phagotrophy (not then known) and
for the first time in history, which also enabled cytokinesis. I argued that actin was the prima-
uptake and transformation of an a-proteobac- ry and microtubules the next major molecu-
terium into mitochondria, greatly improving lar innovation enabling eukaryotes to evolve
aerobic utilization of intracellular digestion pro- (Cavalier-Smith 1975). We now know that ac-
ducts simultaneously with the origin of the nu- tin originated slightly before eukaryotes during
cleus and cilia (Cavalier-Smith 2002c). the neomuran revolution, from MreB filaments

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

that help maintain shape for rod-like eubacteria nistic impossibility of evolving unimembra-
(Löwe and Amos 2009; Wickstead and Gull nous eukaryotes by wall-loss from any negibac-
2011). However, changing MreB to actin was terium. Although that defective phylogeny is
trivial, MreB sometimes being called “bacterial consigned to history, the central logic of phago-
actin.” More radically, gene triplication made trophy being the driving force behind the origin
a,b,g-tubulins subsequently, in the eukaryote of endomembranes and cytoskeleton and of the
cenancestor, probably from posibacterial plas- radically transformative consequences of both
mid-segregating GTPase TubZ, rather than relat- novelties for eukaryotic cell cycles and genetics
ed FtsZ, to make spindle microtubules for mi- was almost certainly correct, providing the only
totic DNA segregation (Cavalier-Smith 2010c). logically coherent explanation for eukaryogen-
I now suggest that the most fundamental esis that is both mechanistically and selectively
eukaryogenic molecular innovation was the convincing.
origin of formin rings (type A2) (Chalkia et Initially I argued that centrioles and cilia
al. 2008) to promote rapid actin polymeriza- evolved from microtubules substantially after
tion (by encircling the filaments’ fast-growing the first eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith 1975,
barbed ends, drawing in monomers from pro- 1978a, 1981, 1982), but that was wrong. Almost
filin complexes) to extend pseudopodia around certainly the first ciliated eukaryote had one
prey cells during phagotrophy, plus profilin cilium only (Cavalier-Smith 1975, 1978a), but
to bind G-actin as a soluble store allowing sud- the assumption that some primitively uniciliate
den F-actin extension through formin-binding. eukaryotes still survive (Cavalier-Smith 1987c,
Secondarily, actin duplicated, yielding Arp2/3 2002c) was wrong. Probably all uniciliates are
for branching by linking pointed ends to other secondarily simplified, and the eukaryote cen-
actin filaments; with actin-capping proteins for ancestor had two centrioles bearing dissimi-
barbed ends, branching made an osmotically lar cilia, which take two cell cycles to develop
stabilizing three-dimensional (3D)– gel mesh- to maturity, the anterior cilium being younger
work. Figure 2 updates the intracellular coevo- and forming in the first cell cycle, the older pos-
lutionary consequences of phagotrophy. Like terior one being modified in structure, position,
single-headed myosin I, actin proved essential and roots in the second cell cycle (ciliary trans-
for phagocytosis, but its involvement in cytoki- formation: Brugerolle 1992; Cavalier-Smith and
nesis in the contractile ring of podiate eukary- Karpov 2012; Cavalier-Smith 2013a). Before
otes probably resulted from much later evolu- each cell division, two new centrioles assem-
tion of two-headed myosin II in early podiates ble beside old ones at the beginning of S phase
(Fig. 3). Originally, eukaryote cytokinesis used when DNA is replicated, this being controlled
the membrane-bending dynamin GTPase that by cyclin proteins unique to eukaryotes. Cyclins
evolved in the ancestral eubacterium (lost by share a helical domain with the neomuran
crenarchaeotes) plus ESCRT-III GTPase fila- transcription factor TFIIb and perhaps evolved
ments for membrane scission, which arguably from it.
evolved in the ancestral neomuran (Cavalier- Proteolysis of proteins connecting the two
Smith 2010c); crenarchaeotes lost ESCRT (and older cilium-bearing centrioles allows their sep-
most lost FtsZ). aration to opposite spindle poles during mitotic
This coevolutionary phagotrophy theory of prophase. Possibly parent centrioles are held to-
eukaryogenesis, enunciated before evidence for gether by the same loop-like cohesin proteins
symbiogenetic origins of chloroplasts and mi- as sister chromatids (Nasmyth 2011; Eichinger
tochondria became compelling (Gray and Doo- et al. 2013), both assembling at S-phase onset,
little 1982; Gray 1992; Cavalier-Smith 2013b), and both cleaved by the enzyme separase, em-
initially wrongly assumed cyanobacterial ances- phasizing the deep coevolution of chromosome
try of the whole eukaryotic cell (Cavalier-Smith and centriole cycles. However, in Drosophila at
1975). I did not then appreciate the doubleness least, cohesin cleavage is inessential for centriole
of the negibacterial envelope and likely mecha- disengagement, which requires a drop in cyclin-

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T. Cavalier-Smith

Figure 2. Intracellular coevolution during phagotrophy-driven eukaryogenesis. (A) Eubacteria segregate DNA
by actively moving replicon origins (O) by ParABS machinery, DNA condensation by Smc condensin rings, and
moving termini (T) by the DNA translocase FtsK anchored at the mid-cell nascent division site, marked by the
GTPase FtsZ ring for membrane scission by the divisome after XerCD recombinase resolves daughter DNAs
into covalently separate molecules. Neomuran loss of murein disrupted orderly linear arrangement of chromo-
some origins and termini on a rigid wall, causing FtsK loss and allowing replicon numbers per chromosome to
increase, and ESCRT-III GTPase filaments replaced the eubacterial divisome; simultaneously, the posibacterial
paracrystalline S layer became novel N-linked glycoproteins. (B) In eukaryotes only, these glycoproteins (yellow)
became flexible and specialized for binding prey, initially digested by enzymes secreted externally by membrane-
attached ribosomes. MreB (or its plasmid segregation ParM relative) (Yutin et al. 2009) evolved into actin,
yielding linear filaments stimulated by formins for extending cytoplasm partly around prey, thereby increasing
digestion product absorption, and duplications yielded Arp2/3, generating an osmotically stabilizing branching
endoskeleton (blue). (Legend continues on following page.)

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

dependent kinase activity, and another centro- of A-kinase anchor proteins important for many
somal separase target may be the crucial linker aspects of cell structure; but as neither is reliably
of new and old centrioles (Oliveira and Na- traceable beyond vertebrates, it is possible that
smyth 2013); in Caenorhabditis, cohesin seems when early animals expanded centrosome size
involved only in certain developmental stages cleavage of more than one, possibly novel cen-
(Cabral et al. 2013). In mammals, the giant trosome protein became necessary, even if cohe-
coiled-coil kendrin is a separase target mediat- sin may have been the ancestral target (still a
ing centriole disengagement (Matsuo et al. conjecture). Cohesin rings comprise Y-shaped
2012), but its sequence is highly conserved only Smcs and kleisin cross-linkers that evolved (after
in vertebrates, which have a clearly related family pre-eukaryotes diverged from archaebacteria)

Figure 2. (Continued) (C) Evolution of a surface membrane protein channel (Derlin) enabled partially digested
proteins to be pulled across the membrane and fully digested on its cytosolic face by cylindrical proteasomes.
Digestion products of prey completely internalized into a phagosome (center) was most efficiently absorbed;
phagosome-associated V-SNAREs and CM-associated T-SNAREs evolved to refuse phagosome membranes
with the surface. (D) Accidental phagocytic internalization of membrane-attached DNA was made permanent
by evolving COP-coated vesicles that returned membrane only to the cell surface; after exclusion of ribosomes
and DNA from COP vesicles, continued phagocytosis removed all from the plasma membrane, and the inter-
nalized ribosome/DNA-associated membrane became protoER. Membrane fragmentations generated separate
compartments specializing in b-oxidation of fatty acids ( peroxisomes) and cytochrome P450 oxidation of
aromatics and protein secretion (ER). Bacterial Sec61/SRP for extruding unfolded proteins was retained by
ER and TAT machinery for unfolded proteins modified for peroxisome biogenesis (for more details, see
Cavalier-Smith 2009). FtsZ-related posibacterial plasmid-segregated TubZ GTPase evolved by gene duplication
into eukaryotic mitotic segregator (a-,b-tubulin microtubules, nucleated at minus ends by g-tubulin-contain-
ing centrosomes), microtubule rigidity mechanistically replacing peptidoglycan rigidity. Initially, microtubule
polymerization forced sister centrosomes and associated DNA apart. COPs were also used for pinocytosis, and
preexisting dynamin and ESCRT-III coopted for membrane scission generating protoendosomes ( pE). Single-
head myosin I and kinesin diverged from a common posibacterial ATPase ancestor to form motors for inter-
nalizing phagosomes along actin filaments or minus-to-plus movement of vesicles on microtubules for exocy-
tosis, respectively. (E) Kinesin was coopted to push apart antiparallel microtubules from sister centrosomes,
improving segregation, cytokinesis being by preexisting neomuran ESCRT-III GTPase ring orthogonal to the
spindle. (F) Simultaneously, coordinate gene duplications of COP proteins and SNAREs multiplied the number
of topologically and chemically distinct compartments developmentally interlinked by vesicle transport: copII
for ER to Golgi, CopI for recycling membrane from Golgi, and clathrin for making protoendosomes ( pE) and
lysosomes (L) (Faini et al. 2013). (E and F ) Aspects of the same stage. (G) A protonuclear envelope formed by
partial ER cisternal fusion onto the surface of chromatin, centrosomes duplicating into centrin-connected
distinct microtubule-nucleating centers (MNC) for cell-surface cortical microtubules and nuclear-envelope-
associated spindle poles. COPII coats were retained by the protonuclear envelope, evolving into nuclear pore
complexes (NPC: their origin and that of importin- and RanGTP-gradient-based nucleocytoplasmic protein
import using nuclear localization signals [NLS] were fully explained in Cavalier-Smith 2010c). Novel rapid DNA
segregation by mitosis in anaphase replaced two-stage rigid-wall-associated prokaryotic segregation via new
spindle kinesins, causing chromosome linearization and telomeres. Minus-end-directed dynein ATPase motors
evolved to move vesicles along microtubules to centrosomes, fusing to form centrosome-attached, stacked Golgi
cisternae (G) specializing in subsequent glycosylation stages. (H ) Transition fibers attached a ring of microtu-
bules to the cell surface forming a protocilium, a novel heterotrimeric kinesin-2 evolving to move them relative
to protociliary membrane glycoproteins adhering to the substratum, initiating protociliary gliding to carry cells
to fresh prey; recruitment of septins to the protociliary base and evolution of a transition zone plate (TP) and
collar, plus anterograde (IFTB) and retrograde (IFTA) transport particles from COPI coats, and modification of
nuclear protein-targeting machinery for ciliary protein import established a discrete protociliary compartment.
Figure 5 shows how this could have evolved into 9 þ 2 cilia in the cenancestral eukaryote. Division of labor
among coevolving peroxisomes (P, ancestrally attached to and segregated with the nuclear envelope in closed
mitosis), endomembranes, and mitochondria (M: derived from phagocytosed, undigested a-proteobacteria)
optimized aerobic metabolic utilization of phagotrophy digestion products.

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T. Cavalier-Smith

Figure 3. Expanded tree of life showing major subdivisions of ancestral eubacteria and derived neomura. Key
innovations in cell evolution primarily involve membranes and cell skeleton. Unibacteria with single membranes
evolved three different CM chemistries: Endobacteria (thick-walled Teichobacteria plus derived wall-free my-
coplasmas and spiroplasmas [i.e., Mollicutes]) and Chloroflexi, the two most ancient posibacterial subphyla,
retained ancestral hopanoids as membrane rigidifiers. Actinobacteria evolved sterols and phosphaphatidylino-
sitol. Archaebacteria, the youngest bacterial phylum, sister to eukaryotes, replaced acyl ester phospholipid
bilayers by a stabler isoprenyl ether monolayer to become the first hyperthermophiles. Numerous proteins
were lost during their origin and early diversification. (Legend continues on following page.)

