Yield Determinants

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We investigate the effect of crop price and climate variables on rainfed corn and soybean yields
and acreage in the United States using a large panel dataset for the 1977–2007 period. Instrumen-
tal variables are used to control for endogeneity of prices in yield and acreage regressions, while
allowing for spatially auto-correlated errors. We find that an increase in corn price has a statisti-
cally significant positive impact on corn yield, but the effect of soybean price on soybean yields
is not statistically significant. The estimated price elasticities of corn yield and acreage are 0.23
and 0.45, respectively. Of the increase in corn supply caused by an increase in corn price, we find
that 33.8% is due to price-induced yield enhancement and 66.2% is due to price-induced acreage
expansion. We also find that the impact of climate change on corn production ranges from −7%
to −41% and on soybean ranges from −8% to −45%, depending on the climate change scenarios,
time horizon, and global climate models used to predict climate change. We show that the aggre-
gate net impact of omitting price variables is an overestimation of the effect of climate change on
corn yield by up to 9% and on soybean yield by up to 15%.

Key words: Climate change, crop acreage, crop yield, prices, spatial correlation.
JEL codes: Q11, Q15, Q54.

Growing concern about the impact of cli- damages due to climate change (Mendelsohn,
mate change on agriculture has led to Nordhaus, and Shaw 1994). Other stud-
numerous studies to estimate the effect of ies have used the Ricardian approach to
changed climatic conditions on yields, land estimate the impact of climate on land
values, and profits. Many of these studies rent or value of farmland while allow-
have used field experiments or simulation ing for the possibility of adapting to it
approaches to assess the impact of climate (Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw 1994;
variables on yields (see a review in Long Schlenker, Hanemann, and Fisher 2005, 2006;
et al. 2006). These studies omit consider- Deschênes and Greenstone 2007). The Ricar-
ation of the potential for farmers to adapt dian approach also accounts for the impact
to climatic changes by changing input use, of climate on the agricultural sector as a
crop rotations, and agronomic practices, whole by including both the direct impact of
and, therefore, may be over-estimating the climate on yields and indirect impact due to
changes in inputs, crops, and other practices.
It relies on cross-sectional data and inher-
ently assumes that input and output prices
Ruiqing Miao is a postdoctoral research associate, Energy Bio-
remain constant over time even with climate
science Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, change (Darwin 1999; Schlenker, Hanemann,
Urbana, Illinois. Madhu Khanna is a professor, Department of and Fisher 2005; Schlenker and Roberts
Agricultural and Consumer Economics and Energy Biosciences
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, 2009). However, as Deschênes and Green-
Illinois. Haixiao Huang is a senior analyst, NV Energy, Las stone (2007) and Schlenker and Roberts
Vegas, Nevada. He contributed to this research while he was (2009) note, climate change may affect crop
a post-doctoral fellow at the Energy Biosciences Institute.
All correspondence should be addressed to Madhu Khanna prices by affecting world crop production.
at khanna1@illinois.edu. The authors gratefully acknowledge This raises questions about the extent to
funding from the Energy Biosciences Institute, University
of California, Berkeley. They thank Kathy Baylis for com-
which forecasts of the long-term effects on
ments and suggestions on the spatial econometric techniques land value or crop yield from these models
applied in this article; Wolfram Schlenker, Atul Jain, and can be attributed to climate change.
David LeBauer for providing climate data; Michael Roberts,
Peter Berck, and two anonymous referees for their insightful Recent studies have used panel data for
and helpful comments. Any remaining errors are their own. county-specific yield and weather to examine

Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 98(1): 191–211; doi: 10.1093/ajae/aav025

Published online May 29, 2015

c The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Agricultural and Applied Economics
Association. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com

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by guest
on 30 August 2018
192 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

nonlinearity in the effect of temperature debate on indirect land-use impact of corn-

and the interactions between temperature based ethanol production indicates that price
and precipitation on crop yields. Schlenker elasticities of crop yield and acreage play a
and Roberts (2009) project that warmer tem- key role in quantifying this impact (Khanna
peratures can severely reduce crop yields and Cargo 2012; Gohin 2014). It is therefore
in the rainfed United States by 30%–82% important to examine the responsiveness
depending on the speed of global warming of crop yields and acreage to prices using
by the end of the century. Deschênes and recently developed econometric methods and
Greenstone (2007) and Kucharik and Serbin updated data.
(2008) find that an increase in precipitation Climate can affect crop supply through its
is beneficial for corn and soybean yields effects not only on crop yields but also on
whereas McCarl, Villavicencio, and Wu crop acreage. For example, precipitation can
(2008) suggest that increased precipitation influence the date when crops are planted
can be harmful for wheat yield, beneficial for and hence can affect crop choice and acreage
cotton yield, but have no significant impact planted. Excessive precipitation in spring
on corn, sorghum, and soybean yield. has been observed to delay planting of corn
These studies treat the crop production and lead to an increase in soybean acreage
function to be a technical relationship in the Midwest several times in the last
between yield per acre and climate vari- three decades (Sacks et al. 2010; Weinraub
ables while controlling for time invariant 2013). Studies analyzing the determinants
factors such as soil quality using fixed effects. of crop acreage have focused primarily on
Although this is appropriate at a field scale, the effect of economic variables without
observed yield per acre of a crop at a more controlling for the effect of climate variables
aggregate level (such as a county) represents (see table 1 for a list of relevant studies). An
the direct effect of input application and crop exception is an early study by Orazem and
variety decisions (determined at least in part Miranowski (1986) that controls for the effect
by input and output prices) and the indi- of spring precipitation when studying how
rect effect of the land quality in the county crop acreage allocation responds to different
used for the crop. Expected crop prices can price expectation regimes.1
influence the adoption of improved crop The purpose of this article is threefold.
practices, seed varieties, and other technolo- First, we seek to examine the effect of cli-
gies which can affect crop yields (Kaufmann mate variables on yield and acreage of corn
and Snell 1997). Additionally, land quality and soybeans and therefore on the supply of
in the county used for the crop is likely to these crops while controlling for the effect
be affected by input and output prices too of crop input and output prices. Second, we
because they affect incentives for substi- project the impact of climate change on crop
tution of acres among crops as well as for production under alternative climate scenar-
making changes in crop acreage at the exten- ios and temporal frameworks by using the
sive margin. This determines the extent to most updated climate change forecasts as of
which low-quality marginal land is brought 2014 from the Intergovernmental Panel on
into crop production and affects the average Climate Change (IPCC)’s fifth Assessment
yield in the region. However, aforemen- Report (AR5). Third, based on the estimates
tioned studies examining the effect of climate for the price elasticities of crop yield and
variables on crop yields do not control for acreage, we examine the extent to which
farmers’ responses to expected input and changes in crop prices lead to changes at the
output prices. intensive versus extensive margin by affecting
A few earlier econometric studies focus yield per acre and crop acreage. Our analysis
on the positive responsiveness of crop yields focuses on the rainfed area of the United
to prices while controlling for the effect of States (east of the 100th meridian) for the
climate variables (Houck and Gallagher period 1977–2007.
1976; Menz and Pardey 1983; Choi and The inclusion of crop prices in the reduced
Helmberger 1993; Kaufmann and Snell form regressions of crop yield and acreage
1997). But these studies do not account
for the endogeneity of crop prices. Fur-
thermore, data used in these studies are 1
However, because their focus is on comparing the effect of
aggregated at the national level and are different expectation regimes, Orazem and Miranowski (1986) do
quite outdated (prior to 1989). Recent public not explicitly discuss the effect of precipitation on crop acreage.

