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- Note: Page numbers in bold type indicate major articles.

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P. O. BOX 76

'" .~------~~-~-~~------- .-.--~~-~------

Abt, John. S77. 14 083. 20-21, MarS5. 2S, NBS, 2S, MayS7,

A Abu Bhabi, ApS4, 2S 3S.AuS7,14

A. N. Ebony Co., NS6, 22

Abu-Jaber, Jilah, JuIS5, 35
Adorno. Theodor W" S77, 22, Ja7S, 23,

A Team, The, MarS4, 15

Aburakari II. Ap77. 13
Oc7S, 12. OcS2, 29

Aaron, A., FS6, 34-35

Abzug, Bella, 076, 12, Ja77. 12, JulSI. 30.
Adrian IV, 25

Aaron, David, Au77, 12

Adriance, Paul, OSO. 31-31

Aaron, Henry, JunSO, 24

academic freedom, Ap76, 10, MayS7, 21
Advance, May7S. 23

Aarons, Mark, AuS6, 34, JaS7, 33, MayS7,

academic mind, Ap7S, 6,20
advertisements, integrationist, Ju186, 24;
academicians, Ap7S, 20
misleading, NS3, 27, OcS7, 36; outdoor,
Aaronson, Aaron, Ap84, 29
Accardi, Sal, AuS4, 43
Ju186, 14; rejected, Ma76, 19, May79,
Abba, Ap77. 13,JaSO,31
Accardo, Tony, OS3, 16
28. OS6, 40

Abbey, Edward, 083, 36

Accuracy in Academia, F86, 40
advertising, British firms in U.S., Oc84.
Abbott, Dianne, OcS7, 30
Accuracy in Media, SSO, 25, FS6, 40
31; help wanted, NS3. 20; heroes
Abbott. Jack, MarS2, 17
Achaean League, FS7, 14-15
demeaned, OS2. 21; largest firms, SS6,
Abbott, John H., OcS3, 27
32% of GNP, SS6, 32; racist, JunSI, 23;
Abbott, Kim, SSO, 10-11
Acheson, Dean, Ja76, 15-16,JaS4, 15
risque, MayS!, 32, JuIS2, 26;
Abbott, Mather, May79, 25-26
achievement tests (also see IQ tests),
stereotyping. F84. 23; tasteless,
Abdeldaker, Sid. JunS7, 32
Ap76, 10, MarSI, 1S; black-white gap, MayS2, 2S, ApS7, 21; TV. May79, 11;
Abdul·Ghani, Idris, SS5, 20
Mar79,15 U.S firms abroad, Ja83, 31

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem (Lew Alcindor),

Achille Lauro, JaS6, 17, 21, ApS7, 32
advice to the lovelorn columns, JunSO, 26

May7S, 20, OcS2, 20, JuIS5, 33, AuS6, Acker, William. NS4, 20
Aesop, JuISI, 10

Ackerman, Raymond, NS4, 34
aesthetics; Aesthetic Prop. DB3, 24,

Abel, Alan, SSO, 23

Ackermann, Jon. Mar7S. 16
Ap85. 19-20; contact lenses, Au84. 27,

Abel, Robert C., OcS2, 27

ACORN. Jul82, 19
F87. 23; elfin, Oc79, 12-14;

Abels, Paul, ApSO, 26

Action, Mar76. 6, May77. 24, Ap7B. 24.
experiment, OS7, 16; Jewish, NS5. S;

Abelson, Philip, NS6, 36

Negro, NS6. S; Nordic, JunSO, 6-8. SS1,

Abernathy, James, SS4, 1S

Action Oirecte. Mar87, 32
13. Ju182. 14. AuS2, 9-11. Ap84. 14-15,

Abernathy, Ralph, Mar76, 6, JaS1, 7,

Action Franc;aise, JuIS4. 26
May85, 21, NBS. 6-S, MarS7, 12-16,

SS1. 30; space protest, JuI7S, 20-21,

actors. minority members, OcS4. 19
OeS7. 35, OS7, 16; Palestinian, ApS6,

Acuff. Roy, S7S, 7, MarS7, 25
S; power of, JuIS6, 15; racial, Jun79. 17,

Abetz. Otto, JunS6. 11

Acuna, Rudolfo, NSO, 1S
Ap80. 10-12. 27-2S, MarS3, 7-11, JaS4.

aborigines, Jun77, 19, F7S, 23. Jun7S. 24.

acupuncture, S81, 39
11, FB4, 6-9, Ju IS4, 2S, OS7.16; ·world

S7S.20,JunS2,1S.JaS3,31 Adam York Company, OS2. 26

face: JuIS6, 17

- abortion (also see Rowe vs. Wade), S76,

9, 17-1S, N80, 20, JaS2, 5-6, 14, N85, 29,

Mar86,34, OcS6, 37, MayS7, 37, NS7,

Adams, David C., Marl6. 19

Adams, Earnest L., NS7, 26

Adams, Eddie, AuS5. 29

Aetius. N76, S
affirmative action (also see reverse

discrimination), S76, 10, F77, 20, Mar77,

12-13,087,35; after rape, Jun81, 36;

Adams, Gerald, MayS7, 23
12-13, Ap7S,23, Mar79,19, OcSO,15,

Britain, May86, 28; Germany, Oc85. 30;

Adams, Harlan, SB4, 11
FS1,36, MarBI, 22, ApS2, 13, F83.

legal, AuS2. 26. May83. 26; Negro atti­

Adams, Henry, 075, 17, N76, 9, OBO,

tudes, F85, 1S; opponents.Au84. 40.

25-26, OcS7, 20
21, OcS5, 19, JunS6, 19; abuses, JuIS7,

F85, 18. MaySS, 19; polls, NS7. 26;

Adams, Joey, NS4, 30
17; advertising art, AuS3, 20-21;

- r~es.Au78,5.JunS3,25,SB5,29;
U.S.S.R., 087. 33

Abourezk. James, Au80. 17. Au81, 34.

Adams, John Quincy, MarSO, S
Adams, Joy, NS1, 33

Adams, Lionel, JaS5, 32

Adams, Michael, Ja77, 13, Jul77, S, 1B,

airlines, May7S, 23; back payments,

085, 32, AuS7, 26; beauty contests,

N86, 20; college, F76, S-9, MaySO,19;

compliance, JaS5, 32; countersuit,

Abraham. Ap77, 15
SS4,32; courageous opponent, OcS7,

Abraham, David. Ap85, 21

Adan, Richard, MarS2, 17
36; criticism, JulSO, 20, MayS4. 15,

Abraham. F. Murray. F87. 26

Adanson, Michel, NS6, 7-S
SS4, 16; destructive aspects, NS7, 36;

Abraham Lincoln Brigade. MarS4. 25

Adejumo, Jumbril, ApS6, 32
discrimination cases, FB3, 36, S83. 33,

Abraham, Patricia, S80, 25

Adelman, Kenneth, JulS2, 1S
FS5, 29-30, 36, AuB5, 30, May87, 30,

Abraham, Spencer, OcS4, 34, JaS5, 3S

Adelson, Howard L., OcS3, 19
Abrahams. Esther, F87. 31
Adelstein, David, OcS2, 30
cation, May7S, 6, 17-1S, Au7S, 12. S7S,

Abrahams, Harold, 082, 25

Adenauer, Konrad, Au7S, 19
11, Oc79. 20; ethnics, AuS7. 23; fire­
Abrahams. Lionel. Ap84. 29
Adkins, John D.• SS2.20
fighters. Ja79. 2S, AuS4, 21; fishing

Abrahamsen, David. Au77, 11

Adler, Barry, SS6, 34, ApS7, 36
rights, OcB1, 24; foot dragging, JaSS.

Abram, I.. MarS7. 33

Adler, Jerry, ApS5, 1S
36; frauds, SSO, 24; good conduct

Abram. Morris B.• Ap76. 9. Au83, 22. N84.

Adler, Kurt H" Ja79, 27
rewards, FS4, 1S; Hatch amendment.

21. Jun86, 22; nepotism. OcB6. 31

Adler, Margot, OcS2, 30
JaB1, 22; hostage crisis, JulSO, 22-23;

Abramoff, Jack, FS5, 19

Adler, Mortimer, Ap76, 10-11
Indians, OCS1, 24; medicine, S76, 10,

Abramowitz, Israel, OcS5, 34

Adler. Polly, MayS4.2S
Ju178, 13; mulatto complaints, ApSO, 24;

Abrams, Elliott, JaS2, 22, ApS4, 19, F8S,

Adler, Samuel, Ja7S. 24
police depts .• Mar79. 2S, F80, 2S, ApS3,

Adler, Solomon. Jun77. 12
27, FS4. 16; polls, S77, 11, DS3, 30;

Abrams. Martin, Au77, 19

Admiraal. Pieter V., ApS7, 30
quotas for Slavs, AuS2, 20; quote,

Abrams, Rhonda M., NS4, 19

adopted children, AuS4. 42
MarB4, 21 ; refused, 084. 39, SB5, 36,

Abscam, Ja81, S, ApS1, 21, Au81, 34,

adoption, OS1, 32-33; agencies, Ap81, 2S.
MayS7, 39; Supreme Court ruling, S79.

SS1.30, 081,30, May82, 18

Au84, 31; blond babies. Ja78, 15; EI 24-25; theater, Ap87. 20; training man­
Abse, Leo, JuISO, 32, F83, 26
Salvador, ApS6, 34; homosexual. OS2, ual, JulS7, 16; TV writing, JaS7, 26; U.S.

absenteeism, JuIS3, 2S, SS6, 32, DS7, 29

27. S83, 12; mixed race. Mar79. 2S, NS2.
State Dept., OCS1. 24; white psychosis.

Abshire, David, Ap81 , 10

1S. 29, OS2, 27. Mar83. 29. MayS3. 27,

Afghanistan, DSO, 30, JaS6, 31; relations

Aidan, Ap81 , 25
Alberta, politics, Ap86, 30

with U.S., ApSO, 18; Russian invasion,

AIDS, Ju183. 36, OcS3, 21, JaBS, 32,
Albina, Leontina, MarB1, 30

S80, 19~20, Ja81, 34, Mar81, 33, MayS!,

Jul85, 31, D8S, 7-8, 17-1S, JaS6, 21.
Albinana, Jose Maria, D76, 9

29, F86, 36; D87, 33; Soviet race riot,

FB6,29, JunB6, 39, Ap87, 10-15,
albinos, South Africa, D82, 31

ApS6, 33; Soviet troops, F87, 19

Oc87, 28; Africa, Oc83, 27, SB6, 29;
Albosta, Don, D78, 27

Africa, DS4, 2S; AIDS plague, Au86, 12,

African tourism, D87, 29; aggressors,
Albouy. Esther, FB4, 27

Ap87, 10, SS7. 8; black birthrate, Jul83,

F86, 22, N87, 27; army test, OcB6, 30;
Alburichi, Bugalb, MayB5, 3S

1B-19; black nation roundup, Jun84, 29;

Australia, Oc86, 37, blood banks, Oc83,
Alcatraz, Mar79, 10

burial customs, ApS6, 33; child

29; Britain, Jun85, 35; Canada, Ju186,
Alcindor, Lew (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar),

terrorists, Oc87, 33; colonies, F77, 6;

29,31; carriers, Jun86, 20, DB7, 30;

creation myth, Ju187, 34; crime, Au76,

celebrities, Oc83, 30, JaB6, 21, Au86,
Alcock, John, Oc79, 13

10,15; criticism, May81, 34; decline of

30, S86, 33, JaS7, 2B, F87, 29, OcB7,
alcohol sales, Negroes, Jun8S, 31

black nations, D78, 26, S 79, 11, D79.

28; China, May87, 36; costs, Oc87, 26;
alcoholics, Oc87, 26; by race, D84, 29,

28. OcSO, 32, JuISI. 34, SS1. 37-38,

cults, FB5, 21; demographics, Oc87, 26;
N86. 20; politics, Mar82, 23

JaS2, 30, ApS2, 6-7, OeS3. 35, ApS5,

Europe, Ap87, 13; France, Au87, 30;
alcoholism, F77, 13, May80, 31-32

35, SS5, 15, SS6, 36, MarS7, 9;

Haiti, DB6, 37, Ap87, 13; homosexuals,
Alcott, Bronson, Ap80, 20

environment, ApS6, 15, S87, 25; famine,

Oc84, 18-19, ApS7, 13, S87, B-9; India,
Aida, Julio Ruiz de, D76, 19

S7S, 20, JaS2,30, May8S, 30; female

MayS7, 36; Italy, JaS7, 33; Jews
Alder, Joe L, F86, 18

circumcision, Oc82, 12-13; firsthand

infected, May87, 30; legislation, S87,
Aldington, Lord, OcB7, 23

report, JuIS2, 6-9; food production, D86,

26; lobby, Jun86, 20; Mexico, OeS6, 37;
Aldisert, Ruggero J., Oc86, 11

30, OCS7, 26; May82, 30; hope whites

Minnesota, S86, 31; minorities, Ap86,
Aldiss, Brian, F84, 22-23

return, SS1, 3S; Negro racism, Ap87, 22;

28, Oc87, 16; New York City, Ja86, 29;
Aldridge, Ron, TV quote, Jun86, 32

Negro settlement areas, Jul79, 24;

origin, Oc82, 21, ApS6, 25; quarantine,
Aleppo, F85, 6-7

population projection, DS6, 30; racial

Mar86, 36; racial breakdown, Au8S, 20;
Alexander I, Ap77, 7, Jun79, 26, NB7, 17

composition, Mar79, 22; racism, F78, 19;

rates, AuB5, 30; Soviet claim, Ap87. 13­ Alexander II. Mar80, 9, ApS4, 10-11

relief programs, N81, 33; sexism, JunS4,

14; spread of, S87. 8-9; strikes clergy,
Alexander the Great, Jul77, 7, Jun79, 9

24; slavery, S77, 11; U.S. food, JunS4.

F85, 19, JuIS7, 16; threat, Au86, 11-12,
Alexander, Andrew, Jul82, 27, F8S, 38

29; whites, Au76, 10; white advisers,

MayS7, 25; U.S.S.R., N8S, 34; virus,
Alexander, Clifford L., Au77, 12, Mar79,

D79, 28; wild animals, N86, 26-27

ApS7, 14; West Germany, Ja87, 33;

African bees, SS7, 18

worldwide count, DBS, 32
Alexander, Donald, Jul8S, 33

African Genesis, FS6, 16

AIM Report, N8S, 28, Jun86, 33
Alexander. Edward and Ferris, porn kings,

African National Congress, N80, 33, JunSI,

Ainger, A.C., poem, MarS3, 27

34, OcS3, 34-35, FS4, 29-30, Au84, 3S­ Air Atlanta, Negro enterprise, Mar8S, 20,
Alexander, Holmes, Au79, 19

39, N87, 11-12, May85, 35, Oc85, 34,

Alexander. Jane, Ap8S, 27

Mar86, 12-14, Ap86, 14, ApS7, 34;

Airlie, Lord, N84, 33
Alexander, Shana, Mar83, 16

Communist members, May87, 36, Jun87,

airlines, pilots, ApB2, 16; safety record,
Alexandria (Egypt), library burned, Ju184,

JunS4, 29; stewardesses, Ap82, 17

Africans, The, TV documentary, D86, 29

airplane crashes, Oc79, 20; Scaven­ Alexandria, Czarina, N76, 5, 16

Afrikaners, F7S, 19, Mar78, 15, Jun7S, 8,

gers, N87, 18; Newfoundland. Mar86, 20­ Alexei, Czarevich, N76, 5, 16

19-20, Jul78, 12, Au79, 28, S81, 3S,

Alfonsin, Raul, SB5, 34. Ja87, 33

airplanes, presidential, SS6, 32
Alfonso, Elfidio, Ap83, 28

Agadir inCident, N84, 31

Ajeeb, Mohammed, AuB7, 29
Alfred, Keith, D83,31

Akbar, Na'im, Jun85, 38-39
Alger, Ferris E., NS5, 15-16

Agam, Yakov, ApS1, 26

Akihito, Prince, D87, 20
Alger, Horatio, Au85, 20

Agamemnon, Ap77, 15
Akin, Susan, NSS, 36
Algeria, JulS2, 7; Jews citizens, S80, 15;

Agassiz, Elizabeth C., S7S, 10-11

Akpan, Edem E., May87, 11
massacres, Ju179, 6; pirates, Ja87, 18;

Agassiz, Louis, S7S, 10-11, May87, 18

Akroyd,Dan, D83, 17
war, ApS6, 32

Agca, Mehmet. Au81. 31, Ap8S. 22-23

Aktion Oder-Neisse (group), N78, 23
Algerians, N81, 26; France, Ja86, 32

Age, The (Australian newspaper), Ap86,

AI Aksa mosque, MarS2, 5; attacked,
Algiers, MayBO, 5·7

34; number goof, AuS6, 34

Jul84, 35, N84, 6
Ali, Gulab, S85, 29

Agee, James, D77, 21

AI-Assad, Hafev. F84, 17, AuB4, 17
Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay), Oc78, 18,

Agee, William, Ja81, 5, Au82. 27

AI-Fayed, Mohammed, Au85, 32
May79, 27, Jun80, 26, JaB3, 28, JulSS,

Ageeb, Mohammed, S8S, 32

AI-Galiani, Rashid, S86, 20
33; anti-Jewish remarks, MaySO, 23;

aggression, S77, 21-22, JulSI, 11·16

AI-Tall, Abdallah, D84, 3S
attacks Jesus' whiteness, N82, 29;

Aggropulo, Demitri, JunS4, 31

Alabama, JunB2, 32
slanders whites and Jews, Mar79, 19;

Agnew, Spiro, N76, 13, Ap81 , 26, S87, 11

Alamo Day, Ap86, 36
sues gov'!., Ap85, 29

agnosticism, MayS3, 16
Alamo, docudrama, S86, 30
Ali, Mustafa, Ja87, 26

Agony (TV show), JaS6, 27

Alamo, Tony and Susan, N84, 26
Ali, Tarik, Oc8S. 32

agrarianism, Jun8S, 7
Alan, Jewish first name, Oc80, 20
Alice's R9staurant, Ap79, 12

Agress, David, May7S, 14

Alaska, Jun82, 32; Jewish named
Alien and Sedition Acts, Oc80, B-9

Agresto, John, anti-quota quote, DS5, 9

mountains, N83, 31
alienation, DBS, 13, JunSS, a

agriculture, decline in Georgia, OCS6, 20;

Alaskan Association of White Men,
aliens, illegal, see immigrants, illegal

S. African sale banned, AuS6, 29

Alijian, James, Au80, 23

Agronsky, Martin, May77. 24, OcS4, 26,

Albania, May76, 17, Aug83, 27, Jun8S. 33­ Alinsky, Saul, D77, 11

34; spies, NS3, 10
Alkhas, Hannibal, JaBI, 34

Agua Caliente Indians, OeS1, 24

Albanians, in Yugoslavia, S86, 36, May87,
All in the Family, F77, 20, Ja79, 13, Oce3,

Aid to Families with Dependent Children,

36, MayaS, 24

JaS7, 27; statistics, SS7, 26, N77, 14,

Albee. Edward, Jul77, 6, Ap81 , 26
All the President's Men, Jun 76, 1S

Mar79, 11, MaySI, 32, SS2, 26, F83, 25

Albert, Prince of Monaco, SB2, 27
Allain, Bill, D83, 15

Allaun, Frank, F79, 27

Ambassador College, S79, 19
American Museum of Natural History,
Allee, W. C., MarSO, 16
ambushes, whites by Indians, S87, 19

Allegro, John, JuI7S, 23

amendments, JulyS6, 34-35, Jun87, 27;
American Opinion, Oc85, 21

Allen & Co., S84, 19

Hatch amendment. Ja81, 22
American Palestine Com., Mar78, 28,

Allen, Herbert, Jr., N82, 16, S84, 19

Ninth Amendment, importance of. Ju187,
Jun7S, 22, Ju178, 11

Allen Publishing Co., JaS3, 19

35; amendments, proposed, Ja81, 22,
American Physical Anthropology Assn.,

Allen, Asa A., FS3, 19

May87, 10-11, OcS7, 26; Sixth

Allen, Barry, F86, 30

Amendment, AuSO, 18
American Psychological Assn., S82, 20,

Allen, Bill (Texas businessman), May87,

Amenhotep IV, Mar77, 6

Amerasians, Ap82, 28
American Review, Jul85, 40

Allen, Charles, NS2, 16

America First Committee, Jun77, 22,
American Revolution, May77, 22; French

Allen, H.C., quote, FS4, 9

S85,8 aid, S82,24

Allen, Ivan, DS1, 30

America's Decline, Mar82,32 American Rifleman, Mar76,4

Allen, Jim, Ap87, 30, Au87, 29, Oc87. 31

America, discovery, Ap85, 20; pre­ American Seed Co., 081,20

Allen, Richard, N81, 19, Ja82, 22

Columbian settlements, Jun80, 16-17
American Spectator, Mar81, 22, S83, 22;

Allen, William (professor), Ap87, 36

American Agricultural Movement, MayS6,
supports immigration, OcS4, 21

Allen, William B., Oc87, 21

American Sunbeam, Oc85, 21

Allen, Woody, JulSO, 31, Mar81, 14-15,

American Assassins, JaS5, S-12
American White Nationalist Party, Ja82,

Au85, 11, Ap86, 11, S86, 20; tax evader, American Assn. of Physical

Mar87,28 Anthropologists; Oc77, 25

American-Algerian war (1785-96), MaySO,

Allenby, Edmund H.H., Ja76, 14, MaySI, American Atheist Assn., Au78, 13

American Ballet Theater, JaS7, 8
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Com.,

Allende, Salvador, S7S, 13

American Bar Assn., ApS6, 18, F87, 33
Au81, 34, May82. 32, Oc84, 16, Jun8S,

Allentown (PA), chosen by Jews, AuS1, 22

American Broadcasting Co., Jun76, 7,
20, 085, 6, 085, 30. Jun86, 33, Jul86,

allergies, racial, MarS7, 27

F77, 8,23, FS4, 13, S84, 18, Au85, 15;
14; against TV bias, F87, 26;

Alliance (British political coalition), 086, 34

Monroe show banned, Ja86, 28
membership, Ap84, 26

Alliance for Justice, Ap86,18

American Christian Trust for Israel. Oc85,
Americans for a Safe Israel, DS3, 33

Alligood, Clarence, S79, 16

Americans for Democratic Action. Ja84.

Alliluyeva, Svetlana, Mar79, 13, Ju179, 13;

American Civil Uberties Union, Mar77, 13,
14; leading senators, MayS4,25

in Russia, Ap85, 33
Ja78, 15, May78, 6, May80, 32, 080, 21,
Americans for Immigration Control,

Allon, GOnter, JaSO, 32

Jul81, 10, SS2, 31, JulS4, 13; Jim Jones,
Mar86, 36, Au86, 35;

Allred, Gloria, Jun80, 24, Au80, 29.

Ap79, 31; neo-Nazis, Mar80, 28; gay
congressmen rated, May87, 39-40

May82. 12, Ja87, 28, Au87. 28; rape rights, Jul87, 28; Soobzokov case,
Americans, Keyserling report, Ja81, 9-11;
victim, F87, 29
Au86, 7
rootlessness, JunS2, 26

Allred. Marco & Goldberg, Jun80, 24

American Conservative Union, Ap81, 26,
Amerika, May87, 29, Jun87, 26

Allred, William. Au87, 28

Amerson, lucius, Ja78, 12

Aloni, Shulamit, OcS3, 33. ApS5, 34

American Dental Assn., features Negroes,
Amery, John, Au79, 11,26, S79, 28

Alp, Tekin (Moise levy). Jun81, 20

Amery, Leopold, Au79, 26

Alpert, George, May87, 17

American Educator, S78,13
Amherst, Jeffrey, S82, 9-10

Alphonso XIII, N84. 32

American Eugenics Society, Au85, 35
Amiel, 8arbara, JulS5, 35

Alpine race, Mar77, 20, May78, 5, 16-17,

American Express, Aug83, 27
Amin, ldi, D85, 34

- Ju178. 12. F82, 29, Jun84, 13-15

Alsabti, Elias, Au83, 16

Alsace, N81, 26, N84,9

American Farmland Trust, NS5, 26

American Fed. of Labor, condemns El AI.


Aminev, G. A., OcS7, 32

Amis, Kingsley, May77,24

Amis, Martin, Mar81 , 31

Alsatian Party (France), Mar87, 32

American Fed. of Teachers, Oc76, 14,
Amish, Oc85, 35

- Alsatians, Au77, 8

Alsop, Donald, S85, 30

Alsop. Joseph, Ja77, 16

S78, 13, Fa6, 13-14

American Film Festival, Ap85, 36

American Health Magazine, Aug83, 27

Amitay, Morris, SS2, 21, MarS5, 20

Amman (Jordan), Mar85, 13-14

Amnesty International, Jul81, 36; reports,

Alta California, Ap76, 5

American Heritage Book of Indians, S82,

Alter, Jonathan, Au86, 16, F87, 17

amnesty (see immigration)

Altermann, Hans, DS7, 32

American Heritage Foundation, N79, 19
amniocentesis, S77, 20, 086,39-40

Alternative to the N.Y.Times Com., SS1,

American History magazine, Ap87, 19
Amorites, Mar7S, 13, Oc78, 14

American history, soft-pedaled, Mar84, 31
Amos 'n'Andy, 077,7, Mar85,15-16,

Alternative, The, May77, 24

American Independent Party, 076, 17,
Au85, 20, F86, 11·12

Althing (parliament), N81, 35

N80, 7,F87, 19
Amritsar massacre, Jul83, 13-14, D84, 27

Altman. Julian, Oc87, 27

American intelligentsia, F79, 15
Amsterdam Island, S85, 32

Altman, Lawrence K., ApS7, 12

American Israel Public Affairs Com.
Amsterdam, Anthony G., Jun77, 8, Ja78,

Altman, Myriam, May84, 25

(AI PAC), S76, 6, SS1, 31, May84,13, 13, May78, 18, N7S. 12

Altman, Roger, Au77, 12

Oc84, S, N87, 20; stops aircraft sales, Amsterdam, S76, 19; gay monument,

altruism, Mar78, 14, Mar83, 10, Oc87, 8

Jul84,34 Mar87, 33, sex shops, Jul87, 32

altruists, tragic end, Oc81, 23

American Jewish Com., S76, 6, Ap77, 15
Amundsen, Roald, Ju180, 31

Aluba, Muhammad Ali, 084,35

American Jewish Congress, S76, 6, Ju185,
An American Dilemma, 078, 21. Jun79, 17

Alvarado, Anthony, DS4, 30

33, DS7, 20; criticizes Pope, Ap81, 19
An Wang, SS4. 26

Alvarez, George, Mar79, 7

American Jewish Joint Distribution Com.,
anarchism, Ju178, 21, Oe78, 9, 19-21

Alvarez, Luis, NSO, 1S, Au81, 19

S76, 6, DS3, 20
Anastasia, Grand Duchess, Ap77, 7, 21

Amalek, Au87, 7-9, S86, 36

American landscape, Ap84, 14
anatomy, Au84, 7·10

Amalrik, Andrei, Au78, 11, Jul81 , 34

American library Assn., Ap76, 12, Ap7S,
Anaya, Toney, Jun84, 30, 086, 10-11,

Amaudruz, G. A., F79, 28

Ja87, 12-13,27

Amaya, Mary, 0c87, 21

American Majority Party, Mar77, 20
ancestry groups, JaS4, 6-9

anchormen. SS7, 23
songs and music, Oc79, 24, Ja82, 7-B 32, N84, 19, 085. 1B, DS6, 24-25, S87,
Ancient Order of Hibernians. Ap81. 24
Anglos, FS7, 7; Florida, GeS6, 14-15; 25; AOL Day, Mar84, 24; anti-KKK law,
Andalusia, Au77. 1S, NS4 9; separatism. racism, OS6, 10
JunS1, 19; anti-Semitic incidents,Mar82.
Mar85,24 Angoff, Charles. JuIB5, 6
19-20; assails Arab students, Au79, 2B;
Andel!, Nat. OS1, 31
Angola, Mar76, 19, Jun7S, 14, Au78, 14,
assails congressman, AuS1, 23; attacks
Anderman, Stanley, MarS7, 35
JunSO,34,AuS4,39,FS5, 16, ApB6, 17,
German Americans, MarS7. 35; attacks
Andersen. Elmer L.. DS5. 36
AuB6, 19; Cubans, F83,32,FS4,30,
radio station, F87, 27, May86, 14; bud­
Andersen, Hans Christian, FB4. 7-8
OS6, 36; diamond scam, FBS, 34-35;
get, JulS6, 29; censorship, JU184. 14,
Anderson, Benjamin, N76, 21
South Africans, JunB4, 35, Ja8S, 17;
Mar8S, 33; criticizes Butz, MarSI, 17;
Anderson, Digby. Ju187, 23
Young visit, OeS6, 35
denounced, SB1, 39; disciplines Univ. of
Anderson. George. OcS2, 14
Anheuser Busch,Ja83, 19, DS3,30, OS7.
Florida, Ju180. 11-12; Dornan apology,
Anderson, Hollis. GeS7, 35
19; black boycott, F84, 24
MayS6, 27; false accusations, SS6. 39;
Anderson, lan, Jul77, 11. S79. 27, JulyB5, animal behavior, Oc79, 13, F80, 23, SS3,
Frank pardon, JunS6, 6; funds Nazis.
7-S 31
Mar79,16; hounds Irving, Jun85. 38;
Anderson, Jack. Anderson, Jack. JuISI. animal breeding, Jul 76, 10, Ja79, 14
housing agitation. Ja81. 15; Israeli
17. JaS3, 15. FS4, 14, MarS5, 15-16,
Animal Farm, Oc84, 24, MarS7, 1B
office, N79, 28; Liberty Lobby, JulB7, 35;
S85. 9. AuB6. 10; Haiti column. OS6, 37;
animal liberation, S76, 16, Ge7S, 2B,
lobbyists, Aug83, 22; mail analysis,
Nazi hunter. NS4, 30; nuclear gossip.
Jun85, 34-35
MarS2,17-1B; murder, Jun79. 14;
MarBI. 23; world's worst leaders, MayS3.
animal research, Ge78, 18, criticism,
political activities. FS1, 35. Ju181, 30;
ocn, published authors, 13; school
Anderson. John. Jul80, 28. AuSO, 17, SSO.
animal sacrifices, S80, 24-25
propaganda, JU186. 29; stops Holocaust
17-18. NSO, 5-7; Zionist theatrics. OcSO,
animals, cruelty, 083, 21
debate, FS7, 22; study of anti-Semitism,
Anka. Paul, FS7, 26
May81, 12; sued, N79, 21. JaBO, 25,
Anderson. Keke, JuISO. 2S. AuSO, 29.
Anne Frank Foundation (also see Anne
MarS1, 23; sues Christian group, MarS2,
Frank and Diary of Anne Frank), NS3, 34,
20; tactics, N84, 19; trademark, 086,40;
Anderson. Marian. Mar79. 27
Ju187, 32, Au87, 30
West Germany, S80, 33
Anderson, Peter, MarS5. 19
Anne, Princess, Jun85, 34
Anti-Lawyer Party, Au80, 34

Anderson, Sheldon, JunS4, 11, S84. 16

Annenberg, Lenore, May8!, 30, OcSI, 5
Anti-Nazi League (Britain), Ja79, 28, F79,
Anderson, Terry. OS6. 23
Annenberg, Moses, S80, 8
Anderson, Timothy, MarS7, 17
Annenberg, Walter, Mar76, 16-17, F77. 8,
anti-Semitism (also see Holocaust, Jews
Anderson, Tom, Ap79. 24
JunBO. 29, SSO, 8, MarS2, 26, DB6, 29
and entries under specific nations),
Anderson, Wendell, ApS6, 6
Annigoni, Pietro, Jun87, 24
Mar76, 11, Mar76, 11, Ap76, 9, Mayn,
Anderton, James. Ge79, 24
Annual Federal Referendum, Ap8S, 35
24, Mar78, 7, 24-25, Mar78, 17, Ap7B, 8
Andre, Georges, Ap80, 20
anorexia, JunS4, 15
F79, 22, May83, 17, MarS4,7, MayB4,
Andress, Ursula. Au84, 33
Anscombe, G.E.M., May79, 18
25, May85, 21, S85, 24-25, 31,
Andrew, Brad, MayB4. 10
Anselm, Jun79, 31
May86,22; acts by Jews, Oc87, 18;
Andrew. Margaret. MayS4, 10
Ansen, David, DS6, 24
Andrews, Betty, ApS7, 27
Anslinger, Harry, N79, 20
083, 19,29, ApS4, 1S, Jul84, 31, S84,
Andrews, Donald, N7S, 23, ApB6, 30
Anson, Robert Sam, OcS7, 14
19, Ju185, 20, Mar86, 21; American and
Andrews, Julie, OS2, 27, ApS4, 27, Jun87,
ant societies, S77, 22
English literature, Marn, 6, 078, 7, 24,
Antaeus, Oc7S, 10
Ap79, 13, Mar84, 22-24, FS5, 13, May8S,
Andrews, Mark, F84, 15
Antelman, Marvin S., Mar79, 19
10-11 ,JunS5, 24, AuS5, 22, Oc85, 16,
Andrews, Reginald, OcS3, 30
Anthony, Ladd, Au87, 2S
MarS6, 7-9, AuS7, 16; among WASPs,
androgeny, Jul77, 6, 16-17
anthrax bombs, JulS6, S
Ap87, 21; Arabs, 086, 35; atheists,
Andronescu, Serban. F82. 32
anthropology, Mar76, 10, Au76, 9, 20,
Au78, 13; Britain, F79, 14; Canada,
Andropov. Yuri. S77, 28, Au82, 20, Ap83.
Jan, 7, 18-19, Jan, 12, S77, 7, Oc7S, Oc78, 17; Chesterton's poems, N80, 22;
31, MarS4. 18, May84, 1S; Jewish back­ 21, Au79, 8, 25-26, SS3,6-10, MayS6, children's books. Mar84, 23; criticism of,
ground. JaS3, 2S-29 13, SS6. 22, 29, May87, 37; ancient sn, 28; damages collected, FS1, 15;
Andrus, Cecil, OSO, 20-21
skulls, SS7, 10; criticism, Au82, 6-8; drama, Oc78, 17; early start, 084, 29;
Andy Griffith Show. MayS2, 31
death threats, Mar86, 34; fictional, envious Gentiles, Oc86, 23;
AngeJlili, Rudolph, MayS7, 14
S87, 9-10; head change, MayS6, 13; exaggerated charges, F86, 32; false
Anghua,Carmen,JunS7,28 Jews, ApS7, 2S; lesbians, N84, 35; accusation, May83, 19-20; famous
Angleton, James J., F87, 22, N83, 10, 12
man's American origin, Ju186, 30; Mead quotes,OcS3, 16 farm country, May86,
Anglican Orthodox Church, Jul79, 27
rebuffed, ApS3, 32; oldest ape, NS5, 27; 35; Farrakhan speech, N84, 20; fear,
Anglo American Corp., Au80, 32, Ju185,23.
optimum humans, JaS1, 21; physical. ApS6, 6; fired for remarks, Jul86, 17;
Mayn, 9,22-23, S77, 1S, S78, 10-11; France, JulS7, 32; Germany 19th
Anglo-Afrikana Bond, FS2, 31
pre-Columbian, AuB1, 23; South African century, N76, 7, 1S, Au77, 16;
Anglo-America. AuSl, 8
fossils banned, Au84, 22; Sweden, ignorance, 084,20; Japan, NBS, 15,
Anglo-European Fellowship, Oc87, 3S
MarS6,33 sn, Au87, 19ncidents, 2S, Ap84, 1S;
Anglo-Hispanic relations, DS6, 11
anti-Americanism, Au84, 28; Britain, Jewish rules for opposing, Ja83, 18;
Anglo-Irish Agreement, FS7, 31
Jewish writers, 085, 22; leaflets, Au7S,
Anglo-Saxon Common Law, May77, 23
anti-Arabism, Jun85, 20
20; literature, Jul77. 5,15-16, Ap78. 9,
Anglo-Saxon, poem, OS2, 17
anti-Catholicism, 083, 31, JulS7, 17
23, Au7S, 11; Michigan politics, D7S, 27;
Anglo-Saxondom, FSO, 7-11, AuSI, 8-11,
Anti-Christ, The, Jul85, 6
music, AuBl, 7; Nazi, S79, 13; Negroes,
Anglo-Saxons (also see WASPs), 077, 8,
Anti-Comintern Pact, May76, 9, Mar86, 33
Jun77, 23. Au83, 11, Oc84. 29 OB4,
Ap7S, 10, Jun7S. 21, Ap79, 21, May79,
Anti-Defamation League. Mar76, 10, S76,
22, Au85, 27, 085, 23, JaS6, 21; old
10, MarS3, 25; America, Mar76, S, OB4,
6, Apn, 24, May77, 11-12, N77, 24,
German book, Jun80. 33;Oxford
2S; Confederate Army, JulS3, 6-9
Mar79, 16, May79, 27, F81, 21, JulSO, 19,
University Handbook; F81, 28; plays,
resentment, Mar83, 29; society, JulS7, S
Mar81 , 36, JunSI, 35, Ap83, 20, MayS3,
Au82, 12-14, 084, 33; public figures,

N76, 13; quotes, Ju185, 6; roots, Ju182,

demographics, 080, 32
Arminius, Mar87, 16

24; Russian books, Oc78, 17; Sartre's

Arad, Yitzhak, Maya7, 15
Armistead, James, Ap80, 24

explanation, Mar83, 30; schools, S85,

Arafat, Vasser, F83, 32, May83, 15,
Armor, David, Au82, 31, S82, 32

30; Syria, 086, 35; Third Reich, Jun79,

Jun86, 15; aids hostages, Jul83, 34-35;
Arms Export Control Act, Au81, 34

10,29-30; too little?, N80, 20; U.S., N78,

greets blacks, Ja80, 25; indictment
arms smugglers, Au84, 33, July86, 33,

21-22, Mar82, 6; U.S.S.R., Jun77, 13;

demanded, Jun86, 33; murder urged,
S86, 11

Vidal, Jun86, 23, Ja87, 33; Vogue, 084,

F87, 17; profile, S82, 14-15
Armstrong, Edwin H., N78, 9

Aragon, louis, Ap78, 21
Armstrong, Garner Ted, May78, 15, N78,

Anti-Slavery Society, Ja85, 35

Aragonese,Au77,1a 12,S79, 19, oao, 23

anti-vivisectionists, Oc78, 28
Arashi, Edward, Na7, 27
Armstrong, Herbert W., N78, 12, S79, 19,

anti-Zionism (see anti-Semitism) Arbatov, Georgi, Ja79, 12, Jul84, 34


antigens, N86, 36
Arbus, Diane, Ju185, 12
Armstrong, James, Oc84, 15

Antigua, F82, 26
Arcand, Adrien, Ja82, 16, May85, 14-15
Armstrong, Neil, S80, 35, F84, 10, Aua5, 6

Antiphon, Ap76, 8
Arcand, Denys, Fa7, 24
Armstrong, Robert, Jun84, 28

Anton, Susan, S83, 33

archaeology, fake artifacts, N80, 21; Near
Armstrong, Scott, Au80, 6-7

Antonescu, Marshal, Ap85, 19

East, Jun76, 8; U.S., Mar82, 30-31
Army General Classification Test, Oc77,

Antonov (Russian writer), Jun79, 24

Archer, Dane, Jun84, 16

Antony, Marc, F86, 16 Archer, Jeffrey, Jaa7, 29, Na7, 25

Arnaz, lucie, Jaa6, 27

ants, habits, F85, 11-12

Archer, William, May85, 39
Arneson, Robert, Mar85, 19

apartheid (also see Republic of South Archibald, Noel, Ja82, 28

Arnheim, M.T.w., 085,35
Africa), F77, 6, N76, 12, Fl8, 6, 18-19,
Archie Bunker, British original, Ja87, 25
Arno Breker Society, Au83, 7, Oc84, 20

Jun78, 8,19-20, Mar87, 9, N87, 11-14; architecture, Oc76, 5, 15-16, F77, 12,
Arno Press, Mar82, 30, Jun82, 31-32

U.S. opponents, Ap87, 19

S87. 13-14; criticism, Jun87, 11
Arnold, Henry H., Ja7a, 10

ape men, Italian experiments, Au87, 31

Jewish influence, Sa7, 13-14; racial
Arnold, Matthew, Mar82, 14, Au83, 21

Aphaylath, May, Mar87, 29

aspects. Ap84, 14-15; San Francisco,
Arnold, Robyn, Jun83, 26

Apollinaire, Guillaume, Ap78, 7,21

Mar84. 18; ugly boxes, Jun85, 23
Arnon, Michael, Ja79, 14

Apollo, Ja76, 9, Ja86, 15-16

Arden. Elizabeth, S81, 13
Arnowitz, Shirley, May78, 23

Apollo space program (also see space

Ardrey, Robert. S76, 16, S77, 22. S79, 7.
Aron, Harry B., 082,21
program), Ju178, 8, Ju180, 9
N85, 16, F86, 16
Aron, Nan, Ap86, 18

Apostles (Cambridge society), Ja84, 13,

Arens, Moshe, Jaa3, 16, Apa3, 32, S83,
Aron, Raymond, Au81, 11-12

36, Na3,24,Aua4,38,Ju~a6,33
Aronoff, Gerald, May81, 30

App, Austin J., 075, 8, Au79, 28, 079, 7

Arens, Richard, S83, 36; quote, Ap84, 15
Aronoff, Gerry, Au82, 27, Mar83, 20

Appalachia, TV slurs, Mar79, 19

Arens, William, MaraO, 6, Maya3, 18
Aronoff, Janet, S81, 31

appeasement (WWII), May85, 37

Arens, Yagal, Ap83, 32
Aronovitz, Sidney, 085,36
Applebaum, Louis, Mar81, 30
Aretz, Emil, 075, 8, S79, 26
Aronson, A.M., 076, a
Applegate, Colleen, Au8?, 24
Argentina, Ap78, 12, F82, 30, Ap82, 6,
Aronson, Arnold, May7a, 17

Appointment in Samarra, N77, 11

Jun82, 24, Au82, 24-25, Mar86, 9-10;
Aronson, Bernard, Jun79, 19

Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravits, The,

anti-Semitism, Oc77, 28, Jun87, 33,
Aronson, Chuck, Ap85, 35

Oc87, 33; economy, S85, 34;
Aronson, S.H., Juna6, 34

Aptheker, Herbert, Oc79, 19

Eichmann film, N80, 31; Falklands' claim,
Arrington, Richard, F82, 17, Ja84, 17

Aquinas, Thomas, 087, 35

Ju182, 21, Au86, 17; Jews, Ap78, 12,
Arrow, Kenneth, May79, 1a

- Aquino family, Ap87, 34

Aquino, Corazon, May86, 34, Jun86, 38,

Ju186, 31, Ja87, 6-7, Ap87, 35; faults,

F80, 28, F81, 30-31; military trials,

Jun87, 33; vanished Jews, Fa1, 34,


Arrujo, Arturo, 081, 32

Arsenyev, Nikolai, Oc85, 34

arson, May81, 32, Ju181, 21, May82, 28,

Ap87, 34; wealth, May87, 38

Argov, Schlomo, Au82, 4, N82, 29, Ja84,
Jun82, 27, Ju182, 20, 25, May84, 11,

ARA Services, Inc., Ja82, 29

N84, 29 , Ap85, 30, May85, 30, N85, 29,

Arab Americans, May77, 11, May82, 32,

Arias, George and Joanna, F86, 30
May87, 31; Cocoanut Grove, May87,

Oc87, 34-35; attack Jewish racism,

aristocracy, 081, 27, F87, 32
17-18; Chicago, 087,21; hospital, N84,

Au79, 28; fear Jews, Au87, 17;

aristocrats, Ap83, 14-15, S86, 7-8
29; hotels, N81, 20; insurance, Ap86,

harassed by Israelis, Au87, 32;

Aristophanes, Jun83, 17
19, 086, 40 ; Jews, Oc81, 31, 34; Klan

persecution, May82, 32; pickets, Jul87,

Aristotle, Jun79, 9
building, Mar86, 18, right-wing

35-36; politics, Ja85, 40; associations

Ariyoshi, George, Jun78, 18, Ju179, 28
publishers, N82, 29

censored in U.S., May84, 13

Arizona, Juna2, 32; CMA and Sanctuary
art (also see modern art), F77, 10, N79,

Arab boycott, May77, 11, F84, 25;

Movement, Na6, 11-14; King holiday,
19, N85, 1a; beauty, June83, 10-11;

penalties, Aug83, 26
May87, 32, 39
blasphemy, Oc84, 34; Chinese, Jun80,

Arab governments, claim to destroy Israel

Arkansas, Klan activity, May87, 40
32; circumcised David, Au80, 32;

disproved, Ja87, 30
Arky, Stephen, N85, 29
collectors, Mar87, 26; criticism, 075, 9­
Arab lobby, Mar79, 16
Arledge, Roane, Ja86, 28
10; Dada, Ap78, 7, 21, May83, 17,

Arabists, Mar80, 10, Ap86, 7

Arlen, Michael J., S76, 16
June83, 9; decline of, Jul7a, 14, N79,

Arabs, Ja76, 15, S76, 7, 17, MaraS, 11-14,

Arlen, Richard, Oc76, 19
12, Ap80, 18-19, Ja81, 23, N86, 21,

Jula6, 9; Africa, 07a, 25-26; anti­

Armand, Inessa, F77, 10
Oc87, 7 -a, N87, 8; forgers, Mar86, 31 ;

Semitism, Apa4, 29, Oa6, 35; attacks

Armattoe, Raphael, Ap80, 12
Greek, Ja86, 15-16; hoaxes, May84, 19,

against, MayaO, 20-21; Britain, JulaO,

Armco Steel Co., 077, 23
Ap86, 19; Japanese, Jun80, 32; Jewish

32; dictionary definition, May82, 32;

Armeen, Arif, F87, 29
agents, Jun82, 19; Jews criticize, N86,

history, Juna4, 25; lifestyle, JulaO, 23;

Armenians, Holocaust, Au85, 30; Jews
20; Jews, Oc77, 12-13, Ju184, 31; junk

oil prices, Mar80, 22; prefer blondes,

back massacre, Jun81, 20; massacre,
sculpture, Fa3, 29, Ju184, 31; Louvre,

Oc82, 20; prominent in U.S. F87, 26;

Ja79, 15,F83,32,Ap84,28,Au87, 17;
N81, 27; Methodist U. obscene exhibit;

racial affiliation, Au84, 17; slave trade,

U.S.S.R., S80, 33; violence, Oc82, 22
Mexican, Oc80, 16-17; modern, N78, 4,

Ap87, 22-23; Spain, N76, 20; U.S.

Armenoids, Jun84, 15, Mar87, 13-14
15, Ju181, 1a, S81, 29, May83, 7-8, Au83,

6·9, 586, 31. JunS7, 11; Negro Jun80,

Asner. Ed, MayS2, 19, MayS4, 25. Ce87,
Atlanta Constitution, Frank case, Jun86,

32; nudes, JaS6. 15-16; perversion of,

7-S; headlines, Oc87, 23; sued, N84. 35

ApSO. 21, Ce81, 22, Oc82, 17, F85, 31,

Asoka, ApS7,25
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Ap79, 31

Ap85, 20, Ja86, 15-16. Ja87. 28;

Aspen. James. MarB7. 2S
Atlantic Charter, Au85, 14

pluralism, Mar83, 19; poll. N85. 1S; racial

Aspen. Las, MarB7, 2S
Atlantic City, 5S4, 26

connection, JuneS3. 9-12; religious,

Aspinall. John. Oc7S, 2S, 077, 23, AuSO,
Atlantic, The, Jun80, 29, 081, 18, ApS4,

JaS3, 28; restoration, OS4, 33; theft,

21, Au85, 15

OS2, 27, Ap85. 29; Third Reich. Ap82.

Asquith, Herbert H., Jun83, 27, May85,
Atlantis, S77, 10, 26·27

10·11, Au83, 6-9, JunS6, 36

34, OS6, 33-34, MayS7, 34
Atlanto-Mediterranean race, Jun84, 13-15

Artemis, Ap77, 15
Asquith, Lady Margot, ApS2, 27
Atlee, Clement, Jan, 13; WWII

Arthur, Limmie, SS7, 26

Assad, Hafez, NS3, 34-35, MayS7, 35,
reconciliation, Au86, 34

Arthurian legends, N81, 16-17

atrocities, May77, 11, Au77, 8, Jul78, 6,

artifacts. European in New World, AuB7,

Assam, SS1, 3S-39, OeS3, 29, OS5. 32;
15-16, Au85, 29, AuS5, 33; Africa, OS5,

21 immigration riots, May83, 31

34; against Belgium, 078, 10; against

artificial heart, MayS3, 26

assassination, heads of state, F76, 16,
British, Jul77, 18; against Germans in

artificial insemination (also see sperm

MaySI, 5, Jun84, 9
Egypt, Jul77, 18; against Germans in

banks), NS2. 5-7; egg banks, JunS7, B­ assassinations or attempts, 075, 13,
Yugoslavia, F86, 22; against

9; in vitro fertilization, JunS6, 40; Viking

Oc76, 10, Jun81, 15-16, JuIBI, 4·6,
Palestinians, Ju177, 1S, JulSO, 30-31,

sperm, N87, 34
JunS4, S, SS4, 27, 31; U.S. presidents &
JaS3, 30; against Poles, JuISO, 36;

Artner, Alan G., N85, 1S

officials, Ja85, 8-12, Oc86, 7; Reagan
against Sudeten Germans, May79, 28;

Artukovic, Andrija, ApS5, 8, May86, 20,

threatened, Oc87, 28
anti·German plots, Au85, 17; betrayal of

Assault on the Liberty. JuISO, 35, SS1, 1S;
Vlasov, Oc76, 17-1S; by Allies, WWII,

Artukovic, Robert, May86, 20

review, S80, 34
Au79, 10, Ja85, 34; by American

Artuso, Angelo J., FS5, 33

Associated Press, FS3, 21; Negro
Indians, AuS3, 21; by Communists,

Arum, Bob, JunSO, 26

personnel, OcS3, 29
OcS3, 22, Ju185, 21; by Russians to

Arvey, Jake, Ju179, 12

assortative mating, Oc79, 14
Afghans, JaSI, 34; Communist China,

Aryan Brotherhood, FB3, 35-36

Assous, Jacob, Oc81, 34
JulS5, 21; exaggerated, May85, 23.

Aryan Household, N76, 21

Assyrians, MarS7, 13·14
JunS5, 38; Japanese, Oc85, 19; libyan

Aryan Nations, JaB2, 31, F82, 10, Ap87.

Ast, Bruno, JunS7, 19
airliner, JunS2, 21; Spanish Civil War,

15, Ap87, 35, OcB7. 35; sues county,

Asterix, Jun82, 19
OS5, 27; Uganda, 085, 34; Ukraine,

OB7, 36; violence against, JaS2, 31,

Astles, Bob, S79, 14
AuS5, 30; Wilhelm Gust/off, May87, 30;

Astor, Brooke, MarSI, 13
Yugoslavia, Ce82, 31, FS6, 22

Aryan theory. Au80. 21

Astor, Nancy, MayS5, 34
Attack, Oc7S, 28

Aryans, F77, 7, 20. Ja79, 26, Au79, 14.

Astorga, Nora, JuIS2, 26, FS5, 20, JunS6,
Altali, Jacques, AuSI, 11, Jun87, 31

NBO, 9·10, NB1, 5, JulB5, 6, OS6, 7·S

Attanasio, Paul, Oe85. 19, 086, 20

Asatru Free Assembly (also see Odinism),

astrology, Au78, 18,578, B
Attenborough, Richard, Jul83, 15, SS5, 30

Ju179, 11-12, NS1, 35, FS3, 34,

astronauts, Ju178, 8, 20-21; Challenger,
AWla the Hun, JunSO, 24

ApS6, 26; Jewish, 583, 23; minority,
attorneys (see lawyers)

Asbell, Bernard. quote, ApB4. 16

084.39; quotas, JunB7, 16
Atwood, Angela, F76, 15

Asch. Sidney, OB2, 27

Asuncion, Mar86, 10
Atwood, Margaret, FS3. 27

Aschenbrenner, J., 075. 9

AT&T, defrauded, OcS4, 28; deregulated,
Atzmaut Party (Israel), SS1, 36

Ashanti tribe, MayBO, 20-21, 087,21

N82, 20, May84, 26, MarS6, 31; Jewish
Aubert, Jean·Marie, Oc77, 6

Ashbrook, John, OBO, 31, 083, S

executives, MayS4, 17
Aubuison, Roberto 0', S84, 31

Ashe, Arthur, Ja7B, 21

Ataturk, Kemal, Jul78, 10, 22, Jun81, 20,
Auchincloss, Louis, N86. 20-21

Asher, Robert, Oc84, 8

Auckland, OcS5. 35

Ashkenazim, N7B, 9
Athanasian Society, N76, 23
Audaciry (Australia). 077, 23, N78, 24

Ashkinazi, Steve. OcB5, 31

atheism, Au78, 13, F80, 28
Auden, W. H., Ap79, 17

Ashley Montagu, M.F., May76, 10, Jul77,

atheists, Au86, 36
Auel, Jean, Ap82. 31-32, 587, 9-10

9, S77, 19, 22·24, Oc77, B, S7B, 5.

athletes (also see sports), college
Auerbach, Stuart, N82, 31

Oe78, 15, JunS3. 17, SS3, 9, NB4, 35,

dropouts, MayS7, 30; crime, Jul85, 33;
Auerswald. Armin. MayS5, 18

drugs, Ju187, 20; Jews, Oe85, 21;
Aufderheide, Pat, JunSS, 20

Ashley. George, JulB2, 20-21, AuB2, 32,

triathletes, Au84, 24
Augstein, Rudolf, May84, 23

athletics (also see sports), Negroes,
Augusta (GAl. JuJ82. 16. Ap84. 16

Ashley, Wilfred, N84, 31

Ap83, 18,087,16; popular, Au84, 24
Auguston, Tom, Mar87, 30

Asia, racism, F78, 19

Atiyeh. Victor, OcS2, 32, Ja83, 32
Augu~u~Ja7~11.S7S,S, 17

Asian Americans, SB3, 17-18, S85, 16-17,

Atkey, Ron, 079, 27
Auletti, Ken. Au82, 20

OB6, 30. AuB7, 26; achievements,

Atkins, Charles A., JulS7, 28
Aung, San, 586,20

May85, 29, Ce85, 19, Ap87. 20; gangs.

Atkins, Susan, F76, 16, Au7a, 12
Aural Demoralization, Jun87,17

NB7, 27; organizations, Oc85. 36;

Atkinson, Linda, Au85, 20
Auschwitz, 075,7-8,078,19, May79, 6,

politics, Ja86, 20, FB7, 19

Atlanta, Jun78, 9, 20, Jul82, 16; drugs,
S79, 14, F80, 26, May81, 32, Oc83, 32,

Asians, Japanese collaborators, SS6, 20

Ju187,14; gay policemen, N86, 31;
MarS4, 19, OS4, 5, MayS5, 16, 18, Ap87,

Asimov, Isaac, Ja79, 2S, Ocso, 1S, JaB7,

Irving speech, JuIS6, S; Jewish count,
20, Ap87, 35-36; air photos, Au79, 10;

19, May87, 35
Au80, 21; cocaine scandal, Aua7, 1S;
Carmelites, JulyS6. 33; crematoria,

Asimov, Judah, MayS7, 35

crime, Oe79, 16, MayS7, 23; mayors,
OcS6, 34; disputed numbers, Jun87, 27,

Askeborn, Glen R., JuIB5, 33

081,30; Negro racists, JulS7, 2S;
OcS7, 32; end days, OcS6, 34; hair.

Askew, Leo Goldberg, Oc79, 10, May83, 6

newspapers, MarS2, 20; rape capital.
Au82, 32; liberation film, N86, 34;

Askew, Reubin 0., Jul76, 4, Oc79, 10,

Ap87, 27; schools, AuS5, 30; serial
Mengele's studies, SS5, 10; tourists,

murders, FS1, 14, Jun81, 17-1S, AuS1,
May87, 26; true description, oeSo, 6

Askler, Samuel, ApB7. 28

21, S82, 11 ; subway, Mar86, 15
Auschwitz Myth, Au79, 10, JuIS3, 31-32

Austin, Ben, JunS4, 35-36

authoritarian personality, Oc82, 29; Bachmeier, Marianne, Jun81, 32-33,

Austin, Howard, Mar7S, 16

authors in jail, S87, 25; auto industry, Ap83,31,N83,29

Austin, Reid, NS5, 6-S

earnings per worker, FS6, 29; breakup, Bachofen, J. J., quote, Oc82, 25

Austin, Warren, MaySO. 22

FS7, 12; foreign competition, AuSO, S, Bachrach, Bernard 5., Au79, 1S
Australia (also see aborigines ), Jun77, 7,
Ap83, 18; auto industry, F82, 27; back to the land, Mar76, 19, Fa3, 34-35,

18-19, Ap7S, 24, May7S. 23, NS1, 34,

alcoholism and drugs, May86, 28; Jun8S, 6-8

FS3. 27-2S, JulS3, 35; amnesty, DS5, 31

decline, FS1, 22, DS5, S; auto industry, Back-to-Africa-Movement, SS1, 22

ApSS, 15, NS7. 12; anti-German

minority execs, NSO, 20; naming of Backer, George, Au76. 7

propaganda, Ja87, 34, 582, 30, MayS7,

Jews, N87, 17; Negroes, Ap83, 18; work backlash, white, JuIS2, 32

37; anti-right-wing violence, N78, 24;

force, MaySI, 19, OcS3, 29 backsliders, Ap78, 12

Asians, AuS2, 26, F85, 36, Mar85, 31­ autogenic training, OS7, 24
Bacon, Francis, Apn, 22·23, May79, 24,

32, 087, 34; British heritage, DS3, 34;

automobile fatalities, by country, Mar87,
Jun79, 9

censorship, AuS4. 40. ApS6. 34;

Baden, Michael, NS3, 32

circumcision, OcS5, 18; composers,

automobiles, design, Ap79, 12; per mile
Baden-Powell, Robert, N86, 23; criticized,

MayS6, 10-12; cults, N7S. 24; decline,

cost, Au84, 31; prices in Japan, Jul85,

JulS5, 3S; demographics, Au83, 31;

Badillo, Herman, MarS6, 31

devolution, SS7, 32; discrimination, F76,

autonomy, Au77, 8, 1S Badinter, Robert. AuS1, 11, Mar84, 29.

19; dual citizenship, JunS6, 3S;

autos-da-fa, S80, 15

education, N87, 22; election 1987.

Avanesov, V. 5., NS5, 33
Badoglio, Marshal, May76, 6, JulS3, 9

OcS7, 33; historical revisionism. JunSO,

Avayou, David, 086, 31
Badylak. Walentyn, JuISO, 36

36; illegal immigrants. MayS6, 28;

immigrants criticized, MayS1, 34-35,

DS7, 34; immigration, F79, 27, 079, 2S,

Avebury, Lord, ApS7. 28

Averhart, Rufus L., JaS2, 28

Avey, Albert, Ap78, 21

Baer, Dale, OeS4, 19

Baer, Raymond. MayS7, 17

Baez, Joan, Marn, 1S, 087, 21

MarSO, 21. MarSI, 34, DS3,34, F84, 23,

Avidor, Menahem, ApSl, 27
Bagdikian, Ben, Mar7S, 15

JuIS4. 35. MayS5, 37. MayS7, 30, SS7,

Avol, Milton, NS5. 29, N87, 27
Bagehot, Walter, Ja76, 20, Jun76, 10

32; immigration reform. AuS4, 40; Irish

AWACS, 081,7, F82, 27, Mar82. 17-18,
Baghdad. AuSI, 5; sacked, Mar87, 26

politicians, FS3, 27; Jewish peculations,

Bagley, Christopher, F83, 31

JaS6, 34; Jews, Jun7S. 24,DS4,37,

Awake, May7S, 13
Baha'i, Ju185, 34

085, 17, FS7. 31, MarS7, 27; literature,

F83, 27; Majority activists, 077, 23;

multiculturalism, JaS3, 31; Nazi hunters,

JaS7, 33-34. MayS7. 37-3S; politics,

Awatere, Donna, Oc85, 35

Axelrod, David, Jul87, 28

Axelson, Kenneth, Au77, 12

Axworthy, Lloyd, Ap82, 29

Bahamas, Mar78, 2S

Baikal, Lake, Au85, 24

Bailey, F. Lee, Ja82, 2S

Bailey, Geoffrey, MayS6, 9

AuS3, 31, Julya6. 34. MayS7. 37; race

Ayala, David, Ap82, 28
Bailey, Maurice, SS1, 29

laws, Mar84, 30; race relations, MayS5,

Ayala, Tony, AuS3, 29
BaUyn, Bernard, MayS7, 21

36-37, May87, 37; race-mixing, MarS4,

Aylor, Jeanne, MarS6, 31
Bain, John, May84, 26

29-30; racial composition, JaS7, 27;

Ayoob, Massad, JuIS2, 32
Baird, Jay W., May79, 27

racism, F85. 36-37, Mar85, 31-32; -rebel

Ayres, John, 083, lS Bajema, Carl J., Au85, 35

tours,' SS5, 34; relations with S. Africa;

reparations for Abos. 586, 37; sports,

DS1, 20, SS5, 33-34; violence, F7S, 23;

Azania, DS7, 11

Azanian People's Organization, Mar86, 14

Azi, Ben, Jan, 10

Baker, Bill, MayS4, 1S
Baker, Bishop John, Jul85, 36

Baker, Blanche, F84, 26

war criminals, AuS6, 34; WASPs, MarS5,

Aziza, Marcel and Ives, MayS6, 32
Baker, Carroll, F84, 26

32; Zionism, JaS6, 34

Azores, Au87, 21
Baker, Gerry, JulSS, 31

Australian Civil Liberties Union, AuS3, 31,

Aztecs. Mar80, 6-7. 081,12,586,22 Baker, Howard F., Au78, 10, F79, 17.
Mar84, 30, Au84, 40, MayS7, 37
Azthln. Ap78, 11, N80, 18, Au87, 15
MarSI. 20, FS4, 15. MayS7, 32; wife,
Australian League of Rights, Jun7S, 24,
F79. 28. JuIS3, 35, 085, 17
Baker, Joe D., OcS7, 16

Australian National Action, SS7. 32

Australians, favored foreigners. Oc86, 30;

Baker, John R., Ja76, 6, 21, May76. lS,

Jan, 12, S7S, 10, May79, 20, Au79, S,
national origins, 581,32; WWII, F85. 21
B.V.D. Company, Jan, 12
MarSO, 6, Jun80, 31, SSl, 26. DS5. 14.
Australopithecus african us. Au84, 22
Baader, Andreas, Ja78, S, 23

Ju1S6,lS-19, N86, S, May87. 7-8; obit,

Austria. F77, 23. Mar77. 20. May78, 23,
Baader-Meinhof gang, Ja78, 8, 23, Au81 ,
11,Ja86,33 Baker. John T .• OS7, 18-19

Allied occupation, OcS5, 27; Anschluss,

Baah, Kwame, JunSI, 35
Baker, Larry, FSC, 25

N77, 8, FS7. 12; anti-Semitism. 084.29.

Baalbec, air raids, Mar84, 29
Baker, Lyle, JuISS, 20

Jun86, 15. MayS7, 34; foreign policy,

Babb, Glen, May86, 31, May87, 33, N87,
Baker, Marie, 087, 21

SSl. 35; Jews, MarS5, 29, Ap85, 32,


Baker, Samuel, Ap77, 12, JunSI, 20

OeS7, 31; liberation. FSO, 27; mayor

Babbitt, Bruce. 081, 19, OS6, 12, FS7, 35,

Baker, William W., Au84. 43

flees Miami. JaS5, 33; minorities, F78.

JunS7, 21, Jul87, 13; Hispanics, SS7, 11
Bakewell, Robert, JU176. 10

Babbitt, Milton, Jun78. 21, Oc7S, 12

19; politics, Ap8S, 32, JunS6. 17. Ja87,

Bakke case. 578, 11, Mar79, 19, 579, 24·

31-32; polls about Jews, 581, 35,

Babbs, Charles. F87, 27
25, MarS2, 26

MayS5, 30; presidential election, JunS6.

Babi Yar, Ap85, S
Bakke, Allan, Ja77, 13, Marn, 12-13,

15-18; racial composition, May7S, 17,

baby boom, Ap76, 6

May7S, 6, 17-18, Jul78, 13,578,11,

OSO, 29; safe living, Ja83, 31-32;

Babylon, records, NS1, 5-6

May80, 15-16

Slovenes, JaS7, 32; U.S. diplomatic

Baca, Herman. 086, 11
Bakker, Jim & Tammy, NS2. 9, F85, 30,

snubs, OcS6, 31; Waldheim election,

Baccrie, Micaiah C., May80, 7

JuIS6. 39-40, JuIS7. 33, AuS7, 30-31;

Bach, Gary, NS7, 33
Bakshian, Aram, Jr., Ja83, 18

war crimes, Ap85, 32-33, F86, 31

Bach, Leo, Jul84, 36
Bakunin, Mikhail, Ju178, 21, Oc7S, 9, 1g­
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 075. 14, Ap76,
20, Jul82, 14, Oc83, 16

5, May85, 34; anti-Semitism, SSO, 16-17

Bach-Zelewski. Erich von dem, 078, 19
Bal Harbour (FL), May83, 19-20

Balabanoff, Angelica, May76, 7

Barrett, Debbie B., Ja83, 23

Balance Rock (NY), 580, 11

Banks, George, Ja83, 17
Barrett, Richard, Jun7S, 23, 083, 35-36

Balanchine, George, Jun84, 15-16

Bankston, Clinton, 087, 30
Barrett, Rona, Mar80, 20, Au80, 30

Balbas, Manuel, Ap87, 9

Banneker, Benjamin, F78, 11, May80, 21
Barris, Chuck, Oc80, 30

Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, Au87, 23

Bannink, Chris, Jun87, 32
Barron, John, Au76, 6

Baldwin, James W., Oc77, 14

Bantam Books, F83, 20
Barrow, Robert, May83, 31, Jun83, 30

Baldwin, James. Oc77. 13, 078, 15, Ap85,

Bantus, Jun7S, 19, FS6, 37
Barrows, Sydney B., Ja8S, 32, Mar8S, 27,

16, 585, 17, Ap86, 25, Mar87, 29; talks

Banzhaf, John F., III. ApS5, 6

with M. Mead, Au83, 10-13

Baqui, Ahmad, Oc85, 33-34
Barry, Marion 5., Jr., May79, 14, S79, 16,

Baldwin, Joseph C., Mar79, 23, Jun85, 38


Baldwin, Roger, Ap82, 20

Bar Mitzvah, world's biggest. 086. 22
Ja87, 2S, ApS7, 28, Oc87, lS-19, Ap87,

Baldwin, Stanley, May85, 34, Aug86, 31

Bar-Am, Avraham, July86, 33,586,11,
28; criminal associates, N84, 29

Balfour Declaration, Jul77, 8, 18-19, N78,

D8S, 36
Barry, Efti, 579, 16

16, Mar79, 6, Au82, 28, Ja84, 31, Ap84,

Bar-lian Universny, 086, 36
Barry, John, 081,28

Barabba, Vincent, Mar77, 12, Jun80, 21
Barry, Kevin, Ap86, 31-32

Balfour, Arthur, Ap84, 12, Ju187, 30; anti­

Baram, Haim, 083, 33
Barry, Stephen, F87, 29

Semitic remark, Oc80, 30

Baranker, Gary, Oc81 , 24
Barth, G .• Oc76. 6

Balinsky, Michael, Jul83, 23

Barbados, Mar8S, 17
Barth, Karl, F81, 19

Ball, George, F77, 23. Ja80, 6, 084, 22,

Barbary Pirates, Ja79, 15, MarSO, 8
Barthelemy, Sidney, Jun87, 35

Barber, Charles, Oc85, 11
Barthas, Roland, Jun81, 29, MarS6. 35

ballet, Ju178, 14. Jun84, 15-16; quotas,

Barbera, Margaret, OcS2, 20
Bartholdi, F.-A., AuSO, 19. 084, 3S

Barbie, Klaus. Ap83, 29-30, Jul83, 31.
Bartholet. Geoffrey, Oc85. 33

Ballos, Linda, Au87, 29

Bartlett, Charles, ApS6, 6

Balogh, Lord. MarM, 24

33, Ap85, 32, JunS5, 35, Au87, 29, 087,
Bartok, Bela, Oe78, 12, Au84, 22

Balough, Alan, Ja81, 36

33; profile, May83, 29-30; trial, Jul87,
Barton, Andrew, Ja7S, 11

Balthazer, Mel, May85, 19

31-32,587,29-30, Oc87, 31
Barton, Russell. MaySS, 14. 17

Baltic countries, future, N84 9, Mar85, 24

Barbu, Eugen. Jun85, 36
Baruch. Barnard, May87, 32

Baltic Sea Foundation, 083. 35, JulS4, 32­ Barbuda, F82, 26

Baruch, Bernard. Jul76, 14, Oc76, 9,

Barchester Chronicles, F85,26
May79, 13, Mar82, 26. ApS3, 8, Jul86,

Baltimore, F77, 12; peculations, 085,23­ Barclay, Elwood, Ja84, 18


24, politics, Ja84, 17, 086, 40

Barcwacz, Francis, Ja86, 16
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, Ap87. 27

Baits, alleged war crimes, Ja87, 33

Bardeen, John, Au85, 6
Barzhanov, Boris, Au76. 6

Baltzell, E. Digby, Ap79, 13, MarS6, 18,

Barding, Ronald C., Mar77, 13
Barzini. Luigi, MarSO, 2S, Ju185, 11

Barios, Romeo, SS6. 34
baseball. JunS7, 22-23, NS7, 9;

Balzac, Honore de, quote, Ap87, 7

Barkai, Gailia, Jun84, 34
discrimination. OcS7, 9; race statistics,

Bamford, James, May83, 32

Barkley, Alben, Oc77, 22

Barlow, Joel. May80, 7
Basham, Charoensri, Mar85, 31

Banco Ambrosiano, Jul84, 34, 585, 29,

Barlow, Robert, Au87, 22
Bashaw, Dey Hassan, May80, 5-6

Ju187, 29, N87, 17

Barnard. Christiaan, May81, 34, SS1 , 38,
basketball, Negro monopoly, SS7, 33,

Bancroft, Anne, Jul84, 16

F83, 33, Jul85, 32
Oc87, 10; player height. Ja84, 2S;

Banda, Michael F86, 33

Barnby, H. G., May80, 7
race of players, MaySI, 23; satire, SS5,

Bandelier, A. F., 081, 12

Barnes, Clive, SS1. 30, OCS7, 16
19; stars, 585, 30, May86, 21; whites

Bandy, Way, FS7,29

Barnes, Emery, MayB2, 29
slurred, 586, 39

Banff, Mar87, 23-24

Barnes, Eugene, FS2, 16
Basner, Yakob, Jul8S, 17

Banfield, Edward C., 577,20, F78, S,

Barnes, Fred, Au87, 34
Basques, Au77, 18, NS4 9

Oc7S, 27. Oc79. 14.N79, 10

Barnes, Harry Elmer, Jul76, 10, FS2, 32,
Bass family, FS5 t 31

Bangladesh, Mar83, 31, Mar85, 31;

N82, 31, Jun83, 31; Pearl Harbor theory,
Bassbinder, Rainer, NS4, 27

pregnancies, 585, 35; squatters, DS5.

Bat Mitzvahs, for dog, MayS4, 25

Barnes, Michael, OeS6, 22
Bataan death march, NS3 16-18

Bangladeshis, Assam, May83, 31

Barnes, William, MayS7, 10
Bath, George E., Jun87, 31

Bani-Sadr, N81, 33
Barnett, Arnold, SS6, 23
Bath, Lord, Mar86, 25

Baniyas (Syria), Mar85, 11

Barnett, Barry, Ap84, 2S
Batista, Fulgencio, Au84, 17-1S

bank crashes, N79, 15-16, Mar80, 22

Barnett, Correlli, Ap79, 22, OcS7, 22
Batten, Mary, ApS3, 14

Bank Leumi, May84, 10-11, Ja87, 8, Ap87,

Barnett, Joel, NS6, 33, MarS7, 31, JunS7,
Battisti, Frank J., MarSI, 23. May81 , 23,


Bank of California, Ja78. 12

Barnett, Joyce, JunS6, 35
Battle Hymn of the Republic, Oc76, 8,

Bank of England, N76. 9. Ja85. 27

Barnett, Mazar, Ap7S. 12

bankers. Ap82. 12; investment, Mar84,

Barnett, Ross, Ap83, 28, DS3, 15
Battle of Brunanburgh, May79, 28

25; Jews, Ja79, 12; world's richest,

Barnett, S. H., equalnarian quote, N85, 34
Battle of the Bulge, MayS7, 26-27

Barnikol, Ernst. N76, 19
Battle, James, FS6, 31

banking, 578, 6, Ja85, 27-28

Baroja, Pio, 076, 21
Baudelaire, Charles, Fn, 7, F7S, 11

bankruptcies, N81, 29, 081,30, Ap82, 27,

Baron, Ben, Jul83, 35
Bauer, Bruno. 075, 11, May7S, 18, N76,

Mar83, 29, Au84, 33, Ju187, 29, Aue7, 28

Barone, Michael, Mar85, 18
7, 18-19, Au77, 16, Ap7S, 22, JaSO,

bankruptcies, Negro, 587,27; New York

Barr, Robert, JulS7, 14
13,085, 14-15,JunS6, 9-19

City, Mar79, 12
Barr, Roseanne. S84. 14-15
Bauer, Gary, N87, 35

Ba.nkruptcy magazine. Jun85. 32

Barr, Thomas, Ap85, 10
Bauer. Peter T., Ja82, 30, 583, 20-21

Banks, Dennis, Oc82, 26, Aug83, 23, N83,

Barre, Raymond, JaS1, 1S, May85, 34
Bauer, Yehuda, Jul82, 25, 587, 18

18, S84, 17, MayS6, 15

Barres. Maurice, 077, 5
Baugh. Larry. D84, 30

banks, foreign ownership, N83, 31; fraud,

Barrett, David, Au87, 17
Baughman, E. E., Oc77, 25

Bauhaus.Oc76, 15
Beckett. Samuel. Oc87. 8
MayS2, 18, FS4, 14

Baum. Gregory, Oc79, 18

Beckman, Robert, Oc85,33 Bell, Ron. S87, 35

Baum. L. Frank, Oc79, 17

Beckmann, Petr, 084, 22
Bell, Ronald. SSO, 32, Ju183, 10

Bauman. Robert, F78, 23. Ja81, 31, Au81.

Beckwith, Charlie A., Jun87, 15
Bell. Terrel H .• Ap81. 10, 081. 36; quote,

30. Jun84, 30, Mar87, 26, Ap87, 28,

Bedell, Sally, Ja82, 32

Bedford Styvesant (also see Brooklyn), Bell, Theron J., MarS5, 15

Bavadra, Dr., Au87. 33

Mar79,12 Bell, William M., Mar82, 17

Bavaria, Au77. 18
Bednarczyk. Tadeus, Ap87, 31
Belia, V. J.. Ja81. 35

Bavly, Hanna, Ap87, 32-33

Bedouins, expelled by Israelis, Oc80, 32
Bellamy. Carol. May83, 26

Baxter, David, Ja85. 38

Bee Gees (rock group). Ap77, 13, Mar78.
Bellamy, Edward, Oc83, 32

Bay City Rollers, Ap77. 13

Belle Glade (FL), AuS5, 30

Bay of Pigs, Jun87, 15

Beecham. Thomas, May86, 10
Bellecourt, Clyde. Mar84, 16

Bayer. Karl Ludwig, Jul77, 20

Beecher, Henry Ward. Chinese quote,
Bellenbaum, Benno, F81, 31

Bayeux (France), German memorial, Ja85,

NS7,36 Bellin, Howard, NS7, 16

Beechook, Ravi and Mirela, N86, 33
Belloc, Hilaire, F78, 17, May82. 26. Jul82,

Bayh, Birch, Ja87, 6

Beeman, W.O., Mar83, 19
24, Jul8S, 8, OcS5, 16, MayS7, 34

Bayles, Martha, Oc87, 25

beer, MayS7, 34
Bellos, Jonathan. 087. 31

Bayless, Skip, S86, 39

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Oc77, 9; Negro
Bellos, Linda, OS7, 31

Bayley, Anne C., Ap87, 12-14

blood? Au79. is, JulSO, 24; Ninth
Bellow, Irwin, Oc79. 27

Bayley, Edwin, Ap82. 21

Symphony, Ja80, 29
B'ellow, Saul, May77, 12, Oe77, 13,

Baylor, Solomon. S82. 32

beetles, FS5, 12-13

Baynum. JoAnn. S82, 11

Begelman, David, Ju178, 14, Mar79. 28,
Bellow. Walter, F87, 20

Bayreuth, 085. 28; festival. F81, 23;

Ap79, 16, Oc79. is. May80, 32, FBi, 22.
Bellwin, Lord, S83, 34

Negro singers, Jul84, 33-34

NB2, 15-16, NS3, 36, ApS7, 26
Belnik, Mark, S87, 12

Bazata, Douglas, F80. 22, Oc80. 6

Beggs, James. ApS6,26 Belonogova, Alexander. Jun87, 35

Bazelon, David L., May77, 13,23

Begin. Aliza, S82, 27
Belotti, Elena G., Oc77. 6

Beach Boys, July84, 21

Begin, Binyamin, Ja84, 29
Belsen, 078, 19, May85, 17, N86, 30

Beales, Jennifer, Mar84, 26

Begin, Menahem.Oe77, 13, is, F7S, 23,
Belshazzar. JulS2, 13

Beam, Louis, Oc81, 22, N87, 33

Mar7B, 12, 17,078,28, Ja79, 6, 22-23,
Belton, Grace, Ja87. 19

Beame, Abe, Au77, 12

Balzberg family. DSO, 27, Ap82. 29, 586,

Beams, Oovie, 087, 28

19, OcBI. 33, May82, 14, OB2, 29-30,

Beard Jr., George, S86, 39

Belzberg, Samuel, ApS5, 7. F87. 17

Beard, Charles A., F82, 32

23, Ju185, is, SS6, 20. Oc87. 33; admits
Belzberg, William, Ju179. 28

Beastie Boys, Au87, 28

terrorism, Oc81, 34; attacks U.S., Mar82,
Belzek, May87. 13

Beat/es, OcS3, 29, Jul84, 12; politics,

29; demeans Palestinians, S82, 29;
Bembry, Lawrence, May87. 40

082, is; vices, Au83, 21

insults Pope, Ap83, 30; no apologies,
Ben Bella. Ahmed, N81, 26, Ja83. 30

Beaton, Cecil, F81, 2S, 084, 16-17

NS1, 32; praises Mitterrand, AuSI, 11;
Ben Gal, Avigdor, anti-Arab slur, Jun84,

Beatty, Jack, Oc79, 17, Oc85, 15-16

preferred Oachau to Gulag. Ja79. 13;

Beatty, Vander, Ja85,33

racism, S83, 35-36; slurs European
Ben-Aharons. Yeshayahu,ApS3,32

Beatty, Warren, SS2, 5, Jun83, 30, JuJ84,

leaders, S81, 37; White House visits,
Ben-Aharons. Yitzhak, Ap83, 32

OS1, 30; WWII, May78, 15
Ben-Ami, David. N84 5

- Beaty, John 0., F77, 19

Beaufort, Duke of. Jun85, 34

Beauharnais vs. Illinois, Au77,6, 17

Begun, Vladimir, NaO, 32, AuS1, 32

behaviorism, Au80, 9

Behind the Scene, Jun76, S

Ben-Elissar, Eliahu, N79, 18

Ben-Gurion, David, N7S, 11, Ja79, 22.


beauty contests (also see Miss America

Behn, Margaret, 083, 35, JuIS4, 32-33
NS5, 15

Pageant). N80, 19, F81, 31, MayS5, 31,

Behrends, Okko, Jul83, 32
Ben..Jochannan, Yosef. JaS2, 20-21,

N86, 20, MarS7, 28-29; blondes, OcS4,

Beiderbecke, Bix, 579. 26-27

20; drugs, OeS7, 27; mulattoes, Ap87.

Beijing (see Peking) Ben-Shalom. Miriam. AuSO. 20

27; nude. SS5, 23; petty theft winner.

Beilenson, Tony, S82, 32
Benda, Julien, Ap79, 10

Ap85, 30; racism, JuISO, 19; restrictions,

Beirut, Ja85, 36-37; bombing, OS2, 29,
Bendix Corp., F77, 22, F81. 15

DS3, 34, Ju184, 34; Shiites arrive. Ja85,
Benedict, Dirk, FS5, 39

beauty, 076, 10, S81, 12-13, Mar87, 13; 36-37

Benedict, Ruth, S83, 10, NS4, 35

children's preferences. 087, 16; Jewish Beis, Oimitris, F87, 33

Bener, Mila, 076, 8

idea, June83, 11 poll. May83, 18; Beit. Alfred, S84, 22-23

Benes, Eduard, F77, 22, May79. 28

preferences, May83, 18; small town, Bejarano, Rodolfo C., 086, 11

Benetton. race-mixing ad, Ju186, 14

086.14-15 Belafonte. Harry, Jun78, 13, May87, 29

Bengali, May86. 28

Beauvoir. Max, May86. 34

Belecheb, Abdelkrim, FS5, 31
Benito Cereno. Ja78, 23, JaS7, 9

Beauvoir, Simone de, Oc77, 6, Oc83, 32,

Belgian Congo (see Zaire) Benjamin, Jerry, May84, is

- Ju184, 31, Au86, 32, Mar87. 33

Beaverbrook, Lord, 087, 11; Hess visit,


Belgium. 078, 10; AIDS testing. Jun87,

31; atrocities, Jul78, 6; diamond swindle.

Jun86, 37; fascism, Juna6. 11-12;

Benjamin, Judah, MarSO, 9

Benjamin. Milton, MayS7. 22

Benko, Jo, N86, 32

Bebel, August, F77, 7

royalty, Ju182, 28
Benn. Wedgwood, Mar82. 25. Au82. 25

Beck, Alan, N82, 19

Belize, Jun82, 11; crime, Oc85, 35; Bennett, Allen, JaSO, 23

Beck, Herman, Ju179, 14

Mennonites,0c85,35 Bennett, Bill, Ja84, 28

Beck, Marilyn, Mar85, 16

Belkine, A.I., Oc77, 22
Bennett. Claude, F87. 7

Beck, Robert A., N81, 36

Bell III. Archie R., Oc81, 24
Bennett. Curt~,Au8~9

Becker, Boris, N86, 28

Bell, Alexander Graham, N8S. 10-11
Bennett, O.C.T.• Jun78, 24

Becker, Gary, Ja76, 20

Bell, Clive, S83, 10
Bennett. EIOean, 086,25

Becker. Max, Jun85. 38

Bell, Griffin, F77, 22, N77, 23, Ap78, 13,
Bennett. John, May79. 22-23. D79, 7.

JunSO, 36, Dc80, 6, JaS2, 19. 582. 30.

Bergman. Ingrid. Jul84, 23, JunS6, 34
Bernstein, Joan Z., 082, 26

Aug83, 31, DS3, 34. Mar84, 30. Au84,

Bergson. Henri, Au76, 16, Mar81, 16
Bernstein, Jules, 080, 10-11

40. JaS5, 3S, ApS6, 34, DcS6. 37, Ja87.

Bergus. Don, Ap86, 7
Bernstein, Larry. JaS4, 27

33-34, N87, 29
Beria, Laurenti, Ja76, 8, MaySI, 34, SS4,
Bernstein. Leonard. Jun78. 21, Ap81 , 9­
Bennett, Leone. Ap85. 16. ApS6. 25
10, F82, 1S. Ap86, 19, Ja87, 28, Jul87,

Bennett, Rick, Ap79, 15

Berk. Walter, ~lu187, 19
28; pacifism, Jul81, 19; supergay, 587,

Bennett, Tony, MayS7,32

Berkel, Bob, Jun86, 40

Bennett, William J., 085, 20-21, FS7, 35

Berkeley (CA), Ap87, 18; anti-Israel
Bernstein, Lester, De79, 19, Jun80, 29

Benninger, Fred, NS1, 20

initiative, JulS4, 36; refugee shelter,
Bernstein, Mark, Ja80, 24

Bennington College, Mar87, 27

Bernstein, Michael, Jul87, 21

Benny, George I., MayS3, 27

Berkeley Barb, NSO, 36
Bernstein, Norman, Jul83, 29

Benny, Jack, F81, 7

Berkeley Interfaith Council, MarS4, 16
Bernstein, Peter, Jul87, 27

Benoist, Alain, de, 577,27, Dc77, 6,

Berkeley, Bishop, Jun81. 28-29, Jun83.
Bernstein, Sidney, 577, 14, JulS4, 23

Ap80, 8-9, Ap82, 30-31, Dc84 , 35, JaS5,

Bernstein, Victor, Jul81, 22

19. May85, 34. N87, 28

Berkeley, Humphrey, S79, 14, De79, 25
Berrigan brothers, Ap81 , 19

Benoist-Mechin, Jacques, Au83, 30,

Berkes, Robert, S79. 9, N79, 18
Berrigan, Daniel, Au78, 13

Berkley, David, De86, 31
Berrigan, Philip, Ju181, 30

Bensen, Miles, F84, 18

Berkman, Alexander, FS2, 19
Berry. Brad. Oc84, 27

Benson. Gale, ApS2. 5

Berkovitch. Boris, De86, 23
Berry, Chuck. Dc79, 20, 080. 14

Benson. Ivor. Ap84. 14; banned from U.S.,

Berkowitz, David (Son of Sam), Ja81, 32,
Berry, Halle, Mar87,29

Berry, Henry, Ap84, 32

Benson. Paul. May80. 19

Berkowitz, Herb, May85. 8
Berry, Mary F.. Au83, 22, 084,31, Jun85,

Benton. Judy. N87, 29

Berkowitz, Scott, DcS4, 7

Benton. Thomas H.• 075. 9

Berkowitz, William, 084, 6-8, Au87, 8
Berryman. John, Ap8S, 13

Benton. William. 082, 21

Berlau, Henrik, DS6, 35-36
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, F81. 9

Benveniste, Richard, May79, 14, Mar80,

Berle, Milton, 5S4, 14
Berwit. Adam, JunSO, 25

Berlin, Irving, Ja77, 10, Au77, 18
Bess, Cheryl, JaS6. 30

Benvenisti, Meron. Au84, 38

Berlin (also see West Berlin), Ja78, 23,
Bessinger, J. B.• May79, 28

Beowulf. Jul77, 5, May79, 28, N81, 7

FS3, 20; Free University, Ja78, 23, Wall,
Best. Keith. Dc87, 30

Berard, Christian, Ap78, 7

F79, 28, Dc86, 30; Jewish survivors,
bestseller list, Mar83, 29; rigged, F85, 20

Berchtesgaden, Jul84, 26
Dc82, 26, 082, 26
Betancur, Besisario, Au85, 21

Bercusi, David J., Au84, 17

Berlin-Alexanderplatz, N84, 27, Ja85, 28
Beter, Peter, F86, 21-22

Berdah family, Ap82, 31

Berman's Inc., Ap8S, 29
Bethel, Tom, Oc84, 21

Berdichewsky, Micha, 086, 7-8

Berman, Averill, Ap87, 28
Bethell, Lord, DcB3, 36

Berdyaev, Nikolai, May76, 15

Berman, Howard, N84 11, NS4, 2S
Bethlehem, Ap85, 28

Berenblum, Marvin B., NB6, 31

Berman, Jack, N84, 29
Bethune. Ed, Au84, 15

Berenson, Bernard, Jul76, 8; pro-Zionist

Berman, Jacob, MayS7, 17
Betjeman, John, May82, 23

quote, N84 12
Berman, Jakub, Au84, 37, OcS4, 32
Bettencourt, Liliane, N85, 32

Berg, Alan, Mar85, 7, Jun85, 29, Ap87, 35,

Berman, Joseph, May87, 35
Better Homes and Gardens, Jul78, 11

Berman, Julius, 084, 6
Beukes, Herbert, Ap86, 16

Berg, Alban, May76, 11. S76. 9, Dc78, 12,

Berman, Matvei, Ja76,9
Bevan, Nye, Au79,28

Berman, Michael, Ja83, 24, Dc84, 16
Beveragi-Allende, Waler, 087, 35

Berg, Friedrich P., Au78, 20. Dc78, 27.

Bermant, Chaim, NS1, 31, DeS2, 30, Ap84,
Beverly Hillbillies, Mar79, 19

JaS2.32,Ja84,31,MayS7, 13, NS7,33

Beverly Hills, affluence, Jun87, 27; night

Berg, Jacob, Ja82. 10

Bermant, David, DeS 1, 22
life, Ja83, 14-15; peonage. 082. 18;

Berg, Leonard. Au84, 33

Bermanzohn, Paul, Ap81 , 14
police criticized. N84, 21; statistics,

Berg. Moe, Ap84, 20

Bermanzohn, Tema, Ap81 , 14

Berg, Steve, JunS5. 21

Bermuda Triangle, Au78, 17
Beverly Hills Hotel, Ja87, 7. F87, 17,

Bergdorf, Diane, MarS7, 28

Bermuda, Mar7S, 28

Bergel, Lienhard. MarS7, 20·21

Bernadet, Maurice, F80, 17
Beverly. April, NS5, 29

Bergen, Candice, ApSO. 21

Bernadotte, Folke, Ja76. 17, Ju177. 8.
Bevin, Aneurin, ApS4, 20

Bergen. Edgar, Ap80. 21

NSO,29,580, 15,Ap87,20, 087,9
Bevin, Ernest, Jul77, 8, 18

Bergen-Belsen, Au79. 10
Bernard, Rick, DeS 1, 24
Bewley, Les, JunS4, 17; Israeli quote,

Berger. Bruce. F82, 10

Bernardin, Joseph L., JaS3, 24

Berger. Ivan, AuS4, 39

Bernays. Edward L., Oc87, 16
Bey, Taalat. Ap84, 28-29

Berger. Lilyanatta. N80, 21

Bernays, Murray C., Jun86, 12-13
Bhagavad-Gita. Ja79, 26

Berger, PaulS.. May77. 11

Berne, Stanley, Jun79, 16
Bhopal, Mar87, 27

Berger. RaOUl. 078, 22

Berners, lord, NS5, 22·23
Biaggi, Mario, Mar82, 27, 585, 18, Mar87,

Berger. Robert, DS7, 2S

Bernhard, Prince, 077, 12
28, Jul87, 29, 587, 14, Dc87, 18, 087,

Berger, Sam, Jul78, 17

Bernheimer, Martin, Ja87. 28

Berger, Sighismund, JuIS4, 33

Bernstein. AI, Mar86, 26
Biaggi, Richard, MarB7, 28

Berger, Stephen, SS7, 25

Bernstein, Aline, 078, 24
Bialkin, Kenneth J., F87, 17, Jun87, 20

Bergerac. Michel, Jul85, 30

Bernstein, Barton J., Au85. 17, Ap87, 20
Bias In Mental Testing, Ap80,22

Bergeron, Gregory, F83, 21

Bernstein, Blanche, Mar79, 13, F83, 22
Bias, Len, Jul87, 20

Bergier, Jacques. Jun76, 3

Bernstein, Carl, Au77, 11, F87, 22
Biberfeld, Pincas, Jul83, 32-33

Bergland, Bob, 079,27

Bernstein, Eddie, Jun79, 16
Bible. Mar76, 7, Jun77, 12, 577,27,

Bergland, David. FS5. 30

Bernstein. Eduard. N76, 7
Mar78, 7, 579, 23, F80, 22. F81. 25, F83,

Bergman, Andy, De85, 18

Bernstein, Fred, Au86. 30
26-27. JunS5, 15, Jul87, 27; anti-gay

Bergman, Bernard, 076, 8, De84, 29

Bernstein, Jack, 085, 22, May86, 31
passages, N84. 20; Jewish publisher,


Ap85, 30; Old and New Testaments,

Birmingham. Stephen, N77. 23. N7S. 9.
Black. Edwin, Au84, 17

Jun87, 31; revisions of, Ju178. 14;

MaySI, 30. Jewish quote. MayS6, 26
Black. Eli, Au7S, 14, F79, 16, Jun82, 12

study, DS6, 40
Birnbach, Lisa, Au81, 21. MarS2, 10-11,
black. capitalization of, JunS3, 16; good

Bicentennial. 075, 6, Ja76, 2. N84, 21

Ja83, 15.23, Ja85. 33. MarS5, 18
meanings of word, DS7. 21

Bickley, George W. L., SS2, 10

Birney, Meredith Baxter, 087,28 Black. Hugo, Gc76. 9, N76, 5. Jul77, 11.

Biddle, Francis, JunS6, 12

birth control, MaySI, 19; black attitudes.
Au80. 6; KKK member. Jul79, 14

Biddy, George, May83. 27

Black, William M., 077, 19

Biden, Joseph, GcS6, 2S-29, JutS7. 13,

birth defects, SS3. 32. Gc83, 29
black-Hispanic differences. N81. 20

SS7, 11, NS7. 14; campaign pandering, Birlh of a Nation. 077.7,20-21. 084,32;
Blackboard Jungle, ApS6, 9

GcS7, 19; Demo primary. DS7. 7; Israeli vandalism in theater. SSO, 25

Blackburn, Chuck, Ap87, 6

advocate, AuS4. 20; plagiarism. GcS7, Birlh of Tragedy. The. Mar77, 17

Blackburn. Harry, 579. 14

29,NS7,19 birth weight, by race, Aug83, 27

Blackburn. Kathleen. N82. 18

Bierce. Ambrose. SS6, 16

birthrates, Au78. 5, 15, N78, 10, GcS1, S­ blacklisting, NS1, 30, FS6, 20, DS7, 19

Bierrenbach. Flavio, DSO. 28

10, Mar82, 15-16; Britain. Au79, 2; blackmail, objectionable word, Mar86. 32

Biez, Jacques, 078, 12

Czechoslovakia, S85. 14; decline, Au87, Blackmun, Harry A .• N78, 12. Au80. 7.

Big Bang, May84, 24

35; Europe. F83. 31; France, SS5, 14; May87,20

Big Brothers, S77, 26, S86, 34

Hungary, SS5. 14, late births pickup F85. blacks (also see Negroes)

Big Foot (Indian Chief), Ja77, S-9

39, low in Canada. Ge78. 28; Negroes Blackshaw, Lyn. Ja84. 12

Bigalbal, Emilita V., F78, 22

and Hispanics. Ap86. 28, Netherlands, Blackwelder, Justin, N76, 13

bigotry, GeS3, 14-16, ApS7, 20

S85. 14. Poland, S85. 14; premature, Blackwell, Charles, May87. 21

bigots, big names, Gc83, 16

Aug83, 27; race, F84. 24; state, FS5, 38; Blade Runner, 082. 20

Bikales, Gerda, JaS4, 19, MarS7, 36,

U.S., Ju180, 20, N81, 18, 085, 32. Ja86. Blainey, Geoffrey. Au84, 40, F85. 36,

29, NS7, 26; West Germany, S85,14; May85.36

Biko, Steve, Au7S, 14, ApS6, 14

white decline, 0cS7, 18; worldwide, Blair. Clay. Jr.• Ap77, 14. Au76, 7

Bilal, Adilah, ApS6, 18

Ge81. S-11. Jul84, 30, Au85, 29. Blair, Gwenda. Peretz quote, JuIS6, 11

Bilbo, Theodore, statue, MayS3, 15

May87.8 Blair. Linda, F83, 30, Ja84. 27. Mar85, 28

Bilby, Kenneth, May87, 21

bisexuality, Ge77, 6, MayS5, 19
Blaise, Clark. F87, 30

Bilderberger. Cholly, N86, 23, column, S78

Bishop Hill (lL). Gc87, 26
Blake, Afton. N82, 5-7, Mar85, 36

through GcS6; criticism, MaySO, 26-30; Bishop, Maurice. AuS4. 1S Blake, Doron W.• NS2, 5-7, MarS5. 36

defense, AuSO, 26-27

Bishop, Toby, GeS3. 30
Blake, Michele S., GeS7, 2S

Bilderbergers, 077, 12, Mar79, 2S, SS4, 24

Bismarck. Gottfried von, MarS7. 28
Blake, Robert. GeS6. 32

bilingualism, AuSO, 34, MaySI, 31, JaS6,

Bismarck. Gtto von. JulS3, 36, May85. 33
Blake, William, Mar84, 23

11, NS7, 1S
Bissell. Silas. NS7. 27
Blakelock, Keith, Jun86, 36

Bill of Rights, 078, 8

Bissoondath, Neil, FS7, 30
Blanchard, James J., May84, 31

Biller, Samuel, MayS2, 2S

Bitburg, JulS5, 16-1S, JulS5, 29, Ju185, 36· Bland. Mrs. Hubert (E. Nesbitt), MarS4, 22­
Billings, Robert, JuIS5, 33
37. SS5. 11-12, May86. 32. ApS7. 31; 23

Bilon, Pat, JulS3, 20

Reagan's visit. JunS5, 40
Blanford, Marquess of, Jun85, 31. MarS7,

- Binet, P., Gc77, 20

Binet, Stephen Vincent, Jan, 9

Bing, Rudolf, Ja79, 27

Biton, Charlie, ApS7. 32

Bittaker. Lawrence. Jul81, 21

Bittman. Ladislav, JuIS6. 17. May87, 15


Blank. Alexander (Lenin's father), Au77.


Bingham, Alfred, JaS5, 5

Biyogo, Masie. S79, 11
Blank, Maria (Lenin's mother). Au77, 11

Bingham, Barry, Sr., AuS7, 27

Bjelke·Petersen, Johannes. May87, 37
Blankenship. Frank, Gc78, 8

Bingham, Hiram, JaS5, 5

Black Death. AuS6, 11
Blanton, Ray, Ap82, 27

Bingham, Jonathan, May77, 11, Jun79,

Black English. Jun78, 12. JaS2. 29.
Blarney Stone. 086, 33

18, MayS2, 2S, JaS5, 5

Blasket Islands, N80, 22

Bingham, Robert W., AuS7, 27

Black Entertainment Network, Jul85, 30
blasphemy, Au78. 12

Bingham, Sallie, Au87, 27

Black Flag (music group), S81. 22
Blatt. David, Jul84, 29

Bingham, Stephen, May77, 11, JaS5, 5-6,

Black Hebrews, Au77. 10, MarSO, 2S,
Blatty, William P.• F85. 20. Fa7, 26

JunS5, 32, JuIS6, 1S, SS6, 22

JaS1.20, F81,33. N84.34.Jun85.32;
Blau, Eric, Mar87. 29

Bingham, Theodore, MayS4, 2S, AuS5, 10

Jun86. 38, July86, 33. N86. 35, Jun87.
Blaubergs. Maija, N80. 35

Binstock, Judah, Ja80, 29

Blaukopf. Kurt. May81, 8-9

Bir Zeit University, S79, 28, Ap81. 28-29

Black History Month. 079, 17. May80. 21. Blaustein. Albert P .• Jun83, 26

birching. Gc83, 31
May81, 32. May85. 22, JU185. 32. S85. Blaustein-Blanchet, Marcel, Mar84, 29

Bird. Eugene, Ju187. 33

29, F87, 20. Ap8? 36. JunS7, 2S; stamp, Blavatsky, Madame. Gc78, 11

Bird, Larry, SS5, 30, May86, 21, S86, 39,

ApS1.20 Blaylock. Arnie, N86, 13

NS6, 17, ApS7. 36, Oc87, 10-11. 087, 19

black homeland, U.S., S81, 22. Ja82, 23
Bledsoe. Aleck, F81. 22-23, Jun81, 21

Bird. Rose, Ja87, 13

Black Intelligence in a White Society, Bleichroder. Gerson. May85, 33

birds, JunS2, 1S; Rracial behavior," S81, 39

May86,35 Bleustein-Blanchet. M., JuIS6. 32

Birdwood, Lady, 076, 24

Black Jockey Boys, N79. 19
Blind Ambition. Ja77. 16

Birgel, Willi, Jun82, 24

Black Liberation Army. Ju181. 21
Blind Watchmaker, The, JulS7, 6-7

Bi~enau,D78,28,Au79,26 Black Muslims. N77. 9, 21-22. May79. 13. Blinder, Meyer. Mar87. 28, ApS7. 28

Birkett, Grania, Jul77, 8

N79. 9. N79. 18-19.085,23 Bliss, Anthony. Ap81. 9

Birkett, Norman, F86. 26

Black Panthers, Jul77, 12. Gc7S. 18, F79. Blitzstein. Marc. Ja79. 27. JuIS7, 28

Birks, John, NS6, 36

27. DS2,21,AugS3,27
Bloch. Adolpha, F79. 16. N80. 31. May84,

Birkutis, Anatanas. Ju187, 21

Black Power. May79, 14. Ap80. 14

Birman, Alexander, S78. 12

Black Student Union, Ju179. 27. JuIS6. 18;
Bloch, Dora, Gc79. 28

Birmingham (AL), F82, 17; politics, Ja84,

white recruits, Jul86, 30
Bloch. Ernest, Ja78, 23

black stud ies. Ap78. 10-11
Bloch. Felix. S77. 19. Gc86, 31

Birmingham (England), Jun86, 36

Black. Duncan. May79. 18
Bloch, Jean·Pierre. F80, 18, Ap80, 9.


MayS!, 33, JaS2, 31, Ja87, 31

Blunt, Wilfred. Mar83, 25
Boley, Bruno, ApSS, 21

Bloch, Paul, Ja7S, 14

Bluth, Don, Ju187. 35
Bolgar, R.R., 079, 12

Blochberger, Mary, 086, 31

Bly, Robert, Ap83, 26
Bolivia, SSO, 34, N80, 31. AuS5, 30, OeS5,

Block, Edward, MayB4, 17

B'nai B'rith International, 1981 budget,
30, MarS6, 9-10; Barbie affair, ApS3, 29·

Blom, Brenda B., JunB6, 23

AuS1, 29; affects foreign policy, F81, 23
30, MayS3, 29-30, 587, 29·30

blond beast, FS7, 16, Jun87, 14

Bnai B'rith Messenger, JunS3, 19
Bolkestein, Frits, FS3, 31-32

Blond, Anthony, MarS4, 23

B'nai B'rith, F76, 19. 576, 6, F77, 20,
Bolles, Don, Dc77, 15

blondes, NS6, 20, DcS7. 3S; as

Dc77, 25, S7S, 13, SS7, 12; Atlanta,
Bolling, John, Ap7S, 20

''flashlights,· OS7. 22; in early China,

Jun86, 6; attacks McCloskey, Dc81, 36;
Bolling, Klaus, MayBo, 11

DcS2, 32; skin cancer, MayBS, 30;

Canada, 581,34, DcS4, 30, Ap87. 29;
Bollingen Prize, Ja7S, 7, 579, 12, May8S,

slashed, May87, 31
credit line, Jul87, 29; defends terrorists,

blood banks, gay donors, MayB3, 31-32;

AuS7, 17; exclusiveness, N87, 36;
Bolshoi Ballet, Jul7S, 14. Ja79, 12; Jews

Mexican donors, NB3, 31

expels four Flemings, Ja81, 24; false
disturb. NS6, 20

blood cells, N87, 26

news, SS3, 23; founding, JunS4, 16-17;
Bolton, Kerry, AuSO, 35, Mar86, 34-35

blood groups, May77, 22, JaB4, 29;

France, Au86, 32; membership, Ap84,
Boman, Thorleif, JuIS6, 11

26. schizoid politics, MayS2, 14
Bombay, rats, Ja86, 29

Blood Libels, May87, 9

Boardwalk, JulSO, 19
Bombeck, Erma. 586, 20

Blood of Abraham, The, Au85, 21

Boas, Franz, Ja76, 6, May76, 18, Ja77, 7,
bombing incidents, Mar81 , 32, Oc84. 27

blood transfusions, AIDs infected, Ap87,

18-19, May77, 9, 577, 18, D7S, 22,
Bonaparte, Josephine, F7S, 11

JulSO, 23,081, 13, ApS3, 32, SB3, 6-10,
Bonaparte, Marie, May83, 26

Bloom County (comic strp), N83, 21

FB4, 12, NS4, 35, DSS. 17, JunS7, 2S,
Bonaparte, Pauline, F78, 11

Bloom, Allan, OcB7, 20

Bond, JUlian, May7S, 1S, Dc7S, 18, 085.

Bloom, Bernard, Dc84. 18

Boateng, Paul, Dc87, 30
30, JuIS7, 14; cocaine charges, Au87.

Bloom, Floyd. Jun78, 13

Bob Jones University, MaySI, 22, Jun81,

Bloom, Harold, N8S.19

21,Jun82, 19,582, 15,AuS3,29
bondage, Oc87, 16

Bloom, Philip, JunS7. 2S

Bobeck, Emil, Jul80, 18
Bonds, Ava, Au87,27

Bloom. Tony. AuS4. 39. N84, 34,

Bobrow, Michael, MayS7, 40
Boner, Bill, Dc87, 1S

Bloomberg, Jill, ApS7. 1S-19

Bocca, Geoffrey, AuSO, 30
Bones, Jah, May86, 31-32

Bloomberg. John. JunSS, 32

Bock, R. Darrell, MayS2, 16
Bonet, Lisa, DcS7, 25

Bloomingdale, Alfred. F83. 21

Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von, FB1, 19
Bonfire of the Vanities, The, N84 11-12

Bloomingdale, Betsy, ApSS, 30

Bodenhorn, Reuben, MayS7, 17-1S
Bongo, Dmar, MayS2. 30

Blotnick, Srully, NB6, 23

Bodley Head (publishers), JulS6, 17
Bonham-Carter, Mark, 577, 14

Blount, Winton. DcS2, 24

Bodmar, Walter, 577, 20
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, F81, 19

BlOcher, Vassily, F77. 21

Boniface, Count. N76. S

Blue and the Gray, The. May83, 15

body measurements, ApS6, 20-21
Bonilla, Rodrigo, 584. 31

blue eyes, television actors, ApB6. 26-27

body types (see somatotypes)
Bonilla, Ruben. JulS2, 1S

Blue Velvet, N86, 20

Boehm, Hermann, Ap87, 31
Bonilla, Tony, Dc81. 24, N82, 20

Blue, Vida, Dc78, 1B

Boer War, concentration camps, DcSO, 6
Bonnefous. Mark, Ja82, 30

Blue-collar workers, N76, 11

Boer War, May77, 5, Jun78, 19-20, 580,
Bonner. Yelena, family background, Dc84,

bluegrass (see music)


Bluetooth, Harold, F79, 21

Boers (see Afrikaners)
Bonnet, Gary, DcS2. 19

Bluhdorn, Charles, AuS2, 17; finances

Boesak, Allan, MarS6, 14-15, Ap86, 14;
Bonnie Blue Flag, NS7, 35

movie, JunS3, 30
quote, ApB5, 27; white mistress, May8S,
Bonoir, David, JaS5, 7

Blum, David, Ju183, 20

book burning, Ju184. 12-14; of right-wing

Blum, Dominick, MarB7, 7, ApB7, 16

Boesky, Ivan, AuS5, 15, JaS6, 2S, 086,
publishers. Dc84, 14-15

Blum, Howard, Ju180, 1S, DB5, 6, Au86, S,

22, DS6, 28, JaS7, 7-S-, FS7, 17, F87,
book clubs, F7B, 10

26, MarS7, 19, JunS7, 20, helped finance
book fairs, Au87. 31

Blum, Irving, 076, 1S, May84. 11

Shoah, Ja87, 26; huge profits, 082,26,
Book List, Ap 76, 12

Blum, Leon, Au76, 1B-19, F79. 28; JuIS7.

N86, 22
Book of the Stars. The, ApS1, 16-17

Boesky, Seema, Ja87, 8
book reviews, biased, Ja87, 19

Blum, Marshall, Oc82. 30

Boesterud, Helen, 086, 32
Book-of-the-Month Club, Au76, 9, 14,

Blum, MartiA, Ap7B, 11

Boff, Father, 587, 21
Dc79, 17, MarS7, 26

Blum, Richard, N84, 29

Bofill, Richard, ApS4, 15
Bookbinder, Hyman, May77, 11

Blum, Suzanne, FSO, 21, Dc86, 33

Bogatin, David, Ap86, 29
Booker, Christopher, Ju180. 31. NSO. 23,

Blum, Virgil C., Oc84, 34

Bogdanov. Michael, N85, 19
AuS2, 14,24-25

Blum, Yehuda Z., May80, 32, Jun84, 20

Bohannan, Laura, N86, 6
Booker, E. J., Jun87, 21

Blumberg, Michael, N78, 1S

Bohannon, PaUl, May82, 16
Booker, Eugene, Ap87, 2S

Blumberg, PaUl, Jun8S, 12

Bohlen, Greg, ApS3, 21
Books and Bookmen, Au79, 11, 079, 25,

Blumenbach, J.F., May77, 9

Boileau, D.C., Juln, 10

Blumenfeld, Isadore (Kid Cahn), AuS5, 9

Bok, Derek, Mar77, 12, JaB1, 23
books, about Vikings, Ap85. 35-36; cheap

Blumenfeld, Michael, 077, 10

Bokassa, Jean-Bedel, Dc77, 28, 579, 11,
paper, Jun84, 36; neo-Nazi works,

Blumenfeld, Samual L, F86, 13

Mar80, 7, 085,34, MarS6, 30, JaS7, 3;
censored, Ju184. 13-14; new titles per

Blumenthal, Irving, Jun80, 25

cannibalism, ApSI, 29, 086, 20,
year, 587, 25; numbers published, JaS5,

Blumenthal, Michael, Ja81. 5

20; offensive titles, JaS7. 20-21;

Blumenthal, W. M., F77, 22

Bokserman. Yuli. 578, 12
publication, Dc76, 19; readers, 087,29;

Blunk, Timothy, Mar85, 27

Bol, Manute, Au86, 26
recommended. JulS4, 36; right-wing

Blunt, Anthony, Ju180, 31, N83. S-12,

Boland amendment, SS7, 33, Dc87, 14
collection, Mar82, 30; statistics, JunS5,

Ja84, 13, 15, ApB4, 20, Jul84, 31, D84,

Boland, Charles M., Au87, 21
31; yellowing. JaS7. 27

33, May8S, 33, Mar87, 30

Boldt, George, N84, 2S
boomerang, Jun77, 19


Boomerangs (heavy metal group), F87, 27

MayS5, 24-25
Bozeman, Margie, May83, 26

boondoggle. Jul77, 20
Boston, Ja77, 20, JunS4, 29, Oc87, 30;
bracero program, JulS7, 10

Boone, Debra. N79, 20

busing crisis, NSS, 27; Cocoanut Grove
Bracken, Brendan. Mar78, 24, N86. 19

Boone. Pat, Mar78, 27, Ju178, 11; pro­

fire, May87, 17-1S; Hispanics, S87, 25;
Bracy, Arnold, May87, 23. Ju187. 20

Zionism, MarS4, 26
Negro city proposal, JulS6, 18; politics,
Braden, Tom. AuSI. 20. JunS4. 27. D8S,

Boorman, John. N81, 16-17, DS6, 20

30, FS6, 27, F87, 35, JulS7, 20, Au87.

Boorstein, Daniel. DS1, 31

desegregation, Mar76, 7. Oe77. 28,
34, Oc87, 16

Booth, John W., D7S, 13-15, Ce76, 10,

Ap82, 27, SS2, 32, Mar86, 30;
Bradford (Britain), S85, 32

Ja8S, 8-9
separatism, FS6, 18
Bradford, M. E., Jul82, 20

Booth, Junius Brutus, Oe76, 10

Bostonians, The, May8S. 20
Bradford, William, JunS4, 18

Booth, William, Ja80, 30, May80, 31

Bostwick. Barry, Au82. 16
Bradlee, Benjamin, Jun 76, is. JuISI, 17­
Boothby. Robert. Ap84, 20, Jun85, 33
Bosworth. Patricia. Ja79, 13. Ju185, 12
18, OeS2. 20, N82, 28, Ap87, 23; against

Booysen, Hercules, F83, 33

Botchman, Jay, NS6, 31
Rosenbergs. S87. 2S; anti-Semitic

Bophuthatswana, OeBO, 32, May81. 34,

Both, Yoachim, Jun79. 10
remark, JunS4, 11; wants to be Jewish,

Ja84. 26
Botha, P. W., N82, 30-31, FS3, 29, Oc84,

Boraks, Gustav, May87, 14

11-12, Ja85, 35, F8S. 16-17, May8S, 35.
Bradley, Bill, May78, 19

Borchers, Webber. F80, 28

Jun85, 17, OcS5, 34, ApS6, 15-16, NS6,
Bradley. Dan, F83, 30

Borchgrave. Arnaud de, JunS1, 10-15

19, ApS7, 33, D87, 10-11
Bradley, Ed .• Oc85, 29

Bordeaux, Little Son, JUnS1, 30

Botha, Pik, ApS6, 17, JaS7, 7, NS7, 13
Bradley, Michael, OcS3. 17

Borden, Lizzie, D77, 11

Botha, Stephenus P., CeS3, 34
Bradley, Omar, Maya7, 26-27

Border /s Op9n. The (video), FS7. 36

Botswana, Mar86, 14
Bradley, Phy~lis. Ja81, 25

Border Patrol, JuISO. 25, OcS4, 27, DS6,

Botting, Douglas, AuS5, 14, AugS6, 31
Bradley, Richard, OcS4. 29

11,Ju1S7,10. Au87,11-13, DS7, 30; Botting, Gary. MayS5. 18. S86, 35

Bradley, Tom. F76. 15, Mar76, 18, Jun81.

attacks on, AuS1, 29

Botting, Heather, OC8S, 10
36, JutSI, 17, MarS4, 16, NS5, 2S, Ju186,

Borders, William. Ju183, 29

Boudin, Kathy, JaS2, 29
20; Jewish vote. AuS4. 32

Bordman, Gerald. D82, 20

Boulanger. Gen .• N76. 10, D77, 5
Bradshaw, Nancy, May87. 39

Bordoloi, Aroop, D8S, 32

Boulez, Pierre. Oc78, 12
Brady, Ann. JunSI. 35

Boren, Senator, OcS7, 14

Boulogne, NS1, 27
Brady, James, Au79, 19

- Borg, Abraham, D76. 18

Borg. Charles, Jr., S85, 17

Borg, Bjorn, Oc77, 15, D77, 9, OcS1, 21

Borges, Cibella, MarS5. 27

Boult, Adrian, ApS4, 25

Bourbourg, Brasseur de. S79, 10

Bourjaily, Vance. S86, 26

Bourke-White, Margaret, JutS7. 19

Brahmins, Ja83, 31

Braid, Don, Au84, 35

brain size, Ja81, 21. MayS6, 13

brain weight. races compared, AuS1, 22­

Borges. Jorge, Ap82. 6
Bourne, Peter, Oe7a, 16, Oc79. 26,
23,S87,34. DS7,26

Boring. E. G., F77, 5

JunSO, 25, JunS4, 11, Mar87. 28
brain. Ja76, 7. Oe77, 20. D79, 5, 19-21,

Bark, Robert, SS7, 13. N87, 17. D87, 18­ Bousquet, Pierre, MayS6. 32
ApS1, 5, MayS2, 5, May87. 36;

19; hearings, NS7, 14, N87, 17, 19;

Bouvier. Leon, ApS1, 20, Ap83, 5-7;
evolutionary layers, N81, 20;

- Jewish factor, N87, 14

Borkum, OcS1. 2S

Borman, Frank, Jul78, 20, D87, 34

Bormann, Adolf M., JunS7, 13

Bormann, Gerhard Jun87, 13

Report, ApS3, 5-7

Bouza, Erica, F84, 16

Bouza, Tony.F84, 16, Ja85.33,Ja87.21

Bowden, Herb, S82, 31

hemispheres, S77. 22, S79, 6,19, Oc82,

17, F83, 16, Ap83, 21, OeB5, 13; Negro,


Braine, John. May77, 24

Bowen. Ezra, MarS7, 29

Braman. Norman, JaS2, 22, F82, 17

Bormann, Hartmut, Jun87, 13

Bowers, Bruce, media quote, ApS7. 16
Bramwell, Anna. Au86.13
Bormann, Heinrich, JunS7, 13
Bowles, Samuel, Ju181, 31
Brand, Millen, N82, 19

Bormann, Irmgard, Au87, 30

Bowles, Sydney (lady Redesdale), D85,
Brand, Robert, S84, 23

Bormann, Martin, F78, 23, FSO. 22. Ap81 ,

Brand, Stewart. DSS, 20

26, Au82. 13-14, JunS7, 13, Ju187. 21,

Bowles, Thomas G., D85, 27-28
Brandau. Suzanne, May84, 25

Bowman, Thorlief, June83. 11-12
Brandauer. Klaus M., JuIS6, 27

Born family, Ap80. 20

Bowring, Pat, S82, 30
Brandeis University, Ja87. 8

Born. Max, Oc76, 16

Boxlll, Bernard, JunS6, 19
Brandeis. louis, Jun76, 5, Ju177. ii,

born-again Christians, Jun79. 14-15

boxing. JuI7S. 7, 16-19, Jun80, 26;
Ja84. 14. F84. 28, Mar8S, 16, JunS7. 20;

Borne, Ludwig, Au81, 7

fatalities, Mayas. 27; Negro advantage, secret political activity, Ju182, 5·6

Boro. Daniel K., OeB4. 28

Branden, Barbara, FS3, 30

Borovoy, Alan. MarS4. 27

Boy George, Jul87, 31
Brandes, Georg, Mar77. 16-18

Borowski, Marcia. JuIS4. 31

Boy Scouts, MayS4. 24; founder
Brando, Marlon, May79, 11. JunS7. 27;

Borreby (race). Jun84, 13-15

demeaned, NS6, 23
marriages, Oc81, 30

Borsodi. Ralph. Jun85. 7

Boyadjien, Vahe, JunS7, 28
Brandt. Willy, F7a, 23. N7S, 6, Au79. 21.

Boschwitz. Rudy, F79, 17. Oe79. 20,

Boyce, Christopher, FS3, 35·36
Ja81. 12-13, Oc86, 36-37; arms

ApS6. 21, Ju186, 21. Oc87, 19; Israeli boycott. May77, 11, N77, 24, D77, 6,
smuggling, Ap87. 30

advocate, Au84, 20, Ap86, 8

S81, 39, Ap82, 20; Arizona, May87.
Braswell, Frank. CeSI. 35

32; Mississippi, S82, 1S-19; Olympic
Brattain, Walter, AuSS, 6

Games, May80, 1S; Washington
Bratton, Rufus, Oe77, 7, 22, 24

Boshoff, Carel, DS2, 30

Post. JulS7, 21. white stores, SS2.
Braun, Eva, F77, 10, Mar7S, 21, May8S,
Bosket. Willie, N81. 35, JulS5, 34
Bosler, Bill, MarS7, 17
Boyd, l. M., Mar87. 35
Braun, Karl 0., Ja85, 38

Bosporus, DS3, 33-34

Boyd, Malcolm, N76. 12
Braun, Matt, F78, 10-11

Bostick III, Rufus, 22-23

Boyden, Kathleen, JulS6, 15
Braun, Shony. N84 S
BasIon Hera/d, S83, 25
Boyer, Miguel. D84, 19
Braun, Wernher von, Ju180. 9-10, JuIS7,

Boston Latin School, Ap8S. 28

Boyle, Andrew, Ap8S, 15
17, D87. S-9

Boston Symphony Orchestra, FSS, 40,

Boyle, Anthony, Na3, S-9
Braunstein, Michael, Au77. 19


Braverman, Ronald, Mar86, 6

Brideshead Revisited, 079,25, Jun82, 22
doctors, Ja77, 20; foreign policy, Jun83,

Bravo Theater, Jun86, 32

Bridge, James H., N79, 7
27; foreign workers, Ja83, 27; Germanic

Brayman, Norman, Oc81, 5

Bridges, Evelyn, DB4, 30
past, N84, 32; homosexual books, Au84,

Brazil, Jun80, 33, Mar86, 10; African Bridges, Fabian. FS6, 22, JunB6, 20
36; homosexuals. 078. 28, Ju181, 36,

cults, Mar83, 31; baby trafficking, Bridges, Harry, Jun78, 18

Au81. 31, Ju183, 9-11, Ja87, 30;

May87, 38; crime, Au80, 30, S84, 31; Bridges, Ruby, 082.27
immigration, Au77, 20, Ap78, 24, May78,

death squads, 080,28; economy, 080, Bridges, Todd, May83, 20, DB6, 31
23, Ap79, 20, Au79, 27, Ap82, 30, Ju182,

28, S86, 31, FS5, 37; first settlements, Brieant, Charles, Jun87, 28
27, JUn83, 28, Ja84, 25, MarS4, 27-28,

Ap85, 20; geography, Ja87, 34; Jews, Briffault, Robert, F79, 17

Ap84, 11-13, Jul84, 32, JaB7, 29, 087,

N80, 31, 080, 28, MayS4. 26. Au84, 41 ; Briggs, Bruce, Oc81, 35
31; reform, Oc87, 30; integration, F87,

killer bees, Jun82, 30; Nazi books, Briggs, Ralph T., FB2. 32
31; Irish, Mar79, 17, 082, 28, Jun8S, 35­
MarSO, 21; Negroes, Ja83, 25; 9-year­ Brigham, Carl, May87, 7-8
36; Japanese companies, May81, 33;

old mother. JuIS6, 19; population, Oc86, Bright, Myron H., Ap76, 7
Jewish criminals, FB1, 27, Oc85, 27,

37; race relations, Ju183, 27, N84, 34; Brightman, Bernie, N79,20
N87, 2B; Jewish demographics, Ja8S,

relations with Israel, 081,32, Ju187, 27; Brigneau, Fran9Qis, Ju179, 6

29; Jewish magnates, Ap84, 12, Ju184,

squatters, Ja87, 34; vigilantes, Oc84, Brimelow, Peter, Oc7B, 27, 079, 27, SB1,
33, JunB6, 35; Jewish nobility, Ja83, 15,

33 34
N84, 33; Jewish population, NS6. 30;

Brazoria County (TX), Oc81 , 23

Brimeyer, Edward and Gladys, SB4, 32
Jewish publications, N77, 24; Jewish

Breakers Hotel, Jun82, 26

Brindle, Reginald S., Oc7S, 25
slumlords, JulBO, 31; Jewish violence,

breast feeding, statistics, Ju184, 30

Brinkley, Christie, OcB7, 32
S83, 30; Jews and Catholics in

Breathed, Breke, N83, 21

Brinkley, David, Oc82, 14, S87, 23
Parliament, Oc79, 27, Au82, 29; Jews in

Brecht, Bertolt, Mar79, 13, Au85, 15

Brisbane, Arthur, Jul84, 23
Cabinet, Ju178, 23, 084, 33, FB6, 32,

breeding, Ap86, 11-12, Jun87, 11-12

Brisbon, Henry, Jun82, 20
May86, 31; Jews in media, Mar80, 2S;

Breedlove, Carol, Mar82, 27

Briskman, Mark, AuBl, 23
Jews, East End, N81, 31-21, Ap84, 10­
Breen, Thomas, MayB7, 39
Brissaud, Andre, AuB3, 30
13; Jews, May77, 21,Ap79, 32, Jun82,

Breindel, Eric M., Oc83, 30, 083,20,

Bristol, Diane, Jun78, 14
28-29, S83, 34, Jun87, 30, Jul87, 31,

JuIB7, 18
Bristow, Alan, Jun86, 35
DB7, 11; language courses, 084, 33;

Breitbart, Aaron, AuS6, 6

Britain, "new towns: Ap84, 15; non-Jewish
loony left, Jun83, 28, Jun85, 34·35,

Breker, Arno, ApB2, 27, Au83, 6-9, Ja85,

borough, OcS5, 32
Ju185, 36, N86, 33, 086,33, Ja87, 30,

Britain (also see England and British
S87, 29, Oc87, 30; Majority, Au79. 11:

Bremer, Arthur, 075,4, JunB1, 15, Ja85,

Empire), S76, 19, N81, 27-28; marital patterns, Mar81, 22; Marxism

abstinence, Au87, 26; anti-Irish slurs, education, Ap85, 31; media, JuISO, 29­
Brendan (Saint}, Au87, 22
May80, 31; anti-Israel war plan, May87, 32, Oc84, 31, 087, 31; megalithic era,

Brennan, William J., AuBO, 6, 083, 18,

33; anti-racism, ApS5, 31, Jun85, 35; 077, 11; minorities, May82, 27, AuB2,

MarB6, 7, Oc86, 29, MayB7, 20, N87, 18.

anti-Semitism, 076, 10, Ja77, lS, 29, F87, 31; minority crime, ApBl, 27,

May77, 24. NB1, 31, Ap84. 11, May86, minority influence, JunS4, 32; mixed

Brenner, Antonia, FB3, 20

31; anti-Zionism. MarB4, 23-24; anti­ marriages, F83, 31; monarchy, Ap79. 24;

Brenner, David, S84, 14-15

Zionist critics, Jul78, 23, S78, 20, Oc81, Moslems, Jun86, 36; mosques, DS7, 29;

Brenner, Lenni, May82. 13-14, N83, 24,

32; aristocracy, Ap79, 23, Ap82, 29-30, MPs speak out, FB7, 31 ; mu~iracialism,

Ap87. 28; Asian rich. Aug83, 27; S80, 35; National Health Service, MarSO,

Brenner, M. Harvey. MarB3, 18

bankrupts. Jun80, 33; banned poems, 26; nationalism, AuBl, 10; Nazi hunters,

Brentar, Jerome, May87, 14

Ap85, 31; birthrate, Au79, 2S, OcS3, 29, JunB7, 30; Negro crime, Ju179, 2B, F81,

Breshin, Joel, S84, 27

Au84, 36-37; blackmail, Mar79, 2B; 32, Jul82, 26, FS5, 30, Ap85, 31, Au95,

Brest Utovsk, May78, 15

Bomber Command, S84, 32; budget, 32,ApB6,32,Jun86,36,N86,33,

Breteuil family, F87, 32

Au78, 15; censorship, Oc77, 2B, MarBO, MayB7, 33, Oc87, 30; Negro MPs,Oc87,

Breton, Andre, Ap7B. 7, 21

21, JaB7, 30; Census, S82, 20; civil war. 30; Negroes, ApS6, 16, Ap86, 31, Au8?,

Bretons, Au77, B
Mar78, 23; Ap80, 25; crime, Jun81, 32, 29; Negrophiles, JulB4, 32; nonwhite

Brett, Reginald, JulB7, 30

Jun82, 28, Mar83, 29, Mar84, 24, JunB5, politicians, Oc82, 26; nonwhites, Au87,

Bretton Woods, JaB5, 28

33,Ja86. 31,NB6, 31,Ja87,28,Ap87, 29; party conferences, FS7, 30; penal

Breuer, Miles J., Mar85, 34

25, Jun87, 34, JulS7, 30-31, NB7, 28; camps, Oc79, 24; philo-Semites, Jul84,

Breuning, Stephen, Oc87, 15

crimes by diplomats, Jun85, 30; crime 32; police, Oc80, 30, May83, 29, ApB?

Brewer, Sherry, 087,30

statistics, Jun79, 32, May82, 26, Jun83, 25, Oc87, 30; political parties, AuB4, 36,

breweries, NB3, 31
25, Jul83, 30, DS5, 31 ; decline, Ap79, Aug86, 31, Oc87, 30; politics, N76, 23,

Brewster, Benjamin B., F76, 8

17; demonstrations, S78, 20; devolution, MayB3, 23, F84, 27, Mar84, 27-2B, N85.

Brewster, Kingman, Jr., Jul77, 12

F87, 30; distancing from U.S., Jun84, 30, F86, 32, Ap87, 24; polls, S80, 35;

Brewster, William, F76, 8

31-32; dominions, Ap81 , 23; drug population shift, SB3, 34; positive

Breytenbach, Breyten, Au79, 28, N80, 30,

trafficking. 086, 31; early history, JuIB3, discrimination, Jun86, 36; press on race,

DB5, 32, July86, 34

30; education, Mar80, 26; elections, FB5, 3S; prisons, Jun82, 2B. OcS2, 27,

Brezenoff, Stanley, ApB3, 15-16

Jun76, 4, S83, 34, 086, 34, JulB7, 30, S87, 26; pro-German, F86, 33, AugS6,

Brezezinski, Zbigniew, F77, 22

OcB7, 30; emigration, Oc82, 30, JunB3, 31; public schools, Ja82, 30, NS7, 22;

Brezhnev, Galina, Mar84, 18

2B; environment, Ap84, 14; ethnic race counting, Au82, 29; race issue,

Brezhnev, Leonid, Mar7B, 17, F79, 16,

politicians, SS3, 34; expatriates, Au87, Ap79, 6, 20-24, S79, 15, S95, 32; race

Mar79, 13, MayB4, 18; racist, 084, 21

29; Falkland Islands, Au86, 17; fascism, laws, N76, 23, Oc77, 2B, Ap78, 24, N7S,

Brezhnev, Victoria P., Mar78, 17

Mar77, 20, Jun83, 2S, NBS, 24; films, 23-24, Ja79, 12, Ap79, 32, May79, 2B,

Brezhnev, Yuri, MarB4, 18

Ja77, 20 ; financial crime, F78, 23, FB3, Ju179, 2B, Au79, 14, JunS3, 2B, Ap85,

Brian Boru, OeS6, 39

29, Mar83, 29, F84, 22, Oc86, 31 ; 31, JulB5, 9, N85, 31, MayB6, 31, Oc86,

bribes, political, F84, 15

financial statistics, OcB6, 30; five 33, MarB7, 30-31; race mixing, JaB7, 29;

Brickener, Balfour, NB7, 35

nations, Jun87, 34; flag burned, Au82, race relations, 076, 24, May77, 21,

bridal statistics, OS7, 29

25; football riots, Oc84, 24; foreign May7B, 8, 14, 19, Jun7S, 24, MaySI, 33,


May82, 25, May82, 29, 31-32, Ju182, 27,

British Marconi Co., F84, 22
Brooks, Alan, Jun85, 38

Mar86, 32; race riots, Ja78, 12-13,

British Movement, N77, 24
Brooks, Barry, Oc76, 8

Ap78, 24, Ju180, 34, Oc80, 30, Ju181, 32,

British National Party, S82, 28, Ja83. 27.
Brooks, David, Mar87, 18

S81, 34, N81, 27-28, 31, May82, 26,

Jul83, 11, Ju184. 33. Oc86, 33, 086,33,
Brooks, H. B., U and non-U quote, N86, 10

Oc83, 31-32, Ja86, 31, F86, 33; racial

Ja87, 30, 0c87, 30
Brooks, Joel, Au78, 20

discrimination, Ap87, 29-30; racial i

British Nationalist, Mar87,30-31 Brooks, Joseph, S81,30
incidents, Oc85, 32; racial policy in
British novelists, F85, 27
Brooks, Mel, Mar81, 14-16, Oc81, 22,

Africa, F77, 6; racist accusations, 084,

British people, Oc87, 30; favorite nations,
Jul84, 16, S84, 14, Oc84, 7, Oc85, 18

33; rape, May82, 27, 086,33, Ja87, 30,

084, 29, Au86, 29; greatness, Ju185, 11;
Brooks, Noreen, S87, 18

Oc87, 30; regional expenditures, Mar86,

identity problem, 081, 33; physical
Brooks, Sue Ann, Mar83, 29

30; relations with Germany, F82, 31;

deterioration, May83, 24; rootedness,
Brooks-Baker, Harold, Ap82, 30, Ja87, 30

relations with Ireland, Jul81, 8-9;

Ap84, 14; traits, S80, 26, Ju185, 11
Broszat, Martin, F80, 26

relations with Israel, Oc78, 17; relations

British Rail, S79, 15
Brothers Gibb, Ap77, 13, Jul78, 13

with South Africa, F86, 29, Ap86, 14-16,

British Union of Fascists, Mar78, 22-23,
Brothers, Joyce, Ap85, 27

N86, 3D, 086, 33; religious census, F84,

Jun83, 28, S83, 28-31, Oc85, 26-27
Brothers Karamazov, The, N79, 22

25; repatriation. Ap82. 3D, May82, 29,

British Vickers Corp., Ap87, 30
Broussard, Eldridge, Jr., S87, 16

Britt, May, Oc86, 19
Browder, Earl, Mar79, 13

May86, 31-32, Ja87, 30; rich Arabs,

Brittan, Leon. S83, 34, N83, 33, N84, 33,
Brown Univ., sit-ins, Jul87, 29, N87, 27

Au85. 32; rich list, JU187. 31; right-wing

F86, 32-33, May86, 31, Jun86, 35,
Brown vs. Board of Education, Ja76, 22,

publications, Ju181. 32; right-wingers

Jun87,34 S78, 14,078,8, 21-23, N87, 18;

persecuted, F80, 28, May84, 28, S84,

Brittany, future independence, N84 9
criticism of, Oc85, 36; inside story,

28, Jun85, 35, Ju185. 9. May86, 31,

Broad, Pery, May79, 22
Jun87, 20; revived, May80, 19, Ju187, 36

Jun87, 34; Royal family income, Oc84.

Broad, William J., Au83, 15
Brown, Alan, N77, 6

27; Royal Navy, 085.28; scandals, F84,

Broadwater, Tommy. May83, 27
Brown, Andrew, Ja86, 31

27, Jun86, 35; severs Syria ties. F87.

Broca, Paul, Ap81, 5, Au82, 6
Brown, Bailey, May80, 19

33; sex scandals, Ja87, 29; sexism.

Brock, William E., Ja78, 15, Au78, 10,
Brown, Ben, Ja77, 12

Ap85. 31; skinheads, Au80, 30; soccer

Brown, Burrel A., Ap85, 30

violence, Mar86, 32; speakers silenced.

Brockway File, The, May78, 8, 19
Brown, Curtis, Jun86, 22

Jun81, 27-2; spies, S79. 28, 079, 21-24,

Broder, Aaron J., Ap84, 27
Brown, Dee, Ja77. 8-9, S77, 7

Jun81, 32, Ju181, 36, May82, 29, N83, 8­ Broderick, Richard, Ap86, 8
Brown, George (British minister), 077. 10

12, Ja84, 13-14, Mar85, 27, Ap85, 15,

Brodhead, William, Oc84, 8
Brown, George (Lt. Gov.), Mar 76, 9
May85, 33, Ju185, 13, Mar87, 30;
Brodie, Fawn, Ap78, 13, S79, 18
Brown. George S., Ja76, 17, N76. 13.
statistics, Au86, 29; student revolts,
Brodkin, Herbert, F82, 9, 087, 28
Qc82, 30; table manners, F81, 28-29;
Brodsky, Joseph, S81, 23
Brown, Harold, F77, 22,077, 10, F78, 5,

television, S77, 14, 080,32, Ap83, 29,

Brody, David A., May77, 11, Aug83, 22
Jul80, 25, Jul85, 30

May83, 29, Jun83, 28-29, Au83, 30;

Brokaw, Meredith, N83, 32
Brown, Helen G., Oc79, 17

trade unions, May78, 23; travelogue,

Brokaw, Norman, N77, 13, N81, 21
Brown, Jerry, Ap 76, 11, Ju176, 15, Oc77,

- Ja87, 29; Uganda cover-up, 083, 32;

Union flag, 086, 33; upper classes, 081,

27-28; voting irregularity, Oc85, 26;

West Indians, Mar82, 24; white

Brokaw, Tom, May83, 17, Oc83, 3D, Jul86,


Bromberg, Elly, Jul83, 35

Bronfman family, Ap82, 29, Oc82, 13-14,

15, F79, 17, Ju179, 10, 28, Jul81, 17,

Ap82, 27, May82, 12, May87, 32;

appoints gay judge, 081,31; ideal

cabinet, Ap80, 23; Jewish aides, Ap82,

backlash, Jun85, 35; white minorities,

Mar83, 28, Mar85, 27, Ap87, 30; Ou Pont
32; mob connection, F80, 23; protects

N84, 32; white violence, Oc83, 31

holdings, Oc86, 23
Banks, Oc82, 26

British Airways, S79, 15

Bronfman, Edgar M., Jun85, 36, Jun86,
Brown, Jim, Ja78, 20, Au85, 31,086,31
British army, AIDS contact, May87, 33;
16, Jul86, 40, Jul87, 33, 087, 30
Brown, Joe, 087,23; Negro stereotype

Germany, Au79, 27
Bronfman, Edgar M., Jr., 087,30
quote, 087, 23

British automobiles, S79, 15

Bronfman, Edward, S83, 34
Brown, John, Ja78, 23

British Broadcasting Corp., May83, 28-29,

Bronfman, Eileen Webb, Oc82, 14
Brown. Joseph M.. Au82. 18

Mar87, 31, Jun87, 30; anti-English bias,

Bronfman, Georgia, Jun86, 16
Brown, Ken, Au80, 34

May85, 34; anti-Semitic remark, N86, 32­ Bronfman, Samuel, bootlegger, Jun86, 16
Brown, Laura, May85, 30

33; racial talk show, Jun86, 31

Bronfman, Samuel, II, Jun86, 16;
Brown, Lawrence R., Au79, 8 25-26. 079.

British Brothers League, Ap84, 11-12

"kidnapped," Oc82, 14
9-14, 085.20-21

British colonists (in America), Mar83, 13­ Brons, Andrew, Jul80, 16-17, Jul85, 7-8
Brown, Madeleine, N87, 27

Bronson, Arthur, Mar85, 33-34
Brown, Marjorie, Ap85, 31

British Columbia, Ju181, 29; missing

Bronson, Charles, Oc81, 36
Brown, Norman, F77, 5, June83, 11

persons, Au84. 31; politics, Ap86, 30,

Bronson, S. Jerome, Mar87, 29
Brown, Oliver, Jul87, 36

May87, 33; race law, May82, 29

Bronstein, Alfred J., Ju186, 19
Brown, Pat Brown, 079, 15; Indonesian

British Columbia Free Speech League,

Bronstein, Phil, Ap87, 21
government agent?, Oc77, 15

Ap86, 30, May86, 31

Bronstein, Sanford K., 076, 8
Brown, Richard M., Ap85, 6

British Commonwealth, N76, 23; games,

Branstetter, Mike, Oc80, 17
Brown, Rita Mae, Au85, 30

N87. 14; Nassau summit, Ap86, 15

Bronx Zoo, The, Oc87,25
Brown, Robert McAfee. Mar76. 10

British East India Company, S80, 27

Brooke. Edward. Au78. 12. Ja79. 10. F79.
Brown. S.E.O .. Oc77. 15. Ap79, 32, 085,

British Empire, 075, 14. Ap76, 5, S77,26,

17, Jun79, 18, Mar81, 30

S85, 31; decline of, Au85, 22-23. Ja86,

Brooke. Rupert. Mar78. 21
Brown. Samuel. May87. 39

20-21. Ju186. 8, F87, 7; South Africa.

Brooker. Wilbur. Mar87, 20
Brown. Sidney J., Mar87, 20

Jun78, 8, 19-20
Brookhiser, Richard, Jun87, 28
Brown, Stephen, Jun86, 25

British Equity (actors' union), S78, 20

Brooklyn. N77. 14; delivery problem.
Brown. Tony. Mar86, 21, Jun86, 31

British Honduras, see Belize

Ap85, 21; deterioration, Oc84, 18;
Brown, William R., 087, 18

British Israelites, Ap81, 22

Jewish vandalism, Mar86, 21
Brown, Willie, Jun81, 36, Jul81, 17, N83. 18,


Brown, Willie, JUnSl, 36, Jul81, 17, N83, lS.

DS3, 9; anti-Semitic charge, Au85, 31;
Bundy. McGeorge, F79, 25, Au79, 20;

ApS5, 23, NS7, 20; secret contract, FS4,

liberal villain, F87, 35; on college whites,
attacks Kissinger, MarSO, 23

S82, 19; on Miami rioters, 082, 13; on
Buneau-Varilla, Philippe, 077, 1S-19

Brown-White, Carneice, AuS7, 19

Nazi hunters, Ju185, 38-39; quote. Ja81,
Bunge Corp., Ap80, 20

Browne, Claude, F86, 20-21

Bunge, Mario, Au83, lS, OeS5, 13

Browne, Jack, pro-Jewish quote, MayS7.

Buchard, Thomas, OcSO, 23
Bunke, Haidee (see Tania)

Buchenwald. Jun76, 18, Jul79, 21
Bunker, Archie, Oe83, 36

Browne, Lewis. Mar82, 20, Jun85, 2S

Bucher, Lloyd, S80, 34
Bunting. John, May77, 11

Browning, Robert. F78, 11

Buchmeyer, Jerry L., F84, 26
Bunzel, John. AugS3, 22

Broyard, Anatole. NS4, 35

Buchner, Reinhardt, OeBO, 6, MarSI, 17,
Bunzel, Ruth, S83, 10

Broyles, William, S82,31

Burch, Francis, Mar78, 12

Bruccoli, Matthew J., Au85, 22

Buchwald, Art, Ap86, 8
Burchette. Wilfred, N85, 36

Bruce. Blanche. F79. 17

Buck. Pittman, Jr., Mar81 , 36
Burden of Brown, The, OcS5. 36Brown,

Bruce. Lenny. SS4. 15

Buckley, William F., Jr., Ja76, 17, Ap76,
Burden, Amanda, mugged, NS3, 24

Bruce. Lord, Ap82, 26

11,Jun76,20,S77. 11. D77, 12.F78,
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

Bruce. Nigel. Ja78, 9

13,23, Jul80, 9, Mar82, 32, D85, 21,
(BATF), Oc80. 21, OcSI. 35, May84. 11

Bruce, Robert, Ju187, 30

Ja86, 17,D86,29,ApS7, 17,SS7,24;
bureaucracy. Ap76, 11, Jun76. 6-7,

Bruck, Edith, S81, 35

activities, N87, 15; banned by Vassar,
May84, 24; (U.S.), payroll, DS1. 30;

Brudnoy, David. 082, 20

S80, 31; chastises Sobran, Ju186, 37­ worthless studies. Ju185, 32

Brueghel, Mar77, 13
38, Au86, 16, N87, 15; Cohn booster,
bureaucrats. U.S. and Japan compared.

Bruggen. Coosje van. Ja87, 28

Ja87, 21; critcizes Begin. N81, 33;
SS2, 26; unlawful expenses, F87. 28

Brugger. Suzanne. JU183. 35

criticism, Oc86, 19; defends Kinsley,
Buren, Abigail van (Pauline Friedman),

Bruk. Solomon, Jun84, 33

Ja83, 19; Firing Line, Jul76, 10, Mar77,
JuIS6, 17, Oc76, 18, OcS6, 30; praises

Brum, Gabriella, F81, 31

11. N87, 15; for intermarriage, F87. 20;
boat people, S81, 19

Brunais. Andrea, Oc86. 39

pro-Israel quote, F84, 13; friend of
Burg, Avraham, Ap83. 32

Brundtland, Gro H., 086, 32

liberals, Oc80, 28; links to George L.
Burg. Vosef, Ap83. 32

Brunei, F83, 33; Sultan of, Mar87, 26;

Rockwell, JunSO, 10-11 ; pro-Zionism,
Burgener, Clair, Au80. 17, S80, 19, Oc80.

palace, Ap85, 28
082, 31, F86, 20; probation for Abbie
18, N80, 34, 080, 32, MarSl, 36, NS1,

Brunet, Bernie, Au80, 23

Hoffman, Jul81, 30; pro-King holiday,

Bruning, Heinrich, Ju183, 21, Ju187, 15

F80, 27; sues Carto, F86, 20; violation of
Burger, Warren. Jul77, 11, May78, 18,

Brunn (race), Jun84, 13·15

security laws, Jun79, 16; white survival.
AuSO, 6-7, May81, 10-11, OcS6, 29, N87.

