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I. Give responses to the following requests and give reason for your answers. (Score : 10)

1. Would it be possible for my friends and me to study in this room?

2. Do you mind if I stay a few more minutes?
3. Is it possible for me to have a few more minutes to review before the quiz?
4. Employee: Would you mind if I came in late to work tomorrow?
Boss: I'm afraid______________________________________________________________.
Employee: Hmmm. What if I work overtime tonight?
Boss: Well, I really need you for the meeting tomorrow. Do it now whatever it is you need to do
Employee: If you put it that way, I'm sure I can figure something out.
Boss: Thanks. I _______________________________________________________________
5. Do you think I can take a day or two off work?
6. Is it OK if I use your computer for a few minutes?
7. Would you mind if I took a five minute break?
8. Jack: Hi Sam, do you think I could use your cell phone for a moment?
Sam: _______________________________________________________. Here you are.
Jack: Thanks buddy. It will only be a minute or two.
Sam: Take your time. No rush.
Jack: _____________________________________________________________________
II. Make 5 questions for the following ID card and write the answers.

1. What is his name ? his name is J Smith

2. When he was born ? he was born on januari,1st 1980
3. What is he colour eyes ? he colour eyes is brown
4. How much is he height ? he height is 6’0
5. What number is his id card ? his id card is 942

III. Make 5 questions for the following ID card and write the answers.

1. What is his surname ? his surname is traveler

2. When he was born ? he was born in new york u.s.a
3. Where he was born ? he was born on januari, 1st 1981
4. What is he sex ? he sex is male
5. what is his nationally ? his nationally is USA

IV. Write a paragraph in about 100 words to introduce yourself. (including your ambitions, your
strengths and weaknesses)

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