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Research Monograph

Introduction of EMPA: Demands,
Resistances and Managerial
Pre survey on Opening Evening Masters atThe Department of Public Administration in
Dhaka University

(Submitted in the partialfulfillment of the course requirement of PA-423)

Submitted to
Dr.Salahuddin M. Aminuzzaman
Department of Public Administration
University of Dhaka

Submitted By

Date of Submission: 1st January,

Table of Contents


Acknowledgement 01
Table of Content 02
Acronyms and Abbreviation 03
Abstract 04

Chapter : One
1 : Introduction 05
1.1 : Background of the study 07
1.2 : Objectives of the study 08
1.3 : Literature Review 08
1.4 : Variables 12
1.5 : Theory of the study 14
1.6 : Research Question 15
Chapter : Two
2 : Research Methodology 15
2.1 : Methods of data collection 16
2.1.1 Interview 16
2.1.2 Questionnaire 16
2.1.3 Checklist 16
2.2 : Data Sources 17
2.2.1 : Primary
2.2.2 : Secondary

2.3 : Sampling 17
2.3.1 : Sample size
2.3.2 : Sampling types

2.4 : Limitations 18
Chapter : Three
3 : Data Processing and Data analysis 19
3.1 : Questionnaire analysis 19
3.2 : Checklist analysis 29
3.3 : Interview analysis 31
Chapter : Four
4 : Findings discussion 33
Chapter : Five
5 : Conclusion & Recommendation 36
Appendix 37
Bibliography 43

Acronyms and Abbreviation

DU- Dhaka University

EMPA- Evening Masters in Public Administration

PA- Public Administration

UGC- University Grants Commission

NSU- North South University

IUB- Independent University of Bangladesh

EWU- East West University

AIUB- American International University Bangladesh

HEA- Higher Education Authority (Ireland)

In Bangladesh, Education is not an opportunity, it is considered as right. Higher education is
deterioration gradually. Higher education has enormous potential to promote its own
prosperity. Increasing trends of Universities and higher education considered as a positive
sign of infrastructure development in education sector. Commercialism of education or
selling of education is a term used by various political parties of the Public Universities for
“Evening Courses” which are running or would be run by the various departments. This
term refer that, Education is selling through running Evening courses in high Admission fees.
With this high admission fee one can buy “Certificate” from the renowned department of
renowned University. In other side, this high amount of money utilized for the development of
the department itself. Apparently, it is seen that, Evening courses of a renowned Public
University is opened for getting financial benefit through selling certificate. But, in the
question of equity, opening Evening course does not mean educational business, but
spreading knowledge, increasing higher education rate. Importantly to fulfil the increasing
demand of higher education evening courses should open and ensure admission procedure
for them who are actually seeking opportunity not for getting certificate but for learning and
acquiring knowledge. It is not easy for Public Universities to lunch or run Evening courses.
Because, there is no clear and direct policy or rules and regulations for lunching and
running evening courses in the Public University of Bangladesh. When departments of Public
Universities want to open Evening courses in their own departments, Political parties like
who works for students right or student branch of National Political Party come forward and
play role against that decision and make forces or obstacle to stop running that courses.
Education and knowledge are not so cheap. Values of education and knowledge should
achieve, not possible of buying. Universities of a country and Scholars of those Universities
have responsibility to spread knowledge not keeping him or herself. Opening and running
Evening courses make the way flexible to provide knowledge and to bring equity in higher
education for all.

Keywords: Higher Education; Public University; Bangladesh; Evening course

The development of a modern society depends on the nature and standard of higher
education. Thus the role of higher education is to prepare competent, knowledgeable and far-
sighted people for assuming various higher responsibilities. The growing importance of
knowledge in the modern world can hardly be overemphasized, especially in the era of
globalization and in a global environment which is fiercely competitive. Particularly, higher
education has enormous potential to promote prosperity in the developing nations (UGC:

There is no simple definition of higher education. The international definition of tertiary (post
school) education divides it into two parts. Type A (Higher Education) and Type B (Further
Education). A higher education qualification at degree level takes a minimum of three years
to complete, more typically four. It will have a theoretical underpinning, it will be at a level
which would qualify someone to work in a professional field and it will usually be taught in
an environment which also includes advanced research activity. Shortly, Higher education
mainly and generally means university level education. It offers a number of qualifications
ranging from Higher National Diplomas and Foundation Degrees to Honours’ Degrees and as
further step, Postgraduate programs such as Masters Degrees and Doctorates. These are
recognized throughout the world as representing specialist expertise supported by a wide
range of skills that employers find very useful. Further education is generally includes those
post graduate studies in where you can gain your Master and Doctorate degrees.

In Bangladesh there was a time when higher education used to be considered a luxury in a
society of mass illiteracy. However, towards the turn of the last century the need for highly
skilled manpower started to be acutely felt every sphere of the society for self-sustained
development and poverty alleviation. Highly trained manpower not only contributes towards
human resource development of a society through supplying teachers, instructors, researchers
and scholars in the feeder institutions like schools, colleges, technical institutes and
universities.(UGC: 2005)

Higher education system all over the world has been adding new dimensions in the education
arena. To disperse the educational facilities, universities of different countries provide some
course or program basis education in different disciplines besides their regular academic
schedules. Departments of private as well as public universities offer educational programs

like - diplomas or masters courses to their target groups with a view to marketing their
departments in the competitive job market, achieving some financial gains, wide spreading
the knowledge of those departments in the society.

In the European country Ireland, Part time education is the similar concept of Evening course.
To expand Part time education Ireland has a policy framework for the development of part
time/flexible learning in Irish higher education. The National Strategy for Higher Education
recommends that if Ireland is to raise levels of lifelong learning and higher education
attainment, more is needed in terms of increased flexibility an innovation, broader routes of
access and a model of funding that supports all students equally, regardless of mode or
duration of study. It also envisages a higher education system that is more responsive to
demands from communities and employers for up-skilling and continuing professional
development (Department of Education and Skills, 2011, pp.17 and 21).