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on 30 August 2018
Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 193

Table 1. Estimates of Crop Yield and Acreage Elasticities in Different Studies

Crop Yield Elasticities
Study Price Used Crop Type Elasticity
Choi and Helmberger (1993) Futures Corn 0.27
Soybeans 0.13
Houck and Gallagher (1976) Received Corn 0.24–0.76
Lyons and Thompson (1981) Received Corn 0.22
Menz and Pardey (1983) Received Corn 0.61
This article Received Corn 0.23
Soybeans Not statistically significant
Futures Corn 0.26
Soyabeans Not statistically significant
Crop Acreage Elasticities
Own-price Elasticity between
Study Price Used Crop Type Elasticity Corn and Soybeans
Barr et al. (2011)a Futures Total acreage 0.007–0.029
Chavas and Holt (1990)a Received Corn 0.15 −0.15
Soybeans 0.45 −0.30
Chembezi and Womack (1992)a Received Corn 0.10 −0.05
Lee and Helmberger (1985)a Received Corn 0.05 −0.15
Soybeans 0.25 −0.15
Lin and Dismukes (2007)a Futures Corn 0.17–0.35 N/A
Soybeans 0.30 N/A
Miller and Plantinga (1999)a Received Corn 0.95 −0.45
Soybeans 0.95 −0.40
Orazem and Miranowski (1994)a Futures Corn 0.10 0.02
Soybeans 0.33 0.01
Tegene, Huffman, and Received Corn 0.20 N/A
Miranowski (1988)b
This articlea,c Received Corn 0.45 N/A
Soybeans 0.63 N/A

Note: a Acreage regression models do not control for lagged acreage. b Acreage regression models control for lagged acreage. c See footnote 12 for a
discussion regarding results using futures prices.

raises several econometric issues. First, we prices are serially correlated and supply
need to consider how farmers form their shocks in one year can persist over time,
expectations of crop prices when making even lagged prices are likely to be correlated
decisions about crop acreage and cropping with unobservable factors that affect current
practices at the time of planting and the yields and acreage decisions.2 We therefore
appropriate proxies for these expected prices. use an instrumental variable (IV) approach
Existing studies have used various proxies for to address this endogeneity problem. Third,
expected prices, including lagged-year real- since county specific weather data and unob-
ized prices and current-year futures prices, servable factors that affect crop yield and
but there is no strong evidence to suggest land allocation can be quite similar across
that one outperforms the other in describing a wide region (say, a state), county-level
farmers’ expectations. We examine the crop yields and acreage are expected to be
robustness of our results to both proxies spatially correlated. Therefore, we allow for
for expected prices. Second, the inclusion spatial autocorrelation of the error terms in
of crop prices as explanatory variables has the yield and acreage regressions.
the potential to lead to endogeneity bias
because yield and acreage in a given year 2
High correlation between futures price and received prices
can affect crop prices in that year (Roberts (as found to be the case by Chavas, Pope, and Kao 1983) implies
and Schlenker 2013). Moreover, since crop that futures prices are endogenously determined as well.

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by guest
on 30 August 2018
194 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Accounting for endogeneity of prices by soybean yield. For corn and soybean acreage,
using IV methods and controlling for spa- the own price elasticities are 0.45 and 0.63,
tial autocorrelation of the error terms in the respectively. Based on the own price elastic-
yield and acreage regressions by applying ities of corn yield and acreage, we calculate
recently developed techniques in spatial that 33.8% of an increase in corn production
panel econometrics are two contributions caused by an increase in corn price is due
of this article compared to earlier studies to yield increase, whereas 66.2% is due to
regarding the effects of prices on yields and acreage increase. Failing to account for the
acreage (Houck and Gallagher 1976; Menz price elasticity of yield will therefore overes-
and Pardey 1983; Choi and Helmberger 1993; timate the land-use change effect of biofuel
Kaufmann and Snell 1997). Moreover, by production because it ignores the mitigating
including both prices and climate variables effect of changes at the intensive margin
to explain crop yield and acreage, we avoid that can increase supply. Our findings have
possible estimation biases caused by omitted implications for the recent public debate
variables in previous studies (e.g., Schlenker on indirect land-use impact of corn-based
and Roberts 2009).3 ethanol production. That is, models assuming
Like Schlenker and Roberts (2009), we a zero price elasticity of corn yields to prices,
find that climate change will decrease crop such as Searchinger et al. (2008), are likely
yields. We also find that spring precipitation to be overestimating the impact of biofuel
has a statistically significant effect on crop production on indirect land use change.
acreages. The net combined impact of cli- The rest of the article is organized as
mate change on corn production ranges from follows. We first present a conceptual frame-
−7% to −41% and on soybean ranges from work to motivate the effect of prices, climate,
−8% to −45%, depending on the climate and agricultural policy on crop yield and
change scenarios, time horizon considered, acreage. Then we illustrate econometric mod-
and global climate models used to predict els and data used in the analysis, followed by
climate change. More importantly, we show estimation results and the implications of
that omitting price variables from the corn these results. The last section concludes.
yield regression will underestimate the effect
of growing degree days (GDD) by 10.3%
and overestimate the effect of overheat Conceptual Framework: Determinants of
degree days, temperature deviation, and Crop Yield and Acreage
precipitation by up to 41.3%, 18.1%, and
9.6%, respectively. The net impact of omit- A crop production function at a field level is
ting price variables is an overestimation of typically modeled as a technical relationship
the effect of climate change on corn yield between yield per acre and factors affect-
by up to 9% and on soybean yield by up to ing yield such as input use, soil fertility,
15%, depending on climate change scenarios farm management practices, and climate.
and time horizon considered. These results Although climate and soil fertility are exoge-
indicate that the negative impact of climate nously determined to farming, input use and
change on crop supply may be partly miti- management practices can be controlled
gated by changes in inputs and production by farmers. Moreover, observed yield per
practices due to the increase in crop prices acre of a crop at the county-level repre-
that is likely to be induced by reduction in sents the effect of farming decisions at both
production caused by climate change. intensive margin (e.g., input application,
We find a statistically significant own price management practice, and crop choices, etc.)
elasticity of corn yield of 0.23 but not of and extensive margin (e.g., acreage expan-
sion). These decisions at the intensive and
extensive margins are likely to be affected
Schlenker and Roberts (2009) used year fixed effects to
by input and expected output prices as well
control for technology and time effects in their sensitivity analysis. as by agricultural policies that affect crop
One may argue that, based on the law of one price, the effect prices received by farmers and the flexibility
of prices is controlled for by year fixed effects. Crop prices,
however, differ across states and over time and their effects are
of making crop acreage changes. A reduced
therefore difficult to control while also controlling for county- form relationship examining the determi-
specific unobservable using county fixed effects. Moreover, we are nants of county-level average crop yield
interested in estimating the effect of prices on yield and acreage,
which cannot be achieved using year fixed effects models while and crop acreage is therefore likely to be a
assuming that the law of one price holds. function not only of soil and climate variables

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on 30 August 2018
Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 195

but also of input and expected output prices to support the use of futures price as being
as well as agricultural policies. consistent with rational expectations. Chavas,
Pope, and Kao (1983) examine the per-
formance of futures price and one-year
Effects of Output and Input Prices lagged received price in determine farm-
An increase in the output price of a crop can ers’ acreage decision. They show that since
be expected to increase the acreage devoted futures price and one-year lagged received
to the crop by creating incentives to switch price are highly correlated, it makes little
land from other uses to this crop. However, difference whether futures price or one-
the effect of expected output price on crop year lagged received price is used, and the
yield per acre at the county-level is concep- issue of multi-collinearity will likely arise
tually ambiguous. On the one hand, ceteris if both prices are included in a regression.
paribus, an increase in expected price of a Like the results of Chavas, Pope, and Kao
crop could lead farmers to increase input-use (1983), Shideed and White (1989) also find
and adopt more productive management that using futures prices or lagged received
practices and crop varieties (Feng and price generates similar price elasticities of
Babcock 2010), which will increase the aver- acreage. In sum, the existing literature sug-
age county level yield per acre of this crop. gests that futures prices and lagged received
On the other hand, the increase in expected price can be used interchangeably and there
price could also lead to a change in rotation is no strong evidence to suggest that one
practice (e.g., an increase in corn price can outperforms the other in describing farmers’
be expected to lead land converting from a expectations.
corn-soybean rotation to a continuous-corn In empirical studies, both lagged-year
rotation) and expanding acreage under the received prices and current-year futures
crop to marginal, low quality acres (Feng and prices are widely used as proxies for expected
Babcock 2010), which could decrease county- prices (see table 1). For example, Houck
average crop yield per acre. The net effect of and Gallagher (1976) and Menz and Pardey
expected crop price on county-average crop (1983) use one-year lagged received prices
yield depends on the relative magnitude of as proxy for the expected prices to explain
these effects and is an empirical question. crop yield whereas Choi and Helmberger
Conceptually, the effect of input prices (1993) use futures prices. Among studies
on county-level average yield and acreage analyzing the response of crop acreage to
is ambiguous as well. For instance, the prices, Chavas and Holt (1990), Tegene,
direct effect of the reduction in fertilizer use Huffman, and Miranowski (1988), Chembezi
induced by an increase in fertilizer price and Womack (1992), Lee and Helmberger
is likely to be negative for corn yield on a (1985), and Miller and Plantinga (1999)
specific field. However, with an increase in use lagged received prices as an explana-
fertilizer price, land with low corn productiv- tory variable. Studies that use futures prices
ity may be converted to other crops so that include Lin and Dismukes (2007), Barr et al.
only land with high corn productivity is left (2011), and Orazem and Miranowski (1994).
for corn production, which may increase the In this study, we examine the effect of both
average corn yield in a county. The effect one-year lagged received price and, sepa-
of increasing fertilizer price on crop acreage rately, current-year futures price as proxies
could be negative if it leads farmers to switch of expected crop prices.
to crops that require less fertilizer to save
input costs (e.g., from corn to soybeans). It Effects of Climate Variables on Yield and
could also lead farmers to substitute land for Acreage
fertilizer and expand crop acreage.
Due to biological lags in agricultural pro- It is well documented that GDD have a
duction, planting decision and post-planting nonlinear effect on yield and that tem-
crop management practices have to be based perature higher than a threshold may be
on farmers’ expectations of output prices.4 harmful for the growth of crops (Schenkler
Gardner (1976) provides empirical evidence and Roberts 2009). In addition to GDD,
precipitation is another key factor that
affects crop yields. Yields are also expected
Irwin and Thraen (1994) and Gouel (2010) provide to be affected by temperature variability
comprehensive surveys on this issue. (McCarl, Villavicencio, and Wu 2008).

