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2814 Spring Road, Ste. 114, Atlanta, GA 30339
Campaign Manager’s Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ...............................................................................................................................................1

Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................2

Basic Campaign Setup .........................................................................................................................3

Creating Tweets ...........................................................................................................................6

Scheduling Tweets ........................................................................................................................7

Campaign Development.....................................................................................................................8

Campaign Planning ........................................................................................................................8

Follower Education ................................................................................................................... 10

Integration ................................................................................................................................... 10

RT Keyword Campaigns ................................................................................................................. 11

Celebrity Campaigns ........................................................................................................................ 12

Twitpic Requests .............................................................................................................................. 13

Suggested Messaging ........................................................................................................................ 14

Campaign Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 16

Campaign Manager’s Guide

Welcome to Twitpay!

Twitpay is an exciting resource which allows non-profit organizations to solicit and accept
monetary donations directly over Twitter. In order to receive contributions using Twitpay,
three simple actions must take place.

1. Your organization sends out a tweet through the Campaign Management system
requesting contributions.

2. A donor then Retweets (RT) the message. Twitpay will automatically detect their
Retweet and send a private Direct Message (DM) requesting confirmation.

(NOTE: In the event that the donor is not already a registered Twitpay user, one additional step is
added. Twitpay will contact them via an @reply asking them to register. Once registered, this and all
future contributions will be confirmed as described above.)

3. The donor replies “yes” to confirm their contribution.

Using the Twitpay Campaign Management tool, you will be able to quickly design and imple-
ment a Twitpay campaign. This guide will take you through the steps involved in planning and
running a campaign and provide you with a number of specialized tools and guidelines to make
your campaign a success.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Getting Started

Once you complete your enrollment form, you can setup your Campaign Manager at

1. First, click Login.

2. Click register if you do not have an account.
3. Click Connect to Twitter.
4. Login to Twitter.
5. You are now ready to use the Campaign Management tool.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Basic Campaign Setup

Once you’ve setup your account, you can now design your first campaign.

1. Go to
2. Click login.

3. Enter your login information.

4. Click manage.

5. Your dashboard will look like this. Click Create new campaign.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

6. Enter the following information:

Name: Design a campaign name to help you track performance.

Alternate Page Title: (optional) You micro site title will default to your organization
name. However, if you’d like a different title to appear, you can enter it here.

Goal: (optional) Select dollar figure as your campaign goal.

Call to Action: This subheadline will appear next to the Donate Now button on your
micro site. It should be brief, clear and actionable.

Description: This will be the content for your micro site. A link to this site will be
included in every tweet. There is no length limit, despite the size of the dialog box. In
this case, the more content the better. This section is HTML capable, allowing you to
include photos, logos, and links.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide
Hashtag to add to every tweet: (optional) You can add a specific phrase to each
tweet which will allow you or anyone else to search for all tweets related to your cam-
paign. Remember, if you choose to use a hashtag, it will further reduce the number of
characters available for your messaging. If you would like to add different hashtags to
different tweets, you can leave this area blank and add them individually as you create
your tweets.

Featured Twitter Account: Select the Twitter account that you would like to ap-
pear in the feed on the micro site for this campaign.

External total raised (for widget): You can add a running total of contributions to
your website, which will be automatically updated by Twitpay. If you are running an-
other campaign in conjunction with your Twitpay campaign, you can include those
funds in your total by entering them here.

Allow users to create their own tweets (Yes or No): (optional) If you’d like to
let donors select one of your tweets and/or select their own dollar amount, click yes.

7. Click create.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide
Creating Tweets

Once you’ve established a campaign, you will need to send out a series of tweets to request
contributions. To do this, login to your RT2Give account, click manage, and select your
campaign. At the top of the page, click post new tweet.

1. Select your twitter account from the drop-down box.

2. Enter the dollar amount that you would like to request.
3. Enter the message you’d like to tweet. (NOTE: Your full message will preview below.
Your character count is listed in parentheses.)
4. Click Post tweet.

Twitpay will automatically include the 3 vital components of a tweet request: RT2Give, the
request amount, and a link to your micro site.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide
Scheduling Tweets

For a campaign to be successful, you will need to send multiple tweets over an extended pe-
riod of time. You can certainly go in and manually send these tweets, but it can be difficult to
be consistent. A better option is to plan your tweets ahead of time and enter them all at
once. The Twitpay system will then send your tweets based on the schedule that you deter-
mine. To schedule a tweet, follow the previous instructions, but instead of clicking Post
tweet, click Schedule Tweet for later. This will open up additional fields allowing you to
select the day and time that you would like to send that specific tweet.