The National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education (HEA, 2008) is to progress the
lifelong learning agenda in Ireland through the expansion of part-time/flexible courses and
measures to address the student support implications of lifelong learning. Part-time and
flexible learning opportunities are essential to increasing access to higher education by adults
who need to combine study with work or caring responsibilities (Fleming T. et al, 2010,
p.13). It is also necessary to support those who have become unemployed and who may need
to develop new qualifications and skills while remaining available for work. Among adults in
employment, the need to change career and/or attain new skills for areas where there are
sustainable employment opportunities is also contributing to the increasing demand for part-
time education. Many employers encourage up-skilling, retraining and part-time learning
among employees. The development of full- and part-time provision is also being supported
by the recurrent grant allocated each year by the HEA to institutions.

In the context of Bangladesh, measuring the importance of Evening course or Part time
education, department of Public Administration of University of Dhaka decided to take
initiative to offer evening masters course named EMPA to the professionals. The study has
explored the ultimate importance and rationality of opening Evening Masters Program by the
department of Public Administration of the University of Dhaka, as a Public University.

1.1 Background of the study
The purpose of lunching Evening courses of the department of Public University is spreading
knowledge among them who were not the Bachelor students of that specific Public
University. Other purpose of Evening course is to ensure equity of taking higher education of
the educated people of the society. But from the perspective of Public Universities of
Bangladesh, evening courses are not fulfilling those purposes but considering as a way of
making financial benefit of Universities through selling Evening Master Degree certificate.
Introducing Evening course in Public University has more demand in the society and has
more resistances made by the student community and political parties of the university.

Now the concerning issue is ‘to identify the demands, resistances from the Environment and
how to Manage these resistances in the perspective of introducing EMPA program at
department of Public Administration in University of Dhaka. ‘EMPA’ means Evening
Masters in Public Administration which will be 9 to 12 months master’s course divided in
two semesters in the department of public administration where only professionals who have
at least 3 years of job experience, can apply to take master degree.

Initiative of EMPA already becomes a matter of conflict among students, teachers and
student forums or political parties. Conflict rose because student’s forums and political
parties did not want to open EMPA, on the other hand Faculties wanted to lunch EMPA in
their department. Actually the initiative was taken by the department 5 years ago in 2010.
That time it was resisted by most of the students of the department and strong movement was
against this initiative. At the same time, a few students of this department wanted Evening
course to be opened at least for some infrastructural development (such as better seminar
library, lab etc.). There was conflict but there was no discussion among students, teachers and
student forums. A communication gap was increased among them. As a result, EMPA
initiative becomes postponed.

5 years later the department of Public Administration is going to re-generate that initiative.
As this initiative created a major conflict, the department should think in what extent
department of Public Administration will be able to minimize the conflict among the groups
as well as to create urgency among students.

To find out the actual beneficiaries and victims of EMPA, need carrying out an empirical
study. This study which will find out the types of resistances rose from the internal as well as
external environment and significance to manage those resistances. In addition, by this
significance the department will be able to realize its social implications by performing an
empirical study. So an authentic study which will help the department to make a rational
decision about introduction of EMPA is indispensable to the department of public

1.2 Objectives of the study

Some specific objectives which are behind the studying of the issue of rationality and
probability of EMPA program are as follow as-

1. To find out the opinion of the stakeholders about introducing of EMPA

2. To assess the potential resistance (if any) from different groups
3. To analyze the demand side from the potential candidates
4. To get logical explanation on behalf of and against of EMPA.

1.3 Literature review

Part time higher education, Adult learning or Evening courses of higher education all are
different name of a same concept. In USA, Adult learning is familiar; Part time learning
familiar in Ireland and in Bangladesh, Evening Program or night course in higher education is
very much acquainted with educational environment. From 1980, America began to build
their understanding of adult learning. Today 40 percent of all higher education enrolment are
adult students aged 25 to older and all are participating for career oriented program of study.
US education appreciates this adult learning because they want to expand their area of
education, institution, immigration, marketing, recruitment and growth. Considering social
and economic impact and to avoid the risk of unemployment Ireland Higher Education
Authority also taken policy for Part time and flexible higher education as an implementation
part of the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030.

University is a broad area of knowledge where knowledge is shared, practiced and spread by
the teachers and students. In Bangladesh, launching evening program or night courses in
Public University is permitted by University Grand Commission (UGC). There are various

Public Universities in Bangladesh introduced and running Evening program in their
university. Some of those are listed below-

 Dhaka University:

1. EMBA in Faculty of Business studies and in Institute of Business Administration.

2. Evening Masters in Development Studies; Information Science & Library
Management; Social welfare; and Geography & environment.

 Rajshahi University:

1. EMBA in Faculty of Business studies and in Institute of Business Administration.

2. Evening Masters in Economics; Political Science; Sociology; Social Work; Mass
Communication and Journalism; Information Science & Library Management and
Law & Justice.
 Jagannath University:
2. Evening Masters in Law etc.

The scenario of introducing Evening or night courses in abroad is excellent but opposite in
Bangladesh. Private Universities running evening courses without any impediment where
Public Universities have to face lots of impediment to introduce those courses. The reason
behind impediments, if Public University open Evening or night course that will be
contradicted with University uniqueness. It is also seems doing business by selling education.
On the other hand, in pragmatic scenario it is seen that, students of Bangladesh, has a
tendency to go abroad for higher education, after completing graduation or post graduation
from Bangladesh. At the same time, who cannot go to abroad, seek opportunity of good
education environment for higher education inside the country. For that, this group of people
goes to the Private Universities like NSU, IUB, EWU, AIUB etc. for getting post graduation
degree with high cost for ensuring better career. This is the main reason for increasing
demand of higher education degree. In Bangladesh, the popularity of Adult learning or part
time higher education or evening program of higher education has not established yet.

On the hand, Authority of Rajshahi University said on behalf of introducing Evening course,“
increasing demand of higher education is the main reason of opening evening program in
master’s level.” (29th January 2014.

At the same reason, UGC Chairman A.K. Azad said, “According to University act, earnings
from evening program will spend for the infrastructural development of the University and as
additional income source of teachers. It would not harmful for regular students.” (3rd
February, 2014. BBC Bangla)

But regular students of Public Universities claimed that Evening program will be harmful for
them and it will destroy educational environment of the university. Showing reason they said,
if Evening course has the purpose of spreading knowledge and giving opportunity to non-
regular students to receive higher education than why tuition fees are so high for them to
admit in evening program? Does not it mean that in evening program knowledge is like a
product which is sold in High tuition fees?