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

by gene duplications from homologous con- ubiquitin ligase (Oliveira et al. 2010) and timed
densin rings that universally mediate higher-or- by changes in cyclin phosphorylation (a unique-
der DNA folding (bacterial nucleoid-folding; ly eukaryotic cell-cycle control principle) (Na-
eukaryote chromatin-folding). Anaphase chro- smyth 1995).
mosome separation is initiated later than cen- These universally shared cohesin-based fea-
triolar disengagement by ubiquitin-controlled tures of higher-order DNA folding and segrega-
proteasome-mediated proteolysis of separase tion strongly argue against past wild speculation
inhibitors and hundreds of other proteins, all that neomura evolved DNA replication inde-
marked by anaphase-promoting complex (APC) pendently of eubacteria, quite apart from the

Figure 3. (Continued) The neomuran common ancestor probably arose from a stem actinobacterium by
replacing covalently cross-linked cell-wall peptidoglycan by more flexible glycoproteins via an antibiotic-resis-
tant but traumatically wall-less, DNA-segregationally defective intermediate that recovered through revolution-
ary change in ribosomes/SRPs and evolving histone-stabilized chromatin, causing radical changes to DNA-
handling enzymes: the neomuran revolution. Eukaryotes arose by exploiting the new flexible glycoprotein
surface to trap and phagocytose bacteria; phagotrophy internalized their digestive system (endomembranes)
and genetic system, stabilized by additional histones, novel endomembrane attachments, and nuclear-pore
complexes and a novel 3D internal cytoskeleton and novel motors, used for mitosis/cell division and vesicle
and ciliary motility, and internalized an a-proteobacterium for enslavement as a mitochondrion (synergistically
improving food-energy conversion). Eukaryotes diverged early into Euglenozoa (which retained ancestral
ciliary gliding on surfaces and divergent DNA replication initiation and mitochondrial protein import machin-
ery, but evolved specialized feeding apparatus for a surface-associated lifestyle) and Excavata, which lost gliding
and evolved planktonic feeding by a posterior ciliary groove. Excavata comprise nonamoeboid Loukozoa, often
with posterior cilium vanes, plus vane-free Percolozoa ancestrally with alternating amoeboid and flagellate
stages (sometimes differentially lost). From a vaned Malawimonas-like loukozoan that simplified cytochrome
c biogenesis by evolving unimolecular heme lyase stemmed two derived supergroups of contrasting morphology
and lifestyle: (1) Corticates specializing on photic zone planktonic living by evolving cortical alveoli and
enslaving cyanobacteria to form chloroplasts (first Plantae [almost all lost phagotrophy] then a secondary
enslavement of a red alga to generate photophagotrophic Chromista) (Cavalier-Smith 2013b); many corticates
evolved a fourth microtubular ciliary root (R4) absent from podiate and eozoan supergroups. (2) Exclusively
heterotrophic podiates, by origin of ventral pseudopodia, and dorsal pellicle associated with reevolved posterior
ciliary gliding, with subsequent loss of posterior cilium and its roots to create opisthokonts (names in red) with
radically simplified cytoskeleton. Vanes were lost by all neozoa but Colponema, which retained the loukozoan
feeding method. Ancestrally, chromists had four kinds of ribosome, four genomes, and novel membrane
topology with nuclear-coded proteins imported across the periplastid membrane by novel mechanisms derived
by duplications from the ERAD machinery that evolved to export unfolded proteins for proteasome digestion in
the first eukaryote (Fig. 2C,D,F); many evolved tubular ciliary hairs that modified feeding in heterokonts
(Cavalier-Smith and Scoble 2013). All except cryptomonads lost the nucleomorph and periplastid ribosomes.
Long-tailed myosin II that forms antiparallel aggregates mediating contraction of podiate pseudopodia and
cytokinetic contractile actomyosin rings probably evolved near the ancestral podiate, assuming that the perco-
lozoan Naegleria got myosin II by LGT from podiates. Very different reticulose/filose pseudopodia evolved in
the chromist infrakingdom Rhizaria. Amoebozoa and opisthokonts, formerly grouped as “unikonts,” evolved
from biciliate Sulcozoa by independently losing gliding (eukaryote cytoskeletal diversification and its coevolu-
tion with changing feeding modes are detailed elsewhere: Cavalier-Smith and Chao 2012; Cavalier-Smith and
Karpov 2012; Cavalier-Smith 2013a). Ancestrally, photosynthetic Negibacteria retained hopanoids and diver-
sified into eight phyla differing in IM photosynthetic machinery, OM chemistry, and flagellar organization.
Eurybacteria comprise Negativicutes (Marchandin et al. 2010) (formerly Selenobacteria: Cavalier-Smith 1992,
2002b, 2006c), Fusobacteria, and Thermotogales. Filarchaeota comprise crenarchaeotes, thaumarchaeotes, and
korarchaeotes. Although the origin of the first (stem posibacterial) cell was probably as early as 3.5 Gy ago, the
major eubacterial radiation producing their modern (crown) phyla likely occurred subsequently, possibly
2.7 –2.5 Gy ago; its essential simultaneity accounts for almost nonexistent resolution at the base of the
eubacterial tree (Pace 2009), which coupled with a quantum-evolution-stretched neomuran stem in many
sequence trees makes it very hard to place neomura anywhere robustly within the eubacterial tree.

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fact that the genetic complexity of any eubac- ParA ATPase filaments move replicon origins
terial/neomuran intermediate with probably via ParB-binding condensin-rich centromere-
at least a thousand genes could not have been like parS DNA segments (Gruber and Erring-
supported by a purely RNA-based genome with- ton 2009; Sullivan et al. 2009); after replication
out the conservatism and evolutionary stasis terminates with eubacteria-specific dimer res-
allowed by efficient DNA repair. The key im- olution by Xer-recombinase, surface-associated
portance of cell-cycle continuity during eukar- DNA translocases separate termini (Kaimer
yogenesis has too often been ignored; many et al. 2009; Sherratt et al. 2010; Grainge et al.
imaginary intermediates could not have repro- 2011). Murein loss grossly disrupts that elab-
duced. orate cell-cycle mechanism and osmotically
The complex origin of phagotrophy was destabilizes cells. L-forms therefore bleb mem-
possibly simplified before full phagocytosis by branes, yielding DNA-less gobbets and poly-
an intermediate stage importing extracellular ploid cells with several chromosomes. These
prey proteins through Derlin surface-membrane traumatized physically and genetically unstable
pores, coupled with digestion internally by sur- cells over weeks or months can spontaneously
face-attached proteasomes before lysosomes become stable L-forms without murein, which
evolved (Fig. 2C) (Cavalier-Smith 2009). Pro- can multiply for years and have even been iso-
teasomes, originating before actinobacteria lated from nature; that indicates extremely
and neomura diverged (Cavalier-Smith 2006c), strong selection for cell-cycle stabilization in ac-
were radically complicated by numerous gene cidental L-forms. Eubacterial chromosome or-
duplications in the eukaryote cenancestor when ganization (a single replicon with one origin
first participating in novel eukaryotic cell-cycle and terminus only) is fundamentally coadapted
controls. to progressive DNA segregation throughout the
cell cycle and active movement of origins sepa-
rately from termini (Cavalier-Smith 1987a); that
originally unfashionable idea of active move-
ment and orderly cell-surface association of eu-
bacterial DNA is vindicated (Stouf et al. 2013).
The neomuran revolution was initiated by ac- Simultaneously, I argued that unique fea-
cidental loss of the posibacterial murein wall. tures of eukaryote genetics and cell cycles were
Posibacteria can spontaneously lose murein to caused by rescuing segregationally defective
become naked L-forms; similar protoplasts can L-forms by evolving mitosis with one-step
be generated in the laboratory by penicillin, sudden anaphase segregation of all DNA, neces-
preventing enzymes from resealing murein dur- sitated by phagotrophy-induced internaliza-
ing growth (Dominguez-Cuevas et al. 2012). tion of membrane DNA-attachment sites (Cava-
Such naked cells survive without bursting in os- lier-Smith 1987c). Indirectly, novel cell structure
motically protected environments and undergo changed genetics by shifting selective forces.
multiform drastic changes, far more extensive As adumbrated for eukaryotes alone (Cavalier-
than the effects of most DNA mutations: ex- Smith 1975), nucleosomes with histones H3/4
perimentally tractable analogs for the initiating evolved immediately following murein wall loss
phase of the neomuran revolution. to stabilize neomuran chromosomes. Histones
During eubacterial cell cycles, coordinated H2a,b and H1 evolved in eukaryotes only for mi-
DNA segregation, cell growth, and division de- totic chromosome condensation cycles: prophase
pend on CM attachment of sister chromosomes, compaction to avoid shearing in sudden ana-
cell wall rigidity, and its geometrically controlled phase, plus telophase loosening for interphase
growth and division (Fig. 2A) (Egan and Voll- transcription (Cavalier-Smith 2010c). In its neo-
mer 2013). The fission site for divisomes is muran form, the unified phagotrophy and co-
marked by a GTPase FtsZ filament ring (Adams evolutionary theoryof eukaryogenesis coherently
and Errington 2009; Buske and Levin 2013); explained 48 eukaryotic innovations (Cavalier-

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

Smith 1987c), and subsequently still more (Ca- were because the stabilized neomuran’s imme-
valier-Smith 2002c, 2010c). diate descendants adopted two entirely novel,
contrasting life styles, freeing them from com-
petition with their long-established eubacterial
THE NEOMURAN REVOLUTION, ancestors: phagotrophy and hyperthermophily.
EUKARYOGENESIS, AND The naked protoeukaryotic lineage invented
ARCHAEBACTERIAL DIVERGENCE phagotrophy by phagocytosis and internal di-
Mechanistically, the neomuran theory compris- gestion of other cells, thereby becoming more
es three distinct, interlinked theories, explaining efficient predators than any eubacteria, and
(1) the origin of eukaryotes; (2) the origin of sexual cell fusion, thereby creating more sharp-
archaebacteria; and (3) that both origins were ly defined “biological species” with radically
caused by a single dramatic initiating event, different population structure from typically
the “neomuran revolution”: a radical change clonal prokaryotes (Cavalier-Smith 1991a). Ar-
in eubacterial cell structure generating a tran- chaebacteria invented hyperthermophily via
sient, unstable L-form-like, evolutionary inter- novel heat-stable lipids: isoprenoid ethers with
mediate—the neomuran cenancestor (Cavalier- two glycerophospholipids covalently linked by
Smith 1987c). The core ideas of the neomuran their hydrophobic tails, making double-headed
theory are as follows: (1) Murein loss and cell- tetraether lipids forming a stable membrane
cycle destabilization happened immediately monolayer. Life originated as eubacteria under
before Eukaryote/Archaebacterial divergence. easy mesophilic conditions, although Thermo-
(2) Stabilization was rapid (over a few years, togales and Aquificales became secondary hy-
not thousands or millions) but extended long perthermophiles by thermostable-protein LGT
enough for some changes to occur in common from archaebacteria. Fatty acid and isoprenoid
before the phylogenetic split (Table 1) and some synthesis evolved in the cenancestral cell (Lom-
(in radically divergent directions) subsequently, bard and Moreira 2011; Lombard et al. 2012a,b;
separately in eukaryote and archaebacterial sis- like many others, they incorrectly root the
ter lineages (Fig. 1). The neomuran revolution tree between neomura and eubacteria). Younger
was a rescue from trauma that changed cells archaebacteria were ancestrally hyperthermo-
more radically than standard evolutionary di- philes, although some subsequently became
vergence by single-gene mutations or getting mesophilic by LGT from eubacteria, reverting
preexisting genes from foreign bacteria by to lipid bilayers, unavoidably retaining isopre-
LGT. (3) Evolution of phagotrophy simultane- noid diethers because their hyperthermophilic
ously explains the novel cell structure and ge- cenancestor irretrievably lost ancestral acyl ester
netic system of eukaryotes, both mechanistically biosynthetic machinery. Because evolving arch-
and selectively. Transient instability and poly- aebacterial heat-stable lipids was enzymatical-
ploidy before mitosis was perfected made in- ly simple, they became the world’s first hyper-
numerable simultaneous gene duplications (al- thermophiles by gradually modifying numerous
lowing major genetic innovations) and gene proteins enabling spread into ever-hotter hab-
losses. (4) The evolutionary success and cellular itats free of competitors. The neomuran me-
divergence of eukaryotes and archaebacteria valonate pathway for isoprenoid synthesis was

Table 1. Key stabilizing innovations during the neomuran revolution

1. MreB becomes actin; stabilizes against osmotic stress
2. ESCRT-III filaments for membrane division during cytokinesis
3. DNA gyrase (ATP-using active supercoiler) lost; replaced by histones H3/4 (later lost by crenarchaeotes);
passive wrapping of DNA around nucleosomes protects; Mcm proteins
4. SRP adds cotranslation arrest domain
5. N-linked glycoproteins