Brunner, Mary, F76, 16

Jun84, 19

Bruno, Carl, S81, 25

Buckley, James, Oc84, 20, Ap85, 15
Burgess, Anthony, wine quote, Au86. 17

Bruno, Frank, Au87, 29

Buckley, William (CIA agent), Au87, 20
Burgess, Guy, N83. S-12. JaB4. 13, 15,

Brunson, Hugh, F86, 39

Buckner. Quinn, Mar79, 18

Brunson, Veronica, Au78, 12

Budapest, World Jewish Congress confab,
Burgess, John, Mayas, 36, Fa7, 34

Brunton, Gordon, AuBO, 32

Burgunder. Rose. Oc79, 17

Brusilov, Aleksey, MayS6, 9

Budd, Zola, JunB4, 35, July84, 20-21,
Burgundians. May78, 17

Brussels, soccer fatalities, NBS, 31

OCS4, 25, D84, 3S, Mar8S, 30·31
Burgundy, expanded version, Jun86, 11

Bryan, William J .• Ja76, 12-14, Mar76, 12­ Buddha, ApS7,25

Burke's Peerage, Ja87,30

Buddhism, in Japan, Jun85, 28
Burke, Edmund, Ju182, 14, S82, 24, Oc82,

Bryant, Anita, Au77, 13, S77. 26, Ap7S,

budget, N77, 14, Ja84, 26. Ap85, 20-21.
6; quote. DS3, 19

24. Jun78, 13, Ap79, 15, May79, 12,

SS7, 2S; deficit. Ja81, 20, JuISI, 31,
Burke, J. M., Ap84, 31

Mar80, 27, N80, 35, S81, 22, N81, 18,

Mar83, 26, Ap8S, 20-21; spending cuts.
Burkina Faso. F78. 13, Jul81, 34, JuIS2, S­

Bryant. Bear, Ja7B, 19

Budin, Kathy. F76, 14-15
Burma, F78, 19, NB5, 27

Bryant, Louise, N84, 27

Budweiser. distorted ads, N87, 25
Burnett law, JulS7, 9

Bryce, Ivar, Au85, 21

Buechner, Howard A., F87, 22
Burnett, John, May8S, 14

Bryen, Shoshana, F86, 10

Buettner-Janush, John, JaSO, 24, JaSI,
Burnette, Frances H., N86, 10

Bryen, Stephen D., 083, 21, 084, 29, FB6,

Burnham, James, S77, 14

Buffalo, sexual attacks, Au84, 31
Burnham, Lyndon, Ap79, 31

Bryk, Felix, OeS2, 12

Buffet. Warren, Jun77, 14
Burnham, Stanley, May86, 35

Bryson, Reid, S76, 16

Bufman, Zev, S81, 31
Burns, Arthur, N76, 13, MayS2, 28

Brzeczek, Richard, JuneB3, 9; quote,

Bugliosi, Vincent, F76, 16, Ja8S, 10
Burns, Emmett C., Mar82, 27

Bujak, Zbigniew, 087, 33
Burns, George, aids Israel, MaySI, 31

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, May79, 28, JulBO,

Bukharin, Nicolai. D84, 10
Burns, Pat, Au80, 34

25, JuISI, 18, Ap84, 18

Bulan, Kagan, Mar77, 10
Burns, Tommy, Jul78, 16, 1B

Brzinka, Wolfgang, May81, 28·29

Bulawayo (Zimbabwe). S81. 37
Burns, William, JunS6, 6

Bubonic Plague, N83, 31; in U.S., Au84,

Bulgaria, N87. 30
Burnshaft, Gordon. Oe76, 5

Bulldog magazine. Jun87, 34
Burnsten, R. K., Oc82, 27

Buchalter, Louis (Lepke), Jun82, 32,

Bulletin, The (Philadelphia paper), Jun86.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, N83. 21; anti-

Soviet, Jun86. 24

Bullivant. Anne, NS1, 21
Burroughs. William, May77, 23

Buchanan, Irene, Jul82, 29

Bulloch, John, Mar86. 34
Burstyn, Jack. Ju187. 33

Buchanan, James M., OcSO, 10, JulS6, 13

bullying, D86, 32
Burt, Cyril. Burt, Cyril, S77, 24, S7S, 10,

Buchanan,John. F85,30
Bulow, Claus von, Mar87, 28
Jun79, 15-16, Au83, 16-17, 087,15;

Buchanan, Patrick J., Ap76, 11-12, FS3,

bumper stickers, Ap86, 36
defense of. May82, 6, N82, 13-14, OcB7,

22. Ja84. 15-16.Jun84,27.SS5. 12,

Bumpers, Dale. JaS6, 30

Ju187, 21. 087,30; anti-King holiday,

Bunce, O. B., Ap84, 7


Burton, LaVar,S83,33 23. Au79. 2S. 079, 5-6, ApSO, 23, NS2. governor's race, JuIS3, 28, OcS3, 36;

Burton. Philip, Jul81, 17

31. Jul83, 23, Au83, 32. N84, 21. OS4, S,
Jewish voting ploy, NS7. 20; Jews,

Burton, Richard F., Fn, 18, F79, 11. NS4

OS5, 10; book seized in Canada, JaSS,
Au87, 16. kosher inspections, May87,

22; criticized in Australia, AuSO, 33;
20; open housing laws, Jul87, 35;

Burton, Sarah G .• Oc83, 29

debate problems. Mar7S, 2S;
politics, ApS5, 23, MarS6, 36;

Burundi. massacre, MarS3, 16. FS6, 32

persecution, JU182. 30, Ap8S, 21
Proposition 63 passed, MarS7.36;

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Jan. S­ Butz, Bill, NS2, 19

Proposition I. JunSI, 36; Propositions 13

Butz. Earl. Ja77, 5, Mar82, 19
and 14, F79, 9,17,22; right-wing

Buscaglia, Leo (Or. Hug), MarS4, 15.

By Love Possessed, 078, 7
politics, Jun80, 35; tax revolt, Jun79, 20

Ap84. 6-S, OcS4, 21

Byek. Samuel, Ja8S. 10
California girls, MayS7, 19

Bush, Bonnia A., Ap79, 1S Bykofsky, Syd. SS1. 28

California Institute of Technology, May7S.

Bush. George. Mayn. 24. Au79. 7, Ja82. Byrd, Robert, fiddler, Ja82. 9
11,22, S87, 2S

21,May82,28,NS4,36,084,40,F8S, Byrne, Jane, Jul79, 12, NS2, 32, Jun87,

California Senate race, Jewish trick, FS7.

15, JunS5, 37. JulS5, 18, SS6, 33, OcS6, 21


7, OS7, 6-7; anti-Semitism quote, MarS6, Byrnes, James F., F79, 15

Calli, Ely, OeS6, 31

19, Rlrishness," Mar85, 1S; Israel Byron, George Gordon, Jul77, 5, Mar84, Calistoga, Au87. 16

university chair, FS6, 30; family, Ja85, 22, Jun84, 32, ApSS, 20; poem, June83, Callaghan, James, Jul77, 8, May78. S. 23,

33; groveling to Jews, SS7, 11; Jewish 5

Au79, 2S, Oc79, 27; Jewish

backers, Au85, 31; Mexican daughter-in­ Byron, Richard, NS7, 36

grandmother, JulSS, 39

law, Au80, 18; praises Nat Turner, Ja84, Byzantine Empire, May77. 8, 22, Jul78,
Callaghan, William, Jun81. 33

16; Wailing Wall photo, Oc86, 13, Oc86. 10

Callahan, Larry K., ApS7, 2S
17 Byzantium Endures, Ja8S, 35, MayS6, 6-S
Callahan, Vincent, May86, 19

Bush, Jeb, Hispanic wife, Ja85, 33

Bush, Thomas, FS7, 29

Bushmen, MayS7, 12
C Callender, James, Ap 7S. 13

Calliergy, Coudenhove, F83, 26

business executives, comparative pay, Caballero, Ernesto J., Au79. 11. 26

Calloway. Northern J., JaSl, 31

JaS5,31 Cabangbang, Bartolome, Au84, 40

Calverton. V. F., Jun8S, 18

businesses, female owned, Ja85, 32; I

Cabey. Oarrell, F86. 30
Calvi, Roberto, OcS3, 27, AuS7, 31

locations, OS7, 1S; minority owned,

Cabib, Amalia, 086, 12
Calvin, John, FS7, 10

cabinet, U.S., F77, 22
Calvin, Melvin. S77, 19

Busing Coverup, The, Jan, 20, sn, 19,

Cable News Network, Mar86, 28
Calvinism. N79, 6

Cabot, John, N78, 12, SS7, 22
Calwell, Arthur, F83, 27

busing. Mar76, 7, Jun76, 20, Jan, 20,

Cabot, Laurie, S87, 25
Cambodia (Kampuchea), May76, 9, Ja78,

Mar77, 20, ocn, 2S, 07S, 13, MarS2,

Cabral. Pedro A., Ap85, 20
13, Ap83, 18, May85, 30; holocaust,

26. ApS2. 27, 32. JaS6. 11; costs. SS7.

Cabrini-Green housing project, 087, 30

25; Boston. NS5. 27; opponents. SS2,

Caddell, Pat, Ja7S, 12, June83, 9
Cambridge (MA) City Council, S77, 20;

32. Jun8S. 20; Proposition I (CA). ApSI. Cadet, Raymond, Oc83, 23

refugee shelter, SS5, 30

29. JunSI, 36; retreat from. OS2. 32;
worst example. ApSI. lS
Busnach. Nettali. MaySO. 7

Cadoret, Remi, N87, 34

Caen, Herb, May82, 28, F84, 26. Ju186, 17

Caesar, Irving, Ap86, 29

Cambridge University, S76, 19, Oc82, 3D,

Jul85, 7-8; Apostle spy ring, N83, 10

Camelots du Roi, 076, 9

Bussotti, Sylvano. Oc7S, 25

Caesar, Sid, Oc76. 10
Cameron, Elspeth, Ap87, 29

Bustamante. Jorge. AuS7, 12. 15

Butcher, Jake, Ja84, 17

Buthelezi. M. Gatsha, JulS3, 1S-19.

MarS5. 2S. MarS6. 13-14

cafe society, 084, 16

Cage, John, 075, 10,N79, 12

Cahan, Samuel B., N83, 10-11

Cahl, Gordon, Mar85, 7

Cameron, Lucille, Jul78, 18

Cameron, Paul, Ap87, 12-13

Cameron, Robert John, N78, 24

Cameroon, travelogue, NS6. 27

Butkovich, Bernard, OeSO, 21

Caignet, Michel, JunS1, 32, May86, 32
Camerota, Nicholas, N7S, 24, Ja79, 26

Butler. Andrew (Tito Goya), May8S, 31

Cairncross, John, N83, 10
Camp Oavid Accords, Mar79, 24. Jun80,

Butler. Benjamin, Ju179. 22. NSO. 14-15

Calabrians, Au77, 18
34, SSO, 34, Oc81, 31, Ja82, 28, OcS2,

Butler. Carmen Lopez, OS7.30

Calandra. Michael, AuS2, 27
25, Au84, 20, JulSS, 37, Au85, 21,30,

Butler, Eric 0., Jun78, 24. JaS4. 31. OSS.

Calavita, Kitty, AuS7, 13

Calcutta, overcrowding, F85, 36
Camp of the Saints, Ja76, 6. 22. 075, 7,

Butler, Gerald. JunSS, 3S Caldiera. Francis, JulS2, 26

N78, 11-12, Ja80, 6-8, 10, Jun81, 31,

Butler, Joseph, SS6. 29

Caldwell, Christopher, Ap86, 35
N84, 19, MarSS, 34, May86, S

Butler, Philip 0., May82, 29

Caldwell, Oondeena, anti-WASP quote.
campaigns, Jewish fund raising, S84, 26;

Butler. Richard. Ja82, 31, Ap87. 1S. Ap87. JunS6. 10

money, OcS3, 18-19, 084,29

35, Jun87, 36, S87. 35; damage suit. Caldwell, Erskine, Jul87, 19
Campanis, AI, JunS7, 22-23, OCS7, 9-11,

OS7.36 Caldwell, Marion R., F7S, 12


Butler. Robert N., Oc86, 20

Calendar II (site), S80. 12
Campbell, Bill, 087, 28

Butler, Rupert. ApS7. 35-36

calendar. OS1. 30; proposed, May8S, 38
Campbell, Byram, FS4, 6

Butler, Sandra, Au87. 24

Calero, Adolfo, Ap87, lS Campbell. Eugene. SS4, 1S

Butler. Stuart, May85. 8

Calgary. Jul81, 29, Au84, 35-36
Campbell, Glen (black official), Mar7S, 13

Butler, Timothy. SSS, 20-21

Calhoun, John C., Ja7S, 7, F7S, 11, OcSO.
Campbell. Joseph, Ja76, 7, ApS3, 25-26;

butlers, OS1, 30
quote. MaySI, 12

Buttenweiser. Benjamin and Helen. OS4.

Calhoun, William and Barry. OS4, 30
Campbell, Roy, SSO, 26. Mar86, 25;

California, JuIS7, S-9; crime, AuS2. 31;
poetry, Ap83. 24-25; quote, May81 ,

Butz. Arthur, Oc76. 9, Fn, 20, Apn, 23­ demise of, ApS4, 14; education, Ap83,

24, Ap77, 24, Mayn. 24. Juln, 20,

27; ethnic politics, SS6, 31; 50%
Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, JulS7, 30

Augn, 13, sn, 2S, Oen, 27, Nn, 24,

business quotas, N87, 20; free
Camper, Oonald, F83, 36

on, 23, May7S, 23, 078, 6, May79, 22­ schooling for iIIegals, MayS4.31,
Camper, Pieter, May77, 9


Campos, Santiago OS6, 10 zations, Oe7S, 27, JaB2, 16; rightists

14-15. May77. S, 22, Ja82. 14

Campus AlternativB (Canada), 077,23, harassed, Au81, 31, MayB4, 9-10. SS4.
capitol, bombed, F84, 18

Ap7S, 24, Oc7S, 27 28, OS4, 18-19, JuIS5, 35-36, OS5, 33,
Caplan, Arthur L, Mar80. 15

Camus, Albert, OcS7, 20 Ap86, 30, 086, 38-39; secessionists.

Caplan, Gerald. FS1. 27. Ja82. 29

Can the White Man Survive?, F77,6 JunS2. 32; separatism, S77, 13, F78,22,
Caplan, Louis R., SS7, 34

Canada (French), S77, 13. JaS2. 15-17; F7S, 22, May81, 13-14. JaS2, 17. Jul82,
Caplin, Marvin, May78. 17

pro-Americanism, JaS2. 16; 27, N82, 29. separatism, SS5, 31 ;

Caplin. Mortimer. May77.13

Canada. Ja76, 16. JuISI. 28-30, Au81, S; student violence, JuIBO, 34; television,
Capone, AI, Mar87, 19

activists jailed, F80, 2S, OS1, 32; Jun83, 27; travelogue, FS7, 24-25,
Capossa. Carl, S87, 27

American affinity, 079.27; American Mar87. 23-24; ultraleft pols, Ja8S, 34;
Capote. Truman, Ja77, 10, AuS6, 30; anti-

loyalists, Jun84. 31; anti-Arabism, AuB4, war criminals, Jun86, 35, JunS7, 29;
Semitic quote. OcS4, 7

35; anti-Semitism in. Oc78 , 17, N7B, 23, WASP scholarships, May83, 2S; wel­ Capp, AI. Oe79. 17,079, 15

AuS4. 35; anti-WASPism, 084. 32; army comes black terrorists, JuISO. 34; wel­ Cappadocian (race). JunS4. 14

headwear. JulS6, 14; banned books, fare, SS5. 29; Western separatism. FS7,
Capps. Watter H.• SS5, 10

Oc7S, 27,JaS5,22. ApB5,31,Au85. 32. 24

Capra. Frank, Au84, 22. F87, 34

OS5. 33. Ap86, 30. MayS6, 31, ApS7, 1S; Canadian Association for Free
Capron, Alexander G., S77, 20

better than U.S., JuIS2, 27; Big Brother, Expression, OS5. 33. Ju185, 35
Captive Nations League. Jun82, 25

ApS4, 26; bilingualism, NBO, 31. OcS4, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., NS6, 30
Capucci, Hilarion, JuIS3. 34-35

30; black-on-white crime. F80, 28, F83. Canadian Free Speech League. JunS6, 35
Caracalla. Jul77. 7

30; British-French differences, FS7, 30; Canadian League of Rights, JaB4, 31

Carbaugh, John, Ju179, 27

censorShip, F76, 19, Oc82, 2S, AugB4, Canadian newspapers, few minorities,
Carbon 14, dating, Au79, 27, May80. 13

34, OS4. 32, NB5, 27, OS6, 32; Charter of S87,25

Carbrera, Jose. MarS7, 29

Rights, Oc85, 11, ApS6, 30, JunS6, 35; Canadians, born abroad, AuS4. 31
Cardenal, Ernesto, FS5, 37

child molesting, FS3, 30; civil rights, Canal Zone, see Panama Canal
Cardenas. Lazaro. JuIS7, 10

Jul86, 31; clergyman MP, JunB4, 31; Canard Enchaine, S87, 30

Cardin. Jerome C .• OS6, 31. Ap87. 28

colleges, Jul82, 27; countries of Canavin. Dennis. MayS3. 23

Cardona. Ruben, JuIS7, 28

immigrants, ApS1, 27; crime, JuISO, 34, cancer. Ap76, 9, ApS4, 9-10, MaySs, 30
Cardozo. Benjamin. Jun87. 20

081, 32, OcS5, 11; death rate, Ap86, 2S; Canchola, Perez, AuS7, 12
Carew, Rod, Mar79, 18

demogragphics, JuISO, 34; discrimin­ Candid Camera, SSS, 29

Carey, Henry. Ja76, 20

ation suits, OcS3, 31; East Indians, candidates, pander, OS7. 19

Carey. Hugh, JulSI, 30; bans Springboks.

JuISI, 30; Eastern Europeans, JunS6, Cando lie, de, Augustin, F77, 19

35; election promises to move embassy CandolJr, NS2. 10

Cargill Co., Ap80, 20, 081. 30

to Jerusalem, S79, 2S; ethnic ascend­ cannibalism, Oc77, 2S, Mar79, 11. Jul80,
Cargo Cult, Jun77, 18, N80. 22. NS3,20

ancy, FS7, 7; 51st state?, Au85, 32; 31. Oc80, 16-17. May83. 1S. NS3, 32,
Carib Indians, Ja80, S, 10

foreign aid, Jun7S, 23-24, Jun81, 34-35, Mar84, 2S, SS4, 12, FS5, 32, OS5, 34.
Caribbean, bJack-on-white crime. Mar7S,

NS2, 29JunS3, 27, NS4, 31; Franco­ Ja87, 31; American Indians, 07S, 2S,

phones, SS2, 2S; French Canadian Au83, 21. JunS6, 24; cook book. JunS1,
Carl, Bernard. S81. 32

acism, AuSO, 34; Germans protest 31; denied, MarSO. 6-7; Japanese. F86.
Carlberg, Roy, S87, 18

abuse, OS1, 36; hate laws. MayS2, 29, 38

Carles, Federico R.• Oc77. 28

OcS4. 30; immigration, 079. 27, Jun80, Canning, George. S82. 24-25
Carli, Bernardo, Au87, 22

36, SSO, 9-11, NS2, 29. Mar84, 27, Cannon, Howard. ApS3, 20, Ja84. 19
Carli, Luigi. Ap87, 32

OcS4, 27, NS4, 31, N85. 24, Mar86,30, Canossa. JulyS6, 32-33
Carlists, 076, 21

SS7. 25; pol!, ApS2, 29; Indians, F77, 23. Cantor, Aviva, 086. 37
Carlos, Juan, JulSI, 33, Au85. 21

ApS4, 2S, JulS6, 31; intermarriage, OS5, Cantor, Eddie. Ja77, 10

Carlson. Allan C., S85, 35, AuS7, 35

33; Jews, ApS2, 29, AuS5, 36, OS6, 39; CantU, Gaston G., N8G, 14
Carlson, Gerald, Oc79, 26, OSO. 32. ApS1,

Jews in banks, Mar83, 2S; Jews in Canty, Horace. OS3, 21

11. ApSI, 31, May8!, 36, JunS1. 21;

politics, Oc79, 27, JaS5. 31; language Canty. Troy. FS6, 30

Democratic primary. JuIS2, 30. Oc82,

friction, ApS4, 2S; left-wing propaganda, Capa. Robert, MarS6, 20

32; 1980 Michigan primary. NSO, 35;

Jun80, 36; low fertility rate, Oc7S, 2S; Capasso. Carl. ApS7, 28
1984 Michigan primary. Oc84. 34, Ja8S,

mail stoppage. ApS2, 29; media bias, Cape May (NJ), N86, 15
38-39; profile. JuIBI, 35-36

MayS4, 27; Middle East poll. Mar86. 30; Cape of Good Hope. F87. 13-14
Carlson, John Roy, F77. 19

millionaires, Ju183. 2S; minorities, S77. Cape Times. ApSG. 14

Carlson. Richard W., MarS2, 19

13; minority lawsuits. AuS4, 31; minority Cape Town. MarS6, 12

Carlson, Satch, MarS3, 18-19

politicians, May84, 26; multiculturalism, Cape Verde Islands. Jun84, 29

Carlsson, Ingbar, NS7, 12

ApS2. 29, Oc84. 30. JunS5, 33; national­ Cape Verdeans, in U.S .• Jun84, 29
Carlucci, Frank, Mar81. 12, MarS7. 29

ism, F87, 7; nationalist groups, Jun76. Capell, Frank. Ap77, 6, 24

Carlyle, Thomas, Oc7S, 16; quote, Mar82,

20; native languages, Jun84, 29; Capital Cities/ABC Inc., JuI8S, 29, Au85,

Negroes. S80, 19; pacifism, OcS2, 26; 15

Carlyon, Richard, JuIS7. 34

padlock law. Ja82. 16; politics. S79, 28. Capital Convention Center, JuneS3. 13
Carmelite order, July86. 33

May84, 27; prisons, 082. 28; prosecu­ capital punishment, F76, G. Jun77, 8, 20,
Carmen, Gerald. June83. 13

tion of "racists," SS1, 34; race relations, Ja7S, 14-15. Jun81. 31. N82. 20, May84.
Carmichael, Joel. S85. 22

OcS2, 2S, JunS3. 27. OcS5. 6-11; racial 24; antiwhite bias. Oc80. 15; by race,
Carmichael, Stokely. Jun77, 23, Oc77, 26.

quotas. AuS4. 35; racial slurs. May83, OSS, 32, S86, 23; in states, Ap86, 28.
May79, 14. F81. 30

2S; racial violence. MayS2. 29; re­ MayS6. 2S; median sentences. MarS7,
Carmona. Symeon. Ju187. 27

bellions, F84, 23; regionalism. S77. 13; 27; labor unions. Ja78, 14-15;
Carnegie Corporation. 07S, 21

relations with South Africa, NS7. 12; opponents, Ju184, 31; poll, F84, 24;
Carnegie, Andrew, anti-charity quote,

religion of leaders, May83. 26; repatria­ statistics, May83. 26; verdict


tion, Au84, 35-36; restrictions on right­ overturned, SS1. 25

Carnegie, Dale, Ap79, 31

wing tourists, FSO, 28; right-wing organ i­ capitalism, 075, 18, Ja76, 5; Jews. Ap77.
Carnes. John and Alicia, Mar87, 29


Caro. Robert. Ap83. 20

Carter, L. H., Ja86, S 35

Carol, King, JuIS4. 6

Carter, Lilian. Ju176. 15, Ap77, 12, N77,
Catalans, Au77, 18

Caron, Roger. Ja82, 17

13, 15. S78, 20; in Israel, S80, 33;
catalogs, Nordics featured, AuS4, 31

Carpel. Manny, OcSI, 31, N82, 19

wants to be black, Jun81, 30
Catalonia, future independence, NS4 9

Carpenter. Donald H.• 07B, 9, 23. May79,

Carter, Lynda, OcB4, 19
Catcher in the Rye, The, Jun81, 20-21.

Carter, Mark Bonham, May7B. 8, 19
NS1, 19; criticized, MarS2, 1S

Carpentier, Georges, JuI7B, 1B

Carter, Nell. Au87. 27
Cathcart, James, May80, 7

Carranza, Venustiano. Jul7S, 19

Carter, Nicholas, 076, 11. 079, 17
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Jun87.

Carrel. Alexis, Jun77, 11, F'79, 8. S80, 15

Carter, Rawlinson, JuISO, 31

Carrier, Elmer, Mar81, 30

Carter, Rosalynn, Mar79, 10, May79, 14,
cathedrals, Oc76, 15

Carrington, Hereward, Ce78, 22

Au79. 15, N79, 21, Jul81, 17, N83, 18,
Catherine II, Jun7S, 6

Carrington, Nigel, S86, 34

N83, 32; Jim Jones lunch, Ap79, 11,
Catholic bishops, move left, 082, 19

Carroll, Charles, JUn76, 17

poses with Gacy, ApS1, 19
Catholic Church, Mar76. 19, May76, 7.

Carroll, Earl H., NB6, 11

Carter, Scott G., Jun87, 17
Au76, 10, S76, 9,17-18, 079,11.JaSI,

Carroll, John R., CeS6, 11

Carter. Shelly. Jul87, 28
30, Ap83, 22, May85, 30, MarS6, 23·24;

Carroll, Robert F., May7S, 13

Carthaginians. AuS7, 21
false charity, Ja83, 24; Ireland, Ap81,

Carrothers, Merlin, Oc79, B

Cartland, Barbara, ApSO. 25
25; Irish bishops, 087,29; Jews, FB7,

Carson, Christopher, FB3, 20. S84, 1S,

Carto, Willis A., 079,5.7. JulSO, 9.11. 21, Ap87, 17, Ju187, 16-17, S87, 30·31; I

JunS3,31,MayS5,37,JaS6, 17, FS6,20 left-wingers, FB1, 31; Negroes, 0c81,

Carson. Curtis C., Jr., JunS3, 26

cartoons, S87, 35; anti-Falwell, OS5, 35;
19; Poland, 087, 33; statistics. ApS6,

Carson. Oorothy, JunB4, 21

anti-Jewish, AuS4, 20, N85, 17; anti­ 2S

Carson, Edward, Ju183, 13

Majority, S85, 12
Catholic Europe, S7B, 19

Carson, Johnny, Ja7B, 14, FS1, 7, SB4,

Cartwright, Samuel, Jun85, 3S Catholic social action, Jul85, 8

14-15, Ap86, 27, JulS7, 29

Carver, George W.o FS2, 27, N86, 29,
Catholicism, Mar84, 22, Oc84, 31; anti-

Carswell, G. Harrold, F77, 22, May80. 19.

Au87, 19,OcB7, 10-11
Catholic roots, N84, 26; criticized, OcS4,

Casabian, Linda, F76, 16

Carter administration. minority officials.

Casamayor, Raymond, FS6, 30
Catholics, Britain, Mar82, 25; can't

Au77, 12,Au79. 14
Casem, Marino, Ap83, 1S
join KKK, JuIS7. 17; civil rights, N76,

Carter. Hodding, II, JunB2, 20

Casement, Roger, MayBI, 30
23; coming imperium, N85, 18-19;

Carter. Hodding.III, Jun82, 20, FS5, 34

Casey, Albert E., MarB2, 30
iIIegals, Mar86, 21; in U.S. gov't.,

Carter, Hugh, Jr., Ja77, 12

Casey, Bernie, Jun85, 30
May85. 23; Northern Ireland,

Carter Watch, The, 077. 23

Casey, William, Oc81, 4
NBO, 24; population percentages,

Carter. Amy. F77. 12, Ap77, 15, May77,

Cash, Johnny, Mar77, 18, SB1. 22
OB1. 30; sex preferences,

11. JuIB6. 30. MarS7. 29. NB7. 27; Cash, Kellya. NS6, 20
Maya7, 30; U.S. statistics,

arrest. Ju187. 29
Casilio, Mary, Jun8S, 33, OS5, 33

Carter, Asa, Jul84, 16

Casper, William R., F76, 6
Catledge, Turner, F84, F84, 16-17

Carter, Ben Ami, MarBO, 2B, Ja81, 20, N86,

Cassandra. Ja76, 9. N76. 10
Catlin, George, May7S, 12

Casseb Jr., Solomon, MarS6, 31
cats, artificial breeding, OcS7. 34

Carter, Billy, Ap79, 14, May79. 14. 079, Cassel, Ernest. Mar80, 9, JaSl, 33, NS4,
Cattell, Raymond B., Ap77, 5, 21, May77,
2S. NBO, 18-19; Libyan connection, N80, 31,Jun85,32,JaS6,31
6,20, S77, 23, F79. 15, N79, 11, Oc80,
1S-19 Cassell, Timothy, Oc86, 33
11. ApS2, 2S, MayS2, 6, Mar83. 8, F84,

- Carter.Boake.F85,39
Carter, Chip, F77, 13, JuIBO, 28

Carter, Gloria, N77, 13

Carter, Jimmy (James Earl),Jun76, 4, 6,

Cassens, Johann-Tonjes, JulyS6, 32

cassettes. pro-Majority, AuS6, 35 '

Cassidy, Hortense, MayS6, 30

Cassin, Renee, F79, 16

6, Au85, 35-36, N8S, 9, 33, Ju186. 13,


Catten, Leyla, AuSO, 22

Cau, Jean, N7S, 10

JuI76.4, 14-15, Oc76, 8. 076, 12,

Cassini, Oleg, 079, 15
Caucasians, prehistoric, SS7, 9

Jan77, 12.20. F77, 22, Mar77. 7, 10,

caste, Mar79, 5, Au79, 14, S86, 8
Caucasoids, JUn85, 20, Mar86, 11, Mar87,

S77. 27. Oc77, 15. N77, 13. 077.2322.

Castelli, Leo. Ja81, 23
12; traits, OB7, 26

Mar7S, 11, F79, 9, 22, Mar79, 16, Au79,

Castenada, Carlos, ApS7, 10
Caute. Oavid, Jun83, 22

7,SSO, 18. N80, 5-7, Ja81 , 6-B, F81, 16­ Castile, SS7, 21
Cavazos, Francisca, 086, 12

17, AuB2, 1S, NB2. S. Jul84, 15, AuB4,

Castilian, MarS7, 36

24, OS4, 6, F85, 15, CeS6, 9-10; aid to

Castillo, Leonel J, Au77. 12. 077. 11.
Cavell, Edith, Jun87, 16

Sandinistas, Jul81, 31; appoints Jews,

Cavell i-Sforza. LUigi, S77, 20

077, 12; boat people, S79, 13; campaign

Castle, Jerome, Ap79, 16
Cavett, Oick, JunBO, 25

tactics. Ja80, 5-6; Christian radical,

Castle, Mervyn, MayS6, 33
Cazal frames, S84, 17

Ap79. 13; criticizes Mondale, AuB4, 24;

Castle, William R., MarSO. 10
CBS Evening News, 076. 12, Jun81. 30,

ghostwriters, Jun 79, 19; hated by

castles, F87, 32
SS5, 15,MayS7,28,S87,23, 087,27
Salvadorans. Jun80, 33; hemorrhoids,
castration, JunSI, 34, AuS4. 39; rape cure,
CBS Inc., Jul8S, 30; attempted takeover,

Oc79. 27; homosexual support. F77. 13;

N82,32 ApB5, 17-1B, Jul85, 29-30; directors,

Jewish advisers, Au79, 14-15; lie, Au79,

Castro, Fidel, Mar77, 1S, Jul77, 10, S78,
Jul85, 30, Ap87, 26; libel suit, Ap85, 11;

20; mishandles boatlift. S85, 23; Negro

12-13, ApSO, 23-24, S80, 22, Au81 , 21,
musical divisions, Ja79, 7; sues Ziff­
vote. S79. 16; offends Jews, Au80, 20;
Oc83, 18, F84, 17, JulSS, 37, Au86. 30,
Oavis. MarB5, 26; takeover. ApS7. 26

post-presidential thoughts, AuB5, 21;

SS6, 37, MayS7. 23; autobiography,
CBS-New York Times Poll. Mar85. 26

on Lebanese invasion, Ap84, 18;

085.31; CIA payment, MarS7, 26;
Ceausescu. Nicolai. SS4, 29, ApS5. 34,

opposes busing, Mar81, 18; praises Red

Jewish descent claimed, N80, 31; letter

Chinese, OB1, 31 ; subject of psycho­

to Roosevelt, Jun79, 32; origins, Mar87.
Cedade (Spanish journal), 076, 22, F79,

history, 078, 14; support of brother Billy,

28; son in Israel, Ap85, 30

Ap79, 14; Vesco connection, F84, 14-15

Castro, Rich. OS6, 10
Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, 076, S

Carter. John P., Jun86. 23

Casuto, Morris, OcB1, 36, Oc8S, 36, N85, celebrities, Indian genes, S81. 22


Celine, Louis F., AuB7, 31, OcB7, 20

drug experiments, 079, 19-20; employee

Celler, Emanuel, AuB7, 19

restrictions, Jun84, 20-21; Israel
Chaplin, Sydney, Ju180, 24

Celtic Scouts of America, JuIB7, 36

connection, May82, 15, N86, 29; anti­ Chapman, Frank, Au80, 33-34

Celts, DBO, 2B-29, ApB1, 22, OcB6, 39;

minority, Mar79, 27; Middle East study,
Chapman, Leonard F., Mar77, 13, Ap80,

contribution to West, 085,20; in West,

F85, 34; Vatican connection, Ap85, 22­ 22

N80, 12; modern Britain, Ja84, 28;

23; Vietnam, May85, 33; Watergate,
Chapman, Mark D., F81, 15, Jun81, 20,

Confederate Army, Ju183, 6-9;

Mar85, 21; Centropa movement, Jun80,
Mar81, 20, Jun81, 20-21, N81, 19, Mar82,

New England, N80, 11; racial traits,


May80, 31; religion, F79, 21

cephalic index, May77, 9
Chapman, Stephen, N82, 21, Ap83, 28,

Censored (publication), Jun77, 23, Mar84,

Cerl, Bennett, 083, 11
Au86, 16; quote, Ap84, 15

32 Cermak, Anton, Ja85, 10

Chappaquiddick (also see Edward

censorship, Mar76, 19, Ap76, 12, 17,

Cerullo, Morris, Jun82, 27
Kennedy), expose censored, Oc86, 28

Ja77, 20, F77, 20, Ap77, 24, Jul77, 8,

Cervantes, Miguel de, May76, 7, F79, II,
Chapple, Steve, 084, 32

18-19, S77, 28, Jun78, 23, May79, 12,

079, 8; quote, Oc83, 14
character, development of, Mar85, 36;

N79, 21, S79, 18, May80, 20, Ju180, 18­ Cesaire, Aime, May87, 39
tests, Mar85, 36

19, S82, 27, N85, 36, Ju186, 17;

Ceuta, Jun87, 32
Chardin, Teilhard de, S76, 8, S80, 14

advertising, May77, 24, Ap76, 10; art,

Ceylon (see Sri Lanka)
Charen, Nina, F85, 39

May78, 12; banned book week, Ja85,

Chachken, Norman J., May78, 18
Chargoff, Erwin, S77,20

22; book-burning, S77, 11; Burton's

Chad, N83, 35
Chariots of Fire, Au82, 16-17, Ju184, 29-30

book, N84 16; Catholic Church, Oc77,

Chadeyron, Paul, N86, 33
charity promotions, 086, 30

25; college, Jul77, 12, Oc77, 25, N85,

Chadwick, John, S80, 15
Charlemagne, N76, 20, Ap87, 25

35, Ju186, 17, Ja87, 35, F87, 21, S87,

Chafets, Ze'ev, Ap85, 30
Charlemont, Lord, May81, 30

35; educators, Ju182, 21; games, Ap83,

Chagall, Marc, Oc77, 13, Mar86, 31
Charles I, Jun82, 25

15-16; historians, Ju182, 20; genetics,

Chaillu, du Paul B., Ap77, 12, N86, 8
Charles XII (Sweden), F79, 16

Au86, 18; Irving's problems, Ju186, 7-8;

Chaimowicz, Thomas, Jul77, 20
Charles, Prince of Wales, N81, 2B, Jun84,

Israelis in U.S., Oc86, 39; Israel news,

Chain, Ernest, anti-Hitler quote, Ju186, 11
30, AuB4, 36-37, Au85, 21, MarB6, 15,

F85, 34; Jeffers' poems, 083, 11 ;

Chakovsky, Aleksandr, Ja79, 12
ApB7, 24-25, DcB7, 31; African dance,

Jefferson truncation, 577, 27, Jun77, 5,

Chalfont, Lord, Au80, 30
JuIB7, 31; AIDS kills valet, FB7, 29;

18; liberals, Ja84, 17; libraries, Ja79, 15;

Chaliapin, Fedor, Ap86, 29
circumcised, SB2, 10; Negroes in

magazines, May79, 27, N84, 19, Au85,

Challenger (also see space shuttle), Ap86,
Guards, NB6, 33, Au87, 29, DcB7, 31

19; Mary Poppins, Ja81, 23; Mein

Charles, Suzette, N83, 14, Dc84, 20

Kampf, Jun86, 22; monuments, Ju181,

Chalmers, James, N83, 32
Charlotte (NC), N85, 21

36; movies, 077, 7,20-21, 23, Ap78, 24;

Chamberlain, Houston S., Ja76, 10, Ja77,
Charlotte, Princess, S79, 14, Jun84, 32

music, Ap76, 19, N76, 17, Oc82, 19;

19,077,8, F78,8,Oc78, 14,Ja82,32;
Charlton, Anthony, 081,32

Pearl Harbor II, 581, 18; press, Ap82,

Mar83, 24-25
Charney, Leon, Dc84, 29

21, S87, 35; radio, N81, 18; Republican

Chamberlain, Joseph, Mar78, 23, Jun78,
Charney, Nicholas, Ju183, 28

candidate, Au80, 34; right-wing, Au78,

Charolais horses, 086, 16-17

20, Au85, 18; science, S77, 23-25; ten

Chamberlain, Neville, N78, 5, May85, 37
Chase, Jim, Ja82, 32

best stories, N79, 21; television, Jun81,

Chamberlin, William Henry, Jul76, 10, 077,
Chase-Manhattan Bank, Ju176, 9

21,081,18, Oc86, 39; operettas, Jul86,

Chase-Riboud, Barbara, S79, 18

32; U.S.S. Liberty book, S81, 18; war,

Chamberlin, Wilt, Au86, 26
chastity, Ja77, 11

May77, 10; writers workshop, Mar85, 35

Chambers, Anne Cox, Ja86, 7
Chattanooga (TN), Ap76, 9

Census Bureau, F76, 7; ancestry groups,

Chambers, Ernie, Oc86, 21, Au87, 28
Chattanooga Times, F81, 35

Ja84, 6-9, Jun84, 13-15; numbers

Chambers, Marilyn, Jun85, 31
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Jul77, 5

changed, Ap81 , 20; sued, Mar80, 22-23

Chambers, Raymond, S87, 19
Chaudhuri, Nirad, N87, 18

undercount by, N76, 13, Mar77, 12,

Chambers, Robert, 086, 25
Chavez, Cesar, Dc79, 11, May80, 23,

Chambers, Tom, Ap87, 36
Ju181, 17, Ja85, 6, Ju185, 28, DB6, 10;

census, ethnic groups, 082, 6-8, history,

Chambers, Whittaker, S77, 14, Ju182, 5-6,
theft suspect, Ap82, 27

Au82, 26; illegal aliens count, F86, 29;

Oc82, 19,Ja84, 15, Jun87, 15
Chavez, Linda, Aug83, 22, May84, 15,

Israel, Ja84, 29; Jewish objections, F81,

Chambrun, Josse de, Mar79, 17
JuIB5, 23, Dc86, 22

23, Ja84, 29 ; Jews, Mar78, 15, S81, 32,

Chance and Necessity, Ap77, 21
Chavis, Ben, Ap79, 15

S82, 20, May86, 21; U.S. religions,

Chancellor, Alexander, Jul80, 31
Chavkin, Marty, SBO, 23

Chancellor, John, F80, 14, S87, 23
Chayes, Abraham, JaB1, 25

Centers for Disease Control, Ap87, 12

Chancellorsville, battle of, Ju183, 8
Checkette, Daved, S87, 33

Central Africa, AIDS plague, Ap87, 10-15

Chandler, Raymond, Ap79, 13
Checkland, Michael, JunB7, 30

Central African Empire, S79, 11, Mar80, 7,

Chandler, Sam, N85, 36, JuI8S, 17
Cheek, James E., N81, 29, AuB6, 19

Chandler, Wyeth, Ja80, 31
Cheever, John, Mar79, 13

Central African Republic, Oc77, 28, Ap81,

Chanes, Norman,Jun86,25
Chekhov, Anton, F80, 24-25

Chang, Franklin B., 084, 39
Chelwood, Lord, DcBI, 32

Central America, Jun82, 10-12;

Chanin, John A., Mar85, 35
chemical warfare, JaB1, 34, ApB2, 13

demographics, Jul80, 19-20; Au84, 41;

Channel Islands, Dc81, 29; WWII, Oc81 ,
Cheney, Dick, May87, 22

economic decline, Mar82, 28;

Cher, Ju184, 16, Dc84, 19

geopolitics, 584, 31; Israeli aid, Au84,

Channell, Carl, S87, 12
Chercover, Murray, ApB4, 2B

38, F86, 38-39; refugees, S85, 30, Ja87,

Channing, William E., F82, 8-9
Chernenko, Konstantin, May84, 1B, DcB4,

21; terrorism, F85, 37; U.S. relations,

Chan non, Olivia, Mar87, 28
13-14; background, JaB3, 29

081,32, Au84, 41
Channon, Paul, Mar87, 28
Chernobyl, Au86, 33

Central Intelligence Agency, F76, 19,

Chanu, Pierre, S80, 8-9
Cherokees, Au78, 12

Jun76, 7, F77, 20, 22, Ap77, 56-7, 21,

Chapin, Elizabeth and Schuyler, Mar86, 18
Chesimard, Joanne, JaB2, 29

078, 19, May87, 23 , Jun87, 15, 087,23;

Chaplin, Charles, Jun79, 17, Ju180, 24,
Chesler, Phyllis, Mar85, 18


chess matches, Mar86, 31, N87, 9

China Cloud, The, May78, 11, 22
Christian directory. attacked by ADL, F83.

Chesterfield, Lord, JuI8S, 11

China Syndrome, The, Jul79, 10

Chesterton, A. K., Au77, 20, S77, 14, S79,

China, Ju178, 8. May77, 19, Oc77. 24.
Christian fundamentalism. Ja79, 11.23;

May79. 24. F80, 14, Ju185. 27; anti-black
Jewish prayers unheard. MarBI, 17

Chesterton, G. K., Ja76, 7, Jul77, lS,

discrimination, N80, 34; atrocities.
Christian fundamentalists, born-again

MaySO, 32, May82, 24, Jul82, 24, MarS4,

Jul78, lS, JuI8S, 21; cultural revolution,
personalities, May77. 10-11; Zionist

22. JuISS, 8; OcSS, 16; poems, NSO, 22,

SS2, 29-30, S84, 30, N86, 34; demo­ fanatics, N84 5-6

F83, 14, FS3, 27, Mar83, 26-27, JunS3,

graphics, OcSl, 9; economic failure,
Christian Home and Business Show. Jews

Ju185, 27-28; ethnic groups, D81, 35,
object, NBS, 20

Chestnut, Mary B., S83, 14

Ap84, 26; expulsion of foreigners,
Christian missionaries, Jun83, 2S
Chetwynd, Lionel, Jun84, 34
May79, 8; geopolitics. F79. 25; Hitler
Christian Patriots Defense League. Oc82,

Cheval, Louisa, S80, 21

praised, Mar83. 31; immigration control.

Chevalier, Maurice, Jul78, 14

Oc86. 37; Japanese atrocities WWII,
Christian Phalangists, ApBS, 11

Chevron Oil, Oc86, 35

May8S, 36; Jews, Oc78, 18. Oc79, 20,
Christian rights. lose in courts, N87. 17

Cheyney College, first Latino college, F84, 30j natural disasters, D8S. 31;
Christian Science Monitor, Mar78,27,
MarSl,18 nuclear weapons, May78, 11, 22;
Cheysson, Claude, DS1, 14
population control, Au83, 31-32. S84.
Christian Socialist Party (West Germany),
Chiang Kai-shek, attempted 30-31; prehistoric Nordics, May81, 23,

assassination, S84, 19
Oc82, 32, D86, 40; racism, NSO. 34. F84,
Christian Vanguard. Oe85. 21

Chiarelli, Brunetto, Au87, 31

30. May87. 36; relations with U.S., D7B, Christian Yellow Pages, May77. 12, N77.

Chicago School Board, Ap8S, 2S

13. Ap8S, 23, N87. 31; relations with
24. Mar82. 20

Chicago Seven, Oc77, 13, S78, 13

U.S.S.R., S84, 30; revisionism. S82. 29­ Christian Zionists, NB2, 9

Chicago Transit Authority, Jul83, 28

30; western provinces. Ap84. 26; West­ Christian, Marc, JunaS, 20

Chicago, Jun77, 12, Mar7S, 9, 2S, FS7, 22;

ernization, AuSO, 32; xenophobia, D82.
Christian-Patriots Defense League, NBD.

affirmative action, Mar87, lS; corruption,


Jun84, 20, MaySS, 32; crime rates, FSS,

Chinese, Mar79. 22; discover America?
Christianity and the Survival of the West,
29; decline of, F82, 16; elections, Ju179,
NBO. 31; infants, May79, 11; invent­ May77, 6, F79. 21

12, AuS4, 32; gangs, ApS2, 28, MayS4,

ivess, Jun80, 32; Jews of Southeast
Christianity, May77, 6. N76, 17. Ju178. 16,
25, 584, 27. MayS5, 22; housing
Asia, May79, 24; North America. NSO,
Mar79, 9, S79, 2a, Au80, 12-15, N80.
projects, Ap87, 21; illegitimate births,
13; plastic surgery, JunS2, 30. MayS7.
10-11. DBO, 11-12, JU181. 14-15. Au81.
Jun86, 33; libraries vandalized, DS1, 19;
36; pre-Columbian voyages, Au87, 22
16, NS1, 6-7, JU182. 30-31, June83. 14.
minority criminals, Au84, 32, ApS7, 21;
Ching Chun Li, N82, 6
Mar84, 7. S85. 24-25, Oc85. 22-25.
1919 riots, Mar84, 18-19; police, N83,
Chinn. W. F., S87, 14
MarS7, 12, Ap87, 25, Jul87, 12; apolo­
32, FS4, 24; politics. Jun83, 8-9, OcS3,
Chirac, Jacques, 081. 14, MarS4. 29. gies for, May84. 17; attacks on. Jun77.
28, Ja84, 17; schools, Ju181, 31, Au87,
May8S, 34. Jun86, 37, AuS6. 32. MarS7, 13, Mar7S, 13, S85, 17,21, OcS5, lS-19,
26; social breakdown, D87, 21; vote
32. Ap87, 24; decline of Europe quote, D8S, 22. Jun87, 19; conversion of Ger­
fraud, JunS7, 20-21
Jun87. 19; distrusts media, FS7, 33; on mans. Au85, 3S; criticism of, MarS4, 17;

- Chicanos (Mexican Americans and

ChicMn Itzit, DS6, 21, Au87, 22-23, N87,
terrorism, Mara7,33
Chisholm. Shirley, Mara3, la, MayB3. 6

Chitley, Ben, F83, 27

defense of, Ju179, 1S-19; degeneration

of. F87. 10; disadvantages of, Ap84, 32;
ethics. Mar76. 7-8; Instauration's
chivalry. D79, 8, D83, 19; boat sinkings, position. S86. 9; locus shifting, S82, 26;

- Chichester, John H., OcS5, 30

child abuse, Aue1, 29, JaS2, 2S, NS2, 29,

Ap83, 28, 31, N83, 29-30, D84, 29, N85,

36, Jun87, 28, Jule7, 2S-29, S87, 27,

Chladek. Pat, Ap83. 21

chlamydia, S81, 19

Choice (British publication). S80, 3S. S87,

Majority believers, Oca4. 17; medieval,

May82, 23; racial. Ja79, 11, 23; slave
morality. Jun87. 14; transformed,
087, 30; Brooklyn school, May87, 31;
Christians, aberrations of. N82, 9;
clergy, FS6, 39, SS6, 33; Mexican,
cholera, S79. 18
accused of hate, Oc85, 17; declining
MayS7, 32; rabbis, N84, 30, AuS7, 2S
cholesterol, Ap84, 9-10
number, Da6, 30; demographics. MayaS.
child molesting, Mendes family, Oc87, 16
Chomat, Gustavo, Ap86, 29
30; for Israel. Mar78, 27. Ju178, 11;

- child pornography, Ja81, 32, F85, 30,


child psychology, May8S, 38

child rearing, Jun 76, 8-9

Chomsky. Noam, Apal. 28, N8S, 16.


Chong, Rae Dawn. F87, 20

Chonicki, Wayne, AuB6. 19

Holocaust guilt, N82, 9; Israel tours.

Mar87, 34; possible threat. Oc8S. 12;
U.S.S.R.• Ja83, 16

Christians United for American Security.

child support, MarS7, 26

Choosing Elites, Ja86. 19
- childlessness, Mar87, 15

Children of Paradise, F86, 22

children, Ju180, 36, F84, 6-9, May86, 16;

Chopin. Frederic, Jun79, 13

chorion sampling, D86. 39-40

Chosen People. The, Jul7a. 23

Christie, Agatha, Mar84. 24

Christie, Douglas. May84. 10. D84. 18-19,

May8S. 14-19, Ju185, 36, Au85. 36.

adoption preferences, AuS7, 26; care of, Choynski, Joe, Jul78, 7, 17-18
OeS5. S-ll, Ap86, 30, Jun86, 40.

- May83. 24; Chile, S78, 12-13, Mar8S, 17.

Mar8S, 10, Ju186, 31; costs, Aug83, 28,

Ap84, 26, Oc84, 28, JulSS, 32; exiles,

Christendom, N76. 8

Christensen, Bruce. Au84, 30

Christian academies. harassed by IRS,

D86. 38-39. Ja87. 36, May87. 33, Jun87.


Christie, Waker. F77. 9

N87, 32; illegitimate, JuleS, 31; missing.

Maral,18 Christmas trees. MayB4. 24; Jewish

Oc84, 27; Nazis. S84, 19; retarded, 087,

Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, homes. May87. 30

May79,27 Christmas. DeS. 30; competes with

Chiles, Lawton, JuleS, lS, Fe6. 9

Christian Business Show, F83, 36
Hanukkah, Au87. 17; desecration of.

chiliasts, F82, 18
Christian churches. Zionist oriented, NB2, 080. 16; downplayed in Britain. S87. 29;
Chilon. F86, 22
expensive gifts. Ja82. 2S; symbols
Chin, Margaret. Ap87, 27
Christian Democratic Party (West
Chin,Vincent, S85, 16-17, SS7, 34
Germany), Mar77, 20
Christopher, Joseph, JU181. 21


Christophersen, Thies, 075, 8, May79, 6,

Clark. Alan, Ja83. 22·23,OcS4, 31, NS4.

Au79, 21, 079, 5, Mar81, 9, Jun82, 29,

cities, deterioration of, Ap77, 4. 19·20,

JaS3, 28, DB3, 28, Ju184, 13, May8S, 16,

N77,6, 19-20, Ja81. 23, Ju182, 10-12.
Clark. Alfred C.• Ju187, 28

582, 31, Oc82, 21, Ja86, 11-13; leading
Clark, Anthony, NS6, 11

chromosomes, Jul76, 6
non·Christian, 086, 30; minority count,
Clark, Bob, MarS3, 19

Chrysler Corp., Ja80, 22

MayB5. 30; most and least integrated,
Clark, Champ. 075, 14, Ja76, 11

Chubb, Neil, MarB6. 32

Aug83, 28; Negro politicians, Ja84, 17;
Clark, Cherie, Mar83, 29

Chudnovsky, Gregory, 581,23

Negroes, F77. 12, 081,30. Mar83, 28.
Clark, David. 086. 39

Chun 000, 584, 27

NS6. 30; poorest, Aug83, 27; population
Clark, Debra, 086, 31

Chung, Connie, 086, 29

shifts, N85, 27; race of leaders. Jul86,
Clark, Ed, N80, 7

Churba, Joseph, Mar81 , 23, Jun83, 17,

21; segregation scale, JaSS, 32, MarS7.
Clark, Elizabeth 5., JulS7, 28

F86, 10, NB6, 29

27; small American, OeB3. 36; twinned
Clark, Grenville, JaS4, 14

church and state, 578, 10, MayBO, 19,

with Mexico, NS6, 13; white social
Clark, Jay, Jun87, 18

AuBO, 1B, DBO, 20·21, OcB1, 30, JunB4,

workers. JunS3, 24
Clark, Joseph, 579.28

12, Au84, 31; unity, MarB2, 16

Citizen, The, Oc77, 12
Clark, Kenneth 5 .. 578, 14, 579, 16,

Church of England, F7B, 22, F79, 27;

Citizens Council, N77, 24, Au78, 20. N87,
Au82, 11,N84,33.Ja86, 15·16

Celtic disproportion, Oc82, 30;

33; Memphis, Jun79, 31
Clark, Mark, Ja78, 10

investments, DB4, 29
Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform (Canada).
Clark, Nita, Jun85, 34

Church, F. Forrester, Ap79, 13

079,27, N82, 29. N85, 24; poster
Clark. Peter 8.. OcS5, 21

Church, Frank, Jul76, 15, Jun 76, 20,

campaign, 587. 29
Clark, Ramsey, Ja76, 1S, 076, 12. Jun77.

Ap79, 13, SSO, 22

Citizens Party, NSO, 7
12, Jun78, 13; Abbie Hoffman lawyer,

churches, liberalism, FS5, 19

citizens, honorary, 083,31
JulSI, 30; in Hanoi. AuS4, 18; Iranian

Churchill's War, Oc87, 35

Citron, Sabrina. MayS5, 15
jaunt, SSO, 31; supports Israel, Oc8D, 29

Churchill, James Spencer, ApS6, 29

Civella, Nicholas, JunSO. 27
Clark, Robert, DS2, 14, Au83. 19

Churchill, Mary, DS5, 29; against

Civil Aeronautics Board, OcSO, 10
Clark, Senator Dick. F79. 17

Bolsheviks, MarS4, 23; against de

civil defense. MayS3, 26; in U.S., Jun82,
Clark, Stephen, Oc7S, 2S

Gaulle, Oc83, 32
Clark, Terry, 084,32

Churchill, Winston, Jun77, 9, Jul77, 20,

civil rights acts. N77, 23, May7S, 6, FB3.
Clark, Tom, Oc76, 9, N77, 6, Ja86, 34

Ja7B, 12, Mar7S, 22,078, 19, ApS1, 23,

36; Jews qualify. JunS6, 24-25
Clark, William P., Ap81 , 10. MarS2, 27;

JulB3, 21, ApS3, 8-9, JuIB3, 30, Ja84,

Civil Rights Commission, Ja77, 13, AugS3,
Waldheim toast, N87, 29

30, 084, 18, MayB5, 37, JaS6, 20-21. 26,

22. NS4,21,JunS5,21
Clarke, Bernard. Ap87, 36

Mar86, 32, NB6, 32, DS6, 1S; anthrax

civil rights movement, mild KKK reaction,
Clarke, Carter, Oc77, 7, 23·24

bombs, DS6, 33; anti-obscenity bill,

Clarke, David K., OcS7, 32

AuB6, 25-26; anti-Semitism, 582, 29,

civil rights suit, The Citadel, AuB7. 26
Clarke, David. JunS7, 28

JaB7, 11; biography, N83, 33; gay

civil rights violations, worldwide. MayS3,
Clarke, James W .• JaS5, 8·12

experience, DBO, 27; germ warfare, SB1,

Clarkson. Derek, OcS6, 33

29, ApB7. 20; Hess rebuffed, DS6, 24;

civil rights. litigation. MarS7, 26; name
class actions. 079,27, Ju186, 19

Iron Curtain speech. Au76, 15, Oc76. 7;

calling. JaS6, 35; politicking. Ja86, 35­ Class Struggle (game), Ap83. 15-16

Irving biography, Jul86, 7·B; Jewish aid,

36; racial categories, MarSO, 20; Selma
class, definition of, JunSO. 30; Fussell on,

MayS7. 32; Lusitania connection, 082,

march, SS5, 29, AuS7, 1S; ugly people,
JunS5, 14·16; in Britain, SS1, 26-2S.

19; praises Hitler, Ja85, 34; statue,

OcS5,32; mobility, AuS4. 32

Ju184, 28; WWI quote, May85, 34

Civil Service, Jun76, 6·7, F79,22
Class, N77, 11, SS5. 16

Chusid, Larry, JuIS5, 23

Civil War (England), poem. N85. 31
classes, by race, Mar84, 25; in America,

chutzpah. JaS1. 23
Civil War (U.S.), 075, 15, May77,22. 077.
Mar80, 18, MarS4, 25, Jun8S. 12·16

Cianfrano. Henry T., Au78, 12

7, Ap79. 25, 27, JulS4, 15, 585, 6-S
classicism, in architecture. Ap84, 15

Ciano, Edda {Musso lin i). May76, 7

casualties. FS7, 7; concentration
Claudet, Paul, Jun76, 5

Ciano. Galeazzo. May76. 17

camps, OcSO, 6; Confederate officers,
Clausen, Henry C., Oc77, 23

Cicero. Oc83, 16
JulS3, 6-9; deserters, FS7, 7; names
Clauss, Ludwig, Jun79, 17. 079, 17. Au82,

Ciciarelli, John A.• immigration quote. 085.

for, Mar87, 16; Northern industry. OcS6,

30; slackers, JaS5, 31; songs. NS7, 35;
Clay, Cassius (see Muhammad Ali)

cigarettes. May86, 28
TV reporting bias, May83, 15, 29
Cleaver, Eldridge. May77. 10-11. Ja7S,

Cimino, Michael. Mar84. 17

Civiletti, Benjamin, Jul80, 7, Mar81, 23,
12,Jun7S,21, FBO,25.D80,26.SS1,

Cimo, Tony, NS4, 35

30. May84, 19,Au85,S

Cinco de Mayo. SB3, 20

Civilian Materiel Assistance, NS6, 11-14,
Cleaver, Kathleen. Ja78. 12, Ja79, 10

Circassians, Au86. 9; in U.S., Au86. 7, 10

Clegg II, Legrand H.• AuSO. 18

circumcision. 076, 11, N77, 10, 22·23,

civility, Ap82, 25, May83. 19
Clemenceau. Georges. FS7, 11

Ap78, 10-11, 079, 17, Ja81, 25, SS1, 39,

Civilization of the Jews, OcBO. 20
Clement IV. 580, 15

Oc84, 34-35, Au85, 34, Oc85, 1S, Ap86,

civilizations. decline of, Ja77, 11. Mar77,
Clement VI, 579, 6

35; Blue Cross reneges, 586, 38;

10, 586, 21; pre-Columbian, 081, 11-13
Clement VII, AuS1, 28

dangers, ocn, 14, Ja86, 18; by female

Civzelis, Vladislav, 579, 25
Clement XIV, SSO, 15

rabbi, JaS4, 27; females, OcB2, 12-13,

cladogenesis, Oc79, 13
Clementi, Paul. Oc78, 27

Oc8S, 1S; foreskins and cancer, S80,

Claiborne, Liz. Mar87. 26
Clements, Bill, JunS2, 16.583,20

33·34; malpractice, 086, 30; of

Claibourne, Harry, JuIS7, 29
Clements, George, Mar81, 29

hemophiliac, May81, 34; opposition,

Claire, Alice. Ja79, 15
Clemon. U. W., Oc80. 29, 080,23

JaBS, 39; U.S. statistics, DS2, 26

Clan of the Cave Bear, The, ApS2, 31-32,
Clemons, Stephen, JaS7, 2S

Ciriago, Joseph F., FS6, 31

Clemons, Walter, JulS5, 12

Ciselik, Arthur J., May87. 39

Clancy, Dan, Au87, 28
Cleopatra. Au79, 1S

Cisneros. Henry, 086, 10

Clapton, Eric, DBO, 14
clergy, gay, Oc79, 26; immorality, F80, 25;

Citadel, The, anti-black incident, F87, 22·

Clarence, Duke of, Ap77, 23, Mar80,23
in politics, JulSI, 30, Jun84. 31;


permissiveness, Ap84, 27
Cohen, Jay, Ju187, 19
Clerkin, Donald V., F78, 22, May86, 22
colleges (also see universities), S79, 1S;

Cliburn, Van, Ja79, 7

Cohen, Kenneth, JuI8S, 34
Afrikaner professor cancelled, Dc87, 28;

Cliff, Tony, May78, 23

Cohen, Larry, Mar79, 15
demographics, Ju183, 28, Ja86, 9-10;

Clifford, Clark, F86, 22; USS Liberty

Cohen, Manuel, May77.13
editor suspended, S87, 3S; enrollment,

cover-up, Mar81, 22-23

Cohen. Maria. 587, 27
F87, 28; faculty party loyalties, DeS7,

Clift, Montgomery, Ja79, 13, N83, 32

Cohen, Maxine, Ap87, 27
26; interracial dating, Jun87, 28;

Clifton, Tony, anti-Rambo quote, Ja87, 19

Cohen, Meir. D83, 33
minorities favored, Mar87, 18; minority

Clio, May79, 8
Cohen, Morris, Jun82, 27, N85, 15
percentages, Jul85, 31; mores, Ja85,

Clipperton Island, Ju184, 17

Cohen, Nick, 086, 31
33; Negroes, JaS6, 19, S86, 32; Negroes

clitorectomy, S80, 15, Oc82, 12-13

do better in Negro colleges, Ap87, 36;

Cliveden Set, Au85, 32

Cohen, Peter, Aug83, 27, May84, 26
Negroes financed by whites, Oc87, 19;

Closing of the American Mind, The, Oc87, Cohen, Richard M., Ja80, 25, JulS4,36,
egistration up, JaS6, 20; required

Au84, 21-22, Ap85, 11, JuI8S, 17, Ap86, minority studies, NS5, 28; riots, Ap79 , 16

clothing industry, Jewish owners, Mar84,

30, Au86, 16, Ap87, 23, May87,15; Collin, Frank, Mar78, 28, 078, 12, Ja79,

pro-immigration, Jun87, 14-15; pro-King, 28, Mar80, 28, MaySO, 32, JunS1, 30,

Club Mediterranee, F79, 27

083,8 Ja84, 31

clubs (see private clubs)

Cohen, Richard, Frank Sinatra's son-in­ Collins, Doug, 079, 27, N80, 36, May82.

Clumeck, Nathan, Ap87, 10

law, MaySI, 32
29,Oc82,28, May8S, 18,NS5,24

cluster bombs, Au80, 31-32

Cohen, Robert M., 087,27
Collins, Ella, Au81, 21

Co-Evolution Quarterly, N84 10, 085, 20

Cohen, Ronnie, De86, 31
Collins, Henry, 877, 14, Au80, 34?

coal mines, Ja86, 12, SS6, 31

Cohen, Samuel T., Au78, 13, Au83, 29,
Collins, Jackie, F87, 29

Cobalt bomb, Ja79, 22, JulSO, 25

Collins, Jim, praises Spotlight, Au81, 23

Cobbett, William, Ap79, 28, Mar84, 22

Collins, Joan, S86, 30, N86, 31, FS7, 29

Cobet, Christoph, Ap78, 22

Cohen, Sheldon S., May77,13
Collins, Joe, F87,29

Coca-Cola, deals with Negroes, NS2, 27,

Cohen, Stanley, Oc79, 27
Collins. Joseph, May87, 26

JaS3, 19
Cohen, Steven, F87,29
Collins, Karen, Ap86, 36

cocaine, F76, 15, Au79, 9; statistics,

Cohen, William, F79, 17, Ap81, 26, Ap85,
Collins, Leroy, N8S, 29

28, Oc87, 14; writes novel, Jul85, 34,
Collins, Martha, DS4, 28

Cochran, Jackie, N87, 27

Collins, Michael, Ju180, 10

Cockburn, Alexander, May84, 19, Mara5,

Cohen, Yehudi, Oc80, 29
Collins, Monica, Au85, 28

35, Ap86, 8; attacks Instauration, Cohn, Charles, Ap79, 12

Collins, Robert, D81, 8

- JuI8S, 38, Au86, 16; fired, N84 17; NY

Times quote, Jun84, 12

Cockburn, Bruce, Ja85, 34

Cocoanut Grove fire, May87, 17-18

Cohn, Harry, Jun7S, 9, Oc81, 5, Jul85, 19

Cohn, Nik, Mar84, 26

Cohn. Norman, Mar83, 25-26

Cohn, Roy, D76, 8, Ap79, 16, Mar82, 27;

Collins, Seward, Jun8S, 8

Collins, Sonny, Ja78, 20

Collum, Doris, S82, 27 .

Colombia, N76, 20, D77, 17-19. 081,33;

Cocteau, Jean, Ap78, 7
assassinations, SS4, 31; drug ring, 884,

Codazzi, Augustin, Au85, 34

Cohn, Victor. Au86, 36

code words, F83, 19

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, Jul79, 6
Colombians, in Britain, F87, 30; in U.S.,

Codreanu, Corneliu, Ju184, 6

Cohn-Bendit, J. G., Jul79, 6, S79, 2S,

Cae, Frank,Jun77, 12
De81, 34
Colonial Heights (VA), marches, AuS7, 36

Cae, Michael D., 086, 21

Cojot-Goldberg, Michel, Ju183, 33
colonies, Europe's loss of, Mar87, 9;

Coelho, Tony, JunS5, 32, JuISS, 1S, OcS7,

Colditz, Heinz, Dc82, 30-31
extant, S8S, 29

Cole, Lester, F86, 20
Color Purple, The, Mar86, 19, MayS6, 18

Coetzee, Gerrie, JunSO, 26, MarS5, 31

Cole, Michael, May79, 28
Colorado, politics, Jul83, 15-1S; anti-crime

Coffelt, Coleman, Ju182, 19

Cole, Paul, S7S, 20
law, Ja87, 36

Coffey, Shelby, Au85, 15

Cole, William, May82, 17, S83, 23
Colson, Charles, May77, 10-11, F80, 25

Coffin, William 5., Jr., 077, 13, JunS6, 33,

Colella, Thomas and Janice, Mar8S, 28
Colton, Terry, May85,39

Ju187, 28; quote, Oc81, 7

Coleman, Cecily, S84, 18
Columbia Broadcasting System, Ap76, 10,

Coffman, John, 086, 12

Coleman, Gary, Ap82, 19, May83, 20,
Jun76, 7,F77 8,Au8S, 1S,Ja86,28;

Coggins test, MayS7, 25

evening news, N86, 20, Jul87, 26;

Cogil, Christine, S85, 30

Coleman, James, Ap76, 10
garbled war reporting, Au85, 29; gays

Cohen, Abe, 076,8

Coleman, John R., D86, 31, Jun87, 17
commend, Jul87, 26; takeover, D86, 2S·

- Cohen, Alexander, AuS5, 11

Cohen, Ben, Jul77, 11, JaS4, 13-14

Cohen, Bernard, Ap79, 16, Au87, 36

Cohen, Charles, D86, 36

Coleman, Louis, N8S, 36, JuISS, 17

Coleman, Martha, Au80, 22

Coleman, Milton, May84, 19

Coleman, Suzanne, Oc86, 23

29, F87, 26, Mar87, 25

Columbia Pictures, NS2. 15-16

Columbia University, Kluge gift, Au87, 2S;

race confrontations, JunS7, 18

Cohen, Clara, OcS6, 31

Coles, Robert, Jul8S, 32
Columbus, Christopher, Ap77, 13, N78,

Cohen, Claudia, Mar81. 31

Colette, F78, 11
12, DS1. 13, S87, 22; attacks on, FSD,

Cohen, Dan. May86, 30

Coley, Caia, Mar87, 28
21; biased TV show, S8S, 28; SOOth

Cohen, David, Ap82, 26

Colgate Palmolive Corp., JulyS6, 33
anniversary, Oc87, 31; Jewish claims,

Cohen, Edwin 5 .. Au84, 8

Coligny, Elaine de, Jun86, 23
077. 10, N80, 31

- Cohen, Gail Posner, Ap79, 16

Cohen, Geula, Ap87, 32

Cohen. Harry (Labour MP), N83, 33, S85,

collaborators, Au77, 10

Collaer, Paul, F82, 11

Collazo, Oscar, JaSS, 9

columnists, S86, 20, S87, 27; anti-Zionist,

N87. 36; censorship of, Ap84, 31;
circulation, Au84, 32; Holocaust letters,
College Democrats, F85, 19

- Cohen, Henry. 080, 19

Cohen. Israel, N78, 16

Cohen, Jack,Oc83, 33,Au87,32

college publications, conservative, S81,

40; racism, SS2, 19

College RepUblicans, Jew in charge, F8S,

Colville, John, N79, 27

Colvin, James, May86, 22

comedy, F81, 6-8, Mar81, 14-17; Jews,


884, 14-15. FS6,20. 586,31. NS7. 1S

MarS2, 32; U.S., S76. 19; U.S.S.R.,
Connor. Roger. ApSO. 22, JulSS, 39

Comer. Jack, OeBS, 27

Mar79. 16, N79. 26
Connors, Jimmy, S84, 24

Comfort. Alex, OcSO, 29

Conde Nast Publications, Jul81, 19,084,
Conquest of a Continent, The, Ja76, 10,

comic books, attacked, JuIS4, 13

15-16, JunS6, 19
JunB2, 31-32

comic strips, NS3, 21; blond Jews, DS3. 24

condoms. Jul82, 26; minister distributes,
Conquest, Robert, May7S, 12, Mar79, 16

Comintern, DS4, 9
Conquistadores, Oc77, 5, Ap87, 8-9

Comissiona, 8ergiu, Oc81, 32

Condon, John F.• MarS2. 12-13
Conrad, Anthony, Mar76. 19, F77, 8

Com mager, Henry 5., Oc80, 20

Conduct of War, The, May77, 19
Conrad, Barbara. JuISO, 22

Commentary. Ja76, 18, May77, 12, F7S,

Cone sisters, Ap7S, 7
Conrad, David L., 587, 12

17. Mar78, 25, SS6, 17; birthday party.

Confederacy of Dunces, A, FS1, 20
Conrad, Joseph, Ja84, 16

MaySS, 31; editorial ambivalence, F81,

Confederacy, N76, 6, 17, S85, 6-S. JaS6,
Conradin, 580, 15

7; federal subsidy, MayS2. 19;

13-14; anti-Yankee songs, Jun80, 27;
conscientious objectors, May85, 32

Holocaust fanaticism, F81, 21

constitution, S85, 6
conservation movement, May83, 9-10,

Commerce (GA), Mar86, 18

Confederate flag, DS7. 28; disputes over,

Commercial Appeal, JaSO,31

May80, 32, OcS4, 29. MayS7. 21, JuIS7,
conservation, of Sequoias, Oc85, 25

commercial banks, Jews, OcS6, 23

conservatism, Ap76, 11, N76. 8, 20, Fn.

commercials, political, May79. 11; radio

Confederate Memorial Hall. ApS3, 19
7, Jul77, 9, Oc77, 15, Au7S, 8, JunSO.

goofs, NS7, 25
Confederate monument, Au86, 29
22-23, Ja82, 13·14; compared with

Commission for Racial Equality (Britain).

Confederate symbols, Ap76, 19
Prussianism, JuIS5, 39-40; in American

May78. 19, MayS1, 33

confessions, satirical skit, N87, 23
literature, D7S, 7; perversion of, FSO, 27,

Committee Against Racism, Jun7S, 14,

Configurations and Cultural Growth.
581,25, May85, 7-10, Ja86, 6; racial

aspects, OcS2, 6-8; Reagan style,

Committee on the Present Danger,

Congress of Berlin, MaySS, 33
AuSS, 36; Zionist connection. May85, 9

Congress on Racial Equality (CORE), F84,
Conservative Digest, S79, 1S. OS2, 18

commodity speculators, ApSO, 20

plagiarism, Oc86, 31

Commoner, Barry, Jul79, 10. AuSO. 17,

Congress, Mar76, 9, NS5, 27; almost
Conservative Party (Britain), Ja82, 30,

SSO, 33. N80, 7,JaSl, 7,JunS4, 12

bombed, Au86, 21; anti-Zionist liberals,
F84, 27, Mar84, 27-28, Ap84. 11-13.

communications, cheapening of, FS5, 15

NS5. 21; committees, Mar85. 2S, FS7,

communism, Jun76, 8, Au77, 16, May7S,

1S; cost of, 584, 26. Mar87, 27; criticism
Ap87, 24; Etonians, F85, 30; racist

5, May79. S; in Britain, May85, 34,

of, Jul82, 15; gays, OS2, 27. Mar87, 26;
members, Jun84. 31

MarS6, 26; racial aspect, N87, 30

Hispanics, May84, 17, Ja87. 12; Israeli
Conservative Party (South Africa), May85,
Communist agents, pre-WWII Europe,
clout, DS1,7, May84. 23. Ap86, 5, Au87,
35, FS6, 37. Ju187. 34

31-32; lawbreaking members, Oc87, 18;
Conservative Viewpoint, May79, 27

Communist Manifesto, May76, 5

Negroes, JaS1, S, ApS7. 2S; minority
Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories,

Communist parties, decline of, July86, 36

members, F84, 24; race and religious
Ap76 , 11

Communist Party. U.S., S77, 14, May78,

makeup, MarSI, 6-7, ApS3, 16, Ap8S, 28,
Conservatives for Immigration Reform,

22,Au79, 18, NSO, 7,ApB2,B,Ja84, 14,

Ja87, 12; reapportionment, MarS6, 36;
FS2, 32, AuS3, 17

OcB4, 29; aelics, Oc79, 19, JulS5, 31;

retirement benefits, May84, 24, May87,
conservatives. betrayal of, Ap76, 19;
immigration ban, Jun84, 29; Italy, S87,
30; school prayer, Au87. 19; security.
criminal records, MayS4, 25; criticism of,
30; lack of records, AuBl, 35; 19BO vote,
Ap83, 27;sexualabusers,JaS5,33;
S7S, 12; for Israel, F78, 23. fundraising,
JuIB4, 30; 1984 party line, OcB4, 29
unconstitutional acts, NS6. 32
AuS4, 43; in college. Jun76. 20; Jewish,
Communist Party, U.S.S.R., AuS4, 11-12
Congressional Black Caucus, Oc8S, 21
SB6. 17; journals. F82. 26; list of,
Communist Workers Party, MarSO, 19.
087, 19; excludes whites, ApS1, 27,
MayS5. 9-10; Negroes. Ja85, 21, N86,
F81. 14-15, JaS3. 9-10
May84. 19, Au84, 1B, Jun8S, 32,
23; on abortion, 087.35; on Senate
Communists. backsliders, 077, 12-13,
Congressional Budget Office, Ja80. 22
committees. Jul81, 36; organiZations,
Au79. 18, MarBI, 18-19, Ap87, 1S;
congressional districts, most Germans.
Mar7S, 17; pro-Zionism, SS1, 31; purge
blacks. Jun81, 7; fellow travelers,
Ja87, 27; most Polish. F87, 28; racial
of, F87,18;turncoats,JulS2, 16; woo
MarSO, 21; in Central America, Jun82,
concentrations, Mar87, 27
minorities, N84, 29
10-11; in Hollywood, FS6. 20; in media.
congressional elections (19S6), bloc
conspicuous consumption, OS2, 26

NS5. 36; Jewish. Jul87, 32

voting, Mar87. 27
Conspiracies Unlimited. Jun7S,23

commutations, Ap82. 27
Congressional Medal of Honor. S85, 23
conspiracies, Anglo-Saxon, SS4. 22-24

companies, largest private, 081,30

congressmen, criminal associates, Jul87,
Conspiracy Against Freedom, Jul87,35

comparable worth. S84, 17

29; ethics violations, Ja86, 30; flunk
Conspiracy of Silence, The, Ja79, 15

compassion, effect on foreign policy,

simple test, Oc86, 22; Grenada
conspiracy, Ap85. 14-16; theories, Mar79,

May80.30-31 invasion, Jun84. 30; law breakers,

26, Mar80, 23. F86, 21-22

Comprehensive Employment and Training Mar84. 26. JuIS7. 29; mailing privileges.
conspiratorial elites, JaSO, 26-2S

Act (CETA). 082,16

JuIS5. 31, OeBS, 30; net worth. S82, 20;
Constantinople, F77, 20. , Mar78. 28,

Compton (CA), Oc81, 15-16

questionnaires, AuS5, 36
Jul78, 10, 083. 33-34; Jews, F87, 18;
Compton, Arthur, Au85, 17
Conley, Earl, MarS7, 25
looted, Jul84, 13

computer networks, JunS3, 32

Conley, Jim, Jun84, 16, Jun8S, 6·7 Constanza, Midge. Oc78, 18

computer program, racist-sexist

Conlyn, Allen, 086. 40
Constitution, U.S., 078, 8.21, Ap79, 7,

program, May86, 22
Connecticut, bureaucracy, Ap82, 27
24; criticism of, S87, 16; trends, Oc82, 7

computers, Jun84, 26-27

Conner, Angela, Oc83, 36
Constitutional amendment (XIV), OS5, 21 ;

Comte, Auguste, F77, 1S

Conner, Roger. OcSO, 19, SS1, 19
District of Columbia, Au8S, 19;

Concalves, Marcus, Oc83, 30

Connolly, John, 076,8. May77, 12
proposed, Jun84, 35-36; vote for

concentration camps (also see Gulags).

Connolly, John, death threat, FaD. 23,
mentally ill, 080, 31-32

Oc76,9, N79,26,JaS5,26,SS7, 1B; Oc82.24-25,F86,30;supports

constitutional conventions, NS6, 32

Boer War, Jun78, 19-20, N79, 26, OcSO, Palestinians, Ja80, 24

constitutional psychology (see W. H.

6; Civil War, OcSO, 6; revisionist visits, Connor, Connie, Jul8S, 30



constitutions, written to order, JunS3, 26

Corneille, Rolland de, Oc79, 27
Cou~e~John, FS~23
construction industry, ApS2, 12
Cornelius, Oon, ApS7, 36
Council on Foreign Relations, F77, 22,

consumerism, F76, 4, 17, MaySO, 21

Cornell, George W., MayS3, 6

Contemporary Psychology Uournal),

Cornfeld, Bernard, 076, S, 079, 14-15,
Counter, S. Allen, SS7, 26

JulyS6, 36
MayS4, 17, FS5, 31, AuS7, 2S
counterfeiting, May77, 22

Contemporary Sociological Theories, Cornford, John, JaS4, 13

Countess, Robert, OS7, 36

Ja76, 6
Cornstein, Daniel, MayS5, 25
Counting by Race, MaySO, 14-15

contempt of court, AuS4, 33

Cornwall, future independence, NS4 10,
countries, best and worst, JuIS7, 27,

Continental Grain Co., 075, 17, ApSO, 20,


Corona, Juan, JulS2, 20, OS2, 26
Country Music U.S.A., S7S, 7, JaS2, 7-S

continents, carrying capacity, FS4, 24

Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, Oc77, 5
country music, Ap79, 12, S7S, 7, 15-16,

contraceptive devices, SSO, 31

corporate mergers, MayS5, 29
MarSO, 11-12, JuISO, 22; Negroes,

contract bridge, Jewish cheating, OcS2,

corporate personnel depts., Ju179, 14
MarS7, 25; performers, JaS2, S

corporate raiders, FS5, 31, AuS6, 14, SS6,
Country Roads, vignettes, JaS5, 30-31,

Contras, (also see Nicaragua), SS7, 12·

22,JaS7, 7-S, FS7, 17,FS7,29,AuS7,27
FS5, 2S, MarS5, 25-26

13; Israeli connection, FS6, 3S

corporate state, 076, 22
Courier du Continent, F79, 2S
Controversy of Zion, JuIS2, 13
Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
Courland, Ouchy of, May7S, 10

Conye~,John,JunS4,30 MarS4, 1S, OcS5, 29, MayS6, 27, JunS7, Courlander, Harold, Ap79, 16, Ju179, 12,

Cook, James, MarS4, 30

2S DS1,31

Cook, Murray, OS7, 16

corporations, damage awards, FS5, 29;
Courtis, Brian, SS2, 30

Cook,Robert, N76, 13
executives religion, F7S, 10; Jews in
courts, case total, OcS3, 29

Cooke, Alistair, ApS6, 31, AuS6, 2S

Blue Chip ones, OcS6, 23; minority
Cousins, Norman, N79, 20, AuSO, 21

Cooke, Janet, JuISI, 17·1S, SS1, 31, FS3,

blackmail, NS2, 27, OS3, 30, FS4, 24,
Cousteau, Jacques, MarSO, 14

21, MayS3, 26, JunS4, 19

Couture, Donald, MarS5, 2S

Cooke, Roger, MayS3, 2S

Correll, Charles, FS6, 11-12
Couvelier, Mel, JunS5, 33

Cooks, Stoney, OcS6, 35

corruption, OS6, 24-25
Coventry, JaS4, 30

Coolidge, Calvin, OS1, 21, OcS6, S

Corry, John, MayS6, 27, NS6, 2S
cover-up, Jews in black market, DS3,'20;

Coombs, Orde, AuS1, 30

Corsica, politics, NS4, 25, OS4, 34; future
Vesco, FS4, 14-15

Coon, Carleton S., Mar77, 10, S77, 24,

independence, NS4 9
Covington, Harold, AuSO, 17

S7S, 10, D7S,22,ApSO, 12,JaS1,21,

Cort, Joseph H., AuS3, 16
Coward, Noel, ApS4, 20

FS1, 2S, OcS1, 6-7, AuS2, 9-10, MarS3,

Cortes, Fernando, Oc77, 5 ?
31, ApS4, 7, NS6, S, OS6, 16-17, MayS7,
Cortez, Victor, OS6, 11
Cowbird, N79, 10-11

7-S; autobiography, DS1, 36; last book,
Cortina, Juan de la, JunS7, 32
Cowden-Quido, Richard, NS5, 1S
SS3, 21; on Upper Paleolithic man, SS7,
Corviglia Club, JunS7, 30
Cowen, Zelman, Jun7S, 24, JuIS4, 33

Corwin, Arthur C., Mar77, 12, JuIS7, 9-10
Cowles, Rich, NS5, 2S
Coon, Carleton S., Jr., OcS1, 7
Corwin, Arthur F., AuS7, 14-15
Cowley, Malcolm, 07S, 7, 24

Cooney, Gerry, Oc31 , 30

Coryat, Thomas, JulS5, 6
Cowper, William, Jul77, 5

- CooneY,John,OS4,31

Cooper, Abraham, ApS4, 31

Cooper, Alan B., JunS5, 33

Cos a Nostra, see Mafia

Cosby Show, NS5, 25-26, ApS6, 27,

MarS7, 25, OcS7, 25

Cox, Archibald, NS7, 14

Cox, Cecil, JaS7, 36

Cox, Edward, Ja77, 16

Cooper, Allen, MayS7, 31

Cosby, Bill, JunS5, 29-30, NS5, 25-26,
Cox, Ernest Sevier, F77, 7, JulS7, 9

- Cooper, April, FS5, 1S

Cooper, Arnold, NS3, 22

Cooper, Gary, JuIS4, 22, FS5, 24

JulS6, 29, MarS7, 26; antiques, JaS7,

27; doctorate degree, MarS6, 29; Negro

chauvinism quote, OS7, 23

Cox, Este, OcS3, 32

Cox, G. William, JaS7, 2S

Cox, Kyota and Tony, MayS6, 30

Cooper, Jackie, OcS4, 19

Cosell, Howard, Oc31, 30, MayS3, 27,
Cox, Martin, OcS7, 35

Cooper, Jilly, SS1, 26-2S

OcS7, 9; Jewish quote, ApS5, 13
Cox, Oliver, S77, 2S
Cooper, Kevin, AuS3, 29, OcS3, 22
Cosgrave, Patrick, JuISO, 31
Cox, Roger, NS2, 9

Coors beer, FS5, 29

cosmetic surgery (see plastic surgery)
Cox, William, NSO, 3D, FS2, 32, MayS2, 32

Coors, Joseph, MaySO, 21, MayS5, S

cosmetics, SS1, 12-13
Cozumel, JuIS7, 23

- Coors, William, MaySO, 21

Copeland, Thomas, MayS7, 32


Copland, Aaron, Jun7S, 21

Cosmopolitan magazine, Oc79,17

cosmopolitanism, F79, 11, 24-25

Cosmos (book and TV program), ApS1, 4

Cossacks, Jun7S, 24, MayS6, 9

Cozzens, James Gould, D7S, 7, 24,

Mar79, 13, AuS5, 22

Craft, Robert, OcS4, 6

Craft, Willie, NS4, 29

Copland, Miles, MarSO, 10

Costa Rica, JaSO, 7, JunS2, 11, JunS2,
Craig, Wendy, SS4, 25

Coplon, Judith D., NS1, 30

3D, MarS5, 17; German Shangri-la, AuS5,
Craig avon, JaSO, 19

copper mines, SSO, 11-12

34; Israeli connection, FS6, 3S; racial
Cramer, Frederick H., S7S, 17

Coppola, Francis F., MarS4, 16-17

components, AuS4, 41; white

Copts, OcSI, 32-33

community, AuS4, 41
Crane, Philip, Ap76, 1S, F7S, 23, MarS2,

copyright, Hitler's stolen, JunS6, 22

Costa-Garvras, Constantin, SS2, 5

Corbett, Bayliss, Jun77, 23

Costanza, Midge, F79, 17
Crane, Stephen, SS6, 3S-39
Corbett, James J., JuI7S, 17, SS7, 24
Costello, Frank, ApS3, 21, SS3, 33
Cranford, George R., 076, 24

Corcoran, Tom, JaS4, 13-14

Costelio, Josh, FS2, 32
cranial volume (also see brain); S7S, 10

Corday, Charlotte, F76, 16, SS2, 25

Cotler, Irwin, MayS5, 14, MayS6, 31
Cranston, Alan, OS1, 7, JaS4, 21, ApS4,

Cordesman, Anthony, Mar7S, 12,27

Cotten, Richard, May79, 27
15, JaS5, 7, MayS5, 25, JaS7, 13,

Cordova, Jeanne, MarS4, 13

Cottle, Thomas, AuSI, 20
MayS7, 36; alter ego, AuS6, 30, bad

CORE, Ja7S, 12, JunSO, 21-22

Cotugno, Gian, NS7, 27
checks, OS5, 32; Israeli advocate, Au81,

Cori, Carl F. and Gerty, MarSO, 13

Coubertin, Pierre de, OcS76, S
5, Au84, 20; Jewish support, S83, 24,

Corletto, Fred, F76, 6

Coughlin, Charles, FSO, 22, FS5, 39, FS7,
MayS4, 18; minority judges, May80, 19;

corn crop, JunS3, 16

9; cassettes, JunSO, 35
steals Hitler's copyright, May83, 5,


MayS7,30 31, Ja85, 5-6, 21, 32, Mar85, 2B, ApB5,

MaySI, 31, OcS2, 20, OcS2, 27, ApS3,

Cranze, Christal, JunS7, 6

29, MayB5. 31-32, JunBS. 32. AuBS. 26.
27, MayS3, 1S, JunS3, 26, AuS3, 29,

Craver, Roger, May84, 18

31. SS5. 20-21. DeBS, 20. NBS. 20. 29.
JuIS4, 31, Au84. 32, N84, 30, Ja87, 28;

Crawford, Neil, OcS5, 6-7

D85,32,Ja86, 30, F86, 19,Ap86,29,
murder of offspring, S80, 25, Na6, 31;

Crawford, Oliver, Au85, 28

35, May86, 15,21,29-30, JulS6, 15, 17,
Negro politicians, Jun80, 22, JulB3, 29,

Crawley, David, F76, S AuS6, 30, De86, 23, 31-32, NS6, 35,
Jun84, 20, Au87, 28, OcS7, 27-28;

Craxi, Bettino, JulyS6, 36

Mar87, 17, ApS7. 16, May87, 18. JunS7,
Negro-on-Hispanic, JaB4, 27; Negroes.

Crazy Horse, N86, 22

28.35, Ju187. 20.31. AuS7. 20. 2S. SS7,
F76, 6, 076, 12, AuSO, 22, JuIS4, 30,

creation, dates of, F79, 21, Ju187, 27

27. Oc87. 2S; bookmaking, May85. 32;
MarS5. 27, ApSS, 29-30, SS5, 30, OcS6,

creationism, JaSO, 23, SS2, 1S, Ja83, 12,

boxing, JunSO, 26; bribery, Mar82, 23,
22-23; Negroes-against-policemen,

MarS3, 6, MarS7, 22, Jul87, 6; churches'

JaS4, 19, FS6, 30; bystanders ignore,
JuIS3, 22; New York subway. NS1, 35; on

attitude, Ja82, 21
Ja87, 19; capsule poisoning, OcB6, 32,
buses, N84, 21; organized, F76, 1S.

Cracy, battle of, JuIS3, 9

MarB7, 28; causes, S79, 9; child murder,
ApS2, 28, ApS3, 20, DS3, 16, Ja84, 19.

Creek Indians, MarS7, 24

MayB4, 30-31, Ja86, 1S; children, FS6,
JuIS4, 31, DS4, 22-23, MayS6, 22. Oc86,

Creelman, Graham, Au82, 25

30; clergy, May7S, 15, N7S, 12, S79, 19,
32, DS6, 24; paedophilia, AuS1, 31;

cremation, 879, 26
JaSI, 31, JaS6, 30, Jun86, 23, NS6, 31,
phobia, DS2, 27; pilferage, S83, 32;

crematoria, 082, 10
ApB7, 27, JuIB7, 16, AuB7, 2B, NS7, 27,
plagiarism, SB2, 27; police-on-white,

Cremieux, Adolphe, S80, 15

DS7, 30; colleges, NS1, 29, DS3, 30;
Ju181, 22; politicians, F76, 7-S, Oc76, S,

Creole (language), JaSO, S computer fraud, JunS1, 31; conserv­ Juln, 12, Au77, 19, Au7B. 12, Oc79, 26,

Crete, Ja7S, 14
atives. DS4, 31; congressmen, SS6, 34;
S79, 17, 19, JulBO, 2S, sso, 32, JaS1,

Crick, Francis, Juln, 16-17, sn, 12. D7S, cost of. S84, 25, DS7, 29; cross burning,
31, MarS1, 31, Jun81, 31, SS1, 30,

28, May79, 20, Ap82, 1S, Ja84, 9, FS1, 15; Cuban refugees, DeS1. 23;
Oc81, 4-5, MayS2. 18, Jun82. 27, JuIS2,

May85,11 Cuban-on-white, FS1, 22; drugs, S82,

26,SS2,20,JaS3, 1S, FS3,21,JunS3,

cricket, SS5, 34
27,082, 12-13, F83, 21, JuIS4, 31,
26, MarS4, 26, Jul84, 31, AuS4, 23,

crime epidemic, DS1. 35-36

ApS5, 30; expectancy, JunS7, 27;
ApS5. 2S-29, AuS5, 31, Ap86, 29, Jun86.

crime offenders, by race, May84, 6-9

export. JunSI. 33; false prescriptions,
34, JuIS6, 17,20-21, SS6, 33, DeS6, 32,

crime statistics. N78, 23. Ap79, 2S-29. MarS7. 2S; female, S87, 17; financial,
NS6, 31, MarS7. 2S, ApS7. 2S, MayS7,

May79. 20-21, MaySI, 10-11, MarS3, 2S. 076, S, 1S, May77, 13, F77, 12-13,
31, JuIB7, 29, OcS7, 18,27, NB7, 15.

Aug83.27,S84, 26,Au85, 19,26. 085, JuI7S, 13, Au78, 13, 078, 14, Ap79,16,
DS7, 1S, 30; pornography, SS2, 27;

31, DeS6, 22-23; black by crime type. 079,14-15, JaBI, 31, JunB1, 30, S81,
projections, Oc82, 27; protection, Ju180,

ApS~;-JaS4, 26; black-on-white, F82, 25,31, DS1, 30-31, JaS2, 29, ApS2, 12­ 35, S82, 2; psychiatrists, JaSO, 31;

27, Ja86, 29; Chicago, F85, 29; by state, 13,28, JunB2, 27, Au82, 19,27, May83,
rabbis, SS1, 30, ApS2, 28, Au86, 30;

Ap86, 28; Los Angeles, F83, 25; 27,OcB3, 30, NS3,25,D83,20,F84,25,

racial, S77, 7, SSO, 32; racial violence,

Negroes, Ap80, 23, 087,26; New York MayS4, 10-11, Oc84, 29, NS4. 29-30,
078,27; racketeering, Au87, 27; real

City, Texas, San Diego, S79, 19; DS4, 30, JaS5. 32-33. ApSS, 29, MayS5,
estate fraud, May84, 11; recidivism,

Phoenix, Au86, 29; 32, JunS5, 31, Ju185. 22, Au85, 11,
JunS2, 20; rape (see rape); robbery,

schools, Ja86, 10; st. Louis, N82, 27; Au85. 31. NSS, 2S-29, DS5, 23-24, Ja86.
JunS4, 21, DB5, 31, MayS6, 28, May87,

U.S. and Britain, May87, 30

30, FS6. 30-31, NS6, 31, DS6, 31, Ja87,
31, May87. 32. SS7. 26; rock musicians,

Crime Watch (magazine), JulS2, 32

2S, FS6, 40, ApS6. 29, MayS6, 15,30,
DSO, 14; Russian Jews in U.S., JuIS3,

crime, academic fraud, 076, 6-7, 16-17;

34, SB6. 33, Oc86, 15, 31-32, MarS7, 2B­ 27; school statistics, F76, 6. 19, S76,

bribery. Juln, 11; against police, N78,

29, ApS7, 28, JunS7, 20, 30, Ju187, 2S,
10; schools, Oc76. 4, JaSO, 31. May81,

12; against Soviet missions, Aug84, 34;

AuB7, 27-2S, SS7, 14, De87, 28, DB7.
11. NS1, 29; serial murders, Ja83, 23;

alien smuggling, Jun82, 16; antitrust,

30; food stamps. MarS1, 30; forgery,
sex offenses, N80, 30, F81, 31, Jun81.

JaS2,29;arttheft,ApS2, 11, NS2,2S;

34, FB3, 21, MarB4, 26, Ju186, 30;

Asian-on-white, FS6, 38, Mar82, 17,

foundations, JunS7, 2S; fraud, Mar83,
shoplifting, Ap83, 28; sniping incidents,

MarS4, 2S; assaults, F76, 19, F82, 27,

28, MayS5, 29; G.l.s abroad, DS1, 32;
Jun84, 30; sports, Ju182, 18-19, N82,

MarS3. 29. Oc87, 27, N87. 27; baby

gay, ApS1, 19, MaySI, 31; genetic faclor,
28, JunS3, 26, DS4, 31, May86, 15,

selling, F86. 30; bad checks. Mar81. 31;

085, 36, JUl86, 36, NS6, 21; harass­ MarS7, 29; student visas, JunS2, 15-16;

biological aspects, N84, 35; black

ment, DS7, 30; hideous, Ju186, 30;
subteens. Au81. 21; subway, JaS3. 24,

athletes, FS1, 31; black-on-Asian, FS7,

highway robbery, DSS, 32; Hispanic,
MarS6. 16; theft, DS1, 20, Oc83, 29,

19; blaek-on-black, MarSO, 20, 23, Ap80,

OcS6, 22-23; Hispanic-on-white. JunSf,
JaS6, 26; torture, JulSI, 21; tourist

21-22, NSO,21, FS1, 14,Jun81, 17-18,

34, SS1, 30, JuIS2, 20, DS2, 26, MayS4,
agency fraud, Mar81 , 31; TV stars.

Ap82. 21. SB2. 11. MayB4. 26; black-on­

25, JunS4,30, FS5,31,ApS5,30.SS6,
MayS3, 20; U.S. households, JaS5, 31;

Jews, Ap79, 16, FS1, 15.0cB1,24;

34, NS7. 16, 1B; Hollywood, JuI7S. 14,
unreported, SS3. 32. SB6, 31; unusual

black-an-police. JulSI, 21, 082, 20-21;

FB1, 22; human buming, OcS7, 2S; in
punishment, Jun84, 31; vagrancy, FS3,

blaek-on-white, S76, 10, Mayn, 13, 23,

education, May7B, 13, MaySI. 32; in
30; vandalism. JunS2, 27; vehicular

F7S,12-13, Mar7S, 16. Oc78, 1S, Ap79.

judiciary, May80, 19, SSO, 32, 080, 23,
homicide by Negroes, Fa1, 15, OcS2, 27.

15, Jul79, 13, S79, 16, Oc79, 16, N79,

JuIB3. 29, Mar87, 29, Ju187, 2S, AuS7,
May83, 27, ApB4, 27; victim unaided,

20, F80, 22. SSO, 25. Oc80, 22-23 ,

27; in Vietnam, JuIS7, 27; Indian. ApS3,
JunS4, 30; victim's rights, JulSI, 36;

JaB1, 31, 35, F81, 14. 16, MaySI, 10­ 2B, Aug83, 23; Indian-an-white, Ju179,
victims by race. MayS4, 6-9; violence,

11. Jun81, 7-9, JulSI, 21, Au81, 21. 30,

27, MarSO, 27, JaS6, 30, May86, 29;
S84,27, DB5, 12,JunS6,34;voodoo

N81, 21, Ja82, 28-29, FS2. 27, Mar82,

individuals resist, Mar81 , 36, ApSI. 30;
murder, Ja82, 2S; WASP-on-Jew, JuISI,

26, Ap82, 21, 2S, May82, 19, AuS2, 20,

inspired by TV. NSO. 21; labor unions,
20; welfare fraud, Ap81 , 15, SS1, 31;

27, SB2, 19,27, Oc82, 27, NS2. 20, DS2,

May80, 23; mail fraud, ApS2. 2B, JunB6,
white backlash. SS4, 32; white collar,

27, JaS3, 17,24, FB3, S-10, 19. 29,

25; mass murder. De81, 23, DeB 1, 24,
076,8,18, white-on-black, Au80, 22,

SS4, 1B; military officers, NS2, 28;
S80. 25, FS1, 14-16, May81, 21, Jun81.

2,33, DeS3, 22-23, 30, Ja84, 1B-19,

minorities, AuS4, 24, MayB6, 22;
17, JuISI, 21, AuS4, 32. Mar87, 7, Ap87,

FS4, 19, 26, ApS4, 27, May84, 6·9,

mugging, FB2, 17, OcS2, 1S, Ap84, 27,
16; wife abuse, Jun82, 27, 086. 31

JunS4, 30, Jul84, 17, SS4, 17,084,30­ MayS4, 26; murder, JunSO, 25, JaBI, 32,
criminal justice. 077,12


criminals. legal costs 1982. MayS5, 29; Crutcher. Anne. N84, 19

22; salary. S87. 25

plea bargains, AuS7, 19; trace elements, CrutChfield, Finis A., Jr., Ju187, 16
Curb, Mike, Au82, 31

Mar84.32 Crutzen, Paul, NS6, 36

Cure, The (rock band), Maya7, 32

criminology, AuS2. 7-S

Cruz, Arturo, Jr., Au87, 27
Curlendar, Hyam and Shauna, sao, 24

Crippen, Anthony. May86, 29

cryogenics, corpses, Oc87, 28; sperm
Curley, Jack, Jul7S, 19

Crispo. Andrew, JuIS5, 34

banks, JunS7, S-9
Curran, Charles, MayS3, 2S
Criss, Darlene, OS3, 36
Cuba, economic decline, MarS2, 28;
Curran, Timothy, Ju181, 19-20

Critias, S77, 10
foreign debt. OS2, 31; Jews, JunS6, 33;
Curren, Kevin, Oa4. 35

Criticon. Jul77.20
mob influence, Oc83, 18; Negroes, NS6,
Currer-Briggs, Noel, Ap82, 30, F87, 30-31

Cro-Magnon man, Oc79, 14, AuSO, 21,

35; racial composition, Au84, 17-1S,
Curry, William A., NaO, 3S, JulS3, 23, FS7,
OcS4, 30-31, SS5, 26, SS6, 29; art, SS7, NS6, 3S; refugee cost, Au82. 26;
Russian presence, N82, 32; supports
Curteis, lan, MarS7, 31

Croatia, future independence, Na4 10

Chicanos, JaS4, 19; torture, S86, 37;
Curtin, John T., F83, 29

Croatians, in Canada. JunS6, 35; in

troops in Africa, Jun78, 14, Au7S, 14,
Curtis, Charles P.• Ju187, 20

Yugoslavia, AuS6, 33, S86. 36

Oca4, 11, OcS6, 3S, Na6, 3S; U.S.
Curtis, Dan, May87, 29

Croce, Benedetto,Jul 76,S

executioner, AuSO, 30, Jula7, 29
Curtis, Lynn A., S76, 10

Croce, Teresa del/a, Ap87, 32

Cuban refugees. Ja82. 31; crime, Jaal, 35,
Curtis, Tony, NS5. 28; womanizer, MayaS,

Crocker, Chester, AuS4. 3S-39, 087, 11;

Fa1, 22, Ja82, 28, Mar82, 19, May85,

Jewish wife, Ju183, 35

29, Jul8S, 39, Sa5, 22-23, S85, 30;
Curtiss, Richard A., Kissinger quote, 087,

Crockett, Davy, F81, 6-7; varied portraits,

homosexuals, JuISI, 20; in south Florida,
11; Sharon quote, Oca7, 33

F84, 11,Ja85, 7,Ap87,28

N83, 16, JulaS, 21, Oca6, 13-16; in the
Curzon, Cynthia. Mar78, 23

Crockett, George W.,Jr., oao, 26

U.S., Ap76, 5, MayS6, 30
Curzon. George N., Mar78, 23, Oc85, 26

Croft, Tom, May84, 11

Cubans, Mariel boatlift, Au81, 21, Ju185. Cushing sisters, Jul84, 24-25

Croissant, Klaus, Au81, 11

39,S85,23,OcS6,13 Cushing, Cardinal. F82, 16

Cromey, Robert, Jun85, 31

Cuculcan, Au87, 22-23
Custer, George Armstrong, Mar7S, 13,

Cromwell, Oliver, N77, 20, ApS1, 25,

Cuddihy. John Murray, Oc77, 13. S81,
ApS7. 27; remarks on race, Jun85, 39

Jun81, 29, Jul81, 9, Jun82. 25, MarS4. 23,

10-12, Ap82, 2S, May83, 19. Jaa4, 16,
cuteness, Oc79 , 13

Cutler, Gary and Cindy, Ja82, 31

Cromwell, William N., 077. 17

Cuellar, Perez de. Jun86. 17
Cutler, Lloyd, Oc80, 21

Cronkite. Walter. Ja76, 1a. Ap76. 19, 076,

Cukers, Adolf, N84, 30
Cutter, Paul C., FS6, 10

12, Ja77, 16-17, S77. 19, Jun79, 1S,

Culliford, Pierre, May83, 17
Cuzco, MarS6, 9

Culloden, battle of, F85, 32
Cyon, Elie de (/lya F. Tsion), MaySS, 33

30, N81, 21, MayS3, 17. Ju185, 30, Au85,

cults, F82. 18, ApS3, 2S, F85, 21. Oa5, 20;
Cyprus, May85, 36; Israelis murdered,

anti-Semitic, Jun81, 21; Jewish
MarS6, 33-34

anchorman quote, N86, 21;

members, Mar81, 21. Fa4, 17, Ju185, 31,
Czarny. Josef, May87, 14

housebreaker, N83. 32; missing tapes,

Negro, S87, 16; violence, Aua4, 24
Czechoslovakia, Au76, 6. Oc76, 7, 17.

S80. 25; song and dance quote, N86, 19;

culture, Jul77, 7, 17-18. Aua7, 2S;
Jun80, 11-12. 084. 27; anti-Semitic

- Strauss lie, May85, 24

Crook, David, Jun77, 12

cross burnings, May85, 31

Cross. Colin. 077. 8

aberrations, MarSO, 27; decline of,

Jul77. 7, 17-18, N87, 6-S; defense of.

JaS6, 18; development of Western,

Au77, 8, 18, diffusionist theory. 081,

book, NS7, 30; atrocities against

Germans, May79, 28, JunSO, 11-13;

Gypsies, NS7, 30; Sudeten question,


- Cross, Silas. Jr., Ap83, 28

Crossfire, JunS4, 27, 085, 30, F86, 27,

MayS6, 27, Oc87, 16; Duke interview,

13; distortion, Mar7S. 7, FS2, 6-7;

genetic component, sao, 13-14;

German, MarS3, 24-2S; high, Ap82. 15­

Czechs, Mar80, 12-13; race of, Jun80,

12; WWII, OcS3, 32

Czolgosz, Leon, 075, 13, F82, 19, Ja85, 9

16; hypothesis, 8. 2S-26;
Czyrek, J6zef, Oca7, 32

- Crossman, Richard, Ja77, 13, Ju(77, 1a

crossword puzzles, ethnic slur, Jaa7, 20­


Craus, Derek, SSO, 35

isolatonist theory, Oa1, 13; Jews, Ocn,

13; parasites, Mar77 5, 16-1S:

Spengler's version. Ju180, 13-14, NS7, 6­

8; thermodynamics of, Mar82, 8-10

O'Amato, Alphonse, S85, 1, F86, 21

Crow, Jim. MaySO, 15

Cumberland, Duke of, Fas, 32
O'Annunzio, Gabriele, May76, 7

Crow, Lori, oeSs, 36

Cumbria, Ja84, 2S
O'Arcy, Margaretta, Ap82, 26

Crowd, The, N76, 10

Cumming (GA), Ap87, 6-7, Maya7, 40
O'Argenio, Gloria, Jula5, 20

Crowe, Douglas, 084, 1S-19

Cumming, Joseph, Jr., Ja76, 23, May76.
D'Souza, Oinesh. S81, 40

Crowley. Aleistare, Jun87, 17

Oa Costa. J. R , Mar79, a
Crowley, Dale, Jr., S87, 33-34
cummings, e. e., Maya6, 22
Oa Ponte, Lorenzo, Ja79, 26

Crowley, ~iane. SS7, 27

Cummings, Theodore, N80, 6, Jun81. 31,
Oaan, Karin. 5S1, 34

Crowley, William F., Jr., Fa3, 34

Oaboul, Fawzia, 085, 22

Crown Publishers, S82, 9

Cunningham, E.V_, Oca5, 32
Dacey, Norman F., Mar7a, 28, Jun7S, 22,

Crown, Henry, S85, 23, FS7, 2S

Cunningham, Mary, JaS1, 5, MaySI. 30,
JuI7S, 11

Crown, Lester, S85, 23; bribery scandal,

Oachau, Ja79. 13,FSO,26,ApaO,23,

FS7, 28
Cuno, Theodore,Juna1,6 Mar82, 27, Ja87, 36; conflicting

Crowninshield, Frank, 084, 16-17

Cuomo family, muggings of, Au84, 23
numbers, Au85, 29; gas chambers,

Crowther, Bosley, Jun78, 9

Cuomo, Mario, OeS3, 30, Ap84, 16, Sa5,
Ap81. 28.082.10, May85, 15; massacre

crucifixion, F86. 21; blamed on Romans,

29, Au86, 30, OeS6, 7, Mar87, 10. ApS7,
of guards, Au79, 10, S79, 25; trial, 078,

16, Maya7, 21, Ju187, 13, Sa7, 14-15;
20; U.S. atrocity at, F87, 22

Crump, Archie, Au86, 30

anti-Semite?, N86, 23; Demo primaries,
Oacko. David, MaraO, 7, 085, 34

Crumpley, Robert, ApS1, 15

S84, 11, 087, 7; immigration quote,
Dacre, Lord, Jula3, 26

Crusaders, book burning, JuIS4, 13

Ja86, 14; Jewish son-in-law, NS7, 20,
Dade County (FL), crime. Da4, 31, Mar85,

087, 7; Mafia denial, Ap86, 21, MayS6,
27; demographics, Ap86, 28


Dade, Francis L., S87, 19

Darsee, John R., AuB3, 16
Davis. Leslie, MayBS, 30
Dagan, Mati, Jun87, 31
Dart, Raymond, Au7S,9,S77,22
Da~s, LeMe~JunS6,33
Dahl, Roald, 079, 22
Dartington Hall, JaB4, 12
Davis. Marvin, JaS3, 24. May83, 5, D83,

Dahlstrom, W. G .• Oc77. 26
Dartmouth College, Sa3, 23; black
20, Jun84, 10-11. Oc84, 29, FS5, 29,

Dahluval. Buphinder. Oc83. 31

violence, SS2, 19; illiteracy, FS7, 2a;

Dai, Kiwami, D86, 31

safe sex kit, May87, 20; shantytown
F87. 17, FS7, 2S, MarS7, 19, Ap87, 26;

Dailey, Janet, Ja82, 28

destroyed, Ap8S, 36
investigated, JaS4. 27; new house,

Dailey, Quintin, AuS2, 27, JunS3. 26

Dartmouth Review. S81. 40, F85. 18.

Daily Mail (London). FaS, 3a; accused by

ApaS, 3S; black satire. S82. 19
Davis, Michael, SS6. 33. D81, 21

Jews. Na7, 2a
Darwin, Charles, Ap7S, 4, F77, 5, la, S77.
Davis. Miles, JU187. 18

Daily Telegraph (London). S77, 14, Au78.

20, D77, 6, Jul7S, 9, 21, N79-S-S, Ja80,
Davis, Patti, FS1, 31. S81, 31, Au82, 26,

11, May82, 27
11, Maya3,1S, DS5, 13; belief in race,

Daily World, Au79. 18, Oc79, 19

Ju187, S·7; Christian faith, Ja83, 12;
Davis, Rennie, S7S. 13

Dal, Akali, S8S, 32

ommunist opposition, JulS7, S;
Davis, Roger T., MarS2, 27

Daladier, Edouard, N78. 5

criticized, AuSI, 19, JaS2, S, F82, S;
Davis, Tracey, photo. OcS6, 19

Daley, Richard, Ju179. 12

neglected, SS2, 1a; upheld, JulSI, 21-22
Davison, Fred, May8S. 35

Daley, Richard, Jr., MayS3. S

Darwin, Erasmus, F77, 5
Davison, Michael S., Jun77, 18

Daley, Tyne, Mar84, 2S, FSS, 31

Darwinisn, OcSO, 8-11, MarS7, 15.22.
Dawidowicz, Lucy S., May82, 11, Jun82,

Dali, Salvador, Ap7S, 21. Jun82. 19

Jul87, 6-7; attaCked, MaySI, 20;
17, Jul87, 36; no debate. F81, 21, ApBl,

Dalitz, Moe. D84, 21

attitudes. FS7, 8-10; by spurts,

Dallas, in Israel, JulyaS, 33

Dawkins, Richard, S80, 13-14, Oc80, 27,

Dallas, browning of, Sa4, 2S

Das Boot, SS2, 6
MarS7, 3S, Jun87, 25, JulS7, 6·7

Dalmatia, DaS, 19, F87, 12

Das Kapital, May76, 5, Au77, 16
Daws, Steve. Mar84, 32

Daly, Michael, JuISI, 1S

Das Rheingold, Ja78, 11, Mar82. 31
Dawson, Alfonso, Na5, 18

Dalyell, Tam, Maya3, 23. Juna3, 28

Dash, Sam, Ja77, 17
Dawson, Alfred. Jr.• Jun84, 30

damage awards, FaS, 29, May8S, 2a

Dassault, Marcel, 077, 12. AuSI, 12, D81.
Dawson, Dave, SS3, 36, May84. 1S, Au84,

Damascus, F8S. 7-a, MaraS, 12-13

15, NSS, 32, JuISS, 32

Damereli, Reginald, Mar8S, 29

Daughters of the American Revolution,
Dawson, Sam, MarSS, 1S

Damm, Helene von, N81, 30

Mar79, 27; Negro member, Ap79, 32
Dax, David E., D84, S

Damore, Leo, Oc8S, 28

Daughtry, Herbert, N79, 10
Day After, The. F84, 13. FB4, 31

dances, African, NS6, 6-9; old-fashioned,

Davenport, Charles B.• Ja78, 14, NSS. 10
day care, SS7, 25

Davenport, Guy, May8S, 22
Day of the Saxon, The, F87.6-S

Dancz, Roger, Ja7S, 23

David, Bernard, S76, 10
Day of the Triffids, The, Mar80, 26-27,

Danes, S77, 2S
David, King, Jul79, 13, Jul87, 12

Danforth, John, Ja77. 12, D80, 30, N85.

David·Weill, Michael, S87, 19
Day, 8eth, F78, 11

27. Ja87, 12
Davidoff, Constantino, JulB2, 21
Day, Donald, DS2, 32

Dangerfield. Roger, Jun87, 12

Davidoff, Michael, Jun87, 28
Day, Doris, Au82, 18, FS6. 40

Dangerfield, Stanley, Jun87. 11-12

Davidoff, Paul, F78, 10
Day, Ingeborg, MarSI. 21

Daniel. Jean, N81. 26

Davidowicz, Joseph, N85, 31-32
Dayal. Radschwar, Jun80, 34

Danielpour. Albert. sao, 34

Davidson. Irving, NSO, 18-19
Dayan. Ehud, Ap83, 31-32

Daniels, Henry. MarSO, 23

Davidson, James D.• Ap86, 21
Dayan, Hubert, Ap80. 9

Daniken. Erich von, Mar76. 9, N76, 11,

Davies, Alan, Oc85, 10
Dayan, Moshe, Dayan, Moshe, Jun7S, 11,

N77, 12, Au7B. 7, 17,JunBO, 17.Au81.

Davies, Arthur, Ap8S, 20
N7S, 11, MayBO, 10, SSO, 35, Jul82, 28,

Davies, Nigel, Jun80. 16-17
ApB3, 31-32, Oc87. 33; anti-Negro

Danilevsky. Nikolai. May 7S, 4, 14, Jun79,

Davies. Norman, ApS6, 2S, SS6, 21, Ju187,
remarks, F81, 33-34, May82, 14, NB7, 13

Dayan, Raymond, JuIS2, 26

Daniloff, Nicholas, D86, 23

Davis, Sammy. Jr., Ja78, 12, F78, 11,
Daye, Erica, JuI8S. 30, AuS7. 28

Danish Americans. F80, 28

SSO, 23; photo, OcS6, 19
Days, Drew, III, Au77, 12

Dank, Barry M. Jun7S, 13

Davis, Mrs. Sammy, Jr., MarB7, 2B
Days of Rage. F81, 22

Dannay, Fredric, Jul79, 14

Davis, AI. Ja7S, 20
De Beers. AuaO, 32, May82, 30, N83, 31,

Dannemeyer, Bill, MarSS. 36

Davis, Angela, Au76, 15, Oc77, 13, Ja79,
Jun86, 38, D87, 29

Danson, Ted, May87, 28

10, JulSI, 17, Jul84, 30, Oc84, 29. JaSS,
De Forest, Lee, Jun78, 12. Ju178. 12, N7S,

Dante. Ap77. 19. Ja87. 7

6; N8S. 33; re Afghanistan, OcSO, 17;

Danzig, John, MayB3, 2B

student loan, ApBS, 29
De Masi, Domenico, ApS7, 32

Dapper, O.W., Oc82, 13

Davis, Bernard B.• MarS7, 35-36
De Maurier, Guy D., Ja87, 10

Darden, William B.• ApB4. 27

Davis, Bob, OcBS, 9
De Quincey, Thomas D., FaS, 33

Dare. Virginia. MarB3, 13, Oc8S, 21

Davis, Buddy, SS7,1S
De Sapio, Carmine, ApS7, 35

Darien (Scottish colony), SB5, 31

Davis. Cary 8 .• Ap83, S·7
De Stroebel, Pelligrino, AuS7, 31

Dario, Ruben. S87, 22

Davis. Cullen, MayS3, 26
De Vito, Anthony, AuS6, 8-10

Dark at the Top of the Stairs. N77.11

Davis. Curtis. Ju186, 18
De Wende, S79.26

Darkle toothpaste, JulyB6, 33

Davis, David B.• Jun85, 37
De Young, Karen. JuIS2, 26

Darkness at Noon, Mar77. 10

Davis, Deborah, N82, 28, S87, 28
deadly weapons, historical comparison,

Darlington, Cyril D., Ja7S, 10, Au77, 11,

Davis, Forrest, Oc77, 24

S77, 23, Oc77, 28. S78, 5, 14-15, Ja79,

Davis, Gray, N8411
deaf people, MaySI, 32

12. May79, 20, Au79, 2S, Ap86, 25;

Davis, Jack, JunB4, 1S-19
Dean. John Wesley, III, Ja77, 5, 16-17.

profile, NS1, 17
Davis, Jacqueline, JulyS4, 21
N77, 13, Mar82. 19

Darrach. Brad. Cosby quote, DSS, 23

Davis, James C., Ap76. 9, MarS2, 20
Dean, Maureen, Ja77. 16-17

Darn~, Walther, AuBS, 13

Davis, Kennth S., Jun77, 11
Deane, John R., Oc77, 23-24

Darrow, Frank M., Ja77, 11

Davis, L. J., SS6, 18, Oc8S, 16
Dear Abby (see Abigail van Buren)


DeArmond, Fred, S83, 14-16

Dellums, Ronald, May82, 28, May84, 19,
Dennis, Peggy, Mar79. 13, Mar81, 18-19

death rates, different causes, Oc82, 26;

Au84, 18, N85, 28
Densen-Gerber, Judianne, NB3, 32

races compared, D87, 26

Delmer, Sefton, Ju180, 30
dentistry, exams, Jul79, 28; high cost,

death row (see capital punishment)

Deloach, James E., N84 6

death toll, Communist and non-Communist

Delorean, John Z .• Ap84. 27, Mar87. 29
Denton, Jeremiah, ApS2, 28

governments, Oc86, 30
Deloria, Vine, Jr., Au81, 23
Denver Public Library, Ja77, 20

D9ath Wish, Oc81,36

Delpit, Joseph, FS7, 29
department stores, Jewish owners, Mar82,

Deaver, Michael, Ju186, 20-21

Delta Tau Delta, ApS7, 36

debates, cancelled, May86, 31

demagoguery, Mar7S, 11,26-27 deportation, Demjanjuk, MayS7, 14-15;

Debevoise, Dickinson R., Jun86, 40,

Demarest, Arthur, AuS5, 7-8
illegal immigrants, DS5, 36

DeMause. Lloyd, D78, 14, F83, 10
DePriest, James, Ap81, 9

DeBolt family, D83, 20-21

DeMayo, Anthony V., Jun87, 18
Dept. of Health, Education and We~are,

Debray, Regis, Jun84, 33

Demerest, Arthur J., Ju179, 7
sponsors sex show, D77, 13

Debre, Michel, F83, 31, S86, 35

Demetrakopoulos, Stephanie, Jun84, 16
Def Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew), MarB5,

Debs, Eugene V., D77, 7, N81, 19

Demetrius I. Ap77, 7

Debussy, Claude, Jun79, 13

DeMille, Cecil B., JulS3, 20
Der Spiegel, Mar87, 33

debutantes, Jewish, Dc83, 29

Deming, W. Edwards, AuS5, 6-7
Der StUrmer, Marn, 6

DeCamp, L. Sprague, Ju184, 12-13

Demjanjuk, John, Ja86, 16, MayS6, 20,
deracination, MayS3, 21-22

decapitation, Au87, 28
Jun86, 3S, DcS6, 12, Ju187, 21;
Derickson, Ulrike, S85, 22

Decatur, Stephen, Ja79, 15, May80, 7

ADL videotape, DS3. 18; alibis, MayS7,
Derlich, Shmuel, S86, 36, Au87, 7·9

Decker, Mary, Oc84, 25, Mar85, 30-31

13-15; Buchanan defends, F87, 35;
Derman-Sparks, Louise, NBS, 21

Declaration of Independence, F83, 21-22,

deported, May87, 14-15; whereabouts in
Derogy, Jacques, F81, 34

Dc87, 8; forged Signature claimed, D82. Poland, Ap87, 31

Derow, Peter, De79, 19

27; signers, N7S, 12, D78, 21-22

democracy, Au78, 8, D85, 21; criticism of,
Derrick, Wayne, OcSl, 22

Decline of Honor, N78, 11

May79,7, 18-19,24. MarS4, 7, Ap85, 14­ Dershowitz, Alan, Cohn booster, Ja87, 21

Decline of the American Empire (film),

15, Ap87, 7; defined, Oc86, 8; evolution
Desai, Moraji, F78, 13,Ju183, 12

of, N84. 24; leads to war, FS7, 7; quote,
DeSalle, Louis, N84, 29

Decline of the Wasp, Ap76, 12, S85, 17­ Ja86, 26; racial aptitudes for, Ja79, 12;
DeSantis, Ralph A., N84, 30

Teutonic trait, MarS5. 17
Deschenes Commission, May86, 31,

Decline of the West, May76, 4, N87, 6-8

Democratic National Committee. Ja77. 5

DeConcini, John (union president), Mar8!,

Democratic Party, D75, 14, Au78, 10, 16.
desertion, Oc77, 15

22, N86, 11, 14

D84, 40; anti-CIA, Jun87, 15;
Desfosse, Paul, JaS7, 19

Decoster, Willie, May77, 13,23

demographics, N81, 29; fundraising,
Desrosiers, Danny. DcS5, S

DeCrow, Karen, Ja78, 12

Dc84, 29; gay officials, Ja87, 28;
Destiny of Angels, Mar87, 12-16

Deeter, Midge, JunS6. 23, S86, 17, N86,

Jewish financing, JaS4, 26, Jun85, 23;
Destrow, Robert, Aug83, 22

19S0 convention, N80, 7-8; 1984
Destruction of Dresden, The, Jul86, 7

Deeb, Gary, Ap82, 28, MayS3, 27, Dc87.
platform excerpts, Dc84, 16; 1988
detective stories, S83, 11-2; minority

primary, NS7, 20; Negro component,
characters, N84, 30, 32, Dc85, 32, F86,

Deep Throat, S80. 23. JaS3, 6-7

Oc83, 12; politicS. N8411-12;

Dees. Morris Seligman, Jr., JaSO, 5, F81.

presidential candidates, 1984. S84, 10­ Detlavs, Karlis, Ju180, 18

14, ApS1, 14, Ju183. 22, Mar85, 35-36,

11; teacher union support. F86, 13;
Detroit Edison Co., D79, 27

DcS6, 38, ApS7, 15, Jun87, 3S; praises

Reagan. AuS4. 23-24

Dees. Mrs. Morris S., Jr., MarS5. 35-36

defense contractors, fraudulent sales,

typical contributor, May84. 1S; wars,

JulSI, 12

Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, F79, 17

demographics, N76, 13; Negroes, May83,

Detroit News, Oc85, 21

Detroit, crime, F81, 14, 16, May811, 10­


Detroit, deterioration of, JunSO, 24-25,

- Jun84,30

defense contracts, Israel suppliers, Ju185,


defense expenditures. by country, Au81,

26; U.S .. N79, 10-11, MarS6. 36; world­

wide, Dc81 , 8-10

demonstrations, Washington (DC) 1983,

NeO, 20, F81, 22, MarS7, 23; Devil's

Night, FS4. 25, F86, 18; high-school

illiteracy, May86, 29; most polarizad

N83. 36; 1987. SS7, 16·17

city, Au8S, 29; murder rata, N87, 18;

Demosthenian Literary Society, ApSO, 27·
rapes, AuS4, 31; Renaissance Canter,

defense, federal budget, F85, 30

AuS2, 26, MarS7, 23; riots, MarS4, 18­
DeFilippo, Frank, D85. 24
Dempsey, Jack, Jul7S, 1S-19 19; student transcripts, Ju187, 20

Defoe. Daniel. Juln, 15, S85, 31

dengue fever, N80, 31
Deukmejian, George, Au82, 31, Jun83, 26,

DeFunis, Marco. S78, 11, Marn. 13

Denham, Marion A., Ju182. 6

DeGaeto, Anthony. Ju180, 18

Denikin, Anton I., May86, 9
Deutsch, Andre, Jul77, 9

Degler. Carl N., MarS7, 35

DeNiro, Robert. Negro families, Ja83, 24
Deutsch, Georgette, NS5, 32

Denmark, AuS2. 29, JaS3, 25; abortion Deutsch, Leon, JulSI, 20

degrees, foreigners, NS7, 26

rate, Oc83, 28; crime study, NS4,35; De~sch, lev,SS5,31
Degrelle, Leon, Ju183, 33, Jun8S, 11-12;
elections, N84, 24; female soldiers, Deutsche Volksunion, D87, 32

lawsuits, S86, 35, Ja87, 31

Ju185, 32; immigration, D86, 32-33; Deutscher, Albert, JaS3, 18, N83, 25

Dehen, Valentin, S86, 35-36

Jews, Dc83, 32, Mar85, 29; refugees, Deutschland uber Alles, S83, 23, JaS5,

Deir Yassin, Ja76, 17, Jul77, 18, Jul78, 6,

S85, 29; relations with S. Africa,Jun83, 34, D86, 35

- Au81,22

Del Rey,Judy-Lynn,F84, 17

Delbanco, Andrew, May87, 21

29, N87, 12; tax revolt, Jun79, 20; WWII,

Denneny, Michael, gay quote, Mar86, 35

Devaguet, Alain, Au86, 32

Devi, Savitri, Dc76, 10

Devil's Dictionary. The, S86. 16

DelcassEl, Theophile, N84, 31

Denning, lord, Jun83, 28
Devil's Island, Ap76, 9

- Delfont, Bernard, S77, 14, MarSO, 26,

Ap81 , 28, May83, 28

Delius, Frederick, May86, 12

Dennis. Eugene, Mar79, 13

Dennis, lawrence, F77, 19, Mar78, 27,

Ap80,18, AuB7,15

devolution (also see partition), Jun82, 32,

Jun83, 15; Boston, Jul86, 18; Britain,

F81, 36, Jun85, 34. Jul85, 8-9; Canada,


S8S, 31; criticism of, MarSS, 24; Europe,

Diedrich, John, Jun79, 20
Dispossessed Majority, The, D75, 19,

N84 9-10; Gorbachev suggestion,

Diem, Ngo Dinh, May76, 9 ?
Ja76. 22, F76. 19, Mar76. 19, Ap76, 12.

Ju187, 33; Negro separatism, 8S1,22,

Dien Bien Phu, May76, 9
17, 19, May76, 11,19. Ju176, 19. Oe76.

884, 13, D8S, 30; North America, DS1,

diesel fumes, MayS7, 13
19, N76, 11, D76, 24. May77, 24, Oe77,

10-11; North-umbria. N84, 10; provinces.

Dieskau, Baron de. AuS3, 21
7, Jun78, 23, Oc78, 17, Mar79, 6, 2S,

Au77. 18; Southwest, DS6. 10; U.8.,

diet, Oe7S, 10. ApS6. 12. D87, 24-26;
Ap79, 10, May79, 20, Oc79, 26. MarS5,

Ap76, 4-5, 18, 876, 19, Au77. S, 1S,

American, 881, 32
34, D8S, 13, May86, 23, MayS7, 7·S,

Mar80, 27, Oc80, 7, D81, 10-11, NS3,

Dieterle, Charles, FS2, 27
887, 11; ads rejected, Mar78, 28,Jun78,

15-16, F85, 14-15, Jul85, 40, F86, 18

Dietl, Marilyn. Ja79, 13
23, Au7S, 20, N80, 36, MarS!, 22;

Devonshire. Duchess of (see Deborah

Diff'rent Strokes, 8S0, 32, Jun84, 2S,
bookstores, Au87. 35; Britain, May78,

23; Canadian review, N80. 36;

Devonshire, Duke of, MarS6, 26

DiGenova, Joseph, Ap87, 16
censorShip, F78, 22, Au78. 20;

Dew, Thomas E., Ja78, 7

Diggs, Charles, F79, 17, 579, 17, Au78,
conversion weapon, N87. 36; criticism

Dewey, John, Jul76, 8, Jun79, 10, N79, 7,

12, Ja85. 38, Mar81, 31, Jun81, 31
of, F77, 23, Au79, 19, May8S, 23;

Dikko, Umaru, Oc84, 31
Economist critique, Mar79. 17; pro­
Dewey, Thomas, Jun76, 5, AuS5, 9-10,
Diksmulde, N77, 24
Nordicism, May83, 10; reviews, 8S1, 39­
Diky, Andrei, Jun78, 6, 16-17

Di Marzio, Nicholas, MarS6. 21

Dilk, David, May8S, 37
Disraeli, Benjamin, Jun 76, 10, AuSI, 6,

dialetical materialism. May79, B

Dillar, Barry, N83, 25

Diamond, Gary, N86. 31

Dilling, Elizabeth, Oc79, 8
Distillers Co., Jun87, 30

Diamond, John, D82. 18

Dillingham, Clarence, JuISI, 30
District of Columbia, Circuit Court, JaS1,

Diamond. 8tanley. May87, 10

Dillon, Bob, Ap84, 27
25; corruption, Ja87, 2S; crime. JaS6,

diamonds. Au80, 32, JaS7, 33. DS7, 29;

Dillon, Terry, Ja82, 11-12
26, Ja86, 29-30, F86. 17; federal

Australian mines, MayS2, 30; dealer

Dimbleby, David, Ja84, 28-29
funding, NS6, 30; Party registrants, FSS,

scams, AuS6, 20; Jewish swindles,

Dimona reactor, Mar8S, 6·7. D86, 25,
30; statehood, MayS2, 18, D83. 30,

Jun86, 37; murder in New York, OcS2,

Mar87, 33-34
Au85, 19; statistics, 886, 31

20; no sanctions. 8S6, 32; smuggling,

Dimont, Max, Ap78, 21; quote, OCS1. 16
Disuk, William, N87, 27

Dinarics, May78, 16, JunS4. 13-15
divorces, 885, 16. May87, 3D, MayB7, 32.

Diana, Princess of Wales, JunS1, 32. NS1.

Dine, Thomas A.. May84, 13, OcS7, 11, 17
Au87, 26; Canada, Mar84, 24;

2S. AuS4, 36-37. MarS6. 15, OcS7, 31;

DiN ella, Gilbert, Au86, 19
expenses, Aug84, 33; statistics. Oe87,

wedding, DS1, 26
Dinesen, Isak (Karen von Blixen). 579,21.

Diary of Anne Frank (also see Anne

Diwald, Hellmut, Au79, 10, D79. 5, JaS1,

Frank). F7S. 23. F79. 2S, N83, 34,

Dingle, Charles, 883, 33
14-15, Jul83, 32

MayS4, 12-13, 8S5, 21, DS6,23;

Dingle, Herbert, 877, 19
Dix, Byron, 880, 12

Australian play, DS3, 34; authenticity

Dingle, John, D86, 29
Dixie (the song), N76. 6, 17, 23, Ja76,

efforts, JaS6, 34; ballpoint pen, FS1, 21.

Dinitz, 8imcha, Jun76, 6

F86. 31; criticism of, N79, 16-17, MarSO,

Dinnan, James, N80, 35
Dixie (also see 8outh)

2S. JulSO, 36, AuS2, 32, OCS6, 34;

dinosaurs, extinction of, N80. 1S, NS5, 20
Dixmuide, D79, 24

lawsu~. N7S, 9; required reading, MarS3,

Dinstein, Yoram, JunS3, 17
Dixon. Thomas, Jr., D77, 7. Jun78, 9,

32; special edition. JunS6. 33. Jul87, 32­ Dio Cassius, Ja79, 6
Ap83, 19; on race betrayal, JunS5. 39;

33; to be republished, MaySI.36

Diocletian, NS1, 6
quote, Au83, 10

Diaspora, FS7, 33
diplomacy, faults, of, ApS1, 6-8
Dixon. Donald. Oc87, 28

Draz, Porfirio, Oc80, 16, Ap87, 9, JulS7, 7

diplomatic immunity, May87, 33, Jun87, 27
Dixon. John, 8S1, 25

Diaz, Robert, 881, 30

Dirac, Paul A., Oc7S, 6
Dixon, Julian, Ju187, 29

Dick. Wayne, JaS7, 35

Direct Action (terrorist group), MayS7, 34
Djibouti, turns away sick 8. African,

Dickens, Charles, Jul77, 15. MaySO. 30,

Director, Aaron, 8S7, 13

Directory of Rightwing Organizations, Djukic. Marco, Jun86, 35

Dickens. Geoffrey, Au81, 31

876, 19
DNA (also see mitochrondria), Jul76, 10,

Dickinson, Emily, May83, 18; poem, JuIB7,

Dirks, Raymond L., May77, 13
Jul77, 16-17, Au79, 25. Ja80, 23, Jun82,

36; quote. 880.21

dirty tricks, British WWII, D83, 19
13-14. Oc82, 16, F83. 15-17; blood test,

Dickinson, William L., Ja81, 34

Di8alle, Michael, Ja78, 14
D87, 31; research, MarS7, 35-36

Dicks, Terry, F87, 31

disarmament, propaganda in schools.
Dnieper Dam, AuS4, 22

Dickson, 8am G., May7S, 7, 18, JuI7S,

Dobb, Maurice, Ja84. 13

23, Oc78, 8, D7S, 27, JunS6, 40, JunS7,

Discovery Channel, JunS7, 26
Dobbs, Clark, Au86, 18

Discovery of the Unconscious, The, Dobeler, Czustar, Ap84, 29

Dickstein, Risa, MarS5, 27

Dobelle, Edith J .• N79, 21

dictatorship, future American, May85, 13

discrimination. N7S, 8, 22; antiwhite,
Dobin, Rubin. Ju181, 21

dictionaries, NS7, 23; definitions, May78,

885, 21 ; Koren-on-Negro, N87, 26
Dobrynin, Anatoly, Ja80, 22

12; satirical, 8S6, 16

diseases. African and Asian origin, ApS7.
Dobzhansky, Th., May76, 10, 18, Mar87,

Dicuil (Irish monk), Au87, 22

11·12; contagious, 879,16-17; genetic,

Did Six Million Really Die?, Ap79,32,

Ja86, 21. Mar87. 36, 8S7, 34; pretended
Doctorow. E. L., AuS2, 17

suffering, MayS7, 22-23
Dodd Mead, May80, 20

Didier, Christian, OeB7, 31

disfigurement, Au86, 21, OCS6. 32, JaS7.
Dodd, Christopher, F85, 37, Ja87. 13;

Die Afrikaner, DS6, 18

28, MayS7, 31, Au87, 19
drunken brawl, Ja86, 30; mugged, N83,

Die Hel1ige Familie, N76, 19

disinformation. DS6, 29

Die Judenfrage, Ap78,22

disinvestment, FS5, 30; poll. FS6, 19
Dodd, Thomas J., Ap77, 7, MarSO. 23

Die Walkilrie, JuISO, 22

Disney World, Epeot Center, Au87, 17
Dodds, Louis, 880, 24

Die Zeitbilhne. Au79, 21

Disney. Walt, FS3, 13·14, Ju185, 19;
Dodds-Parker, Douglas, D83, 19

Dieckman, Ed., Jr., D82, 32

distrusts Jews, Jul87, 17
Doe, 8amuel K.• FS1, 34, FS5, 34, OcS7,


Doron, Jacob, N77, 15
21, Mar82, 14, Jul85, 16, N85, 32

Doerfler, Raymond, May86, 14

Dorr, David R., Ap87, 15. Oc87, 35
Dreyfus Fund, 079, 15

Doeming, Karl, Jun80, 36

Dorsey, Hugh M., Au82, 19
Driberg, Tom, Jul81, 36, Ap84, 20, Jun85,

Doggett, lloyd, D84, 31

DOSSEl, Philip, N86, 18

dogs, Mar79, 28; shows in Britain, Jun87,

Dostoyevsky, Feodor. Mar77, 16-17,
Driesell, Lefty, Jul87, 20

Jun79,24,26,N79,22,Oc83,14,F85, Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre, N78, 10

Dohrn, Bernardine, F76, 3,16, F81, 22,

19; on Jews, OeS5, 11
Drinan, Robert F., Au80, 1B, JaS1, 8,

F85,20, Au85,31,S86,23
Doten, Uzzie, Oc7S, 24
0031,30, FS7, 20

Dokupil, Stanley, F82, 18

Dothan, Trude, Au83, 21
Driscoll, Everly, N81, 33

Dolan, Terry, Ap87, 28

Dotson, Betty Lou, F87, 28
driver's tests, multilingual, Ja84, 19

Dole, Elizabeth, Ja86, 36, May87, 30

Double Eagle, Ap77,7
Drosnin, Michael, Ju185, 29

Dole, Robert, D76, 12, Au78, 10, Mar82,

Double Helix, The, Juln.16-17
Drucker, Deborah J., Mar84, 31

23, Au82, 21, F84, 15, Ju186, 30, May87, double loyalty, Jul81, 22, Mar87, 20
Drucker. Peter, OcSO, 29

30, Jul87, 13, 587, 11

Doubleday Co., Ju186, 7
Druckman, Chaim, Ap87, 32

Dolet, Etienne, 580, 14

Douglas, C. H., F79, 28, Mar83, 24
drug abuse, Oc78, 16

Dolivet, Louis, Ja84, 15

Douglas, Fred, Mar84, 26
drug addicts, Ja80, 24, F86, 33, 586, 32

Dollar Grin, Ap79, 12

Douglas, Helen Gahagan, S80, 8
Drug Enforcement Agency, DB6, 11

dolls, handicapped, N86, 20; racial, Ja86,

Douglas, Janet, 582, 11
drug traffic, DB5, 22; Britain, Jun85, 35,

24; studies, S78, 14

Douglas, Kirk, May81, 30, S81, 31, S83,
Ap86, 29, MarB7, 28, D87, 31 ;

Doman, Glen J., D76, 6

33,Ap85,7 Caribbean. JulSS, 33; Mexico, D86, 11 ;

Dombalis, Constantine M., Jun84, 20

Douglas, Stephen A., May80, 14-15, S87, Miami, OcB6, 14-15

Dombroff, Richard, Oc86, 31

drug traffickers, Oc83, 30, MarS4, 26,

Dombrowski, Jerzy, Oc84, 32

Douglas, Walter D., Jul82, 15
Aug84,33, S84. 31, D84, 30, F85,31,

Dome of the Rock, N84, 5-6; attacked,

Douglas, William 0., Oc76, 9, JulSO, 25,

Ju183, 34. Ju184. 35

Au80, 6-7, AuS1, 33, MayS5, 37, NS7. Mar87, 29, N87, 19·20,27, D87. 30;

Domenici, Pete, Au84, 15

1S; porn article. Jun86, 25
Africans, F87, 29; athletes, Ju187, 2B;

Domesday Book, Au87. 29

Douglass, Frederick, F78, 11, Jun81, 6
Atlanta, JuIB7, 14, Au87. 18: bosses,

dominance, May83, 17·18

Dow Jones Inc., Jun76, 7, N84, 20, MarS7,
N84. 30; Colombian Jew, Mar86. 31;

Dominelli, J. David, Oc84, 29, Au85, 11

district attorney, 587. 27; expelled from

Dominguez, Jesus, N84. 30

Dowell, Coleman, N85, 28
Franca, MayS7. 34; Israelis. May86, 30.

Dominguez. Jorge, Mar82, 28

Dower, John W., ApB7, 19
May87. 32; Jamaicans, JunS7. 27;

Dominica, right-wing takeover plot. S81,

Dowling, John C., May85, 31
Jews, OcSl, 30, May82, 15; lawyers,

- 21,Ja82,22,S84,27
Dominican RepUblic, Mar79, 5, D86, 37;
Haitian slaves, Ap83, 27

Domitian, Oc78, 19

Down's Syndrome victims, Ja79, 14,


Downer, James, Au81, 13

Downey, Morton, Jr., N84. 21

Oc83, 29; Negroes JuISI. 30

drugs (also see marijuana), F76, 15;

addicts and crime rate, Au81, 29;

consumption, N87, 26; cost of, SB2, 26,

Domitrovic, Gerald, Oe78, 28D78, 17

Doyle. A. Conan, Ja78, 9, 24. Ju178. 17,
N83, 31; favored by psychoanalysts,

- Donaghue, Ethel F., Au87, 27

Donahue, James, F80, 21

Donahue, Phil, SS3, 12, DS3, 20-21,

Au78, 17. Oc78, 22

Doyle, Francis, Jun83, 22

Doyle, Richard J., D84, 32

Jun78, 13; Europe, Ja86, 31; for racists,

579, 16; genetic factor, N87, 34; heroin

addicts, Ja86, 29; high schools, JulBI.

May8S, 25, Jul86, 20, Jun87, 26, D87, Dozier. James, JunB2, 20, JunB3, 30
31; in missile silo, SB4, 27; sports, S86,

Dozier, William, N82, 16
32; varying racial effects, July86, 36

Donaldson, Ivanhoe, Ap86, 29

Dr. Love (see Leo Buscaglia)
Drumont, Edouard. D7B, 12

Donaldson, Joseph, May80, 6-7

Dr. Who (TV show). S83, 36
drums, N86, 6-8

Donaldson, Norman, Ap7S, 9

Dracula, F80, 11-12
Drunen, Newton van, Ja84, 20

Donaldson, Sam, May83, 31. Oc85, 30

draft, Oc81, 18-19; dodgers, 0031, 30,
drunk drivers, N86, 31

Donatello. June83, 10-11

Ja83, 23; registration, Au79, 21 ••lulB2, Druse,F79, 27, F84,32,Ap85,22

Donitz, Karl, Mar81, 9

Druyan. Ann (Mrs. Carl Sagan). Ap81 , 4,

Donkin, Rufus, F77, 6, F78, 18

Dragan, Constantin, Jun85, 36

Draiman, Yehuda, Au85, 31
Dryden, John, Juln, 5, Mar84, 22, Jul85,

Donnelly, Alvin, May84, 11

Drake, Francis, Mar83, 13

Donner, Patrick, N85, 30-31

Drama Circle, AuB3, 32
Du Bois, W.E.B., F77, 20, , D78, 22, Ja79,
Donovan, Hedley, F78, 2. 578, 18, Au79,
drama. Jul77, 17; anti-racism, F79, 18;
10, Oc79, B
criticism, D75, 10; decline of, D82, 20; du Sable, J. B. P.. SS5, 17

Donovan. Ray. D84,21,Ja85, 20

Jewish influence, F79, 18
dual loyalty, Ju186, 17

Donovan, Robert J., Mar78, 27

dream merchants, F85, 12-13
Duarte, Jose N., S84, 31

Donovan, William J .• F80, 22

dreams, F86, 19
Dubs, Ernest, Jun84. 1S, N85, 2B, MayS7,

Dontzin, Michael, MarSI. 23

Dreger, R. M., ocn, 26

Dooley, Vince, Ja78, 20

Dregger, Alfred, ApS7, 31
Dubicki, Leon, JulS3, 33·34

Doonesbury, N85, 21
Dresden Requiem. JuIS2, 32
Dublin, ApB1, 25, Ap84, 14

Dora (concentration camp), F79, 8, F85,

Dresden, Jun 76, 18, Jul79, 1S. 21 ;
Dubois, Marcel J., N82, 10

bombed, Au85, 29, 585, 29, Jul86, 7,
Duchamp, Marcel, Ap7S, 21, ApSS, 20

Dorfman, Allan, Ap83. 20, Ja84, 19,

F87, 36, SB7, 20; rebuilding of, Oc81, 32
Dudas, Joseph,Ja84,30

dress codes, JunB1. 31

Dorfman, Arial, N87, 32

Drew, Charles, NB2, 19, OcB7, 15
Duffy, Charles G., D81, 28

Dorians, S77, 10, 27, Oc85, 13

Drew, Elizabeth, D86, 28, Au87, 6
Duffy. John and Austin, Jun86, 36

Dornan, Robert K. Ju179, 10, May82, 13,

Drew, Nancy, AuB1, 22
Duffy, P.G., OcBO, 28

Oc85, 31, F86, 27, May86, 27; worries

Drexel Burnham Lambert, Ja87, 8, F87, 17
Dufy, Elinor, S81, 40

Jews, May86, 27, S86, 34

Dreyfus Affair, Ap76, 9, N76, 10, Jul79, 6,
Duggan, Tom, May78, 9


Duhring. Eugen. Ap7S. 8, 21·22

Dworkin, Ronald, Ja78, 12
Eckolvy. David, Ap86, 29
Dukakis. Kitty. MarS4, 26. JuIS7. 28;
Dyadkin, Josef, DS4, 29
ecologists. Mar86, 11·12
addiction, SS7, 12
Dybbuk, DS7, 32-33
ecology, threatened, N8S, 20, 085,20
Dukakis. Michael S., Dcn. 2S. JuIS7, 13,
Dyer, Gwynn, May79 , 13, Ap8S. 34, 086,
Economic Consequences of the Peace,

JuIS7. 2S; Demo primary. DS7, 7;

The, May77,22

masquerades as Jew. MarS4. 26; pro­

Dyer, Reginald, Jul83, 13-14
economic depression, S80, 24

gay, SS7. 1H2; Salem witch. S87. 2S

Dyess, Colonel, N83, 18
economic development, F77, 11

Duke University. 0e7S. 23

Dylan, Bob, Mar77, 7, 18-19, F80, 25, 080,
Economic Man, F76, 4. 17

Duke. Charles, Au8D. 29

14, Au84, 22, DS7, 21; astronaut quote,
economic plans, Jewish influence, Dc82,

Duke, David. Mar78, 28, May79, 27,


Jun79, 31-32, S79, 28, F80, 28, N8D. 34.

Dymally, Mervyn, Oc79, 11, JuISI, 17,
economic survey. U.S., Mar83, 22-23

MaySI, 36, Jun81, 35, 083, 36, 085. 2D,

DcS4, 8, Jul87, 29; on Black Hebrews,
economics, N76, 9,21, Apn, 14-15,

Dc86,31 May77. 8,22, Ap80, 1S·17, Ja82, 13;

primary, AuS7, 34. S87, 33, Oc87, 34,

Dymshitz, Benjamin, S78, 12
free market, May82, 11-12; maverick

D87, 6; in Canada, JulSO, 33-34; in

Dyna-Soar project, Ju180, 10
theory, Jun81, 22-23; Quigley's

Forsyth, SS7, 33; platform, DS7, 6

Dynast~ Ap8S, 16,N86,28
comments, Ja85, 27; race, D7S, 3,16­
Duke. Doris. F7S, 11
dysgenics, 079, 18, Mar82, 1S-16, N82,
18; world problems, DeSS, 33

Duke, Stan, ApS7, 2S

19, Au8S, 35
Economist, The, S77, 12, Mar79, 17;

Dukes, Hazel, insults Reagan, ApS1, 26

dyslexia, May82, 5
criticizes Begin, NS1, 33; favorite

Dukes, Paul, DS4. 10

Dyson, Freeman, S84, 32, DS4, 21
country, May84, 23

Dulles, Allen, clears Castro. JuI8S. 37

Dzerzhinsky, Felix, Ja76, 8
economists, minority, Ja76, 5, 19-21

Dulles, John Foster, ApS6, 7; on Jewish

economy, countries compared, S79, 19;

influence, Mar82, 29; quote, S86, 39

Dumas, Alexandre (pare and fils), F7S, 11

state of, DS5, 9; underground, NS4, 28

ecosystems, 085, 20

Dumazil, Georges, JaSO, 1S, NS4, 24

E.T. (movie), 082,20, Mar83,18-19, N83,
ectomorphy, S81, 1H2

Dumont, Gerard, FS3, 31, JaS6, 32

21, JulS4, 2S, MayS6, 10
Eddas, NS1, 7

Duncan, Brooke H., Oc82, 26

Edelman, Asher, F87, 17

Eagle, Jack, AuS1, 30
Edelman, Marek, JulS3, 33

Dunhill. Bruce. JunS3, 30

Eagleburger, Lawrence, Mar83, 17, Jul86,
Edelsberg, Herman, F81, 23

Dunkelman, Ben. AuS4, 17

Edelstein, David, Ja87, 21

Dunlap, Daryl, DcS2, 32

Eagleton, Thomas, FS3, 30
Edelstein, Moshe, Jun87, 31

Dunlap, Knight, MarS3, 7

Eain, Ziad Abu, AuS1, 34
Eden, Anthony, 5S1, 27, MarS6, 26,

Dunleavy, Steve, ApS3, 19

earthquakes, S77,27
May87, 33; son died of AIDS, JaS6, 20­
Dunn, Bob and lone, Ja82, 31
East Africa, British reconquest, JaS3, 22

Dunn, Father C., 075, 19

East Asia. blond ism, Oc82, 32
Eden, Morton, N77, 6

Dunn, R. E, 083, 31
East Baltic (race). JunS4. 13-15
Eder, Gary D., Jun87, 20

Duong, Huy N., Jun85, 32

East Chicago (IN), May84, 24
Edict of Nantes, SSO, 15

Duprat, Franc;ois, Jul78, 15-16, Oc78, 27,

East Germans, Oc77. 27
Edinburgh, Duke of, N80, 23, N86, 27

East Germany (see German Democratic
Edinburgh, Jul81, 27; AIDS and drugs.