It is true that for admitting in evening program a non-regular student have to pay high tuition
fees rather than regular students. As an example it can say that, to admit in the Department of
Development Studies of Dhaka University, for Evening Master’s program a non-regular or
Non-Dhaka University student have to pay almost One lakh (1,00,000/-) taka where a regular
student have to pay only Twelve thousand (12,000/-) taka once for completing graduation.

Though, evening program is an opportunity to become more skilful on a particular subject but
here in Bangladesh, achieving certificate of evening program from a renowned University is a
way of getting promotion in job sector through showing certificate. Students of evening
program have a tendency to get certificate anyhow rather than learning perfectly.

Rationality and probability identification of introducing Evening Masters in Public

Administration (EMPA) program was the main focus of this study. Evening program or night
course is not a new issue for higher education in the University. Though evening masters is
different from regular masters, in abroad Evening program considered as part-time education
system supportive for increasing one’s personal skill on a particular area of knowledge. But
in Bangladesh, Evening program or night courses considered as a threat for spoiling the
actual purposes of higher education. Regular students of the Public Universities of
Bangladesh think that opening Evening program, is a cunning way of earning money through
selling so called certificate by the department. They mentioned it as “commercialism of

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Department of Public Administration once took initiative to open EMPA program but regular
students of this department resisted that initiative. They also argued for the negative impact
of EMPA program within the department. Here some reasons which involves in students
resistance are-

- Misconception about EMPA program

- Communication gap between authority and students
- No specific discussion about positive impact of EMPA program
- Fear for accepting new

There were some newspaper column written about negative impact of Evening program in
Public University and highlighted students protest, did not wrote and explain the need and
effect of launching Evening program in Public University. This is also a reason for rejection
Evening program.

On the other hand, EMPA program was unable to draw attention of Dhaka University
students to understand who will be beneficial and how will be? Who will be possible students
for EMPA and what they will achieve? How they will have to pay? How they will use their
knowledge? How much EMPA will be interrelated and interacted between regular and non-
regular students? EMPA program may have pragmatic value which would really supportive
for the betterment of the students, teachers as well as for the department and university. The
core subject matter of this research was to find out, how much EMPA program is rational for
launching and probable for ensuring betterment for the students of Public Administration
department of Dhaka University.

The whole process of this study is completed by the combination of information collection,
data and information analysis, comparing between theory and practical decisions, analyzing
arguments of various stakeholders and suggestions for ensuring flexibility from other

Arguments were against EMPA and opinions with suggestions were for supporting EMPA in
Dhaka University. Response ratio from current students of the department is good sign for
the faculties as well as students who gave their opinion on behalf of introducing EMPA in the
Public Administration department of Dhaka University.

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Creating urgency which is the significant focus of Kotter’s change process theory have strong
role of playing. First time EMPA decision was monopoly for the authority and for the
resisters. If two groups discussed on that issue and shared their opinion then that would good
for both groups. On the other hand, if faculties played role of creating urgency or importance
about EMPA among regular students of the department then that would be easy for the
faculties to open EMPA.

Faculties also share their opinion that, EMPA would be a good initiative for the department
and by this department could get project and scholarship for Dhaka University students on
this subject from foreign Universities which is given to the Private Universities now. EMPA
holders also could play role on research work on behalf of the department by doing their own
assignment of the curriculum. As potential EMPA holders will be job experience they could
share their experience with current students and also by them department can make strong
network with job market.

Findings of the study will be helpful for the all stakeholders to judge the rationality and
probability of introducing EMPA in Dhaka University.

1.4 Variables of the study

Variable can be defined as any aspect of a theory that can vary or change as part of the
interaction within the theory. In other words, variables are anything can effect or change the
results of a study. In many studies more than one variable is recorded per case or individual.
It is often the purpose of the study to determine if and/or how one or more variables affect
another. This is a basic paradigm in statistical analysis. So every study has variables as these
are needed in order to understand differences.

There are many types of variable but the most important, for the vast majority of research
methods, are independent and dependent. Similarly in this study dependent variable has
been identified. Also identified some specific explanatory variables those explain the
dependent variable. Often called independent variables. So those independent variables are
most relevant to this study.

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Dependent Variables ExplanatoryVariables

Introducing of EMPA

Fear or concern Views and

of the current opinions of the Attitudes of the
students teachers

Figure: Outline of the variables of the study

Dependent variable: It means response that is affected by an independent variable.

Introducing of EMPA: It refers, launching Evening Masters in Public Administration in the

department of Public Administration. Only three year experienced professionals can be able
to apply EMPA program and the classes of EMPA will be held in the evening.

Explanatory variables: These types of variables are the presumed cause of some change in
the dependent variable.
(a) Views and opinions of the stakeholders:
Here the stakeholders include the current students and potential candidates who might
be benefited or affected due to launching this program.

 Views indicate the perception and the attitudes of the stakeholders to EMPA
where they think how much the EMPA program is needed.

 Opinions refer to the willingness of stakeholders that means how many

stakeholders (the current students of the department and the potential candidates)
want EMPA to be implemented.

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(b) Fear or concern of the current students:

 Fear about Disruption of academic schedules: It means the disturbance of regularity in

the routine of classes and exams result publication etc.
 Concern for the job market of the departmental students: It indicates the probable
upcoming changes, more employment opportunity by networking as well as
marketing of the department or reducing job opportunity by increasing EMPA holders
who compete with the regular graduates of the department in the job market.

(c) Attitudes of the teachers:

 Interests of the teachers- The extra income opportunity of them will be
increased and flexible through introducing EMPA program.
 Proper utilization of knowledge- Here teachers will be able to get more time
and opportunity to involve in educational activities by taking more classes of
EMPA in their own institution.
 Experience, capability and expertness expansion - The teachers also have a
strong platform to gather more practical knowledge by dealing with the
professionals through EMPA and teachers will be more capable and adroit by
delivering more lectures on different issues and subjects.