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already present in their posibacterial ancestor tochondria could not have evolved from the
(archaebacteria replaced some enzymes) as was same ancestor as the rest of the eukaryotic
a relative of the enzyme making sn-glycerol-1- cell. One must accept that eukaryotes are evo-
phosphate to which archaebacteria alone attach lutionary chimeras of a moderately changed
isoprenoid tails (Peretó et al. 2004). Probably a-proteobacterium (negibacterium) and far
mevalonate and methylerythritol phosphate more complex, radically different host cell
(MEP) isoprenoid synthesis pathways both orig- (Cavalier-Smith 2002c).
inated in early posibacteria and were differen- 2. That host was more closely related to ar-
tially lost (notably MEP during the neomuran chaebacteria than to eubacteria.
revolution and mevalonate by many eubacteria); 3. Differences between it and eubacteria
LGT was rarer than earlier claimed (Lombard evolved in two stages: those shared with
and Moreira 2011). archaebacteria first; organizationally more
Membrane stability also involved retain- radical, uniquely eukaryotic inventions sub-
ing contiguous laterally interacting semicrystall- sequently.
ine surface glycoproteins as an S layer, like the 4. In conjunction with marked similarities be-
nonglycosylated S layer outside the thick murein tween chloroplasts and cyanobacteria, one
walls of their posibacterial ancestors. Wall rigid- must accept that the host component was a
ity enabled some archaebacteria to retain the an- heterotroph, chloroplasts being implanted
cestral eubacterial FtsZ cell division machinery subsequently by phagocytosis and radical
but prevented phagotrophy or sexual cell fusion transformation of cyanobacteria (Cavalier-
evolving. Therefore archaebacterial cell struc- Smith 2000, 2013b).
ture, growth, division, and genetics remained
fundamentally bacterial or prokaryotic. Early
claims that archaebacteria are a “third form of ACTINOBACTERIA, LIKELY NEOMURAN
life” in addition to eukaryotes and prokaryotes/ SISTERS
bacteria are thus falsified, despite misleading, The neomuran theory identified exospore-
confusing, purely propagandistic name changes forming actinobacteria (e.g., Mycobacterium,
that some of us never accepted (deleting “bacte- Streptomyces), all possessing phosphatidylino-
ria” from archaebacteria and “eu” from eubac- sitol (unlike other prokaryotes), crucial for
teria); as Archaea Koch and Baerendt, 1854 is eukaryote cell signaling, and cholesterol, and
a genus of Madagascan spiders first discovered many with 40S proteasomes (unlike other eu-
in Baltic amber (Dippenaar-Schoeman and bacteria), as more likely posibacterial ancestors
Jocqué 1997), it was doubly confusing to use of neomura than Teichobacteria, the posibac-
the same name for a group of bacteria and to terial class with thick teichoic-acid-containing
make it ambiguous whether “bacteria” refers to walls and endospores (e.g., Bacillus), although
all prokaryotes, as it properly does (Cavalier- Valas and Bourne (2011) gave reasons favor-
Smith 2007a), or just eubacteria (Woese et al. ing Teichobacteria instead. Their and my argu-
1990). In fact, archaebacteria are a third form of ments are simultaneously satisfied if the an-
bacteria (Figs. 1 and 3). Contrary to early mis- cestor was a phylogenetic intermediate, sister
conceptions, still sadly widespread, their dis- to actinobacteria but derived from a Teichobac-
covery was irrelevant to the origin of life, yet teria-like ancestor (Fig. 3); this also reconciles
crucial for understanding eukaryote origins neomuran theory with sequence trees that typ-
because their striking molecular differences ically place neomura in an unresolved position
from eubacteria and marked partial similarities close to the base of the eubacterial radiation in
to eukaryotes enabled four strong deductions, which branching orders among the three main
universally accepted: posibacterial groups Actinobacteria, Endobac-
1. In conjunction with strong similarities of mi- teria, and Chloroflexi and negibacterial phy-
tochondria to a-proteobacteria (John and la are ill-resolved (Pace 2009; Woese 2013), as
Whatley 1975; Gray 1992), it showed that mi- well as with actinobacteria-specific signatures

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

(Gao and Gupta 2005, 2012; Gao et al. 2006, glusosamine to one or more asparagines two
2009; Servin et al. 2008). Actinobacteria are im- amino acids upstream of a serine or threonine.
mediately adjacent to archaebacteria on two of The oligosaccharide is synthesized sequentially
the five protein-family splits networks of Dagan on the ribosomal face of the membrane while
et al. (2010) based on 191 bacterial genomes covalently attached (in eukaryotes always via
and separated from them by Endobacteria on N-acetylglucosamine; in archaebacteria ances-
a third, so the majority support a neomuran trally thus) to a phosphorylated polyisoprenol
relationship with Posibacteria, with actinobac- carrier (dolichol phosphate or pyrophosphate).
teria favored as the closest. Cyanobacteria are This hydrophilic core oligosaccharide is flipped
also adjacent on three, although their negibac- across the membrane by flippase protein. This
terial cell structure makes a direct relationship complex machinery is strongly conserved and
less likely, whereas Gracilicutes are overall more homologous between archaebacteria and eu-
distant; thus, of the limited bacterial mega- karyotes, proving the central thesis of the neo-
groups sampled, posibacteria and cyanobacte- muran theory and refuting the progenote idea
ria were the best candidates for the closest rela- (Woese and Fox 1977). The common ancestor
tives to neomura. It is a pity that the analyses of neomura, undeniably with all of these mech-
excluded Eurybacteria and Hadobacteria (data anisms, was an advanced cell with extremely so-
for Chloroflexi were then unavailable). Actino- phisticated translation, transcription, DNA rep-
bacteria alone in prokaryotes have a CTP-de- lication and segregation, and a lipid membrane
pendent cardiolipin synthetase needed for mi- with numerous embedded proteins. There cer-
tochondria (Sandoval-Calderón et al. 2009). tainly was an historical changeover between
acylester membrane lipids (eukaryotes and eu-
bacteria) and isoprenoid ethers of archaebac-
teria: one was not converted into the other
(chemically impossible). Instead, one replaced
the other, hyperthermophily being the strong
The neomuran cenancestor evolved shared fea- selective advantage for replacing eubacterial by
tures of ribosomes (anisomycin inhibition of archaebacterial lipids (Cavalier-Smith 1987b,c),
peptidyl transferase; chloramphenicol resis- there being none for the reverse; the transient
tance; new proteins), ribosomal rRNA process- intermediate had both types (Cavalier-Smith
ing (fibrillarin; U3 and C/D- and H/AC-box 2002b).
snoRNA guides for pre-rRNA cleavage and Eubacterial murein peptidoglycan is anal-
base modification), tRNA protein-spliced in- ogous to neomuran N-linked glycoproteins:
trons, and signal recognition particle (helix 6; both comprise amino acids, sugars, and amino
SRP19 protein) that are absent in eubacteria and sugars; synthesis involves transfer of hydrophil-
evolved from the simpler system of Posibacteria ic core units containing N-acetylglusosamine
(Cavalier-Smith 1987c, 2002b). Neomuran gly- across the hydrophobic CM, after being synthe-
coproteins are made by ribosomes docked onto sized on its cytosolic face by sequential covalent
a membrane by the ribonucleoprotein signal attachment to a phosphorylated polyprenol.
recognition particle (SRP) that recognizes their Murein consists of an alternating copolymer of
amino-terminal hydrophobic signal sequence amino sugars N-acetylglusosamine and N-ace-
and membrane-embedded SRP receptors and tyl muramic acid covalently cross-linked by oli-
transfers the signal hairpin into the membrane. gopeptides: its precursors flipped across CM on
The rest of the unfolded protein then crosses undecaprenol are muramopeptides with two
the membrane via an openable protein channel, amino sugars and four amino acids. Common
folding correctly on the other side. Before signal biogenetic involvement of N-acetylglucosamine
peptidase removes its signal peptide, oligosac- and isoprenoid carriers suggested an evolution-
charyltransferase attaches a presynthesized hex- ary relationship (Cavalier-Smith 1987c); I pro-
ose-rich oligosaccharide by its basal N-acetyl- posed that the ancestral neomuran posibacte-

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ria-derived L-form lost muramic acid, omitted pilins and in archaebacteria also for many other
the amino acids, and added extra hexoses, proteins, probably evolved subsequently with
and the same oligosaccharyltransferase added flagella. Types II and III signal peptidases were
it to preexisting S-layer proteins, yielding the lost during eukaryogenesis. Eubacterial SecA
first N-linked glycoproteins (Cavalier-Smith that unfolds folded proteins for threading
1987c). BLAST analysis now strongly supports through SecY was lost when the neomuran an-
that: as predicted, eukaryotic and archaebac- cestor made Sec more cotranslational, by the
terial dolichol-dependent oligosaccharyltrans- novel neomuran arrest domain of SRP (Cava-
ferases making N-linked glycoproteins are ho- lier-Smith 2002b). Bacterial TAT secretes folded
mologous, strongly conserved, and homologous globular proteins across CM. Cavalier-Smith
with, but somewhat less similar to, the unde- (2006a, 2009) suggested that eukaryotes mod-
caprenol-associated oligosaccharyltransferases ified TAT for protein import into peroxisomes.
of teichobacterial and actinobacterial posibac- Import of soluble peroxisomal enzymes uses
teria that make murein. Therefore, almost cer- two alternative topogenic sequences: a nona-
tainly, neomuran N-linked glycoproteins did peptide recognized by type II receptors and the
evolve from preexisting posibacterial oligo- carboxy-terminal (type I) SKL motif by recep-
saccharyltransferases that previously made mu- tors; although TAT recognizes a carboxy-ter-
rein. The similarity of neomuran transferases minal RR motif, Pex5, the SKL receptors like
is much greater to those of posibacteria than TAT use tricopeptide repeats (Rucktäschel et al.
to any Negibacteria except a few d-proteobacte- 2010) and thus might be related.
ria, for example, the myxobacterium Stigma-
tella; these few d-proteobacterial oligosacchar-
yltransferases perhaps underwent LGT from
neomura to myxobacteria.
The eukaryote rough ER cotranslational
protein channel comprises Sec61 and ancillary These three oxygen-consuming respiratory
a,g-subunits; these evolved from the SecYEG organelles—the mitochondrion, the ER, and
prokaryote translocon when phagotrophy in- the peroxisome—coevolved in early eukaryotes,
ternalized the CM during eukaryogenesis. The partitioning aerobic metabolism among them,
plasma membrane also kept prokaryotic ABC making aerobic phagotrophy more efficient.
transporters for rare posttranslational protein Early mitosis was open or semiopen, with per-
secretion, for example yeast mating hormones, oxisomes segregated to daughter cells by at-
but other protein secretion mechanisms were tachment to the nuclear envelope through the
lost or transformed beyond confident recogni- cell cycle. Space constraints prevent discuss-
tion during eukaryogenesis. Loss of type IV se- ing the origin of mitochondria, probably from
cretion (responsible for bacterial conjugation a photosynthetic a-proteobacterium contem-
in archaebacteria and eubacteria) largely ex- poraneously with the origin of cilia and nu-
plains why LGT is much rarer in eukaryotes cleus (Cavalier-Smith 2006b, 2007b), and how
than bacteria. The TatAC bacterial pathway for its negibacterial reproduction (originally using
exporting folded proteins (using the same sig- FtsZ-associated division) was modified and in-
nal peptidase as Sec for unfolded ones) (Palmer tegrated into the eukaryotic cell cycle, partly
and Berks 2012) is absent in eukaryotes, but divergently in excavates and Euglenozoa (Kine-
the more complex homologous negibacterial toplastea segregate mitochondria by centriole
TatABC was retained by chloroplast thylakoids. attachment) (Gluenz et al. 2011); they and dip-
Universal Sec arose in the first cell, as did lonemids evolved glycosomes from peroxisomes
TAT and ABC transporters, and two types of (Cavalier-Smith 1997; Gualdrón-López et al.
signal peptidases: type I for most proteins and 2012). Peroxisomes originated marginally before
type II specific for lipoproteins. Type III, used mitochondria, not long before, as De Duve once
for secreting prokaryotic flagellar proteins and thought. Although they probably evolved by pri-

