Practical Research Paper Guidelines

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Practical Research Paper Guidelines

Parts of the Research Paper Survey Questionnaire:

Title - 50 items
- Opening to Closing questions
Title Page
- 50 Different respondents with pictures
o Print and include these pictures on
Table of Contents
- All questions must be approved.
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background

1.I Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem Research paper requirements:
1.3 Scope and Limitations of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Assumption of the Study - Must be in a long black sliding folder
1.6 Definition of Terms - Must be type in a legal bond paper
- Font Style
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature o Style Calibri (Body)
o Title - 18’inch,
Chapter 3: Methods and Procedures o Header – 16’inch
o Body – 12’inch
3.1 Methods of Research o Color – black
3.2 Subjects of the Study o Justified
3.4 Data Gathering Procedure o With pages
3.5 Statistical Treatment Applied - Spacing
o After title – double (double space)
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of o Body – double space
Data o After body – double (double space)
- Minimum of 40 pages
4.1 Correlation Table
4.2 Standard Deviation
4.3 Frequency and Percentage Notes:
- All draft must be approved first before the final
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Direction for Future Research
- Study your research thoroughly for final defense.
5.1 Summary of Findings
- Everyone must participate.
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations

References Deadline for submission: October 11, 2018

Final Defense: October 15 – 19, 2018

- Sample survey questionnaires

- Pictures of the respondents
- Letter of intent for the said research
Esther Research Groupings
Note: Permanent groupings. Any changes are not allowed.

Group 1
Group 4
1. Berdida
2. De Vera 1. Alaba
3. Guevarra 2. Dones
4. Francisco 3. Mijares
5. Quilino 4. Millares
6. Ong 5. Reambonanza
6. Santos, Monaliza
Group 2
Group 5
1. Abarico
2. Barotil 1. Abay-abay
3. Fajardo 2. De Guzman
4. Herrera 3. Diaz
5. Fausto 4. Enona
6. Paculanang 5. Quibal
7. Torreneva 6. Rogelio

Group 3 Group 6

1. Alarcon 1. Agramon
2. Flores 2. Bansag
3. Gutay 3. Osabel
4. Suralta 4. Ramos
5. Villalbal 5. Salcedo
6. Bajaro 6. Santos, Kyaram
Nehemiah Research Groupings
Note: Permanent groupings. Any changes are not allowed.

Group 1 Group 4

1. Espiritu 1. Labagala
2. Alamo 2. Ignacio
3. Butalon 3. San Luis
4. Ypil 4. Aquino
5. Guisante 5. Sagayno

Group 2 Group 5

1. LLabore 1. Merebueno
2. Martin, L. 2. Lazo
3. Malle 3. Aliga
4. Bulquirin 4. Taguba
5. Quilatan 5. Valiente
6. Hilado 6. Velonza

Group 3 Group 6

1. Ismael 1. Enosa
2. Martin, V. 2. Moceros
3. Catalan 3. Aniceto
4. Banalnal 4. Vianzon
5. Panti 5. Santiano
6. Ebe

Group 7

1. Danico
2. Rada
3. Regua
4. Bantilan
5. Arrienda
Quantitative Research Proposal Topics

1. The relationship between educational achievement and economic status.

2. The link between urbanization and economic growth.
3. The relationship between micro-financial participation and expectations.
4. The link between debt accumulation and retirement.
5. The relationship between symptoms of psychiatric disorder and independent living skills.
6. The relationship between children's nutrition and cognitive development.
7. The relationship between immigration and crime statistics.
8. The relationship between social welfare and business performance.
9. The link between income and occupation.
10.The relationship between materialism and national happiness.
11.The relationship between college study and future job satisfaction.
12.The effect of education on obesity.
13.The effect of positive discrimination of company culture.
14.Compare the weight loss benefits of low carbohydrate versus high carbohydrate diets.
15.Compare the benefits of weight training versus cardio regimes.
16.How much exercise leads to a lasting physical benefit?
17.To what extent are fast food restaurants responsible for obesity?
18.The relationship between emotional stability and overall wellbeing.
19.Compare the use of nutritional therapy with modern medical approaches.
20.To what extent has technology affected communications?
21.The relationship between school prestige and academic standards.
22.The link between military support and economic development in developing nations.
23.The relationship between crime rates and gun ownership.
24.The link between sugar intake and diabetes diagnosis.
25.The relationship between high fat diet and heart disease.

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