1.5 Theory of the study

This issue of the study has a relation or cab be related with a change management model
named Kotter’s 8 step change process. Introducing EMPA can be called as a part of bringing
change. More clearly it can say that, to turn in a transition stage from existing position.
Introducing EMPA would be a transition stage for the Public Administration department.
Exiting position is, present situation where there is no Evening course in the Public
Administration department in Dhaka University because this department belongs in Public

Kotter’s 8 step change process analysis with the issue of the study-

To manage change or any new initiative in an organization, Kotter’s 8 step change process is
most important. Kotter said about creating a sense of urgency of the change, creating and
communicating mission and vision of the change with stakeholders. So this model will guide

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us to know the opinion of the stakeholders about rationality and probability of EMPA by
creating a strong awareness and communicating its mission and vision among them.

1. Creating a sense of urgency: It is the awareness building stage where the stakeholders
understand how much EMPA is necessary.
2. Building a guiding coalition: This step will assemble a group with the proper energy
to lead and support for collaboration with stakeholders.
3. Forming a strategic vision and initiatives: Change leaders must develop a short
summery of vision of EMPA that captures what they see as the future of their ways
and the vision must be communicated with all of relevant stakeholders so that they
understood the future of the change.
4. Communicate the vision: Discussing frankly among the stakeholders about the change
and addressing peoples concern openly and honestly.
5. Remove obstacles: Leaders should identify the possible obstacles and take the
necessary measures to handle them.
6. Creating a short term win: As an example EMPA authority can introduce the project
for a short term semester so that the staff teachers and student may see the result.
7. Build on the change: After every win leaders have to analyses what is gone right and
what is gone wrong. Based on this, further improvement or adjustment will take place.
8. Anchor the change in corporate culture: the final stage requires conscious efforts to
ensure the sustainability of EMPA.

1.6 Research questions of the study

Some common questions have been asked for the better findings of our study:

1. Who are going to be the potential beneficiaries of Evening Masters in Public Administration
2. How the department will face the resistance (if any)?

In this research, a combination of several research methods will be used and different types of
data w ill be collected from different sources.

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2.1 Methods of data collection:

In this study, combination of several research methods has been used, namely; Interview
of some selected teachers and Educationist along with faculties who have already
introduced Evening Masters courses in their department, Questionnaire among students
from current batches and also among provided Checklist for getting response from the
potential candidates of EMPA and lastly verbal interview of some political leaders of
Public University who were active in strike against EMPA launching.

2.1.1: Interview:

Using this data collection method, the study was followed both of structured and unstructured
questions as an helpful support for interviews so that researchers can get detailed information
about the issue. This model of data collection was chosen for the key informants including
chairman and faculties of Public Administration department, potential candidates of EMPA
program, educationist, political leaders of different parties and regular students to bring out the
basic and valuable information from them. Respondents provided their own opinion, and
their attitudes were more frankly about the research issue. Actually this research issue
demands more opinions, attitudes and views of the respondents where face to face
contacts and structured verbal communication were the most important for collecting data
from them. That is why this type of data collection method chose. Finally this method
really helped to get more and more information about the issue of the study.

2.1.2: Questionnaire:

The study also followed the structured questionnaire including open ended, closed ended and
mixed questionnaire. The sampling size of the study was too large to collect data by following
interview, focused group discussion etc. So the questionnaire was more suitable for getting
information in a random manner from the current students of the department (including 4th year
and masters) Questionnaire method was effective to know respondents actual impressions which
were taken place on the required demand of the questions.

1.1.3: Checklist: This was also a type of questionnaire specially made for the potential candidates
to know their opinion and demand about EMPA.

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2.2Sources of Data collection
2.2.1: Primary sources:

All the necessary and essential data was collected from the key informants, the current
students and the potential candidates through different mode of data collection.

2.2.2: Secondary sources:

To complete this study secondary data also needed which was founded and collected
from related books written on this issue, journals of other departments and
publications and also from national newspaper and online news portal for in-depth
knowledge about introducing evening mater’s courses.

2.3 Sampling
2.3.1 Sampling size

Total sampling size of this study was 80 respondents; where 30 were potential candidates
and 50 current students of the department of Public Administration.

2.3.2: Sampling types

There are different types of sampling system but in this study followed two kinds of
sampling which were more relevant to collect information for this study. Those sampling
types applied considering the nature and characteristics of respondents. Here those two
sampling methods are-

 Purposive sampling
 Simple Random sampling

Simple random sampling:

This random sampling was the most suitable way for collecting data from current students. It
was helpful and ensured data variation applying for 50 current students from 4th year and
masters of the mentioning department. 25 male and 25 female were selected from the
respondents to keep the gender balance.

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Purposive sampling:

To make the selection process more representative purposive sampling was used in case of
selecting respondents who have at least 3 year job experience from the potential candidates.

2.4 Limitations
To complete this study limitation was played a problematic role. Most of the stage
research group faced various types of problem which are considered as the limitation of
the study. Common limitations were-

- Not availability of teachers who were selected for interviewing.

- They did not give enough time for interviewing.

- Not availability of books or writings on this issue.

- It was hard to find out potential candidates before publishing circular.

- Not getting proper coordination and information from other departments who already
running evening courses.

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Data Processing and Data analysis

3.1: Questionnaire analysis

To find out the demand of Evening Masters in Public Administration (EMPA) in the society
and job field; support and resistance of launching EMPA in Dhaka University and to gather
logical opinion from the current students of the department of Public Administration for
supporting or rejecting of EMPA are collected through open, close and mixed ended
questionnaire. Fifty (50) current students of this department from Forth year and Masterswere
the respondents of eleven questions of provided questionnaire. According to their response
questionnaire analysis is given below-

Q-1: Are you in favour of opening EMPA program in our department?

Multiple response Male Female

Yes 96% 96%
No 4% 4%

Q-1: Are you in favor of opening EMPA program in our



80% Male
60% 96% Male
Male Female
20% 4% 4%

Yes No

Although in 2010 first initiative of lunching EMPA was nipped in the bud. But after 4 years
in 2015 96% of Respondent are agreed to the decision of the department for launching EMPA
and those respondents want EMPA as a part of additional educational courses of Public
Administration department. Here, need to note that, there was no survey and discussion
between department and students about launching EMPA. That was monopoly decision of
the department to open EMPA before.

