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Marks : 40

Time : 1½ hours

I. Answer all questions . [1x5 = 5]

1. Define Literature.

2. What is language?

3. What is the meaning of the word ‘satem’?

4. Who is the propounder of Grimm’s law?

5. From which language the term literature is derived?

II. Answer any four in a sentence or two. [2x4 = 8]

6. What is meant by Romance Languages?

7. Explain the term “text”.

8. How is secondary source important for literary studies?

9. Why are the Romances considered as a forerunner of a novel?

10. Define the term “Festschrift”.

III. Answer any three in about one hundred words.

11. Bring out the differences between natural science and literary criticism.

12. Explain the term ‘critical apparatus’.

13. Write a short note on Grimm’s law.

14. Write a short note on Balto-slavic group of languages.

IV. Answer in about five hundred words

Grammar may be even more important in the business world than it is in the academic world. While in
the academic world there is some expectation of growth and remediation of mistakes, there should be
no such mistakes in the business world. It is grammar that presents you as a professional and creates a
formal interactive environment. You do not want anyone in a business situation to feel as though you
are not taking the circumstances seriously. Using proper grammar shows your intelligence as well as
your confidence and grasp of the material that you are presenting.

The General Reasons Why Grammar Is Important for Daily Use

by Dr. Mary Dowd, Demand Media

Proper grammar usage sets a good example for children.

Proper grammar usage sets a good example for children.

Related Articles

A List of Ethical Principles for Grammar School Students

Reasons Why Reading Is Important for Children

The Importance of Grammar in Schools Today

The Advantages of Grammar Games

How Do the Rules of Standard English Grammar & Punctuation Factor Into Effective Student Writing?

How Grammar & Literature Work Together

Grammar rules facilitate clear and concise communication. Errors in verb tense, sentence structure,
contractions, punctuation, spelling and word usage detract from your intended message. Being an
effective communicator helps you make a positive impression on others, which impacts your overall
happiness, social life and employment opportunities. Your verbal skills and self-confidence contribute to
your public persona. In fact, the American Psychological Association suggests that the first few minutes
of meeting someone shapes the course of the relationship.

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Career Success

Neglecting to correct grammar errors in cover letters and resumes can cost you a job interview.
Potential employers who notice mistakes in application materials may assume you’re careless, lazy or
apathetic about the position or employment with their company. In order to compete with other job
seekers, you must demonstrate professionalism and competency. Once you land a job, you'll be
evaluated on how well you fit the company’s culture and expectations. Career advancement can be
adversely impacted by poor grammar. Forbes suggests than many managers look down on younger
workers who disregard grammar and use text message abbreviations in office emails.

Professional Communication

Grammar proficiency is an important aspect of working. If you’re in a leadership role, individuals you
supervise may judge your competency based on your command of the English language. Careless
mistakes can cause embarrassment and ridicule. As a hypothetical example, if you’re a secretary for a
24-hour towing company, and you forget to proofread your online ad before submission, amused
readers will see that your business offers “emergency toe service.” Many jobs require presentations to
small or large audiences when demonstrating a product or pitching a marketing idea. Grammar mistakes
can undermine your credibility and persuasive power.


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The Importance of English Grammar

20 February, 2013

Published by aprilklazema in Grammar, Languages, Learn & Practice, Social

Is grammar important? Why should we spend time improving our level of English Grammar?
When learning or using a language, many people find that their grammar is far from perfect. But
grammar is inescapable; it is the backbone of any language and must be understood in order for one to
communicate effectively. Every time you write something, you are being judged for your grammar, even
if it is subconscious. You are less likely to land jobs, you are less likely to get replied to on social media
sites, and you are less likely to get contacted when online dating. Having good grammar simply makes
you look more intelligent, so it is important for everyone to spend a little time perfecting theirs.

People communicate through writing now more than ever. As phone calls decrease and text messages
increase, emails have become standard for business and countless discussion forums have opened on
the internet. Using proper spelling and good English grammar is imperative for all of these methods of
communication. What’s funny is that while shorthand and abbreviations are not always looked down
upon, bad grammar almost always is. For instance, you would probably get a bad reaction by saying “I’m
going too the store,” but “I’m going 2 the store” is generally considered to be socially acceptable
(though not in academic settings, of course).