If you’d like to schedule the same tweet to be deployed multiple times, go to your Campaign
Manager, find the tweet that you would like to schedule again, and click Duplicate.
This will bring up the post new tweet window with the previous message already included.
You can then edit the tweet (optional) and select a new scheduled time. Click Post tweet.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Campaign Development
Now that you know the basics, it’s time to take your fundraising efforts to the next level.
There are several keys to orchestrating a highly successful campaign:
1. Well organized plan prior to campaign launch
2. Follower education & awareness
3. Integration between online and offline efforts
4. Variety in request approaches

Campaign Planning

Like anything else, thoughtful planning prior to the launch of a Twitpay campaign is the key to
success. There are several questions that you should ask before beginning your campaign.
Keep in mind that every organization is different and the more aware you are of your follow-
ers’ preferences, the more accurately you can plan your campaign.

How long should it run?

Individual campaigns usually run for 3-5 days and are scheduled every 2-3 months. Alterna-
tively, some organizations choose to implement a more long-term “drip” strategy, sending out
requests 1 day every 2-4 weeks. When making this decision, its important to consider how
engaged you already are with your followers.

A lot depends on how often you’re already tweeting. If you already send out 10+ tweets a day
with quality content that your followers benefit from, then designating a 5 day campaign during
which you send 4-6 requests a day, or a 1-2 day campaign comprised of 7-10 requests, is
probably reasonable. However, if you currently only tweet a couple of times per week and
they usually consist of retweets, then you’re probably going to do better with a single day
event with a maximum of 5 requests. This campaign can then be repeated on a monthly or
quarterly basis as you grow your Twitter presence.

Some scenarios may call for a slightly different tactic, however. If there is a high profile event,
such as a natural disaster or a final push before an election, you can afford to be much more
aggressive. Just remember, the more frequent the tweets, the shorter the duration of the
campaign should be.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide
What types of tools can I incorporate?
The goal of any Twitpay campaign is to get your request out to as many people as possible.
The most basic use of Twitpay is to send out a tweet and ask your followers to “Retweet to
Give.” This allows you to amplify your exposure exponentially in addition to requesting con-
tributions from your supporters. However, there are several other ways to increase your ex-
posure. The two most common are “RT Keywords” and “Celeb Tweets.”

RT Keywords allow your non-followers or followers who don’t catch your request tweet, to
make a direct contribution over Twitter. You setup a brand new Twitter account with a
memorable handle (“Keyword”), and then distribute that keyword at events, in emails, on
Facebook, etc. All the donor has to do is type “RT Keyword” to make a pre-determined do-
nation AND automatically tweet your message to their followers.

Celeb Tweets are just that, tweets by celebrities. Of course, in the Twitter-verse, celebrities
don’t necessarily have to be movie stars. This concept is basically just asking any influential
Twitter user that you have connections with, to send a tweet for you. Our system will gener-
ate the message, which the celeb can then copy, paste and send. This allows you to access
their follower base without having to have access to their account.

NEW - Twitpay now offers a Social Donation Widget that can be easily incorporated into
your website! Contact Twitpay at or 1-877-RETWEET for instructions on
how to install your FREE custom widget. Now your website visitors can retweet to donate
instantly from your webiste!

Example widgets:

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Campaign Manager’s Guide
Follower Education

No matter how savvy your followers are, you will want to provide at least some instructions
prior to beginning your campaign. And these don’t all have to appear on Twitter. Utilize the
longer format of Facebook, email, and live events to educate your followers about this tool.
For example, about a week prior to your campaign launch, you could send out an email like
this to your database:

Dear Friends:
As you know, the effects of the Gulf Oil Spill are still radiating throughout the Gulf Coast.
And no one is hurting more than the wildlife in the area. Beginning next week, we will be
launching a Twitpay campaign to raise funds for our on-the-ground volunteers supporting wild-
life rescue and rehabilitation efforts and restoring the damaged coastal ecosystem in the Gulf
of Mexico. Twitpay is a process that allows us to accept contributions directly over Twitter.
If you are a Twitter user, you can help us in two very important ways. When you see our
tweets next week, make sure to retweet (RT) them to your followers. You will be spreading
awareness exponentially! And then check your direct message (DM) box for a message from
RT2Give_Confirm. Reply “yes” to donate $10 to the National Wildlife Federation.* We are
leveraging the power of social media to make a positive change in the wake of this disaster. If
you have any questions about this tool, please visit RT2GIVE’s Frequently Asked Questions.
And don’t forget to retweet our messages next week!
*If this is your first time using Twitpay, you will receive an @reply with enrollment instructions. After enrolling you will
receive a DM asking you to confirm your donation.