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Q-2: Whom do you think will be most benefitted if EMPA is launched?

Multiple response Male Female

Student 60% 40%
Teacher 25% 5%
Potential candidates (already having 3 years of job experience) 15% 55%

Q-2: Whom do you think will be most benefitted if EMPA

is launched?
100% Female, 40%
Female, 55%
60% Male, 60%
40% Female, 5% Female

20% Male
Male, 25% Male, 15%
Student Teacher Potential candidates
(already having 3
years of job

It was a burning question about EMPA launching- Who will be benefitted mostly through this
program? This question also added in questionnaire to know about students’ opinion on this
matter. Respondent shared their opinion in provided three options. EMPA will be benefitted
for students, teachers and potential candidates. Current students of this department think that
they will be mostly benefitted if EMPA opened. 60% of male students and 40% of female
students think that EMPA will bring more benefit for students rather than teachers and
potential candidates. It is mentioning that potential candidates will have not running
studentship; they will be professional with at least 3 years of job experience. 15% male
students and 55% female students think that professionals also have benefit in EMPA. On the
other hand, 30% of the students think that Teachers will be benefitted from EMPA.

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Q-3: How will the department possibly be benefitted?

Multiple response Male Female

Financial solvency 40% 45%
Modernized lab and seminar library 35% 30%
Sufficient budgeting for different co-curricular activities 25% 25%
None of these --- ---

Q-3: How will the department possibly be benefitted?

Male Female

45% 40% Male
40% Female 35%
35% 45% Male
30% 25%
20% 30% Female
15% 25%
Financial solvency Modernized lab and Sufficient budgeting None of these
seminar library for different co-
curricular activities

A question sequentially come that how EMPA will possibly benefitted for the students,
teachers and potential candidates at the same time and Which factors rolling beneficial mode
for three different areas of this survey. There are some factors identified as beneficial mode
on behalf of launching EMPA. Those ares-

- Financial solvency of the teachers

- Modernized computer lab and seminar library
- Sufficient budget for co-curricular activities.

Financial solvency means economically satisfying situation which can be achieved through
opening EMPA is considered as highly beneficial factors for teachers. Because, salary is very
much inadequate of public university teachers which make them discontented and they do not
give sufficient time to their own organization because of their high involvement in

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consultancies with NGOs and international organizations or taking more class in private
universities for better earning. To ensure department’s faculties presence in the department
for long time and make them motivated to involve more research work in their own
organization their financial solvency must needed to increase.

As EMPA is not for regular students and professionals will get EMPA degree they will pay a
range of fee for completing this Degree. That fee will used to arrange EMPA curriculum and
set class schedules and teachers. Some portion of this fee can be used for the development of
the department like allocation of buying new books for making resourceful seminar library,
modern technological support for the classroom, or making fund for arranging program,
seminar and co-curricular activities for the students of the departments.

22 | P a g e
Q-4: What do you think about the job opportunity of the current students if EMPA
program is launched?

Multiple response Male Female

Will be reduced 38% 45%
Will be extended 62% 55%

Q-4: What do you think about the job opportunity of the

current student if EMPA program is launched?

Female Female
80% 45% 55%


40% Male Male

38% 62%

Will be reduced Will be extended
Male Female

Regular students of Public Administration of Dhaka University at first rejected EMPA and
protested against that decision because they were afraid that EMPA degree holders will be the
competitors with them in the competitive job field. But now it is cleared that only
professionals who are already in job will be eligible to take EMPA degree from Public
Administration department of Dhaka University. Respondents bar chart show that, majority
of the current students think that EMPA will extend their job opportunity because of the
professionals involvement with the department and students through EMPA admission.
Specifically, potential candidates will be able to make network with regular students and
departments and that professional network will linked up with more job areas which are
ultimately a good potentiality for regular students to get job or to apply for job. So now the
responses of current students show that 62% male and 55% female students are agreed that
EMPA will not reduce their job opportunity rather than expand.

23 | P a g e
Q-5: If job opportunity extends then which of the following might help?

Multiple response Male Female

Networking trough EMPA holders 52% 56%
Marketization of the department 48% 44%
None --- ---

Q-5: If job opportunity extends then which of the following might help?

Female Networking trough EMPA

44% holders

Male Marketization of the

Male department


Considering some factors respondents has agreed that EMPA will expand their job
opportunity. Those factors are – Networking to various job areas through EMPA holders and
marketization of Public Administration department in the job market. 56% female and 52%
male students think that EMPA will be a great opportunity to link up with various job fields
through networking of EMPA holders. That linkage will create an opportunity of job for
current students. On the other hand department of public Administration will be familiar in
the job market and that familiarity will be helpful for the students of this department.

24 | P a g e
Q-6: As only professionals can apply for EMPA program why do you think your job
opportunity will be reduced?
A close ended question was added in questionnaire to know the opinion from current students
that is, why they think EMPA will reduce their job opportunity in the job market. Almost of
the respondents wrote that EMPA holders will be competitor for them in job field. When it is
mentioned in point that only “Professionals” will be the potential students of EMPA then
there is no need to worry of job opportunity reduction.

Q-7: Do you think the regular academic schedules of current students will be

Multiple response Male Female

Yes 55% 67%
No 45% 33%

Q-7: Do you think the regular academic schedules of current

students will be hampered?
Male Female

Female Female
67% 33%

55% Male


Another reason of first time rejection of EMPA was regular academic schedules of currents
students will be hampered for EMPA classes. Still now that notion was not changed. Current
Students think that EMPA classes will be the reason of cancelling or not following schedule
of regular class by the teachers. According to their notion, respondents ration show that 67%
female and 55% male students say “Yes” on behalf of might be hampering.
25 | P a g e
Q-8: If yes then how?

Multiple response Male Female

Teachers might be unavailable 35% 23%
Disturbance in class routine 18% 31%
Delay in semester completion 25% 31%
Delay in result publishing 22% 15%
All of these --- ---

Q-8: If yes then how?

