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American Journal of Botany 86(2): 153–172. 1999.





2School of Botany, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia;

3 Plant Cell Biology Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University,
P.O. Box 475, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia;
and 4Department of Biology, University of Southwestern
Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504-2451

The unique cytokinetic apparatus of higher plant cells comprises two cytoskeletal systems: a predictive preprophase band
of microtubules (MTs), which defines the future division site, and the phragmoplast, which mediates crosswall formation
after mitosis. We review features of plant cell division in an evolutionary context and from the viewpoint that the cell is a
domain of cytoplasm (cytoplast) organized around the nucleus by a cytoskeleton consisting of a single ‘‘tensegral’’ unit.
The term ‘‘tensegrity’’ is a contraction of ‘‘tensional integrity’’ and the concept proposes that the whole cell is organized
by an integrated cytoskeleton of tension elements (e.g., actin fibers) extended over compression-resistant elements (e.g.,
During cell division, a primary role of the spindle is seen as generating two cytoplasts from one with separation of
chromosomes a later, derived function. The telophase spindle separates the newly forming cytoplasts and the overlap between
half spindles (the shared edge of two new domains) dictates the position at which cytokinesis occurs. Wall MTs of higher
plant cells, like the MT cytoskeleton in animal and protistan cells, spatially define the interphase cytoplast. Redeployment
of actin and MTs into the preprophase band (PPB) is the overt signal that the boundary between two nascent cytoplasts has
been delineated. The ‘‘actin-depleted zone’’ that marks the site of the PPB throughout mitosis may be a more persistent
manifestation of this delineation of two domains of cortical actin. The growth of the phragmoplast is controlled by these
domains, not just by the spindle. These domains play a major role in controlling the path of phragmoplast expansion.
Primitive land plants show different morphological changes that reveal that the plane of division, with or without the PPB,
has been determined well in advance of mitosis.
The green alga Spirogyra suggests how the phragmoplast system might have evolved: cytokinesis starts with cleavage
and then actin-related determinants stimulate and positionally control cell-plate formation in a phragmoplast arising from
interzonal MTs from the spindle. Actin in the PPB of higher plants may be assembling into a potential furrow, imprinting
a cleavage site whose persistent determinants (perhaps actin) align the outgrowing edge of the phragmoplast, as in Spirogyra.
Cytochalasin spatially disrupts polarized mitosis and positioning of the phragmoplast. Thus, the tensegral interaction of actin
with MTs (at the spindle pole and in the phragmoplast) is critical to morphogenesis, just as they seem to be during division
of animal cells. In advanced green plants, intercalary expansion driven by turgor is controlled by MTs, which in conjunction
with actin, may act as stress detectors, thereby affecting the plane of division (a response clearly evident after wounding of
tissue). The PPB might be one manifestation of this strain detection apparatus.

Key words: actin; cytoplast; cytoskeleton; microtubule; phragmoplast; polarization; preprophase band; Spirogyra; ten-

THE ‘‘CYTOPLAST’’ CONCEPT vealing the essential mechanistic basis of information

transfer from the pre-existing cell to each of the two cells
arising from it by division. In this paper, we return to
In 1858, Virchow enunciated the great truism in biol- Virchow’s truism and explore aspects of the spatial and
ogy that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. Within 20 cytoplasmic information inherent in the structure of the
years, Flemming had stained chromosomes. Soon, he and cell and the means by which that information is passed
others, notably Van Beneden, Boveri, and Strasburger, from one living cell to its progeny. We take the view,
discovered mitosis. These great discoveries provided the like Trewavas and Malho (1997), that every cell contains
structural basis for the expanding science of genetics, re- two information systems: the genetic system by which
information in DNA is translated into protein and an epi-
1 Manuscript received 11 May 1998; revision accepted 19 October genetic system in which interacting genes and gene prod-
1998. ucts are structurally and functionally integrated into net-
J.P-H. gratefully thanks the Australian Research Council for the works that transduce internal and external signals. In this
grants (numbers A18830947 and A19030812) that enabled this work to
be carried out. R.C.B. and B.E.L. thank the NSF (USA) for continued scenario, structural, particularly biophysical, information
support, most recently from grant MCB 9418015. can play major roles in governing the behavior of living
5 Author for correspondence. cells and tissues. Accordingly, Virchow’s truism then in-