Messages like this one can be sent out via Facebook, in any print advertising or communica-
tions that you already have planned, or verbally during events.

One of the most important aspects of your Twitter fundraising campaign is what you do OFF
of Twitter. In today’s world, it is absolutely vital that you integrate all of the tools at your dis-
posal. This means that you want to drive your Twitter followers to your website, Facebook
page, and in-person events, and you want to drive everyone who sees your emails, blog, and
advertising to your Twitter account. Every channel that you use should encourage expansion
into other channels. The more exposure an advocate can have to your cause, the more likely
they will be to contribute.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

RT Keyword Campaign
In additional to your Retweet to Give Campaign, you may want to setup a RT Keyword Cam-
paign. This tool allows you to receive Twitpay contributions from non-followers and from
followers who missed your tweet, but may have received your messaging through another
channel (i.e. Facebook, Email, Event, etc.)

To setup an RT Keyword Campaign:

1. Create a new Twitter account. Select a “Keyword” that is brief, easy to remem-
ber, and related to your cause.
2. Login to and click Manage.
3. Click Manage Twitter accounts near
the bottom of the screen.
4. Click
(make sure you are logged out before clicking.)
5. Sign in to Twitter and your new RT Keyword account will appear under twitter
6. Click Manage again to return to the campaign management screen.
7. Setup a new campaign as detailed earlier in this guide.
8. You will need to send out one initial tweet including: the messaging that you want
retweeted when someone responds, RT2Give, your requested donation amount,
and a URL to the campaign micro site. You will not need to send any other tweets
unless you want to change your messaging or donation amount.
9. Instruct followers via word of mouth, email, Facebook, etc., that they can donate
the amount you’ve specified by simply typing “RT Keyword” in Twitter.
(Remember: “Keyword” should be replaced with your new Twitter handle!) This
will automatically send a retweet of your last message from the donor’s account, as
well as initiate their contribution.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Celebrity Campaign
Most non-profit organizations have supporters who are well known or influential, both online
and off. This tool allows you to work with a Celebrity or Influential Person who can send a
request message on your behalf. As long as they are Twitter users, these celebrities can be
very powerful advocates for your cause. During the planning stages of each campaign, reach
out to your celebrity contacts and ask for their participation. Let them know that you will
generate the message and they just have to copy and paste it into Twitter. (NOTE: It is very
important that the message not be changed, specifically RT2Give, the amount, and the URL.)

Once you have confirmed a celebrity’s participation:

1. Login to
2. Click Manage.
3. Click on your active campaign.
4. Click create a celeb tweet.

5. Enter the celebrity’s Twitter handle, the request amount, and the message that
you’d like to come from them.
6. Click Create celeb tweet. This will generate your tweet, but it will not send it.
7. Twitpay will generate an email for you to send to your celebrity complete with in-
structions for sending your tweet. They will be given both the actual text of your
tweet, which they can copy and paste, as well as a link they can click to auto-
populate their Twitter box with your tweet.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Twitpic Requests
We’ve all heard it said: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This can often be the case on
Twitter, as well, where words are at an extreme premium. If you need a little more space, or
you just want your message to be even more impactful, alternating your request tweets with a
Twitpic is a wise choice.

To attach an image to a request tweet:

1. First, you must create a celeb tweet:
2. Login to
3. Click Manage.
4. Click on your active campaign.
5. Click create a celeb tweet.
6. Enter your Twitter handle, the request amount, and the message that you’d
like to accompany your Twitpic. NOTE: You will need 26 characters free
for your Twitpic link, so make sure not to go over 114 characters in your
celeb tweet.
7. Keep your message to 78 characters or less to allow room for both the
usual RT2Give information (RT2Give, amount, and url) as well as the Twit-
pic link. If you’d like to use the RT2Give counter, make sure to stay below
114 characters.
8. Click Create celeb tweet. This will generate your tweet, but it will not
send it.
9. Now, in a separate tab or window, go to, and click Login or Create
an Account.
10. Allow Twitpic access to your account.
11. Click Upload Photo.
12. Choose File.
13. Go back to your RT2Give tab/window and copy the text of your tweet, including
RT2Give, the amount, and the URL.
14. Paste that text into the Add a message box in Twitpic.
15. Make sure the Post to Twitter option is checked and click Upload.

Please note that Twitpics cannot currently be scheduled in advance.