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

mordial divergence from the ER (Cavalier-Smith cytokinesis (Hobel et al. 2008; Samson et
1975; Gabaldon 2010), not by symbiogenesis of al. 2008; Ettema and Bernander 2009; Makarova
bacteria as De Duve proposed, they evolved novel et al. 2010). A direct eukaryotic origin from fil-
division machinery, multiplying mainly by archaeotes is implausible because they lack
growth and division (Pieuchot and Jedd 2012), the right lipids and scores of proteins (e.g., dy-
thus becoming effectively distinct genetic mem- namin, Hsp90) vital for making eukaryotes.
branes (Cavalier-Smith 2004). Mitochondria, The archaebacterial cenancestor was not a crude
and subsequently plastids, apparently coopted gene-poor progenote but had .1000 genes,
this division machinery (Pan and Hu 2011), just undergoing extensive genomic reduction af-
as mitochondria arguably duplicated the per- ter diverging from eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith
oxisomal ADP/ATP exchanger when evolving 2002b, 2007b): differential losses during ar-
IM carriers, the key to their enslavement (Cava- chaebacterial radiation reduced genes from an-
lier-Smith 2006b), subsequently donating dupli- cestrally 2000 (Csürös and Miklós 2009; Wolf
cates to chloroplasts (Cavalier-Smith 2000). An- et al. 2012), yielding lineages lacking different
cestrally, peroxisomes were probably segregated subsets of proteins necessary for making eu-
through specific nuclear-envelope attachments, karyotes, all originally present in the more com-
retained by diverse protists (Cavalier-Smith and plex ancestral neomuran. The mechanistically
Oates 2012). implausible idea of host archaebacterial lip-
Separating ATP-generating and degradative id replacement by mitochondria (Martin and
respiratory cytochromes in mitochondria and Müller 1998) can “explain” hypothetical loss
ER following the differentiation of peroxisomes of isoprenoid ether lipids but not acquisition
and endomembranes (Fig. 2) made aerobic ex- of phosphatidylinositol, cardiolipin (actinobac-
ploitation of prey more efficient, but, contrary teria alone in prokaryotes have CTP-dependent
to Lane and Martin (2010), mitochondria did cardiolipin synthetase), and sterols, all readily
not cause large eukaryote genomes. Increased supplied by the neomuran ancestor. It is far
genome size resulted from the origin of the nov- simpler that this ancestor stabilized its genome
el phagotrophy-driven cytoskeleton, eukaryotic by evolving chromatin, its cytoplasm by ac-
cell cycle, and nuclear architecture with nuclear tin, and division by ESCRT before eukaryotes
pores, which collectively transformed the ma- and archaebacteria diverged, filarchaeotes los-
chinery and selective forces acting on chromo- ing dynamin, and euryarchaeotes losing actin
somes, and by allowing marked (initially phago- and ESCRT. Many trees suggest archaebacterial
trophy-driven) increases in cell size imposed holophyly (Yutin et al. 2008), but despite incon-
upward coevolutionary pressures on genome trovertible evidence for multiple losses within
size, which controls nuclear volume, which in- Filarchaeota, some investigators ignore the pos-
variably coevolves with cell size (Cavalier-Smith sibility of eurybacterial actin/ESCRT loss and
2005, 2010c). Symbiogenesis did not drive these suppose that eukaryotes evolved from filar-
innovations; for its importance to eukaryote cell chaeotes. Contradictorily, others assumed that
evolution, see Cavalier-Smith (2013b). eukaryotes evolved from euryarchaeotes (where
eukaryotic-like glycosyltransferase is more wide-
spread than in crenarchaeotes) because of his-
tone similarities (Reeve et al. 2004; Cubonova
et al. 2005) or the phylogenetically refuted and
Archaebacterial multigene trees show Korarch- mechanistically implausible hypothesis that eu-
aeota and Thaumarchaeota forming a clade karyotes evolved from a methanogenic euryar-
with Crenarchaeota (Podar et al. 2013), all here chaeote (Martin and Müller 1998).
grouped as subphylum Filarchaeota (Table 2) to Given huge problems in cell biology that
emphasize that they ancestrally had two eukary- massive replacement of host lipids and proteins
ote-like filamentous cytoskeletal proteins: actin entails in a hypothetical archaebacterial origin,
(Yutin et al. 2009) and ESCRT-III filaments for one must not uncritically accept certain mul-

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T. Cavalier-Smith

Table 2. Classification of new archaebacterial subphylum Filarchaeotaa

Class 1 ‘Korarchaeota’
Name suggested by Barns et al. (1996) at the grossly inflated ‘kingdom’ rank; should be a class, which cannot be
made formally until ‘Candidatus Korarcheum’ or another contained genus is legitimately published.
Class 2. ‘Thaumarchaeota’
Name suggested by Brochier-Armanet et al. (2008) at the unwisely inflated rank of ‘phylum’; should be a class,
but not formally possible until a genus within it is legitimately published.
Order 1. ‘Cenarchaeales’ Cavalier-Smith, 2002 was illegitimate as the widely used ‘type genus’ ‘Cenarchaeum’ is
still not formally published and thus illegitimate.
Order 2. ‘Caldiarchaeales’ may be a suitable name for the clade containing ‘Candidatus Caldiarchaeum’, which
does not deserve the phylum rank suggested by Nunoura et al. (2011) as ‘Aigarchaeota’.
Class 3. Crenarchaeota Cavalier-Smith, 2002 (later synonym: Thermoprotei [Reysenbach 2002])
Their stronger hyperthermophily than other archaebacteria probably caused more extensive loss of ancestral
proteins (e.g., histones).
Diagnosis: Archaebacteria containing actin and/or ESCRT-III filaments, unlike Euryarchaeota. Type order
Thermoproteales Zillig and Stetter, 1982. Etymology: Filum L. thread, to show they have one or both of these cytoskeletal
filaments: archae Gk ancient. Comment: Equivalent to the too highly ranked informal ‘TACK superphylum’ (Guy and Ettema
2011), who demonstrate numerous independent losses of neomuran proteins within Filarchaeota and Euryarchaeota,
postulating loss of actin and ESCRT-III by Euryarchaeota, which retained FtsZ and histones, unlike most Filarchaeota, is
much more parsimonious than accepting that eukaryotes are sisters to Filarchaeota, as some trees suggest (Williams et al.
2012). I give a formal definition despite no taxa above classes currently having standing in prokaryotic nomenclature; the code
needs changing to encompass phylum and kingdom names (as for classes, do not apply priority to them). Clades DSAG/AAG/
MHVG of Guy and Ettema (2011) should not be a separate phylum, but may belong in Thaumarchaeota when better
characterized. Filarchaeota contains all archaebacteria except subphylum Euryarchaeota (with five classes: Cavalier-Smith
2002b), in which I now place ‘Nanoarchaeum’, which will not deserve separation from other archaebacteria at higher rank than
an order after being formally named, contrary to those who treat it as a ‘phylum’; its deep divergence from other euryarchaeotes
looks like a typical artifact of rapid evolution after parasitic reduction, as in mycoplasmas, microsporidia, and Mikrocytos.

tigene trees emphasizing ribosomal proteins that neomura arose from eubacteria, despite it
showing eukaryotes as sisters to Filarchaeota simply resolving the impasse that they discuss
only, not to all archaebacteria (Williams et al. (although unlike most overinfluenced by the
2012), as refuting the neomuran theory. As Va- progenote myth that ignored cell biology and
las and Bourne (2011) explain, most of those 31 palaeontology, they are open-minded enough
proteins (Williams et al. 2012) underwent rapid to mention it as a potential solution to which
( possibly tree-biasing) quantum-evolutionary they may eventually be driven!). Even the Wil-
changes in ribosomes during the origins of liams et al. tree suggests that eukaryotes and
eukaryotes and archaebacteria, as earlier argued archaebacteria arose nearly contemporaneously,
for rRNA (Cavalier-Smith 2002b); the very long reconcilable with fossil dates and eukaryote
stem at the base of eukaryotes in these trees multigene trees only by accepting that archae-
is precisely the condition most likely to ensure bacteria are at least twice as young as eubacteria
that a genuine outgroup (sister) is misplaced and evolved from them (Cavalier-Smith 2006a,
within the ingroup (here archaebacteria), as de- 2013a). Neomuran theory holds that eukaryotes
cisively shown by Shavit et al. (2007). I there- and archaebacteria diverged almost immedi-
fore consider this probable artifact the simplest ately after neomura originated, and euryar-
way to reconcile contradictory trees showing chaeotes and filarchaeotes diverged immediate-
archaebacterial holophyly ( probably right for ly thereafter. It therefore predicts that it should
reasons previously detailed) (Cavalier-Smith be extremely hard for multigene trees to de-
2010c) and paraphyly ( probably this long- cide whether eukaryotes are sisters to or nested
stem artifact)—see also Gribaldo et al. (2010), deeply within archaebacteria, expecting some
who do not yet take seriously the possibility trees to show one and some the other, exactly

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

as is observed. Above all, these trees provide quently modified for flight (harder), Figure 4
no evidence that archaebacteria are as old as outlines an autogenous origin of centrioles and
eubacteria. If they were, they would be two to cilia with two functional shifts and three succes-
three times older than eukaryotes, which should sive selective forces: (1) kinesin-driven ciliary
make multigene trees nest eukaryotes shallowly gliding and compartmentation for surface mo-
within archaebacteria, which they do not. tility; (2) protociliary duplication and transfor-
mation making a differentiated prey trapping
anterior ciliary fishing rod (as Phalansterium
cilium does today: Smirnov et al. 2011) and
a posterior gliding cilium for enhancing pha-
gotrophy; and (3) ciliary bending, initially to
Ciliary biogenesis and locomotory undulation improve fishing and subsequently allow swim-
are extremely complex, requiring more than 660 ming. Thus, improved phagotrophy probably
genes (Carvalho-Santos et al. 2010, 2011), and preceded swimming as a selective advantage,
evolved autogenously by modifying the micro- and final stages in centriole and ciliary evolu-
tubular cytoskeleton and associated motors. tion followed ciliary duplication, unlike previ-
Early theories inadequately explained how that ous theories. The resulting cenancestral eukary-
complexity evolved (Cavalier-Smith 1978a, ote immediately diverged into (a) swimming
1982). Centrioles are so intricately constructed excavates by losing gliding, evolving a ventral
(Li et al. 2012) that their ontogeny proba- groove with a split right centriolar root and a
bly closely recapitulates phylogeny: amorphous posterior ciliary undulation drawing in food;
germinative discs containing g-tubulin initiate and (b) posteriorly gliding Euglenozoa by evolv-
assembly of ninefold cartwheels, then singlets, ing a ventral root-supported cytostome for sur-
then doublets/triplets (Cavalier-Smith 1974; face feeding, consistently with rooting the tree
Jerka-Dziadosz et al. 2010; Gogendeau et al. between excavates and Euglenozoa (Figs. 1 and
2011). Intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery 3), with contrasting centriole-anchoring cyto-
for intraciliary protein movement evolved from skeletons (Cavalier-Smith 2013a). Because glid-
COPI-coated vesicles (Jékely and Arendt 2006; ing and ciliary surface feeding are mechanis-
van Dam et al. 2013), probably contemporane- tically simpler, and gliding could be initiated
ously with nuclear pore complexes from COPII by preexisting cytoskeletal properties (Fig. 4A),
vesicle coats (Cavalier-Smith 2010c); ciliary their historically preceding ciliary beating al-
gliding, using the same machinery, probably lowed the seemingly irreducible complexity of
arose before swimming (Cavalier-Smith 2009). ciliary beating to evolve in simple stages; each
In remarkable harmony with the simultaneous had clear selective advantages, improvable grad-
coevolutionary origin of cilia and nuclei thesis ually by blind mutations, needing no symbio-
(Cavalier-Smith 1987c), cilia are a distinct cell genesis (Margulis 1970), no viral input (Satir
compartment into which ciliary proteins are et al. 2008), and no intelligent design.
targeted across a basal “ciliary pore complex” Centriolar duplication and mitosis co-
by machinery containing importin and nucleo- evolved with new cell-cycle controls (Fig. 5).
porins used for nuclear import, similarly gov- Although archaebacteria share eukaryote-like
erned by a RanGTP/GDP gradient, and recog- DNA replication machinery, cycle controls re-
nizing ciliary localization signals (CLS) related mained prokaryotic because they retain cell-
to nuclear localization signals (NLS) (Fan et al. surface-attached DNA, ParA P-loop ATPase
2011; Kee et al. 2012). Nuclear import machin- filaments, and typically ParB centromere-like
ery was either partially coopted and modified proteins for moving chromosomes (Bernander
for cilia or nuclear and ciliary import diverged et al. 2010), although the ancestral parS DNA
simultaneously from vesicle coats. sites that they bind are rarely recognizable
Like bird feathers, which originated to in- (Livny et al. 2007), probably through histone-
sulate small running dinosaurs (easier), subse- stimulated divergence. Eukaryotic cycle control

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Figure 4. Autogenous origin of cilia with successive origins of different ciliary components under three con-
trasting selective forces. (A) During or just after the origin of nuclear pore complexes (npc Fig. 2), singlet
microtubules from the g-tubulin protocentrosome push out the plasma membrane as a protocilium by which
plus-end-directed kinesin-2 motors (Verhey et al. 2011) attached by their tails to glycoprotein surface adhesins
sticking to the substratum propel its microtubules forward (arrow) in primitive gliding motility, enabling cells to
find fresh prey on the substratum as phagotrophy locally depletes it. (B) Posterior ciliary gliding was improved by
attaching microtubules firmly to the cell surface by protocentriolar transitional fibers ( proximally) and Y-
shaped membrane connectors (slightly distally) plus ciliary compartmentation dependent on novel diffusion
barriers (septin filaments in ciliary membrane base: Carvalho-Santos et al. 2011), central distal transition plate
(TP), and a peripheral dense collar at the distal end of the Y-connector region, associated with npc proteins with
novel ciliary import machinery using npcs and importin-b2 and NLS-related CLS targeting sequences (located
in TP and/or collar). (Legend continues on following page.)
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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

(including cyclins, origin of ubiquitin from of radical eukaryote-specific cell structural in-
ancestral neomuran ubiquitin-like proteins novations, especially phagotrophy-driven DNA
[Pearce et al. 2008; Maupin-Furlow 2013], and internalization to endomembranes and ori-
proteasome complexification), were therefore gins of TubZ-GTPase-related microtubules, g-
consequences not of novel neomuran chro- tubulin centrosomes, centrioles/cilia, and mi-
matin and DNA-replication machinery but tosis.