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by guest
on 30 August 2018
196 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Therefore, in our crop yield models we and government payments that a farmer
include variables for GDD, precipitation, received in a year were limited to program
and temperature deviation. Specifically, we crops based on the actual acreage devoted
include GDD and its squared terms to cap- to that program crop and the yield specified
ture the non-linear effect of temperature. for the farmer.6 These coupled payments that
We also include overheat degree days in were calculated based on actual acreage and
order to capture temperature’s threshold yield rewarded more intensive production
effect. Since the effect of precipitation on and higher crop yields. After the FAIR Act
yield will depend on the timing and intensity was enacted, farmers received Production
with potentially nonlinear effects, unlike Flexibility Contract (PFC) payments that
previous studies we include monthly mean were calculated based on historical acreage
precipitation during the growing season and and yield, which indicates that the FAIR Act
their squared terms to capture the non-linear allowed for planting flexibility.
effects of precipitation and the potential Several studies have found that decoupled
impact of timing and seasonal variation on payments affect farmers’ risk attitudes and
yield. We also include monthly tempera- have implications for input use, technical effi-
ture deviations over growing season in yield ciency, and output, although these effects are
models. typically small (e.g., Serra, Zilberman, and
Within a growing season, information Gil 2008; Bhaskar and Beghin 2009; Serra,
about post-planting climate conditions is not Goodwin, and Featherstone 2011; Weber
available when acreage allocation decisions and Key 2011). Serra et al. (2006) find that
are made. Therefore, post-planting climate decoupling may decrease the mean and vari-
conditions should not be included in acreage ance of farm-level output through reducing
models although they affect crop yields. the use of risk-increase input. Simulations
However, we believe that it is reasonable to by Ray (1996) show that the 1996 FAIR Act
include spring precipitation in acreage mod- could be expected to decrease the acreage
els because a wet spring will make it difficult of program crops such as corn and cotton. In
for corn being planted on time, and hence this study, we control for the effects of the
corn acreage may be switched to soybean FAIR Act by including a dummy variable
acreage (Sacks et al. 2010; Weinraub 2013). that equals 0 in years earlier than 1996 and 1
Therefore, we include monthly precipitation in 1996 and thereafter.
in March to May to control for the effect of
the pre-planting climate on crop acreage.5
Moreover, since farmland faces competition Empirical Framework
from population growth and urban devel-
opment, we include population density in We model the county-specific average yield
the model to control for its effect on crop per acre, Yijt , of crop i ∈ {c, s}, with c for corn
acreage in a county. and s for soybeans, in county j and in year
t as
Effects of Farm Policy
Crop yields and acreage are also likely to (1) Yijt = βi0 + βi1 ijt + βi2  ijt + βi3  ijt
be affected by agricultural policies that can + Dt + uij + ijt
either directly affect expected returns from
cropping or the flexibility to make farm level where βi0 is a constant, and βi1 to βi3 are
(and therefore aggregate) acreage decisions. vectors of parameters to be estimated; , ,
A significant change in US farm policy took and  are vectors of prices, climate variables,
place in 1996 with the passage of the Fed- and time trend, respectively; Dt is a dummy
eral Agriculture Improvement and Reform
(FAIR) Act, which decoupled government
payments from farmers’ actual production 6
The approach employed to specify yield for a farmer prior to
decisions. Prior to the FAIR Act, crops were the FAIR Act evolved over time. Prior to the Food, Agriculture,
classified as program and nonprogram crops Conservation, and Trade (FACT) act of 1990, actual yields were
used to calculate program payments. The 1990 FACT froze the
yields used to calculate program payment at 1985 levels. The 1996
FAIR Act continued the 1990 FACT act in determining payment
We are indebted to two anonymous referees for comments yield. The 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment (FSRI) Act
on how climate affects crop acreage that led to this model allowed producers to voluntarily adjust base yield to match the
specification. real productivity.

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Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 197

variable reflecting the enactment of the 1996 yield and acreage are positively spatially
FAIR Act (Dt = 0 when t < 1996 and Dt = 1 correlated. Therefore, in yield and acreage
when t ≥ 1996); uij is a county-level fixed models described in equations (1) and (2),
effect, and ijt is an error term. The price we allow for spatial autocorrelation of the
vector  in equation (1) includes both input error terms ijt and eijt . Failure to take spatial
price and output prices. The input price is autocorrelation into account may generate
represented by a fertilizer price index. The biased and inconsistent estimates (LeSage
output price is one-year lag of state-level 1997) and lead to underestimation of the
received prices, or separately, planting- standard errors (Schlenker, Hanemann, and
season prices of futures contracts that mature Fisher 2006).
in harvest season. The climate vector, , in We define i (t) ≡ (i1t , . . . , iNi t ) in equation
equation (1) includes GDD and its squared (1) and ei (t) ≡ (ei1t , . . . , eiMi t ) in equation
term, overheat degree days, monthly mean (2) where Ni and Mi are numbers of coun-
precipitation and their squared terms, and ties in yield models and acreage models,
monthly deviation in temperature, which is respectively, and i ∈ {c, s}. Then the spa-
included to control for variability in tem- tial autocorrelation takes the form: i (t) =
perature. We include disaggregated climate ρi WiNi i (t) + ξi (t) and ei (t) = φi WiMi ei (t) +
variables (e.g., monthly precipitation and ηi (t), where ρi and φi are scalar autoregres-
monthly temperature deviation) to examine sive parameters; WiNi and WiMi are Ni × Ni
the potential impact of timing and seasonal and Mi × Mi weight matrix of constants that
variation in climate variables on agricul- do not change over year t; and ξi (t) and ηi (t)
tural production. The definitions of these are Ni × 1 and Mi × 1 vectors of innova-
climate variables are given below. Soil qual- tions in year t, respectively. To construct the
ity variables are not included directly in the weight matrix, we define neighbors as the
regression since they are time invariant and 8 nearest counties to a county.7 Following
cannot be distinguished from county-specific Schlenker, Hanemann, and Fisher (2006), we
effects. The time trend vector  includes a first obtain generalized method of moments
linear and a quadratic form of time trend to (GMM) estimators of ρi and φi and then
reflect advances in technology and agronomic transform the data by pre-multiplying the
practices. yield data by I − ρ̂i WiNi (I − φ̂i WiMi for the
Similarly, the reduced-form of acreage acreage data). The command “spgm” in R
models can be written as package “splm” is applied for estimating the
GMM estimators.
(2) Aijt = γi0 + γi1 ijt + γi2  ijt + γi3  ijt To address the endogeneity of input and
output prices, we apply a panel data IV
+ γi4 Pjt + γi5 Dt + vij + eijt
estimator with county fixed effects. The
fixed-effect IV approach is appropriate since
where the subscripts, variables, and param- explanatory variables such as lagged crop
eters are defined similarly as in equation (1) prices and fertilizer price index may not be
except that A is crop acreage and P is pop- strictly exogenous and the time-invariant
ulation density. Unlike the yield model, the county characteristics such as geography
climate vector, , in the acreage equation may be correlated with those explanatory
includes monthly spring precipitation (March variables. Following Roberts and Schlenker
to May) only. (2013), we use one-year lagged climate vari-
Climate conditions, soil quality, and ables and one-year lagged crop stocks as
input and output prices in a large region IVs because they are exogenous and affect
(say, a state) can be quite similar, and the current yields and acreage only through
county-level yield and crop acreage may affecting prices. Specifically, across all corn
be correlated with those in neighboring and soybean yield models as well as corn
counties. Therefore, we use Moran’s I test
to examine spatial autocorrelation of yield
and acreage. Results show that Moran’s I 7
For soybean acreage models, we define neighbors as the 5
statistics for corn and soybean yields are 0.73 nearest counties. Baylis, Paulson, and Piras (2011) define neighbors
and 0.85, respectively. For corn and soybean as the ten nearest counties. We define a smaller number of nearest
acreage, Moran’s I statistics are 0.69 and 0.67, counties as neighbors because in our dataset the selected counties
are more sparsely distributed than those in Baylis, Paulson, and
respectively. All these statistics are significant Piras (2011) due to the fact that some counties do not have corn
at 1% level, so we can conclude that both or soybean production.

