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Dear Respondent

I am a student of Lovely Honors School of Business and Arts (Lovely Professional

University) and pursuing my Mphil (Management).Currently I have undertaken my
research project for which I intend to pose a questionnaire aimed at Customers’
perception about the Private Banks (HDFC Bank).

Your cooperation is deeply solicited to provide the relevant information .I assure that
information will be kept confidential.

Personal Details:
• Name of Customer _______________ Mobile No.______________
• Age : below 18 18-30  30-45  above 45
• Sex: Male
 Female
Name of the bank and type of account ______________________________

1. Are you satisfied from the services of the bank?

Yes  No

2. Please mark the reasons for your dissatisfaction:-

 Less number of ATMs
 Delay in processing
Dissatisfaction at cash-counter services
 Long queues
Query handling
 Cash availability at ATMs

3. Since how long you have been associated with the bank?

4. Which type of accounts do you have with HDFC?

Saving account current account
De-mat account cash /credit account
Salary account fixed deposit account
Any other ___________________________________________
5. How frequently do you avail services of HDFC BANK?
 Daily  weekly
 Fortnightly  Monthly

6. How would you rate branch banking of HDFC bank ?Please tick in the
appropriate column :
(1.Very dissatisfied 2.Dissatisfied 3.Satisfied 4.Very satisfied 5.Highly

1 2 3 4 5
behaviour of the staff
time taken to process the transaction
working hours
general assessment about the services

7. How would you describe about internet banking services in India?

Please tick in the appropriate column :
(1.Very dissatisfied 2.Dissatisfied 3.Satisfied 4.Very satisfied
Highly Satisfied)

1 2 3 4 5
Page setup/Menu flow

Ease of use/navigation

Speed of page loading

Variety of transactions
8. Please rate bank of below mentioned parameters on a scale of 1-5

1 2 3 4 5
Timeliness of complaint resolution
Quality measures of complaint handling
Effectiveness in conduct & communication
Anticipation of customer needs
Presentation by staff
Quicker response in query handling
Quality & sophistication in the way of delivery
Knowledge of company products and services
Frequency and quality of contact
Level of product knowledge of bank staff
Extent of congruence that exists between
Time taken for service delivery and stipulated time
Layout of the branch
Products &services

9. How many accounts do you have with this bank?

10. Do you get proper attention and the employees of the bank listen to you and your
queries very patiently?
 Yes  No

If no, then please share your experience ___________________________________


11. Are you happy being associated with your current bank?

Yes No

If No, then please mention the problems ___________________________________


12. Do you wish to switch over?

Yes No

• Address:________________________________________________________
• City ____________________________________________________________
• Annual Income:
<50 000 50 000-1 Lakh 
above 1 lakh
● Occupation:
Student Service  Businessman Housewife Any
 other

Suggestions if any _____________________________________________________


Thanks for sparing your valuable time!!!!!

All the best & Have a nice day!!!

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