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Suggested Messaging
The most common question that we get is what is the best messaging to generate donations?
Of course, the answer to that depends on your followers and your organization’s specific mis-
sion. However, we are available to assist you in developing messaging for your campaigns.
Please email or call 1-877-RETWEET for assistance.

Here are some tips and example messaging we’ve used in the past.

1. This is a new behavior. Spell out “retweet this message to donate X$”.
2. Mix donation requests in with instructional tweets, thanking those who have retweeted
and reminding them to confirm/enroll.
3. Let your supporters know that by donating through Twitpay, they are helping you in two
important ways, both giving money, and raising money & awareness by spreading the word
to their social network.
4. In a traditional donation request, the Twitpay syntax requires 36 characters, leaving 104
characters for your message. If you add a Twitpic, syntax requires 62 characters, leaving
78 for your message.

Example Tweets:

Pre-campaign/”teaser” tweets:

@EveryChildUSA is working with Children's Defense Fund to save children from poverty and illiteracy! Visit to help! (Direct followers to your campaign page.)

You can save children's lives by giving $10 directly over Twitter! Watch this quick video to learn how to help! (Direct followers to the Twitpay enrollment video.)

Oct. 18th - THE FIGHT BEGINS! Help up end poverty & illiteracy in the US! Please follow @EveryChildUSA and
be ready to help! PLEASE RT!!! (Grow your following prior to campaign launch, and get your followers used to
retweeting your messages.)

Celeb Tweets:
Help me support @EveryChildUSA! Retweet this msg to donate $10 to educating American youth! RT2Give $10 (Make the request as personal as possible.)

I support @EveryChildUSA! You can too! Please retweet this msg to give $10 to end poverty in the US!
RT2Give $10 (Emphasize that the celebrity is supporting the cause as well.)

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Campaign Manager’s Guide
Donation Requests:
Malaria kills a child every 30 secs. Nets #endmalaria. So do RTs! Retweet this msg to give $10! RT2Give $10 (Specifically detail exactly what the money raised will accomplish.)

85% of young ppl in the juvenile justice system are illiterate! Retweet this msg to help by giving $10! RT2Give $10 (Use statistics to make your point stronger.)

Help a girl, change the world! Retweet this msg to give $10 Send a young girl to school for a semester! RT2Give
$10 (Emphasize the immediacy of the need and evoke an emotional response.)

Follow-up Tweets:
THANK YOU to everyone who retweeted for @EveryChildUSA! Remember-check your @mentions! Go to to confirm your gift! (Ask Twitpay for your campaign link. This will allow donors to com-
plete their donation, whether they have already retweeted or not—if not, the system will send the retweet after
they enroll.)

Protect Yellowstone National Park! Retweet this msg to give $30 to @NWF RT2Give $30
t/000 (Even though you lose some characters to the Twitpic link, you can add an unlim-
ited amount of text to your Twitpic! In the “New Twitter” layout, this image will appear directly in Twitter.)

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Campaign Manager’s Guide

Campaign Checklist
Campaign Name: _________________________________________ Dates: _________

Initial Follower Count: _________________ Fundraising Goal: _____________________

Early Planning
 Create Campaign in Campaign Manager.
 Setup RT Keyword Account(s) in Twitter and add to Campaign Manager.
 Incorporate Campaign and RT Keyword information into long-term advertising and
communications strategy.

2-3 Weeks Prior to Campaign Launch

 Add RT Keyword to all upcoming communications:
 Website(s)
 Emails
 Advertising
 Mailings
 Live Events
 Other
 Confirm Celebrity and Influencer Participation.
 Propose options for traditional retweets, RT Keywords, and celeb competitions.
 Consider virtual or actual gifts/contests for donors and/or first time enrollees.
 Add campaign graphics and verbiage to Twitter Background(s).
 Send “teaser” tweets every other day beginning 2 weeks out (vary timing).

One Week Prior to Campaign Launch
 Send “teaser” tweets daily (vary timing).
 Have celebrities/influencers start sending “teaser” tweets.
 Send Twitpic detailing Twitpay process twice during week prior (vary timing).
 Send campaign instructions to celebrities/influencers.

Campaign Execution
 Schedule tweets in advance based on pre-determined schedule.
 Monitor results and adjust messaging as needed.
 Continue to communicate with celebrities/influencers throughout campaign.

 Send tweets thanking those who participated and reminding retweeters to confirm their
 Send DMs and @replies to remind those who retweeted to confirm. Emphasize the ease
of enrollment.
 Send campaign results out via tweets, press releases, emails and your website.

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