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by guest
on 30 August 2018
198 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

acreage models, the IVs are: one-year lagged By using this difference we generate state-
corn stocks, one-year lagged soybean stocks, level futures prices because what matters
and one-year lagged GDD. For soybean to farmers’ price expectation is the planting
acreage models, since the aforementioned season price of futures that mature in the
three IVs do not pass the over-identification harvest season. Specifically, for a state, we
test, we use one-year lagged corn stocks, one- first identify its most active planting dates
year lagged soybean stocks, and one-year based upon “Field Crops Usual Planting and
lagged annual precipitation as IVs. Harvesting Dates” reported by NASS (2010).
We specify a linear functional form for Then we calculate the average prices during
the yield models and a log-linear functional these planting dates of October corn futures
form for the acreage models. Crop prices are prices and November soybean futures prices
specified in logarithmic form in the acreage to obtain the corn and soybean futures prices
model while other independent variables to be used in the regressions. The national-
are included in levels. This model specifica- level fertilizer price index is obtained from
tion is supported by results from Box-Cox data published by Economic Research Ser-
regressions (see Greene 2003, 500). Based vice of USDA.9 All prices are converted to
on the original datasets (i.e., non-spatially 2000 dollars using US GDP implicit price
transformed), for the yield models, the Box- deflator. State-level crop stocks on Decem-
Cox test suggests a linear form because the ber 1st in each year over 1977–2007 are also
maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of downloaded from NASS.
Box-Cox transformation parameters for corn Monthly mean, minimum, and maxi-
and soybean yield models are 0.9 and 0.8, mum temperature, as well as monthly mean
respectively. The MLE of the Box-Cox trans- precipitation for each county from Jan-
formation parameters for corn and soybean uary 1977 to December 2007 are derived
acreage models are 0.26 and 0.31, respec- from the Parameter-Elevation Regressions
tively, which indicate that the log-linear on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM)
models are preferred.8 that was developed by the Spatial Climate
Analysis service at Oregon State University
(PRISM Climate Group 2009). Here, the
Data and Variables monthly mean temperature is the mean of
daily average temperature within a month.
We obtain county-level yield and planted Monthly minimum (respectively, maximum)
acreage data for corn and soybean over temperature is the mean of daily minimum
1977–2007 from National Agricultural Statis- (respectively, maximum) temperature within
tics Service (NASS) of the US Department a month. Monthly deviation in temperature
of Agriculture (USDA). We focus only on is calculated as the monthly maximum minus
rainfed counties, that is, counties on the east the monthly minimum temperature. In this
of the 100th meridian. We construct bal- study, we include both a GDD variable,
anced panels because we are estimating panel a squared term of GDD, and an overheat
data models with spatial correlation. Spatial degree days variable in yield models. Follow-
panel econometrics with unbalanced panel ing Schlenker, Hanemann, and Anthony
datasets may have problematic asymptotic (2006) and Deschênes and Greenstone
properties when the reason for missing data (2007), GDDs in the range 8–32◦ C within
is unknown (Elhorst 2010). For the corn yield growing season are included in the regres-
and acreage regressions, data from 1,144 sions. GDDs above 32◦ C are defined to be
counties are included, whereas for the soy- overheat degree days. GDDs in the range of
bean yield and acreage equations, data from 8–32◦ C and overheat degree days are calcu-
926 counties are included. lated based on the PRISM data following the
The state-level received prices for each standard mean temperature cut-off approach
crop are obtained from NASS as well. illustrated by Chandrasekaran, Annadurai,
Although futures prices are at national- and Somasundaram (2010, 512). Following
level, crop planting dates in each state differ. Schlenker, Hanemann, and Fisher (2006), we
employ the square root of overheat degree
When running the Box-Cox regressions for both acreage
and yield models, we treat the panel datasets as cross-sectional 9
datasets. We also estimate Box-Cox regressions based on spatially Website: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/fertilizer-use-
transformed datasets and found similar results. and-price.aspx (accessed on Dec. 2nd , 2014).

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on 30 August 2018
Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 199

days in the models. In this study, we define That is, the instrument variables are strongly
the growing season as March to August as in correlated with the endogenous variables.
Schlenker and Roberts (2009) because plant- The test for overidentification using the
ing and harvesting of corn and soybeans in Hansen J statistic shows that we cannot reject
the majority of growing states starts in March the hypothesis that the IVs are valid (i.e.,
and September, respectively (NASS 2010). uncorrelated with the error term) at any rea-
The county-level data on population den- sonable significance levels. Therefore, we can
sity from 1977 to 2007 are obtained from conclude that the IVs used in the regressions
Population Division at the US Census are strongly correlated with endogenous
Bureau (2009). Table 2 contains the sum- variables and uncorrelated with error term.
mary statistics for corn yield and acreage The same conclusion holds when futures
dataset. Summary statistics for soybean yield prices are used in the yield models. Further-
and acreage dataset are provided in table more, we account for serial autocorrelation
S1 in the online Supporting Information (SI and heteroskedasticity by using the robust
hereafter). estimator.
From table 3 we see that received corn
price has a statistically significant and posi-
Estimation Results tive effect on corn yield, with the coefficient
being about 7.4 in model III. When evaluated
In this section, we discuss the estimation at sample means, this implies that the elastic-
results of the yield and acreage regressions. ity of corn yield with respect to received corn
We estimate three alternative specifications price is 0.23. This indicates that the positive
for each of the yield models of corn and soy- effect of corn price on corn yield dominates
beans. For acreage models, we estimate two its negative effect through induced changes
alternative specifications for each crop. in land use. We compare our elasticity esti-
mates with those in the literature (table 1).
Determinants of Crop Yields Our estimates are close to those estimated
by Choi and Helmberger (1993) and Lyons
The estimation results for crop yields are
and Thompson (1981). We also estimate the
presented in tables 3 and 4 for corn and
price elasticity of corn yields using futures
soybeans, respectively.10 Due to space limi- prices and the estimated coefficient of 7.9 of
tation, we present results based on received corn futures prices (see model IV in table S2
prices in the main text and present results of SI). When evaluated at sample means, the
based on futures prices in tables S2 and S3 elasticity of corn yield with respect to corn
in SI. The effects of crop prices on yield futures price is 0.26.
are qualitatively the same whether received As expected, corn yield responds neg-
prices or futures prices are used. As we see atively to fertilizer index. Table 4 shows
in tables 3 and 4, yield model I includes only that soybean yield is not sensitive to its own
climate variables. Yield model II includes price. The reason could be that soybean
climate variables and the FAIR dummy. yield increase may be mainly caused by the
Models III adds to yield model II by also adoption of genetic technology and by the
including fertilizer price index and the crop’s advances in agronomic practices over the
own price. Kleibergen and Paap (2006) rk last few decades (Specht et al. 2014). It could
statistic is used to test for underidentifica- also be indicative of the intensive and exten-
tion of model III. The test result shows that sive margin effects offsetting each other.
model III is identified. We use two tests for The result that soybean yields are not sensi-
weak identification (i.e., excluded instru- tive to fertilizer price index is not surprising
ments are just weakly correlated with the because not very much fertilizer is applied
endogenous variables): Cragg-Donald F to soybeans. Table 3 also shows that corn
Wald statistic and Kleibergen-Paap Wald yield has a positive and statistically significant
rk F statistic. Our results show that yield time trend; corn yield increases at an increas-
model III for both corn and soybean passes ing rate over time. Table 4 shows that the
the weak-identification test (tables 3 and 4). coefficient of the linear term of time trend
in the soybean yield model is positive and
statistically significant in models I and II and
To keep tables 3 and 4 in a reasonable size, we only present
estimations of key variables in these two tables. For a complete weakly significant (at 25% significance level)
presentation of estimations, see tables S2 and S3 in SI. in model III, respectively.