Figure 4. (Continued) Dynein 1b, the first dynein, evolved (by gene-duplicating its common ancestor with the
related AAAþ ATPase midasin/REA1 that mechanically strips biogenesis factors from 60S preribosomal subunits
just before they exit the nucleus: Garbarino and Gibbons 2002; Kressler et al. 2012) to recycle distal adhesins left at
the protociliary tip by axoneme gliding. Anterograde movement of dynein improved by carriage on kinesin-2-
driven IFTB particles that evolved from CopI coat proteins, and special SNAREs evolved for basal delivery of
ciliary membrane precursor vesicles with distinctive proteins and lipids. Protocentrioles were rigidified by a hub-
spoke core, microtubules fixed at nine by ninefold SAS-6 hub assembly (Guichard et al. 2012). Cross-links
rigidified the axoneme, the two on its substratum face having numerous extra-rigid linkers linking them like
sled runners (subsequently becoming doublets 1 and 2 of Chlamydomonas: Lin et al. 2012). Novel proteins (e.g.,
Rib43a: Norrander et al. 2000) stabilized A-tubules and the bases of centriolar root microtubules (dorsal and
ventral fans) compared with transient spindle microtubules. (C) Ciliary duplication produced a younger “fish-
ing” cilium projecting into the medium for trapping swimming bacteria, pulling them baseward by minus-
directed dynein 1b, for phagocytosis. Centrin plus novel proteins orthogonally rigidly connected the two pro-
tocentrioles now with doublets (architecture [Nicastro et al. 2011] perhaps determined by novel microtubule
inner proteins, for example PACRG (Ikeda et al. 2007; Ikeda 2008), stabilized by a scaffold containing 1-tubulin
[blue]). PACRG-interacting Rib72 (Ikeda et al. 2003) differentiated ciliary from centriolar doublets. Centriolar
transformation temporally and physiologically differentiated the two cilia and made separate left and right
ventral microtubular roots. (D) Successive dynein duplications generated inner arms (top: sufficient for bending
[Heiss et al. 2013] as doublet 1 –2 linker excluded arms from doublet 1, destroying ninefold symmetry; then the
nexin –dynein regulatory complex [Heuser et al. 2009, 2012; Lin et al. 2011; Bower et al. 2013] for calcium
regulation of beat; then outer dynein arms for greater power, and the center pair [nucleated by g-tubulin on TP,
and fixed so did not rotate] with new arms [Carbajal-Gonzalez et al. 2013] and kinesin-9 [Wickstead et al. 2010]
and spokes [Barber et al. 2012] to modulate beat mechanics [not inherently needed for planar beat: Idei et al.
2013]) to draw in more prey by water currents. For pictorial simplicity, the cell body is proportionally too small
and ahead of the cilia, but probably at stage b/c the cytoskeleton geometrically rearranged to lift the cell body
from the substratum and put the ciliated cell apex at the front, which is mechanically stabler (found in all extant
posterior ciliary gliding eukaryotes), entailing a basal stable bend ([E] mechanism unknown) for the posterior
gliding cilium. Many complexities of present cilia (Mizuno et al. 2012) probably evolved subsequently to improve
efficiency but would not have been essential for their origin, for example, association of IFTA/B into one complex
and of these into distinct anterograde and retrograde trains (Pigino et al. 2009; Buisson et al. 2013), and addition
of BBsomes, likely adaptors for improving retrograde transport of some proteins (Lechtreck et al. 2013) and
sensory functions (sensation [Jékely and Arendt 2006] is less plausible than gliding for the original function), and
beat pattern modulators. (E) The cenancestral eukaryote diverged to form swimming excavates that abandoned
gliding and undulate the posterior cilium to draw prey into the ventral groove supported by a split right ventral
centriolar root R2 (blue), and Euglenozoa that ancestrally retained gliding, added a cytopharnyx supported by
ancestrally unsplit R2 and dissimilar paraxonemal rods ( probably attached to the specially linked doublet 1– 2
homologs) to broaden and further rigidify the posterior cilium for stabler gliding, and parallelized their centri-
oles within a ciliary pocket. After losing phagotrophy, saprophytic, parasitic, and photosynthetic Euglenozoa lost
gliding and developed swimming by the anterior (Euglenophyceae) or posterior (trypanosomatids) cilium;
some bacterivores ( petalomonads) lost the posterior cilium, presumably recruiting dynein 1b for anterior ciliary
gliding. All other eukaryotes evolved from excavates (Fig. 3); Apusozoa, Cercozoa, and the heterokont Caecitellus
reevolved posterior ciliary gliding, presumably using kinesin-2. The V-fiber, with associated acorn-base attached
distally to centriole 1 –2 triplets (at least in neokaryotes: Geimer and Melkonian 2005), demarcates the centriole
from the transition zone and perhaps evolved in the cenancestral eukaryote; its rotational asymmetry and that of
centriolar root attachments to specific triplets probably reflect an asymmetric doublet “numbering machinery”
that probably evolved in the earliest gliding protocilium (B).

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T. Cavalier-Smith

Figure 5. Eukaryote cell-cycle logic and evolution. Complexes of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) and cyclins
control the eukaryotic cell cycle by phosphorylating numerous proteins, timed by growth-dependent increases
in cyclins and their sudden proteolysis (red curves) (Nasmyth 1995). Cyclins share a domain with neomuran-
specific transcription factor TFII, and CDKs evolved from posibacterial serine-threonine (S/T) kinases. Orig-
inally one cyclin could have controlled S-phase initiation and anaphase onset using a lower threshold for the
former switch (Novak et al. 1998; Tyson and Novak 2008; Harashima et al. 2013); gene duplication enabled
better control by cyclinE/cdk2 (for DNA replication and centriole duplication) and cyclin B/cdk1 to activate the
anaphase promoting complex (APC), the ubiquitin ligase that initiates anaphase resetting of cell-cycle controls
via proteasome degradation of cyclins and numerous key cycle proteins. Phosphorylation-cum-proteolytic cell-
cycle controls originated in posibacteria, but a novel Cdc-6-mediated control over replication initiation evolved
in ancestral neomura after histones H3/4 and MCM DNA helicase, replacing eubacterial DnaA/CrtA control;
proteolysis by proteasomes that originated in the neomuran/actinobacterial cenancestor replaced eubacterial
ClpXP proteolysis. Ancestral eukaryotes evolved origin recognition complexes (ORCs) more complex than the
single protein Cdc-6 of archaebacteria, probably because the suddenness of mitotic anaphase (rapidly segre-
gating all parts of chromosomes at once, unlike the temporally separate segregation of origins and the generally
single terminus in bacteria) required concerted replication initiation at hundreds of origins, ensuring replication
completion and tighter chromosome folding (using extra histones and novel heterochromatin machinery:
Cavalier-Smith 2010c) well before mitosis; uniquely in eukaryotes, mitosis demands a temporally discrete S
phase. Formerly, only neokaryotes were thought to have ORCs (Cavalier-Smith 2010b), but extremely divergent
versions of most constituents are now known in trypanosomes, whose cell-cycle controls are the most divergent
within eukaryotes (Li 2012), consistent with eukaryotic rooting between Euglenozoa and neokaryotes (Figs. 1
and 3). Successively more complex controls and checkpoints evolved with novel polo-like and aurora S/T
kinases playing multifarious roles in mitosis and cytokinesis and a multiplicity of kinesins evolving to improve
spindle assembly and function. Probably all proteins shared by trypanosomes (Li 2012) and opisthokonts
evolved before the eukaryote cenancestor. Mitosis (upper panel) was converted to meiosis by two innovations
(lower panel): homologous chromosome pairing by the synaptonemal complex and blocking centromeric
cohesin digestion at meiosis 1 anaphase, which automatically bypassed cell-cycle resetting caused by anaphase
centromere splitting so that the next interphase had no S phase as previously explained (Cavalier-Smith 1981),
thereby halving ploidy—the original meiotic function (Cavalier-Smith 2002a, 2010c). (Legend continues on
following page.)

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

MISUNDERSTANDINGS OF THE “archaebacteria-like.” Some skeptics confuse

NEOMURAN THEORY OF CELL fundamental tenets of the neomuran /phago-
EVOLUTION trophy/coevolutionary theory of eukaryote
origins with the logically independent, now-dis-
Acceptance that archaebacteria are not a pri- proved idea that some eukaryotes were primi-
mary domain but evolved from posibacteria tively without mitochondria, proposed earlier
is growing. Indel analysis (Skophammer et al. when classifying amitochondrial eukaryotes as
2006, 2007; Lake et al. 2009; Valas and Bourne Archezoa and arguing for the first time (correctly
2009, 2011) supports that and that negibacteria it turned out) that the mitochondrial OM
are a derived clade. Palaeontology and multi- evolved from that of a-proteobacteria (Cava-
gene trees when critically combined prove that lier-Smith 1983a,b). Discoveries of mitochon-
eubacteria historically preceded neomura (Cav- drial relics in all “Archezoa” showed that no
alier-Smith 2002b), and eubacteria are about primitively amitochondrial eukaryotes persist,
three times as old as neomura (Cavalier-Smith so I abandoned that idea long ago (Cavalier-
2006a, 2013a). Thus, there is only one primary Smith 1998, 2002c). That disproved “archezoan
“domain” of life: eubacteria (Cavalier-Smith hypothesis” concerned the root of the eukaryote
1987b,c, 2006a,c). Archaebacteria are certainly tree, not the causes of eukaryogenesis; causal
more recent. The neomura theory is probably explanation of eukaryogenesis by the probably
cladistically historically correct and coherently correct phagotrophy/coevolutionary theory is
logically explains the origins of both eukaryotes logically independent, as is the now-associated
and archaebacteria. The transformations it en- neomuran interpretation of the phylogenetic re-
tails are cell-biologically reasonable, selectively lationship between eukaryotes, archaebacteria,
comprehensible, and unexplained by alternative and posibacteria, which also I argue is correct.
ideas. A stimulus through antibiotic warfare What differs in my present interpretation (Fig. 1)
among bacteria is likely because penicillin can is the root position for (a) eukaryotes, and
cause wall loss and many antibiotics target ri- (b) the whole tree of life. The position of the
bosomes and lead to resistance through changes eukaryotic root between Euglenozoa and neo-
in their structure (Cavalier-Smith 1992). De- karyotes (excavates and their descendants) is ar-
spite its unequalled explanatory power, the guably more secure than previously, being based
neomuran theory was repeatedly ignored, mis- on a dozen independent reasons, detailed else-
understood, or misrepresented, but remains where (Cavalier-Smith 2010a,c, 2013a), not
unrefuted. Most discoveries since 1987 greatly just one as in previous guesses, and also strongly
strengthen its core ideas. supported by all prokaryote-rooted ribosomal
Yet, the lingering dogma/prejudice that multiprotein trees using 13, 432 amino-acid po-
archaebacteria are a “primary domain,” never sitions (Lasek-Nesselquist and Gogarten 2013).
with any sound evidence from paleontology An alternative, slightly different position of the
or phylogeny, still makes some reluctant to ac- eukaryote root within loukozoan excavates, be-
cept that archaebacteria are younger than and tween jakobids and Malawimonas, based solely
evolved from eubacteria. Some still think ar- on mitochondrial protein 42-gene trees (Zhao
chaebacteria are ancestors, not sisters of eukary- et al. 2013), risks being somewhat inaccurate
otes, an idea subconsciously favored by wrong- because of long-branch artifacts (Shavit et al.
ly calling shared features “archaebacterial” not 2007).

