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Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

NUR 4144: Professional Role Development Servant Leadership

Service-Learning Project Individual Reflection Paper
Grading Rubric

Student Name: __Jennifer Pierce_________________________________

Community Agency: _NAMI_____________________________

Instructions: Reflect upon your personal experience in this service-learning activity, using the
following key components. Answers should be derived individually; in other words, do not
discuss this personal reflection with your group. Papers should be between 1000 - 1500 words.
Points Points
Possible Earned
1. Noticing & Interpreting: 20
➢ What expectations did you have of this experience? Were these
expectations met or not met?

My expectations of this experience were that we would collect art supplies

to donate to NAMI and that it would be fairly straightforward. These
expectations were met in the sense that we did collect art supplies.
However, there were several surprises that I did not anticipate. For
example, the “wish list” of supplies that was generated by the art group
was beyond what I had originally imagined. Also, the response from those
asked to contribute was surprisingly more than anticipated. Finally, the
welcome and engagement from both NAMI and the group members
exceeded my expectations.

➢ What strengths and problems did you, personally, see in the

community? What assets/solutions to problems did you see?

The notable strengths that I saw in the community also served as the
assets/solutions to problems. First, NAMI has a strong volunteer base that
dedicates many hours to the organization. The volunteer coordinating the
peer art group was just one example of NAMI’s volunteer strength. Also,
by taking the initiative to launch a peer group or other activity, the
volunteers are finding solutions and using their personal assets (time,
talent, treasure) to address problems. Second, there was strength in the
members of the peer group themselves. They were inspiring each other and
building their own community where they could feel safe to creatively
express themselves.

➢ Why did you see what you saw-- how did your values and
experiences concerning “needy” communities shape what you saw
and heard?

NUR 4144 Individual Reflection 1-12-2015 td

My experiences shaped what I saw because I recognized the struggle of
raising funds for nonprofit programs (having worked in the nonprofit
sector prior to entering nursing school). Also, my own familiarity with
NAMI shaped what I saw because I started the service learning activity
with a pre-existing appreciation of the organization, its mission and its
impact in the community. Finally, my own experience with a family
member suffering from mental illness, who also is a talented artist,
informed my perceptions of the value of the art group.

2. Responding: 20
➢ What have you learned about the needs of this community?

One important thing I learned is the need for resources to support creative
and/or less traditional therapeutic interventions. For example, many
people living with mental illness are receiving Medicaid or Disability but
those programs won’t pay for something like a peer art group. Therefore it
is completely up to NAMI and its volunteers to raise money for the group.

➢ Did you find the service activity to be truly relevant to the


I did find the service activity to be truly relevant to the community because
it had a very tangible, measurable impact that addressed a very specific
need of the population being served. Also, I thought the relevance was
seen in the appreciation shown by the organization and the group
members. I felt like it was truly genuine and that we created a unique
experience for everyone involved.

➢ What follow-up should take place to support this community’s

strengths and/or address the community’s needs?

To support the community’s strengths, there needs to be

increased/continuing awareness about the art group. The group needs to
have additional volunteers involved and needs some financial resources (or
at least supplies) so that they are sustainable. Right now the group is
managed by one volunteer but without the proper support she could easily
get burned out or have to terminate the group due to unforeseen

Developing a robust, sustainable program would meet the needs of the

community by providing a peer art group that is stable and providing
creative opportunities to individuals living with mental illness.

NUR 4144 Individual Reflection 1-12-2015 td

3. Reflecting on service-learning: 30
➢ How has this experience influenced your perception of your call to
serve and you as a servant leader?

This experience has influenced my understanding of my call to serve in

several ways. First, I (with my partner) was able to select the organization
and project for this service learning activity. As a result, my service
learning was relevant and meaningful to me personally. I was more
engaged with the activity than with previous service learning experiences
and I felt like I had a personal investment in making it a success. I spent
way more than four hours on the project but I didn’t care because it had
meaning for me.

Second, I enjoyed my role as capacity-builder and not just direct service

provider. As a servant leader I know that every individual interaction
matters, but I find it especially rewarding to engage in activities that
support more than just one person. For example, gathering resources for a
program that will support many.