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on 30 August 2018
200 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Table 2. Summary Statistics of Dataset for Corn Yield and Acreage Analyses
(1,144 counties, 35,464 observations, 1977–2007)
Variables Mean SD Min Max
Corn yield (bushel/acre) 104.8 32.6 0.0 204.0
Corn received price ($/bushel) 3.2 1.2 1.6 6.8
Soybean received price ($/bushel) 7.9 2.9 4.0 15.0
Corn futures price ($/bushel) 3.4 1.2 2.0 6.3
Soybean futures price ($/bushel) 8.3 3.1 4.2 17.1
Corn acreage (planted acres) 49558 54539 200 397000
Fertilizer price index 111 28 72 209
Population density ( residents/squared mile) 132 282 2 5614
Precipitation in March (mm) 86.2 53.3 0.4 456.0
Precipitation in April (mm) 91.4 47.3 0.2 524.6
Precipitation in May (mm) 106.5 55.0 0.4 514.7
Precipitation in June (mm) 106.8 51.3 2.0 485.1
Precipitation in July (mm) 108.2 51.8 0.0 557.4
Precipitation in August (mm) 100.7 50.4 0.3 458.5
Growing degree days (GDD) (8–32◦ C) 2166 476 947 3589
Overheat degree days (>32◦ C) 22.9 55.2 0.0 539.3
Temperature deviation, March (◦ C) 12.1 1.8 6.2 19.1
Temperature deviation, April (◦ C) 13.2 1.6 7.2 19.4
Temperature deviation, May (◦ C) 13.0 1.5 7.2 19.7
Temperature deviation, June (◦ C) 12.5 1.4 6.9 20.7
Temperature deviation, July (◦ C) 12.1 1.3 6.8 19.5
Temperature deviation, August (◦ C) 12.3 1.2 7.2 18.1
Note: Statistics reported in this table are for the data used for the corn yield and corn acreage regressions. The data used for the soybean yield and
acreage regressions are presented in table S1 of SI. Prices are in 2000 dollars.

Table 3. Determinants of Corn Yield (yield and crop price are in levels)
Variables Model I Model II Model III
Received corn price – – – – 7.367∗∗ (3.43)
Lag fertilizer price index – – – – −1.381∗∗∗ (0.28)
Growing degree days 0.0269∗∗∗ (0.00860) 0.026∗∗∗ (0.009) 0.033∗∗∗ (0.01)
Degree days squared −1.00e-05∗∗∗ (2.09e-06) −9.87e-6∗∗∗ (2.09e-6) −1.18e-5∗∗∗ (2.19e-6)
Overheat degree days −0.688∗∗∗ (0.0940) −0.695∗∗∗ (0.094) −0.492∗∗∗ (0.105)
Temp. deviation, Mar. 0.430∗∗ (0.196) 0.418∗∗ (0.196) 0.053 (0.216)
Temp. deviation, Apr. 1.160∗∗∗ (0.214) 1.160∗∗∗ (0.213) 1.018∗∗∗ (0.226)
Temp. deviation, May 0.297 (0.233) 0.311 (0.233) 0.802∗∗∗ (0.262)
Temp. deviation, Jun. −1.016∗∗∗ (0.232) −1.079 ∗∗∗ (0.233) −1.488∗∗∗ (0.264)
Temp. deviation, Jul. −1.379∗∗∗ (0.272) −1.340∗∗∗ (0.272) −0.515 (0.324)
Temp. deviation, Aug. −0.517∗∗ (0.229) −0.502∗∗ (0.229) −0.776∗∗∗ (0.243)
Time trend 0.268∗ (0.154) 0.244 (0.155) 1.332 (0.858)
Time trend squared 0.0362∗∗∗ (0.00486) 0.0417∗∗∗ (0.006) 0.134∗∗∗ (0.024)
Fair dummy – – −3.321∗∗ (1.362) −12.84∗∗∗ (2.894)
Number of observations 34,320 34,320 34,320
Kleibergen-Paap rk LM – – 387.0
Cragg-Donald Wald F – – 120.2
Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald – – 130.4
F statistic
p-value of Hansen J – – 0.226
Spatial autocorrelation 0.829 0.828 0.828
Note: Overheat degree days are in square root form. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Coefficients of monthly precipitation over the growing
season are presented in table S2 in SI.
∗∗∗ 1% level.
∗∗ 5% level.
∗ 10% level.

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on 30 August 2018
Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 201

Table 4. Determinants of Soybean Yield (yield and crop price are in levels)
Variables Model I Model II Model III
Soybean price – – – – 0.186 (0.572)
Lag fertilizer price index – – – – 0.0948 (0.0879)
Growing degree days 0.0190∗∗∗ (0.00311) 0.0188∗∗∗ (0.00311) 0.0192∗∗∗ (0.0035)
Degree days squared −5.19e-06 ∗∗∗ (7.45e-07) −5.17e-06∗∗∗ (7.45e-7) −5.10e-06∗∗∗ (7.69e-7)
Overheat degree days −0.159∗∗∗ (0.0275) −0.160∗∗∗ (0.0275) −0.171∗∗∗ (0.0303)
Temp. deviation, Mar. 0.0279 (0.0622) 0.0257 (0.0622) 0.0548 (0.0695)
Temp. deviation, Apr. 0.289∗∗∗ (0.0646) 0.288∗∗∗ (0.0646) 0.302∗∗∗ (0.0660)
Temp. deviation, May 0.0502 (0.0681) 0.0522 (0.0681) 0.0237 (0.0759)
Temp. deviation, Jun. −0.0535 (0.0764) −0.0648 (0.0768) −0.0224 (0.0899)
Temp. deviation, Jul. −0.0596 (0.0787) −0.0520 (0.0790) −0.115 (0.100)
Temp. deviation, Aug. −0.552∗∗∗ (0.0746) −0.549∗∗∗ (0.0745) −0.523∗∗∗ (0.0790)
Time trend 0.316∗∗∗ (0.0506) 0.312∗∗∗ (0.0510) 0.514 (0.468)
Time trend squared 0.00159 (0.00157) 0.00263 (0.00181) −0.00818 (0.0128)
FAIR dummy – – −0.631 (0.446) −0.435 (0.697)
No. of observations 27,780 27,780 27,780
Kleibergen-Paap rk LM – – 287.0
Cragg-Donald Wald F – – 78.2
Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald – – 96.4
F statistic
p-value of Hansen J – – 0.591
Spatial autocorrelation 0.839 0.839 0.839
Note: Overheat degree days are in square root form. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Coefficients of monthly precipitation over the growing
season are presented in table S3 in SI.
∗∗∗ 1%level.
∗∗ 5% level.
∗ 10% level.

