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Constant Envelope Fractional Fourier Transform

based Waveform Libraries for MIMO Radar

Christos Ilioudis ∗ , Carmine Clemente∗ , Ian Proudler† , John J. Soraghan∗

∗ Centrefor Excellence in Signal and Image Processing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
† School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK


Abstract—In this paper an efficient technique to generate significant advantages in terms of delay resolution, interference
novel libraries of phase-coded waveforms with constant envelope and side lobe level reduction. Increased performance is shown
aimed at optimizing signal retrieval is presented. The modulation in terms of orthogonality and reuse of waveform for the
technique is based on the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT), same canonical sequence (e.g. Barker 13) but with different
where the signal waveforms retain their constant modulus. fractional orders provided higher values of chip sampling rate
Reconstruction of sequences from the FrFT based waveforms
are used [7]. Despite the fact that FrFT based waveforms
is explored by means of the Error Reduction Algorithm (ERA),
while the constant envelope property is kept unchanged. Addition- libraries offer good properties, unlike the original classical
ally comparison between reconstructed and original sequences is sequences (Barker 13, Frank, P4, etc.), they do not preserve
also carried out in terms of performance and cross-correlation constant envelope (CE) property. Constant modulus or Peak-
properties of the signals. Simulation results demonstrate the to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) is an essential characteristic
effectiveness of the novel waveform libraries considering design for real world applications, as radar signal amplifiers usually
parameters such as resolution, interfering power, orthogonality work in a saturation condition that maximizes their efficiency
and signal bandwidth. but preventing amplitude modulation in waveforms at the same
Keywords. Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT); Constant En- In this paper a new technique that uses FrFT phase coded
velope (CE); Fractional Waveform Libraries; Error Reduction
waveforms to achieve constant modulus by means of the
Algorithm (ERA) .
error-reduction or Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm (GSA) [8] is
presented. Furthermore Zadoff-Chu sequences [9] were used as
I. I NTRODUCTION a starting point in the algorithm given their constant modulus
and good autocorrelation properties. The generated waveforms
Recently radar applications such as target detection and are validated based on their ambiguity function (AF) extracting
tracking are getting higher attention are more demanding, important characteristics such as delay, Doppler resolutions,
providing further challenges to the signal processing research side lobes, bandwidth, interference and interference power
community. Among these challenges, waveform design covers ratio. An analysis of the cross-interference and waveform reuse
an important role, especially for applications in electromag- is also presented. Finally simulation results are presented to
netically crowded scenarios and where covertness is required. demonstrate the effectiveness of the new technique and the
Driven by the beneficial implementation of DSP technol- abilities of the proposed new waveform libraries.
ogy, signal waveform designs have been improved allowing The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section
remarkable increase in detection, tracking and classification II introduces the fractional Fourier transform and a formulation
performance. As modern radar systems are increasingly being of the constant amplitude problem. The Error Reduction Al-
required to operate in continuously altering and overcrowded gorithm is presented in Section III as a mean of generating the
electromagnetic environments, their effective operation can FrFT based constant amplitude waveform libraries. Results and
be restricted due to severe interference mitigation, frequency performance analysis are presented in Section IV for a sample
occupancy, security, and performance constraints [1]. In the of novel waveform libraries while Section V concludes the
presence of these difficulties, the selection of robust waveform paper.
design that allows good Doppler resolution, short delays,
high signal energy using low peak power and high spectrum
efficiency poses a major challenge. Good spectral efficient II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
waveforms are an essential component in modern radar imag- A. Fractional Fourier Tranform (FrFT) based Waveforms
ing systems [2]. Several design methods based on fixed and
adaptive radar waveforms have been extensively investigated Fractional Fourier transforms (FrFTs) belong to the class of
providing waveforms suitable for different applications in linear time-frequency representations (TFRs) firstly introduced
[3], [4] and [5]. However most proposed designs involve an by Namias in 1980 [10]. The FrFT transforms a function
adjustment between some of their characteristics such as range to any intermediate domain between time and frequency. To
resolution versus side lobe levels (SLL) [1], [2]. compute FrFT the angle of axis rotation, θ, is used in the time-
Recently we proposed a new approach for producing radar frequency plane as the fractional power of the ordinary Fourier
waveform libraries using the fractional Fourier Transform transform. It has been used in a wide rage of applications
(FrFT) [6]. These novel libraries were shown to provide such as waveform propagation, filter design, signal analysis
and pattern recognition. Letting x[u0 ] be an arbitrary signal of and this is the product of the code cardinality and the chip
length U , its ath -order discrete FrFT is defined as [11]: sampling rate r, different waveforms can be obtained from a
given canonical waveform by changing r.
Ka [u, u0 ]x[u0 ]
F rF Ta x[u] = Xa [u] = (1)
B. Constant Envelope
u0 =−U/2
For a better understanding of the Constant Envelope con-
where a is the fractional transformation order (corresponding
straint let y[u] be an arbitrary waveform. The vector y[u] can
to a rotation angle θ = a π2 with a ∈ R) and Ka [u, u0 ] is the
be represented as:
FrFT kernel defined as [11]:

A exp {jπ[(u2 + u02 ) cot θ − 2uu0 csc θ]} y[u] = |y[u]|ejη[u] (6)
 0

if θ is not a multiple of π
Ka [u, u0 ] = where |.| denotes the absolute value and η(u) is the phase of
 δ[u − u0 ] if θ is a multiple of 2π the waveform. For y[u] the requirement of Constant Envelope
δ[u + u0 ] if θ + π is a multiple of 2π

(CE) means that its amplitude must be kept constant for all u,
(2) which is equivalent to:
ej 2

where A0 = j sin θ and j = −1.

The FrFT is an invertible linear transform, continuous in the |y[u]| = A, ∀u (7)
angle θ, which satisfies the basic conditions for it to be where A is a suitable positive constant that can be also used
meaningful as a rotation in the time-frequency plane. to sustain the energy of y[u] at a desired level [13].
The FrFT can be applied to common waveforms, such as Typically in current power amplifiers high linearity implies
phase-modulated waveforms with different codes (e.g. Barker low power efficiency and vice-versa [14]. This low efficiency
or P4 codes) [6] ,[7] . Let s[n[ represent a canonical waveform operation is due to the fact that the amplifying device must
(e.g. the traditional Barker 13 code) from which the Fractional be biased to an average output power level low enough to
Fourier transform library elements, Sai [u] with i = 1, ..., L accommodate peak input signal levels without over-driving
are obtained by applying (1). Thus we define a fractional the amplifying device. Therefore linearity requirement can be
waveform library as: met by driving the power amplifier well below its saturation
S = [Sa1 [u], Sa2 [u], . . . , SaL [u]] (3) point. To achieving better performance the use of non-linear
components is required. Non-linear power amplifiers preserve
where ai ∈ [0, 1] , and L represents the total number of only phase and no amplitude information. The previous
waveforms populating the library. Note that for ai = 0 the work describing the use of the FrFT to form libraries of
corresponding rotation angle θ = 0, resulting in the the useful waveforms did not satisfy the CE constraint [7], [6].
canonical waveform. The value of L depends on different In this particular case the CE constrain problem can be
aspects such as the original waveform used, waveform reuse, described as finding waveforms with constant modulus that
orthogonality requirements and applications. also have similar behaviour to the FrFT modulated waveforms.
An analytical representation of each fractional library el-
ement requires the cardinality of the waveform Ω (i.e. the
number of chips used in a code sequence) and the number III. E RROR -R EDUCTION A LGORITHM
of samples per chip r to be introduced. The total digital signal
length is obtained as: N = Ω × r, denoting the total number The error-reduction or Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm (GSA)
of waveform samples. Defining c = [c1 , c2 , . . . , cN ] as the was first introduced in connection with the problem of re-
vector of N samples for the original waveform, the resulting constructing phase from two intensity measurements [15].