Duque, Alberto, Oc86, 15

JunS7, 31; browning of, FS7, 31;

Durant, Ariel, DcS3, 6-8

East Prussia, S81, 34-35; Russian
nonwhites, JaS7, 29

Durant, James and Kathleen, Au86, 32

atrocities, Dc79, 15
Edmond, Rosa, 086,31

Durant, Will, May76, 4, Dc83, 6·8

East, John P., MarS3, 32
Edmonds, Richard, Dc86, 33

Duranty, Walter, Ja76, 8, N77, 8, 086.29,

Easter Island, 081. 13, 082, 24, Jun80,
Edmonds, Vernon, AuS4, 42

Jun87, 17
16, Fa5; German settlers. F85, 32-33
Edmonton, JulSI, 2S, Mar87, 24

Durbin. Richard. N83, 25. 0e84. 8

Eastern Europe, post-WWII returnees,
education, Jun76, S-9, Dc76, 4, 14-15,

Durenberger, David, May86. 29, N86, 31.

MarS7, 27; pro • Ap81, 29; religious
N76, 10, N79, 27, ApS2, 12; academic

Jun87, 15. Ju187, 29, S87, 27; sins of,

denominations ay82, 30
performance, 0e79, 26, JulSS, 13;

Eastern Europeans, harassed in U.S.,
activists' priority, JunS5, 9-10;

Durkheim, Emile. Ja77, 18, S79,7

JulS5, 3S·39, JulS7, 21
affirmative action suits, JaS4, 20; Allan

Durr, Gunter, May86, 32

Eastern Orthodox Church, Jul78, 10
Bloom's criticism, Dc87, 20; anti­
Durrell, Gerald, N80, 23
Eastland. James, Jun86, 34
patriotic, NS6, 21; bias, N87, 22-23;

Durrell, Lawrence, N80, 23

Eastman School of Music, Ja7S, 11,24
Canada, S84, 28; character building,

Durst. Mose, Dc81 , 36, F82, 19, S85, 29,

Eastman, Max, JunS6, 18
May79, 9, 25·26; cheating, SSO, 22,

Eastwood, Clint, MayaS, 20
Aug83, 28; Compton school failure,

Dusan, Bruce van, F84. 26

Eaubonne, Franc;oise d', ocn, 6
Oc81 , 15-16; cost, Dc76, 4; crime

Dusenbury, Carlisle C., Oc77, 23·24

Eaves, Eric J., Aug83, 27
correlations, S79, S-9; criticism, S77, 7;

Dutch Reform Church, Jun7S, 19, JulS2,

eavesdropping, electronic, SS1, 16
dishonest grades, F87, 35-36; double

29, Ap86, 16
standard, Oc77, 14; downgrading West,

Dutourd, Jean, Dc80, 31

JulS6, 1S; dropouts, MarS6, 30; dropouts

Dutschke, Rudi, Jun79, 16, Oc78, 25,

Ebans, Ronald, S85, 16-17
by race. JulS7, 27; enrolees by race,

Ebel, Henry. 078, 14
F85, 30; falling standards, JunS4, 17,

Dutt, C. Palme, N83, 11

Ebens, Ronald, S87, 34
SS5, 35; federal expenditures, N77, 14;

Dutton & Dutton (law firm), NS3, 19-20

Eberstadt, Nick, S76, 5, 16
feminizing effects, F79, 10, 23-24,

Duvalier, Jean-ClaUde, OcSO, 29, MayS6,

Ebert, Roger, ApS5, 28, Ja87, 26
N79, 13·14; firings in Britain, 084,33;

34, Jul86, 31, 086,30,086,37

Ecclesia (Negro cult). S87, 16
fraud, ocn, 14; Georgia, Jul78, 11;

Duvall, Robert, S84, 25

Echeverria, Luis, Jul85, 14, Ap87, 9·10
grades, 084, 3D, Jul86, 30;

Duzy, Michael A., 076, 17

Eckerd, Jack, S76, 11
handicapped, Ja86, 10; Hirsch's

Dworkin, Gary, Mar86, 21

Eckhart, Meister, Ap84. 24
criticism, Oc87. 20-21; illegal aliens,


Ja84, 26; illiterate teachers, May80, 20;
interracial dating, N8S, 36; Jews, De77,
Ehrlich. Jake, Au87. 24
Ehrlich, Paul. Ja78, 14
elderly (see senior citizens)
Eldracher, Theodore, May87. 17
14; links to crime, Ap79, 9, 28-30; Ehrlich, Richard. 081, 18 Eldredge, Niles, Jul87, 6

- literacy, Ap84, 26; low quality pupils,

N80, 20; Majority members, Ap79, 31;
minority teachers, Dc77, 14; minority
students, JaBS, 32; multicultural, Mar84,
Ehrlichman, John, Ja77, 5, 17. S87, 12
Eibl-Eibesfeldt. Irenaus, Au76. 16
Eichhorn, David M., Mar79, 18, De87. 11­
elections, 080, 6-S; financial
contributors, Jul82, 25; Jewish winners,
Ja83, 13, Mar8S, 20, Ja87, 12; minority
party returns, F81, 17; Majority activists,

- 31; national comparisons, Ju186. 29

education, Negro performance, NBS, 36,
DB5, 19, F86. 29, Mar86, 30, N86, 30;
nonwhites, Jul80, 19; outrageous
Eichler, Richard. 075, 10
Eichmann trial, 078, 20, Mar85, 3D, Jul8S,
Eichmann, Adolf. 075. 8, Mar87. 9; film
Ap81 , 11-12; primaries Calif., JU182. 31
elections 1972, presidential, 075, 4
elections 1976, congressional Ja77, 12
elections 1978, Georgia summary, De78,
instruction, NBS, 36; perversion of. biography, N80, 31; kidnapping, Ja82, 8; Dregon summary, De78, 8
Mar84, 31; problems, MarS7, 10-11; 10 elections 1980. Jul80, 28, Au80, 17-18,
quotas, Dc77. 14, Ju178. 11, S7B, 201 Eikerenkoetter II, Frederick J., Mar76. 6. 580,7-9,18, Dc80. 17-18, N80, 5-8,
reforms, Au77, 11, Dc77, 14; reverse 18 Ja81, 6-8, F81, 16-18; air time

- discrimination, F86, 291 salaries, May8S,

30; state of, S83, 18-19; teachers
unions, F86, 13-14; U.S., Ja86, 9-11;
women, Ap83, 12
Eilberg, Joshua, 077, 11, Au78, 12, F79,
17. Dc79. 10,Au8S,31
Einsatzgruppen, May81, 32
Einstein Myth and the Ives Papers, The,
compared, Dc80, 17; Christians, S80,
18; expenditures, Ap82. 27; summary,
Ja81. 26; vote rate, Jun87, 27; voting
patterns, Ja81, 8

- educational ratings, by ancestry group,

Educational Testing Service, Jun8S, 21,
F87, 28; affirmative action tests, Jun85,
21; Negro execs, Mar87, 28
F80, 15-16
Einstein, Albert (also see relativity), F76,
9, Jun76, 7, De76, 6,16, Mar77, 8,
Jun77, 14.577,12,18. Mar79, 17,
Jun79, 13,579,5,9, F80, 15-16, Ja84.
elections 1982. 082, 14; primaries,
May82, 12-13, Au82, 31; results, Ja83,
elections 1984, attitudes. N84. 36;
"fairness," Mar86, 30; candidates,

- educationists, Au77, 11
Edward I, expulsion of Jews, Au80, 29
Edward VII, Ap77, 23, Ja81, 33, Ja87, 10­
11, JuIB7, 30; Jewish cireie, ApB4, 12,
14, F84, 13, Au8S, 16, Jun87, 21, Jul87,
6; bomb letter sold. May87, 30; domestic
relations, Jul87, 19; false prophecy,
May85, 28; liberalism, Dc8l, 36; name
Jun84.1 0-12. 584, 10-11; Jewish
money, Jun84, 12; Majority elections
1984. presidential debates, N84, 36;
presidential, Oem. Nat. Com. rules,

- N84, 31-32, Jun87. 16

Edward VIII, see Duke of Windsor
Edwards, Blake, Ap84, 27, Jun87, 19
Edwards, Don, JunB4, 30
licensed, Dc85, 21; one-man show, N81,
18; pacifism, 081,16; undisturbed by
German famine, 078. 19
Eisen, Murray, Ja8S, 31
Ju182. 18; primaries, May83, 5-6;
ummary, 084, 40, Ja8S, 40, Ap8S, 17;
vice-presidential debate. N84, 36; voter
turnout, Mar8S, 27

- Edwards, Earl. 087, 20 Eisen, Rick, May82, 16 elections 1986. Ja87. 12-13;
Edwards, Edwin, S87, 28 Eisenberg, Josef, Jun86. 37 afterthoughts, F87. 19
Edwards, Ernest A., Jr., D8S. 22, May86, Eisenberg. Saul, May80, 22, Jul83, 34 elections 1987-88, Jun87. 21, Jul87, 13,
29 Eisenhower Commission on Crime, S76, 10 087.6-7; candidates and Israel.

Edwards, Harry, Ja81. 25. De87, 9 Eisenhower Foundation, Au8S, 19 087, 6; immoral candidates, 087, 7
Edwards, Larry, F86. 28 Eisenhower, David, May87, 26 elections 1988 presidential, warmup,
Edwards, Lonnie C., Dc87, 28 Eisenhower, Dwight D., Jul76, 7, 14 Dc86,9-10
Edwards. Mickey. Ja8S, 40. Ap85, 28, Jun77,9, 078. 21,De83. 16, Jun85,38, elements, French magazine. Jun76, 3,
Ja87, 12; conversion, Ap81, 26 De86, 8, May87, 26-27, May87, 33 N78, 24, S80, 14, May85, 34-35

- Edwards, Ron, May86, 1S

Edwards, Ruth Dudley, Ju187. 31
Eller, John, Ap85. 29
Eisenhower, Julie, May81, 5
Eisenhower, Mamie, Au79, 1S, Mar82, 23
Eisenmenger, Johann A., Jun80, 33
Elephant Man, N87. 16
Elfin, Mel, Jul87, 27
Elgar, Edward, Mar80, 27
Efraim, Ben. Mar82, 27 Eisner, Michael, F85, 31, Jul8S, 33. Au86, Eliason, Alan, 086, 13, Au87. 12

- Elroinson. V. P.• JaS6, 19

egalitarianism, Ap77, 8-11, N7S, 10
JunSO, 27, Mar83, 9, Au85. 7-S
Egan, John. JaS4. 17,FS4, 14
Eisner, Will, N87, 18
Eitan, Rafi, Ap83, 31, May83, 30. Mar84,
29, Dc85, 33, S86, 12, Mar87, 20, S87,
Elicofon, Edward, Ap82, 11
Eliot. George, Jul77, 1S
Eliot, T. S.,Jul77, 15, S78. 18-19, Dc7a,
26, N78, 13, F79, 11. Ja81, 26-27. F8S,
Eggleston, George T., F80, 20 1S; N87, 30-31; quote, Ap84, 15 21; May8S, 11; anti-Semitism, F79, 22,
Egoff, Sheila, 084, 32 Eitzen, Stanley, Dc87, 9 Jul79, 21, Jun8S, 24-2S; quote, Dc83.
egoism, Jun86, 9-10; Majority and Eizenstat, Stuart, Au79. 17, Ja80, 25, 35
minority, Au85, 12-13 Mar85, 16, S85, 23 Elizabeth (Russian empress), Jun78, 6
Egypt (ancient), Ap76, 8. Jul77, 7, S77, EI AI Airlines, Ap82. 17, Jun86. 2S. N8G, Elizabeth I, F79, 11; black teeth, Ja80, 29
10, 27, Ap84. 25; anti-Semitism, Dc82 , 22 Elizabeth II, Ap77, 23, 077, 10, Au84. 29­
20; Nordic Pharaohs. MaySI. 23 EI Paso, Jul87, 8 30; bedroom intruder, 082, 25, Jul83, 29;
Egypt, Ja76, 3,15. JuI7B. 22, 081, 6-7; EI Salvador, Ju180. 33, N80, 31, Jun82, descendant of Mohammed, Ja87, 30;
Jewish attack on U.S. library, N78, 11; 11, De83, 36, Au86, 18-19; adoption LaRouche charges, Jun86, 39; visit to
19S6 attack on, De78, 17, May87, 33; practices, Ap86, 34; atrocities, Mar81, India. May84, 28; wealth, N87, 26
overseas workers, 082, 28-29; 32-33; death squads, Au84, 32; guerrilla Elizabethan dramatists, Ja77, 20
problems. Dc8S, 33-34; racial types, war, S84, 31; Israeli connection, F86, Elkabach, J.·P., 079, 27
Mar78, 13; relations with U.S., Jun81, 22, 38; media portrayal, May81, 33; political Elkin, Saul, N84, 19
Au84, 20, Ja8S, 7; religious intolerance, history, 081,32; rebels' support, Ap81, Elkins, Michael, Jun86, 38
N81, 33, De81, 32-33; Sinai. 082, 28-29 19. May82. 19; refugees in U.S., N86, Elkon, Yaakov, Dc84, 27
Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. Ja79, 6, 22, 12; U.S. leftists, Mar81 , 33; U.S. Ellenberger, Henri F., Au79, 9, Mar80, 20
Mar79, 24, Jun79, 12. Jul79, 9, Au79, 16 relations, Jun81, 23 Ellenstein, Jean, F80, 28
Egyptians, Jun84, 34 EI-Ad, Avri, Jun81, 22 Ellerin, Betty W., De84, 18
Ehrenberg. lIya, Dc79, 1S EI-Asmar, Fouzl. N79, 2S Ellery. Mary, Jul87, 30-31
Ehrhardt. Arthur, Mar77, 20 Elam, Yigal, 581, 36-37 Ellett, Julianna, Au85, 30

Ellin, Stanley, 083,18-19
Erickson, James, Ap80, 28

Elliott, Mark, 078, 28

English National Party, 081, 33
Ericsson, Leif, Mar79, 16, Au87, 22

Elliott, Maxine, 075, 12-15

English, Jim, MarB4, 32
Erikson, Erik, Au77, 11

Elliott, Osborne, JuIBI, 17-18

English, May87, 10; etymology, Jun83,
Ernst, Max, Ap78, 21

Ellis, Havelock. Ap78, 23, N8S, 6

27-28; official U.S. language, May87, 10;
Ernst, Morris, N78, 22, Ju186, 19

Ellis, Kenneth, 578, 11

outnumber Germans in U.S., Ja84, 6-7;
Ernst, Siegfried, Mar87, 33

Ellis, Nancy Bush, Mar85,18

Proposition 63, Mar87, 36; standardized,
Errichetti, Angelo, Ja81, 24

Ellsberg, Daniel, attends orgy, Oc80, 29

Erstein, Hap, Jun87, 18

Ellsberg, Oaniel, Jun76, 7, Ju176, 14,

Englishmen, criticism of, Ja81, 27; new
Ertegun, Ahmed, 080, 13

JUn79, 19, Mar8S, 21, Oc86, 32

definition, OcB1, 29-30; traits, Oc81 , 28,
Ertman, Eric, 083, 35, Ju184, 32-33

Ellsberg, Mrs. Oaniel, Oc80, 29

Ervin, Sam. Oc87, 14

Elman, Philip, Jun87, 20

Ennes, James M., Jr., MayBO, 22, Ju180,
Erzberger, Matthias, F78. 20

Elmer. Evelyn, Oc78, 27

Esau, Ja81, 21,F87,33

Elmer. Glaister, Oc78, 27

lecture tours, Mar83, 32
Escambia High School, May76, 19

Elmeshad, Yahia, Oc80, 30

Enrico, Roger, 586. 31
Escobedo, Oanny, May84,26,Ja86,30

Elmhirst, Jerry, Ja84, 12

Ensslin, Gudrun, Ja7l 8,23
Esher, Viscount (see Reginald Brett)

Elovitz, Paul H., 078, 14

Entebbe rescue, Oc79, 28
Eshkol, Levi. 585, 31; quote, Ja82, 19

Elson, Edward, 077, 12

entrapment, ApS1, 21, Jun81, 15-16, N81,
Eskimos, Jul76, 10, Au82, 29, May86, 28;

elves, Oc79, 12·14

25, Ja82, 11-13, Oc82, 27, OB6, 39,
alcoholism, 580, 17

Emelyanov, Valery, Au78, 11, Mar79, 28,

Oc87, 35; of right-wing journal, Ja84, 20
ESM Government Securities, Au8S, 11,

enviromentalism, May82, 5; critics of,

Emerging Republican Majority, The, Jul77,

Mar87, 35·36
Esmail, Sami, Ap79, 32. May78, 23

environment, F76, 4; African destruction.
ESP (see extrasensory perception)

Emerson, Henry E., Jun77. 18

Ap86, 15; decline of, N8S, 20; sexual
Espionage magazine, Jun87, 32

Emerson, Ralph W., 077, 12, Ap80, 20,

effects, F79, 10
Espiritu Santo (Vermarana). N80, 22

S81, 9, Jul82, 16, Au82, 6·7, Oc83, 14,

Environmental Fund, The, N76, 13, Jun82,
Esposito, Meade, 087, 18

JuI8S, 6; Jun87, 15; quote, S83, 18,

31, Oc82, 27, Mar86, 36
esprit de corps, Ja83, 27

N8S, 9; supports John Brown, Ja77, 23

environmentalists, recant, May8S, 38
Esquire, N8S, 7

Emerson, Sally, F81, 27

Ephemerides, 580, 14-15
Esselstyn, June, Ja8S, 5

Emery, Alan, Jun78,23

Ephrati, Eliahu, N87, 28
Essen, Louis, Mar77, 8, Jun77, 14,577,

emigration, from U.S., JuI8S, 32

Ephron. Nora, Jul84, 16-17

Eminescu, Mihal, 584, 29, Jun85, 36

Episcopal Church, N8S, 24
Essen, Richard, N86, 31

Emmett, Daniel, N76, 6, 17

Episcopalians. 077, 13, F78, 10, Jun79,
Essenes, FS2, 32, N84, 34; scrolls, F82,

Emmett, Jay, Jun81, 30

18, JunB7, 19; political preferences,

Empir9 of th9 Mass9s. 583, 14-16

Jun79, 18
Essex, Mark, Ja85, 10

Empif9 Strik9S Back, Th9, Oc80, 18

Epstein, Benjamin R., Mar79, 16
e.st (cult), May8S, 32

empires, decline of. 586, 24-25

Epstein, Cynthia F., MaySO, 21
Estaing, Giscard d', Mar84, 29

employment figures, Mar8S, 19

Epstein, Israel, Jun77, 12, F84,30
Estes, Billy Sol, calls LBJ of murderer,

Emrich, Sidney, 084, 30

Epstein, Jacob, 579, 9, Mar81 , 31
AuS4, 23, N8S, 28

encephalitis, May87. 25
Epstein, Noel, Oc84, 29
Estes. Richard, May83, 19

Encyclopaedia Britannica, N76, 10, 577,

Epstein, PaulS., May78, 22
Estes, Simon, JulBO, 22, Jul84, 34, N82,

18; various editions, Ja83, 14, FS3, 19­ Epstein, Pinchas, May87, 13

Epstein, Sidney, JunSO, 29
Esther (Book of), Au87, 19

end days, 080, 26

Epton, Bernard, MayS3, S, June83, 8-9
Esther, Queen, JuI8S, 22

endangered species, N8S, 20

Eptstein, Seymour, F87, 36
Estling, Ralph, Au83, 14·15

Enders, John F., OSS, 24

EQ (encephalization quotient), Ju187, 7
Estonia, future independence, N84 9

Enders, Thomas, N8S. 33

Equador, MarS6, 9
Estrada, Erik, Ja81, 32, Ju181, 20

endogamy,S7S, 14,JunSS, 31
Equal Employment Opportunity
Eternal Man, The, Jun76, 3

Endotronics. Au87, 28
Commission, Ap76, 7, S7S, 10; harasses
ethical idealism, Au85, 7·8

energy, Mar80. 22
auto industry, F81, 22; internal
ethics (also see morality), Mar76, 7, 8,

Engel, Saul, OS1, 32

discrimination, CeS3, 2S; lawsuits,
Ap77, 5, 21, Au80, 10, Mar83, 8-9;

Engelmeyer, Shelley, N87, 33

Jewish, Jun87, 28; of survival, Mar87,

Engels, Charles, 585. 28

Equal Rights Amendment, F76, 16, Ja81 ,

Engels, Friedrich, May 76, 5, 18, N76, 19,

22,081,9·10, May83, 17, Ja84, 21;
Ethiopia, May76, 6, 17,577, 13, Jun78,

F77, 20, Au77, 16, Ap78, 8, 21-22,

favors boycotts, ApS2, 20
14, F85, 35-36, Jun8S. 36-37; aid to,

NS6, 31; Cuban troops, F84, 30;

12-13, JunSS, 9-19, FS7, 8-1°

Ju179, S, Ja80, 13, Jun81 , 6, ApSS,

engineering schools, doctorates, 08S. 30

equality, Ap76, 8, 078. 2B; critics, May82,


Equalizer, The, JaS7, 26

deforestation, 585, 35; famine Mar8S,

31, Jul85, 18, S85, 33

engineers, MayS3, 13-14; by country,

Equitorial Guinea, 085, 34, Oc77, 28, 579,
Ethnic Almanac, 581, 22

ethnic defense, Mar85, 18

England (also see Britain). Au77, 8;

Equity Funding Corp., 076, 18, 086. 28.
ethnic groups, F81, 20; attitudes toward,

Celticized, N84, 32; population shifts.

JaS7, 24; Euro·American, Au84, 42;

OS1, 33; 17th century freeze, 585, 31

ERA (see Equal Rights Amendment)
political loyalties, Ja83, 25; protected,

English First, May87, 11

Erasmus. Lucas. Ap86, 20
Au83, 20, Au87, 23; U. S. Census, 082,

English Gentleman. The. F84. 9

Erdmann Martin, 584, 27

English language (also see U.S. English),

Erdstein. Erich, Jul87, 20-21
ethnic humor, Mar78, 26; limitations, N83,

May77, 23,579,15, May8S, 12, JunBS,

Ereb, Irit, 586, 12

21; American version, Au82, 12;

Erhard, Werner H., May85, 32
ethnic intimidation, May85, 31

attacked, Jun79, 16; Yiddish-isms, 082,

Eric the Red, Au87, 22
ethnic slurs, Ap85, 23, Jul85, 6, 587, 16;


against Germans, F84, 26; against goys,

S84, 28; against Negroes, Oc87, 27; by

Evans, Roland, Ap86, 35

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., N86, 7


juror, F87, 29
Evanston (ILl, F84, 18
Faberge, Jul79, 12

ethnic stereotypes, F86, 15

Evatt, Herbert V., F79, 28
Fabian, Jean, 086,31
ethnic switching, Ja85, 31
Evening News Association, Oc85, 21
Fabius, Laurent, S84, 7, Ja86, 32, Jun86,

ethnicity, Mar76, 7-8

Everleigh Club, Jul78, 18

ethnics, Ap77, 4, 19-20, N85, 21

Evers vs. Jackson, Jun77, 5
Fable, Ernie, 087, 10

ethnohistory, German and Jewish, .lu187,

Evers, Charles, Oc76, 8, F78, 11, 083, 15,
Fackenheim, Emil L., Ju187, 13

Factor, John, May84, 26

ethnology, Oc78, 14
Evers, Medgar, Jul80, 8
Factor, Max, May84, 26

ethology, F80, 23
Evershed, Ray, N85, 27
Factsheet Five, May87, 40

Eton, N87, 22
Evert, Angelos & Miltiades, F87, 33
Fadiman, Clifton, Au76, 9, 078, 19

Etzioni, Amitai, May76, 18, S77, 20

Evert, Chris, S84, 24
Faeroe Islands, future independence,

Eu, March Fong, F87, 19

Everts, Kelly, Mar80, 20
N84, 9; separatism, Mar85, 24-25

Eugenics Bulletin, Au85, 35

Evian Conference, N77, 8, 20-21, N79, 18
Fagan, Michael, 082, 25, Ju183, 29

Eugenics Records Office, N85, 10

Evolution of Man and Society, The, Ja76,
Fahd, Crown Prince, S80, 34

Eugenics Review, Ja78, 9, Ap78, 23

10, Ja79, 12, N81, 17
Fahey Committee, Jun77, 6

Eugenics Society, Ap83, 32, Oc87, 13

evolution, Mar77, 19, 077, 6, Mar79, 19,
Failla, Richard C., N85, 29

eugenics, May76, 10, 18, F77, 5, 18-19,

F80, 23, Ju181, 7, Au81, 19, May82, 7,
Fain, Nathan, S87, 8-9

Ja79,26,Ja80,23,Au80,9, 11, N82,5­ Jun82, 14-15, Ja83, 12, May83, 16, '
Fair Housing Act, N84, 21

7, Au83, 19, Ja84, 28, May84, 31,

Jun85, 30, F87, 8-10, Mar87, 15, May87,
fair housing, F79, 9, S80, 25, Jul86, 10-11;

Jun85, 39, N85, 10-11, Ap86, 12;

12; challenged, Mar87, 22; church
lawsuits, Oc86, 21

revival, Au85, 35; Singapore, Ap84, 30,

attitude, Ja82, 21; parallel, Ja81, 21;
fair women, Ap84, 7

F85, 29, Au87, 33; U.S.S.R., Ja86, 18­ punctuated, Ju187, 6-7
fair, different meanings, Jul86, 10-11

Fair, Robert L., Jun77, 18

- 19

eunuchs, 086, 30

euphrenic engineering, May84, 31

Eureste, Bernardo, Jr., Jul83, 29

Evron, Ephraim, Jun76, 7, Oc82, 24

Evron, Yair, May85, 28

Ewing, Thomas, Jun85, 21

examinations, 1911 high school, N83, 36;

Fairbank, John K., S82, 30

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., Mar87, 29

Fairchild, Henry P., S77, 18

- Euro-American Alliance, F78, 22, F79, 27

cheating, S84, 26
Fairchild, Mark, Jun86, 39

Euro-communism, May79, 24
Excalibuf, N81, 16-17
Fairchild, Morgan, N81, 21, Oc83, 10,

Euro-Right, Ja79, 28
exclusionary rule, Jun84, 21

Eurodollars, S78, 6
excommunication, rabbinical, Ap83, 28
Fairlie, Henry, May82, 32

- Europe, cultural decline, Jun87, 19;

Execution, The, Au85, 28
Fairness Doctrine, Jun87, 18

declining birthrate, Au78, 5, 15; early executioners, S84, 26

fairy tales, Ap83, 26

civilizations, S80, 33; end of empires, executions, in U.S., F87, 28, 087, 29
Falange Espanola, 076, 9, 18-22, Ju181, 33

Oc77, 27; expansion, May82, 23; guest Exiles from History, F83, 10-13
Falangist Party, U.S., Jun81, 36

workers, Jul85, 32; Indo-European Exner, Judith, 084, 21

Falashas, Mar83, 30-31, Jun85, 36-37,

- roots, 079, 27; lost colonies, Ap87, 22;

peace movement, F82, 28; political

overview, Au84, 29; population decline,

Exodus, Mar84, 26

Exodus, one explanation, Oc82, 20

Exorcist II, S80, 25

Ju185, 18

Falbaum, Bert, Mar87, 21

Falik, Marsha, Ju182, 26

Falk, Bernard, May83, 29, N86, 33

Jun87, 31; pre-history, May79, 12,

expatriates, F79, 11; annual exodus, 086,

- Au79, 27, May80, 13-14; pre-WWI

diplomacy, N84, 32; races, Ju178, 12,

Mar79, 23; radio news, F86, 35; Russian

30; return of, Jul85, 34

expatriation, May85, 39

expense accounts, May87, 31

Falk, Stanley L., N83, 17-18

Falkland Islands, May78, 8, 19; birthrate,

F86, 29; history, Jul82, 21

Falkland Islands war, Jun82, 1, 24, Jul82,

domination, Jun85, 40
explorers, pre-Columbian, Jun80, 16-17,

European Atomic Energy Commission,

21, Au82, 24-25, S82, 21, OcS2, 30,

Expo 1986, Mar87, 24
MayS3, 23, Jun83, 23, 28, AuS6, 17;

European Common Market, Ap79, 22

exports, by country, N87, 26; U.S. losses,
alleged atrocities, FS4, 22; British

European Democratic Union, Ju186, 39

opponents, MayS3, 23; denigrated,

European Economic Community, Ap81,

extortion, by Negro unions, 083, 21
Jul83, 26;lsraeli aid, Au82, 25; Jewish

- 22-23, 086, 34-35;Turkey applies,


European Majorities, Jul77, 11

extradition, Israel to France, Mar87, 34; to

Israel, Au81, 34

extrasensory perception, Jun76, 17,

officer, JaS3, 27; racial aspects, N82,

18; TV play scrapped, Mar87, 31

Fallaci, Oriana, 081,31

European Parliament, S84, 6

Fallows, Deborah, F85, 39

European Surrender, The, Ap78, 5, 17-20

extraterrestrial life, Au79, 16, May84, 32
Fallows, James, Jun79, 19, 086,23, OS6,

European unity, S79, 15, F83, 26, Ap87,

Exxon, minority ads, May82, 17
37, F87, 34, MarS7, 34

eye, Au87, 26
Falwell, Jerry, N80, 30, Ja81, 8, JulS3, 19,

European wars, 086, 19-20, Ju187, 27

eye color, 080, 17, F81, 28, May86, 11;
F84, 25, May85, 19, F87, 21, Jun87, 26;

Europhobia, N86, 6-9

contact lenses, Au84, 27
anti-Jewish remarks, JaSO, 31, Mar81,

euthanasia, Ja84, 28; Holland, Ap87, 30

Eysenck, Hans J., S77, 20, 077, 6, Ja78,
17; calls Tutu phony, 085,35; excuses

euthenics, N82, 6
14, May78, 15, Ja81, 21, Ap81 , 18,
Lebanon invasion, OS2, 21; in Israel,

Evangelical Lutheran Churches, F85, 18

May81, 28-29, May82, 5-6, N82, 13-14,
JunS3, 26, Mar87, 34; lifestyle, S87, 27;

Evans & Novak column, May84, 31

Au83, 14, 16, Oc83, 21; denies racism,
Majority Renegade of 1981, JaS2, 5-6;

Evans, Elizabeth C., Au82, 9

May79, 19; profile, Oc82, 29
on gays, JunS5, 8; praised, OcS1, 21;

Evans, John V., Ju186, 21, N87, 20

Ezell, Harold, N86, 13, 086, 11, Au87, 10,
pro-Zionism, N82, 9-10, OS2, 21, Jul85,

Evans, M. Stanton, F78, 23, N86, 11-12

13, 15
33; sues Flynt, OS6, 22-23, AuS7, 16;

sues Penthouse, Ap81, 19

- Evans, Mary, S83, 24

Evans, Randall, Jr., Jun84, 17

Evans, Robert,Ja82,28
Ezra, Derek, N80, 24, May83, 29

families, large, Oc85, 31; limited births,

JaS7, 17, AuS7, 35; net worth by race,


Mar87, 27; 1,000 members meet, 086, Fast, Jonathan, DSO, 27

N80, 32; bomb shelters, ApSS, 28; book
Fastell, Ira, DS3, 17
raids, OcSO, 31, Au81, 31, F81, 33, S81,
family, Oc78, 20-21, May80, 21, N83, 30;
fasting, 087,25-26 35; British occupation, D7S, 19;
fascist tendencies, Ap8S, 11; income,
Fate of the Earth, The, JunS2,S-7 censorship, Ja80, 32, Ja81, 33, Jul84,
Oc84, 27; size of, S86, 32; typical,
Father Divine Peace Mission, JaS1, 20
13-14, Ja86, 33, Jul86, 32; collaboration
Au86, 29; types, Ja8S, 12-14
Fatima (Portugal), AuSl, 13
with Israelis, MarSO, 28; compared to
family as race, Jul79, 8, 25-26
Faucheux, Ron,Oc82,26 U.S., OcSO, 19; de-Nazification, Oc83,
family background, ignorance of, S8S, 29
Faulkner, James H., S83, 24
2S; debt cancellation, AuS5, 30;
Family Circle, Ju178, 11
Faulkner, William, Jun76, 9, ApS7, 1S demographics, 084, 33-34; destruction
Family Ties, 087, 28
Fauntroy, Walter, Mar76, 18, ApS5, 35,
urged, D7S, 19; document center
famine, Mar80, 14; Africa, S78, 20, F8S,
records, S86, 32; drugs, S81, 35; East
36, Mar8S, 31; U.S.S.R., Ja8S, 27;
Faure, William, MayS7, 29
Germans visit, JaS6, 29; economy, 075,
Ukraine, Au8S, 30
Faurisson, Robert, May79, 6,21-23,
3, N7S, 6, 21; election campaign 1981,
Fandrich, Richard A., Mar82, 20
Ju179, 6, 21, Au79, 2S, S79, 2S, Oc79,
JaS1, 13; employment, Mar85, 19; ethnic
FANE (French right-wing party), Ja82, 30
2S, 079, 5-7, FSO, 16-18, JuISO, 36,
slurs, S84, 28; famine (1946-47), 078,
Fang, Irving, F8S, 39
OcSO, 5-6, Ja81, 35, JunS2, 7-9, Au82,
19; farm decline, Oc85, 30; forbidden
Fanning, Paul, Oc84, 34
32, SS2, 1S, JuIS3, 31, ApS4, 31, May8S,
heroes, 083, 27; foreign aid, Ja81, 14;
Fanning, Will, Ja84, 18
14, 17, Ju185, 35, JunS6, 37; 086, 38,
foreign marriages, Ja85, 31; foreign
Fanon, Frantz, F78, 11, F83, 10-11
Ap87, 29, DS7, 32, 35-36; Anne Frank
policy, N7S, 6, 21; foreign troops, Ap86,
Far and Wide, Jun76, 8
Diary, OcS6, 34; book, ApS1, 2S; trial,
28; French occupation, D7S, 19; grants
Farago, Ladislas, Oc77, 23-24, F80, 22,
SSO, 34-35, Oc81, 34-35, OcS2, 31,
to Jewish causes, Ja80, 32; guest
Ja84, 15; Patton biography, Ap81, 26
AuS3, 30, JaS4, 30-31
workers, N81, 32; guitt, Mar83, 17, Ap83,
Faras, Anthony, Ja86, 21
Faustian race, Mar87, 14
30-31, 086, 35; Heidelberg Manifesto,
Farbar, Barnard, N87, 27
Fava, Paul, MayS6, 21
Au82, 29; Holocaust critics, OcBO, 31,
Farben, loG., 078, 20
Fawkes, Guy, Ju180, 29, FS4, 18
MarB2, 28; identity crisis, N81, 32;
Farber, Barry, Cohn booster, Ja87, 21,
Fay, Desmond, Oc85, 27
immigration, Au80, 30, JaS1, 12-13,
Fears, Bobby Lee, Oc77, 13
Au82, 29; interracial dating, Ja8S, 35;
Fard, W. D., N77, 9
fecundity, MarS1, 30
Jewish influence, Mar81, 10, May86, 32;
farm bett, women outnumbered, F85, 29
Federal Aviation Administration, Jun81, 36
Jewish population, Ju180, 34; Jewish
farm crisis, blamed on Jews, 086, 40
Federal Bureau of Investigation, F76, 6,
vengeance, Au87, 7-9; Jewish violence,
farm families, F84, 24
19, F77, 20, F77, 22, Mar78, 12; activist
081, 33, F82, 28; Jews draft exempt,
farm land, Mar81 , 32; loss of, S81, 33,
hunting, Mar85, 7-S; entrapment, Oc7S,
Ap83, 31; Jews, Ju179, 28, Oc77, 2S,
N8S, 26; foreign owned, Oc87, 26
17, Ap81, 21, 086,39; King investi­ F78, 8, May80, 11, 080, 28, Oc83, 33;
Farmer, Ann, May82, 29
gation, DS3, 7-S; lawbreakers, JaS1, 24;
judges rule for Holocaust, MarSO, 28;
Farmer, Frances, Oc81 , 21-22
laxity, Oc80, 22; minority agents, N87,
labor supports Nazis, ApS3, 30;
Farmer, James, Ja78, 12, F78·, 11­ 26; terrorists, F81, 22; Uniform Crime
minorities, F7S, 19; mixed marriages,
Farmer, Karen, Ap79, 32
Report, May87, 22; wanted list, Oc81, 31
Oc84, 27; morale, MayS4, 23; national
farmers, debts, S82, 20, Jewish, Oc87, 32
federal bureaucracy, ApS1, 10-11
anthem, SS3, 23; Navy restricted, Oc80,
farming, return to, Jun85, 6
Federal Communications Com., Oc7S, 27,
31; Nazi period, Ja85, 34; Negro
farms, declining numbers, Ju187, 27
Jun80, 24, 080, 31, Jun81, 18-19, S8S,
presence, F84, 27; neo-Nazis, Au76, 6,
Farr, Jamie, F87, 26
28, JuIS7, 26; denies equal time, Ja82,
Oc79, 27, Ap81, 29, F79, 27, 083, 2S;
Farraj, Sammy, Oc87, 27
32; WBUZ license, Oc87, 24
nightclub attack, M r87, 33; peace
Farrakhan, Louis, May79, 13, N83, 6,
federal courts, case load, Ju186, 29;
movement, FS2, 2B-29; politics, Jul77,
May84, 18,Jun84,11-12, S84, 18, N84,
operating costs, JuIS6, 29
20, MaySO, 10-14, Jun83, 29; popUlation
20, 084, 40, May85, 22, Au8S, 27-28,
federal debt, S82, 26
decline, DS1, 33, Au82, 29-30, JaS3, 25,
085, 23, 085, 30, Ja86, 17, 21, Jul86,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Jun83,
S84, 28, S85, 13-14, Au86, 33, Jun87,
21, F87, 23; Jackson denounces, N84
31; prevention, JunS4, 33; race laws,
17; Negro mayors denounce, N8S, 28;
Federal Election Commission, matching
May80, 12-13, Jul80, 34, Ja83, 27-28;
speech, F87, 23; supporters, Ap86, 18­ funds, ApS1, 11
ransoms foreign Germans, 086, 35,
federal employees, JunS4, 29; useless
OcS7, 26; refugees, F86, 34, 086,34,
Farrands, James, Jul87, 17 - trips, Ja82, 28
Ja87, 33; regaining morale, S84, 28;
Farrell, Fred, N78, 10
Federal Express, Ap85, 21
elations with Israel, Au78, 9, 19, Au80,
Farrell, James, Mar77, 13, 080, 21
Federal Register, Mar81, 32
16; relations with Russia, N78, 6;
Farren, Roy, Jul77, 1S federal regulations, cost of, ApS1, 27
reparations to Jews, Ap76, 9, Jul7S, 15,
Faruci, Anthony, ApS7, 12
Federal Republic of Germany, 075, 3, 16,
Au78, 9, 19,F80,28,Jun80,26,D80,
Faruqi, Ismail, AuS6, 21
17, Oc77, 27, Ja7S, S,23, F78, 20,
23, Oc81, 31, Ap83, 27, Mar84, 25, N84,
fascism, May76, 6-7, 17, May77, 19, 077,
N78, 6, 21, May80, 10-14, Jun81, 33,
28, NSS, 11-12, May86, 28; repatriation
S, FS5, 24-25; Britain, Mar78, 6, 21-24,
N81, 26, May84, 22-23, FS6, 34-35;
bonus, MayS4, 23; revives Weimar, N79,
JunS3,2S, N85,22-24,JunS7,24;
aliens, S81, 33; American occupation,
28; revisionism, 079,5, MaySO, 13-14,
philosophy, Jul76, 8, 16-17; Spain, 076,
S78, 19,078, 19,Au79,27,Au85, 14;
Ja81,14-15; right-wing parties, MayS7,
American thefts, AugS6, 31-32; anti­ 30, 087,32; right-wing publishers,
fashions, SS2, 27, MayS5, 32; Negro
Americanism, Mar82, 28; anti-Nazism,
Mar86, 36; right-wingers persecuted,
designer, Au87, 27; prole drift, SS7, 17;
Au7S, 19, Jun80, 36, JuISO, 34; anti­ FSO, 28, MarSI, 9-11, 081, 17, OcB2, 30­
transvestites, May84, 26
Semitic play, Ja86, 33; anti-Semitism,
31, Ja83, 27, Ju183, 32; riots, Ja81, 12;
Fass, David, Mar79, 16
Mar81, 33, Oc81, 29, JunS3, 29, Aug83,
security, Ja77, S, 23; student malaise,
Fass, Myron, Mar79, 16
28, Jul84, 30, MayS6, 32; anti-spy
N85, 27; terrorism, Ja78, 8, Mar87, 33;
Fassbinder, Rainer W., DS4, 33, JaS6, 33,
campaign, N87, 28; anti-Zionism, Ap87,
travelogue, Ja85, 35, N86, 15, Ja87, 32­
3; arms sales, Ju184, 34; arms
33; Turks, S82, 29, Ja83, 28, F84, 27,
Fast, Howard, F80, 21
smuggling, Ap87, 30; asylum seekers,
Ja86, 33, Jun86, 34, Au86, 33; TV film of


German refugees, Oc79, 15; vigilante

Ferber, Paul I., AuS1, 23
SS2. 31, JaS3, 13; reelected, F81, 35

justice, Jun81, 32-33; war criminals,

Ferdinand, Franz, 075, 14
Fine, David 5., S76, 11

May84, 24; Wehrmacht, Jun83, 23;

Ferguson, Ewen, Oc84, 12
Fine, Fred, 084, 30

WWII refugees, N85, 27

Ferguson, Homer, 22
Fine, Leon, Ap87, 32-33

Federal Reserve System, N76, 13, 578, 6,

Fermi, Enrico, N78, 12, 078, 13, Mar79,
Finebaum, Bruce, S87, 35

1S, Mar77, 20, 078, 27, Jun82, 32,

Fineberg, John S., JunB4, 30

Mar83, 26 ; Jul83, 16, 18; loans to

Fernandez, Benjamin, Ap79, 32
Fineberg, Richard E., Au82, 27

banks, Ap86, 28; nationalism,

Fernandez, John P., JunSO, 35-36
Fineman, Herbert, Jul77, 11, Au77, 19

Federation for American Immigration

Fernando Po, Ocn, 28
Finger, Justin, JuIS5, 39

Reform {FAIR}, MarSO, 22-23, OcSO, 19,

Fernau, Joachim, Oc7S, 15
fingerprints, S7S, 5

JunSI. 34, Mar83. 18. Au83, 17, JuIS5,

Fernau, Rudolf, Ja78, 23
Fingleton, David, JuIS2, 26

39, 585, 19. MarS6, 36

Ferrara, Robert, Jun83, 26
Finkel, Aben, F85, 24

Fedorenko, Fedor. JuISO, 1S, N83. 25. Ferraro, Geraldine, 584, 10-11, N84, 36,
Finkelman. Eric R.. F83, 30

084,40,ApS5,22,MayS5,24,JaS6,20 Finkelstein, Arthur J., OcS6, 32

Feeley, Falk, SS3, 22

Ju186, 30, MarS7, 21; alleged mob links, Finkelstein, Daniel, JulB4, 33

Feerst, Irwin, AuS2, 32

084, 21; Cohn booster, JaS7, 21 ; Finkelstein, Ed, 081, 31

Feher, Michael E., F85, 19

homes, 084, 31; Italophobia, FSS, 20; Finkelstein, Jerry. Ap85, 29

Feikens. John, JaS5, 38

rebuked, Mar85, 2S Finkelstein, Louis. FS3, 26

Fein, Bruce, Oc87, 9-10

Ferre, Maurice, S81, 19, Ap85, 29, JulSS,
Finkelstein, Mary, Mar79, 2S

Feinauer, Anna, Oc87, 2S

Finkelstein, Paul, May8S, 30

Feinberg, Abraham, Ap8S, 6

Ferrier, Kathleen, Ap84, 25
Finkielstain, Jacobo, 087, 30

Feinberg, Alan. Jun81, 31

Fertig, Jack, JaS3, 24
Finland, May78, S; books banned, Mar80,

Feinberg, Kenneth R., Oc85, 31

fertility rates (see birthrates) 21; tax revolt, Jun79, 20

Feinberg, Sidney, Ap79, 16

fertility treatments, Oc78, 18
Finley, Alene, AuSO, 32

Feingold, Foumiko, Au87, 19

fertiliZer, Ap79, 8
Finnbogadottir, Vigdis, Jun81, 32, 084,

Feinstein. Diane, Au78, 20, Mar79, 26,

Fest, Joachim, F7S, 23

OcS1. 17. MarS4, 1S, N84, 29, Mar85, Feuchtwanger, Lion, N77, 21
Finnegan. Thomas, MarS4, 27, Jul84, 33

19; supports gays, Ap81 , 21

feudalism, Jul82, 24
Finns, Jul78, 12

Feis, Herbert, Ja84, 13

Feuerbach, Ludwig, JunS6, 9
Finsberg, Geoffrey, ApSS, 31

Feitler, Joseph, 577, 2S

Feuerlicht, Roberta, SSS, 25
Fiore, Roberto, N86, 32

Felder, Howard, N84, 30

Feulner Jr., Edwin J., JaS4, 27, MaySS, 8.
fire departments, women, ApS3, 19

Felderer, Ditlieb, N79. 17, ocao, 6, 581,

firearms, Negro owners, Jul81, 31

35, MarS2. 32, NS2, 31, May85, 17-1S, Feuverstein, Reuven, Ju183, 29
firemen, Ja79, 2S; attacked, DS7, 21

MayS6, 15. OS6, 3S, ApS7, 29; arrested, Fey,Barry,SS6,34

Firestone Fire and Rubber Co, F81, 36

JunS3,29,SS3,35 Ffrancis, Ffred, FS7, 30

Firing Line, S87. 24

Feldman, Arnold H., JuIS6, 29

Fiat Co., JunS6, 35
Firkins, Neal, May79, 13

Feldman, Linda, MayS7, 32

Fichte, Johann, Oc83, 14
First Among Equals (BBC show), NB7, 25

- Feldman, Marvin, OcS5, 31

Feldman, Mary. NS6, 31

Feldman. Shai. JunS3, 17

Fiedler, Leslie A., May78, 13, F81, 22·23,

Oc84, 7, F8S, 12-13,JuI85, 11, FS6, 19

Field, Geoffrey G., Ja82, 32

First, Ruth, Ju183, 35, FS4, 3D, May85, 35

Fischbach, Ephraim, Jun86, 34

Fischbein, Charles. F85, 37-3S, 086,31

Feldman, Shein, MaySS, 28

Field, Marshall. IV, 086, 31
Fischer, Bobby, JaS4, 21

- Feldman, Spencer, JunS1, 31

Feldschuh, Joseph, 078. 11

Felig, Philip, Au83, 16

Field, Mervin, Ja83, 23

Fielden, Lionel, AuS2, 28

Fielding, Fred, N81, 30

Fischer, Kuno, Mar77. 5

Fish, Hamilton, Jr., AuS4, 15

Fishbein, Charles M., Au85, 17, 085, 22

Felipe, Pamela, FS1, 31

Fielding, Henry, Ju177, 15
Fisher brothers (auto makers), Ap87, 26

Felker, Clay, 079, 1S

Fields, Alonzo, MarS3, 20
Fisher, Bobby, N7S, 12, Mar86, 31

Fell, Barry, 580, 12, N80, 11-14

Fields, Ed, Jun86, 40
Fisher, Caroline, 080,31

Fell, Ron, OCS3, 17

Fields, Joe, MarSS, 33-34, N8S, 35
Fisher. Edwin, Oc80, 10

Fellner, Hermann, MaySS, 32

Fields, Ross, SS1,30 Fisher, Geoffrey, Au78, 20

- fellow travelers (U.S.), F79, 15

Felt, W. Mark, Ja81, 24

Felton, Felix, 080, 23

Felton, Norman, Oc86, 31

Fields, W. C., FS1, 6, MarSI, 16

Fierstein, Harvey, Ja86, 19

Fife, John, NB6, 11, JaB7, 21

Fifth Amendment, college teachers, Aua2,

Fisher, Irving, Ja76,21

Fisher, Louis, 077, 12

Fisher, Max, Au78, 13-14

Fisher, Ronald A., F77, 18, N79, 6

female sexuality, 086, 14-15

Fisherman, Bruce, JuI8S. 23

femininity, Jul77, 6, 16-17

Figaro. JaS6, 32, S86, 35
fishing rights. May8S. 39; minorities,

feminism, F76, 3, 9, 14-17, Oc77, 6, 20­ Figenberg, Frederick, F76, 6-7


22, OS2, 15-16, Ap83, 13, May83, 25,

Fiji Islands, Mar79, 22, S87, 26, N87, 31­ Fishman, William, JaS2, 29

Jun83, 26, N83, 29; Catholic agitators,

32; military coup, Au87, 33
Fiske, John, N79, 7

JulSI, 20; critics, F8S, 39; Israel, Ap8S,

Fike, Elmer, May83. 15
Fiterman, Charles. Mar84, 29

Filerman, Michael, Jul85, 30
Fitzgerald, Ed, Jul82, 32

MarSS, 1S; leaders, May80, 21; motion

Filipinos, in U.S., Fa6, 30
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Jun77, 11, Au79, 19;

pictures, May8S, 20; Negro women,

Filthy Speech Movement, Ap87, 18
quote, Jun7S, 5

- JaS4, 21; quiz, MarS4, 17; theater. Ja87,

27; U.S.S.R., Oc77, 22

fence, U.S.-Mexican, OcS6, 30

Finch, John, S80, 11

Findlay. David, 086, 39

Findley, Paul, AuSO, 17, Oc80, 17, OSO,

Fitzgerald, Frances, Ja87, 19

Fitzgerald, Louis, Ja87, 34

FitzGibbon, Constantine. 079. 7

Fenelon, Fania, Mar84, 19

FitzGibbon, Louis, Au79, 2S. 079, 7,

- Fenner, Darwin C., Oc82, 26

Fenwick. Desmond, Ap79, 32

Fenyvesi, Charles, 084, 22

25.0ca4, 8, Ap86, 5-9, Au86, 36, 586,


Fine, Amy, Ju182, 26; 19S2 campaign,


Fitzhugh, George, F77. 7

Fitzmorris, Gerald, ApS4, 28


Fitzroy. Rosamund, N85. 30

Foley, Barbara, Ap87, 18
foreign aid. 077, 22, JunS3, 25, Aug83,

Fitzsimmons. Frank. Mar81. 12.22

Foley, Jack, JulB7, 35
27,583,24-25. 19S5,SS6,32

Fitzsimmons. Robert. Ju178. 7. 16. 587. 24

Foley, John M., 076, 11
foreign correspondents. anti-Communist.

Fiume. 086.19. FB7. 12

Foley, William, FB1, 23

Flack. Roberta. SB7. 11

Folger, Abigail, F76, 15
foreign lobbies. Jun85, 30

flag. disrespect for, May84. 26

folk singing. Mar77. 7, 18-19
foreign policy, Jun77, 10, 21;

flags, Britain. DB6, 33; Union Jack, Mar86.

folklorists. Jewish, MarB3, 29
containment. Mar7S, 8, 25

32 Folmar, Emory, Ja84. 17

Foreign Relations Committee (also see

Fiagstad, Kirsten, N86, 20

Fominas, Elisias. Mar81. 2.3
protectionism), 576. 6

Flaherty, John, OB2, 21

Fonda family, Ju185, 19
foreign trade. Ju187, 14-15

Flake, Floyd, JaB7, 12

Fonda, Henry,F76. 15
Foreman, George, Jun80, 26. FS1. 31

Flake, George, ApB6, 18-19

Fonda, Jane, Ja76, 18. F76, l5,Jun77,
Forestier. George, poem. SB7, 7

Flaminius, Gaius, FB7, 14

12, Ju179, 10, 079, 19, NB2, 17. Mar85,
forgery, Au77. 13. N82, 15-16; academic

Flanders, future independence, N84 10

27, ApB5, 29, JulB6, 2B, Ju187. 29;
credentials. F83, 30; Oemjanjuk case,

Flanigan, Patrick, N82, 13

author. Ja84, 17; financial angel. May83,
Ja86, 16; FOR map, Au85. 21; Hitler

Flanzbaum, Gerald, ApB6, 35

25; in Hanoi, AuB4. 18, 585, 23. Ap86,
Diaries, N86. 34

Flashman, Harry, Ja84, 24

lS, OB7, 21; in Israel. SSO, 33; sued.
fornication laws. Au7B. 12

Flat Earth Research Society, S7B, 11

Forrest, Alan, May77,24

Flatto-Sharon, Samuel, Oc79, 2B, Mar7B,

Font, Frank, OcBl, 2B
Forrest, Nathan B., JunBO. 22. 081, 19,

food. Ap79. B. 27; dangers of similarity,

34, N81, 32
JunB3, 16; quality decline, Oc79, 15-16;
Forrest, Roy A., N87, 27

Flaum. Joe, DB7, 20

Third World. JulB4, 26-27
Forrestal Diaries, 076. 11

Flechtheim, Ossip K., Ja7B, 23

food production, N76, 17
Forrestal, James, Ja76. 16, Mar7B, 25.

Fleener, Terre, May78, 23, 080,29

food shortages, future, F85, 29

Fleischer, Max, FB3, 13

food stamps, Oc81, 31, Ja87. 27; fraud,
Forrester, Jay W., Mar80, 22

Fleischer, Nat, JuI7B, 7, 19

Forster, Arnold, JaBO, 25

Fleischman, Peter, F77, 8. Au85, 15

Foot, Michael, 079. 25, Mar82, 25, MayS2,
Forster. E. M.• Au85. 22-23

Fleischmann, Lea, N86, 34

Forsyth county, Ap87. 6-7, May87, 40.

Fleming. Ian, Au85, 21

football, JunS7, 22-23; Negro grades,

Fleming, James, May85, 29

Jun87, 27; players, criminal acts, Ja77,
Fort Apache (film). Ap82. 19

Fleming. Jim, May84, 10

20; teams, Ja7S, 5, 19-20
Fort Apache. minority suit, JulBO, 18·19

Fleming, John, Au86, 34

Foote, Paul, Jun86, 35
Fort Bragg. Jun77, 6

Fleming, Peter. Oc81, 21

Foote, Shelby, May83, 15
Fort Worth. crime, SS5, 30

Flemings, 079, 24
Fort. Harvey, Ja83, 23

Fletcher, John. Ja77. 20

Forbes, 400 richest, Ja83, 24, Mar86, 21,
Fort. Jeff, F82, 27, MayB4, 25, SB4,27

Fletcher, Joseph, 579, 16-17, 079, 18

Fortas and Porter (law firm), Ju177, 11

Fletcher, Ronald, OcS7, 12-13

Forbes, Alistair, JuIBO, 32
Fortas. Abe, Ap76, 9, Jun7B. 15, Au80. 6,

Flew. Anthony, Ap77, 21

Forbes, Malcolm 5., Jr., OcB5. 31, MayB7.
MarSl, 29, JunB2, 27, FB6, 22

flexibility, Ju176. 5, 16
Fortress America, JaB7, 20

Flick. Friedrich K., Oc80, 19

Ford Foundation, Ap77. 15, Au79. 20,
Fortune,F77,B,AuB4. 12. Jun86, lB

Flicker. Marvin, F76, 15

Au81. 35. Ja83, 24; grants. FB5. 29;
Fortune, Porter, Au83. 19

Fliess, Wilhelm, MarSO, 20

IQ study, MayS2. 16
Forus Communications, Jun86, 23

Flint, J. Wayne. SSl, 22

Ford. Alfred B.• NB3, 32, MarB5, 2B
Fosburgh. Lacey, FB4, 19

Flam, Joseph H.• Jun79. 20

Ford. Betty, Au79, 15. May8!, 31, MarB2.
Fossedal, Gregory. SB1, 40

Flood, Oaniel J., Au78, 12, Ja86, 11

Foster, Arnold, May77. 12, Mar79. 16

Florida, crime and riots, 082, 12-13;

Ford. Emmet, JaS4. 17
Foster, Ezola, AuB7, 15

demographics, OcB5, 30, Oc86, 15;

Ford, Gerald, F76, 16, N76, 13, 076, 12.
Foster, George, MayS6. 28

history, SB7, 19
Ja77. 5, N77. 13, May7B, 6, SBO. 18.
Foster, Jodie, JunBl, 15. Jul81, 5-6

flowers, class insignia, JunS5, 13-14

JaB2. 2B; MayB2, 2B. JunS5, 31; Nixon
Foster, Stephen. Mar77, 11

Flugel, J. C., F77, 5

pardon, Ap84. 21; shot at, Ja85, 10
Foster, Wendell, AuB4. 22

flying saucers, Mar76, 9

Ford, Harold, Ja84, 17, AuB7. 2S, OcB7,
Fothergill, Rowland, SBO, 34

Flynn, Douglas E.. F7B, 12

Fould. Achille. MayB3, 23

Flynn, Errol, Ju184, 24, SB7. 27

Ford, Harrison. JaBS, 29, ApB6, 23
foundations, SB3, 33. Oc83. 29. May84.

Flynn, Jim. Jul78, lB

Ford. Henry, F80. 20; peace mission,
17, AuB7. 26; ads banned, JulB4, 32-33;

Flynn, John T .• SB5. 8, Oc77, 24

cut-rate mail, MayB2. 19; Negroes head,

Flynn. Ray, Ja84, 17, May87.32

Ford, Henry. II, Ap79, 13, JurBO, 7-B,
AuBO, 29, Ap82, 21; pro-European. 083.

Flynn. Raymond L.. F85, 30

35; fraud, SS7. 25; homosexuals. Mar84,

Flynt, Althea, Oc87, 28

Ford, Jesse Hill, MayBr, 21
10; Jewish; law violations, JunB7, 28;

Flynt, John, Ja86, 7

Ford, John (Negro politician). Ja84, 17
leftwlng, DS4, 21; supports realistic art,

Flynt, Larry, May79, 14, DS2, 2.7, OCS4,

Ford, Johnny (Negro mayor), F84. 25. 584,
NS3. 36; voter grants. JaS5. 31

20, Ja87, 2S, OcS7, 2.S; Falwell suit,

Foundations of Sand. AuS5, 18

086, 22-23; sanity, Ju184. 31

Ford. Michael, N77, 13
Fountaine. Andrew. JuISO. 14-16, F81,

Foat, Ginny, Jun83, 26

Ford. Priscilla, FB1. 15, 0c82, 27

Focal Point, Oc81, 31. Ju183, 26·27

Ford. William (Henry's father), 081, 2.S
Four Feathers (film). Oc76, 19

Foccard, Jacques. 582, 28

Ford. William O. (D-MI), NBO, 35, 0c84, 34
Fourier, Charles, OcB3, 16, ApB5. 13

Focus (musical group), Mar7B, 16

Fordham University, 075, 19
Fourteenth Amendment. 078. 22, Ap79. 25

Fogel, Herbert. F77, 13

Fordham, Signithia, JunB7, 18
Fouts, Oon, N86, 1B

Fogel, Jeff, Au86, 7

Foreign Affairs, Ap86, 5
Fowler, Mika, NB5, 29

Folan, William J., Au87, 23

foreign agents, DSO, 26
Fowler, Wyche, JaB6, 7, ApB7, 6


Fowles, John, atrocity monger, 080, 19

hunters, ApS5, 32; New Right, 079, 27,
Frankel, Rudy, N84, 34

Fox Broadcasting, Oce7, 24

AuSO, 34, ApS2, 30-31, N87, 28;
Frankel, William, JaS5, 35

fox hunts, June5, 34-35

nuclear aid to Israel, MarSS, 6; nuclear
Frankenstein, 20

Fox, Dan C., MaySI, 20

power, OcS5, 30; political parties. OSl.
Frankentein, Alfred, Ja79, 27

Fox, Laura, Oc80, 15

14-15, Mar84, 2S-29, MayS5. 34, JaS6,
Frankfurter, Felix, Aun. 6, Oc77, 2S,

Fox, Michael, Ja79, 14, NS2, 19, OS7, 2S

33, Jun86, 36-37, Jul86, 32, Au86, 32,
Au81, 33. JaS4, 12, 14,Ap84,29,Oc85,
Fox, Paul, 577, 14
Ap87, 24; Popular Front, Au76, 18-19;
17, NS7, lS; Hiss witness, Jul82, 5,
Foxfire, Mar76, 19
prisons, 081, 14; purges, Oc78. 27.
Oc82, 19, Jun87. 20; political activity,
OcS6. 30; racism. Jul80, 36; reaction to
Fay, Dennis, NS7, 20
U.S. TV. Oc87. 25; relations with Arabs,
Frankhouser. Frank, 086, 24

Fay, Reid, NSO, 24

OcSl, 35. DS1. 14; relations with Chad.
Franklin National Bank, DS6. 2S

Fradkin, Robert, F77, 13

NS3, 35; Resistance, 075, 7-8, Mar79,
Franklin, Benjamin, F7a, 11, July84, 20,

Frady, Marshall, May81, 21, F82, 9

17, May79, 28, F84, 27, N85, 31-32,
Au84, 24; racist remark, July84. 20

fragging, 077, 9, JaS4, 1S

JuI87.31; restaurant attack, Oc82, 31;
Franklin, Joseph P., FSI, 15-16, JunSI, 17,

Fraidin, Jacob, JaS6, 29

right-wing philosophers, Jun79, S, 27-2S;
JuISI. 21, MayS2, 17, Au84. 32

Fraiman, Judge Arnold, Ap79, 16

right-wing violence, F79, 27; right­ Franklin, Reed, NS4, 29

France Magazine, FS7, 31-32

wingers attacked, Oc80, 31, JaSl, 1S­ Franklin. Rosalind, Jul77, 16-17

France (also see Front National), 075, 7,

19. JulyS6, 32; riots, Au79, 27;
Franklin, Webb, AuS3, 19

Mayn, 22, Aun, 8, N81, 26-27 , MayS4,

swindlers, ApS2. 31; synagogue
Franks, Geraldine, MarSO, 2S

23; aliens, S86, 35; Alsace-Lorraine,

bombing. F81, 32. OcS2, 31; terrorism,
Frantel, Edward, NS2, 27

NS1, 26; an1i-Le Pen hysteria. DS7, 31­ MaySI, 33, Mar87, 32, MayS7,34;
Franz Josef, SSO, 16

32; anti-right violence, Oc78, 27, JunS2.

traitors, AuSO. 35; Vichy govt., Mar79
Franz, Kurt, MayS7, 15

29: anti-Semitism. Apn, 24, May79. 2S.

17; war crimes, JuIS7, 31; writers,
Franzos, K. E., Jul85. 6

JaSO, 32. FSO, 2S, 580, 32-33, ApSl, 28,

Jun76, 3; Zionism, JunSO, 36, JuISI, 32
Fraser, Bruce, Oc85, 6-10

Mar83, 30, ApS4, 21, AuS7, 29-30;

France, Johnny, JulS5, 23
Fraser, George, JaS4, 24-25

aristocrats, FS7, 32; Army, OSl, 14,

Francis W. Parker School. 579, 1S Fraser, John, F85, 31

OcS3, 32; B'nai B'rith promise, AuS6, 32;

Francis, David R., 084. 10
Fraser, Malcolm, Junn. 19, Jun7S, 24,

Barbie case, MayS3, 29, May84, 28;

Francis, Harold, AuS4, 36-37
F85, 36, JaS6, 34, ApS6, 34; eccen1ric

birth dearth, JaS6, 33; capital

Franco Prussian war, May8S. 33, Ja87,
behavior, OcS6, 37; mugged, Ja87, 34

punishment, NS6, 33-34; Cathol-icism,

10-11; reparations, FS7, 11-12
fraternities, 2S; activism. Ja87, 20;

MarS4, 29; colored troops, AuS2, 2S;

Franco, Francisco, F76, 9, Au76, 10, 076,
attacks on Jews, Ap79. 15-16; miscege­
Communist nationalism, JunS4, 33;
21, S79, 2S, JuISI, 33, FS3, 22; nostalgia
nation, MayS7, 31; punished, Au87, 36;

- Communist Party, FSO, 2S, AuSl, 1H2,

MarS4, 2S, ApS4, 29, NS5, 31-32; Com­

munist racists, MarSl, 33; crime, Au76,
5, 17·19, JunSl , 32, JunS2, 29, JulS2,
for, OS4, 34; protects Degrelle, Jun86,


Francoeur, Robert, Ja79, 13

Francois, Marvin, AuS5, 31

Univ. of Florida, JuISO, 11-12

fraud, auto insurance, NS4, 30, ApS6. 29;

costs, NS2, 27; insurance, AuS5, 31,

. ApS7, 2S, May87, 31; intellectual, Nn,

2S, MarS4, 25, MarS4, 2S, NS5, 31-32; Francois, Terry, OSO, 20
13; Medicaid, AuSl, 30; telephone,

- culture, JulS3, 31; de-Frenchification,

JaS6, 32; demographics, OcSl, 9;
devolution, MarS7, 32; doctored poll,
Frank, Anne (also see The Netherlands),

death, Oc86. 34; in Roth's novel, May84,

12-13; industry, JuIS7, 32; photos. 585,

JulS6, 17

Frauenknecht. Alfred, 082, 26, F84, 19

Frauenstadt, Julius, Marn 5, 16-18

Ju179, 2S; drugs, MaySI, 33; editor jailed, 21; wax figure, 581, 34
Frazen, Lester, Ap86, S

- NS2, 29; educational reform, MarS7, 32;

elections, JuISI, 32, AuSI, 11-13, SS4, 7,
MarS7, 32; female collaborators, FS4,
Frank, Barney, OCS2, 28, JUnS4, 29,


Frank, Bill, SS7, 18

Frazer, Hugh, Ja80, 29

Frazer. James G., Au79, 8, 25

Frazer, Simon, Ja80, 29

27; fence operation, JaS7, 30-31; food Frank, Brigitte. JunS7. 13

Frazier, Linda, FS5, 37

markets, NSO, 23; foreign policy, NS4, Frank, Gerold, JaS4, 14

Frazier, Merle, OS5, 35

31; foreigners, ApS2, 27; German Frank, Hans, JunS7. 13, AuS7, 30
Freccia, Linda, 586, 21

occupation, FS4, 24, JunS5, 3S, AuS5, Frank, Jerome D., Au79, 9
Frederick II, 585, 36

14, Au86, 19, SS7, 29; homosexuals, Frank, Leo,Ap76.9,JunS2,21,AuS2, lS­ Frederick William II, NS7, 17

Jun7S, 24; immigration, OSl, 14, MayS5, 19. JunS6. 6·8. SS6, 39, ApS7, 20; Fredriksen, Mark. Oc80, 30-31, JaS1, 18­
29, Ja86, 32; Jewish criminals, NS1, 32, pardon, JunS4, 16-17, JunS6, 6-S 19, FS1, 32, Ap81, 2S, Jun81, 32, Au81,
N83, 33-34; Jewish deportations,May79, Frank. Lew, JaS4, 14

2S, JulS7, 31; Jewish festival bombed, Frank. Margot. SS5, 21

free enterprise, F79, 24-25, Mar79, 11-12

Jun85, 35; Jewish politicians, MarS4, 29; Frank. Niklas, AuS7, 30

Free Masonry, racial attitudes, May86, 13

Jewish swindlers, MarSl, 33; Jewish Frank. Norman, Jun87. 13

free speech, violations, Ap87, lS·19

violence, ApSO, S-10, FS1, 32, Jun81, Frank. Otto, N78, 9, F79, 2S, N79, 16,
Freed, Alan, Ap82, 19

32, JuISI, 32, AuSl, 12, JaS2, 30, Jun82, MarSO. 2S, JuISO, 36, N80, 30. F81, 21,
Freed, James, 587, 13-14

29, MayS6, 32; Jews, Au76, 5, 17-1S, SS5,21

Freedman, Irvin, Au82, 27

JaSl. lS-19, AuSO, 35. Oc83, 25, ApS5. Frank. Rebecca and Abigail, SS6. 33
Freedman, Lewis, Au81, 20

32, AuS5, 29, JunS6, 37, Jule6, 32. Frank, Reuven. FSO, 14
Freedman, Matt, MayS6, 17

JaS7, 31, JunS7. 31; Jews in govern­ Frank, Sheldon, Au7S, 11

Freedman, Maurice, OS2, 27

men1, Au79. 2S, AuSI. 11-13, SS4, 7, Frank, Shirley, Ap79. 12

Freedom Festival, N80. 36

ApS6, 32; Jews in Occupation, Mar79, Frank, Sigrid. JunS7, 13

freedom of association, MayS4, 26,

17; Jews in WWII, ApS3, 29-30; left-wing Frank, Tenney, Oc7S. 7, 19


terrorists, N7S. 24; liberation, JuIS3, 2S, Frankel. Charles, Oc79, 16

Freedom of Information Act, NS2, 32,

JunS4. 33; media, Mar7S, 15; minorities, Frankel, Glenn, MarS5, 31


- F78. 19; modern architecture, ApS4. 15;

nationalization. DS1. 15, MayS2, 14;
naturalization laws. ApS7. 30; Nazi
Frankel. Hertz. JuISO, 28

Frankel, Max, Mar87, 2S, NS7, 26

Frankel, Myrna. NS3. 25, MayS4, 13

Freedom Party (Austria), Ja87, 32

Freedom Road, F80, 21

Freeman, Alan L, 087. 30


Freeman, Alden, OcS3. 6

Friedman, Harold, Ja84, 19, Oc84. 27
Fuller, J.F.C., S76, 8, May77, 5,17-19.

Freeman, David. OcSI, 31, S85, 20

Friedman, Howard, D76, 1S
Mar78, 22, Oc85, 27; Anglo-Saxon

Freeman, Derek, Ap83, 32. S83, 6-9,

Friedman, Howie, MayB4, 11
quote, MarS6, 24

Friedman, Jean-Pierre. AuB5, 33
Fuller, Mary, MarS1, 36, Oca7, 36

Freeman, Elizabeth, D79, 28

Friedman. Jeffrey, AugS4, 34
Fuller, Robert, Oc76, 10

Freeman, George, N85, 29

Friedman, Joan, Au86, 30
Fulton, Roger, ApSO, 26

Freeman, Lester. MaySS. 31

Friedman, Joel, N84, 29
fundamentalists, OcB1. 19; anti-Semitic

Freeman. Morton. D76. 1S

Friedman, Karen, OCSS, 30
remarks. JulSI, 30; eschatology, Au79,

Freeman, R. Austin. Ja78. 9. 24. Ap78. 9,

Friedman, Kinky, Ap79, 12. SS6, 33, NS6.
15-16; Democratic Party, Oc84. 29;

dishonest, AuS7, 26; fundraising, Jews,

Freeman, Richard B., D7S. 9

Friedman, Martin, JutSI, 1S
Mar84. 25, NS4. 28; homosexuals, D84.

Freeman, Rowland G., OcS2, 13

Friedman. Max J., FS3, 20
31; rally irks Jews, Ju181, 21

Freemasonry, N76, 19
Friedman, Milton, D75, 17, Ja76, 20-21,
Red Cross vs. UJA, D84, 29

Freespirit, Judy, MarS4. 13

Au78. S, MaySO,21
Funt, Allen. SS5, 29

Freidman, Esther (see Ann Landers)

Friedman, Murray, MarB7, 24
Furbank, P. N., OeS5, 32

Freimarck, Vincent. Ja7S, 7

Friedman, Myra, JunS5, 22
Furgler, Kurt, AuS1, 27

Freitas. Joseph, Au7S. 20

Friedman, Pauline (see Abigail van Buren)
Furtwangler, Wilhelm, NB6, 20

Fremont-Smith, Eliot, JunS5. 13

Friedman, Roger, N79, 20
Furue, Tadao, race identification quote,

French Canada, Jews oppose

Friedman, Sidney, DB3, 19

independence, F7S, 22
Friedman, Stanley, JulS6, 21, DB7, 30
Fusell, Paul, May85,22

French Canadians, Ap76. 4, F7S, 22,

Friedman, Steve, NS1, 21, MayS3, 17
Fusilier, Richard, JaB2, 21

Jaa2, 15-17, SS2, 28, SS5, 31

Friedman, Theodore, SBO, 33
fusion research, Jul79, 10

French Empire, Ap76, 5

Friedman, Thomas L., Mar85, 22, ApSS, B
Fussell, Paul, Oc83, 20, JunS5, 12-16,

French Indochina (see Vietnam)

Friedman, Tuvia, Au85, 17, S85, 9
S85. 16. FS6, 15,N86,18,SB7,17

French Revolution, SS2, 24-25

Friedman, Violeta, SS6, 35
Future of Man, The, NS2, 5-7

French. Donald J., Jul83, 29

Friedman, Wolfgang. DB4. 30
Future Shock, Ja86, 7

French, traits, S81, 7, OcS1, 2S, Mar86.

Friedrich, Christof (Zundel's pseudonym),
futurology,Mar76, 5, 18, N77, 7, 20,

OC7S, 19
Oc81 , 12-15, MarS3, 5-6, OcS3, 32-33.

Frenkel, Naftaly A., Ja76, S-9, F77, 10.

Friend. Solomon, D76, 18, May84, 11
MayS4, 32; Britain, Ap7S, 10; false

Friendlander, Lee, Ju185. 11
predictions. OcB3, 32; future man, Ap81,

Frere, John. SS6, 29

Friendly, Fred W., Ap82, 20-21
13; if South had won, ApSO, 21, JaS6,

Freud, Sigmund, F77, 5, F77, 19, Jul77, 9,

Friends of History (Canada), Au7a, 12
35; Lamm book, Jun86, 25; Majority

Oc77, 13, Ap7S, 21. F79. 17, FS3, 12-13,

Friesland. future independence, N84 9
futurists, FB3, 35; minority writers,

SS3, 6. FS5, 12-13. JuIS7. 6.11; Austria

Friess, Alan, MarSl, 23
OcSO, 1S; Russian-American conflict,

quote, MaySS, 34; doggerel, SS6. 23;

Frischenschlager, Friedheim, Ap85, 32,
MarB1, 35; separate Negro state, SB4.

plagiarism, MarSO, 20; psychoanalyzes

JunS6, 15
13; The Book ofthe Stars, ApB1, 16-17;

Leonardo, DSO. 21; shrinking reputation,

Frisians. S77, 26
U.S. doom-saying, JaS6, 35; U.S. in

Fritchey, Clayton, MarB2, 28
20S0, FB5, 2S; Vonnegut's equality tale,

Freudberg, Judy, JuIS7, 35

Frotich, Newton, double loyalty quote,
Ju179, 17-1S; world politics, MayS2. 13

Frey, Gerald L., FS6, 39

Fynn, H. F., NS6, S

Frey, Gerhard, D77, 23

Fromberg, Malcolm, JaSS, 33

Fromm, Lynette, F76, 16, JaS5, 10

Freytag, Gustave, Ja86, 33

Fribourg. Michel. D7S, 17. ApSO, 20, NS6,

Fromm, Paul, JunSO, 36, JunBI, 34, AuS1,

G.R.E.C.E. (French right-wing study

Frick, Henry Clay. FS2, 19

Front National (France). (also see Jean­ group), Oc76. 19, N7S, 24, Jun79. 8,

Fricke, Aaron, Au80, 2. OeS1, 211

Marie Le Pen), oeSo, 30. Jul83, 31, N83,
27-28, ApSO, 8-10, FB1, 32, May8S, 34­
Fridley, Russell, NS6, 23
33,584, 6-S. NB4,2S.DS4,34,Ja85,34
35; libeled, JaS2. 31

Fridman, Marla, Oc87, 17

May85, 34, JunS6, 36-37, JulS6, 32, 36,
Gabbidon, Arnold, JaS3, 24

Fried, Alan, D80, 13

Au86, 32, DS6, 33-34, OCS7, 31, D87,
Gabel, Charles, JuIS7, 33

Fried. Albert. SS1, 25, DS4, 23. Au8S, 9-11

31-32; 1983 election, MarB4, 28-29,
Gable, Clark, Jun78, 20, Au82, 16

Fried, Alfred, ApS3, 21

Jun85. 35; 1986 election, ApS6, 32
Gable, Gerald, OcBl, 31

Fried, Lance, DSO, 13

Frontline (TV program), D84, 2S-29.
Gabon, MayS2. 30

Friedan, Betty, Oc76, 1S, MayBO, 21,

Gacy, John, May79, 12, ApS1, 19

Jun84, 16, DB4, 23, Mar85, 1B, ApB5,

Fronto, Marcus, ApS4, 7
Gaddafi, Muammar, DBO, 22-23, OcBI, 4-5,

34. NBS, 29
Frost, David, Au77, 11, N77, 13
MarS4, 17, MaySS, 22, Ju186, 9-10,31.

Friedell, Egon, D79, 11

Frost, Martin, F79, 17, Oc8S, 31
SS6, 19, DS6, 22; assassination threats,

Friedkin. William, DS6, 24-25

fruit flies, MarS7, 36
MarB6, 20; attack on family, AuS7, 6-7;

Friedland, Mitchell, JunB6, 25

Fry, John H., JuneS3, 10-11
buys Fiat, FB7, 28; Green Book, SS1, 37;

Friedlander, Lee, JulB5, 12

Frye, Northrup, OCS7, S
links to U.S. Negroes, JunS6, 22; loans

Friedlander, Saul, NB4. 33

Frykovski, Voyteck, F76, 15
to Negroes, JaS6, 21; part Jewish?,

Friedlin, Gershon, JaB4, 27

Fu Manchu, SS3, 11
JulB6, 21; relations with Chad, NS3, 35;

Friedman, Allen, D83, 31

threats against, DB1, 31

Friedman, Arnold, MayS5, 16

Fuchs, Joseph, JuIBI, 19
Gaddy, C. Welton, MarS3, 32

Friedman, Avery. OcS6, 21

Fuchs, Lawrence H., ApSO, 22
Gadsden Purchase, JaS6, 20

Friedman. Benjamin, DS1, 32

Fugu Plan, D79, 2B, NBS, 15
Gaelic, SSO, 27, ApS1, 24

Friedman, Charles, Au86, 30

Fujio, Masayuki, FB7, 34
Gaglardi, Maureen, N82, 9

Friedman. Daniel, D76. 1S, May79. 11

Fulbright, J. W.o Ja76, 16, 17,576,6,
Gaia hypothesis, JunB2, 13, FB3, 16

Friedman, Esther, see Ann Landers

Gaines, Edmund, SS7, 19

Friedman, George, MarBI, 20

Fuller, Frederic, D85, 20
Gainham, Sarah, F86, 32


Gainsbourg. Serge. N79. 28. 580. 32-33

Gaon, Nessin, N84. 29
Gay Pride Week, F77, 13, N81. 11

Gaiters, Caesar, Jr., Oc87, 27

Garcia. Andrea, Mar83, 29
Gay Sunshine Press. ApS6. 18

Gaitskell, Lady, N80, 33

Garcia. Matt, ApBO, 22. Geso, 19
Gaylin, Willard, N83, 22, Ge87, 7

Gal, Nahum, Ja84, 28

Garcia, Peter. AugB3, 27
Gaynor, William, Ja76, 11-13, F76, 10

Galbraith, John K., Oc76, 15, N77, 13,

Garcia, Robert, Mar83, 18, Ju187, 29
Gayre, Robert. Au79, 14

F79, 22, Ju179, 16-17, Au84, 10; German

Gardiner, Mrs. G. L., Jun79, 18
gays (see homosexuals)
economy quote, F87, 25
Gardner, David, Ja8S, 33
Gaza Strip, ApSS, 34

Galicia (Spain), Au77, 18; future

Gardner, George, JuI7S, 7
Gedney, Mildred. MarS6, 36

independence, N84-10
Gardner, John, Au78, 11, N79. 18
Geffen, David, 082.18-19, Ge85, 18

Galileo, Juf87, 6; archives opened, JaS5,

Gardner, Martin, Au78. 7. Ge78, 22
Gehazi (poem), 079, 18

Garfein, Jack. F84. 26
Gehlen, Arnold, Au76, 4,16-17, Mar80,

Galinski, Heinz, Jun79, 30, May80, 11,

Garfield, James, 075. 13, 15, F79, 22;
16, Oc80, 20

assassinated. Ja85, 11
Gehreng, Harry. Ju185. 20

Galitzin, Leo, JufS2, 14

Garfinkle, Stephen. May84, 26
Geipel. John, Jun86. 21

Galland, Adolf, MayS4, 22

Gargan, Joe, Oc86, 28
Geis, Bernard, S81, 31

Gallegos, Williams, Mar80, 23

Garman, Charles, F79, 10
Geis, Larry, S87, 33-34

Gallipoli, JaSl, 30
Garment, Leonard, Ja83, 6-7, Ap84, 21,
Geisler, William E, F83, 21

Gallo, Max, JutS7, 19

Jun85. 31,587,12-14
Geiss, Tony, Ju187, 35

Galloway, Kathy, F85, 31

Gam, S. M., May77, 9
Geist, Valerius, Ja81, 21

Gallup Poll, 079, 16, N82, 21, MarS5, 26:

Garner, Guy, Oc86, 19
Gejdenson. Sam, Jul81, 30

on fsrael, Au83, 20-21; on Left and Garner, James, SS1, 22

Gelb. Arthur. Mar87, 28

Right, AuS3, 20
Garnett, Alf. British Archie Bunker, Ja87,
Gelb. Joseph, Jun82, 27

Galonic, Peter. Jun82, 15-16

Gelb. Leslie. Au77, 12, Mar87, 28

Ga!sworthy, John, Ap87, 6

Garraty, John A., German economy quote,
Gelbard, Jose, Ap78, 12, N79, 16

Galton, Francis, F77, 5.18-19-, S83, 9,

Gelber. Michael, DS6, 24

Garraway, Mitchell, Jr., May86. 30
Gefdman, Maureen, F87. 31

Galvao, Antonio, 077, 5

Garreau. Joel, 081. 10-11
Geldof, Bob, 085,33, N86, 31

Gatves, Orlando, S84, 18

Garrett, Henry E., S77, 24
Gelfand, Bertram. Au87, 27

Galvin, William, 083, 31

Garrett, Terry, Mar87, 28
Gell-Mann. Murray, 081, 18

Gambia, Jul77. 12; explorers, May7S, 10,

Garrett. Wendall, F84, 26
Geller, Jack, S85, 30

Garrity, Arthur. S82, 32. NBS, 27, Mar86,
GeUer, Uri, Oc78, 23-24, ApB7, 30, Au87,

Gambino crime family, ApS4, 27


Gamble, John, May84, 27

Garrity, Devin, 079, 7
GeUhorn. Martha, N81. 19

- gambling, OcS6, 30, N86. 30

Game and the Candle, The, 075 trrough

Ap7S; author's note, Oc77, 23; criticism

Garrow, David J., 083, 7-8

Garry. Charles, Ap79. 11, N83. 1S

Garson, Barbara. May81, 5

Gelli, Licio, S81, 35

Gelman. Gregory, May87, 31

Gelman, Milton 5., Ap83, 28

of, S7S, 18
Gart, Murray. Jun80, 29, 581,29
Gemayel, Bashir. 082, 29

- game shows. OcSO. 30

games. May81, 24. JuISI. 35, FS3. 19.


Gartenberg, Egon, May81, 8

Gartenstein, Stanley, JulSI, 19

Garvey, Marcus, 075, 5, Jul79, 7. N83, 6­

genealogy, Ap82, 30. S85, 29

Geneen, Harold S., Ja77, 12

General Accounting Office, criticizes

Gandhi (motion picture), JuIS3. 12-13.

7. JaS4, 16.N85, 13
Israel, F85, 33-34

Garwood, Darrell, N78, 15
General Dynamics, S85, 23, May87, 20-21

Gandhi. Indira. MarS3. 31. May83, 31.

Garwood, Ellen, S87, 12
General Foods, 581,40, JunB6, 24

May84. 28, FSS. 36, S85,32;

Gary, Romain, 080, 27, F81, 21, N81. 32
General Motors, 076. 11, Au78, 15

assassination, F85, 15
Garza. Eliglo de la, May84, 17
General Services Administration, Jun79,

Gandhi, Mahatma, F82, 30, Ju183, 12-15,

Garza, Humberto, 086, 10

Oc83, 14, DS4, 27, S86, 20; Jewish

gas chambers. Au79, 10, 082, 10-11;
General Strike, N8S, 24

friend, Mar87, 34
Baltimore, F80, 18; debunked. May79,
genes, S78, 5, Jun82, 20; combinations,

Gandhi, Rajiv. Ap86, 15, N87, 13

6, 21-23, in Maryland prison, Jul80, 36;
Mar87, 17; defective. Jul83, 23;

Gandhi, Rajmohan, N82, 31

none in Germany, F80, 26
diffusion of, DS6, 16-17; for crime, NS6,

Gandy, Evelyn, 083, 15

gas warfare, 581, 29
21 ; for music, May86, 33; future

gangs, Jun77, 13; Colorado, Ge87, 16;

Gasaway, Lillie. Ap81 , 26
repository, Jun80, 14-15; identified,

Los Angeles, Ap84, 21; Negro, SS1, 20,

Gaskin, William, Jul84, 31
086, 30; 10 correlations, S85, 36;

F82, 27, MaySS, 31, SS7, 27; slayings,

Gasperetti, Elio, Oc84, 19
splicing. NS7, 34

MayS4, 25; U.S. cities, May86, 22;

Gastal, Glenn and Faye, F86, 39
Genet, Edmond, Jun76,6

warfare, N77, 14, JunS2, 26; youth,

Gates, R. R., May77, 9, 22
Genet, Jean, Au85, 15, Au86, 32

Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan, S81, 27
genetic differences, Jews and non-Jews,

gangsters, Israelis, May86, 22; Italian, Gaudy. Antonio, Oc76, 15


Jun82, 32; Jewish nicknames, Au85, 10; Gauger, Kurt, Au82, 13

genetic diseases, Jul76, 9-10, FS1, 20,

Jews,S81,25,Jun82,32,N84,2S, 084, Gauguin, Paul, F7S, 11

May82, 5; by race, N82, 24

22-23, Au85, 9-11; Russian Jews, DS4, Gaulle, Charles de, N78, 21, Jul79, 6,
genetic engineering, May84, 31-32,

31,JunS5,22 Mar83, 26. Au84, 10, N85. 31, S87, 7; in Jun84,26, Mar87, 35-36

Ganier-Raymond. Felippe. NS5. 32

Canada, S82, 28; rapprochement with genetic experiments, stopped, NS4, 21

Ganivet, Angel, 076. 21

Germans, 580,15 genetic screening, F81, 20, Jun86, 40

Gannett Co., Jun76, 4, F77, 20, AuS3, 19,

Gauthe, Gilbert, Jr., Ja86. 30. F86, 39
genetic tests, May86, 24

S83, 33, OcSS, 21, MarS7, 26; women

Gavyushkin. Vladimir, Mar86. 13, Ap86,
genetic twilight. 078, 11

- directors, N83, 32

Gans, Herbert J., SS3, 14

Ganzberger, Patricia, Oc84. 34


Gay Games. N86, 30

Gay Liberation Movement, Ap84, 20

genetics, F77, 18, 577, 12, 077, 6, Ja7S,

13; human-chimp cross, Jul81, 34; in

history, Ja79, 12; in U.S.S.R., JaS6, 1B­


19; Jews censor, AuS6, 1S; Negro

39,AuS5, 14, DS6,36 Gerol, Michael, S84, 27

opposition, MarS1, 31; Negro superiority,

German Americans, D77, 13, F7S, 12; ADL Geronimo, Ap82, 19

AuSO, 1S; of poverty, D77, 22

name forbidden. DS6, 40; gerrymandering, D83, 30

Genetics of Jews, The, Dc79, 9

demonstrations, Dc78, 27; oppose Nazi Gersh, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel, Dc84, 29

Geneva Convention, Jul77, 1S

hunters, Ju185, 3S-39; organizing, Gershman, Carl S., Ju182, 1S

genius, NS2, 1S
JunS3, 31; persecution, JuISO, 22; Gershman, Joshua, Au81, 32

Genocide Convention. Au77, 6, 17,

protest bias, DS1, 36; 300th Gershwin, George, Jun7S, 21

May79, 27; non-signers, SS4, 9

anniversary, FS4, 26 Gerstein, Barry, MarS4, 26

Genocide Treaty, JuIS5, 21, MayS6, 1S

German Armed Forces, European Gerstein, Kurt, D78, 19, May79, 23,

Genocide (movie), ApS2, 27, SS2, 6

volunteers, DcSO, 5-6; Russian recruits, May85, 17, Jun86, 37, May87, 15, D87,

genocide, AugS3, 26, SS4, S-9; academic

Dc76,7 32,36; papern, AuS6, 32, ApS7,30

conference, FS3, 32; anthrax bombs,

German Christian (denomination), FS1, 18
Gersten, Christopher, May84, 15

DS6, 33; anti-German proposal. NS3, 32;

German Democratic Republic, D75, 3, 9.
Gertel, Irene, Au87, 27

Armenians, DcS2, 22; call for, MayS2,

Ap76, 9. D77, 23. F7S, 23. S80, 20,
Gerzoni, Coirrado, Jun83, 30

19; Cambodia, Ja7S, 13; coiner of word,

JunS2, 16-17, MarS5, 17; birthrate, S84,
Gestapo, D75, 7-8; in France, Ju187, 32

DeSO, 5; in Burundi, MarS3, 16-17, FS6,

2S-29; brutality, MaySI, 33 ; down plays
Getty trust, S83, 33

32; Israelis accused, JunS7, 35; Jews

Holocaust, JunS6, 37; Jews, FS1, 33,
GettY,Ann, Au85, 15,Au86,30

vs. Germans, SS6, 36; of Afghans,

N87, 29; leaders' compound, Au84, 37;
Gettysburg, battle of, JuIS3, 7-8

DcS6, 23; Zionist involvement, JunS1,

lUXUry homes, Au84, 37; no reparations
Gevirtz, Don, Ap82, 32

to Jews, D78, 15; F79, 28, N80, 32;
Geyer, Georgie Anne, Jun80, 34, SS1, 37,

Genovese, Eugene, JuISI, 31

refugees, D86, 34; reunification, N78, 6,
Mar82, 28, D82, 31-32, SS3, 19, DcS4,

Genovese, Kitty, Ju179, 11

21, S84, 15; sports prowess, S80, 33,
35, Jun87, 32-33; Baghdad attack, Au81,

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, JaS1, 12-13

Jun87, 8; spying apparatus, Mar81 , 33,
6; criticizes Begin, N81, 33; Nicaragua

Genseric, SSO, 15
D85, 32; travelogue, F79, 2S
comments, F85, 37

Gentile, Giovanni, Ju176, 8, 16-17

German Evangelical Church, F81, 18-19
Geyer, Ludwig, Ju183, 21

Gentile, J. Ronald, SS3, 36

German Labor Service, Ju187, 15
Ghana, S78, 20, S79, 11, Ju182, 9, D87,

Gentiles, criticized, DcS5, 17; envy Jews,

German language, S79, 15
21; marital customs, AuSO, 32

German National Party, Mar77, 20
Ghitter, Ron, S84, 28

Gentleman's Agreement, MayS4, 25,

German scientists, to U.S. and U.S.S.R.,
Ghorbanifar, Manucher, S87, 12

Ghostwriter, MayS4, 11-13

gentlemen, English, S79, 15

German Social Democratic Party, Ap78, 8,
ghostwriters, presidential, Ja83, 18

gentrification, DcSO, 22, MayS2, 16-17,

Giacumakis, George, N84 6

Germans, Ap78, 10, Ju182, 24; capitalists
Giamatti, A. Bartlett, Ja81, 23, JunS6, 34,

geography, tests, JaS4, 26

and Communists, Jun83, 23; converted
geopolitics, DSO, 20; JunS6, 23
to Christianity, Au85, 36; dialogue with
Giammarino, George, JaS2, 11-13

Georgadze, Arkady, NS7, 34

Israelis, N86, 34; Eastern refugees,
Giancana, Antoinette. Ju184, 31

George III, Ju182, 25

S81, 34-35, Jun87, 19; in U.S. business,
Giancana, Sam, Au76, 7, Ju184, 31, DS4,

George V, Ap77, 21
Dc80, 19; Jewish hatred, D84, 6;

George VI, FSO, 20

liberalization of, F87, 32; materialism,
Giashuddin, Mohammed, DcS7, 30

George, Wally, AuS4, 42

F86, 35; 1936 Dlympics, Jun87, 6;
Gibbon, Edward, May77, 22, S77,26,

George, Wesley, Ja76, 6

praise of, D84, 35; slurs against, Au85,
Dc78, 19, Ju181, 15

Georgetown University, NS1, 29, ApS6, 6­ 31; traits, Dc81 , 28, Dc81, 32, F86, 35,
Gibbs, Allan, Dc77, 12

Mar86, 27, May86, 11;
Gibbs, James Earl, Ap83, 28

Georgetti, Ted, S81, 19

U.S. assets confiscated, Dc80, 19
Gibraltar, Jun87, 32; Jews, Ap85, 33;

Georgia Bureau of Investigation, ApS7, 6­ Germany (also see Federal Republic of

Spanish irredentism, Jun85, 35-36

7, MayS7, 17
Germany and German Democratic
Gibson, Asthton, Ap82, 30

Georgia. Ap76. 9; Democratic primary.

Republic), Mar76, 11, S76, 15, Au77, 8;
Gibson, Boykin, ApS6, 35

AuSO, 35; desegregation, FS6, 40;

A-bomb story, Jun87, 21; anti-Hitler
Gibson, Dale, Dc84, 30

farms, DcS6. 20; politics, May7S, 7, 1S.

conspiracy, D87, 35; anti-Nazi
Gibson. H. B., DcS2, 29

Ju7S, 23, Dc7S, S, JunSO, 34-35, DS3.

clergymen. Au84, 37; anti-Nazi spies,
Gibson, Hugh, Mar80, 10

31, JaS6, 6-7; teachers' tests, MarS6, 30

Jun87, 21; anti-Semitism, N76. 18-19,
Gibson, Kenneth, in Abscam, May82, 18;

Gephardt, Richard, NS7, 33

Ap78, 8, 21-22, N79, 18, F87, 12;
indicted, JuIS2, 26

Gerard, James W., D7S, 19, JunS3, 27

atrocities, Ju178, 15; blood and soil,
Gibson, William, Ja86, 35

Gerasimov, Michael, SS5, 26

Au86, 13; communism, Ap78, 22;
Gide, Andre, Au76, 18

Gere, Richard, MarS4, 17

expansionism, JaS7, 10; films, Mar85,
Gideon, Russell, Ap81, 21

Geremek, Bronislaw, MarS2, 29, JuIS3, 33

29-30; great music records (1933-45).
Gielgud, John, Au82, 17, May87, 29; pro­
Gerena Jr., Victor, FS5, 31
F85, 19; homesteads, Ju187, 15; in WWI,
Jewish quote, MayS7, 27

Gergen, David R., JuIS7, 27

FS7. 7; Jewish ascendancy. Jun85, 30;
Gieseking, Walter. N86, 20

Gerhardt, Ed, DcSO, 21, Jun81, 15, Ja82,

Jews, N77, 8, 20-21, Ap78, 8, Dc82, 28­ gifted children, JunS3, 32, Ap84, 26,

11-13, MayS2, 1S
29, D84, S; left-wing politics, Ap78, S;

Gerhardt, John, DeBO, 21, JunS1, 15,

lost colonies, D86, 19-20; racial com­ Gigantes, Philip, MayS4, 26

JaS2, 11-13, MayS2, 1S

ponents, May78, 16; reunification of,
Gilbert, Herman C., S84, 13

germ warfare, F77, 10, JuISO, 23, SS1, 29,

N7S, N78, 23; Turks, D84, 34; war aims,
Gilbert, Martin, FSO, 26, Ap83, 8, NS3, 33

D86, 19; Weimar Republic, May80, 11­ Gilbert-Dreyfus, Prof., Dc77, 20

German-American Bund, DS7. 36

12,D81, 16, FS3, 18,D86, 19, Jan87,
Gilbertson, Jon, Ju179, 10

German-American Information and

11-12; Weimar Republic flag, DS4, 27;
Gilder, George, DS1, 9; pro-immigration,

Education Assn., MarS7, 35

Western atrocity mongering, Jun79, 9,
May85, 31; quote, MayS2, 9

German-American National Political Action

Giles, Nathaniel, Ap79, 15

Committee (GANPAC), JunS3, 31, JuIS5,

Gernreich, Rudi, Ju185, 33
Gill, Brendan, Au77, 17


Gillenwater, Julie, 584, 32

Glitman, Maynard, May85, 23
Gold, William, Oc82, 27

Gillespie, Janice, 077,23, 080, 31

Globe and Mail (Toronto), May85, 14, 19
Goldberg, Abraham, S83, 34

Gillet, Marc, Jun82, 29 Globus, Yoram, May87. 30

Goldberg, Alan, AuB4. 40

Gillette, Robert. Oc86,11-12 Glatz. Peter, Ap87, 31

Goldberg, Arthur, 077, 23,May84, 26

Gilliam, Dorothy, F83, 7,083,8. Jun84. Glubb, John, May87, 33; anti-Zionist
Goldberg, Dennis, May85, 35

11, Jun86, 23
quote, N84, 19
Goldberg, Gary David, Oc85, 29 Cess, 30

Gilliam, Sam, Ap80, 21

Gluck, Bill, N79, 20
Goldberg. Harry, 076, 8

Gillie, Oliver, 577, 24, Oc87, 13

Glucksmann, Andre, Ap78, 12, Au79, 27,
Goldberg, Harvey, Oc87, 27

Gilligan, Carol, Ap83, 13·14, F85, 39

Ja85, 19
Goldberg. Herb, AuSO, 21

Gilman, Ken, 587, 12

Glueck, Grace, JaS1, 23
Goldberg, Howard (Reuben Fier). Au86, 8

Gilmore, Gary, Jun77, 8, Ja78, 14, F78, 6. Gnaizda, Bob, Ap79, 11

Goldberg. Jacobo, N84, 34

Gnupsson, Eric, Au87, 22
Goldberg, Kim, Jun79, 19

Gilmore, Michael, Au84, 24

Gobineau, Arthur de, Ja76, 10, Ja77, 19,
Goldberg. M. Hirsch, May78. 12

Gilmour, lan, Oc82, 24·25 Oc79, 13,Au82, 11,S83, 9

Goldberg, Michael L., Ja87. 20

Gilpatric. Roswell. Jul85, 30

God and Man at Yale, Jun76, 20
Goldberg, Sherman, NS2. 21, JaS3, 7

Gimbel, Bernard, Jul76, 14

Godard, Jean-Luc. S85, 21
Goldberg, Sherwood, MarSI, 13, Ap81. 10

Gindin, Aron. 578, 12

Goddard, Donald, Au85, 14
Goldberg, Whoopi, F85, 19, Mar86, 19,

Gingrich, Newt, Au84, 16, Ja86, 6-S, Goddard, H. H., Au87, 36

Au86, 30, OcS7, 31, 087, 29; contact
May87,40 Goddard, Paulette, Oc80, 16
lenses, F87, 29

Ginsberg. Allen. Mar77, 18. Au77, 10,

Goddard, Robert H., Jun77, 11, F79, 8,
Goldblatt's, NS1, 29

N79, 20, May81, 18, F85, 12-13; Jul80,8

Goldblum, Jeff, N86, 21

probation for Abbie Hoffman, Ju181, 30

Godfather I and II movies, Mar84, 16-17
Goldblum, Stanley, 076, 18, May77, 13

Ginsberg, Mordechai, Oc82, 27

Gods Must Be Crazy, The, DS5, 35
Goldbold, W. W., Jun87, 35

Ginsberg, N.E., N79, 20

Godwin, Earl of Wessex, 582, 7,082,17
Goldburger, Marvin, 587, 28

Ginsberg. PaUl, Au87, 36

Goebbels Diaries, The. Au78, 20, Jul83,
Goldemberg, Jose, 080, 28

Ginsburg. Ibby and Wova. Ap79, 32

30; reviewed, NS6, 18-19
Golden, Aaron, N86, 31

Ginsburg, Scott, Jun86, 23

Goebbels, Josef, Mar78, 22, F79, 26,
Golden. Harrison J., JaBO, 23

Ginzberg, John, Mar80, 9

Jun79, 10, FS1. 27. Ap85. 19. ApS7. 25,
Golden, Harry, Ap76, 9

Ginzburg, Ralph, N79, 19, Mar80, 9. Ap82, MayS7.35; religious strategy, FS1, 18.
Goldenson, Leonard, F77. 8, Au85, 15

28, FS5, 13,Jun86,25 Jun87, 13

Goldenweiser, Alexander, Ja77, 19

Ginzburg, Ruth B., Ja81, 25

Goebbels, Magda, FS1, 27, Jun87,13
Goldfarb, Alexander, AuS7, 27

Giovanezza, OcSS, 27
Goedicke, Hans, Oc82, 19·20
Goldfarb, Avraham, Jun86, 38

Giovanni, Nikki, 587, 24

Goeke, K., MaySO, 13-14
Goldfine, Jacob, May87, 18

Girard, Stephen, Ju183, 23

Goellner. J. G., May85, 22
Goldfoot, Stanley, N84, 5-6

Girl Scouts, Au7S, 12; cookies, Ju184. 30

Goelman, Allan, Mar86, 6
Goldin, Harrison. May83. 26, F84.25

Girsky, Stephen, F85, 19

Goering, Edda, Jun87, 13, Au87, 30
Golding, William, Jun84, 30

Giscard d'Estaing, Valery, MarSO, 77,

Goering, Emmi, Jun84, 33. Jun87, 13
Goldman Sachs, F77. 8

Ja81, 19, Ju181, 32·33,081,14-15; Goering, Hermann, Mar78. 22, 07S, 20,
Goldman, Emma, F82, 19, N83, 28, Ja84,

honors Jews, May81, 33; Jewish F79, 8, Jun87. 13; wedding, F81. 19
12; quote, Oc83, 35

opposition, Au80, 35
Goethe Institute. Ju186, 30
Goldman, Paul, F86, 18

Gish, Lillian, 077, 7

Goethe, J. W., Au77, 5, Mar82, 14, Oc84,
Goldman. Peter. Oc87. 11

- Gitlis, Baruch, F86, 22

Gitlitz, Esther and Wolf, Ju186, 17

Give Us Your Poor, Mar77, 13, DSO, 21

Glad Tidings Church, NS2, 9

6-7; quote on ignorance, May87, 3S;

solicited by U.S. pols, Jul86, 30

Goetschel. Philip. 083, 29

Goetz. Bernhard, Ap85, 6-7, Jun85, 22,

Goldman, Pierre, Ja80, 32

Goldman, Simcha. JU186. 14

Goldman, Sol and Lillian, Aug84, 33, Au85,


Gladman, Jerry, JulS4, 2S S85, 12-13, Oc85, 31. F86, 30, 586, 38­ Goldmann, Nahum, Au78, 19, Au78, 12.

Gladue, Brian A., 084, 39

39, Au87, 20, 087, 1S; rabbi justifies act,
Ja79, 22, May82, 30

Gladwyn, Lord, Ja86, 25

Goldmark family, MayB6, 18

Glanzer, Seymour, Ja77, 5, 17

Goines, Frank, 080, 26
Goldschmidt, Michael, 083, 29, Ja84, 21

Glaser, Donald, S77, 19

Golan Heights, 581. 33, MarS2, 29
Goldsmith, James, 576, 19, 076, 24,

Glasgow, 086, 33; AIDs and drugs, Jun87, Golan, Menahem. May87, 30
Jul77, 8, JaBO, 30, Jul80, 29, NSO,

Goland, Michael, MarS5, 20, N87, 20; aids
23-24, JunSI, 27, Jul81, 32 , Ja87, 8,

Glass, Philip, 084, 20-21

Vallen, FS7. 19
F87, 17

Glasser, Robert, Jul82, 21

gold production, AuS7, 32
Goldsmith, Morton, May86, 30

Glassey, Donald, Au85, 20

gold standard, N76, 9, 21, May77, 8, 22
Goldstein. Aaron, 076, 11

Glatt, Beth, 585, 23

Gold, Daniel E., N85, 28
Goldstein, AI, Jun77, 13, Mar79, 19,

Glazer, Nathan, May80, 16, NS4, 21

Gold, David (real estate broker), MayS4,

Glebard, Robert S., Ap87, 34

Goldstein, Alan. Ju185, 23

Gledhill, Maurine, May84, 19

Gold, David and Ralph, Jul84, 33
Goldstein, Barry, MayS7, 20

Glenn, John, F82, 16, May83, 5,17-18, Gold, Dina, May83.28

Goldstein. Harold, 076, 18

Oc83. 23; Israeli advocate, Au84, 20; Gold, Eugene, Ja84, 20

Goldstein. Herbert, Ja85, 32

rebuffed by Israelis, N83, 24

gold, imports, 085,31; in U.S.S.R.•
Goldstein. Marsh, Au82. 27

Glenn, Stephen, N81, 36

Ja86, 18; theft in Germany, Goldstein, Owen, MaySI, 31

Glenn, William, Oc86. 32

Goldstein, Paul, DS6. 24

Glick, Allen R.. Au78, 13

Gold, Jack, Jun81. 21
Goldstein. Richard, N83, 22

Glickstein, Hugh, N87, 36

Gold, Larry, 080. 11
Goldwater. Barry. Jr., Ja77. 17, MayS2.

- Glikman, Leonid, 578, 12

Glimmerveen, Joop, FSO, 18, F81, 32

Glistrup, Mogens, Jun 79, 20

Gold, Steve, Mar78, 16

Gold, Stuart, F84, 18

Gold, Ted, F76, 15

12-13. Au82, 31, F84, 14

Goldwater. Barry, Sr., Jun76. 5, Ja77, 17.

Mar77, 18. Jul77, 12. Oc77, 14. May79.


11. Ja87. 16; family history. May76 11;

Gordon, Harry, JunB1, 31
Grace, J. Peter, OcS2, 26, AuS4, 31

Jewish blood. F79. 18

Gordon, Jeffrey, MarB1, 31

Goldwater. Robert. Ju177, 12. Oc77. 14

Gordon, Mary, Jul81, 20
Gracida, Rene, MarS2. 19

Goldway, Ruth Y., N82, 17

Gordon, Natalie, OcB6, 20
Grad, Ben and Mollie, MarSS, 26

Golem. Oc83, 26, Mar85, 29

Gordon. Nathan, 079, 19
Grade family. MayS3, 28

Goleniewski. Michael, Ap77, 6-7, 21-24,

Gordon, Robert A., NB6, 9-10
Grade, Leslie, MarBO, 26, May83, 28

MarSO, 23
Gordon, Sarah, Jun8S, 30
Grade, Lew, Jul77, S, 577, 14, Au79, II,

Goliath. SS1, 24. JuIS7, 12

Gordon, Scott, N77, 13
Oc79, 17, MarSO, 26, ApS1, 27. MayS3,

Gollancz. Victor, 583, 28. Jun87, 24,

Gordon, Spiver, MayS6, 22
28, MarS7, 31, JunB7, 30

Gordon, Suzanne, Jun84, 15·16
Grade, Michael, Au86, 25-26, Mar87, 31,

Golub. Mark. 577,13

Gordon, Waxey, F76, 18

Gomez. Diego, May78, 21

Gore, Albert, Ju187, 13; Demo primary,
Grade, Paul, 583, 34

Gomez, John, Mar81, 34

OS7, 6-7; misspeaks, 587, 12
graduate students, Mar87, 26

Gomez, Jose, Ap86, 29, Oc86, 15

Goren, Shlomo, May83, 26, 084, 39, 583,
GradlJate, The, JuIS4, 16

Gomez. Roberto 5., N84. 30

35, JuIS7, 33
Grady, John F., OcSO, 14-15, SS1, 25

Gomulka, Vladislav, Mar78, 17, Au84, 37

Gorence, Don, Ju187, 20
Grady, Maxine F., Ja81, 31

Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de, political

Gorer, Geoffrey, 581, 26
Graf, Steffi, SS7, 2S

quole, Ap87. 25
Goreville (IL), MayS4, 24
Graff, Henry F., May82, 16

Gone With the Wind, Jun78, 9, 20

Gorey, Hays, Ja77. 16
Graff, Michael, Jun86, 17-1S. JuIS6, 40

Gonick, Gene, Oc86, 20

Gorham, Melvin. ApBI, 31, NS1, 7-9
graffiti, OCS2, 18

Gonne. Maude, 579,14

Gorman, Richard, OS1, 2S
Grafstein, Jerry. May84, 26

gonorrhea, Ap76, 9
Gorme. Eydie, NSO, 29
Graham family, Jun 76, 19

Gonzales, Anthony F., OS4, 39

Gorn, Isaac, NS3, 36
Graham, A. H., OcBO, 30

Gonzales, Corky, N80, 18

Gorney, Roderic, 087,22-23
Graham, Bill, OSO, 14

Gonzales, Felipe, MayS4, 23

Gorsalitz. Robert and Myrna, N85, 2S
Graham, Billy, Mar76, 6, Jul78, 11, Au87,

Gonzales, Henry, 077, 11. May87. 31.

Gorsedd (Cornish festival), Ja84. 2B
14; budget, JaS2, 28

087.30; criticizes black cabinet officer.

Gorzcynski, Reg, Ju181, 21-22
Graham, Bob, 084. 28, 586, 33

Goscinny. Rene, Jun82, 19
Graham. Daniel 0., FS3. 35, F84. 31. OS7,

Gonzales. Luis. N86, 12

Gosden, Freeman, F86, 11-12

Gooch, SIan, OcS4. 30; quote on camps,

Gosling, Ray, Ap86. 31
Graham, Donald E., Jun 76, 18, JulSl, 1S,

Gossett Jr., Louis, Jun84. 34

Good HOlJsekeeping. Ju178, 11

Goths, 077, 8
Graham, Harrell, F83, 35

Good Samarilanism, OcS4, 18-19

Gotlieb, Sondra, JuIS6. 30, 586, 33
Graham, Harrison, OS7, 30

Goodall. Jane, F80, 23, AuS4, 25

Gott, Kenneth, 085, 17
Graham, Helen, Mar86, 36

Gottfried, Paul, 586, 17

Graham, James, Mar81 , 24

Goodchild. Peter. Mar87, 31

Goode, W. Wilson. June83, 8-9. SS3. 23.

Ja84, 17. F84. 14, MarSS, 10, Ap85, 11,

Gottfriedson, Linda S. N86, 9·1

Gottingen (German university), Jul83, 32,

Graham, Katharine, Jun77, 14, Ap80, 24.

FS7, 22, May76, 11, Jun76, 5, 18, Oc7S,

Jun8S, 20, May86, 19, Au86. 20; bloc

Oc83,33 .
10, , N76, 13,Fn, 8, May77, 12; bi­
vote, Au84, 32
Gottlieb, Alan M., May84, 25, 084.31
ography censored, JulSO, 19, NS2, 28,

Goode, Wellford, MayB5, 38

Gottlieb, Kevin, Ja83, 24
SS7, 28; marriage, Mar79, 13

Goodell, Charles, NB7, 17

Gottlieb, Paul. Au81, 33
Graham, Lord, Ja80, 30

Goodgain, Richard, Ap87. 13

Gottlieb, Robert A., FS1, 20, May87, 22
Graham, Loren, JaS6, 1S·19

Goodlett, Carlton B., 07S, 22. Ap79, 11

Gottlieb, Sidney. 079, 19-20
Graham, Otis L., Jr., OS6, 12

Goodlin, Slick, Au84, 17

Gottschalk, Marie, Chinese quote, NS7. 36
Graham, Philip, Jun76, 5, 18, Mar79, 13;

Goodman, Alan H., JuIB3, 34

Goucher, Candice, OCS7, 2S
bequest, FS7,22

Goodman, Arnold A., Mar79, 28, N80, 23­ Goude, Jean-Paul. 582, 17
Graham, Robert (Florida governor), OS2,

Gould, Elliot, Dc78. 13

Goodman, Ernest, N77, 6

Gould, Milton 5 .• FS4, 18, Ap85, 11
Graham, Robert (sculptor), Dc84, 20

Goodman, Jeffrey, Au81, 23, Jul83, 29,

Gould. Stephen J •• 577, 23, 578, 10-11,
Graham, Robert (sperm bank), Jun80, 14,

May82, 17, AuS2, 6-8, NS2, 6, Au84, 7,
MarSI, 21, Ap81 , 19, N82, 5-7, OS2, 1S,

Goodman, Jerry, Mar85, 27

OcS7, 12; MarS7, 35-36, Ju187, 6-7.
JaS3, 2S, Mar83, 32, MarSS, 36, AuS5,

Goodman, John K., Jr., Oc82, 21

087, 15; AIDS comments, Au87, 17;
35, JunS7, S-9

Goodman, Julian, F77, S, 078, 16

criticizes Census, Ap81, 20; criticiZes
Grain Merchants, The, ApSO, 20

Goodman, Myron 5., Au82, 27, Dc83, 30

Goddard, Au87, 36; criticizes Morton
Grainger, Ella Strom, MayS6, 10-12

Goodman. Paul. Ap78, 12-13

and Agassiz, S7S, 10-11; criticiZes
Grainger, Percy, MayS6, 10-13

Goodman, Robert D., Jr., ApS4, 17,

Rifkind, May85, 31
Grainger, Rose, MayS6, 10-12

Gouletas, Evangeline, JuISI, 30
Graiver, David. Ap78, 12, Ap79, 16, N79,

Goodner, John, Jun85, 39

GOlJrmet magazine, Jewish masthead,
15-16, MarSO. 22, AuS1, 22, N84, 29,

Goodson, Mark, Jul86, 29

JunS7, 33, Dc87, 33

Goodstein, David B., FB6, 31

government workers, racial composition,
Gramm, Phil, 084,31

Goodwill Games, MarS6. 28

Gramsci, Antonio, Jun79, 27,579,17,

Goodwin, Richard, Mar79, 18

government, loyalty to, 576, 11; spending,

Goonetilieke, Albert, JaS7, 28

JuISS, 32; waste, OcS2, 25
Grand Inquisitor, N79, 22-23

Goral, Arie, 083, 28

governors, Hispanic, JaS7, 12-13; Jewish,
grand jury, no race exclusions, Au86, 30

Gorbachev, Mikhail, May84, 18, FS6, 31 ,

Ja87, 12
Grandbouche, John, JulS3, 15-17

Jul87, 33, SS7, 31; reaches out to U.S.

Grabert Verlag, Mar86, 36
Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite,
Jews, F87, 33
Grabowsky, Klaus, JunS1, 32-33
N7S, 9

Gordimer, Nadine, Oc81, 34, N84, 34

Graboys, Thomas B., D84, 23
Grandier, Urban, SSO, 14-15

Gordis, David M., Ap85, 13

Grace Report, JunS4, 29
Grandma Holt, AuS4. 31


Grandpa Jones, Mar87, 25

dramatists. OcS7, 21; links to Hebrews, Greenland, Au82. 29, Au87, 22

Granit. Haim, N84, 28

Jul83,21 Greenlay, James, FS3, 18

Granoff. Loren, May87.39

Greece, JuI7S, 10; anti-Semitism, 086,30,
greenmail (see corporate raiders)

Grant, Anna, 582, 11

F87, 33; civil violence. F82, 29;
Greenman, Dennis. S81, 31

Grant, Bernard, Ja86, 31. F86. 33, Jun86.

Communists, May76, 16, Jun85, 34;
Greenpeace, boat sunk. N8S,32,Ja86,33

36,086,34,Ge87,30 Jews, Ap85, 33. FS1, 23; ship murders,

Greens (also see Federal Republic of

Grant, Bob, Jun7S. 23. Oc7S. 17, Mar79, OS5, 33, MayS6, 32-33; war of
Germany), Maya3, 9, Jun83, 29, JaS5,
2S, Ju180. 19
independence. Jun84, 32
34. ApSS, 20. July86, 32. Au86, 13,

Grant, Bruce, MarS4, 29-30, May85, 37

Greek cities. swastikized, JunS5, 2S

Grant. Cary, Ju184. 23-24, 587. 27

Greek language, textbooks. NS7, 23
Greensboro (NC). MarSO, 19; damages

Grant, Madison, Ja76, 9-10, Ja77, 19,

Greek Orthodox Church, Ap85. 33; Israeli
won, Au8S, 35; demonstrations, AuS7,

F77, 19. F77. 7. F78, 19, Ju180, 14, F81,

terror, S85, 32-33
36; dynamite plan, Oc8r. 3S; most

19, 581, 8, Mar82, 30, 583, 9, NBS, 8;

Greek-Turkish war, atrocities. May8S, 23
livable city, 584,32; shoot·out, Oe80.

attacked by AOL. Ju184. 14; quote,

Greeks, Mar79. 22; in North America, N80,
20-21, FS1, 14-15, OS1, 29, Ja83, 9-10,

12; in Roman Empire. Ge78, 7;
Au84, 23-24

Grant, Percy, Jun87. 17

physiognomy, Au82, 9; racial origin,

Grant, Ulysses 5.,075,13,078,8

OSO. 18
Greenspan. Elliot, 086, 24

grants, Jewish recipients, Ap77, 15

Greeley, Andrew. S81, 29
Greenspun, Hank, backs Reagan. OS4, 21

Grasby. AI. May85. 36

Greeman. Barney, Jul84, 32
Greenstein, lewis, JunS7, 28

Grass, Gunther, N84, 26

green cards. AuS7. 10. 13
Greenwald, Gerold, Ge86. 23

- Grassby, Albert J .• 582, 30, F84, 23

Grasso. Anthony, F83, 36

Gratz. leopold, Ap85, 32, Jun8S, 17,


Green Revolution, JunSS, 8

Green River murders. MayS6, 21

Green vs. Missouri Pacific Railroad,

Ap7S, 7

Greenway, John, Ja77. S-9, S77, 7, 25

Greer, Germaine, OcSS, 32

Greer, Michael, F83, 30

Gregorcie, Max, Jun87, 33

Graubard, Seymour, May77,' 1

Green, Arthur, July86. 36
Gregory I, Pope. Jun85, 34

Graue, Jerald, Ja78, 24

Green, Bill, N87, 27
Gregory VII, Pope, JulyS6, 32

Grauel, John, Mar80, 23

Green,Bob, NSO.35
Gregory, Dick. Ap79, 11. AuSO, 18, MarSI,

grave robbers, Ja87, 28; hanged, Ju179,

Green, Bonnie. JunS6, 23
29, JulSI, 30, F82, 27. JurS4, 31. Ap87,

Green, Gerald, MarSO, 27, Ap85, 1S,
13; Atlanta theory, MaySI, 32

Graves, Debra, JulS7, 20

JulSS, 29,
Grenada. Negro Marines. AuS4, 1S; U.S.

Graves, Frank X., Au86, 7

Green, Harold B., S77, 20
Negro dealings with, Au84, 18

Graves, Robert, F79, 17, F87, 30

Green, Joseph E., II, OcS6, 32
Grenier, Richard, SS6, 20, Jun87, 32

graveyards, desegregated, NSS, 1S

Green, Marshall. Oc78, 18
Grenville, J.A.S., JuIS7, 27

- gravitation, Jun80, 35, F83, 1S

Gray Riders. 585, 6, 8

Gray, Bill, Ja87, 12

Green. Martin, Ja86, 25

Green, Moses, Ja80. 31

Green, Pincus. NS3, 25, 083, 20, AuS5, 11

Grenville, Roger, May79, 28

Gresser, Jacob. S81, 31

Grew, Joseph, Mar80, 10

Gray, Francine, N83, 22

Green, S, William, ApSS. 29, ApS7, 14
Grieg, Edvard, MayS6, 10, 12

- Gray, Fred, 080, 23

Gray, Howard, Ja81, 5

Gray, L. Patrick, Jan, S

Gray, Martin, FSO, 27, Ju187, 19-20

Green. Stephen, ApS4. 31, OS4, 22

Green, Thomas C., SS7, 12

Green, William J., 582. 13

Greenberg. Alan C .• N87. 26

Grier, Roosevelt, JaSS. 19

Grietzer, Carol, Ap86, 20-21

Griffin, James, FS1, 14

Griffin, Nick, JulSS, 7-11, NS6, 32

Gray, Michael, 579, 28

Greenberg, Clement. 075. 9·10, Ja76, 2,
Griffith, Calvin, Mar79, 17-18

Gray, Roland, 081, 21

Ap78, 7,21,ApSO. 1S,June83, 9·10. 12,
Griffith, O. W., 077, 7, 20-21, Jun78, 9,

Gray, Simon, 083, 25


Gray, William, III, Ap85, 29

Greenberg, David 5., OS7, 30
Griffiths, Edgar, W, F77, 8, May78, 13,

- Grayson, John, Jul87, 29

Graz (Austria), ApSS, 32; compared to

U.S. cities, JaS3, 31-32

Graz, leopold, SSO, 17

Greenberg, Hank, May7S. 9, OcSS. 21

Greenberg. Irving, Au81, 30. May83, 19

Greenberg, Jack. Jun77, S, N77, 6, May

7S. 6,18, JaS1. 15-16, F81, 31, JunS3,

Jun79, 19

Griffiths, Michael, Mar87, 7. Ap87, 16

Griffiths, Peter, May8S, 14. 16-1S, Ju185,


Grease (film), N78, 9

31, NS4, 30
Griffiths, RiChard. Aug86, 31

Great Chess Automation, The, Jun76, 17

Greenberg. Joel W., Au80. 23, Ja86, 30
Griffon, Mirelle, NS4, 30

Great Depression, lack of crime, 581,20

Greenberg, Julie, JunS3, 26
Grimes, TImothy. Mar87, 7. Ap87, 16, N87,

Great Holocaust Trial, The (video), Jul86,

Greenberg. Martin H., JaS2, 32. MarS3, 16

Greenberg, Paul. F80, 14, S83, 33
Grimm, Clarence E., 086, 39

Great Lakes, surrounding population,

Greenblat, Marjorie, Ap79. 12
Grimm, Hans, 581,9, May82, 11

Greenblatt, J, Harry, Ap79, 16
Grimm, Holle, Oe83, 33

Great Society. Oe80, 10

Greene. Bob, OcS3, 36, May85, 25
Grimm, Jacob. F7S, 18

Great Terror, The, Mar79, 16

Greene, Graham, SS7, 21; respects
Grimsby , James A.. Jr., FS7, 23

Great Wall (of China), JuISS, 27

Philby, JuISI. 30
Grinberg. Gerry. N86, 30

Great Wall (of Texas). F86, 18

Greene, Harold H., N82, 20, Mar8S. 31
Gringauz, Samuel, Jun87. 3S

Great White Hope, The, JuI7S. 7, Ap85, 27

Greene, Hugh, May83.28
gringo, JaS7, 20-21

Greater London Council, 084, 33, Ap8S,

Greene, Linda. OS7, 18·19
Griswold, A. Whitney, Jun86, 33

Greene, Sonia H., MarS4, 7
Grizzard. Lewis, 087, 19

Greaves, Elmore, Ap79, 7, F81, 35, May81,

Greenfield. Armalona, NSS, 22
Grob, Gerald N., MarS2, 30

Greenfield, Jeff, Oc87, 10
Grobart, Fabio, Jun86, 33

Greaves, Percy L., F82, 32

Greenfield, John, AuS7, 19
Grobman, Alex, ApS5, 8

Grechko, Andrey, F79, 16

Greenfield, Meg, Ge83, 18-19, Jul8S, 17
Grodin, Joseph, MarS6, 36

Greece, ancient. S7S, S, 079. 13, Ap83,

greenhouse effect, May87. 30
Grof, Stanislaw, Jun78, 13

14-15, Jul86, 13; decline of, May84, 32; Greening of America, The, Jul77, 11
Gromyko, Andrei, 078, 12, F79, 16,


Guinness Brewery, Jun87, 30
Jun79, 18,Au81,21, 086,22

Gropius, Walter, Oc76, 15, Mar79, 13

Guinness, Brian, Mar78, 22, F86, 25
Gypsy Baron, July86, 32

Grose, Peter, Oc85, 13, Ap86, 5, 7; Israel

Guinness, Jonathan, N77, 24, 077, 23,

quote, F86, 17
Au78, 20, Oc85, 28, N8S, 22-23, 085,

Gross National Product, N77, 14, Mar87,

27-29, F86, 25-26, Mar86, 25-27, Ap86,
26; missing billions, Ja84, 26; service
Ha-Am, Achad, 086, 7-9

component, Jul87, 27
Guinzburg, Thomas, N87, 15
Haag, Ernest van den, Mar77, 11, F78, 11

Gross, Edith, May79, 13

Guiringaud, Louis de, F79, 28
Haagen-Oazs, Jul87, 35-36

Gross, Harvey, 080, 22

Guiteau, Charles, 075, 13, 15, Ja85, 11
Haas, Bruno,Ja87,32

Gross, Leonard, F83, 20

Gulag Archipelago, 075, 9, Ja76, 8-9 ,
Haavara Agreement, Ja83, 13-14

Gross, Martin, Au79, 9


Gross, Ned, Ap87, 20

Gulags (Soviet), F77, 10, Oc78, 17, Ja79,
Haber, Fritz, Ap82, 13

Grossman, Albert, 080, 14

13, Mar79, 15-16, Oc81, 32
Haberle, E. G., Au81, 32

Grossman, Haike, Jul85, 18

Gulf Oil Corp., 076, 18; integrated ad,
Habre, Hissene, N83, 35

Grossman, Israel, Jun87, 28, 087, 30

Habsburg Twilight, F86, 32

Grossman, Lawrence, Jul80, 18, Mar84,

Gulley, Billy, May81, 5
Habsburg, Otto von, Au79, 21, F83, 26;

18, Au84, 30
Gulpian, Elsa, S85, 10
Jewish links, F86, 32

Grossman, Lester, N79, 19

Gumbel, Bryant, Oc82, 20, Ap85, 27,
Habsburgs, Mar83, 24

Grossman, Ron, Au86, 19

Hackett, David M., 081,20

Grosvenor, Robert S., F78, 11

Gumbleton, Thomas, 082, 19
Hackett. Dick, Jul83, 22, Ja84, 17

Grosz, George, Ap78, 21

Gumilev, Lev, Ja86, 19

Groueff, Stephane, Ja78, 13

Gunderloy, Mike, May87, 40
Haddad, Sa'ad, Au80, 32, Ap81, 29, Jun81,

Grove Press, Au85, 15

Gunkel, Patrick, F83, 35
33, Ju182, 28, 082, 29, Ap85, 11

Groves, Adrian, F86, 30

guns, Mar76, 4, 1 6-17, F78, 12-13, S82,
Hadden, Briton, F78, 21

Groves, John, Ja80, 29

31; as premiums, Ap83, 21; celebrity
Haden, Cecil R., Jul82, 25

Grubard, Miriam, May86, 29

permits, 087, 18; forbidden or required,
Hadleigh, Boze, Jun87, 28

Grubbs, K. E., Jr., Jul85, 17

May82, 32, May84, 24; in Britain, N87,
Hadrada, Harald, Ap85, 35

Gruenberg. Michael and Eugene, Au87, 28

28; legislation, 075, 6, F76, 19, Mar76,
Hadrian, Oc78, 7, Ja79, 6

Grumm, Hans, S81, 36

4, 17, Au81, 21; litigation, N82, 28;
Haeckel, Ernst, Au79, 25, S80, 14

Grunblatt, Jacques, May79. 27

lobby, 075, 6; prohibited in District of
Haeckel's law, Au79, 8

Grunebaum, Ernest H., Jul87, 28

ColumbiaJa83, 32; statistics, Jun85, 31 ;
Ha'enzi, Nadav, Au87, 7-8

Gruner-Schlumberger, Anne, N85, 32

upheld, Ja83, 32
Haffner, Sebastian, Mar80, 26, N83, 32

Grunfelder, Felicia, F85, 20-21

Gunther, Hans F. K., Au82, 11
Hafstad, Lawrence, Au85, 18

Grunwald (Polish magazine), Oc87, 32

Gunzburg, Alain de, Oc82, 14
Hagan, J.R., 087, 18

Grunwald, Henry A., F77, 8, N76, 13. F78.

Gur. Mordecai, Ap86, 5
Hagannah, Jul77, 18

21, Jul78, 12, S78, 18, Au79, 20, Jun80,

Gurary, Schnejer, S86, 34
Haggadah, Jul85, 16

29,Ap81, 18, N87,29;quote, F81,8

Gurfinkel, Michael, S81, 25
Haggard, H. Rider, Ap8S, 35

Gruson, Sidney, Jun84, 11

Gurkhas, Jul83, 13-14, F84, 22, Ja86, 27
Haggard, Merle, F85, 40

Grynszpan, Herschel, Jun 79, 10, 29, 082,

Gurley, Jack, F77, 11
Haggis, Paul, Ja87, 26

Gurney, A. G., Oc87, 16-17
haggling, Oc86, 20

Guadalajara, F81, 12
Guryn, Jacob, N82, 28
Hahn, Otto, 081, 16

Guadalupe Hidalgo (treaty), Jul87, 8-9

Gusman, Maurice, S80, 31
Haider, Jorg, Ja87, 31-32

Guadeloupe, Ja80. 7-8

Gustav Adolf VI, 079, 15
Haig, Alexander, Au81 , 34, Jun82, 19, 23,

Guard of Honor, 078, 7

Gutenberg Bible, Jewish input, Mar83, 29
Au82, 4, Ja83, 6-7, Mar83, 17, Au83,

Guardian (Manchester), Jul77, 8

Guterman, Gerald, 086, 22
31, Jul87, 13; Deep Throat?, F87, 22;

Guards Brigade, N86, 33, Au87, 29, Oc87,

Gutfreund, John H.• 084. 21, N87,26
Jewish brain trust, Ap81 , 10, N82, 21;

31; suicide, S87, 29

Guthrie, Arlo, Ap79, 12
Jewish support, Jun83, 25; links to

Guatemala, N80, 31, Jun82, 11, Au82, 28,

Guthrie, John, Mar84, 28
Kissinger, Jun81, 23; pro-Zionism, 082,

F86, 38; illegals in Mexico, Au87, 15;

Guthrie, Marjorie, 079, 18
8; profile, Mar81, 12-13; resignation, N82,

Israeli connection, F86, 38

Guthrie, Raymond. Oc87, 27
21; wiretapper, F87, 22

Guccione, Robert, Oc82, 20, Mar86, 6,

Guthrie, Woody, Mar77, 7, Ap79, 12
Haig-Brown, Roderick, Ju187, 30

Ja87, 28; aids Israel, Ju183, 34

Gutians, Oc78, 14
Hailsham, Lord, 076, 24, 083, 32

Guderian, Heinz, May77, 18, May78, 15

Gutierrez, Jose, 077, 11, Oc79, 11
Hain, Peter, May78, 19

Guernica, May77, 10, Ju178, 15, 23

Gutierrez, Nevardo A., Jul81, 31
hair color, Jul78, 12; redhead study, Ja81,

Guerra, Jaime, S81, 19

Gutman, John, Ja78, 11
21; sexual effect, Mar87, 26

Guerrero, Manuel A., 077, 17-19

Gutterman, Burton,Ja82,29
hair products, Negro buyers, Ap83, 27

Guerrero, Raoul, 077, 17-19

Guy, Bill, Mar84, 30
hair styles, OeBO, 21, May81, 19

Guevara, Che, F76, 15, Ja77, 20, Oc78,

Guyana (also see Jonestown), Ap84, 30;
hair stylists, Negro, Jul85, 33

25, May85, 34
refugees, N84, 31
Hair, S83, 32

Guggenheim Museum, Oc76, 5

Guynemer, Georges, S80, 15
hair, metallic content, Mar84, 31-32; Negro

Guggenheim, Peggy, Ap78, 7, N79, 19

Guyon, Rene, Mar84, 9
treatments, Ap86, 18

Guiles, Fred L., F85, 21

Guyot brothers, F87, 32
Haiti, Mar79, 5, Oc80, 29, May83, 9,

Guilford, H. P., Ja87, 24

Gvishiani, Ozerman, Mar80, 21
Jun83, 27; AIDS, 086,37, Ap87, 13;

Guillaume, Pierre H., Jul79, 6, Oc79, 28,

Gvron, Daniel, 084, 22
Baby Doc ousted, May86, 34, Jul86, 31;

F87, 33, Mar87, 32

Gypsies, N81, 32, July86, 32; Britain,
election violence, 087, 7; Savannah

guilt, Ap77, 8, Au85, 7-8

Jul87, 30; Czechoslovakia. N87, 30;
siege, 086, 37; slums, 086, 37; voodoo

Guinea, Oc84, 28; links to Israel, Au81, 32

Hungary, Ap87, 31; Nazi persecution,
fatalities, 086, 30

Guinness Book of World Records, Jun78,

F87, 25; origins, 084, 34; Romania,
Haitians, 078, 23, Mar80, 21, 086, 37;

14, S79, 16
Ap85, 33-34; Spain, 084, 34; U.S.,
legal costs, Ja87, 27; refugees, Jun82,


27, MayS6, 2S Hamling, William, MarS1, 29 15,OS7,35;quote,583,6,584,29

Haitians in U.5., MarS7, 2S; crime, AuS7, Hamm, Jeffrey, Mar77, 20, 579,14-15, Harding, Carvel, Oc87, 1S

583,28-31 Harding, Christopher P .• N85. 15

Haj, The, ApS5, 1S, JulS5, 35

Hammarskjoeld, Oag, MarS6, 33
Harding, Earl, 077, 17

Hakim, Albert, JuIS7, 19, 5S7, 12, OcS7,

Hammarskjoeld, Hjalmar, MarS6, 33
Harding, Warren G., May78, 17, OcS6, S

Hammer, Armand, Ap79, 14, Mar80, 21,
Hardwick. Elizabeth, Ap85. 13; quote,

Hakkar, Abdelai, Mar87, 34

Ja81, 31, F84, 26, Jun84, 30, Mar85, 28,

Halaby, Lisa, 07S, 15

585,30, Mar86, 15, May87, 30, KGB
Hardy Boys, Au81, 22

Halaby, Najeeb, 07S, 15

agent, JulS7, 29; schedule, AuS5, 21
Hardy. Dorcas R., ApS4, 19

Halacha, OS3, 32
Hammerman, tH., II, informs on Agnew,
Hardy, Samuel and Betty Jo, Oc85. 31

Halas, George, NS6. 17

Ap81 , 26
Hardy, Thomas, MarSI, 21; maligned, AuSI,

Halberstam, David, 579, 17

Hammersley, Violet, N8S, 22-23

Halberstam, Michael. murdered, FS1. 15

Hammerstein, Arthur, Ja79, 27
Hare Krishnas, Mar8S, 28; accused by

Haldeman. H. L.. Ja77. 5, 17

Hammerstein, Oscar. Ja79, 27
AOL, MarSI, 21; U.5. supporters, N83, 32

Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel, OCS3. 6-7

Hammett. Dashiell, 07S, 24, N84, 30,
Hare, J.C. and A. M., N86, 9

Halevi, lIan, 5S3, 22

Harel, Isser, Ja82, 10, FSS, 29, Ju185, 22;

Halevi, Jehuda, OS6, S

Hammond, Jay, MarlS, 13
Mengele quote, FS7. 17

Halevy, David, ApS5, 10

Hammurabi Code, Jun77, 8
Hargadon, Fred, FS5, 1S

Haley, Alex, Ap77. 12, Jul77, 12, 577, 11,

Hampton. Abraham, MayS7, 31
Hargis, Billy James, May7S, 15, JulSI, 20,

May7S, 10,21-22, Ap79, 16, OS1, 31,

Hamsun. Knut, Au77, 10, Au79, 28

AuS3, 29, JuIS4, 30; Roots errors,

Hanau. Martha. Au76. 5
hari-kari. Jun76. 9, 19

May7S, 22; sued for libel, Ju179, 12

Hancock, Lang, JunS2, 1S Haringey (London borough). 587. 29

Haley, George, Oc86, 22

Hancock, Tony, Mar7S. 28
Haringey Council. JunS6, 36, 587, 29

Halimi, Gisele, Oc77, 6?

Hand, Karl. Jr., F7S, 22, Jun81, 21, N81,
Harken, Dwight, Ja84, 2S

Hall, Daryl, Ja7S, 12

Harkness, Helen, 076, 7

Hall, Dwayne, Jun86, 25

Hand, W. Brevard, AuS7, 34
Harlem, F86. 20-21

Hall, Edward T., MarS6, 27, OcS6, 20, NS6,

Handel, Bill, JunS5, 30
Harlen. John Marshall, AuSO, 6, ApSl, 31

handguns (see guns) Harlequin (publisher), May84, 24

- Hall, Fawn, AuS7, 27, 587, 12, OcS7, 14

Hall, Ferd, OCS6, 32

Hall, Gus, Mar79. 13. Oc79, 19, OcSO, 17,

NS3, 6, Jul84, 30, 0c84, 29

handicapped, Ja87, 27; children, OSO, 21;

education, JaS6, 10; mentally. FS1. 20­


Handler, Philip. 579, 9

Harley. Bill, JulyS6, 34

Harman, 5idney, Au77, 12

Harmon, Karen, MarSO, 23

Harmston, Dan, 583, 29

- Hall, Joseph D., 077, 23

Hall, Marianne M., AuS5, 1S

Hall, Prescott F., 5S0, 10

Hall, Robert A., Jr., JaS7, 10-12. FS7. 11­

Handlin, Oscar, Mar82, 30, AuS5, 16

Handric, Gotthard, JunS7, 7

handWriting analysis, May87, 14

Hanel, Wolfgang, ApS6, 32·33

Harper~Ja76, 1S,AuSO,21,OS1, 1S;

editor shift, Ja83, 19

Harper, Peter 5., quote, ApS4, 25

Harper, Valerie, AuS5, 28

- 13, MarS7, S-10, MayS7, 23. OcS7, 6-S

Hall, Robin, May84, 26

Hall, Titus, NS2, 28

Hallelujah: History of the U.S.A., Oc78, 15

Haller, Melonie, Ju180, 23, OcS3, 30

Haney. Carlton, JaS2, S

Haniecki, Yakov, F77,10
Hanks, John N., JaS3, 23

Hanley, Edward T.. OS3. 16

Hanna K., JunSS, 20

Harprecht, Renate, OcSO. 31

Harrell, John R., NSO, 36, Oc82. 32

Harrell. Robert L., SS3. 32

Harriss, Owen, FS5. 27

Harriman, Averell, OS7,23

- Halley's Comet. Ap86. 29

Hallstatt people, 080, 28-29

Halmo, James. MayS7, 14

Hanna-Barbera (cartoonist), FS3, 13-14

Hannaford, Nigel N., AuS5, 32

Hannibal, JaS2, 20-21; called black, NS7,

Harriman, Pamela, 581. 32. 5S6, 33

Harrington, Bob, Oc87, 28

Harrington, David B., JulS7, 29

Halpern, Linda, F76, 14

Harrington, Lacy M., OcS1. 24

Halpern, Ralph, Jun87, 30

Hanno, AuS7, 21
Harrington, Michael, OS1, 31

Halsell, Grace, Au81, 34, N84, 5-6, MarS7,

Hansen, George V., JU186. 17. MarS7. 21.
Harrington, Patrick, Jun85, 3S

34, Ju187, 8, Oc87, 35

Harris, Arthur, Jul82, 25, 5S4, 32

Halvonik, Paul, 580,32

Hansen, Marcus L., MarSI, 20
Harris. Bill and Emily, MarS3. 29

Ham, curse of, Jun85, 37

Hansen. Marla. Ja87. 28
Harris, Charles E., MaySS, 31

Hama, F85, 8·9

Hansen, Michael, 081. 36. F8S, 20
Harris, Curtis, Au87. 36

Haman, JulS2, 13, Jul85, 22, AuS7, 8·9,

Hansen, W. W., 577. 19
Harris, David V., OS7, 21

Au87, 19
Hanslinck, Eduard, Jun79. 12
Harris, Earl, JuIS2. 26

Hameed, Mazher, ApS6, 6-7

Hanson, Howard, MayS6, 10
Harris. Fred, Ap76, 12

Hamid, Abdul, ApS4, 28

Hanson. Joseph. FS6,32
Harris, H.E.O., MaySI, 29

Hamill, William (Pete), May81, 31, F82. 17

Hanson, Marla, AuS6, 21, May87. 31,
Harris, James C., 5S4, 27

Hamilton, Alexander, FS2, 6; attended

Harris, Jean. JunSO, 25, MaySI. 31. JuISI,

synagogue, N80, 31
Hanto Yo, Jun81, 21
20, AuSl, 20, Ap87. 21

Hamilton, Duke of, OS6, 1S

Hanukkah Carol (short story), OS7, 12-15
Harris. Joe Frank, OS4, 28

Hamilton, Edith, ApS3, 14

Hanukkah, AuS7, 17-1S
Harris, Joel Chandler, ApS7, 1S

Hamilton, Gavin, JulS3, 26

Hanway, Jonas, MarS4, 22
Harris. Leonard, OcS1, 23

Hamilton, John L., 577,20

harassment, anti-5emitic, OcS4, 27
Harris, Lou, 079, 16

Hamilton, Lee, FS7, 18. OeB7, 14; Israel

Harbin, White Russians, ApS5, 28
Harris, Nancy, F76, 15

quote, 5S6,39
Harbor College, NS5, 35
Harris. Patricia R.. F77, 22, May7e, 23,

Hamilton, Neil, MarS7, 31

Harcabi, Yehoshafat, OS1. 34
579.16. Oc80, 21. JaS1, 6, Mar81 , 21.
Hamilton, Nigel, MayS7, 26
Hardcastle and McCormick, MarSS, 29
OS4, 31: Israeli flag, MaySI, 24

Hamilton, William, Jun77, 14

Hardin, Garrett, Jul76, 10, 576, 16, 577,
Harris, Robert, JulS6, 7

Hamlet, Mar77, 17; perversion of, N84, 19

11-12,23, Mar7S, 14, 07S, 23, Au79, 1S, Harris, Roy V., JuIS2. 16, Ap84, 16

Hamlin, Harry, Au84, 33, 585, 30

Mar80, 21, JunSI, 35, JunS2, 31, MarS3, Harris. Sandra, ApSO, 25


Harris, Sidney, MaySO, 23

Haskins, William J., Ap83, 32
Haye, Naomi, FS7, 29

Harris, Susan, Ja79, 13

Hassan, Joshua, ApSS, 33
Haye, Patrick, FB7, 29

Harris, Susie, May87, 40

Hassidic Druids, OCS2, 30
Hayek, FA von, Ja76,5

Harris, William N., OeB7, 28

Hassnain, Fafa M., NSO, 33
Hayes, Charles A., DB3, 31

Harrison Bergeron, Jul79, 17-1S, F87, 36

Hastings, Alcee, JulS3, 29, N83, 24, Ap84,
Hayes, Robert C., Jul82, 26

Harrison, Donald H., N81, 18

27, Jul87, 29
Hayes, VVayne,Oc76.8. F77, 10

Harrison, Lawrence E., 086, 12

Hatch, Orrin G., Jul80, 20, NB1, 36, Oc86,
Hayes, Wilson, Ap83, 18-1 9

Harriss, R. P., Jul8S, 6

Haygate, George, MayS2, 26

Harrod's, AuSS, 32, Jun86, 21

Hatcher, Richard G., AuS7, 27
Hayman, Peter, JunSI, 32, Au81 , 31, SS1,

Harrower, Molly, S77, 13

hate crimes (also see crime, racial),

Hart, Ben,SS2, 19, F85, 18

Hayman, Tom, Ja86, 19

Hart, G. H. Liddell, May8S, 12, JUnSS, 38,

hate laws, Oregon, AuSO, 34
Hays, W. D., Oc83, 32

hate mail, by Negro, OeB7, 28
Haywood, Patricia, NS2, 9

Hart, Gary, JunS2, 27, MayS3, 5, JaS4,

Hate (Canadian documentary), ApS5, 36
Hazeev, Eli, AuSO, 31

27, Jun84, 10·11, NS4 11, DS4, 40,

Hatem, George, Jun77, 12
Hazelett, Dick, N81, 35

MarS5, 20, Oc86, 7, MayS7, 30, JuIS7,

Hatersley, Martin, MayS4, 10
Hazlitt. Henry, N76, 9

13, S87, 27; campaign advisers. OCS4,

Hates, Rutherford, OcSO, 17
Hazners, Vilis, Jul80, 18

7; debts, JunS7, 21; Demo primary, DS7,

Hatfield, Mark, FB6, 9
head, changes in shape. NS7, 7; size,

7; Indian adviser, Oc84, 29; massages

Hatsheput, Queen, OcS2, 19
S7S, 10·11

minorities, AuS4. 24; novelist, JuISS, 34

Hatsiera, Aharon, F81, 34
Head, Edward, MarS7, 35

Hart, Gene L., Jul79, 27, Mar80, 27

Hatter, Terry, Jr., JaS3, 23
Healey, Denis, May78, 8

Hart, Janice, Jun86, 39

Hatton, Denys Finch JulS6, 27
health, ApS6, 1,.,2

Hart, Jeffrey, F85, 1S, Oc86. 38, Ju187,

Haug, Hans S., 077, 13
health care, Jun77, 9,20, Ja79, 14, Ap82,

11; Hollywood quotes. Ju184. 17, Au84,

Hauptmann, Anna, Mar82, 13

16; Howard Beach quote, S87, 17

Hauptmann, Bruno, Mar82, 12-14, SS5,
Healy, FS6, 33

Hart, Jim, Jun85, 39

21, Ap86, 21
Healy, Jack (Santa Rosa mayor), Ja80, 19

Hart, Judnh.Au82,25
Hauptmann, Friedrich, Mar87, 20-21
Healy, Timothy S., Ap86, 8

Hart, Kitty. FS3, 20

Hausberger, Franz, JaS5, 33
Heaney, Robert C., Ap76, 7, 18

Hart, Lorenz, Au77, 7

Hauser, Rita, N83, 25
Hearn, W. E., N76, 21

Hart, Marvin, Jul78, 7, 16

Hausfeld, Michael, SBO, 22
Hearnshaw, L. S., MayS2, 6

Hart, Michal H., Oc79 , 1B

Haushofer, Karl, Mar79, 13
Hearst, Patricia, F76, 15-16

Hart, Tom. S8S, 17

Havender, William, S78, 10
Hearst, William Randolph, Au82, 18, JulS4,

Hart, William L. NBO, 21

Havonik, Paul, Ja80, 24

Hart-Leverson, Colin, Jun86, 36

Hawaii, Jun78, 7.17-18, FS7, 19; Asian
heart attacks, Ap84, 9-10, 084,23; Negro

Hartford (Cn, anti-Semitism, 083, 19;

homeland, N83, 16; Japanese racism,
susceptibility, S87. 34

Negro mayor, Ja86, 30

Mar81 , 34; Polynesian remnant, N87, 32;
Heartfield, John. Jun80, 12-13

Hartford, Huntington, S85, 16

racial crime, S80. 32
Heath, Edward, N79, 28

Hartke, Vance,JaS7,6
Hawke family, drug problems, F85, 37
Heber, Bishop, Jul87, 24

Hartman, Arthur, MayS2, 2S, Jun83, 30,

Hawke, Robert, Au83, 31, F85, 36-37.
Heber, Richard. Ja84, 21; IQ study, N82,

Mar85,32,S85,34,Jaa6,34, ApS6, 15,
12·14, Au83, 17

Hartman, David, AuS5, 30, FS7, 27

July86, 34, OcS7, 33, N87, 12; pro­ Hebrew Israelites (a cult), Ja79, 13

Hartman, Emmiel, AuSO, 32

Zionism, Ap86, 34, May87, 37
Hebrew language, Ja83, 17. MayS3. 24

Hartmann, Nicolai, Oc76, 16

Hawkes, John, May77, 23, Ap83, 28
Hebrew phrases, May85, 24

Hartz, Henriette, Mar77, 17

Hawkins, Paula, Oc81, 5, MarS2, 19, Jul85,
Hebrew schools, enrollment, DB3, 29

Harvard Club, Ja87, S

18,S86, 33. F87, 19
Hebrew Thought Compared to Grreek,
Harvard Encyclopedia of Ethnic Groups, Hawkins. W. Colbert. N82, 18
June83, 11-12, Jul86,11

Hawks, Howard, FS5, 24
Hebrew University, Oc85, 21

Harvard Law School, in movie, F87, 20

Hawksley, Humphrey, AuS6, 34
Hebrew, U.S. language?, SS2, 9

Harvard School (CA), SS6, 31

Hawley & Hazel, July86, 33
Hebroni, Yitzhak, July86, 33

Harvard, Ap79, 13, Mar83, 2S;

Hawpe, David, Mar79, 19
Hechinger, Fred M., Jun79, 15

admissions, Oc83, 2S; criminal dropout,

Hawthorne, Harry L., Ja77, 8·9
Hederman family, Au83, 19

NB7, 16; expels rightist, ApS2, 19;

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Ja77, 23, ApSO, 20;
Hedgecock, Roger, Oc84, 29

facuity Negroes,S86, 31; Jews, JaS1,

anti-foreign quote, N87, 15; feelings
hedonism, AuS2, 10

23,Oc83, 20, Ap84, 31,Jun86,33;

about Jews, JaB7.9
Heer, David, DS6, 12

quotas, NBO, 1S, Oc81 , 24; record in

Hawthorne, Nigel. FB5, 26-27, Au86, 28
Hearden. Willem van, Oc80, 32

Vietnam, MaySS, 30; required courses,

Hay. Howard, 087,24·25
Heflin, Howell, SS6, 33, OeB6, 29, OeB7,

AuSO, 20; speeches broken up, FS7, 21

Hayakawa, S. I.. MarS2, 23, Ja84, 19,

Harvey Milk School, OcS5, 31

F84, 15, Mar87, 36, May87, 10; Jewish
Hefner, Hugh, SSO, 23, F81, 36, JunS2,

Harvey, Neil, 076, 6

lobby, Oc84, 8, ApS6, 6
26-27, Jul82, 26, Oc82, 20, MarS4, 17,

Harvey, Paul, 081,36; only taxpayers

Hayden, Bill, Au84, 40, SS5, 34, N87, 14;
N85, 7, Mar86. 6; honored by ADL, 080.

vote, JaS1. 24
Australian quote, Jun86, 10

Harwood, Richard, 075, 8-9, 078, 6, 19­ Hayden, Tom. Au82, 31, Ja83, 13. May83,
Hegel, G.W.F., 075, 11, Ju176, 8, 17, N76,

20, Ap79,32,May79,6,D79,5,FS4,29
25, JaS5, 6, NS5, 36, Ju186, 2S, May87,
7,18·19, Mar77, 18, N79, 7, JaBO, 12·

Hasegawa, Maya, MarS1, 29

20; apology, N86, 36; campaign
13,FS3, 16,Jun85,8, N85, 9, 085, 13·

Haseltine, William A., ApS7, 11

contributors, Aug83, 27; sued for fraud,
14, Jun86, 8·9

hashish, F76, 15
Hegelians, 075, 11

Hasidic Jews, N79, 10, Ap79, 16, Au84,

Hayden, William, Mara5, 32
Hegerle, Donald, Oc85, 36

21; Brooklyn, NS7, 19; protected minor­

Haydn, Franz Josef, Negro blood?, Jul80,
Hegwood, Bernell, Oc87, 27

ity, 086, 25; vs. Negroes, FS6, 1S-19

Heidegger, Martin, S76, 8-9, OcS7, 20


Heidelberg, castle, FB4, 27

Hendrickson, Robert, F80, 21
Herskovits, Melville. Ja76, 6

Heidelberg, Cleve, Au82, 20

Hendrix, Jim!, 080, 14
Hersov, Basil, N84, 34

Heidi's Song, FB3, 13-14

Hennessee,Judith,Ju~~ 27
Herstigte Nasional Party, FS6, 37

height, by social class, MayBS, 30; IQ

Hennings, Thomas, Jan, S Hertz, Barbara, OcBO, 17

correlation, Ja87, 3S
Henri Bendel store, S87, 17
Hertz, Heinrich, 577, 18

Heilig, Terry, Jun87. 27

Henry II, 076, 10, Ap81 , 2S Hertz, J. H., N7B, 16

Heimat (TV series), JaBS. 28, JuIBS, 37,

Henry IV (Holy Roman Emperor), JulyB6,
Hertz, Robert, Jun78. 23

Hertz, William, May81, 36

Heine, Heinrich. Au77. 16, MayBO, 31

Henry V, Au7B, 16+ Hertzberg, Arthur, 581, 11

Heineken, Freddie, Jun87, 30

Henry VIII, Au81, 28
Hertzberg, Hendrik, Jun79, 19, Ja81, 7,

Heinlein, Robert, JaB3, 29-30

Henry, Aaron, Jun86, 34
SB1, 31, MarBS, 20

Heinrich, Brigitte, ApBS. 20

Henry. John. OB6. 39
Herzberg, Hazel, FB4, 12

Heinselman, James, Mar8S, 33

Henry, Patrick, F78, 11
Herzberg, Walter, JunB7, 28

Heinz Co., JU181, 21

Henry, Wendy, OB7,31 Herzfeld, Bishop, FB5, 19

Heinz, Henry J., III, SB2, 13, NBS, 27

Henson, Daniel P., III, MarB5, 15
Herzfeld, Helmut (see John Heartfield)

Heinz, John, MayBS, B, Ju186, 30

Henson, Josiah, the real Uncle Tom, S80,
Herzke, Hashi, JunSO, 33

Heisenberg, Werner, Oc76, 16;

Herzl, Hans, Ap83, 31

assassination target, ApB4, 20

Henson, Matthew, SB7, 26
Herzl, Theodor, N78, lS, Mar79, 6, SBO,

Heishman, Harvey, 582, 32

Henze, Hans W., Oc7B, 12, 25
35, JunB1, 20, Mar84, 23, JuI8S, 16.