The sign and statistical significance of ceteris paribus, corn and soybean yields peak
the effect of climate variables on corn and at 1,403 and 1,882 GDD, respectively. At the
soybean yield are robust across the three GDD sample means, 2,166 for corn and 2,167
models and consistent with expectation. The for soybean, the effect of a marginal increase
magnitude of the coefficients of the climate in GDD on corn and soybean yield is nega-
variables in the corn yield model I are close tive. Specifically, when evaluated at sample
to those in model II but quite different from means, a 1% increase in GDD will decrease
those in model III. For example, the coeffi- corn yield by 0.37% (about 0.4 bushel per
cients of GDD are 0.027 and 0.026 in models acre) and soybean yield by 0.19% (about 0.06
I and II, respectively. In model III, however, bushel per acre).
the coefficient of GDD is 0.033. This indi- Extreme temperature that is higher than
cates that inclusion of price variables affects 32◦ C (i.e., overheat degree days) during the
estimates of the impact of climate variables growing season is found to be harmful for
on corn yield. A similar conclusion holds for corn yield. This result is consistent across all
soybean yield models. We discuss this further the yield model specifications. For soybean
in the next section. yield, the same conclusion holds except that
The coefficients of GDD and squared the magnitude of the coefficient is much
GDD are statistically significant across smaller than that for corn. Our results further
all model specifications for both corn and show that monthly temperature deviations
soybean yield. The positive coefficients of in March to May are beneficial for both
GDD and negative coefficients of squared corn and soybean yields, while the monthly
GDD indicate an inverse U-shaped rela- temperature deviations in June to August
tionship between yield and GDD. Based are harmful. An explanation for the above
upon model III, the estimated coefficients pattern of effect could be that larger temper-
of GDD and squared GDD suggest that, ature deviations in March to May indicate

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by guest
on 30 August 2018
202 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

that weather is warmer than usual but with- Similar to yield models, test results for IVs
out extreme heat, which is beneficial for presented in the bottom of table 5 indi-
crop yield. In June to August, however, a cate that the IVs of the acreage modes pass
larger temperature deviation is more likely the tests for under-identification, weak-
an indicator of extreme heat, which is harm- identification, and over-identification. That is,
ful for crop yields. McCarl, Villavicencio, the instrument variables used in the acreage
and Wu (2008) found that growing season models are strongly correlated with endoge-
temperature deviation is harmful to crop nous variables and uncorrelated with error
yield. Compared with their study, our study terms.
shows that the timing of this temperature Table 5 shows that both corn and soybean
deviation also matters. Our results show acreage positively respond to an increase
that for both corn and soybean, the effects in their own prices. For corn acreage, this
of temperature deviation in June to August response is statistically significant at 1% level
dominate those in March to May. Therefore, across all two specifications. For soybean
we expect the aggregate effects of tempera- acreage, the coefficients of soybean price
ture deviation in our study to be consistent are only significant at 5% or 10% levels.
with those in McCarl, Villavicencio, and Wu In model I of corn acreage, the estimated
(2008). From tables S2 and S3 in SI, we see acreage elasticity with respect to corn price is
that the monthly precipitation variables and 0.55. However, when monthly precipitation
their squared terms generally have statisti- variables over March to May are controlled
cally significant impacts on corn and soybean for, then this acreage elasticity decreases
yields. The generally negative coefficients of to 0.45. A similar conclusion holds for soy-
the squared precipitation variables indicate bean acreage models. The coefficients of
that the relationship between crop yield and fertilizer price index are all positive and sta-
precipitation is also inverse U-shaped. tistically significant across all specifications of
The 1996 FAIR Act is found to have a both corn and soybean acreage models. This
negative and statistically significant impact on may indicate that a higher fertilizer price
corn yield. This is consistent with the findings reduces the intensity of cultivation and leads
of Serra et al. (2006) who show that decou- to changes at the extensive margin. Soybean
pling may decrease the mean and variance acreage could be increasing due to a switch
of farm-level output through reducing the from continuous corn to corn soybean rota-
use of risk-increase input. On the other hand, tions while corn acreage might be increasing
however, we do not find evidence that soy- as some marginal land are converted to corn
bean yield is sensitive to the enactment of the production. We find that population density
FAIR Act. has a negative and a statistically significant
effect on acreage across all specifications
Determinants of Crop Acreage with a coefficient at about 0.0009. For corn
acreage models, the coefficient of linear
We estimate two acreage models for each term of time trend is negative and statisti-
crop.11 Acreage model I does not include cally significant, which indicates that, all else
spring precipitation while model II does. equal, corn acreage is decreasing every year.
Table 5 presents the regression results of For soybean acreage models, the coefficient
these two acreage specifications for both corn of the linear term of time trend is positive
and soybeans based on received prices.12 whereas that of quadratic term is negative,
indicating an inverse-U shaped soybean
acreage time trend.
Corn acreage models with a quadratic term of time trend We also find that monthly precipitation
rarely pass the over-identification tests and generate noisy pre- in March to May has a negative effect on
dictions; we therefore do not include a quadratic term of time corn acreage. However, only the coefficient
trend in corn acreage models.
Table S4 in SI includes regression results for acreage models of April precipitation is statistically signifi-
based on futures prices. The results of the acreage models based cant. The coefficients of May precipitation
on futures prices are relatively noisy (e.g., the magnitude of price
coefficients is large, and particularly in soybean acreage models,
the coefficients of soybean prices are not statistically significant).
This may be because the regression on futures prices are based of government programs” (Chavas, Pope, and Kao 1983, 31).
on the state-level futures prices that are constructed using the Moreover, table 1 shows that the majority of previous studies
national-level futures prices. Chavas, Pope, and Kao (1983) also used lagged received prices when examining price elasticities of
find that futures prices may not be good proxies for expected crop acreage. Therefore, we prefer the set of results based on
prices in the presence of government support programs because, the received price and use this set of results in the simulation in
as their results show, “futures markets do not reflect the effects the next section.

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Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 203

Table 5. Determinants of Corn and Soybean Acreage (Dependent variable: log(planted

Corn Acreage Soybean Acreage
Variables Model I Model II Model I Model II
log(Own price) 0.550∗∗∗ 0.448∗∗∗ 0.749∗∗ 0.625∗
(0.182) (0.147) (0.364) (0.330)
Lag fertilizer price index 0.045∗∗∗ 0.040∗∗∗ 0.0373∗∗ 0.0355∗∗∗
(0.011) (0.008) (0.0145) (0.0127)
Population density −0.000914∗∗∗ −0.000924∗∗∗ −0.000947∗∗∗ −0.000873∗∗∗
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.000284) (0.000283)
Time trend −0.070∗∗∗ −0.066∗∗∗ 0.107∗∗∗ 0.0971∗∗∗
(0.020) (0.016) (0.0300) (0.0272)
Time trend squared – – −0.00538∗∗∗ −0.00508∗∗∗
(0.00134) (0.00117)
Fair dummy −0.265∗∗ −0.211∗∗∗ 0.0179 0.0118
(0.082) (0.066) (0.0801) (0.0714)
Precipitation in March −5.64e-5 −0.000442
(0.0002) (0.000273)
Precipitation in April −0.000451∗∗∗ −0.000378
(0.0001) (0.000273)
Precipitation in May −4.27e-5 0.000628∗∗
(0.0001) (0.000267)
Observations 34,320 34,320 27,780 27,780
Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic 92.45 127.65 209.12 234.83
Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic 36.43 47.6 62.92 71.90
Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic 30.82 42.7 74.04 83.00
p-value of Hansen J statistic 0.57 0.25 0.20 0.13
Spatial autocorrelation 0.85 0.82 0.62 0.59
Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses.
∗∗∗ 1% level.
∗∗ 5% level.
∗ 10% level.

in soybean models are positive and statisti- the land use effects of price changes. We
cally significant, indicating that an increase in focus on corn in the main text and leave the
May precipitation discourages corn planting calculation results for soybeans in SI (see
and encourages soybean planting. The coef- tables S5–S8 in SI).
ficients of FAIR dummy are negative and
statistically significant across all models and Impact of Climate Change on Corn Yield
price specifications for corn acreage. Based
on results of corn acreage model II in table 5, We use parameter estimates from corn yield
we find that, all else equal, the passage of the models II and III in table 3 for estimating
FAIR Act decreases corn acreage by about the impact of climate change on corn yield.
21%. For soybean acreage models, the coeffi- The only difference between these two mod-
cients of FAIR dummy are positive but none els is that model III includes prices variables
of them are statistically significant. whereas model II does not. We first obtain
changes in climate variables under different
future climate scenarios from two climate
Implications of the Estimation Results models (to be described below) and then use
those changes with the parameter estimates
In this section, we quantify the effects of in yield models II and III in table 3, as well as
omitting price variables when estimating acreage Model II in table 5, to quantify the
the impact of climate change on crop yields. effect of omitting price variables on the effect
We also decompose the effect of a corn price of climate on corn yield and production.
increase on corn production into that through Due to different model specifications, data,
a change in yield and that through a change methodology, and research purposes, results
in acreage. Then we discuss the potential in our study are not directly comparable with
implications of the estimation results for those in Schlenker and Roberts (2009).