cludes the possibility that structural and perhaps dynamic In spite of these and other distinctively different bo-
information (as well as genetic information) is passed di- tanical features, we think that the cytoplast concept is
rectly from one living cell to the next. applicable to plant as well as animal cells. The cytoplast
Porter and colleagues (e.g., Porter and McNiven, 1982; concept may provide new insights into the processes that
Porter, Beckerle and McNiven, 1983) propose that the prepare plant cells for division and later control cytoki-
‘‘ground substance’’ of the animal cell is highly struc- nesis. For 30 years plant biologists have speculated on
tured; they visualize the cytoplasm in toto as a ‘‘cyto- the relationship between the phragmoplast and the PPB
plast’’ in which this matrix is permeated by cytoskeletal without achieving any satisfying explanation. Our current
elements such as microtubules (MTs), actin, and inter- approach in rethinking this seminal issue is evolutionary.
mediate filaments. Ingber and colleagues (e.g., Ingber, We commence our discourse with a review of salient fea-
1993, 1998; Ingber et al., 1994) have proposed a related tures of cell division in algae and lower land plants in
concept, arguing convincingly that the interphase cell is which we see strong evidence that cytoplasts are delin-
a single ‘‘tensegral’’ (a term derived from ‘‘tensional in- eated, i.e., the plane of division(s) has been determined,
tegrity’’) unit whose cytoskeleton consists of rigid struts well before division starts. The PPB and phragmoplast
(MTs) supporting both tension and compression created are advanced, derived structures arising in ancestors that
over them by tensile elements, a lattice of actin filaments, probably shared some of the features evident in lower
and other components. Ingber states: ‘‘Tensegrity-based plants and algae. In comparing cell division in these
force interactions between MTs, MFs (microfilaments) primitive and more advanced cells, our objective is to
and ECM (extracellular matrix) also provide an efficient better understand the significance of the PPB and how
mechanism for local regulation of CSK (cytoskeleton) precisely determined cell divisions might be set up and
filament polymerization.’’ Thus, structure, function, dy- controlled.
namics and control are interdependent in the living cy-
Can the cytoplast concept be applied to plant as well REPRODUCTION OF THE CYTOPLAST IN
as animal cells? Plant cells share many features with an- ANIMAL CELLS
imal cells, but also possess unique attributes, mostly as-
sociated with their mode of life within a cell wall. This Let us now view the interphase cell as a unit cytoplast
wall is intimately related to many of the special features (single cytoplasmic domain) whose limits and form are
of the higher plant cell cytoskeleton. First, cortical defined by its cytoskeleton. Animal cells generally con-
(‘‘wall’’) MTs line the plasma membrane and they are tain a ‘‘centrosome,’’ an amorphous body located near
part of a cell surface apparatus that governs the geometry the nucleus that often contains a pair of centrioles. During
in which cellulose fibers are deposited in the wall and, interphase, it is the focus of the MT cytoskeleton radially
consequently, the shape the cell assumes when it expands extending to the cell margin. The MTs, intimately con-
under turgor pressure. Second, the mechanical support nected to the array of intermediate and actin filaments,
offered by walls acting in concert with turgor pressure create a unified tensegral structure as defined by Ingber
allows the development of large, vacuolated cells in and his colleagues (Ingber, 1993, 1998; Ingber et al.,
which the volume of cytoplasm can be small in relation 1994). It follows that one requirement of cell division is
to the volume of the cell. With this dispersion of cyto- to create two cytoplasts from the original cell sensu Vir-
plasm came the need for an internal cytoskeletal system chow.
to power intracellular motion so that substrates, enzymes, Before prophase in animal cells, the centrosome rep-
solutes, macromolecules, vesicles, and organelles, are all licates. During prophase, the interphase MT cytoskeleton
delivered to the farthest reaches of the cytoplasm. Cyto- emanating from the two centrosomes breaks down. Then
plasmic streaming generated primarily by an acto-myosin asters, star-shaped arrays of spindle MTS, grow from the
system fulfilled this requirement. Third, cytokinesis in the centrosomes. Some MTs from one centrosome interact
virtually immobile cells of plants is radically different to laterally with MTs from the other so as to create contin-
that in animal cells, which can migrate during develop- uous fibers that define the spindle axis while further sep-
ment. The plant cytokinetic apparatus comprises two spa- arating the centrosomes. In our interpretation, the centro-
tially and temporally distinct components: the prepropha- somes are already starting to define two new cytoplasts.
se band (PPB) of MTs and the phragmoplast (Gunning, The interaction of MTs from each aster creates the central
1982). (The acronym PPB is imprecise since the discov- region of MT overlap at the middle of the spindle. This
ery that PPBs contain actin as well as MTs. Traditionally, coincides with the interface of the nascent cytoplasts. As
PPB refers to the microtubular array, a connotation re- the spindle grows and then separates the chromosomes
tained for this paper.) The PPB arises as wall MTs gather during anaphase, the overlap necessarily defines the plane
into a specific site in the cell that precisely predicts the of cytokinesis. As the cell cleaves, the overlap is com-
plane of subsequent cytokinesis; it then disappears com- pressed into the midbody. During late telophase, the new
pletely as the cell moves into prophase. The phragmo- cytoplasts become fully delineated by their reforming cy-
plast is a very complex array of actin, other cytoskeletal toskeleton, particularly the MTs growing from the cen-
elements, and membranes, which typically arises at the trosome. An immediate consequence of this rationale is
end of mitosis between daughter nuclei and forms the that the spindle represents the cell’s mechanism of cre-
new crosswall (the ‘‘cell plate’’) in exactly the position ating two similar cytoplasts from one (Pickett-Heaps,
predicted by the PPB. There is ample evidence that MTs Forer, and Spurck, 1997). We proposed that attachment
and actin-based systems work together in these as in other of chromosomes to the spindle arose later during evo-
situations, in the form of tensegral structures. lution of the eucaryotic cell.