Figure 5. (Continued) It is unclear whether centromeres evolved from posibacterial plasmid partition proteins
associated with GTPase TubZ (Aylett et al. 2010, 2013) or de novo; CENP-A was probably added only in
neokaryotes after they diverged from Euglenozoa (Fig. 3) (Cavalier-Smith 2010c). As the text notes, recent
evidence suggests that cohesin digestion is not invariably necessary for centriole separation in animals, raising
doubt as to the ancestral eukaryotic process.

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T. Cavalier-Smith

Differences in ribosomal RNA sequences closer to filarachaeotes and 77 closer to eu-

that separated the so-called ‘three domains’ are ryarchaeotes. If eukaryotes evolved substantially
superficial compared with deep similarities in more recently than archaebacteria from an
cell secretory machinery. Shared glycoprotein ancestor in either archaebacterial subphylum,
synthesis involving dolichol phosphate car- all 145 trees should put them within that one
riers was only one of 16 supporters of the neo- group. Unwittingly, Thiergart et al. (2012) sup-
muran clade (Cavalier-Smith 1987c); since plied the strongest evidence yet that archaebac-
then at least as many more have been discovered teria cannot be substantially older than eukary-
(Cavalier-Smith 2010c); even those few still otes, contrary to Martin’s assumptions (Martin
imagining that archaebacteria and eubacteria and Müller 1998; Martin and Russell 2003).
evolved separately from a progenote (Martin Thiergart et al. (2012) misunderstood and mis-
and Russell 2003) accept neomura as a clade represented the neomuran theory by assert-
and that archaebacteria and eukaryotes can- ing that it originally postulated that eukaryotes
not both be “primary domains.” Cavalier-Smith evolved from cyanobacteria, citing Cavalier-
(1987c) listed 24 cellular and molecular char- Smith (1975). That paper, predating archaebac-
acters shared by eubacteria and archaebacteria terial recognition (Woese and Fox 1977) did not
that decisively refuted the progenote hypo- propose the neomuran idea.
thesis, proving a direct transition between eu- Very detailed explanations of stepwise ori-
bacteria and archaebacteria via a highly devel- gins of endomembranes, nucleus, mitosis, cell
oped cellular intermediate with lipid membrane cycle, and sex (both mechanisms and selective
and cytochrome-based membrane-dependent advantages) in earlier publications (Cavalier-
bioenergetics. Such complexity required reli- Smith 2009, 2010c), including detailed criti-
able translation and DNA genomes with effi- cisms of less plausible alternatives, cannot be
cient replication, repair, and transcription. Sub- adequately summarized here. The rest of this
sequently, many others also proved the last article outlines new insights into bacterial cell
common ancestor of life must have been a com- evolution that sharpen distinctions between Ne-
plex bacterium with well-developed membrane gibacteria and Posibacteria, making me con-
bioenergetics, growth, and division machinery clude that Negibacteria and neomura both
(e.g., Jékely 2006; Lombard et al. 2012b), re- evolved from Posibacteria, the first cells. This
futing the entirely untenable idea of separate is necessary to explain how bacterial phylogeny
precellular origins of neomura and eubacteria maps onto the fossil record, the only direct
(Martin and Russell 2003). evidence for evolutionary timing, and thereby
Thiergart et al. (2012) tendentiously falsely perhaps more convincingly than before defend
attributed the branching of only 15 eukaryot- the well-substantiated recency of archaebacteria
ic proteins with actinobacteria as the “level of compared with eubacteria, and simultaneous
support” for the neomuran theory, seriously origin of archaebacteria and eukaryotes from
misrepresenting its predictions. In fact, their a radically transformed actinobacteria-related
145 genes branching closest to archaebacteria posibacterium.
strongly support it; given equal evolutionary
rates and gene losses within euryachaeotes and
filarchaeotes, it predicts that an equal number
should appear as sister to each subphylum, as-
suming that they and eukaryotes diverged at vir- The names “Negibacteria” and “Posibacteria,”
tually the same time; purely by chance, some coined to distinguish eubacteria with double or
will group with one and some the other (Cava- single bounding membranes (Cavalier-Smith
lier-Smith 2007b). Because crenarchaeote pro- 1986, 1987b,c), are phylogenetically more pre-
teins mostly evolve faster and are more often cise than the older “Gram-negative” and “Gram-
lost, one expects some bias toward euryarch- positive” that were evolutionarily confusing be-
aeotes, exactly as found: 68 trees put eukaryotes cause some Posibacteria stain Gram-negatively

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

(e.g., mycoplasmas) and some negibacteria (e.g., ery mean that negibacterial OMs had a single
Deinococcus) stain Gram-positively. I argued origin and were inherited by membrane hered-
that membrane number and biogenesis were ity (Cavalier-Smith 2004) for .2.5 billion years,
fundamentally more important than staining, being kept throughout mitochondrial and chlo-
that OM evolved only once, and was lost at roplast evolution (Cavalier-Smith 2013b). Ne-
most once since life began. I argue here it was gibacteria evolved four other secretion mecha-
never lost. My key distinction was ignored for nisms absent in Unibacteria: types II, V, VI, and
decades, partly because Woese’s repeated histor- VII using different OM porins.
ically inaccurate, naı̈ve tirades against morphol- The negibacterial cell plan is outstanding-
ogy (Woese 1994) led many biochemists to ig- ly stable. If the universal tree is rooted in Uni-
nore bacterial envelope biology. Confusions bacteria (Fig. 1), the first cell had one mem-
caused by such myopia are clearing; renaissance brane, and OMs were never lost in the history
of molecular cell ultrastructural anatomy and of life. If the first cell were negibacterial (Blo-
membrane biogenesis confirms the fundamen- bel 1980), the OM arose with the first cell (for
tal negibacterial/posibacterial dichotomy (ex- possible mechanisms, see Cavalier-Smith 2001)
cellent reviews: Desvaux et al. 2009; Sutcliffe and must have been lost by Posibacteria, for
2010). Gupta (1998a,b,c) made the same dis- which the only plausible mechanism proposed
tinction much later, inventing informal terms is hypertrophy of murein, thickening the wall
“diderm” and “monoderm,” but astoundingly enough to break mechanically all contacts be-
wrongly asserted that their fundamental phy- tween the CM and OM, preventing OM bio-
logenetic distinction was not recognized before genesis (Cavalier-Smith 1980). No theory of
1998 (Gupta 2011). OMs are simple phospho- negibacterial eukaryote origins can be taken se-
lipid bilayers in Hadobacteria (Deinococcus, riously without a physically plausible mecha-
Thermus) and Thermotogales, which I therefore nism of OM loss, sufficient reason for firmly
now place in that phylum, but in all other Ne- rejecting evolution of a phagotrophic wall-free
gibacteria (as here revised by excluding Chloro- eukaryote from a cyanobacterium (Cavalier-
flexi), only its inner leaflet is phospholipid (its Smith 1975), d-proteobacterium (López-Garcı́a
outer is lipopolysaccharide). and Moreira 1999), or planctobacterium (sim-
The inner membrane (CM) of negibacteria ilarities between eukaryotes and planctobacte-
is homologous with CM of unibacteria in bear- ria are superficial misinterpretations: Cavalier-
ing SecYEG channels, SRP receptors, TAT, ABC Smith 2010c; Santarella-Mellwig et al. 2013):
transporters, type IV secretion, and membrane- Planctomycetes independently lost murein and
bound respiratory and/or photosynthetic elec- FtsZ and some acquired tubulins and a kinesin
tron transport chains, supporting proton gra- by LGT. Elsewhere, I explained other fatal flaws
dients and proton-driven phosphorylation by of the d-proteobacterium fusion theory (Cava-
partially membrane-embedded ATP synthetas- lier-Smith 2010c).
es. Contrastingly, negibacterial OMs lack all The unrelated extra membrane in the cren-
those and are penetrated by large cylindrical archaeote Ignicoccus without Omp85 ma-
proteinaceous pores ( porins), allowing free chinery (Nather and Rachel 2004) is a trivial
traverse of small molecules, and have b-barrel convergence irrelevant to the monophyly and
proteins, not a-helical globular proteins of the uniqueness of negibacteria, contrary to super-
CM and eukaryotic plasma membrane, endo- ficial assertions that it invalidates the funda-
membranes, and peroxisomes. OM b-barrel mental importance, evolutionary stability, and
proteins move across the CM via Sec or ABC uniqueness of negibacterial architecture, and
carriers, then insert into OM by using the b- complex biogenesis. More important excep-
barrel OM protein Omp85 (attached to the ABC tions to the usual posibacterial body plan are
transporter by a “membrane fusion” protein Mycobacteria, actinobacteria that probably con-
connecting CM and OM). The complexity and vergently with Negibacteria evolved an OM.
conservation of this b-barrel insertion machin- Mycobacteria have a very thick murein wall, fur-

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T. Cavalier-Smith

nished with posibacterial sortases for lipopro- staining and some electron micrographs sug-
tein secretion like related teichobacteria (Cava- gesting an OM, but divergent Posibacteria (Sut-
lier-Smith 2006a); their OM is a lipid bilayer, cliffe 2011). A long-running mistake considered
not phospholipid, but outer leaflet glycolipid them negibacteria (Cavalier-Smith 1987b,c,
and inner mycolic acid linked by arabinoga- 1991a,b, 1992, 2002b, 2006a,c, 2010a). Their
lactan to underlying peptidoglycan (Silhavy early 16S rDNA grouping with Hadobacteria
et al. 2010). Presumably, it originated by secre- (oddly still believed by Woese 2013) seems to
tion across the wall like the waterproofing lipid have been a misleading long-branch problem.
cuticles of land plants and insects. The key bio- A 31-protein tree (Ward et al. 2009) groups
physical problem in its origin was permeabi- them with Teichobacteria and Actinobacteria
lizing it to hydrophilic molecules: by b-barrel (Fig. 3). Transfer of Chloroflexi to Posibacteria
porins (Song et al. 2008)—but did these origi- makes Negibacteria coterminous with Omp85
nate independently of negibacterial porins or OM biogenesis machinery, more sharply defin-
via LGT from them? I predict that Omp85 in- ing the subkingdom. Accepting Chloroflexi as
sertion machinery is absent and consider them Posibacteria removes the polarization wrongly
Posibacteria. placing them at the base of Negibacteria (Cava-
Theories of negibacterial origin generate lier-Smith 2006c) but does not alter earlier ar-
their OM contrastingly: from endospore-form- guments for their being the most primitive of all
ing posibacteria (Endobacteria) by prespore en- bacteria.
gulfment by its sister cell (Dawes 1981); by fold- Indeed, a novel aerobic green photohetero-
ing up an inside-outcell with external genes and trophic bacterium Candidatus Chloracidobac-
ribosomes to form the first cell (Blobel 1980). terium (Bryant et al. 2007), a Negibacterium
They give radically different answers to the in deep-branching class Acidobacteria of Pro-
fundamental question: Did posibacteria pre- teobacteria sensu (Cavalier-Smith 2002b), re-
cede negibacteria (Fig. 1), or vice versa (Blobel inforces the view that green bacteria were at the
1980)? Neomura remain a clade in either view. root of the universal tree (Cavalier-Smith 1985,
Because Blobel’s idea offered a way of evolving 1991a,b, 1992). Because Chloracidobacterium
cells unhampered by phospholipid bilayer im- has chlorosomes and a type I photosynthetic
permeability to nucleotides and amino acids, reaction center, like Chloroflexi and Chloro-
I initially preferred it (Cavalier-Smith 1987b, bi (green sulfur bacteria: negibacteria) (Garcia
2001). However, that problem is now circum- Costas et al. 2011; Tsukatani et al. 2012), and
vented because FAs probably originally were Acidobacteria are sisters to purple proteobac-
shorter than today (Budin et al. 2009, 2012), teria and their colorless relatives (Ward et al.
making a single membrane more plausible for 2009), the lineage connecting negibacteria and
the first cell because it avoids Blobel’s sealing- posibacteria clearly had chlorosomes and type I
off gastruloid phase, which the OM biogenesis reaction centers, as also did that joining Chlor-
complexity now revealed makes unlikely. Recent obi to the base of Proteobacteria, assuming ver-
endobacterial discoveries also support Dawes’s tical inheritance of photosynthesis. Congruence
idea, although some (Errington 2013) overlook of type I reaction-center (Bryant et al. 2007) and
his priority. Overall, a unibacterial root for pro- 31-protein (Ward et al. 2009) trees contradicts
karyotes now seems mechanistically simpler for invoking photosynthetic machinery LGT to ne-
envelope evolution. gate that.
A universal root in Negibacteria, which a
flagellar polarization argument favored (Ca-
valier-Smith 2006c), would most plausibly be
within Gracilicutes between Chlorobi and
Chloroflexi (chlorobacteria: non-sulfur green Chloracidobacterium. Were it in Posibacteria
bacteria plus non-photosynthetic relatives) are as I now prefer (Fig. 3) and some indels suggest
not Negibacteria, despite their Gram-negative (Skophammer et al. 2007), it is probably be-