canonical waveform, s[n], can be expressed as: The algorithm can be described by the following simple four
steps [8]: (1) Fourier transform an estimate of the reference
X sequence; (2) replace the modulus of the resulting computed
s[n] = ck δ[n − k] (4) Fourier transform with the reference Fourier modulus to form
k=1 an estimate of the Fourier transform; (3) inverse Fourier trans-
Now applying the FrFT to (4) and using the properties pre- form the estimate of the Fourier transform; and (4) replace the
sented in [12] the set of fractional library elements can be modulus of the resulted computed sequence with the reference
written as: sequence modulus to form a new estimate of the reference
N sequence. In a more general definition GSA transforms back
Sa [u] =
ck F rF Ta [δ[n − k]] = and forth between the frequency and time domain, satisfying
the constraints in one before returning to the other resulting to
r N
decreased error at each iteration.
1 − j cot θ X k2 +u2 For this particular case the reference sequence is a non-
ck e j 2 cot θ−juk csc θ
2π CE fractional Fourier modulated waveform Sa (u) and gk (u)
is a CE sequence which iterates closer to Sa (u) in every
where F rF Ta [.] represents the Fractional Fourier Transform execution of the GSA loop. Zadoff-Chu [9] sequences are
of the ath order as defined in (1) and (2). chosen as starting point of GSA due to its faster and better
From (5) the lth -element of S is the sum of N chirped performance compared to random initial seeds according to the
functions weighted by the original waveform sequence with results presented in [16]. To generate Zadoff-Chu sequences
modulation rate a modulation rate that depends on a and a modified formula is implemented that supports both odd
k. Since the number of chirped components depends on N , and even sequence lengths [17]. Additionally to apply the CE
constrain on the new waveforms the modulus of the referenced performance parameters defined above. By definition better
sequence has been replaced with a constant, A, in the fourth performance results for smaller values of all parameters. Or-
step of GSA. The k th loop of this modified version of GSA thogonality properties of a library are evaluated assuming that
can be described by the following four steps: both waveforms Sai (u) and Saj (u) are generated from the
same conventional sequence c but using different fractional
Gk [f ] = |Gk [f ]|ejφk [f ] = F gk [u] ,
(8) order, ai 6= aj . We define that Sai (u) and Saj (u) are
0 jφk (f )
  jφ [f ]
Gk [f ] = |Ŝa [f ]|e = |F Sa [u] |e k (9) orthogonal if their cross-correlation is below the side-lobe level
0 0 jψk0
[u] −1
 0  (SLL) of c. Table I lists the side-lobe levels of the Barker 13
gk [u] = |gk [u]|e =F Gk [f ] , (10)
and P4-25 sequences used in present analysis.
gk+1 [u] = Aejψk+1(u) = Aejψk [u] (11)
where F[.] is the Fourier transform and, φk and ψk are the ORTHOGONALITY ANALYSIS
phases in time and frequency domain of gk [u]. A graphical
Sequence SLL[dBs]
representation of the algorithm is provided in Fig. 1 where the Barker 13 -22.28
modified GSA loops are repeated. P4 25 -22.22