Porter (1976) has described the metaphase stage of mi- and/or the phragmoplast), but their role is unknown (Mi-
tosis as two sets of chromosomes becoming arrayed be- chaud et al., 1986; Faraday and Spanswick, 1993).
tween the edges of two nascent cytoplasts. This descrip- Cytoplasts can remain spatially defined even when cy-
tion accurately reflects the preceding argument since tokinesis fails or is interrupted in some way. We were
metaphase chromosomes, by lining up halfway between reminded of this possibility by unexpected observations
the asters, are coincident with the spindle overlap region. on cleaving eggs of the starfish Coscinasterias muricata
To physically separate the new cytoplasts, the primitive (Pickett-Heaps, unpublished data). For the first 3–6 sets
cytokinetic apparatus, cleavage, must coincide position- of ‘‘divisions,’’ synchronous mitoses are followed by
ally with the overlap of MTs of opposite polarity in the cleavages, which progress deeply inwards from the egg
interzone of the spindle: this must be one of the most surface but which then relax completely until the egg
ancient features of the eucaryotic cell. As Rappaport recovers its spherical shape (Fig. 1A–D); this unusual
(1986,1996) showed, cleavages occur between asters, behavior appears normal for these cells. At some point
even in abnormal situations, for example, between non- during the third and seventh sets of cleavages, the fur-
daughter nuclei in multinucleate cells. The latter phenom- rows that had formed and then relaxed during all the
enon has long been known in higher plants where phrag- previous divisions now are completed, creating a multi-
moplasts form between nondaughter nuclei in multinu- cellular embryo, which thereafter develops normally (Fig.
cleate cells (discussed later). 1E, F). Thus, cytoplasts are defined and re-expressed suc-
A few examples are given to support this scenario. cessively around each set of divided nuclei.
Zhang and Nicklas (1996) demonstrated that a spindle
can proceed into and through ‘‘anaphase’’ even when all THE CYTOPLAST IN DIVIDING PLANT CELLS
of its chromosomes have been mechanically removed.
Preprogrammed series of ‘‘mitoses’’ and attempted cy- Increasingly of late, some of us (Brown and Lemmon,
tokineses may continue in the absence of any nuclei (Slu- 1992b, 1997) have stressed the ‘‘cytoplasmic domain’’
der, Miller, and Rieder, 1986) or alternatively, cleavage (references below) in connection with plant cell morpho-
genesis. The idea of a nuclear-cytoplasmic domain
can be induced around half spindles (single cytoplasts) in
(NCD), a unit of cytoplasm administered by a nucleus,
certain circumstances (discussed later). Leslie (1992) has
can be traced back to the early cytologists Strasburger
demonstrated that chromosomes become arrayed around
and Hertwig (Mazia, 1961). The modern connotation in-
the periphery of a domain defined by a supernumerary, cludes cytoskeletal organization into tensegral units
monopolar spindle. equivalent to cytoplasts sensu Porter (Porter and Mc-
The existence of cytoplasts or cytoplasmic domains is Niven, 1982; Porter, Beckerle, and McNiven, 1983).
strongly supported, for example, during embryogenesis
in Drosophila (Warn, 1986; Miller and Kiehart, 1995).
Nuclear-cytoplasmic domains and cytokinesis—Spa-
Initial rounds of mitosis are not followed by cytokinesis, tial apportionment of the cytoplasm and control over cy-
and the embryo is at first multinucleate. Then incipient tokinesis in multinucleate cells are dependent upon nu-
cleavage furrows isolate nuclei into cytoplasmic domains clear-based radial (i.e., aster-like) systems of MTs which
during rounds 11–13 of mitoses, but the furrows regress define NCDs (Brown and Lemmon, 1988a, 1992b). In
(Rappaport, 1996, p. 312, summarizes these events). At land plants, phragmoplasts are stimulated to form at the
the next round of nuclear division, cleavages between interface of opposing arrays of MTs radiating from ad-
nuclei continue deeper, finally partitioning the cytoplasm jacent nuclei and new walls are deposited at the edges of
to effect cellularization. Thus, while mitosis and cytoki- NCDs (see below). Certain animal and fungal cells de-
nesis are at first uncoupled, spatial cues for cellularization velop cleavages around radial MTs originating from a
remain in the cytoplasm and/or cell membrane. When centrosome or polar body close to each nucleus. These
DNA synthesis and nuclear division are blocked by aphi- NCDs may be discernible during interphase; in red algae,
dicolin, the centriole (i.e., centrosome, in our context) nuclei are hexagonally spaced and the size of the domain
cycle is unaltered. Leaving their nuclei behind in the cen- around each reflects its ploidy (Goff and Coleman, 1987).
ter of the egg, replicating centrioles migrate to the pe- The importance of NCDs becomes obvious during spa-
riphery and develop asters (radial MTs). Then, cleavage tially complex cleavages. In Phytophthora, MTs establish
around monoasters creates ‘‘pole cells’’ devoid of nuclei NCDs around nuclei in multinucleate sporangia while ac-
(Raff and Glover, 1989); Alberts et al. (1994, p. 914) tin guides the orderly growth of numerous cleavage fur-
state: ‘‘. . . it is clear that the division cycle of the cell rows (Hyde et al., 1991; Hyde and Hardham, 1992).
as a whole depends on—and is at least in part organized NCDs are established by phycoplast and other MTs and/
by—the microtubule aster. . . .’’ MTs and actin coopera- or actin systems in multinucleate chlorococcalean (Pick-
tively generate domains (Karr and Alberts, 1986), with ett-Heaps, 1975a) and other green algae (e.g., Menzel,
actin forming a ‘‘cap’’ over each nucleus, just under the 1986; Menzel, Jonitz, and Elsner-Menzel, 1992).
plasma membrane. Precellular cap domains are predicted
and probably imprinted by a pattern of spectrin (a protein Cytoplast division and reformation after cytokinesis
that anchors actin to membranes) decorating the cyto- in algae—The architecture of the cytoskeleton of many
plasmic side of the plasma membrane, after which actin algae and other protists is precisely defined by an array
is involved in cellularization (Pesacreta et al., 1989) via of cytoskeletal MTs (sometimes called ‘‘rootlet’’ MTs)
contractile rings (Warn, 1986). Spectrin-like proteins iso- emanating from MT-organizing regions (MTOCs) which
lated from higher plants might function similarly in lo- include the flagellar bases. Before cell division, the MT
calizing actin-dependent cytokinetic structures (cleavage cytoskeleton is usually disassembled and in Ochromonas

