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Erla Yanes Teaching Philosophy

There are many different types of teachers, each with their styles of teaching influenced

by their philosophies in their content deliver. Educators may have a philosophy driven by

Radical to Progressive to Conservative. The Radical philosophies places an importance in

promoting extreme social, political and economic change through education. The Progressive

philosophy emphasizes the importance on school being the gathering place for students and their

teachers to make their own decisions about teaching and learning. The Conservative philosophy

category is a cluster of philosophies that are strongly centered on subject matter, especially a

heavy emphasis on reading. Exceptional teaching has no singular specific philosophy. Rather

each philosophy can create an excellent teacher on basis of how the philosophies are

incorporated into the curriculum. For that reason, it important to remember that teachers can, and

are encouraged, to practice more than one philosophy in their teaching.

As a future special education teacher, I believe that my philosophies best correlate with

progressive education as a romantic naturalist. Specifically, Maria Montessor’s emphasis in the

learning environment of the child. The reasons for that is because I believe in effective practices

such as multiple intelligences, universal for design learning, modifications, accommodations,

multisensory, and student-centered learning. I hope to make content relevant in students’ funds

of knowledge, create a culturally responsive classroom, and build off student strength – not

deficits. Good educators have more than one form of teaching styles, in large group setting or

individualized learning. Not all students learn the same, therefor presenting the content in

multiple ways is beneficial for all students of different learning styles. Gardner says that these

differences, multiple intelligences, "challenge an educational system that assumes that everyone

can learn the same materials in the same way and that a uniform, universal measure suffices to

test student learning. Indeed, as currently constituted, our educational system is heavily biased
Erla Yanes Teaching Philosophy

toward linguistic modes of instruction and assessment and, to a somewhat lesser degree, toward

logical-quantitative modes as well. Multiple intelligences are yet another way to create a

culturally relevant classroom. Multiple intelligences build on student strength. Offering students

choices about their learning is one of the most powerful ways to teachers can enhance student

learning. I believe students should be motivated to learn and educators are to establish

motivation. The educator is a guide, not a taskmaster to the learning content. The educator guides

students in the safe, culturally relevant classroom to format of the content in the students’


For students with a specific learning disability a student will most likely work to improve

skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. In fact, reading is the most common struggle students

with an individualized education program (IEP) encounter. Children who cannot read are unable

to keep up with their peers in almost every academic subject. Reading is incorporated into all

learning subjects. For that reason, I also believe in the conservative philosophy, even though it is

subject-center curriculum. Specifically, as an educator essentialism is an effective teaching

philosophy. Although the purpose of this philosophy is to help learners acquire basic skill sets in

subjects in reading, writing, math, natural sciences, history, foreign langue, and literature - I

believe reading is one of the most important school subjects. From an essentialism perspective,

reading is critical, and educators must do their best to teach students how to read. Thankfully,

there are numerous curriculum that enhance reading skills, so students can obtain knowledge

they need for our course contents.

Yet, postmodernist is a subgroup within the radical tradition that challenges society and

school norms that are representative to them of the domineering power of the majority. Students

with disabilities are consider a minatory group within the school system. Postmodern often
Erla Yanes Teaching Philosophy

challenges assumptions and practices rooted in values of Western civilization and social labels.

A postmodernist is very concerned with such labels and make a concerted effort to eliminate

them from the school experiences because of the latent messages of inequality and inhumanity

that the labels emit (J, Schul). One of the most effective practices to eliminate labels to integrate

students with disabilities with their peers, not segregated, stigmatized in a classroom. Inclusion

goes beyond allowing students with disabilities to be part of the general education classroom.

Inclusion pertains from the word “include”; defined from Merriam Webster, to be part of a

whole. In other words, inclusion is defined as embodied within a group, society or class. “The

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) does not require inclusion. Instead, the law

requires that students with disabilities be educated in the least restrictive environment to meet

their unique needs. However, IDEA proposes that the least restrictive environment begins with

the placement in a general education classroom (Wisconsin Education Association Council)”. In

other words, students should be placed in the most appropriate placement according to their

unique learning needs. An inclusive classroom is beneficial for all, not just the student who has

an IEP. Everyone, students and teachers, learn and benefit academically and socially from

allowing students with a disability to engage with all students.

In sum, I hope to be an effective teacher for my future students. “There is a difference

between being a teacher and being a school teacher. Teachers exist anywhere there is

communication between people. A school teacher, however, exists in a certain context with

certain curricular expectations and restraints” (J. Schul, pg1). Utilizing the teaching philosophies

described above I hope to be an educator that provides the appropriated education students need

to become productive members within our society.

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