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AP Language &


Argument Prompt:

● The argument essay on the AP exam may ask

you to write an essay in which you “agree,
disagree or qualify” a statement.
● 2014 (Q3)
●But, be careful of the verb/task
● Responses (17 and 18)

● Big Takeaway
●If you qualify your statement, make is specific
and/or conditional (i.e. “Okay, but…”).
“Yes”: Extend with a difference

● More than echoing views you agree with

● Bring something new to the table that
makes you a valuable participant in the
●Unnoticed evidence or line of reasoning that
supports X’s claims that X hadn’t mentioned
●“Dogs ALSO have tails. And here’s why that

“Yes”: Extend with a difference

● If X’s views are challenging

or esoteric, be an accessible
● “Let me put it this way,
omelets can include cheese
or not.”
“No”: Limit and explain why

● Offer
persuasive reasons
why you disagree:

● Hereare some
“No”: Limit and explain why

Argument fails to take

relevant factors into
“That WOULD be true if
bacon was the only thing
we ate.”
“No”: Limit and explain why

Based on faulty or
incomplete evidence
“But not all men have
gas, take Gandhi.”
“No”: Limit and explain why

Uses flawed logic, is

contradictory or overlooks
what you take to be the real
“Let’s take a look at downhill
skiing as a whole…”
“Okay, But”: Qualify

● Avoids a simple yes or no answer

● Useful words for qualifying: So to speak ,
Almost ,To all intents and purposes , In a
way , To some extent, In effect, Up to a
point , More or less , It is no exaggeration
to say that, Practically
Qualify: The Question is Flawed

●If you see what the question itself has not

considered, you’re qualifying.

●“Before we can discuss parrots as pets,

let’s first consider the soul-filling activity of
pet ownership…”
Big Takeaway:
● Consider a spectrum of ideas as
you arrive at your position
● Use every position you consider
with a purpose

“Between the Sexes” Question 1

Please complete by class tomorrow.
pg. 478 in 100 Great Essays

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