Fig. 1. Cleaving egg, starfish Coscinasterias muricata (fertilization at T 5 0 h). The first cleavage furrow, (A) T 5 2.7 h, always relaxes
completely (B) T 5 2.9 h. Following the next rounds of mitosis, previously formed furrows reform along with new furrows; they again relax to
varying extents in different cells. (C) T 5 3.3 h; (D) T 5 3.78 h. By the third-fifth round of mitoses, all cleavages continue to completion and a
normal embryo develops. (E) T 5 4.67 h; (F) T 5 5.47 h. The egg measures 195 mm across in (A).

(Bouck and Brown, 1972), for example, the duplicated the cleavage furrow and persisting long after mitosis is
MTOCs (equivalent to centrosomes) associate with the over (Byers and Abramson, 1968). Also the midbody
spindle poles and reform the cytoskeleton in daughter does not have mitotic cyclins that associate with cyclin-
cells. In algae with closed spindles, the MTOCs are also dependent kinases to effect changes in MT organization
usually located near the poles; in certain cases, the fla- earlier in mitosis. In contrast, the phragmoplast of divid-
gellar bases generate a ‘‘mini-spindle’’ alongside, but ing maize cells carries cyclins II and III in a postspindle
separate from the mitotic spindle (Seegar, Gerritsen, and association that may reflect kinase-regulated control of
De Bakker, 1989). This system ensures correct segrega- MT dynamics (Mews et al., 1997).
tion of each MTOC accompanying its daughter nucleus. In most higher plant cells, mitosis is so quickly fol-
This paper also suggests how the phycoplast of green lowed by cytokinesis that cytokinetic systems appear to
algae arose: the two mini-half spindles fold inwards dur- be dependent upon the prior existence of the mitotic spin-
ing cleavage and as their MTs become coplanar, they de- dle, suggesting that ‘‘. . . developmentally, the phrag-
fine the plane of cytokinesis, becoming the phycoplast of moplast MTs appear to arise from remnants of the mitotic
parallel MTs coplanar with cleavage. spindle apparatus . . . ’’ (Staehelin and Hepler, 1996).
In the primitive charophycean alga Chlorokybus (Lok- MTs radiate from both telophase nuclei, perhaps partici-
horst, Sluiman, and Star, 1988) nuclear and cytoplasmic pating in delineation of new cytoplasts, but those MTs
divisions are remarkably coordinated. Division site selec- that remain from the spindle are special in that they al-
tion starts with the annular cleavage of chloroplast and ready have interacted with each other at the midplane. It
pyrenoids, as in other green algae (e.g., Coleochaete, be- is among this set of MTs that the phragmoplast first ap-
low; Stichococcus and Klebsormidium [Pickett-Heaps, pears. There are, however, alternative situations. New
1972, 1974a]). The nucleus is drawn into the constriction, walls form between nonsister nuclei during cellulariza-
now coplanar with a precocious furrow opposite the chlo- tion of plant coenocytes, e.g., following meiosis in bryo-
roplast. The centrioles (flagellar bases) migrate into this phytes (Brown and Lemmon, 1988a) or flowering plants
plane between the furrow and nucleus. Astral MTs from (Brown and Lemmon, 1991), and in endosperm (Bajer,
the flagellar bases extend to the furrow, envelop the 1968; Morrison and O’Brien, 1976; Van Lammeren,
premitotic nucleus, and pass between the two newly di- 1988; Brown, Lemmon and Olsen, 1994; Olsen, Brown,
vided chloroplasts. The flagellar bases move to the spin- and Lemmon, 1995). MTs radiating from sister and non-
dle poles, becoming closely associated with the plastid sister nuclei interact to form bipolar arrays in which
tips. The astral MTs emanating from the flagellar bases phragmoplasts develop. Thus, the telophase spindle is not