➢ Reflect on the core tenets of servant leadership and how they apply
to this service-learning experience.

First and foremost the tenet of service to others was the very purpose of
this service learning experience. Second, we used a holistic approach to
decide on the project. Rather than looking for opportunities that would be
an “easy four hours and get it done”, we looked for opportunities that
would meet the need of an organization (not just our need to do a service
learning project). Third, we addressed the tenet of building community
because the Peer Art Group by design is meant to build community among
individuals living with mental illness. Fourth, we applied shared power in
decision making by consulting with NAMI (staff, volunteers, members) to
determine their exact needs. Instead of moving forward with a broad art
supplies drive, we developed a very specific wish list for the group. For
example, clay tools and watercolors. If we had not engaged in this shared
decision making we likely would have ended up with a whole lot of
markers and colored pencils.

➢ Describe how you applied each of the following within the service-
learning experience:

i. Heart

I chose a project that made my motivation service to others (not self

serving). Therefore, my heart was “in” the project and I had the
motivation of a true servant leader.

NUR 4144 Individual Reflection 1-12-2015 td

ii. Hands

I applied Hands during this service learning experience by providing

informal coaching to my partner. Our contribution to the project was
equal, but at times I had to coach her through the decision-making process.
Also, I applied Hands by evaluating the project and our performance as a

iii. Head

My perspective on the role of a leader is that she is a facilitator who gets

things done by engaging people, listening, developing a shared vision, and
motivating people to achieve the desired outcomes. This is the belief
system that I applied to this service learning experience.

iv. Habits

The first habit that I applied to this experience was solitude. Solitude (and
quiet) gives me time to think and reflect. Taking the time to think helps
me generate creative ideas, do research if necessary and problem solve.
Reflection provides an opportunity to examine my experiences in a way
that I can learn from them and then apply what I have learned to future

The second habit that I applied was having supportive relationships. I was
able to use those relationships to help make the project a success. I found
that people responded to my request for art supplies and/or donations
partly because they wanted to support me in what I was doing.
4. Reflection-on-Action 30
➢ What surprised you most about your service learning experience?

The first thing that surprised me was the overwhelming response and
generosity of the people I contacted for donations. I am fortunate to have
a wide network of community-minded people who are especially
empathetic about the needs of people with mental illness. However, it was
still heartening to hear back from so many people. The second surprise
was how excited people were by the idea for the project and that it would
be supporting a peer art group. I even had one woman call me to ask for
more information because she thought the art group was such a good idea
and they didn’t have one at her local NAMI chapter.

➢ How do you think the skills you learned will be used as you become
a registered nurse?

The most important skill I learned (or had reinforced) is simply to ask for
what you need. I think this is an especially important skill in nursing.

NUR 4144 Individual Reflection 1-12-2015 td

Nurses oftentimes don’t have the resources they need but they don’t speak
up and don’t ask for what they need. Oftentimes they complain or develop
feelings of negativity towards their employer. But, as this service learning
experience has taught me, ask for what you need and you just might get it.

Another skill that will be used as I become a RN is focusing on what the

patient says she needs and not just on what you think the patient needs. As
discussed above, it was an important part of this service learning
experience to ask NAMI (the patient) what they needed in terms of
specific art supplies and not just make general assumptions based on our
own thoughts or ideas of what they needed.

➢ What impact do you think you had on the community where you
completed your service-learning project?

I think we had several important impacts on the community where we

completed our service learning project. First, we provided some much
needed resources to NAMI to support the peer art group. We learned
through our experience that NAMI does not have any dedicated funding
for the art group and that it is being run and funded by a volunteer.
Therefore, the infusion of supplies has an immediate impact on the
program’s sustainability.

Second, I think our interest in the art group and taking it on as a service
learning opportunity provided the volunteer running the group and its
members validation of the group’s importance. Also, knowing how many
people stepped-up to support the group gave them good feelings; ie. just
letting them know people care is an important impact.

Total Personal Reflection Points: 100

NUR 4144 Individual Reflection 1-12-2015 td

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