Heiskell. Andrew. Fn, 8, N79, 20

hepatitis, spread by homosexuals, OBO,
S85, B, F86, 32, Mar87, 29; converts

Heisman Trophy. Ja78, 20

son, ApB3, 31; stamp banned, MayB6,

Helena Rubinstein Foundation, Mar87, 27

Hepburn, Audrey, JunB4, 25
32; Turkish deals, ApS4, 28

Heligoland, S77, 26-27

Hepburn, Katharine, Ju184, 23
Herzog, Chaim, JuIB6, 39-40; foreign

Helix (newsletter), MayB3, 32

Herbage, Alex, FB6, 22
press quote, SB6, 39

Hellenes, MarB7, 13-14

Herberg. Will, Oc82, 6-7
Herzog. Jesos S., JuI8S, 15

Heller, Daniel, Au85, 11, Jul86, 30, Mar87,

Herblock, cartoonist, Ap84, 13
Herzog, Whitey, N81, 30

Hercules, Oc78, 10
Hesburgh, Theodore, Jun80, 26, Ap81 , 10,

Heller, Dick, Oc87, 9

hereditary diseases, Jun78,23
Ap81, 19, AuB7, 14

- Heller, Richard, Ap82, 27

Hellman, Lillian, Ap78, 7. 07B, 24, JunBO,

25, N81, 19, N84, 30, 34, FBS, 40, ApB7,

1B; lies, Ju187, 18

Hereditary Genius, Fn, 1B

heredity, 077, 6, Ja78, 13; personality

traits, F87, 36

Herem (Jewish curse), AuB7, B-9

Heschel, Abraham J., Ju187, 13

Heseltine, Michael, JunB6, 35

Hess, Moses,N76, 7,Au7~ 16

Hess, Rudolf, Mayn, 11,077,12, F79,

- Hellman, Morris, N84, 34

Helltown, AuBS, 2B

Helms, Jesse, Ap76, 17, Ju179, 9, 26­

27, Oc79, 20, N80, 20-21, S84, 25,

Heren, Louis, OcSS, 32

Heretical Verities, OcS7, 34·

Herge (Georges Remi), JuIS3, 30

heritability, adopted children, N87, 34

14, JuneB3, 5-8, Ju183, 26, MayB4, 22,

Jun84, 33, Ju184, 27-28, Jun85, 11-12,

OcB7, 22·23; Briti!!h mother, Jul84, 27;

diary, JuIB7, 33; flight to Scotland, 086,

May85, 7, Ju185, 30, AuB5, 15, OcB5,

Heritage and Destiny (British magazine),
24; leniency appeal, MarB7, 35; Mandela

20, Ja86, 2B, JaB7, 7, Mar87, 25, 087,

comparison. N87, 2B-29; obituary, NB7,

33; against King holiday, OB3, 7-9, F84,

Heritage Foundation, Oc84, 20, May8S, 7­ 29; profile, 086, 1S; 8pandau

31; backslider, NB5, 21; campaign

10; on anti-Semitism, Ja84, 27
demolished. 087, 32; U.S. debate,

expenses, OB5, 31; CBS offer, Ap85, 17;

Heritage Library, Jun84, 36

- Foreign Affairs Committee, Ap87, 35;

Jerusalem, Oc86, 30; pro-Zionism,

Au84, 23, May8S, 3S, JunBS, 10, Ju185,

Heritage Trails, AuB4, 42

Herjuflsson, Bjarni, Au87, 22

Hermann (Arminius), SBO, 14

Hess, Wolf-RGdiger, June83. S, 8, JuIB3,

26, May84, 22. JuIB4, 27·28, Jun8S, 11­

12, Ju187. 33. Au87, 30

20, AuB6, 21; Senate race, Ja85. 39

hermaphrodite, JuleS, 12
Heston, Charlton, MayS2, 19

- Helms, Richard, Ap86. 6

Helmsley, Harry, OB4, 23

Helmsley, Leona, OB4, 23. ApB7, 2B

Hernandes, Richard, MarB4, 26

Hernandez, Tony and Phil, OB6, 10

Hernu, Charles, N8S.32

Hetep-Heres II, ApS7, 23

heterosexuals, AIDs, S87, S-9

Hetherwick, Walter, N76, 23

Helots, FB7, 14
Herod, MarB6, 19
Hettleman, Marvin, Ap83. 16

- Helphand, Israel (alias Parvus), F77, 10

Helsinki agreements, Ja81, 24

Helter Skelter, F76, 16

Herodotus, SB2, 9

heroes, deflation of, N76, 8, 10, 20, Ap77,

14, Jun77, 11,21-22,877,25, Oc7B, 15,

Heuse, Georges A., Jul77, 9

Hexum, John-Eric, Jun87, 9; black gets

Helton Angela, MayB6, 16
F79, 8, 22, F80, 21-22, MaySO,
Heydrich, Marte, Jun8?, 13

Hemingway, Ernest, attacks FOR, F80, 20

23,MayBI, 12, FB4, 10-11,31, NS6, 23,
Heydrich, Reinhard. Ap77, 23, Jul79, 21,

Hemingway, Ernest, 07B, 24, F79, 19-20,

Au87. 6-7; Negro, Ap80, 24; show
Jun80, 13,Jun87, 13

Ju184, 22-23
people, Mar86, 31
Heydrich, Silke, JunB7, 13

Hemmings, Sally, Jun87, 28

herpes, Ap76, 9
Heyerdahl, Thor, Jun80, 16-17, 081, 11­
Hempstone, Smith, N81, 33, Ap8S, 35
Herrara, Francisco, AuB7, 13
13, OB2, 24-25, Au87. 21

Henderson, Hollywood, Au82, 27

Herrell, W. T., Jun77, 23
Heyman, Samuel, FB7, 17

Henderson, Loy, 576, 1B, Mar7B, 25,

Harriot, Edouard, Au76, 1B Heyman, Stanley E., SB3, 6, 9-10

Herrnstadt, Rudolf, SB4, 15
hi-fi murders, F83, B-10

Henderson, Robert M., 077, 20

Herrnstein, Richard J., 577,23, May7B, Hickey, Edward, ApS4, 27

Henderson, Thomas, 084, 31

15, May82, 5-6, N82, 13·14, NB4, 3S, Hickok, Lorana, MarSO, 20-21

Henderson, W.O., May76, 5

OB5, 36, N87,35 Hicks, Louisa Day, Jan, 20

Henderson-Pollard, Anne, MarB7, 20,

Harsant, Robert, Mar78, 15
Hicks, Nathan, May87, 31

Herschel, William, 077, 10
Hidalgo, Edward, Ap80, 27

Hendren, Carter, Mar8S, 20

Harschler, Ed, Ju187, 24
Hier, Daniel, FB3, 34

Hendrickson, Alan and Elaine, Ap83, 21

Hersh, Seymour, Ap84, 21, 084. 2B-29, Hiar, Martin, SB5, 9-10, FB7, 2B, JunB7,

Hendrickson, John W., May85, 39

Mar8S, 35, May8S, 2B 29-30


Higgins, James. SS5, 36 Hirschfeld, Rachel, NS6, 23 Hitchings, Vernon, MaySO, 19

Higgs, Otis, JaS4, 17 Hirschfield, Norman, N82, 16 Hitler, Adolf, 576, 18, Jun76, 18, F77, 10,
Higgs. W. Otis, Jr.• JaSO, 31 Hirshhorn Art Museum, MayS3, 7-S May77, 11, Au77, 13, F78, S, 20, Mar7S,
High Fidelity, Ja7S. 11, Oc7S, 25 Hirshhorn, Joel, De83, 29 21-22, Ap78, 10, May7S, 11, N7S, 5,
High Frontier project, FS4, 31, DS7, 9 Hirshhorn, Joseph H., May83, 7-8 Oc79, 15,580, 16,Ja85,34, DS1. 16,
High. Ronald, AuS6, 26 Hirshman, Jerry, 577, 24 Ap83, 30, JulS3, 30, Ap85, 19, May85,
Higham. Charles, 587, 27 Hirshon, Louie, D87, 10 37, JulS5, 25-26, MarS6, 25,D85. 23. 28­
Highet, Gilbert, Au76. 9 Hispanics, (also see specific Latin 29,Ja86,26,Ap86, 30-33,Jun86, 11­
Highwater. Jamake, Oc84, 18 American nationalities), May77, 10, D77, 12, JuI8S, 7 -S, AugS6, 13, 31, DS6. 20,
highway shootings, F87, 21 11, Mar78, 10, 25-26, MaySO, 23, ApS3, Jun87. 6-7; alive?, JunB7, 33; alleged
Higuchi. Kichiro, D77, 8 , 6, DS4, 30; against immigration, Mar83, son, N83, 34; anti-Semitism. MayS2. 11,
Higuera. Jesus, Ja86. 20 1S, DS6, 12; alliance with Jews, NS2, 20; N84, 33; appearance, oeSs, 27;
hijacking, Achille Lauro, Ap87, 32; in bishops, Ap79, 13; Calif. vote, Ju184, 30; Bayreuth, FS1, 23, AugS6. 31; "Big Lie;
Russia, 578,12, OctS1, 32; Lufthansa, catering to, DS1, 19; census count, F79, 13,26; biography, Au77, 13;
Ja78, 8; Middle East, 585, 20, 22, D86, May83, 32, May8S, 28; criminal leaders, character, MarSO, 26; early life, F77, 10·
40; Negroes, May86, 30 JaSS, 33; drug parties. Ju183, 29; gay 11, Ap77, 23; film treatments, ApS3, 30­
Hikind, Dov, Mar86, 21, Mar87, 20 judge, 587, 2S; in cities, DS3, 30; in 31; francophile, JaBS, 26; French
Hilberg, E. G.. May79, 23 Congress, MayS4, 17, JaS7, 12; in Los interview, JunSS, 22-23; ignorance of
Hilberg, Raul, May85, 14, 16-17, Au8S, 32; Angeles, JuIS6, 20; in pOlitics, Oc79, 11, Holocaust. Jul78, 13; in South America,
expanded book, NSS, 27; second Ap80, 27, OcS1, 24, JaS2, 23, May84. AuS2. 12-14; Jung's remarks, 579,12;
thoughts, Jun87, 35 15, FS7, 19; in south Florida, DS2, 12-13; Lenin photo, DB4, 34; memorabilia, JaSO.
Hilbert, David, Oc81, 36 in Southwest, Mar79, 18, AuS7, 10-12; in 31; National Review applauds, Ja86, 17;
Hilderbrand, Devon, N87, 35 U.S., NS3, 1S, DeS4, 35; irredentism, relations with Mussolini. May76. 7, Au76,
Hiff Street Blues, Oc87, 25 Jun78, 23, De79, 11, JaS4. 19; lobby. 10, De76, 10, 17; religious strategy,
Hill, Alphonse G., ApS7, 28 Ja86, 36; low school marks, May85, 29; F81, 18; Spengler offer, N87, 8; West's
Hill, Arthur, WASP quote, 586, 15 politicians woo, Au84, 24; poorly reverse policies, Mar87, 33
Hill, Henry, Jul82, 20. Ja83, 32 defined, N82, 16; presidential candidate, Hitler Diaries, Ju183. 26, MayB4, 22;
Hill, James E., Mar78, 17 Ap79, 32; priests, JunS3, 25; proposed forgery. Oc83. 26, Ap8S, 33, N86, 34
Hill, Jesse, N77, 23 draft, AuSO, 22; racial differences, DS4, Hitler's War, 577, 28, Ju186, 7
Hill, Ray, Ju183, 11, Jul84, 33 39; racism, Mar80. 23, Jun82. 11.JunS4. Hittite Empire, 577,27
Hill, Rivers, JaS2, 29 30, DS6, 10-13; self-description, Hixson, Mary Emma, FS5, 31
Hill, Ruth B., JulSO, 19 May83, 32; separatism. NSO, 18; traits. Hmong, in U.S., JaS6, 18
Hillary, Booker, Jr., AuS6, 30 Oc79, 11; turning Republican, OcS6, 21 ; Ho Chi Minh, May76, 9, SS6, 20
hillbillies, JaS7, 21 voters, 584, 26; weird religious prac­ Hoang Nhu Tran, F87, 22
Hillel-Friedlin, Aklva, Ja84, 27 tices, May83, 7; white with Spanish Hoare, Samuel, F83, 22, D87, 11
Hilliard, Asa, III, Jul80, 24, Jun82, 27 name, Jun79, 17; wooed by Jews, Jul86, Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Oc76, 9,
Hilliard, Gloria, DS5, 30 17 Ap77, 24, May77, 24, 577, 28, Ja81, 35­
Hillman, James. Ju187, 11-12 Hiss, Alger, Jul77, 9, 577,14, D77, 11-12, 36,Au83,32,DeS5,10;bannedin
Hillyer, Robert, 579, 12-13 NSO. 30, Ju182, 5, Oc82, 19, JaS4, 15, Canada, ApS5, 31, 586, 3S; censorship
Hilton, Frank C.. F76, 6 Jun84, 33, D84, 21, May8S, 11, JunS7, of, Mar78, 28
Hilu, Ariete, May87, 38 20, N87. 18, 087, 23; 80th birthday, hoaxes, Ap77. 6-7,21,577, 1S-19, 577,
Himmelfarb. Milton. Ap79, 12 May85,25 22,24, N77, 12, Jun78, 12-13, Au78. 7,
Himmler, Gudrun, JunS7, 13 Historical Review Press. D78, 6, 19-20; 17·19,578, 8, 16-18, Oc78, 11, 21­
Himmler, Heinrich. De76, 7, 17, Au77, 13, burned out, N82, 29, Oc84, 14 24, D7S, 15, D81, 33, F82, 28, MarS2,
Au79, 26, May8S, 16 Historical Review Press-USA, OcS7, 35-36 26, May82, 6; about Gaddafi. Jun86, 22;
Hinckley, John, Jr., May81, 5. JunS1, 15­ History of the Norman Conquest, May86, anthropology, Ju183, 29, AuS6, 20;
16. Jul81, 4-6, May84, 16. Ja85, 11-12, 10-11 boxing show, 587, 24; by Jewish
Oc87,7 History of the White People in America, scientists, Ja87, 21, MarS7, 21; CBS
Hinckley, John, Sr., MaySI, 5, Jul81, 5 SS5, 28. FS6. 1S, Jun86, 31, MarS7, 25 wealth figures, Ja87, 27; Chicago
Hindawi, Nezar, F87, 33, Mar87, 33 history, De83.6-8; American, Mar84, 31; schools, Jul81, 18; Chinese refugees,
Hindemith, Paul. De78. 12. Mar79, 13 censorship, ApS2, 26; distortion, MayS2, N82, 27; college students, JunS7. 181
Hindenberg (Zeppelin), F87, 12 16; ethnic months, AuS7, 18; false, evolution, Jul81, 21-22; fake Solidarity
Hindus, Au77. 10; cycles, N80. 9 May8S, 37; genetic, Ja79, 12; Jewish member, Oc81 , 23; Farago tale of
Hinrichsen family, D87, 10 exaggerations, Ju187, 11-13; minority Bormann, Ap81 , 26; 5 million Gypsies,
Hinson, Jon C., May81, 31 tilt, Oc83, 17, N83, 31, F84, 12-13; OcS3, 36; German A-bomb, JunS7, 21 ;
hippies, JulS7, 24 Negro distortions. JulSO, 24, 581,24, German quotation, ApS7, 30-31; ghetto
Hippocrates, Ja82, 20-21 Ja82, 20-21, F82,27,Jun82,27,N82, boy, Au83, 29; head shape change, N87,
Hirohito, Emperor, May76, 8, Jun8S, 28 19, Oc84, 19, ApS5, 23, May85, 22, 7; Hitler Diaries, JulS3, 2S; Holocaust
Hiroshima, D84, 5; casualties, 085, 31; AuSS, 27,585,17-18, AuS7, 19,587, film, 581, 3S; Holocaust heroes, NS7,
mutants, May87, 24; U.S. dead, D87, 29 26; non-European emphasis, F84, 12-13; 2S; immemorial, May86, 33; in antiwhite
Hirsch, E. D.. Jr.. DeS7, 20 philosophy of, 584. 22-24; racial book. Oc83, 171 in psychology, Au83,
Hirsch, Joseph and Mara. NS7, 27 aspects, OcS3, 8; recommended 15-16; Iwo Jima photo, Jul83, 36;
Hirsch, Maurice von, N84, 11, 31 textbooks, NS7, 23; revisionist, JaS4, Jefferson's pickaninnies, Jun87, 28;
Hirsch. Michael. OeB7, 27 31; stages of. F82, 5; theory of, Jun84, Jewish forger, Ja84. 21; -living dead;
Hirsch, Moshe, 083, 32 25; what if, Ja86, 35; writing of, 579, 14 N87, 29; low IQ immigrants. AuS7, 36;
Hirsch, Samuel, Ap79, 16, Ap80, 20 Histradrut, Jul77, 18-19 media, Ju181, 17-1S, F83, 21-22, SS3, 23.
Hirsch, Walter, Jun87, 33 Hitachi Co., Oc83, 23 25, Oc83, 13; "Mengele dead," Ju187, 20­
Hirschfeld, Abe, N86, 23 Hitchcock. H.R., Jr., Oc76, 5 21; Milwaukee project, N82, 12-14,
Hirschfeld, Alan, N82, 16 Hitchens, Christopher, FS1, 27, AuS7, 7-8 JaS4, 21; Mozambique massacre, D87,

33; Negro claims, May83, 20, 086, 40; proposed, MayS5, 3S; tasteless gifts, N86, 34, Ja87, 31, F87, 33, Au87, 31; in
Negro cross burner, Jun84, 30; Negro MayS5,31 The Netherlands, Mar87, 33; in U.S.S.R.,
forger, Ja84, 20-21; Negro hate mail, holism, ApS6, 11-12 Ja8S, 39; in West Germany, F8D, 28,
087,19; Negro heroes, Ce83, 30, Ce87, Holland, David, JulS6, 14 Jun82, 29, Jul83, 31-32, N84, 33, 086,
15; Negro makes KKK threats, 087, 20; Holland, Derek, NS6, 32 35, NS7, 2S
Negro Medals of Honor, Ap87, 19; New Holland, Ida Mae. 087, 21 Holocaust memorial, Israel, JulS7, 33;
York Times, 580, 23; photographs, Holland, John P.• 081, 2S Jersey City, AuS5, 29; Miami Beach,
Maras, 20, N86, 34; Preppy Handbook, Holland (see The Netherlands) Jun87,19
Au81, 21; Railey and Kremer cases, Holland, Simon, 082. 31 Holocaust memorial, Washington, DC,
Ju187, 16; Rauchning's book, Ap86, 32­ Hollander, Bobby, AuS7. 24 bomb threat, Oc87, 18; criticism, Au86,
33; rich Hitler supporters, Ap85, 21; Hollander, Eugene. 076. 8 19; dedication, June83. 12-14; design,
scalping, 082, 17; Soobzokov pictures, Hollander, Xavier, 076, S; Ja77, 16, JaS2, 20, SS7, 13-14; financial
N87,19; television, N86, 34; torched MayS4,2S contributors. DS6, 22. Mar87. 27
synagogue, 083, 19; Treblinka. Ju187. Holldobler, Bert, FSS, 11-12 Holocaust Memorial Council, resignations,
19-20; Vietnam children, Jun86, 33; Hollenberg, Harold, NSO, 32 MarS7,21
Volkswagen swindle, N81, 18 Holley, James W., III, OcS7, 2S, 087, 19 Holocaust Remembrance Day, 084, 8,
Hobbes, Thomas, Ap76, 8, Oc77. 26 Hollick, Julian C., F83,31 ApS6,31
Hobson. Laura Z.• May84, 25. Au86, 20-21 Hollings, Ernest, May83, 5-6 Holocaust (also see Holocaust Memorial),
Hochberg, Morris, S86. 31 Hollis, Mike, Mar85, 20 Jun77, 12, Mar78, 24, 078, 19, Mar83.
Hochman, Stan, Oc87, 9 Hollis, Roger, Jun81, 32, Ju181, 36, Mar85, 17, Mar84, 19, 084,5·11, S85, 17,
Hochschild. Adam, June6, 22 27, 33, MarS7, 30 OcS5, 22-25, Ap86, 8, Ap87, 31, AuB7,
Hocking, William E., Ap76. 4-5, 18, Ap77, Holloway, Clyde, ApS7, 28 9; a miracle?, 085, 10-11; associ­
19 Hollywood Ten, Au85, 31, FS6, 20 ations, AuS7, 26; atrocities, JuneS3, 13­
Hodgeman, Michael, F85, 37 Hollywood (see motion pictures) 14, OcS4, 29; Austrian trial called off,
Hodges, Bryan, Ja83, 32 Holmes & Meir, Jewish books, OcS5, 30 F86, 35; bathos, SS2, 1S; Berlin
Hodgkinson, Peter, ApS4, 15 Holmes, Alvin, JunS5, 31, 587, 16 survivors, F83, 20; births, 083, 16-17;
Hodgson, Richard, OC7S, 22 Holmes, Danny, MarS4, 26 bodies burned. NS3. 33; books. May80.
Hoeh, George C., DS7, 30 Holmes, Larry, 0031, 30 17, FS3, 20, F83, 2S, Mar86, 31 ;
Hoeksema, Dick, OcS5, 9 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Oc76, 8; Catholics, MarS6, 31; children, FaO, 23;
Hoerdt, Kurt, FS5, 32-33 eugenics ruling. Au83, 19 children'S literature, 581, 23; conflicting
Hoess, Rudolf, Ap87, 35-35 Holmes, Sherlock, Ja7S, 9, 24 numbers, Jul7S, 16, Ap85, 28, Au85. 29.
Hoettl, Wilhelm, D7S. 19 Holmes, Violet, DSS, 21 Au86, 34, Ju187, 27; crematoria
Hoeven, Jan W. van der, N82. 9 Holocaust (TV film), S7S, 13, Ce7S, 27­ statistics, 579, 26; death notice hoax,
Hoffa, James. Monroe tapes, JaS6, 2S 2S, Mar80, 27, AuSO, 30, Ja85, 28;
NS7, 29; debate cancelled, F87, 22;
Hoffer, Eric, JaS2. 10 France, N79. 27-28; West Germany,
debate refused, Jul83, 23. Jun87, 34;
Hoffman, Abbie. Jul76, 10. Oc77, 13. DS1. Au80. 3D, Ja81, 33
defense (in law), May83. 18; defrauding
2S, May85, 25, Oc85. 15, Au86, 30, Holocaust Convention, Au83, 29 survivors, N83, 32; delusions, May87,

- Mar87, 29, NS7, 27; at Brown, Jul87, 29;

cocaine bust, JuIBI. 30; on TV, F87, 27;
photo, DSO, 14; returns from hiding,
N80, 30
Holocaust criticism, 075, 7-9, F76, 7, F77,
20, Ap77, 15, May77. 24, Au77, 13, S77,
28,077.13. F78, 23, Mar78, 22, Jul78,
13, Oc78. 27-2S, D7S, 2S, Mar79, 17,
22-23; downplayed in U.S.S.R., N85, 33;
exaggerations, S77.11, 080,17-18,
Oc82. 1S, Au85, 20, 085, 31, MayS7, 34;
exhibit in Israel, Jul81, 33; lake photo,
Holfman, Dustin, Jun83, 21, Au84, S Ju179. 6, 21, 2S, Au79. 10, 19, 26, NS6. 34; false heroes, N87, 28;
Hoffman, Henry L., 076. 18 S79,26,FSO,26-27,ApSO, 23.28. falsehoods, FSO, 27, Oc82. 21. S84. 19,
Holfman, Jeff, Ap86, 29 MaySO, 17. JuISO. 36, Oc80, 5-6, N80, 585, 8, 10. DS5. 22, MarS6, 19; $50,000
Hoffman, Julius, Oc77, 13, S7S. 13, Jul80, 35. JaS1. 14-15,35, FS1, 36, Mar81 , 31, reward, 079, 5-7, Ap8D, 23; films, S82,
17-18. May81. 22 Ap81. 28. JunS1. 36, Au81, 30, Ce81, 30, Au87. 24; gadgets, Mar87, 21;
Hoffman, K. H., Oc79, 27 34-35.081,30, 3S,JaS2,17-18, 32, gasing questioned, Ja84, 31; ghetto boy
Hoffman, Mark 5., 587, 1S FS2, 18,32, Mar82, 32, Ap82. 7-10,26, alive, Oc82, 21; harassment of critics,
Halfman, Michael A., II, Mar85, 35, JulS6, Jun82, 5-7, 17, Ju182, 21, 30, AuS2, 8, Oc80, 6, Jun86, 37; hucksters, Mar79,
28, Au86, 35, Oc87, 35-36 32, NS2, 32, 082, 9-11, 26, JunS3, 29, 13-14; homosexuals, 581, 34, Ce83, 21 ;
Hoffman, Nicholas von, Mar84. 24 Au83.22,SS3,32,FS4,29,Ap84,31, IHR conference (1984), NS4, 33; In­
Hoffman, Paul, MayS6, 17 Au84. 22. Oc84, 15,D84,35,37,Ja85, stauration's position, 586. 9; intention­
Hoffman, Susan Rush, F7S, 11 38, Ap8S. 7-9, May85, 16-17,21,585, alists vs. functionalists, N84, 33;
Hoffmann. Karl, Ap81, 29 11, Ce8S, 12, 36, N85, 24, 085, 10-11, interview shows, Au7S, 20; Irving's
Hofmannstahl, Hugo von, Jun79, 13 F86. 35, Ap86, 35, May86, 7-8, 15, opinions, Jul86, 8; Israel connection,
Hog Island, Jul77, 20 Au86, 36, Oc86, 23, 34, NS6, 3D, 086, 085. 11; Jewish crimes, JulB5, 23;
Hogan, Dermot, N86. 32 40, Mar87, 16, ApS7, 18, 20, MayS7. 13­ Jewish monopoly, AuSO, 20; judicial
Hoggan, David L.. 075, 8. MayBO, 13, 15, Jun87, 35, Jul87, 17.587,20, OcS7, notice, JaS2, 21, DS6, 3S; literature,
Ja8S, 38 32, 36, 087, 35-36; by U.S. pathologist, Au78, 12, Ja86, 19; memorial, May81 ,
Hohenrain Verlag, Mar86, 36 JaS7, 36; in Australia, JuIS3. 35, JulS7, 17-18, Ja85, 39, Ja87, 7; money
Hohepa, Pauno,D85,35 35-36; in Canada, SS6, 35; in Canada, skimming. Oc82, 2S; museums, Au85,
Holbrook, David, F85, 39 Au84,34·35, 084, 22. JuIS5. 35-36, 31, N86, 31; Nazi leniency, DS2, 16; non·
Holbrooke, Richard, Au77, 12 Au85. 17, JaS6, 16; in Europe, 077,23, Jewish deaths, May82. 10-11, Ju182, 25;
Holden, Erik, NS1, 9, Jul82, 30 Oc79, 28, F80, 16-18; in France, SSO, Norfolk (VA) pickets, DS6, 40; number of
Holder, James K., Oc86, 38 35.N82,29,Au83,30,JunS6,37,Au86. claimants, N8S, 12; numbers of victims,
Holdt, Jacob, Oc82, 28, Ja85, 21 32, Ja87, 31, MarS7, 32, ApS7, 30, Holocaust, numbers challenged, F80,
holidays (also see King holiday), FSO, 21, Au87, 29, DS7, 32; in Israel, Ap87, 33; in 26, May85, 16-17; on TV, May87,29;
Ap86, 31; Jewish, DS5, 30; laws for, Italy, JunS6, 37; in South Africa, Jun86, polls, NS6, 30; polygraph challenge, F86.
586,32 ; Negro, Oc7S, 16, F84, 31; 38; in Spain, JulS3, 33; in Switzerland, 40; President's Commission, DS4, 5;

prisoner list, OS2, 31; questioned by Congress, 082.27, Mar84, 11, MarS7, votes. Mar81, 2; tapes, N82, 21
Russian, NS3, 24; radio debate, NS7, 33; 26, ApS7, 35; Congressional party. OS7, Hoover, J. Edgar. May78, 17, Mar79, 15;
Reagan's words, FS4, 13; reparations, 20; con-servatives. JunS4, 30, Ap87, comments, JuISS. 28
SS1, 25; revisionism, May79, 6, 21-23; 2S; crime, 077,23, Au81, 30; crime by Hooverman. John, Oc79, 26
revisionism for beginners, OS2, 9-11; clergy, JaS6, 30, N86, 31; critics, 07S. Hope Diamond, Ja7S. 10, 24
revisionist bibliography. MaySI. 14-17; 15. MarS4. 9·13. S8S, 16; critics Hope, Bob, Oe79. 18. FS1. 35
sculpture, Mar84, 1S, Mar8S, 19; attacked. Ap79. 15; Cubans. Ju181. 20; Hope, Mary, N78, 23
seminar (Oregon College), JaSI. 3S; Dartmouth. FSS. 1S; death benefits. Hopkins, Bill, Jun87, 24-25
Soobzokov stolen pictures, NS7, 19; JulS4, 31; disapproved as teachers. Hopkins. Harry, Jun76, 11-12, Jun76, 12­
statistics, May79, 23, S79, 14,26, JuIS7. 27; diseases. Au7S. 14, N81, 11; 15, May79. 13
JunSO,33,AugS3,27,MayS6,21; elite status, Oc82. 21; film boycott, Hoppenstein. Abe, F87, 21
stories. MarS7, 21; strategy. Ju178. 6, JulSO, 19; fundamentalists, JuISI. 20; Hoppenstein. Art. NS4. 34
15-16, De7S, 13; studies, Jun78, 13, Gay Pride Week, Oc83, 21; gay Hoppenstein, Reuben. Mar87, 29
078,27, AuSS, 28-29, FS7, 20-21 ; synagogue. Mar83, 29; glorified. F86, Hopper. Grace M.• 084, 31
supporters. ApSl, 30. Ju183, 31, JulyS4, 21; Gov. Brown appointees. Ap80. 23, Horace, AuSO, 19
21, 084, 5-11; survivors in U.S., Ja87, OS1. 31; hanged in Britain. MarS6, 30; Horatius. May83, 30-31
27, FS7, 29; testimony about, May85, Holland. N8S, 33, MarS7. 33; Hollywood, Horborow. Paul, May78, 23
16-18; tourism, MayS7. 26; Treblinka F7S. 13. DeS, 30; Holocaust. Mar82, 26; Hore-Belisha, Leslie, SS3, 30
hoax, JuIS7, 19-20; "250 million dead," Israel, Oc80. 32; Jews. JaSO, 23; Horkheimer. Max. Ja7S, 23
SS4. 19; U.S. Navy manual, JulS7, 19; judiciary, Mar87, 2S; laws pro and con, Hormann. Wolfran. MarS6, 36
unreliable records. SS7, 1S; victims S77, 26. N83, 28-29; literary figures, Horn. John L., S78. 14
reappear, JulS6, 17; violence against NS5, 30; lobby, Jul86, 17; male Horn. Otto, May87, 14
critics. AuS2, 32; White House meeting, prostitutes. DeM, 28; marriages, Jun78. Horn, Zoia. Ja79. 1S
JuISS,17 24. Ja79, 13; military, Ja8S, 32. OS7, 30; Horne. Jurell, May8S. 19, Jun86, 34
Holofernes, Ju182, 13 murders, FS4, 24; murders by, Ju185, 34, Horne, Lena, F78, 11,Ja79, 10
Holroyd. Stuart. Mar80, 26 MarS7. 2S-29; Nazis, May8S, 21 ; Negro. Hornik. Saul, S8S. 1S, De8S, 11
Holt, John. SSS, 35 FS1, 31. NS5. 29, 087. 30; picture Hornle, Raymund. 0cS2, 30·31
Holt, Marjorie. apology for "Christian books, AuS4, 36; poem. Ap86. lS; Hornung. Carlton, MayS3, 17
nation: Jun87, 15 Political Action Committee, SS4, 16; Horowitz. Bernard. 076. 1S
Holt, Patricia. F86. 15 politics. JaSI. 31, AuSl. 30. N81, 11, Horowitz. Charlotte. Jul77, 6
Holtzman. Elizabeth. JuIS4, 7. FSS. 33. OSl. 31. FS6, 22, S87, 12, OS7. 20-21; Horowitz, Israel. OS2, 31
Ap85, 34. May85. 3S; misconduct, ApS5, protective laws. MayS6, 34; publishers. Horowitz, Leonard, Jun81. 30
30; nepotism, May85, 32 ApS6, lS; rehabilitation. AuSO, 20-21; Horowitz, Michael. F86, 31
Holy Roman Empire. MarSO, 13 religious attitUdes, F84. 26. Mar84, 11­ Horowitz, Susan, FSS, 20
Holzer, Philip, MayS4, 11 12; Russia. Jul79, 12; San Francisco, Horowitz. Yosef, SS7. 15
Home Box Office, NSS. 26 ApSl, 21. NS1. 11, Oc84, 29; schools, horses, poisoning, Jun8S, 22; racing, F81,
Home Office (Britain). MayS2, 29 AuSO, 21, DeS1, 21. Oc85, 31; show 28; thoroughbreds, Oc84, 18. Jun8S. 39,
Home State Savings Bank. OS6. 31 business. Ap82. 17, SS2. 6; social S86,7-S
homeless, in 21st century. SS7, 25; voting mobility, Jun8S, 13; spies. N83, 12; Horst Wessel Ued, Oe85, 27
rights. SS4, 26 sports, NS6, 30; statistics. OeS2, 21; Horwood, Owen, Mar81, 33-34
homestead communities, JunSS, 6-8 support payments. MayS7, 31; sup­ Hoskins, Bob, N85, 26
Homestead movement, in Germany, JuIS7. porters. MayS7, 32; theater. Ja86, 19; hospitals, costs, Au82. 26; for Negroes,
15 TV, SSO. 23. JaSl, 32, N81,11, NSS, 26, AuS7,26
Homo erectus. SS7. 9 Au86. 28, S87, 24; violence against, Hoss, RUdolf. May79, 22-23. 079. 6, F80.
Homo sapiens, OS6, 17, SS7, 9 ApS1, 15; Wall Street Journal. NS4, 21; 18, OS2. 10, AuS3.30
Homoine massacre. OS7, 33 wooed by business, MaySO, 21. Oc82. Hoss, Selim, JaSO. 20-21
homosexuals, N76, 12. F77. 13,20. Au77. 21; Yale, N87, 26; Yellow Pages. N86, 27 Hossbach Protocol, OS5. 22
13, S77. 9,26. 077, 13. Ap7S. 12-13, Honduras. JunS2, 11; Israeli connection. Hossenfelder, Joachim, F81. 1S
Jun78, 13, May79, 12. JuISI. 20, NS1, F86.3S hostages, Algiers, May80. 5-7; Iran,
10-11, FS3, 30, 083.31. Ap84, 20. 085, Honegger. Barbara, 083, 31. JunS4, 12 Ja80, 20, F80. 21. Ju180. 22-23. 25, 080,
7-S, Au86, 30. SS6. 34; actors, AuS4. Honeyford. Ray, 084, 33 22. Ja8t, 34. ApSl, 12, Mar83. 2S;
33; adoptions. JulSI, 20. OS2. 27; ads, Honeyman, Gita Sereny, F80, 26, OSl, 35. Lebanon. DeS5, 33, Mar86, 34. OS6. 23.
Au7S, 14, 086, 31; ancient Greece, SS2. 18. May87, 14-15. Jul87, 19 FS7.18
Jun83. 17; assassinated, JunS4, 21; Hong Kong, Oc83, 33, May87, 27; Hotchner, Aaron, JulS4, 22
Atlanta, N81, 10; attitudes toward, emigration, SS6. 32; food markets, Hotel Employees Union. OS3. 16
MarS4, 11; bath houses. Au84, 43. ApS4. 9; Immigrants waiting, Au80, 32 Hottentots, F77, 18. May87, 11
OcS4, 19; beer, OcS4, 2S; biblical Honig, Bill. Ap83, 27 Hougan, Jim, ApSO, 24, Mar85, 21
references. NS4, 20; biological Honig, Nat. S81, 40 Houghton, James R., Jul8S, 30
differences, Au79, lS-19. JaS1, 25, honor, Au82, 14-16 Hounsell, Janet, JaS2, 31
MayS2, 5, OS4. 39; books, MaySO. 20; Hook. Sidney. 077, 12 Houphoit-Boigny, Felix, S84. 30
Boy Scouts. JuISI. 19-20; Britain. Au7S, Hook, Theodore, May83, 24, FS6, 25 Hour of DeCiSion, The, N87. 7-S
20. Mar79. 2S, De79, 27, AuS1. 31, SSl, Hooks, Benjamin, Ap80, 13, JaS6, 3S, Hourani, Albert, 084,35, May86, 33
2S, JunS5. 33, NSS, 22-24. 085, 31, OS7, JunS6.22.Au87,26 House of Lords, JaS3. 15. S87. 26
31; Canada, JunS6, 35; Catholic mass, Hooley. Frank, May83, 23 House of Representatives, big spenders.
Mar87. 35; celebrities, S77, 9, 26, Hooper, Joe, SS5, 23 SS3, 32; Jews. F79, 17; Negroes, F79,
May80. 19. Ap84. 20. FS6. 31, SS7, 27, Hooton, Earnest, May77. 9S7S, 10, 17
OeS7, 27; clergy. 077, 13. Mar84. 10, Mar79, 26, AuS2, S House Un-American Activities Com .• FS6.
Jun85, 31, FS6. 39, SS6, 33. MayS7, 30, Hoover, Herbert, Jun76. 5. Ap7S, 20, 20
087, 30; college students, SS7, 26; May78, 17, SS1, 20. OcS6, S; electoral House. Edward M.• Ja76. 11-15, F76, 10­

11,082, 19
Hudson, Len,Jun83,28
Hunter, John E., N87, 35

households, U.S., Au87, 26

Hudson, Liam, Jun79, 16
Hunter, John, Jun87, 24

housing (also see fair housing), Ja81, 15­ Hudson, Rock, NS5, 2S, DS5, 7. JunS6,
Hunter, Richard, S86, 33

18, Mar81 , 35; blacks against blacks,

Hunter, Stephen, Jun87, 18

Ju179, 28; deed restrictions, Ja81, 15;

Huebner, Nico, S7S, 19
Hunthausen, Raymond, DS2, 19

discrimination, F81, 31, May84, 26,

Huff, Theodore, JuISO, 24
Hunting Hypothesis, The, 576, 16

Ju184, 31, S84, 32, N84, 28, DS5, 15­ Huffington, Michael, AuS6, 30
Hunting Peoples, The, Mar77, 10

16; family costs, OcS7, 19; integrated,

Hufnagel, Andrea, FS7, 29
Huntingdon, Samuel, FSO, 27

MayS3, 1S, F85, 29, JunS5, 31; Negro

Hufstedler, Shirley, OcSO, 21
Huntington's Chorea, JaS6, 21

attitudes, N79, 19; race preferences,

Hugel, Max, OcSI, 4
Huntsville (AL), JulS7, 17

JulS6, 17; resistance to integration,

Hugenberg, Alfred, F7S, 20
Hurd, Douglas, JaS6, 31, FS6, 32-33,

MayS6, 19; subsidized, MayS2, 27, NS4,

hugging therapy, ApS4, 6-S

30; U.S. aid to Jews, Jun83, 25; U.S.

Hughes Aircraft Co., Au7S, 12
Hurley, John, ApS3, 19

mansions, MayS7, 30
Hughes, Billy, MarS4, 30
Hurok, Sol, Ja79, 26

Housman, A. E., JaS4, 13

Hughes, Cathy, MayS6, 19, OeS6, 22,
Hurst, Louis, MarS2, 23

Houston Lighting and Power Co., FS5, 29

Hurt, William, AuS2, 16, SS2, 6-7, S85, 30

Houston, AuS7. 15; Hispanicization, DS6,

Hughes, Charles, MayS5, 37
Hurwitz, Charles, AuS7, 27

12; politics. JaS6, 21; race riot, JulS5, Hughes, Harold, May77, 11, AuS5, 11,
Hurwitz, Herbert, 076, 1S

29; rejects gay quotas, MayS5, 30;

Hurwitz, Kay, SSO, 35

Hughes, Harry R., DS1, 31
Hussaini, Hatem, JunSO, 33

How to Avoid Probate, Mar7S, 2S

Hughes, Howard, 075, 9, JulS4, 24, JulS5,
Hussein, King, OcSl, 33, MayS7,33;

Howard Allen books, Au79, 19

29, MarS6, 31, 587, 27
criticizes U.S., JulS4, 34

Howard Beach, MarS7, 7, ApS7, 16,

Hughes, William J., JulS3, 17
Hussein, Saddam, S81, 36

JunS7,35,SS7, 17, NS7, 19; Negro Hughey, Andrew, SS6, 34

Huston, John, JunS4, 25-26; colonialism

backlash, MarS7, 17; poem, MarS7, 7

Hugo, Victor, AuSl, 11
quote, DS5, 9

Howard Schwartz Associates, JunS6, 23

Huisingh, Donald, MayS4, 31
Hutchens, John K., Au76, 9

Howard University, NS1, 29, MayS5, 22,

Hulka, Jaroslav, NS2, 7
Hutchinson (British publishing firm),

AuS6, 19; budget, N83, 31, SS4, 26;

Hull, Cordell, May76, 9, Oc77, 23

Bush booed, JaS2, JaS2, 21

Hull, James P., JunSI, 34
Hutchinson, John, MayS2, 32

Howard, Bernard, 076, 1S

Human Events, Oc76, 19, F7S, 23, Au7S,
Hutchinson, Peggy, NS6, 11

Howard, Brian, Mar7S, 22, JaS6, 25

20,D7S,27, MayS5, 7,AuS5, 19
Hutus, FS6, 32, MarS3, 16

Howard, Clark, FSO, 22

human rights, May77,12
Huxley, Aldous, Ja79, 9, 25-26; on

Howard, George, Au83, 30

Human Variation, S7S, 5, 14-15

Howard, Jean, NS4, 35

humanism, 079, 1 H 2
Huxley, Andrew, 077, 6

Howard, Raymond, Jul87, 2S

Hume, David, N76, 9, F79, 23, NS2, 25,
Huxley, Julian, Ap76, 1S, 077, 6, Ja79, 9

Howard, Robert E., MarS5, 34

Huxley, Leonard, Ja79, 9

Howard, Sidney, JUn7S, 20

Hume, Lord, AuSO, 30
Huxley, Thomas H., 077, 6, Ja79, 9,

Howard, William, Ap79, 13

Humes, Marion, FS2, 16
MayS3, 16, FS7, 10

Howe, Geoffrey, ApS6, 15-16, OcS6, 37

humor, Jewish, S84, 14-15; WASP, SS4,
Hyatt Legal Services, JulS5, 23

Howe, Harold, tI, May7S, 15

hydrogen bomb (see nuclear weapons)

Howe, Irving, Jun7S, 15

Humphrey, Dorothy, DS7, 30
Hynes, Bill, May7S, 22

- Howe, J. T., MarS3, 17

Howe, Julia, N76, 6, 17

Howe, Russell W., OcSl, 34

Howel, Elsworth, Jun87, 11-12

Humphrey, Hubert, Ja76, 17-1S, Ju176, 15,

Ja77, 12, Jul77, 19, F79, 17, MarS2, 23,

ApS6, 6, OcS7, 27; anti-Negro remarks,

Mar82, 23; Civil Rights Act, FS3, 36

Hynes, Charles J., NS7, 19

hysteria, Oc7S, 11

Howell, C. Thomas, FS7, 20

Humphrey, Hubert, III, May87, 31, JulS7, I

Howell, W. W., S7S, 10

lacocca, Lee, NSO, 20, MayS4, 17, NS6,
Hoy, Robert J., textbook quote, F86, 12
Humphrey, Jim, FS3, 36

Hoyer, Steny, Mar7S, 12

Humphries, Lawrence J., Jr., JunS4, 36
lan, Janice, DSO, 14

Hoyle, Fred, 077, 1, Oc81, 211, JaS4, 9,

Humphries, Lloyd G., ApS1, 13
IBM. employees killed, SS2, 27, Au82, 27,

Hunczak, Taras, MayS7, 14, Au87, 25

Hrdlicka, Ales, AuS7, 21

Hund, Friedrich, MayS2, 6
Ibn Saud, Ap84, 2S

Hromas, Les and Roberta, Oc85, 31

Hungary, S77, 8, 25-26, AuS4, 37;
Ibsen, Henrik, N7S, 14

Hruska, Roman L., Jul82, 5

birthrate, SS5, 13; Gypsies, ApS7, 31;
Icahn, Carl C., OcS6, 23, JaS7, 7-S, F87,

Hsiao Pao Shih, Ja87, 2S

Jews, OcSl, 32, ApS5, 2S, FS7, 20; racial

Hu, Kelly, MayS5, 31

composition, S77, 26; revolution, FS7,
Icarus, JaS1, 23

Hu-DeHart, Evelyn, ApS7, 9-10

20-21; Russian domination, F79, 15;
Iceland, Jun77, 23, JunS1, 32, DS1, 30,

Hubbard, Irene, MayS6, 29

upri~ng,N7S, 19,JaS4, 30, JunS5, 3S,
SS6, 35, Au87, 22; crime, OcS4, 2S,

Huber, Ernst, NS6, 9

AuS5, 14; WWII, Mar79, 13-14, Jul83, 30
MarS7, 26; culture, AuS4, 36; New York

Huckleberry Finn, censored, SS2,27,

Hunt brothers, DSO, 27, MayS7, 30
exhibit, ApS5, 21; praised, DS4, 32-33;

Hunt, Douglas, DS6, 3S, JunS7, 29
travelogue, SS6, 35, JunS7, 29-30;

Huddle, Donald L., Mar83, 18, AuS5, 29,

Hunt, E. Howard, Ja77, 5, Mar85, 21,
women's lib, DS6, 32

DS6, 12, AuS7, 10-11

Ickes, Harold, Ju186, S

Huddles, Gary, F86, 30

Hunt, Guy, apologizes for slur, 587, 16
iconoclasm, Negro, Oc86, 21

Huddleston, Dee, 079, 27

Hunt, James B. (Jim), MayS2, 31, FS4. 31,
Idabel (OK), ApSO, 21

Huddleston, Trevor, MarS6, 14

AuS4, 23. SS4, 25, JaS5, 39. JuIS5, 20
Ideal and Destiny, The, excerpt, Jun80, 6­

- Hudnut, William, JaS6, 35

Hudson, Gary, F85, 35

Hudson, Henry, May81, 35

Hunt, Marsha, Jul79, 2S

Hunt, Noel, Mar79, 25, MarSO, 2S

Hunter, Charlayne, F7S, 11

8, MarS3, 7·11

Ideal Toy Corp., JaS5, 39

Idem an, James, NS5, 35


Identity Christians, Ja82, 31 15 relations with South Africa, N87, 13;

Idriss, Jawad, Au86, 8 immigration (also see refugees), Ap85, 31, religious riots, May85, 30; Sikh rebellion,
Iffrig, Marcel, Dc79, 28 S86, 32 S86, 33, Ju187, 7-11; amnesty Dc84, 33; student cheating, N79, 28;
Ifshin, Oavid, 084, 31 applicants, OS7, 29; amnesty proposal, superstition, F85, 36; suttee, Dc81, 34,
Iglesias, Julio, F86, 29, Ja87, 28, S87, 28 N81, 14-15; Britain, Ap77, 15; by sex, Au85, 30, May86, 33, 086,30, 087,34;
Ikeda, Seishin, 079, 28 OS5, 32; comparative statistics, F77, 19; untouchables, F82, 30; WWI, Ju183, 13
Iliad, The, Dc85, 13 congressional supporters, May87, 39­ Indians (American), Ap76, 5, S76, 15,
iillegitimate births, F77, 12, Mar79, 11, 40; count of i\legals, F86, 29; Cuban, 076, 5, 15, Ja77, 8-9, S77, 7, Mar78, 10,
F81, 21, May81, 32; blonde model, Jul80, 26-27, Au80, 19, Ap85, 30; 18th Au78, 12, Jun81, 30; acts against,
May86, 16; Britain, May86, 28; Los century, Dc83, 32; foreign spouses, Ap86, 19; adoption law, May87, 38;
Angeles County, 085, 20; Negro Mar87, 36; geographical breakdown, alcoholism, N86, 20; art, May78, 12;
teenagers, Au87, 26; Tennessee, Au86, Jun86, 33; Hispanic danger, Dc84, 35, battles with, S87, 19; bingo parlors, S84,
29; Washington (OC), Dc87, 19 086,12; history, JuIS4, S; illegal, MarS6, 16-17; cannibalism, 078,28; crime,
Illinois Supreme Court, Negro murderers, 30, Ja87, 20-21; Johnson law, Ju184, 9; Dc82, 26, N82, 14-15, May86, 15, Ja87,
Au87,27 laws, May80, 8-10; lawyers for aliens, 21, Ap87, 28; defined, Dc80, 21, Ja87,
illiteracy, Ap76, 11,084,20, Ju185, 31-32, Jun82, 16; loopholes, Ju184, 11; 18; demographics, Aug83, 28, Au85, 30;
085, 31, Ja86, 9, MarS6, 30, Ap86, 1S; manifesto, N81, 15; Mexican, Mar7S, 10, fish catch, N84, 2S; hatred of whites,
086, 30, Ju187, 21; magnet schools, 25-26; Mexican violence, F87, 36; Au81, 23; homeland, N83, 15; Jewish
Ap87, 28; minorities, Ja79, 15, F87, 28; moratorium, Au80, 33; most to U.S., brave, Jun81, 30, N86, 22; late arrival,
political, May87, 30; school principal, Au87, 26; music about, May87, 31; new Au82, 29; law enforcement, May80, 19;
Jun81, 20 legislation, OS6, 11; 1954 roundup, Little Big Horn, ApS7, 27; massacre
IIlueca, Jorge, Jun84, 20 May87, 30; numbers since 1971, Ju184, whites, Jun86, 24; medicine men, Ap78,
Imbert, Peter, Dc87, 30 8; 155 countries, F85, 30; open door 24; minority on reservations, Ja85, 22;
Imesch, Joseph L., Ap84, 27 advocates, Jun82, 16, 082,27, Dc85, mixed breeds, Ja87, 18; on TV, Ap85,
immigrants, illegal, Mar77, 13, Au82, 19, 31; opponents of, F82, 32, Mar82, 19, 20; part-Indian celebrities, Ja84, 9, S81,
OS4, 31, May85, 3S, S85, 19, MayS6, 28­ OS3, 36, 085, 36, Ja87, 21; overstaying 22; racism, N82, 14-15; religion, Mar84,
29, Mar79, 7, 24, Mar79, 1S, AuS1, 35, tourists, SS1, 32; polls, MarS6, 30; 16; scalping, SS2, 7-10, 082, 17, Jun86,
086,10-13, Au87, 10-15; aid, Ap82, 14­ pregnant women, Ju183, 28; pro and con, 24; special privileges, S84, 17;
15, May83, 17, SS4, 1S, 27, MarS6, 21; SS1, 19; projections, NS2, 19; restricted, superiority claims, Jun84, 18-19; torture
by air, Jul85, 32; Catholics, Ap84, 26; AuSO, 10-11; Rhodesian, deported, of whites, S80, 21; traits, Mar86, 27;
conservative boosters, DcS4, 21; cost, Ap86, 20; right-wingers barred, Jun84, violence, Jun84, 21; welfare, Ja85, 22
Ap80, 2S, Ju182, 25, JaS3, 24, Au84, 31, 29; songs, Ja85, 34; spouses, Dc85, Indians (Asian), Ja86, 29
Au87, 11; count, Dc81, 5, S84, 26, F86, 30; strict judge, NS7, 34; top 10 coun­ Indians, Canada, Ju181, 29, Au84, 32
29, JuIS6, 29; crimes, DcS7, 26; tries, AuS6, 29; types, Mar??, 12; U.S., individual differences, S78, 5, 14-15
education, Mar84, 17,085,20; N76, 13, Mar??, 13,077,11, Jun78, 13, Indo-Europeans, mindset, Ju182, 13-14;
estimates, Ap80, 22, Ap84, 26; fraud, 18, Dc79, 10-12, 079, 27, May80, 18­ religion, Dc76, 10
S83, 33, Ja84, 20, Dc84, 29, May85, 29, 19, S80, 24, Dc80, 19, Ap83, 6-7, OS4, Indonesia, Mar84, 30; killings, N84, 34
Dc85, 30-31, S86; 31, Au87, 28; 14-15, Mar85, 27; unlimited, 078,9,23; Indonesians, illegal servants, Ap82, 18
Haitians, F81, 22, Au81, 35, Ap82, 14; Vietnamese, Ja85, 31; vigilantes, 087, industrial accidents, Bhopal deaths,
Israeli deported, Au85, 20; Jews, Ap78, 18;~sas, S86,32,S87,34 Mar8?,27
13; jobs, AugS3, 28; lienency toward, immortality, Au80, 12-15, N80, 8-11, 080, Indy, Vincent d', Jun79, 13
Mar83, 29; Salvadoran, Ju182, 18; 11·13 inequality, Dc79, 28; case for, Dc79, 26
slave labor, 082, 1S; smugglers, 083, impact press, N76, 13 infanticide, May84, 30-31, S86, 34, N86,
31, Jun84, 30; stopped by CMA, N86, impeachment, Mar87, 22-23 31,087,30
11-13; support, May86, 29, N86, 11-14; Imperium, F82, 5-7 infants, premature, Ju181, 31; races
venereal disease, S81, 19; wages, 083, impersonation, 083,19, MayS7, 31 compared, May79, 11
29; whites deported, DcS4, 21, Au85, 18 imposters, S86, 20 inflation, S84, 26; Chile, Mar81 , 31; Israel,
immigrants, legal, ApS7, 27, DcS7, 26; Incas, S79, 10, 081, 12-13, JunS2, 26 075,16, Mar79, 28, Au79, 17; racial
cost of, Au85, 29; 1980 count, Ju181, 31 incest, Dc76, 8, Dc80, 29, 083, 31, 087, aspects, Jun80, 8-9, Ap81, 14, F84, 25.
immigrants, resources used, Mar80, 21, 30 Au85,30
OS5, 31; Russian Jews, F86, 20 income, by religion, Mar84, 25; household, INFD (Majority research mailing), Au79, 21
Immigration Act (1924), Jul87, 9 S85,29;1985top,N86,22 informers, Dc80, 21,Ja81, 24, Ap81, 14,
Immigration and Naturalization Service indentured servants, Ap80, 24, May81, 21 Ap81, 21, 28, Jun81, 15-16, Au81, 20,
(also see Border PatrOl), Mar??, 13, Independent Party of Georgia, Au??, 20, S81, 21, Dc81, 35, 081, 30, Ja82, 11-13,
Ju179, 27, F82, 17, Jul87, 10, Au87, 11­ S78,19 22,Ja82,30,Ap84,18,Dc87,35;
12; border crossings, Ap85, 28; budget Independent Truckers Assn., May83, 13 against British rightists, May79, 28;
increased, OS4, 3S; Flemings deported, Index on Censorship, Mar87, 33 against Majority activists, Ap87, 15-16,
JaS1, 24; politics, May80, 23 India Bill, N85, 30 S87,20,N87,21;French,F81,32
immigration bills, Mar83, 1S, AuS3, 17 India, May??, 5, Mar79, SS2, 30, N82, 31, Inge, William, N77, 11
Immigration Political Action Committee, MarSS, 17; AIOS, May87, 36; anti­ Ingersoll, Ralph, May84, 25, Au86, 21
Jun82,31 immigrant uprising, S81, 38-39; Assam Ingle, Owight J., S78, 5
Immigration Reform (organization), May79, riots, Mar83, 31, May83, 31, S83, 36; Ingrams, Richard, JuISO, 29-31, Ju181, 31­
27 Bangladesh fence, Jun84, 29; 32
Immigration Reform and Control Act, Au86, Bangladesh influx, Mar83, 31; Bhopal Inham, Quaslim, 084,30
35, Au87, 12-13; amnesty, Au87, 13-14 accident, 086, 36; British rule, 084,27; Inman, Morris, Jr., May86, 28
immigration reform, 080, 21, Jun81, 34, castes, Ja83, 31; children kidnapped, Innis, Roy, Ja78, 12, Jun80, 21-22,
Au82, 32, Ju184, 8-12-, Au84, 16, 18, F87, 28; Christ's tomb, N80, 33; May82, 28; fined, F84, 26
JuIS5, 39; opponents, Aug84, 34 deportations, 085, 32; Jewish influence, Innocent III, May84, 16-17, July86, 32
Immigration Time Bomb, Au86, 35, Au87, 32; public hangings, May86, 33; Inouye, Oaniel, Jun78, 18, Ju185, 18, F86,

9-10, F87, 18, Ju187, 25-26, 28, OeS7, avoided, 085, 24; power over TV. JunS1. Japanese, AuS2. 21 ; Poland. JunSS. 18
14; pro-Semitism, Jun85, 32 1S-19 10 tests (also see achievement tests),
Inquisition (Spanish), Oc7S, 17 International Association for the Oc77, 14, S7S, 5. Mar79, 14, Jun79, 17,
insider traders, MaySS, 29. 586, 33, OcS6. Advancement of Ethnology and Oc81 , 13-14, Ja82. 23. MayaS, 38;
31,N86,31,ApS7,28,Jun87,20,2S, Eugenics, May77.23 Armed Forces, OSO, 23; Britain, JaS1.
Au87,26 International Atomic Energy Agency, 581, 21; California situation, OcS7, 21 ;
Instauration, Jun76, 20, Oc77, 7,24, 36, OcS4, 33; Baghdad raid. AuS4, 23; correlated with personality, Oc79, 13;
Oc77. 10, 26-27, Au78. S, S7S, 9. 19, missing Norwegian shipments, JuIS7, 33 court approval, Oc80, 14-15; culture
Oc7S. 2S, Ap79. 32, OS1, 29; censorship international bankers, N76, 13, 21 fair. F79, 15; Defense Dept., May82, 16;
of, Oc79. 26; criticized. Ju179, 11, International Brigades. Ap77, 14, F87, 2S European comparisons, 581. 17. FS2.
ApSO, 27. OCS5, 21; faintly praised, International Christian Embassy, NS2, 9 15; false scores, 577. 24-25; gang
MayS7, 40; first anniversary. F77, 7, 19­ International Committee Against Racism, leader, MayS4, 25; Georgia, OcS7, 21 ;
20,23; first decade, OcS5, 12-13; 07S. 2S, Au86, 10; attacks Butz, Ap85, Jensen defends, FS2. 16; Negro scores.
library shuns. N87, 36; losses, 579, 1S; 21 Jun76, 20, F77. 1S, 577, 1S-19; not
100th issue, Mar84, 13; principles, SS6, International Herald Tribune, JuIS7. 21 biased, OS5, 36; racial dHferences.
9-10; promotion, FS6, 16; proposals for International Hug Center, OcS4, 21 Ap76, 10, Jul77. 19, S7S, 14-15, Mar79.
Majority resurgence. SS6, 9; quiz, 582, International Labor Organization, F78, 13 15. Ap81 , 13. Na2.2a,S83, 19,NS6, 10;
15-17; Sobran column, JU186. 37-3S. international law, OS4, 26 reduce govt. costs. NS7, 35; retardate
AuS6.16 International Longshoremen's and scores, SS3, 36; scores by religion,
instincts. JuI7S, 9, 21, NS4 7-S. FS6, 16-17 Warehousemen's Union, Jun78, 1S Mar79, 15; U.S.S.R., N85, 33;
Institute for Advanced Study. SS7. 2S International Man (article). F79, 11, 24­ uncorrelated with fertility. Mara2, 15;
Institute for American Research, 076, 24, 25 Wechsler, OcSO. 14-15
077,23 International Military Tribunal (see Iran Contra affair, JaS7. 13, F87,1S.
Institute for Contemporary History Nuremberg War Crimes Trials) ApS7, 17, AuB7, 6-7; arms for hostages,
(Munich), ApS6, 33 International Monetary Fund, S7S. 6, N83, JaS7, 13; compared to Watergate, OS7.
Institute for Historical Review. OcS5, 6, 31,OS4,19,SS5,29 29; Israel connection. MarS7, 1S-19.
MarSl, 17, JunS3. 3, Mar85, 35; books International Olympic Committee, JunS4, MayS7. 22, JuIS7, 26. SS7, 12-13; legal
burned. OcS1. 34, 0c84, 14-15; $50,000 35 costs. Oc87, 26; reflections on, OcS7.
reward. JuISO. 35. Ap81, 29-30; International Population Conference, SS5, 14

- newsletter, ApS4. 31. JunS7. 35; radio

project, AuS6, 36; rental difficulties, F81.
21. MaySI, 35, Jun81. 35. AuS1, 33;
International Primate Protection League.
Iran. ApSO, 26, AuS4, 29, NS7, 2S; anti­
Zionism, 580, 34; executions, JunS7.
27; hostage crisis, JaSO, 20. FSO, 21,
revisionist bibliography. JunSI, 34; International Red Cross. Oc76, 9, May79, JuISO. 22-23, 25•• OSO, 22, JaSI. 34.

- warehouse burned, OcSI. 34, Oc84, 14­

15. NS7. 16
Institute for Historical Review
interracial dating (also see
miscegenation), FSI, 22, JunS1. 21,
Ap81, 12. MarS3. 2S, JulS3, 34-35.
JunS7, 15; Israeli aid. NS2. 30; Israeli
weapons sales. NS1. 33, F86. 10, SS7.
conferences, (1979). Au79, 2S. 079.5-7; MarS7. 28. MarS7, 29, JuIS7. 31; 15; Jewish exodus, Mar79, 2S. Ap87, 27.
(1980). OcSO. 5-6; (19S1). FS2. 32. colleges, JunS7. 2S; condemned, Jul86, JunS7, 27; Perot's raiders, Ju179. 14;
MayS2. 32; (19S2). AuS2. 31. NS2. 82. 17; Negroes oppose, SS6, 32; poll. racial composition. AuS4. 1S; recent
31; (1983). AuS3. 32; (1984). Ja84. 30; JulS3,27 history. 587. 6-7; religious persecution,
(1985), JaS5, 38; (1986). Jun86. 40; interracial marriage (also see FS3, 25; Shah's parties, MarS1, 31;

- (1987), ApS7. 35. JunS7. 35, OS7. 35-36

Institute for Policy Studies, Jul79, 12
Instrumentality. The (right-wing group).
miscegenation), N77, 15. F7S, 11. Au7S.
20. JulS7, 29; mass wedding. FS2, 19;
retarded couple, Ap87, 28
interventionism. May77, 12-13
Teheran bombed, SS5, 33
Iran-Iraq war, NS2, 30
Irangate (see Iran Contra affair)
Irano-Afghan (race). JunS4, 14-15
Insull. Samuel. 07S, 14, Ja79, 7 Inuzuke, Koreshige, NS5, 15 Iraq, Ja76, 3; Iran reactor attacked?
insurance (also see fraud), ApS2. 13; inventions, Ap79, 32, JunS5, 34 MayS5, 25; Israel damages reactor,
Britain. JaS6, 29; crime areas. FS7. 30; investment groups, F79, 24-25 Jul79, 10, JaSl, 34, MaySI, 34, AuSI. 5,
malpractice, JuIS6, 29; rates. JaS7. 27. investment schemes. MaySI, 20 SS1,36. AuS4.23,OcS4,33. SS6, 11
MarS7.26 lobal, Mohammed J., OS7, 31 Ireland, Au77. S. JuISI. 8-9, JulS5, 9-10.
integrated circuits. AuS5. 6-7 lonesco, Eugene, MayS3, 17; Holocaust OS6, 33; anti-immigrant feelings, JUnS4,
integration. Ap77. S-9, 13, Mar83. 11, quote. SS5. S 31; birthrate. ApS6. 31; British relations.
Mar84, 7; Britain. MayS2, 25; criticism Iphigenia (Greek Myth), Ap77, 15 JulSO, 32. SSO, 27. NSO, 24, MayS 1, 29,
of. OcSI. 34; myth of. SS5, 35; Negro la, Ap76, 10. JU176.1 O. F77, 19, Oc77. S, AuS1, 2S-29; economic chaos, JunS2.
attitudes, N79, 19; subsidized, NS4. 30 25, F78. 9,21, Oc79, 14, OcSO, 15, 25; emigration, SSO, 27. Ap87. 29; eye
intellectuals, ability. S7S. 14; criticism of. Oc87, 13; criticism of, MayS2, 6; color, FS1, 28; history, ApS1, 25. F82,
JunS7. 10 determines job performance. NS6, 9-10; 25; home rule. Ap79. 26; Jews. FS2. 26.
intelligence. F77, 1S; distribution of I electrical causes, ApS3, 21; fertility. OcS6, 30; Kennedy parody, JunSI. 30;
Mar79, 14; genetic component, MayS5. AuS5. 35; Galton's investigations, F77, massacre. Ap81. 25; nationalism, JaSO.
3S; racial differences, ApS1. 13, SS1. 23 1S; height correlation, JaS7. 35; 19; Norse connection. OcS6. 39 ;
interferon. SSO. 33-34 hereditability. MayS2. 5, SS5. 36; high outdated military weapons, MarS7. 31;
intermarriage, AuS2, 11. JuIS5. 30; Jewish 10 societies. OSO, 32; importance, N87, potato famine, SSO, 27; religion, JuISO.
attitudes. NS3. 23. OcS7, 11-12; Jews 35; Iowan death row, SS7, 26; 33, OcSO, 2S; religious tolerance, MaySI.
and Gentiles. FS4. 26; poll, OS3, 30; personality traits, N79. 10-11; white 30; U.S relations, 081, 2S; UN soldiers.
show business, OcS6, 19; statistics, Rhodesians. JunS3, 22 ApS7,32
JaS4, 26; urged in National Review, FS7, 10 controversy. NS2, 12-14 I Zwei Leumi, Oc77, 15, MarS7. 9
20 IQ Myth, The, Ap76. 10. JunSO, 25 I h Americans, Mar76, S, Ja77, 20,
Internal Revenue Service. May77. 13, 10 scores, AuS5, 1S, MarS7, 11; high, Ap77. 20, Oc77, 2S; acts against Ulster,
May79. 12, ApS3. 20; estate taxes Ap84. 26, N85, 15-16, NS6. 30; N79. 26; demeaned by Spielberg,

Ju187, 35; history, Ja82, 19; in politics, Mossad), Ja76, 3, 15-19, Au77, 9, 19, 12·13; immigrants to. F77, 12, AuS1, 32,
Ja80, 19-20 Mar82, 7. MayS3, 25. Oc84, 31, Ja8S, OcS2, 26, 586,32, DS6, 36; immigration
Irish National Caucus, Ja80, 19 36, Mar85. 17. Au85, 22. Oc85, 13, 085, control, JunS6, 38; imperialism, Jun83,
Irish question, Ja81, 30-31 34, Jul86, 9, JunS7. 16; adopted 26; inflation, Mar79, 28, SBO, 33, Oc80,
Irish Republican Army, F81, 29-30, Ap81 , Germans, MayS7, 38; agriculture, OcS7, 32, Mar82, 26, MarS5, 26; intermarriage
24, Jur81, 8-9, Jul81, 30, F86, 31; 32; air attack on Baghdad, JaSl, 34; with Arabs, DS6, 36; internal problems,
assassinations, F87, 31; in U.S., Ja80, Americans harassed, DS2, 29, May78, Oc85, 33; Jewish Christians threatened,
19, Oc80, 28, F81, 29-30 23; annexes Golan Heights, Mar82, 29; DS5, 33; Jewish support, Jun78, 15;
Irish, F77, 13; first in America. Mar82. 30­ annual cost to U.S., N83, 19-20; anti­ Kahane commission, MayS3. 30; King
31; in Britain. 583, 32, Mar8S, 25, ApS6, Arabism, Jun84, 34, De84, 33, ApSS, 34, David Hotel blast, Oc81, 34; Knesset,
31. N86. 32; in WWI, 580.27; pre­ MayS5, 35, F87, 33; anti-missionary law, Oc84, 33; Labor Party, Jun84, 34-35;
Columbian voyages. Au87. 22; De7S, 28; anti-Zionist Jews, 085,33-34; land grabbing, Au81, 34; Lavon Affair,
pronunciation, Au80, 28; "wild geese: apartheid policies, Oc85, 33; Arab N78, 11; leaders background, 585, 31;
Ap81,24 expulsion, 083, 33, F87, 10; Arab strike, low rents, Oc82, 26; malingerers, F84,
Iron Dream. The, Ja83. 28 SS7, 32; Arabs, OcSI, 33; arms for 24, Mar86, 30; marriage laws, Jun78, 11;
Iron Guard, Ju184, 6 hostages, Ja87, 13, F87, 181 arms messianism, JunSO, 34; Menasseh ben,
Ironsides. Ap86. 31 sales, AuS4, 32, 084, 29, Ja8S, 31, MarS4, 231 military, Mar87, 27; Moroccan
Iroquois, Jun86, 24 Oc85, 3D, F86, 10, Ju186, 33, 586, 11, and Russian Jews, F85, 29; neutrality,
irredentism, 086, 19; Hispanic, JaS6, 20. 086, 35-36, Au87, 31; arson against Mar82, 29; news coverage, Jun86, 38;
JulS7,9 churches, F83, 32, Ap83, 31, Ap85, 34; 1956 assault on Egypt, May87, 33; no
Irvine, Reed, 580, 25, NSS, 28. FS6. 40. arsonists, Ap85, 22; Ashkenazi and peace in sight, 085, 34; nuclear expose,
Ap87.1S-19 Sephardi differences, Jun7S, 22, 081, DS6, 25; nuclear material thefts, N79,
Irving, Clifford. 075, 9, 080, 26, DeSI, 30. 34; Ashkenazi doves, SS1, 36-37; 14·15; nuclear power, JunSI, 33; nuclear
May84, 11, Au8S, 30, Mar86, 31 assassination of Arabs, Oc80. 30; strategy, Jun83, 17; nuclear threats,
Irving, David, Au77, 12. 577,28, F78, 23, atrocities, Ja76, 17. Jun78. 11. Ju178, 6, 082, 8, 587, 32-32; nuclear weapons
Ap78, 24, Jul78, 13, Jun81, 27-28, Ap82, 15, Au82. 4-5. MarS4, 24; attack on denial, Mar83, 19; opinion polls, Ja76,
26, Jul82, 32, Jul83, 26-27, Ja84, 3D, Liberty, Ja79, 15; attitude towards 17; nuclear weapons, Ja79, 22, Au80,
Jul86, 7-8, May87, 26, Oc87, 35; Germans poll, Au85, 33; bank interest, 16-17,580,24, Ja82, 30, Au84, 23,
harassed, Oc81, 31, Jun8S, 38; neutral May8!, 32; banned musicians, DS1, 19; MarS5, 6-7; original area, Mar8S. 26;
about Falklands, Au82, 25; on Gandhi. birthrates, May81, 34, 081,34, N86. 30; Orthodox terrorists, 085. 34; passport
Ju183. 15; on Hess, 086, 18 black Hebrews, JulyeS, 33; blueprints fraud, JunS7, 30; pay differentials.
Irving, Sylvester, F83, 36 theft, D82. 261 browbeats U.S. troops. Jun78, 22; plots against U.S., N78. 11;
Irving, Washington, quote. 078. 13 June3, 30; car prices, Mar81 , 34; police brutality, Au81, 32, SS1, 36;
Isaac, F87, 33 censorship, Jun82, 29, FS3. 32, Mar84, politics, Oc81, 33, Oc84, 33, Ap87, 32;
Isaacs, Garvin, Ju179, 27 19, NS5, 27; Christian missionaries. population, 577,12; pornography. F86,
Isaacs, Isaac, Jun78, 24, Ap86, 34 AuS6, 33-34, Mar87, 34; church and 36; possible crack-up, Ja79, 6, 20-23;
Isaacs, Jeremy, 577, 14, May83, 29, state, Jun78, 11; citizenship reo prisoner exchange, Mar84, 29, 585, 33;
Jun83, 29,Jun87,30 quirements, Jun 78, 11, 22; closes problems with Negroes, N87, 31 ;
Isaacs, Rufus, 578, 11. F84, 22, JunS4, university, 579, 28; collective farms, projected end, Jun87, 23; prophecies of
32 Jun86, 38; concert broken up. 583, 23; domination, Ja79, 23; protection of
Isaacs, Stephen D., Ja76, 17, F78, 5, conquest of Palestine. Mar87. 8-9; cost criminals. Au78, 13; public debt, Au78,
ApS6,6 of terrorism, SS6, 32; crime. Jul78, 15, 13; racial discrimination, Ja78, 15;
Isaak, Abe, Ja85, 9 079, 2B, AuBO, 31, F81, 34, 581,32, 3S; racism, 583, 35-36; recognition by U.S ..
Isenberg, Caroline, MayS5, 32 criminal fugitives, Mar78, 12, JaSO, 32; MayBO, 22; relations with Britain, De77,
Iserbyt, Charlotte, Mar84, 31 criticism of, May79, 28, 079, 19, Mar80, 15; relations with Druse, FS4, 32;
Isherwood, Christopher, Ap84, 20, N8S, 30 23, N81, 33, 081, 36, May82, 30, Jun82, relations with South Africa, 079, 19,
Ishii, Shiro, Jul83, 22 18, Au82, 30, Ap84, 31, May84 , 16, 19, Mar81. 33-34, Jun86, 38, Ap87. 33,
Islam. Jul82, 24. ApS7, 25; Au84, 43, F85, 34, MarB5, 33, Ap85, 34, AuB7, 32, 087, 9; relations with Spain,
fundamentalism, 081, 34; in Britain, JunB6, 23, 086, 40, MarB7, 34; data JaSO, 32; relations with U.S .. Jun76. 6,
585,32; in U.S., N77, 9,21; relations given U.S., JuIS5, 32; demographics, JunSO, 26. OcSI, 33, N81, 36, 082, 8,
with Jews, Ja83, 26; Sunni and Shia, SS6, 31 ; diamond exports, Ja87, 33; ApS4, 31, Jun86, 19; relations with
N82,30 dual citizenship, 581, 36; economy, U.S.S.R., 581, 37; reparations, Jun83,
Islamic Brotherhood, massacre of, F8S, Ja84, 29, OeS5, 30; emigration, N84, 34, 16; settlements, SS1, 32, AugS3, 23,
7,9 NS5, 27, JaB6, 29, Ap86, 2S, Mar87, 27; 083,33; sexism, 082,26; shelters
Isle of Lewis. MarS5, 25 expansionism, 583,35; exploiting criminals, MarS7, 29; shocking manners.
Isle of Man. Oc83, 31; independence, N84 Palestine, NSO, 33; exports to Arabs, Ap87, 32-33; Six Day War, N84, 28;
10 Mar86, 30; extradition, Mar87, 34; spying on U.S., May82, 15, 586, 10,
Ismail, Khedive, Jul7S, 22 factionalism, MarS3, 30-31; farmers, FS7, 10; stock market speculation,
isolationism, 076. 10-11, Jun77, 21-22. Mar84, 25; 51st state, FS6, 9; financial OcS2, 26, JunS3, 25; subsidized tours,
Ju177. 12, JaS2, 14, DS5, 36 aid to, Jul77, 19, Au77, 9, Ja7S, 12, Mar78, 12, NS1, 30, MarS3. 32; swastika
isolationists, on radio, FS5, 39 Au78, 12, Jun80, 26, MaySI, 18.581,24. daubings, Mara3, 30; terrorism, Au80,
Israel bonds, 576, 6. Au77, 9, Jun7S, 11, Ap82, 20, Mar83, 12, Jun83, 18, May84, 31. DeSO,32,Jun82,21,Jun84, 34;
22, Ja79, 14-15. MaySI. 32. MayS2, 27, 13; financial crimes, Jun84, 34-35; terrorism against U.S., Jun81, 22;
Jun82. 26. Ap87. 27; collateral. Ju179. foreign aid. N84, 28; foreign workers, threatens West, 581, 37; tourists,
28; union purchases. Mar81. 22. May8!, 584,25; foreigners in IDF, Au84, 17; MarBO, 28, May86, 28; treatment of
31.084,21 fundraising, Jun85, 30; Germans and blacks, MarSO, 28; Tunis attacked,
Israel Free Trade Act. Ja8S. 7-8. Ju185. Americans imprisoned, 080,29; Mar8S, 33-34; U.S. aid to, Oe80, 23,
18; opponents, Ja8S, 7, Ap86, 7 Germans kidnapped, ApS1. 2B; grave N80, 35-36, 082, 29-30, Ja83. 25, 583,
Israel, (also see Jerusalem, Lebanon and robbing, JulB4, 35; illicit trading, Au77, 24-25. Au84, 20, N84. 28, JaSS, 7-8,

MayS5, 6, AuS5, 36, OcS5, 31, FS6, 9, ApS5, 19; Vanunu kidnapping, N87,30; Jacksonville (FL) • JuISI, 35
17, MayS6, 34, JunS6, 33, OS7, 20; U.S. war crime trials. May81. 6-7; WWII. JulB3, Jacob. Anthony, F77, 6, Jun77, 19, 078,
built airbases. Au79. 17; U.S. elections, 30 26, Ju180, 10
OcS2, 24-25, OS7, 6; U.S. oil deliveries, Iten, Oswald, Au86. 20 Jacob,John.ApS2,17
AuSO, 31; U.S. reconnaisance, JuIS4. Ivan the Terrible (see John Demjanjuk) Jacob. Max, Ap78, 7
35; U.S. terrorists. JulS4, 35; vacation Ives, Charles. S76, 9. Jun78, 21 Jacobovits, Immanell, Ju183, 26, Jun86,
madness, OcS2. 26; Vanunu trial, NS7. Ives. Herbert E., FBO. 15016, N81. 35 36
30; vigilantes, OcS3, 33; violence Ivory Coast. S84, 30 Jacobs,Bob,Au86,21
against Arabs, Jun77, 13, N77, 15, Ivri, David, NB1, 15 Jacobs, David, N81, 21, MayS3, 29
ApS3. 31, AuS4, 38, S84, 29, N84 6; Ivy League, JaS1, 23 Jacobs, Erasmus. Oc85. 34
wars. Ja76, 16, Jun 76. 7; West Bank, Izegbu, Kenneth, SB6. 34 Jacobs, H. Barry, F84. 25
Aug83, 22-23; women, Ap85, 34; worker Jacobs, Irwin L., F85, 31, Ju185, 23, Au86,
productivity, FS5, 30
Israel. Eliot (Jayadavaita Swami). Mar81. J 18,F87.17,F87.29
Jacobs, John, N82,20
21 J. Press, sold to Japan, F87, 22 Jacobs. Larry T., Jun84, 21
Israel. Larry H" Jun76, 18, May77, 12 Jaarsveld, F. A. van, Au79, 28 Jacobs, Leslie, OcSI, 31
Israel, Richard I., JunS6, 33 Jabara, Abdeen, Au87, 17 Jacobs, Spook. Ju182, 19
Israel. Wilfrid. FS7. 30 Jabara, Paul, Ju186, 20 Jacobsen, Jake, 076. 8
Israeli gangs. in U.S.• Au78, 13. Au81, 32. Jabotinsky Foundation, OS3, 30 Jacobson. Charlotte. Oc81. 32
NB7.28 Jabotinsky, Vladimir. N77. B, 21. N81, 31 Jacobson, David, S86, 26, 086, 23
Israeli holidays. in Philadelphia, S82, 12­ Jackson, Albert, Au86, 26 Jacobson, Eddie, S76, 1S, Mar78, 27.
13; in Israel, N84, 33-34 Jackson. Andrew. JaBS, 11 Au83.20
Israeli leaders, offspring, Ap83, 31-32 Jackson. Ardith. Oc87, 2S Jacobson, Leo,OB5,24
Israeli lobby, Ja76, 17, Jul79, 27, MarS4, Jackson, Billy Dee. Au82, 27 Jacobson, Marvin, MaraS, 33
19. S85, 11, Oc84, 8, Ap86, 5-9, Jackson. Dennis, MaySS. 31 Jacobson. Steven. Ju187, 28
May87. 40; against AWACS, Au81, 32; Jackson, Derek, N85, 23, JaS6, 26 Jacoby. Robert E., F87, 29
criticism of, MayS3, 31, Ap86, 7; political Jackson. Edward F., Jr., F83, 29 Jaensch, E. R.• Oc82, 29
clout, MayS4, 13, OcS7, 17; stops arms Jackson. George. Ja8S, 5-6. 886, 22 Jaffa. Elliott. Ja81, 23

- sales, JaS6. 8; violence, ApS6, 7

Israeli tourists, JulSS, 31
Israeli. Julius, Oc7S, 17. N7S, 23
Israelis, affluent life style, Oc83. 28;
Jackson, Henry E., Ja76, 9, 17, Ja77, 12,
May77, 12, 079,20, May79, 12,081,7.
Ja82, 29; NBO, 36; financial backers,
FS3. 29, 081,31; Israeli apologist. Au81,
Jaffe, Aniela, 879, 13
Jaffe, Joseph, N86, 33
Jaffe, Leo, N82, 16
Jaffe, Sidney, May84. 11
extremists, JuISS. 22; in Los Angeles, 5 Jagerson, G. Todd, SSO, 24
JunS4, 29; in U.S.• Au79. 17, ApS1. 27, Jackson, Hughlings. F77. 19 Jagger. Mick, Jul79, 2S. Oc79, 20
SS1, 37, May86. 22, 30, Jun87. 27; Jackson, J. Hampden, Au77, 16 Jagoda, Barry. Au77. 12
moving expenses. Jun84. 29; on Jackson, Jesse, Mar76, 6, JaSO, 25, Jahn, Paul. S77. 28
holiday, SB4, 26; savings, May8S. 2S; JunB2,27.N82.27,NS2,32.JaS3.19. Jamaica. MarBS. 17, JunS5, 30, JulS5, 31,

- speaker fees, Mar80, 27, N84, 28; visit

West Germany, NB6, 34; walkout on

Wagner, OS1. 19: synagogue attack,

ApS3. 1B, MayB3, 6, MarB4, 15. Ap84,

17, JunB4, 11-12, AuB4, 24, N84 11, 36,
economic decline, MarB2, 2B; marijuana,
MarS5, 32, JulS5, 31
Jamal, Hakim, F81, 21 , ApB2, 5
27.JaS6,36,FB6,31.May86,29,SB6, Jambo, Kazenbe,AuB4,39

- Istria, OS6. 19

Italian Americans, F77, 13, Ap77, 4,19­

20,Oc77, 10, 2S, FSO. 14,S83, 17,

22, Ap87, 15, Jul87, 13, 33, SB7, 15.

N87, 20, 087, 1B; against integration,
Ap79. 13; boycott proposals, OcB7, 10;
James I, F82. 25
James II. JuIBI, 9
James, April. DS7, 30
AuS6, 19, S87. 14-15; in politics, SB4.
Communist interview, S87, 28; crooked James. Brian, Jul85, 38
11, ApS6, 21, OS7. 1S; racial feelings.
manager, Au85, 31; expectorator, OcS7, James. Dan, OcB4, 18
16; editor's note, Jun8B, 4; foreig n James, Daniel, Jr., Mar7S. 17
Italians. May76, 7; in New World, N78, 12;
policy, F84, 16; grants for PUSH, OcSI. James, Daniel, May77. 12
traits, S81, 7. OcSl, 28.
31; half-brother, S84, 27, S85, 30; James, Henry, Jul77, 15, Oc78. 26, N7S,

- Abyssinian War, May77. 19

hostage rescue, AuB4, 18; Hymie slur, 14, F79. 11. MayB5, 20, Jun87, 14-15
Italy, May76, 6-7,17, DS4, 27, MarS5, 17; MayS4, 18-19; income, Jul87, 27; Klan James, Morris. Mar76, 6
alien takeover, SS6, 35; anti-Semites accuses, S86, 39; 19B7-198S Demo James, Rick, FS3, 30. Oc83. 18, JaS4, 27
prosecuted, SB1, 35; black market primaries, SB4, 11, 087. 6; on TV, JaB5, James, Sherman A .• 086, 39
Jews, 083. 20; demographics. Au79. 26. 29-30; pressures white firms, JaS3, 19,

James, William. Oc78. 22, Jun87, 2S
Ap87, 32; education. D7S. 11; Fascist JulB3, 28; profile, F84, 16; snubbed, N84 Jameson raid, SS4, 23
era, MayS5, 11; financial scandal. S81. 17; South African Negroes to U.S .• DS6, Jameson, Leander, Jun78, 19
35; Freemasons, SB1. 35; illegal 31; stupid remarks, July84, 21; Jamestown (VA). 078,8, JulSO, 22
immigrants. AuS7. 26; Japanese firms, womanizer, S87, 11 Jamgochian, Ronald, D7B, 11
DSO, 29; Jewish taxes. OcSO, 32; Jews Jackson, Maynard. Mar76, 18, May7B, 18 Jamison, Red, DBO. 31
WWII, NS3. 31, OcS7. 26; labor for Jackson, Michael, Jul83, 28. Mar84, 26, Jamuna, Naramtuk, Ja8S, 37
Fascists, ApS3, 30; leftist kidnappings, Ju184, 30, Oc84, 28. SS6, 31; Elephant Janac. Frank, S84, 32
ApS3, 30; Moro killed, JunS3, 29-30; MSI Man, Oc87, 27; look-alike suicide. OcB4, Jane's Book Service, May81. 35
Party. MarS5, 26; organized crime. S84, 29; plastic surgery, N87. 16 Janeway. Eliot. Ja81, 6
29; Palestinian issue, JulyS6, 35-36; Jackson, Otis, Mar86. 28-29 Janiski. Gerald, S86, 33
porn deputy, SS7, 30; racial differences, Jackson, Philip, Ja87, 34 Janke, Peter, 080, 32
May83, 11-12; right-wingers, FB1, 33, Jackson, Reggie. Oc87, 15 Janklow, William, Oc82, 25
SS1, 35, NS3, 31; tax evaders, OcB4, Jackson. Robert. Oc76, 9, Oc7S, 28 Jankow, Mort. Jul85, 33
27; terrorism, Mar7S, Jun80, 33, JunB2, Jackson, Tom, May7B, 19 Janmaat. Hans, JaB3, 27
20, 15, Jun83, 29-30; troops in Russia, Jackson, Vivian. N85, 23 Janner, Greville, MarB3. 29, May83, 29,

Oc85,32 Jaspers, Karl, Ju176, 8 31, S79, 27, JaS2, 20; racial origin,
Jannings, Emil, N84, 27 Javits, Jacob, Ja76, 21, S76, 11, F77, 12, Ap87,25
Janssen, Karl-Heinz, Ap86, 33 Mar82, 23; in Abscam, May82, 18; Red jet set, Mar7S, 16, N84, 26
Januschek, Ludwig, May87, 15 ties, Ju186, 30 Jett, Norman, Ja85, 39
Januz, Lauren, Mar87, 27 Javits, Marion, Jun76, 20 ? Jetto, Sham, Ja84, 27
Janvier, Elaine, Ju186, 31 Jaworski, Leon, Jun78,14-15 Jevons, William Stanley, Ja76, 20
Japan, Jul76, 5, Mar85, 17, Ju185, 27; air Jaynes, Julian, Au79, a, 25, F83, 16, Jew of Malta, 086, 32
bombardments, WWIl, Jun85, 37; Ainus, Oc85. 13 Jew, Gypsy and EI Islam, The, missing
Ap87, 34; American influence, N84 10, Jazvac, Staci, Au87, 27 appendix, N8415-16
Au85, 6-7; American wives, Oc83, 30; jazz, Jun78, 10, 21-22, S79, 26-27, Jewel in the Crown, The, F85, 27
anti-immigration, Au86, 34; anti­ Mar80, 11-12, N86. 6; black vs. wh ite, jewelry fraud, JulS2, 26
Semitism, F87, 34. May87, 37, S87.32; ApS2, 18-19; in Poland, ApS7, 31-32; in Jewish American Princess, Ja83, 15.087,
armed forces, F77, 9, 21; assas!n­ Spain, Ju187, 18; Jewish influence, N79, 18
ations. Jut87, 34; beauty standards. 20; Latin American roots, FS5, 1S Jewish armed resistance, F79. 27
N85. 6; blondes preferred. May87, 37; Jean-Louis. Sacha. MarS7,28 Jewish Board of Deputies (South Africa),
citizenship requirements, N79, 28; Jeff, Morris F.X., Jr., MarS6, 31 Jul77, 8. Ap79 , 32, May79 , 6, Jul79, 28,
criticism of, F85. 35; defective bolts. Jeffers, Robinson. 083, 11 FS7, 33-34, 087, 9, 11
Mar87, 34; education, N87. 31; Jefferson Memorial, De76, S. Jun77, 5, IS; Jewish Chautauqua Society, Oc84. 28
enterprises in U.S., 087, 29; Eurasian truncation, S77, 27, FS3. 21-22 Jewish Chroniclfl, Thfl (London), Ja77. 10,
hybrids, Au84, 31; foreigners excluded, Jefferson parish (LA), Negro crime, FS7. Jul77, 8, May79. 28, Jul79, 11, Oc82, 21
Au83, 20; geopolitics, F79, 25; germ 23 Jewish congregations, statistical
warfare in WWII, Ju180. 23; homo­ Jefferson, Bernard, Mar81, 23 discrepancies, Jun81, 9
geneity. 081. 34-35. N84 10, Oc86, 20, Jefferson, Thomas (pseudonymous), Jewish Connflction, The, May78, 12
Ap87, 19, S87, 32; illegal aliens, Mar87, Oc79.26 Jewish crimes. others blamed, JaSO, 32,
27; Jewish homeland proposal, N85, 15; Jefferson, Thomas. Jun76, 6, Jun77, 5, FSO,2S
Jews, 077, 8, Ap81, 29, S84, 12; Korean 18,F7a, 11,N7S, 12,D78,21,Ap79.25. Jewish decade, 19605, F85, 12-13
millionaire, F87, 28; lawyers, Jun85, 27; Jun85, 7-8; mulatto children ?, Ap78, 13. Jewish Defense League, Ja77, 13, Jun78,
literature, Jun76, 9. 19; low crime rate, S79. 18, N86, 32, Jun87, 28; letter to 13, Ap79, 32, May79, 14, Mar81, 17,
084, 36; minorities, F78, 19; plastic Noah. JaS7, lS OcSl, 34, Ja82, 31, F82, 9-10, Mar82. 5­
surgery, Jun82, 30; progress, Au80, 7-8, Jeffersons, The, Jun84, 28 7, MayS2. 12, ApS4, 18, July84, 20, .
084, 36; racism, F87, 34, May87. 36-37; Jeffries, James J., JuI7S. 16 OcS4, 15, Mar85, 33-34, OeB5. 11, N85,
real estate in U.S., Ap87, 27; refugees, Jehovah's Witnesses. May7S. 13; in 35, DS5, 6. May86, 34, Juna6, 24, 33,
N80, 34, Ap85, 28; relations with S. Greece, Ap85.33;sued,OcS7. 17 AuS6, 7-9. 21, N86. 20. MarS7. 20;
Africa, N87, 13; relations with U.S.S.R., Jekyll Island, D7S, 27 accused of arson. Mar79, 27-2S;
Au82, 21; revisionism, May85, 36, F87, Jenkins, Anthony, SS6, 34 arrests, Ju187, 19; financial angel, Ju187,
34; steals U.S. patent, Ju187, 36; Jenkins, Clive, JaS4, 28 35-36; in Zundel trial, May85 , 14;
technology, Jun85, 27-28; trade secrets Jenkins, Roy, AugS6, 31 recruiting ad, Jun81, 19; terrorism, N83,
stolen, Oc83, 23; trade success, Ja87, Jenkins, Walter W., FS6, 22 23; threatens Mitchum, JunS3, 19; war
18; travelogue, Jun85, 26-28; U.S. war Jenner, Bruce, S83, 33 games, ApSl, 14
prisoners, Oc85, 19, F87, 6; war crimes, Jennings, Peter, NS6, 29, May87, 28, S87, Jewish Defense Organization (France),
Ju183, 22, N83, 16-18; war guilt, Mar83, 23; helps leftists, JaS7, 26; wife, JaS7, Ap81, 28
17; white prostitutes, Ap83, 19; WWII, 26 Jewish Defense Organization (U.S.), DS5.
May76, 8; WWII damages, 085, 31; Jenrette. Rita. MaySI. 19 6-7. AuS6. 6-9, NS6, 30
xenophobia, Au86, 34 Jensen, Arthur, F76, 19, Ap76, 10, Au76, Jewish demographics, JunS3, 25; in cities,
Japanese Americans, in politics, F87, 19; 15, F77,19,Jul77, 9,19, S77,19-20, FS5, 29; in U.S.S.R., Ja79, 12
reparations, Jun83, 16 S77. 24 • Oc77, 8, 26, F78, 9, 23, S78, 5, Jewish Direct Action. AugS4, 34
Japanese code (Magic), Oc77, 23 14.F79,15,JaSO,25,Ap80,22,JaS2, Jewish dissidents, in U.S., crime, NSS. 31;
Japanese firms, American employees, 23, F82, 16, NS2, 14, NS4, 35, May85, in U.S.S.R., Oc78, 2S, N7S, 24, F79, 14
DS7,29 3S, MayS6, 35, OcS7, 12; denies racism, Jewish Executioners With Silence, S79,
Japanese in U.S., Jun7S, 7, 17-18, Ju187, May79,19 25,SSO,34
29; criminal band, Au87, 15; wartime Jensen, Rita, JaS2,29 Jewish groups, criticism of, F85, 37-38
internment, DS2, 26, N83, 16-17 Jentet, Gabriele, F84, 27 Jewish hegemony, MarS7. S-9
Japanese in West Germany, Mar86, 33 Jerde, Tom, Au86, 18 Jewish historians, inflated figures, Ja79,
Japanese language, 084,37 Jermyn, Earl J., DS6, 31 28
Japanese National Railways, Jul79, 24 Jerome, Jerome K., DeS3, 32-33 Jewish holidays, SSO, 22, Ap84, 22-23
Japanese Red Army, S85, 33 Jerome, Raymond, De83, 26 Jewish husbands (of non.Jews), Ap79 , 12
Japanese, Mar79, 22; attitudes towards Jerrison, Harry, Jur87, 7 Jewish identity, 083,32
whites, Ap83, 18; politeness, Jun85, 26­ Jerusalem Post, F78. 23 Jewish immigrants, Ja79, 14
27; self-criticism, F87, 34; uniqueness, Jerusalem, N84, 5-6; east part annexed, Jewish Lists, The, JaS2, 32, Mar83, 16
Ja84, 16 OcSO,32 Jewish literature, Ju179. 20
Japhet, Ernest, Ap87, 28 Jesselson, Ludwig, JaS7, 18 Jewish mind. Jul79, 20-21
Jaroslavsky, Cesar, JunS7, 33 Jessup. Ronald, Ap7S, 23 Jewish Mind, The, Jul87, 12-13
Jaruzelski, Wojciech, Ap82, 31, Ap85, 33; Jesuit order, S80, 15 Jewish National Fund, Jul77, 19
half-Jewish?, JulS6, 21; profile, May81, Jesus Christ Superstar, Au7S, 12 Jewish organizations, contributions. S82.
33 Jesus, crucifixion, F86, 21; 8 versions. 26; Sue Palestinians, JuISI. 21; tax
Jarvis, Howard, Au7S. 10, F79. 9, 22, S79, 27, Mar76, 7, N81, 6, OCS3, 26; deductibility SUit. JuIS5, 18
Jun79, 20 hostile books, MarS6, 19; in India, N80, Jewish philosophy, Jul79, 20
Jason, Leonard, Ju182, 21, Oc82, 19 33; in Jewish folklore, DS5, lS; Jews Jewish Press, N77, 14, NS4 17
Jasper National Park, Mar87, 23 insult. FS3, 26; Nordic traits, Jun79, 11, Jewish question, S7S, 9

Jewish racism, May82, 14
27, ApS7, 27; denounce Russia, Oc86, Au81, 30, OcS2, 27. AuS7, 24; power,
Jewish radicals, anti-Christian agenda,
23; deportation, Au79, 10. 26; deserters N7S, 13; praised, MaySI, 21; propa­
Oc83,20 WWII, De77, 15; dietary laws. F77, 13; ganda, OcS6, 17; racism, May7S, 12,
Jewish recipes, May77. 23 divorced women, Oc76. lS; dominate JaSI, 31-32, FS4, 2S. MaySS, 24; radical
Jewish refugees. pre-WWII Germany, F87, tourism. Ja86, 17; dualloyaJty poll, N87, politics, D7S. 12-13, JuJ8J, 13; radio,
13 26; endogamy, AuS4, 39; English May81, 23; relations with Negroes, N79,
Jewish schools, enrollment, F8S, 30 literature, Jul77, 5, 15; exclusivity. S-10; restrictions on women, Oc76, 10,
J9wish S9ntin91, Ju179, 12 Mar7S, 7, Mar78, 24; extremists, MayBO, 18; ritual murder, NS4 16; rudeness
Jewish Statistical Bureau. Ju176, 19 31, SSO, 34; false claims, D77, 10, theory, S81, 10-11; Russian cultural
Jewish studies. Ja87. 20 MaySS, 24; famous Americans, MarS3. heritage, SSS, 31; Russian in U.S.,
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Oc83, 29 16; female networking, Maras, lS; MarS6, 20; science, Jul77, 16-17;
Jewish terrorists, Mar79, 6, 23-24 femininity, Jul77, 6, 16-17; financial science fiction, 077. S; secret, Ja84, 26,
Jewish Theological Seminary, Ja87, 8, power, JuISS, 21; flare for publicity, Ja85, 18-191; secretive, N841S; self­
Jun87, 20 S77, 19; flee to U.S., S85, 29; fund­ hate, D77, 12, F83, 10-12, MayS7,32;
Jewish twins, West German reparations, raising, Ja86, 29; gala parties. SS7, Sephardim, Mar77,IO, AuS1, 29; serpent
Oc87, 26 15; gamblers, De86, 30; gangsters, SS1, culture, NS1, 6; show business, Ja77,
Jewish underground, Ja77, 13 25; genetic markers, Oc79, 9; Gentile 10; singles, ApS6, 21; slave morality.
Jewish wives, Oc76, 10; of non-Jews, wives, Ap82, 21; gift to PLO, Jun84, 21 ; Jun87, 14; slurred in Virginia, SS6, 39;
Mar78. 17, Mar79, 13, 18 Hellenists, FS4, 12; high salaries, AuS2, Spanish Civil War, Ap77, 14; special
Jewish Woman and Her Home, The, De76, 20-21; hire illegal servants, Ap82, lS; rights, D86, 25; speculators, Jul83, 291
10, 18 history, Ja79, 6, 20-23; honoraria, F84, split in U.S., May86, 34; states with
Jewish Yel/ow Pages, May77, 12, N77, 24 15; honorary, Ap8S, 13; housing Jegis­ fewest, MaySS. 29; statistics, Mar76, 4.
Jewishness, defined, Ap87, 17 lation, Ja81, 15-17; immoral people, Ap76, 7, D80, 22, May81, 22, Jun84, 13,
Jewry, religion or race, N87, 36 Ap85, 13; in China, De79, 20; in 29, Ju184, 3D, MaySs. 30. May86, 21,

- Jews, (also see anti-Semitism, Holocaust

and entries under specific nations),
Mar76, 9, Ap76, 4, May76, 10, Mar77, 6,
18, Ap77, 10,077,8, May78, 16, S78,
college faculties, OcS2, 27; in Com­
munist parties, JuIS7, 32; in education
and medicine, MarS4, 2S; in fashion
design, JuI8S, 33; in Japan, D79, 2S; in
ApS7, 27, JunS7, 27 , N87, 26, DS7. 29;
statistics doubtful, 082. 26; sued for
damages. JulyS6. 36; taste arbiters,
N83, 31; traits, MaySI, 11-12, OcS2, 21­
17, Jul86, 12, S86, 25-26; affirmative media, Ap87, 19; in politics, DS1, 36; in 22, FS3, 10-13; two types. Oc79, lS;
action, May78, 18; against inter­ politics, S76, 11, Ja77, 10, Au78, 15, U.S. richest, Au84, 12-15; unattrac­
marriage, Ja83, 8; AIDS, OcB7. 27: N7S, 7, 21, JuIS3, 22-23, Ja87, 21; in tiveness, JunS2, 14; unique race,
Algiers, May80, 6; alleged Jewish professions, Mar84, 25; in Siberia, Oc79, 21-24; unpatriotic, Au8S, 31;

- greats, Jun84, 21: alliance with Negroes. 077. 8; in S. Africa, N78, 5, 15-21; in violence in Los Angeles, Ap84, 18;
N82. 20-21; America last, Oc85, 20; sports, Ja78, 5, 19-22, May 78, 9, 19-21; voting habits. D84, 29, Mar85, 21, Au87,
ancient. Jul86, 13; anti-Jewish groups, in the Dakotas, OS7, 23; in U.S., OcS3, 26, S87, 26; who is a Jew?, 086,36;
D78. 12; anti-Soviet, Au84. 22; Arab 12-13; in U.S. military academies, SSl, women resent blondes. S8S, 23; won't
origin, D84, 35; armed forces, F78, 5, 33; in industry, Oc86, 23; influence on return to Israel, F85, 29; woo Hispanics.

- 16-17, Oc82, 27; artists, Ap78, 7, 21,

Oc81, 22; ascandancy of, S85, 31-32,
Au80, 32-33, Au86, 14-16; Ashke­
presidents, OcS6, S-l 0; influence on
public figures, May79, 13; investment
bankers, MarS4, 2S; irreligious, JulS3,
Jews and American Politics, F78. 5, Ap7S,
nazim, Mar77, 10, Ja8S, 18; assimi­ 28; Jung's description, S79, 13; Key­ Jews and camp. NS1, 10-11

- ation, N78, 16; at both political ex­

tremes, Au86, 14-16; attack revis­
ionists, Au82, 32; attitudes, Mar83,
serling's comments, JaSl. 9; lack of
taste, De83, 19; lavish wedding, MarSS,
27; lawyers, N77, 6; left-wing bankers,
JewsforJesus,D7S, 11,JunS6,24
Jews Must Live, MarS6, 8
Jimenez de Cisneros, Francisco, Jul84, 13
28; toward women, F83, 28; awards to Jun87, 31; marginality, De83, 20. Oc85, Jiminez, Dave, JulS2, 30

- celebrities, F82, 16; Bakke case,

May78, 17-18; blood groups, Oc79, 9;
books on wealth. Au84, 12; burial in
17; marital strictures, Jun80, 27; mass­
acres of Gentiles, Ja79, 6; mediators,
Ap79, 10, 28; mental diseases. F77,
Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, JulS3, 13
jobs, Mar81 , 32; changing, Mar85. 19;
discrimination, Ap76, 7, Au84, 42; IQ
Israel, Oc87, 26; business ethics, Ap77, 13; mixed marriages, JaS4, 26, Jul84, dependence, FS2, 16, taken by illegals,
15; campaign contributions, Ap86, 6; 21; movie cartoons, F83, 14; music Au87, 10,11; white's mental stress, S8S,
cartoonists, Jun82, 19; casualties critics, Ja79, 27; music schools, Ja79, 20
WWI & WWII, Au79, 19; charity, Ap83, 27; music, Oc78. 12; musicians, Ja79. Joel, Billy, OcS7. 32
27; Chosenness, May83, 19, 086. 40; 7; name changing, Au86, 21; Negro Joffe, Mina, Jul87, 35
Christian converts, Jun82, 27; collective admixture, De79, 9; neuroticism, JulS5, Joffo, Maurice, Ja87, 30-31
guilt, Ja8S, 19; college faculties, May78, 17-18; 19th century Germany, Au77. 5, Johannesburg, City Council, Oc77, 26
13; comics, F81. 8; commodities. Mar81, 16; nomenclature, NS7. 17; Nordic type, John Birch Society. Mar76, 19. Ap7S, 19,
25; comparisons, Jun84, 19; conflicting N81, 15; Nordicized, 083, 24; Nord­ 076,6-7, Ap77, 23, S81. 2S, Mar82. 5,
numbers, Au85, 29; Congress, Mar76, 9; icized drawings, JaS2, 18; not a race, Jul83, 29, JuiS3, 15-16, OcS3, 36;
converted to Catholicism, JuI8S, 20-21; Jun86, 24-25; not white, MarSS. 16; old Jewish members, D84, 30; philistinism,
countries with least, S87, 26; country style and new, S86, 17; organizations, AuSI. 20; weather control, Au7S, 14
music, Ap79, 12; crime, F76, 18, D76, 8, S76, 6, S76, 6; Orthodox. Jul81, 21; out John Paul I, Au79, 11, Jul80, 29; murder
18, Ju176, 19; criticize other Jews, of closet, Oc85, 12; Palm Beach. Mar79, rumor, F87, 30
May87, 40; culture, Ja8S, 19; criticized, 21; paranoia, JuISI, 14; parasitical nature John Paul II, JunS2, 29, Ja83, 2S, JulS4,
Mar84, 7, Ja8S, 23, F85, 38; criticized by of. F77. 19; party preference, AuS7, 34, Aua7, 30; accused of Marxism, S85.
Jews. Oc87, 20; Czarist Russia, Jun78, 26; passing as Gentiles, JaS6, 19; 22; African trips, FS3, 33; anti­
6,16-17; declining popUlation, Ap79, pecking order, N78, 9; Polish, Ap77, 14; abortion stance, May85, 19, JulS7, 27;
12; defamation of blacks, Mar79, 19; politicial strategy, JuIS5, 18; politicians attempted assassination, AuSl, 31,
demographics, D7S, 9, F76, 7, F77, 13, fear, Jul86, 21; population by state, oS6, Ap85, 22-23, S8S. 22; class
Au80, 21, JulyS4, 21, De8S, 3D, NSS, 30; pornography, Ju178, 14, AuS1, 23, propaganda, Au8S, 1S; clears Galileo,

F81, 30; Dutch Jews snub, Au85, 32-33;
Johnson, Terrence G., Jul79, 13
Jordi. Kuri, Au8S. 18

forgives black rapist, DS5, 34;

Johnson, Terry Lee, MarS7, 20
Jorgenson, Harold, May80, 20

gourmand, JunSO, 33; meets Grand

Johnson, Thomas T., Ja82, 21,086, 3B
Joselit, Jenna, JunSS. 22

Rabbi, MayS1, 33, JulyS6, 32-33; quote,

Johnson, William, Au83, 21
Joseph II, Emperor, N87, 17

DSO, 9; U.S. trip, SS7, 30-31, NS7, 17;

Johnston, George, FB7, 31
Joseph, Bertha, F87,31
Waldheim meeting, S87, 23, S87, 30-31;
Joiner, Ernest, Ap85, 23
Joseph, Burt,F81,30
warns U.S.S.R., ApS5, 22
jokes, anti-Polish, MayB2, 10; anti-
Joseph. Burton, JuIB5, 23

John XXIII, JuISO, 29

WASP, Oc79, 1B; dangerous, Mar82, 19;
Joseph. father of Jesus, Jun79. 31

John, Augustus, Mar78, 24

ethnic, JunS6, 23; Jewish by Jews, 087,
Joseph. Fred, F87, 17

John, Elton, SS7, 2S 18; practical, Ap84, 19; sexual, JuIS6,

Joseph, James, ApS2, 21

John, King of England, 076, 10

Joseph, Keith, Jul77, B, F79, 16, 883, 34.

John, Robert, JaB4, 31, ApS7, 30-31,

Jolliffe, Tyson, OcS5, 31
Ju184, 33, Jun86, 36, N87, 22

Jolly, Lewis, JuISI. 22
Joseph, Michael, JuIB6, 7

Johns, Jasper, Ja81, 23

Jolson, AI. Ja77, 10, ApS6, 29, JunB6, 23
Josephs, Babette,OcS5, 21

Johnson, Irving "Magic," AuB4, 31

Jonathan (biblical figure), Ju179, 14
Josephson. Martin, N77, 13, N83, 25

Johnson Publishing Co., SB6, 31

Jones, Andrew, Ju186, 18
Josephus, Flavius (historian), Ap79, 31,

Johnson Sr. and Jr., Nevel!, FS5, 30, N86,

Jonas, Bob, Jr.. Jun82, 19
Mar86, 19, Jul87, 12

Jones, Candy, De78, 17
Joshi, Krisha M., FS5, 31

Johnson, Alan, OcS5, 36

Jones, Clara S., Ja79, 15
Journal of Historical Review, 079, 7

Johnson, Alexandra, Oc79, 26

Jones, Col. (Falklands war hero), AuB2, 25
Journal of Negro History, JuIB5, 32, 885,

Johnson, Basha,Oc86,32
Jones, Dana S., Oc87, 16

Johnson, Bob,Ap83, 15-16

Jones, Darrell, SS4, 27
Journal of Social and Political Affairs,
Johnson, C. B., May83, 30-31
Jones, Ed,Ap84,31
Johnson, Charles B., MayB3, 30-31,
Jones, Elwyn. Au79,2B
journalists, political affiliation, NB5, 27,

JunB3, 30; attacked by Zionists, JunB3, Jones, Ernest, Au79, 9


Jones, Grace, Ju186, 40
Jowdy, Jeffrey, ApSO, 27

Johnson, Charles K., S7B, 11

Jones, Howard, Mar81, 21
Joyce, Brenda, MayS2, 16-17

Johnson, Cleophas, OcB7, 19

Jones, James Earl, Ju178, 7, Ju185, 29
Joyce, Fay, NB4 17

Johnson, George, JulB6, 21

Jones, James R. (D-OK), N81, 12
Joyce, James, Jul77, 15, AuS4, 2B; quote.

Johnson, Gerald, DB4, 30

Jones, Jenkin L., Au84, 42, Jun85, 39
Johnson, Haynes, Mar83, 2-21, DS3, 8,
Jones, Jim, Mar79, 10,26-27, Ap79,
Joyce, Robert, Ja84, 15

Ap85, 9-10, Ju185, 17, Oc86, 32

11,13, 31, May79, 14, S79, 17,
Joyce, William (Lord Haw Haw), 078, 6,

Johnson, Hiram, May77 , 10

MayS2, 2S, NB3, 1B, Ap87, 20; celebrity
Au79. 11, 26-27, Ju180, 30, S81, 28-29,

Johnson, Jack, JuI7B, 7,16-19, NB7, 10

boosters of, JulSI, 16-17; organization
S83, 29, De8S, 27

Johnson, James H., MarS2, 20, OcB4, 14

secrets, JulSI, 16-17; youthful
Joyner, Charles, N84, 1B
Johnson, James R., F81, 31
adventures, JaB1, 20
ju-jitsu, Jun8S, 26

Johnson, James, OcB4, 16

Jones, Johnny L., MayB!, 32, DB4, 31
Jud Suss. SS3, 16-17, MarB5, 30

Johnson, John G., MayB6, 30

Jones, K. C., SS5, 30
Judaism, N76, 1B, S79. 2B, AuBO, 14,

Johnson, John H., Oc83, 2B

Jones, Kirby, S80, 22
Oc85, 17, N85, 19, Ap87, 25; conversion

Johnson, Karen, NB4, 29

Jones, LeRoi ( Imri Baraka), F78, 11,
to, Ap79. 12; converts, Mar77, Mar79,

Johnson, Kenneth, JuIS4, 28-29, Oc84,

Ap85, 26-27; profile and poetry, MaySI, 18, Oct79, 17-1B, AuSO, 29, 31 Aug83.

28, 10, F84, 27, Ju184, 21, N84. 29. F87.

Johnson, Kevin, S85, 20

Jones, Reginald H., SS1, 23
29, AuB7, 27; enemy of environment.

Johnson, Lady Bird, F86, 22; anti-Negro,

Jones, Roben,Ja83,23
Ap84, 24; equal with Christianity, JulS7,

OeB6, 31; wealth, MayB7, 30

Jones, Robert Norman, JunB7, 36
16-17; female rabbis, S81, 32; females

Johnson, Leo, F83,30

Jones, Tamara, JulBI, 20
segregated, DeB7, 32; Jewish

Johnson, Unton K., MayS2, 26, S87, 29

Jones, Tracey, AuS7, 28
Nietzschean roots, DB6. 7-9; Orthodox

Johnson, Louis, FB4, 32

Jones, Vendyl M., ApB4, 18-19
requirements, N84. 29; proselytizing,

Johnson, Lyndon B., F76, 5, 17-1B,

Jones, Warren L., Ap76, 7, 1B
Oc79, 17-18; schools for converts,

Jun76, 5, Ap77, 14, Jun7B, 18, Mar79,

Jones, Woodrow, OcBl, 35

18-19, N79, 15, MarB2, 23, FB6, 22,

Jonestown, Mar79, 10,26-27, Ja81, 20,
Judaism in Music. N76, 11-12, Au81, 7,
OcB6, 8-9;accused of bribery. MarB2, ,
082,32, Jul84, 31, Ap87, 20; massacre, Oc84.6
23; black protege, OcS6, 31; book
Ap79, 11, 13,DB1,30
Judas Syndrome, The, DBO. 21

bout, ApB3, 20; illegitimate son, N87, 27;

Jong, Erica, 080, 27, AuS5, 11, Jul87, 16
Judea and Samaria, AuS7. 7·8
Liberly coverup, MarBI, 22-23, Ap84, 31,
Jonson, Ben, Jul77, 5
Judeo-Christian ethics, NB7, 35

SB7, 34; mistress, N87, 27; murder

Joravsky, David, JulB3, 23
Judeo-Christian heritage, Jul77, 18,

accusaton, Au84, 23. N85, 28; 1948

Jordache Co., Ju182, 26; porn ad, JunBI,

Senate primary, Jun78, 15; vote fraud,

Judgment at Nuremberg, Ja83, 16·17

Jordan (country), Oc76. 19, Jul84, 34
judicial notice, Ja82, 21. ApB2, 7-10,

Johnson, Marlene, May86, 30

Jordan Marsh, racist ad, JunBI, 23

Johnson, Melvin, Ju179, Jordan, Colin, Ap78, 10

judiciary, Ap76, 7, 1B; affirmative action

Johnson, Milton, OcB6, 31

Jordan, George E., Jun84. 19
rulings, Au84, 21; antiwhite bias, FS3,

Johnson, Neil K., S87, 28

Jordan. George R., Ja85, 27
25; appointments, N83, 31, May84, 24,

Johnson, Paul, 079,20, Jul80, 32, De83, Jordan. Hamiliton, Ja80, 5-6~, Jul80, 28
S84, 25, Jun85, 31, ApB6. 1B; bias,

26,JunS5,18 Jordan. Michael, Ap87, 36

AuB1, 30, S85, 1B; corruption. Ap84, 27;

Johnson, Philip, Oc76, 5

Jordan, R. D., F83. 30
crime, MarSI, 23, FS7. 29, JulB7, 29;

Johnson. Richard, NB4, 30

Jordan, Vernon, Ja80. 25, AuBO, 22, 084,
forced reading for racists, F81, 15; gay

Johnson. Robert L., Ja86, 27

28; denounced by blacks, OeBO, 30;
judge. N85. 29, SS7, 28; harsh on

Johnson, Samuel, Jun83, 28

shot, N83. 20
whites, F84, 26; illiterate judge, June6,


34; indecorous judge, ApS2, 21; leniency

S87, 25; Negro supporter, 085, 34;
Kaplan, Robert, S82, 28, FS3, 31

to Jews, Jul81, 19, SS1, 30; leniency,

urges killing Gaddafi, May86, 29; violent
Kaplan. Samuel, Au85, 17

Jun87, 28, Au87, 27; liberal influence,

acts, AuSO, 31
Kaplan, Senor. Mar86. 31

JaS1, 24-25; Negro judges, OcSO, 29,

Kahl, Gordon, Jun83, 18
Kaplan, Sylvia, NS4, 34

SS1, 30, DS6, 30; number of judges,

Kahlo, Frieda, OCSO, 16
Kaplin, L, AuS6, 34

AuS4, 32; odd qualifications, May8S, 19;

Kahn, Alfred, JulSO, 25
Kaplowitz. Hyman. May8S. 29

outraged by crime, SSS, 27; permiss­

Kahn, Chip & wife, JaS6, 7-S Kaposi's sarcoma, ApS7, 12. 14

iveness, 082,21, JaS3, 23, JaS3, 32,

Kahn, Douglas. F80. 2S Kappler, Herbert, Au78, 13

Kahn. Florence. May82, 2S Kapstein, Jerry, Oc86, 22

JunS4, 21, July84, 20, S84, 27, 084, 30,

Kahn, Graham .. Jul8S, 34
Karajan, Harbert von, F79, 28. Ju183, 32,

MarS5, 2S, JulS5, 33, SSS, 16-17, ApS6,

Kahn, Herman, OcS1. 11, ApS4, 27

21, 35; poor Negro judge, DS2, 27; racial

Kahn, Otto. Ja79. 27, SS4, 23, N84. 33
Karenga, M. Ron, Oc78, 16

remarks, MayS7, 39; rejects Soviet

Kahn, Roger, NS4, 20
Karki, Janet, MayS6, 15

evidence, OcS6, 11·12; salaries, MaySS,

Kahn, Sammy, Mar7S, 17
Karkin. Henry, May84. 11

29; sentences suspended, NS3, 24,

Kain. Maurice G., JunS5, S Karl, last Austrian Emperor. MaySS. 34

S84, 1S; textbook ruling, AuS7, 34;

Kakol. K.• Ap87, 31
Karlin, Miriam, Oc81. 30

vascetomy verdict, Ap83, 1S-19; Zionist

Kalb. Bernard, S86. 13
Karlsefni, Snorro. OeS6, 21

collection agencies, JulSl, 21

Kalb. Marvin, Oc79, 19, Au85, 31, S85, 12
Karlsefni, Thorfin. Au87. 22

Julia,S7S, 16,FS5,40 Kaletski, Alexander, 085, 32

Karman, Theodore von. May78. 22

Julliard School, Ja79, 27

Kaliss, Jeff, JulS2, 32
Karnooh, Claude. Dc81, 34

Jumblatt, Walid, ApS5, 22

Kallen, Herbert, 076. 8
Karp, Morris. 076. 1S

Jung, Carl G., Ja76, 7, May 76,18, S76,

Kallenbach, Harmann, Mar87. 34
Karpov, Anatoly, Mar86, 31

4, 14-16, Au77, 5, F81, 7, Oc83, 14,

Kaltenbrunner. Ernst, JunS7. 13
Karr. David. Mar80. 21

JaS6, 36, N87, 32; Nazi leanings, S79,

Kaltenbrunner, Hans.Jorg. JunS7. 13
Karski. Jan. Ju187, 36

Kamaski. Charles. DS6. 11
Karthan. Eddie, Ja83, 18

Jung, Manfred, JuISO, 22

Kamber, Victor. May84. 1S Kashgar. ApS4. 26

Juni-Klub, F78, 20
Kamenar, Paul D., Ap86, 18
Kasparov, Gary, Mar8S, 31

Junior Miss Contest, N83, 14

Kamenev, Lev, DS4, 9
Kass, Ron, FS7,29

junk bonds, Ja87. 8

Kamenoff, Albert, OeB1, 24
Kassorla, Irane, sexologist, May81, 32

junk mail. AuS4, 31

Kamin. Leon, S77. 24, S7S, 10, Jun79, 15,
Kastan, Aaron R., AuS4, 40

Jura (Switzerland). separatism, NS4, 10,

Ap80. 22, Oc8C, 15, Ju181. 22, May82. 5.
Kasten, Robert W., FS7, 18, May87. 36;

Mar87. 29. Dc87, 12-13. DS7,15
drunk driver. F86, 9-10, May86, 29

Jurgens, Kurt. S83, 33

Kaminski. Phyllis. NS1. 30
Kastle, Leonard. S87, 24

juries, deaf jurors, Jun81, 31; in Britain,

Kaminsky, Len. Ja87. 20-21
Kastner, Rudolf. Ap87, 30

JUn83, 28; mixed race, 082, 21; Negroes

Kammerer, Paul, Au83, 16
Katanga, 078, 25

excluded, AuS4, 42; quotas, NSO, 21;

Kammler, Hans, Mar87, 30
Katewa, Masango, NS7. 31

tampering, Mar79, 19
Kamp. Joseph P., JaSO, 25
Katkow, Janet, N82, 19

justice, Au8S, 13
Kampe, Norbert. NS4, 33
Katleman, Beldon. Oe81, 5

Justice, William W., Oc86, 21

Kampelman. Max, JunS2. 32, May85, 23,
Katson, Trisha, Ap86, 30, NS7, 20

Juthke, Jay, Jun8S, 18

Kattan. Isaac, Oc81 , 30, May82, 15

Juvenal, Oc7B, 7, F85, 12

Kanaks, May8S, 36
Katyn, Oc76, 9, May78, 15, Au79. 28,

juvenile delinquents. Ap87, 16

Kandinsky. Ap78. 21

Kane. Eric A.. N86, 21

Kane. Martin Luther. MarS7, 19

JuISO, 36, ApS2, 31, Ju183, 33-34, Au85,

33, N87, 29-30

Katz, Alvin, AuS5, 11

Kanfer, Stefan, Ap79, 13

Katz, David S., 087, 30

Kabul, DB7. 33
Kangas. PaUl, JuI8S, 30
Katz, Dean, May79, 12

Kach Party (Israel), (also see Meir

Kani. John. 087,33-34
Katz, Elie, Harvey & Marcel, N86, 31

Kahane), S81. 36. May82, 14, DS3, 32­ Kania, Stanislaw, JaSl, 34, OcSI, 32
Katz, Gregory, Mar84, 17

33,Oc85.33. N85,34
Kanigel, Robert. JuI8S, 6
Katz, Harold, JuIS7, 19

Kadar, Jan, F80, 21 Kann. Robert, May84. 19

Katz, Harriet, Mar78, 16

Kaddu, Emmanuel, 085.34 Kansas City (MO), Jews and Xmas.

Katz, Herman. OcS2, 27

Kaal, Paulina, 083, 17, Mar86, 19, May86,

Katz, Michael, DcS7, 9, DS7. 16

Kant, Immanuel, Ju176. 8. S76, 6, 17,
Katz, Otto. N83, 11

Kafka, Franz, May87, 16

Ju178. 9. Ja80. 11-12. FS6, 6
Katz. Robert. Au84,33.Ja85.36

Kafshi, Anna, May79, 11

Kanthak, Dietman. NS6. 34
Katz, Schlomo, Oc77, 13

Kafura, Herman, Jun83, 30

Kantner. Rosabeth M.• MaySO, 21
Katz. Sharon. JuIS7, 19, N87. 16

Kagan, Lord, Ap79. 32, ApS1, 27, JunS1.

Kaplan. David. Mar77. 12
Katz. William L., FSO, 21, N82. 19, OCS7.

32. Ap82, 26, Mar84. 24. MaySS. 33. 38

Kaplan. Deborah, S83, 7

Kaganovitch, Lazar, JaS6, 29

Kaplan, Dennis S.• Dc82. 27
Katzenbach. Nicholas. May77,13

Kaganovitch. Rosa, Jul79, 13

Kaplan, Diane, FS7, 29
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, F8S, 31, Jul8S, 33,

Kahane Commission. JuIS3, 34, JaB4, 29­ Kaplan, Eli (Sergio Valenti), SS1, 30
AuS6, 18

30, Ap85, 10, May85, 24

Kaplan, Eliot, SS2, 7, 9
Kaufman, Armin, 087. 30

Kahane, Meir, Mar82, 5-7, May82. 1S,
33, N84 17, ApS5, 27, JuIS5, 20, SS5,
18. N8S, 34, 085, 6, Ja86, 29, May86,
Kaplan, Ellen, May82. 28

Kaplan, Fanny, F76, 16

Kaplan, Herb. N85, 20

Kaufman, Charles. S8S. 16-17

Kaufman, Eugene. Jun79. 16

Kaufman, Gerald. Ja87. 29

Kaplan, Howard, Ja79. 14

Kaufman. Henry. Oc82, 27

34, Au86, 7; against shiksas, OcS7, 11; Kaplan, Louise, MayS5, 38

Kaufman, Herbert, Oc80, 10

citizenship, May87. 32; elected to Kaplan, Martin, MayS2, 28

Kaufman. Phil. ApS4, 18

Knesset, Oc84, 33; Jewish supporters. Kaplan, Marty, OcS4, 7

Kaufman, Richard, S85, 17


Kaufman, Theodore N., 07S, 19

Kennealy, Thomas, F83, 28
Kennedy. Mrs. Robert F., Jr., mugged by

Kaunda, Kenneth, 579, 11, JunS5, 17,

Kennedy family, Ja77, 20, Ju185, 2S, FS7,
Negro, MayS3, 27

ApS6, 14-15, OcS6, 37, NS7, 13

23; criticism of, NSO, S; cut-price land,
Kennedy, Rose, Apa6.21

Kavanagh, Paul, JuISO, 15-16

JuIS3, 27; Jewish escorts, MayS2, 2S;
Kennedy, Tom, Oc76, 10

Kay, James, DaD, 27

law-breaking members, 083,20; tax
Kennesaw (GA). MayS2. 32; mandatory

Kaye, Danny, Ja77, 10, FS1,S, AuS2, 17

cheaters, AuSO, 1S
guns, 8S2,31

Kaye, David, MayS2, 2S

Kennedy, Caroline, MayS2, 2S, MayS6, 21
Kenny Everett Show, FS3, 30

Kayo, Carl C., ApS7, 27

Kennedy, David, 079. 1a. 083, 20, FS6,
Kenny. Mary. JunSO, 27

Kazakhs, Ap84, 26
31; drunk driving arrest, JaSl, 31
Kenny, Michael H., 082, 19

Kazantzakis, Nikos, May86, 22

Kennedy, Dean, Au7S, 20, OO7S, a
Kensington Stone, NS6, 23

Kazin, Alfred, 07S, 24

Kennedy. Donald, Mar84. 26
Kent State University, 07S. 12·13;

KOKA, Pittsburgh, May76, 19

Kennedy, Edward (Ted), Jan. 12,20,
memorial, Jun87, 19; shootout, MarSO,

Kean, Thomas H., AuS5, 2S-29, ApS6, 35,

Oo77,2S,Au79, 7,079, 1S,JanaO, 25,

N80, 8, Jan81, 8, F82, 16, Mar82, 23,
Kent, Duke of, AugS6, 31

Kearns, Doris, Mar79, 1S-19

OS2, 14. 083,20, FS4, 15. JuIS5, 34,
Kent, John, May82, 26

Keating, Paul, MayS2, 30

N85, 27. JulS7, 13. S87, 13, OcS7, 27,
Kent, Tyler, Fn, 19, N82, 31. Ap83, 29

Keaton, Buster, FS1, 7-S

NS7. 14; advisers, FS6, 31; Chappa­ Kentucky, JaS2, 7; Derby, Ja87, 15-16

Keaton, Diane, N84, 27

quiddick, S83, 33; cheats on exam,
Kenya, Au76, 10, F77, 6. 079, 26, OoSI,

Keats, John, poem, NS3, 30

ApS2, 19; criticism of, N79, 1S; drug
33, JaS2, 30, JuIS6, 26-27; Americans

Kebe, George C., Ju179, 13

allegation, F84, 14; drunken brawl, Ja86,
murdered, NS1. 33; birthrate, ApS6, 29;

Keegan, George J., Jr., Jul77, 10, 083, 19

30; female companions, MarS3, 20, OS4,
crime, S85, 33; criminals circumcised,

Keegstra, James, May84, 9-10, S84. 28.

23; illiteracy, May80, 23; in Abscam,
AuS5, 34; decline of. 8S5, 33; food

084,18·19, MayS5, 15,18,0085,6-11.

May82. 18; Israeli degree, Maya7, 32;
imports, OcS4. 20; riots, N82, 30;

085, 10,33, ApS6, 30, Jun86, 35, SS6,

King holiday, DS3, 7; money for Israel,
travelogue, Ja85, 37. SS6. 29. N86, 26­
35, 086,39, Ap87, 29, MayS7, 33,
Mar80, 22; 1984 campaign, SS4, 11;

Jun87, 29; conspiracy theories, OcS5,

political aspirations, MarS3, 20; praised,
Kenyatta, Jomo, May7S. 19, SSO, 15, NS6,

7; children beaten, ApS6, 30

Oc80, 20; praises Mayor Washington,

Keene,Oona~,Jun76,19 JunS7, 21; presidential candidate, N79,

Kenyatta, Muhammed, FSO, 22

Keepler, Columbus, JunSI, 35

18, FSO, 22-23; sheds pounds, Jula7,
Kerciu, G. Ray, MayS7, 21

Keeton, Kathy, JaS7, 2S

29; speeding ticket, Au86, 30
Kerfoot, Prof., NSO, 34

Keeyes, Michael, Jun78, 14

Kennedy, Edward, Jr., marijuana
Kerkorian, Kirk, AugS3, 27, OOS7, 25

Kehoe, Jack, MayS3, 28

possession, May81, 30
Kerll, Hans. FS1, 19

Keillor, Garrison, ApS7, 20

Kennedy, Ethel. Au79, 15. 079, 1S,
Kern, Jerome, Ja77, 10

Keininger, Richard, FS3, 34

MarS2, 23, 083. 20, JaS6. 2S
Kerner Commission, Oc77. 11

Keith, Arthur, Ap76, 4, Junn, 23, S77, 23,

Kennedy.F~, F7~ 17
Kerouac, Jack, OcS3, 16

Mar78, 14, Oc79, 13; Oc81, 6, Au82, 11,

Kennedy, Jacqueline (see Jacqueline
Kerr McGee Co., JuIS4. 16-17

Mar83, 8, 086,16; quote, May77, 19

Kerr, Malcolm, F79, 27

Keith, Damon, FSO, 28

Kennedy, Joan, Au76. 7, Au79, 15. MaySI,
Kerr, Robert. Mar82. 23

Keith, Hastings, Mar82, 26, Oc82, 27

30, MarS2, 23, Au82, 27
Kerridge, Linda, 086, 20

Kelley, Noel, Au87, 28

Kennedy, John F., F76, 1S, Jun76, 5. 1S,
Kerridge. Roy. JaS3. 22

Kelley, Olen, Ja86, 30

Au76, 7. Oc77. 24, Jul79, 16-17. JulSO,
Kerry. John F., F85, 20

Kelly, Alfred H., Mar79, 9, 26

9, OcB6, 8, Jun87. 21, assassination.
Kersey. Tommy, May86. 35

Kelly, Colin, Jul77, 20

Ja85, 9-10; character defects, Au82, 19;
Kertzer, Morris N., OS7, 23

Kelly, James J., MarS3, 29

Cuban surrender. F84, 17; Jewish
Kerzner, Sol, OcSO, 32, May81, 34

Kelly, John Brendan, III, MayS3, 26

influence. Ap86. 6; mafia mistress, 084,
Kesler, Gordon, ApS6, 30

Kelly, Leo, Ja83, 24

21; Monroe trysts, F85, 21, Ja86, 2S;
Kessel. Joseph, Mar79, 17

Kelly, Leo, Jr., Jul81, 21

pardons mobster, May84, 26; war
Kessel, Sam, Mar79. 17

Kelly, Petra, Ap87, 31

record, Au76. 7, Ap77, 14; womanizing.
Kesselring, Albert, MayS7, 27

Kelman, Steven. Ap79, 12·13

Kessler, Gordon. Ju182, 27

Kelmer, Jacob, Jun81, 33

Kennedy, John F., Jr.• May82, 28, JaS6,
Kester, Marian, Ap84, 31, N84. 19

Kelner, Peter, F86, 32

Ketchel, Stanley, Jul7a, 17-1S

Kelts (see Celts)

Kennedy, Joseph P., Ja84. 14; anti­
Kettering, Charles F., II, Maya4, 25

Kemble, Fanny, Au82, 16

Semitism, JuIS5. 28; bootlegger,
Kettle. George. Oc87, 19

Kemeny, John, Mar85, 20

Keyes, Ralph, Au84, 7

Kemler, Joan, 083, 19

Kennedy, Joseph P.• Jr., story of
Keyes. Roy, JunS5.31

Kemp, Jack, Au84, 16, N84, 29, Jun87,

death, F87, 23
Keyes. William A., May86, 18-19

35, Jul87, 13, Au87. 35; pro-Zionism,

Kennedy, Joseph P., II. 083.20; Arab
Keynes, John M., 075. 16, 21, N76, 9, 21,

S81, 31, S87, 11

campaign money, FS6, 31. 886. 33

Kemp, Jan, May86, 35

Kennedy, Kara, Mar83, 20
32, FS7, 11

Kemp, Richard, Oc87, 35

Kennedy, Ludovic, 885. 21. MayS6. 21
Keys, Bill, MayS5, 7

Kemper, Alison, Jun86, 35

Kennedy, Robert F., Au76. 7, MaySI, 5,
Keyserling, Hermann, Oc77. 21-22, Ja81,

Kempner, Robert, Oc76, 9, Jun84. 33,

JunS1, 15, Mar82. 23, JulS5, 2S, JaS6,
2S; assassination, Ja85, 9; deal with
Keyworth, George A., II, SS5, 15

Kendall, John, S85, 9

Barnett, Ap83, 2S; Monroe trysts. FS5,
KGB, (80viet secret police), Ja76, 8,

Kendall, Willmoore, 076, 7

21, Ja86. 2S; Mossad connection. Jaa2.
Au76, 6, Ap77, 6-7,21-24. S77, 28,

Keneally, Thomas, May85, 21

Ap7S, 5, 17-20, MayS2, 18, MarS4, 1S,

Keng Piao, Oc78, 18

Kennedy, Robert F.,Jr., NSO, a, DS1, 31,
25, 885, 32; forgeries, MarS6, 20, JuIS6,

Kennan, George F., S76, 8, May77, 19.

