Orders of The Day: October 6, 1970

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VoL TIT NO 351 ‘SEA ORGANIZATION TUES, 6 OCT, 1970 CONDITION TIT ee Ltt Watch © = Noon 6th FIAG'S CONDITION: Watch A = Noon 7th Dan won OF MH DAY SEIDIS DAILY SOMEDULE DRIORU oF oH DAY: ‘Cooks up Officers on duty - Oris Breaktn ng vaten Ginero = Unifors B 600. Breakfast ene Deccvork ~ Bollereuite eyo) Parlbeetes BOOKSTORE’ 1400-3600 G8 Cleats Sexe Se 3 Org Bd Post a . 0945 «1800 Foc & Fee TyyoeTBo0, 2030-2135 1050 “Night vorkers avakened 3035 Lunch for on-going watch 3200 Linch 3245 = 1800 Post Time 3245 = foo study in HOE for Flag & Bureaux 3700 = 1800 Drills for Newconers 175 Diner for on-going watch 180 Dinner BAS = 2325 Study in HOT (Poot time for Flag & Bureaux) 2515 Secure 2550 = 0030 Kidrats (0030 = 0400 Alternative study time for Flag & Bureaux 0300 Cleaning Stn - night workers 0530 Night workers eecure Lt, Brian Livingston 2nd Mate, Zacht Apolie 2._comann 2. COMMAND ‘Thank you for your Daily Report, FAN MAIL Ttens which bring in nice coments and congratulations lately have been Erpanded Lower Grades and the Data Series. Nunerous pleased comments came in on Expanded Lover Grades with no adverse ones, ‘The Data Series gets good coment and is well liked, It has mun into only a couple of adverse where the Qut-points restined sone out~points but by auditing then straight it came out great. ym of Asia is also very popular, ‘The G/S Series, Personnel Series end some others just get heavily used at once and no one ever says a word, ‘SCHEDULES ALL Schedules short or long term require passing on by DOC, Aides Conf and myself, ‘Any Flag ship movement or reanchoring requires my permission unless it is extreme danger requiring instant action and its wise to inform me fest even thens DEPT 3, Dept 3 TER has a new Form HOO PL 5 Oct 70 i&R Form I to do and fi11 out BLFORE ANY ETHICS CONDITION MAY BE ASSIGNED OR BIVICS ACTION TAKEN, This is the first step tovard phasing out Ethics. lew Tech vas needed to handle this area of hunan activity. ‘The discovery that social crime occurred in the absence of or deprivation of hats was the entrance point. Hats and Stats take the place of Ethics, A stat and hat are apparently the vay through social turmoil on the 5rd dynamic, Confirming’ this - you can't audit in a PDS environment. Stats and Hats only get into trouble when a senior or someone else knocks off one! bat or invalidates a stat. 7) semmives detnuninehion tn demiah on chown weavine thie beim tn. even eamtema. ee Therets more to be known about all this, But HCO PL IeR Form I will help. Possibly a wronged junior could demand ones Our Dept 3 should get it in action at once. BuiReAUx SU0cESS One of the prime reasons for Bureaux is to obtain a flow of accurate data eo that accurate actions can be taken, An 60 Menber reported on in the IA area at last got through a Comm concerning the actual situation after the US Bureaux began to gu ins He had been trying to get through for threo months without success according to his report, So Data does flow better on the Burvaux system Lines, We find we actually know nore about areas now than we ever did before, yot Bureaux are just beginning to go in. vIMgO DIST ‘The Distribution of Mineo Items as per recent HOO PL should be gotten into effect, Only 00D, FS0s, FOs, Pls, and HOO Bs get general distribution on the ship from Mimeo, Only a murbor based on real use should be run off for Mimeo Files. PROJECT A Master List of all Pls is coming up af a pjte SATLING We sail early tonnorrow maintaining original echedule, A flap was caused for a bit by omitted data on the lines, ‘IRE, commoDoRE 6.20.70 2. Jiness for sea lists are to be issued this morning and are to be turned in by 1600 hours tonight. We will be going early in the morning Wednesday at 0700 ~ Port Watch. ‘The courier is expected back today and our two recent FEBC Grads will be returning to their orgs. ‘The cruise tomorrow will be a daylight run so 2 hour vatches are set be handled at the othor end by’Starboard Watch unless conditions require a I. Docking will So have your readiness reports in tonight and be ready for an early start Vednosday mornings te WeB. Robertson captain 10470 2x ORDERS 3, A Meeting of all Bureau Heads will take place in CIC at 1950 bre tonights Love, Mitch Spence IRE Comm Ship 6.10.70 4g DRILLS FOR NEWCOMERS, Drills for newconers continues today and each day, Those who joined the ship yesterday are to muster on the Fwd Well Deck promptly at 1700 hrs, The previous group have covered the basics of cach drill and now attend the Sunday Drille, Brian Livingston 2nd Mate 6410,70 3._Brares 5, ERIC MAGNUSSON and GERT ANDERSON are asaigned 5 ROUR AMENDS PROJECTS for banging sever the meseerger told them the Connotore vas in session and dented Goal Auditing for months. JOAN ROBERTSON is assigned a 10 ROUR AMENDS PROJECT for banging the "A" Deck Ladies Poilet door, loudiyy agter being told the Comodore vex in seesion, and denied (ual Auditing for 3 months. Yom Anne Tidnan D/Comnodores Hess. 1/C Lt. K. Urquhart : IRH Pers Com 6.10470

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