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Designation of the task: Questions Second Part Subject: English
Student: Jennyfer Reyes.
Course: 2nd IB A Date: November 06, 2018
1. In what way can you define or describe Sustainable?
By referring to "Sustainable" we indicate a way of life characterized by helping the
environment, through actions carried out individually or in societies. Actions that
seek to reduce levels of pollution, and lead an ecological life, in favor of nature.
2. Is possible to be sustainable without cooperation of countries in the world?
The possibilities of being sustainable would be few. Practically, there are
international corporations that perform acts of care for the environment, that is, it is
a whole system of ecological organizations operating at the same time in different
parts of the world, so in effect, for a country to be sustainable, it needs the support
from other countries.
3. In what way human being can create a sustainable lifestyle? Explain.
The human being can start to have a more ecological life from small spaces, like
his community. Through actions such as recycling, saving water and electricity,
planting trees, the individual is gradually creating a new and more pleasant world
for future generations.
4. Share 15 steps as a part to help more sustainable or help our mother nature.
 Go Paperless
 Turn Out the Lights
 Switch Light bulbs
 Recycle!
 Make sure your big purchases have big environmental benefits.
 Go #PlasticFree.
 Boycott products that endanger wildlife.
 Become More Aware of Resources:
 Plant Trees
 Change Your Travel Habits
 Conserve Water
 Buy Locally Grown Products
 Reduce Use of Harmful Chemicals
 Invest in eco-friendly technology
 Don’t waste food
5. Do you know how to go green? In what way? Explain.
To live in a sustainable way, being friends of the nature, it is necessary to have an
adequate will to fulfill your duty, as protector of nature. The training starts at home,
with actions such as:
 Saving water.
 Turn off lights that you do not use.
 Recycle suitable products that will be used for other activities.
 Plant species to help create a better environment.
6. Share how to get a local and sustainability community? ( ) a little bit of spam does not
In the first place, all the inhabitants of the community must be committed in what
they are going to do, and in the change that they will witness. To create a more
sustainable place, the term "save" is fundamental, because practically, you have to
make the effort to consume as little as you can to help the environment (electricity,
water). On the other hand, there are reforestation programs, and creation of green
areas that are essential for all the locals.
7. In what way you can be more eco-friendly?
To be more ecofriendly, it is necessary to perform actions such as those mentioned
previously. But these people can go a step further, at the time of founding their own
organization, united by a single objective, the preservation of nature. Activities such
as recycling, tree planting, creation of recreational areas, etc.
8. In what way you can reduce the environment impact?
Human beings have a duty to amend their mistakes, and reduce the impact that
pollution has on the environment. The only thing that can be done is to carry out
community work, in order to achieve a better world. Cleaning all the dirty areas of
that place. The law of the 3 R's indicates an aspect that we must follow. And likewise,
other actions such as using public transport help reduce the environmental impact.
9. Explain. In what way are connected the climate change and global warming?
Everything starts with pollution. The surprising levels of pollution at the global level
are responsible for causing global warming. At least the industries, play a major role
if polluting. The greenhouse gases sent to the atmosphere, destroy the ozone layer,
allowing the passage of ultraviolet light from the Sun, this causes a drastic increase
in temperature. Global warming allows the alteration of the climate, and that is why
today, we witness phenomena that are increasingly distant from a non-existent
10. Can you share ways to be a natural cleaner? Give examples.
 Reduce the consumption of meat, since the industry belonging to this, is one
of the main polluters worldwide.
 Reduce paper consumption, and recycle. The same with plastic.
 Use reusable bags for purchases.
 Minimize the consumption of electrical energy, and replace it with another
source (solar energy).
11. How you can live more sustainable?
This question I have already answered many times before, I'm sorry.
Recycle, that's the key. Then it is consuming less energy, not spending water, and
planting trees.
12. Can you share some practical tips for living more sustainable?
 Bring your own water bottle.
 Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues.
 Bring your own shopping bags.
 Reusable clothes instead of paper towel.
 Grow your own foods.
13. Can you talk about how the meat production is one of the most
environmentally destructive Industry? Massive amounts of water/ pollution/
gas emissions, etc.
More than 30 percent of the Earth’s surface is being used to raise and support
livestock. According to a United Nations study, “the livestock sector accounts for 9
percent of CO2 deriving from human-related activities, but produces a much larger
share of even more harmful greenhouse gases. It generates 65 percent of human-
related nitrous oxide, which has 296 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of
CO2.” Cutting back on your meat consumption is an important step in reducing the
overall emission of GWP gases. Less livestock also means more land we can enjoy
and use for recreation.
14. Why are trees important in order to live more sustainable? Which is their
The simple fact of planting trees is beneficial for nature, trees are species that for
their internal and external characteristics, are essential to sustain life.
 Trees benefit health: The canopies of trees act as a physical filter, trapping
dust and absorbing pollutants from the air.
 Trees benefit the environment: Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and
the carbon that they store in their wood helps slow the rate of global warming.
 Trees boost wildlife: Trees host complex microhabitats. When young, they
offer habitation and food to amazing communities of birds, insects, lichen and
15. In what way the Social Development can affect the way of living more
Social Development has been imposed to take full advantage of the human being,
and satisfy their needs with rewards for their effort. Its objective is to provide a
dignified life. This affects the sustainable way of life, first because Social
Development can see as an obstacle to this thought, or can see it as something
more than solving.
16. In your opinion, which is the role of technology and news in order to live
more sustainable? Explain.
Mass media such as news and the technological aspect can have a positive impact
on the environmental idea. The different organizations can take advantage of these
spaces to create an awareness more directed to the protection of the environment,
which would be very beneficial.

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