083,20, FS6, 31; flunks bar exam,
17; hostages saved, Mar86, 33-34

Mar7S, 8, 25, May85, 33

Khachigan, Ken, Oc81 , 17


Khader, Naim, 581,34 King, Dave, MayS4, 9 Kirschenbaum, Bruce. Au77, 12

Khalaf, Karim, Ja80, 31 King, Don, Jun80, 26 Kirschenbaum, Ira, 082. 27
Khaldun, Ibn, Jun84, 25 King, Edward P.• N83, 17 Kirschlager, Rudolf, JunS6. 16-17
Khaikin-Gol (battle of), F77, 9, 20-21 King, Florence, 077, 10 Kirstein. Peter. Ju187, 10
Khalsa, Bhajan K., Ja8S, S King, Gregory, MarS7, 27 Kirtland's Warbler, S81, 6
Khan, Abdul a., Jun84, 3S, May87, 36 King, Jack Oscar, JaS6, 30 Kirzner, Sol, N84, 34
Khan, Bart,F83,29 King, Larry, MaySI, 23, F86, 28; Sobran Kisch, Frederick, Ap84, 29
Khan, Genghis, Nordic traits. Oc82, 32 affair, N87, 15 Kishinev pogrom, Jun7S. 17, Ju181, 10
Khan, Kubla. Nordic traits, Oc82, 32 King, Martin Luther, Jr., Mar76, 6, F77, Kissinger Commission, AuS4. 41
Khan. Mahmood S., Ap78, 24 20, Jul7S, 20, Ja79, 10, N83, 6-7, AuS4, Kissinger, Henry. Ja76, 18-19, Ap76, 9.
Khazars, Mar77, 10, Mar7S, 7, DS3, 1S, 15, MayS5, 7-9, Oc85, 12, 086, 22; May76, 16. Jun76, 20, 576. 5, N76, 12,
oeSs, 10, ApS7. 25; not Jews' applauded, JaS6, 7; assassinated, Jul77, 10, N77. 13, Oc7S, 13, F79, 12,
ancestors. Ge79, 9 JaS5, 11; Buchanan attacks, FS7, 35; JaSO. 22. N80, 6, MarSI. 12-13, JaS3, 6,
Khomeini, Ayatullah. N82, 30, FS4, 17; Communist links, OS3, 7-8; criticized, FS3, 23, Mar83, 17, OS3, 32, JaS4. 27,
arms for hostages, JaS7, 13; attacks OcS5, 36, MayS7, 39; highway sign 584, 14·15, OcS4, 11, ApSS, 22, J unS5,
Jews, May79, 12, JaSO, 20; compared to defaced, ApS4, 19; King County, Jul86, 31, Au8S. 16, JuIS6, 11, SS7, 12-13,
Reagan, SS7, 6-7; French connection, 17; pro-Zionist, 083, S; records sealed, N87, 13; airport fight, May82, 28; clients.
NS7,28 DS3, 8; spreads hoax, Jun86, 33; JuIS6. 20-21; criticism of, Mar79, 27; FBI
Khruschev, Nikita, F79, 16, MayS4, 1S statue, 579,17, N79, 18, 081,19; Informer, MarSO, 23; fears rightist couP.
Kibbutzes, 584, 25, Jun86, 38; in U.S., Truman attacks, AuS3, 20; womanizer, Jun81, 23; feted by Rockefellers, JunSO,
079,27 OS3,9 24; flattery of, JuI7S. 14; friends, 580,
Kidd, Isaac, Jun79, 19 King, Martin Luther, Sr., NSO, 17 31; history gaffe, OS2, lS; in Italian
kidnapping, Au7S, 12, Jun82. 20, Ju185, King, Mary, JunSO, 25, JunS4, 11 politics, JunS3, 29-30; maligns Nixon
23, Mar86, 31 King, Melvin H., JaS4, 17, F85, 30, JunS6, aides, FS7. 22; memoirs, Jun82. 1S;
Kidron, Abraham, JunSO. 36 24,586,33 tapes protected. JunSO, 24; wiretapper,
Kierkegaard, S0ren, Mar77, 17 King, Patricia, Jun87, 1S FS7, 22; Zionist fixer, DS7, 11
Kiernan, Thomas, Jun76, 7, 19 King, Robert E., MarSO, 20 Kissinger, Nancy, MayS2, 28
Kiev, Au81, 32 King, Robert, Ap81, 30 Kiszczak. Czeslaw, ApS5, 33

- Kikuyu tribe, NS6, 27

Kilbert, Michael, Ap83 , 15-16
Kilby, Jack, Au85, 6-7
Kiley, Roger, N86, 22
King, W. L. MacKenzie, JulS6, S
King, Walter (King Oba), MaySI, 22
King, Warren, OcS5, 21
King, William R., JulS6, 16
Kitchener, Horatio H., Jun7S. 19, JaSI, 3D,
Kizer, Peter A., OcS5, 21
Klabin, Israel, N80, 31. AuS4, 41
Kilian, Michael, Au81, 2S, FS5, 34, Ge86, Kingsley, Ben, JunS4, 29, JuIS6, 31 Klagsburn, Samuel, Jun87, 20

- 21
Killing an Arab (song), MayS7,32
Kilpatrick, James J., Jun 76,4, Au79, 20­
Kingsley, Charles, JaSO, 30, MaySO, 31
Kinji, Henry, SS3, 33
Kinnock, Neil, FS4, 27. JuIS6, 32, AugS6,
Klappholz, Steven, Ge8S, 36
Klapprott. August, OS7. 36
Klarsfeld. Beate, "handsome" Nazi quote,
21,Ap83,5,7,083,8 31,JaS7,29,JunS7,30,GeS7, 19, NS7, ApS6, 10; in Austria, Ju186, 39
Kilroy-Silk, F86, 33 19 Klarsfeld. Serge and Beate, N79, 2S,
Kim, Ernst, 587, 30 Kinsey, Alfred, Ju186, 19 MaySO. 12, ApS3, 29, MayS3, 30, 585,
Kim, Yungmin, F76, 19 kinship, Mar76. 10, Ja77, 7 10; Barbie plot. Ap8S, 32; in Chile,
Kimball, Pen, OS7, 19 Kinsley, Michael, DS1, lS, MarS5, 20-21, Jun84,33

- Kimberly, Susan, Mar87, 29

Kimbrough, Nina, MarS5, 25
Kimche, David, Oc84, 31, Ju187, 19, 587,
F87, 17; defends Pollard, JunS7, 20;
fired from Harper's, JaS3, 19
Kinte, Kunta, 081, 31
Kipling, Rudyard, Jul77, 15, Au77, 1S,
Klassen, Ben. MarS2, 31
Klausner, Gerald, Ja86, 1S
Klein Construction Co., N86, 22
Klein, Calvin, AuS2, 21, Mar87, 26
Kimelman, Henry, Ja80, 5 F78, 1S.Jun7S,5,N78, 12, GeS3, 15, Klein, George, NS3, 25
- Kimmel, Husband E., May76, 9, Oc77, 23
Kimple, William Ward, May78, 22
Kimura, Fumiko, JaS6, 18
Jun84, 26, Au84, 2S, ApS6, 31; anti­
Semitic poem, 079, 18, MayS4, 27; on
Immigration, JunS7, 15; poems, 579, 15,
Klein, Herb, AuS7. 11
Klein, Jose, N79, 16
Klein, Paul, 578,13, MarS4, 17

- Kinchlow, Ben, May77, 10, Ap87, 28

Kinder, Gary, F83, 8-10
Kindrick, Stuart and Winona, May83, 26
King David Hotel, Ja76, 17, Jul77, 18,
Oc77, 15
MarS3, 24. Oc84. 24, NS5, 14
Kipperman, Kenneth, Oc87, 1S
Kirbo, Charles, Ap79, 14
Kircher, Athanase, S77, 27
Kirchway, Frieda, F77. 8
Kleiner, Michael. AuS4, 23
Kleinmichel, Countess, JulS2, 12
Klepak, Robert, Au78, 12
Kleynhans, Wlllem, 586, 37
Kline, Nathan, Jun7S. 13
King holiday, 579, 16, OSl, 19, JulS3, 21, Kirilenko, Andrey, F79, 16 Klineberg, Otto, Ja76, 6, 577. 18-19,
083, 7-9, F84, 31, Au84, 16, Ja85, 32, Kirk, Russell. SS1, 40, SS6, 17 Oc77, 8, 25-26
Oc85, 31, May86, 2S, Ap87, 7; cost, Kirk, William T., 583, 24 Klinghoffer, Leon, JaS6, 17, 21, Au86. 16,
Ap84, 26; criticism of, AuSI, 23, ApS6, Kirkendall, Richard, FS1, 21 ApS7,32

- 36; Mecham rescinds, FS7, 35, May87,

39, Jul87, 13
King Kong (movie), Ju184, 17
Kirkland, Lane. May77, 12, MarSI, 22,
Kirkpatrick, James W., JaS2, 22
KI itgaard, Robert, JaS6, 19
Klotz, Louis L., Au76, 5, JunS4, 32
Kluge, Oankwart, 085, 22
King, Alan, F86, 28 Kirkpatrick, Jeane, ApS1, 10. JuIS2. lS, Kluge, John W., MarS6, 15, Ja87, 20, FS7,
King, Bernard, Ja77, 20 AuS2, 4. 082. 32, JuIS5, 23, FS6, 36, 17,Au87,28
King, Billie Jean, JuISI, 19, SS1, 22, SS4, Ju187, 13; Jewish funding, MayS6, 30; Kluger, Richard, 078,21
24 open immigration, 586, 23; praises Tutu, Klugman, Jack, JunSS, 34; plagiarism,
King, Cecil, Ap82, 26 Mar8S,27 ApS3,2S
King, Charles H., Jr., OS2, 11-12 Kirkpatrick, John, MayS6, 30 Klugman, James, NS3, 8, JaS4, 13
King, Caretta 5., JunSO, 21, JaSl, 6, NS1, Kirsch, Natie, NS4, 34 Klugman, Joe, JunS5, 33
19 Kirschbaum, Joseph. 078.20 Klutznick, Philip, MarSO, 22, ApS6, 7

Knapp, VVes, JunS4, 17
Konk (French cartoonist), Ja87, 31,
Kramer, Leonie, 083,34

Kneip, Richard, MaySO, 22

Kramer, Nathaniel, Jul85, 34

Knickerbocker, Cholly, OS4, 16

Konkin, Samuel E., III, F82, 32
Kramer, Stanley, Ja83, 16·17

Knia, Roberta, Jul80, 22

Koals, Anne, May84, 26
Kramish, Arnold. Jun87, 21

Knight, Frances, F82, 32

Kooning, VViliem de, Ap80, 18, ApS5, 20
Krantz, Judith, 081,31, May87, 29

Knight, Frank, Ja76, 21

Koop, C. Everett, MayS7. 25
Kranz, Herbert, Ju185, 36

Knight, John, Oc87, 32-33

Kopechne, Mary Jo. S83, 33
Kranzbuhler, Otto, Jun86, 13

Knight, Ted, N81, 31

Kopelev, Lev Z., S81, 23, Ap87, 18
Krasucki, Ludwig, N87, 29

Knight-Ridder Broadcasting Inc., N85, 28

Koppel, Barbara, MarSS, 35
Krause, Jean G., F87, 35-36

Knight-Ridder newspapers, Jun76, 4

Koppel, Ted, SS1, 29,081,18. F85, 30,
Krause, Jerry, De87, 10

Knightley, Philip, May77, 10

N86, 19, Jun87, 22-23, OeS7, 9
Krausnick, Helmut, N84, 33

Knights of Malta, JunS7, 27

Kops, Bernard, Oc81 , 22, Jul84, 32
Krauss, Melvyn, Jun79, 17, Ja87. 20

Knights of the Golden Circle, S82, 10

Koran, forbids interest, F85. 38
Krauthammer, Charles, JuI8S, 17,587,28

Knof, Morton, 076, 18

Korean VVar, Jun77, 12, F79, 16; germ
Kray, Ronald, Jun85, 33

Knopf, Alfred, Oc81, 6, NS1, 32

warfare, Ju180, 23; spies, N83, 9-10
Krebs, John, F79, 17

Knopfelmacher, Frank, Jun80, 36, May87,

Koreans, Au77, 10; in Japan, Mar8?, 27; in
Kreil, Dana R, Oc85, 11

U.S., 084, 14-15, May85. 24
Kreisky, Bruno, N80, 30, 581. 35. Mar82,

Know Nothing Party, Jun82, 15

Korey, VViliiam, May83. 13
10, Mar85, 29, Au85, 21, Jun86.17-18,

Knox, Charles, F79, 27

Korn, David, Ja83, 7
Ju186, 39; criticizes Begin. 078,28;

Knox, John, Oc83, 9-10

Kornblau, Herbert, Aug84, 33
criticizes VViesenthal, 083, 16-1?,

Knoxville (TN), Ap76, 9

Kornbluth, C. M., Mar8S, 34
May87, 29, 35

Kobayashi, Eiji, 081, 2S, Ap83, 18

Kornbluth, Jesse, S87, 17
Kreitz. Christine, Ja86, 30

Koch, Edward, Mar79, 12, Jul80, 25, 080,

Korneyev, Lev,S83,35,N83,24,F84,28
Kremer, lan, Jun87, 18, Ju187, 16

27, S81, 36, Jul82, 18, ApS4, 16, Jun84,

Korngold, Julius, Jun79, 13
Kremer, Johann-PaUl, May79, 22, Oc80,

20, Mar85, 29, Ap85, 7, Au85, 21, N85,

Kornheiser. Tony, Mar82, 10-11
6, Ap81, 28

28, Mar86, 31, May86, 32, Jul86, 21,

Kornilov, Lavr G., May86, 9
Krenek, Ernst, S79, 27

N86, 23, 587, 27, Oc87, 32; assails LIN,

Korolwov, Sergei, Jul80, 9
Krenwinkel, Patricia, F76. 15

Ap81, 26; bans Springboks, 081,20;

Korshak, Sidney, F80, 23
Kreps, Clifton Holland. F77, 22

campaign contributors, F86, 29;

kosher butchers, S84, 26
Kreps, Juanita, F77, 22

homosexual?, May83, 26; Howard Beach

Kosher Card, Oc83, 19
Kretschmer, Paul. F77, 7

comments, 587, 17; insults

Krickler, Leonard, Oc81, 31

Southerners, Jun87, 35; Negro support,

kosher food, firms pay rabbis. May87, 20;
Kriegh, Ben, Ju183. 15-18­
Oc86, 21; pro-immigrant, Ap82, 28;
taxpayer supported, Ju184, 30. Jun85,
Krier, Leon. Ap84, 15

salary, Oc79, 19, 587, 25

32, May8?, 20
Kripke. Saul, Ap78, 12

Koch, Erich, Jul83, 33

kosher labels, May77, 23, Jul81, 21, Jul83,
Krisofic, Gordana, Jun8?, 28

Koch, lise, May77. 11

Kristalinacht,Jun79, 10, N79, 18, JU181.

kosher slaughter, F83, 27; banned abroad,
10, 082, 16, Ja8S, 38, 086, 18, May87,

Koch, Rudolf, N87, 28

May84, 29, Ja85, 35; in Britain, De8S, 32
34; exaggerated, 083. 28

Kodesh, Aron, Oc8S, 18·19

Kosiek, Rolf, F81, 10
Kristof, Amy, N87, 25

Koechler, Hans, Au87, 30

Kosinski, Jerzy, F76, 15
Kristof, Nicholas D., F83. 21

Koehl, Matt, Mar8S, 17

Kosinski, Jerzy, May82, 19, S82, 5
Kristofferson, Kris, Mar87, 25. May8?, 29,

Koehler, John 0.. May87,32

Kosman, B. A., Jul83, 35
Koen, Arrigo, Ju183, 35
Kosovo (Yugoslavia), N84 10, Mar8S, 24,
Kristol, Irving, Ap76. 11, Mar82, 29, Ju184.

Koestler, Arthur, Ja76,7. Ap76, 19,

S86, 36, Ja87, 32, May87, 35
32, N84 11, S86, 17

Marn, 10, May77. 10, S77, 14, 077, 12,

Kosovsky, Ovid, N80, 21
Kroc, Ray, MayS4, 24

Au83, 16, 083, 12-15; Khazar theory,

Kossuth, Louis, Mar78, 26
Krock, Arthur, Ju184, 34

Oc79,9 Koster, Erik, Mar87, 33

Krock, Edward, 076. 8

Kogan, Eugene,Oc80, 5
Koster, John, Au86, 8, 10
Kroeber. Alfred, May?6, 15. Ja77, 19,

Kogan, Lazar, Ja76, 9

Kosygin, Aleksey, Jun?9, 24

Kogan, Misako U., Jun87, 28

Kotin, Paul, F81, 20
Krok (French cartoonist), Au87, 31

Kogut, Jose, Au84, 41

Kotkin, Joel, S87, 32
Krol, John, S76, 9

Kohl, Hans, N81, 32

Kotler, Irving, Ap87, 29
Krompton, Catherine, Ja84, 15

Kohl, Helmut, Ja81, 12-13, S84, 2S-29,

Koufax, Sandy, May78, 9
Kronberg case. Au86, 32

Kovshi, Aharon, 085, 34
Kronhausen, Eberhard, Oc80, 29

Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts Co., 083, 30

Kowalchuk, Mikola, 084, 38
Kropotkin, Peter, May76. 5, Jul78, 9, 21,

Kohn, Elinor, DeS4, 29

Kowalchuk, Serge, Oc86, 11
Oc78, 9, 20, Mar80, 15-16

Kohn, Haim, Mar78, 13

Kowalski, Joyce, N82. 5-6
Krouch, Elizabeth, F81, 22

Kohn, Jerome, MayS5, 32

Kozii, Bohdan, Ju180, 18
Krown, Kevin, Mar81 , 31

Kozminski, Lucian L., Oc82, 28, N83, 32
Krownin, Mary, 076, 18

Kolchak, Aleksandr, Ap77, 7

Kozol, Jonathan, JuI8S, 32
Krug, Judith, Mar8S, 35

Kollek, Teddy, JunSO, 34

Kraft, Joseph, N81, 33
Krug, Mark, 28

Kolmich, Haym, S81, 2S

Kragen. Ken, Oc86, 32
Krugel. Barry, F82, 10

Kolyma prison, Mar79, 16, Ja86, 18

Krakowski, Shmuel, S87, 18
Kruger, Earl. Jun78, 13

Komercher, Eliahu, Au85, 20

Kramer, Charles, S77, 14
Kruger, John, Ja8S, 34

Kometani, Foumiko, Au87, 19

Kramer, Harold, Ja87, 28
Kruger, Paul, Jun78, 19·20, N?8, 18,

Kondratieff, Nikolai, MarS3, 25·26

Kramer, Hilton, Ap78, 7, 21, June83, 9-10,
May84,30, N87, 12; film, May87, 35

Koneczny, Felix, May77, 24

Krugerrands, Au84, 18, D8S, 31, Mar86,

Konigsberg, May81, 29
Kramer, Joseph, 078, 19, May79, 22
13·14; banned by U,S .• Ja86. 18, Au87,

Konigsmark, Dorothy, Ja80, 6

Kramer. Ken, F79, 17


Krupp family, 078, 20

Kwakiutl tribe, Ja77, 19
Lancaster, Burt, Jun84, 25

Krupp, Alfred, 078, 20

Kwanzaa (Negro holiday), Oc78, 16
Lance, Bert, 077, 12,May83,6,SS4, 10

Krupskaya. Nadya. F77, 10

Kwitny, Jonathan, Mar8S,3S Landa, Diego de, Jul84, 13

Krush Groove, Mar86, 18

Landau, Arnold, May8S. 27

Landau, David, Jul78, 14, JunS4. 11

Krutezki, W. A., Jun8S, 18

Krynicki, George. Au87, 27

L Landau. Harolin, JuleO, 28

Krzyzewski, Leona, S7S, 20

La Bamba, 087, 21
Landau, Jon, May85, 32

Ku Klux Klan, Mar77, 12,077,7,20.

L A. Law, Ja87, 25
Landau, Nathan, JulSO, 2S

Jun7S, 20, Ap79, 14, F80, 13,JunSO, 22. La Pasionaria, F76, 16

Landau, Sonia, oces. 29, MayS6, 27. NS6,

Ap83.32. N83. 6, Ap87. 7,Au87, 18; La Raza Unida, Ap7S, 1, JaS4, 19, Ju187.
against Vietnamese fishermen, Oc81. 9-10. AuS7. 14; Council OS6, 11
landers. Ann (Esther Friedman),

22; agent provocateur, May86, 14; La Rue, Danny, N81, 31

JuneO, 26, AuSO, 20-21. Oc86,

alleged violence, S81. 21, Oc82, 27, L :4/}'en, son role social, Mar76, 10
30, OS6, 31, S87, 27; encour­
FS3, 2S; anti-Klan riot, F83, 6-8; arson, La trahison des clercs, Ap79, 10
ages transvestite. AuS1, 30;

MarS6, 1S; attacked by Carter and La VieUie Taupe, May80, 17

Jewish raci~m, ApSS, 13; on

Reagan, N80. 34; black-inspired hoax. La Vista, Vincent, 083, 20

circumcision, ApSS, 35; quote,

Ju179, 27. May83. 20; College Park Laband, David N., Mar85, 17
Mar84, 30; tastelessness.

march, Ap87. 1S; cross burning. MarS6, labor unions, F77, 13, ApS2, 12; crime, JaBS, 33

30, ApS7, 36; demonstrations, May83, OSO, 10-11; death penalty, Ja78, 14-15; Landess. Tom, 8S6, 21

32; exposes of, Oc7S, 17; extant disputes, 077.23; executives' salaries, landon, Alfred. Jun76, 5

groups, N80, 34; Greensboro shootout, Oc84, 27; in educaton, Oc76, 14; Landow. Nathan, Oe7, 7

MarSO, 19, Ja83, 9-10, S84. 32, Au8S. membership, Au82, 26, S87. 25; Mob Landsberg prison. F79, 13.

35; in Canada. Ju178, 23, MayS2. 29; in control, Ju186, 30; U.S. work force, Landsberg, Michelle, May82, 6

Carolinas. MayS2. 31; in Connecticut. Mar85,19 Landsburg, Rafi. MayS3, 31

Jun81, 21. JuIS7. 17; in film. Ap8S. 36; in Laborers Union, OSO, 10-11
landsman, Murray, May87, 31

Gainesville trial. MayS7, 17; in literature, Labouisse, Henry R., Jul87, 2S

Landsteiner, Karl, May77, 22

MayS6. 7; in Pennsylvania, MayS2, 19; Labour Party (Britain), Jul77, S, 1S, Ap79,
Lane, Arthur B.• F79. 15, AuS4, 37

in police. Mar79, 19; legal harassment. 23, F84,27,OcS4,31,Ja86,31, AugS6,

Lane, David, May78, 8, 19, MaySI, 33,

AuS4. 23-24. MarSS. 35-36, MaySS. 39; 31, Ap87, 24; betrayal of workers,
N81, 25; racial quote, Ap86, 17

membership. S87. 25; Mobile crime. Jun87, 34; black sections, Oc85, 32;
Lane. Geoffrey Dawson, FS4, 22

ApS7. 15; 1925 march, F83, 6; 19S7 anti­ Jews, F79, 27; minority factions, 585,
Lane. Mark, Ap79, 11, FS5, 37-38, Ja86.

Klan march, AuS7, 36; North Carolina 32,086,34


election. OcS4, 27; pickets food Labov, William, Jun85, 20

Lane, Nathaniel, Ju181, 21. 082, 27

company, ApS2, 32; Raleigh march, Labovitch, Clyde. Jun86, 35

Lane, Rose Wilder, Jul82, 24

N84, 20; TV show cut off, JaS7, 26; Lachs, Stephen, Ap81 , 21
Lane, Russell, Jun82, 16

United Klans of America, ApS7, 15; Lacker, Marty f Mar7S, 17

lang. Eugene,Oc87, 19

- violence against. SS1, 21. MayS2, 19; LaCotte, Pierre, OS1, 19

lang, Fritz, Ju184. 17

wins trial, Jul86, 14 ladd, Alan. Jr.. Au84, 8. Ju186. 27

lang, Irving, S84, 27

Kubanov, Valeriy G., May87, 14

Ladd, Alan, Sr., JulS5, 19
lang, Jack, Ju183, 31, N85, 32, JaS6, 32;

Kudzu (comic strip), N83, 21

Ladies Home Journal, JU178. 11
criminal brother, ApS6, 32

Kugelmass. Sol, May87. 15

Ladogan (race), Oc84, 14
Lang, Otto, JaS5, 34

Kuhn. Richard, MaySI, 24

Ladybird Books, Au80, 28-29, Jut81, 10
Langby, Elizabeth, FS6. 33-34

KOhnelt-Leddihn, Erik von, Jul77, 20

laechert, Hildegard, Mar79, 28
lange, David, Oc86, 35, N87, 12; attacks

KOhnen, Michael, OS3, 2S

Lafargue, Paul, Jun81, 7
racialism, MarS6. 34-35

Kuiper, John, Oc79, 26

Lagerfeld, Karl, May85, 32
langello, Toni, OCS7. 27

Kujau, Konrad, NS6, 34

lagos, OS5, 35
langen, Fritz. OS7, 24

Kumin, Maxine, 081, 31

lahat, Shlomo, 080, 27
langerton. Edward (see Ralph Scott)

Kun, Bela, N7S, 19

Laipenieks, Edgar. ApS3, 21
Langeveld, Reval, May87, 36

Kungys. Juozas. OcS6, 11-12

laissez-faire, 075, 16
Langs, Robert, F86, 19, JuIS7. 24

Kunian, Louis, Jun86, 7

Laitin, Joseph, Jule7. 21
language, S79, 15; de-seXing of, Mar79,

Kunin, Madeline, JaS7. 12

Lakatos, Menyhert. Ap87, 31
16, Ap81, 19, Ju186, 29; liberal rhetoric,

Kunstler, William, AuSO, 7. Au81. 30,

Lalwani, Mohan, JunSS, 31
Mar78, 11, 26-27; offensive colors,

AuS2. 20, OS2, 20-21. Ap85. 7, AuS5, lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, N79, 6, Julel, 21­ MarS7. 31; "to jew; Oc86, 20

20. Jun86,34, May87,23,OcS7, 19

languages, affinities, Au87, 21; compared,

Kupcinet, Irv. N81, 30

Lamarckism, S77, 24
MarS7, 36; courses in N.Y. schools,

Kupke, Frederick, F80, 21

Lambeth Boys, The, OcSS, 32-33
Au87, 26; most spoken. AuS6, 29; word

Kuralt, Charles, Oc76, 8

Lambeth Council, Ap8S. 31, Jun8S, 35,
number. AuS7, 26; world, JaS4, 26

Kuranari, Tadashi, N87, 13

Lankster, Saul E., Oc81, 16

Kurds, Oe79, 28; arrested in Sweden,

Lambkins, Lawrence. 084, 30
Lansburgh, Morris, Au78. 13

Mar87, 32; massacre by Turks, JunS1, lambro, Donald, Ja87, 19

lansdowne, Henry C .• MayS7, 23; letter,

Lamm, Richard D., MarS2, 19, OS4, 14·
May87, 23, JunS7, 16

Kurtha, Aziz, Ja87, 29

15, Jul8S, 39, S85, 35, JaSS, 35, ApSS,
lansing, Robert, anti-Negro quote, S87,

Kurtz, Jerome. May79, 12

35,JunS6.25,SS6,32, 086. 10, JaS7,

Kurzban, Ira, D7S, 23. ApS2, 14

36. Mar87, 11, MarS7, 28; quotes, 084, Lansky, Meyer, May79, 14, Oc80, 32,

Kurzweil, Arthur, 085,31

15, Ju186, 27
Ja81, 19, Oc83, 18, OS4, 22-23, Au85,

Kusche, Lawrence D., Au7S, 17

Lammers, Hans, Jul7S, 13
9·11; obit, ApS3, 20-21

Kuslansky, laurie, MaySS, 24

Lamont. Douglas, AugS4, 34
Lansky, Myra, OS4, 22-23

Kuttab, Jonathan, 083, 33

LaMotta, Jake and Vicki, JunS2. 27
lantos, Tom. JulS2, 1S; illegal

Kuwait, Ja8S, 7
lamport, Bernard, Jul85, 34
contributions, May8S,31

- 65

Lanyi, Andrew, OcS3, 29 Lautenberg. Frank, DS2, 14 Lazarowicz. Mark. Jul87, 30

Lanzmann, Claude. Au86, 19, AuS6, 32. Laval, Pierre, Mar79, 17, N79, 26 Lazarus, Charles, Ap84, 26
NS6, 33-34, DS6. 36, Mar87. 33 Lavi (warplane), AuS4, 20, JaSS, 7, Lazarus. Emma, Au80, 19, D84, 38, 586,
Lao-Tzu. F79, S; blondism. OcS2, 32; JulyS6, 33, SS6, 11, OcS6, 34 30. SSS, 34; parody, May85, 32
quote on scholars, MayS6, 35 Lavon Affair, Ja76, 1S, Jun76, 7, N7S, 11, Lazarus, Fred. Jr., FSO, 21
Laos, May76, 9, JunS5, 37 Mar79, 6, JunSI, 22, JaS2, 10 Lazarus, Joa, Ja85, 33
Laotians, in U.S., JaS6, 1S. MarS7, 29 Lavon, Pin has. N7S. 11 Lazarus. Swami, D85, 20
Lapchick. Robert, Jun7S, 12-13 Lavrich. Michael, SSS, 21 Le Bon, Gustave, N76, 10, Ja82, 20;
Lapelerie, Alain, MaySS, 36 law enforcement officers, MaySO, 32 quoted, Jul76, 1S
Lapham. Lewis, JunSO, 29, AuSO, 21, DS1. Law of Manu, The, Au79. 14 Le Bon, Simon, Jun84, 28
1S, D8S. 34; quote, SS2, 11 law schools. British, JulS5, S; minority Le Boutillier, John, AuS1, 34, JaS3, 13
Lapid, Joseph, NS6. 34 enrollment, AuS1, 29; Negroes flunk, Le Carre, John, Jul83, 26
Lapland, future independence. NS4 10 SS7,2S Le Cherne, Evelyn, Ap8S. S
Laporte, William F .• MayS2. 28 law, Ja82, 14; aphorisms, ApS2. 15; Le Corbusier. Edouard, Oc76, 15
Lapouge. Vacher de. Mar76. 10-11; first common, May77, 23; double jeopardy, Le Figaro, Jul79, 21
sperm bank, DS2, 1S NS4, 20; interrogatories, ApS4, 2S; Le Gallienne. Richard. JaS2, 20
Lapps, NS7. 12 Jews, May79, 20 Le Matin, F80, 17
Laroche, Guy, D79, 15 Law, John, May77, 22, Au84. 24 Le Monde, May79. 6, 21-23, Jul79, 6,
Laronde. Gisell. ApS7, 27 Lawford, Christopher K., arrested for Oc83, 29; on Waldheim, Jul86, 40
LaRosa, Michael. DS4, 21 drugs. ApS1, 2S. DS3. 20 Le Pen, Jean-Marie, Oc80, 30, Jul83, 31.
LaRouche, Lyndon H., Jr., N79, 21, ApS1, Lawford, Peter, Ja86, 2S N83, 33, Mar84, 28, S84, 6-8. N84, 25,
11, Ap82, 27, MayS6, 14, AuS6, 7-8; Lawrence, D. H., 576, 15, Jun77, 19. Mar8S, 24, Jun86, 36-37, D86, 33. F87,
attacks AIDS, JaS7, 13, ApS7, 10-11, Jul77, 15. S7S, 18-19, Ja79, 26, N79, 33, Mar87, 32, Ap87, 24. ApS5. 31-32.
13-14; attacks Kissinger, NS2, 1S-19; 22,Au85, 15,Ja86, 16,Jun87,25; May8S, 34. Jun85, 35, AuS5, 33, JaS6,
birth control, OcS1, 11; conspiracy poem, JunSO. 35 32-33; AIDS remark. Au87. 29; American
theories, Jun79, 9, 28-29, MayS5, 23; Lawrence, Earnest. Mar79, 10 friends, JunS7, 31; daughters, 587, 30;
criminal charges, JulSS, 20; for open Lawrence. Evor, D86. 33 Holocaust footnote, DS7, 31-32;
immigration, OcS6, 32; loses NBC suit, Lawrence, Nigel. N81, 21 interview, Jul87, 32, DS7, 31-32; marital
F85, 30; political candidate, JunS6, 39; Lawrence, Peter, Ap84, 1S difficulties, ApS6, 32; Au87, 30,587.30;
political gains, JunS6, 39; roundup of Lawrence, Richard, JaS5, 11 slandered, Jun85, 35. ApS6, 32; sues
aides, DS6, 24; violent disciples, MayS2, Lawrence, T. E., Ja76, 15, JulSO, 23 defamers. Jun84, 33
2S Lawrenceville School, May79, 25 Le Pen. Pierrette, Ap85, 31-32, Ap86, 32,
Larson, Charles, JaS7, 36 Lawrenson, Jack and Helen, D86, 24 DS7.31
Larson, Martin A .• OcSO, 5, FS2, 32, NS2, Lawrenson.Johanna, DSO, 14,DS6.24 Le Win, Wendy, N8S, 11
31 laws, Oc78. 19-20, DS5, 13-15; against Lea family, F87, 6
Laschkowitz, Herschel, DS7, 23 racial statements, May80, 19 Lea, Henry C., F85, 32
Lash. Joseph, MarSO, 20-21, AuS2, 27 Lawson. Eddie J., N79, 20 Lea, Homer, F87, 6-8; quote, Oc82, 32
Lasker, Morris, DS4, 30 Lawson, Edward, FS3, 30, AuS3, 29; Negro Leach. Alice M., OcS2, 12
Laskin, Bora, S77, 13 walkabout, ApS3, 28 League Against Anti-Semitism (France).
Lasky, Harold, N77, 13, OcS2, 30, Ja84. Lawson, lan, JulS6, 32 JU179.21
12 Lawson, Nigel, 583, 34 League of Empire Loyalists, 585, 31
Lasky, Michael J., D76, 1S Lawson, William, Oc86, 38 League of Nations, N78, 15, May84, 28,
Lasky, Moses, MaySO, 19 lawsuits, civil. ApS6, 2S; frivolous, JulS4, F87, 12
Lassalle, Ferdinand, JunS1, 7 36 League of Pace Amendment Advocates.
Lassus, Arnaud de, MarS4, 29 Lawton, Charles, ApS4, 20 JulyS6. 34-35, JuIS7, 35; lose radio
Late Great Planet Earth, The, Au79, 15-16 lawyer, helps lover escape, 583, 24 outlet. Au87, 36; meeting broken uP.
Latimer, George, MarS7, 29 lawyers, ApS2, 12,14-15; abroad, ApS2, Oc87,35
Latimer. Henry. MarS2, 27 15; Britain and U.S. compared, JulS6, League of United Latin American Citizens
Latin America, AIDS threat, SS7. S; crime. 29; client seducers, AuS6, 30; com­ (LULAC), D87, 19
JaS2, 23; foreign debt. ApS7, 27; Jews, plaints against, Ju186. 1S; criticism of, League Review. F79. 27
NSO. 31, Jul84, 30; racial composition. AuSO, 34; fee padding, Jun79, 20, Leahy. Patrick, NS7, 14
Au84,1S MaySO, 19, F84, 25, OeS5, 31, JulS6, 29, Leakey, Mary, SS6, 29
Latins {also see Mediterraneans}, ApS4, 7; MayS7, 30-31; in Israel, Oc79, 28; in Leakey, Richard E., JuISI. 11
traits, May76, 7 Washington (DC), 581, 32; Jews, MarS4. Leamon, Horace. JunS4. 28
Latvia, May7S, 10, MarS1, 33; anti-Zionist 25; minority, Ja7S, 13, Mar78, 16, F79, Leap. The, JunS7. 24-25
article, Ap87, 32; cultural decline, FS6, 9; Negroes. May85, 29; outrageous Leaphart. Vincent, Au85, 20
36; demographics, NS6, 30; fees, Jun79, 20, MaySO, 19, Ja83, 25; Lear. Norman. F77, 20, Ja79, 13. Ja81, S,
independence, NS4 9 race and sex, 584. 26; statistics. NS1. JaS2, 2S. MayS2, 17, Ju182, 2S. OcS3,
Latzer, Robert, Ap83, 2S 29, JaS4, 26, MayS4, 23, MayS6, 28; 36, MarS4, 26, JunS4, 11, Jun84, 28,
Lauck. Gerhard, MarS5, 17 wealth, Jul87, 27 Jul84, 30, MaySS. 24. OcS5, 21, ApS6,
Lauder, Estee, SS1, 13 Laxalt, Paul, Jul87, 13; mob 1S, Ap87, 26, N87, 35; plagiarist. JaS7,
Lauder, Ronald 5., OcS6, 31, NS7, 29 connections.D84, 21 25
Laughter of Carthage, The, Ja86. 35, Laynter, Anson, JaS5, 28 Learned, Melanie. MarS4, 31
MayS6,6-S Layton. Irving, May8S, 31, Ap87, 29, learning disabilities, Mar84. 25
laughter (also see comedy), MarSI, 16 Au87,9 Leavis, F. R., Oc79, 25
Lauren, Ralph, AuS2, 21, MarS7, 26 Layton, Larry, Ap79. 11,Ap87,20 Lebanese Christians. D82, 8
Laurence. Charles, DSS. 37 Lazar, Imre, JunSO, 33 Lebanon, Ja77, 13, Au82, 4-6, JaS3, 30,
Lauricella, Emanuele, ApS7, 32 Lazar, Irving, N77, 13, MarS4, 19. N84, 27 May83, 30, Jun83, 30, F84. 32. Ju184,
Laury, Joseph. JunS6.22 Lazar, Michael, D87, 30 35, Au84, 3S, S84, 29-30. May85, 3S;

casualties, SS2, 20-21, MarS3, 2S, Lehmann, Arthur, May87, 11 politics, F85, 31; in priesthood, Jun79,

MayS3, 25, AuS4, 31, NS5, 27; Christian Lehmann, Jean-Pierre, S87,32 1S; in tennis, JulS1, 19, SS4, 24, AuS5,

forces, JunSI, 33, OS2, 29; conservative Lehner, Urban C., 081, 34
30, S86, 34, MayS7, 32. SS7, 28; in U.S.

trend, JaS5, 36; French forces, JunS5, Lehrer, David, Au79, 28, MarS5. 33
Army, AuSO, 20; pregnancies, May79,

35; hostage crisis, OcS5, 33; Israeli air Lehrer, Jim, NS6, 29
14; study programs, AuSO. 21

attacks, Au79, 17, JaSO, 20-21, AuS2, Lehrer. Ned. OeBO. 29

Lesotho, FS5, 35

30; Israeli atrocities, AuSO, 31-32, JaS4, Lehrer. Shimon, Ja84, 29-30
Less. Bertrand, Ap82, 17

29-30; Israeli invasion, AuS2, 30, SS2, Lehrke. Richard G .• S7S. 14, ApS1. 18
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, N76, 10, 077, 5

20-21,082,29, AuS3, 31,083,9-10; Lehrman, Lewis, 082, 14, Ap84, 16,Ju1S5.

Lessing, Theodor, Ap 7S, 21·22
Israeli occupation, MarS4, 29; raids, 20-21. Au86. 16, Oc87, 11
Lester, Jon, Mar87, 7, ApS7, 16

Oc79. 28; Israeli subversion. Ju182. 28; Leiber, Mark, JunS6, 38

Lester, Julius, Ap78, 11

Israelis idealized, F84. 26; Israelis vs. Leibler, lsi, OS5, 17

Lester, Tony, Jun87, 31

Finns, S85, 32; Phalangists, OS2, 29; Leibow~z, Spike. N8S, 29

Letelier, Orlando, AuS2, 27

Soviet hostages, Mar86, 34; Sunnls. Leigh-Fermor, Patrick, Jun8S, 33

Lethality Index, MaySO, 22

Ja85, 37; terrorism, Jun83, 30; U.S. Leiter, Levi, Mar78, 23, Oc85, 26
letter bombs, Mar85. 17

casualties, N83, 34, OS3, 9, Ap84. 20, Leland, Mickey. Ju187. 33

Letter to the Soviet Leaders, Ja77, 10,

26, F8S, 1S; U.S. shelling, Ap85, 22; Lelyveld, Joseph, FS3, 33, OcS3, 34

U.S. troops, JunS3, 30; UN forces, Lemann, Nicholas, Jul85, 12. Au85. 20.
letters. Mar87, 34; to editors, 078. 14

Au80, 32, JunSI, 33, Jul8S, 37, JulyS6, Ja87.1S

Letts Study Aids, N87, 23

33,ApS7,32 LeMay. Curtis E., JunS5. 37

Lev, Abraham, Jun82, 29

Lebel, Phil, Ap87, 27

Lemberg, Eugen. Jut85, 40
Levenson, Jer~, Jul78, 14, Mar79, 19,

LeBoutillier, John, FS1, 18. JulS2, 15, FS6,

Lemkin. Rafael, N77, 21. Oc80, 5. S84, 8­ Jun81, 31

Lever, Harold, 083, 32

Lecer!. Steven, OcS5, S

Lemler, Nathan, Jut77, 11
Levering. Walter, 080, 20

Leckey, Rosanna, JunSI, 30

Lender. Morris. SS4. 27
Levesque, Rene, Ja82, 16,S85,31

Ledbetter, Huddle (Leadbelly), Ja79, 10,

Lendl, Ivan, N86, 28
Levey, Bernett. MarS7, 27

S80, 23
Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), F76. 16, F77,
Levi. Edward, F76, 3, Au76, 15, 081, 1S

Ledeen, Michael, FS6, 10

10,Ap77,22,Jun77, 14, Au77, 11,
Levi, Hermann, Jun79, 13, AuSI, 7

- Lederberg, Joshua, S77. 19

Lederer, Margo, OS6, 31

Lederer, Raymond F., JaS1, S

Mar79, 16, OcS4, 32, 084, 9, JaS7, 11 ;

Hitler photo, 084. 34; inequality quote,

JunS5, 1S

Levi. Mordechai, F82, 10, JunS4, 1S, 085.

6-7, Au86, 6-9, N86, 30; FBI informer?,

Au86. 7-8; harasses stewardess. S85,

22; LaRouche aide, 086,24; threatens

Ledesma, Adrian, FS5. 29

Lenin in Zurich, F77, 10, Jun79, 1S, 25

Ledwitz, Bruce. S86. 23

Leningrad, S85, 26-27
Farrakhan, FS7, 23

Lee ki Suo F87. 28

Lennon, John, MarSI. 20, S81, 31 , JaS2,
Levi, Paul Alan, N81, 30

Lee Kuan Yew. ApS4, 30, F85, 29, Au87,

29, JuIS2. 26, Au8S. 15, F86, 28;
Levi, Primo, Ja87, 19

compared to Jesus, Jul84, 12;
Levi-Strauss, Claude, S77, 23, Oc77. 13,

- Lee, Andrea, May82. 30

Lee, Beatrice, AuS4, 1S

Lee, Chico, 086,31


Lee, Gerald, Jul85, 22

memorialized in Israel, MaySI, 31;

murder, FS1, 15,25, Jun81, 20-21, NS1,

19, Aug83, 27; porn pictures, Au81, 30;

statue, Ja82. 20

Lennon,Yoko Ono, MarS1, 20, Ja82, 29.

AuSl, 11-12

Leviathan, Ap76. 8+, Oc77, 26

Levin, Amy, JuISI, 19

Levin, Andre, F81, 31

Levin, Bernard, AuS6, 30

- Lee, Har~.Jun87.35

Lee. Henry, N77. 11, FS7. 23

Lee, Jeremy, JaS4. 31

OS2, 18-19, Au83, 21, F86. 2S, MayS6,


Lenshina. Alice, ApS6, 15

Levin, Carl, F79, 17, Jul84, 31, JaS5, 38

Levin, Oov, May87, 15

Lev.in, Harry, Au83, 16, N84, 21

Lee. Manfred B., Ju179, 14

Lenski. Robert, Au79, 25, Ja80, 14-16,
Levin, Jay, Mar82, 20

Lee, Mitchell, 086, 31

SS1, 12, N81, 35, Au82. 9-11
Levin, Jeffrey, AuS5, 11

Lee, Rex E., FS3, 36

Lent. Norman, Oc85, 11
Levin. Jennifer, 086. 25

Lee, Robert E., Jun79, 1S. 07S. 8, Ap79,

Lentini, Joseph, Mar78, 27
Levin, Meyer. N78, 9, F79, 2S, Mar79. 17

7, 25, MayS5, 39
Leon, Anna de, Oc31 , 30
Levin, Sander, OcS4, S

Laads, Howard, Ja87, 26

Leonard, John, Mar77. 6, 18
Levin, Shlomo. Mar81 , 33

Leeming, Jan. JunS7. 30

Leonard, Thomas, FS4, 14
Levine. Alvin L., MayS4, 29-30

Leer, Wim van, MayS7. 35

Leonard, William. Ju179. 13
Levine, Daniel, JunSO, 21

Laese, Arnold, 077, S. Mar7S, 23. June3,

Leone, Sergio, NS4, 25
Levine, Dennis, S86, 33, OcS6. 31, Ja87,

Leopold II, Jun84, 32-33
8, F87, 17, OS7, 30

Leeser, Isaac, MarSO, S

Leopold III, Jul82, 2S, OeB3, 32
Levine, Dianne, 087. 30

Lefever, Ernest. JaS2. 22

Lepanto, May76. 7
Levine, Ellen, JaS7, 2S

Lefferdink. Allen. MayS4. 11

leprosy, SS4, 26, Ap86, 25; in Canada,
Levine, Howard. Au87, 27

Lafstein, Norman. MarS3. 15

S85, 29; Mexican Americans, 07S, 28
Levine, James, Ja79, 27, Ap81 , 9

Left Book Club, JulS7, 31

Lermontov, Mikhail, Mar77. 17
Levine, Jonathan. Au82. 27

leftists, funding of, 082, 16

Lerner, Abba. Ja76. 21
Levine, Paul. 076, 18

Legal Services Corporation, May81, 24

Lerner, Gerda, SS1, 30·31 Levine, Peter. Oe8S, 21

legal services, 082, 16

Lerner, Kevin. OcS7, 15
Levine. S. Robert, F84, 26

LeGeros, Bernard, JulS5, 34

Lerner. Max, JunS5, 30; quote. S85. 25
Levine, Theodore, AuS1, 30

Legion of Doom, AuS6, 21, JaS7, 20

Leroy Jefferson Inc., Jul87, 17
Levinsky. Abram, S78. 12

Legman. Gershon. JuIS6. 19

Les selections socia/9s, Mar76, 10
Levinson, Yaacov, JunS4. 34-35

Legoli. Julien. MaySI. 7

Lesbian and Gay ts Bill, OS7, 20-21
Levison. Stanley. 083. 8

Lehar, Franz, 081.19

lesbians. Jut77. 16, S, 13, F79, 17,
Levitas, Elliott. JaSS. 40, JaS6, 7

Lehman, Richard, Ap79, 15

JunS3, 26. OS5, 31. Jun86, 34; damage
Levitas, Mitchel. JuIS6, 19

Lehman, William. Oc7S, 18

suits, S87. 1S; in Canada, JunS6, 35; in
Levitt, Jeffrey A., 085.23-24, F86, 30,


086,31, Ap87, 28
36, Mar84, 32, DeS4, 27, JaS5, 33,
Liddell. Eric, 082, 25

Levitt, Mark, 078, 11

ApS5, 9-11, F86, 20, JaS7, 28; Sharon's
Liddy, G. Gordon, N77, 13, ApSl, 29, 881,

Levitt, Theodore, Oc79, 6

lawsuit, F84, 18; Soobzokov lawsuit,
14-16, N82, 32, Au87, 6; exposes

Levitt, William J., Ap82, 28, Jun87, 28

Sirica, F82. 27; Hess debate, Jun81, 22

Levitz, Sam, SS3, 19

Liberace, JunS7, 2S
lie detectors, Jul83, 36

Levy, Alan, AuS4, 33

liberal education, Ap77, 8
Lieb, Gerald, May86, 20

Levy, Albert C., De86, 32

Liberal Party (Britain), Au7S, 20, Jun85,
Lieb, Joseph, Ja85, 38

Levy, Bernard-Henri, Ap78, 12, N78, 24,

34, Aug86, 31
Lieberman, Alex, Holocaust extortioner,

Au79, 27,Jun82,29
Liberal-Social Democratic alliance

Levy, David, Jul80, 32

(Britain), Ja82, 30, F86, 32
Lieberman, Leonard, Au76, 20

Levy, Eric, Jun81, 32

liberalism, Ap76, 11, MarS2. 20, De83, 35,
Lieberman, Luis, Jun85, 37

Levy, Esther, FOR ancestor?, Jul83, 21

De84, 21; changing meaning of, Mar79,
Lieberman, Marcus, Mar84, 31

Levy, Franklin, S81, 31

17; criticism of, Jun 76, 16-17, F77, 7,
Lieberman, Nancy, S84, 24, Au85, 30,

Levy, Jaime, N83, 35

Mar7S, 11,26-27, ApSl, 31, S85, 11-13,
S86, 34, May87, 32

Levy, Leon, Jul79, 21

23; defects, N82, 25-26; humorous
Lieberman, Richard, ApS6, 29

Levy, Marvin D., OcS3, 30

definitions, May84, 16; in education,
Liebermann, Rolf, Ja78, 11

Levy, Maurice, Ju186, 32

Ap77, 8; in movies, S82, 5
Liebes, Ernesto, Jul79, 28

Levy, Moses R., SS6, 33

liberals, confusions of, NS2, 25-26;
Liebes, Tamar, July86, 33

Levy, Nguyen Sao, Ja78, 13

conversion tactics, Au81, 14-15;
Liebman, Marvin, N87, 15

Levy, Norma, 078, 15

muggings change minds, May82, 32;
Liebman, Morris L, S86, 23

Levy I Reynold, May84, 17

Southern, JunS2, 20
Liebowitz, Rene, Oc7S, 12

Levy, Roberto S., N84, 30

Uberation, Holocaust letter, AuS7, 29
Liebowitz, Sheldon, Au86, 30

Levy, Simon, MayS3, 26

Liberia, Jul79, 24, 2S, S84, 30; antiwhite
l~s,Jun76, 1~ F79, 13, 26,Jun79, 16,

Levy, Stephen, Oc85, 36, N87, 25

laws, DS6, 36; election, MarS5, 26;
Au79, 20, 079, 19, FSO, 22; abortion

Levy, Walter J., Oc7S, 23

footballers threatened, FS1, 34; military
figures, N85, 29; Australian press, OS2,

Lewin, Roger, JulSI, 11-16

coup, NSO, 33, FS5, 34; missionaries
23; Burt affair, Jun79, 15-16; germ

LeWinn, Edward B., 076, 6

murdered, Ap87. 33; ritual murder, OcS7,
warfare, SS2, 9-10; Indian census,

Lewis, Alfredo, SS7, 16

Au85. 30; re Hitler, Jun79, 10,29-30; re

Lewis, Allen, Ja83, 24

Liberman, Alexander, May85. 21-22
Novak, Ap86, 35; re South Africa, Jul85,

Lewis, Anthony, May77, 12, OcSI, 33,

Libertarian Party, N80, 7. DS7. 6; platform,
32; scalping, 8S2, 7·10; Warsaw ghetto

SS3, 20,083,18, SS4, 14, May86, 33;

NSO, 7; privatization, F85, 30
boy, Jul79, 11

biased column, Au81, 22

libertarianism, 078, 9, 23; in Sweden,
Lieuallen, Roy, Ja8!, 35

Lewis, Benjamin, Jun81, 31

Life and Loves of a She Devil, The, OS7,

Lewis, Bernard, 086,35, Ja87, 19; quote

libertarians, DS7, 6; maverick theories,

on Turkish Jews, F87, 1S

Life, Ap76, 19

Lewis, Carolyn, OcS2, 14

Liberty Hill monument, Jul81, 36
life. origins. ApS2. 18; when it begins, 078,

Lewis, Clayton M., DeS5, 20

Liberty Lobby, Ja80, 25, AuS1, 23, S81,

Lewis, David, SS7, 33-34

39, SS5, 1S, 086, 11. N87, 20; National
Lifflander, Matt, 081. 31

Lewis, Ed, FS2, 17

Review lawsuit, Ja86, 17
Lightfoot. John. F79, 21. Mar83, 6, Jul87,

Lewis, Emmanuel, JaS4, 1S, AuS5, 2S

Liberty Lovers Library, May79, 28

Lewis, Fulton, Jr., FS5, 39

Liberty Monument. DS1. 19
Likert scale (beauty scale), 087, 16

Lewis, Gerald, OS6, 31

Librairie Franc;aise, AuSl, 12-13, July86,
L'iIAbner, Mar79. 19

Lewis, Gordon, Au79, 28

32, ApS7. 24
Lilar, Suzanne, Oc77, 6

Lewis, Hillel, S84, 27

libraries, FS2. 1S-19; destroyed, JulS4, 13,
Lilienthal, Alfred M., Mar79, 6, 23-24.

Lewis, Jerry Lee, S78, 7

MarS7. 26; liberal bias. Jun84, 36; right­ MaySO, 20. N8S, 16

Lewis, Jerry, F81, 8, S87, 24; adored in

wing, Jun84, 36; thefts, JaS7, 19. DS7,
Lillien, Hyman, Ja87, 28

France, Ap84, 29
Lilly, John C., S77, 22

Lewis. John, 087, 28

Librsry Journal, Ap76, 12
Liman, Arthur, Au87, 6, S87, 12, Oc87, 14

Lewis, Kid, Jun83, 28

Library of Congress, Au80, 33, JulS6, 11;
Limited. The (retail chain), S87, 17

Lewis, Oren R., 22-23

braille Playboy. FS7, 28; quotas, DS1,
Limon, Jose, 086, 13

Lewis, PaUl, S79, 25

18-19; theft of documents, 087, 30
Lin, Maya Ying, May83, S

Lewis, Ronald H., S82, 27, JulS4, 32-33

Libya, 079, 28, S81. 37, Jul83, 34, Au87,
Lincoln Center, murder at, Ja78, 12

Lewis, Samuel, MarS2, 29, 085,32

6-7; airliner shot down, JunS2, 21; attack
Lincoln, Abraham, 075, 13. 15.077,20.

Lewis, Sinclair, S86, 26

on, JulS6, 8-9, Jul86, 33, Au86, 34, OS6,
MaySO, 14, NSO, 14-15. NS6. 32;

Lewis, Stephen, MayS2, 6

22, 086. 34; Billy Carter connection,
assassination. JaS5. S-9; handling of

Lewis, Ted, Ap87, 15

Ap79, 14.079,28; hit teams?, N80, 13,
Indians, Jun86. 24; criticized, JulS2, 20;

Lewis, Wyndham, Juln, 16

Ap82, 20; interest in Fiat, SS6, 19;
Hebrew genes?, JunS4, 21 ; Negro

Lewisohn, Ludwig, F7S, 17, N78, 16

relations with Chad, NS3, 35; relations
resettlement, Jul79, 22. N80. 14-15;

Lewontin, Richard C., S77, 20

with U.S., Ap82, 20, Jul83, 34, Ap86, 35,
portrait banned, Au87, 28; remarks on

Lex Talionis, Jun77, S

JulS6, 31; terrorism, DS6, 30; U.S.
race, 07S, 22, Mar86, 24

Ley. Robert, Jun87, 13

divestment, JunS6, 33; U.S. travel ban.
Lindau, Mose. 087,23

L-5 Society, JunSO, 15

Lindberg, Joe, De85, 9

U Yongxiang, Ju181, 34
lice, DeS7, 36
Lindbergh, Anne, JulSO, 24, JulS5, 25-26

U-Szi, Jul84, 12-13

license plates, S79, 28
Lindbergh, Charles A., Jun77, 11, 21·

Uacuras, Peter, AuS6, 30

Lichtenberg, Linda, 086, 31
22, Oc77, 10, F79, 8,22. Mar82, 12-13,

liars, Ap86, 29
Lichtenstein, Charles M., Ju182, 18
F85, 39, JulS5, 12; alleged Nazi

libel, Au77, 17, May79, 14, MarS1, 31,

Lichtenstein, Roy, 075, 10
contacts, Ap85, 23; anti-Semitism,

AuS7, 16; by Jews, JaS5, 36

Lichter. Linda, June83, 15
JulSO, 24; cassettes, Jun80, 35;

libel suits, JunSO, 25, Ju180, 18, MaySI,

Lichter, S. Robert. JunS3, 15, Oc83, 20
Goering medal, F79, 8, OS5, 36;


Hauptmann case, MarS2, 12-14; Jewish

female writers. S78, 15; forgery, 080, 086, 38-39, Ap87, 29

quote. SS5. 8; memorial, DS5, 36; quote,

26, OcSI, 30, MarS6, 31; future of, Lockridge, Ross, F81, 20

FS4, 9
MayS6, 8; futuristic, Mar85, 34; hoaxes, Lockwood, Michael, Jun83, 32

Lindeman, Max, FS2, 27

MarS6, 8; horror fiction, MarS4, 5-S; in Lockwood, Randolph, Ap84, 27

Lindemann, Frederick A., Mar7S, 22-23,

Moscow book fare, Ja80, 32; Lodge, Oliver, Oc78, 22

ApS3. S·9, Ja85, 26

Instauration short stories, JaS7, 14·15, Loeb, John L., Jr., Ap81 , 20. Jun81. 31,

Linder, Benjamin, AuS7, 25, SS7, 33, DS7,

DS7, 12-15; Irish. Ap81 , 24; Jewish, Oc82,14

N85, 19, MayS7, 9; Jewish ascendancy, Loebel, Herbert, Jun87, 27

Lindner. Carl, F87, 17

Ja8S, 32, F85, 12-13; Jewish censors, Loehlio, J. C., 0077. 26

Lindsay, John V., Fn. 8. Mar86, 18

N81, 32; Jewish poets, 081,31; Jewish Loewenberg, Peter, F83. 11-12

Lindsay, John V., Jr., 083, 20

spouses or mistresses, 078, 24, N79, LoeWenstein, Karl, Jun79, 30

Lindsey, Hal, Au79, 15·16

18; leftist, Ja82, 21; minority book Loews Corp., N81, 20

Lindsey, Robert, F83.32

explosion, F82, 18; minority themes, Lofton, John. S80, 22, May85, 7, FS6. 27,

Lindsey, William B.• Jul82, 30, Ja84, 31,

N85, 28, 30; morality in, Au78, 11; May87,38

mystery writers, Ja78, 9, 24. Ap78. 9, Logan Act, Au84, 18, 087, 18

Lindzey, G., ocn, 26

23; Negro novels, May84, 24, S84, 13; Logan, George, Au84, 18

Linear B, SSO, 15
obscene, May77, 23, DS1, 31; pro­ Lahr, Alexander, Jun86, 15

Linfield, H.S., F76, 7; Ju176. 19, F77, 13

Majority, Mar85. 34-35; pro-Nazi sci-fi, Loicano, Anthony, MayS6,29

Ling, Graham, Mar84, 28

JuISO. 36; pro-Negro by whites. F86. 37­ Lomax, Alan, Ja82, 8

38; pseudo-minority writers. Oc84, 18; Lomax, Michael, Mar87, 28

Linges, Michael, JuIS6, 40

racism in, Jul77, 5,15-16, Jun78, 5, 16; Lombardi, Vince, N86, 17

linguistics, Jun86. 21
rewrites, Ap87, 18; Southern, Ja78, 7, Lombardo, Joseph. S81, 25

Linn, George W., F82, 32

22-23; spats, NS1, 19; suicide of Toole, Lombards, Au79, 25; laws, Au79, 8, 25

Linowitz, Sol, Mar80, 22, Jun89, 34, Ap81,

F81, 20, AuS1, 33 Lombroso, Cesare, Au82, 7·8

Lithuania, future independence, N84 9
Lomelo, John, N85, 29

Lipman, Eric. Ja80. 31

Lithuanians, in U.S., N77. 14
London Debt Conference, Au7S, 19

Lipman, Maureen, JaS6. 27

Littell, Franklin, Jul80, 12, ApSl, 30
London School of Economics, Oc82. 30

Lipner. Pinchas, N85, 29

Little Black Samba, JulS6, 17
London, Jack, Jun78, 5, 16, Jul7S, 17,

Lipp, Robert J .• Oc86, 23

Little Blue Books, Oc83, 6·7 078,24
Lipper, Ken, 081, 31
Little Drummer Girl. The, Jul83, 26
London, Joan, Ja87,25
Lippman, Harley, Oc81 , 23
Little Eva, F84, 8
London, Mar81 , 24-25; bombed, S85. 29;
Lippmann, Lorna, Au80, 33
Little Faxes. Ap87, 18
browning of, F87, 31; leading madams,

Lippmann, Walter, Ja84, 12, Jul84, 34,

Little Girl Is Dead, A, Ap76, 9
May83, 25; no go areas, May87, 33,

S84, 23, Jul8S, 6

Little Lord Fauntleroy, N86, 10
Jul87, 30; nonwhites, Ja87. 29; roads

Lipset, Seymour M.• JunSS, 23

Little Richard, religious conversions, FS7,
renamed, Mar8S, 32

Lipshutz, Robert J., Au79, 17, Oc82, 13­ 29, May87, 32

London, Riohard V., F87. 33

14; crime connection, Ap7S, 13

Little Rock, Jul84, 17; school integration,
Lonetree, Clayton, May87, 23, Jul87, 20,

- Lipshutz. Robert, Au77, 12

Lipsky, Seth, F84,25

Lipson, Max, May85, 15

MayS4, 24, AugS4, 33, Jul86, 29

Little Sun Bordeaux, N86, 22

Little Universe of Man, The, ocn. 28,


Long, Clarence D., N83, 25, Mar84, 19.


Lipstein. Owen J .• AugS3, 27

Ja79. 12, N81.17
Long. Huey, Ap76, 14, May76, 12-14,

Lischal, Paul. MarS4, 2S

Lischka. Kurt, May80. 11·12

Lisker, Joel, Jun8l, 23

Lisner, Audrey, Ap79. 16

Little, Joan, S79, 16, Au81. 30

Little. Lawrence R., MayS2, 31, N84 17

Little, Robert, Oc86, 32

Little, Tandy, S87, 16

Oc76 , 10; assassinated. Ja8S, 11

Long, Larry. Oc82, 21

Long, Russell, Mar82, 23

Long, Shelley, May87, 28

Lissauer, Ernst, MaySO, 31

Littman. Sol. Ja85, 36
longevity, Mar81 , 32

List. Martin, Ap87. 28

Litvinov, Maxim, May76, 9, N83, 10,084, Longford, Lord. DSO, 19, SSI, 27

Listfield. Stephen, MayS7. 32

9. S8S. 31
Longo, Barbara Ann, Oc87, 27

Liston. Sonny, Jun80. 26

Liuzzo, Viola, Ja81. 24. JunS1, 15, OCS2,
Loa Tsu-teng. Jun80, 25

Liszt. Franz. OcS3, 15, Oc84, 6-7

Look, Ap76. 19

lliteracy (also see illiteracy), Au86, 27

Livanos. George, Jun87, 30
Looking for Mr. Goodbar, F84, 19

literary agents. Nn, 13

Live Aid concerts, 085, 33
Loose, Jeff, 082,26

literary criticism. May78, 13, Jun85, 21

Livecci. Dawn. S86. 34
L6pez, Carmen, Ju187, 14

Literary Digest. Jun76. 5

Liverpool, NS5, 31
Lopez, Diego, S87, 8

literature. Marn, 17. Juln, 16, S78. 9;

Livia. S7S, 16
L6pez, Jose Y., OcS1, 16

alleged British racists, May83, 28;

Livingston. Philip. F84. 31
Lopez, Manuel, AuS7, 14. Oc87. 19

American. S76. 15; American writers,

Livingstone. Ken, Au82, 25, JunS5, 34
Lopez, Robert, Mar82, 26

Ja78, 7, 22-23. D7S, 7. 24; American

llamas. JunS3, 23
L6pez-Portillo, Jose, JulS5, 14-15

Jewish writers. F78, 10, Jun80, 25,

Llerena, Roberto. S85. 30
Lord Haw-Haw, Au79, 11,26

May84, 12·13, May84, 25, OcS4, 7; anti­

Lloyd George, David, Mar7S. 22, Au79, 11.
Lord of the Rings, The, AuB4, 42

apartheid, OcSI. 34; anti-Christian,

Lord, Garman, F83, 34

Mar8S. 19; anti-Nazi, Mar81 , 31, May87,

Lloyd, Harold, F81. 7-S
Lord, John W., Jun77, 8

16; anti-Sem itic writers, 079, 17-1S.

Lloyd, lan, Jun8S, 17
Lord, Winston, N85. 28; Chinese wife,

Ja8S, 35, Mar86, 7-9, MayS6, 6-S, 22;

Lloyd, John, Ap85, 20

anti·WASP, AuS1, 22, DS3, 1S-19;

lIywelyn. Morgan, OcS6, 39
Lords of Discipline. May83, 20

Australian-Jewish novel, 084, 37;

Loan, Nguyen N.• Ja83, 1S. Au85. 29
Lorence, Jordan, Au87, 34·35

bestseller list. S87, 16; classics

Lobdill, Ben, Ja79, 7, 26
Lorentz transformations, Junn, 14

demeaned, Ju187, 16; conservative,

Locke, Alan, Ja80, 19
Lorentz, Hendrik, Mar77. 8; S77. 12, 18

Ju183, 27; English writers, S7S, 18;

Locke, Hugh, May85, 14-16, JuISS, 35-36,
Lorenz, Konrad. F76, 4, Jul76, 6, Au76, 16,


Jun77, 1S, Ju177, 9, S77, 22. Ap7S. 20,

Lovinger. Jozef. Ap85. 33
Luther, Martin, Mar76, 19,Ju17S, 21; anti·

FS1, 9. MayS!, 29; quote. SS3, 31

Low. Harry. N80, 19
Semitism, JuIS3, 30

Lorenz, Mathias, SS4, 32

Lowe, Malcolm, SS1, 37
Lutheran Church, Mar76, 19; in U.S.•

Lorimer, Robin, Au86. 29

Lowe, W. L., Ja79. 28

Lorraine Motel (Memphis). JuIS3, 21

Lowell. James Russell. poem, Jun85, 39
Lutherans, ApS3, 26; in Hitler Germany,

Los Alamos National Laboratory, May86,

Lowenstamm, Emma. 084. 34

Lowenstein, Allard K., Mar77, 11. JunBO,
Lutton, Charles, JunS5, 3S

Los Angeles County, health services,

25. Oc80, 28
Lutton, Wayne, AuS6, 35. AuS7, 15

S83, 32; Hispanics, 086, 12; iIIegals.

Lowentin, R. C., S77, 23
Luttwak, Edward, Mar7S, 25, Ap81 , 10

Lowery. Joseph, JaBO, 25, JaS1, 7, SS2,
Lutz. William, DS6, 10

Los Angeles Harbor College, newspaper

11 ; praises illegal voters, MayS3, 26
Lutzner, Hellmut, DS7, 25

furor. Mar8S, 33-34

Lowery. Lou. Jul83. 36
Luxembourg, DS5, 33

Los Angeles School Board, Jul86, 30

Lowie, Robert H., Ja77, 19
Luxemburg, Rosa, F76. 16

Los Angeles Times. book section. JaS7.

Lowry, Peter. NB5, 28
Lykkens, George, F84. 10·11

Lowther, Gerard, Ap84, 28
Lyles, Jalasker, MayS7, 17

Los Angeles, Ap76, 19, Oc77, 15; dem­

Loyall, Odd S., Jun85, 20-21
Lyman, Princeton, Oc83. 35

ographics, Jun86, 33; Hispanic influ­

Lozano, Rudy. JaB5. 33
Lynch, Charles, May77, 10

ence, Ju186. 24; immigrant influx, Ap8S,

LSD. F76. 15
Lynch, David, NS6, 20-21

36; Jewish papers, Au8S, 29; Jewish

Lubavitcher movement, AuB5, 17
Lynch, Leon, NSO,30

political machine. N84 11; Jewish vio­

Lubbe, Marinus van der, Ap81 , 2S
Lynch, Michael, ApS7, 13

lence, Ap84, 18; 1983 mayoral election,

Lubin, Siegmund, S87, 24
lynching, Leo Frank, JunS4, 16·17, Jun86,

AuB4. 32; racial politics, JulS6, 20;

Lubinga. Godfrey, JunSS. 35

school system, Au85, 17-1S; school vio­

Lucas, George. DcBI. 30. JuIS5, 19
lynchings. F76. 6, OeS1, 23, NS4, 2S,

lence, MaySS, 30; street gangs, F84, 24

Lucas, Henry L, F84, 24

Los Cristeros (Mexican rightist group),

Lucas, William, F87, 19
Lynd, Robert and Helen, JunS2, 22-23

Luce, Clare B., S7S, 1S24, JulB4, 23. DS4,
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream,
Los T ecos (Mexican secret society).
31, JaS7, 27; rediscovers Lea, F87, 6

Luce. Henry, Mar76. 16, Jun76, 13-15,
Lynes, Russell, JunS5, 14

Losch, Tilly, Ja86, 26

077. 12,F78,21.S7S, 18,S78, 18,24,
Lynn, Jeffrey. FS6, 27

Losing Ground, FS5,10-11

Lynn, Loretta, Oc87, 27

Losten, Basil H., Ap77, 15

Luce, Robert B., N76, 11
Lynn, Mike, MarS4, 16

lotteries, S84. 26, MarS7, 28; immigrant

Lucentini, Mauro, 078, 11
Lynn, Richard, S7S, 14, Jun79, 13. AuS2,

winners, Dc83, 29, N84, 30, S86, 31,

Lucey, Jean Vlasis, NSO, 5

Lucia (see Fatima)
Lyon, Alexander, AuS2, 24

Loudermilk, Gerald, MaySI, 35

Luciano, Lucky, May76, 7, DcS3, 18
Lyons, Douglas B., Jun77, S

Lougheed, Peter, Au84, 35. Oc85, 10

. Luciuk, Lubomyr. Jun86, 35, JunS7. 29
Lyons, Eugene. 077, 12

Loughnane, Laurel, S81, 19

Ludendorff Study Group, Ap81. 30-31
Lyons, Francis, NS3. 25

Louis Dreyfus Co., Ap80, 20

Ludendorff, E. F. W., ApSl, 30-31
Lyons, Jack, Jun87,30

Louis Harris Poll, 079, 16,080,22, N82,

Ludovici, Anthony M., FS6, 16-17, ApS6,
Lyons, James, MarS4, 26

21, Mar85, 26, JuIS6, 29

11-12. DS6, 40, JuIS7. 9
Lyons, Mark, Ap79, 11

Louis II (Hungary), SSO, 15

Ludwig, Daniel E., JunS7, 28
Lysenko, Trofim D., S77, 24, Jun79, 2S­
Louis XIV, SSO. 15
Ludwig. Grand Duke Ernst, Ja81, 10
29, JuISI, 21-22. AuS3, 16

Louis, Victor (Vitaly Levin), 080, 9

Ludwig. Israel, Dc82, 28, 084. 32

Louisiana, "black blood" law, S83, 22-23;

busing costs, S87, 25; monument

Luedkte. Kurt. quote. OeS7. 8

Luegar, Karl. SSO. 16·17

removed, May81. 36
Luftwaffe reunion, SS4, 27
M'Bow, Amadou-Mahtar, JunB5, 30

Louisville (KY), Mar77, 20), F78, 12,

Lugar, Richard, Ja77, 12, Ja87, 6·7,
Macadam, John. F87, 20

MacArthur Foundation. AuSO, 21, DS1, 18,

Louisville Courier-JournaJ, Au87. 27

Lugassy, Nancy, SS2, 32
Au82. 27, Ja83. 19; minority recipients,

Lourdes. MayS3, 23
Luger, Karl, FS6, 32

Loury, Glenn, N85, 19, Jun86, 22, Dc87,

Lujan, Manuel. F83. 21
MacArthur, Douglas, Ap77, 14, Oc77, 23,

Lukacs,John,F7S.23, F79, 15,ApS1,21.
NS3. 17-18, NS7, 31; appraisal of

Lousma. Jack. JaS5, 3S

Australians, F86. 33; criticized, MaySO,

Louvre, N81, 27
Lukwena, Alice, ApS7, 33

Louw, Erik, N7S. 5, 15-21

Lummer, Heinrich, DS4, 34
Macaulay, Thomas, May79, 7, 24

Lovat, Simon F., Au79, 11, JaSO, 29

Lumsden, Charles J .• JunS2. 20
MacBride, John, S79, 14

love, defined by feminists, F81, 26

Lumumba, Patrice. D7S. 10, 25
MacBride. Sean, Ap85, 10

Love, James, Ja86, 30

Lunacharsky, Anatoly, Au83, 16

Love, Ruth, Jul81, 18. Ap85, 28

Lundine. Stanley, N86, 23
Lovecraft, H.P .• 078. 24. Mar84, 5-8,
Lundren, Dolf. Jul86, 40
Maccabiah Games. DS1, 20, Oc85, 30

Mar8S, 34, Ap85. 27

Lungren, Dan. Mar83, 18, Au84. 15. Au87,
Maccoby, Hyam, 086, 22

Loved One, The, F80, 24, Mar86, 26

Macdermont, lan, Ja85, 35

Lovelace, Linda. SSO, 23

Lurie, Michael. Oc79, 18
MacDonald, Ramsey, May85, 34

Lovell, Malcolm, Jr.• JunS2. 16

Lusitania, Mar76. 12-13, Jul7B, 6, 15,
MacDonald, Robert, Ap84. 28

Lovell. Bernard. Jul7B, 21

084. 26; British crime, 082, 19
MacDowell, Edward, Jun78, 21-22

Lovelock, James E., Jun82. 13

Lustgarten. Bernie, JaS3. 24
Mace, JunS2, 26

Loves of Anatole, The, Ja86, 19

Lustiger, Jean-Marie. May81, 33, Au81, 13,
MacEachen, Allan, ApS2, 29

Lovett, Robert A., Mar79, 24

Ap83, 30, Jul87, 16
Macedonia, F87, 14-15

Loving vs. Virginia. 078, 21

Luther College, MaySI. 11
Machado, Luis, SS1, 23


Machel. Samora. JaB1. 14. F85. 16. Mahfood, Lisa. Ap87, 27

Majority woman. rejects motherhood, N86,

Jun85. 17. Ap86. 15.086.36,087.34

Mahieu, Jacques de, 579, 10-11, Au87, 22

Machen. Arthur. Jun76. 17

Mahler. Gustav, Oc77. 9, Jun79, 13,
Majority, F76. 8,17. Ap77, 4. 19·20,

Macias, Francisco, JulSO, 31, 085, 34

MaySI, 8-9, FS6, 32. ApS6. 19
Oc77. 27; actors. AuS2, 16-17; alliance

Macinnes, Colin. Jul84, 32

Mahler. Halfden. SS7. 8
with Jews or Negroes?, AuSO, 23;

Mack. John. N78, 23

Mahon, James E. Jr. (see Eli Hazeev)
apologists for Israel, Mar79, 23-24;

MacKenzie, John, OcS5, 9-10 OcS5,11

Mahoney. Michael J., AuS3, 15
armed forces. F7S. 5; cheated. N7S. 9;

MacKinnon, George, May77,23

Maidenek, 07S, 28; guards' trial, Au79, 10
compared to colonists, MayS7. 21 ;

Macklin, Dassie, OS1, 28

Maikovskis. Boleslavs, S79, 25, FS2, 10,
conservatives, F77, 20; decline of.

Macleach. Archibald, OcSO, 20

NS3,25,OS5,7 Jun79, 21-23, MayS7, 21; defense of.

Maclean's magazine, May85, 15

mail fraud, MayS6, 30, JunS6, 25, AuS7. Jun79. 14; demographics, Au78, 15;

Maclean. Donald, NS3, S-12, JaB4. 15.

demonstration, JunSO, 17-19; family at

mail order brides, Au84, 40
bay, JunS1. 7-9; family break-up.

Maclean, Evelyn, Ja7S, 10.24

mail. sent to AOl, Mar82, 17-18; thrown
Jun81, 21, Mar84, 13-14; family set up,

Maclean. Paul. Ju179. 5. NS1, 20

away, Mar85, 27
F80, 20; heretical thoughts, Oc82, 23­
Macleod. Charlotte. AuS6. 36
Mailer, Norman, May77. 23, Jul77. 15,
24; in Denver. Au76, 20; in local politics,

Macleod, Evelyn H. t MayS2, 25

Mar78, 16, Ju178. 20, F84. 1S-19. Oc84,
N84, 25; ingathering, 077. 21; jobs.

7, Ap8S, 18; drug connection. N87, 27;
Jun76. 6-7; middle class, F77. 20;

MacMichael, Harold, Oc77, 15

favors probation for Abbie Hoffman.
morale-building cassette. July86. 35;

Macmillan, Harold, Ja85, 16, Oc87, 23

Ju181. 30; marriages, Oe83, 27; relations
optimistic future, Oc80, 7-S; origins,

MacNamara, Robert 5., F79, 25

with Abbott, Mar82, 17
Jul77, 19; philosophy. May77, 6, 20

MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, N86, 29

mailing firms, May84, 18
Majority, politics, Ju176, 5, 16, 07S, 12,

MacNeill, Karen, 087, 25

mailing lists, Jewish. May83. 26
May85. 12-13; proposals for survival,

Macomber, VViliiam B., OcS2, 19

Maimonides, Jun8S, 37, N8S, 29, Jul87, 12
Ja7S, 6, 22; proposed platform, Jul87,

MacPherson, Malcolm, 584, 19

Main Street, S8S, 26
35; racial awakening, 077, 9, 21-22,

Macquarrie, Heath, Ap82, 29

Majority activists, Au7S, 8, 19, N77. 20.
May79, 17-1S; religious ties, Oc84, 17;

Macugowski, Jozef and Stephenia, Mar87,

F78, 22, May78, 7, 18, N80, 25-29, Ja82.
ridiCUled. F8S, 15; sickness of. May79,

14, Oc82. 32, May83, 32,083,25-27.
15-1S; strategy for Mideast war. 079,7­

- Madagascar, JunS7, 29-30; Jewish

MaySS, 20, July8S, 36, Oc86, 38 ;
9; tactical links with minorities, Jun80,

homeland, Jul86, 8
advice, 084. 39. JunS5, 9-10; against
27; thwarted geniuses. Jul78, 12. 085.

Madden. Max,OS4,33
immigration, Jun81, 35; arrested, Ap87.
24; traits, Jul77, 19

Maddox, Elliot, Mar79, 1S

15; at Johns Hopkins. JaS7, 20; attitude
Majors, lee, Ap8S, 26

Maddox, lester, 076, 12, Oc77, 13

toward religion, AuSI, 15-1S; back to
Makers of Civilization in Race and History,

Maddox, Paul, OcS5. S-9

land, OcS2, 14, JunS5, S-S; California
The, Jun76, 8

Mademoiselle, F77, S, JulSI, 19

commune, JunS6, 39-40; Colonial
Makowski, Edward, 086, 40

Madenwald, Polly, NS3, 32

Heights (VA) march, AuS7, 3S; Columbus
Malady. Thomas P., MarS3, 16·17
Mader, Julius, Ja86, 16
(OH). OcSO. 21; cruel punishment,
Malan, Magnus, ApS6, 17

- Maderis, Bruce, Jul87, 17

Madison Square Garden, Mar86, 18

Madonna, NS5, 14

MayS2, 31; dHferent types. Oc86. 16-17;

Forsyth county, Ap87, 6-7; frat

members, Ja87, 20; fugitives, Jun83,

Malaparte. Curzio, MarSO, 2S

Malatsi, Sam, JuIS6. 31

Malawi. British public school. NS7. 31

Madrid. Arnulfo A .• SB4, 31

18; Greensboro (NC), Oc80, 21; in
Malayasia, N79. 26. JunSO, 34. FS3, 33,

Madrid, Miguel de la, JuIB7. 7, Au87. 15

Michigan, Oc84, 341 in Texas school,
Ap84. 30; anti-Zionism, Ju187, 34; in

Maeterlinck, Maurice, Au76. 9

Au86, 21; jailed, 581,30, NS1, 25, SS3.
VVVVIl. F85, 21

Maffett, Debra Sue, N83, 13

24, N8417; legal advice, MayS7, 1S-17;
Malcolm X, N77, 22, F7S, 11, Ja86, 21 ;
Mafia, 579. 28. Mar84, 16, AuS5, 10, N85.
manifesto. MarS4, 32, 587, 10-11;
Jewish quote. Au86, 16; stamp, NSS. 2S
21; balance sheet, Mar87. 19; British
moribund. NSO. 35; persecuted, Ju180,
Malcolm. O. N., MayS6. 29

connections, JunS5, 33; in las Vegas.

18, JaSl, 36, Mar81, 17, ApS1, 11-12,
male dominance, ApS3. 12

MarS7. 19; in oil distribution, Ap86. 29; in

JunS1, 21, JuIS3. 15-19, ApS7, 35,
Malekar, Ramchandra, Jul79, 27

politics. 587. 14-15; Jewish associates,

JunS7. 36; protest TV shows, SS1, 40;
Malenkov. Georgi, MaySI, 34

speculations, FS6, 24; strategy, Ap81,
Maleska, Eugene T., JaS7, 20

30; organization, Mar87, 19; racism,

11-12. May82, 13, JuIS2, 22-23, ApS5,
Mali, Oc81, 33

JunSO. 26-27; Russian Jews. Mar86. 20;

14-16; students, F84, 32
Malik, Charles, S77. 28

unions, JulS6, 30
Majority Hero of the Year, OS3, 1S
Malik, Mustaq. JunS5, 35

magazines, Jewish dominance. JaS6. 20; Majority homeland, MayS3. 32

Malingo. Archbishop. FS3, 33

of the past. Jun86. 18. N86. 1S-19; pulp, Majority PAC, NS1, 12-13
Malinowski, Bronislaw, Au79. 25

Mar79,16 Majority Renegade of 1976, Ja77, 5,16-17

Mallet, Charles, FS1. 2S
Magen. David, 07S. 15
Majority Renegade of 1979, JaSO, 5-6
Malmedy massacre, JunS5. 3S
Magi. S7S, S
Majority Renegade of 1980, JaSO, 5
Malnik, Alvin. May79. 14

Magic Flute, The, May7S, 14, 087, 34

Majority Renegade of 1981, JaS2, 5-6
malnutrition, SS1, 32

Magic Mountain, The, Ja76, 7

Majority Renegade of 19S2. Ja83. 6-7
Malone. Bill C .. 578,7.15-16, Ja82, 7-8

Magna Carta. 076, 10

Majority Renegade of 19S3. JaS4, 12-16
Malone, Kevin, MayS6, 30

magnet schools, illiteracy, Ape7, 2S

Majority Renegade of 1984. Ja85. 5-6
Malone, Terry and Diane, MarSS. 34

Magnusson, Magnus, JaSl, 36

Majority Renegade of 1985, JaS6, 6-8
malpractice. 580,24. Mara3, 14, Ju183.
Magruder, Jeb 5., Ja77, 5; wife, May77,
Majority Renegade of 1986, Ja87, 6-7
29. Ap87, 27; lawsuits, Ja83, 25, OCS5,
Majority Renegade of 1987, JaS8, 6-8

Magyars (see Hungarians)

Majority renegades, Jul77, 12, May79. 26­ Malraux, Andre, Mar79, 13

Mahard, Helen, Jun84, 30

27, ApS4, 1S, 086.24; in Britain, Jul84,
Malthus, Thomas R.• 576. 5, 16, Ap79. S,

Mahathir, Oatuk, Jul87, 34

27-28, F82. 6,576,5, 16, F87, 10,

Mahendra, Ap87, 25
Majority truckler. F84, 16-17


Maltz, Albert, Au85, 31

Manns, Lorenzo, Ju187, 28
20; murders, Jul85, 23

Maltzman, Irving, Au83, 16

Mano, D. Keith, Mar83, 32, F87, 20
Marin. Luis, JU182. 20

Mamay, Roger, Jun86, 34

Manouchian, Missak, N85, 31-32
Marin, Maximiliano. MarS7, 29

Mammoth Hunters, The, 887, 9-10

Mansfield, Maureen, Mar82, 23
Mariotta, John, Mar87, 2B, 887. 14

Man As Sense Organ, Jun82, 12-15, F83,

Manson family, May77, 10-11
Maritime Fruit Carriers, 076, 8

15-18; replies, Oc82, 16-17. Au83. 18-19

Manson, Charles, F76. 15-16; Negro
Markey, Judy, OcB7, 35

Man Who Jnvented Genocide, The, 884,

genes, Ja85, 10
Markovitz, Leon, OcB6, 36,087,10

Mansour, Agnes, Oc86, 32
Markovitz, Michael, ApB6, 29

Manchester Guardian, May8S. 34

Mansour, Suleiman. Jun82. 29
Markowitz, Edward, AuBS, 11

Manchester. William. Ju185. S

Manstein, Erich von, 078. 20
Markowitz, Marquesa, 080, 27

Manchukuo (see Manchuria)

Mao Tse-tung, Jun77. 12. 078, 13, N80.
Markowitz, Sam. DBO, 27

Manchuria, F77. 9,21; Jewish homeland.

32. May87, 36; chemist, Jun81. 20;
Marks, Albert, 076, 10. N83, 14. Oe84, 20

N8S. 15
pictures purged, N80, 32
Marks, Edward A., OcB6, 32, Mar87, 28

Mandel. Arnold, Jun78, 13

Maoris, N76, 23, Jun77, 19, Ap81, 29,
Marks, Herman, AuBO, 30, Jul87, 29

Mandel, Bill. NB1, 30

JuI8S, 31, Jun87, 33, N87, 32; revenge
Marks, James, 086, 22

Mandel, Gary, F86, 31

film, Ap86, 34; whites insulted. 085. 35
Marks. Johnny, 080. 16

Mandel, Marvin. Mar76, 9, F77. 13, Au77.

Maoz, Baruch, 085, 33
Marlborough, Duke of, JunB5, 31. AuB6.

19. Mar7B, 12,880,32, Jun82, 27, FBS,

maps. Peters Projection, Ja85, 14-15;
25, JunB7. 30, Ju187, 1B

upsidedown, DB7, 17
Marlette. Doug, N83, 21

Mandela. 087. 27-28

Marais, Ben J., Mar76. 8
Marley, Bob. S81, 22, MarB2. 28, AuB3. 30

Mandela, Nelson, Ap86, 14-15, OeBS, 37,

Marais, Eugene. Au76. 9
Marlowe, Christopher, Jul77, 5, 086, 32;

Mar87, 32, May87, 29,087,27-28

Marais, Jaap A.• 881, 38, Oc83, 34, ApB6,
quote. ApB1, 6

Mandela, Winnie. Oc86. 36, May87. 29,

16, May86, 33, OeB6. 36, N86, 35
Marlowe, Tony, MayB2, 25

May87, 36, 087, 27-28; approves

Marat, Jean Paul, F76, 16 ?
Marne la Vallee (France), Ap84, 15

necklacing, DB6, 37; honored in

marathon races, JunB6, 20
Marnham, Patrick, JulBO, 30-31

8cotland, Jun87, 31; new home, AuB7,

Marburger, John H., JunB4, 18
Marnharm, Michael, JaB2, 30

Marcellus, Robert de, Au78, 5
Maronites, SB4. 29-30

Mandingo, Oc77, 13
Marcellus. Tom. JuIBI. 35. Oc85 , 6. JunB6,
Marquette (prison), 085, 23

Manes. Donald R.. JulB6, 21. Ja87, 21. 28

Marquette Park, N77, 14

Manfredi, Tom. S82, 18

March on Rome, May76, 7
Marranos, May85, 25, FB7, 18; numbers,

Mangwende, Witness, Oc86. 36

March, Charles H., AuB5, 32

Manhattan (KS), Oc7B. 28

Marchais, Georges, AuBO, 35, Ju181, 32,
marriage agencies. F82, 19; Oriental

Manhattan Opera. Ja79, 27

MarB4, 2B, JunB4, 33
brides, AuB4, 40

Manifest Destiny, Ap79. 27, S82. 10.

Marciano, Rocky. Jul78, 19
marriages, F87, 35; average length. ApS6,

Marcinkus, Paul, Ju187, 29, AuB7, 31
28; Jewish-Gentile, D7B, 11, DB2, 31,

manifestoes. Britain, Au78, S, 1S; right-

Marconi scandal, N7B, 17, Jun84, 32
ApB3. 26; mass. NB2. 28, Ja83, 7;

wing. Mar84. 32
Marcos, Ferdinand, May86, 34. JunB6, 3B,
Jewish objections, JaB4, 27, Au84, 39;

Manifold. W. G., Jul87, 35

JulB6, 31, Ja87, 6-7, Ap87, 34, May87,
poll, AuB4, 32; prohibitions, Ap84, 25;

Manila. Jews, Ja85, 31

3B; anti-Marcos ad, Ap87, 21; cult
unmarried persons, OcB7, 26

Manilow, Barry, Jul87, 18

marriages, interracial, MarB2, 27, JaB3,

manipulation, D7B, 11
collaborator, S86, 20; taped, 087, 28
7-B, MayB3,26, OcB4, 27, JulSS, 31,

Manitoba Human Rights Commission,

Marcus, David, Oc76, 9, 078, 20
May86, 29; in sports, AugB4, 33; in

Marcus, Erwin, FB7, 29
prison. 078,28; in West Germany, 8B5,

Mankiewicz, Frank, Jun79, 19. S80, 22.

Marcus. Joseph, F81, 15
32; legalized. 078, 21; opponents,

Oc83, 30, Mar84, 18

Marcus, Leonard, Ja79, 27

Mankin, Helen Douglas. Ap76, 9?

Marcus, Linda, Mar87, 28
Marris, Adam D., 884, 23

Mankind Quarterly. May77, 23, Au79, 14

Marcus, Mickey. Au84, 17
Mars, Au7B, 18; in fiction, N83, 21;

Manley, Michael, Mar7S, 10, Mar82, 2B,

Marcus. Sidney, 081, 30
mission to, DB7, 8

Marcus, Stanley, FB5, 31
Marsellus, Howard, Jr., F87, 29

Mann Act, Jul78, 18

Marcuse, Herbert. 075, 10, Ja78, 23, F77,
Marsh, George P., 077. 8

Mann, Abby, Ja83, 16-17

5, Jul78, 12
Marsh, Henry L, F79, 17

Mann, Alonzo. Jun82. 21. JunB4. 1S,

Marder, Janet, f,male rabbi, JuIB4, 31
Marshack, Megan, JunBO, 24

Mardi, Ja78, 23
Marshall, Alfred, Ja76, 5, 20, N76. 21,

Mann, Donald, NB1, 15, MarB5, 27

Maretsky, Louis, May84, 27

Mann, Edward T., Au82, 27, 882, 27

Margaret Mead in Samoa, SB3, 6-7
Marshall, Consuela, Au8S, 31

Mann, Golo, ApB6, 33

Margolies. Irwin, OcB2, 20
Marshall, George C., Jun76, 11-21,

Mann, Heinrich, Oc76, 10, Mar79. 13

Margolin. Harry, 087, 23
Jan7B, 10, 24, Oc77, 7, 22-24, S78.

Mann, Thomas, Ja76, 7, Jun7S, 5, Oc7S,

Margolis, Jonathan. 087, 30
1B, N8S, 19

10, N78, 10, Mar79, 13, ApB3, 26, OcB7,

, Margolis, Sherry, S87. 27
Marshall, Katherine T., Oc77, 7, 24

Margolis, William, Ju183. 35
Marshall, Ray, Mar80, 14. N81.14

Manne, Robert, N8S, 36

Marguety, William, Au87, 28
Marshall, 8. LA., Ja77. 9

Manned Orbital Laboratory, 087, 8

Margulies, Ephraim, Jun87. 30
Marshall, Thurgood, 078,21, Mar77, 13,

manners, S83, 18, Ap84, 7

Margulies, Stan, S78, 13
N77. 6. Au80. 6-7. MayB5, 9, Oc86. 29.

Mannin, Ethel, May85, 34

Maria Theresa, Mar80, 12-13
May87, 20, 087, 7; attacks Reagan,

Manning, Ernest, May84, 10

Marian, Father, JaSO, 31

Manning, Margaret, Oc85, 16

Mariel boatlift, 085, 36; criminals, MayB7.
Marston. Robert. Ju180, 11-12

Manning, Robert, Jun78, 13

Marsyas, Ja8S. 15·16

Manning, Winton H., Ap80, 22

marijuana, F7S, 15, Jul85, 31, Ja86, 29;
Mart, Alfie, May85, 32

Manno, Dominic. Jul81, 5

crop value. Mar81 , 32; millionaires, N79,
Martel, Charles. N76, B,20


Martha's Vineyard, 077, 10; bigoted

12 Maus, Cynthia P., JaS2, 20

library, OcS7, 36; Hebrew garden, JaS7,

Mason, Joan, Jun7S, 24,JunS4,31 Maverick, Maury, Jr., 077, 11

35-36, OcS7, 36
Mason, Peggy, MarS7, 31
Maw, Ba, SS6, 20

Marti, Augustine, OS1, 32

Mason, Philip, quote, FS4, 9
Maxentius, Emperor, SSO, 15

Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social

Masonry, Jul7S, 23
Maxim family, SS1, 22

Change, JunSO, 21; bad checks, SS4, 26

Masons, MaySI, 29, SS1, 35, JulyS4, 20; Maxwell House, flatters Jews, SS6, 31

Martin, Claude, FSO, 1S

ancient origins, NS4, 34; in politics, Maxwell, Elsa, Mar7S, 24

Martin, Oaria, NS7, 27

ApS1,21 Maxwell, Irene, Ap79, 15

Martin, James J., Jul76, 10, Jul77, 20,

Masrui, Ali, ApS7, 22
Maxwell, James C. F76, 9

Au79,2S, 079,5,OcS~5,JaS2, 1~
mass man, OcS7, 6-S Maxwell, Robert, OcS4, 31, FS7, 17,

FS2, 32, NS2, 31, JaS4, 31, SS4, S-9,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
JunS7, 30, JulS7, 31, SS7, 24

(MIT), N7S, 23
Maxwell-Fyfe, Oavid, JunS6, 12

Martin, Jane, SS6, 21

Massachusetts, gay law defeated, MayS6, May Laws, Ap84, 11

Martin, Kingsley, N77, 13

34; politics, Ja77, 20; protects iIIegals, May, Alan N., NS3, 10

Martin, Lawrene N., Jr., JulS2, 20

NS6, 31; tax reduction referendum, May, Brian, JaS2, 30

Martin, Luis, JulSI, 21

MarSI,1S May, Karl, MaySO, 30

Martin, Pamela Sue, NS1, 21

Massacre in Rome, AuS4, 33
Mayans, Mar79, 1S, S79, 10, OS1, 12,

Martin, Robert B., OcS5, 16

massacres (also see Sabra & Shatila SS6, 22-23, OS6, 21, AuS7, 21, SS7, 21­
Martin, Ruth, Mar77, 20
massacres), Ap77, 7, 21-23; ancient 22; language, S79, 10; monuments,

Martin, Stoddard, OcS1, 22

Bavaria, FS5, 32; compared, Jun7S, 14; OS6, 21, NS7, 32

Martin, Wilbur, MayS4, 26

massacres, Ireland, JulSI, 9; Jamestown Mayans, Mayer, Andreas, JulS5, 13

Martinez, Alejandro. JaS7, 2S

(VA), JulSO, 22; Jonestown, OS1, 30; of Mayer, Oaniel, JunS6, 37

Martinez, Bob. FS7, 19

Gentiles by Jews, Ja79, 6; of whites in Mayer, Egan, AugS3, 2S
Martinez, Guillermo, NS5, 29
Zaire, 07S, 26; U.S., JuISI, 9-10; Mayer, Helen, JunS7, 7

Martinez, Maximiliano, OS1, 32

Uganda, May79,23,JunS4,29 Mayer, Johann, JunS6, 16

Martinez, Thomas, JunS5, 9, MayS6, 20

Massell, Sam, OS1, 30
Mayer, Louis B., Au77, 17-1S, Jun7S, 9,

Marton, Kati, JaS7, 26

Mastark, Shalam, SS3, 35
20, AuSO, 23, JuIS4, 23

Martov, L. (Yuly Tsederbaum), F77, 10

Masterpiece Theater, Jun79, 31, FS5, 26­ Mayer, Norman, FS3, 6, JunS3, 26

martyrs, Christian, AuS7, 17

Mayer, Peter, FS6, 32

Marumsco Christian School, JunSI, 21

Mastronalli, Luigi, NS2, 7
Mayers, Benjamin, MayS6, 30

Marut, Edward, JunS4, 35

materialism, OS1, 20-21
Mayes, Richard, F79, 27

Marvell, Andrew, Jul77, 5

maternity, ApS3, 13
Mayflower, OS6, 16

Marx brothers, N7S, 13, FS1, 7-S, MarSI,
mathematics, New Math, Oc79, 26
Mayflower Compact, F76, S

16-17; draft evaders, OS3, 31, AuS4, 33

Mather, Kenneth, breeding quote, AuS6,
Mayflower Madam (see Sydney B.

Marx, Heinrich, Au77, 5


Marx, Karl, Ja76, 19, Mar76, S, 10,

Mathews, Gwen, OcS5, S, 11
Mayhew, Christopher P., Ja77, 13, Jul77,

May76, 5, 1S, N76, 7, 1S-19, F77, 5, 20,

Mathews, Jay, ApS5, 23, OS6, 12-13
S, 1S, May79, 2S, FS5, 33-34, JaS7, 30

Au77, 16, Oc77, 13, Au7S, S, May79, S,

Mathews, Robert, JaS2, 31-32, MayS6, 20,
Maynard, Michelle, SS6, 36

24, FS3, 12,OcS3, 7, 16,NS5,9,JunS6,

SS6, 1S, OcS6, 16, JunS7, 36; death,
Maynard, Robert, SS3, 33

9-10, FS7, S-1 0, JulS7, 6 ; anti­

MarS5, 7-S, JunS5, 9
mayors, JaS4, 17, MayS4, 23; criminal,

Semitism, N76, 1S, 077, S, MaySO, 20,

Mathias, Charles, JaS1, 7, AuS4, 20,
ApS4, 16, NS5, 29; largest ~ities,

JunS5, 1S; called a Negro, JunS1, 6-7;

OcS6, 22, 29; chides Israel, OcSl, 35
JuneS3, S-9; lesbian, JunS6, 34; Negro,

criticism of, ApSO, 17, JunS5, S; family

mating, animals, MayS7, 30; assortative,
JaS3, 1S, F84, 25, SS4, 1S, JulS5, 21,

secrets, SS3, 24; on money, AuS6, 14;

S7S, 5
JulS5, 31, AuS7, 26

w~e,Au7~5,JunS1,6 Matlin, Marlee, JulS7, 25

Mayr, Ernst, SS3, 9, JaS6, 26

Marx, Laura, JunS1, 7

Matlovich, Leonard, AuS4, 43
Maza, Jehoshua, JulS6, 39

Marx, Louis, Jul76, 7, 14, Jun79, 19,

matriarchy, F79, 17
Mazepa, Ivan, F79, 16

Matsunaga, Ronald, JunS5, 20
Mazrui, Ali, JunSI, 34, OS6, 29

Marx, Paul, NSO, 20

Matsunaga, Spark, MarS2, 17
Mazzei, Filippo, N7S, 12

Marxism vs. Oarwinism, FS7, 8·10

Matsushita, Sachiko, OCS2, 27
Mazzini, Giuseppe, FS7, 11

Marxism, Au77, 5, 16, S77, 14, 07S, 9,

Mattei, NS6, 20
Mazzochi, Anthony, FS1, 20

OS4, 11; attitude toward women, ApS6,

Matthews, Eric, ApS5, 36
McAdam, John L., FS7, 20

33; contradictions, JunS5, 1S; in crisis,

Matthews, L. E., JaS2, 22
McCabe, Charles, Mar79, 26

OcS4, 32; in U.S.S.R., SS5, 27

Matthews, Michael J., ApS5, 29
McCabe, Joseph, Oc79,
Marxists, in colleges, JulSI, 31; turncoats, Mattingly, O. Lynn, JaS7, 2S McCalden, Oavid (Lewis Brandon), SOc77,

SS6, 17
Mattogno, Carlo, JunS6, 37
2S, OcSO, 5, JunSI, 35, AuS1, 33, JaS2,

Mary Celeste, Au7S, 17

Mattus, Reuben, JulS7, 35-36
17-1S, OS2, 23, JunS2, 31, JaS3, 14-15,

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, F77, 20

maturation rate, races compared, OS7, 26
FS3, 10-13, JaS7, 35; newsletter, NS2,

Mary, mother of Jesus, Jun79, 11, 31

Matzelinger, Ernest, SS5, 17
32; Ulster origin, JaS2, 19

Maryknoll order, JulS5, 33, SS6, 31

Mau Mau, SSO, 15, NS6, 27
McCall's, Jul7S, 11

Maryland, Jews, OS5, 24; 19S6 Senate

Maude, F77, 20
McCall, John, MayS2, 19

campaign, OcS6, 22
Maugham, Somerset, MarSI, 12, OcS2, 1S,
McCarrick, Archbishop, OS6, 25

Masada (TV show), JunSI, 25-26

McCarthy, Eugene J., 076, 12, OcSl, 36

Maurer, Pierre, Jul79, 6, 21, JuISO, 36
McCarthy, Grace, MayS4, 10

Masai tribe, NS6, 27

Mauritania, MarS1, 34, FS2, 29; slavery,
McCarthy,Joseph,Jun76, 1S,Jun77, 13,

Masarurwa, Willie, AuS4, 39

Oc77, 24, NS3, 10, JaSS, 27, JulS7, 21;

Masefield, John, OcS5, 15-16

Mauroy, Pierre, AuSl, 11
memorial service, AuSO, 34

Maslow, Abraham, MarS3, 31

Maurras, Charles, JuIS4, 26, AuS4, 2S McCarthy, Kevin, NS2, 19

Mason, Oaniel, Jun7S, 21-22, MarSO, 11­ Maus, MayS7, 16

McCarthy, Mary, 077, 11, JunSO, 25,


Ju!S7, lS; sued by Hellman, NS1, 19

McGill, Ralph, 080. 27, 081, 19

McCarthyism, ApS6, 9, JuIS7, 21

McGivern, Gary, Ap86, 21
Meagher. Thomas. 081.28
McCartney. Paul, DS2, lS, MarS7. 26
McGoff, John P., Mar87, 21
Means, Russell. N82. 14·15
McCarty. luther. JuI7S. lS
McGonagle. William, Ja79. 15. Jun79, 19.
Meany, George, May79. 11

McClain, Clarence, JunS4. 20

Jul80,35 Mecham, Evan, May87, 32, May87. 39,

McClain, leanita, JunS2, lS, Au84, 21

McGovern, GeQrge, Jun76. 5-6, Jul77, 19.
JulS7, 13; King Holiday, F87. 35

McClain, O.R .. SS5, 30

Oc77, 2S, JaS6, 6; Israel quote. Ap84.
Medal of Freedom. winners, SSO, 32

McClatchy newspapers, Jul87, 13

Medal of Honor, winners, F87, 29

McClelland. David, ApS3, 13

McGovern, Susan. S76, 11
medals, rescinded, N87. 27

McClintick, David, N82, 15-16

McGrath, Charles, MayS7. 22
Media Institute, DS1, 21

McCloskey, Paul M., Jr., Au79, 21, DS1,

McGrath, Maurine, Jul79, 13
media, Jun76, 7,19, Ju183, 28; activists

36, ApS2, 32, MayS2, 12, JulS2, 31,

McGrath, Roger, DS4, 20
learn to handle, Jun81, 35; attacked by
AuS2, 31,082,14, May83, 31, Jul83, 22­ McGraw, Ali, MayS7, 29
Jews. ApS1. 1S; bias, Jun76. 4. S76. 5,
23, NS3, 36, JaS4, 31; attacks Jewish
McGreal, Shirley, DS3.21
F77, 8, 20. 083, 21, ApS5. 30, JuIS7. 21 ;
lobby, OcSl, 35-36, JaS3, 10
McGrory, Mary, MaySI, lS, JunS3, 21,
circulation figures, Jul7S, 11; cover-up,
McCloskey, Tammy, NS6, 22
JulS5, 17, Au86, 1S·19
FS4, 14-15. 18; deals. AuS5. 15;
McClure, Donald, S77, 13
McGuffey's Reader, NS3, 31, JunS4, 17,
distortions, Ap84, 21. SS6, 19; elite,
McClure, James A, SS7, 12
S79, 17, SS2, 26; executives, OcS3, 28;
McColl, Alexander, N76, S
McGuinnes, Nancy, N79, 13·14
few women execs, JaS3. 25; focus on
McCollum, Arthur N., Oc77, 22, 24
McGuire sisters, JuIS2, 26
Israel, DS6, 9; Jewish influence, Au79.
McConnell, larry, N80, 30
McGuire, Marian, JaS2, 22
McConnell, R. A., F7S, 9
McGuire, Pat, JulS7, 24
19·20, JuI8S, 37; leftism confutes
McCord, Anthony, JunSI, 36
McGuire, Robert J., quote, SS5, 27
Marxism. JaSS. 23; minority networking,
McCord, David B., Ja79, 13
McGurk, Frank C., Oc77, S, 25-26, Au7S,
May87, 22; monitored by Jews, Ja83,
McCord, James, ApSO, 24, MarS5, 21
20, SS2, 32
16; monopoly. Mar78, 15; pro left-wing
McCord, W. M., ocn, 26
McHard, Ian l., AuS2, 19
dictators, S78. 12-13; quote, Ap83, 26;
McCormack, Ellen, Ap81 , 11
McHenry, Donald, N79, 9
WWII intervention, F77, 8
McCormick, F. D., 076, 7
Mclnerey, George, DS3, 20
Mediator, The, Ap79, 10, 28. S79. 7

McCorvey, Norma, NS7, 18

Mcintyre, Edward M., JuIS2, 16, Ap84, 16
mediators. Oc85, 14-15

McKeon, Daniel P., JuIS7, 2S
Medicaid, MarS3, 15; costs, Dca7, 26

McCoy, Kid, Ap85, 23

McKillop, Duncan. SS6, 35
medical fraud. Ap83, 27, N83, 32, MayS4,

McCoy, Quincy, ApS2, 18

McKinley, Breck, NS7, 20
23, JuIS5. 33, JaS6, 30, MayS6, 30

McCoy, R. M., May86, 29

McKinley, William, 075,13,15, JaS2, 19,
medical malpractice, in Britain, Ju178, 23

McCoy, the real, ApS5, 23

Ja8S, 9, OcS6, 7
medical profession. fake degrees, May85,

McCray, Michael, JulyS4, 20

McKinney, Boris, JunS7, 2S

McCulloch, Richard, Mar83, 7-11, N83, 15,

McKinney, Charles, JunSl, 21
medical schools, Jul77, 11; enrollment,

N85, 6, Mar87, 12·16 McKinney, Stewart, DS7, 20-21

ApSl, 27; foreigners, FS4, 24; Negro

McCullough, Colleen, Hollywood quote, McKinnon, Neil, Jun7S, 24

admissions, FS5, 29

McKissick, Floyd, SSO, 24
Medicare, costs, Oc87, 26

McDermott, Michael, JaSO, 19

Mckoy, Roy, JunS5, 23
Medicine Mountain (WY.l, SSO, 12

McDonald's, France, Jul82, 26; Israel,

Mclachlan, Edward, JaS7, 30
Medicines Sans Frontieres, AuS7, 30

078, 15; worldwide, May84, 24

Mclaglen, Victor, Jul7S, 17
Medina, Ortilla, MarSl, 30

McDonald, Dwight, Juln, 16

Mclaughlin, David, S82, 19
Medinet Habu (temple). S77. 10

McDonald, Ellen Shapiro, Mar81, 20-21,

Mclaughlin, Janice, F81, 31
Mediterranean (race), Au79. 27. FS2. 29.

JuI83,6-9 Mclaughlin, Michael, NS1, 31

May83, 10-11, Jun84, 13·14

McDonald, Forrest. MarSI. 20·21, Jul83, 6­ Mclee, Kevin, Ja78, 20

Mediterraneans, Mar77. 20; in U.S., DS1,

Mclelland, David, N76, 7

McDonald, James, MarS2, 31

Mclennan, Kenneth, JunS2, 16
mediums, Oc78, 11,22
McDonald, larry, F7S. 23. AuSl. 20,
Mcleod, Roger, N86, 23
Mednick, Sarnoff, NS4, 35

Jul83, 29, 083, 8, 087, 2S; honors black.

Mcloughlan, John, Au81, 30
Medvedev, Roy. Ja79, 12, May84. 23

Mcloughlin, Michael, Ap87, 32
Meese, Edwin, III, AuSl, 25, JunS2. 23.
McDonald, lynn, JulS4, 34
Mcluhan, Marshall, Oc76, S
JunS5, 31,JaS6,35-36,JunS6, 1S,
McDonnell, Thomas, AuS7, 2S
McManus, Jeanne, N85, 28
Au86, 21, NS6, 13, MarS7, 2S, Jun87,
McDougall, Joyce, Oc77, 6
McMillan, lavar, S87, 33
McDougall, William, AuSO, 9-11, SSO, 10,
McNair, lesley J., Ja7S, 10, 24
Meeting of East and West. The, May76.
Mar82. 30, AuS5, 36, DS7, 15
McNallen, Stephen, Jun77, 23, NS1, 35,

McElroy, John, AuS4, 17

Mega Society, N85, 15

McNamara, John R.. Jul87, 19
megaliths, MaySO, 13-14

McEnroe, John, Oc81 , 21, S84, 24

McNamara, Robert S., on, 10-11, F78, 5,
Megatraumas: America at A.D. 2000,

McEvoy, Don.Ja83,24
McFarland, larry, DS1, 19
McNeill, William H., F86, 31, Ap87. 11
Meharry Medical College, Au78, 12

McFarlane, Robert, Au87, 27, OcS7. 14;

McNeish, Ronald, F83, 30
Mehdi, M. T., NBO, 36

anti· Israel remark, FS4, 32

McNichols, Steven, Oc81, 24
Mehnert, Klaus, 078, 12·13
McFarlin, Theodore. Ja83, 24
McNutt, lavelle T., 076, 12
Mehta. Ajal Singh, May87. 22

McGarr, Frank J., 087. 20

McShane, Steve, Ap79, 13
Mehta, Zubin, 081, 19

McGarry, Michael B., convert quote,

McWilliams, Carey, F77, 19, Ju179. 12
Meier. Barnhard, SS6, 33

Mead, Margaret, Fn, 7; S77, 20, F78, 11,
Meier. Jack, Aug84, 33

McGee, Thomas D.• DS1. 2S

MarSO, 13, ApS3, 32, SS3, 6-10, N84. Main Kampf, Ja76, 6, F79, 13,26, Jun86,
McGill University, FS7, 24
35; MarS6, 34; raps with Baldwin, Au83, 22; complimented. Ja85, 34; French


translation, 07S, 15; in Hebrew, DcS7,

mentally retarded, seek public office, FS2, Metzger, Bruce M., JuI7S, 14
32; royalties, MayS7, 30; suppressed,
27; social habits, JunS3, 19; statistics, Metzger, Ed, NS1, 1S
079, 27-28, JaSl, 33
JaS5,31 Metzger, H. Peter, quote, DcSO, 26

Meir, Golda, Dc76, 1S, N77, 21, F7S, 23,

Menten, Pieter, FS1, 33
Metzger, John, NS5, 35, NS7, 21

MarS3, 19, OS4, 40, JaS7, 2S, MayS7,

Mentschikoff, Soia, F79, 16
Metzger, Tom, AuSO, 17, sso, 1S-19,

31, NS7, 31; cyanide pills, MaySO, 32;

Menuhin, Yehudi, Ja79, 7
DcSO, 17-1S, NSO, 34-35, JaSI, 31,

film, MarS2, 17, JunS6, 34; in U.S., JaS2,

Menzies, A. C. C., JaS7, 34
Ap81, 11, ApSI, 31, JunSI, 35, ApS2, 32,

Menzies, Robert, Jun77, 19
MayS2, 12, JuIS2, 31, AuS2, 31, FS4, 32,

Meir, Menahem, JaS7, 28

Mercer, Lucy, Au76, 7
ApS5,35, NS5,35,OS5,30,JunS6,40,

Meissner-Blau, Frieda, JunS6, 1S, JuIS6,

Merchandise Mart (Chicago), AuSO, 1S NS7, 21; advice to activists, ApS3, 32;

Mercha.nt of Venice, Mar78, 13; attempted
congressional race, NS1, 1S; criticized,

Meitner, Lise, OS1, 16

ban, JunS1, 21; called anti-Semitic,
MarS1, 36; on TV, OS7, 27; organizes

Mejia, Maximo, JuIS6, 30

JaS5, 35; dropped from English course,
new group, FS1, 34-35; violence against,

Melbourne University, F7S, 23

JulSO, 19; in Canada, 086, 32; in France,

Melbourne, Lord, SS1, 34

DcSO, 31; Jewish rewrite, MayS6, 31,
Mexican Americans, Ap76, 5, Dc77, 5,

Melcher, Marty, AuS2, 1S, FS6, 40

DcS7, 16-17
19-20, F7S, 10, Mar7S, 10. 15-26,

Mele, William, AuS5, 31

Melbourne, The, OS4, 37, MarS5, 34,
Mar79, 7, 24-25, NS3, 15-16, Ju187,

Melecio, Bernabe and Michelle, OS4, 30

10, AuS7, 10-11; foreign policy, N7S, 7;

Melilla (see Morocco)

Meredith, Gardener, OS7, 23
traits, Dc77, 19-20

Mellandy, Kenneth, Jun79, 17

Meredith, James, DcSO, 2S-29, OS1, 1S,
Mexican revolution (1910), JuIS7, 7

Mellers, Wilfred, S79, 26-27

ApS3, 2S; recants, OS3, 36
Mexican War, JuIS7, S-9

Mellon, Thomas W., JaS2, 19

Meredith, Scott, SS1, 31
Mexicans, behavior, JuIS7, S; visa

Melnick, Dan, NS2, 16

mergers, FS5, 29
applications, FS6, 29; work permits, OS5,

Melting Pot, Dc79, 11, JunS5, 39

Merhige, Robert R., MayS7, 21

Meltzner, Martin, May7S, 6

Meridor, Yaacov, 076, S
Mexico City, FS1,12
Melville, Herman, Ja7S, 23, JuI7S, 14
Merkatz, David, Jun82, 27
Mexico, May76, 15, Dc77, 5, 19-20,

Memel, SS1, 34
Merksamer, Steve, JunS3, 26
Mar79, 1S, Dc79, 11, JuIS5, 14-16,

memes, SSO, 13-14

Mermelstein, Melvin, ApSI, 30, AuS1, 33,
NS7, 32; American companies, AuS7, 15;

memory, FS3, 15-16

JaS2, 17, FS6, 30; IHR countersuit, OS7, Anglos, Au76, 20; blondes in ads, JaS3,

Memphis State University, Ja77, 19

36; jury award, MayS6, 15; sues IHR, 31, DcS4, 32; constitutional amend­
Memphis, Ap76, 9; black majority, SS5,
MaySI, 35, JunSl, 35, JuISI, 34-35, JaS2, ments, JunS7, 27; corruption, SS3, 20,

29; crime, JuIS3, 22; Forrest statue,

21, ApS2, 7-10, JunS3, 29, DcS5, 6, JuIS7, 7, NS7, 26; crime, FS4, 30, NS6,

OS1, 19; mayoral election, JaSO, 31;

AuS7,16 22-23; demographics, Dc77, 5, 19-20,

most wanted list, MarS7, 29, AuS7, 26;

Merola, Mario, MarS2, 19
Mar79, 5, 2S, DcS2, 27, JuIS7, S;

politics, JaS4, 17
Merriam, Ray, DcSO, 5
ecological nightmare, FS1, 10-13;

Mena, Maher, NS3, 32

Merrillees, Robert, JunSS, 38
economy, NS1, 34, SS6, 31, AuS7, 12­
Mencken, H. L., DcS3, 16, OS5, 21, DcS6,
Merrit, Wesley, Ap7S, 13
13; emigration, SS5, 34; hippies, SS7,

- S, 10, DcS7, 20; anti-Semitism, JulS5, 6­

7; contra Anglo-Saxons, OSO, 1S;

quote, 076, 22, May7S, 6, S7S, 9, 1S,

Merritt, Lavell, OS3, 31

Merry, Sally E., OS2, 27

Mesha, AuS7, 9

21; 10 cards, OSO, 27-28; illegal aliens,

JaSl, 33; Indian songs, AuS5, 34;

irredentism, Mar7S, 10, 26, Jun7S, 23,

JaS7, S, OS7, 23
Mesones, Pedro de, MayS5, 30
AuS7, 15; Marxists, Au76, 10; mestizos,

Mende, Erich, 079, 15

Mesquito Indians, JunS4, 19
JuIS7, S, SS7, 22; 19S4 local elections,

Mendel, Gregor, F77, 1S, S77, 1S, N79, 6,

Messam, Winston, JuIS7, 31
FS4, 30; persecution of Yaquis, ApS7, S­
JunSO, 11-12, DcSO, 10, DcS7, 13
Messer, Alfred, JaS1, 25
10; politics, JulS7, 7-S, AuS7, 15; pre­
Mendelsohn, Martin, S79, 25, NS4, 2S,
Messick, Hank, May79, 14
Columbian, OS1, 12-13, AuS7, 22;

Messner, Ute, JuIS3, 31
purifying language, JulS3, 35; relations

Mendelson, John, F7S, 22

Metcalf, Leo, MarS2, 23
with U.S., SS3, 20, NS6, 13-14; secret

Mendelson, Michael, JuIS2, 20

Metcalfe, Alexandra. DcS5, 26
society, MarS5, 32; travelogue, JuIS7,

Mendelssohn, Felix, Dc76, 16, N76, 12,

metempsychosis, Au7S, 1S 22-24, SS7, 21-22; U.S. stolen property,

- Jun79, 13, MaySI, 9, DcS4, 6-7

Mendelssohn, Moses, NS4 15

Mendes-France, Pierre, May76, 16, DcSI,


meteors, NSO, 1S
Methodist Church. affirmative action.

AuSO, 27; attacked by minorities, JunS6,


NS1, 34; xenophobia, NS6, 13-14

Meyer family, Mar79, 13

Meyer, Agnes, Jun76, 5

Meyer, Eugene, Jun76, 5, 1S

Mengelberg, Willem, Dc77, 9, 26
Methodists, Au76, 10
Meyer, Frank, JaS4, 12-13

Mengele, Josef, 079, 20, ApS5, 30, NS5,

Metro South Citizens Council, NS7, 33
Meyer, Kurt, DcS4, 31

2S, JuIS7, 11, JulS7, 20-21, DeS7, 26;

Metro-Golwyn-Mayer, DcS2, 14
Meyer, Leonard, JunS1, 31

false sightings, SS5, 9-10, ApS7, 34,

Metromedia, AuS5, 15
Meyer, Marc E., Jun76, 5

Metropolis, JulS4, 17

Meyer, Nicholas, Ja7S, 9, FS4, 13

Menger, Carl, Ja76, 20

Metropolitan Dpera, Ja79, 27, ApS1, 9,
Meyer, Sidney, OS3, 30

Mennini, Luigi, AuS7, 31

Meyerbeer, Giacomo, N76, 12, Jun79, 12

Mennonites, JunS2, 17, JunS3, 25, MarS6,

Metternich, Clement von, DcS2, 6
Meyerhaus, Peter, MayS4, 24

10; history, DeS5, 35

Metzenbaum, Howard, Ja77, 12, MayS4,
Meyers, Howard, JaS7, 26

menorahs, FS7, 21, AuS7, 17-1S

23, JunS5, 31, DcS6, 2S, SS7, 27; aide
Meyers, Michael, AuS2, 20

Menotti, Gian-Carlo, Dc7S, 25

investigated, AuS7, 2S; anti-Christian,
Meyers, Robin, OS5, 12

MENSA, Ja79, 2S, OSO, 32, literature,

SS7, 19; Communist connections, DcS7,
Meyerson, Adam, MayS5, S-9

Jun79, 31, OS6, 40; anti-Semitic letter,

1S; phone deal, AugS4, 34, NS7, 14;
Meysenbug, Malwilda von, Mar77, 17

OS3, 36; Negro members, FS5, 29

pressures witness, OS7, 1S-19; wants
mezuza, JaS5, 22; in space shuttle, ApS6,

mental illness, F77, 13; races compared,

Gaddafi killed, MarS6, 20, MayS6, 29,

Mezzrow, Milton, N79, 20


Mfume, Kweisi, Ja87, 12

Miller, Zell, May7S, 7, 1S, Jul7S, 23, Oc7S,

Miale, Florence, S77, 13

Mihailovich, Oraja, NS3, S S, NSO, 17

Miami Beach, Jul84, 30; Jews, Jun85, 32,

Mihram, G. Arthur, Mar79, 27
Millett, Kate, Oc77, 6, F79, 17

Mikardo, lan, Jul77, S, F79, 27, Oc79, 25,
millionaires, F76, 7, N77, 14, F79, 24; big

Miami Herald, N86, 31

ApS2,26, Au86,25
Jewish earners, N87, 26; highest income

Miami, Jul81, 21, N85, 20; Anglo

Mikewski, Miroslaw, Ap85, 33
1976, Ja77, 12; in France, NS5, 32;

emigration, Oc86, 14; corrupt cops,

Mikulic, Branko, Au86, 33
Israelis, May80, 22; Jewish

May86, 29; crime, 082, 12-13, 085, 32,

Mikulski, Barbara, OcS6, 22, JaS7, 13
disproportion, Ja83, 24, Mar84, 25,

Oc86, 13-16, N86, 22; Jews, N84, 28;

Mikva, Abner, JaS1, 25
Mar86, 21, Ja87, 20; list of, ApS3, 11,

race relations, Ap85, 29; riots, Jul80, 6­ Milanese, Claudio, MarS7, 21

SS6, 32; new model, Au80, 23; 1986 rich

7, Au80, 20, Oc80, 22-23, 082, 27,

Milchan, Arnon, OcSI, 30
list, S87, 19

Miles, Carlotta, S81, 23
Milliones, Jake, N87, 19-20

Michael of Kent, Prince, Aug86, 31

Miles, James E.,Sr. and Jr., S86, 34
Milloy, Courtland, Ju185, 22

Michael of Kent, Princess, Ju185, 20

Miles, Pat, MayS6, 14
Mills, A. Rud, S82, 10

Michael X, Ap82, 5
Miles, Robert E., Ju179, 13, MarS2, 16,
Mills, C. Wright, JunSS, 1S
Michael, Sami, N86, 34
FS5, 14-15, ApS7, 36, JunS7, 36, SS7, Mills, Donna, NS1, 21

Michaelson, Alvin S., May79, 14

Mills, James, 086, 24

Michalos, Alex, Ju182, 27

Miles, Sherman, Oc77, 23-24
Mills, Jennie, May82, 2S
Michelin Guide, 079, 26
Miles, Tim, OS7, 31
Milne, A.A., religious quote. May86, 26

Michelson, Albert, Jun77, 14, S77, 18

Miles, Tina, Ja7S, 13
Milne, Alistair, MayS3, 28

Michelson, Frieda, F83, 20

Mileva, Maric, Jul87, 19
Milner, Afred, S84, 22-23

Michelson-Morley experiments, Jun77, 14,

Milhous, Frank, SS1, 22
Milner, Gary. JaS6, 30

Milian-Rodriquez, Raymond, May86, 30
Milner, Thirman L., Ja86, 30

Michener, James, Ju184, 17; pro-Zionist

military budgets, by country, AugS3, 27
Milton, John, Jul77, 5, Oc79, 25, 079, 25

book, Oc86, 39
Military History of the Western World,
Milunsky, Aubrey, NS2, 6

Michigan, auto thefts, Mar87, 26; politics,

Milverton, Lord, F77, 6

May84, 31, Ja85, 38-39

military history, May77, 5,17-19 Milvian Bridge, battle of, SSO, 15

Michnik, Adam, Mar82, 29, JuIS3, 33,

military industrial complex, May77,12-13 Milwaukee project, NS2, 12-14, AuS3, 17;

OcS7, 27, OS7, 33

Military Pedagogy, Mar77, 9
false IQ scores, JaS4, 21

microchips, AuS5, 6-7

military police, reverse discrimination,
Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Ap87, 20

Middendorf, J. William, 075, 10

Milwaukee, Negro crime, JuIS4, 30

Middle Ages, F76, 17, Ap77, 14-15; Jews

military waste, ApS2, 12
mimicry, Jun79, 17

treated well, Au79, 1S

Militsa, Grand Duchess, N76, 16
Minco, Sibil, 082, 16

Middle Americans, values lowered, Jun87,

milk, harmful to blacks, Oc78, 18
Mind of Primitive Man, The, Ja76, 6, Ja77,

Milk, Harvey, Mar79, 10, 26, Jun84, 21,

middle class, F77, 20; attitudes, Mar80,

Oc84,29,Oc85,31, F86,21
mind, Ja84, 9-11

1S; Negroes, Oc82, 8-11

Milken, Michael, JaS7, S, FS7, 17, S87, 19
Mineo, Sal, Ap76, 19

Middle East Institute, N83, 19-20

Mill, J.S., Ap79, 9
Miner, Tom, Ap84, 18

Middle East, Ja76, 3,15-19, Jul77, 8,18­ Mill, John Stuart, Ja76, 20-21, N76, 21 ;
Mineta, Norman Y., Ja86, 20, Au83, 20

19, Mar79, 5, 079, 7-9, Ja80, 24-25,

quote, Oc85, 11
Mingo, Jack, Jun84, 28

Au84, 38, MarS7, 8-9; ancient history,

Milia, Rita, Jun84, 30
minimum wage, May87, 30

JuI7S, 11; Britain's 1956 war plans,

Millay, Courtland, Oc86, 32
Miniulov, Manasevitch, N76, 16

MayS7, 33; British intelligence, ApS4,

Millay, Edna st. Vincent, MayS3, 1S
Minkoff, R. B., Ap87, 26

2S; chemical warfare, May87, 35; geo­

Millen, William, Ju187, 29
Minkow, Barry J., OcS7, 2S
politics, F79, 25-26; Helms' proposals,
Miller, Arthur, AuSl, 11, SS6, 37; false
Minkowsky, Herman, Oc81, 36

Ju179, 26-27; in U.S. politics, MayS6, 16;

scenario, SS5, S
Minneapolis, Mar79, 17-18, Jun87, 19;

independence movements, ApS4, 28-29;

Miller, O. C., S77, 18
crime, May86, 15, Ja87, 21; lesbian

mistaken U.S. policy, 083, 9-10; national

Miller, David, Ap79, 15
appointee, FS5, 31; police, F84, 16,

feelings, Oc79, 2S; politics, OSO, 29-30,

Miller, Dayton C., MarS4, 6-7

Jun83, 30; recent history of, JuIS6, 9;

Miller, Earlean, MayS5, 32
Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality

strategic situation, Ja79, 22, Ju179, 9,

Miller, Eric, F7S, 23, Ap79, 32, Oc79, 25,
Inventory, Oc81, 13-14

26; superpower rivalry, JunS7, 23;

Minnesota Rag, ApS2, 20

travelogue, Ja85, 36; U.S. casualties,

Miller, Glenn, MayS2, 31, F84, 31, Oc84,
Minnesota Strip, Ja78, 14

Mar86, 20-21, Au87, 20; U.S. poll,

27, Mar85, 35-36, May85, 39, Ja87, 36,
Minnesota Twins, S86, 32

Aug83, 28; U.S. troops, Oc81, 33; WWIII

Ap87, 15,35; guilty verdict, Oc86, 38; in
Minnesota Valley Transportation Co.,

trigger, Oc79, 6
court, 086,24; war declaration, Jun87,

Middle West, N7S, 4, 15

Minnesota, Good Samaritan law, Oc84,

Middlebury College, Ja84, 20-21

Miller, Henry, Au85, 15
18; high-school graduation rate, Jun86,

Middletown (TV show), JunS2, 22-23

Miller, Jean B., ApS3, 13
33; porn stars. AuS7, 24

Midler, Bette, JunS3, 11, JunS7, 18-19

Miller, Jim, NS3, 36, ApS4, 31 ApS7,35 Minnow, Newton, May77,13

Midrash, 085, 1S Miller, Joanne F" 086,31 Minorco, Ju185. 23

Midstream, May77, 24, SS5, 22

Miller, John C., Ap7S, 13
minorities, Jul76, 5, Ap77, 4, 19-20, Ap7S,

Midwest, changing face, S86, 26; moral

Miller, Jonathan, JunS1, 21
5,17-19, S7S, 10, May86, 28; aggress­
decline, SS6, 26
Miller, K. S., Oc77, 26
iveness, Au79, 16; alliances, NS2, 20­
midwife toad, AuS3, 16
Miller, Mary Ellen, SS6, 22-23, OS6, 21
21; definition of, JUn79, 1S; in crime,

Miera, Alberto, MarS7, 2S, SS7, 2S Miller, Richard W., Ap85, 30

Jul85, 32; least concentrated states,

Mies, Ludwig von, Ja76, 5, 21

Miller, Stephen, OcS4, 27, OcS6, 3S,
SS1, 39; party membership, OS1, 21;

Migdail, Carl, FS3, 34

reckless drivers, FS7, 21; statistics,

Might of the West, The, 079,9-14,085, Miller, Terence, MarSO, 26

MaySO, 1S-19, JulSO, 25; subsidized


parties, 079, 17, OS3, 30; unassimilable, misinformation, JunB1, 10-15 ApS2, 6, JuIS7, 27; finances, FB2, 29;
Ap76, 4; wooed by conservatives, NS4, Miss America Pageants, 076, 10, NB3, Swiss account, NS4, 2S
29 13-15, NBS, 36, NB6, 20; Negro wins, Mocatta Metals, OB1, 30
Minority Business Development Agency, OcB4,20 Mock, Alois, ApB5, 32, JunS6, 17, AuB7,
MarS5,15-16 Miss Black America contest, NB3, 15 30
minority businesses, ApB3, 27, MayB4, Miss Israel, NS3, 14 Moczar, Mieczyslaw, JaBl, 33-34
24, JunS4, 29, OB4, 29, MarB5, 15-16; Miss World, FB3, 29 Modai, Yitzhak, AuBO, 31, JulB6, 40, SS6,
Air Atlanta, MarS5, 20; failures, JunS6, missiles, Germany, FS5, 33; plans, MarS7, 13
33; fraud, SBO, 24, MayB5, 29, NB6, 22; 30 Model, Art, Ja7S, 20
high bid wins, NB6, 30; low interest missing children, disputed figures, SS6, 31 models, child, JulSI, 20
loans, AugB3, 2B; Negro owned JunB5, Missing in Action (MIAs), JunB5, 37 modern art, examples, AuB7, 26
31; white fronts, MayB5, 29 missing persons, British Columbia, AuB4, Modern Historical and Social Philosophies,
minority homeland, in U.S., N83, 15-16 31 May76,4
minority racism, Ap7B, 11,21, 07B, 15, missionaries, S77, 13, FB3, 20; murdered, modernism, JaSO, 16-19
Au79, 19, MaySO, 23, FB1, 31, MayBI, ApB7,33 Modigliani, Amedeo, AuBI, 13
11, AuB1, 35, OcB1, 16, 24, FB2, 27-2B, Mississippi, FB2, 12-13, AuB3, 19; politics, Modley, Cynthia, OcS5, 26
MarB2, 5-7, MayB2, 16, JulB3, 33, JaB4, OB3, 15; population shift, ApB4, 26 Madras, Ronald, MayS2, 10, FS7,21
1B-19, JunB5, 21, 32, 39, JuIB5, 29, Mitchel, John P. (N.Y. mayor), OB1, 2B Modzelewski, K., MarB2, 29, JulB3, 33
AuB5,31,SB5,25,NB5,2B,30,JaB6, Mitchell brothers, MayB7, 19 Modzhorian, Lydia, AuS1, 32
20; anti-West statements, JunBI, 34-35; Mitchell, Charles Jr., JulBI, 1B Moeller, Kim, SBO, 17
antiwhite, Oc7B, 16, May79, 13, JaB3, Mitchell, Coco, MarB7, 29 Moen, Gene and Peggy, NB2, 29
24, 2B, SB4, 27, ApB5, 27, JuIB7, 25; Mitchell, David, FB4, 27 Mofaz, David, ApS3, 31
antiwhite letter, JaB1, 25; "buy black," Mitchell, George, OcB7, 14 Moffett, Toby, SB2, 21
MarB6, 21; by Israelis, JulB5, 22; death Mitchell, John (Australian immigrant), OB1, Mogelson, Jack, OB7, 30

- threats, MayB7, 40; Hispanic, NBS, 29; in

Britain, SB7, 29; in Cleveland, MayB7,
40; Japanese, JaB6, 20; Jewish, May76,
11,Ja77, 12, F77, 7, Mar77, 6, 1B,
Mitchell, John, N., Ja77, 5, ApB5, 30
Mitchell, Margaret, Jun7B, 9, 20
Mitchell, Parren, urges black violence,
Mohacs, battle of, SBO, 15
Mohamad, Mahathir, quote on Zionism,
Mohammed (prophet), JaB7, 30; origins,
Ap77, 12, Ja7B, 13, MarB4, 30, JaBS, 1B, MayBI,11 ApB7,25
ApS5, 13, 1S, May86, 31, MarS7, 2, Mitchell, Tyrone, Jonestown survivor, Mohammed II, Jul7B, 10
Au87, 7-9; Mafia, JunBO, 26-27; map JulB4,31 Mohawk Indians, AuB3, 21
distortion, OS7, 17; Miles Davis, JulS7, Mitchell, Warren, JunB1, 21 Mohedano, Jose M., JulB3, 33
1B; music, OcB3, 17-1B; Nahum quote, Mitchelson, Marvin, JunS6, 20 Mohn, Reinhard, OcSO, 19

- FS7, 10; Nazi bookstore, Au7B, 20;

Negro, F81, 30, MayB2, 26, NBS, 12-14,
FB6, 19, MarB6, 31, SB7, 24; Negro
Mitchener, James, OcBl, 34
Mitchum, Robert, SB1, 22, ApB3, B, MarS4,
26, MayB7, 29; questions Holocaust,
Moiseyev Dance Co., Jews attack, N86,
20, NS7, 16
Moked, Gabriel, ApB7, 33
radio, OcS7, 24; novels, NS5, 19; NY JunS3,19,OcB3,30 Moked, Hannan, JulS6, 17

- state official, JulS7, 16; on TV, OS7, 2S;

rabbi's threats, AuB7, 1B; violence,
Jul78, 23; WASP-hating poet, ApS7, 29
Mitford (Jackson), Pamela, Mar78, 6, 22,
Mitford family, OS5, 27-29, JaS6, 25-26,
Mala, Emilio, 076, 20
Moldea, Dan E., MarS7, 19
Molina, Gloria, FS4, 25
minority set-asides, MarB7, 1B FB6, 25-26, MarS6, 26-27 Mollenhoff, Clark, NB4, 35

- Minos, King, Ja7B, 14

Minotaur, Ja7B, 14
Minow, Newton, Ap77, 24, Jun79, 19,

Mitford, Deborah (Duchess of

Devonshire), Mar7B, 6, 22, JaB6, 25,
Mitlord, Jessica (Decca), Mar7B, 6, 21,
Moller van den Bruck, Arthur, F7B, 8, 20
Molnar, Thomas, Ju177, 20
Molotov, Vyacheslav, Mar7B, 17, Mar79,

Minsky brothers, Oc77, 13
JunS2, 19, FS5, 34, Ja86, 25, MarS6, 25­ Moltis, Arnold, Mar77, 20
miracles, AuSl, 13
26 Moltke, Helmuth von, FS7, 11
Mirage warplanes, blueprints stolen, OB2, Mitlord, Nancy, Mar7S, 6, 22, JaS6, 25-26, Moizer, Felix, Ja85, 32
26, FS4, 19 FB6,25-26 Moment, S77, 2S
miscegenation, Jul77, 7, F7S, 11, Mar7B, Mitford, Tom, Mar7B, 6,22, JaB6, 26 Mommsen, Hans, NS4, 33
7, Ap7B, 13, N7B, 9-10, May79, 15, Mitford, Unity, May77, 24, Mar7S, 6, 21­ Mona Lisa (film), MarS7, 1S
JaSO, 15,OSO, 26,083,31,JaS4,27, 22, OcS5, 27, NBS, 22, JaS6, 25-26, Monaghan, Thomas, FS5, 1S
JunB4, 30, JaBS, 21, JuIB5, 33, AuB5, MarB6, 25, 27 monasteries, May7B, 12-13
30,31,34, NS5, 28, OB5, 31, MarB6, 31, Mitgang, Lee, AuSO, 20, MarS2, 1S Mondale, Eleanor, OB4, 40
ApB6, 29, OB6, 14, ApB7, 2B, JulS7, 2B, mitochondria, SB5, 35-36, OcS7, 17 Mondale, Joan, SS4, 11
087, 22-23, 30; ads, MayS7, B, 31; Mitolski, Arnold, NB2, 6 Mondale, Lester, JunB4, 12
affect on cancer, NB3, 34; Britain, AuB5, Mittelwerk (V-2 factory), JaB6, 16 Mondale, Walter, 076, 12, Ja77, 12, JuISI,
32; by celebrities, ApSO, 21, JulSI, 30, Mitterrand, Fran~ois, JulBI, 32-33, AuBl, 17, MayB3, 5, SB3, 32, JunB4, 10, 12,
Mar85, 2S, S85, 30, AuS6, 30, SB7, 27; 11-13, OcBl, 35, OS1, 14-15, ApB3, 29­ SB4, 10-11, NB4 11, 36, MarB5, 18;
marriage license refused, OBO, 23; 30, MayB3, 29-30, JuIB3, 31, MarB4, 2B­ associates, OcB4, 16; finances, SB4,
missile silo, FB7, 29; Moon's mass 29, SB4, 7-9, ApB5, 32, MayB5, 36, 1B-19; Israeli trips, MayB6, 30; Jewish
marriages, OcBI, 36, NB2, 2B; New ApB6, 32, JaB7, 30, ApB7, 24; Vichy backers, NB4 17, OB4, 40; minority
Zealand, N76, 23, Mar7B, 13-14; Peru, past, FB4, 27; visits U.S. Jews, JuIB4, kowtowing, AuB4, 24; pro-Semitism,
AuB5,34;TV,FB3,30,JunB4,2B,ApB5, 31 OB4, 40; refuses Arab money, OcB4, 16,
27 Mivgish, Ed, FB7, 25 SB7, 2B; solicits gays, FB3, 30
Mishima, Yukio, Jun76, 9, 19, AuB6, 30 Mobile (AL), OcB1, 23 Monday Club (Britain), N77, 24, Au78, 20,

Mishkin, Edward, Jun77, 13 Mobile Oil Corp., Jun79, 31, ApB6, 19 SB5, 31, MarB6, 27, OB6, 33
Mishler, Jacob, JunB2, 27 Mobius Strip, Ja76, 7 Mondrian, Piet, NB7, B
Mishlin, V., Jun7B, 23 Mobuto (Sese Seko), 07B, 26, JuIBO, 31, Mondrowitz, Avrohom, AuS7, 28

monetary systems, May77, 8, 22
Moore, Gregory Lee, F87, 19
Morrice. Ana, SS6, 34

Money, John W., Au79, 18

Moore, Harold, May8t,31
Morris, Adrian G .• Jr., 087, 30

money, 578, 6, 15; laundering, NS6, 31

Moore, Henry, Ap84, 15
Morris. Benjamin, Ap87, 33

Monge, Luis Alberto, Jun82, 30

Moore, Hilmar, Oc81 , 23-24
Morris, Claud, Jul77, 18

Mongolia, F77, 21
Moore, Jack, Ja84, 31
Morris, Robert, 076, 6-7, 16-17

Mongolian spot, MayS5, 25

Moore, James, N87. 27
Morris, Terry. N77. 11

Mongoloids, JunS4, 14, MarS7, 13; babies,

Moore. Keith. N87, 19
Morris, William, ApSO, 25

OS7, 26; in Eastern Europe, De84, 13;

Moore, Mary Tyler, F84, 26
Morrison. Bill, Oc81 , 22

traits, OS7, 26
Moore, Paul, Jr., Jun79, 18
Morrison, David, JunS7, 21

Mongols, F77, 21
Moore, Sara Jane, F76, 16, Ja85, 10
Morrison. George A., SB5, 29

Monhegan Island (ME), sso, 12

Moore, Tim, Maras, 16, FS6, 11-12
Morrison. Herbert, NS5, 23

monkeys, N87, 31; female. OS6. 14

Moore, W. Bedford III, Mayas, 29
Morrison, Lionel, AuS7, 29

Monnet, Jean. JuIS2, 5

Moorer, Thomas, ApSS, 5; on Uberty
Morrison. Philip, Au78, 7

Monod, Jacques, Ap77. 5,21, May77, 6,

coverup, Oc86, 39
Morrison, Toni, Ja82, 21; American quote,

Moorhead, Carlos, DeS5, 31

monopoloy, ApSO, 15-17; metals, JuIS5,

Mar, Brian. OcSO. 28
Morrissey, Paul, 086, 20

Mor, Nathan Y., N80, 29
Morrow. Dwight, MarS2, 13

Monroe Doctrine, Ja76, 16

Moral Majority. Ja82, 5·6
Morse, A. Reynolds, Jun82, 19

Monroe, Bill, S7S, 16, JaS2, 7

Moral und Hypermora/, oeSo, 20
Morse, John, Au85, 18, Oc86, 33, Ja87,

Monroe. James, Ja87. 18

Morales, Richard, Jr., 076. 12
30, MarS7, 30

Monroe. Marilyn, MarS2, 23, F83, 2S;

Morales, Roberto. 081. 32
Mortara incident, MarSO, S

Einstein rumor, NS1, is; Jewish mentors,

Morales, William, N84, 29
Mortimer, Edward. JuISO, 31

MarS3. 29; shared by Kennedys, FS5.

morality, Au76, 4, 17-17, Ap79, 29-30
Morton Grove (IL), May82, 32; guns

21, Ja86, 28; will. MayS4, 25

Moran, Brendan, Ja80, 19-20
outlawed, SS2,31

Montagu, Edwin, JunS3, 27. JuIS3, 13-14;

Moran, Frank, Jul7S, is
Morton, James P., Jun87, 19

Moran, Mitchell, JaS5, 3S
Morton, Samuel J., 878, 10, AuS2, 6

Montagu (see M. F. Ashley Montagu)

Moran, Oscar, Ja8S, 36
Mosbacher, Robert A., Au85, 31

Montague. David, 577,14

Moran, Robert, Jul86, 18
Mosby, Ivory, MarSS, 2S

Montaigne, AuS7, 23
Moravia, Alberto, N84, 26
Moscone, Edward, Mar79, 10, 26

Montalcini, Rita Levi, Au87, 31

Moravia, Jun80, 11-12
Moscone, George, Au78, 20, Ju181, 17,

Montand, Yves, ApB4, 29

Mordechai, David, MarS7, 29
Jun84, 21, Jul84, 31, Mar85. 19

Montaron, Georges, NS2, 29

mordida, Jul8S, 15
Moscow State Symphony. N87, 16

Monte Alban, SS7, 21

Morehead, GardelJ, De85, 31
Moscow, AuS5, 24·25, 585,26·27

Monte Carlo, clientele change, 080, 2B

Monillos, Comtesse de, Mar79, 27
Moscowitz, Natasha, MarS1, 30

Montefiore, Hugh, JuIB3, 30, AuS4, 30,

Moreno. Rita. Ap78, 24
Moscowitz, Sam, 077, S

Moreno, Whigberto J .. AuS7. 22
Moseley. Winston, Ju179, 11

Montefiore, Leonard, FS7, 30

mores, NS2, 25
Moses, origins, ApS7, 25

Monterey (Mexico), FS1, 11

Morga, Eduardo, Jun7S, 23
Moses, Robert, NS1, 30

Montezuma, Au87, 23
Morgan. Bronwen. May87, 19
Moshinsky, Efin, Au87, 20

Montgomery (ALl, politics, JaB4, 17

Morgan, Dan, ApSO, 20
Moshlak, Norma and Melvin, Jun86, 34

Montgomery, Bernard L., 07S. 19, MarSO.

Morgan, J.P., 07S, 12-15, Ap 76,13. 077,
Moskos, Charles, N82, is

27, MayS7, 26-27

Moslems, Spanish colonies, Jun87, 32;

Montgomery, Elizabeth, Ja7B. 20

Morgan. Lewis Henry, Ja77. 7. 18-1 9.
U.S.S.R., 083, 33; Western Europe,

Montgomery, Mike, Au7S, 10

Oc78, 21. Jul79, 8, Ja80, 13

Montgomery, Zach, Ap79, 9

Morgan, Thomas B.. F77, 8, Jun78. 15
Mosley, Alexander, JaS6, 25

Montherlant, Henry, De7B, 15

Morgan. Vicki, FS3, 21
Mosley, Diana, 076,24, Jul77, 8, Mar78,

Montifiore, Hugh, Ap78, 24

Morgan, William K. C.• Ap7S. 11
6, 21-24. F79, 26, Au79, 11, F81, 27,

Montor, Henry, N77, 21

Morgan-Witz, Max, Ap8S, 22
Ap81. 23. Ap83. 25, 583, 31, Oc85. 26.

Montoya, Robert, N81 , 34

Morgen, (55 Judge), May77, 11
28, N85, 22-24, Ja86, 25-26. F86, 24;

Montreal, manners, F87, 25; poem, F87,

Morgenstern. Michael. Mar83. 29
book review, N86, 18-19; in prison,

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.• De76, 9, 078. 19.

Moody, Brian K., Ja87, 26

Mosley, James L, AuS7, 27

Moody, Patricia, AuBO, 30

Morgenthau, Henry. Sr., Ja79. 27. Ap84.
Mosley, Leonard, Jun77, 11

moon landing, relativity unneeded, OcBl,

Mosley. Nicholas (Lord Ravensdale).

Morgenthau, Robert, N79, 16, Au85. 31
May77. 24, JunS3, 2S. Oc85, 26-27,

Moon, Sun Myung. 077, 12, Jun81, 21,

Mari, Hideo, Au87, 2S

OcSl, 36, F82, 19, NS2. 20-21, 28, Ja83,

Morial, Ernest, FS1, 15, , MaySI, 36, JulBI,
Mosley. Oswald, 076, 24, Mar77, 20,

36, 0c82, 26
May77, 18-19, May77, 24, Jul77, S,

Morison, Samuel E., Au76, 15
Au77, 20. 577, 14, Mar7B, 6, 22-24.