Delay in result publishing Male, 22%

Female, 15%

Delay in semester completion Male, 25%

Female, 31%

Disturbance in class routine Male, 18%

Female, 31%

Teachers might be unavailable

Male, 35%
Female, 23%

There are some facts identified by the students being reasons of hampering regular academic
schedule by EMPA. Reasons are:

- Unavailability of teachers. Students think that if EMPA class start at afternoon teachers
will come to the department at noon. If that morning classes of regular students will
changed or taken at noon. In the morning time teachers will not present in the department.
- Disturbance in class routine is another cause of academic hampering.
- As current students belong in semester system it will delay for not taking classes by the
teachers on time.
- If class not taken timely then exam will delay connectedly result publishing will delay so.

According to respondents response teachers’ unavailability and delay in result publishing are
the main reason considered for academic schedule hampering of regular students.

26 | P a g e
Q-9: How may the teachers will be benefited by EMPA?

Multiple response Male Female

Through increasing income opportunity 56% 59%
Through increasing knowledge, experience and teaching ability 44% 41%
Others (You think) --- ---

Q-9: How may the teachers will be benefited by EMPA?

Female, 59%

Through increasing income opportunity

Male, 56%

Female, 41%
Through increasing knowledge,
experience and teaching ability Male, 44%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

There are three actors who can be benefitted by opening EMPA. One is regular students,
Teachers of the department and Department of Public Administration itself.

To share opining and response respondents almost 60% think that teachers will be financially
benefitted by EMPA. Income from EMPA will also pay teachers to take classes. That will
make teachers comfortable and will be able to reduce the tendency of not giving sufficient
time in their own organization rather than extra income from other sources. Respondents also
think that if EMPA open, teachers will give more time in studying, acquiring more
knowledge, research and improving their teaching skill.

27 | P a g e
Q-10: Do you think the knowledge of public Administration will be dispersed in our
society through EMPA?

Multiple response Male Female

Yes 89% 99.5%
No 11% 0.5%

Q-10: Do you think the knowledge of public Administration will be

dispersed in our society through EMPA?



80% 99.50%

60% Male


20% 11% Female
Male Female
Yes No

Public administration is not a new word in our society from higher to lower level. Also this
word is not new in higher education stage. But the actual activity of public administration and
the area of study are not clearly known to the people of the society. Almost people do not
know why a student should study in public administration. Even students who enter for
higher education do not know “Public Administration” is a subject of studying. Considering
all those current students and respondents are agreed and think that EMPA will be the way of
branding of this department through EMPA holders. 99% of respondents agreed that through
EMPA public administration and its knowledge will reach to everyone of the society,
especially who wants to work in administration area.

28 | P a g e
Q-11: If yes, how?

Multiple response Male Female

Through EMPA holders 30% 28%
Through the Marketing the department 32% 33%
All of the above 38% 39%

Q-11: If yes, how?

Female, 33% Female, 39%

40% Female, 28%

30% Male, 30% Male, 38%

Male, 32%


Through EMPA holders Male

Through the Marketing
the department All of the above

As EMPA is a way of spreading Public Administration brand, it will happen by the EMPA
holders who will be admitted for getting EMPA degree and public administration knowledge.
It is also one kind of marketing of the department through EMPA.

3.2: Checklist analysis

A close ended question was provided to the potential candidates to know their overall
thinking about EMPA and thirty (30) potentials candidates were responded. They are already
holding job in various organizations. Responses of potential candidates are given below-

1. If you get any opportunity to take Evening Masters Degree from Department of
Public Administration, will you take that chance? If yes, then why?

29 | P a g e
Among 15 potential candidates, all want to take opportunity of EMPA if the department of
Public Administration open EMPA. There are also some reasons or facts which make them
interested to be the part of EMPA. That are- the

 EMPA would be a Prestigious degree

 Reputation of Dhaka University
 Interest in the area of study
 Acquiring more knowledge about Public Administration
 To be more skilful for BCS cadre
 Get valuable degree in low cost
 To Get idea about government, administration and activity of those institution
 EMPA is a modern subject of studying

2. How will you be benefitted by this Masters Degree?

As potential candidates said “Yes” to take the opportunity of EMPA and showed reasons
of taking part, they have also beneficial reason which will make them benefitted by this
EMPA degree. Their beneficial factors are-

 EMPA degree will be helpful for increasing professional efficiency

 Make oneself more skillful for one’s job field by EMPA knowledge
 Career building
 Enhance career prospectus in current field
 Enhancing skill and proficiency
 Getting Promotion

3. Do you think the EMPA Degree have any demand in the job market? If yes, then

MPA is not a new concept but little unknown to the people about why it should study and
what the demand of this subject is. To know the opinion of potential candidates a question
was added that what they found out about the demand of EMPA or how they will use
EMPA degree in their job field. They response that-

 EMPA is helpful for BCS candidates

 EMPA has the demand in Administrative or HRM branches of any organization
 It has high demand in Financial and managerial activity

30 | P a g e
 EMPA Degree is honor for the outsider students of Dhaka University is personal
4. Which factors encourage you to take EMPA Degree from the department of Public

Potentials candidates have own thinking of taking part of EMPA. They shared their
thought which makes them encourage doing EMPA in the department of Public
Administration in Dhaka University. Those are:

 Educational environment of Dhaka University

 Enriched course curriculum of PA
 Well qualified teachers of this department
 Effective and prestigious program
 Personal development

5. What is your expectation from EMPA (Evening Masters in Public Administration)


In the last question, potential candidates had an option to share their expectation from
EMPA program and the department of Public Administration. All respondents’
expectations were same. They all want to get course related knowledge and experience not
only certificate. They also want to make good relationship with teachers and regular

3.3: Interview analysis

For completing and getting findings of this research, Interview as a data collection method
was played an important role. Six (6) faculties of the department of Public Administration
and two (2) educationists from the Institution of Education and Research and five (5) political
leaders from various political parties were the integral part of this data collection method.

According to the Educationist:

The main purpose of launching Evening courses is to ensure providing education and
knowledge to them who are not the students of regular academic curriculum. This part time
course has importance for a nation. This Evening courses of Public Universities will make
departments, to be more skilful and develop comparing with Private Universities of
Bangladesh. Educationist said, they never think that, providing education through Evening

31 | P a g e
courses would be a business, rather than it would be the way of improving the quality and
environment of education.