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on 30 August 2018
204 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Projections of future climate variables used on HadGEM2-ES) and table S9 (based

in our calculation are obtained from World- on NorESM1-M). We find that if we use
Clim (http://www.worldclim.org; accessed 9 climate predictions from HadGEM2-ES,
May 2015), which provides monthly climate then corn yield model III (price variables
predictions in the medium term (average for are included) predicts that climate change
2041–2060) and in the long term (average decreases corn yield on average by 11.3%–
for 2061–2080) based on the most updated 40.1%. Table 7 also shows that omitting
climate projections as of 2014 that are used price variables in corn yield estimation
in IPCC’s AR5. WorldClim covers climate will overestimate the impact of climate
predictions of monthly average minimum change on average corn yield by 3%–7%,
temperature, monthly average maximum depending on climate change scenarios
temperature, and monthly total precipita- and temporal term considered. If climate
tion of 19 global climate models under four predictions from NorESM1-M are used,
greenhouse gas representative concentra- then omitting price variables in the yield
tion pathways (RCP). These four pathways models overestimates the impact of climate
are RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5. change on average yield by up to 9% (see
We utilize data from global climate mod- table S9).
els HadGEM2-ES and NorESM1-M with Although the extent of over-estimation of
spatial grids at ten minutes of a degree of the net impact of climate variables on corn
longitude and latitude (about 11.6 miles yield is relatively moderate, this moderate
at the equator). These two climate mod- over-estimation masks two dimensions of
els are selected because they provide good heterogeneity in estimation biases: geograph-
contrasts on global temperature changes ical heterogeneity and climatic heterogeneity.
and have complete datasets under the four Maps in figure 1 depict county-level overes-
RCPs (Warszawski et al. 2014).13 To obtain timation of the effect of climate change on
the county-level climate information in the corn yield and shows that the magnitude of
medium term, and long term we take the this overestimation varies across regions. For
average of data for four closest grid points some northern counties, the overestimation
of each county centroid. The changes in can be as high as 20% or above. In some
climate variables are calculated by using Southeastern states, omitting price variables
future climate data from WorldClim minus may even underestimate the effect of climate
sample means of climate data used in our change on yield. Geographical patterns of
regressions. the overestimation differ across results that
Table 6 presents summary statistics of are based on different climate models. Using
predicted changes in climate variables under data from climate model HadGEM2-ES
RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 by models HadGEM2- we find that the effect of climate change on
ES and NorESM1-M for counties included yield will be overestimated in the Midwest
in this study. HadGEM2-ES predicts that in when price variables are omitted (see the
the medium term the average temperature four maps in the upper panel of figure 1).
increases under RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 are However, using data from climate model
2.6◦ C and 4.1◦ C, respectively. In the long NorESM1-M leads to the opposite result
term, HadGEM2-ES predicts that the aver- for some Midwestern counties (see the four
age temperature increases under RCP2.6 maps in the lower panel of figure 1). This is
and RCP8.5 are 2.5◦ C and 6.1◦ C, respec- because climate models differ in their predic-
tively. Climate model NorESM1-M has lower tions of the magnitude for temperature and
predictions on temperature increases than of precipitation changes in a region. Similar
HadGEM2-ES. maps for soybeans are presented in figure S1
By using the climate change data described in SI.
above, we calculate the predicted yield We decompose the impact of climate vari-
changes for each county based on corn ables on corn yield in table 8 using parameter
yield models II and III in table 3, respec- estimates from yield models II and III in
tively. The acreage-weighted average yield table 3 with various climate change scenarios
effects are summarized in table 7 (based of HadGEM2-ES.14 We find that changes

13 14
HadGEM2-ES predicts larger temperature increase than Corresponding results under climate model NorESM1-M
does NorESM1-M. are presented in table S10 of SI.

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Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 205

Table 6. Mean Values of Predicted Changes in Climatic Variables by HadGEM2-ES and

NorESM1-M Models under Different Emission Scenarios for Rain-fed Counties Included in
this Study
2041–2060 Average 2061–2080 Average

Growing degree days (8–32◦ C) 476.1 (51.8) 319.2 (42.0) 448.0 (48.4) 290.9 (46.3)
Overheat degree days (>32◦ C) 101.0 (95.7) 36.9 (50.1) 87.7 (90.2) 30.7 (37.2)
Average temperature (◦ C) 2.6 (0.3) 1.8 (0.2) 2.5 (0.3) 1.6 (0.3)
Average precipitation in March (mm) 11.4 (11.4) 20.8 (14.4) 11.5 (11.0) 18.9 (11.7)
Average precipitation in April (mm) 10.4 (10.4) 0.6 (8.2) 13.6 (10.7) 9.4 (10.9)
Average precipitation in May (mm) 0.9 (7.7) 11.3 (13.6) 4.9 (9.8) 0.7 (16.4)
Average precipitation in June (mm) −5.6 (14.4) 2.7 (9.7) 2.0 (9.4) 3.9 (11.6)
Average precipitation in July (mm) −2.6 (12.4) 3.2 (14.9) −3.5 (11.4) 9.2 (13.4)
Average precipitation in August (mm) −6.8 (17.7) 3.9 (15.9) −5.8 (16.1) −1.8 (12.6)
Temperature deviation in March (◦ C) −0.16 (0.38) 0.00 (0.42) −0.09 (0.43) −0.21 (0.40)
Temperature deviation in April (◦ C) 0.06 (0.42) 0.52 (0.43) −0.21 (0.41) 0.08 (0.41)
Temperature deviation in May (◦ C) 0.18 (0.44) 0.42 (0.49) 0.09 (0.50) 0.61 (0.48)
Temperature deviation in June (◦ C) 0.75 (0.57) 0.58 (0.44) 0.54 (0.53) 0.65 (0.57)
Temperature deviation in July (◦ C) 0.83 (0.61) 0.86 (0.49) 0.84 (0.64) 0.59 (0.52)
Temperature deviation in August (◦ C) 0.85 (0.62) 1.00 (0.69) 0.89 (0.69) 1.14 (0.60)


Growing degree days (8–32◦ C) 736.2 (77.8) 555.5 (91.4) 1077.7 (109.7) 772.1 (84.0)
Overheat degree days (>32◦ C) 265.9 (166.9) 129.2 (94.3) 511.8 (228.1) 247.2 (129.6)
Average temperature (◦ C) 4.1 (0.4) 3.1 (0.5) 6.1 (0.6) 4.3 (0.5)
Average precipitation in March (mm) 14.0 (12.2) 31.1 (17.6) 20.7 (13.2) 19.9 (14.1)
Average precipitation in April (mm) 12.4 (10.9) 7.9 (6.7) 19.6 (13.4) 9.1 (9.4)
Average precipitation in May (mm) −1.2 (10.6) 7.0 (15.1) 1.2 (10.9) 17.0 (12.3)
Average precipitation in June (mm) −9.6 (11.6) −2.0 (13.0) −15.1 (11.9) −0.6 (12.1)
Average precipitation in July (mm) −20.1 (11.1) 5.9 (15.0) −27.4 (12.9) 1.1 (12.0)
Average precipitation in August (mm) −19.1 (17.3) −0.9 (20.1) −27.1 (15.6) −2.1 (22.2)
Temperature deviation in March (◦ C) −0.20 (0.41) −0.13 (0.53) −0.20 (0.42) 0.47 (0.54)
Temperature deviation in April (◦ C) −0.22 (0.39) 0.46 (0.45) −0.43 (0.41) 0.56 (0.46)
Temperature deviation in May (◦ C) 0.11 (0.42) 0.64 (0.48) 0.24 (0.52) 0.66 (0.51)
Temperature deviation in June (◦ C) 0.97 (0.62) 1.09 (0.50) 1.37 (0.69) 1.29 (0.51)
Temperature deviation in July (◦ C) 1.52 (0.80) 1.13 (0.63) 1.80 (0.88) 1.40 (0.57)
Temperature deviation in August (◦ C) 1.38 (0.77) 1.46 (0.94) 1.53 (0.84) 1.96 (0.96)