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

tween Chloroflexi and Teichobacteria (which constituting the phylum Hadobacteria) with-
include the green chlorosome-lacking photo- in Posibacteria, suggesting that they might be
heterotrophic Heliobacteria as well as hetero- more closely related to Posibacteria than are
trophic Bacillales and Clostridiales), and LGT Gracilicutes. The 31-protein tree of Ward et al.
from gracilicute Negibacteria presumably gave (2009) groups Hadobacteria (bootstrap sup-
Posibacteria flagella. Thus, ancestral cells were port 100% for their monophyly) and Thermo-
probably photosynthetic green bacteria, wheth- toga/Aquifex as sisters with 69% support, but
er the universal root is in Posibacteria or Negi- wrongly places Cyanobacteria and Fusobac-
bacteria. Unless this root is within Gracilicutes, teria deeply within Posibacteria (insignificant
the unique purple bacterial photosynthetic ma- 12% support); that tree showed monophyly of
chinery must have green bacterial ancestry, as Gracilicutes (81%, support), 97% support for
probably do cyanobacterial photosystems. The monophyly of Planctobacteria, 87% for Proteo-
31-protein tree and posibacterial root together bacteria sensu Cavalier-Smith (2002b) (includ-
fit conclusions from photosystem evolution ing Acidobacteria), and 100% for Spirochaetae
that heliobacterial photosynthesis is the most and for Sphingobacteria (Chlorobi þ Bacterio-
primitive, followed by Chloroflexi, then Cyano- detes and relatives), and for the latter two being
bacteria, gracilicute photosynthesis being more sisters. From cell evolution perspectives, that
derived (Gupta 2012). If cell lineages diverged multigene tree is the best I know for Eubacteria.
as in Figure 3, gene duplications probably cre- To eliminate potential LGT problems, Bap-
ated photosystem II (Sousa et al. 2013) in the teste et al. (2008) selected 22 compatible mark-
common ancestor of Cyanobacteria and Graci- ers from 31, unfortunately with narrower taxo-
licutes, system II being lost by Chlorobi and nomic sampling and all branching with ,50%
Chloracidobacterium (and type I reaction cen- support unwisely collapsed; they found just
ters by Proteobacteria); galactolipid synthesis four eubacterial clades: Gracilicutes (72%), En-
for photosynthetic membranes probably origi- dobacteria (lowGC Posibacteria: 58%), both
nated in green posibacteria (monogalactosyl- with major anaerobic and aerobic lineages,
diacylglycerol synthase homologs are conserved and two aerobic clades, each with 100% support
throughout posibacteria) (Yuzawa et al. 2012). (Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria). Higher sup-
Multiple losses during photosynthetic diver- port for aerobic clades is because they branch
sification were probably more and LGT less fre- less deeply than mixed aerobic/anaerobic
quent than many assume. Whether the first cell clades, with a longish bare stem. That contrast
was a Heliobacterium-like posibacterium (most has a simple evolutionary explanation, their re-
likely) or Chlorobium-like Negibacterium, it spective radiation timings: crown cyanobacteria
lacked flagella and RuBisCo. arguably radiated near the time of the great oxy-
genation event they caused (2.4 Gy ago), where-
as actinobacteria (with proportionately longer
bare stem) radiated somewhat later, after oxy-
genation enabled their aerobic heterotrophy. In
contrast, Gracilicutes and Endobacteria, with
The eubacterial radiation is extremely bush-like anoxygenic photosynthesizers and numerous
with very little basal resolution even on multi- anaerobic heterotrophs or chemotrophs, radiat-
gene trees (Battistuzzi et al. 2004; Ciccarelli ed earlier, probably .2.7 Gy ago, but ,3.5 Gy
et al. 2006). The 25-protein tree of Battistuzzi ago. Stem lineages of both aerobic groups were
et al. (2004) showed clear bipartition between probably anaerobes; I suggest anaerobic green
Gracilicutes ( phyla Spirochaetae, Proteobacte- bacteria for cyanobacteria and anaerobic het-
ria, Sphingobacteria, Planctobacteria, including erotrophic endobacteria for actinobacteria. My-
the monophyly of each except Planctobacteria) coplasmas are sisters to Bacillales within Teicho-
and all other bacteria, but incorrectly placed bacteria, confirming their murein loss; they
cyanobacteria and Deinococci (with Thermus have longer branches than any other Posibacte-

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T. Cavalier-Smith

ria, showing that wall loss and/or genome min- 1.2 + 0.25 Gy are congruent and surprisingly
iaturization somewhat released their proteins close. These estimates bracket the origin of
from stabilizing selection, analogously to the eukaryotes between 0.95 and 1.45 Gy ago, mak-
elevated evolutionary rates of neomura. Evolu- ing them 2.4 – 3.7 younger than stem eubac-
tionary rates in Bapteste et al. (2008) are similar teria (3.5 Gy), although possibly no more than
within other major clades, slightly greater in twice as young as the probably explosive crown
Gracilicutes than Cyanobacteria or Posibacteria eubacterial radiation (here estimated as 2.7 Gy
(Posibacteria apparently a weakly supported ago). The archaebacteria branch is far longer
clade collapsed into two during figure prepara- than all eubacterial clades: more than three
tion). Applying a crude evolutionary clock to times as long as that of most eubacteria and
eubacteria indicates that cyanobacteria initially about five times longer than cyanobacteria. Be-
radiated almost contemporaneously with pur- cause cyanobacteria are .2.4 Gy old (Schirr-
ple bacteria. Although backward-extrapolating meister et al. 2013), more likely 2.7 Gy (Bosak
clock estimates are problematic because they et al. 2009, 2012; Petroff et al. 2010; Bosak et al.
do not allow for quantum evolution that can 2012), that date objectively calibrates the mean
inflate ages (Cavalier-Smith 2002b) or for sys- length of crown cyanobacterial branches; be-
tematic differences between rates across do- cause the stem connecting the base of crown eu-
mains and phyla, Feng et al. (1997) estimated bacteria to the base of crown archaebacteria is just
2.1 – 2.5 Gy ago for the date of the Posibacteria/ over five times longer, it would represent 12 Gy
Cyanobacteria/other Negibacteria radiation, of evolution (conservatively assuming 2.4 Gy:
in surprisingly close harmony with the robust 2.6 the 4.6 Gy age of the Earth and 3.4 the
palaeontological date of 2.4 Gy ago for the age of all life: 3.5 Gy) if these 22 proteins were
great atmospheric oxidation event (Schirrmeis- then evolving at the same rate as in cyanobacte-
ter et al. 2013). ria for the past 2.4 Gy. Likewise, crown Archae-
Eukaryotes cannot have originated signi- bacterial branches are substantially longer than
ficantly before a-proteobacteria, which must crown cyanobacterial ones and would represent
be younger than purple bacteria generally. The 6.4 Gy of evolution; stem plus crown would
a-proteobacterial radiation on the 22-gene tree represent 18 Gy, greater than the 13 Gy age of
is about half as old as for purple bacteria col- the universe. From these necessarily underesti-
lectively. That implied age of 1.25 Gy ago mates, the logically inescapable conclusion is
must be somewhat too low because of limited that these proteins evolved substantially faster
taxon sampling. From the more taxon-rich 191- in crown eukaryotes and crown archaebacteria
genome tree of Ciccarelli et al. (2006), the same than in eubacteria, and that neomuran stem
argument gives a maximal eukaryote age of lengths on most sequence trees are hugely in-
1.8 Gy ago. Given the resolution within joint flated by quantum evolution, causing false con-
mitochondrial/a-proteobacterial gene trees clusions about timing if that is overlooked (e.g.,
(Derelle and Lang 2012; Zhao et al. 2013), mi- Doolittle 1995).
tochondria probably did not arise from the first That gross rate inequality invalidates mid-
a-proteobacteria, but are probably ,80% as point rooting of prokaryotic distance networks
old as a-proteobacteria, perhaps younger still. (using subsets of gene families from 191 ge-
That gives 1.44 Gy ago as a reasonable upper nomes) by Dagan et al. (2010). Their favorite
limit for eukaryote age, close to the oldest fos- network (Fig. 5) shows the archaebacteria stem
sils (1.45 Gy ago) that several palaeontologists much longer than the whole cyanobacterial
regard as eukaryotic (Javaux et al. 2001), al- branch and stem plus crown 3 longer, so
though I consider them more likely all misinter- their statistical argument for uniform evolu-
preted bacteria (Cavalier-Smith 2006a). Inde- tionary rates is fallacious and their rooting no
pendent estimates of minimum eukaryote age better than “reading chicken entrails,” to use the
from the morphological fossil record and eukar- apposite phrase introduced by the senior author
yote multigene trees (Cavalier-Smith 2013a) of (Graur and Martin 2004). Dagan et al. falsely

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

claim that I “dismiss molecular data” “where and that neomura are a clade (oddly without
convenient” by invoking quantum evolution. using that name), still argue for two primary
On the contrary, I extensively used molecular domains, mistakenly viewing eubacteria as a
data combined with objective fossil evidence on clade and regarding eubacteria and archaebac-
timing, which proved the reality of quantum teria both as primary domains. I suspect that
evolution in many molecules and disproved widespread failure to accept eubacteria alone
their gradualist assumptions. They selectively as the single primary domain of life, as I have
interpret fossil evidence that provides no hard consistently argued since 1987, owes more to the
evidence that archaebacteria are older than mistaken dogmas briefly discussed below than
1.5 Gy, notwithstanding earlier carbon isotope to the evidence, which is admittedly hard for
ratios overconfidently interpreted as evidence many specialists to evaluate as it depends on
for archaebacterial methanogenesis (Cavalier- critical integration of palaeontology and neon-
Smith 2006a). Their Figure 4C net for the tology, both phylogenetics and molecular and
gene family tranche conserved 35% – 40% clear- especially cell biology of both bacteria and eu-
ly bipartitions Negibacteria from Unibacteria. karyotes, as well as critical judgments about
Compared with the sophisticated multigene the mechanistic and selective plausibility of the
trees discussed above, the three-domain single- various transitions theoretically possible among
gene rDNA trees shown by Pace (2009), Woese the five major cell types shown in Figure 1.
(2013), and Fournier and Gogarten (2010) are
archaic, of only historical interest representing
a pioneering but primitive three-decades-old
phase of phylogenetics, suitable only for Pace’s
T-shirts. In all, and even the technically bet- It is important to note that even if there is no
ter but taxonomically undersampled concaten- resolution whatever in input data for sequence
ated rDNA trees of Williams et al. (2012), the trees, as would be the case if (as I argue) eukary-
branching within eukaryotes is certainly sub- otes, filarchaeotes, and euryarchaeotes diverged
stantially wrong ( judged by numerous multi- essentially simultaneously, phylogenetic algo-
gene trees based on many scores of proteins), rithms can be biased to introduce apparent-
that within eubacteria completely unresolved ly strong support for meaningless conclusions
bush, and assumptions of rooting probably er- (Yang 2007). Too often sequence trees are treat-
roneous, naı̈vely relying on probably artifactual ed as factual data, rather than indirect inferences
paralog duplicate trees. Referring to them as the based on oversimplified evolutionary assump-
universal tree of life (Pace 2009) is more con- tions, because they always inevitably are, and
fusing than enlightening. given excessive emphasis compared with other
The trees based on 34 universal ribosomal evolutionary evidence, morphological, cell bio-
proteins in Lasek and Gogarten (2013) are much logical and palaeontological; all kinds of evi-
better in emphasizing a two-domain structure dence must be treated critically and integrated
(eubacteria versus neomura; neomura share 30 if we are to solve such difficult historical prob-
new proteins entirely absent in the ribosomally lems.
simpler and older eubacteria) and having an The very long eukaryotic stems in the 29-
almost correct branching order within eukary- protein trees of Williams et al. (2012), strongly
otes (their root constantly between Euglenozoa dependent on ribosome-associated proteins,
and neokaryotes). They have no basal resolution are attributable substantially to exceptionally
within eubacteria, as expected if the universal rapid quantum evolution consequential on the
root is among them followed by extremely rapid origin of the nucleus, as explained previously
radiation and or saturation effects. Williams et (Cavalier-Smith 2002b); as also explained there,
al. (2012, 2013, 2014), though accepting that the similar quantum evolution during the neo-
three primary domains idea is wrong (they cor- muran revolution in SRP cotranslational se-
rectly treat eukaryotes as derived, not primary) cretion may partially explain the comparably