Mooney, Richard. Mar76, 9

Mormons, JunSO, 24, JuISI, 22, JulS2, 25;

Mooney, Tom, FS2, 19

recorded names, SS5, 29
26, 080, 19, ApS1, 22-23, ApS3, 24-25,

Moonies, 077, 12
Mormons, welcome blacks, Oc81 , 22
SS3, 2S-31, AU84, 28. FS5. 25, OcB5,

Moonlighting, F87, 27, MayB7. 2B

Morning of the Magicians, The, Jun76, 3
26-2S, N85, 22-24, JaS6, 26. MarS6, 25­
moonlighting, federal workers, Oc82. 27
Moro, Aldo, JunS3, 29-30
26, ApS6, 30-31, May86, 7; European

Moorcock, Michael, Ja86, 35. MayB6, 6-8

Morocco. Melilla enclave, JunS7, 32
unity, 879, 15, 23; Mussolini subsidy,

Moore. Douglas, OS1. 31

Morosov, Joseph, Ap8S. 33
NS5, 24; obituary, Mar81 , 24; relations

Moore. Dudley. SS3, 33

Moroz, Valentyn. Ja85, 3S
with Jews, SS3, 30

Moore, Elsie C. J., MayS2, 16

Morphis, Michael, Ap79, 32
Mosley, Pamela, NS5, 23

Moore. George, N79, 16

Morrel. lady Ottoline, S7S, 11
Mosley, Tom, Fa6, 26


mosques, in Britain, JaS7, 30 1S, OcS7, 16; miscasting, JuIS2, 19, Mugabe, Robert, MaySO, 21, JuISO, 34-35.
Moss, Robert, JunS1, 10-15, MayS2, lS DS2. 31, ApS5, 20, MarS6, 29; mis­ Ja81, 34, MaySI, 35, JuISI, 34, SS1, 37,
Massad, N79, 9, 079, 19, MayS2. 15; cegenation, Ja78. 20, N78. 9-10, Jul84, OS5, 35, OcS6, 36-37, FS7, 21, MarS7.
criminal acts. JuSO. 34. JaS2, 9-10. 16; Nazi trials, Ja83, 16-17; Negroes, 28, N87, 13, NS7, 31; feted in U.S., NSO,
OcS2, 31; disinformation. OSl. 33; hit JunS5. 30, OcS5, 19; nerds. DS6, 20; 33
team victims. NSO, 32; kidnappings. new westerns, ApS2, 19; Nordic Mugabe, Sally. MayS4, 30
MarS7, 33-34, 0c84, 31, MayS5, 32, aesthetics. JuIS4, 17; perverted Mugger Blood, MarSS, 34
JunS7, 32; supports Red Brigades, critics, MarS7, 1S; perverted stars, Muggeridge, Malcolm JulSO, 32, SS1. 16,
Jun83, 30; use of arson, ApS5, 22; wire ApS6, 29; political bias, Ju187. 25-26; FS2. 2S. JuIS5, 13
taps, ApS6, 7 porn review. JunS4, 1S; pro-Majority, mugging, Jun77, 13
Masse, George L. AuS2. 13 FS4. 22; pro-Sandinista, SSS, 21; pro­ Muhammad, Wallace A., May79, 13, N79,
Mota, loret de, N86. 22 Semitic, SS2. 6, Jul84, 30; pro-U.S.S.R., 1S-19, JuISI. 17, JaB6, 21
motels. JaS6, 29; Asian takeover. OcS2, JuIS4, 29; quote, ApS3, 26; reviews, Muhammed, Elijah (Poole), N77, 9, May
26 DS3, 17; salaries, N83. 31 ; science 79,13,N84,20,Ja86.21
Mother Alexandra. May78, 12-13 fiction. OeSO, 18; stars wed to Jews, Mukerji, Savitri D., 083, 27-2S
Mother Cabrini, N78. 12 OeSO, 29; stories, JuIS5, 23; trends, mulattoes, Ja79, 10, 27, May79, 20
Mother Divine, JaS1. 20 582, 5-7; vigilante films, S82, 31; Muldoon, Robert, 081,20, ApSl, 29
Mother Earth News, JunS5, S WASP actors, May81, 19; WASP Mulisch, Harry, JaS6, 33-34
Mother Eve, OcS7, 17 dynasties, Ju185, 19; white gangs, Mull, Barney, OcS1, 23
Mother Goose, Christian versions, MarS2, MaySS, 20; wimps, DS6, 20; X-rated. Mull, Martin, SS5, 2S, F86, 15. Ja87, 25,
18 AuS7,24 MarS7,25
Mother Jones, OS4. 32-33, JunS6, 22; Motlana, Nthato, MaySO. 32 Mullan, Donnie, OcS2, 14
nonprofit status, Ap83, 20; praises R. Motley, Constance B., F77, 12 Mullen, H.C., Mar79, 17
Means, N82, 14-15; qualifies as tax motorists, robbed, SS3, 22 MOiler, Harald, F7S, 23
exempt, MarS4, 17; seal of approval, Mott, Stewart, JuISO, 2S. Ju182, 25 Muller, Hermann, NS2, 5
OcS3,30 Motulsky, Arno G., 079,18 MOiler, Ludwig, FS1, 19
motherhood, 00S2, 25, MarS3, 27 Mouly. Fran9)ise, MayS7. 16 Mulroney, Brian, MayS4, 27, Oc84, 30,
mothers, employed, NS3, 29 Mount Kenya, NS6, 26 NS7, 12; African trip, MayS7,33;
motion pictures, F76, 15, Jun77, 12-13, Mount. Charles M. (Sherman Suchow), background, NS4, 31; on multiracialism,
Au77, 17,077,7,20-21, Ja79, 13, DeSI, DS7,30 FS7, 7
36, MarS6, 30, MayS6, 7, AuS6, 2S; Mountan, John, F81, 20 multiculturism, Au85, 20
actors on drugs, NSS, 2S; anti-American, Mountbatten family, Mar79, 13 multiracial societies, Au79, 16, MarS3, 10­
OcS2, 2S; anti-Arab, JunS4, 34; anti­ Mountbatten, Edwina, Jun85, 32; black II

- Catholic, OcS4, 34; anti-Irish. JuIS7. 35;

anti-Nazi, De79, 17, JuIS3, 20, FS5.40,

S85, 20, JulS6, lS, OS6, 36; anti­

lovers, JaSl, 33, NS4, 31

Mountbatten, louis, JaSO, 29, Ja81, 33,
Ap84,20.JunS5, 32; alleged
Mulugeta, Prince, May76. 6
Mumford, Lewis,De76, 15
Mumford, Stephen, OeSl, 10, Ap84. 26,
nuclear, Ju184, 16-17; anti-Semitic, SS3,
homosexual, MarSO. 26 MayS5,23

16-17, Mar85, 29-30; anti-Southern bias,

May83, 20, May8S, 31; anti-Soviet,

Au84, 22; antiwhite, F80, 21, AuS2, 17,

S82, 6-7, Ju184, 16, Ap85, 36, MayS5,

Mourant, A.E., De79, 9

MOVE (Negro cult), Au85, 19-20, OS5, 22­
23, May86, 19, MayS6, 29
Movimento Socia Ie Italiano, Ap86, 25
Mungo man, May87, 37
Munich agreement, N7S, 5
Munich, NS6, 15; travelogue, FS7, 32
Munk, Hermann, S79, 11

- 20,31, Au85, 16, 086, 20, Ju187. 25;

Australian, F84. 22; awards, Ju176, 10;

bestiality, 086. 31; blacklist, NS1, 30,

F86. 20, OS7, 19; blasphemous, SS5, 21;

Moye, Charles A., Jr., ApSO, 21

Moyers, Bill, Ap76, 10, MarS2, 23, OcS3.
30, OcS6, 29, N86. 20, OS6, 2S-29, FS7,
36; biased interviews, AuS1, 22; Liberty
Munnion. Christopher, NS1. 21
Munoz, Robert. Ja85. 33. JunS5, 31,
Munoz-Conde, Francisco, Ju183, 33

- cartoons, FS3, 13-14; censored. NS4,

25, FS6, 22; corporate structure, OS6,

20; criminal execs, NS2, 15-16; criticized

by Chinese. JuISO, 19; degenerate films,
Moyle, Colin, N7S, 24
Moyne, Lord, Oc77, 15, OS5. 27, OS7, 9
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, Jun76, 6, 076,
Munroe, Jack. MayS7, 33
Munson. Howard G., OS1, 20
Munson, James, F8S, 38
Murat. Felix and John, N86, 22
OS6, 24-25, MarS7, lS; degeneration, 12, Ja77. 12, JaSO, 20, JulSO, 2S, JuIS2, Muraveohik. Joshua, AuSS. 21
MayS5, 20; ethnics, SS2, 7; feminism, 15; FS4, 15, Oc86, 32; King holiday, Murchie, Gay, 086, 16
MaySS, 20;Gone With the Wind, Jun7S. 083,7 Murdani, Benny, N84, 34
9, 20; Hitler era, JunSO, 35, DS6, 36; Mozambique, Jun7S, 14, 579,11. NSO. Murder Inc.• AuS5, 10
Holocaust, ApS2, 17; homosexual 33,AuS4,3S-39,FS5, 16,ApS6, 15; murder, F76. 6, N77, 12, Ja7S, 12, S86,
productions. ApS2, 17, AuS2. 23; honest alleged atrocity, OS7, 33; anti-U.S. 30, F87, 29. NS7, 20; American in Britain,
critics, MayS6. 1S; hyped figures, OcS7, votes, NS6, 30; Communist interference, Ap86, 32; Asian-on-Asian, Mar87, 29;
16; in Britain, MayS7, 30; in France, 086,36; Russian plane crash, DS7, 34; avenged, NS4, 35; black-on-black, SS6,
JulS7, 32, NS5, 32; in Italy. NS4. 26; in South African pact, Jun84, 35; South 34, F87, 29, MayS7, 31, AuS7, 2S; black·
South Africa, De85, 34, DSS. 35; in African raid. JunSI, 34; worst place to on-black children, SS6, 33; black-on·
U.S.S.R., JunS4. 34, Oc85, 34; in West live, Ju187, 27 nuns, May87, 32; black·on-police, 087.
Germany, JunS2, 24, Ap83. 30; Jewish Mozart, W. A., May7S, 14, Jul80, 24, 087, 30; black-on-white, SS6, 34, ApS7, 28,
dynasties. Ju185. 19; Jewish influence, 34 MayS7, 31, JunS7, 2S, .lulS7, 28, AuS7,
MarSO, 20Au86, 18; Jews and Negroes Mr. America, JaS4, 27 27,SS7,26,OcS7,27, NS7,27,OS7,30;
praised. Oc84, 34; Jewish influence, Ms magazine, MarSI, 21 by poison, 086, 31; by Soviet Jews in
Ap84, 25, Oc85, 18. Jun86, 34; Jews, Mubarak. Joseph. JuISO. 34 U.S., SS6, 33; ChamberS-levin, 086, 25;
Mar80,20. Mar81. 16-17; Kung Fu films, Mudd, Roger, Jun80, 25 Cuban-on-white, AuS7. 2S; drug related,
Ju185, 34; leftist directors, SS2, 5; Mueller, Adam, 075, 16 SS4, 1S; Ethiopian-on-white, N8S, 20;
macho actors, Jun86. 23; minority Muenzenberg, Willy, May77, 10, NS3, 10­ false report, MayS6, 1S; Georgia 1973­
racism, Ju179, 2S, May80, 20, May86, 11, OS3, 12-13 79. FS7, 2S; Hispanic-on-white. OS6, 31,

N87, 19; in classroom, May87, 31; in 27;Jewish influence, Jun79, 12-13,584, NAAWP, FS3, 36, MayS4, 24, ApS7, 6;
Harlem, F86, 21; in prison, Mar87, 28; 16, Oc84, 6-7; Jewish modernists, OS4, computer blown, 085,20; publication,
Indian-on-white, Jun85, 32; interracial, 20-21; Jews and Negroes, Mar78, 17, OcS5,21
077,13; Jew on non-Jew, 586, 34; Jew­ Jun7S, 21-22, 579, 26, OSO, 13-14; Nablu, James M., III, May7S, 1S
on-police, 087,30; Jewish-on-white, modern, 075, 10, Oc7S, 12, 25, FS2, 11 ; Nader, Ralph, Oc76, 4, Ju179, 10, 080, 11,
Ap87, 36; mother-on-son, Mar87, 29; Nordic, F7S, 23; perversion of, May7S, ulSI, 17, Mar82, 26, ApS2, 15, MayS2,
multiple, F85, 31; Negro-on-police, 14, Ja87, 28; popular, 579, 26-27, 2S; anti-sterilization, OcS1, 23
Oc87, 28; Negro animalism, May86, 19; JunS3, 32; precosity, OcS4, 6-7; Nadir, Susan, JaS4, 27
odds by race, Au85, 30; of gays, Ja87, prehistoric, AuSO, 21; pro-German, Nagasaki, MayS7, 24; casulaties, OS5, 31
28; plus rape, Mar87, 28; rates by cities, JuIS2, 32; punk songs, ApS1 , 20; Nagler, Neville, JaS2, 29
F82, 17, Ja83, 25, F84, 24, Mar86, 30; quotas, ApS1, 9; racial aspects, MarSO, Nagurski, Bronko, May7S, 9
rates by race, S86, 23, Ap87, 27; rates 11-12; radicals in, Oc7S, 25; Nahum, Menahem, racist quote, FS7, 10
U.S., 077, 13; rates worldwide, N81, 29; raucousness, FS6, 6-7; reggae, MarS2, Nail, William F., NS7, 34
ritual, N84 16, Oc87, 32; satanic,Oc87, 2S; rock groups, Mar7S, 16; schools, Naiman, Arthur, AugS3, 22
16; self-defense, F78, 10-11, Mar87, 20; Ja79, 27; soul, Ap77, 13; Southern, N76, Naipaul, Shiva, MaySI, 34, FS7, 30
serial, F84, 24, Ja85, 10, May86, 21; 6, 17; tastelessness, NS1, 30; "white Naipaul, V. 5., ApS2, 5-7, FS7, 30; Africa
Vietnamese-on-white, Jun85, 32, Mar87, Negroes" Ja7S, 12; white rock, OcS3, quote, ApS7, 21
29; white-on-Asian, 585,16-17,587,34; 17-1S Nairobi, SS5, 33, JuIS6, 26, SS6, 29
white-on-black, N87, 19; white-on-Jew, musical comedies, Au77, 7, 17-1S, MarSO, Naisbett, Cortney, FS3, S-10
Ap87,21 24-25, JuISO, 24 Najavits, Lisa, AuS7, 19
murderers, 584, 26, May85, 31 musical groups, JuI7S, 13 Nakamura, Mark, ApS1, 27
Murdoch, David H., F87, 17 Musil, Alois, ApS4, 2S Nakash, Joe, Avi and Ralph, JuIS2, 26
Murdoch, Rupert, Ap82, 32, Jun85, 31, Muskie, Edmund, Ja76, 17, Jul77, 19, Nakash, Joe, JunSI, 22, JuIS2, 26
Ja86, 30, Jun86, 17, F87, 17, Jul87, 29; AuSO, 23, MarS2, 23, JuIS7, 26 Nakash, William, MarS7, 34
magazines, Mar85, 26; media empire, Muslims (see Moslems) Nakasone, Yasuhiro, FS4, 17, MayS7, 36­
Au85, 15; mother, Au83, 31 Mussert, Anton, 07S, 6, FSO, 1S 37, OS7, 20; Ainu blood, ApS7, 34;
Murdock, George P., Ap83, 12 Mussolini family, ApS3, 30 criticizes U.S. groups, OS6, 23, FS7, 34
Murdock, Harold, Oc86, 32 Mussolini, Benito, May76, 6-7, 17, Ju176, Nakhleh, Issah, FS2, 32
Murphy, Austin, Oc87, 18 16, 076, 22, Mar7S, 22, ApS5, 19, names, changed, AuS5, 3D, JunS7, 2S,
Murphy, Bruce A., Ju182, 5 MayS5, 11; ApS6, 25, NS6, 32, JaS7, 11; OcS7, 2S; invented, MayS7, 21 ; racial
Murphy, Oevla, 084,37, Au85, 34 mistress, NS4, 26; quote, AuS2, 11, hybrids, JunS7, 33
Murphy, Eddie, Oc83, 29, Ap84, 26 JaS3, 19; rehabilitation, ApS3, 30; TV Namibia (also see South-West Africa),
Murphy, Edward F., Ap87, 19 docudrama, NS5, 26 F77, 5, 1S; South African invasion,
Murphy, Francis, Ja83, 23 Mussolini, Bruno, May76, 7 ApS6,17
Murphy, Gerald, Au77, 7 Mussry, Oavid, ApS2, 1S Namier, Lewis B., MayS5, 34
Murphy, Nigel, 086, 18 Musto, William, JuIS2, 26 Nanak, Guru, OcS4, 33
Murphy, Pat, Ju179, 27 mutants, few from Hiroshima, MayS7, 24 Nanking, rape of, MayS5, 36
Murphy, Paul, 07S, 22 mutiny, Curragh, JunS3, 27 Naoroji, Oadabhai, OcS7, 30
Murphy, Reg, 077,23 mutts, Ja79, 14 Napoleon I, Oc76, 10, F77, 20, Au77, 5,
Murphy, Rus, Jun79, 14 Muzorewa, Abel, 579, 11, JaSI, 34 SSO, 14,AuS4, 10, JunS6, 12, NS6,32,
Murphy, Warren, MarS5, 34 My Lai massacre, MayS5, 2S ApS7, 19, SS7, 7
Murphy, William H., Ja84, 17 Mycenae, 577,27 Napoleon III, 075, 15
Murray State University, SS7, 23 Myers, Harry, MarS1, 31 Napoleonic Wars, May77, 17
Murray, Charles, FS5, 10-11 Myers, John T., FS2, 27 Narayan, Rudy, NS1, 31, JunS2, 2S-29
Murray, John Courtney, 581, 11 Myers, Kathy, OS5, 33 Narjes, Mabel, OcSO, 5
Murray, Jon G., Au7S, 13 Myers, Michael, JaS1, S NASA, JuI7S, S, 20·21, FS3, 35, OS7, S­
Murray, Phil, Ja84, 14 Myers, Norman, NS5, 20 9; few Negroes, JuISO, 10; Negro
Murrow, Oaniel, OcS4, 21 Myerson, Bess, NS3, 14, MayS6, 32, arrogance, JunSO, 20; setbacks, Ap86,
Murrow, Edward R., 087,28 ApS7, 2S; criminal charges, SS7, 27 26
Murta,Jack,JunS5,33 Myles, Ralph, Jul77, 20 Nascimento, Milton, JuIS7, 1S
Musarurwa, Willie, AuS2, 27 Myrdal, Gunnar, 07S, 21-22, Jun79, 17, Nash,Eva,ApS7,27
Music Corporation of America, MarS7, 19 MarS6, 33, SS7, 2S, OcS7, 20 Nash, Richard, anti-Hollywood quote,
music (also see jazz and country music), Myth of the Jewish Race, The, Oc79, 9 AuS6,2S
Jun7S, 10, 21-22, MarS7, 25; agencies, mythology, Norse, JaS6, 36 Nashville Banner, F77, 20
Ja79, 7, 26; American, 576, 9, Mar77, myths, NS7, 32 Nashville, Ap76, 9, JaS2, 7
11, Au77, 7, 17-18; ancient, SS7, 10; Nasser, Gamal A., Jul77, 1S, OS1, 6,
OcS2, 25, JunS4, 34; Holocaust
anthems, SS3, 23; anti-Arab records,
MayS7, 32; anti-racism, 082, 1S; anti­ N remarks, OS4, 35
Semitism, N76, 11-12, MaySI, 9; atonal, NAACP Legal Oefense Fund, May7S, 6, Nathan, Irvin, MarSI, 23
May76, 11; black vs. white jazz, Ap82, 07S, S, MaySO, 15, JaS1, 15-16, FS1, 31, Nathan, Michael, AuS5, 35
1S-1 9; blacks in operas, ApS1, 9-10, JunS3, 31-32, NS4, 30, Nathan, Robert, 077, S, JaS4, 14
NS2, 17; blue-eyed, MayS6, 10-13; NAACP, Mar76, 1S, Oc77, 25,077,7,21, Nathanson, Bernard, NSS, 29
bluegrass, S7S, 15-16, JaS2, 7-S, JuISO, 25, NSO, 34, JuISI, 10, ApS2, 29, Nation Europa, Ap76, 18+, Mar77, 20
MarS7, 25; business, Ja79, 7, 26-27; NS2, 20; civil rights suit, AuS7, 26; IQ Nation of Islam, JaS6, 21
censorship, Ja76, 23, JuI7S, 14, OcS2, tests, OeS7, 21; Md. hq. threathened, Nation, The, F77, S, May77, 12, Ju179, 12,
19; criticism, 075, 10, FS2, 1S; disco, SS1, 21 ; new hq., SS6, 32; Port Gibson JuISI, 22, JaS4, 15, JunS6, 1S; attacks
Ap77, 13; equalitarian songs, JuIS4, 17; boycott, MarS1, 36; rejects white, JunSI, Instauration, NS7, 15; fires Cockburn,
few whites at black concerts, Oc7S, 2S; 35; sued for boycotting, SS2, 19; white NS4 17, JuIS6, 3S
folk, S7S, 7; Jewish critics, Ja79, donations, Jun79, 31 National Academy of Sciences, Ap76, 10,


S77, 20, Dc77, 25, S79, 9; supports IQ

Germany), 081, 33, 087,32 policy, Au86, 13; music, Dc77, 9;
tests, May82, 16
National Education Association, Dc76, 14,
origins, 078, 12

National Action Party (Switzerland), F86,

S78, 13, N8S, 36, F86, 13-14, Mar87, 10;
national sovereignty, Mar83, 15

attacks Klan, De80, 20
National States Rights Party, Jul80, 18,

National Action, Mar84, 30

National Educator, S81 , 25
Au80, 18

National Aeronautics and Space Agency

National Endowment for the Arts, Ap86, 18
National Taxpayers Union, Au79, 21

(see NASA and space) National Enquirer, Mar76, 19 , Jul78, 11,

National Times (Australia), May79, 23

National Alliance, Dc78. 28, N78, 24, Ja81, Dc79,19

National Urban League, N82, 20, Ap83, 32

National Football League, Ja78, 20
National Vanguard. Dc78, 28, N78, 24,

National Anti-Klan Conference, Ap81 , 14

National Front (Australia), N78, 24, F79,
Mar84, 17, Dc8S, 21

National Anti-Klan Network, 084, 21

National Women's Politican Caucus, Ja84,

- National Archives, Ja87, 27

National Assn. for Gifted Children, Jul80,


National Assn. for Neighborhood Schools,

National Front (Britain), N76, 23, Mar77,

20, May77, 7, 21, Jul77, 11, Au77, 20,

S77, 14, N77, 24, F78, 22-23, Mar78, 28,

Ap78, 10, May78,23,Jun78,24,Au78,


National Writers Union, Mar8S, 35

nationalism, Jul77, 11, N78, 4, Ja81, 29,

Ap81, 22-23, Ja82, 13; 8cottish and

080,31 6, 16, 20, S7S, 20, 07S, 2S, F79, 14,

Welsh, Ap79, 21

National Assn. of Arab Americans, ads,

Mar79, 17, Ap79, 6, 20-24, 32, F81, 36,
nationalists, F8S, 25

F83, 36; Bryen case, 083, 21

Ap81, 22-23, Jul81, 32, Mar83, 30,
nationality groups, comparison of, Oc81 ,

National Association for the Advancement Mar84, 27-28, S84, 28, N84, 32, Jun8S,

of Colored People (see NAACP) 35, Jul8S, 7-11, 086, 33; attacks, on,
nations, best to live in, Ja83, 25;

National Association for the Advancement F79, 27, Jun79, 32; bookshop, Jul8S,
compared according to per capital

of White People (see NAAWP) 11; election returns, Jun79, 32, Au79,
income, 077, 10; list of democratic

National Baptist Convention, Ap79, 13,

27; homosexuals, Jul83, 9·11; in
countries, Mar8S, 17

Jun84, 12
Northern Ireland, Dc77, 28, N86, 32;
native Americans (see Indians)
National Black Independent Political internal troubles, Jul80, 14-17, S82, 28,
nativity scene, Jul84, 36

Party, Ja82, 22-23

Ap84, 29; marches, Ja79, 28; members
NATD, Ap80, 18; cost. Ja87, 20; Negro

National Black Political Caucus, 085, 34

acquitted, Ju179, 28; platform, Jun87, 34
recruits, Dc83, 29

National Black Students Assn., engages

National Front (France) (see Front National
Natural History, Au80, 33-34; contents

- Duke, Jun81, 35

National Black United Fund, 083, 21

National Bolshevism, F78, 8, 20

National Broadcasting Co., Mar76, 19,



National Front (South Africa), Dc78, 28,

National Gay Task Force, Mar84, 10

distorted, May82, 17

natural resources, wasters of, Ap84, 27

natural selection, Ap77, 4, 20, Mar87, 17

naturaliZation, 885, 30; nonwhites, JulSI,

- Jun76, 7, F77, 8; executives, 078, 16;

Germans demand equal time, F81, 36 ;

licensed challenged by Jews, Jul84, 36;

National Broadcasting Co., music

National Geographic. Ju178, 11, NS6, 27,

JunS7, 29-30

National Justice Foundation, S76, 19

National Lampoon. Dc7S, 27, F79, 17,


nature vs. nurture, Ja78, 13

nature, 085,13-15

Naunapper, Eric, N82, 5-6

divisions, Ja79, 7; news programs,
Naundorff. Karl, Ap77, 24

Mar84, 18
National Lawyers Guild, N77, 6
Nava, Martin, 087, 30

National Center for Atmospheric

National Legal Research Program for
Navajos, Jun84, 21; discrimination, Ap86,

Research, N86, 36
White Prisoners. Jul86, 19

National Character Laboratories, Mar8S,

National Merit Scholarships, Ja8S, 21,
Navasky, Victor, Ja82, 21, N84, 17

- 36

National Christian Democratic Union,



National Observer, Mar78, 15

National Organization for Women (NDW),

Navon, Yitzhak, May81, 34

Navratilova, Martina, S84, 24, Au8S, 30,

Dc8S, 30, Jul86, 28, S86, 34, May87,

National Christian Leadership Conference
supports prostitution, S84, 27
for Israel, N82, 9
National Drganization of Farmers, May83,
Nayar, P. P., Mar83, 31

National Coalition of Black Gays, F81, 31

Naylor, Tom, Au84, 35

National Collegiate Athletic Association,

National Park Service, S77, 27
Nazi Gold, Au8S, 14, Aug86, 31-32

Ap83, 18, 084, 23

national parks, Jul8S, 23
Nazi hunters (also see Office of Special

- National Confederation of American Ethnic

Groups, Jun86, 40

National Conference of Catholic Bishops,

National Party (Britain), N76, 23, Mar77,

20, May 77, 7, 21, Jul77, 11, S77, 14,

Dc77, 2S, 077, 23

Investigations), S83, 24, Aug84, 34,

Jul84, 7, Ap8S, 30, Jul8S, 38-39, S8S, 9,

20, May86, 20, Dc86, 11-13, May87,

S76, 9, May8S, 19
National Party (South Africa), F86, 37,
32, Jun87, 29, Jul87, 17-18; denounced,

National Conference of Christians and

Jun86, 40; ethnics oppose, JuI8S, 38­
Jews, Dc77, 14
National Press Club, Israel debate, 084,
39; in academia, Mar87, 20-21; in Britain,

National Conservative Political Action

S8S, 32; lies of, 085, 6; tall tales, Ju187,

Committee (NCPAC), N81, 11-12; fined,

National Prison Project, Jul86, 19

Dc86,32 National Public Radio, S80, 22, Jul81, 5,

Nazi memorabilia, 081, 33; banned in
National Conservative Public Affairs
Dc83, 29, Mar84, 18
Germany, Ja83, 2S
Council, N79, 27
National Resistance (Australia), 077, 23,
Nazi Party, 084, 27; Jewish financier,
National Coordinating Council for
Constructive Action, May79, 27
National Review. Jun76. 20, Jul77, 20,
Nazi war criminals, in U.8., F8S, 33

National Council of Churches, 077, 12,

S77, 11, May82, 32; intermarriage plea,
Nazis, bookstore burned, Au78, 20;

S78, 13, Ap79, 13, Ap83, 23, May8S, 31;

F87, 20; Sobran affair. NS7, 15; sues
children of, JunS7, 13; film types,

criticizes Israel, Ap81, 19; Semitic bias,

Liberty Lobby, JaS6, 17
MarSI, 19; in Germany, 087, 32; in U.S.,

National Security Agency, book on,
N77, 14, Mar78, 28, Oc78 , 17-18, Jun80,

national debt, Dc83, 30, Mar87, 27

May83, 32; Liberly report. N83, 36
10-11, Ja84, 31, MarS4, 7, Ja86, 26;on

national defense, N77, 14

National Socialism (Germany), May76, 10,
television, 886, 30; post-WWII, 083, 27­
National Democratic Party (West N76, 19. Jul82, 14, 086,20; agricultural
28; praised by Briton and Jew, F87, 30;


race of leaders. May78, 17; Rorschach media, 078, 22; back to Africa, Ju179, 7, parties, MarS1, 35; Titanic sinking, S80,
Tests, 577,13 21-25; beauty contests, NS3, 13-15; 23; U.S. homeland, NB3. 16; urban
Nazism, Au77, 13, 077, 8, JuIS5. 25-26; behavior, NS6. 6·9; bright failures, Oc8S, decay, Mar7B, 9, 25; vandalism, May82,
opponents, Ap83 , 8-9. JuIS5. 37; school 20; brood mares, AuS2, 20; bureaucrats, 16·17; voters and officials, JuIS4. 30,
dramatiZation, MarS2, 18 N87, 36; buy black campaign, MarS6, 21, Oc84, 27; whites belittled. SS3, 13.
NBC (see National Broadcasting Co.) JunS6, 31-32; Carlyle's criticism, Oc78, Oc87, 10·11; whites fear. Jul87, 1S; wild
Neal, Jack, May78. 14 16; census definition, DS7, 23; children, theories, Au80. 18; traits, 087, 26
Neanderthal man, Ap82, 32, Oc84, 30·31. F84, 7; city governments, N86, 30; Negus, Lucy, May77,12
S85,26,F86,26.SS6,29 Congress, Mar76. 9, May85, 29; Nehru, Pandit, JaSl, 33
Near vs. Minnesota case, Ap82. 20·21 conservative, Ap83, 32, NS5, 19; corrupt Neier, Aryeh, Au76, 15
Neave, Airey. F87, 31 public figures, ApS4, 27, S84. 27; crime, Neifakh. A.A., Ja86. 1S·19
Nebel, Long John, Oc78, 17 Ja87, 21, AuS7, 26, DS7, 26; criticism of, neighborhoods, N77, 19-20, AuS2, 19
Nebraska University, F87, 22 Ja78, 20, May7S, 23,578, 10-11, AuS1, Neil, Andrew, JaS6, 31
Nebraska, least stressful state. Au84, 31 30, AuS5, 18, SS7, 26; culture, Oc8S, Neill, Sam, Ju184, 29
Nebuchadnezzar.Ja79,6 19; demographics, AuSO, 11, SS4, 26, Neilson. Scott, NS2, 29
Necho. Au87, 21 ApS6, 2S, Oc87, 26; destruction of Neiswender. Charles, F77. 13
necrophilia, N83, 32 neighborhoods, 087, 21; diet, JunS4, 19; Nel, Louis, OcB4, 13, July86, 34
Nederlandse Volks Unie, FSO, 18 diseases, Ap76, 9; dubious heroes, F87. Nell's (nightclub). S87, 17
Needham, Joseph. Jun80,32 20, OcS7. 15; economic status, 078,14, Nelson. Alan C., FS2, 17, ApS2, 14, MarS3,
Neeman, Yuval, Oc84, 33, Ap87, 32 Ja85, 32; education, JuI7B, 11; 1S
Neff, Donald, Ap84, 31, SS6, 11 evangelists. ApS4, 30; extremists, Ja85, Nelson, Bill, Oc80, 17, ApS6. 29
Negative Population Growth. N81, 15, 20; families, MarS4, 26; fancy names, Nelson. Brent A. quote, FS5, 2S
MarS2, 19, Mar85, 27 Jun82, 1S; farmers, MarS3, 2S; fear of Nelson, Craig T., Ap85, 27
negligence suits, Jun86, 33 whites, May87, 30; female attitudes, Nelson, Judy, AuS5. 30
Negotiations, The, 584, 13 Mar85, 15; feud with Koreans, May8S, Nelson, Lars-Erik. N81, 33
Negritude. MayS7, 39 24; feud with Seminoles, S87, 19; Nelson, Raymond N., N81, 11, ApS7, 35
Negro areas, business shuns, 087, 18 fighting capabilities, Jun7B, 14; foreign Nelson. Ronald, SS5, 30
Negro athletes, Jewish converts, Aug83, policy, N7S, 7; freaks, Oc79, 19, AuS6, Nelson, William, Jun84. 31
27 26; generaltional crime, MayS2, 28; guilt Nelson, Willie, SB6, 34, Mar87, 25
Negro babies, mature faster, 087, 26 feelings, N87, 9; Hispanic competition. Nemesis at Potsdam, SS1, 34-35
Negro civilizations. failure of, Oc81 , 12 AuS7, 15; history, Ap77, 12-13, Ap78, Nemeth, Imre. OcS3. 17
Negro colleges, 078, 14; enrollment, 11, 078, S, Oc79, 18, Jun87, 2S; Nemoy, Leonard (Mr. Spock), Ap85, 26
Ap87, 27; graduates, Ap83, 27; poor hypertension, 086,39, MarS7, 36; neo·conservatism, May77, 12·13, May7S,
accounting, Jun83, 25; scholarships, ignorance, JunS3, 26; illness rates, 12, DSO, 17, MayS6, 30, SS6, 17; Jews,
JunSO, 27; U.S. subsidies, F87. 28 Jul83, 2S; image resented, July86, 33; OcS2, 7, NS4,21,Ja86,20,Au86. 15;
Negro companies, capitalization, May77. imposters, Mar87. 29; in government, leaders, FBO, 27
13; three largest, Aug83, 26 AuS1, 29; inequality, AuSS, 7-8; neo-Nazis (U.S.), 07S, 12; bookstore
Negro dummies, in crash test. F85, 18 inventors, Ap79, 32; Jefferson parish, burned. Mar79. 19; Jewish officials,
Negro Episcopalians, Jun79, 1S F87, 23; judges, 080, 23; light- and dark­ MaySO, 32; threats against, May79, 14;
Negro exams (spoofs), Au79, 12-13; skinned, Ja79, 10, 27; living standards, uniform outlawed, D7S, 15;
excuses for failing, Jun87. 18 NS6, 30; Los Angeles, JuIS6. 20; low Neolithic, 081, 26
Negro flag, OcS4. 19 tippers, NSS, 18; mental illness, F77, 13. neoteny, JaS4, 9
Negro jokes, against whites, NS3. 24 Ap77, 20; middle class, Oc82, 8-11; Nepal, SS6, 13-15
Negro leaders, peccadillos, N83, 20 mulattoes, Ja79, 10,27; music, Jun7S, nepotism, in motion pictures, JulBS, 19
Negro males, bleak future, AuS7, 26 10, 21 ; nationalism, Jul86, 18; Neron Inc., FS7, 29
Negro marches. Apr87, 6-7, Ap87, 15 occupations, 078, 22; opera, Ja78, 24, nerve gas, ApB4, 27
Negro organizations, Ja78, 12; federal N82, 17; physical traits, May77, 9, Ap86, Nes, David. MarSO, 10
subsidies, JunSO, 21·22; white 18; pimps, Ja78, 14 ; politics, Au7S, 10, Nesen, Robert,JunS1,31
financing, Mar80, 20 16, N82, B,Ja86,29,OcS6,21,FS7, 19; Nesmith, Kevin, FS7, 22-23, AuS7, 26
Negro resettlement, DS3, 36 praise slavery. JunS1, 21; pre­ Netanyahu, Benjamin, May85, 25
Negro riots, in rock concerts, N83. 22 COlumbian era, 577, 11,JunSO, 16-17, Netanyahu, Jonathan, 079, 20
Negro styles, Ja79, 10,27 Jun81 , 30; professions, Oc83, 29; racial Netherlands, The, Anne Frank house,
Negro vote, Jul83, 28, OcS3, 11·12 divisions, 087, 23; racially defined, N83, Oc86, 33-34; anti-Nazi novel, Ja86, 33­
Negro.Jewish rift, Oc77, 13-14, JaSO, 25, 15; racism, Jun79, 20, AuS3, 10-13. 34; anti-racist laws, S79, 2S; anti­
MarSO. 21, Ap80, 13·15, MaySO. 14, Au84, 21, OcS6. 21; radical politicians. Semitism, N79, 28, NS2, 30, 083, 32;
FS1, 33; Brooklyn, F8G, 1S-19; quotes, DS3, 31; regiopalism, SS3, 32; bookstore raided, MarS7, 33;
Ap87,17 religiosity, Mar76, 6, 1S, OS2. 26; decadence, Au84, 30-31; home births,
Negroes, Ja76, 22, Mar76, 8, Ap7G, 5, reparations. 584, 9; Roman times, OSO, Oc83, 2S; homosexuals, SB1, 34;
076,5, 15,Ja77, 7,Jun77,Ap78, 17· 18; self-criticism, JaS7, 34; separatism, Jewish violence, FB1, 32; left-wing
19, Ja81, 10, Jun82, 14, Mar83, 27·2S; May85. 22, JuIB6. 1S, MayS7. 39; violence, MayS4, 29, Apa7. 30;
aid plans, 0c84, 26; alleged inventors, serious music, Ap79. 31; sports, Ja7S, minorities,Oc77, 15, F7S, 19;
S85, 17-1S; alliance with Jews. N79, 8· 5,19-22. May78. 9,19-21. JaS7. 27, nationalists, FBO, 1S; Pope snubbed,
10, NS2, 20-21, N84 11-12; alliance NS7, 9·11; statistics, 076. 15; streets AuS5, 32·33; prostitution, MayS4, 29;
with Mexicans, N82, 20; anatomical renamed, Jun87, 2S; student illiteracy, relations with South Africa, N87, 12;
differences, S82, 18; anti-Semitism, N85, 20-21; suburbia, MayS5, 29; repatriated refugees, Fa6, 34; right-wing
May84, 1S-19; antiwhite incidents, superiority my1h. JuI7S, 7. 16·19, AuSO, politics, JaS3, 27; rightists persecuted.
MayS4, 25; Armed Forces, Jun77, 6, 18, 18, May84. 11; take over of cities, F79, OeB3, 33, Ja86, 34; seculariZation, FS3,
JunS4, 29; Atlantic crossing, SSO, 15; 17-18; tests, Oc77, 8, Ap79. 14; theater. 31·32; WWII, OCS3, 32
attack police, Ap79, 14-15; attack white MayS4, 11, OcS4. 32. Ap87, 20; third Neto, Agnostinho, JunSO, 34

Neturei Karta, N77, 21, JaS2, 10. DS3. 32 streets, DS7, 29; discount phone Oc86. 35-36; sports, 081,20. SS5, 34
networking. Jewesses, MarS5, lS service, OS7, 29; excessive prices. FS7. Newberg. Esther, Mar85. 18
Neubauer, Peter. DS4, 29 2S; filth, ApSO, 26, OcS2, lS, DS7, 29; Newborn Rights SOCiety, OcS4, 34-35
Neuberger. Fred, MarS7. 2S. SS7. 14 fire dept., JaS6, 29; graft, OcSS, 30; gun Newfield. Jack, AuSO, 20, Ap86, 35
Neuharth, Allen. JunS7. 2S; paternity suit, laws, OS7, 18; high-school dropouts, Newfoundland, airplane crash, MarS6. 20­
MarS6,31 JuIS7, 27; homeless, OcS5. 30; 21
Neuharth-Moore, Rosamunda, MarS6. 31 homosexual leaders, MayS3, 26; Newhall, Scott. DSO. 20
Neuman, Isaac, NS7. 29 housing crunch, 085, 16; iIIegals, FS6, Newhouse family. Jun76, 4; tax evasion.
Neumann. John von, 577. IS. Jun79, 20 30, SS6, 32; Jewish holidays, SSS, 22; DS3,20,OcSS,31,AuS6,29
Neumann, Jurgen. MayS5, 18. JuIS5. 35 Jewish pols, Ja87, 21; Jewish Newhouse media empire, Mar7S, 15. JuISI,
Neumann, Robert. Ju nSl. 31 , Ce81. 4 popUlation, Aug83, 27; Jews in police 19. May8S, 21-22
Neumann, Tom, S81, 30 dept., S87, 25; land costs. Au87, 26; Newhouse, Samuel I.. Jr., MayS5, 21-22,
Neusner, Jacob, S77, 11 minority projections, N87, 26; AuSS, 15, May87, 22; Cohn friend, SS7.
neutrality, Jun76, 6 newspapers, Ap82, 32; nightclubs, S87, 28
neutron bomb, AuS3, 29, JuIS4, 31 17; nonwhite majority, S87, 25; opera, . NeWhouse, Samuel I.. Sr., F77, 8, May77,
Nevada, most stressful state, Au84, 31 Ap81, 9; parking violations, May80, 32; 12. MarS2, 20

New Bedford (MA), JunS3, 16, JunS4, 20 police countersuits, OSS, 36; police Newman, Barnett. June83, 10

New Caledonia, NSO, 22, Ap8S, 32, MayS5, dept., JaS4, 26, Ap87, 21; police Newman, Ernest. Jun79. 12

35·36, SS7, 26 scandals, MarSS, 27; poor children, S8S, Newman. H., N78, 16

New England, D7S, 27. ApSO, 19·20; 32; prediction of violence, N84 12; public Newman. John, May83. 29

religious statistics, JunS2. 15 library budget, Jun87, 17; racial Newman. Paul, Jul80, 19, N83, 27

New Guard, 085, 21 composition, Mar87, 26; racial politics, Newman. Peter. Oc82, 13

New Guinea, Jun77, lS Mar79, 12-13, AuS5, 17; rent hikes. Newman. Randy, AuS2. 17

New Hampshire, first in SAT scores, Jul84, MayS5, 29; salaries, SS4, 25; school Newman, Theodore R., Jr.• Ap82, 21

- 30
New Haven (CT), corrupt Jews, JaS7, 21
New Jersey. discrimination cases, AuS5,
disintegration, S86, 21 ; subway cars
Japanese, ApS6, 20-21; subway crime,
Au79, 20, Oc82, lS;subway
Newport Tower. AuS7. 22

news magazines. N76. 13, F7S, 21

News of the World, Ju180. 29. DS7. 31

30; police quotas, .luISS. 34; vacation passengers, ApSS. 2S; Transit Authority, newspapers, chains. MarS7, 26;

areas, N86, 14-15 Jul79, 24, Ap86, 20-21 circulation, Mar7S, 15, ApS4, 26;
New Left, 07S. 13 New York Philharmonic, Ja79, 7 credibility, JunS7, 27; financial returns.
New Man, of the future, Ap81. 13 New York Post. F77. 20. Ap82, 32; ApS6, 28; minority composition, Ja85,
New Math, Ce79. 2S. F8S, 14 Kennedy revelation, FS7, 23; prints 32; statistics, N82, 27, NS7, 26; stolen,

- New Mexico, Oc77, 5, 19-20; Maranos.

New Morality from Science. A, Ap77. 5.
JuIS6, 13
hoax, N87. 19; South African newsprint,
New York Review of Books, Jul87, 36
New York State, governor race (1982),
newspeak. Mar7S. 11, 26-27
Newsweek. Jun76. 5, N76. 13. Oc79, 19.
SS6, 17, OcS7, 26; unoriginality, Ju185,

New Orleans, JuISI, 36; crime, Oc79, lS; Ap84, lS; lobbyists, Jun87, 27; politics, 32
monument defaced, DS1, 19; Negroes, NS6, 23; prisons. JuI8S, 32; self-defense Newton, Huey P., Oc7S, lS, JulS5, 34;
Jun87. 35; police brutality, F81, 15; laws, Ju182, 20 receives Ph.D., Oc80, 30
politics, Oc82, 2S New York TImes Book Review. Ap7S, 12, Newton, Isaac, F76, 9, S77, 18, JulS7, 6
New Republic, N7S, 11, F.77, S+, May77, Jul86, lS-19; Jewish books, JunSS, 21 Newton,Jeanette, FS5,35

- 12,079, 18-19, S81, 19, SSl, 31, Ja84,

14, Ap85, 16, MayS5, 21, JunS6,
18,JuI8S, 11; attacks Jesse Jackson.
Ja80. 25; on South Africa, S8S, 37; 70th
New York TImes, Ja76, 8,18, Jun76, 4,7,
18-19, F77. 8. Mar77, S, Mar7S, 15, F84,
16-17, S85, 12-13, SS7, 28; anti-Hitler
propaganda, Jun79,10, 29; attacks Cyril
Newton-John, Olivia, N78, 9
Ney, John. Ap7S, 5,20
Ngubane, Alex, Oc8S, 34
Nguema, Francisco Macias, Oc77, 28

- birthday, Mar85, 19-20

New Right Papers, Jun82, 31
New Solidarity, Mar79, lS, Au8S, 8-10,
oeSs, 32, 08S, 24
Burt, Jun79, 15-16; attacks Southern
whites, S81. 22; biased reporting, OS5,
24; backs Mondale, Ja8S, 23; criticized,
581,24-25; famine coverup, 086. 29;
Nguyen. Minh Van, Au80. 30
Nicaragua. Ap79, 27, Jun82, 11. S82, 10,
F8S, 37; anti-Semitism. N83, 35;
atrocities. JU182. 26, JunSS, 34; canal.

- New Statesman, 577, 14, F80, 2S, Ap82,

New Testament, S81, 20-21, CeS3, 26,
MarS4, 22; anti-Semitism, Jul83, 30,
FOR knocks. JunS7. 17; headline
misspelled. JaS7, 35; Jewish editors,
Mar87, 28, Ju187. 35; problems. F81, 35­
36; quotas, N87, 26; vending box tarred
077. 17. 19; Contras, Mar79, 28, CeSS.
36, Au87. 6-7; demographics. JuISS. 31;
domestic chaos. SS7, 32-33; East
Germans, Au87. 33; Israeli connection.
JuI8S. 36; attacked, Jun87, 31; Jewish and feathered, OS4, 38 F8S. 38; Jesuit influence, N80. 31 ;
rewrite, MarSS, 19 New York University. Ja87, 8 Jewish officials, F85, 37; nuns killed.
New World, discovery of, N8S, 23; pre­ New Yorker. Au85, 15, Jun8S, 18; new S86, 31; pro-Sandinista Americans.
Columbian voyages. AuS7, 21 editor, May87, 22 Jul8S, 33; refugees in U.S.• N86, 12;

New York City, Jul78, 14, MaySO, 32, New Zealand. N76, 23, Jun77, 7. 18-19; Russians. AuS7. 33; Sandinistas. N83,
Ap82. 27, Jun87, 19; architecture, S87, banned books. OcS5, 35; corrupt 35-36; troops to Africa, 080, 28; U.S.
13-14; attractiveness. OSS, 14·15; politicians, N7S, 24; crime, JunS7, 33 aid, JulSl, 31, MayS3. 26. SS7. 33; U.S.
Catholic-Jewish tiff. DS6, 25; census New Zealand, Jews, N79. 28; Lange mercenaries. Ap84, 29
1980. Mar86, 16-17; corruption, Oc77, letter, MarS6, 34-35; Maori racism. Nicgorski. Darlene. N86, 11

15. Ap86, 28, JaS7. 2S, ApS7, 2S; crime, Oc85, 34-35, ApS6, 34; minorities, ApSl, Nicholas II, N76. 5.16, F77, 10. Ap77, 6-7,

FS1, 14, 16. MaySI, 10-11, NS1, 21. 29, JunS7, 32-33, N87, 32; 21-24. N84. 32, JaS7, 11

AuSS, 31, SS5, 27, JuIS6. 21, SS6. lS, mu~iracialism, MarS6, 34-35; Race Nicholas Ill, Pope. Jun77, S

Au87, 20; criminal officials, DS4, 30; Relations Act, Au80, 35; rape statistics. Nichols, Bill, JaS5, 7

criticized, MarS4, 7, Jun84, 20; ApS6,34; "rebel tours;, SSS, 341 Nichols, Donald & Dan, JulS5, 23

degenerate showbiz, OS7, 21 ; relations with South Africa, N87, 12-13; Nichols, Larry, JaS5, 39

deterioration. 0084. 18, Au85, 17; dirty rugby teams, OcS5, 35, NS7, 12-13, Nichols, Mike, Jul84, 16, N84, 30

Nichols. Tracy, May85, 31 ApS4, 21; tapes, N82, 21 Ap79, 24-25, Au79, 26-27, S79, 10,

Nicholson, Jack, S87. 28 Nixon, Tricia, Ja77, 16 ApSO, 27, N80, 10-11, S81, 6-10. F82,

Nickel, Herman, Oc84, 11, Mar86, 13-14 Nizer, Louis, 078, 19 6, F82, 29, F83, 29. Mar83, 8, S83, 17,

Nickerson, Eugene, July84. 20 Nkoloso, Edward M.• JulSO, 9 MarB4, 6, Jun84, 13-15, F85, 25, Ap85,

Nickerson, Jane S., anti-Israel quote. Nkomati Accord, ApS6, 17 27; activities in U.S., May81, 11-12:

082,25 Nkomo, Joshua, N78, 12, Mar79, 8, MaySI, actors, AuS4, 8; American and German,

Nicod, Georges, Ja82, 31 35. S81, 37,084,35-36, N87, 31 Oc87 cover; beauty contests. N83, 13­
Nicolau, lon, Jun87, 29 Nkrumah, Kwame, Mar79, 8 15; British, Ap81, 22; children, F84, 6-9;

Nicolson, Harold, Ap84, 20, Oc85, 33 Noah, Jun85, 36·37 conservation of, Au78, 8; cultural

Nidal, Abu, Au87, 32 Noah, Mordechai M., Mar80, 8. Ja87, 18 exhibit. ApB5. 21 ; demographics, Au79,

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 077, 12, S81, 11, 084, Noah, Yannick, Aug84, 33; Swedish wife, 1. Maya7, 7-8; Fascist blondes, 085,
11 Jun84,30 33; Faustian urge, F81, 19; gene
Nields, John W., Jr., Oc87, 14 Nobel Peace Prizes, laureates, N82, 28; repositories, Jun80, 14-15, JunS7, 8-9;
Nielsen, Brigitte, Au87, 36 Waldheim nominated, Au87. 30 high IQ scores. Mar79, 15; homo­
Nielson, Francis, Ja84, 31 Nobel Prizes. by country. Ja86, 29; in the sexuality. S77. 9; in advertising, Oc84,
Niemoller, Martin, F81, 19, Mar83, 17, sciences. S77, 19. SB1, 23; PR 32; in athletics, Au84, 24; in Baja (CA),
Au84,37 campaigns. Ja87, 16 AuB2, 28; in catalogs, Au84, 31; in
Niessen, Mathias, N87, 28 Nobile, Philip, S77. 14,087,30 China. May81, 23, OB6. 40; in film and TV,
Nietzsche, Friedrich, Ja76, 7,20, May76, Noble, Clyde E., S78, 5,14-15, Oc77, 8, N7B. 9-10. NB1, 21; in flight, 082, 21; in
7, Jun76, 19, N76, 19, Mar77, 16-17, 25-26, F79, 15, Jun80, 31-32 Japan. MayS7, 37; in Russia, Oc84. 14;
S77, 23, , Oc77, 12, Ap78, 20, Mar79, 9, Noble, Elaine, Au77, 13 in South Africa, May84, 30; in space,
Ju179, 19, Oc79, 8, S81, 9, N81, 6-7, Noble, Jack. Jun79, 32. Au79, 28 N83. 21; in sports, OcS1, 21; in Sweden.
Ju182, 13, Oc83, 15, Ju185, 6, Au85, 8, Noblen, Jesse, MaraS, 18 OcB4, 32, MarS6, 33; in U.S., OcB1 , 6; in
16, Ap86, 12,20, Jun86, 9-10, Ju186. 11, Nobull. John, columns, Au79 - ; U.S.S.R.. OcS1, 6; models, May81, 36;
Au86, 14, Oc87, 20; anti-liberal quote, "Mere Talk; a playlet, ApB6 - Ja87; most Nordic states, FB2, 18; music,
S8S, 23; Jewish forerunner, 086, 7-9; health regimen, OB7, 24-26; in Mexico, May86, 11; old ladies, F84, 7; on the
nihilism, F87, 15-16, Jun87, 14; on Jews, S87, 21-22, 087, 24 land, Jun85, 6; overemphasis on, Ju179,
Mar84, 11-12 Nock, Albert Jay, F78, 5 11; pioneers, S81, 8-9; plastic, Ju187,
Nigel, Lee, Mar76, 7 Noda, Tetsuya, F84, 27 29; Polynesian connection. 082, 24·25;
Niger, Ju182, 7-8 Nofziger, Lyn, Mar87, 28, S87, 14 shut out of politics, 081. 36; U.S.
Nigeria, Ja76, 16. Au76, 15, Ap77, 12-13, Nolan. Kathleen, anti-TV quote, Ap85, 16 celebration, AuS6, 35-36; women
May77, 8, S7S, 20, Jun84. 29, N86, 8; Nolan, William, JaB1, 5 debased, 080,27, F81, 21, Dc81, 21-22,
cement snafu, 085, 35; crime, Jul79, 28. nominalism, JunBI, 2B-29, F82, 24-25 N81, 32, Mar82, 5, ApS2, 5
S86, 34; expulsions. Au85, 29; Jewish None Dare Call It Conspiracy, OB5, 33 Norfolk (VA), anti-Holocaust pickets, 086,
wheeler-dealer, N84, 29; Mossad Nono, luigi, Oc78, 25 40
connection, OcS4, 31. May85. 32; oil Noontide Press, JunS2, 32 Noric (race), Jun84, 14-15
fraud, Au80. 32; purge of witches, Nordhausen (Germany), Ju180. 9 Norman, Barry, May83, 29
May87. 11; racial discrimination, N78, Nordic aesthetics. Jun80, 6-8, S81, 13, Norman, Montagu, Mar76. 14
24; semi-chaos, Ja81, 34. OcS3. 35. JuIB2. 14. Au82. 9-11,14, May8S, 21, Normans, N84, 24
F86,37 N85. 6-8, Mar87, 12-16. OcS7, 35, 087, Norris, Frank, S86, 7
Nigerians, in U.S., AuS4, 31. 086.25 16 Norris, Roy, Ju181, 21
Nigger Question, The, Oc78, 16 Nordic Alpines, F79, 28 Norrlander. Ann, Mar87, 35
nightclubs. S79. 17, S87, 16 Nordic books, Ja87, 35 Norse gods, N80, 10-11
Nightline, Jun87, 22-23 Nordic Fest. May81, 11-12 Norse kings, reaction to Christianity. 080,
nihilism, Oc79, 7-8, Jun87, 14 Nordic Mediterraneans, Jun84, 15 12
Nikitchenko, I., Jun86, 12 Nordic princess, May86. 10-11 Norse laws, Ap83, 7
Nikolay, Frank L., Au87, 36 Nordic race, Ja76, 10, Mar76, 10-11 Ap76, Norsemen (also see Vikings), Ocn, 10;
Niles, David, S76, 18 6, May76. 6-7.14, Jun77, 23, Juln, 7, discovery of America, 081, 13, AuS7, 22
Nilus, Sergei, Jul82, 12 Ja83, 17; behavior, Jun79. 17, MarS5, North America, nine proposed nations,
Nimeiri, Gaafar M., JunS2, 30, Jun85, 37, 15; character, ApS7, 25; criticized, SS6, OS1, 10-11; pre-Columbian era, S80, 11­
JulBS,18 21; culture creators, ApB2, 15-16; 12, NBO, 11-14
Nimrodi, Yaacov, Jul83, 34, F87, 18, SS7, dysfunction, Au78, B, N7B, 13-14; North American Air Oefense Command,
15 endangered,Ja80, 14-15, FB1, 25-26, Mar78,17
Ninn-Hansen, Erik, 086, 32 S81. 8-9, May87, 8, Oc87, 34; Hallstatt North American Anglo Alliance, Au80, 34,
Nisei, Jun78, 17 type. Oc79, 12; in ancient Eastern Asia, S81,21,39
Nissim, Moshe, Oc83, 34 Oc81 , 22; in ancient Palestine, Jun79, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see
Nitz. Michael, S85, 16-17 11,31; Negro critic, JaS3, 17; origins. NATO)
Nitze, Paul, May77, 12 Jun76. 8, Mar77, 20, Junn, 11,22, F80. North Carolina, elections, F84, 31, Au84,
Nix, Robert N.C., 083. 36 13-14; pre-history. MayBI. 23; survival 23, S84. 25, Oc84, 27, JaBS, 39, Jul85,
Nixon, Patricia, Au76, 7, ApS4, 21 plan, N87, 34; traits. SB1, 9, S82, 10, 20; Klan march, MayBS. 39
Nixon, Richard, F76, 18, Ap76, 11, May76, JunB5.21 North Korea. tourism, Jun87. 32
16,Jun76,5,20.Ja7~5, 17,Au77, 11, Nordic Shangri-la, Au85, 34 North Pole, OBO, 20, S87, 26
Nn, 13, on, 11, May7S, 20, Jul7S, S, Nordic Sound, The, F78, 23 North. Oliver. Ja87, 13, FB7. 18, Au87, 6­
07S,21,S81, 15,JaS3,6, Oca3, 18, Nordicism, Ap78, 9, Jun79, 13, OcSO, 11­ 7
Ap87, 27, S87, 12; administration, Ap78, 14, Ju181, 7-B, MarS3, 25; Italian critique, Northcliffe, Lord, S84, 23
13. alleged anti·Semitism, N82, 21; anti­ MayS3,10 Northern European Federation, Oc77, 27
Israel threat, Jun82, 18; approval rating, Nordics, N77, 7, on, 8, F78. 23, May78. Northern European Heritage Center, Ja87,
Ja87, 27; assassination target, Ja85, 5,16-17, Jun78, 8, Jul78, 8,12,20, 35
10; pardon. Ap84, 21; rumored putsch, Au78, 15,S78,5,Ja79, 12.F79,8, 17. Northern Europeans, degeneration,

MarS7. 13-15; in U.S.• Mar76. 10; Nuclear Free Zone, MayS5, 2S Nussbaum, Joseph, May84, 25
murdered in U.S.• Mar82. 26; prehistoric nuclear freeze movement, MarS3, 21; Nutcracker Suite, accused of racism,
culture. NS1. 5-9; threats to. Mar87. 12­ silent about Baghdad, Au84, 23 Ap81,27
13; traits. Mar86. 27 nuclear industry, demonstrations against, nutrition, 576, 5, 16, Oc78, 10, Oc79, 15­
Northern Ireland. Au77. 20. Oc77. 2S, Jun79,19 16, 079, 19, NSO, 21; stale food, Ap84,
N79. 26. Ja80. 19Ju180, 33, NSO, 24, Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp., 9-10, Au84. 28
581,28. Ja82, 19. F82, 24, 582.14-15, Mar78, 12, N79, 14-15, OS5, 23 Nutting, Anthony. JulSO, 31
Jun82, 1S-19. 582,25-26,082,24; nuclear materials, thefts, Ju180, 25, OcSl, Nyasaland. F77. 6
British officers, 582, 25; casualties, 31,586,12 Nyerere, Julius, Mar85, 31, SS5, 33
FS4. 25; demographics, JaS6, 29; nuclear power. accidents, Jun80, 19-20, Nygaard, Kaare, MayS6, 12-13
hunger strike, Ja82, 19, F82 25-26; 1941 OCS3, 36, 586, 31; France, Oc85, 30; Nylen, G. L, anti-quota quote, OCS6, 25
rising, ApS1. 25; people, F81, 29, 3S; protests. 081, 31, OcSS, 32, May87. 32; Nysili, Miklas, Ap81, 30
polls. JunSI, 29, Jun86, 33; prisoners, U.S. & Canada. Oc84, 27; worldwide.

JunSI, 30; religion, Ap81 , 24. Ju182, 2S;

violence, F82, 26
Northern Marianas, Au77. 10

nuclear reactors, in China, May85, 25; in
Israel, SSO, 33, 080, 29, Jun81, 33, O'Brien. Anthony, Ju178, 23

Northrop Corp., JaS3, S Jul83,34 O'Brien, Conor C., 581,28, 085, 34, 087,

Northrop University, AOL irked, FS1. 21 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jul79, 10 11

Northrup, F.S.C., May76, 15 nuclear submarines, Mar77, 10-11 O'Brien, Gerald, N78, 24
O'Brien, Maurice, Jul82, 32

Northumbria, NS4 10, Mar85, 24, Jun85, nuclear war, Mar77, 10, Jul77, 10, JunS2,
34 15; in space, FS4, 31; Israeli strategy, O'Brien, Philadelphia Jack, Ju178, 17
NorthWestern University. Ap77. 24. 577. Jun83, 17; Negroes ask protection, O'Brien, Richard, May80, 6
2S, Jul83, 23. Au87, 26; free speech. May83, 27; poll, Aug83, 26; predictions, O'Caliaghan, Joanna, May79, 11
Ap87,18-19 Ja81 , 25, MarS3, 15; triggered by O'Carroll, Tom, Oc79, 27, Au81, 31
Norton, Charles E., Ap83, 6 mistake, N83, 22; U.S. officers' O'Connell, Daniel, MaySO, 31
Norton. Eleanor, Mar81. 29 attitudes, Oc84, 2S; U.S.S.R. bombs to O'Connell, William. NS6, 31
Norton, Emperor, Jewish descent, NSO, 19 Egypt, 083, 19 O'Connor, John J., NS4, 30, ApS5, 29,
Norway, Au77, 10. 18, F82, S; aliens, SS6, nuclear warheads, world count, 086, 25 MarS6, 31, 086,25; Jewish criticism,
35; declining birthrates, 086, 32; nuclear weapons, Jul79, 10,579,16.079, ApS7, 17
espionage, Jun84, 33. MarSS, 34; female 20, JulS4, 31; Baghdad bombed, Au81, 5; O'Connor, MarkJ., MayS7, 13, 15
quotas, 580, 33; heavy water, May87, black African plans, 083. 19; by nation, O'Connor, Sandra Day, Ap83, 27. OcS6,
35. Jul87, 33; immigrants. Ap78, 24, F85, 29; China, May7S, 11, 22; destruct­ 29, MayS7, 20
Ja83,2S.S86,35;Jews.N86.32; ive power, MarSO, 23, Ju182, 17, MayS7, O'Conor, Charles. JaS3, 23
minorities. FS4. 28; poem. OS3. 36; right­ 24; Israel, Jun76, 7, Mar78, 12,27, N79, O'Dell. Hunter P., 083, 8 .
wing activity. Au79, 28; sexual pOlitics. 14-16, Mar80, 27, Mar81, 23, OcS2, 22, O'Donnell, Thomas, Mar83, 29, MayS6, 19
OS6, 32; tax revolt, Jun79, 20; WWII Mar83, 19, Jun84, 29, MayS5, 25, 2S, O'Ouffy, Cormac, Jul82, 32
O'DWyer, Michael, JuIS3, 13-14

collaborators, Oc83. 32
Norwegian Front. Ap78, 24
Norwegians, in U.S., Jun85, 20-21
Nostradamus. 577, 1S
Notaras, Grand Duke, Jul78, 10 .
Oc85, 13, 085,23,086,25, Mar87,33­
34, May87, 33-35, Jun87. 32, JuIS7, 33,
587,31-32,087,34; Israel-S. Africa tie­
up, Au85,33;Jews, 078, 13, AuS7, 1S;
Middle East, 587, 31-32; negotiations,
O'Dwyer, Paul, Jun78, 13-14
O'Grady, Rosemary, Mar85, 32
O'Hair. Madalyn, Au7S, 13, F80, 2S
O'Hara, John, N77, 11; Welk quote, Ju186,

Notre Dame University. Ja78, 19
Nottinghill Carnival. FSS. 33
Nouvelle Oroite (France), 581,25, Jun8S,
Au87, 27; Nordic attitudes, F81, 19;
opposition to. Jun79, 19-20, Ju179, 10,
Ap81, 5; Pakistani bomb, 083, 19,
O'Keefe, Ted, N78, 24, JunS6, 40
O'Leary, Jean, F79, 17, Au80, 21
O'Leary, John, N86, 12
37, Ju186. 32 May85, 25, MayS5, 2S, May87, 36,

Nouvelle Ecole (French magazine), Ap76,
28, Jun76, 3, Jul77, 9, 19, 577, 27,
ocn, 6,Ap80, 10
Nouvelle Ordre Europeen. Au79, 21
Jul87, 34, 087, 34; physicists killed,
Oc80, 30, Jun84, 35; scenarios, OcS2,
22; spying, Ja8S, 27, Maya5, 2S; Syria,
JuIS1, 33, May85, 25;
O'Malley, Grania, Oc86, 39
O'Malley, Peter, OcS7, 9
O'Neill, "Dapper", Ja77, 20
O'Neill, Gerard, Oc81 , 12

Novak, Michael. May78, 21, Au79, 28,
080,17-18, JuISI, 30, SS1, 9, Au82, 10,
Novak, Robert, May8S, 2S. Jul87, 20;
U.S.S.R., Jun79, 19-20; U.S.-U.S.S.R.
count, MarSO, 23
nuclear winter, AuS4, 23, 084. 22, N86, 36
Nuessen, David, Oc80, 17
O'Neill, Tadg, MarS7, 31
O'Neill, Terence, MayS3, 24
O'Neill, Thomas P., Ja77, 20, Oc77, 2S,
MaySO, 31, Au81, 34, JulS2, 15, AuS4.
criticized, Ap86, 35 Nuffield, Lord, Oc8S, 27 18, Ja86, 7, F86, 31; Abscam, MayS2,
Novello, Ivor. 080, 27 numerus clausus, Jun78, 16 1S; freeloader, OS5, 32; gangster links,
Novick, Paul, Ap77. 14 Nunn, John P., May86, 15 083,16
Novoa, Julio C., 085, 32 Nunn,Sam,N83,22,ApS7,6 O'Quinn, Kerrie, JuIS4, 29
Nowacki, Walenty. Jun80, 35 Nunoz, Miguel, Ap86, 29 O'Reilly, Alexander, MaySO, 5-6

Noyce, Robert, Au85, S-7, Au82, 32
Nozick, Robert. 579, 6, FS6. 34
Nuba (African tribe), N83, 34
nuns, MayS4, 24
Nuremberg laws, Jun85, 21
Nuremberg Mind, The, 577, 13
O'Shea, Peggy, OcS6, 29
O'Sullivan, Efraim, NS4, 29
O'Sullivan, Morris, NSO, 22
nuclear blackmail, OSO, 22-23; Israeli Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, 584, 9, Oak and the Calf, The, OSO, 8-9
threats, AuSO, 1S-17, 0c82, 22, SS7, 31­ JunS6, 12-14, MarS7, 8, May87, 13; Oak Leaf Comm ittee, 075, 19. Oc76, 19,
32; Russian threats, 580, 33 criticism, JunS6, 14; defendants, JunS6, F77, 23, 577, 28, 077, 23, Mar78, 2S,
nuclear club, MayaS, 25 13; defendants' wives, Jun84, 33; 07S, 27
nuclear disarmament, Jun82, 5-7; Jewish photography, Jun84,30 Oakland Tribune, 583, 33

negotiators, May85, 23
nuclear energy, fatalities, 586,31;
scientific support, Mar83, 28
Nureyev, Rudolf, JunS4, 15
nursing exams, can men, F85, 29
nursing homes, Au80, 22, OcS4, 29
Oakleaf Records, JunSO, 35
Oaxaca, Ju187, 23, 587, 21
Obadele, Imari, SS1, 22


Obasanjo, Lt. Gen., S78, 20 Olesh, Ronni, May87. 31 Opus Dei, N81, 28
Obenshain, Richard, F79, 17 Oliphant, Pat, 085. 35 Oraby, Ahmed, Jul78, 22
Oberammergau Passion Play, Oc78, 17, Oliva, Mark. May7B, 14 Oradour. Au77. 8
JaBO, 32, JulBO, 19, SBO, 33 Oliver, C. Herbert, Mar76, 8 Orange County, AuS7. 11
Oberlander, Henry, Au7B, 13. SB1, 25 Oliver, Mike. NBO, 22 Orange Order, FS2, 28
Oberman, Herman, 076. 1B, JulBO, B. Oliver. Revilo. May77, 6, F79, 21, Au80, Orange, Richard, Ap86, 19
May84, 11, F85, 33 12·15, F82, 7, Mar82, 32 Orbanes, Phil. Ap83. 16
obesity, Au79, 14, Jul86, 36, AuB6, 26, Olivier, Jean-Jacques, F85, 34 Ordaz, Dras, Au87, 15
36,087,24-25 Olivier, Laurence, Au79, 11, MarS3, 29 Ordeal of Civility, The, Oc77, 13, S81, 10­
Obey, Donald, Ja87, 27 Oilman, Bertell, Oe79, 19-20, ApS3, 15-16 11
objectivism, JulB6, 12 Olmec civilization, JunSO, 16 Order, The, Mar8S, 7-8, JunS5, 9·10,
Obledo, Mario, Jul82, 31 Olombe, Pierre 0., OS5, 34 Jun85, 29, May86, 20, JunS7, 36;
Obote, Milton, S81, 38, F85, 34, 085, 34 Olsen, Bob, Oc85, 9 informers, Oc87, 35; jailed members,
Obreg6n, Alvaro, Ap87, 9 Olsen, lver C., Au82, 27 N87,33
obscene acts, F83, 30 Olson, Arnold, Jul78, 11 Oregon, cults, S87. 16: hate law, Au80,
obscenity, Jun77, 13, N78, 12, Mar79, 19, Olson, Arvid, S84, 17 34; politics, Au78, 20, Oe78, S; race
F81, 31, Oc85, 11, Mar86, 7; films, Olson, Douglas (short stories), Ja87, 14­ relations, OcS2. 32
Mar79, 15; phone, Jul85, 34 15,087,12-15 Oregonian (Portland, OR), May79. 28
obstetrics, 086, 30, Oc85, 26 Olson, Eric, S87, 12 Orff, Carl, F82, 11; banned in Israel, 081,
Occidental Petroleum Corp., May87, 30 Olson, Frank, 079, 19 19; posthumously censored, Oe82. 19
Occitania (France). N8410 Olszewski, Michael, S86, 34 Orfield. Gary, Ap82, 28
occupations, gains and losses. 086. 21; Olszowski, Stefan, Ap85, 33 organ donors, to Howard U., N84, 28
minorities & women, Ju185, 31; public Olvir, Vic, poems, Ap87, 15, Jul87, 15, organ transplants, F84. 25. N86, 30; in
preferences, 081, 21, U.S.-U.S.S.A. AUB7,16 West Germany, N86, 30; Negro donors.
compared, Oc87, 36 Olweus, Dan, OB6, 32 N86, 36; racial difficulties. NB6, 30
Ochi, Rose M., Oc79, 10 Olympia, Jun80, 35; banned, May84. 29 Organization of American Historians, F81,
Ochs, Adolph, MarB7, 28; heirs, F81. 35 Olympic Games, art, OcS4, 20, S85, 36; 21, JulBI, 31, SB1. 30-31; slurred, N81.
Octoberfest, N86' 15 Berlin, 083, 2B-29, Jun87, 6-8; boy­ 30
Odeh, Alex, 085,6-7, Jul86, 14, N86, 30 cotts. May80, 1B, JulSO, 25 , July84, 20­ organizations, right-wing, Mar84, 32
Odets, Clifford, Oc81 , 21, Oc84, 7 21; history, Oc76, 8, 1936, Oe76, 8; Orientals, alcoholism, N86, 20
Odin, S79, 11, Mar84, 16 Jews 1936, Oc84, 27, 084, 29; 1968, Origin of Species, F77, 18, Mar87, 22
Odinism, Jun77. 23, N77, 20, F79, 21, Ja7B, 22, May78, 20, 082, 25, NS3, 23, Orkin, Sanford H., Jul87, 27
Au80, 15, N81, 35, Mar82, 31, Ap82, 21, Oc84, 25, Jun87, 6; medals, Oc84, 20, Orkney Islands, Jul86, 32
F83,34,Ja86,36 Jun87, 7; nations compared, Jun85, 18­ Orlando, Stephen A., Ja84, 18-19
Odinist, The, N78, 12, Oc79, 8, F83, 34 19; Negroes, Oc84, 25-26; quote, Au84, Orlov, Uri, Oc78, 28
Odyssey, Oc85, 13 19; race differences. OcS4, 25; racism, Ormsby, William, OB2, 27
Oestreicher, Paul, S77, 14, Jun79, 16 July84, 21; terrorism, Oe76, 8, 0c84, 26 Ornes, Carol, SS4, 18
Of Molecules and Men, S77, 12 Oman, Au85, 21, Jun8S, 37 Ornstein, Brian, OcB3, 30
Offergeld, Rainer, JaB1, 14 Omni magazine, Mar81 , 35 Ornstein-Galicia, Jacob, Ja82, 29
Office of Special Investigations, S83, 24, Omsk. Au85, 24 Orozco, Jose, Oc80, 16
Ja85, 23, Jul85, 39, Au86, 9, Oc86, 11­ On Human Nature, S79, 6-7 Ortega y Gasset, Jose, 075, 10, 076, 21.
12, May87, 14, Jul87, 21, OS7, 32; On Moral Fiction, Au78, 11 N79, 12, F84, 6, MayB4, 32. Oc87, 6-7
accused, Jul82, 31, 084, 38, Jun86, 40 On the Beach. Mar79, 26 Ortega, Daniel, F85, 37, MayS6, 29 •
Official Preppy Handbook, The, Au81, 21, Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, Ja76, 18, S87.33
Ja83, 15, 23. Mar85, 18 Au79, 15, May8l, 30, May82, 28, N82, Ortega, Katherine, DB4. 31
Ogle, Bob, Jun84, 31 29, Jul84, 30, OCS6. 8, Oc87, 19; Ortega, Onesimo Redondo, 076, 9
Ogmious (French publisher), NB7, 2S prenuptial agreement, May87, 30 Ortenberg, Art, Mar87, 26
Ogorodnikov, Nikolay. Ap85, 30 Onate, Don Juan de, Oe77, 5,19 Orthodox Jews (also see Jews), May87,
Ohlmer, Walter, 083, 28 Once Upon a TIme in America, N84, 25 40; female segregation, 086.25; U.S.
Ohlssohn, Garrick, Ja79, 7 Onyeama, Dillibe, F86, 37 numbers, 083, 29
oil, Ja76, 3, S76, 7, 17, Au85, 11; OPEC, Jul79, 9, Oc79, 6, 079. S, Mar80. Ortiz Jr., Ruben, N85, 29
embargo, Mar76, 12·13, May77,11, 22 Orwell, George, 076, 5, 15, Mar7S, 11,
Au77, 9, S80, 34, Oc81, 33; Israel, S80, opera, Ja78, 11, 24, Ja79. 26·27; MarB3, 10, Ap83, 24-25, Oc84, 24,
24, Oc85, 18; Mexico, F81. 10, Ju185, Negroes, Ju180, 22, N82. 17, Jul84, 34 Jun85, 13, NBS, 24, NB7, 22; anti­
14; production, U.S. 1983, Ju184, 30; Operta. Fiorello, Jun83, 30 Semitism, F82, 28; quote, 083. 21; war
world reserves, S85. 20 opium war, S80, 27 propagandist, Mar87, 18
Okamoto, Kozo. S85. 33 Opoku, Adusei, DS7, 21 Osborn, Henry Fairfield, F77, 19, Au80, 33
Oklahoma, Ju181. 36; prisons, May84, 19 Oppenheim. Eberhard von, JulS3, 21 Osborne,John,JunS7,24
Oksenberg, Michel, S82, 29 Oppenheim, Max von, Ap84. 28 Osborne, Mark, Mar87, 28
Okun, Arthur, MaySI, 30 Oppenheimer, Harry. Jun79, 19-20, Oc79, Osborne, A. Travis, Oc77, 26, Ap76, 10,
Okun, Steven, MayBI, 30 2S, AuSO, 32, MayS!, 35. May82, 30, S78, 5. 14-15,SSO, 23,SS2,32
Olar, Libby, Jul80, 24, NS4, 29 JulS2, 29, Au82, 21, Jun84, 7, N84, 34, Osbourne, Ozzy. MarB2, 27. Ju182. 26
Old Believers, Jul77, 19 JulS5, 23, MarS6, 13, ApSS, 17, Ju187, Oscar awards. Jul87, 25
Old Dominion University, Jun78, 12-13 34,Au87,32,087,10 Osceola, S87, 19
Old Testament (also see Bible), Mar78, 7, Oppenheimer, J. Robert, Ap76, 9, Jun76, OSHA, OSO, 32
N78, 16, Mar84, 22; Amalek, AuS7, 8; 7,Oc77, 12, Au83, 29, Au87, 1S; poison Osier, Jean-Pierre, 085, 18
Senate study group, S87, 27 plan, Au85, 17 Oslo, FB4, 28
Oldenburg, Claes, JulSI, 18, Ja87. 28 Oppenheimer, Samuel, Jun80, 33 Osmond brothers. AuS6, 20
Oldfield, Maurice, Jul87, 30 Oppong, Nana K., OB7, 21 Ossa's Dyke, JuIB3, 30

Osservatore Romano, Au78, 13
Pakenham, Antonia, FS1, 28
Paley, William, Ja77, 12, F77. 8, Jul80, 31,

Ossorio, Joseph, D84, 30

Pakenham, Patrick, SS1, 27
Jul84, 24, Ap85, 17-18. JuIS5. 30, Au85,

Ostrich people, Oc79, 19

Pakistan, Oc79, 28, OcS3, 32; aid
15, JaS6, 28, OS6, 28, F87, 26, MarS7,

Oswald, Lee H., Jun81, 16, Ja8S, 9-10

threatened, May87, 36; banking, F85,

Otero, Joachim, F., Oc79, 10

38; nuclear reactor, JulS7, 34, OS7, 34
Palgrave, Francis, Oc79, 25

Othello, in South Africa, 087, 34

physicist killed, Jun84, 35
palimony. F83, 21

Othello, Au79, 18
Pakistanis, S76, 17; in U.S., MayS6, 28
Pallenberg, Anita, Oc79, 20

Otis, James Larry, S81, 31

Palachio, Marcos, S84, 27
Palm Beach, Mar79, 20-22, Ap80, 27;

Ottawa, FS7, 25
Palestine (ancient), Ja79, 6
Jewish influx, Ja85, 23

Ottaway, Mark, May78, 10,22

Palestine, Oc77, 15 Nn, Oc78, 14;
Palme, Olof, F86, 34, Ap86, 14-15, 586,

Otten family, Oc84, 21

demographics, Au79, 16, May86, 33;
35; assassinated, JulyS6, 32, Mar87,

Ottoman Turks, Jul78, 10

Jewish terrorists, N77, 8, 20-21, F78, 13,
31-32, N87, 12

Ottoway, Mark, Jul77, 12

F81, 34, F82, 32, Ge87, 33; partition,
Palmer, Harold C.. Oc87, 36

Ju186, 9; pre-WWI, Ap84, 29; training
Palmer. Lu, 083,31

Oueddie, Goukouni, N83, 35

terrorists, Jun85, 33-34; U.S.
Palmerston, Lord, Jun76, 10

Oughton, Diana, F76, 15

supporters, F79, 27
Palmyra, Mar85, 11-12, Jun87. 33

Our Crowd, N78, 9

Palestine America Congress, JaSO. 31
Pamyat, Au87. 1S, S87, 31

Oust ric, M., Au76, 5

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO),
pan-Germanism, FSO, 9-10

Out of Africa, S8S, 33, Jul86, 27

Ja76, 17-18, S76, 10, F78, 13, Mar87, 9,
pan-Slavism, Au7S, 11

Outcry, magazine, Mar8S 21

May87, 35; agents murdered, S81. 34;
Panama Canal Co., OS1, 31

Outer Hebrides, Jul81, 27

American gift, AuS1, 33; attack on Tunis
Panama Canal, 077. 5, 17-20, Mar7S, 8,

Outer Mongolia, Jul8S, 28

Hq., F86, 35; Australia bans, ApS6, 34;
27, S78, 13; giveaway, FS3, 33-34

Overholser, Winfred, May84. 16

banned movie, May85, 35; Beirut
Panama, JunS2, 11, F83, 33-34; elections,

Owen, David. Mar79, S, 085, 33,Aug86, 31

exodus, Jul84, 35; enlists German
584,31; U.S. relations, 077,17-18

Owens, Buck, S78, 15

spies, JaSO, 32; in Canada. Au84, 35; in
Pangborn, Franklin, FS1, 6

Owens, Jesse, Ge76, 8, May78, 21, 083,

Lebanon, Au82. 4, Jun83, 30; in U.S.,
Pangburn, James, SS1. 19-20

29, Oc84, 25-26. Jun87. 6-7; FOR

May83, 32, SS6, 34; Jewish members,
panhandlers, Jun79. 16

snubbed, Ju180, 25
S83, 22; members tortured, MarSO, 28;
Panjandrum Press, Ap86, 18

Oxford English Dictionary, N79. 28, AuS7.

no U.S. negotiations, JaS5, 7; prisoner
Panorama, SS6, 35

exchange, MarS4, 29; secret Israeli
Paole Zion, Juln, 8

Oxford University, Oc82, 30, Jul8S, 32

talks, Au87, 32; will bequest, JulS2, 21
Paolucci, Henry, Jun76, 20

Oxford, Kenneth, May82, 26

Palestinian camps (poem), JaB7, 16
Papa, Louis, N87, 35

Oxner, Helmut, S82, 29
Palestinian homeland, U.S. polls, 087,
Papacy (also see Vatican), Ja76. 3; anti-

Ozawa, Seiji, Oc82, 20

Semitic popes, May84, 16-17

Ozer. Bernard, S82, 27

Palestinian, praised by American, OS6, 40
Papandeou,Andreas, F87.33

Ozick, Cynthia, N8S, 19; quote, Au83, 17

Palestinian state, American attitudes,
Papasian, Joseph, F84, 13

085, 31 ; poll favors, Aug83, 28

Papke, Billy, Ju178, 17

- p
Pa'iI, Mair, Ap85, 34

Paasen, Pierre van, N77,21

Palestinians, Ja76, 3,18, Ja77, 13,

Jun77, 13, Jul77, S. 18-19, Au77, 19,

Jun7S, 11,Ja79,6,N79,9,F84,25,

papology, Ju186. 15

Papon, Maurice, Ap83, 29

Papp. Joseph, May79. 11. S86, 34, OS6.

Jul86, 31, Ge86, 17; air raids on camps,


- Pablo, Felipe, S86, 34

Pabst, William R., S76, 19

Paca, William, N7S, 12

Pace Amendment, Jun87, 34, Oc87, 35

Mar84, 29; Anwar camp, MarS4, 29;

apology for, S80, 35; art, 080, 29;

atrocities against. Jul80, 30, Au81, 22,


Papua New Guinea, Jun77, 18, Ja80. 9.

N83, 32. Mara4, 30; gang rapes, F85, 35

Paragon Securities, 076, 18

Pace, James 0., July86, 34-35

- Pacific Lumber Co., Au87, 27

pacifism, JulSI, 19, F82, 2S

Packard, Vance, S78, 15, D7S, 11

Australian aid, Maya7, 37; casualties.

N81. 29; census. Jun81, 33; demo­

graphies, N83, 23, 083, 29. NSS. 34,

MarS7. 26; harassed by U.S., AuS1, 34,

Paraguay, S79. 11. S8S, 9, Mar86, 9-10,

JunS7, 33; anti-Semitism, ApS7, 34

parapsychology. Ge7S. 21-23, AuBO, 9-10

parasites, Mar77. 5, 16-18; symbiotic,

Packwood, Robert, 081, 7,May8S,32

N85, 34; homes demolished, MaySS, 33;

- PACs, Jewish, N83, 25, Ja8S, 32, Jun85,

31, Jul8S, 18, Jul86, 29, N86, 21

Paderewski, Ignace, Jun76, 5

in U.S., Ja80, 31, OcSl, 31; Israeli slave

labor, N79, 28; Jewish lies, N84 16,

MayS6, 33; Jewish threats, MarS2, 7;

parasitism, Jun82, 18, FS5, 11-13; of

culture, MarS2, 9-10

pardons, F87. 29; posthumous, Oc77, 28;

Padover, Saul, Jun81, 6

massacres, 082. 29, Ja84, 29·30;
presidential, May84. 26

paedophilia, Jun77, 13, 078, 14, Oc79,

mysterious illness, Oc83, 34; op­ Parenta, Alan, 081. 36

27, AuSl, 31, S81, 28, Mar84, 9 , F85, 30,

pression of, Jul78, 11, Au79. 17, 079,
Paretian Distribution, Au85, 1S

May8S, 19, Jul87, 28

28, F81, 33-34, Jul81, 33, NS2, 30, N84,
Pareto, Vilfredo, F77, 11, Ja79, 9, Mar79,

paganism, new, June83, 14

33, Au85, 34, N85, 16; persecuted in

- Pagano, Clinton, Jul8S, 34

Page, Ellis B.,Oc77, 14, N82,12-13

Paggioni, Jeannette, Ju182, 26

Paige, Emmett, Jr., S81, 33

U.S., Jun80, 33; poem, Ja8S, 23, Mar87,

27; polls, Ja87, 27, 087, 29; terrorists.

Mar83, 30, Au87, 32; tortured, Ge79, 26;

Parham, Lowell, June6, 23

Parham, William L, 081,35

Paris. browning of, FS7, 31, MayS2, 29-30;

U.S. aid diverted, AuS4, 38; U.S.

German occupation. JaS2, 30; WWII

Paine, Thomas, JunSO, 20
support, Mar7S, 28; U.S. visas, Oc79,
occupation of, Ap82, 26-27

Painted Word, The, 075,9-10, Ap7S, 7.

26; West Bank settlements, Jun84, 29,
Paris. Jerry and Ruth, JulS2, 19

June83, 9-10, AuS3, 21

Parish, John F., May83, 27

Paisley, Eileen, Ap82, 17

Palevsky, Max, Ja77, 5, 16, F77. 8, N79, Parker, Dorothy, quote, Ja86, 36

Paisley, lan, Jun81, 29, S81, 29, ApS2, 17,

Parker, Jameson, S8S, 30

JunS2, 18-19, SS2, 14-15,26, AuS3, 29;

Palewski, Gaston, Ja86, 2S
Parker, Michelle, S85, 30

gets visa, N82, 32

Paley, Vivian, MayS5, 39
Parker, Robert, Oc86, 31


Parkhurst, Charles, AuBS, 9-10

Pegler, Westbrook, Au76, 7, Mar80, 20·21

Parkhurst, Mike, MayB3, 13

Patterson, Floyd, Jun80, 26
Pei, I.M., De76. 5

Parkinson, Brian, Dc8S, 32

Patterson, Francine, Dc78, 18
Peiper Commando, Oc78, 27, Ja81, 19

Parkinson, C. Northcote, Jul80, 29, FB4,

Patterson, Reggie, JuI8S, 38
Peirce, Charles, N79, 6-7

27, NBS, 30-31

Patton, George S. Jr., 577, 2S, Ap81, 26,
Peirce. Hayford, Mar81 , 35

Parkman, Francis, Au83, 21

Jun8S, 38, May87, 26-27; anti-Jewish
Peking, JulB5, 27

Parks, Carol, S82, 11

quote, Jul86, 11; death, F80, 22
Pele, May78, 9

Parks, Ethel, Mar83, 29

Patzer, Gordon L., Ju186, 15
Pell, Claiborne, N81, 11, Ap87, 35, Au87,

Parks, Gordon, S87, 27


Parliament (Britain), first nonwhites. Au87,

Pauker, Ana, Jul84, 6, Jun86, 37
Pellay, Jean-Ives, F81, 32, Ap81 , 28,

29, Dc87, 30; members, 086, 34

Paul IV, July86, 32
Ja82, 30

parliaments, in West, N84, 24

Paul VI, 079. 15, Ju180. 29
Pellecer, Luis E., Au82, 28

Parnell, Charles S., Ap79, 26

Paul, Janice, Dc87, 17
Pellepoix, Darquier de, Mar79, 17

Parnes, Tony, JunB7, 30

Paul, Jay, F8S, 31
Pelley, William, F77, 19

parole, vanishing parolees, DeB4, 27

Paul, Prince, Ap84, 20
Pellico, Sylvia, Jun80, 13

Parr. George. Jun78, 15

Paul, Ron, Jul82, 15, 087, 6
Peltier, Leonard, Ap87, 28

Parras, George E., F83. 30

Pauley, Jane, Ja81, 6-7, F8S, 39
Pena, Juan Jose, Ja84, 19

Parrish, Michael D., S8S, 30

Pauling, Linus, 078, 11
Pendell, Elmer, F76, 17, Jul78, 23. 581,9,

Parsons. Arthur, JunB4, 31

Paulis, Arrie, May80, 32
Mar83, 24; death, Ju182, 17

Parsons, James, F81, 15

Paupert, Marie, Ap81 , 28
Pendergast machine, 576, 18, F79, 16

Parsons, Raymond. 085, 35

Pauwels, Louis, Jun 76, 3, 15·18
Pendleton, Clarence M., Au83, 22, Ja86,

Parsons, Talcott, Ap77, 14, S79, 7

Pavlov, Ivan, May8S, 33
3S, N86, 23

Partj Quebecois, Ja82, 15, S82. 28, S8S,

Pavlowitch, Paul, N81, 32
Penn, Sagon, 087,30

Pax Romana, Jul82, 25
Penn, William (quote), Oc77, S

partition (also see devolution), of U.S.,

Paxson, Davison, store, Mar82, 20
Penney, John, Jul82, 26

Ap76, 4-5, 18
Payant, Donna, S81, 20
Pennington, C. B., F84, 25

Parton, Dolly, S81, 22

Payne, Dorothy, JaBl, 31
Pennsylvania State U., tuition, F8S, 30

Party House (mfg. co.), May8S, 31

Payne, Elaine, Jul86, 20
Pennsylvania, Au7B, 17, July84, 20

Parvus (Alexander Helphand), Jun79, 25

Payne, Tom, Ja78, 20, Jul86, 20
Penny, Don, N77, 13

Pasadena, Tournament of Roses, ApBS,

Peabody, Endicolt, Mar79, 20
pensions, Mar82, 26; compared, Au8S, 30

Peabody, Jill, Ap85, 18
Penthouse, Mar77, 6, Dc82, 20

Pascal, Blaise, Mar87, 12

Peace Corps, Jul79, 23, Jun86, 33;
peonage, in Beverly Hills, 082, 18

Paschoud, Mariette, N86, 34, Ja87, 31

abortions, May84, 24; member
People for the American Way, Ja82, 28,

Pascoe, William W. III, 087,33

murdered, F8S, 3S; seeks Third World
F8S, 30, Ap86, 18, N87, 35; supporters,

Pasha, Azzam, Ja87, 30

volunteers, Jun87, 28

Pashman, Morr:s, Au78, 12

Peacock, Andrew, F8S, 36-37
People's Party, Jul8S, 39-40

Passage to India, A, AuBS, 22

Peaden, R. W., May76, 19
Peoples Temple, Mar79, 10, Ap79, 11,

Passing of the Great Race, The, Ja76, 10,

Pearce, Abraham, 081, 18
Jul81, 16·17, May82, 28; newspaper,

Dc8S, 25
Pearce, Edward, N84, 33
S79, 17; supporters, NB3, 18

Passion Play, in Israel, N81, 33

Pearce, Joe, Mar83, 30, May84, 28, S84,
Peoria (IL), Ja84, 26

Passmore, John, Ap78, 20

28, JuI8S, 7·10, Jun87, 34
Pepi I, Oc78, 14

Passover Plot, The (film), Jun77, 13,

Pearce, Padriac, F87, 30
Pepsi-Cola, Oc84, 28, N87, 25;

Pearl Harbor II, Jul80, 3S, S81, 18; death
commercials, SS6, 31

Passover, celebrated by Christians,

threat, 580, 34
Percival, Anne, Ap8S, 31

Pearl novel). F79, 18
Percy, Charles.. May79, 11, Mar81 , 35,

passports, DB6, 30
Pearl Harbor, May7S, 9, Jul77, 20, Jun78.
Jul82, 15, F83, 29, Ap86, 7, S87. 11;

Pasteur Institute, ApB7, 12

17, JaBS, 27, Ja8S, 38, 585,32, Jul86,
loses seat. Ja8S. 22, Mar85. 20

Pasteur, Louis, Ap7B, 20

8, Dc87, 22; coverup, Dc77. 7, 22-24.
Percy, Walker. F81, 20

Pastora, Eden, Mar79, 28, F8S, 37

JulSO, 35, N8S, 19; secrets revealed,
Perdition. Au87, 29, Dc87, 31

Patagonia, offered to Jews, Ja87, 33

FS2, 32; unremembered, Ap86, 29
Perdue, Michael, JaS2. 22

Patal, Raphael, F84, 12. Jul87, 12-13

Pearl, Gary. SS5, 20, Jul86, 17
Pereira, Fernando, Ja8S, 33

Patch, Alexander M., Dc76, 7

Pearlstine, Allen, Au8S, 11
Pereira, Sergio, Dc87, 27

Patel family, Dc82, 26

Pearlstine. Norman. May84, 19, N84. 20
Perelman, Ron. F87, 17

Patel, Ashokkamut, F8S, 31

Pearson, Anthony. Jun76, 7, Ja79, 15,
Perenchio. Jerry, Oc85, 21

Patel, Kiritbhai, F8S, 31

Peres. Shimon, Ju185, 17, Jun86, 16,

Patel, Praful, Au77, 10, Aug83, 27

Pearson, Drew, De76, 10, F84, 14, JulS4,
Ju187, 33, 087, 9

Patella, Franz, Jun87, 28

Peretz, Anne, Ju187, 28

Patels, British millionaires, Au87. 26

Pearson, John. JunSS, 33
Peretz. Itzhak. NS6, 35

patents, S8S, 29, Jul87, 27

Pearson, Karl, F77, 19
Peretz, Martin, F77, 8, 079.18, 081,18,

Paterson (NJ), Au86, 6-7

Pearson, Roger. Ap76, 18
082,19, NB3, 25, Mar85, 20-21, JaB5,

Paterson, William, Ja8S, 27

Peary, Robert, Jul76, 5, S87, 26
33; Jul8S, 11; Boesky friend, F87, 17;

Patler, John, Jun8S, 9

Pechter, Bonnie, Au86, 10
wealth, Jul87, 28

Patman, William, Ja8S, 7

Peck, Gregory, May83, 15, N87, 14
Perez, Carmen, 084, 31

patriarchy, Ap83, 13
Peckham, Robert, Dc80, 14
Perez, Tony, DcS1, 23

patricide, May87, 31
Peckham, William, Ap87, 27
Perez-Aguilar, Mario, Ap80, 28

Patrick, Chris, Au8S, 32

Pedersen, Margaret, Ap81, 31
Pergamon, Jun87, 30

patriotism, F78, 17, Ja82, 13; poll, Ap84,

Peebles, Jeffery, 082,21
Pericas, Bernardo, 081,33

Peel, Peter, F82, 31
periodicals, German, Jul77, 20; radical

Patterns of Prejudice, N77, 24,079,5,

Peel, Robert, Jun7S, 10
right, De8S, 21


perjury, N87, 27
Pfeiffer, Jane C., 078, 16
37, Mar8S, 20; Warsaw boy, 078. 15

Perkey, Caroline, Ju187, 34

Pfister, Edward, Oces, 29
Phryne, Junea3, 11-12

Perkins, Calvin, Au8S, 30

Phagan, Mary, Jun82, 21, Jun84, 16-17,
phylogeny of civilizations, Au79, a, 25·26
Perkins, Charles (Australian official), N87,
Jun8S, S-7
physical traits, student preferences, S86.

Phi Gamma Delta, Au87, 36

Perkins, Charfey, S81, 29

Phibro Corp., Au82, 21, Oc82, 27
physicians, Jul77, 12; loan defaults,
Perl, William, Ap79, 32
Phibro-Salomon Inc., N83, 2S, Jul8S, 23
Oc82, 26; rapists, Jun8S, 34; trained
Perle, Richard N., May79, 12, May83, 25,
Philadelphia Inquirer, Fn, 20
abroad, Oc84, 27, 086,30
N86, 31; conflict of interest, F86, 10
Philadelphia, Jun78, 1S, Au86, 20; crime,
physics, Oc76, 6, 16-17

Perlmutter, Amos, S8S, 20

S84, 17, Au8S, 19·20, May86, 19, S86,
physiology, female, 086, 14-1S
Perlmutter, Daniel, Jun86, 34
31; decline of, Mar85, 9-10, Ja86, 11;
Piaget, Jean, Au79, 8

Perlmutter, Nathan, Mar81, 17, Mar82, 18,

Jewish homeowners, Ap87, 27; mayoral
Picabia, Francis, Ap78, 21

Oc82, 19, May86, 22; ADL quote, D85, election, Au84, 32; MOVE bombing, 085,
Picasso, Pablo, Jul77, 16; art output, S86,

22-23; politics, Jun83, 9, S83, 23, Ja84,
31; Chicago statue, May80, 16

Perlo, Victor, S77, 14

17, F84, 14
Pickens, T. Boone, F87, 17

Pernice, Frank, Jun81, 31

Philby, Harold (Kim), Ja8r, 31, Ju181, 30,
Pickett, Dovie, Oc87, 28

Peron, Eva, Ja80, 7,Ap82, 6

S81, 16, N83, 8-12, 083, 13, May8S, 33,
Pickle, J. J., May87, 40

Peron, Juan, N79, 16

Jun8S, 33, JuI8S, 13, Mar87, 30;
Pickles, Eric, Mar84, 28

Perot, H. Ross, Ju179, 14

unmasked by Zionists, F82, 28
Picture Show Man, The, F84, 22

Perry. Aulde, Mar79, 18

Philion. Charles, Jul87, 30
Pierce, C. M.• N8S, 21

Perry, Aulcie, Jr., Ju187. 28

Philip Morris Co., 087, 19
Pierce, Franklin, Ja78, 23

Perry, Eddie. Oc85, 20

Philippines, Communists. May86, 34;
Pierce, Frederick, Au85, 15

Perry, Edmund, Oc87, 15, Ne7, 1S

corruption, Ap87, 34; emigration, Au84,
Pierce, Sam uel R., Jr., Mar82, 17

Perry, Lincoln T., D82, 20

40; GI offspring, Jun8S, 37; guerrillas,
Pierce, Samuel, 082, 20

Perry, Lowell W., S76, 10

Mar84, 25; in WWII, N83. 17; Japanese
Pierce, William L, Oc78, 2a, N7a, 24,

Perry, Nancy Ling, F76, 15

occupation, S8S, 20; Marcos ouster,

Perry, William, Au86, 26, F87, 28

May86, 34, Jun86, 38, Jul86, 31, Ja87,
Piercer, Gary, F83, 3S
Persia, D86, 16
6-7; Moslem terrorists, Ape7, 34; press
Pierre, Dale. F83, 9-10

Persian Gulf, S87, 7; war cost to U.S.,

censorship, May87, 38; statehood
Pierre, Percy, 12

S87,2S movement, Au84, 40

Pietsch, Paul, F83, 1S-16, Ja84, 10

personality, development, 078, 11;

Philistines, 10, Ap79, 10, Au83, 21;
Pietschmann, Herbert, Oc76, 17

factors, Au8S, 36; inherited traits, F87,

alphabet, S81, 24
pigmentation, Ju176, 10, Mar79, 5, 22;

Phillippe. Larry, 084, 18
black preferred, N82, 7

Persuasion at Work, S8S, 35

Phillips Exeter Academy, OC8S, 20
Pignedoli, Sergio, N8a, 32

Pertamina, Oc77, 1S
Phillips. A.J.C., anti-Holocaust quote,
Pijeira, Emelio M., Oce7, 27

Pertschuk, Michael, May79, 11

S87, 20
Pike, Otis, quote, Ap83, 26

Peru,0c82, 12, Mar86, 9; art, Au80, 30;

Phillips, Danny, May78, 23
Pikul, Valentin, Ja80, 32, Au81, 32

- Indians, D84, 37; pre-Columbian era,

D81, 12-13; race situation, 084,37

Peruskov, Nickolai, JUn83, 26

Phillips, Frederick, Juna7, 24

Phillips, Harry F., May83, 27

Phillips, Howard, Au84, 43

Pilate, Pontius, Ap77, 5

Pilecki, Witold, Oc83, 32

Pilgrims, Negro member?, Da1, 18

perverts, Au83, 29
Phillips, Kevin, Jul77, 11, May7a, 12, F80,
Pillsbury Baptist Bible College, Jun87, 28

- Pesce, Molly, N86, 20

pesticides, Ja87, 27

Petacei, Clara, May76, 17, N84, 2S-26,

27, F83, 18

Phillips, Lou Diamond, Da7, 21

Phillips, Michael, 085, 20

pimps. F83, 18

Pina, Carlos and Jose, Ap86, 29

Pincher, Chapman, May82, 29, D83, 32,

Phillips, Peter, Ja85, 34
MaraS, 27, May8S, 33

- Petain, Henri, Mar79, 17, Au80, 35

Peter Principle, Au84, 28

Peter the Great, S80, 15

Phillips, U.B.• Ap79, 7

Phillips, Warren H .• Mar79, 24, Maya4, 19,

N84, 20, Mar87, 24

Pincus & Co., Ju186, 21

Pincus, Ann. May78. 23

Pindar, N80, 10

Peter, Paul and Mary, sex charge, Jun81,

Phillips, William, Mar80, 10
Pines, Burton Y., May85, 8

Philo. Jul87, 12
Pinkas, Israel, N87, 28

Peters, Arno, Ja8S, 14-15

philosophers of history, May76, 4, 14-16
Pinkney, Arnold, Au85, 31

Peters, H. F., Mar77. 17

philosophy, Ja76, 7, Ju176. a, 16-17,
Pinner, Haym, Jul80, 30, N84 16

Peters, Joan, May86, 33

Ap78. 20; JaSO, 11-14, Jun83, 23-24,
Pinochet, Augusto, Mar77, 12, S78, 12­

- Peters, Roger, N87, 35

Petersen, William, S83, 18

Petersen, Wolfgang, JUn82, 24

Peterson, David, 08S, 33

Oc83 S, 085, 10-11, Jun86, 8·10;

Cynics, 082, 15; existentialism. Oc79.

7-8; in France, Ap78, 12; social, 075,

11. S76, 8, Mar77, 5.16-18

13, N87, 32

Pinter, Harold, F81, 28

pioneers. Swedish death march, Oc87, 26

Piper Aircraft Corp., May86. 28

Peterson, Jim, Jul84, 34

Philoumenos, Archimandrite, S85, 32-33
Pipes, Daniel, F84, 26, May8S, 9

- Peterson, Thomas, Jun85, 32

Petralona Man, S87, 9-10

Petrie, Donald, Ja83, 19

Philpott. A. L, Jula2. 19

Phipps, Thomas E., Jr.• Oc87, 34

Phoenicians, Ap79, 10. Ap81 , 22, Ap87.

Pipes, Richard. May8S, 9

piracy, AU77 t 12, S80, 33; books,. Ap76,

19; in 1983, MayaS, 30

Petrie, Milton, May87, 31

25; in North America, N80, 12; voyages, Pires. Robert, Oc87, 35

Petrys, Adolf, Jul87, 21

Au87,21 Pisan Cantos, Ja78, 7

Pets, May81, 29
Phoenix Foundation, N80, 22
Pistono, Cheryl, JuI8S, 33

Pett, Sheldon, Aug84, 33

Phoenix, crime. Au86, 29
Pitcairn Island, May84, 23

Petuchowski, Jakob, Ju187, 16-17

photographs, biased caption, Au8S, 29; Pitt, William, Mar78, 23

- Peyser, Joan, Oc78, 12,25, Ju187, 28,


Pfeiffer, Carl C., Oc79, 15

freaks, Jula5, 12

photography, fake, Jun76, 18-19, May77,

10, 078, 15, Ap80, 23, Jun81, 36, Jul8S,

Pittam, G. E., May80, 32

Pitts, Carolyn, Jul87, 16

Pittsburgh, Jun87, 19; Negro crime, N87,


19-20 poetesses, May83. 18 politics, corruption, Oc83, 18-19, S84, 27;

Pius XII, slander suit, Ja85, 36 pogroms, 086,35; in Russia, Jun78. 17, extortion, Jun85. 31; in West, N84. 24;
plagiarism, MarS 1, 31, Oc81 , 30, 081,31, AuS1. 32, Au86, 33; of Palestinians. party. Ja82, 14; tips for activists, NS4,
Jun84, 30, 085, 34, Oc86, 31; Biden's Mar82.7 25; U.S., F83, 17, Mar83. 26, May8S. 15
speeches, Oc87, 19, N87, 19; in TV, Pogrund. Benjamin. N84. 34 Polk, James H., Jun77. 18
Ap83, 28, Jul85, 29, Ja87, 26; musical, Pogue, Forrest. Oc77, 24 Polk. James K., S87, 12
Jul87, 28; Negro reporter, Jun84, 19 Pohl, Frederic, Mar85. 34 Pollack, Milton, Ap83, 15-16
Plague on Both Your Houses, A, N76, 11, Poincare. Henri, Oc81, 36 Pollack, Sandy, Ju185, 33, S87, 11
Oc85.12 Poindexter. John, Ja87, 13, FS7. 1S, Pollak, Louis H., Jun77, S
Plain Dealer (Cleveland), Jun84, 19 MarS7, 29, AuS7, 27 Pollard spy case, Israel's distancing, F86,
Planck, Max, S77, 18,081.16; quote, Point Blank (publication), Mar84,32 10, N87, 30-31
Au83.14 Pointer sisters, MarS7, 25 Pollard, Barbara Henderson, F86, 8-10
planetary inframind, Ja84, 9-11 poison gas. in Afghanistan, Ja81, 34 Pollard, Jonathan J., F86, 8-10, Ap86,
Planinc. Mikla, Au86, 33 poison, murder attempt, JunS7, 28 28, Jun86. 19, S86, 10-13, Mar87, 20,
Plant, Elizabeth, N84, 30 Poitier, Sidney, Mar84, 26; Hollywood Ap87, 16, Ju187, 19; Jewish attitudes,
plastic surgery, epicanthic fold, Jun85, quote, N87, 21 S87,26;supporters.N86,29,Jun87,20
20; in China, May87, 36, S87, 25 Pol Pot, Ja78, 13 Pollard, Morris. Mar87, 20
Plato's Retreat, Jul78, 14, Mar79, 19, Poland, N76, 23, Ap77, 6, May81, 33, Pollin, Abe, June83, 13
Jun81,31, Ja84,27 Jun81, 16-17, Oc81 , 23, OcSl, 32, N81, Pollock, Jackson, 075, 9, N79, 12, Ap80,
Plato, Dana, May83, 20 32, F82, 15, Ap82, 31, July86, 33,087, 18-19
Plato, S77, 10,12, 27, JUn79, 9, JuJ79, 5, 33; anti-Semitism, Au80. 30-3, Ja81, 33­ polls, Jun76, 4-5, S77. 11, 079, 16, Ap81.
Jun83,17,23,N87,14 34, MarS2, 28-29, MayS2, 10, N84, 28; 21, 27, Mar83. 26; abstract art, N8S, 1B;
Platonists, N79, 7 Catholic and Jewish relations, OeB4, 32, affirmative action, 083, 30; aid to Israel,
Platoon, Jul87, 25 Ap87, 31; defectors, May85, 29; N86, 30; anti-Semitism, Jul86, 29; black
Platt, Marc, Jun86, 25 Oemjanjuk case criticized, Ap87, 31; candidates. OcS3, 28; Calif. voters, FB3,
Platt, S. Phelps, May80, 20 Jews, Jun81, 16-17, Ju183, 33, N83, 33, 25; Canada, Ju182, 27; controversial
Plaut, Gunther, Oc76, a Oc84, 32, Jul87, 36, OcB7, 32; Katyn, issues. S81, 32; dual loyalty, N87, 26:
Playboy bunnies, 078, 11 Au85, 33, N87, 29-30P; politics, AuB4, education, Oc83, 28; errors, F81, 17,
Playboy channel, Mara4, 17, Ja85. 29, 37, Ap85, 33; polls, 081, 34; press. F86, Au81,22, F82, 27, N82,21,Ja83,23
Jul87,26 35-36, 087, 33; purges, Oc84, 32, Ap86, polls, immigration, Ja83. 25, Mar84, 25;
Playboy, F81. 30, Oca2, 20, NaS, 7, F87, 28; relations with Germans, Jun80, 35; intelligence, Oc81. 11-12: intermarriage,
28; French edition. Au87, 30, S87, 30; Russians denounced, NB7, 29-30; 083, 30; Jews, MaySI, 17, Au81, 29,
Jewish officials, Mar84, 17 Solidarity. Juna1, 16-17, Ju183, 33, 083, N81, 29, S84, 25, MarB3, 28, 083, 29;
Playgirl, Oc82, 20
32,087,33 Middle East, May82. 27; mixed
Playing for Time, Ju180, 18, Mar84, 19,
Polanski, Roman, F76, 15, Jul78, 14, OBO, marriages, Oc83, 28; 1984 election,
FaS,40 19, 27, Mar81, 21, Ap84, 25, Ap87. 32; Mar8S, 26; party membership. OB3, 30; .
plays (see theater) explains rape, May85, 28 politics, May78, 12, Au81, 29, May86.
Plaza, Antonio, Jun87, 33 Poliakov, Leon, OeBO, 5, F86, 31 28; popular Europeans, Ja84, 29;
Pleasance, Donald. F8S, 26 police, aggression encouraged, SS2, 32; presidents, May81, 32, Ja84, 26; war,
Pleasants, Henry, Ja82, 7-a corruption, Ap84, 27, May86, 15. May86, OeB3, 28; whites on Negroes, Jul81, 22;
Plessy vs. Ferguson, 07a, a, 21-22 29 ; demeaned, Mar84, 32;HOMO­ world figures, Oc83, 28
Pleve, Konstantinovich, N76, 16 sexuals. May83, 27; Minneapolis, Ju187. pollution. Ju181, 15; Mexico, F81, 10
Plimpton, George, Jaa2, 28 30; morale, JaSS, 33; murdered, Ja78, Polo, Marco, F79, 11
Plomin, Robert, Fa3, 34 13; promotions, May87, 39; response Polo, Nicholas, Jun87, 28
Ploss, H., OeB2, 12 times, 587, 25; sued, Ja7S, 13; women, Polyansky, Omitry, Jun79, 24
Plotkin, Jerry, Ap81 , 12, DeB 1, 17 S83,33,N86,22 polygamy, Ju181, 22, JunB3, 26, Oc85, 35,
Plotkin, Manuel D., Oc77, 12, Jun79, 19, Policy Review, May8S, 8 Au87, 33; Negro advocates, May86, 30
Oe79,10 Polikoff, Nancy, May80, 21 Polynesia, N76, 23,N80, 13, N87,31-32;
Plutarch, N80, 12 Polinsky, Rosa, 076,18 voyages, JunBO, 16-17, 082, 24-25
plutocracy, Jun85, 16 polio, OSS, 24 Pomerantz, Gerald J., SB4, 27
Plymouth (MA), F76, 8 Polish Americans, Ap77, 20, Jun77, 12. Pompadur, Martin, JulB3, 28
Plytzanopolous, Antonis, OS5, 33, May86, Ap86, 35, F87, 28; attacked by NYC Pompei, Ja79, 6
32-33 Reds, F85, 31; Jewish enmity, May82, Poncet, J. F., Au79, 28
Pobedonostsev, Konstantin, Ap84, 11 10 Pontecorvo. Bruno, 078, 13
Podhoretz, John, S86, 20 Polish, David, Ja81, 31 Poole, David, N87, 28
Podhoretz, Norman, Mar77, 6, May77,12, Political Action Committees (PACS), N81, Poole, Wallace, N77, 9
MayS5, 31, JUn86, 23, Au86, 15, S86, 11·13, Jul82, 25, F83, 25; gay, S84, 16 Popczuk, Michael, N83, 25
17, N86, 32 political contributions, May83, 26; Pope. Alexander, Jul77, 5, Mar84, 22;
Podolsky, Zenek, S84, 27 Jewish, May83, 26, OeB4, 8-9, N87, 20, poem, Au84, 28-29
Poe, Edgar Allan, F77, 7, Ja7a, 7, Mar84, May85,6.JunS5,23 Pope, Carol, Aug84, 33
5 political issues, top ten, May85, 13 Popes, alleged Negroes, N79, 18-19
Poe, Ted, Maya3, 18 political leaders, whiteness of, F84, 17 Popkin, Richard H., F86. 31
poetry, Ja78, 13. Ja79, 16-17, Oe79, 1, political parties, racial composition, AuS6, Popper, Karl, JunS2, 13
25.079, 1S.JaSO, 10. 0B3,30, Ap84, 17 29 Population Bomb. The, Ja78. 14
poetry. Jun87, 25, Jul87, 15; Politicia} Thesarus, FS5, 13 Population Reference Bureau, N76, 13
anthologies, Oc79. 25; anti-Semitic, politicians, donations to, S76, 11; Jewish population, control, S77. 11-12, Jun81, 35.
Mar84, 22-24 Ja78, 13; black. Ja78, 13; honoraria, S84, 26; poor elocution, Ap8S, 36, Mar86, 36
epic, Oc79, 25; modern English, Ap83, MarBS, 1a; womanizing, Jun87, 21 popUlation, explosion. OcS2, 21, Oc83,
25; Palestinian, N79, 25; U.S. Politicks, Jun78, 15 22-23,N83,22, S85,35,Ja87,19

population, groups health rated, FS6, 29; Postal Workers Union, ApS3, 19 12, JaS4, 14; black vote, AuS4, 32
Jews, OS7, 29 Postal, Bernard, NSO, 31 presidential warlords, F76, 5, 17-18
population, N79, 10-12; by sex, SS6, 32; Postman, Neil, Au77, 11, MarS4, 12, AuS6, presidents, executive orders, NS6, 32;
projections, N76, 13, Oc7S, 1S, ApS1, 27-2S peccadillos, N82, 21; pro-Zionism, AuS2,
20, JaS6, 32, FS7, 2S, MarS7, 27; Posvar, Wesley, JaSl, 32 18; retirement benefits, Jun82, 26;
projections world, FS3, 31, AuS6, 29, Potter, Philip, NS2, 27 threatened; wives, Au79, 15; U.S.,
ApS7, 27, SS7, 26, OcS7, 26; race bomb Poujade, Pierre, Jun79, 20, SS4, 6, NS4, Mar83, 20, Oc86, 7-10
rumor, AuS5, 33; rates, AuS1, 29, OcS1, 25 Presley, Elvis, Mar7S, 17, S78, 15, S79,
9; U.S., N76, 13, OS1, 36, MayS5, 30, Pound, Ezra, F77, 19, Ju77, 15, Au77, 10, 27, MarS2, 26, S85, 29; Jewish
OcS2, 27; world, May79, 13, SS5, 13-14, Ja77, 7, Mar7S, 24, 07S, 6, 13, F79, S, songwriters, Ap79, 12
S76, 5,16, N76, 13, OcS7, 26 20,22, S79, 12, JulSO, 22, JaS1, 26-27, Presley, Raymond, MayS6, 15
Populism, N76, 11, JunS3, 31 MayS4, 16, MayS5, 10-11, MayS6, 22; press, May77, 12; criticized, SS5, 15;
Populist Party, OS7, 6; platform, OcS4, 35 Pisan Cantos, Ja7S, 7; poem to, MayS5, lords, Jun76, 4-5, 10-11; Negro editor,
Porath, Yehoshua, MayS6, 33 11; slurred in drama, OcS1, 22 SS3, 33; pro-Zionism metered, JaS3, 16;
Poremski, Raymond, MayS6, 29 Pournelle, Jerry, JulSO, 10 propaganda, Jun76, 4; racial guidelines,
Porky's (movie), SS2, 6 Pousseur, Henri, Oc7S, 12 ApS2, 21; typos, Ja87, 35
pornography, F76, 9,077, 12, MarSO, 2S, poverty, Mar79, 5, 22-23; rates, NS3, Presser, Jackie, MarSI, 22, OS3, 31,
FS1, 30, 36, JunSI, 35, MarS2, 27, JaS4, 31,JaS7,27 Oc84, 27, Oc86, 32; Reagan's friend,
27, MarS5, 2S, NS5, 2S-29, MarS6, 6-9, Povich, Lynn, OS6, 29 JaS4, 19, OS4, 21
JulS6, 19, AuS6, 30, JaS7, 2S, MayS7, Povich, Maury, OS6, 29 Pressler, Larry, S87, 27
19, JulS7, 16; addicts, JaS5, 21; arrests, Povich, Shirley, OS6, 29 Pressman, Lee, S77, 14, Ja84, 14
SS1,31,JunS5,31;bankloans, AugS3, Powell, Adam Clayton, III, F7S, 11 Pretorius, Joe, Oc83, 35
27; child, AuS1, 23, JuIS4, 31, JaS5, 32; Powell, Colin, MarS7, 29 Preuss, Konrad, Ja77, 19
college newspapers, N79, 19; crack­ Powell, Enoch, May77, 21, May77, 24, Preysing, Cardinal, Oc85, 30
down, JuISI, 35; films, SSO, 23, MarS2, F7S,22,Oc7S,27,Au79,2S,S79,14­ Price, Christina, 087, 36
27; Israel, OcS2, 27; magnates, ApS4, 15, 079, 25, 079,27, JaSO, 29-30, SS1, Price, Roger, Oc87, 6
27; Nordic females, OcS2, 20; snuff 34,NS1,27,ApS2,30, MayS2,25,SS3, Price, Weston A., N80, 21
films, AuS4, 36; starlet tragedies, AuS7, 34, OS3, 32, AuS4, 29-30, MarS6, 32, pricing, Au82, 19, Ap86, 29
24; TV, JaS5, 29; women's magazines, SS6,36, FS7, 31; on the monarchy, Pride Incorporated, Jun80, 22
OC79, 17, JulSI, 19 MayS4,2S Pride, Charley, S7S, 7
Port Gibson (MS), MarS1, 36; black Powell, Jody, SS5, 23 primitive peoples, F83, 33
boycott, SS2, 1S-19 Powell, Lewis F., Jr., Jul77, 1S, AuSO, 7, Primo de Rivera, Jose Antonio, 076, 9,
Portage to San Cristobal of A. H., The+, OSO, 26, MayS7,20,SS7, 13,NS7, 1S 18-22, JulSI, 33
12-14, SS2, 1S Power, Arthur, quote, ApS3, 26 Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 076, 9, 19
Porter, Carlos W., MayS5, 39 Powers, Ron, JulS4, 29 Prince (rock star), ApS2, 18-19, OcS5, 19,
Porter, Cole, Au77, 7, 17-1S­ Pozzo, Laura, JulS7, 11-12 N85, 14, FS6, 36
Porter, Jack N., OS4, 5-6 Prabhavananda, Swami, NS5, 30 Prince of Wales (battleship), F79, 16

- Porter, Katherine Anne, May77, 23, OcS7,

Porter, Lady, JaS4, 29
Prado, Fernando, OS4, 39
Praed, M. W., MarS4, 22
Prager, Dennis, OcS6, 23
Prince, Albert, Au76, 18
Prince, Hal, MayS5, 32
Prince, Marius, JunS7, 21
Porter, Leslie, SS3, 34 pragmatism, SS1, 15 Princeton University, F77, 13, ApSO, 22;
Porter, McKenzie, AuS4, 35 Prague, MarSO, 13 deterioration o~, Au79, 19, MaySI, 21-22;
Porter, Shirley, OcS3, 33 Pramschufer, Ron, ApS3, 15-16 faculty, SS6, 31; Jews, Ja81, 23, JaS2,
Portillo, Lopez, Jun7S, 23 Pratt, David, JunS4, S 2S
Portland (OR), Negro violence, JunS7, 35 Pratt, Michael, MayS2, 26 Prinsendam, sinking of, JulS2, 15

- Portland Oregonian, ApS6, 36

Portland State University, OcS7, 2S
Portnoy's Complaint, MayS4, 12, MayS7, 9
Pravda, F77, 12; English translation,
Praxiteles, S77, 26, JaS6, 16
Prism a, JunS7, 19
prisoners of war, Americans in Vietnam,
Portsmouth (VA), Negro mayor recalled, prayer, schools, AuS7, 19 prisons, blacks vs. whites, Ju181, 19, FS3,
OS7,19 Preachers, The, Mar76, 6 36; conditions, SS6, 1S-19; cost, JaS6,
Portugal, Jul77, 7, ApS7, 21; Jews, Pred, Abe, OS7, 23 29; gang rapes, Jul86, 19; gay behavior,
MayS3,25 pregnancies, FS4, 24; by country, JulS5, JulS7, 28; incarceration rate, ApS4, 26;
Portuguese empire, Ap76, 5 32; teenagers, Mar79, 11, SS1, 32 inmate experiences, OcS2, 15, OcS6,
Portuguese, May7S, 10, 21; gang rape, prejudice, Ja79, 25-26 18, May87, 1S; inmate sentences, OcS5,
JunS4, 20; U.S., JunS3, 16 Preminger, Otto, FS1, 21, JulS6, 1S 30; ; inmate voting, Ja81, 7; Jews,
Porush, M., OS5, 33, FS7, 33 preparatory schools, ApS5, 16; Negro Jun83, 18; Majority inmates attacked,
Posey, Tom, NS6, 13 rapist accepted, MarSI, 1S MayS2, 17, FS3, 36; Negro oppression of
Posner, Judith, OcS3, 17 Preppy Handbook, MarS2, 10-11 whites, JuneS3, 14; Oklahoma, MayS4,
Posner, Steven, Ap79, 16 Presbyterian Church, OcS3, 9-10, FS5, 19; overcrowding, May84, 19, S85, 29,
Posner, Victor, Ap79, 16, AuS5, 11, NS6, 32, Jun87, 19; membership decline, Oc86, 30; population, FS2, 17, ApS7, 27,
22,JaS7,S, FS7, 17 Au80, 29; sanctuaries, SS7, 34 087, 29; racist publications, Jun87, 35;
Posner, Vladimir, MayS6, 27, SS6, 34 Prescott, Peter S., N86, 20 riots, Ja82, 28; strip searches, ApS5,
Posse Noose Report, OcS5, 21 Present Tense, 077, 10, F79, 15-16, JaS3, 28; U.S. inmates abroad, Jul87, 27;
Post Gazette (Pittsburgh), headline typo, 18 violence, Oc78, 15-16,078,11, SS1, 20,
ApS5,11 President's Commission on Organized 085, 23; white inmates neglected, AuS4,
postage stamps, cost increases, JaS3, Crime, MarS7, 19 42
25; tampering, OcS7, 1S; UN stamp presidential candidates, incomes (19S3), Pritzger family, NS1, 20
assailed, ApS1, 20 AuS4,32 Pritzger, Jay, F87, 17
postal rates, MarS4, 17 presidential elections, Jun 76, 4-5, 076, Pritzger, Jay, obtains gambling license,

groes, FB3, 2S; Northern Ireland, NBO, 24
Publish It Not, Ja77, 13, Jul77, S,1S-19,

private clubs, N77, 11, 23, MayBO, 19,

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, JulB2, 12,

SBO, 2S, NB7, 36; blackballing, JunB7,

JunS3, 17, JaBS, 32, MaySS, 33, DcSS,
Publishers' Weekly, Ap76, 12

10, NB6, 32; in book fair, AuB7, 31
publishers, Jewish, AuS1, 22, FS4, 17;

Private Eye, S76, 19, Jul77, B, D79, 2S­ Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, Dc7B, 19-20,
Negro. JunS6, 33; reprints, S8S, 36

26, JuIBO, 29-30, DBO, 19, JuIBI, 31-32,

D7B, 12, NSS, 9
publishing, Ap7S, 11, MaySS, 22; in

MarB4, 24, DcB6, 33, JunB7, 30; race

Proust, Marcel, FS7, 32
Britain, FS6, 32 ; in-house jargon, JunS4,

relations, D76, 24
Prouty, Norman, JulS4, 31
1S; problems, Dc76, 19

private schools, May79, 12, FB2, 31,

Provenzano, Tony, JaS4, 19
Pucinski, Aurelia, JunS6, 39

DcB4, 27; academic achievement, JaBS,

Provincetown (MA), ApS2, 27
Pueblo Indians, Dc77, 20

Pruitt, Gaylon, AuSO, 23
Puerto Ricans, D77, 11; food stamps,

privatization, FBS, 30
Prussia, JaSS, 34, JunS6, S; Prussian
DcS2, 26; immigration, MarS7, 27;

Proctor, Harvey, JaB2, 30, MayB2, 2S,

ideal, JuISS. 39-40; rehabilitated, FS2,
welfare, JaS2, 23

JunB3, 2B, JaB4, 2S, F84, 27, MarB4, 27­ 29; socialism, NB7, S
Puerto Rico, crime, FSS, 37; statehood,

2B, JaB7, 29-30

Pry, Peter, MarSS, 6-7
MaySO, 19, AuSO, 1S1S, MayS2, 2S, SS7.

produce and consume, Jun79, 21-23,

Pryce-Jones, David, JaS2, 30, ApS2, 26,
11; terrorism. ApS1. 27, JunB2, 26

DB3. 13, MarS6, 2S
Puffer, Ted, May78, 14

producers, enslavement of, 8BO, 20-21

Pryor. Richard, F7S, 11, 13, Au79, 19,
Pugsley, John. JunSI, 22-23

product liability awards, JunB6, 33

Puharich. Andrija, De7S. 24

productivity, nations compared, DBO, 22

8S4, 1S. DS7, 23; parents, FSS, 30
Pulitzer Prize, SS7. 2S; Cooke nomination,

Profaci, John, DB4, 21

Psammatachus, Jun79, 11
JuISI. 17; Toole award. AuS1, 33

professors, Ap76, 19; double dipping,

pseudomorphosis, D79, 12-13, NS7, 7
Pulitzer, Joseph. D7S, 19. 8S6. 30. MarS7,

pseudonyms, F76, 19, NS7,23

Profite, Edithe, MarBS, 27

psychiatrists, DSS, 31; black, Dc7S, 1S;
Pulitzer. Joseph. Jr., 8S7, 2S

Profitt, Russell, DcBS, 32

mentally ill, MarS1, 32; sex with patient,
Pulitzer, Michael, DS7. 17

Profumo affair, MarBS, 2B

DS6,30, FS7,29
Pulitzer, Peter, Mar79. 21. FS3. 21

Progressive Citizens of American. JaB4,

psychiatry, Au79, 9, ApS2, 13, DcS2, 30;
Puller. Chesty, JunSS. 17

British fraud. NB6, 33; criticism, FS6, 19;
punishment (see restitution)

Progressive Federal Party (South Africa),

dangers, JuIS7, 24; malpractice, NS2, 19
Purcell. E.D., 877,19

psychic research, Dc7S, 22
Purcell, H.D., MayS2, 31

Progressive Labor Party, D7B. 2B

psychoanalysis, 876, 4, 14-16, Au79, 9,
Purdah, ApS7, 22-23

Progressive Party, Au76, 1S

879,12-13, NS3, 22; anti-Aryan ploy,
Purim, JulSS, 22

Project Drange, DcBO, 32

Dc77, 13; by phone, JuISS, 34; failures,
Puritan Ethic, SSO, 20

Prokofiev, 8ergey, Dc7B, 12

Ja79, 13; not wanted in Japan, DS4, 36
Puritanism, Ja77, 11

Prole Drift, JunBS, 13, 16

Psychobiography, Au77, 11
Puritans. JaS1, 10

proletariat, Au77, 16
psycho history, D7S, 14
PUSH, NS2, 32, JulS3, 2S, MarS4, 1S,

propaganda, Dc76, 9; anti-Nazi, AuBS, 21;

psychokinesis, Dc7S, 23

anti-Soviet, JuIBO, 24; hate, Ja77, 10­ psychologists, licenses lost, JunS6, 34;
Pushkin Report, The, Ap7S, S, 17-20

11; rules for Majority activists, Ja77, 6,

sex encounters, DcS3, 28
Pushkin, Alexander, JaS2, 20-21, JunB7,

18; war, Dc8S, 1S-16

Psychology Today, De76, S, JuIS3, 2S

prophecy, Ja76, 9-10

psychology, F77, S, Ap7S, 6, 20, AuS3,
Putnam, Carleton, SS3, 17, MarB4, 12

Proposition 8 (CA), victim protection, 882,

1S-16; black and white differences,
Puttock. Suzanne, JulS2, 26

JunSS, 3S-39; cheating advice, 8S4, 27;
Pym, Francis. NSS, 31

Proposition 13 (CA), tax revolt, Au7B, 10,

constitutional, F77, 7; Ap77, S, 21;
Pym, John, NSS, 31

correlation coefficient, F77, 19; federal
pyramids, Au7S, 7, May79, 12

Proposition 14 (CA), fair housing, Ja81, 17

funding, ApS4, 19; of mobs, N76, 10

Proposition 1S (CA) handgun law defeated,

psychomotor skills, S7B, 14

JaS3, 32
psychotherapy, AuS3, 14
Qatar, 876, 7, 17

Proposition 63 (CA), English official

PTL (Praise the Lord) Club, FSS, 30

language, May87, 10
puberty, FS4,6
Quadrant (Australia), AuSO, 32-33, DS2,

prostitutes, black pimps, Ja79, 13;

Public Assistance (game), SS1, 39, ApS3,

imported, Ja87, 28; male, May84, 26,

Quakers. MarS3, S, MarSS, 9-10

Public Broadcasting Service, DcSO, 20,
Quandt, Harald. JunS7, 13

prostitution, Ja78, 14, Au78, 12, F83, 18,

MarS4, 1S, AuS4, 30, JunS7, 2S;
quantum theory, Dc76, 6,16-17

Mar8S, 27, F86, 29, AuB6, 30, Mar87, 28,

commercial free, NS6, 2S-29; corporate
Quantz, Lloyd, ApS6, 30

SS7, 27; child, Mar84, 10; Europe, NS4,

givers, NS7, 24; finances, JaSS, 29;
Quebec, 877,13, JaS2, 1S-17;

30; Japan, ApS3, 19,ApS7, 19; Jews,

Palestinian film banned, JunS6, 31,
anglophones, ApS4, 2S, DcS4, 30;

AuS3, 29, MayS4, 26-27, 29, JunSS, 22,

DcS6, 39 ; supporters, NB7, 24
demography, NS2, 27; separatism,

AuSS, 9-10; Minnesota, ApS6, 2S;

public debt, AuS1, 29, JaS4, 26

supported by NDW, SS4, 27

public housing, F79, 9, MarSI, 23, FS2, 16;
subversion, 8S2, 2S

protectionism, DSS, 8-9, JulS6, 14, JulS7,

crime, 8S1, 32-33; dynamited, 8S7, 2S;
Queen Maude Land, FS7, 14

13-1S, SS7,32
fraud, SSO, 24; huge families, SS7, 2S;
Queen, Ellery, Jul79, 14

Protestant Churches, statistics, ApS1, 1S,

quotas, NS4, 21
Queir6s, Eka de, DcB2, 2B

public opinion, F76, 17-1S, ApS1, 21
Quest for Fire, JulB2, 19, DS3, 17

Protestant Ethic, D7S, 3, MayS!, 23-24

public relations, DcS7, 16
Quetelet, Edgar, F77, 1B, May77, 9

Protestantism, 87S, 1S; Hitler Germany,

public schools, enrollment, FS3, 2S;
Quetzalcoatl, S79, 10; Norse background,

FB1, 18·19
illiterate graduate sues, MayS6, 29 ;

Protestants, D7S, 6, N7S, 14; membership

minority students, MayS3, 26, DcS6, 30,
Quick. Charles M., NS2, 19

decline, JunS3, 2S, NSS, 1S-19; Ne­ JaS7,27

Quigley. Carroll, SS4, 22·24, DS4, 26,


Ja85,26-28 May79, 11; in history, May79, 8, 24­ F85, 31; against Negroes, Ju182, 19,
Quiller-Couch, Arthur, Oc79, 25 25; in modern wars, 582,21; in sports, Oc82, 32, Ja85, 33, Mar86, 21, Jun87,
Quinlan, Karen Ann, Jun81, 35 Ja78, 5, 19-22, May78. 9, 19-21; 22-23; against WASPs, Ju181, 30,581,
Quinn, Francis, 082, 19 Instauration's position, 586, 9; linked to 22, Oc81, 30, 585, 17, May86, 31;
Quinn, Sally, May76, 11, Ju181, 18 poverty, Mar79, 5, 22-23; linked to against whites, 585, 18, May81 , 33; anti­
Quinn, William, Mar82,27 tyranny, May78, 5, 16-17; loyalty to, WASP cartoons, May86, 16; by Arabs,
Quinones, Ramon 0., N86, 11 on, 9, 21-22; mental disorders, Fn, Jun81, 34-35; by Hispanics, Ap87, 28; by
Quint, Frank, Ja87, 31 13, Apn, 4. 19-20; mental disorders, Negroes, Au83, 12-13; damage suits,
Quisling, Vidkun, 078, 6, Au79, 28, 581, effect on foreign policy, Junn. 10,21, Jun86. 24, Mar87, 27, N87, 26;
24,586,20 ocn. 26; monoracial state power, F87. penalties, Jun79, 20, Au80, 23; prison
quotas, May80, 14-16; ballet, 081, 19; 7; networking, F85, 25-26; parallel sentences, Ju182. 26; street names,
Hispanics, N85, 29; Library of Congress, evolution, Oc81 , 6, 586, 29; purity, Mar81,30
081, 18-19; U.C. Medical School, Mar82, Mar87, 16-17; quotations, N81, 35; race racial traits, Mar86, 27, Mar87, 35
26 switchers. Au87. 27; self-defined, Ja81, racial violence, Nn, 14. F81, 14-16;
quotes, unponderable, N82, 7 25; social aspects, Ja85, 12; survival, Armed Forces, Marn, 12
Ja78, 6, 22; Swartzbaugh's definition, raciology, 080, 18,585, 35-36
N84 7-8; temperament, 581, 11; traits racism, Mar76, 10, Mara3, 1, Jun83, 17,
R Compared, Jun80, 31-32, Oc81 , 21 Oc85, 23-25, N85, 19 ,JuI86, 12-14,
Raab, Earl, Jun85, 23 Races of Europe, Ap84, 7 F87, 16, Au87, 19,26; antiwhite, Au79,
Raab, William von, 586, 11 races, F82, 15; defined by habitat, Jun84, 19, Ja87, 17; conservatives, Oc82, 6-8;
Rab (Yugoslavia), F86, 22 13-14; federation of, on, 22; inequality death sentences, 586, 23; English
Rabb, Maxwell, Jun81, 31, May82, 28 of, 087, 26; infant behavior, May79, 11; literature, Juln, 5, 15-16; free market
Rabb, Sheila, May82, 28 origin of, 585, 35-36, 086, 17; solution, 578, 10; Hispanics, 086, 10­
rabbis, crime, 586, 34; criticize Jewish separation of, Nn, 9, on, 21-22, 13; in Britain, F85, 38; in fiction, 583,
rich, F87, 17; female, May83, 25, Ju184, May86,13 11-12; in language, 085,33; Israel,
,..... 31,Oc84,27,586,32 Rachman, Peter, Ju180, 31 Oc84, 33; Jewish, July86, 36, 586, 17;
Rabi, IsraelI., Au87, 18 Racial Adaptations, 583, 21 Latin America, 085, 9; opponents, Jul77,
Rabin, Henry, 081, 30 racial aethestics, Mar79, 9, 26, 079, 17, 9; scientific, Oc78, 21; sexual, 581, 9;
Rabin, Jacob, Ju179, 12 Ja83, 28, Au85, 34, Ju186, 15, May87, social, Oc78, 20-21; spurs competition,
Rabin, Yitzhak, F78, 23, Mar80, 21, 36 Ja87, 18
Jun85, 35, Ju185, 17-18, May87, 35 racial attitudes, 082. 15 Racker, Efraim, Au83, 15
Rabinowitz, Dorothy, Mar79, 12, Au85, 31
Rabinowitz, Joe, 087, 10
racial beauty, Ja84, 9-1
racial biology, N86, 8
Rackman, Emmanuel, F80, 23, F86, 30;
threatens Connolly, Oc82, 24-25
Raborn, William, Jun82, 21 racial classification, in government, N82, Rackus, John, 576, 19
Rabuka, 5itiveni, Au87, 33 16 Radek, Karl, F77, 10, N83, 11
Rabushka, Alvin. 578, 10 racial composition, of U.S., Oc77, 10 Rader, Stanley. 579,19. Oc81, 30
Raca and Raason (video tape). Ap85. 35 racial development, Oc80, 11 Rader, William, 082,31

race bomb, on, 13, 084. 35, Au85, 33
Race Bomb, The. Ja78, 14
race consciousness. Mar87, 14
racial differences, Ja76, 2, 6, Fn, 18,
Mar76, 10, Ju176, 18, Au76, 20, Jan,
19, Mayn, 9, 22-23, Ocn, 8, 578, 5,
radiation, exposure, Jun80, 19-20;
Mexican spill. Au84. 40-41
Radigan, Terrence, Ap84, 20
race discrimination suits, May84, 24 Jun79, 13, S79, 17, Au80, 33-34, Radin, Roy A., Jan. 19, Oc83, 30

race encounters, 082, 11-12
race laws, defeated in Oregon, Ja83, 32;
New York State, 585, 18; proposed.
Mar82, 17, F84, 9, Ap84, 7, Au85, 18,
N86, 8-9, 086, 30; antigens, N86, 36;
behavior, S78, 15; Burnham book,
Radio Corporation of America, Mar76, 19,
June 76, 7, 19, F77, 8, N78, 9
radio, Jun78, 12; Alan Berg murdered.
585, 30; rejected, Ja87, 36 May86, 35; coronaries, 587, 34; denied, Jun87, 20; banned station, 585, 28;
race mixing (also see miscegenation), Mar80, 26, N83, 29; drug reactions, blacks criticized, Ju180, 19; censored,
Oc78, 7, 19, Ja81, 32, May81, 28, Jun83, Oc86, 38 ; eye movement and color, 087. 28; clandestine, F84, 32, Ap84, 32,
17, Ja85. 19. Mar87. 16; Eurasians in Jun82, 30, May86, 11; intelligence, Jun85. 39, Ju186, 14; FCC censorship,
Japan, Au84. 31; Jordan-Coleman affair, ocn, 25, S78, 15, May79, 19-20; Oc87, 24; FM. N78, 9; harassment suit,
Au80, 22; soap opera, Oc86, 29 physical, Au84, 7-10; psychological, Jun87. 18; Holocaust critic, Oc86, 23;
race passing, 578, 20, F87. 20 Jun85, 38; Scandinavia, May87, 30; Jewish censorship, 583, 36, F87, 27;
Race Relations Act (Britain), Jun87, 34 South Africa, N80, 34; sports, Ja78, 20. Jewish execs, Jun86, 23, F87, 29;
race relations, in the South, F85, 38; U.S. Jun86, 20, Oc87, 9-11; stature, Au84, 7, Jewish programs, Au87, 36; Negro
Army course, ocn, 11 084. 12-14 stations, Oc86, 22, Oc87, 24; pre-WWII
race riots, U.S., Ju185, 29, N85, 30-31 racial discrimination, lawsuits, Ap87, 27 commentators, F85, 39; right-wing
Race. Ja76, 6, May 76,18, Ja77, 12, F77, racial doubletalk. 086, 25 shows, May84, 16, Au84, 42; satirical
19, Juln, 20, May87, 7-8 racial harmony, 578,10 talk show, Jul86, 30; segregated
race (also see ethnology), 075, 23, Mar76, racial homogeneity, Au80, 10 aUdience, N87, 26; talk shows, Dc78,
10, Jun76, 15, N76, 10, Ju181, 7-8, racial incidents, Mar81 , 32 17, May79, 27, F87, 27, Ju187, 26, 587,
Mar84, 5-6, N87, 7, Au82, 14-16; racial integration, Ja78, 19 27; underground, F84, 32, Ap84, 32,
aesthetics, N78, 11-12; categories, racial intelligence, study of, 582, 32 Jun85, 39; West Germany, F86, 34-35
Jun87, 19; color connotations, Ap80, 10­ racial politics, Ja80, 13-14 Radovsky, Laurie, Ja80, 23
12; concept, Ja79, 8, 24-25; racial schizophrenia, Jul78, 10, 22­ Rafael, Sylvia (Esther Palzur), Mar86. 34
contemporary obsession, Mar87, 35 racial separation, Nordic necessity, Rafshoon, Gerald, Au77, 12, Ja78, 12.
defined, Jun78,13, Ja80, 24, Jun80, 30; Mar87,12 Jun79,19,Au79,20,Ja80,6,Ap86.33
family attributes, Ap85, 12-13; Greco­ racial slurs,Jan, 5, N78, 23, Ja80, 22, Ragnar6k, Jun82, 14-15
Romans, 080, 18; homogeneity, 578, 580, 17,080,21,S81,23,29,N81, 13, Ragtime, Au82, 17
10; importance, Ap84, 32; in America, N81, 30, 081,21, N84, 21, Ju185, 29, Raich, S., Ju187, 18
May76, 10, 18, N79, 22-24; in films, May86, 14; against Jews, Jun83, 32, Raiders of the Lost Ark, origin of, Ap84, 18


Raidin, Roy, JulSO, 23 black-an-white. NSO, 21, JaSl, 25, AuSI. mugging, DS6, 29; omissions, ApS5, 30;
Raikin, Arkady, Ja79, 12 20. 581. 29-31. 40, MayS2, 19, SS2, 32. peculiar heroes, Au87, 25; problems,
Railey, Walker, JulS7, 16 Ge82, 15,2S,JaS3, lS-19,JunS3.25, DS7,27
Rainer, Ephraim, MarSO, 22 JuIS3, 29, DS3, 31, NS4. 30, MarS5, 28, Rather, L J., AuSI, 6-7
Rainer, Friedrich, F86, 35 Au85, 26, 31, DS5, 32, FS6, 30, May86, rationalism, Ja76. 7
Rainey, Richard, DS2, 20-21 15. MayS6, 30, SS6, 33-34, OcB6, 23, Ratliff, Jim, JunSI. 36
rainfall, FS1, 27 DS6. 31. Ap87, 2S, JulS7, 29.31; blonde Ratner, Gerald, JunS7, 30
Rainier, Prince, JaSO, S targets, Ge87, 17; Britain, FB1, 32, DS6, rats, Ap80, 26
Rajbansi, Amichant, Ja85, 37 33; by states, May84, 24; children, Rauff, Walter, MayS3, 30. SS4, 19
Rajchman, Ludwig, F79, 15 JunS5. 31, MayB6, 30; Detroit, Au84, 31; Rauh, Joseph, Jr.• May7S, 17, MaySO, 16,
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree, Ap83, 2S, F85, false charges, MarSl, 31; forgiven, AuS2. 21, GeS5, 20
21, 085, 20, MayS6, 29; Jews support, Jun7S, 14; Hispanic-on-white, Ju181, 21, Raus, Juri, JulS2, 31
F84,17 Ja84. 27. MarS4. 26; Jew-on-Gentile, Rauschenberg, Robert, SS1, 22
Rakoczy, Sasha, Ap85, 22 JaS4, 20, MaySS, 2S, NS7. 27; leading Rauschning, Hermann, ApS6, 32-33
Raleigh, Sir Walter, MarS3, 13 cities, DS6. 30; lenient sentences, Rave, PaulO., ApS2, 11
Raleigh, Walter (English professor), GeS2, 27; Los Angeles, MarS5, 21; Ravensdale, Irene, GeS5, 26
Mar77,16 minorities in San Jose. Mar82, 31; New Ravensdale, Lord, ApS3, 25
Ralph Myles Publisher, Jul76, 10 Bedford. Jun83, 16, JunS4, 20; New Ravich, losif. S7S. 12
Ralph Parsons Co., SS6, 31 Zealand, ApS6, 34; of actress. OcS3, 30; Ravitz, Justin C., JaS3, 32
Raison, Richard H., F83. 36 of handicapped women, JaS6. 30; Rawcliff, D. H., Oc7S, 22
Ralston Purina Co_, Jun86, 24 personal experience. OcS2, 15. ApS3, 9­ Rawitch, Cynthia, SS7, 35
Rambo, profits. 086, 29 11; prevented, 581,40; preventive Rawlings, Jerry, anti-space quote, SS5, lS
Ramires, Julian, MayS4, 25 groups, N82, 32; prison, JuIS6, 19; Rawls, John, 579, 6, JaS6, 19, Jun8S, 19
Ramirez, Antonio, burns son, Oc87, 28 projections, NS7, 26; Russians in WWIl, Rawls, Lou, DSO, 26
Ramirez, Aurelio, OcS5, 30 GeB5, 30; statistics, 581, 39, AuS2, 17, Ray, Clarence, F76, 19
Ramirez, Blandina C., JunS5, 21 FS3, 25, MarS3, 2S, JaS4, 26. MarS6, 19, Ray, James Earl, JunSl, 15, MayS2, 17,
Ramirez, Richard, 086,31 JunS7, 21, 27; statistics by country, JaBS, 11
Ramos, Junior, NS5, 29 SS3,9 Ray, Jerry, JaSS, 11
Ramos, Ramiro Ledesma, 076, 9 Raphael. Frederic, Ju187. 31 Rayburn, $am, MarS3, 25
Ramov, Ed. FS2, 10 Rapid-American Corp., Ja77, 12 Raymond, Paul, JuIS4, 32
Ramparts, JunS6, 33 Rappaport, Marvion, MarS2, 17-1S Rayne, Max, ApS1, 2S
Ramphal, Sonny, ApS6, 15 Rappoport, Yakov, Ja76, 9 Razda family, MarS7, 21
Rampling, Charlotte, DS6, 31 Rarick, John, Ja76, 16, Jul7S, 23. Jul7S, Razo, Jose, Jr., NS7, 16
Ramses II. Ge7S. 14. Ap79, 10 23,AuSO, 17, NSO, 7 Razzaq. Abdur, Jun86, 36
Ramses III. 577, 10 Rasenburg. Jackie, MayS7, 31 Rea, James M., Jun83, JunS3, 32
Ramseur, James, Jr., OcS5, 31. F86, 30 Rashad, Phylicia. OcS7, 25 Read, James Kingsley, May77, 7, May77,
Ramsey. Archibald, N82, 31 Raskind, Elliot, AuS5, 31 24, Au77,20
Ramsey, Henry, Au81, 30 Raskind, Richard (see Renee Richards) Reader's Digest, Jul78, 11, JunS2, 19
Ramsey, Paul, 078, 11 Raspail, Jean, 075, 7, Ja76, 6, May7S, 14, Reading, Lord, 079, 18, ApS4, 2S
Ramsey. Richard H., 087. 19 N78, 11-12, JaSO, 6-'0, NS4, 19, JaSS, Reading, Marquess of, see Rufus Isaacs
Ramstead, Cain, OcS5, 8 32, NS6, 21; new novel, JaSl, 22 Reagan administration, affluence, MaySI,
Rana. Mario Vazquez, FB6, 31. NS6, 22, Raspberry, William, N79, 13, 079, '9, 18; aid to Egypt, Au84, 20; aid to Israel,
May87,22 MarSO, 20; criticizes Begin, NS1, 33; AuS4, 20; appointments, ApS1,10-11,
Rand Club, Ap86. 14 criticizes Jews, MarSI, 22 JaS2, 22, Ja85, 20; consortium with
Rand Corp., N82, 19 Rasputin, Grigory E., N76, 5, , 6, Ap77, Mexico, Au80, lS; dismissals, JaS2, 22;
Rand Daily Mail. MarS6, 13 23, JulS2, 12; Jewish secretary, JaSO, foreign policy, JulS6, 31; Jewish
Rand, Ayn, Ja76, 21, Ju179, 20, Ju186, 32 appointments, JuISO, 2S; minority
12-14; cult, F83, 30 Rassinier, Paul. 075, 7-S, Ap77, 24, appointments, Aug83, 22; population
Randal, Jonathan C., F84, 26 May79, 6, 21, MaySO, , 7, OcSO, 5, DS7, policy, JaS7, 19
Randall, Henry 5 .• May79. 7 32 Reagan cabinet, religious affiliations,
Randi, The Amazing, Oc7S. 24 Rastafarians, SS1, 22. JaS3, 22. OcS3, MaySI,24
Randolph (MA), MarB5, 18
Randolph, A. Phillip, May7S. 17
20-21. MarS5. 32, S87. 16; Britain,
Reagan presidency, MarSI,
Reagan. Billy, DS6, 12
Random House Co., DS3, 11; Dictionary, RatclHfe, Michael, Au7S, 20 Reagan, Maureen, JaSS, 19
JaSO, 22, JaSl, 22 Rath, Ernst vom. Jun79, 10, 082, 16, DS3, Reagan, Michael, MaySt, 24, MarS3, 28
Rangel. Jesus. N81, 34 28 Reagan, Nancy, Mar76, 3, FS1, 17, FS2,
Rankin, John, May84, 25 Rathbone, Basil, Ja77, 9 16, SS7, 27; alleged anti-Semitism,
Rankin, Phil, Jun84, 17 Rathenau. Walther, F7S, 20, AuSl, 6, S84, JulS2, 19; friends, SSl, 31, Ap85, 30;
Ransohoff, Martin, F76, lS 23,JaS5,2S gaffe, MaySO. 21; kisses blacks, JunS6,
Rapaport, Martin, Au86, 20 Rather, Dan, Au76, 15, Jun80, 25, SS1, 2S; Mr. T photo, MarS4, 15, JaS5, 19,
rape culture, Jun87, 21 22,GeS3,30,D84,22,F85,1S,ApS5, JunS6, 2S; Negro dance partners, OcS5,
rape therapy, 079, 19 1S, May85, 21, JunS5, 29, SS5, 32, FS6, 31; offered film role, MarS2, lS; TV
rape, 076, 12, Jun77, 13, D7S, 11. Ju179, S-10, ApS6, 26-27, MayS6, 27, NS6, 29, appearance, MayS3, 20
11. Mar80. 20, MarSO, 23, 27. JulSO, 23, DS6, 2S-29, ApS7, 16, MayS7, 2S, Ju187, Reagan, Neil, MayS!, 24
Au80, 27, Mar82, 27, JunS2, 21, GeS2, 26; anti-Pope, anti-Waldheim, SS7, 23; Reagan, Ronald, Mar76, 3, 16-17, Jun76,
27, AUS4. 39, SS5. 29, NS5, 29. JUnS6, audience, ApS3, 27; false statistics, 4. SSO, 7-9, 1S, NSO, 5-6, JaSl, 6-S,
34, JaS7. 19, GeS7, 16; apology for, JaS7, 27; falsehoods, MarS6, 19; fights JuISI, 10, May82, 2S, MarS7, 10, Au8?,
Au82, 27; black-on-black, OcB5, 31, Negro cabbie. JunSl, 30; Indian 6, SS7, 23, AuSl. 25-26, DS2, 29-30,
AuS7, 28, DS7, 30; black-on-white, rape, background, NSO, 30; mysterious JaS3, 6-7, DS4, 40. MayS5, 25, GeSS, 9,

Oc86, 35; actor, Au82, 16; Achilles' Reed,John,N84,27
relativ~y, F76. 9. Oc76, 16·17, Mar77, 8.

heel, May82, 11-12; alleged mob links, Reed. Stanley, N87, 18

sn, 18. S79. 5. Ja81, 22-23, FS2, 25

Mar87, 19; Armageddon quote, N87, 23; Reems, Harry, Jun77. 13, Au86, 30
Relf, Robert, N77, 24. May79, 2B;

arms for hostages, Ja87, 13; Reanen, Jan van, Mar85, 31

challenged, Junn, 14, S77, 12-19, F80,

assassination attempt, May81, 5, Jul81, Rees, John, Au81, 20

15-16, JunBO. 35-36, S81, 34, Jun83,

4-6, Ja85, 11-12; attacks on, Mar82, 27, Rees, Merlyn, May78, 8
32, S84, 32. Oc87, 34, Oc81. 36, N81,

F87, 18. N87, 35; attacks South Africa, Rees-Mugg, William, Mar82. 24
35, 081, 16, May82, 6, JU182. 20, Ja83,

085, 35; AWAC sale, DS1, 7; bans Reese. F. D., Oc84, 35


cluster bombs, 082, 29; Bitburg trip, Reese, Freddie, AuS7, 28

Religion and the RisB of Capitalism, S78,

JuI8S, 16-17; compared to Ayatullah, Reese. Gordon. S83, 34


S87, 6·7; conservatism, MaySS, 7-10; Reeves, Richard, Au79, 20, De79, 18,
religion, Mar76, 19, N76, 10, Oc77, 10,

criticizes Israel, Mar82, 11; Dept. of Jun83,30 Oc77, 12, S78. 17, Mar80, 20, Ja82, 14,

Education, Mar8S, 26; family tree, Jul84, referendums, May7S, 14, Ap85, 35, JulS7, MayB2, 7,Jun82, 12,Ap84, 24;

25; fudges numbers, Au82. 19; gaffes, 35, N87, 18

attendance poll, Jun87, 27; census,

Mar86, 31; Irangate fallout, Ap87, 17; Reformation, D79, 11

F76, 6-7, May 20; 082. 26; cr~icism

Irish ancestry, 086, 23; Israeli approval Reformed Ecumenical Council, Mar76, 7
of, Jun87, 10; defines man, F83, 15;

poll, Jun86, 33; Jewish distrust, Ap85, Reformed Evangelical SynOd, Mar76, 7
importance of, Jul87, 27; in U.S., Oc86,

28; Libyan attack, Ju186, 9-10; media refugees, admissions, Ju184, 10, FSG, 29;
30; left-wing churchmen, Jun79, 16;

problems, F81, 17; minority set-asides, by country, F87, 30; Central American,
Majority activists, Au81, 15-18; Majority

S86, 33; perceptions of, N84, 36; N81, 33-34, S8S. 19, N87, 34; cost to
believers. Oc84, 17; minority influence,

popularity, S83, 20-21; salutes crook, taxpayers, F87, 28; Cuban, Oc81, 17;
Jun87. 19; Negroes solicited. May85,

S81, 31; sidekicks, F81, 17, Mar81,12­ diseases, Oc8S, 30; in U.S., N81, 35,
32; non-European. Mar84. 16; schools,

13. OcSI, 4-6; subservience to Israel,

N82, 19, Mar84. 25; Jewish, N77, S, 20­ May85. 22; statistics, AuS2, 26

May84, 13,25; trip expenses, S87, 27;

21; Southeast Asia, S79, 13; unpaid
religions, entropic. Mar87, 15

,-- wartime lies, S84, 19

loans, 085, 31 ; worldwide count, S86, 31
religious groups, income comparison,

Reagan. Ronald, Jr., F83, 30; friends'

Regan, Donald. MayS!, 24
Jun79, 18

AIDS deaths, Oc87, 24

Regan, Sean. MarS4, 29-30
Reily, Gavin, Ap86, 14

Reaganomics, Ja85, 29
Regan, Virginia, D86, 31
Rembrandt (German film). F86. 22

real estate, F79, 9; block busting, Ap82,

Regel, Alan R., 085, 33
Rembrandt, D77, 10

28; broker rules, JuISI, 21; speculators, regionalism, N78, 4, 15. June83. 15. N83,
Remer. Michael D., S83, 33

Remer, Otto, 086, 35, 087, 35

Reason, John, 081,20

Regnery, Henry, N87. 15
Remnick, David, May87. 9

- Reasoner, Harry, Oc85, 29, S87, 23

recidivism, F76, 6, JuIB5, 32, Ja86, 30

Reconstruction era, 077,20-21, Jun7B,

regulations, 076, 11, Ja82. 13, Ap82. 13

Reguli, Kenneth P.• N80, 35

Reguly, Robert. 582.28

Renamo, Ap86. 17

Renan, Ernest. Jul87, 11; quote. Ap84, 23

Renfrew, Colin, May79, 12, MayBO, 13-14,

20, Ju184, 15
Rehnquist. William H.• Oc86. 2S-29,

- Red Army faction, Ja7B, 8

Red Army singers, Mar80, 27

Red Brigades, aided by Israel, Jun82, 20

Red Cross, JulS3, 36; WWII documents,

MayS7. 20; Court, OeS6, 29; watched by

lawyers. May87. 31

Reibnitz, Gunther von, Ju185. 20

Reich. Barbara Ann. Ju185. 16·17

Renger, Anne Marie, N81, 32

Ren~k, Robert, NS6,30

Reno, Donald M., Jr.• N86, 11

Renteria. Manuel C.• Jun87, 27

Reich. Charles, Jul77, 11, Au77. 13
rents. compared by city. F86, 29

- Red Family Commune, Ja85, 6

Red scares, Jun86, 24

Reddick, Lawrence, Mar78, 28

Reich. lIan K., JUnS7, 20

Reich, Steve. 084, 20-21

Reich, Wilhelm. Den, 13, Jun79. 27

reparations, Negro demands, May7B, 23,

Jun85. 31, Jun86, 19, Oc86, 38; West

Germans to Jews, Au78, 9, 19, 078,
Reddy, Helen, May80, 21
Reichmann family. Ap82. 29, Ap8S. 29

- Reder, Walter, N80, 32, MaySI, 6-7, ApS5,

32-33, JunS6, 15

Redesdale, Lady, Mar78, 22, JaS6, 25-26,

Reichmann. Renee, Ap8S, 29

Reichstag fire, Ap81. 28. ApS6. 33

Reid, John Kingsley, Jun78, 24

repatriation, 077, 11; from U.S., July86,

34-35; Negroes, DB3, 36; WWII. Oc76. 7

Repository for Germinal Choice. Mar85,

FS6, 26, MarS6, 26

Reid. Robin. N80, 31

Redesdale, Lord, Mar78, 22, DSS, 27-29,

Reid. T. R.. Ap8S. 36. Au85. 6
representative government, N84, 24

Reifel. Ben. 087. 23
reproduction data, Mar84. 24

Redford, Robert. DS3, 17, Jul86, 27

Reil/y, Dick, 084, 28
Republic of New Africa, S81, 22

Redgrave, Vanessa, S78, 20, S79, 14,

Reil/y, Edward J., MarS2, 13
Republic, The (Plato). S77, 12

Jul80, 1S, FS1, 34, Oc81, 32, Jul84, 36,

Reilly. John. Oc84, 16
Republican Party, 075,14, Au78. 10, 16,

May8S, 20, Ju186, 28; lawsuit, F85, 40,

Reilly. Sidney, S81. 16, Ju184. 29
SB4, 10-11; attracts Hispanics, DeS6,
May85, 24-25
Reilly. Thomas & Janet. Oc82. 28
21 : betrays Majority, Au84, 15-16;
redheads, Mar83, 28
Reinberg, Ellis, Mar87. 21
conservatives, F83, 18; criticism of.
Redlegs, Jun81, 29
Reinhardt. Gunther. Au85, 14, Au86, 32
S78. 12; demographics. N81. 29; film
Redneck's Lament, S84, 13·14
Reischauer, Edwin, Ja8S, 27
moguls, JulS7, 17; Jewish money.
rednecks, Jul8S, 40, Ja87, 18-19,21
Reisenhoover. Terry J., N84, 5·6
Jun85. 23; minority nonsupport, Aug83,
Reds, S82, 5, JunS3, 30, Jul84, 29, N84,
Reisman, Simon, JUn86, 33
23; Negroes, Ja78, 15, F82. 31·32; 1980
Reiss, Rudolf, May87, 13
convention, NBO, 8; 1984 election gains,
Redstone, Robert, Mar79, 17
Reiss, Zeev, S86. 11
Ja85, 40; racist allegations, May85, 21;
Ree, Paul, Marn, 17-18
Reiter, Mitzi. F77, 10
Southern strategy, 083, 15, Mar84, 16.
Reebok shoes, Jul87, 31
Reitlinger, Gerard, May79, 23
Reed, Douglas, Jun76, 8, May82, 11,
Reitman vs. Mulkey, F79, 9, 22
Resch, George. 079, 5

Jul82, 13
Reitman, Ben, F82, 19
research. expenditures by nation. S86, 31

Reed, Fred, May83, 8, S84, 16

Reitz, Edgar, Ja8S, 28. JulSS, 37
Reshetovskay, Natalya, Jun79, 18

Reed, John Shelton, JuI8S. 40

relativism, ethical and cultural, Oc87, 7
Resnick. Judith, S83, 23, Jun87, 16


Resnik, Michael, Jun87, 1S

terrorism, Mar79, 8, Jun79, 32; Northern May87, 20-21; Zionism, MayS3, 27

Responsa Project, Ap85, 34

and Southern, F77, 6; sanction busting, Ride, Sally, SS3. 23

Ressler, Yehuda, Ap83, 31

Mar79. 28; supporters, Mar79. 8, 25; Rideau. Wilbert, Jun80, 25

restaurants, fast food, MayB6. 28;

U.S. sanctions, Au79, 27; Viscount
Ridgewood Group, DBO. 31, F81, 36, Ja82,

service to Negroes. JunB5. 23

crash, Jun79, 32

Resthaven Gardens of Memory, N85, 18

Rhodesian Man, S87. 9
ridicule, N82. 26

restitution. F78, 6. 17-18

Riad, Mahmoud, Oc82, 24
Riding. Alan, JulS7, 7; racism quote, D85,

Reston, James, Ja87, 3S

Riazonov. D. B.• F77. 10

Reston, Tom, Ja80, 20

Ribbentrop. Yoachim von. AugS6. 31.
Riedl, Rupert, May81, 29

restrooms. vandalized. F87. 21

Jun87, 13
Riefenstahl, Leni, Jun80, 35, N83. 34,

Resurgence, Au80. 34
Ribes, Joaquin G., MayS7, 15
D83, 28-29; African photos, N86, 7;

Retired Officer Magazine, Jun78, 23

Ribicoff, Abraham and Sarai, F81, 15
banned in Switzerland, MayS4, 29

retribution. Jun8S, 19
Ricardo, David, Ja76. 5, 19-21. N76, 9
Riefenstahl, Ricardo. S85, 10

Rety, Dennis, May83, 19-20. July86, 36

Riccardo, John J., N80. 20
Rieger, JOrgen, Ja83, 27, D83. 28

Retzius, Anders. May77. 9

Rice, Donald L., May86, 1S
Riel. Louis, FS4, 23

Reuben, Ben, May86, 15

Rice, Donna, Jun87, 21, SS7, 27
Riencourt. Amaury de, D81. 8-9, Ap83, 13,

Reuben, Donald H., S86. 23

Rice, Fred, NS3, 32

Reusch, Dale. Ja82, 11

Rice, Howard, Au80, 29
Rienzi, May76, 17

Reuter, Christian, Ju180, 19

Rice, James R., S77, 28
Riesel, Victor, F86, 20

Reuter, Ernst, S7S. 19, OeS5, 30

Rice, Lois, ApSO, 22
Riasman, David, Ap87, 20

Reuter, Thomas, Ja80, 32, S81, 36

Rice, Ralph W., DS3, 31
Rife, David C., S78, 5

Reuters wire service. SS5, 10

Rice-Davies, Mandy, MarS5, 2S
Rifkind, Jeremy, S81, 25, F84, 12, NS4,

Reuther, Elizabeth, NS3, 32

Rich, Alan, DS4, 20
21. May8S, 31, Au86, 18

Reuther. Walter, v13

Rich, Marc, N83. 25, D83. 20, Ja84, 27.
Rifkind, Malcolm, Jul86, 32. Ju187, 30

revanehisme, Ja87, 10, F87. 12

Jun84, 11,0c84,29,F85,29,AuS5, 11
Riga, Fred, Ja87, 2S, F86.36

Revel, Bernard, OcS7, 18

Rich, Richard A., MarS2, 20
Riggins. Buster, F87. 22

Revels, Hiram, F79, 17

Richard I, D76, 10
Right Burgee, The, N77. 11

Revenge of the Nerds, AuS5, 16

Richard, Ralph and Donna, May8S, 30
Right of the Peop/e, Ap86, 27

Reverend Ike (see Frederick J.