form the half spindles and the overlap region is thereby essential as a precursor of a phragmoplast. Moreover, a
aligned with the previously determined plane of cytoki- few plant cells show phragmoplast organization and,
nesis (Figs. 6, 24B in Lokhorst, Sluiman, and Star, 1988). thus, evidence of daughter domains, even before pro-
Cleavage follows mitosis with the cell having established phase (next section), while elsewhere, NCDs can remain
all spatial parameters for cytokinesis before mitosis (see established after telophase in situations where a crosswall
next section for similar phenomena in bryophyte spore is not formed (e.g., Brown and Lemmon, 1992a, b).
mother cells). Uncoupling of phragmoplast formation from wall de-
position is common in male and female reproductive cell
NCDs and the phragmoplast—Cytokinesis in plant lineages, from mosses (e.g., Brown and Lemmon, 1987a;
cells is brought about within the phragmoplast, a complex Busby and Gunning, 1988a) to angiosperms (e.g. Hogan,
structure that arises between telophase daughter nuclei. 1987; Webb and Gunning, 1991). The appearance, dis-
In living cells, this area is initially relatively clear of larg- appearance, and reappearance of phragmoplasts, some-
er organelles and is faintly striated by very fine fibers times in association with partial cleavage furrows, argue
parallel with the axis of the spindle. In most cases, the strongly that long-lived cytoplasmic domains have been
phragmoplast appears to arise from remnant spindle fi- set up. Phragmoplasts form after the first division in spore
bers, and in living cells, it displays intense activity that mother cells of mosses, but then disappear; later, after the
soon results in the appearence of an initially fragile, flex- second division, phragmoplasts appear between all nuclei
ible cross wall, the cell plate. The fibrous texture of the and cell plate formation proceeds simultaneously (Busby
phragmoplast becomes more evident as it grows from the and Gunning, 1988a; Brown and Lemmon, 1991). Wall
center outwards to the side walls, carrying with it the ingrowths (perhaps sometimes cleavage furrows) predict
expanding cell plate, which soon attaches to the walls the arrangement of the spore tetrad before division in
and consolidates. Electron microscopy confirms that the sporocytes of almost all bryophytes (Brown and Lem-
fibrous nature of the phragmoplast is due to its comple- mon, 1993). In flowering plants, similar ingrowths may
ment of MTs, one set from each half of the spindle, over- occur after nuclear divisions. During pollen morphogen-
lapping in the middle. Among the MTs are actin fila- esis in Magnolia (Brown and Lemmon, 1992a), a phrag-
ments, numerous larger and smaller vesicles, and mem- moplast appears after the first meiosis but no cell plate
branous components (endoplasmic reticulum); the vesi- or crosswall is formed. Instead, the cell develops deep
cles probably come from Golgi bodies and are wall ingrowths. After the second meiotic division, phrag-
transported into the overlap region where they fuse to moplasts appear between all nuclei (not just sister nuclei).
form the cell plate. The phragmoplast is without coun- Only when the phragmoplasts grow out to the walls does
terpart in animal cells. The ‘‘midbody’’ is quite different, new cross-wall deposition restart. The phragmoplasts are
although similar in consisting of overlapping MTs. Un- positioned at the interface of MTs radiating from the nu-
like phragmoplast MTs, midbody MTs are very stable, clei (Brown and Lemmon, 1992b). The close spatial re-
and the midbody is essentially inert, being pinched by lationship of cleavage/wall ingrowths and the phragmo-