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T. Cavalier-Smith

long stem separating eubacteria and Neomura, quite exclusively) on ribosome-related charac-
whose length (whatever its causes) arguably vir- ters subject to temporally misleading quantum-
tually ensures a Shavit et al. (2007) type of arti- evolutionary biases during the neomuran re-
fact, failing to group neomura with the single volution and eukaryogenesis (Cavalier-Smith
(!) included posibacterium. Neither of these 1981, 1987c, 2002b). In a survey of 80 univer-
long stems accurately reflects long evolutionary sally conserved proteins, Harris et al. (2003)
times, but rapid quantum evolutionary stretch- found that of the 50 whose trees agreed with
ing; proteins chosen for many three-domain that of rDNA in showing archaebacteria and
trees are the least clock-like of all and are biased eukaryotes as sisters, all except two transcrip-
toward the minority that clearly differentiate tional and four DNA replication/repair genes
archaebacteria and eubacteria (Cavalier-Smith were ribosome-associated; none of the 30 pro-
2002b). The two posibacterial lineages (Actino- teins that disagreed with their rRNA tree were
bacteria, Chloroflexi) that are closest to Neo- ribosome-associated. They unwisely dismissed
mura on classical rRNA trees (Woese 2013) all 28 of those showing phylogenetically in-
and closer than any sampled were not even in- termixed eubacteria and neomura from seri-
cluded by Williams et al. (2012), and the latter ous consideration as likely to have undergone
(the closest) was absent from Fournier and Go- LGT at some stage, downplaying and almost
garten (2010), making both poor tests of neo- ignoring the alternative reasonable explanation
muran relationships. that metabolic genes generally did not undergo
One need only look at the wildly high evo- quantum evolution during the neomuran revo-
lutionary rates of 16S rDNA in microsporidia lution, and therefore lack the stretched stem that
that led to their being misconstrued as the ear- through grossly violating molecular-clock as-
liest eukaryotes (Vossbrinck et al. 1987), when sumptions greatly enhances ribosome-related
they really are advanced derivatives of Choano- sequence tree evidence for the monophyly of
zoa of comparable recency to fungi (Cavalier- neomura (see Cavalier-Smith 2002b). In fact,
Smith 2013a; James et al. 2013), or of chloro- both their and my explanations of this impor-
plast 16S rDNA in dinoflagellates (Zhang et al. tant, sub-carpet-swept, incongruence between
2000), to appreciate the absurdity of the claim metabolic and ribosomal genes are probably
for small-subunit ribosomal rRNA as a mo- correct for different branches; I suspect that
lecular chronometer, or the falseness of the as- inherently poor resolution caused by lack of
sumption that big changes in its structure must resolution-enhancing quantum evolution (com-
necessarily be ancient (Woese and Fox 1977). bined with archaebacteria actually being youn-
The whole Woesian “three-domain” perspec- ger than their eubacterial ancestors) is the major
tive was biased and fundamentally misled by reason and LGT the minor one.
his profoundly mistaken assertion that rRNA Two more open-minded devotees of the
is a “molecular chronometer”; the precise op- Woesian perspective (Doolittle and Zhaxy-
posite is true, rRNA being possibly the least bayeva 2013) emphasize that “a much larger
clock-like of all molecules in evolutionary rates. number [than the few informational genes
The extraordinarily elongated branch lengths that differentiate archaebacteria and eubacte-
for Microsporidia (James et al. 2013) and for ria], many hundreds, of ‘operational’ genes
an independently ultrarapidly evolving haplo- make up a shared resource that is common to
sporidian, the rhizarian parasite Mikrocytos Bacteria and Archaea” and that all prokaryotes
mackini (Burki et al. 2013), on multigene trees have “a vast shared pool of genes encoding di-
emphasize that no proteins universally evolve in verse metabolic functions seldom if ever used
a uniform clock-like manner. One must use fos- by eukaryotes.” They candidly admit that for
sils and genuine atomic decay clocks in igneous “metabolism, regulation, population genetics,
rocks for objective timing, as Woese never did. and ecology. . .without knowing in advance it
The foundation of the three-domain dogma would, in many instances, be hard to say wheth-
is excessively narrow, depending mainly (not er a particular published paper on these topics

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The Neomuran Revolution and Origin of Eukaryotes

had a bacterium or an archaeon as its study sadly still are. Nonetheless, Woese (2013) greatly
object.” Differences between archaebacteria pleased me by advocating “bacteriology” not
and eubacteria have been grossly exaggerated. “microbiology” for the whole science of pro-
Doolittle and Zhaxybayeva (2013) cogently ar- karyotes (a name he also used without objec-
gue that the notion of a fundamental dichot- tion, unlike Pace), and using “bacteria” in his
omy between ancestral prokaryotes and derived text exactly as I long have to refer to all prokary-
eukaryotes in cell organization remains perfect- otes, including “archaea,” and reinstating both
ly valid and evolutionarily sound, despite over- “eubacteria” and “eukaryotes” (but his figure
confident and superficial propaganda against it contradictorily used “bacteria” and pointless
from archaeaologists, mainly Pace. They also “eukarya”)—welcome partial recantation of
highlight the tacit refusal by Woese and Pace earlier nomenclatural unwisdom (Woese et al.
to recognize neomura as a clade, a failure that 1990). Likewise, his fundamental misinterpre-
Doolittle and Zhaxybayeva (2013) emphasize can tations of the tree of life and the evolutionary
be understood only in sociological, rhetorical, significance of archaebacteria that so severely
or propagandistic, not scientific terms, because misled a generation of researchers will not
it would entail explicitly admitting the un- maintain their distorting stranglehold over phy-
doubted fact that the idea of three primary do- logenetic thinking, if the rising generation of
mains was simply wrong. (So is the idea of two vigorous, less-prejudiced younger researchers
primary domains, which Doolittle and Zhaxy- demands proper emphasis on cell-biological,
bayeva still espouse.) They equally overlooked palaeontological, and 3D ultrastructural and
the key concept of Negibacteria; neither Woese crystallographical evidence of molecular mor-
(2013) nor Pace (2009) (nor even Doolittle and phology (Jékely 2006, 2008; Valas and Bourne
Zhaxybayeva) mentions the two-membrane 2009; Keeling 2013), in addition to the limited
character of their envelope, vital for understand- presently dominant one-dimensionality of se-
ing bacterial evolution and eukaryogenesis. quences, when reconstructing the history of
As far as I know, Woese and Pace never cited life. Morphology at all levels underlies evo-
any of my papers or attempted to refute their lution: electrical attractions and repulsions be-
arguments; under a tree in Cold Spring Harbor tween different shapes vivify cells, not mathe-
in 1987, George Fox (coinventor of archae- matical abstractions like sequences.
bacteria) told me not to send my first neo- Doolittle (2000), especially, has much exag-
muran paper to Woese, despite complimenting gerated the degree to which LGT confuses the
its “many good arguments,” because “he would tree of life, best seen as an organismal tree based
not bother to read it.” Even his swansong on predominantly vertically inherited cell line-
(Woese 2013) restricted discussion of the ar- ages (Fig. 1), not a multigene tree. Even in pro-
chaebacteria – eukaryote relationship to one ex- karyotes, cell lineages devoid of anastomoses by
tremely superficial paragraph that merely sex or symbiogenesis were simply tree-like for 2
(rightly) rejected the ideas of Hyman Hartman billion years before eukaryotes.
and Martin and Russell (2003) (sadly, Woese’s Vertical inheritance of distinctive prokary-
own attempts at “explaining” cell evolution— otic cell structures and integrated cell cycles was
latterly by vague invocation of rampant LGT— the phylogenetic framework within which LGT
were devoid of significant cell biological content fiddled around with relatively restricted meta-
or logic). His assertion that “Evolution does not bolic details, creating a genic but not organis-
proceed by suddenly and drastically altering a mal web: both by near-neutral replacements of
given cell design (at least a fairly advanced one)” roughly equivalent enzymes catalyzing a stan-
could hardly be more wrong for eukaryogenesis; dard reaction and by truly novel acquisition
but that prejudice simply explains why he was of adaptively valuable, phylogenetically dis-
unprepared even to contemplate the possibility tant catalysts. But these gene-by-gene transfers
of a derived nature for archaebacteria, as some do not alter the fact that the basic differences
other influential and otherwise good scientists in cell structure between eubacterial phyla like

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T. Cavalier-Smith

Cyanobacteria, Spirochaetae, Posibacteria, and bayeva et al. 2005), and those that agree, which
Proteobacteria have been stable for billions of are probably dominated by misleading long-
years despite LGT, as has their distinctiveness branch artifacts (Cavalier-Smith 2006c), are cit-
from Archaebacteria for more than a billion, ed as support! Trees that place Archaebacteria
and can be used in interpreting bacterial or- closer to Posibacteria than to Negibacteria, in
ganismal megaevolution (Fig. 3) in much the concordance with neomuran theory, are too
same way as we can reliably and meaningfully lightly dismissed as implying LGT (e.g., Feng
for eukaryotes despite the temporarily confus- et al. 1997). The seemingly objective but prob-
ing effects of sex and symbiogenesis (although ably artifactual rooting by the first paralog du-
LGT, greater substitutional saturation over the plicate trees (Gogarten et al. 1989; Iwabe et al.
longer timescale, and paucity of ultrastructural 1989) eclipsed my still-cogent earlier arguments
complexity do make it harder for the truly an- for a eubacterial root (Cavalier-Smith 1987c),
cient eubacteria than for the younger neomura). and subsequent dogma and uncritical inertia
On the neomuran interpretation, the primary allowed Doolittle and Zhaxybayeva (2013) to
phase of “progressive Darwinian evolution” that write that “most biologists today” would believe
improved the basic machinery of life after cells one of their Figures 2.3f– h, which all wrongly
first evolved, as speculatively discussed by Doo- (as argued here and since 1987) show archae-
little and Zhaxybayeva (2013) and hordes of bacteria as old as eubacteria. Contrary to that
others (including me: Cavalier-Smith 1987b, widely held assumption there is no historically
2001) in the past three decades, took place not convincing evidence for archaebacteria being as
in the stem connecting neomura and eubacte- old as Eubacteria; instead, their Figures 2.3b,d
ria, as they and so many others wrongly assume, (elaborated in my Figs. 1 and 3) are probably
but much earlier in the stem eubacteria neces- correct for reasons summarized above. Another
sarily missing from sequence trees, during the attempt at rooting the universal tree using ami-
early Archaean period 3.5 – 2.7 Gy ago (which no acid composition biases depends on several
does not mean the period when “Archaea” highly questionable assumptions (Fournier and
lived—they are purely Protoerozoic [mid and Gogarten 2010); from my perspective, their data
late, not even early] and Phanerozoic bacteria). simply indicate that there was a bigger change in
Some of these speculations are sensible if ap- ribosomal protein composition during the neo-
plied to stem bacteria but totally misleading if muran revolution than during either eukaryo-
applied to stem neomura, whose evolution we genesis or the origin of archaebacteria, and fall
can reliably infer by critical and multievidencial short of proving where the root lies.
comparative biology. Contrary to pervasive, of- Two other biases prejudice bioinformatics
ten dogmatic, misconceptions stemming pri- interpretations: the prevalence of gene loss
marily from Woese’s chronometric myth and (underestimating it inflates LGT estimates and
aversion to accepting megaevolutionary change grossly deflates estimates in the number of genes
in advanced cells, the last universal common present in the cenancestor of each domain); and
ancestor of life (LUCA) did not lie on the stem the prevalence in megaevolution like eukaryo-
connecting neomura and eubacteria, but within genesis of radical gene evolution beyond bio-
the eubacterial radiation. informatics recognition, which led to hugely
The derived nature and recency of archae- wrong conclusions about the relative contribu-
bacteria have been long concealed by pervasive tions of neomura and a-proteobacteria to the
biases in citing or interpreting contradictory eukaryotic chimera (see Cavalier-Smith 2007b).
paralog duplicate trees, as explained previously I must stress that if more convincing evi-
(Cavalier-Smith 2002b, 2006c); numerous pa- dence than now exists were to appear and estab-
ralog trees, which place the root within eubac- lish that eukaryotes are really derived from ar-
teria, as I consider correct, and thus contradict chaebacteria (Williams et al. 2012, 2013, 2014),
the Woesian paradigm, are either ignored or contrary to my arguments that they are sisters,
dismissed by vaguely invoking LGT (Zhaxy- that would prove even more strongly that neo-

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