Note: Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

in GDD causes the largest yield reduction. price variables will underestimate the effect
Specifically, increase in GDD (ranging from of GDD by about 10% while overestimat-
476 to 1078 under various RCP scenarios ing the effects of overheat degree days on
and temporal framework) caused by climate yield by 41.3%, of precipitation by up to
change will decrease corn yield by 7% to 9.6%, and of temperature deviation by up
24% when compared with sample mean of to 18.1%.
corn yield, depending on the climate change The last two columns of table 7 show the
scenarios and temporal framework. Change effect of climate change on corn production
in overheat degree days causes the second under alternative yield models and climate
largest reduction in corn yield. Change in scenarios. The effects on corn production
precipitation tends to cause the least yield are obtained by simply summing up the
reduction among the four climatic factors effects of climate change on yield and on
included in the yield models. Comparing the acreage. Since the negative effect of climate
results obtained using parameter estimates change on corn acreage is small (about 1%),
from model II and III we find that omitting the major channel through which climate

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January 2016
Table 7. Effect of Climate Change on Corn Yield, Acreage, and Production under Climate Model HadGEM2-ES
Decrease in yield caused by Overestimation of Decrease in corn production caused
climate change under Percentage Change under Decrease in corn acreage by climate change under
alternative yield models and Model II compared with under a climate change alternative yield models and
climate scenarios (%) Models III (%) scenario (%) climate scenarios (%)
Yield Model II Yield Model III
and Acreage and Acreage
Climate scenarios Yield Model II Yield Model III Acreage Model II Model II Model II
RCP2.6 Medium term 14.4 13.8 5.6 0.6 15.0 14.3
(7.8) (8.0) (5.3) (0.5) (7.9) (8.1)
Long term 12.6 12.0 5.9 0.7 13.3 12.7
(7.9) (8.2) (6.5) (0.5) (8.0) (8.3)
RCP4.5 Medium term 20.6 19.5 6.3 1.1 21.6 20.6
(11.3) (11.6) (4.6) (0.6) (11.3) (11.6)
Long term 24.8 23.4 6.6 0.6 25.4 24.0
(11.0) (11.6) (4.7) (0.5) (11.0) (11.6)
RCP6.0 Medium term 11.6 11.3 3.0 0.6 12.1 11.9
(9.8) (10.1) (5.3) (0.5) (10.0) (10.3)
Long term 23.6 22.5 6.0 0.6 24.3 23.1
(13.0) (13.5) (4.3) (0.5) (13.1) (13.6)
RCP8.5 Medium term 26.7 25.1 7.2 0.8 27.5 26.0
(13.4) (13.9) (4.6) (0.5) (13.3) (13.9)
Long term 41.7 40.1 4.7 1.3 43.0 41.4
(17.5) (18.4) (3.6) (0.6) (17.3) (18.2)

Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Notes: Here corn yield models II and III are as specified in table 3. Acreage model II is as specified in table 5. Medium term and long term refer to average climate conditions over 2041–2060 and in 2061–2080, respectively.
Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.

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Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 207

< –10
–10 - –5
–5 - 0
5 - 10
10 - 15
15 - 20
> 20

Figure 1. Estimation biases of the effect of climate change on corn yield across eastern US
counties under climate models HadGEM2-ES and NorESM1-M when price variables are
omitted (%)
Note: Positive values indicate overestimation whereas negative values indicate underestimation.

change reduces corn production is by nega- III (see table 3) to the corn acreage elasticity
tively impacting corn yield. Everything else 0.45 from corn acreage model II based on
equal, climate change can reduce corn pro- received prices (table 5). This implies that
duction by 7%–41%, depending on RCPs 33.8% of the increase in corn production
and temporal term considered (see the last caused by a corn price increase will be due
columns in table 7 and S9). Omitting price to the increase in corn yield per acre and the
variables also results in overestimation of the remaining 66.2% of the increase will be due
effect of climate change on corn production to the increase in corn acreage. Therefore,
by 2%–9%. Figures S2 and S3 in SI depicts any assessment of the land-use effect of corn
the impact of climate change on corn and ethanol should consider the responsiveness of
soybean production at the county-level across corn yield to prices. Previous studies, such as
the rainfed United States, from which we Searchinger et al. (2008) and Fargione et al.
can see that larger impacts (measured in per- (2008), which ignored the yield elasticity with
centage of mean yield in a county) occur in respect to corn prices when estimating the
Southeastern states. land use effects of corn ethanol production,
have significantly overestimated the indi-
Land-Use Effects of Corn Price Increase rect land use change caused by corn ethanol
production. As is pointed out in Dumortier
Our estimation results indicate that corn et al. (2011), inclusion of the response of
supply elasticity with respect to corn price yield to prices can significantly mitigate or
is 0.68; this is obtained by adding the corn even reverse the findings in Searchinger et al.
yield elasticity 0.23 from corn yield model (2008).

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208 January 2016 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

Table 8. Decomposition of the Effect of Climate Variables on Corn Yield under Various
Climate Change Scenarios and Model Specifications under Climate Model HadGEM2-ES
Change in corn yield caused
by climate change under Overestimation of
alternative yield models Change Percentage
and climate scenarios (%) under Model I
Climate Temporal compared
Scenario Range Effects of Model I Model II with Models II (%)
RCP2.6 Medium term growing degree days −7.3 −8.0 −8.1
overheat degree days −3.1 −2.2 41.3
temperature deviation −2.3 −2.1 13.6
precipitation −1.7 −1.5 8.3
RCP2.6 Long term growing degree days −6.6 −7.2 −8.0
overheat degree days −2.3 −1.7 41.3
temperature deviation −2.5 −2.1 18.1
precipitation −1.1 −1.1 8.4
RCP4.5 Medium term growing degree days −9.1 −10.0 −8.7
overheat degree days −4.8 −3.4 41.3
temperature deviation −3.6 −3.3 10.3
precipitation −3.0 −2.8 6.8
RCP4.5 Long term growing degree days −12.3 −13.6 −9.2
overheat degree days −6.5 −4.6 41.3
temperature deviation −3.4 −2.9 17.7
precipitation −2.5 −2.3 8.6
RCP6.0 Medium term growing degree days −6.5 −7.1 −8.1
overheat degree days −2.1 −1.5 41.3
temperature deviation −2.2 −2.0 10.8
precipitation −0.7 −0.7 −1.1
RCP6.0 Long term growing degree days −12.2 −13.4 −9.2
overheat degree days −6.3 −4.5 41.3
temperature deviation −3.0 −2.6 13.0
precipitation −2.2 −2.0 8.8
RCP8.5 Medium term growing degree days −12.6 −13.9 −9.3
overheat degree days −6.9 −4.9 41.3
temperature deviation −3.7 −3.2 16.5
precipitation −3.5 −3.2 9.6
RCP8.5 Long term growing degree days −21.7 −24.2 −10.3
overheat degree days −10.8 −7.7 41.3
temperature deviation −4.6 −4.0 14.4
precipitation −4.6 −4.2 8.5

Conclusions but also by crop management practices

and land allocation decisions of farmers in
This article investigates the determinants response to input prices and expected out-
of average crop yield and crop acreage put prices. It examines the responsiveness
at a county-level scale for corn and soy- of crop yields to both received prices and
beans in the rainfed United States over futures prices. Additionally, as compared to
the period 1977–2007. It also analyzes the previous studies, this study includes a more
effects of climate and prices on corn and comprehensive and temporally disaggregated
soybean supply. The reduced form empiri- set of climate variables and a more sophisti-
cal framework developed here is based on cated IV panel data approach that controls
the premise that county average crop yield for both endogeneity of prices and spatial
is influenced not only by climate factors autocorrelations.

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Miao, Khanna, and Huang Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Prices and Climate 209

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