When applying to jobs, good English grammar becomes exceptionally important. Even if your desired
career has nothing to do with writing, your attention to grammar in your resume and cover letter will
show intelligence and class. When employers are flooded with applications, they tend to rapidly skip
ones that don’t immediately impress them. Poor grammar is definitely not impressive, and will get your
application thrown in that “skip” pile. If you can accurately compose sentences and show off your good
grammar when it comes to the English language, you could leave a lasting impression on the employer.

English grammar is important in social settings as well as business ones. If you are listed on an online
dating site, you want to make sure that your writing is free from any grammar mistakes. According to a
recent study of 1,700 men and women, 43% find bad grammar to be a major turn-off. 35% find it sexy,
and 22% don’t really care. If you are trying to meet Mr. or Ms. “Right”, though, you may not want to risk
running them off because of your improper grammar use. As previously stated, good grammar is a sign
of intelligence and class

Grammar is the coat hanger on which language can hang. It provides structure for sentences the way
door lintels can prevent a house collapsing.

The General Reasons Why Grammar Is Important for Daily Use

by Dr. Mary Dowd, Demand Media

Proper grammar usage sets a good example for children.

Proper grammar usage sets a good example for children.

Related Articles

A List of Ethical Principles for Grammar School Students

Reasons Why Reading Is Important for Children

The Importance of Grammar in Schools Today

The Advantages of Grammar Games

How Do the Rules of Standard English Grammar & Punctuation Factor Into Effective Student Writing?

How Grammar & Literature Work Together

Grammar rules facilitate clear and concise communication. Errors in verb tense, sentence structure,
contractions, punctuation, spelling and word usage detract from your intended message. Being an
effective communicator helps you make a positive impression on others, which impacts your overall
happiness, social life and employment opportunities. Your verbal skills and self-confidence contribute to
your public persona. In fact, the American Psychological Association suggests that the first few minutes
of meeting someone shapes the course of the relationship.

15. When learning or using a language, many people find that their grammar is far from perfect. But
grammar is inescapable; it is the backbone of any language and must be understood in order for one to
communicate effectively. Every time you write something, you are being judged for your grammar, even
if it is subconscious. You are less likely to land jobs, you are less likely to get replied to on social media
sites, and you are less likely to get contacted when online dating. Having good grammar simply makes
you look more intelligent, so it is important for everyone to spend a little time perfecting theirs.


17. People communicate through writing now more than ever. As phone calls decrease and text
messages increase, emails have become standard for business and countless discussion forums have
opened on the internet. Using proper spelling and good English grammar is imperative for all of these
methods of communication. What’s funny is that while shorthand and abbreviations are not always
looked down upon, bad grammar almost always is. For instance, you would probably get a bad reaction
by saying “I’m going too the store,” but “I’m going 2 the store” is generally considered to be socially
acceptable (though not in academic settings, of course).


19. When applying to jobs, good English grammar becomes exceptionally important. Even if your
desired career has nothing to do with writing, your attention to grammar in your resume and cover
letter will show intelligence and class. When employers are flooded with applications, they tend to
rapidly skip ones that don’t immediately impress them. Poor grammar is definitely not impressive, and
will get your application thrown in that “skip” pile. If you can accurately compose sentences and show
off your good grammar when it comes to the English language, you could leave a lasting impression on
the employer.


21. English grammar is important in social settings as well as business ones. If you are listed on an
online dating site, you want to make sure that your writing is free from any grammar mistakes.
According to a recent study of 1,700 men and women, 43% find bad grammar to be a major turn-off.
35% find it sexy, and 22% don’t really care. If you are trying to meet Mr. or Ms. “Right”, though, you may
not want to risk running them off because of your improper grammar use. As previously stated, good
grammar is a sign of intelligence and class.


23. As you can see, it is important to brush up on your English grammar for quite a few valid
reasons. Not only will it help you land jobs with big-name employers, it will also increase your chances of
potentially finding a mate. You will be seen as well-spoken and you’ll look good in front of your peers.
You can learn grammar rules online or in a variety of academic texts. It’s never too late to learn or
perfect your English grammar, so hit the books and start today!



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