Richards, Bob, OcS4, 35, MarS5. 19
Right Stuff, The, F84, 10

Richards, Guy. Ap77. 6
righteous Gentiles, May82, 28, FS7. 21.

reverse discrimination (also see

Richards, John W .• Au79, 14

affirmative action), D77. 23. Mar77' 12­ Richards. Keith. Oc79. 20

rights. group, Jul8S, 40

13. MarSO, 2S, D80, 31, ApSI. 31, JunSI.

Richards. Paul. 0c81. 16
Rikers Island, MarSS, 27

36.0cS1.24, SS4. 16.JunS5,20.

Richards. Renee. Mar7S, 13, SS4. 24.
Riklis, Meshulam, Ja77, 12. F87, 17

Jun85, 39. OcS7. S; school programs,

Au85, 30, Ju186, 28, S86. 34, S87. 2S
Riles, Wilson, Ap83, 27

Richards. Richard, FS2. 31-32
Riley, Robert D., Ap87, 16

revisionism, Australian critics. DS5. 17;

Richardson, Admiral, May76, 9
Rilke, Rainer, poem, Mar84, 8

bibliography. JunSI. 34; books. Jul77,

Richardson, Donald. Jul87, 36
Rimini, Francesca da, Au78. 13

20, MarSO. 27, JunS3. 31; Canada,

Richardson. Elliot, Jun76, 6-7, F85,20,
Rin Tin Tin. Ap82, 19

JuIS2, 27; equated with anti-Semitism,

Ring Magazine. Jul7S, 7

SS5, 20; history, Au79, 10, 18, S79, 26;

Richardson, Gordon, Mar81, 24
Ring of the NiebeJungs, Au81, 6-7. AuS3,

West Germany, ApS6, 33

Richardson. H. L., ApSO, 23

Revisionist Conference (1979), D79, 5-7

Richardson. Henry H., Oe76 , 15
Ring. Leon, Mar83, 18

Revisionist Reprint, JunS2. 31

Richardson, Jo, Ju185. 9
Ringle. Ken, FS3, 6

Revolt of the Masses, N79, 12, OcS7, S

Richardson, Neil E., Mar87, 21
Rings, Wernher, OcS3, 32

Revolutionary War (U.S.), F80, 8-9;

Richardson. Samuel. Jul77, 15
Rinker. Dieter. MayS4, 26

loyalists, JunS4. 31
Richardson, Warren, Jul81, 30
Rinn, Joseph F., Oc78, 22

Revolutionary War, Germans and Irish,

Riche. Roy Ie, Ja84. 28
Rinser, Luise, ApS5, 20

JaS2. 19
Richemont. Henri, Ap77, 24
Rio de Janeiro, carnival, Au84, 32; Jewish

Riches and Honor, Ja86, 19
mayor, NSO. 31

Rey, Hermes, OcS1, 23

Richey, Charles R.. Mar87, 21
riots, AuS1, 35; anti-Klan. F83, 5-S;

Reynolds, B~rbara. S87, 11

Richler. Mordecai, Au76, 14
Britain, OcSO, 30; Chicago, 1919. Mar84,

Reynolds. Burt. SS1. 22

Richman, Monroe, Mar85, 33
1S-19; Detroit, 1943 and 1967, MarS4,

Reynolds, Frank. S81. 29

Richmond (VA). Apn. 15. F79. 17-1S;
1S-19; Miami, JulSO, 6-7, Au80, 20,

Reynolds. Nancy, NS1. 30

Negroes in city council, N79. 19
OcSO, 22-23, Au81 , 35. Mar84. 19;

Reynolds. William B., SS5. 17, N83, 24,

Richmond. Fred. MaySO, 19, JaSI. 31,
Miracle Valley, F83, 19; Negroes. Ap80,

D83. 15, JaS6, 35-36

MayS!, 31, Au81. 30, SS2, 20. F83, 21
21-22, May83, 32; race, Jul8S, 29; San

Reynoso. Cruz, Oc79, 10-11

Richmond, Isaac, Jun80, 22
Quentin. Ju186. 18, S86, 22; Wichita

Rhine. Joseph B.• Oc78, 22-23, AuSO. 9­ Richmond, Len. Ja86, 27

State Univ .• Au80. 23; Wrightsvilla (GA),

10 Richter, Hans, May86, 10-11


Rhineland. FS7, 12
Rickard, Tex. Jul7a, 17
Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in

rhinoceroses. ApS6. 15
Rickenbacker, Eddie, May78, 17
America, The, S81. 25. ApS3, 21, AuS5,

Rhode. Cecilia, Aug84. 33

Rickhey, George, F85, 33

Rhodes scholars. F87, 22, S84. 23

Rickles, Don. SS4, 14, JunS5, 1S. ApS6.
Rise of the Mediocracy, JunS7. 10-11

Rhodes. Cecil. SS4, 22-23

Riskin. Sholomo. Jun80, 27

Rickover. Hyman, Jul76, 15, Mar77, 10­ Ritchie, Lionel, MarS7, 25

Rhodesia (also see Zimbabwe), Oen. 12;

Rittenberg, Sidney. Jun77, 12, D78, 13

British sellout. D79, 2S ; capitulation,

Oc85, 29; lIegal gifts, 0c84, 21, F87, 28;
Ritter. Bruce, NS1. 19

0c84, 11; decline of, Jun83, 22; Negro

NUMEC deals, N79, 14; wrong orders,
Rivera. Diego, Oc80, 16-17. Au87, 22


Rivera, Felipe, Oc86, 23

rock concerts, violence, F86. 30, Mar86, Rogers, Richard D., JulB7, 36

Rivera, Geraldo, Mar84, 26, N8S, 26

1B Rogers, William, N79, 16

Rivera, Luis, Ju181, 21, Ap85, 30

rock music. Jul77, 11, N84, 1B; criticized,
Rogge, B. A., N77. 13

Rivera, Michael T., Au87, 27

OcB7, 32; Europe. JuIB7, 18; Jewish
Rogge, John, JulBO, 22

Rivers, Joan, F84, 25, S84, 14, Ap85, 27,

entrepreneurs, 082, 18-19; patriotic,
Rogol, Marty, OB6, 30

Oc87, 10, Oc87, 24; plastic surgery, Jul84, 32; pro-white lyrics, S80, 34, F8S,
Rohatyn. Felix, Ju185, 23

Oc86, 31; Zionist quote, Jun87, 12

Rohe, Mies van der, Oc76, 5,15, Ju178,

Rivers, Larry, May8S, 32

rock musicians, disgusting behavior,
14, Jun86, 16

Rivers, Manny, N87. 18

JulB2, 26, AugB4. 33; drugs, Oc79, 20,
Rohmer, Sax (Arthur S. Ward), S83, 11

Riverside Church, Jul85, 33

Rojas, Armando, Jun81, 34

Rivett, Kenneth, MayaS, 37

rock. punk, 080, 14, Ap81, 20. Mar84, 32,
Rojos, Rodrigo, N87, 32

Riviere, Jean-Claude, Au86, 32

Rojunski, Marc, Jul83, 33
Rizzo, Frank, Jun78, 1S, Jun83, 9, F84,
Rockefeller children, denounced, Jun79,
Rokach, Israel, Ap83, 32

14, Mar85, 10
Rokach, livia, Jul82, 28, Ap83. 32

Roach, John, MayaS, 19

Rockefeller Family Fund, N86, 36
Roland, N76, 20

road mileage, nations compared, 082, 26

Rockefeller family, Jul 76, 9, N77, 5, 18­ Rolfe, John, 078, 8

Roanoke Island, Mar83, 13-14

19,Jun7~ 1~ D8~ 15-16-, F81, 26
Rolland, Romain, DB1, 16

Robacio, Hugo, F84, 22

Rockefeller Foundation, Ju176, 9, Ap77,
Rollat, Alain, May8S, 34

Robb, Charles, F82, 27, 084, 28

1S, May79, 13, MarB2, 26; hits South
Rolling Stone, Ja77, 5+, F77, 8

Robb, Tom, F83, 7

Africa, Ge81, 34
Rollins, Henri, May8S. 33

Robbins, Alan, F81, 31, Jun81, 36

Rockefeller. Abby. D7B, 14
Rollins, LA.• F86, 40

Robbins, 1.0., 085,16

Rockefeller. David, Ju176, 9, 080, 16
Rollnik, Horst, S81, 34

Robert Speller & Son, Ap77, 22

Rockefeller, Jay, N85, 27, 085,31 Roman Catholic Church and Roman
Roberti, David, Jul82, 31
Rockefeller, John D., F76, 10-14, Mar76,
Catholics (see Catholic Church and
Roberts, David, Oc81, 31,081,19
12, Ap76. 13, May76, 12
Roberts, Frederick S., F87, 6-7
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.• F76, 11-12
Roman Empire, N76, 8, Ju177. 7, S77, 26,

Roberts, Oral, Jun87, 26, Ju187, 29;

Rockefeller, Laurance. Ju176, 9, 080, 16
S78, 8, 17,Oc7B, 7,19, Ja79, 6; cause

hospital, N84, 28; sees Jesus, Ap81, 19,

Rockefeller, Mary, F77, 8, Jun78,1S of decline, Oc78. 7, Jul81, 15-16

N84, 28; son arrested, Ja82, 29

Rockefeller, Nelson, D7S, 1. May76. 11,
Roman, Steven, Ja87, 15-16

Roberts, Paul, Ja76, 20

Jun76, 20, Ju176. 9. F77, 8, Ja84, 15;
Romanesko, A. Z., Ap87, 32

Roberts, Ronald D., Ja82, 29

mistress, Jun80, 24
Romania, F77, 12, F80. 12, Ja85, 35-36,

Robertson. Cliff, Ju178, 14, Mar79, 28.

Rockefeller, Wendy, Jun84, 11
Ap87, 21; anti-Semitism, Ju184, 34, S84,

May80, 32, N82, 15,N83,36

Rockettes, 085, 21
29, Jun85. 36; births, N84, 33, Ap85, 34;

Robertson, Edna W., May87, 14

Rockford Institute, Au87, 35
Germans. Ja8S, 36, OB6, 3S, Ge87, 26;

Robertson, Pat, May77, 10-11, Ap87, 28,

Rockwell, George Lincoln, May79, 11,
Gypsies, Ap8S, 33-34; Jewish

Jun87, 26, N87, 20, Da7, 7; diverts

Jul79, 12, Jun80, 10-11, Mar82, 6-7,
emigration, Jun86, 37; pre-WWII, Ju184,

- hurricane, F86, 30; prevarications, 087,

7; Zionism, S87, 11

Robertson, Terrence, Oca2, 13

Robertson, Wilmot. Ju177. 19, Ge77, 7, 23,

Jul78, 23, F80, 9, Fa2, 7, 085, 13,


Rockwell, Jack, 0c84, 15

Rockwell, John, Oc78, 2B

Rodd, Peter, Ja86, 25


6; shortages, ApB4. 30; WWII, Ju183. 30,


Romanian Orthodox Church, Ju184, 7

Romanian Orthodox Episcopate (U.S.),

Ap87, 20-21, Jul87, 17-18

..- May87,7-8
Romanienko, A .• 0c87. 32

Robeson, Paul, Mar77, 11

Roderick, David, F81, 31
Romanovfamily, Ap77. 7,21-23; murder

Robinson, Bill, 087, 16

Rodgers, Richard. Ju180, 24
of, Jul82, 12-13

Robinson, Clifton, May78, 8

Rodin, Auguste, Jun 76,S?
Romanov. Aleksei, Ap77, 21

Robinson, David, F81, 35, 084, 30

Rodis, Shirley, DB4, 5
Romanov, Grigory V.• JuIBO, 24

Robinson, Desmond, F81, 32

Rodman. Dennis, Oc87, 10·11
Romanov, Michael (Harry Gerguson),

Robinson, Donald, F79, 15-16

Rodney, Walter, May8S. 22

Robinson, Grady, N8S, 21

Rodriguez, Joseph, May83, 18
Romans, in North America?, NaO, 12-13; in

Robinson. Homer, Maya3, 27

Rodriguez, Mike, 085, 36
Palestine, Ju181, 12; racial origins, 080,

Robinson, James Harvey. political

Rodriguez, Ram6n M., Oc86, 1S

campaign quote, S86, 17

Rodrique. Eustache, Au87. 28
Rome (ancient), MarB3, 10, F87, 15; coins

Robinson, Max, Mayal, 31, S81, 29, Ap82,

Rodriquez, Angel, Jul82, 1B·19
in New World, Au87, 21; demographics,

Rodriquez. Cecilia, May86, 34
May8S, 29; deterioration of, MarB7, 14,

Robinson, Michael, F85, 29

Rodriquez, George, Ap87, 28
16; transformation of houses, GeBO, 21 ;

Robinson, Noah, S84, 27, S85, 30

RotHS. Wade, based on He, N87, 18
treaty with Sparta, F87, 14

Robinson, Paul, S83, 6-9

Roeder family, MarBI, 9-11
Romer, Roy, JulB3, 18

Robinson, RenaUlt, Juna4, 20

Roeder, Manfred, F78, 23, Jun78, 23, S7B,
Romero, Carlos, 081,32

Robinson, Ron, F78, 23

19, Au79, 21, Oc82, 30-31, Ju183, 32;
Romero, Victor, Au87, 2S

Robinson, Roscoe. Jr., Ja83, 25, Ap83, 23

persecuted, 081, 17
Romilly, Esmond, Mar86, 25-26

Robinson, Spottswood. N77, 6

Roeder, Traudel, 081, 17
Rommel, Erwin, MarSO, 28, Ju186, 7

Robinson, Steve, 084, 30

Roethlisberg, Robert, May8S, 29
Rommel, Manfred, Mar80, 2B

Robinson, Vicki S,' Ja79, 27

Roettger, Norman, Jun86, 40, MayB7, 14
Romney, George, Jewish joke, Ja85, 38

Robison, James, May83, 26

Rogers, Bernard, Mar79. 27
Rondle, Charles, S79, 18

robots, Au78, 12, Ja82. 30, F86, 29

Rogers, Dan E., Ja87. 19
Rono, Henry, Mar87, 29

rock 'n' roll, Jewish group, Au87, 28; racial

Rogers, J. A., Jun81, 6
Ronstadt, linda, N82, 17, Oc84, 19

connotations, 080, 13-14, 082, 19;

Rogers. Johnny, Ja78. 20
Rooney, Andy,Oc87,28

sexual connotations, N85, 14

Rogers, Kenny, MayB7, 30
Roosevelt, Archibald B., S86, 23

Rock Against Racism, 080, 14

Rogers, Mildred, May80, 20
Roosevelt, Eleanor, Au76, 7. F79, 20-21,


May79, 13, Au79, 15, Ap84, 20; alleged

Rosenberg, Harold, 075,9-10, Ap78, 7,
Ross, Walter S., Jun77, 11

lesbianism, Mar80, 20-21; German

21, Au79, 11, Ap80, 18-19, June83, 9­ Rossbach,June,Jun79,18

famine, 078, 19; love affairs, Au82, 27,

10, Au83, 21
Rossella, Carlo, S86, 35

Rosenberg, Herbie, 086, 18
Rosset, Barney, Au85, 15

Roosevelt, Elliott, Au86, 26

Rosenberg, James M., May86, 14
Rossillon, Philippe, S82, 28

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Roosevelt,

Rosenberg, James, Jul79, 13
Rossne~Jud"h, F84, 19

Roosevelt, Franklin D., F76, 5, 17-18,

Rosenberg, Jerome, F86, 40, 087,30
Rostenkowski, Dan, drunk driver, S86, 34

May76, 9, Jun76, 18, Au76, 7, Gc76, 7,

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, Ap76, 9,
Rostow, Eugene, Jun83, 26

Jun77, 21-22, Gc77, 22, N77, 8, F79, 20­ Jun76, 7,Gc77, 28, Ap79, 11, F84, 13,
Roszak, Theodore, F76, 4

21, May79, 13, Mar80, 20-21, Jul83, 21,

Au86, 17, Mar87, 20, S87, 26
Rotarians, Ju185, 39

Ja85, 26; ailing, Mar87, 8; anti-German,

Rosenberg, Liz, N79, 18
Roth, Cecil, 077, 10

F87, 12-13; assassination attempt,

Rosenberg, Magda, Au78, 20
Roth, Emery, S87, 13

Ja85, 10; Baruch's WWII advice, 086,

Rosenberg, Mimi, Gc84, 18
Roth, Gunther, Ap78, 21

24; closet anti-Semite, Jul86, 8; Jewish

Rosenberg, Susan, Mar85, 27
Roth, Heinrich, S79, 26

refugees, Jul86, 19; knocks NY Times,

Rosenberg, Thomas, Gc84, 16
Roth, Philip, Jul77, 15, May84, 12-13,

Jun87, 17; proposed monument, Ja82,

Rosenblatt, Arthur, Mar87, 21
Ap86, 12-13; anti-WASP quote, F81, 8;

20; tapes, N82, 21 ; war aims, F79, 16,

Rosenblatt, Fern, Au86, 7; applauds
criticized, S82, 11

murder, F87, 17
Roth, Samuel, Mar86, 6-9

Roosevelt, Theodore, 075, 13-14, Ja76,

Rosenblatt, Naomi, S87, 27
Roth, Steven, Au86, 21, Ja87, 28, May87,

12, Jul77, 7, 23-24,077,17-20, Ja78,

Rosenblatt, Roger, N81, 19, Mar85, 21
31, Au87, 19

10, Gc86, 7-8; Jewish pressure on,

Rosenblatt, Toby, Mar84, 18
Rothbard, Murray, Ja76,20-21

Mar80, 9; nationalist, S86, 23; quote,

Rosenblatt-Roth, Millu, Jun79, 16
Rothbaum, Mark, S86, 34

086, 15; shot at, Ja85, 11

Rosenbloom, Paul C., New Math, Gc79, 26
Rothberg, Lee, F80, 22

Root, E. Merrill, 077, 13

Rosenblum, Carroll, Ja78, 20
Rothberg, Samuel, Ja79, 14, F81, 34

Root, Jack, Ju178, 7, 16

Rosenfeld, Harry, Jun76, 18, S85, 12
Rothenberg, Charles, Gc86, 32

Roots (TV show), Jun77, 12, Nov77, 13,

Rosenfeld, Harvey, Jul85, 29
Rothermere, Lord, Jul77, 8, Mar84, 23;

S78, 13, May79, 11, 081,31; deceptions

Rosenfeld, Helen, S81, 31
boycott, Oc85, 27

in, Ju179, 12
Rothman, Gertrude, 082, 21

Roots, Ap77, 12, Jul77, 12, S77, 11,

Rosenfeld, Yisroel, Au87, 17
Rothman, Stanley, 078, 13, June83, 15,

May78, 10, 21-22; errors in, May78,

Rosenfelt, Arthur, Mar87, 21

22; plagiarism, Ap 79, 16

Rosenfelt, Frank, Au80, 23, N81, 20
Rothschild family, Mar79, 13, 080, 19,

Roper Poll, Mar85, 26

Rosenfield, David M., Au85, 31
May82, 14, Ja85, 27-28

Roques, Henri, Jun86, 37, Au86, 32, Ja87,

Rosenhaus, Marty, N82, 16
Rothschild Inc., Ju183, 28

31, F87,33,Ap87,30, 087,32,36

Rosenman, Samuel, S76, 18, Jun86, 12
Rothschild, Edmond de, 081,30, N83, 31,

Rorschach Test, S77, 13

Rosenne, Meir, Mar87, 20, Jun87, 35

Rosales, Jorge, F87, 21

Rosensaft, Menahem Z., 083, 16
Rothschild, Emma, Mar87, 32

Rosario, Luis, Ja84, 27

Rosenstiel, Lewis, Gc81, 5
Rothschild, Evelyn de, S77, 14

Rosbaud, Paul, Jun87, 21

Rosenstiele, Werner von, Ja78, 13
Rothschild, Guy de, May82, 14;

Rose, Dan, Ju179, 12

Rosenthal, Abe, Ap80, 24, Ja86, 16
conversion quote, Au86, 12

Rose, Jack l., May85, 32

Rosenthal, Bernard, Ja78, 7
Rothschild, Lionel (Lord), Jul77, 19, Gc79,

Rose, Kenneth, .luI80, 31

Rosenthal, Charles J., Ja87, 18

Rose, Lessie, S85, 17

Rosenthal, Harold J., Jul84, 31, Aug84,
Rothschild, Philippe de, Au85, 19

Rose, Milton, Ja84, 14-15

Rothschild, Victor, Mar87, 30, 32

Rose, Patricia, Mar86, 15

Rosenthal, Harold, Ja79, 27
Rothstein, Arnold, Au85, 9

Rose, Steven, May79, 19-20

Rosenthal, Jack, Mar87, 28
Rothstein, Steven, F86, 31

Rosellini, Lynn, F83, 23

Rosenthal, Jerry E., N82, 20
Rothwell, Nicholas, May87, 38

Roseman, Marvin, Au82, 27

Rosenthal, Joe, Jul83, 36
Rotten, Johnny, Ap86, 31

Rosemond, Thomas, Jr., Jul87, 21

Rosenthal, Lucy, Au76, 14
Rottenberg, Dan, Ap83, 11, Au84, 12

Rosen, Abbot, Ap77, 24

Rosenthal, Michael, N86, 23
Rottenberg, Isaac C., N82, 9

Rosen, Baruch, Jun81, 15

Rosenthal, Richard, F85, 19
Rotterdam, S79, 26

Rosen, Charles, May76, 11

Rosenthal, Ted, Ju184, 31
Roubaud, Father, Au83, 21

Rosen, Gerald, Gc84, 8

Rosenwald, Julius, F83, 20
Rouge Baiser, Ju187, 32

Rosen, Grand Rabbi, Ju184, 34, Jun86, 37

Rosenzweig, Harry, Jul77, 12, Gc77, 14­ Round Table, S84, 22-23

Rosen, Harry, May82, 28

Rouse, Philip, N81, 20-21

Rosen, Hy, S85, 12

Rosenzweig, Luc, Au81, 13, Jul86, 40
Rousseau, J.-J., 075, 11, Ap 76, 8, Ap78,

Rosen, Jeffrey S., S84, 18

Rosich, Miguel A., Ju187, 29
12, May82, 31

Rosen, John N., N82, 19

Rosin, Alex, Au76, 9
Rovere, Richard, D77, 13

Rosen, Moses, F77, 12,S84,29,Jun85,

Rosofsky, Ira, 087, 28
Rovner, Sandy, Ap82, 21

36 Rosovsky, Henry, Ja81, 23, Ap82, 19

Row, Gary T., Ja81, 24

Rosen,Samu~,Jun86,23 Ross, Betsy, demeaned, F84, 11


Rosenbaum, Helen, Gc80, 21

Ross, Diana, N83, 22
Rowan, Carl T., Mar77, 121, Au79, 20

Rosenbaum, Irving, N80, 20

Ross, Edward A., Au80, 9, S80, 10
Mar82, 27, May82, 28082,13, N83, 15,

Rosenbaum, Mark D., Jun81, 36, Ja83, 23

Ross, Harold, May87, 22

Rosenberg, Alfred, Jun87, 13

Ross, Heather, F83, 29
Rowden, Marcus, N79, 15

Rosenberg, Allan, F84, 26

Ross, Ken, N87, 25
Rowe, Frederick, May79, 13-14

Rosenberg, Edgar, F84, 25

Ross, Malcolm, Gc78, 17, N78, 23, 086,
Rowe, Gary, Jr., Jun81, 15, Gc82, 27

Rosenberg, Edward, F81, 20

Rowen, Hobart, Gc85, 18,F87,34

Rosenberg, Elias, Jun86, 38

Ross, Steven, Au82, 21, Gc83, 17
rowing, N87, 9

Rosenberg, Elijahu, May87, 15

Ross, Tony, Ju178, 17
Rowland, Tiny, 079, 28


Roxbury (MA), F86, 18

Rudd, Eldon. 086, 12 Ryan,Leo,Ap83,28

Roy, David, Ja84, 28

Ruddy, AI and Frarn;oise. 085.20 Ryan, Michael, N87, 28

Roy, Elsijane, Jun87, 35

Rudel, Hans-Ulrich. 083, 27; medal
Ryan, Shannon, Ap83,28

Roy, Ralph Lord, F77, 19

auctioned, Jul84, 32
Ryskind, Allan H., May8S, 7

Royal Air Force, S79, 26

Rudel, Julius. Ja79, 27
Ryskind, Morrie, N80, 6, May85, 7, F86, 20

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, May83,

Ruderman, James, Au78, 20
Ryweck, Morton. Ap80, 28, May86, 14

28, OcS3, 31, Oc84, 30, ApS5, 31,

Rudin, Milton, NS2, 16
Ryzhiko, German, N80, 32

JunS6, 35; recruits, JulS7, 30

Rudman, Warren, JulS7, 25-26. S87. 12

Royal Court Theater, AuS7, 29

royal family (Britain), Ja86, 31; criticized,

Rudnick, Samuel, May87, 17·18

Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, 080, 16
S & ls, failures, Au85, 11, N85, 29

Rudolph. Arthur, JaS5, 22-23, F85, 33.

Royal Insurance Co., NS5, 21

Jul85, 39, JaS6, 16, N87, 27, 087, 32;
S. I. Jacobson Co., MarS7, 27

Royal Society, Ja76, 6, Ja77. 12

deported. Ju187. 17; medal retained.
Saal. Herbert, Ja79, 27

Royalty, James D., Ap77. 13

May8s, 38
Saal, Rollene, F78, 10

Roybal, Edward, MarS3, 1S

Rudutsky, Michael, Ju187, 31
Saarinen, Eero, Oc7S, 5

Royko, Mike. 079. 19, DS2. 31-21, OcS7,

Rudutsky, Sally, Ju187. 31
Saatchi & Saatchi, S83, 34, OcS4, 31,

10; anti-Murdoch quote, JunS4, 12; Rueda, Enrique T., Mar84, 9-13

Jewish vengeance, FS3, 20

Ruf, Markus, F86, 34
Saba, Michael, 084, 29

Rozansky, Steven, MarSS, 27

rugby, S8S, 34; teams banned, N87, 12-13
Sabben-Cleve, ?Oc87, 23

Rozell, Pete, Ja7S, 20

Ruge, Arnold, 075, 11
Sabin, Laura, N82, 32

Rozenblum, Marc, MarS1. 33, JunS1, 32

Ruglovsky. Robert J., Au87. 28
Sabra and Shatila massacres, 082, 29

Razes, Simone, sao. 34-35

Ruhe, Douglas, F83, 21
Ja83, 30, JaS4, 29-30, F84, 18, Ap85, 9­
Rubell, Steve, 080, 14, Jun81, 31
Ruhle. Gunter. May86, 32
11, May8S, 24, Oc85, 33, 086, 36, F87,

Rubenowitz, Israel, AuS6, 21

Ruiz, Richard M., S78, 20

Rubenstein, Harold, JaS6, 30

Ruiz, Rosie, N82, 28
Sacco and Vanzetti, Ce77. 28, Jul87, 13;
Rubenstein, Leonard, 22-23
Rule, Brendan, OeS5, 10
guilt established, S86, 39

Rubenstein, Martin, 086, 29

Rumpf, Hans, S79, 26
Saccucci, Sandro, Au79. 21

Rubenstein, Morton, Maya6, 27

runaway children, F83, 25
Sachanowitz, Yoset, Ap84, 18

Rubenstein, Richard, Ap85, 18

Runcie. Robert, Ja82. 20, Oc82, 30
Sachs, Solly, N78, 15

Rubenstone, Kathy. Ja82. 29

Rundle, Frank, Au79, 18
Sachs, Stephen, May8S, 22

Rubik's Cube, stolen invention, JaaS, 39

Runestone magazine, Ju179, 11·12,
Sackett. Joshua, May80, 19

Rubik. Erno. Jaa5, 39

Mar82, 31, F83, 34
Sackler, Howard, Jul78, 7

Rubin, Amos, SS7, 31

Runestones, S80, 12
Sacred Cow newsletter, Ap87, 18

- Rubin, Barry. F84, 25

Rubin, Bernard, DSO, 10

Rubin. Bert. N79. 20

Ruppe, Loret M., Jun87. 28

RUSH (rock group), S80, 34

Rusher, William, N76, 11

sacrifices, religious, S86. 22-23

Sadat. Anwar, Ja76, 18-19, Mar78, 12,

Ja79, 6, 22, Jun79, 12, Jul79, 9, 26,

Rubin, Edward, Faa. 23

Rushton, J. Phillipe, 087,26
NS1, 33, Mar87, 28; film, Jun84, 34;

Rubin, Harold. Au87, 27

Rusk, Dean. Ju184, 34
gullibility, Oc82, 25; Nazi past, N79, 28,

Rubin, Humberto. ApS7, 34

Russell, Bertrand, Jul77, 19, N77, 13,
MarSO, 28; pro-Hitler, Ju182, 28-29;

Rubin, Irving, Jun78, 13, May79, 14, F82.

N8S, 22 ; anti-Semitism, S78, 11
profile, 081, 6-7

10. JU182. 31, Ap84. 1S. MarS5. 33-34.

Russell, Bill, Ja78, 20
Sadat, Jihan, Mar87, 28

Au85. 14. AuS2. 31. Da5.30, May86,

Russell, Dale, N80, 18
Saddle River (NJ), Ap87. 27

34, Au86, 7; IHR burnout, OcS4, 1S;

Russell, Francis, S86, 39
safe sex kit, May87, 20

reward for Nazi ears. JaSI. 32

Russett, Cynthia E., N79, S
Safer. Morley, Jul80, 24. DS3, 31, Au84,

Rubin, Jerry, F76, 16, Jul76, 10, Jul77, 12,

Russia and Europe, May76, 4
30-31, Oc85, 29, May86, 27

- N80. 29. Maras. 18, May8S, 25. Mar86.

27. Oc87. 17; author. Ap81. 26; quotes.


Rubin, Louis D.• Jr.. Oc84. 18

Russia (also see U.S.S.R.), Jews under

Czars, Jun78, 6, 16-17, Oc87, 32

Russian Empire, pogroms, 084, 10

Russian revolution. May86, 7; Jews, 087,

Sateway Stores, Yom Kippur candle suit,


Safford, L. F., Ce77, 22, F82, 32

Safire, Ben, N77, 6

Rubin, Mort. F83. 20

11 ; white armies, May8S, 9
Safire, William, Ap78, 13, Ap79, 14,

Rubin. Sam. Ju179, 12

Russians, Au77, 18, Au85, 24-26; modern
May86, 28, Jun86, 17, S86, 11, S87, 12;
Rubin, Sharon, July84. 20
attitudes, N85, 33
boosts Cohn, Ja87, 21 ; criticizes Pope,
Rubin, Stephen, JulS7, 31
Russo, Aaron, F78. 13
Rubin, Vera, N79, 20
Russo, Anthony, Oc80, 29
Safra, Edmond, Aug83, 27

Rubin, William, Ap7S, 7, AuS5, 11, May86,

Russo, Joe, Fa6, 31
Saga of Hog Island, The, Jul77, 20

Russo-Afghan war (see Afghanistan)
Sagan, Carl, S77, 19, Ju179, 20, 080, 24,

Rubinowits, Israel, F84, 18

Russo-German Nonaggression Pact,
Ap81, 4-6, 084, 22, N86, 36; divorce,
Rubins, Nancy. Ce81, 22, OeS2, 17, F83,
Mar78, 17. Jun79, 7
F84, 25; opposes SDI, Jul86, 17

Rust, James, Jul79, 10
Sagawa, Issei, Mar84, 2S, F86, 38

Rubinstein, Anton, Jun79, 13

Rustin, Bayard, Ja78, 12, F80, 27, 084,5,
Sager, Fritz, Au81 , 27

Rubinstein, Helena, Sa1. 12-13

087,30; in Israel, F81, 33
Saghir, Marcel, Au79, 18

Rubinstein, Martin, Ja87, 28, Jun87, 28

Rutgers University, MarS7, 20-21
Sahara, Ju182, 7-9

Rubinstein, Nicholas, Jun79, 13

Ruth. Babe, May78, 9
Sahel, Jul82, 8

Rubinstein, W. D., Au80, 32-33

Rutledge, Art. Jun78, 18
Said, Edward W., S80, 35, May84, 19

Ruby,Jack,Ap76, 9,Jun81, 16
Ruxton, Bruce, May87, 38
Said, Hassan A., N82, 29

Ruby, Michael, Jul87, 27

Ryan, Allan A., Jr., MayS1, 22, Ju182, 31,
Saiki, Pat, F87, 19

Ruby, Walter, Ap86, 18

Sainsbury, David, Jul87, 31

Rucker, Allen, SS5, 2S, F86, 15

F85, 33, May87, 15
Saint Albans (school), Jul77, 17

Rucker!, Adalbert. May87, 15

Ryan, Hermine, Au79, 10, Jul80, 17-18
Saint Augustine (missionary), ApS1, 25


Saint Augustine Community College. Saltonstall, Thomas, Ja87, 36

Sapulpa (OK), AuSO, 34

Mar81.17 Salvadorans, S85, 19

Saracens, N76, 20

Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre. S80, Salzer, Carl W., Jr., Oc76, 4.14-15
Sarbanes, Paul, S81, 32, NB1. 12

15 Samaranch, Juan A .• N87, 14

Sarnoff, David. demystified. May87, 21

Saint Brendan, Jun81, 29

Sambo's (restaurant chain), S80, 17
Sarnoff, Robert, Mar76, 19, F77, 8,

Saint Cyr, Marshal, F87, 7

Samiland (see Lapland)

Saint Elizabeth's (mental hospital),

Samoa, S83, 6-9
Sarnoff, Stanley, ApS4, 27

Samoans, in U.S., Jun83, 19
Saroyan, William, Jewish wife, N84, 27

Saint Elwood, Jon, May86, 29

Sampson syndrome, Ja82, 10
Sarris, Andrew, 082,20

Saint Francis, Mar79, 9

Sampson, Anthony, Au82, 24
Sarsfield, Edwin, May87, 31

Saint Germain, Ferdinand, Ja86, 30,

Sampson, Ralph, S86, 34
Sartre, J. P., Jul76, 8, S76, 8, Mar83, 30,

Samuel (Old Testament), Au87, 8
087,15; anti-Semitism, Oc77, 6;

Saint Germain, Pierre, Ja82, 15

Samuel, Eugenia, May87, 14
defends Palestinians. Mar83. 30; in

Saint Helena, Oc82, 30

Samuel, Herbert (Lord Reading), Jul77, 8,
Cuba, S86, 37; on revolution, N86, 33-34

Saint Jacques, Raymond, Oc78, 18,

Sassoon, Reuben, Ap84, 12

Samuel, Raphael, Ju183, 26
SAT scores, Jul84, 30, S84, 25, Ja85, 32,

Saint James, Warren D., Ja81, 16

Samuelson, Paul, 075,17, Ja76, 20, S77,
Ja86, 29, Mar87, 10-11; athletes, N83.

Saint Joan. S78, 19

31,D84,23;byrace, Ap80, 22,Ja83.

Saint John of the Cross, JUn82, 24

Samurai, F77, 21
25, S83, 22, Ju185, 31; by state, Ja83,

Saint John, F81, 28

San Antonio, 077, 11
25; gender differences, Jun84, 35

Saint John, Jeffrey, Ja81 , 8

San Diego, OcS4, 29; aliens, N86, 13;
SAT tests, May78, 15, Ja84, 26, May85,

Saint Louis (MO), criminal officials, 084,

Negro crime, S87, 15; white student
21, Ja86, 9, Ap86, 18; errors, Ja86, 19;

30; school board, N87, 33

activists, OcS5, 36
not biased, 085, 36

Saint Louis Globe-Democrat, closed down,

San Francisco Examiner, tasteless ad,
satellite TV, Oc84, 26; audio reception,

Oc85, 28-29; banality, Oc8S, 29

Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, F87, 28,

San Francisco, Mar79, 10, 26-27; AIDS
satire, May8S, 22, S85, 16, F86, 15; anti­
budget, Oc87, 26; architecture, Mar84,
Jewish, Mar84, 19; confession skit, NS7.

Saint Luke, Mar86, 19

18; bathhouse closing, Au84, 43; cable
23; of college athletes, Jul86, 16; of

Saint Martin, Ja80, 7-8

car attacked, N84, 29; demise, Ap84,
Negroes, Oc78, 27; 10 types, OeB3. 20

Saint Patrick's Day. AuS4, 28

14; demographics, May86, 28; gays,
Sato, Masaki, Ju187, 35

Saint Paul, Mar76, 7, 076, 11, JuISI, 12,

Jul8S, 31; Germans mugged, F81, 14,
Saturday Evening Post. Ap76, 19

N81, 6-7; anti-gay, N84, 20;

16, May81, 10-11, N81. 21; Holocaust
Saturday Night Fever. JuI7B, 13

reinterpreted, 086, 22
memorial, 080, 32; Jewish AIDS victims,
Saturday Night Live, Mar84, 19

Saint Petersburg (FL), N78, 12

May87, 30; Jewish elite, Mar84, 1B;
Saturday Night Special, The, Mar76, 4

Saint Thomas, F86, 21

mayor killed. Jun84, 21; politics, DBO,
Saturday Review of Literature, F79, 17,

Saint-Loup (French writer), Ju180, 36

20; pornography. Oc84, 28
N79,20, Au80, 21

Saint-Saens. Camille, Jun79, 13

San Jose (CA), Mar82. 31
Saturnalia (Romanian publication). Jun85,

Sak, Lennie, Ap80, 28

San Quentin, Jul86, 18; riots, S86, 22

Sakharov, Andrei, 077, 11, Jun78,23,

Sanctuary Movement, S8S, 19, S85, 30,
Sauckel, Fritz, Jun87, 13

Jun79, 20, 25-26, Oc84, 32-33

NB6, 11-14,Ja87, 21, S87,34
Saudi Arabia, Ja76, 16, Jun 76, 7, Oc76 ,

Saklatvala, Mencherjee, Oc87, 30

Sanders, Edward, Ja80, 25
19, S76, 7, Ap80, 28; AWAC sale, DS1,

Sakowitz Dept. Store, Ja82, 28

Sandiford, Cedric, Mar87, 7
7; brutality charged, MayS4, 29-30; buys

Saladin, Ja76. 3
Sandinistas (also see Nicaragua)
British, JaS6, S; desalinization, Oc85,

Salaman, Maureen, Oc84, 35

Sandinistas, Russian connections, S87,
30; F-15 sale, Ap86, 6; reckless drivers,

Salameh, Abu H., Mar86, 34

32-33; U.S. supporters, Au87, 25
MarBS. 25; rejects Jewish engineers, ;

Salameh, Omar, Jun77, 13

Sandperl, Ira, 087, 21
S86. 31; relations with Jews, May77, 11;

Salamon, Julie, F87, 20

Sands, Bobby, Ju181, 20, Au81, 28, 081,
study sabotaged, Ap86, 6-7; travelogue,

Salant, Richard, Ja76, 18, Jul79, 13; TV


quote, S85, 14
Sanford. Terry, Jul76, 4
Saudi Arabians, in the U.S., Ja83, 8

salaries S84, 26, S85, 29

Sanftleben, Lesa, F85, 35
Sauk Centre, S86, 26

Salazar, Gustavo S., Jun84, 33

Sanger, Margaret, Ja80, 23
Saul (Old Testament), Au87. 8

Salem, Michael, N80, 29

Sangster, Robert, Oc84, 18
Saunders, Ernest. Jun87, 30

Salibi, Kamal,D84, 35
Sanguinetti, Maria, Jun85, 37
Saunders, Norman, Jul85, 33

Salimi, Khalid, S86,35

Sankara, Thomas, N84, 34
Saunders, Richard, 080, 32

Salinger, J.D., Jun81, 20-21, Au81, 21,

Sanning, Walter N., Ja8S, 38
Saunders, Ronald B., 085, 34

N81, 19, Mar82, 18

Sanskrit, speakers, Oc87. 26
Saunders, Stuart, 087, 11

Salisbury. Harrison, Jun79, 20, N85, 36,

Santa Fe. Oc77, 5
Sauter, Kathleen, Mar81 , 30

Jun87, 17
Santa Monica, backs Lebanon invasion,
Sauter, Van Gordon, Mar81 , 30

Salisbury, Lord, Ap84, 11-12, 086,19

N82, 17; holidays, Oc86, 10
Sav-On-Drugs (stores), JunSO, 24

Salith, Mahmoud, Jul80, 34

Santa Rosa (CA), JaSO, 19
Savage, Gus, Ja8S, 7, May85, 22

Salk, Jonas, 081, 18, 085, 24

Santamaria, 8. A., MayS7, 38
Savant, Marilyn M. von, N86, 30

Salome, Lou, Mar77, 17

Santayana, George, Mar83. 7, JuIS5, 18
Save the Children, N83, 27

Salomon, Arthur, NS7, 27

Santeria, May83, 7
Savimbi, Jonas, Ap86, 17, Au86, 19,

Salomon, Haym, ApS1, 20, JunS6, 19

Santos, Jose dos, JunSO, 34

Salsbury, Robert, S86, 33

Sao Paulo, fire, Au84, 41. S84. 31
Savitsky, Mikhail, Oc79, 28

SALT I, S79, 16
Sape. George, MarBI, 22
Savoy, future independence, N8410

SALT II, S79, 16; irrelevance, 079,20

Sapers, Carl M.• MayB4, 26
Sawlani, Narian, Jun82, 26

Sattman, Bernard, Mar83, 29. May83, 28

Sapir, Edward, Ja77, 19
Sawyer, Diane, Oc85, 29

Saltman, Judith, 084, 32

Sapir, Richard, Mar85, 34
Sawyer, Kathy, Ap85, 11


Sax, Samuel, MayS6, 30

Schirach, Henriette von, JunS4, 33
31, JulS5, 13, JuIS5, 32, AuS6, 23;
Saxe, Susan,S76, 11
schizophrenia, F77, 13; racial, JuI7S, 10,
failures moved ahead, AuS7, 26; govt.
Saxon, Alan D., DS3, 20
spending, JaS6, 10, ApS6, 1S;
Saxon. David. MaySI. 35, AuS1, 33
Schlafly, Phyllis, NS5, 36
handicapped students, OcSO, 14-15;
Saxons, S77, 26. ApS7, 25; in Romania.
Schlageter, Albert Leo, DS1, 17
Jewish, JaS5, 32; Jews expelled, FSI,
JaS5, 36
Schlamm, William, Jul77. 20, S77. 14,
22-23; Little Rock, AugS4, 33; minorities,
Saye, Bill, AuS1, 21
Oc77, 2S Au79. 21
MarSI, 1S, DS7, 29; NAACP suits, FS6,
Sayer, lan, AuS5, 14, AugS6, 31
Schlegel, Friedrich, Mar77, 17
40; Negro beliefs, ApS6, 9-10; one room,
Sayre, Anne, Jul77, 17
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Jul77, 10,
SS6, 21; poetry, MayS2, 17; prayer,
Scaduto, Anthony, MarS2, 12-14
077,12, May7S. 12, OC7S, 15, Au79, 15,
JulyS4, 20; pregnancies, FS6. 30;
scalawags, JulS4, 15-16
private, S79, 17; religious discipline,
Scalia, Antonin, OcS6, 2S-29, MayS7, 20
Schlesinger, James, Ja76, 16, Ap76, 9,
MayS5, 22; segregation, MarS3, 2S;
scalping, SS2, 1-10, DS2, 17
077, 10, Ap7S, 13,ApS4,21
standards lowered, AuS5, 17-1S;
Scammell, Michael, JuIS5, 21
Schleyer, Emmanuel, JunS7, 30
statistics, DS6, 30; tests by race,
Scandinavia, F7S, 23, ApS5, 21 ;
Schleyer, Hanns-Martin, Ja7S, S .
MayS6, 2S; vandalism, JunS5, 30
languages. JunS6, 21; music in U.S.,
Schlitz Brewing Co., N77, 24
Schopenhauer, Arthur, Mar77, 5, 16-1S,
MarS7. 36; society, praise of. DS4. 32;
Schlossberg, Edwin, MayS2, 2S, MayS6,
Jul7S, 9, 21, JaSO, 11-12, AuSl, 6-7;
Scandinavians, ApS4, 7; in U.S., JunS5.
quotes, AuS6, 34, DS6, 14; view of Jews,
21, MayS6. 15; stature, MayS7, 30
Schlossberg, Stephen, DSO, 11
Scania (part of Sweden). future
Schlosser, Herbert, Mar76, 19, F77, S
Schorr, Daniel, SS5, 22, MarS6, 2S

independence, NS4 10
Schlosser, Michael, OcSO, 21
Schrader. Paul, JuISI, 6

Scargill, Arthur, AuS4, 2S, JunS5, 34

Schmeelk, Richard, NS7, 26
Schrag, Peter, DS1, 1S, SS5, 17-1S

Scarman, Lord, MayS2, 26, OcS6, 33;

Schmidt, Benno, Jr., JunS6. 34, JaS7. 35
Schrager. Ian, JunS1, 31

Report, MayS2, 29
Schmidt, Fred L., NS7, 35
Schrank, John, JaS5, 11

Scarr, Sandra. MarSI, 1S, SS3, 19

Schmidt, Hans. JunS3, 31. JuIS5. 39,
Schreiber, Taft, MarS7, 19

scatology, D7S, 14, FS4, 1S-19

AuS5, 14, DS6, 36
Schrempf, Detlev. ApS7, 36

Scavullo, Francesco, JuneS3, 11

Schmidt, Helmut, Oc77, 2S, Ja77, S,
Schrenck-Notzing, Caspar von, Jul77, 20,

Schacht, Gordula, JunS7, 13

OcSO, 31, JaS1, 12-13, FS2, 2S-29,
S7S, 19

Schacht, Henry, JuIS5, 30

AuS2, 30; criticizes Begin, ApS1, 2S;
Schroeder, Patricia, MayS6, 20, JunS6,

Schacht, Hjalmar, JunS7, 13

Jewish grandfather, JaS5, 23
23, SS7, 11

Schacht, Konstanze, JunS7, 13

Schmidt, Kaspar (see Max Stirner)
Schubart, Walter, May76, 15

Schachter, Joseph, N7S, 23

Schmidt, Mathias, NS5, 32
Schue, Henry, S76, 16

- Schaefer, George, JunS2, 27

Schaefer, Heinrich. MayS7, 13-14

Schaefer, Thomas, MayS2, 15

Schaeffer, Francis, JaS4, 17

Schmitt, Harrison, Ja77, 12

Schmitz, John, F7S, 17, AuS1, 23, ApS2,

32, AuS2, 31, JaS7, 2S; anti-Semitic

remarks, MayS2, 12-13

Schulberg, Bud, FS4, 26, JunS4, 30

Schulberg, Stuart, Oc79, 19

Schuler, Robert, May77, 11

Schuller, Gunther, Oc7S, 25, ApS1, 9,

- Schaeffer, William, JaS4, 17

Schaff, Adam, OcS4, 32, ApS5, 33

Schanberg, Sidney, OcS2, 1S

Schatz, Bob, JulS7, 27

Schaumburg"Lippe, Prince zu, NS6, 19

Schmoke, Kurt, JaS7,20

Schneider, Bert, Ju176, 10

Schneider, Ernest, OcS1, 11

Schneider, Roy, JuISO, 33

Schneider, Stephen, NS6, 36


Schuller, Robert, JulS4, 31

Schulman. Art, NS7, 36

Schulman, Gilbert, DS7, 30

Schulman, Jay, NS7, 19

Schecter, Harvey, MarS5, 33

Schneider, Susan W., MarS5, 1S, DS7, 1S
Schulte, Brigitte, JaSO, 32, SS1, 36

Scheffler, Wo~gang, NS6, 34

Schneiderman, David, MayS4, 19, ApS6,
Schultz, Dick, ApS6, 26-27

Scheider, Roy, FS4, 26

Schultz, Dutch, Jul77, 16, AuS5, 9

Schein, Dave, AuS6, 30

Schneiderman, Rose, JaS4, 12
Schultz, Henry, MarS1, 25

- Schele, Linda, SS6, 22-23, DS6, 21

Schell, Jonathan, JunS2, 5-7, MarS3, 15

Schelling, Friedrich, Mar77 , 16-17, F7S, 20

Schneiders, Greg, May77, 11, Jun79, 19

Schneir, Miriam, MarS5, 35

Schnitzler, Arthur, JaS6, 19

Schultz. Lillie, JuISI, 22

Schultz, Theodore, quote, MarS2. 25

Schultze, Charles, F77. 22

Schemberg, Mario, DSO, 2S

Schoemehl, Vincent, NS7, 33
Schultze, Rita, F77, 22

Schempp case, Jun77, 12

Schoenfeld, Gene ("Dr. Hip"), N79, 20
Schultze, W. J., May77. 24

Schenley Industries, Ja77, 12

Schoenfeld, Guenther, SS5, 10
Schuman, William, Ja79, 27

Scherer, Cardinal, AuSO, 30

Schoenfeld, Moses, S79, 2S
Schumann, Thea, JunS6. 3S

Scherick, Edgar J., JuIS4, 29

Schoenstein, Ralph, JaS3,
Schush, Barry D., ApS4, 1S. ,luIS4, 31

Scherman, Harry, Au76, 9

scholarships, athletes, DS4, 23;
Schussler. Steve. NS5, 29

Scheu, Ed, SS1, 40

minorities, SS1, 30, MayS5, 21
Schutz, Waldeman, Mar77. 20

Schexnider, Alvin J., NS2, 1S

Schonberg, Arnold, May76, 11, S76, 9,
Schwab. Laurence. FS3, 30

Schiavone Construction Co., JaS5, 20

Jun7S, 21, Oc7S, 12. MaySI, 9, OcS7, 7
Schwartz, Alfred, MarS1, 31

Schickel, Alfred, ApS6, 33

Schonberg, Harold, Jun7S, 22, Ja79, 27
Schwartz, Dale, ApS2. 14

Schiff family, Mar79, 13

Schonerer. Georg von. SSO. 16-17
Schwartz, David, DS5, 12

Schiff, Dorothy, Au76. 7, Oc76. 1S. ApS2.

Schonfield, Hugh J., MarS6, 19
Schwartz, Eugene,AuS4,21

Schon huber, Franz, ApS7, 31
Schwartz, Felice, FS5, 39

Schiff, Jacob. Ja79, 27. MarSO, 9

schools (also see private and preparatory
Schwartz, Harry, quote, AuS5, 14

Schiller, Friedrich, MayS2, 17, JuIS2, 14,

schools and Christian academies); Schwartz, Lillian, JulS7, 2S

MarS7, 10
absenteeism, MayS4, 23, AuS6. 23; Schwartz, Solomon, AuS4, 33

Schily, Otto, ApS7, 31

black-on-white violence, FS6, 30, AuS7. Schwartz, Stephen, FS2, 1S

Schindler, Alexander, Ap79, 12, Oc79, 17­ 20; bus monopoly, JaS2, 29; crime. D7S. Schwartz, Tony, May79, 11

1S, MarSI, 17, JunS7, 20

11, AuS4, 32, JaS6, 10; desegregation, Schwarz, Fred. May79, 27

Schindler, Anton, Oc77, 9

Mar76, 7, Jun77, 5, Ap7S, 13. D7S. S. Schwarzenbach, James, AuS1, 27

Schirach, Baldur von, JunS7. 13

MarSI. 23; disciplinary problems, JunS5, Schwarzenegger, Arnold, JuIS7, 29;


defends Waldheim, Jul86, 40

Scrsen Actors Guild, May82. 19, Mar87,
Seldon, Charles. Ju187. 17

Schwarzschild, L., Jun81, 6

selection, group and individual, Au8S, 35­
Schweiker, Richard, S80, 8, Ju181, 30
Screw (magazine), Jun77, 13, Mar79, 19

Schweitzer, Albert, May76, 15, Jul87, 11,

Scribner'S Commentator, F80. 20
self-hate. Ju183. 20-21

Scrinzi, Otto, Jun86, 18
Selfish Gene. The. S80. 13-14, OcSO. 27

Schweitzer, Leo, N8S, 28

Scruggs, Earl, S78, 16
selfishness, N77, 12

Schwidetzky, lise, May77, 9, Jul77, 9,

sculpture, Greek, June83, 11-12;
Seligman. Daniel, F77. 8

Holocaust, Mar84, 18; modern, Ja87, 28
Seligman, E.RA. Ja76.20

Schwierskott, Hans-Joachim, F78, 8, 20

Scythians, Jun79, 11, 31
Seligman, Jesse, 077,17-19

Schwimmer, AI, F87, 18, S87, 15

Sea of Fertility. The, Jun76, 9
Seligman, Madron, N79.28

Schwitters, Kurt, Ap78, 21

Seaborg, Glenn, N79. 15
Sella, Aviem, S86. 11-12

science fiction, N77, 12, Oc80, 18, Ja83,

Seaga, Edward, Mar82, 28, F84. 17
Sellers. Peter, F81, 8

29-30, S83, 11-12, FS4, 17,22-23,

Seagram Building, Oc76, 15, Oc82, 14,
Selling. Thorsten, Jun77. 8

Selma (AL) march, S85. 29. Au87, 18;

Science for the People, S77. 20, 23,

Seagram Inc., Oc82. 13; fined. Jul83, 27
mayoral election. Oc84, 35

MarSO, 17
Seagraves, Nell, S83, 17
Seltzer, Chester. OCS4. 18

science, N76, 10, May77, 20, JaS7, 21;

Seale, John, Au86, 11, Ap87, 14
Seltzer, Edward, MarS6, 6

false research, Mar87, 21; few blacks,

Searchlight, Oc81, 31. Oc86, 33
Selzer, Michael. S77, 13, Au79. 10. S79,

Mar79, 15; minority reactions, Jun76, 3,

Searles, H. L., Ap78, 6

15-18, Ja7S, 14. S77, 6, 18-25;

Sears, Roebuck & Co., Mar82, 20
Selznick, David 0 .. Jun78, 9.20, F79. 19,

premature publicity, Jun86, 34; quote,

Seattle, crime, May86, 18, May86, 21
21. Ju184. 24. Jun86, 34

MayS7, 18; recommended textbooks,

Seberg, Jean, 080,27, F81. 21. N81, 32,
Selznick. Irene, JuJ84. 22-23

N87. 23; tilt to left, Au86, 36

Semanov, Sergei, Ap83, 31

Scientific American. Au7S, 7

Sebring, Jay, F76, 15
semantics, of terrorism. Oc78. 17; use of

scientists, intolerance, Jun78, 14;

secessionism, Jun82, 32
"evil,· Ap84. 19

Majority geniuses. Au85, 6-7; Majority

Secker & Warburg. F78, 12
Seminoles. S87, 19

members criticized, MayS2. 17

Second Amendment. N81. 34-35
Semites, Mar78. 13

scientology. F82, 1S
Second Serve (TV show), JuI8S. 28
Semitism, Mar77, 6, 18. Mar83. 20

Scipio Africanus. Oc78, 19

Secord, Richard. S87, 12, Oc87, 14
Semyonov, Vladimir, S84, 15

Scipio Hispanus, S78. 17

Secret Service (U.S.), May81. 5
Senate and House Select Committees.

Scolarious, George, Jul78, 10

secret societies, Au79. 16-17

Scopes trial. S83, 17. Mar87, 22

Secretaries of State, Ja83, 6
Senate Judiciary Committee, Bork

Scorpion, Oc84, 35
secular humanism, Au87, 34
rejection, S87, 13, N87, 14; won't

Scorzza, Mario, 084, 30

Securities and Exchange Commission,
confirm rightists. S86. 33

Scotch Irish, MaySO, 31-32; famous

May77, 13, F87, 17
Senate Security and Terrorism

Americans, Ja82, 19; in America, Ja82,

Security Oversight Office, May84, 26
Subcommittee. Jun81, 23

sedition. S76. 11. 077, 19-20; trials,
Senate Small Business Committee. Au84.

Scotland Yard, JunS2, 28

(1944), Ja8S, 38. (1987). S87. 35

Scotland, Au77, 18. Jun78. 23, Jul81, 27­ Sedlmeier. Hans, S85, 10
Senate, Negro staffers, N83. 31; richest

28, Oc83, 9. N84, 32; bachelors, Jul83,

Sedov, Sergei, Ju187, 28
senators, N85. 27; Supreme Court

28; brain drain. Jun83, 25; declining

Seebohm, Caroline. 084. 16
nominations. Oc86, 28-29

population, F87, 28; flag row, 086,33;

seeds. Au86. 18
senators, absentees, Jun84. 29; against

future independence, N84 9; history,

Seeger, Pete. ApS2, 17
King holiday, 083,7-9; all for Israel.

F85, 32, S85, 31; 1987 election, Jul87,

Seeliger. Chuck, S81, 30
Au84. 20; characteristics of, Ap84, 16;

30; politics, Ju186. 32; race mixing,

Seelye, Talcott W .. N83. 34
Jewish honoraria. F84. 15. Ju187, 27;

Ja87, 29; voting patterns, N83, 33

Segal, Eli, Jun84. 11
lawbreakers. Ju187, 29; non-support of

Scots. in U.S., Oc83. 9-10, F85, 32; best

Segal, EriCh, Au80, 30. Au81, 21
Israel. Oc80, 23

educated, Oc82, 26
Segal, George, Mar84, 18, Mar85, 19
Send magazine, censored by AOL. N84.

Scott. Eric, 079, 15

Segal, Jonathan. 084.31

Scott, lan, Ap87, 29, Jun87, 29, Oc87. 29

Segal, Lore, N85, 28
Seneca. Oc78. 7

Segal, Richard, Au79. 19
Senegal, N86, 7-8

Scott, Marla, Oc85, 8

Segal, Robert. Ju186. 17
Senesh, Hannah.Au85,20

Scott, Nauman. ApSl, 18

Segelman. Irwin. S78, 13
Senft, Michael, Mar84, 26

Scott. Norman, 078. 28, Mar79, 28

Segel stein. Irwin. 078, 16, N81. 21
Seng Vee Chan, Mar87, 28

Scott, Ralph. S77. 19

segregation, advocates, Mar82, 20;
Senghor, Leopold, Mar80. 7, May87, 39

Scott. Randolph, S87, 27

gender, May85. 39; history. May80. 14­ senior citizens, Ap86. 21; Jewish interest

Scott, Reginald, S78, 18

in. Oc86, 20-21

Scott, Robert. N87. 19

Seid. Alan, Oc8S. 36
Senter, Libby, Ap87, 33

Scott, Shirley, N86, 33

Seid, Jack. 076, 18
Sentinel, The (Jewish weekly), S77. 28,

Scott, Thomas, F84, 23

Seidenberg, Mark. S80. 23
Oc83, 36; comparitive earnings, S86. 31

Scott, Wafter (columnist), F85, 30

Seidenwerg, Avri, N78. 11
separatism (also see devolution), Mar83,

Scott. Walter, Mar77, 17, Jul77, 15, Ja87,

Seidlitz, Peter, N85, 33
10-11, Mar85, 24; Negroes. May85, 22

Seidman & Seidman. 076. 18
Sephardic Jews, N78, 9; crime rate,

Scott-Heron, Gil, Ap82, 18

Seifried, Robert. 085, 6
Aug83. 27; in Israel. Mar79. 24

Scottish National Party. Jul81, 28, N84, 9,

Seiganthaler, John. Ap81. 14
Septien. Rafael, Jun87. 28

Mar85, 24, 086, 34

Saimes, Mrs. Erwin. Mar79, 27
Sepulveda. Bernardo. 086, 11·12

Scottsdale (AZ), crime, MayS6, 22

Sein und Zeit, S76. 8
Serafin. Barry, Oc87, 24

Scowcroft, Brent. Jul86, 21, Jul87, 26

Sako. Mobutu Sese, F85. 35. S86. 36
Serbs. S86, 36. May87, 35

Scranton, William, III, Jun76, 6, JaS3, 13

Selcraig, Bruce, May87, 23
Sereny. Gita (see Gita Sereny Honeyman)


Seretean, Martin, Mar76, 19

Shaffer-Corona, Frank, Mar80, 23, Oc80, Sharpeville, ApS6, 14
Serfati, Mordecai, F81, 34
Shatila and Sabra massacres (see Sabra
Serfaty, Abraham, Ap8S, 33
Shafir. Michael, Jun85, 36
and Shatila)
serfdom, in U.S., Ap82, 18
Shafran, Lester, 087, 30
Shatner, William, JaS5, 29, ApS5, 26,

Sergeant York, F8S, 24

Shagari, Shehu, AuSO, 32, Ja81, 34, JunSI,

Serling, Rod, N77, 12

Shaw, Artie, Au77, 17

Serong, F. P., F79, 12

Shah of Iran, Ja7S, 18, ApSO, 26
Shaw, Aora, S84, 23

Serot, Colonel, JuISO, 30

Shah, Eddie, Jul86, 31
Shaw, George Bernard, N77, 13, Ap78, 10,

Serrano, Osbaldo. Jun8S, 22

Shahak, Israel, Oc82, 31
S78, 9, lS, Oc78, 13,25, F81, 28,

Sertima, Ivan van, Ap77, 12-13, , S77. 11.

Shaka Zulu, MayS7, 29, Jun87. 28
Jun83, 27, Jun85, lS; quotes, SSO,

Jun81. 30. JaS2. 20-21. OcS4. 19

Shakespeare, William, 075, 10, Ja77, 20,
21. JaS7, 8; on Wagner, Mar82, 31

Servan-Schreiber. J. l., Ju183, 31, JunS4,

Mar77, lS, Jul77, 5, 16, Mar78, 13, 086,
Shaw, H. Reid, JunS2, 16

32, Oc87, 21, 087, 34; condemned, S87,
Shaw, Irwin, Oc84, 7

servitude (black and white), May81, 21

29; demeaned, JuIS7, 16; plays
Shaw, Stanford J., OcS2, 22

Sessions, Jefferson B., SSS, 33

perverted, N8S, 19; sonnets, Mar87, 14;
Shaw, William Stanley, Ap84, 10-12

Sevareid, Eric. N80, 18

TV, May79, 11
Shawn, William, F77, S, May87, 22

Seven Pillars of Wisdom. JuISO, 23

Shales, Tom, JuIS4, 29, SSS, 30, OcS7, 24
Shawnee (OK), May80. 19

Seventh Cavalry, Ja77, S-9

Shalit, Gene, MarS6, 19, MayB7, 16
Shcharansky, Anatoly, F79, 14, Ap86, 20,

Sevigny, Richard, JunSI, 36

Shalom, Avraham, S86, 11-12
SS6, 36, JuIS7, 29

Seward, William A., anti-Negro quote, SS7,

Sham!e, Ray, JaS5, 40, F85. 20
Shearer, Lloyd, SS2, 10

Shamir, Yitzhak, 083. 32, Ja84, 29, SS4,
Sheats, Morris, SS2, 27

Sewell, Bernard, AuS7, lS

19, SS6, 10; terrorist, AuSO, 31, OeS2, Sheed, Wilfred, Au76, 14

Sex and Culture, Ja77, 11

31, MayS4,lS, Mar85, 17, DS7. 9
sex appeal, 1 sexiest men, OeS2, 20

sex change operation, Mar7S, 13, AuSO.

Shanker, Albert, F85, 35, Oc7S, 14

Shanker, Morris. OS3, 16

Sheela, Ma Anand, F84, 17, FS5, 21, 085,

20, OcS6, 31

30, May82. 28, Mar83, 29JaS4, 2S, Shannon, James M.• FS5, 20
Sheeran, Frank, JaS4. 19

JuIS6, 32. Mar87, 29

Sheffield, Adrian, Mar85, 21

sex chromosomes, Ap81, lS

Shapa of Things to Come, The, Ja76, 7
Sheffield, Billy Joe, AuS4, 33

sex clubs, Ja84, 27; Jews defraud, JunSl,

Shapiro, Bob, OcS4, 7
Shef1ield, James E., 080, 23

Shapiro, Esther. N81, 21, N86, 28; quote,
Shefman. Alan, JulS2, 27

sex discrimination suits, Mar83. 14-15

Shettel, Yoram, May87, 15

sex discrimination. Univ. of Georgia, NSO,

Shapiro, Faye I., Jun86, 34
Sheil, Sen., Ap78, 24

- 35

sex, education, Ja79, 13; group, Jul7S,

14; permissive, D7S, 14

sexism, Jul77, 17, F85, 39; books, Maya6.

Shapiro, Gurrah, AuSS. 10

Shapiro. Harry. May77, 9

Shapiro. Helene, JaS3, 24

Shapiro. Irving, 075, 17, Ap82, 20

Sheinbaum, Stanley, Ju180, 28

Shelby, Jo, SS5, 8

Sheldon. Charles, JuIBO, 10

Sheldon, William H., Sheldon, William H.,

28; Israel, 082, 26, Oc87. 32; language.
Shapiro. Joe, art quote, 084, 11
Ju176, 6, 17-18, F77, 7, Ja79, 25·26,

Ja80. 22; schools, Ja8S, 11

Shapiro, Jose Sanchez, JunS4, 2B
Jun79, 13,JaSO, 17,N83,22,ApSO, 19­
sexology, AuS1, 32, Jun82. 17
Shapiro, Joseph R., Oc77, 12-13, Oc7S,
20, S81, 11-12, NSl , 35, Ja82. 31, Au82,

sexual abuse, Britain, Oc87. 30; clergy, 17

7-11, MarS3, 7, 15, Mar84, 31, Au84, 24,

May8S,33.Jun84.30,ApS7. 27; Cuban Shapiro, Judy, N84, 26

Au85, 16, Ap87, lS; homosexual types.

- alien. AuB7. 27; psychiatrist and patient,

sexual assault, Buffalo, AuS4. 31 ;
Shapiro, Lev A., OeB4, 31

Shapiro, M., Jun77, 12

Shapiro, Margaret, 084, 39


Sheldrake, Rupert, FS3, 16, Ja84, 10

Shelley vs. Kraemer, N77, 6, 19-20

do~o~,JunS7.28,Au87,28, Na7,27 Shapiro, Michael, S84, 28

Shelley, Mary W., Oc77, 20

sexual differences, 0e77, 6, 20-22. S78,

Shapiro, Morton, SS6, 33
Shelton, Anita, Mar81, 29

14, 0e83, 23, Mar85. 14-15, Maya5. 39;

Shapiro, Norman, Ja76, 6, JunSI. 31
Shelton, Robert, N80, 34, ApB7, 15

capabilities, S79, 19; dimorphism. Oc77,

Shapiro, PaUl, Jul83, 21
Shenker, Morris, Au84, 33

22; hormones, Fa3, 34; intelligence,

Shapiro, Peter, 0e86, 21
Shenton, Ray, F81, 36

Oc77, 21, ApBl, lB; verbal skills, S81,

Shapiro, Richard, Au78, 14, NS1, 21, N8S,
Sheperd, Jackie, OeS6, 31

Shepherd, CybiU. May85, 31, F87, 27,

sexual harassment, SS4, 1B; black-on­

Shapiro. Sidney. F84, 30

white, Ocal, 30, S86, 34; Canadian

Shapiro, Susan, MarSS, 18, Au85, 31
Shepherd, Naomi, F87. 30

clergy, 084, 32
Shapiro, Zelman, Mar78, 12, N79, 14-15,
Sheppe, Walter, OSO, 20-21

sexual idealism, MarB7. 14

Sher, Julian, MayB5, 18-19

sexual mutilation. JunSI, 34

Shapp, Milton, 075,19, F76, 6, Au77, 19
Sher, Neil M., 084, 38, Ja85. 23, F85.33,

sexual perversion. N83, 2S-29

Sharett, Moshe, N78, 11, Jul82, 28
JunB6, 18, Ju186, 20. OeS6, 11-12

Sexual Politics. Oc77. 6

Sharkey, Tom. Ju178, 7
Sherbacow, Robert, S87, 27

Sexual RaCism, SSl, 9

Sharon, Ariel, OcSl, 33, S82, 20, 082, 30,
Sherlock, Jerry, Ju180, 19

sexual sele~ion, S77, 22, SSl, 9

Ap83. 31, MayB3, 30, Ja84, 29. JuIS5,
Sherman, Alfred, SS3, 34, Ju184, 33

Seymour, Jane, Maya7, 29

18, 21-22, SS5, 32, F86, 39, Mar87, 34.
Sherman, William T., Ap87, 6; quote, S81.

Seymour, Whitney N., Jr., JunSS, 32

OeS7, 32-33, 087, 6; cabinet shift,

Seymour, William, JulS3, 6,9

Au83, 29; grand design, MarB2, 29; libel
Sherrill, Robert, Mar76, 4

Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, AuS7, 30

su~s, FS4, 18, Mar85, 22, Ap85, 9-11,
Sherwood, Amy, Oc8S, 32

Shach. Elieszer, MayS2, 16

May8S, 24. F86, 29, SSS, 35, Ja87, 31;
Sherwood,Robert, 079.22

Shackleton, Henry, JuISO, 31

massacres, OeS5, 33; quotes, N82. S,
Sherwood, William W., May85, 39

Shackman, Leon, OSl,33

082,17, F87, 17; U.S. friends, ApSS, 9
Shelltsov. Ivan, Jun79, 26

Shadwell, Bertrand, ApS5, 6

Sharp. Cecil, Mar80. 11
Shidor, Oietor, NS3, 34

Shaffer, Charles, Ja77, 5, 17

Sharpe, Richards, Mar78, 28
Shields family, AuS1, 21


Shields, Brooke, Oc82, 20

Simanovich, Aaron, N76, 5, 16, Ja80, 32,

Shields, Mark, Ja84, 21

sickle cell anemia, Jul76, 9

Shih Huang Ti, Jul84, 12-13; blondism,

Sidelsky, Robert, quote on British Jews,
Simmons, Althea, N82, 20

Simmons, Calvin, Ap81 , 9

Shiites, in Lebanon Ja85, 36-37, S85, 20

Sidhu, Gurshu, Ja87, 30
Simmons, Richard A., OeBO, 20

shiksas, Jul77, 15, Jul81, 20, Oc82, 21-22;

Sidley & Austin, S86, 23
Simon & Schuster, Ja83, 23, Ja85, 20,

suicide, Jul85, 20
Sidman, Kenneth, Au86, 7

Shimanov, Gennady, Jun79, 25

Siebenburgen, Ja85, 36
Simon Wiesenthal Center, S79, 25, Ja82,

Shimoura, James, S87, 34

Sieff, Israel, Jun83, 28, Oc83, 32
17-18, S85, 9, 20, Ja87, 8; criticized,

Shin, Paul, Ap82, 28

Siegel, Bugsy, 084, 23, Au85, 9
Jun87, 29; financial angels, S86, 22;

ship voyages, retracing early voyages,

Siegel, Howard, Ja86, 30
illegal solicitation, May86, 31; refusenik

un80, 16-17
Siegel, Jacob, Mar77, 12, Ju77, 18
party, Ju187, 29

Shipler, David K., Jun84, 34, Ja87, 19

Siegel, Mark, Au77, 12
Simon, Barry, N84, 34, Ju185, 22

Shirer, William L., May77, 10, Jun79, 30,

Siegel, Martin, Jun87, 20, Jun87, 28
Simon, Franklin, F87, 29

Mar81 , 31, Ap86, 33, Mar87, 26

Siegel, Max, Ju183, 28
Simon, John, Ja86, 19, May86, 18

Shloimowitz, Marcus, N79, 28

Sieroty, Alan, F76, 6
Simon, Julian L., Ap84, 27, Oc84, 20,

Shneider, Natasha, Mar85, 16

Sierra Club, F76, 4, Oc77, 15, Oc83, 36
May85, 8-9, S85, 34, Mar86, 36, JaB7,

Shoah movie, Au86, 19, Mar87, 33;

Siev, I., Mar79, 11

criticized, Mar86, 19, May86, 18;

Sigekrans, John, Ju178, 22
Simon, Leon, 086, 7

flattering critics, Ja87, 26; Israel

Sigler, Lowell, N87, 26
Simon, Paul, Mar85, 20, Jun85, 31, OcB6,

financed, S86, 20, 086, 36, Mar87, 33;

Signoret, Simone, Ap84, 29, N85, 32,
28-29, S87, 11, N87, 20; flaunts

Sweden, Oc87, 24

Shockley, William, F76, 19, Ap76, 10,

Sigololl, Sanford, F87, 17
Simon, William, Ap78, 13, Mar82, 15-16,

Jun76, 20, Au76, 14-15, N76, 11, S77,

Sihanouk, Norodom, Ap83, 18

20,077,6, May79, 19, Ap82, 32, May82,

Sikes, Robert, Ap84, 31
Simonon, Paul, Oc82, 20

Sikhs, Ju183, 14, S85, 32; Canada,
Simons, Howard, Jun76, 18, Oc86, 32

Oc87, 13, 087, 18; libel suit, N84, 35,

May82, 29; India, N87, 13; in U.S., Ap87,
Simons, Marlise, N86, 13-14

F85, 37; Stanford critics, Mar84, 26

28; separatism, Oc84, 33
Simonstown, Mar86, 13

shoplifting, S84, 27, May86, 30; cost of,

Sikorski Co. Jun86, 35
Simpkins, Marvin, Ju187, 29

Silas, O.J., 084, 30
Simple, Peter (Michael Wharton), Au79,

Shopov, Ljubomir, N87, 30

Silber, Daniel, Ja87, 28
27, May82, 26, Aug82, 24, Mar85, 25,

Shor, Sylvia, Oc81, 32

Silber, John, Oc77, 14; Wiesel for Nobel
Ap86, 19

Short, Bobby, S80,31

Prize, Ja87, 16
Simpson, Alan, Au81, 35, N81, 14, AuB4,

Short, Renee,F79,27
Silber, Morrie, 087, 10
16, Au87, 13-14, N87, 14

Shostakovich, Dimitri, 7th Symphony,

Silberg, Enrique, Au85, 30
Simpson, George G., May76, 18

Silberman, Charles, S79, 19
Simpson, Matthew C., Jun83, 26

Shotel, Barbara, Ja78, 14

Silberman, Leo, Ja84, 13
Simpson, O.J., Ja78, 20

Shourie, Arun, S82, 30

Silberman, Richard, Ap82, 32
Simpson, Wallis (see Duchess of Windsor)

Shreeves, Donald, Jun81, 21

Silberstein, Gerald, Jun81, 36
Simpson, William G., Mar79, 9, 26, N80, 21

Shreiber, David and Emanuel, N86, 31

Silbert, Earl,Ja77,5, 17
Simpson-Mazzoli Bill (see Immigration

Shrimsley, Bernard, Jul80, 29

Silfen, Paul, F78, 8
Reform and Control Act)

Shrimsley, Tony and Bernard, Mar82, 25

Silicon Valley, anecdotes, May87, 19
Sinai, Oc81 , 33, Au82, 26, Jul85, 37,

Shriver, Eunice, Au76, 7

Siljander, Mark D., May81, 36, Jul81, 35,
Au85, 30, Mar86, 20, 087, 20

Shriver, Maria, Jul86, 40

S81, 31; mezuza, Ap85, 30; quote,
Sinatra, Frank, Mar81, 12, Jun81, 30, F85,

Shteyman, I., Ap87, 32

21, N85, 21; gambling license, May81,

Shuey, Audrey M., F77, 18, Oc77, 26,

Silkin, N., Jul80, 31
32; mob connections, Jul84, 31, DB4, 21

S78, 14, Mar79, 15, S82, 32; death,

Silkin, Sam, May77, 21, Jul77, 8, N78, 23­ Sinatra, Tina, May81, 32

24, Ap79, 32, Jul79, 28, Jun87, 34
Sinclair, Andrew, Jun78, 5

Shulgin, Alexander, Jun78, 13

Silkwood, Jul84, 16-17
Sinclair, Clive, 086, 35, May87, 9

Shulman, Marshall, Au77, 12

Sillas, Herman, Au80, 34
Sinclair, Upton, 076, 22

Shulman, Max L., Ap79, 16

Silliphant, Sterling, F79, 18
Sindona, Michele, SB1, 35, Au87, 31

Shultz, George, F83, 23, Mar83, 17, Ja85,

Sills, Beverly, Ap81, 9
Singapore, Ap84, 30; British retreat, Ja83,

39, May85, 6, Jul85, 18, Ja87, 13, S87,

Silva, Carlos A., 085,22
23; drug laws, Au80, 32; eugenics, FB5,

12-13; snubs Waldheim, F87, 32, Ju187,

Silva, Frank, Ap84, 18
29, Au87, 33; Japanese conquest, F85,

Silver, Alan, Mar87, 20-21
21; Jews, JaB5, 31

Shuman, Phil, N84, 21

Silver, Isador, May78, 12
Singer, Aubrey, S77, 14, May83, 28

Shurden, Frank D., Jun81, 34

Silver, Murray, Ju185, 22
Singer, Daniel, Mar84, 29

Shure, Louise, N87, 36

Silverberg, William, Ja79, 13
Singer, Isaac, F84, 16, Au87, 19

Shuster, Dan, May84, 24

Silverman, Cynthia, S84, 27
Singer, Israel, Ap85, 33, Jun86, 17

Shute, Nevil, Mar79, 26, Ap79, 10

Silverman, Daniel, S86, 33
Singer, Jack, Ap82, 29

Shwed, Alexandra, Jul82, 31

Silverman, Don, Mar84, 17
Singer, John, Jul81, 22

Shylock, Au87, 16
Silverman, Fred, Ju185, 33
Singer, Max, Ap84, 27

shyness, F82, 14-15

Silverman, Fred, N77, 13, May78, 13, S78,
Singer, Peter, S76, 16

Sibellius, Jean, S85, 32

13,078, 16, Jun79, 19, Jul79, 13, F80,
Singer, Robert, Ju184, 29

Siberia, 077, 8; travelogue, Au85, 24

Singh, Jeffrey, S87, 29

Sicaras, George, Jun85, 39

Silverman, Gilbert, Ja80, 31
Singh, Mohan, S86, 20

Sicherman, Harvey, Ap81, 10

Silverstein, Nate, May84, 17
Singh, Paul, May82, 29

Sicilians, Au77, 18
Silvester, Curtis, Mar87, 7
Singh, Ralph, Ap87, 28

Sicily, future independence, N84 10,

Silvestri, Artur, Jun85, 36
Singh, Satvinder, F82, 28


Singlaub, John, MarS5, 32

Singular, Stephen. JunS7. 20
Slayton, John M., Au82. 18
Smith, James, MarS5, 33-34

Sinhalese. Ap87. 25
Sloane, Eric, Ap84. 7
Smith, Jean M., ApS4, 31

Sinn Fein, FS1. 29-30

Siochowsky. Abraham, May84. 11, Ap85,
Smith, Jerry, JaS3, 9·10
Sinowatz, Fred, ApS5, 32. Jun86, 15.
Smith. Jim, F78, 12

JuIS6. 39-40
Slocum, Beryl, F78, 11
Smith. John, Ju180, 22

Sinsheimer, Robert. S77, 20

Sloman. Larry, N79, 20
Smith, Joseph, Ap80, 11

Sioux, Ja77, 8-9; uprising. Jun86, 24

Slovakia, army rebellion, N83, 33
Smith. Kevin, 086. 31

Siporin, Rae Lee, MarS7, 1S

Slovaks, Mar80, 13
Smith, Kristina K., ApS5, 30

Sipser, I. Philip. ApS1. 9

Slovenes, S86, 36, Ja87. 32
Smith, L. Neil. Ja86, 35

Sirhan, Sirhan, JunS1, 15, Ja8S, 9

Slovenia. NS4 10
Smith, Larry, Ap86, 21

Sirica, John, Ja77, 17, FS2, 27, NS4,21,

Siovik, Eddie, Oc77, 15
Smith, Lemuel, Oc83, 30

Siovo, Joe, NSO, 33. JuIS3, 35, FS4. 30.
Smith. Leonard, JulS3, 36

Siskel, Gene, Mar86, 19, Ja87, 26

AuS4, 3S-39, MaySS, 35, OcSS, 34,
Smith, Lewis, F83, 25

Sisson, Rosemary, F79, 27

May87,36 Smith, Linda Brown, Jul87, 36

Sister Boom Boom, Ja83, 24,083,31

slumlords, May84, 25, SS4, 27, NS4, 30,
Smith, Lisa, S87. 35

Sisters of S1. Joseph. S85. 30

Smith, Lydia, 077, 20

Sitwell family, Ap78, 7

Smith, Marjorie. AuS6, 34

Sitzer, Sidney & Sol, Ap84, 27

Slutsky, Robert, JaS7, 21
Smith, Peter, JaS6, 31

Six Flags amusement park. Jun86, 24

Small Business Administration, 084,29; Smith, Raymond, Au86, 26

Six Million Did Die, May79, 6

dishonest borrowers, JunB7, 2S; Jews Smith, Red, Dc86, 22

Six Million, recurring number. Oc79. 8

qualify, AuS4, 21; minority loans, Ap81, Smith, Robert, pro-Jewish quote, May87,

Six Million (see Holocaust)

27. Oc83, 29, AuB4, 21, 085. 24, loans, 27

six, recurring digit, F84, 24, N84. 28

Smith, Robertson. S79. 7

Sixty Minutes, Jul80, 24, Ocel, 36, Jul8S,

Small, Florence, JaBO, 22
Smith, Samuel. F85, 1S

30,Oc85,29,JaS6,27, May87,28
Small. Lawrence, Oc86, 23
Smith, Scott. OcS4, 29

Skagen, Edward,Au80, 17,S80, 19

Small, Morton. JaSO, 22
Smith. Steve. Oc87, 27

Skaggs, Joey, F87, 27

Small. William, JaBO, 22
Smith, Truman, ApS5, 23

Skare, Catherine, F76, 15

Smart, David, NS5. 7
Smith. Walter Bedell, Oc77, 7, 22, 24,

Skeeter, Theresa, Au87, 27

Smeal, Eleanor, FS6, 31

Skidelsky, Robert, JunS4, 32

Smedley, Agnes, MarB5. 27
Smith. Willi, Au87, 27

Skids, The, Mar84, 32

Smetana, Bedrich, S86, 21
Smith. William French. F81, 21, Oc81, 5,

skiing, May81, 28
Smiley, David, JunS5, 33

skin. color, Mar79, 5, 22; grafts, JunS6,

Smiley, lan, JulSO, 31
Smith. William J., OcS7, 27

22; lighteners, Ju187, 34

Smirnoff, Yakov, FS6, 20
Smitherman, Joe, OcS4, 35, JunS5, 31

Skin, The, Mar80, 2S

Smith College, 076,12
Smithsonian Institute. MayS7. 12; Islamic

Skinner, B. F., Ja81, 21

Smith's Journa.I, JaSI, 35-36

- Skinner, Dennis, N84, 33

Skokie (IL), Oc78, 17-18; Holocaust

survivors, Au86, 29; monument

Smith, Adam (George Goodman), 079,15

Smith, Adam, 075, 3 Ja76, 5,19-20, N76.

Smolar, Boris, 080, 32

Smolov, Ira, Jun86. 25

Smurf, MayS3, 17

vandalized, AuS7, 36
Smith, AI, Jun79, 10
Smuts, Jan C., S80. 27, OcS4, 13

Skokie, F82, 9
Smith. Alex. Jun79, 14
Smyrna, MayS5, 23

Skolnik, David, Ap86, 29

Smith, Alexis, F79, 17
Snitcher, Harry, N7S, 19

Skorzeny, Otto, N85. 26

Smith, Allen. Au7S, 20
Snow White, S79, 1S

Skousen, W. Cleon, S81. 30, S84, 22

Smith, Anthony Wayne, Mar82, 19
Snow. Edgar. Ap85, 23

Skurlatov. Valery, Jun79, 24

Smith, Anthony. JunS4, 32
Snow, Helen F., ApS5, 23

Skylab, Jul80, 10
Smith. Bailey, Mar81, 17, JuISI. 30. N87. 17
Snow. Ralph, Ap87, 29

Siabbert, Van Syl, Mar86, 15

Smith, Bessie, Jul77. 6
Snow, Wayne, JunS6, 7

Slatkin. Leonard, Au84, 22

Smith, Bradley F., Mar85, 35. Ap85, 7-9,
Soames. Christopher, 085. 29

Slatkin. Muriel. Mar87, 19

AuS6, 36, JunS7, 34; anti-Holocaust
Soames, Lord, JunSO, 34

Slaton, John M., Jun84, 16-17, Jun86. 6

convert, Ja81, 35-36; Morgenthau quote, soap opera, race-mixing delayed, Oc8S,

Slaughter, John B., Mar81, 29


Slaughterhouse-Five, F87, 36
Smith, Charlie, oldest American. S79, 16
Soap (TV sitcom), N77, 13. Ja79, 13

slave trade, East Africa, N84. 32; Jews,

Smith, Clarise. SS7, 27
Sobell, Mark & Linda, AuS3. 16

Mar78 , 28, N83, 12; Third World children,

Smith, Clifford, FS4, 26
Sobhuza II, MayS7, 35

086, 32; white, Jul83, 30

Smith, David, Ap8S, 31, S85, 32
Sobibor. MayS7, 13

slavery, Africa, Ap77, 12, Jul77, 12. F82.

Smith, Davis, DS5. 33
Sobieski. John, SSO, 15

29, Ap87, 22. Oc78. 16, May81, 21.

Smith. Denver, F84. 25
Sobin, Dennis, JaS4. 27

Ju182. 23, Au82, 29. Ap83, 27. Au87. 28;

Smith, Elaine, Oc78. 11
Soblen, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 084, 21

Boston statue, Ju183, 11; Mauritania,

Smith, Francis X., NS7, 27
Sobran, Joseph, Ap81. 31, NS1, 33, 35,

Mar81 , 34, Ja85, 35; Negro habits, N84.

Smith, G. Elliot, Au87, 21
OcS3, 22, Oc83, 36, Ju184, 36, DS4, 22,

18; present-day U.S., Jun86, 34;

Smith, G. L K., F77, 19
SS5, 11-13; Buckley chastizes, Oc86,

Turkey, Jun81, 20
Smith, Geraldine, SS7, 18
19. N87. 15; Instauration column.

slaves, Anglo-Saxons, Jun85, 34; Smith. Griffin, Mar79, 16

JulyS6, 37-3S, Au86, 16, NS7, 15;

criminals, Jun82, 26; Jewish and Smith. Harold, JunS1. 31, AuS5, 31
quotes, MarS2. 20. Au86, 17

Gentile, Jun85, 37; owned by Negroes, Smith. Hazel, Oc86, 32

soccer, hooligans. N85, 31. Ap8S, 31

Mar87,26 Smith, Hedrick, Ja79. 12

social conscience, Oc81, 13

Slavs, F79, 28, Au82. 10; racial

Smith, Herman W., MarS6, 27
social contract, Ap76. S

components, F79. 16. S81. 7. Oc84, 13­ Smith, lan, Ja76. 19, Jun79, 14, JuIS3,
Social Credit movement, F79, 28. May82,


29, MarS3, 24 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 075, 8-9, Ja77, Israel, OcSS, 34 ; alleged gas chambers,
Social Credit Party, OcS3, 31, JaS4, 2S, 10, F77, 10, Jun77, 5, Jul77, 10, May7S, Ja7S, 15; anti-Semitism, 086,37;
MayS4, 10, OcS5, 7, ApS6, 30, FS7, 24, 5, Jul78, 15, Oc7S, 15, N7S, 12, Mar79, apartheid, May81, 34, FS3, 33, ApS7, 33­
MayS7,33 16, Jun79, 25, OSO, 8-9, Mar83, 19, 34; apartheid weakening, May84, 30,
Social Darwinism, 077, S, N79, 7
MayS3, 12-13, MayS4, 16, 084, 10, 3S, NS4 13-15; appeasement of, ApSO, 28,
Social Democratic Party (Britain), JaS2,
JulS5, 35-36, Au84, 19, Ja86, 1S; anti­ AuS4, 39, Ap86, 14; armed forces, FS7,
30, AugS6, 31 Semitism, MaySI, 24, JuI8S. 21; in VT, 14; Asians. N87, 13; Asian crime. JaS5,
Social Eugenics, Mar79, 11 07S. 27; Jewish critics, OeS3, 22; new 37; athletes, OS1, 20, JunS4, 35, 084,
Social Justice, FSO, 22 book, AuS4, 19; wife, Jun79, 17-18 35, MarS5. 30-31, OcS6, 35-36; attack
social mobility, JunSS, 16 Somalia, Ja7S, S, Jun7S,14 jet, OcS6, 34; black crime, MarS1, 34,
social racism, Oc7S, 20-21 Soman. Vijay, AuS3, 16 OS7, 10; black police, JulS5, 31; black
Social Register, 077, 11 Somare, Michael, F85, 35 resistance, OcS3, 34-35; black unions,
social sciences, changing, JulyS6, 36; somatotypes, Jul76, 6, 17-1S, F77, 7, JulS3, 2S; black violence. ApS5. 30,
skullduggery, AuS3, 14-17 Ja79, 26, Mar84, 31-32, ApS4, 7 OcS5, 34, FS6, 37, MarS6, 12-13, ApS6,
Social Security, MaySO, 19, JuIS3, 27, Sombart, Werner, 075, 3 14; black wages, OcS5, 34; blue-collar
ApS6, 21; alien contribution, ApS4, 26; Sommer, Thea, MarS3. 17, SS4, 28 workers, NS5, 34; British immigrants,
for felons, NS7, 26; for Holocaust Somoza, Anastasio, Jur81, 31, N83, 35-36 081, 34; Broederbond, NS6, 35, ApS7,
survivors, FS5, 21 ; input and output, Son of Sam, ApS7, 30 34; Butz book banned, AuSO, 32; by­
AuS1, 29; to foreigners, MayS2, 27 Sonenschein, David, FS5, 30 elections, Oc83, 34; casualties, ApS6,
socialism, N76, 10, F77, 7, JunS6, 9-10 Song of the South, Ap87, 18 2S; censorship, Ja77, 13; census,
Socialist Party (U.S.), Jun7S, 5, AuS1, 35 songs, JunSO. 27; African, NS6, 7; anti­ MarS7, 27; child terrorists, OcS7, 33;
Socialist Workers Party (Britain), May7S, white, SS1, 22; immoral, MayS5, 22; pro­ coloured ambassador, JaS7, 31;
23, FS6,33 white,SS1,22,AuS2,17 coloureds, MarS6, 13, OS7, 11; comic
Socialist Workers Party (U.S.), OS6, 39 Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, MarS3, 17 strip, ApSO, 28; Communists, N7S, 15;
sociobiology. Ap7S, Jun7S, 14.20, Mar80, Sons of the Confederate Veterans, JulS7, defense, JaS5, 17; demographics,
15-17, Jun82, 20, AuS5, 35 34 JulS3, 1S-19, ApS7, 34; devolution,
socioeconomic status (SES), Oc77, 8, 25 Sontag, Susan, NS1, 10-11, SS6, 20, ; OcSO, 32, Au84, 39-40; disinvestment,
Sociological Quarterly, S77, 28 Jewish and gay quote, Oc84, 7; recants, AuS4, 21-22, AuS5, 21, MarS6, 14;
sociology, Ap76, 11, S77, 19-24, Ap84, JunS2,19 economy, Ap86, 17; education, NS7, 22;
26 Soobzokov, Tscherim, JuISO, 1S, OS5, 6, elections, F84, 29-30, JulS7, 34, AuS7,
Soeolow, Sanford, JunS1, 30 AuS6, 6-10; death applauded, FS7, 17; 33; English, OCS6, 36; fertility rates,
Socrates, JunS3, 17 pictures stolen, NS7, 19 JaSS, 31; foreign advocates. NS5, 34;
Soderquist, Bill, OcS7, 35 Sophie'S Choice, Oc79, 17, MarS2, 18, Future of, OcS4, 10-13, NS4 13-15,
sodomy laws, N84, 28 FS3,2S JaS5, 15-18, FS5, 16-17; gambling,
Sofaer, Abraham, O. F84, 18, ApS5, 10, sophists, Ap76, S MaySI, 34; geopolitics, FS7. 14, MarS7,
FS6, 10, JunS6, 19, SS6, 10-12, S87, 12­ Sorel, Georges. May76, 7, OC7S, 20, NS5, 9; good life, NS5, 34; Group Areas Act,
13 24 ApS7, 33; hatred of, FS5, 36; history,
Safer, David, Jun87, 30 Sorensen, Theodore C.• F77, 22, 077, 10, JUn78, S, 19-20; homelands, JaS5, 16;
Soffer, Donald. SS7, 28 OeSS,1S immigration, F86, 3S, Oc86, 30; Indian
Sohn, Louis, Ja84. 14 Soriano, Maurice, Jun86, 17 politics, Ja8S, 37; integration, OCS5, 20;
Soifer, Robert, May87. 39 Sorokin. Pitirim, Ja76, 6, May76, 4, 15 Irving censored, OS6. 1S; Israel re­
Sokoh, T. J .• N78, 24 Soros, George, SS7. 19 lations, JunS4. 8, NS6, 35, ApS7, 33,
Sokolnikov, Grigory F77, 10 Sorrow and the Piry, The, Jul87, 32 OS7, 9; Israel sanctions, 087, 9; Israel
Sokolov, Albert, NS1, 30 Sotos, Peter Gus, MayS6, 29 trade, Jun86, 38, AuS7. 32; Jewish
Sokolov, Ira B., SS6, 33, Jun87, 20 Sotto, Richard, MarS6. 33 emigrants, MarS4, 25, NS4, 34; Jewish
Sokolov, Nicholas, Ap77, 7, JuIS2, 13 Soul City (NC), SSO, 24 names, FS2. 30; Jewish violence, Au79,
Sokolov, Raymond, MarSI, 21 Soul Man, FS7, 20 2S; Jews, Oc77, 12.26. N7S, 5, 15-21.
Sokolsky, George, S77, 14 Soule, David, N78, 23 FSO, 2S, SS1, 38, JuIS3. 35, NS4, 34,
Solarz, Stephen. May77. 11, NS1, 30. Soule, Michael, Mar79, 19 OeS5, 34, OS7, 9-10, OS7, 33-34; media,
ApS6. 29. Ju186, 29. JaS7. 6; aid Sousa, John Philip, Oc76, 10 Ja86, 34, MarS6, 13, MarS7, 26; miners,
ultimatum, S81, 24; Zimbabwe visit. Ja81, South (U.S.), JaS6, 13-14; Celtic roots, Oc79, 28; mixed marriages. FS3, 29;
34 Mar81, 20-21; Civil War songs, NS7, 35; Muslims. Oc86, 36; necklacing. OcS6,
Soldier of FOItune, N76, 8, 20 customs, SS4, 13-14; demeaned, JuIS7, 36, 086. 36-37; neighboring terrorist
Soledad brothers. Ja8S, 5-6 19, OS7, 2S; flags, SS5, 6-8, JaS6, 13­ groups, FSS, 16; new constitution, F84.
Solidarity Day (AFL-CIO march), F82, S-9 14; home rule, Ap79, 26; Jewish 29; New York City bans fossil exhibit,
Solidarity, JunS1, 16-17, Mar82, 29. F86, publishers, Oc84, 18; mores attacked, AuS4, 22; nonwhite burden. JunS7. 32;
35 081,19, F82, 13-14, AuS3, 19; 19205, nuclear weapons, Au79, 20; Olympic
Solomon. Andrew, S86, 33 085, 21; poll, JulS5, 40; race relations, Committee attacks, OS1, 20; Orange
Solomon, Anthony, Au77, 12 F85, 3S; revival. ApS3, 19; separatism, Workers, OS2, 30; partition, SS6, 37;
Solomon, Charles, May87, 17 Ap79, 7, 24-27, May79, 10, 26-27, pass laws, Mar8S. 14; political parties,
Solomon, Flora, F82, 2S N79, 17. JulSS, 40; sexual relations, SS1,3S,OcS3,34,F84.29-30,JunS4,7­
Solomon, Haym, OcS5, 31 Ja83, 26; victory hypothesis, JaS6, 35; 9.0c84, 13, FS6, 37, Ap8S, 16, MayS6,
Solomon, Jay, Jun79, 16 whites attacked, SS1, 22; Yankee 33, OcS6, 36, AuS7, 33; polls, DS4. 35,
Solomon, Mar77, 18 newcomers, FS2, 11-12 JaSS, 31, FS6, 19; popUlation, Mar78,
Solomon, Michael, 084, 5 South Africa. Republic of, 075, 5, Oc76, S, 15; power sharing, NS414-15; praised,
Solomon, Tony, Mar85, 19 N76, 12, F77, 6, F7S, 7, 1S-19, Jul79, 24. S85, 12; publications, ApSl, 31; race
Solomons, David and Emma, JaS7, 9 JunS5, 17, OS5, 19, FS6, 23, 37. MarS6, laws, Au84, 32; race relations, JulS2, 29;
Solon, S77, 10, MarS2, 15 12-15, ApS6, 14-17. SS6, 36-37; races, F78, 19, JaS3, 31, OcS3, 35, NS4
Soltysik, Patricia, F76, 15 Afrikaner retaliation, JaS2, 32; aid to 14; radical right, FS2, 31, S86, 37; rape


avenged, Au84, 39; reforms, N82, 30-31, 36; Colonial Heights (VA), AuB7, 36 Hispanics, JaB4, 19; corrupted, Mar79,
May85, 35; renegade whites, July86, 34; Southern National Party, May79. 10. 26· 7, 24-25; U.S. publications, FS5. 30
Russians rescued, May86, 33; 27, N79, 17, JaaO, 31, FS1, 35. MaySI, Spann, Gloria Carter. D78, 14. Jun79. 16
sanctions, S85, 15, ApS6, 15-16, Ja87, 36, JuIB4, 15 Spann, Willie C., OS1, 31
33, Au87, 32, NS7, 11-12; siege, N87, Southsm Partisan, SS6, 21 Spanuth, JOrgen, S77, 10,26-27
11·14, 087. 9-11; Soweto violence, Southern Poverty Law Center. F81, 14-15, Sparer, Malcolm JaSO, 23
NS1, 21; Sparta comparison, FS7, 13· Au84, 23, N84,20.Maya5,39,086,24 Sparks, Allister, 082, 30, MaySS, 35
14; student violence, OS7, 11; terrorism, Southland Corp.• OS3. 30 Sparks. Fred, Au81. 33, JulS2, 21, JunS4,
Oc83, 34, OS7, 29; theater, OS7, 33-34; Southwest (U.S.), Mar7S, 10.25·26, 21
traffic deaths, SS3, 32; U.S. black 086,10-13 Sparta, political structure, F87, 13; wars,
advocate, MayB6, 1S-19; U.S. protests, Sovereign Press. ApSI. 31 FB7. 14-15
JaB3, 30-31; U.S. relmions, ApS6, 36, Sovetisch Hsimland, S7S. 12 Spartans, racial origin, F87, 13
OcS4, 11-12, JaSS, 15; U.S. wheat deal Soviet Embassy (in U.S.). picketed, speakers, fees, Ap84, 26; Negroes, Ju187,
rebuffed, AuS6, 29; U.S.S.R relations. Jun8S, 22, Oc85. 20·21 27; tips for, F85. 27
Jul81, 33-34, MarS6, 13; undocumented Soviet Union (see U.S.S.R.) Spear, Edgar, N78. 16
workers, F87, 28; violence against Sowell, Thomas. S83, 19, JunB4, 19, Spearhead (British magazine), May77,21.
appeasers, Mar81 , 34; wealth, N87, 11­ JaSS, 21. NS7, 31 F79, 14, Ap79, 32, MarS7, 30-31
12; weapons ban, NS5, 34; Western Soyinka. Wale, Ap87. 28 Spears, Arthur, Jun8S, 20
media hostility, NS6, 19; white birthrate, Spaak. PaUl. Juna6, 37 Special Air Museum, F84. 24
OBO, 30-31; white gene pool, MayS4, 30; space exploration, Mar76. 9, JunSO, 15, Special Air SeNice (Britain). N80, 22-23
white homeland, JuIS2, 29; white rule ApS1. 4-6, F85, 33; Congressmen Special Drawing Rights, S7S. 6
threatened, SB1, S; white separatism, oppose. F81. 17-18; few blacks, Oc7S, Special Operations Executive, JaS5, 35,
OS2, 30; white terrorists, May85, 35; 1S; Jewish religious restrictions. OS4, Jun85,33-34
witchcraft, JaS5, 31, F85, 36; WW I, 39; pioneers, JulSO, S-9; private sector, Spectator (Britain), JulSO, 29-32
N7S, 16-17; worldwide sports ban, JulS7, Fa3, 35; race factor. JulSO, 7·11 Specter, Arlan. AuS4, 15, Sa5. 10. Au86,
2S, NS7, 14 space flight. Jul7a. S. 20-21; Mailer's 20,S87.27
South African Communist Party, NBO, 33, critique. Jul7S, 20; New York Times Spector, Eryk, 083, 30
F84, 30 critique. Jul7S, 20 Spector, Leonard, MayS5, 25
South African Council of Churches, MarS5. space program, Apollo disaster, 087, 8; Spector, Mark, AuS3. 15
27 escape system, OS7. 8; High Frontier Spector, Martin, Ja87, 28
South African Embassy (U.S.), picketed, project. 087,9; German factor, JulBO, Spector, Norman, Ja84, 28
JaS5, 40, ApS5, 35, May85. 30, JunSS. 10, JaBS. 22-23, NS6, 30, Jul87, 17, speCUlation, Jul87, 14-15
22; picketed, OcS5, 20-21. OS7, 8-9, 32; Russian, Jul7S, 21. 087, S­ Spee, Wilderich von, MayS6, 32
South African Observer, Oc77. 15, Ap79, 9; Saturn, 087. 8; shuttle, May7S, 23, Speer, Albert, Au76, 10, F78, 23, Mar78.
32, ApBI. 31. OS5.35 Ju180, 10; U.S.-U.S.S.R. venture. 087, S 22. ApB4, 15. Jul84, 2S, N85, 32. JunS6,
South African Patriot, ApSI, 31 space ships, Mar84, 6 11
South America (also see Latin America). space, intelligent life? Oc79. 18; Manned Speers, Thomas, Jun87. 1a

- Jews, OcS1 ..19; Nazis. JunB7, 33; racial

composition, Mar79. 22; slow
development. FS2. 30; travelogue.
Orbital Laboratory, OS7. 8' Voyager II,
Mara2. 26; voyages of discovery, Na6,
Speiser, Ignace, ApB7, 20
Speiser, Stuart, NS2, 2a
Speke, J. H., F77. 1B. NS6, 8
MarS6, 8·10 Spadafora. Michele di, JunS7, 13 Spekelink, John. OcBO. 15
South Bronx, JaB1, 23 Spadea. Bill, NS7, 35 Spelling. Aaron. Ju186, 29. Na6, 22; sued,
South Carolina, flag. SS5. 7; Negro Spain (also see Spanish Civil War). African NS6,2S
enclave. MaySI, 22 enclaves, Juna7, 32; British tourists, Spelling,Candy.NB6.28
South Dakota, FS5, 3S; business Eden, AuS7. 29; constitution, Mar87. 36; Spellman College, Mar87, 2S
SS2.31 corruption, 084. 34; crime, JaS7, 27; Spellman, Cardinal. OB4, 31, N87, 27
South Korea, JulB6, 31; Japanese democracy. JuISI. 33; empire, Ap76, 5; Spence. Samella, F86, 30
revisionism, F87. 34; U.S. airliner shot expUlsion of Jews, 077, 10; Franco Spencer, Edson W .• JulS5, 30
down, OCS3, 22 aftermath, JulS4, 33; hate laws, JulS4, Spencer, Herbert, Ap76. 11, Au76, 4,
South Pacific, Jul84. 17 33; history, Ju182, 24; homosexuals, Ap7a. 20. N79. 6-7
South Tyrol. Au77. S, May7S, 23, ApSS, JulBI, 33; illegal immigrants. SB3, 35; Spencer. Lord, OB1. 26
25, OB6, 19 inquisition, MarS6, 30; Jewish rights, Spender. Stephen. SSO, 26
South Yemen, MaySI. 33 Oca7. 31; Jewish tourists sought, JaSO, Spengler. Oswald, May76, 4, 14. S76, 8,
South-West Africa (Namibia). 075, 5, FSO, 32; neo-fascism, FS2, 2S; 1992 S77,6. lS,FlS.B. 17. 20, Ap79, 10, 13,
28, FB5. 16, FS7, 13-14; UN resolution, Olympics. OcS7, 31; Nordic gentry. Oc79, B. 079, 9, Ju180. 13·14, Maral,
July86.34 AuS7, 23; races, Ap86, 31; racialists, 10, Jul82, 14, ApS4, 24, JulSS, 39,
South-West Africa's Peoples F79, 27; rise of left. Na5, 33; troops in MarS7, 10, NS7, 6-8; on Darwin, N79, 7;
Organization, 080, 31, MarS3, 2B, F84, Russia, ApS5. 19; U.S. relations. N85. sperm bank (also see Repository for
30, AuS4, 39, ApS6, 17, JulyB6, 34 33; WWII Jewish refuge, Jaa6. 29 Germinal Choice). 078, 11, JaBO, 22·23,
Southeast Asia, domino theory, May79. 8 Spandau prison, JuneB3, 6-7, Jun8S, 11­ JunSO. 14-15. Maral. 21, N82, 5-7, 082.
Southern Baptists, JunS7, 19 12. Jula7, 33, OB7, 32 18, Mara3, 32. Mar85, 36, JunS7, a-9,
Southern Christian Leadership Spaniards, in America, May77, 10. Oc77. NS7, 34; bulls, Ap81, 1B-19; Chicago,
Conference, Au7S, 12, JunaO, 21, 5, 19; traits, OcSl, 28 JunS4, 35; costs, JunS7, 9; lesbian
Mara5,2S Spanish Civil War, 076,9, lS-22, May76, clients. May8S, 30; Thailand, 083, 34
Southern Libertarian Messenger, Jul7a, 23 17, May77, 19. S79. 2S. OS3. 13, F84. Spicer, Edward H., ApS7, B-10
Southern Methodist U., JaS3, 32; obscene 27, 084. 27; fake photo, Mar8S. 20; Spiegel, Howard, Ap82. 2S
art exhibit, FS5, 31; white student assn. Jews, F87. 2B; leftist atrocities, Aug83. Spiegel, Thomas, N87, 26
banned,Jaa3.32 28 Spiegelman. Art. Maya7, 16
Southern National Front, Maya3. 15. Ja87. Spanish language, Au76, 20; classes for Spielberg Castle, JunSO, 12

Spielberg, Steven, Ja79, 13, Oc81, 30, Springs, Alice, Jun82, 18 Star Trek, Oc80, 18; race-mixing theme,
Oc82, 20, 082, 20, Mar83, 18-19, Ju183, Springsteen, Bruce, Jul78, 13, Jun87, 32 Ap85,26
20, 084, 21, Ju186, 29, May87, 16, Sprinkle, Leo, Ju187, 24 Star Wars (see Strategic Defense
Ju187, 35; income, Oc83, 28, May86, 18 Sprinzak, Yair, Ap83, 32 Initiative)
spies, American, Jun 76, 7, N81, 30, F83, Sprinzak, Yosef, Ap83, 32 Stark, Fortney, Jun85, 32
35, Mar85, 27; American Indians, Sprogis, Elmars, Au84, 43, 085, 6 Stark, Harold, Oc77, 22-23
May87, 23, Oc87, 19; American Jews, Spuhler, J. N., Oc77, 26 Stark, Ray, N82, 16, Jul86, 29
Oc83, 30, F86, 8-10, Mar87, 20, Jul87, Spycatcher, 087, 23; banned by Britain, Starr Broadcasting Corp., Jun79, 16
19, N87, 30-31; American Negroes, Oc87,22 Starr, John R., Au84, 22
May87, 23; British, Jun81, 32, 083, 19, Sqaudron, Howard, Mar82, 29, S87, 14 Starr, Ringo, Au79, 11
May85, 33, Ap86, 20, Ju187, 30, Oc87, squatters, Ju182, 19 Starr, Roger, Au85, 17
22; code breakers, 087, 23; Israelis, Squires, James D., Au84, 20 Starrett City, N84, 21
May82, 15, 083,21, Mar86, 34, N86, 29; Srebnik, Henry, 078, 13 Stars and Bars (see South (U.S.), flags)
Jewish, Ju185, 39, S86, 10-13; Marine Sri Lanka, F78, 19, N81, 32, 086, 34, Stassinopoulos, Arianna, Oc77, 6, 21-22,
Corps., Ju187, 20; novels, Jun81, 10-15; Ap87, 25, S87, 26; civil war, Au86, 34 Au86,30
Pakistan, May85, 28; Polish, F79, 15; Srulowitz, Abraham, May84, 11 state legislators, pay scale, Ap85, 28
Russian, Ap77, 6-7, 21-24, May82, 18, Stacey Scholarship Fund, N83, 36 State University of N.Y., May87, 21;
Ju184, 29, Ap85, 30, Mar86, 33; Russian Stack, Robert, Oc84, 19 tenure denied, N85, 28
Jewish, May85, 33; Russian in U.S., Stacy, Palmer, Au86, 35, Au87, 15 Staten Island, racial incidents, N85, 21
087, 23; trades, 086, 23; WWII, F79, 16 SUi.glich, Wilhelm, Au79, 10, 079,5, F80, Staten, Randy, May86, 15, S86, 33, Oc87,
Spike, The, Jun81, 10-15 17, F81, 33, Ja84, 30, Jul84, 14, 087, 27
Spinks, Leon, Mar79, 19 32; loses Ph.D., Oc83, 33; persecuted, states, crime rates, Ap86, 28; fewest
Spinoza, Baruch, Ju179, 20, Oc83, 7, Jul83, 31-32 Jews, May85, 29
Au87,9 Stahl, Julius, 085,27 Statewide Broadcasting Co., Jun86, 23
Spinrad, Norman, Ja83, 28, Mar85, 34 Stalin, Jacob, Ap77, 23 Statue of Liberty, Au80, 19, May85, 32;
Spitz, Manish, Jun85, 32 Stalin, Josef, N76, 23, S77, 24, F79, 15, centennial, 084, 38; video
Spitz, Mark, 087, 16 Mar79, 13, Jun79, 7,24,26,28-29, extravaganza, S86, 30
Spitzer, Jack, Au79, 15 Oc83, 22, N83, 10-11, May84, 16, 18, stature, lack of, 084, 12-14, N83, 31;
Spiwak, Sidney, Oc79, 27 084,9-10; anti-Semitism, Au76, 6, racial differences, Au84, 7; Scandinavia,
Splinter, Barry W., Jun84, 30, N84, 29 Oc76, 7, Ja77, 10, Ap77, 23, N77, 8, May87, 30; tallness, Au84, 7-10
Spock, Benjamin, 076, 11, Ju181, 30, S81, May81, 33-34, 087, 29; last days, May81, Staub, Shalom, Mar83, 29
30, May87, 32; spreads hoax, Jun86, 33 34; war crimes, 078, 19; wives, Ju179, 13 Stauffer, Thomas, N83, 19-20
Spodek, J. Leonard, S87, 28, 087,30 Stalin, Svetlana see (Svetlana Alleyueva) Stavisky, Serge A., Au76, 5, 17-19­
Spokane, Ja82,32 Stalingrad, German survivors, Au82, 26 steatopygia, May87, 12
Spooner, John D., N77, 11 Staller, Ilona (Cicciolina), S87, 30 Steben, Marc, Au86, 12
Sporkin, Stanley, May77, 13, Au81, 30, Stallone, Sylvester, Mar87, 26; quote on Steel, Billy, Ju187, 31
Oc81,4 genetics, Au87, 36 Steel, David, Aug86, 31, F87, 30, Ju187,
Sporling, Theresa, S87, 18 Stamatiades, John, Mar83, 29 31
sports, Ja78, 5, 19-22, May78, 9, 19­ stamps, May80, 21; rejected by U.S.S.R., Steele, Ronald. Ap86, 29
21; agents, May85, 29; anti-black May86,32 Steele, Ted, Ju181, 21-22
discrimination, Mar79. 17-18; antiwhite Stanbrook, Ivor, May82, 25 Steer, George, May77,10
discrimination, Ja85, 39; antiwhite slurs, Standard Oil Co., 075, 13, Ju176, 9 Steffe, William, N76, 17
087, 19; criminals, Au82, 27, F84, 25; Stander, Lionel, N81, 30 Steger, Norbert, Ap85, 32, Ja87, 31-32
desegregation, Ja77, 21; drugs, Jul87, Stanford Research Institute, Oc78, 23 Steibel, Warren, S87, 24
28; Hispanics, Jul82, 19; Jewish Stanford University, May83, 31; faculty Stein & Day, 077, 11
athletes, 082, 25; Jewish Olympics, bias, Ju187. 36; gay scholarship. Oc83. Stein, Adam, May78, 18
081, 20; minority emphasis, N87, 9-11; 28; Jewish influence, S86, 21; minority Stein, Andrew, Ap85, 29
Negro attendance, Au87, 26; Negro predominance, Ap87, 20; sued, S86, 21 Stein, Benjamin, Oc79, 18, Jun81, 18,
basketball players, S82, 18, May86, 21; Stanford, Charles W., May86, 10 D84,20.0c86.23,Ap87,26
Negro boxers, 0c31, 30; Negro in­ Stanford, Sally, May84, 28 Stein, Charles, Jr., May86, 29
eligibility, Ja87, 27; Negro outrages, Stanford-Binet tests, Oc80, 14-15 Stein, David, Mar86, 31
N81, 30; Negro rapists, Ju183, 29, Au83, Stang, Alan, 084, 30, 087, 6 Stein, Edith, beatified, Ap87, 32
29, Jul86, 20, 086, 31; Negro runners, Stangel, Walter, Ja87, 33 Stein, Gary L., Oc87, 18
S82, 18, Jun86, 20; Negroes, Mar85, 27, Stangl, Franz, Oc82, 18 Stein, Gertrude, Ju177, 6, 16, Ap78, 7,
087, 19; racial aspects, N86, 17·18; Stankiewicz, Bill, Ja82, 29 D78,24,S79,9,N85,24
racial confrontations, N87, 9-11; racial Stanley, Julian C., Jun83, 32 Stein, Howard F., Ap81, 30, S82, 18, F83,
differences, Oc87, 9-11; racial quotas, Stanley, Venetia, Jun83, 27 10, Ja85, 19
May81, 23; racism, Oc81, 30, Ap87, 36; Stanton, Edwin, 077,20 Stein, Jacob, Jun85, 31
salaries, May85, 29; triathletes, Au84, Staples, Brent, Ju187, 18 Stein, Jeff, Mar85, 32
24; violence, 081,20; white runners, Stapleton, Richard, Carter's nephew Stein, Jess, Ja80, 22, Ja81, 22
Jun86,20 arrested, Ja81, 31 Stein, John Henry, 0c81, 5
Spotlight, Mar78, 27, Au79, 19, Au81, 23, Stapleton, Ruth Carter, N77, 13, Mar79, Stein, Jules, Mar87, 19
Ja83, 9-10, Oc85, 21, 085. 22 10, Ap79. 13, May79, 14; baptizes Flynt, Stein, Leslie, Ja87, 20
Spounias, Sophia, Mar84, 31 082, 27; cancels speech, Oc78, 17 Stein, Lynn and Susan, S80, 22-23
Spreckles, Gretchen, Ja85, 5 Stapp, Robert, Ap80, 21 Stein, Mark, Ap81 , 14
Spring-Rice, Arthur, poem, Oc85, 28 Star of David. May78, 12; on necklaces, Stein, Peter, Ja78, 11
Springboks, 081,20 087,19 Stein, Sidney, F77, 12-13
Springer, Axel C., Oc77, 28, F78, 23, S78, Star Spangled Banner, dishonored, Mar85, Stein, Sol, 077, 11
19,Au79,10,Jun81,33 18 Steinberg, David, 081, 18, S84, 15

Steinberg, Donald, MayS2, 15
Stevens, John Paul, S80, 31
Stone. Marvin, N76. 13, F77, S, N79, 19,

Steinberg. Jeffrey & Michelle. DS6. 24

Stevens, Roger L. ApS6, 6
SS4, 17. AuS5, 15

Steinberg. Leigh, May85. 29

Stevens. Ted, quote, S82, 11
Stone, Norman. MayS1. 32, JunS6, 17

Steinberg, Leo, D75, 9·10. Ap78, 7.

Stevens, Thaddeus, D77, 20, F7S, 11
Stone, Oliver, ,lulS7, 25

June83,9-10, 12,Au83.21
Stevenson, Adlai, II, Jun 76, 5; homicide,
Stone, Richard, S76, 11, MarS2, 23,

Steinberg. Louis, D7S, 14

Au76, 6

Steinberg, Saul, Au79, 11. FS1, 35-36,

Stevenson, Adlai, III, OcSO, 23, SS1. 1S,
Stonehenge, D77, 11, May79. 12, MayS4.

Fa5, 31, F87, 17; art sale, SS1 , 29; JaS3, 13, ApS6, 7; proposes Liberty

Disney takeover, AuS4, 30, AuS6, 1S

investigation, DSO, 32
Stoner, J.B., Jul80, 18, AuSO, 1S, NSO, 17,

Steinberg, William, Ja79, 7

Stevenson, Clay, AuS4, 33
Ja81, 24, NS1. 12, Oc82, 27, JunS3, is,

Steinborn, Jerome, JulS5, 33

Stevenson, Ellen, poem. SS3, 10

Steinbrink, Mark, NS2, 17

Stevenson. H. L.. FS4, 16-17
stoop labor. JunS7, 27

Steinem, Gloria, Jun7S, 13, JunS4, 16,

Stevenson, John. ApS6, 26
Storr, Anthony, ApS4, 25

DS4,23,F85,39.0c87,19,OcS7,35; Stevenson, McLean, NS3, 32

Story of Civilization, The. OCS3, 7

CIA front, Au84, 33

Stevenson, Robert Louis, Jewish
Story of English, The. May87. 11

Steiner, Edward, May79, 13

character, AuS7. 16
Story, Christopher, Mar83. 25·26

Steiner, Frant;ois, FSO, 27

Stevenson. William, 079,21-24
Stout. Rex, D7S, 19

Steiner, George, AuS2, 12-14, SS2, 1S,

Stewart, Bill, F85, 37
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Ja7S, 23, sso,

DS3, 13; pro,Jewish and gay quote, Stewart, Dave, JuIS5. 33

19, JulSI, 27, May82, 24, FS4, S, NS4, 1S

Stewart, Donald M., MarS7. 2S
Strabo, OcS3, 16

Steiner, Joel, JaSI. 31

Stewart, George, May86, 19
Strachey, John, Ja77. 13, Jul77, 1S, D77.

Steiner. Stan, Ap7S, 11. FS2. 19

Stewart, John, Ja80, 23
10. ApS4, 20

Steinert. Harald. FS5, 32

Stewart, Paul. Mar87, 29
Strachey, Lytton, NS5, 22

Steinfels, Peter, FSO. 27

Stewart, Potter. Ap81 , 20
Stradbroke, Earl of, NS7, 34

Steinhardt. Michael. JunS6, 34

Stewart, Rod, JuIS2, 26
Straight, Beatrice. Ja84, 15

Steinsaltz, Adin, NS2. 1S

Stewart, Sandra, DS6. 40
Straight, Dorothy. JaS4, 12, 14

Stellvs. Savannah, Jun77, 5, S7S, 12

Steyrer, Kurt. JunSS, 1S, Jul86, 39
Straight, Michael, N83, 10, JaS4. 12·16,

Stelle group, FS3, 34-35, JulS3, 36

Stiles. Stephen, Au84, 35, ApSS, 30

Stelzer, Andrea, NSS, 36

Stil/day, Robin, MaySS, 15
Straight, Willard, Ja84, 12, 14

Stember. Charles H., SS1, 9

Stilwell. Joseph, SS4, 19
Strain, James, Oc8S, 32

Stempora, Daniel, ApS4, 27

Stimely, Keith, OcSO, 5, JaSl, 35
Strakhosch, Henry, Ja7S, 12. May87, 32

Stennis, John, AuSO, 22

Stimson, Henry. Oc77. 23; erases diary,
Strasberg, Lee, MayS4. 25

Stephanie, Princess (Monaco), ApS6, 29

JuI8S, S
Strasberg, Paula, Mar83, 29

Stephens. John L.. SS7, 21

Stine, C. Harry. OcSI, 36
Strasbourg, NS1. 26

Stephens. Sharon. JuIS7. 31

Stinson, Michael, NS7, 29
Strategic Defense Initiative, Oc7S, 1S,

Stephenson. William, 0c87. 22

Stinson, Roddy, MayS5, 23
D7S, 13, N83, 21, Ju1S6,17, 087, 9

Stepien, Ted, SS2. 1S

Stirling. David, NSO, 23
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, OcS5, 18

- Stepin Fetchit, see Lincoln T. Perry

Steptoe, Patrick. MarSI, 21

sterility, in U.S., NS5, 27

Stirling, John, ApS6. 32

Stirner, Max. 075, 11. Ap76, 8, OC7S, 19­

20, May79, 20, JaSO. 13, JunS6, 9-10,

Stratford Festival Theatre, NS5, 19

Stratton, Richard, NS7, 27

Stratz, C. H., NS5, 6

sterilization. S77, 11-12. JunSl. 35, MarS2.

Stral!s family, N79, 20

26, Ap83, 18·19, Mar86. 36; by area.

Stock Exchange (U.S.), F77, 23
Straus, Marc, AuS3, 15-16

SS1, 32; failed operations, Ju/SS, 32;

Stockdale, James B., MarS3, 19
Strauss. Franz Josef, Mar77, 20 Au77, lS,

India, JuIS4. 30; pro and con, Oc81. 23­ Stockhausen, Karlheinz, OC7S, 12, 25
MaySO, 10. NSO, 32, JaS1, 12·13, Ap87,
24; proposal. Jul85, 31; Third Reich,
Stockholm, OCS4, 32

- DS5,32

Sterling, Robert, OcS3. 30

Stern gang, MarSS, 17. Ju185. 22, MarS7, 9

Stocking, George W.• Jr., SS3, 6, S

Stockman, David, May81, 19, JuISI, 35.

JaS2, 22

Strauss, Johann, ancestry, MayS5, 24

Strauss, Peter, AuS2, 27

Strauss, Richard, Oc77, 9, Jun79, 13,

Stem magazine. JuIS3, 26, JuIS6. 39-40

Stockton, Emma Jane, DS3, 31
MayS6, 10; banned in Israel, DS1, 19,

Stern, Alfred & Martha. JaS4, 14

Stoddard, Lothrop, Ja77, 19, F77, 7,

Stern, Benito, Jun85, 37

JunS5,16 Strauss, Robert, MarSO, 22

Stern, Howard. FS2. 19. FS7, 27. Ju187.

Stofberg, Louis. FS6, 37, MayS6, 33, SS6, Stravinsky, Igor, Oc7S, 12

36, Ap87, 34
Strayer, Joseph R., S79, 6

Stern. Leonard, MayS3, 27

Stoiber, MaySO, 11
Streep, Meryl, MarS2, is, JulS6, 27

Stern, Malcolm. NSO, 31

Stoics, N80, 10
Streicher, Julius, May 77, 6, May79,27,

Stern, Michelle, Ap79. 15

Stoker, Graham, FSO, 11
Jul82, 13

Stern, William G., JunSO, 33, DS1, 31.

Stokes, John, May86, 31
Streicher, Razie, AuS6, 30

Stokes, Louis, MarS4, 26, MarS5, 28;
Streisand. Barbra, Ja77, 10, SS1, 31

Sternberg, Nochum, SS6. 34

drunk driver, FS4, 15
Streit, Steven E., Jul87, 2S

Sternberg, Sigmund. ApS1. 2S

Stokes, Richard AuS7, 29, Oc87, 31
Strelsin, Alfred, 076, 1S

Sterner. Michael. JunSO, 26

Stokinger, Herbert. FS1, 20
stress, 084. 23

Sternfeld, Michael, SS3, 36

Stokowski, Leopold, May86, 12
Strickland, S. P., NS2, 12-13

Steuben Society, DS1, 36

Stone Harbor (NJ), NSS, 15
strikes, F77, 13; by blacks. SS1, 40

Stevas, Norman S., Oc79, 25

Stone Mountain (GA), MarS6, 1S
Strindberg, August, N7S, 14

Steven, Helena, Ap79. 32

Stone. Edward D., Oc76, 15
Stringer. Natalynne, SS2, 11

Steven, Stuart. Mossad quote, NS4 16

Stone. I. F., niece arrested, JaS2, 29;
Strinko, Vanna, OcSS, 20-21

- Stevens, Elmore. Ja7S, 20

Stevens, Jimmy, NSO, 22

Stevens, John P., III. MayS7, 20

studies Greek. JunS3, 16-17

Stone, Joseph, ApS1, 28

Stone, Lawrence, SS6. S

Strochlitz, Sigmund. JaS7, 16

Stroessner. Alfredo, SS5, 10, MarS6, 10,



Stroheim, Erich von, N85, 26, May87, 26

Sulzberger family, Jun76, 19. Mar79, 13
Suzuki. David. MayB2, 6

Strong, Anna Louise, Junn, 12. Ap85, 23

Sulzberger, Arthur 0., F84, 16-17
Suzuki. Shoji. AuS6, 34

Strool, Ben, 087, 23

Sulzberger, C. L., Jul76, 7, 14
Sverdlovsk, Au85, 24

Strotz, Richard, Ap77, 24

Sulzberger, Mrs. Arthur H., AuSI, 20
Svyatoslav, Prince, Mar77, 10

Struthers, Sally, 082, 31

Sumer, Jun76, S, Oc7S, 14; Nordic
Swados. Elizabeth, MarS3. 19

Struthers. William, MayB3, 18

settlers, MaySI, 23
Swaggart, Jimmy, JunS7. 26; lifestyle,

Stuart dynasty. Jan, 11, F8S, 32

Sumi, Danny, AugS3, 27
SB7. 28; tampered will, 084. 30; Zionism,

Stuart. A. J., Jr., MarBS, 36

Summerland, William T., Au83, 16

Stuart, lan, Jul84, 32, F85, 40

Sumner, William, Ap76, 1, N79, 7; self-
Swan, Donald, May77, 23, N81. 20

Stuart, Lyle, Ja86, 30

sufficiency quote, NS7, 20
Swanidze, Budu, Jul79, 13

Stuart, Malcolm, S86, 30

Sun City (South Africa), Oc80, 32, JuIS7,
Swann vs. Mecklenburg, May78, 1S

Stubblefield, Nathan B., Jul78, 12, N78, 9

Swann, Lord, OS4.33

Studds, Gerry, S84, 16, JaB5, 33, May86,

Sun Yat-sen, FB7, 6
SWAPO (see South-West Africa's Peoples

Sunday Times (London), N77, 15, JuIS3.

student demonstrations, 078, 12-13

26, SS5, 9
Swarm of WASPs, A, SS3, 22

student loans, defau~ers, JunB2, 26,

Sundseth, Christopher, MayB6, 20
Swartz family. JunS4, 30

Oc82, 26, 082, 26, Ap83, 27, Aug83, 27,

suntans, MaySI, 19
Swartz, Anna, Ja76, 21

Sununu.John, OcB7,34-35
Swartz, Ellen, SSS, 17

Students for a Democratic Society, F76, 3,

Super Bowl, Ja7S, 20
Swartzbaugh, Richard, 075, 11, N76, 7,

superman, Jewish version, OS6, 7-9
11. Ap79, 10, 2B, S79, 7, OcBl, 34, N82,

students, foreign statistics, Oc82, 26;

supermarkets, ApS4, 9
25, SS3, 16,22, N84 7-S, JaBS, 12-14,

Jews and whites compared, Au8S, 29;

Supreme Court (CA), Ja77, 13. F79, 9;
OcS5, 14, OS5, 13-15, MayS6, 23-24,

white union banned, Ja83, 32

death penalty overturned, MayS6, 2S;
F87, 15-16, JunS7, 14

Studer, Arlo, Oc82, 32

sterilization, MarS6, 36
swastika, New Mexico, OcS3, 30; painted

Studies in Classic American Literature+.

Supreme Court (U.S.), Ja76, 22, Ja77. 13,
on walls, JulSS, 20; removed in Canada.

16, Junn, 5,078, S, 21-23, AuSO, 6-7;

Study of History, The, May76, 14, Ap84.

affirmative action, AuS4, 21; aging
SWAT teams, Au80, 34

justices, NB7, 1S; Bakke, May7B, 6, 17­ Swaythling, Lord, JunS4, 32

Stufflebeam. Robert, May87, 23, Ju187, 20

18; Bork rejection, SS7, 13; Brandeis­ Swaziland. 084, 36, MayS7, 35

Stuhr, LaOona, OcS7, 2S

Frankfurther link, JulS2, 5-6-; busing,
Sweden, Au77, 18, OcSO, 31; anti-

Stumpf, Kenneth J., Jun82, 16

DB2, 32; case load, OcS7, 26; criticized,
Semitism, Jun83, 29; beautiful women,

Stunkard, Albert J., Jun79, 18, AuS6, 36

S7S, 11; death penalty, ApS2, 1S;
OcS4, 32; big brotherism, AuS6, 29;

Sturman, Reuben, MarS6, 6

emotional rulings, May85, 37; Escobedo,
birthrate, Au84, 31; crime study, July86,

Sturmer, Boris, N76, 16

MayS4, 26; Frank appeal, Jun86, 7;
36; families, OS6, 32; Finnish minority,

Stutz, Geraldine, SS7, 17

ideological makeup, OS3, 1S, MayS7. 20;
S85, 32; Jews, Ja8S, 35; minorities.

Styron, William, Oc79. 17, Mar82, 18, FS3.

influences on birthrate, OcS1, 10;
Oc77. 15, AuS3, 31, FS4, 2S; nuclear

28. JuIS3. 31, OcS4, 7

Jewish justices, JunB7, 20; jurors, AuS1,
agitation, JaBl, 33; oldtime racism,

Suall, Irwin, JaSO, 25, MayS6, 14

33; justices net worth, SB2, 201
MarS6, 33; Palme murder, SS6, 35,

submarine warfare, Jun82, 24

legislating body, S79, 24-25; obscenity,
Mar87, 31-32; race mixing, Au83, 30-31;

Suburbia. MayS5, 20
N7S, 12; Parma, AuS2, 19;
race relations, F80, 19; race riot, Ocn,

suburbs, richest, ApS7, 27, DS7, 29;

permissiveness, JaS4, 19, AuS3, 29;
15; racial composition, MarSO, 1S·19;

sprawl, Oc80, 22
quota rulings, JunS5, 20; race relations,
radical parties. F86, 33-34; relations with

subways, New York, OcS2, 18

Aun, 6. 17; radicalism, OeS6, 8;
South Africa, ApS6, 14-15, NS7, 12;

Sudan, 0cS2, 12, JunS5, 36-37, JulS5,

rejects, MaySO, 19; reverses, NS6, 32,
revisionist history, AuSO, 35; right-wing

1S; U.S. aid, JunS2, 30

JaS7, 27; shady connections. AuSO, 6;
groups, SS1, 35, SS3. 35; skull

Sudbury (Ontario), MarS7, 24

Warren Court criticized. OcS5, 36;
collection. Mar86. 33; socialism. F86,

Sudeten Germans, May79, 2S, MarSO, 12·

yarmulke ruling, Jul86, 14
34; welfare. Jun79. 17

13, F8S,34
surrealism, Ap7S, 21
Swedes, Ju178, 12; in U.S. OcS7, 26;

Suez Canal, N76, 10, JuI7S, 22, N78, 11

surrogate mothers, JunS5, 30
traits, Mar86, 27

Sugar, Alan. Jul87, 31

Surtees, R. C., JulB3, 13-14
Swedish Americans, in novels, AuS6, 36

sugar, JaSO, 29
survival, F78, 10-11; communities, F83,
Sweeney, Charles, Oc77, 24

Sugar, Maurice, N77, 6

34-35; squads, Ja7S, 6, 22; unfit, OcS7,
Sweeney, Dennis, JunBO. 25, Oeso, 2S

Sugarman Plan, Mar79, 19

Swenson, Kari, JuIS5, 23

Suggs. Clinton, S85, 22

Susann, Jacqueline, AuB7, 27
Swerling, Sam, JuIS3, 10

suicide, Mar76, 17; Canada, Au85, 29;

Suskind, Dick, MayS4, 11
Swing, Joseph M" MayS7, 30, JuIS7, 11

causes, N84, 18-19; Japanese family,

Suslov, Mikhail A., OSO, 9
Swisher, William E., SS2, 32

NSS, 20; literary figures, N85, 28; rates,

Sussman, Roland, AuS7, 31
Switzerland, a77, 20, Au77, 8; anti-

Au82, 26; Scandinavia, DS6. 32; types,

Sussman, Stephen, MayS7, 30
Semitism, JunS3, 29; bank accounts,

085,31; whites in prison, SS1, 19-20;

Sutherland, Graham, Jul84, 2S, Au86, 25
Ap77, 22; citizenship tightened, Au81,

U.S. rates, JunS2, 26, NS4, 18, SS5, 29,

Sutton Hoo, Jul83, 30
27; Civil Defense, AuB1, 27-2B; con­
085.31; right-wingers, JaS2, 22; world
Sutton, Anthony, conspiracy theories,
scientious objectors, AugB3. 2S; deca­
rates, N81, 29, Mar83, 28
dence, FS4, 2B; defense, OCS4, 27;

Sukarno , S86, 20
Sutton, Charles, F82, 32
Holocaust debate, Oc79, 2S; Holocaust

Sul/erot, Evelyne, Oc77, 6

Sutton, Henry, NB4 16
row, NS6. 34; immigration control, OS2.

Sullivan, Brendan, Oc87. 14

Suzman, Arthur, N81, 30
2S, MarS6, 30, ApB6, 28, JunS7. 31;

Sullivan, Leon, Au87, 32

Suzman, Helen, Oc77, 12, JunS4, 9, NB4,
Jewish spies, F84, 19; kosher slaughter,

Sullivan, Louis. Oc76, 15-16

34, MaySS, 35, Mar86, 15, DS7, 10
MayS4, 29; military, AuS7, 31; minorities.

