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Student/Parent Name Communication Date/Description

JP’s Car 4/9/18- response to a note
regarding reading books

KV’s mum 5/9- discussion about the way the

school teaches subtraction and
how her child was going at school
DM- mum 5/9- talked about D progress at
school and how she showed
resilience today (a goal of D)
27/9- B refused to come onto the
BW- mum school grounds. Mum asked if I
could get him into class. B has an
addition to the game Fortnite
Community Members Sent out letters and emails to
invite community members to talk
about their careers
10/10- discussion about A‘s
AV- dad attitude in class- eye rolling.
(positive conversation and problem
has been resolved)
AV- dad 15/10- checking on A’s progress
in school. Discussion about A’s
16/10- checking in on K’s progress
KV- mum in the classroom (showed
concerns about his writing
[paragraphing])- reassured that K
was doing fine
MJ- mum 1/11- M was picked up early. Told
mum how well behaved M had
been- she was ecstatic
4/11- informed us that she was
Jcox- Mum moving but J was going to be
staying at nanas until the end of
Jcox- Nana
5/11- introduced herself to me,
asked about the colour run.

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