Job Application Letter

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Djwantoro Hardjito
Jalan Siwalankerto No. 121-131
Wonocolo, Surabaya 60236
(031) 8439040

Dear Mr. Djwantoro:

I am interested in the position of Lecturer for Tax Accounting Program in Universitas Kristen
Petra Surabaya announced in jobstreet website in the November 1. I will finish my study in
Business Administration and Finance Major on September 2020. I already have an eight-year
experience as an employee in Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia.

My previous program in Accounting in State College of Accountancy (STAN) gave me an

opportunity to study about Tax Accounting. I have had the opportunity to take course not only
in Tax Accounting program but also in tax law with the latest regulation issued by the
government since STAN is an official school under the Ministry of Finance. I also update in
the latest changes of the tax regulations that apply in Indonesia. Regarding to my job in
Ministry of Finance, I had an opportunity as a trainee in Tax Accounting Program in Ministry
of Finance and Other Ministries in Indonesia.

Finding someone who is capable in teaching Tax Accounting Program with proper experience
is challenging. I am the one who have the experience on that field. When I was in College, I
teached my classmates about any kinds of subjects. I know the value of training and hardwork,
and I look forward to the challenge of motivating the students of Universitas Kristen Petra to
get more understanding and useful knowledge in Tax Accounting Program. My skill in English
would also enable me to teach all the students in English.

My communication skill and work experience would give me an ability to adapt quickly to
work in Universitas Kristen Petra. I am a flexible thinker, a hard worker, and most importantly
a quick study. Thank you for your attention. Hopefully you can consider my application letter.


Ahmad Khoerurizal

Encl: Resume

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