B. Results
The performance parameters and waveform reuse are
evaluated for the Barker 13 and P4 25 canonical sequences
using 50 and 200 samples per chip. Specifically the PAPR
of the fractional libraries is illustrated in Fig. 2. As it can
be seen the non-CE waveform tend to have higher peak-to-
average power ratio as the fractional order increases for both
canonical sequences. On the other hand the CE waveforms
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. have unity PAPR for all fractional orders which confirms the
CE constraint. In both cases the sampling rate r does not
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS : A NALYSIS AND E VALUATION have any significant impact.
The performance and orthogonality of CE and non-CE
In the following subsections a detailed performance anal- FrFT modulated Barker 13 code are compared in Fig. 3 using
ysis of two example novel libraries is presented. Generated r = 50. Figure. 3(a) shows that delay resolution is identical for
libraries for the conventional Barker 13 and P4 25 codes [1] both cases, while Doppler resolution is improved for higher
are analysed in terms of PAPR, AF performance parameters fractional orders after using the CE constraint. Figure 3(b)
and orthogonality for varying fractional order a and different demonstrates that delay and Doppler sidelobes have the same
chip sampling rates r. behaviour for both CE and non-CE waveforms. Additionally
interference and interference power ratio perform similarly
A. Analysis Framework for both cases as it is shown in Fig. 3(c). The orthogonality
map presented in Fig. 3(d) indicate the poor reuse of the
To verify the CE constraint the PAPR of the both con-
CE waveforms as wide continuous black blocks (above SSL
stant and non-constant envelope waveforms are evaluated for
threshold) correspond to high reuse interval compared to
altering fractional orders and different chip sampling rates.
non-CE in [7].
Additionally to quantify the effectiveness of the novel libraries
Similarly to Fig. 3, Fig. 4 illustrates the performance and
various AF performance parameters are examined using the
orthogonality using r = 200. It can be observed that after
increasing r the performance of CE and non-CE waveforms
• Delay and Doppler resolution, computed as the −3 dB has been increased similarly in terms of resolution and
width of the zero-Doppler and zero-delay cut of the sidelobes. Also interference and interference power ratios
ambiguity function respectively; have been decreased, for both cases with CE waveform
performing better at high fractional orders.
• Delay and Doppler side lobe level, computed as the To compare different canonical sequences, simulations are
level of the first side lobe of the zero-Doppler and repeated using P4 25 code sequence for both cases of r = 50
zero-delay cut of the ambiguity function respectively; and r = 200 samples per chip. Results presented in Fig. 5
• Modulated signal bandwidth, computed as the −3 dB and Fig. 6 indicate similar behaviour in terms of performance
width of the transmitted signal spectrum; to Barker 13 code for both CE and non-CE waveforms. On
the other hand P4 25 code sequence performs better than
• Interfering power, computed as the power present Barker 13 one in terms of orthogonality and waveform reuse
outside the main lobe; both both low and high values of r.
• Interfering power ratio, computed as the ratio between Table II summarizes maxima (worst cases) of the reuse
the power in the side lobes of the ambiguity function intervals extracted for both CE and non-CE fractional libraries.
and main lobe power. The reuse intervals are estimated for each value of a by
measuring, the gaps in terms of fractional orders, between
In the presented analysis, constant envelope fractional wave- the used Sai [u] and the first Saj [u] with a cross-correlation
forms are compared with their originals in terms of the maximum with Sai [u] below the threshold. As it can be
seen CE libraries present higher reuse intervals for small CE Delay Resolution
CE Doppler Resolution
values of r compared to the non-CE. However both CE non−CE Delay Resolution 10

and non-CE libraries have significantly lower reuse interval 1

10 non−CE Doppler Resolution

for higher values of r. This results a higher reuse as the


number of orthogonal waveforms in the same library is 0

given by the ratio of the available fractional order interval CE Delay Sidelobe
CE Doppler Sidelobe
(max(a) = 1 due to symmetry of FrFT) to their maximum non−CE Delay Sidelobe
non−CE Doppler Sidelobe
reuse interval. Specifically up to eight orthogonal waveforms −1
10 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
can be obtained in the case of P4 25 with r = 200 (i.e. a a
1/0.12 ' 8). This number can be increased by limiting the (a) Resolution (b) SLL
values of fractional order to ranges of lower reuse interval. 2
10 0
Figure 7 illustrates the case in which the fractional order a CE Interference Power Ratio −22.5
CE Interference
has been limited to values between 0.13 and 1 decreasing 1 non−CE Interference Power Ratio 0.5
maximum to 0.02 and constituently resulting more than 40 non−CE Interference −23