SulliVan, William, MayS2, 1515

Suzman, Janet, OS7, 33-34
F7B, 19; nationalism, JulSO, 34, FS6. 34;

Sulloway, Frank, Mar80. 20

Suzuki Motor Co., JulS7, 36
poll on Jews, SSO, 33; racial compon­


ents, May7S, 17; racism, AuS5, 33; Abscam, MayS2, 18 tax shelters, AuS5, 11
referendum on UN. AuS6, 29; refugees, Talmud. Mar78, 7, N84. 30, Jul85, 36, D85, taxes, JU183. 2S; average payment,
SS3. 32, FS6. 34; revisionists banned, 18; banned, MayS4. 16-17; MarS6, 30; comparisons, F81. 23;
FS7, 33; right-wing politics, FS6, 34, SS7, computerized. ApS5. 34; criticized, economic group, F84, 24; Sweden.
30; Russians intemed. MayS4, 29; U.S. JaS7, 26; Gentile women impure, NSO, 15 Jun79,17
relations, MarSO. S Tamari, Meir, JunS7, 28 taxpayers, share of public debt. Au79, 21
Sykes. Christopher, ApS4. 29 Tambo. Dliver, ApS6. 15. N86, 19. F87. 36 Tay-Sachs disease, Ju176, 9
Sykes. Cynthia. DS4,23 Tamils, FS6. 34. D86. 34 Taylor. A. J. P., Mar83, 24, D85, 22, De87,
Sylberberg. Hans-J., Dc79. 15, ApS3. 30 Tammany Hall, Ja76, 11 22; Jewish quote, Jun86. 18
Sylvester, David, JuIS4. 32 Tanaka. Kakuei. Au87, 33 Taylor, Alfred S., Ap7S. 9
Symbionese Liberation Army, F76, 15-16 Tanayev, Alexander, N76, 5. 16 Taylor. Elizabeth, Mar79. 24, Ja80. 25.
Symington, Stuart. F79, 16 Tanenbaum, Morris, MayS4. 17 Mar81 , 29, S81, 31, Mar82, 23, Ap82.
Symms, Steve. FS1, 17, JaS4, 31, JulS5, Taney, Roger. NS6, 32 17, Jun82. 27, S82, 6. May84, 25.
21, JulS6, 21, NS7. 20; German Tang, Thomas, JunS6. 40 Jun85, 30, DS5. 7.S87.28,N87, 16
campaign money, SS7, 2S Tania (see Patricia Hearst) Taylor, Gordon. JulS4, 17
synagogues. attacks on. SS5. 1S; avoid Tannenbaum, Eugene. May84, 11 Taylor, Harold, May8S, 25
homeless. AugS3. 27; gambling, D78. Tannenbaum, Marc. Dc7S, 17. JaS2, 32 Taylor, Harvey, JunSO. 3S, N80. 36
15; gay, JaSO, 23, MarS3, 29; vandalized Tannenbaum, Max. JulS3, 2S Taylor, J. Randolph, OcS3, 10
by Jews, S83, 33, ApS4, 1S, JulS4, 31 Tannenbaum, Steve, JuISI. 20 Taylor, James (Jim). Ju180. 3S. SSO, 34.
Synanon.JunS1, 21 Tanner. J. M., Jul76, 10 SS1, 18;shadowed,S81, 1S
Synar, Mike, JaS7, 18 Tanner, Jack E., Ap84, 27. S84. 17 Taylor, John (British professor), Dc78, 24
synthesis. N85, 9 Tansill, Charles C .• Jun79. 30 Taylor, John (of Caroline). Jun8S, 7-S
syphilis, F77, 13. Ap79, 29 Tanzania, MarS5. 31, NS6. 26-27; decline, Taylor, John Ross (Canadian right-winger).
Syria, Ja76. 3. 15, 0e76. 19; Jews, Ap78, SS5. 33; default. D82, 26; Soviet film, F80,2S.S81,34,Ap82,29
13. JaS5, 36, SS6. 19; alleged terrorism. OeS5.34 Taylor, Mick, Dc79, 20
Fa7, 33; anti-Jewish violence, SS4, 12; TAPOL (British publication), Mar84, 30 Taylor, Telford,Ja83.16-17
Assad's massacre, FS5. 7; chemical Taranto. James. S87, 35 Taylor, Victor, ApSS, 29, Au86, 30
weapons. MayS7. 3S; criticized. SS4. 12; Tarnower, Herman, JunSO, 25, MayS!, 31. Tchaikovsky, Petr I., Dcn. 9
fence. 0e86. 30; Goodman release, JulSI, 20, Au81, 20. ApS7, 21 Tchelitchev. Pavel, Ap78, 7
Ap84. 17; Jews. AuS7, 9; media Tarpley, Dick, NS1, 36 teacher certification. by race, AuS4. 32
distortions. N83. 34-3S; military, Mar87. T arr. Derek, D84, 3S teachers, average pay, Ja8S, 29; merit
27; relations with Israel, F85. 9; Soviet Tarrance, V. Lance, Mar84. 16 pay. Mar87, 10-11; statistics. Ju187.
casualties. Mar84, 24; travelogue. F8S. Tarrants, Thomas, Jun79, 14-15 27; tests, Ap83, 21, S86, 31, N86. 30,
6-9, Mar85, 11-14; U.S. planes hit. Tarzan, Negroes consider racist. N83, 21 JaS7.27
F84.27 Tasaday (Philippines tribe). JaSS, 12. Teaching as a Subversive Activity, Au77,
Syrians. Ap87. 2S 'AuS6.20 11. MarS4, 12
system theory. FS1. 9-10 Tasin, John R., MayS7, 40 Team Defense, Inc., Ja78. 13
Szaz. Z. Michael, May87, 13 Tass (news agency). N77, 14 Teamsters Union, Aun, 9. S81, 31. Ja84.
Szeps. Morris, F86. 32 Tasson, Fabian. May87, 14 19, Dc86, 32; corruption. DS3, 31; Israel
Szerer. Moeczyslaw, JuIS3. 33 taste, decline of, SS3, 14-16 bonds, DS4, 21; pension fund, Au78. 13,
Szigeti. Joseph, Dc77. 9 Tate, Celestine, FS1, 20 JunS5.32
Szilard. Leo. F79. 1S Tate, Greg, Dc84, 19 Teasdale, Sara, May83, 1S
Szmurak. Margaret. Ap87. 31-32 Tate, John, Jun80, 26 technocracy, Dc77. 14
Sztajer, Chaim. May87. 15 Tate, Sharon, F76, 15-16, JuI7S. 14, F85, technology, Ja81, 10
Szul. Andrij V., May77, 24 20 Ted Bates (ad agency), FS7, 29
Szulk. Tad. JaSO, 24-25 Tatum. Wilbert, DeB4, 29 teeth, racial markers, Mar87. 35
Szymczak. Ted R.• JuI7S. 23 Taubman, Alfred, Dc86, 32, F87. 28 Tefera, Tsehaye, NSS, 20
Tauraine, Alain, S86.36 Teicher, Howard, Au87, 6
Tauroa, Hiwi, Dc85, 35
T Tawney, Richard, Nn, 13. S78. 18
Teitelbaum. Melvin. N84,30
Teitelbaum. Shalom. S81. 30
Taaffe. James T •• F82. 1S tax deductibility, 078, 1S, Jun83. lS, Teitelbaum, Sol. Ap82, 28
Taberner. Ian, JunS7, 19 Jun8S. 22; Jewish groups, JuI8S, 18 Teitelman, Leonard, Jul87, 17
taboos, Ju176, 10: words, Ap81, 19 tax evasion, Au7S, 13, F79. 24, Mar81. 31, Tekere, Edgar. N80. 33-34
Taft. Robert. Jr., Ja77, 12, Mar79, 23. JunS1, 31. Ap82, 12, Ju182. 26. N82. 19, Tel Aviv. architecture. Jun85. 23
DeS6,8 DS3, 20, MarS4, 26, AuS4. 32, F8S, 29, telephone, fraud. May86. 30; recorded
Taft, WlIliam Howard, Ja76, 11-12, Mar80, MarSS, 26, 2S, Au85. 11, May86. 29. messages. OcS6. 38; sex messages,
9-10, Dc86, 7 Ju186, 29-30, Au86. 29. S86, 33-34, DS2. 27; welfare rates. 087. 29
Taghizadeh. Nader, Ja87. 28 Mar87. 29. Au87, 26-27, S87, 12, D87. television, Ap86. 28. F87. 26; addiction,
Tagliagambe, Mario, FSO, 21 30; biggest evader. NS3. 2S; by rich, Jul82, 21; ads rejected. Ju180, 19;
TaiIGunnerJoe, Junn.13 DS6. 30. Ap87. 2S; Hollywoodians, affirmative action, Ja87, 26; AIDS
Taiwan, JuISS. 27; last Jew. N79, 28 Ju187, 28; Italy, OeS4, 27; Jews, Jun8S, broadcast, Jun86, 20; anti-Arab, Au84.
Tajiks. F86. 36 22, D85. 24. SS6. 22, N86. 31. Mar87, 35. FS7, 26. May87. 28; anti-Catholic,
Taki (see Taki Theodoracopoulos) 26, MarS7. 28 N84, 2S; anti-German, S83, 33, OeS4.
Talal. Haj. S83. 22 tax exemption, Ap82, 12-13; private 26-27, Jul8S, 30, S86, 30; anti-Indians.
Talese. Gay, DcSO, 29. MarS1. 29. F84. schools, May79, 12 JuISO. 19; anti-Nazi, Ap83, 8. Ju184. 28­
16-17, JunSS, 30 tax fraud, Ap79, 16. DeBS, 31 29, Au8S. 28. Ja8S. 2S; anti-Negro.
Talley. Willie. Jr.• Dc86. 31 tax limitation, F79, 22 JunS4, 2S; anti-So Africa, N86. 19,
Tallmer. Jerry. DS7. 21 tax loopholes, Jun8S, 22. S8S. 23 MayS7, 29. D87. 27-2S; anti-South,
Talmadge. Herman, Au78, 12. MarS2. 23; tax revolt, Jun79, 20; abroad. Jun79. 20 MayS3. 15. D87, 28; anti-Talmud. JaS7.

26; anti-WASP, Mar87, 25; antiwhite, Ap82, 19; networks, Jun76, 7, Ju185, 29­ 34,Ap85,29,Au85, 14, S85,22, 085,6­
F77,23,Ap85,27,S85,28,Jun86,31, 30; news executives, Ju179, 13; news 7, May86, 14, Jun86, 33, Au86, 6-10, 21,
S86,30, 086,29,Ja87,25, F87,20; programs, Mar84, 18, Jun86, 33; N86, 30, Ju187, 19, Au87, 17, N87, 16;
audience, Ja85, 3D, N86, 30 ownership, N76, 13; pay, N87, 25; WASPs, N87, 27; whites, Jun79, 14-15;
television, television, bias, F84, 13, 18, performers' crimes, May83, 20; poem, world count, 086,30
885,22, N85, 26, Mar86, 29; Jun76, 18­ Dc87, 25; Poland, Ap87, 32; political terrorists, Ja82, 29; leniency, May82, 18;
19, Jun81, 18, Ap83, 27, S83, 19-20, bias, 085, 32, N86, 29, N86, 30; poll, Puerto Rican, Ja85, 9
Dc83, 22, Dc83, 29; bias in election, June83, 15; pro-illegal immigrants, Terzi, Zehdi, Au84, 35, S86, 34
F85, 29; blue-eyed actors, Ap86, 26-27; JunS6, 31; pro-Italian, Ju184, 29; profits, Teschner,John, N83,24
bombs, N87, 24-25; Britain, Jul77, 20, Ja85, 31; propaganda, JuISO, 24, Tesco Supermarkets, Dc83, 33
May83, 29, Ja86, 27, MarS7, 31, Ap87, May82, 17; quality fare, Jun86, 32; racial Teskel, Felice, JunS3, 26
26, Au87, 29, S87, 24; British programs, distortions, Dc87, 25; racial roles test results, high school, Dc78, 15;
S84,25,Dc85,32, Ap86,26,JaS7,25; reversed, Ju179, 11; ratings, Au78, 12; teachers by race, SS1, 33
Canada, Ap87, 26; censorship, Mar78, regulation, Jun81, 18-19; religious test scores in U.S., Germans excel,
13,081,18, OS4,2S,Ja86,28,F86, 11­ shows, Au85, 28; reporters, FSO, 14; May86,28
12,Jun86,31,Au86,28,Dc86,39,086, right-wing videos, Ap85, 35-36; S. Africa test tube babies, Mar81, 21, Dc87, 34
29, 087,28; children's programs, N82, censorship, Jun86, 31; salaries, Au85, Testing of Negro Intelligence, F77, 18,
27; commercials, F84, 24, Au86, 28, 30, FS6, 29; satellite, May84, 14-15, Mar79, 15, May79, 13; Vol. 2, S82, 32
N86, 28, N87, 24; Communist bias, N84, Jun84, 27-28, S84, 24-25; school testing, pre-natal, 086, 39-40
27; convicts interviewed, JunSO, 25; grades, Mar87, 25; scrambling, AuS6, testosterone, JunS4, 35
couch potatoes, Jun84, 28; criticized, 28; sex advice, Ap85, 27; sitcom costs, tests, failure rate, Aug83, 28; Japanese
Ap85, 16; cultural effects, N87, 25; Ja87, 27; South Africa, Jun87, 32; excel, F84, 24; Negro statistics, Mar85,
daytime, MarS4, 24; debates, 084, 28­ sports, JuIS4, 29; statistics, Au82, 26, 26; police, F84, 24
29; distorts history, S85, 28; Dc82, 19, Ap86, 28; stereotypes, Dc83, Teutoburg Forest, battle of, Mar87, 16
docudramas, N85, 25-26, 087, 28; 36; suicide program, F83, 30; talk Teutons, F79, 28, Ap81, 30, Mar84, 5-6
downplays left-wing terror, Jun85, 29; shows, S86, 38; tastelessness, Au81, Teutsch, David, anti-insider quote, May87,
equalitarianism, Au87, 25; evangelists, 20, N81, 21, May87, 29, Dc87, 24; 25
May83, 26, Jun87, 26;evenhanded­ tennis, SS4, 24, N86, 28; Vietnam War, Texaco, huge judgment, MarS6, 31
ness, Ap87, 26; excellent drama, OS7, AuS5, 29; white villains, Ja87, 25, Texas Southern University, S87, 25
28; executives, Jun79, 19; explicit sex, Mar87, 25; Zionist bias, N83, 32; Zionist Texas, MarSO, 21, Ju187, 8-10; crime, F87,
JaS7, 25; facial expressions, SS7, 23­ speakers, Ap85, 27 21; Hispanic vote, S83, 20; mmigration
24; film; first stations, Jun85, 34; Telex Corp., May80, 19 issue, May87, 40; right-wingers, Ap86,
France, Ju187, 32, S87, 24; German Teller, Edward, Jun76, 7, .luI87, 33 36
films, N84, 27; goofs, Au76, 15, MayS6, Telushkin, Joseph, De86, 23 textbooks, Ap76, 10; unconstitutional,
27; Hispanics, Jul81, 20; hoaxes, Mar86, Tempelsman, Maurice, MaySI, 30, MayS2, Au87, 34; untruthful, 086, 16-17­
28-29, N86, 34, F87, 27; Holocaust, S78, 28, N82,29 Thadden, Adolf von, N78, 6, 21
13; hours watched, N85, 27; humor, F87, Temperton, Paul, Jun85, 34 Thailand, MayS4, 24, N87, 31; hippies
27; Israel coverage, NS6, 29; Israeli Temple University, required Spanish, banned,Jun86,38;Jews,Ja85,31,
censorship, N87, 24; Israeli expose Au86,30 S87, 26; marital customs, S84, 31;
killed, OS4, 28-29; Japan, 084, 37; Temple, The (in Biblical times), Ja79, 6 vascetomies, May85, 29, Dc85, 35
Jewish bias, Jul85, 29; Jewish doc­ Templer, Gerald, N79, 26 Thais, in U.S., Ja86, 1S
umentary, Ja85, 29; Jewish writers, Templeton, Garry, N81, 30 Thalberg, Irving, F81, 8
.luI85, 19; Jews in commercials, Au81, Ten Commandments, May80, 19 Thane, Arthur C., Dc79, 28
30; job qualifications, JuIS5, 32; Klan Tendler, Oavid, Au82, 20-21 Thanksgiving, F76, 8
show, Ja87, 26; law and order show, Tennessee, Ap76, 9; no illegals hired, Thant, U, 07S, 25
Ap86, 27; licenses lost, Jun80, 24, DcS5, 36 referendum on mixed Thatcher, Margaret, May78, 23, Jun79,
Au83, 19; literacy lowered, Au86, 27-28; marriage, Au78, 20; textbook case, 32, Ju180, 16, Au81, 28-29, Ja82, 30,
loathsome scene, N86, 31; lowers self­ Au87,34-35 Au82, 24-25, 084, 21, Jun85, 17,
esteem, Jun85, 29; Majority cable tennis, De81, 21, NS6, 28 JuIS5, 32, Mar86, 14-15, Ap86, 15,
programs, N84, 35, .luI85, 30, FS6, 28; Tennyson, Alfred, poem, N80, 8, ApS3, 14, Ap87, 24 ; Jewish constituency, S83, 34
male-female casting, May87, 28; Jun84, 35; quote, May7S, 18, N86, 9 Dc87, 30; criticized, 079, 28; popularity,
Mexicans, ApS6, 27; minority bias, tenure, N85, 28 S83, 20-21; rebuffed by Dxford, Ju185,
Ap85, 20, DeS5, 29; minority influence, Ter Horst, J. F., May78, 6 32; remarks to Mugabe, N87, 13-14; U.S.
N77, 13, 078, 16, May 79, II, Dc79, 18, Terkel, Studs, S85, 17 raid on Libya, .luIS6, 32, 086, 34; wins
Dc80, 20, Au81, 20, Ja82, 32, F82, 9-10, Terrazas, Filiberto, 085,35 again, Ju187, 30
N83, 32, Jul85, 33, FS6, S, 28; minority Terrigno, Valerie, Jun86, 34 Thatcher, Mark, Mar87, 28
profiles, Ja85, 29; miscasting, JunS1, Terrill, Ross, 087,34 Thatcher, Michael, F81, 18
21, Ap85, 26, MayS5, 24, Au85, 28, terrorism (U.S.), F76, 3, 14-17, S76, 11, Thawniki concentration camp, May87, 13
Mar86, 29; miscegenation, SSO, 32, 081, Ja77, 13,F81,22,FS2, 10, 19,Jun82, theater, Mar83, 19; agents, N77, 13; anti-
31, Jun84, 28, Ap85, 27; murder, OS6, 26, N83, 23, N84, 29, Mar85, 2, Dc85, Semitic German play, OS4, 33; anti­
30; Nazi children, AuS7, 30; Negro 30; bombings, S87, 26 Southern plays, S86, 21; anti-Zionist
audience, De87, 25; Negro heroes, terrorism, Achifle Lauro, JaS6, 17; against play banned, Ap87, 30, Au87, 29, Dc87,
Ja87, 25; Negro juveniles, JaS4, 18, Jews,N82, 29,DcS6,29;by 31; antiwhite drama, JuIS5, 22, S86, 21,
Au85, 28; Negro shows, Jun85, 29-30, geographical area, JunS7, 27; incidents Dc87, 16-17; balance sheet, Au85, 29;
N85, 25-26, F86, 11, Mar86, 29; Negro by country, N86, 30; Israeli terrorizes buildings, Au87, 26; homosexuality,
stations, De87, 24; Negro talk shows, Congress, Au86, 21; Jerusalem Ja86, 19; Jewish flop, MayS6, 19; Jews
MarS6, 21, Jun86, 31-32; Negro threats, conference, 079, 20; Libyans, May86, in Britain, May86, 31; Jews pervert, N84,
S87, 24; Negroes, Ap82, 28, Ju185, 30, 15; U.S. Jews, Ap79, 32, S79, 25, 19, Dc85, 18,086,31; minority bias,
Ja86, 27-28, Mar87, 25; negroization, Ma~2,20,Jun83,26,F8~18,Aug8~ May85, 32; Negro playwrights, May84,

11, Oc87, 27: Negroes in Britain. OcB4,
Thompson, James (reporter), Ap81, 14,
Times Mirror Co., Jun76, 4, 7. Mar7a, 15

32; production costs, Jun84, 29; racial

Mar83, 15, May85, 38
Times Picayune, supports black mayor.

miscasting. AugB4. 33. JuIB5, 22, Ap87,

Thompson, James R., Mar83, 15, May85,

20; vulgarization, S86, 34; WASP

Timm. Henry C., Ja79, 7

actors, Au84, 33: West Germany,

Thompson, Jim (author), N86, 21
Timor, massacres, S83, 36

May86, 32; Zionist musical comedy,

Thompson, Phil, JunS6. 34
Tin Pan Alley, Oc77, 13

Thompson, Robert F., Oc84, 19, NS6, 6-9
TInbergen, Niko, Au76, 16, MarSO, 16.

Theft of a Nation, AuB4, 43

Thompson, Stanley, N86, 36

theft, by children, F86, 30

Thompson, W. R., N77, 24. Mar82, 20
Tinker. Grant. OcS1, 21. N81, 21, JaS5, 30

Thelen, Patrick, 086, 34

Thomson, Raven, Mar7S. 23, Au79, 27,
Tintin. JulS3, 30

Theodoracopoulos, Taki, Jul80, 31, S83,

Tisch, Alfred, S81, 30

22, MarS4, 24
Thoreau, Henry, Jul76, 19, Ja78, 23,
Tisch, Laurence, Au7S. 10, JaS6, 28, NS6,

Theodorakis, Mikis, Oc78. 25

Ap80, 20, FS6. 6-7; remarks on sound,
28-29, MarS7. 25, May87, 28, JuIS7, 26;

Theodosius, Oc76, 8
F86. 7
Israeli gift, N81, 20; sued. F87, 26; takes

theology, N76. 12
Thorgilsson, Ari, Au87, 22
over CBS, 086, 28-29, F87, 26, Ap87, 26

Theresianstadt, JunS1, 33
Thorndike, E. L., F77. 19
Tisch, Preston R., NS1. 20, DS6. 28, Ap87.

Theroux, Paul, OcS2, 1S

Thorndyke, John E., Ja7S, 9, 24, Ap78, 9,

Theseus, Ja78, 14,OcS6, 13

Tisch, Steve. FS7. 20

Thevis, Michael. Ap78. 13, Ap79, 13.

Thornton, Ricardo and Donna, Ap87, 28
Tise, Larry E.. Ja87, 17

thoroughbreds, pedigrees, Ja87, 15-16
Titanic, S80, 23. JaS4. 26, May87, 21;

They Dare to Speak Out, Ap86, 5-9. Au86,

Thorpe, Jeremy, 078, 28, F81. 27;
chivalry, Ju182, 15

blackmailed, Mar79, 28
Title VII Program, May7S, 13

Thieriot, Charles de Young, JulSI, 17

Thorsteinsson family, OeS4. 21
Tito, Marshal, NS3, S; decorated

Thimmesch. Nick, N79, 19

Thrasyllus, S78, 8, 16-17
Waldheim, JunS6. 15; mysterious birth.

Thion, Serge, Jul80, 36, Mar87, 33

Three Mile Island, Ju179, 10, Jun80, 19,
Au80, 29·30

Third Reich, The, F78, 8

Ju182, 25, OcS3, 36
Titus, Ja79, 6

Third World, F77, 20, Ap82, 5-7, 084, 19;

Throckmorton, Robert, Au79, 26, JaSO,
Titus, Roy. MarS7, 27

aid. SS3, 24-25; debt. Jun86, 33; de·

19, Jul81. 7-8, OeS5, 12-13, JuIS6, 14
Tizard, Paul. S77. 24

veloped by West, Ja82, 30; French aid,

Thucydides, Sa1, 16
Tlas, Mustafa, S84, 12, 086,35; anti·

AuB7, 30; hunger, Jul84, 26-27; popu­

Thunderbolt, The, Au79, 14, Oc79, 19,
Semitic book, Ja87, 30; nuclear threat,

lation growth, Ap81, 18, Ja87, 19;


school attendance, AuS4,32

Thurber. James, MayS7, 22
Toaff, Elio, MaySI. 33, JulyS6. 32·33

ThirkaU, Angela, NS1, 32, JuIB4, 32

Thurmond, Harold, 076, 18
Tobias. Fritz, Ap86, 33

Thiroux·Villette, Gerard, AuBl, 13

Thurmond, Strom. JunSI, 36, Au84, 16,
Tobias, Phillip, NSO, 34

Thirteenth Tribe, The, Mar77, 10, DB3, 15,

Oc86, 29; Abscam. May82, 1a; pro­ Tobias, Sheila, May80, 21

Negro legislation, 0c84, 29
Tobiassen, Tom. MarS2, 19

This Ugly Civilization, Jun85, 8

Thurow, Lester, illiteracy quote, Jula7, 21
Tobin, Gary, May86, 21

Thitchener, Carl F., Jun87, 28

Tiberius, S78, a, 16-17
Tobin, Kenneth, MarS6, 21

Thom, Rene, 077, 11, Au79, 8, 25·26,

Tibet, 081, 3S; Chinese invasion, Ju185,
Tocqueville. Alexis de, ApS7, 7; anti-Negro

quote, SS7, 26

Thomann, Virginia, MayS7, 32

Tidyman, Ernest, N84, 30
Today Show, ApS5, 27

Thomas, Anne, S82. 11

TIesenhausen, Georg von, Jul87, 17, DS7,
Today (British newspaper). JuIS6, 31

Thomas, Christopher, SS4, 18


Thomas, Clarence, MayS7, 30

Tightrope, May8S, 20
Toffler, Alvin. Ja86, 7

Thomas, Daniel, Oc86, 32

Tijerina, Reyes, Jun7S,23
Togo, Ju182, S-9

Thomas, Dexter, JulB7, 20

Tijuana, Au76, 20
toilet paper, use by nations, OcS6, 30

Thomas, Dylan, Mar77, 7

Tilles, Roger. 078, 27
Toit. Andre du, F83, 33

Thomas, Frances. F83. 19

TIllich, Paul, May87, 31
Toklas. Alice B.• Jul77. 16, N85, 24

Thomas, Franklin A., Jul85, 30

Tim (Jewish sculptor), NSS, 32
Tokyo Rose, Jul77. 20

Thomas, George, Au79, 2S

Timaeus, S77, 10
Tokyo, air raid casualties, DS5, 31; high

Thomas, Gerald, Oc83, 30

Time (magazine), Ja76, 18, F76, 19,
prices, MarS7, 26, AuS7, 26; over­
Thomas, Gordon, Ap85, 22
Ap76, 12, 17 , N76, 13, F77, 8, F7S, 21,
rcrowding, 086,37

Thomas. Helen, FS7, 26

S86. 17; anti-South Africa, MayS7, 36;
Toland, John, F77, 10. May77. 11, Au77.

Thomas,lsiah, OcB7, 10·11, 087,19

circulation, Oc87, 26; fair to Jensen,
13, Jun79, 30, FS2, 32; neo-Nazi quote,

Thomas, Kenn, Mar84, 32

Ja80. 25; hoaxes, Ja84. 21;
JaS6. 26

Thomas, Lewis, MayS3, 25

management change. Au79, 20; pro­ Tolbert, Harry, May8S. 31

Thomas, Lowell, Jr., Mar7B, 13·14

Semitism, S78, 1S; pro·Zionist, MaySI,
Toledano, Ralph de, F86, 20

Thomas, Margaret, child abuse, NB2, 29

1S; slurs Cozzens, 078,7; sued by
Toledano, Samuel, OcS7, 31

Thomas. Marlow, F87, 26

Sharon, F84, 18, Mar8S, 22. Ap85, 9-11,
Toledo. OCS7, 31

Thomas, Philip Michael. Jul87, 28

May8S, 24; unoriginal. JulS5, 32
Toledoth Yeshuh, 085, 18

Thomas, Piri, Ja82, 21

Time, Inc., Jun 76, 4, 7
Tolischus, Otto, Jun79. 10

Thomas, Richard, May79, 11, 081,31,

TImerman, Jacobo, Ap7S, 12, N79. 16,
Tolkien, J. R. R., Oc79. 12-14, S81, 35,

F80, 28, Mar80. 26, F81. 30-31, AuS1,
Oc83, 26; against WWII, DS2, 14; quote,

Thompson, Daley. MayS5. 34. Au87, 29

22, N84, 29, Jun87, 33; anti-Holocaust
AuS6, 34; racial allusions, Au84, 42

Thompson, E. A., quote, Au85, 36

quote, Oc84, 15; in Argentina, OeS7. 33;
Tolstoy. Leo, MayS3, 13-14

Thompson, Hal, F78. 22

docudrama, FS4, 26
Tolstoy, Nikolai, Jun78, 24, Oc83, 22.36,

- Thompson. Hunter S., 077, 23, Ap83, 2S,

Thompson, J. W., Jul84, 32-33

Times Herald, Jun76, 5

Times Literary Supplement (London). F76.



Toltecs, 081, 12, DB6. 21, AuS7. 22

Toluca (Mexico), FB1, 11-12


Tomas, Andrew, Au7S, 7,17

transcendental meditation. Ap76. 19
26; personal expenses, ApS4, 26;

Tomaso, Padre, NS4 16

transcendentalists. Ja7S, 23, ApSO, 20
proposed to Barbra Streisand, SS1. 31

Tomaszewski, Stanley, MayS7, 17

Transkei, Oc86, 36
Truffault. Franqois, S82. 5

Tomescu, Titus, OS3, 30

translators, JunS1, 31
Truman, Harry S., F76, is. Jun76, 5. 876.

Tonathiuh, AuS7, 22
transsexuals, MayS3. 27; in crime, JulSS,
is, May7S, 11. F79. 16, DeS6, S; racism,

Tone, Wolfe, MaySI, 30

Au83, 20; recognizes Israel, S76, 18,

Tonight Show, Ja7S, 14,ApBS,27

Transvaal, Jun7S, 19
Mar7S, 27. MaySO, 22; shot at, JaS5, 9;

Tonningen, Florence van, Ja86, 34

transvestites, Mar7S, 13, JaS3, 24, JulSS,
tapes. NB2, 21; with Stalin, • FS1, 30

Tonsor, Steven J., SS6, 17

12; boutique, N80, 29; murder, JunS3, 26
Truman, Peter, DeSS, 21

Tonti, Henri, N7B, 12

Transylvania, FSO, 12
Trump, Donald, Cohn booster, JaB7, 21

Tony Brown's Joumaf, AuSS, 27

travel agencies. JulSS, 34
Truro, Bishop of, OcS2, 30

Toole, John Kennedy, FS1, 20, AuS1, 33,

Trave's with a Donkey in the Cevennes, trusts, 075.12-13, SB5, 16

Truth Seeker. burned out, MarB2, 20,

Toole, Ottis, FS4, 24

Travers. P. L., JaB1, 23

Toole, Thelma, FS1, 20, AuS1, 33

Travis, Hirsch, SS6, 34
truth, psychoanalytical view, NS3, 22

Topeka, school litigation, JulB7, 36

Travolta, John, N7S, 10
Tsafendas, Oimitrio, JunS4. 9

Topitsch, Ernst, Jul77, 20

Trawniki concentration camp, MayS7, 13­ Tshombe, Moise, 07S, 25

Topping, Robert, SB6, 34. ApS7. 36

Tsian Hsu9-shen, May7B. 11. 22

topsoil, FSS, 29
treason, MarB7, 22-23
Tslolkovsky, Konstantin, Jul80, B

Torah. AuS7, B
Trebitsch-Lincoln, OcB2, 29
Tsion, \lya F. (see Elle de Cyon)

Torczyner, Jacques. May82, 14

Treblinka, FSO, 26-27, MayB7, 13-15; false
Tsongas. Paul, FB2, 16

Tormay. Cecil, FS7, 20-21

story, JulB7, 19-20
Tubb, Ernest, JulSO, 22

Tornberg, Edward, Jun86, 23

Tree, Marietta, JulB5, 30, ApS7, 26
Tubman, Harriet, JaS4, 16

Toronto. F87, 25; Catholic popUlation. FS5,

trees, MarB1. 36
Tucker. Carll, N79, 20, AuSO. 21

Treholt, Arnold, JunS4, 33
Tucker, Jan, FB6. 40

Torquemada. Oc7S, 17
Treiki, Ali, JUnS4, 20
Tucker, Robert, FBO, 27

Torres, Norberto. MayS7, 32

Trend (original short story), JaB7, 14-15
Tucson, Hispanic influence, DB6. 11; Villa

Torres. Victor M., NS6, 12

Trentham, Charles. FBO, 25
statue. JaB4, 1B

Torresola. Griselio, JaSS. 9

Trento, Salvatore M.• SBO, 11
Tudor, Corneliu V., JuIS4, 34, S84. 29.

Torrey, D. E. F., May84, 16

Treuhaft. Robert, DS5, 29. Mar86, 26

Torricelli. Robert, SS5, 9

Treurnicht, Andries P.• OcB3, 34, OcB4,
Tufts University, race problems, JunB7. 18

Torrijos, Omar. Mar78, 17, S7B, 12-13,

tugboat captains, MarS4, 25

Trevor-Roper, H. R., ApS3, 25. N83, 12.
Tukhachevsky, Marshal, OBi. 15-16.

torture. Jun77. 13, S84, 31; ancient

JuIB6. 7, NSS, 19

German times. F85, 32; games, FS3. 19

triage, MarSO, 13'15, JunS4, 31
Tuleja, Ted, SB2. 7-9

Toscanini, Arturo. Oc77. 9. AuS4, 22

Trianon Treaty, F.B7, -12
Tull, Jethro, Jul77, 11

totalitarianism, in U.S., S86, 3S

tribalism, JunB2, 31, SS2, 10
Tullock, Gordon, OcSO, 10, MarB5, 17

Toubi, Tawfik. Ap87, 32

Tribe, David, JunB7, 10-11
Tully, Andrew, NB7, 36

Tours, Ahmed Sekou, Oc84, 2S

Trice. Mike, FB6, 19
Tully, Clarence D., ApS6, 29

Tournefort, Joseph, Mar78. 28

Tricentennial, Mar76. 5, 18
Tumerman, Lev, 077, 13

Tourney, Phillip. 087.36

Trifa, Valerian, JulS4, 6-8, SB4, 19, DS4.
Tunis, Israeli attack. MarS6, 33-34

Touro synagogue, Ap81 , 20

34, JulBS, 3B, ApS7, 20-21. JuIS7, 17-1S
Tunisia, Islamic fundamentalism. DS1, 34

Toward a New Science of Man, N81, 35,

Tr~onov, Edward, 077, 13
Tunney, John, Ja77, 12, MarSO,21

Trigano, ApB5, 32
Turchin, Terry, SS1, 29

Tower Commission, Ju187. 26

Trilateral Commission, SS4, 24, DS5, 33
Turco, John, MayS7, 20

Tower, John May85, 23, Jul87, 26

Trillin, Calvin, DB6, 20
Turcola, Julie. NB6, 22

Town and Country, Au84, 12, Jun86. 18

Trilling, Diana, N81, 19
Tureaud, Lawrence (Mr. T), Mar84, 15

town meetings, Au86, 18

Trimble, Sinetta, OcS1, 16
Turgenev, Ivan, May85, 33, F87. 15

Townsend, Carolyn, Jun86, 16

Trinidad, Mar7S, 2S, ApB2, 5
Turin shroud, Ap87, 2S

Townsend, Ralph, Jun84, 36

Tripodi, Constantine, FSO, 13-14
Turkey, Ja76, 17, Oc76, 19, Jul7S, 10, 22,

Townshend, Lady Carolyn. Oc82, 14

Triumph of the Will, JunSO, 35
JunB 1, 20. JaBS, 36, MarSS, 17; EEC

Toynbee. Arnold, May76, 14-15, Jul77,

Trivial Pursuit, JunBS, 2S
application, AuB7, 31; exaggerated

Troen, Selwyn, JunB4, is
atrocity, MayBS, 23; Jews in revolution,

religious ideas, ApS4, 24-2S

Trollope, Anthony, F7B, 23, F85, 2S-27
ApS4, 2B; rightists, Au81 , 31

Toynbee. Philip. N83, 11. MarS6. 25-26

trolls, Oc79. 12-13
Turks, Mar79. 22; Armenian massacre,

toys, sexist, JunSO, 24

Tropic of Cancer, ApS5, B
FS3, 32. ApB6, 31 ; Bulgaria, NS7, 30;

Tracht, Doug. JuIS6. 30

TrotSky, Leon, 077, S, F78, 12, Ap78, 21,
Caicos islands, JulS5, 33; Europe, DB6,

Tracy, Honor. F7S. 22-23, MayS2, 25-26,

Oc80, 17, Ju182, 14, FS3, 12, DS4, 10,
34-3S; racial affiliation, AuS4. 17; short

FS3,27.JunS3, 28,JunS7,2S
SS5, 30; descendants, JuIS7, 2B; Gulag
stature, NS3, 31; violence against.

Tracy, Spencer, JulS4, 23

creator, MayS4, 16; quote, Jul7B, 22
OcB2, 22; West Germany, Ja8S, 33

trade. U.S. with Israel, JuIS5. 18, FS6. 10;

Trotskyism. jargon, AuS6, 12
Turley, Windle, NS2, 2B

U.S. with Russia, MarS6, 30

Trotskyites, Britain, JuIB2, 26
Turnage, Thomas K" F87, 21

Traders of Souls, Jun77, 13

Trotter, Rhonda, MarS4, 26
Turner, Calvin, S84, 27

Tragedy and Hope, SS4, 22-24, DS4, 26

Troy (Ilium), Ap77, 15
Turner, Christopher, JuIBS, 33

Tragedy of the Commons, MarS3, 15

truck drivers, MayS3, 12-13
Turner, Dave, N7S, 4

train wrecks, MayS6. 30

Trudeau, Garry. JaS1, 6-7, NS5. 21
Turner, Dean, FBO. 15-16

traitors, Jun77, 12; Italians in U.S.S.R..

Trudeau, Margaret, DSO, 26
Turner, George K.. AuB5, 9

D7S. 13; U.S. Jews, 078, 13, DS4, 31

Trudeau, Pierre. MaySt, 13-14, JulBI, 30,
Turner, Jack, MarS3. 32, MayB7, 39

Trans-Siberian Railroad, JuISS. 28

AuS2, 27, 5B2. 2S, ApS4, 2S, MayB4,
Turner, Nat, Ap78, 11, JaS4, 16, OeS6, 21


Robert Edward (Ted) III. F82, 30-31. Ja83, 33 Mideast, Jul86, 9-10; Israeli bribes.
19. Jul85. 29. Au85. 15, MarSS. 28. 086, Ukraine, famine. OC7S. 28, S83, 32. Ja85, Mar78, 27; non-members, Au86, 29;
28. Jun87. 26, Oc87. 25; anti-TV quote, 38, DS6. 29; famine coverup. JUn87, 17; peackeeping in Lebanon, July86. 33;
Ap85, 16; attacks TV, S82, 11; called separatism, F79, 16 relations with Israel. Ja76, 16. Mar82,
bigot, 585, 22; slurs Jew. Oc86. 22 Ukrainian Anti-Defamation League, Oc78. 26; sanctions against Israel. Mar82, 29;
Turner, Stansfield, JunS7, 15 27-28 slow-paying nations, Jul85, 31; U.S.
Turpen, Michael. JulSI, 36 Ukrainians, defamed, Ja8S, 36. Au87, 25; contributions, Ja82. 28; U.S. Jewish
Turpin. Archbishop, N76, 20 demonstrations, Au87, 24-25; in the staff, Ju182. 18; U.S. support, Ju182. 18,
Turtle Mound (MA), S80, 12 Kremlin, F79, 16 F86. 36; Universal Declaration of Human
Tutsi tribe, F86, 32 Ulbricht, Walter, Au84, 37, S84, 15 Rights, Ap77, 5, F79, 16; withdrawal
Tutu, Desmond, Ap85. 30, 085, 35, MarS6, Ulfa'Alu, Bartholomew, 084, 19 petition, Oc83. 36; Zionism, Jun84, 20
14-15, ApS6. 14, May8S, 28. July86, 34, Ulich. Horst, Jun82. 25 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
NS6. 19; 08S, 22; anti-Semitism, F87, Ulster Plantation, F82, 25 Agency (UNRRA), Jewish black market,
33-34, May87. 38; Australian visit, Ulster (also see Northern Ireland). MayS5, Aug83,23
May87. 3S; feted in U.S., Jun86. 22; 36. Ju185, 9, OS6, 33·34, 0c87. 30; United Nations Relief and Works Agency,
threats of violence, JunS6, 22 death rates, S84, 26; effect on WWI, Mar87.27
TV Guide, F77, 8, Jul78, 11, Mar82, 26 MayS7. 33; future, N84 10. Mar85. 24; United Press International, FS3. 21, F86,
Twain, Mark, anti-jury quote, Ap87, 7; poems, ApS6, 31; pre-WWI, Jun83, 27, 31. N86, 22·23, May87. 22
Jewish quote, S85, 8 May85,34 United States. Au81, S·9; Britain assess·
Tweed, William, Ja83, 23 Ulyanov. Nikolai. N7S, 12 es. Ju185. 10; Christian' status, JuIS5,
Tweeddale, Lord, May82, 25 Umberto, King, Janus politics, MayS4, 29 33; compared to Mexico, Ju187, 7·8;
Twentieth Century Fox, Oc84, 29 uncertainty principle. Oc7S, 16 competition with Japan, SS1, 38; cost of
twin studies. F77. 19, S77, 24-25, S78. 14, Uncle Remus Tales, Ap87, 1S courts, Au84, 32; criticism of. F85. 33­
S80, 23, Oc80, 23, Ju181, 16. May85, 30, Uncfa Tom's Cabin, May76, 10, 580, 19. 34; decline. Ap78, 17-19. Au82. 22-23,
087,15; Russia, Jun85, 18; U. of Mar85. 34; (TV version), N87. 24·25 JuIS5. 40, SS5. 35, Jul86, 22·23; eco·
Minnesota, FS7, 36, Oc87, 13 Underground Railroad, S80, 19 nomic statistics, Mar81, 32; foreign
Twining, M.B .. 075, 19 unemployment. Mar83, 18; by state, N83, trade, Mar87, 34; future demographics,
Twins, Black and White, S80, 23 31; Negro, Jul81, 31, Ap83, 5-7; history, Mar76, 5,18, F82, 6­
twins, Jun86, 36 UNESCO, Ja7S, 16; U.S. partial 7, Juf82, 25; in liqUidation, Jul8S, 39; job
Tyler. John. F7S, 11 withdrawal, Mar84, 29, JunaS, 30 loss, Aug83, 28; Macaulay'S prophecy.
Tyler. Kevin, FS6, 30 sn,
Unheaventy City, The, 20, F78, 6 May79, 7, 24; minor parties, F84, 31 ;
Tyler. L E.• Oc77, 26 UNICEF, Ja80, 29 minorities, N7S. 7, 21-22; per capita
Tyll, Ed, 087, 2S Unification Church, SS5, 29; in Uruguay, income. 077, 10; pluralism praised. F87,
Tynan, Kenneth, Mar81. 14; sadist. AuS6, Ap84,30 34; politics, Ja76, 11-15, Au7S, 10, 16,
30 Unified Field Theory, S77, 18 Au79, 7, Oc8S, 7-10; population (1790),
Tyndall. John, Ap7S, 10, Oc78, 2S, 078, Union Carbide Co., F78, 10; industrial Mar81, 20; possible collapse, Au82, 22·
28, Ap79, 6, 20-24, Oc79. 24. FSO, 7 accident, 086, 36, Mar87, 27 23; population by race, in 1984, N85, 27;

Tyndall, John, 076, 24, Mar77, 20,
May77, 21, Au77, 20, Oc77, 2S, N77, 24,
Mar7S, 24, JuISO, 14-17, Ap81, 31. JulSI,
Union Jack, Mar86, 32
Union of American Hebrew Congregation.
m, 13, Mar86, 21
in 19S5, S86, 31; post-collapse scene,
Au79, 24-25. S79, 20·21; presidents,
Mar83, 20, Oc86, 7-10; racial situation,
32, S82, 28, JaS3, 27. Mar83, 30, Jul83, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, Ja76, 9-10; radical right and U.S.S.A.,
9-11, Ju185, 8, MaY86. 31. OcS7. 30; in F77, 13 082, 30; Russian dissidents, F84, 29;
U.S., Oc79, 26; leaves National Front, Union of the American People, Ja76, 23 secured by Britain. FS7, 7; small towns,
N80, 32; refused S. African visa, Jul79, unions (see labor unions) May82, 31 ; trade with Israel. Ju184, 34
28; released from jail, JaS7, 30; UNITA, F85, 34·35, Ap86. 17 U.S. Air Force Academy, Jews, N85, 27;
speeches, AuSI, S-11; trial, Oc86, 33, Unitarian Universalist Church. Ap87, 19 minority graduates. F87, 22; sickle cell
MarS7. 30-31; videocassette, Jun87, 34 United Airlines, May7S, 23 applicants, Ap81 , 20·21
Tyner, Rudolph, NS4, 35 United Cancer Council, Inc., Au87. 26, U.S. Air Force, discrimination, Oc84. 28;
typhus, Oc76. 9 587.25 entrance tests, Jun86, 33
typographical errors, ApS5, 11 United Church of Canada, Jun80, 36 U.S. Armed Forces, Ja82. 28, Au84, 32;
Tyree, Gregg, OS6, 31 United Daughters of the Confederacy, defective products, N84. 29; desertions,
Tyrell. A. Emmett Jr., MarSI, 22 Ap83. 19, JulS7, 34 May85, 29; draft, MaySO, 20, N80, 16·
Tytler. Alexander, anti-democracy quote, United Development, Inc., Au77, 9 17, OcS1. 1S-19; Germany, Au79, 27,
Ap87, 7 United Empire Loyalists, JunS4. 31. ApSS, F84. 24; hair styles. S87. 16; Hispanics.
Tzanghi. Ngumbu, ApS6, 29 30 AuS4. 31; Jews. Au82, 26, Oc82, 27;
Tzara, Tristan, Ap7S, 21, MayS3, 17 United Jewish Appeal, S76, 6, May82, 27, Middle East, MayS2, 18; miscegenation,
JunS3,18.JaS6,29 Au77. 10; Negroes, Mar78. 17. Mar79.
United Jewish Fund. Mar85, 20
U United Klans of America, Ap87, 15
27. AuSO, 20. FS1,31,N82, 18,28.
U-2 incident, Jun87, 15 United Methodist Church, bails out Banks, 29,Aug84. 18. Jun85, 17,586,31;
Udall, Morris K., Jun76, 4, N86, 11, 13-14 S84, 17; gay preachers, ApSO, 26 officer politics, OcS4, 2S; Qualification
Ueberroth. Peter. JunS7. 23, S87, 33, United Nations, S76, 19, Oc76. 7. Au77, 6, Test, Oc77, 2S; racial murders, Jun83,
Oc87,9 Ja81, 20. JunS6, 15, MarS7, 9; anti­ 32, OCS1, 24; racial violence, May77,
UFOs. Mar80, 26, JulS7, 24 Zionist votes, Ja83, 25; archives. Oc86. 13, Jun77, 6, 18; shaving problems,
Uganda, Au76, 10May79, 23, S79, 14, 30; budget. MarS3. 28, 083. 30. F84, 24; S79. 17; worldwide pullout, Ja87, 20;
Ju181, 32. SS1, 38; AIDS, Au86, 12, condemns Israel ties to S, Africa, Mar87, yarmulke dispute, S87, 28
Ap87. 14; atrocities, 085.34; emigrants. 26; cost of refugee programs. Mar81, 31 ; U.S. Army. Jun77, 6, 18; chaplains,
OS3, 32; intertribal butchery. F85, 34; fetes Khmer Rouge, Ap83. 18; in Bel· AuS4, 31; crime, Oc79. 16,081,33;
massacre, JunS4, 29; witchcraft, ApS7, gium. 078, 25; in Congo. 078, 25; in demoralization, N79, 21; enlistees,

Ap81, 21; females, Ap79, 32, F83, 34; relations with Vietnam, May 76. 8-9; U.S. right. 082.30; barbaric troops, May85,
four whites murdered, DcB1, 24; non­ hated, N87, 18 18; Bolshevik founders, Au85, 25;
battlefield fatalities, S84, 26; officers by U.S. government. aid to Israel. Mar83. 12. Bolsheviks, S78, 11, 084, 10; Central
race, 087, 29; pregnancies, Dc85, 30; May83, 30, Jun83, 18, 087,20; aid to American relations. Mar82, 28;
racial composition, May83, 26, F84, 24; Soviet Jews, 081,30; anti-working Christianity, S8S, 27; Christians
recruiting tactics, Ap85, 26 people, 079, 17; budget. Mar87. 27; persecuted, JaS3, 16; civil defense,
U.S. Border Patrol, Mar83, 18, N86, 11-13 family planning, Dc84, 20; Israeli tilt, Jul77, 10; civilian fatalities, NS5, 27;
U.S. Catholic Conference, Ap81, 19 Au81, 34; Jewish influence, Jul84, 34; Communist Party, F77, 21, Au84, 11-12;
U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Jews, N85, Libya travel ban, Ap86, 18; loans to compared to Tsarist govt., May82, 31­
27 Africa. Dc81. 33; lUxury planes, F84, 24; 32; conquest of eastern Europe, Dc76,
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, N86, 23 Negro appointments, Mar83, 28; 7; death sentences for Jews, N79, 28;
U.S. Congress, Black Caucus, F83, 21; restitution, S81, 32; spending, Mar84, demographics, Dc81, 9; diplomatic
Hispanics, F83, 21; Israeli trade 25; trade with Israel, May8S. 6; waste. service, 07S, 12; emigration, SSO, 33,
exemptions, Ap87, 33 Ju~1,31,Au84,31, 087.29 SS1, 32; evangelicals, SS2,23;
U.S. Constitution (also see amendments), U.S. Holocaust Memorial, May81, 17-18, expansionism, May79, 25, Jun8S, 40,
proposed reforms, Mar83, 32 Ja8S, 39, Ja87, 7, MarS7, 8; famine, JaSS, 27; fascist
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Au78, 14; Klan U.S. Labor Party. Mar79. 16. N79. 21. F81. groups, Mar83, 31; February Revolution,
members, May87, 40 17 F77, 10; female violence, AuS5, 33;
U.S. Dept. of Defense, F77, 22, F78, 5, U.S. Marines, Au87, 6; death sentence, forced labor, JaS6. 18; foreign policy,
Ap81 , 27; chain of command, Dc77, 12; Jun81, 34; recruits, Ju187, 20; spies, 075, 14, Dc77. 26-27; German invasion,
contracts with Israel, 087, 20; Jul87,20 F77. 20-21; Germans in, 077, 11;
defrauded, N8S, 28; minority officials, U.S. Military Academy, 076,12; Jews, glasnost, Ju187, 33, Au87. 18, S87, 31;
N80, 30; overpayments, 083, 30; secret Ja78, 12, N8S. 27; racial composition. Gulags. Ja76, S-9. May82, 31-32,
budget, N86, 30 May83,26 May83, 13-14; hereditarians, N85, 33;
U.S. Dept. of Education, Dc80, 21, Jul8S, U.S. Naval Academy, Dc8S. 20; Jews. Jewish aid. Mar80, 9; Jewish brides,
33; not abolished, Mar8S, 26 N8S, 27; Negress waiver, July84. 21 Ja83, 29; Jewish census, May84, 23;
U.S. Dept. of Energy, Ap81 , 27 U.S. Navy. drugs. De81. 24; females. Jewish dissidents, Au79, 17, JaS3, 16,
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Ap82, 27; Negroes, Au86,29,S87,2S; Ap86. 20, S86. 36; Jewish emigrants,
087,29 submarines, Mar77, 10-11 Jul84, 30; Jewish exodus (pre-WWI),
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, U.S. News & World Report, N76, 13, F77. Ap84, 11; Jewish leaders, May84, 18;
Ap 76, 10,'Ja77, 13 8. N79. 19, S84. 17; circulation, Dc87, Jewish millionaires, MayS2, 15; Jewish
U.S. Dept. of Justice, Ja77, 13, JuI8S, 39; 26; salaries, Jul87, 27 quotas, Jun 78, 16, 23, S82, 23, 082, 2S;
Oemjanjuk case, May87, 13; Jews U.S. Dlympic Committee, attacks South Jews in arts, Ja79, 12-13; Jews in Red
favored, Mar81, 23; Pollard case, S86, Africa, 081, 20 Army, Aug83, 27; Jews massacred,
12-13; reprimanded, Jul87, 21 U.S. Postal Service, 080, 10; deterio­ May83, 14, ApS4, 10-11; Jews under
U.S. Dept. of Labor, contract compliance, ration, May82, 19, N84, 28, S87, 25; IRS Tsars, May8S, 33; legislative bodies,
N81, 36; work hours, May81, 23 snooping, Ja87, 19; mail covers, Au86, Jul84, 34; Jews, Ja76, 17, Au76, 6, S76,
U.S. Dept. of State, S76, 18, F77, 22, N77, 29; mail discarded, Mar85, 27; nonprofit 6,Jun77,13,Dc77,28,077,Ja79,12,
14-15, Mar78, 8,25, May80, 22, Au80, groups, Ap81 , 20; racial poster, Ap83, Ap83, 22-23, May83, 13-14, F84, 29,
23, Mar83, 17; AIDS screening, S87, 8; 19; salaries, Jul81, 31, Jul84, 30; union, JulS4, 34, NS4 12, S85, 31, MayS6, 9,
Arabists, Jul87, 13; embassy in Israel, Ap83,19 Au86, 33, 087,29; Jews in power, S78,
Au80, 17; ignorant personnel, May80, U.S. Senate, restricts PLD, Au79, 17; 12, S82, 29, JaS6, 29; military law,
22; Jewish ambassadors, Jun81, 31, salaries, 085, 31; Subcommittee on Ju179, 12; military strategy, F79, 12,
May82, 28; Negroes, 086,30; quotas, Internal Security, 076, 7; supports 25-26; military training, Mar77, 9, 19;
Dc81 , 24; sued by prostitutes, Ap83, 19 Israel, Ja76, 17-18, S76, 18, Au78, 13, minorities, S77, 2S, SS2, 29, S86, 36;
U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, checks mailed, F86,9 minorities oppressed, F79, 14, 16;
Au87,26 U.S. Service Academies, minorities, S84, Moscow show trials, 078, 20; Moslems,
U.S. English (organization), Ja84, 19, 26 081,34, 083,33, F86, 36; mothers
Mar87, 36, May87, 10; U.S.S.R. (also see KGB), Mar76, 10-11, rewarded, AuS7, 35; nationalism, Ja77,
U.S. foreign policy, Au78, 15-16, May79, Ap76, 5, Ap77, 20, Jun77, 10-21, Mar86, 10, Mar77, 9, 19, N78, 10, Jun79, 24;
13, Ap80, 18, Ja83, 6-7; anti-apartheid 33; abortion, 081, 33; affirmative action, Negroes, F87, 30; night of murdered
act, Au87, 32; British criticism, Jun84, 083, 33; Afghan race riot, Ap86, 33; poets, 087, 29; 1939 Pact, May82, 14;
31-32; interventionism, Au84, 18; Israeli Afghan war, S80, 19-20; Africans in, S non-Jewish Bolsheviks, N79, 26;
alliance, Ap84, 18, Ap86, 6; Jewish 85, 27; alcoholism, 081,33, May85, 30; Dctober Revolution, N76, 5, 16, May77,
pressure, Mar80, 8-10, Jun81, 23, anti-Semitism, F77, 12, Jun77, 13, N77, 22,Ap7S, 21,Jun78, 17, N78,1S, 19,
Jun8S, 30; Middle East, Dc82, 24-25, 8, 14, Jun 78, 23, Au78, 11, S78, 12, SS2, 29; paper chase, S83, 32; patriotic
Jul84, 34, May87, 36; Negro meddling, De78, 17, 28, 078, 12, Ja79, 12, Mar79, trends, N86, 34-35; physical culture,
Au84, 18; one-sided, N86, 21; relations 28, Jun79, 7, 24-27, S79, 19, De79, 28, Jul83, 34; plays to U.S. media, Dc8S,
with China, S84, 30; relations with Iran, N80, 32-33, F81, 33, Mar81, 18-19, 20; Politburo, Ja83, 29, Au84, 11-12;
Ja80, 20; relations with Ireland, Mar82, Jun81,33,Au81,32,Jun83,83,17, political organization, Au84, 11; political
27; relations with Lebanon. Au82, 4-6; S83. 35, N83, 24. F84. 28-29, Jul84, 34, strategy, Au78, 8. 15; power struggle,
relations with Israel, Ja76, 3, 15-19, Jun F87,33,Ap87,27,Au87,18.S87.31. F79. 12. 25-26; pretended dissident,
76,6, Mar78, 8, 25, Au78, 13, Mar79, 6, N87, 30; anti-Soviet propaganda, Jul80, 085, 32; prison population, SS2, 23;
May80, 22, Au80, 17, Ja82, 10, Dc82. 24; anti-Zionism. S81, 36, Dc81. 32. propaganda, S8S, 26; race bomb rumor,
28, 082,29; relations with Nicaragua, Ap83,17,31,Ja8S,39,Ap87,32;armed Au8S, 33; race prejudice, May82, 30;
Jul81, 31; relations with Paraguay, Ap87, forces, F77, 9, Mar77, 9, 19. Mar77, 12, races, 080,24, DcS4, 13-14; racists,
34; relations with South Africa, Dc84, S82, 29; arms negotiations, May8S, 23; Jun79, 7, 24-27, MarS1, 33; Red Army
11-12, 087, 11; relations with U.S.S.R., article on U.S. Jews, Ap87, 32; purges, OS1, 15-16; refuseniks, Au81,
Ja76, 9, Mar78, 8, 25, Mar80, 9-10; atrocities, Jul78, 15; attracts radical 32; relations with Israel, Jun79, 7, 24,

ApS3, 31, JunS4, 33-34, OcS5, 20, NS6, University of London, NB7, 22
Utah, leads in scientists, Au87, 33

35; relations with Japan, May76, 9, University of Lyon, FSO, 17

utility companies, MarS1, 32

MarSO, 9; relations with Middle East, University of Maryland, JunB3, 1S

Utne Reader, OcSS, 21

Ja76, 16; relations with Poland, Jun81 , University of Massachusetts, Oc77, 2S,
Utopia 01 the Instincts, NS4 7·8, Ja8S,
16-17; relations with U.S., May77, 12-13, MarS7,2S 12·14, Ap8S, 12·13, Au8S, 12·13,
Jun77, 10-21, F79, 12,25-267. MarSO, University of Minnesota, NSS, 2S 08S, 13-1S, F87, 1S-16
S-9, ApSO. 1S, OcS3, 22, SSS, 31; re­ University of Mississippi, ApS3, 2S, AuS3, utopia (see futurology)
ligious crackdown, 081,33; rock 'n' roll 19, MayB7, 21
Uys, Pieter-Oirk, 084, 35

attacked, F86, 36; rulers, Au82, 20; University of North Carolina, "equal weight"

russification, Au78, 11, F86, 36; school

discipline, OeBO, 20; science, S77, 2S,

University of Oklahoma, Au7S, 18

V (television film), Ju184, 28-29, Oc84, 26­

MayB4. 24; Siberia, 077, 8; spies, University of Oregon, sniper honored, FSS,

JunB4, 33; Stalin death toll, DB4, 29; 19


statistics, May84, 24; tour guides, Au8S, University of Pennsylvania, Farrakhan

V-2 rockets, Ju180, 9

24; travelogue, SSS, 26-27; U.S. aid, speech, FS7,23 Vacca, Roberto,S86,21
JaSS. 27; U.S. import ban, JaS5, S; University of Plano, 076, 6-7,16-17 Vacquer, Simon A. de, F84, 27

victims of terror, SS2, 23; Volga University of Toronto, female crime, SS7, Valentine, Karen, Oc76. 10

Germans, JulS3, 30, SS6, 36; war and 17

Valentinian, Emperor, III, N76, 8

peace casualties, AuSO, 20; women's University of Tulsa, MarSI, 1S

Valladares, Armando, S86, 37

status, ApB6, 33; youth cults, MarS3, 31 University of Wisconsin, fraternity

Vallat, Xavier. Au76. 18, Mar79, 17.

United Synagogue of America, F77, 13

punished, AuS7, 36

United Way, JunS3, 1S, DS3, 21

Uno, Masami, MayS7, 37
Vallen, Edward B., F87, 19, N87, 20

Universal Broadcasting Co., JunS6, 23

Unsold, Albrecht, FSI, 10, SS1, 34, OS1, 16
Valor 01 Ignorance, The, F87, 6-8

Universal Casaulty Insurance Co., ApS6,

Unwin, Joseph D., Ja77, 11
vampires, F80, 12

Updike, John, SS2, 11
Van Ahn, Ed, S86, 26

universe, origins of, JunS2, 14

Upper Paleolithic, DS1, 26-27
Van Banning, Claus, Oc84, 29

universities (also see colleges), admiss­

Upper Volta (see Burkina Fasso)
Van Buren, Martin, Mar80, 8

ion standards, JunS3, 1S, JaSl, 3S,

Urals, AuSS, 24
Van Buren, Paul, May83, 6-7

JuISS, 34; black violence, Ju179, 27;

uranium, Au77, 12-13; missing, FS2, 26,
Van Cortlandt Park, crime center, S82, 21

conservative choices, SS1, 40; conser­

JunS4, 29; world production, AuSS, 29
Van Cortlandt, Philip, S82, 21

vatives persecuted, SS3, 23; costs,

Urantia Brotherhood, N77, 20
Van der Byl, P.K., S79, 14

AuS7, 26; crime, Au76, 1S; federal

urban America, going nonwhite, JuIS2, 10­ Van der Zalm, Bill, May87, 33

money. NS1, 29; flunkers sue, NS4, 29;

Van Roden, Edward L, May8S, 16

foreign students, ApB1, 27, SS1, 32.

Urban League. N79, 10, AuSO, 22
Van Sittart, Peter, May8S, 34

DS2, 20, NB3, 31; instructor persecuted,

urban sprawl, NSS, 26
Vance, Cyrus, F77, 22, Ju180, 2S, Au80,

MayB6, 3S; Jewish book gifts, OcB4, 2B;

urbanization, in ancient world, ApSO, 16-17

Jewish influence, SS6, 21; Jewish sta­

Urey, Harold, S77, 19
Vance, Grace E., F77, 22

tistics, FSS. 1S; Jews, OcS2, 27, JaS3,

urine samples, black market, ApS7, 27
Vancier, Victor, Ap79, 32, F82, 10, Au84,

10-11, JunB6, 33; largest grant, FB4, 2S;

urine, F7S, 13
34, Au86, 21, JuIS7, 19, N87, 16

Marxist and Jews in faculties, FS6, 40;

Uris, Leon, ApSS, 1S, JulSS, 3S, MayS7,
Vancouver, Jul81, 29, May83, 28, F86, 36,

Marxist infiltration, JulSI, 31; minority

31; anti-Arab book, OcS6, 39
Mar87, 24; Asian influence, N83, 31;

- numbers, SS4, 2S, JuISS, 31 ; Negro

degrees, NS1, 29; Negro enrollment,

AuS1, 29; Negro faculty, OeB4, 27;

Negro statistics. AuB2, 26; Negro, Ja83,

Uruguay, MarSS, 17; Jews, JunSS, 37;

violence, NSO, 31, ApS4, 30

USA Today, MarS7, 26; exaggerates

Negro history, JunS7, 2S

police requirements, Jun8S, 30

vandalism, cemeteries, Oc79, 26;

Hispanic, Jun8S, 31; police cars, Mar87,

19; schools, Jun8S, 30

2S, JaS4, 26; Ph.D.s, OcS7, 26; pro­

USS Brooklyn, 077. 1S
Vanderbilt, Gloria, Negro dates, S80, 31,

fessor censored, AuS4, 42; quotas,

USS Uberty, Jun 76, 7, 17-1S+, Ja77, 13,
S87, 27

MarSI, 1S. 22; tenure denied, JunS4, 1S;

Mar7S, 27, JuI7S, 15, Ja79, 1S, Jun79, Vanderveer, Linda, Ju179, 13

Western culture courses, OcS6, 32;

19; coverup, MaySO, 22, JuISO, 3S, DSO, Vanity Fair (magazine), 084, 17, Jun86,

white groups banned, JaS3, 32; white

32, SS1, 18, MarS3, 32, MayS3, 32, 18, N86, 18

recruitment, JaB3, 24; world attendance

JaS4, 31,35, JuIS7, 19, DS7, 36; Vansittart, Peter, F87, 30

rates, JuIS3, 2S
favorable Post report, SSO, 34; new Vanunu, Meir, N87, 30

University of Australia, JulS6, 7-S

evidence, SS7, 33-34; newsletter, OS2, Vanunu, Mordechai, OS6. 2S, Mar87, 33­
University of California, South Africa
32, ApS4, 31; NSA report, NS3, 36; 34, May87, 33-3S, N87, 30; love interest,
divestment, DS6, 30
publicity campaign, NS3, 36; reunion, Jun87,31-32
University of California at Berkeley, ApB4,
NS1, 36; submarine witness, DS2, 32; Vardeman, James K., Ja87, 19

26; minority enrollment, JuISS, 31

World Almanac ignores, SS7, 1S Varesio, John, Mar81 , 30

University of California at Davis, JuI7B, 13

USS Uberty (British documentary), SS7, Vargas Girl, NSS, 6-8

University of California at Los Angeles,

24; book banned, OCS6. 39
Vargas, Alberto, N8S, 6·8
Ja76, 23; Majority decline, MarS7, 1S;
USS Liberty Veterans Assn., NS3, 36
Vargas, Anna Mae Clift, N8S, 7

minority enrollment, JuIBS, 31; student

USS Maine, Jun 76, 7
Vargas, Juanita and Linda, F86, 30

paper censored, SS7, 35

USS New Jersey, DS3, 34
Vargas, Max, N8S, 6

University of Dallas, 076, 7

USS Pueblo, SSO, 34, Oc86, 39, SS7, 1S
Vargas, Victor, S82, 27

University of Florida, Ap79, 1S, JuISO, 11­ USS Stark, AuS7, 20

Varnhagen, Rahel, Mar77, 17

Ussher, James, JuIS7, 27
Varon, Benjamin, Jewish quote, Ju184, 21

University of Georgia, Ja76, 23, Ja7S, 20;

Ustinov, Peter, N79, 26, SSS, 31-32,
Varsano, Maurice, Jun81, 32

instructor persecuted, MayB6, 35; sex

ApS6, 20; Jewish Bolshevik quote, DS7,
vascetomy, Mar84, 2S, May84, 24, S84,

discrimination case, NBO, 35

26, May8S, 29, Oc8S, 35

University of Illinois, Ap79, 16

usury, JaS6, 29, AuS7, 16
Vasiliyev. Dimitri, S87, 31


Vaskevitch, Nahum, JunS7, 30 Veterans of Foreign Wars, attacks Nazi Vinci, Leonardo da, ApSO, 19, 080, 21,
Vassoy, Arne, NS5, 34 hunters, 084, 38, JunS6, 40 N81, 30, JuIS7, 2S
Vastokas, Ron, JunS6, 35, JunS7, 29 Vetlesen, Vesla, OS6, 32 Vineland, Oc86, 21, Au87, 22
Vatican, N76, S, JaS3, 2S; arrests veto, line item, JaS6, 29 Vining, Daniel R., MarS2, 15, AuS5, 35
quashed, NS7, 17; criticized, MayS5, 23; Veyne, Paul, JuIS3, 31 Violence on the Frontier, OS4, 20
financial scandal, JuIS4, 34, SS5, 29, Vial, Pierre, MayS5, 34-35 violence, innate, NS4, 2S; preachers of,
JuIS7, 29, AuS7, 31; Galileo case, JaS5, Viccei, Valerio, N87, 2S OcS6, 16-17; in U.S. history, OS4, 20
36; Italian Jews, Au7S, 13; Jews Victim: the Other Side of Murder, FS3, S-10 Viorst, Milton, Ap85, 1S
criticize, NSO, 32, ApS3, 30; political Victoria Falls, Jun79, 32 Virag, Peter, Jun81, 33
network, ApS5, 22; relations with Jews, Victoria, B.C., Ju181, 29 Virchow, Rudolf, May85, 33
MayS4, 17, JulyS6, 32-33; relations with Victoria, Queen, JaSI, 33, JaS7, 10, Ju187, Virgin Islands, Mar78, 2S; black crime,
PLO, JunS2, 29 30 JunSO,33,FS1,16
Vaughn, Marvin, NS7, 31 Vidal, Gore, Ja77, 10, Mar7S, 16, 07S, 14, Virginia Electric Power Co., N79, 19
Vaughn, Peter, SS6, 21 N80, 8, OS1, 31, May82, 13; attacks Virginia, Negro Lt. Gov., F86, 18
Vauze, Ming, JuIS5, 34 Israel, MayS5, 21, JunS6, 22-23; false virtues, lost, OcS1, 20
Vax, Michael, SS6, 33 figures, MarS2, 26; policy proposal, visas, many applicants, 586, 32
Vaz, Keith, OcS7, 30 JaS7, 33; U.S. history, NS6, 32 Vlasov, Andrei A., Oc76, 7, 17-1S, Jun78,
Veblen, Thorstein, 075, 16, Ja76, 21, N79, Videla, Gen., Ap7S, 12 24, MarS1, 24
7-8, Oc80, S video cassettes, recommended, Ju184, 36 Vogel, Peter, Au86, 30
Veche,Jun79,24 Vienna, Oc76, 19, Ja77, 20; anti- Vogue,F77, 7,084, 16-17
vehicular homicide, OcS4, 26, OS4, 31; by Semitism, 580, 16-17; pre-WWI, MaySI, Voice of America, Jun83, 25, FS6, 35, FS7,
country, ApS7, 27 S, FS6, 32 27
Veil, Simone, N79, 27-2S, Jun80, 36, Vietnam Memorial, MayS3, 8 Voice of Destruction, The, Ap86, 32-33
Oc83, 36, May84, 2S-29, SS4, 6, Au86, Vietnam War, N76, S, Jun77, 6, 1S, 077, 9, Voice of German Americans, F78, 12
32 May79, S, 24, JunS5, 30; Agent Orange, Voice of Tomorrow, F84, 32, Ap84, 32,
Velarde, Carlos, May79, 14 Oc85, 31; anti-war photo, AuS5, 29; JunS5, 39, JuIS6, 14
Velasco, Angel de, F79, 16 casualties, Ap84, 26; Fonda visit to voice stress analyzer, Ap79, 15, 579,9
Veldhuis, Johannes, NS5, 15 Hanoi, AuS4, 1S, SS5, 23, ApS6, 1S, volcanic eruptions, 577, 27
Velikovsky, Immanuel, N77, 12, ApS1, 4-5 OS7, 21; illegitimate children, F87, 2S; Volcov, Konstantin, NS3, 9
Veltman, Henrique, AuS4, 41 Kissinger diplomacy, MarSO, 23; MIAs, Volga Germans, Ju183, 30, 586, 36
Venable, W. H. C., F79, 17 MarS1, 35; War, Negro casualties, Ja84, Volkswagen, ApS3, 1S
venereal disease, Ap76, 9, Oc7S, 1S, F81, 18; Negro crimes, JuIS7, 27; Negroes, Vollmer, Gerhard, F83, 17
27,SS4,26;Canada,SS4,25,084,32; MarS3, 21; troop strength, ApS6, 2S; Volodarsky, Lev, S7S, 12
transmission, OcS4, 1S unsung heroes, 585, 23 Voltaire (Franc;ois Arouet), F79, 11,
Venetoulis, Theodore, Mar7S, 12 Vietnam, immigration, Ja85, 31; libraries MayS6,22
Venezuela, Ja76, 16, MayS1, 32, MarS5, locked, SS2, 30; minorities, F7S, 19; Vo/uspa, F79, 21
17; crime, JulS5, 3S; German Shangri-la, postwar problems, SS2, 30 Von der Luhe, Ludwig, 579, 2S
AuS5,34 Vietnam, North, May76, 16 Von Hoffman, Nicholas, MarS2, 29
Venice, birthrate, JuIS2, 25 Vietnam, South, May76, 16, Ju176, 10 von Lohausen, Baron, OSO, 20
Ventilations, Ja76, 22, JuI7S, 23, Oc80, Vietnamese, in U.S., JaS6, 30, SS6, 26; in Von Schlieffen Plan, Ja87, 12, Ja87, 10­
7, MayS2, 15 U.S.S.R., MayS2, 30; refugees, JuIS4, 12
Ventris, Michael, SSO, 15 33 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., Jun7S, 13, Jul79, 16­
Venus,Au7S,1S Vigilance Party (Switzerland), FS6, 34 17, FS7, 36; Dresden quote, SS7, 20
Verbit, Mervin F., FS1, 31 vigilantes, ApS5, 6-7; against illegal voodoo, FSO, 22, sso, 25; Haiti, May86,
Vereen, Ben, AuS6, 30, ApS7, 27 immigrants, OS7, 1S; against Negroes, 34, OS6, 37; murder, JaS2, 2S; Uganda,
Vergera, Salvador P., OS3, 31 JunS5, 22; Fort Worth, JaS7, 20 ApS7,33
Verges, Jacques, MayS4, 2S Viguerie, Richard, 579, 1S, JuISO, 25, voodoo, U.S., Ja84, 26; Zimbabwe, AuS4,
Vergier, Henri de, SS2,25 JaS1, 7,JunS2,31,OS2, 16,OcS4,20, 39
Vermarana (see Espiritu Santo) NS4, 29, OcS5, 30, NS5, 1S-19, JunS6, Voortrekker Monument, SS6, 36
Vermilye, Claudius I., Jr., 077, 13 34 VorderbrOgge, Sibylle, OcS2, 30-31
Verna, Paul, ApS4, 1S Vikings, Ap79, 10, ApS5, 21; cultural Vorontsov, Yuli, AuS7, 27
Verne, Jules, JuISO, S influence, JaS1, 36, OS5, 20; frozen Voroshilov, Marshal, 081, 15-16
Vernon Savings & Loan, DcS7, 2S sperm, NS7, 34; Hudson Bay, MaySI, 35; Vorspan, Albert, Jun86, 22
Verr, Steven, ApS2, 19 Ireland, ApS1, 25; New World, JunSO, Vorster, John, Ja76, 19, Oc77, 12, ApSO,
Verrall, Richard, N77, 24, F79, 14, JuISO, 16-17, sso, 12, NSO, 13-14, OcS6, 21, 2S
16 NS6, 23, OS6, 21; praised, OS4, 32; Vosloo, Ton, F83, 33
Verrazano, Giovanni da, N80, 13 Russia, NS6, 23; ships, JunSO, 24, JaSI, vote fraud, FS1, 17, MayS3, 26, MayS6,
Versailles Treaty, OS4, 26-27, OS6, 19, 36; South America, 579, 10-11 22; charged in Selma (AL) OcS4, 35;
JaS7, 10, F87, 11-12; Jewish delegate, Vikingstaff, SS1, 40, FS3, 34 blacks, OcS5, 31, Chicago, Jun87, 20­
JunS4,32 Vilakazi, Herbert, JunS1, 6 21; 1960 election, JunS7, 21; Texas in
Vertrees, Ronald, ApS6, 19 Vilanch, Bruce, JuIS5, 34 1945, Jun7S, 15,Oc79, 12
Verus, Lucius, Oc79, S Viljoen, Constant, JunSI, 34 voter registration, in South, JulS5, 32,
Verwoerd, Hendrik F., MayS2, 24, OS2,30, Villa, Pancho, JuI7S, 19, OS1, 19; statue, Ap86,28; 1983,Jun84,29
JunS4, 7-9, OcS4, 10, NS6, 35; quotes, JaS4, 1S voter statistics, Negro, OcS4, 27
Jun84, 9 Vii/age Voice, F76, 9, F77, 8, Ap78, 13, voter turnout, MaySI, 32 (19S0); more
Vesco, Robert, N79, 16,FS4, 14,SS7, 12 Ap86, 35; fires Cockburn, MayS4, 19, women than men, JuIS4, 30
Vessell, Peter, Ap77, 23 JuIS6,3S voting habits, 075, 6, OS1, 21; bloc voting,
Vesti, Eigil, JuIS5, 34 Villanova Univ., Oc77, 25 FS2,17,27,Oc82,26;Jews,S87,26
Veterans Administration, Jun77, 9, 20 Vincent, Allen, Au7S, 20, Mar79, 19 voting machines, failures, Mar79, 27

voting rate, minorities compared, Mar87,
Waldheim, Kurt, JunS6, 15-18, Ju186, 39­ Jun8S, 30; TV treatment, Ju185, 29

40, FS7, 32-33, MayS7, 34, Oc87, 31,
Wallenstein, Joseph B., Ja86, 28

Voting Rights Act, Au82, 2; repeal asked,

N87, 29; visits Pope, AuS7, 30-31;
Waller, Edmund, poem, Ap8S, 20

watch list, Jul87, 33
Wallis, W. Ailen, Mar83, 17, DS7, 6

voting rights, Mar77, 13; enforcement, Walding, Joe, N78, 24

Wallonia, future independence, NS4 10

Mar83, 28; mentally handicapped, F81, Waldrip, Donald, May81, 23

Walloons, Jun86, 11

20-21; Negroes, ApSS, 1S Walendy, Udo, Au79, 2S, 079, 6, JuI8S, 37

Wallraff, Gunter, Au86, 33

vouchers, F82, 31
Wales, Au77, S, MayS2, 24; nationalism,
walls, in various countries, Oc86, 30

Vrba, Rudolph, May8S, 16

Jun84, 31, Mar8S, 24-2S, N85, 31
Walls, Peter, NSO, 33

Vreeland, Diana, S84, 27

Walesa, Lech, 081, 21, MarS2, 29, DS3,
Wallstein, Peter 0.,083,33
Vries, Jopie de, May84, 29
32, 087,33; kind to Germans, MarS3, 30
Walras, Leon, Ja76, 20

Vu de Droite. Oc77, 6
Walinsky, Adam, 078,15, Ap87, 21
Walsh, Colin, S77, 9

vulgarity, Jun87, 12
Walken, Christopher, MaySI, 19-20
Walsh, David, SS4, 12

Vyrubov,Anna, N76,S, 16
Walker's Law, Jun77, 7
Walsh, Edmund, FS6, 20

Vysl1insky, Andrei, D7S, 20

Walker, Alice, destructive quote, MayS6,
Walsh, Lawrence, JulS7, 19, OcS7, 26

Walsh, Michael, JunSO, 36, 082,31
Walker, Arthur K., Ja81, 31
Walsh, William J., MarS4, 31-32

W Walker, Charles T., S82, 27

Walt Disney Productions, F83, 13-14,

Waaler, Robert, Ja84, 20

Walker, Edwin, Jun81, 16
AuS4, 30; takeover, FS5, 31, JuIS5, 33,

Wach, Joel, Ap87, 13

Walker, Herschel, 083, 31
AuS6, 18,Jun87, 1S-19

Waddell, L.A., Jun76, 8, Ap81, 22, May81,

Walker, John T., Mar87, 29
Waiter, Duane, G., May87, 39

Walker, Larry, F83, 25
Walter, Edward, Mar77, 7

Waddington, David, FS4, 27, Mar84, 28,

Walker, Liz, Oc87, 24
Waiters, Barbara, Oc76, 1S, F77, S, SS7,

Walker, Martin, F78, 22, F87, 30
23; Cohn booster, JaS7, 21

Wade, Aaron C., Oc81, 1S-16 Walker, Michael, Oc84, 3S

Waiters, Dennis, Oc81, 32

Wade, Deborah, Ap87, 1S Walker, William, Ap79, 27, N80, 23, S82,
Walters, Leroy, N82, 6-7

Wade, George, Ap85, 29, Au86, 30

Walters, Vernon, Ja84, 19

Wade, Nicholas, Au83, 1S Walkers, Mae, Mar84, 32

Walton, Sam, Ju186, 14

Wadkins, Lanny, Ju187, 28

Walkowicz, Theodore F., Jun79, 19-20
Walus, Frank, S79, 2S, Ju180, 17-18,

Wadley, Alfred J., Oc81, 30

Wall Street Journal, Jun76, 7; Jewish
May81, 22, Ja83, 18, Ap8S, 8, May8S,

Waften SS, Au86, 8

managers, May84, 19, N84, 20-21; 18, May87, 14, 29

wage theory, Mar79, 11-12

philistinism, Mar81, 21
Wander, Joe, 084, 30

wages, U.S. and Asian countries

Wall Street (see inside traders)
War and Remembrance, May79, 28, 087,

compared, S86, 31
Wallace, Amy, N81, 1S, SS2. 9

Wagner, Donald, Au82, 30

Wallace, Cornelia, May77,10
War Between the Generals, Jun8S, 38

Wagner, Eva, Oc78, 14

Wallace, DeWitt and Lila, JunSO, 29
war brides, from Britain, F87, 28

Wagner, Lindsay, S83, 33

Wallace, Edgar, Mar76, 17
war cemetery, Au87, 20

Wagner, Richard, N76, 19, Ja78, 11,24,

Wallace, Frank, S7S, 13?
war correspondents, JulS6, 29

Jun78, 22, N81, 7-9, Ja82, 32, Mar82, Wallace, George, 075,4, 1S, Ja76, 2,
War Crimes Commission, criticism of,

31, Au83, 14, Jul84, 33-34, Oc84, 6; Mar76, 3, 17, Jun76, 4, Ju176, 4, Ja77, Au82,2S
alleged Jewish ancestry, Ju183, 21; anti­ 20, Jul77, 12, Ap79, 24, N80, 35, Jun81, war crimes trials, Oc83, 34; Angola, 078,

Semitism, N76, 11-12, Jun78, 22, Oc83, 1S, JuIS4, 15-16, JunS5, 31; apologizes, 6; Australia, Ja87, 34; Baits, Ja87, 33;

1S; banned in Israel, 081, 19; Judaism In OcS1, 19; at courthouse, Jun79, 14; Germany, D7S, 20, May80, 11-12; Hoess

Music, Jun79, 12-13; music for U.S. backs Carter, FS1, 17; boosts tortured, ApS7, 35-36; Israel, Ja86, 16;

Centennial, Oc76, 18; Oedipus complex, Holocaust, S86, 34; courts Negroes, Jewish prosecutors, 078, 19;

Au81,6-7 082,27, ApS3, 2S; 1965 campaign, Nuremberg, D7S, 6, 19-20, Oc76, 9,

Wagner, Winifred, F81, 23

May8S, 12; permissiveness, Ju183, 22; Ju178, 13, 082, 10, NSS, 32, DSS, 22,

Wagner, Wolfgang, Ju184, 33-34

recants, N79, 20; shot, Ja8S, 10; Ap87, 18; Romania, Ju184, 7; torture,

Wagoner, Porter, S78, 15

students for, Jun 76, 20 May79, 27; violence, Mar79, 2S; U.S.

Wahl, Barbara, May86, 14

Wallace, Henry A., Ja84, 14; Potemkin prosecution, Au84, 43; U.S. school

Wahl, Jacques, Au79, 28

trip, N79, 20-21
books, Ja82, 23; WWII, May77, 11;

Waight, Peter, Ap83, 28

Wallace, Irving, N81, 18, S82, 9
WWII by Allies, Jun78, 24, 078, 6, 20

Wainer, Leiba, Jul86, 17

Wallace, John H., S82, 27, F84, 2S
war criminals, S78, 13, 078, 20, S83, 32,

Wainright, Jonathan, N83, 17-18

Wallace, Julie T., 087, 28
Ap8S, 8; alleged Nazi, N84, 30, May86,

Waite, Alec, Jun79, 14

Wallace, Mack, Texans for Israel, N86, 31
20; false arrest, MaySI, 22, Ap8S, 8;

Waite, Arthur, Free Mason quote, May86,

Wallace, Marjorie, N82, 7
Jewish, Jun87, 29; KGB evidence, 084,

Wallace, Michele, Oc79, 8
38, Oc86, 11-12; not prosecuted, Ju187,

Waiting for Godot. Oc87, 8

Wallace, Mike, oeSs, 29; nonwhite slurs,
29; Poland, Ju183, 33; railroaded, S87,

Walb, Ludwig, DS7, 24-2S

N84, 21; watermelon episode, Mar82, 19,
30; selective prosecution, Ja83, 18;

Walcott, Derek, S81, 23, Au82, 27

U.S., Jul80, 17-18, Ap83, 21, N83, 2S,

Walcott, Joe, JuI7S, 7

Wallace, Sir William, Ju187, 30
084, 38, F87, 28, Ju187, 17

Wald, Dennis, N85, 20

Wallace, William (black scientist), S77, 20
War Powers Act, May84, 13

Wald, Emmanuel, S86, 11

Wallach, E. Robert, Jun8S, 31, Mar87, 28
war propaganda, Oc8S, 1S-16

Wald, George, S77, 20

Wallach, Irving, S87, 14
War Resistors League, Mar8S, 26

Wald, Jeff, May80, 21

Wallach, John, ApS6, 8
war, fear factor, Au87, 17; heroes, Ap77,

Wald, Lillian, Ja84, 12

Wallechinsky, David, N81, 18, S82, 9
14; racial factor, Au86, 17; science of,

Wald, Patricia, Ja81, 25

Wald, Richard, F77, S

Walden Pond, F86, 76, 7

Wallenberg, Raoul, 083, 31, Ja87, 26;

arrested, Au87, 20; CIA agent, Au82, 27,

Au87, 20; ewish origin., Ju182, 21,

F87, 7; statistics, Ja82, 28; submarines,

Jun82, 24; tanks, F77, 18, May77. 18

Warburg family (Britain), Mar79, 13, N81,


32 1B, JuIBS. 17,20; backs Mondale. Ja8S. 13; economics. N82, 27; frame-up?,
Warburg. E. M.• JuIB6. 21 23; garbled story, SBS, 19; history. Ap80. 24; Harper's expose, Ap80, 24;
Warburg. Eric, F7B. 12 Jun7S, 5; Jewish complaints. 0e82, 19; Jews escape. Ap79, 14; Liddy profile,
Warburg, Felix, D78, 27. D84. 17. AuB6. Jewish monitor, JaB3. 1S; Negro re­ 581,15; new evidence, Mar85, 21, F87,
30, JunB7,31 lations. AuB6. 29, ApB7, 23, .luI87, 21; 22; reflections on, Oc87. 14; survivors.
Warburg. Frederick, F78, 12. Oc84. 24 political terminology, Ap8S, 28; ; style 587.12-13; trials. F82. 27
Warburg. James. F78, 12 book, DB6. 25; twisted reports. FB3, 21­ Waterloo, Jun86, 12
Warburg. Jerry, Au86. 30 22; unattributed quotes. MarB7. 26; Waters, John. Jun87, 18-19
Warburg, Max. F78. 12 warmongering, Jun76. 5, 7,19 Waterson. George. N86. 33
Warburg. Mrs. Felix, Au81, 20 Washington Post-ABC News Poll. MaraS, Watkin, David, Ap84, 15
Warburg, Otto, F7B. 12 26 Watkin, Raymond, May79, 27
Warburg. Paul. Dn. 17. F78. 12 Washington Star. F77. 20; buy offer. Watkins, Alan, JulBO, 30
Warburg. Siegmund. F78. 12. Jun87. 31 Mar87.21 Watkins, Ken. Ap87. 18
Ward. Adrian. Au82, 27 Washington state, comparable worth, 584. Watoto school, Jul86, 18
Ward, Benjamin, , Mar8S. 27. ApBS, 6, 17 Watson, Charles. Au7B, 12
0e87, 17 Washington Suburban Sanitary Com., Watson. David. Au86, 32
Ward, Douglas T., May84. 11 Ju187.17 Watson. James D.. Jul77. 16-17, JaBO,
Ward, Fred, Ap77, 12 Washington Times, 586. 20; anti-genetic 23. MayB5. 11, N86. 21
Ward. John W., Jul79, 27 engineering. 0e87, 27; Farrakhan Watson. John H., Ja78, 9
Ward. Lester H., N79. 7 fixation. Ja86, 21; German-American ad, Watson, Susan, OcB7, 10
Wardle. Clark, Ap81 , 12 D86. 40; losses, JunB7, 27; Sobran Watson. Thomas E., May78. 7, 1B, AuB2,
Ware. George, Ap82. 18 column, JulB6, 37-38 18·19. D82,32,JunB6,6
Ware, Lowell, 582. 11 Washington, Betty, Ja82. 20-21 Watson. William, Ulster poem. Ap86. 31
Warhol. Andy, D75, 10, D79, 25, Au80, 30, Washington, Booker T., 076,5.15, Mar84. Watt. James G., NB4. 21; Beach Boys
DBO. 27. Mar85, 29, JuIBS, 34. Ju186. 40. 15, D87, 23 gaffe, July84, 21; costly joke, N83. 24;
Au87.26 Washington, Carol, N86, 31 praises Jesse Jackson, F85. 31
Waring, Marilyn. N78, 24 Washington, Edward, Ap84. 30 Watt, Leilani, July84, 21
Waring, T. R.. Ap76. 12 Washington. Eric, D84, 30 Wattenberg, Ben, OeB1. 11. Ja82. 29.
Warner Communications Corp., Jun80, 24. Washington, George, Jun76, 6; Farewell D82, 27, Ap84. 27. Mar85. 19. D8S. 30.
JunS1,30. May87.32 Address. MarS6, 18-19; portrait banned, 586,17, Au87. 35, 0e87, 1B; integration
Warner. John W.• F79. 17. Ju179, 27, Au87,28 quote, May87, 19; praises book chains,
MarB2. 23. JunS2. 27 Washington. Harold, MayS3, 6, June83, 8­ Ja85,20
Warner. Marvin, AuSS. 11. N85, 29, Ap86, 9. JunS4, 20, Ju186. 21, Mar87, 18, Watters, Pat. Ap76, 9
29. DS6, 31 Jun87, 20-21 ;appoints criminals, DS4, Watts. Andre, Ja79. 7
Warnke, Paul, F78. 17 30; bodyguards. Mar84. 25; defies Watts. Cleo ria. 084, 31
Wamstorff, Hubert, Jun86. 17 immigration laws, Jun85, 23; jail Watts, Coral, Ja83, 17
Warren Court, OcB6, 29, Jun87, 20; sentence, May8S. 2B; Negro cronies, Watts, Franklin, 0e85. 15
criticized. Oc85. 36 S84, 27; white 8. Jewish vote, Au84, 32 Watts, Isaac. anti·Semitic poem. F83, 27
Warren. Earl, Ap76. 14, Jun76, 5. Oc76. Washington. Kevin L., F86, 30 Watts, Mark. May87, 40
9, D78. 8, 21·23. Jun81, 16 Washington. Michael. JaBS, 33 Watts. Nigel, Oc87, 23
Warren, Ned, D76, 1B Wasowski. Andrzej. 584. 16 Watusi. Mar83, 16
Warren, Ned, Sr.• Juln. 12 Wasp. Where Is Thy Sting?, on, 11 Waugh, Auberon. 576, 19, May77. 24,
warrior syndrome, Ju179. 11-12 WASPs (also see Anglo-Saxons), F76. 8. Au79. 11, Ap79. 17-19, Jul79, 18. D79,
wars, since WWII. AuSS, 29 Mar76, 8, Mar77, 6. Ap77, 4,19-20. D77, 25. F80. 24. FB1. 24. Mar82, 24-25.

Warsaw ghetto, MaySI, 32, JulB2, 25, 11,F82, 15,Ap84, 7,Jun85. 13. Ja87. Jun82, 22, N85, 22, Mar86. 26, Oc86,

OeS3. 32; taboo claim, D83, 2B; typhus 21; actors, 585. 30; anglophilia. Jun8S, 15. Ap80, 26, Jul80, 29-32. F81, 27-28,
epidemic, Ja83, 27 15, Jul85, 10-11; cartoon attacks, Mar82, 24-25. Mar83, 26, May83, 23-24.
Warsaw, N76. 23; uprising. OeB3, 32 May86. 16; criticism of, D77, 11, 080. Jul83, 26; on race, D76, 24, May82. 26­
Warshaw. Howard, JunS6, 23 18. Mar82. 10-11,583,22, Oc83, 8. 27
Wartels, Nat, SS2. 9 0e86, 21; death wish. Jul80, 27-28; Wave of the Future, The, Jul85, 25·26
Wartime Journals, Charles Lindbergh, decline of Ap79, 13, Ap83, 16, Jun83, Wavan, Archibald, Ja83, 22-23
Jun77.11 20. Au87, 23; dictionary definition. VVax, Ruby, 587,24
Washburn, Chris, Jul85, 34 Jun83, 27; flight from cities, D85, 16; Waxman. Henry, May77. 11. N84 11,587.
Washburn. Sherwood. Au76. 9 guilt, Ja87, 17; heroes attacked, F80, 8
Washington (DC). F77, 12, Ja81, 11; 21; jokes. Mar81, 16; media attacks, Way International. The, Jun81, 21, F82, 18
architecture, 587. 13-14; corruption. Jul87, 34-35; New York. Mar86, 18; Wayfield. David, JaB7, 35-36. Oc87, 36
Ap87. 28; crime, May86, 19; decline of, outmarrying, Jun80, 25; political baiting, VVayne.John. F86,20, 586. 30
Oc83, 21, Oc86, 22; demonstrations, F8S. 20; political introverts, 581, 24; Wayne, Marisa, Au86, 30
N83, 6-7, SB7, 16-17; disliked, Oc83, slurred, D82, 26; stereotype, 582, 22­ Waysman. Dvora. JunS6. 38
36; future climate. MayB7, 30; ghettoes. 23; study of, MarS7, 24; ties, 584. 32; We Shall Overcome, 0e78, 12
Ju183, 20; mayor's office, DBO, 27; traits. 581, 11; victims and victimizers, We'll Meet Again. Ap86, 26
stores lock out Negroes, ApS7, 23 AuS5,16 wealth distribution (U.S.), Jul85, 31
Washington Legal Assn., ApB6, 18 Wasserman. Lew. Mar76, 16,580.8, weapons law, waiver for Israel, 0e82, 28
Washington Monument, attacked, Jun83, Mar87,19 weather control, Au78, 14
26 Wasserman, Manfred, Oc82, 19 weather trends, 576, 16
Washington Post Co., Junn, 14; profits, watches, N86, 30 Weather Underground, F76. 3. 14-17. F81,
May85, 30, 587, 26 Watergate, Ap76, 12, Jun76, 18. Ja77, 5, 22, 586, 23; segregation, F82. 17
Washington Post, Jun 76, 18, Fn. 8, 16-17. Nn. 13, Ap78, 13. Jun78. 15. Web of Deceit, The, N78. 23
May77, 12, Mar7B, 15, Jul81, 17, JunB4, Au83, 29, Ap84, 21; Deep Throat, S87. Webb, Beatrice. N77. 13

Webb, Dan, JunB7, 20-21
Weineg, Larry J., Ju179, 27
30; mothers, ApB3. 19; Negro critics.

Webb, Rachael, JulB6, 32

Weiner, Lawrence J., NB4, 29
NB7, 31; recipients, OcSl, 31; resident

Webb, Sidney, N77, 13, S7B, 11

Weiner, Leo, 577, 11
aliens, JunB5, 30; shoeshine kit, SS6.

Weber, Charles, FB2, 32, AuB2, 32

Weiner, Mark, JulB7, 2B
39; statistics, 07S, 14, MarS5, 27

Weber, Mark, OcBl, 35, JunS7, 34, JulB7,

Weinfeld, Andre, OcBO, 29
welfare fraud, Jun79. 20, 579, 16. FS1. 31.

Weinfeld, Edward, F77, 13
OB1, 21, JulB2, 26, OS2, 26. JaB3. 25,

Weber, Max, 076,3, Au76, 17, Ap77, 14,

Weingarten, Robert, AuBO, 21
FB3, 22, ApB3. 27, MayB3, 26-27, AuS3,

S7B, 1S, N7S, 24, Ja80, 17, MarBO, 16,

Weingartner, Charles, Au77, 11, MarB4, 12
29, SB3, 33. MarB5. 27, MayB7, 31

OcBO, 6
Weinhold, Kurt, Ja79, 7, 26
Wellers. Georges, AuB6, 32

Weber, Max, SB1, 10, JuneB3, 11

Weininger, Otto, AuBl, 7
Welles, Orson, MarB1, 29, ApB2, 17, SB2,
Webern, Anton von, May76, 11, 576, 9,
Weinstein, Arnold, FB2, 10

Oc7B, 12
Weinstein, David, NS6, 31
Wellington, Duke of. ApB7, 19

Webster, Daniel, May77, 22; homogeneity

Weinstein, Henry, JaS5, 6
Wells. H. G., Ja76, 7, MarB4, 23; racism,

quote, NB7, 15
Weinstein, Jack 8., OcB5, 31
Ja79, 9

Webster, Martin, Mar77, 20, Au77, 20,

Weinstein, Kenneth, NB7, 16
Wells, Howard, FB2, 27

N77,24, Ap7B, 10,Jun7S,24,07S,2B,

Weinstein, Matthew, F77, 13
Wells, Jeff, JaB7, 36

Ja79, 2B, FBO, 2B, JulBO, 15-17, JulBI,

Weinstein, Paula, MarBO, 20
Wells, Warren, Ja78, 20

32, SB2, 2B, ApB4, 29; homosexuality,

Weinstein, Pauline, JunS4, 17
Welsh Language Society, FS7, 30

MarB3, 30. JulB3, 10-11

Weinstock, Lord, JunB7, 30
Welsh, Jack, Jul7B, 1B-19

Webster, William, H., F79, 14, Ap79, 32,

Weintraub, Jerry, FB4, 26
Welsh, Louis, MarSI, 23

OcSO, 22, SB6, 13

Weintraub, Roberta, JuIB2, 21, FS7, 29
Welsh, MaySI, 33; in America, ApS5, 20,

Wechsler tests, OcSO, 14-15

Weintraub, Sy, NB2, 16
SS7, 22; in British government, Au79, 2S

Wechsler, James, 077, 12

Weir, Benjamin, FB6, 9
Weltfish, Gene, JuISO. 23

Weckert, Ingrid, JaBS, 3B

Weirick, John, JulB7, 20
Welty, Gordon, NS4 6

Wedderburn, John, FB5, 36

Weisgal, Samuel J., MarSI, 23
Wendel, Paul, MarB2, 13

weddings, expensive Jewish, SB7, 15;

Weishaupt, Adam, Ap77, 22
Wenke, Robert L.. OcS5, 6

mixed race child play-acting, OS7, 17;

Weisman, Frederick, JaS7, 2B
Wenner. Jann, F77, S

ornate, JaB3, 24; Orthodox Jewish, NB4,

Weisman, Stephen, 579, 19
Werblen, Andreze. Jun7S, 23. AuSO, 30­
Weiss, Allan, Au7S, 20

Wedemeyer, A. C., FB2, 32

Weiss, Ariel, OB3, 16
Werker, Henry, JuIS4, 36

Wedgewood, Josiah, Jul77, 1B-19

Weiss, Carl A., 075, 4, Oc76, 10, JaBS, 11
Werlein, P. P., N76, 6

Wedtech Corp., MarB7, 2B, JuIB7, 29, SB7,

Weiss, Daniel, MayB7, 1B
Werner, Peter A., MayB3, 1S

Weiss, Gerald, AuB1, 30
Wertheim, Frederic, 577, 19

Weems, Robert,FB3,25
Weiss, Jay, OB7, 30
Wertheimer, Stefan, JulB4, 34

Wegener, Alfred, AuB7, 21

Weiss, Leonard H., ApB~, 21
Werthman, Thorn. NB2, 10

Wegener, Ulrich, Ja7B, B

Weiss, Martin, Au7S, 20
Wertikowsky. Ronald, ApB5, 34

Weglian, Steve, NB1, 34

Weiss, Murray, 076, B, SB2, 9
Weschler, Lawrence, MayB2, 10

Wegmuller, Hans, JaB1, 12

Weiss, Paul, Jun7B, 13
Wesker, Arnold, Mar7B, 13. MayB6, 31

Wehrmacht (see Germany, Army and

Weiss, Peter, JulBO, 34
Wessel, Horst, JunBO, 33

World War II)

Weiss, Ruth, FB4, 30
Wesserle, Andreas, NB2, 31

Weicker, Lowell, AuB4, 16, NBS, 27,

Weiss, Theodore, JunB4, 30; friend of
Wesson. Robert G., 077. B, Au79, 16

JunB7, 15
Abbie Hoffman, JulBI, 30
West Africa. travelogue, SB4, 30

Weidenbaum, Murray, ApB1, 10

Weisskopf, Michael, SB4, 30
West Berlin, compared with East Berlin,

Weidenfeld, George, ApB1, 2B

Weisskopf, Victor, JulBI, 19
JunB2. 16-17; Jews, Ju179, 2S, OSO, 23,

Weidenfeld, Lord, AuB5, 15, OcB5, 33

Weissman, Marvin, SBO, 34, NBO, 31
OcS3, 33; nightclub attack, MarB7, 33;

Weidenreich, Franz, OcB1, 6

Weissman, Michael, 076, 1B
revives Weimar, N79. 2B

Weikers, Walter, F77, 13

Weissman, Mordecai, AuB2, 27, OcB3, 30
West Germany (see Federal Republic of

Weil, Frank E. G., MarBO, 20

Weissman, Rozanne, JunB5, 12

Weil, Frank, Au77, 12

Weiszacker, Richard von, AuB6, 33
West Indians, in U.S., SB3, 19

Weil, Martin, OcB7, 13

Weitz, Marvin, JaBS, 1B-19
West Indies, JulBO, 33; black subraces,

Weimar Republic (also see Germany),

Weizmann, Benjamin, ApS3, 31
NB4, 32; white criminals, JunSI, 29

JaB7, 11-12; compared to U.S., FB3, 1B;

Weizmann, Chaim, 576, 1B, Jul77, 19,
West Point (see U.S. Military Academy)

Jewish physicists, OB1, 16; political

ApB4, 29, NBS, 15, OB6, 20; water
West Virginia, school segregation law,

parties, OB6, 19
poisoning idea, FB2, 2B

Weinbaum, Sidney, May7B, 22

Weizmann, Ezer, JaB1, 7, FB1, 34, OcBl,
West, cost of defense, JuIB6, 29

Weinberg, Barbara, OcB4, B

33, OcB4, 29
West, O. J., F77. 5

Weinberg, George, MarB4, 12

Welansky, Barnet, MayB7, 17-1B
West, Jessamyn, SS1, 22

Weinberg, Gerhard, JulB3, 26

Welch, Louis, JaB6, 21
West, John C •• ApS6, 6

Weinberg, Lauren, JunSI, 36

Welch. Rachel, OcBO, 29
West, Nathaniel, FS5, 12

Weinberg, Lotus, SB4, 15

Welch. Robert. 076, 6-7. Ap77, 23. Au7S,
West, Rebecca, NBS, 24

Weinberg, Mark, JunB7, 30

14, JuIS3. 29
West, Richard, JulSO, 32

Weinberg, Melvin, JaS1, 24, Ap81, 21,

Welensky. Roy. OcB4, 10. NB413
West, Steven, Jul7B, 13

welfare, Mar77, 12, ApB2, 13. JaS5. 32.
Western Canada Concept, JulB2, 27,

Weinberg, Samuel, NB6, 31, FB7, 29,

AuB5, 29. SS7. 26; children on, OcB6.
MayB5, 15, OcS5, 11, ApB6, 30

30; cost. ApB6, 2B; cost by country.
Western civilization, N76, 12; decline of,

Weinberg, Stephen J., SB6, 20

FS6. 29; criticized, ApB4. 25; fails, FSS,
May79, 25, NB6, 20-21, MarB7, 9-10,

Weinberger, Caspar, MarBI, 12, ApB2, 21,

10-11; growth, FB3. 22; huge family.
NB7, 6-S; downplayed in textbooks,

ApS7.27; Indo-Chinese refugees.
MarS4, 31, JulB6, 1B

Weinberger, Herman, ApB2, 21

JunS7, 27; medical expenses, MarS1.
Western Europe, birthrate decline, ApB2,


36 Whittaker, Linton, Jun8S, 20

Western Guard (Canadian group), N78, 23

White Peoples Alliance (New Zealand),
Whittall, James P., II, Mar82. 30-31

Western man, Ja79, 27, Mar79, 9,26

Whittier, James G., Ja87. 10

Western philosophy, criticized, NB2, 15

white power, 080,31, N81, 36
Whitton, Kevin, Mar86, 32

Western science. JulB7, 8

White Pride (rock group), MarB4, 32
Wholey. Dennis, Aug83, 23, Ap85.26-27

Western Unity Movement, S76, 19

white race, JaB3, 20-22,085,13-15, FS7,
Why Civilizations Self-Destruct, Jul78, 12

Westheimer, Ruth (Dr. Ruth), ApB5, 27,

16; attack on, OcS3, 17; decline of,
Wick, Doug, Mar82, 1S

Jun86, 32, S86, 39, NB7, 25; sex tours, May79, 13, May86, 28; defined, ApB5,
Wickham, Iven, 084, 31

JaS6, 27
Wideman, Jacob E., N86, 21

Westinghouse Electric Corp., SS5, 30

White Racialist Parental Primer, Ap79,
Wideman, John E. & Robert, N86, 21

Westland Helicopters, JunS6, 35

Widow~ Might, The. N8S, 30

Westminster, Duke of, ApS2, 30

white racism, federal investigation, Au7S,
widows, number of, F84, 24

Westmoreland, William, libel suit, ApS5, 11

Wiegand, Edwin, Ap83, 19

Weston, David, MarS6, 33

white slavery, MayS4. 27, AuS5. 9; Wiener, Michael, Ja83, 19

Westphalen, Jenny von (see Karl Marx)

contemporary, AuS6. 19; New Jersey, Wiener, Norbert, S77, 1S

Westphalen, Ludwig von, Au77, 5

OcS7,16 Wiernek, Jankel, MayS7, 15

Westselaar, H., Jul85, 35

White Student Union, JulS2, 31-32, FS4.
Wierwille, Victor P.• Jun81, 21, FB2, 18

Wetherall, Saori, N79, 2S

32,Oc85.36. NS5.35. SS7.20;
Wiesel. Elie, 079, 20, Au81, 11, F83. 12,

Wetzler, Fred, MayS5, 16

defector, NS7. 21
Mar84. Au85, 20, Oc85, 17, F86, 30, 40,

Wexler, James, S85, 21

White Student, The. JunSO. 36
Ap86. 33, Ja87, 7, F87, 21, May87, 32;

Wexler, Jeff, OcS4, 1S

White Students Alliance, 075, 19
attacks Butz, 084. 8; criticized, ApS7,

Wexler, Jerry, DSO, 13

white studies, Ap78, 10
33; denounces Wiesenthal, 083, 16-17;

Wexler, Norman, Jul7S, 14

White Unity Party, May77, 24, Jul7S, 23
false accusations, N87,19; fanatic

Wexler, William, F81, 23

White, Byron, Au80, 6, MayS7, 20
racist, May8S, 31; honors Reds, Mar87,

Wexner, Leslie, S87, 17

White, Charles G., Oc82, 12-13
29; Jewish storyteller, Jul87, 12-13;

Weygand, Maxime, Jewish origins, JunB4,

White, Dan, Jun84, 21, Oc84, 29
Nobel laureate, 086, 22, JaS7, 16;

White, E. B., Ju185. 24-26, AuS5, 22
praises Old Bolsheviks, 084, 6, 9, Au87,

Weyl, Hermann, Oc76, 17

White, Eric W., 079, 15
S-9; speaking fees, Au85, 17; won't

Weyl, Nathaniel, Jul77. 9, S77, 14, Oc77,

White, Harry Dexter, Ap76, 13-17, May76
criticize Israel, JaB7, 16

26, 077, 12, S78, 5, 14-15, Mar79, 13,

12-13, Jun76. 12-13, Oc76, 9, May77,
Wiesenthal, Simon, Jul79, 27-28, MaySI,
Jun79, 13, MaySO, 20
22, SS1, 31, Oe81, 32, Oc82, 1S, May84,
Weyl, Suzanne, AuS4, 30
White, Ike, Mar78, 16
25, ApS5, 7-9, S85, 10, N85, 28; attacks
Weymouth, Lally, Mar78, 16
White, James, Ja82, 22
Australian right-winger, Ja87, 32; author,
Whalen, Richard, MarS6, 20
White, John, MarS3, 13-14
FSO, 21; defends Waldheim, JuI8S, 39;
Wharton, Dolores, N83, 32
White, Kevin H., S83, 25
denounces Wiesel, 083, 16-17; Gestapo
Wharton, Michael (Peter Simple), May77,
White, Lemira, Mar87, 29
agent?, Mar81, 9; Hess debate, Jun81,
VVhite, Leo,F83,20 22; honored, NBO, 30; in miniseries,
What Do WASPs Say After Sex?, May86,
White, Leslie A., Ja77. 18-19, S77, 18
May87, 29; remarks on Mengele, MaySI,
White, Mark, 084, 28
30; snubs Waldheim, F87, 32; sues
What It Takes (cassette), JulyS6, 35
White, Patrick, F83, 27, DS3, 34
Jerusalem Post, May87, 35; ties to
Wheat. Antonio, D7S, 2S
White, Robert E., .Iul80, 33, SS5, 9
Kennedys, OcB2, 18
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey, JulSO, 32
White, Robert T., ApS6, 19
Wiesner, Jerome, N78, 23, DB1, 18

Wheatley, Grayson, S79, 19

White. Sam. Jul80, 32, Ap83. 24-25
wife abuse, Ap83, 27, Ja87, 28, MayS7. 31

Wheeldon, John, F84, 29

White, Stan, N81, 35-36
Wigand, Arpad, 083, 28

Wheeler, Michals, 079, 16

White, Vanna, Ju187, 29
Wiggins, Davereaux, Ju179, 13

Whelan, Sean, AuSO, 32

White, Walter, Jr., 086, 40
Wilbanks, William, AuB5, 26

Which Way Western Man?, Mar79, 9, 26

White, Walter, F78, 11
Wilcox Report, The, Ju180, 35-36, MayS6,

Whigs (Britain), FS5, 32

Whitehead, Alfred, Oc76, 15, Mar83, 26,

whiskey, N79, 27
JaS5, 19; peace quote, Au84, 39; race
Wilcox, Earl, 086, 12

Whisler, Norman, Oc78, 15

quote, Mar86, 10
Wilcox, Laird, JuISO. 35

Whitaker, Robert W., N76, 10-11, Oc79,

Whitehouse, Mary, N83, 29, Au86, 26
Wilde, Larry, 087, 18

14, Mar80, 17, Oc85, 12; writings, Whitelaw, William, May78, 8, Mar83, 30
Wilde, Oscar, Au82, 16, N83, 28. Ap84, 20

JunS2, 31
Whiteley, lan, F83, 29
, Wildenstein, George, 084, 33

white alliance, AuSO. 33

whites, attitudes toward Negroes, S79, 28,
Wilder, Alec, Aun, 7, 17

White American Bastion, May83, 32

S83, 13, May87, 30; part black, F78, 11
Wilder, Julia, May83, 26

White American Political Assn., NS4, 35;

Whiteside, Mark, Ap87. 14
Wilder, L. Douglas, Oc85, 30. F86, 1S

right-wing videos, ApS5, 35

Whitlam, Gough, Jun77, 7, 18-19, JaS6,
Wildman, Donald. TV quote re Jews.

White Aryan Resistance, NS7, 21


white baCklash, Jun7S,15

Whitman, Charles, JaBS, 10
Wilentz, David, Mar82, 12-13, S85, 21

White Dog. JunS4, 28

Whitman, Walt, Ja78, 7, 22-23, S81, 6, 8­ Wilentz. Robert, May83. 1B

white flight, N77. 6, 19-20. Mar7S, 9, 25,

10, Mar84, 8
Wiley, Elinor, MayS3, 18

Oc82. 21, 085, 16

Whitmire, Kathy, Ja86, 21
Wiley, Mason, MarB5, 18

White History Week, George Washington

Whitmore. James, Ja87, 25
Wilhelm Gust/off, sunk, May87. 30

Univ., Ap87, 36
Whitney, Bernard, May84, 10-11
Wilhelm II, Ap77. 21, N84, 31-32, N85, 23,

White House, burned, Ja82, 20; dinner

Whitney, Craig, Jul80, 24, Ja85. 23
Jun86, 12,Ja87, 10-12, FS7,S

guests, FS6, 31; Israeli prayer sessions,

Whitney, Henry Clay, Jul82, 20
Wilhelm Tell, excerpt, Mar87, 10

OcS5, 31; news expenses, Au85, 30

Whitney, John Hay, Ja84, 15, Ju184, 24
Wilkerson, Cathy, MayS2, 18

White Patriot Party, OcS6, 3S, DS6, 24,

Whitney, William C., Ja84, 12
Wilkes-Barre, decline of, Ja8S, 11-13

JaS7, 36, ApS7, 35, MayS7. 17, JunS7,

Whitside, Major, Ja77, 8-9
Wilkins, Dominique, Ap87, 36


Wilkins, Maurice, Jul77, 1S-17

Williams, Walter E., Jun84, 19, Ja85, 21
Ja81. 33, N8S, 22

Wilkins, Rogers, 587, 28

Williams, Wayne, 582, 11, May83. 14,
wine, Au86. 17

Wilkins. Roy. Mar76. 18, D77, 2', May78,

Winfrey. Oprah, Ju186. 40, Ap87, 7, Na7,

17, D81. 18. MayaS, 9

Williams, William A., JU181. 31

Wilkinson, Bill, NaO, 34, ApS1, 14, ApS3,

Williamson, Henry. Ju183, 27, 583. 29
Wing, Peter, D81. 33

Williamson, Nicol, N81, 16
Wingate. Orde. D83, 19

Wilkinson, Geoffrey, D87, 34

Willingham. Calder. Au86. 14
Wingo, Nat, Oc81, 23

Wilkinson, Theodore, Oc77, 23

Willis, Bruce, F87, 27, May87, 28
Winnepeg, F87, 30

Wilkis. Robert M.• 586, 33

Willis, Frank, Au83. 29
Winner, Michael. Oc81. 36

Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984,

Willis, Henry, Ja78. 13
Winogrand, Garry, N83, 23

Willis-Conger, Philip. Na6, 11
Winrod, Gerald, F77, 19

Will, 581,14-16
Willkie. Wendell, Jun7S. 5
Winstead, Nash, JuIB5. 34

Will. George F., May80, 18, June83. 14,

Willoughby, Charles, F87, S
Winston, Ronald, JuIB2, 26

May84, 31. 584, 12, Ja85, 36, May8S,

Wills, Gary, Mar76, 11, Au82. 19
Winter's Tale, The, D75, 10

28, Ap87. 17; attacks sperm bank, N82,

wills. Majority testators. N82. 10-12.
Winter, Thomas. Au7a, 20, D78. 27. Au85,

6; changes mind, Jun81. 31; demeans

Jul83, 23; reversed. Jul83, 23

historian, Jul82, 20; New Republic

Wilmington Ten. May82, 31
Winter-Berger. Robert. Apa7, 35

quote. MarS5. 18, Ap85, 16; praises

Wilson, Steven, Jr., N85, 20
Winterberg, Friedwardt, Jaa6. 16

Shoah, Ja87, 26; ·second worst

Wilson. Allan, 585, 35-36
Winterton. Lord, N77, B

holocaust,· FS5. 30
Wilson. Anne, N83. 29
Winton, Frank, NaO, 19

Will, Madeleine, N87, 27

Wilson, August. Oc87, 27 wire services, N86, 22-23; minority owned,

Willard, Jess, Jul78, 18·19

Wilson. Bryan, Ja93, 31

Willey, Edward, 586, 39

Wilson, Catherine. 582. 27. JU184. 31
Wireless Telephone Co., Ju178, 12

William of Occam, 579, S-7, N79, 7

Wilson. Colin, D75. 9, May82. 31, Jun87.
wiretaps, F83, 25

William of Orange, Oc87. 30

Wirth, James. 587. 26

Williams College, awards to non-WASPs,

Wilson, Darrell. Ja87, 35
Wirtz, Willard, May78. 15

Wilson, David. N80. 35
Wisconsin, F77. 13

Williams, A. T., Ap84, 11

Wilson, Edmund. Au77, 11
Wisda, Ann, 584, 18

Williams, Allan, May82, 29

Wilson, Edward 0., Ap77. 5, 577. 19-24.
WISE (British organization). Jun78, 24.

Williams, Arzania, Jun79, 20

Jun7a, 14,579, 6-7. MarSO. 15-17,
Mar84, 27-28. Jun84. 31

Williams, Barbara, 579, 16

JunB2.20 Wise, Isaac M.• Jun84, 21

Williams, Billy Dee, Oe80, 18, D80. 26,

Wilson. Geoffrey. Jun7B. 24
Wise, Stephen 5., Oe76, 9. D77, 7, Ap83,

Jun84, 28,Ap86,27
Wilson, Gina (Reina Stein), Au83. 29,
21, Ju183, 21. Mar85. 16. N85, 15; 4,000
Williams, Cary, Jun83, 26
years a Jew. FS4, 28

Williams, Cecil, Ap79, 11

Wilson. Harold, F78. 23, May78, a, Ap79,
Wishedksy, Michael and 5chlomo, 586, 33

Williams, Chancellor, Oc84, 19

32. Oc79, 25, Ap82, 26. May85, 33,
Wishman, Seymour, Ap82, 14

Williams, Dakin, Ja84, 27

Ap87. 24; Jewish appointees, Ap81, 27­ Wisotsky, Myron and Michael. Mar82. 27

- Williams. Donald, July86. 36

Williams, Edward B., F87, 22

Williams, Elvaughn, F86, 31

28; Zionist connections, 580, 32

Wilson, Henry. Au82, 28

Wilson, James a., D85, 36

Wistrich, Robert 5., D77, 8

Witch's Bible, The, Au78, 17

witchcraft. Jun76, 16, 578, 18, D78, 25,

Williams, Faye. Ap87, 28

Wilson. Kathy, N83, 32
FB5, 36; Swaziland, D84, 36; Zimbabwe,

- Williams, George. Jr., D86, 31

Williams, Hank. 578. 7, 16

Williams. Harold M.. 583, 33

Wilson, Murray, May8S, 34

Wilson, Nancy, 587, 11

Wilson. Pete, B, MayB2, 12-13, Au82, 31,

Oc87, 32, NB7, 31

witches, May87, 11

Witherspoon, Roger. N84. 35

Williams, Harrison, Ja81, 31, 581, 30D81,

D82. 14, F87. 19
Withrow, Greg, Ju182. 31-32, F84, 32, N8S,

7, Mar82. 23. May82. 18

Wilson, Richard, Oc84, 33
35, N87, 21; lawsuit, N86, 3S; recants,
Williams. Hosea, Ja81. 7, Ap87, 6-7,15;
Wilson, Wilbert. Ju187. 17

crimes. 581. 30
Wilson, Will. Au84. 23
Witkin, Jerome, Ap86, 19

Williams. Jacqueline, 587, 28

Wilson, Woodrow, Ja76, 13-15, F76,5,
Witt, Nathan, 577, 14

Williams, James. N84, 30

17-18, Mar76. 12-13. D77, 7, 19-20,
Witte, Sergius, N7S, 16

Williams. Jerry, Jun86, 25

F79. 16, Jul86, 18, OeBS, 7, N8S. 32; at
Wittenstein. Charles, JuIBO. 11-12

Williams, John A., May83, 27

Versailles, F87, 11; Fourteen Points,
wives, Mar83, 27, DB3, 26-27

Williams, John C., Ap83, 21

Ja81 , 10
Wizard of Oz, Oc79, 17

Williams, Larry, D86, 40

Wilton, Robert, Ap77, 7
WLBT-TV station. Jun80, 24

Williams. Lawrence, May77,13

Wimbledon, OcS1. 21. 584, 24-25
WNBC-TV, license challenge. Oc78. 27

Williams, Leroy, D82, 27

Winans, R. Foster, N84. 21
Wodehouse, P. G., Au79. 11, JaB7, 10

Williams. Lester J .• 583, 33

Winant. John G .• Ja84. 14
Wolaner. Robin. Mar84. 17

Williams, Randal. Mar8S, 35

Winchell. Waiter, May84, 25. Ju184. 7. Wolf. Arnold J., 587, 25

Williams, Rhonda. Oc85, 8

D84,17 Wolf, Geoffrey, Au82. 13

Williams, Roger, Oc79, 15

Winchester. Simon. beautiful child quote. Wolf. Hugo, May81, 9

Williams. Roy L., 581. 31. Ap83, 20. JaS4,

N86.10 Wolf. Marcus, Mar81 , 33

Winds of War, The. Ap83, 8, Jun83, 19,
Wolf. Mike. MayB7. 13

Williams, Shirley, JaS2, 30, MarS2, 25,

May87, 29. DB7, 29; inaccuracies, Na3,
Wolfe. Arnold J., Ja81 , 23

N83, 28·29. Aug86, 31. NS7, 22

Wolfe. Humbert, poem. Mar83, 31

Williams. Spencer. Jr.• Mar85. 16

Windsor (Canada), Mar87.23 Wolfe. Leslie. DB2, 15

Williams. Tennessee. Ja84. 27, Au86, 30

Windsor, Duchess of. Mar78, 24. F80. 20­ Wolfe. Thomas, D78, 24

Williams. Theodore M., Jr., D86, 40

21; Jewish husband, Mar83, 20; senility.
Wolfe. Tom, D75, 9, 10, Ap78, 7, ApSO,

Williams, Treat, Au82, 16

18-19, Mar82, 18, June83, 9-12, Au83,
Williams. Vanessa. N83. 14-15. OcS4. 20
Windsor. Duke of, Mar7B, 24, Fao, 20-21. 21. F84. 10; predicts chaos. N84 11-12


Wolfe, William, F76, 16 Workers' Revolutionary Party (Britain). initial mistakes. Ja87, 10; intervention,
Wo~ensohn, James, N83. 25. Ju185. 30. 579.14 Jul83, 36; Japan's surrender, Jun8S, 28;
S87,28 workfare, Au81, 23 Japanese racists. F85. 21; Jewish input,
Wo~f. Lester. F81, 18, Au81, 34. Ju182, 15 working class, F82, 8·9; new attitudes, F87. 13. 087, 11; Lend Lease, Oe76, 17;
Wolff. Marcus, 085. 32 Ja86,20 North Africa, Au86, 17; order ending,
Wolff, Rosie, Ju179, 27 World Alliance of Reformed Churches, May8!, 27; Poland, May82, 11; Polish
Wo~ings, W. E., Au84. 42 Mar86, 14·15 Jews, Jun81 , 16-17; prolonged, May87,
Wolfram, William P., F84, 25 World Almanac, F77, 13, Jun85, 18; omits 23; prophesied, N87. 8; revisionism,
Wolfson, David, Oc79, 27, Ja85, 35 Liberty reference, 587, 18 May85. 37; strategic alternatives,
Wolfson, Gurdon, Mar87, 29 World Anti·Communist League, MarS5, 32 May87, 27; submarine warfare. N8S, 15­
Wolfson, Isaac, F84, 27, Jun84, 3D, 084, World as Will and Idea, The, Mar77, 5 16; U.S. entanglement, F82, 32, NB6, 32,
33 World Bank. Jun76, 5, 077, 11, JuIS2, 15, F87, 13, May87, 40; U.S. intervention,
Wolfson, Louis, Jun82, 27 084,19 Ju183, 36; U.S. isolationism. FSO, 22;
Wolfson, Mitchel, 083, 30 World Council of Churches, Mar76. Ap79, U.S. prisoners of Japan. N83, 17-18,
Wolpe, Howard, F79, 17, Ja85, 38 13.10, Mar76, 19, 080,31, Ja85, 31; Oc8S, 19; unconditional surrender.
Wolper Productions, 578, 13 statistics, N82, 27; terrorist aid, Ja82, MayS7,27
Wolper, David, SB6, 30 28 World War III, Au79, 21, 079, 20; Jewish
Wolters, Raymond, Oc85, 36 world government, pledge of allegiance, scenario. Ja83, 29
Woltmann. Ludwig, F77, 7, 20 Oc78.26 World Wars I and II, Ap81 , 6-8; Initial
Woman's Day, Ju178, 11 World Health Organization, S87. 8 Mistakes, Ja87. 10·12; Intermediate
womanizers, ApB7, 19, MayS7, 31, Jun87, World Jewish Congress, Ap85. 32, Ju185. Mistakes. F87. 11.13; Final Mistakes.
21 3S-39, Jun86. 15·18. Au86. 8, Jul87, 17· Mar87. 8·10; renaming proposals, S85.
Women for Pornography, MayB5. 32 18. 33. 587.30-31, 087. 18; anti­ 17.086,19
Women of the Year ceremony. OB4. 31 Waldheim campaign, F87. 32; ruckus at World Zionist Congress, S80, 14. Ju185. 18
Women's Educational Equity Act Program, Auschwitz, July86, 33; rumored bribe, World Zionist Organization. 585, 22; Le
082,15 F87,32 Pen meeting. Jun87, 31
Women's Liberation, Fl6, 16,577, 7, World Peace Council, JaB6, 33 Worldwide Church of God, S79, 19. OBO.
Oc77, 6, 20-22, 078, 16, Mar81, 7-8, world population, by race, Ja83, 23; 23
OB1,8-10 statistics, May79. 13 Wormwood Scrubs (prison), Jun82, 28
women, Oc87, 26; gender preference, world trade, annual losses, Oc83, 29 Worrall, Denis, 085. 35
Mar85, 14-15, N86, 23; in business, World Vision, Au84. 40 Worth. Tim. Jul81, 5
Ja81, 5; in government, Jul81, 31; in World War I, Mar76. 12·16. Jun76, 18. Worthy, Morgan. 080, 17, AuB2, 9, S83, 9.
present-day U.S., Ap83, 12-14; in work 584.32. Oc85, 15-16,086.19-20; Jun87, 22-23, Oc87. 9
place, Ap86, 28; progress of. F79, 10, alleged atrocities, 078. 10; Allied Wortley, George, May85, 7-8
23·24; the deadly sex, May83, 25; the blockade. 084. 26; analysis of. 084, 26; Wotton, Henry, 083.25
social sex, Oc83, 23 Britain's declaration, May87. 34; British Wouk. Herman, May79, 2B. Ap83, 8,
Wometco, 083, 30 blockade, F87, 11; British propaganda, May87,29
Wonder, Stevie, 082. 18, Jun85, 22, 085, Ap84, 24. May87, 34; deserters, F84. Wounded Knee. Ja77, 8-9, S77. 7.
35 25; India, Ju183. 13; Jewish input, Aug83,23
Wong, Janet, Au84, 7 Jun78, 6, N78. 16; outbreak, Jun83, 27, Wray, Fay, Oe76, 19, Ju184, 17
Wood, Grant, N78, 4, 15 May85, 34; revisionist books. Ju176, 10, Wren, Ted, Jul85, 35
Wood, H. Kingsley, Ja85, 26 18,576,19, May77, 17-18; U.S. entry, wrestling, 576. 8. Ap77, 12
Wood, Michael, Ju183, 30 May85, 34; wooing U.S., MayS7, 34; Wright. Anthony G .• May86. 30
Wood, Mrs. John, N76, 6 Xmas fraternization, Jun87, 16 Wright, Brad, N86, 13
Wood, Peter, AuS4. 24 World War II, 076,10-11, Jun76. 18, Wright, Brian M., Jun87. 28
Wood, Sue Ann, Mar87, 35 Ju176, 7, 14. F77, 9, Oc78. 15. F79. 15, Wright, Edwin. S76, 18
Wooddis, Roger, Ap82. 26 Mar80. 28. Oc85. 27, 085, 29, OS6. 19­ Wright. Fiona. Jun87, 30
Woodford. Jack, N84, 19 20, May87, 26-27. Oc87. 22; Allied air Wright. Frank Lloyd, Oc76, 15·16
Woodgate Library. Jun78. 23 attacks,S79. 26, Jul82, 25. SS4. 32, Wright, J. Skelly, May77, 23
Woodham. Martha, Mar87, 28 Ja85,26. 585. 29,Jun85,37. NS7.29; Wright. James C, (Jim) Jr.. Mar87. 29.
Woodman, Shirley. 084,33 American attitudes. 085, 31; atrocities, May87, 40. Oc87. 18; influence
Woodmansee, Charles, Au82, 27 May81, 33, Au82, 28, Ja8S. 34, Oc85, peddling. Oc87, 28
Woodruff, Judy, May85, 28 19; casualties, 579, 26; code breakers, Wright, Jeanne, May84, 30·31
Woods, Bernice, Oc81. 16 Ja8S, 26-27, N85. 19; collaborators, Wright, Peter, Oc87. 22, 087, 23
Woods, David. N87, 19 Oc83, 32; combat fatigue, 085, 31 ; Wright, William, Ju187, 18
Woods, Donald, N7S, 23 defeatism, Au85. 14; deportations, Wrightsville (GA). May83, 32
Woods, Dorothy, Ap81. 15, AuS3, 29 Au79, 10,26. 0c83. 36; deserters. writers (see literature)
Woods, Henry, Aug84, 33 Au86. 32; escaped prisoners. May84, Wullner, Franz, Oc77, 9
Woods, John C., 078,20 24; expelled Germans. 07S. 20, Jul85, Wundt. Wilhelm. F77. 5
Woodstock (rock concert), 087, 21 37; false figures. Oc83, 32; faulty Wurf, Jerry. Au81, 30
Woodward, C. Vann, Ja87, 35 prediction. F83, 22; foreign workers. Wurf. Karl, Jun81. 31
Woodward, Robert (Bob), Au77, 11, Au80, Oc83, 32; forged map. Au85, 21; French Wussler. Robert, Mar86. 28
6·7, Ju181, 18, Ju182, 6; covers for Hart, defeat. Ju187. 32; German air attacks, Wyatt, Karen, Oc84. 29
587,27 585,29; German defenses. Ja81, 12; Wyatt, Oscar S. Jr., F87, 17
Woolf. Harry, 587. 28 German guards, May81. 32; German Wyatt, Wilson. 079, 15
WooH, Virginia. ApB3, 13. Jun85, 21 peace offers. F85, 24; German prowess. Wyatt, Woodrow, F87. 31
Wordsworth, William, F84, 8-9 Oc84, 31; German refug.ees. N85, 27; Wyckoff, Richard. Jun80. 8
work force. categorized by religion, Mar84. German ship sunk, May87. 30; Ger­ Wydler, John W .• Mar77. 11
25; demographics, N84. 28 many's foreign soldiers, Ap85, 19; Wylie, Chalmers, Au87, 19

Wyman, Jane, 580, 8
Yes, Minister, Ap86, 26 Yucatan, 586, 22, JulS7, 23

Wyman, Thomas H., JulS5, 30, Aua5, 15,

Yeshiva University, Au86, 30; debts
Yugoslavia, 084, 27, Ap85, 8; atrocities,

OS6, 28-29, FS7, 26, MarS7, 25, Ape7,

forgiven, Jun82, 26
OcS3, 36; concentration camp, 0e82,

Yetnikoff, Walter, Jul83, 28
31; ethnic troubles, S86, 36, MayS7, 34­
Wynn, William, Oe84, 27
Ye~ushenko, Yevgeny, NS4,26 35; in wwn, N83, 8-9, JaS7, 32; post­
Wynne-Edwards, V. C., MarBO, 16
Yezhov, Nicolai, Ap77, 23, Jun78, 14
WWII purges, Oc87, 23: racial compo­
Wyrick, Donald, F83, 36
Yiddish, Oc79, 1S, F84, 16, JunS7, 14-15;
sition, Oc76, 19; relations with Jews,

Wytwycky, Bohdan, OBO, 17

plays, 087, 32-33; U.S. vernacular, 082,
FS1, 23; separatism, MaraS. 24;

21, ApS6, 12-13

Waldheim's service, Jun86, 16; war

crimes trial, AuS6, 33

XYZ Yiddishkeit, Mar79, 18

Yinon, Oded, JaS3, 29

Yugoslavians, Ja87, 32; delivered to Tito.
Xhosas, May87,29.36 Yockey, Francis P., JulSO, 9, OcSO. 5,
FS2, 5-8, Au87, 15
Yulee, David L. t MarSO, 8-9

Yad L'Achim (Israeli anti-Christian group). Yoder, Edward M., Jr., OS3. S, OeS5, 17
Yuseff family, Ju185. 33

Yoell,John.F7S,23 Yzeguirre, Raul, N87, 18

Yad Vashen, May87, 15, SS7, 18

yoemanry, MayS3, 12

Yagoda. Herman. Ja76, 8, JuIS7. 36

yoga, Ap76, 19
Zablocki, Clement. Oc84, 8

Yagur. Josef, SS6, 12

Yogi, Maharishi M., 084, 36
Zaccaro, John, Ju186, 30, JaS7, 2S, NS7,

Yahuda, Joseph, Jul83, 21

Yoko Ono (see Yoko Ono Lennon) 27; financial problems, ApSS, 22; guilty,

Yahweh, Au87, B
Yom Kippur, OS5, 30
MayaS, 23-24; mob links, 084, 21

Yakovlev, Alexander, SB7. 31

York, Archbishop of, Jun86, 36
Zaccaro, John, Jr., JulS6, 30, Jaa7, 28;

Yale University, Au76, 15, Ap77, 24,

Yoruba (religion), 580, 25
cocaine bust, May86, 30

JunS6, 34; forbidden satire, OcS6, 38,

Yost, Charles, Oc79, 6
Zacharias, Steve, AuS5, 16

JaS7, 35 ; homosexuals. NS7, 26;

Young Americans for Freedom, 078, 9,
Zadok, Haim, Ap85, 10

Jewish courses, 581, 32; Jews, Ja81,

085, 21, N87, 35
Zahedi, Ardeshir, Mar81 , 31

23, Jun86, 33; Library, JunS5, 31;

Young Conservative Foundation, N85, 36
student sit-in. Ap87, 36
Young Hegelians, Ja80, 12-13, Jun86, 8-9
Zainaldin, Jamil, FS4, 12

Yallop, David, F87, 30

Young Ireland movement, 081, 2S
Zaire, Jun7S, 14, 078, 10, 25-26. Ju179.

Yalta, Oc76, 7, Jun78, 24, Au78. 20;

Young Women's Christian Association,
24, Ap82, 6, Jun84, 29: AIDS, Ap87. 14;

memorial destroyed, Oc83, 36

078,27-28, Au81, 35, JunS3, 24
anarchy. FS2. 29; Belgian exploitation.

Yameogo, Maurice, NS4, 34

Young, Alex, 586, 39
078, 10; Catholic dignitaries murdered.

Yancey, William P., Ap79, 25

Young, Andrew, Au77. 11, Oc77. 12. N77.
JaS2, 30; economic basketcase, SS6,

Yanez, Luis, 0e87, 31

23, Au7a, 14,579. 16. N79. 9,JaSO, 31,
36; high prices for art, N79, 1S;

Yankees, May79, 10, ApSO, 19-20

Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc.,

Au81 , 22

Ap80, 13. JuISO, 2S, Oeso, 17, Ja81 , 6,

NS2. 20. OcS3. 9-10, NS4, 21, OS4, 2S,

40,JulS5, 1S, AuS5, 27, JulS7, 14, Au87,

massacre of whites, 078, 26; nuns

raped, 085, 34; relations with Israel,


Yanov, Alexander, Jun79, 7, 24-26

1a; crime links. Ap7S. 13. Ap79, 13;
Zaisser, William, SS4, 15

Yanover, Charles, 584, 27

financial supporters, 081, 30; forced
Zakaroff, Leo, F82, 19

Yaqui Indians, Ap87, 8-10

resignation, MayS3. 14. ApS6, 6; gaffes,
Zakharov, Gennadi, 086,23
Yarbrough, Gary, Mar85, 7-8
N77, 14-1S;talks to PLO. JunS2, 21; UN
ZaU, Barnaby, Jun82, 31

Yarisal. Burhan, Au77, 12

Ambassador, N77, 14-1S; visits Angola,
Zalman, Bruce, Au86, 30

Yarmolinsky, Adam, F78, 5

yarmulkes, May80, 19. Ju186. 14, SS7, 28;

lawsuits, May81, 24

Yaron, Amos, 086,36, F87, 33

Oc86, 35; woos gays, Jaa1, 25

Young, Charles, Ja84, 20

Young, Coleman, JunSO, 24. NSO, a. JaS5,

3S-39. OS5, 12, ApS6, 28

Zambia. Ja7S, 15, Jun78, 14.579,11,

Oc85, 34, Oc86, 36; AIDs, SS7. a;

Lusaka conference, ApS6, 14-15;

~space program,· Ju180, 9; white

Yaroslavsky, Emelyan, 587, 31

Young, Daniel L, JulS4, 33, 0cS4. 26,
farmers, AuS5, 30

Yarrow, Peter, Jun81 , 31

084,31 Zametkin, Michael, Aua6, 21

Yarrow, Phillip, Jun87, 17

Young, Dick. AuS4. 19
Zamoff, Richard, Oc77, 14

Yasuda, Ginji, Jula7, 29

Young, George, FS4. 27
Zamora, David, Ja79. 13

Yasue, Norihiro, N85, 15

Young. Lord, NS6, 33; eminence grise. Zangara, Giuseppe. Ja85, 10

Yates. Sidney, Mar81, 21, Apa5, 28, N85,

OeS6,33 Zangwill, Israel. N7S, 16, Ap84, 13, 084,

Young, Loretta, SS1, 22

Yeager, Chuck, Fa4, 10-11; anti-atrocity

Young, Murray. JulS7, 19, NS7. 16
Zanuck, Darryl. Jul8S, 19

quote. Mar87, 27; Klinghoffer quote,

Young, Nathaniel. N79, 20
Zanzibar. JaS2, 30, NS4, 32

Au86, 16
Young. Richard A., N87, 33
Zapotec monument, 587, 21

Yeakel, Joseph, Jun86, 23

Young, Richard. ApS7, 19
Zappa, Frank, Jul80, 19

YearofAnnageddon, Th~Apa5,22 Young, Robert M.• FS7. 8

Zarathustra, JuISI, 12-13

Yeats, Alayne, 078, 14

Young, Steve, MaySS, 29
Zartic Co., Ap82. 32

Yeats. William Butler. 075, 6, Mara3. 26,

Young, Stuart, AuS3, 30, Ja84, 2S-29,
Zarubine. Commander, JuIS3, 34

MayaS, 11, 585, 27; journalist quote,

Ju184. 33, Mar87, 31, JunS7, 30
Zaslow, Jeff, SS7, 27

Young, Toby. MayS7, 26
Zavrel, John, S85, 36

YeatS-Brown, Francis, Fa6, 33

Young, Walter, AuS7, 18
Zayas, Alfred de, 581, 34

Yellen, Linda, Fa4, 26

Young, Whitney M., ApS1, 20, Oc87, 15
Zebra murders, 077,13. FaO, 22, FS1, 16,

Yellow Peril, May79, 13,25,583, 11-12

Youngbird, Marilyn, Oc84. 29
Ju181, 9-10

yellow race, Jun78, 18

Younstein, Reva F., 0e83, 30
Zeiger, Yitzhak, Ja82, 30

Yellowstone Park, Oa5, 20

Your Rights, ApS6, 34
Zekowski, Arlene. Jun79, 16

Yelts!n, Boris, SS7, 31

Yourchenko, Vitaly, Mar86, 33, May87, 15
Zeldin, Isaiah, Oc81, 17

Yemelyanov, Valery, F77, 12, Jun79, 26

Youssoupoff, Felix, Jul82, 12-14
Zelig, SS6, 20

Yerkes, R. M., Oc77, 26

Youth Festival, in U.S.S.R.• NS5. 33-34
ZeUer, Joseph. Ju179, 10


Zelman, Leon, Mar8S. 29 quota ended, Mar87, 28, N87, 31 Zoroastrianism. 080. 11. JulSI, 13-14
Zelnick, Robert, Au77, 11 Zimbardo, Philip G., FB2, 14-15 Zorrilla, Amilcar. Au80, 30
Zeltser, Ilia, S86, 33 Zimmerman, Dan and Paula, CeBO, 22 Zorza, Lorenzo. DS7, 30
Zemer, Avi, Mar79, 16 Zimmerman, Mort, 076, 18, May84, 11 Zschau, Ed. Ja85. 7. Au8S. 36; Senate
Zemlinsky, Alexander, May81, 9 Zimmerman, Raymond, FB3, 29 race, F87, 19
Zemmour brothers, N83, 33-34 Zimmet, Judy, Jun87, 31-32 Zubko. Keltie, Cess, 8, 11
Zemurray, Sam, Jun82, 12 Zinoviev, Grigori, F77, 10, MayB2, 19, F83. Zuckerman, Mortimer, Jun80, 29, Au80,
Zero Population Growth. Ap80. 22, May80, 12, 084, 6, 9·11 21, 081, 18. May83, 17, Ap84. 21,
8, Ap8S, 36, Mar86, 36 Zion, Alfred, 084. 37, Mar8S, 34, Ja86. 34 Jun84, 11.SS4. 17, 084. 23,Au8S. 15.
Zetter, Sue, Jun87, 30 Zionism. Mar76. 10. Jun76, 8, S76. 6, F86. 29,086,23, Ju187, 27, Oc87, 19
Zeugne~John, F8S,3S Jul77, 8, 18-19, Au77, 9, 19, N77, 8, 20­ Zuckerman. Solly, Au76, 9, S77, 19,22­
Zevi, Tulia, Au8S, 32 22, N78, 5,15-21, May79, 25, Mar81 , 36, 23, Mar82, 25
Zevin, David, Ap8S, 30 082,31-32, 083, 14, Ap84, 25, Au85, Zulu (old Hollywood film), 07S. 27
Zhukov, Georgy K, Ja76. 9, F77, 21 21, S85, B, 11-12, NBS, 16, 2B, Mar87, Zulus, 077.23, Jun7S, 19, JaS6, 34.
Zia, Mohammed, Oc79 28 AuBS 21 8·9; anti-Arabism, Ap85, 18; bellicosity, Mar86. 12-13, MayS7, 29. 36; dances,
Zias, Joseph, F86. 21" , JU181. 14; Britain, Jul77, 8, 18. F79. 14' N86, 7; South African film about, Oc8S.
Ziegfeld Follies, N8S, 7 Christian support, Ja82, 7, NB2. 9-10, ' 34
Ziegler, Bernard, F87, 33 Ap84, 1B-19, AuB6, 36; criminals, DB6, Zumwalt, Elmo, Ja76, 17. Mar77.11. F78.
Ziegler, Ron, Ja77. 16, 086,28 31; criticism of, JuIB6. 28; deals with 16, 082. 18; criticizes Rickover, Jun82.
Ziff, William B., Mar8S, 26, Au8S. 14-15 Nazis, Oc81, 32, May82, 13-14, Ja83, 21
Ziff-Davis Publishing, Jul83, 28; CBS 13-14, N83, 24, Au84, 17, JulyS6, 36; ZUndel, Ernst (also see Canada), Jul79,
sues. Mar8S, 26 deals with Turks, Ap84, 28; equated with 28, S81, 34, MayS3. 28. Aug84, 34-35,
Ziffren, Paul, F81, 21 racism, Mar79, 16, Jun84, 18, FS6, 36; 084, 19, May85, 14-19, JuI8S, 6,35-36.
Zikeli, Gerd. Ju180. 34 exposed, Mar79, 6, 23-24; finances, Au85, 36, Oe8S, 6. 9-10. 085,10, DS5,
Zilg. Gerard C., Jun84, 18 S76, 6, 18: (loals. AuS7. 32; Jewish 33,Ap86,30,SS6,3S.Ja87.36,Jun87,
Zillmann. Dolt, Ja8S, 21 critics, Ja87, 35, 083. 32; Manchurian 29,087,35; case appealed, DS6. 3S-39,
Zimbabwe (also see Rhodesia), Ja76. 4, offer, NBS. 15; media, F77. 8; plots, SB1. Ap87. 29; citizenship papers, OcS7,
19 Au76, 20, N76, 12, S79. 1, May80, 18; refugee program. Jul86, 19; RUSSia, 30;Crossfire coverage of case, MaySS,
21, Jun80, 34, Au81, 9, N83, 32; black S79. 19; source of anti-Semitism, Mar79, 14; hate calls. 086,30; judges attend
politics, Ju180. 34-35, Ja81, 34; black­ 23; South Africa, N78, 20; U.S. colleges, trial. F87, 30; new trial, Oc87, 29-30;
white friction. N8D, 33; Carter visit, ul86, 17; WWII, Ap84, 29 persecution. Oc8S, 32; pseudonym,
Oc86, 36; censorship, S80, 34; Zionist Connection, The. Mar79. 6. 23-24, Oc76,19
economic decline, 084, 35-36, Mar86 May80, 20, NSS, 16 Zurich, F84. 28
30; elections, 085, 35; guerrillas, N78, Zip, Bohdan, AuS4, 35 Zussman, Shirley, Jun82, 17
12; infanticide, May84, 30-31; Jews, Zipkin, Jerome, FS1, 17, Mar81, 12, Oc81, Zuwaiter, Wael. N80, 32
Jul83, 35, Oc85, 34; antiwhite 6, ApSS, 30 Zwang, Gerard, De77, 6
violence, N78, 12; pro-white book, S80, Zitner, Heather, Ja84, 27 Zweibon. Bertram, May86, 34
35; rape excused, Au84, 39; Rhodes' Zivs, Samuel, F87, 33 Zweig, Stefan, Jun79, 13
statue, 080, 30; ruins, 080, 30; tobacco Zogby, Jerome, OcS4, 16 Zwillman, Abner, Ja86, 30
industry, 083,29; tribes, Mar80, 28, Zoldan, Israel, Jun82, 29 Zyklon B, 075, 8. May79, 22, ApS1, 28,
May81, 35, S81. 37; U.S. media sup­ Zoll. Donald A., May85, 13 DB2.10.Ja84,31
ports, Au79, 20-21; U.S. recognition. zoning laws, May78, 23 Zyl, Johan van. DBS, 35
S80, 34; venereal disease, S83, 32; Zoobzokov, Kazbek, Au86. 8-9 Zylberberg, Regine, OBO, 14
white flight, Jul81, 34; white parliament Zorin~ Valentin, Ja79, 12 Zylverberg, Joel H., JuIS5, 23


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