According to the Political activists and leaders:

Education is a Product which is presenting for selling in the name of “Evening course”. Main
motto of opening Evening courses is to earn money not serve. They also mention that,
teachers should not involve in private or extra practice for earning extra income by
hampering schedule classes. Teachers should pay more concentration on research or own
study. Though money is fact of living, for that Government and UGC have to play role for
increasing teachers’ salary and increasing the allocation of University teachers. It is
Government’s duty to pay not students.

According to the Faculties of the department of Public Administration:

Chairman of this department shared his opinion that, EMPA will expand the demand of this
department in the job market which will be blessing for regular students who are eagerly
waiting for getting job after graduation. Ass EMPA holders are not the competitor but job
experienced people will be a good networking for the students of this department.

Other Faculties also think that, Opening EMPA has no relation with the development or
infrastructural development of this department. Though teachers would be financial
beneficiary but that is not a big issue for the teachers, because almost 90% of the teachers
belong with Public University only for prestige, goodwill, social respect not for high salary.

Faculties said about admission procedure that, Admission test will be taken for EMPA.
Qualitative students will be selected through competitive examination. Only professionals
with 3 years job experienced will be able to be the part of admission procedure. So there will
be no reason to admit anybody from anywhere to admit in EMPA.

32 | P a g e
Findings discussion
In the constitution of Bangladesh, Article 17, “The state shall adopt effective measures for the
purpose of (b) relating education to the needs of society and producing properly trained and
motivated citizens to serve those needs.”

EMPA has some major role for the society. As the subject matter of Public Administration is
Government, its branches and activities for the state and mass people is need to learn. As an
example, if citizens do not know their “consumer rights of goods”, how they will generate
their rights and if they are affected then how they will protect their consumer right through
legal action and law. Like that, citizens have to know their rights which are provided by the
governments and government is bound to provide that. If citizen are ignored and callous then
government will not bound to be accountable to the citizens. If that is not happening then
corruption of government units will increase day by day. Only citizens’ consciousness will be
able to establish government’s accountability to its citizens. Public Administration teach its
students to know about rights, laws, ethics, culture, leadership, organizational behaviour,
policy making, management, local government’s function and activity through Bachelor and
Masters courses. If EMPA launched then area of study of Public Administration must be

But there is no government allotment for executing the cost of Evening courses of Public
Universities. For that, Departments have to bear their own cost by collecting admission fees.

- There was a complaint against opening EMPA and that complain was common for all
evening courses of Public Universities. That was, a student have to bear high tuition fees
for admitting Evening course. If education provision is the main focus of Evening course
then why high tuition fee will be paid? It is true that, a students have to pay from
80,000/- to 2,70,000/- (Eighty thousands to Two Lakh Seventy thousands taka) for
admitting Evening courses and evening or executive MBA in the University of Dhaka.
This scenario also same for other Public Universities like Rajshahi University,
Jahangirnagar University etc.

For the replying of this complain, Departments authority said that, according to UGC’s
strategic suggestion, Public Universities have to bear 50% their own cost from their own
internal sources. UGC’s strategic suggestion paper also mentioned some way like increasing
students’ fee and others. But departments think that Evening courses can be the source for

33 | P a g e
earning by serving education. For that reason the Department of Public Administration want
to introduce Evening Masters program in Public Administration.

- On the other hand, on campus political party of Dhaka University named “Socialistic
student front” claimed that, it is unethical to take high admission fees from Evening
course in the name of department’s development.

From the earning of evening course 20% will go for University fund and 20% for
department’s fund and left 60% will be spend for arranging course curriculum, exam paper
set up, date and schedule setting, managing classroom and teachers, enriching seminar
library, open lab and seminar till at night. Faculties of the department of Public
Administration do not want to take high admission fees. Admission fee will set up on the
basis of class, exam and rationality. Reasonable and fair admission fees which matched with
Public University will be selected in figure.

EMPA is only for professionals who have 3 years job experience in Public or private
organization. This course has demand which is proved by the survey. And regular students
also want to open this course, getting that there will be no competitors from the Evening
course, but good networking can be possibly established between regular and EMPA
students. This relation will be helpful for increasing market demand of this subject through
mentioning this subject for Job criteria. As an example, now various Private Bank like Dhaka
Bank mention Public Administration as requirement in their job circular.

- There was another complaint against teachers that, EMPA will increase the tendency of
not taking class of regular students on time rather than decreasing. Though, in the rules
and regulations of Dhaka University, there has mentioning that, A teacher of Dhaka
University will be able to take class at one University of the outside of Dhaka University
and inside University in one another department. For financial solvency and extra
income most of the teachers of the department of public Administration are taking class
in Private and Foreign Universities. For that teachers almost time unintentionally was
unable to take regular class because of unavoidable circumstances.

In that case, if teachers get an opportunity for extra income from their own institution then
they will be able to pay full time concentration on their research, taking regular class,
departmental work and along with taking EMPA classes instead of going private tuition or
consultancy. Then there will be no fear of hampering academic schedule for EMPA.

34 | P a g e
Financial solvency is not only a big fact of living for a teacher but also motivational
satisfaction for improving education and knowledge delivery simultaneously.

- Benefits or outcomes of EMPA is a concerning issue to all stakeholders. Potential

candidates want more from this EMPA program by which they can do more effective
performance in their own workplace. But it is also noticed that, people who wants to do
Evening courses have only intention to get certificate for showing and getting promotion
or getting a good job. Paying money and getting certificate is now a trend of Evening

As EMPA for professionals and 3 years job experienced people, they have no need to show
certificate to get job or promotion. They only use the full course curriculum for achieving
knowledge and practicing that knowledge in their job sector for improving their performance
quality. That is why EMPA is different from other Evening programs of Dhaka University.

Table: Summary of the major findings of the study

Area of Information Actors Key findings

Overall considerations of regular
students are now on behalf of
opening EMPA in the department
Regular Students of 40 respondents from 4th year
of Public Administration but they
Public Administration and Masters
are also expecting that EMPA
would not be clashing with their
regular academic activity.