(i.e. 0.87/0.02 ' 43) orthogonal waveforms available. It is

10 1 −23.5

worth noting that different seed sequences (i.e. starting points
in GSA) are used for each individual fractional order in −1
10 1.5

simulation examples. This is achieved by changing the root −24.5

of Zadoff-Chu sequences [17]. −2
10 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Finally no considerable improvement or declination was a a

observed in terms of bandwidth usage after the modulation in (c) Interference (d) Orth. maps
any simulation.
Fig. 3. Ratios of the AF quality parameter for fractional Barker 13 waveforms
of different a before and after applying CE constraints in terms of resolution
TABLE II. F RACTIONAL ORDER REUSE INTERVAL FOR DIFFERENT (a), side lobe level (b) and interference (c), and SLL-thresholded maxima
VALUES OF r (cases above the thresholds are shown in black) of the cross-correlations
between CE fractional Barker 13 waveforms of different a and different GSA
Constant Envelope non-Constant Envelope starting points (d), for r = 50.
r = 50 r = 200 r = 50 r = 200
Barker 13 1.43 0.21 0.77 0.22 2
P4 25 0.4 0.12 0.49 0.12 CE Delay Resolution
CE Doppler Resolution 0
non−CE Delay Resolution 10
3 3 1
10 non−CE Doppler Resolution
10 10
CE frBarker, r=50 CE frP4, r=50

CE frBarker, r=200 CE frP4, r=200
2 2 −2
10 non−CE frBarker, r=50 10 non−CE frP4 ,r=50 10
non−CE frBarker, r=200 non−CE frP4, r=200 10 CE Delay Sidelobe


1 1
CE Doppler Sidelobe
10 10 non−CE Delay Sidelobe
−1 −4 non−CE Doppler Sidelobe
10 10
0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
10 10 a a
(a) Resolution (b) SLL
−1 −1
10 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
a a 2
10 0
CE Interference Power Ratio
(a) frBarker (b) frP4 CE Interference −24
1 non−CE Interference Power Ratio
10 0.5
non−CE Interference
Fig. 2. Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PARP) of CE and non-CE Barker −26

13 (a) and P4 25 (b) fractional waveforms of different fractional order using 0


r = 50 and r = 200. −28
10 1.5
10 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
In this paper the design of novel waveform libraries is ad- a a
dressed by a method based on the Fractional Fourier Transform (c) Interference (d) Orth. maps
(FrFT) and the Error Reduction Algorithm (ERA). Recon-
struction of fractional waveforms is achieved by means phase Fig. 4. Ratios of the AF quality parameter for fractional Barker 13 waveforms
of different a before and after applying CE constraints in terms of resolution
retrieval applying the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm (GSA) to (a), side lobe level (b) and interference (c), and SLL-thresholded maxima
retain the Constant Envelope (CE) property. The main design (cases above the thresholds are shown in black) of the cross-correlations
algorithms are examined and implemented to generate novel between CE fractional Barker 13 waveforms of different a and different GSA
fractional waveform libraries having improved properties with starting points (d), for r = 200.
regard to resolution, interfering power, orthogonality and signal
A constructive technique for numerical estimation of CE can keep their constant envelope property after transformation
waveforms is described and illustrated on several waveform for low and high values of samples per chip using two phased
simulation examples. The performance of the new waveform coded sequences (Barker 13 and P4 25). Future research will
library is evaluated as a function of the FrFT order and chip be focused on down-sampling CE FrFT modulated waveforms
sampling rate. The results illustrate cases where waveforms with high values of r and evaluate their performance and reuse.
CE Delay Resolution 0.15
CE Doppler Resolution 0 Total maximum
non−CE Delay Resolution

Reuse Interval
10 non−CE Doppler Resolution
Available a interval


0 0.05
10 CE Delay Sidelobe Optimum reuse interval
−4 CE Doppler Sidelobe
10 non−CE Delay Sidelobe
non−CE Doppler Sidelobe 0
−1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
10 a
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
a a

(a) Resolution (b) SLL Fig. 7. Reuse interval of CE fractional P4 25 waveforms of different a for
r = 200 and its overall and optimum maxima resulting for different interval
CE Interference Power Ratio
0 of a.
CE Interference −23
1 non−CE Interference Power Ratio
10 0.5
non−CE Interference

10 1

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