They want to get more knowledge

Checklist Potential candidates
on Public Administration.

- Providing knowledge is good for

- Educationist
the nation.
Interview - Faculties of the Department
- Expanding market demand of PA
of Public Administration
through Professional candidates.

5. Conclusions and Recommendation

35 | P a g e
Introducing Evening Masters in Public Administration (EMPA) as a Night or Part time
learning course for professional in Dhaka University is the main concern of this study.
Demand, resistance and managing resistance of EMPA were the issue of the study. The
reason of the study to find out the critical sides of this issue and analysing that using research
methodology. In conclusion part, it is not easy to draw a conclusion of the study. But the
three possible findings which were mentioned from the starting should clear again. First, this
study wanted to know the demand of EMPA if it is introduced by the department of Public
Administration. And according to findings and response it can say that if this department
introduce EMPA at least 90 percent of potential candidates will attend to be the part of this
program willingly. Second, why EMPA faced resistance from the regular students of DU?
Findings show that there was no discussion and explanation for launching EMPA between
teachers and students for that students considered EMPA as a threat and reason of hampering.
Along with students thought that EMPA will be the business card of the teachers of earning
money not serving knowledge. After clearing the view of authority and demand of potential
candidates for EMPA findings show that, now regular students have no complain against
introducing EMPA. Not only that type of resistance, to avoid any kind of situation which
would be clashing with EMPA and regular students, there are some recommendations
mentioned below as a third point of this study, managerial techniques-

- Public Universities and UGC have to pay concentration to make specific rules and
regulations for opening and running Evening courses so that conflicts can be avoided.
- Faculties of the Department of Public Administration should more communication
with regular students and discuss about EMPA issue.
- Department should ensure competitive admission test for EMPA admission and select
qualitative students from that.
- Department should make effective and standard course curriculum guideline for
EMPA holders so that they will earn their EMPA certificate not get.
- Faculties should deliver the importance equity in higher education to the regular
students and how EMPA will ensure that.
- Authority and faculties of the department should be fair for using admission fees for
buying new books for the seminar, increasing salary of all faculties including
- Authority should add new and strategic techniques for the development of ensuring
EMPA holders development.

36 | P a g e
- Authority should ensure fair application and admission procedure so that any
ineligible person cannot be admitted.
- Faculties should be more concern about taking regular and EMPA class so that for
their own irregularity there is no clashing happen.
- Cordially

37 | P a g e
Appendix -1:
 Structured question for Regular students and Potential candidates of

Respondent information:

Name: ……………………………............ Class Roll: …….

Gender: Male Female Year: 4th year Masters

(Please fill up the questionnaire carefully by using tick √)

1. Are you in favor of opening EMPA program in our department?
Yes No
2. Whom do you think will be most benefitted if EMPA is launched?
Potential candidates (already having 3 years of job experience)
3. How will the dept. possibly be benefitted? (multiple response)
Financial solvency
Modernized lab and seminar library
Sufficient budgeting for different co-curricular activities
None of these
4. What do you think about the job opportunity of the current student if EMPA program
is launched?
Will be reduced
Will be extended

5. If job opportunity extends then which of the following might help? (multiple

38 | P a g e
Networking through EMPA holders
Marketization of the department
6. As only professionals can apply for EMPA program why do you think your job
opportunity will be reduced?

7. Do you think the regular academic schedules of current students will be hampered?
Yes No
8. If yes then how? (multiple response)
Teachers might be unavailable
Disturbance in class routine
Delay in semester completion
Delay in result publishing
All of these
9. How may the teachers be benefited by EMPA? (multiple response)
Through increasing income opportunity
Through increasing knowledge, experience and teaching ability
Others (You think)………………………………………………………
10. Do you think the knowledge of public Administration will be dispersed in our society
through EMPA?
Yes No
11. If yes, how?
Through EMPA holders
Through the Marketing the department
All of the above

Appendix -2:
 Structured checklist for Potential candidates of EMPA.
39 | P a g e
Checklist for Interview
Name:………………………………………………………….. Age:………………………..


University: ……………………………………………………Subject: …………………………

Profession:……………………………………………………Designation: ……………………



1. If you get any opportunity to take Evening Masters Degree from

Department of Public Administration, will you take that chance? If yes,
then why?
2. How will you be benefitted by this Masters Degree?
3. Do you think the EMPA Degree have any demand in the job market? If
yes, then How?
4. Which factors encourage you to take EMPA Degree from the department
of Public Administration?
5. What is your expectation from EMPA(Evening Masters in Public
Administration) program?

40 | P a g e
Appendix -3:
 Unstructured questions for Teachers, Educationist and Political parties.

- Do you think EMPA or Evening courses have any importance to be added

in Public University?
- Do you think EMPA or Evening courses would be beneficial for our
- If Yes or No, How?
- Do you think EMPA or Evening courses will play role for the
development of young and educated community?
- If Yes or No, How?

 Aslanian, Carol And Giles, Natalie Green; Hindsight, Insight, Foresight:
Understanding Adult Learning Trends to Predict Future Opportunities

 Bangladesh University Grants Commission (2012). Annual Report-2005

 Bangladesh University Grants Commission (2013). Annual Report-2013

41 | P a g e
IRELAND: Policy, practice and Recommendations for the future.

 Monem, Mobasser And Baniamin, Hasan Muhammad (2010), Higher

Education in Bangladesh: Status, Issues and Prospects, Pakistan Journal
of Social Sciences (PJSS).

 Own Correspondent (2014 May 18). Claimed not to open Evening course
in Political Science Department. Dhaka Observer Retrived from

 Own Correspondent (2014 May 18). Students strike for closing evening
courses from DU. The Daily Ittefak

 Own Correspondent (2014 February 3). Why students do not want Night
Courses in Public University. BBC Bangla

 Own Correspondents (2014 January 29). Students strike against Night

course and extended fee in Rajsahi University. The Daily Manobjomin

 Selim, Mohammad (2010), Problems of Higher Education in Bangladesh:

A study on the Performance of University Teachers, Dhaka.

42 | P a g e

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