Fig. 2. Endosperm, young seed of Ranunculus scleratus. During cellularization, phragmoplasts develop simultaneously at edges of all Nuclear-
Cytoplasmic Domains. Wall deposition creates alveolate endosperm with each nucleus enclosed by walls. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
(CLSM); MTs labelled by indirect immunofluoresence.

plast in these situations suggests evolutionary conserva- regated into daughter cells (reviewed by Brown and Lem-
tion as described earlier. mon, 1984, 1990a, 1997; Cleary, Brown, and Lemmon,
In early stages of nuclear endosperm development, mi- 1992a, b). To achieve this partitioning, the chloroplast is
tosis and phragmoplast formation are uncoupled from cy- precisely positioned so that its cleavage is integrated with
tokinesis entirely (not unlike Drosophila embryogeny the future cytoplasmic division site and the plastid serves
discussed earlier). Waves of mitosis create multinucleate as an MTOC for bipolar MT arrays that mark the cyto-
cytoplasm; each mitosis initiates a phragmoplast, which kinetic plane and also transform into the spindle (as for
soon disappears, having formed no wall (Brown, Lem- meiosis).
mon, and Olsen, 1994). The entire multinucleate cyto- As in other land plants, cells of hornworts lack centro-
plasm is organized into a single layer of NCDs, and an- somes except in the final division leading to differentia-
ticlinal walls are initiated at their boundaries. Subsequent tion of flagellated spermatozoids where centrioles appear
growth of the anticlinal walls is associated with adven- de novo. All dividing cells of hornworts are monoplas-
titious phragmoplasts that form at the interface of MTs tidic in both gametophytic and sporophytic generations,
radiating from adjacent nuclei. The anticlinal walls com- and the spindle poles are intimately associated with the
partmentalize the cytoplasm into open-ended alveoli (Fig. plastid. As in Coleochaete and Chlorokybus, the dividing
2), each containing a nucleus. Mitosis in the alveoli is plastid becomes positioned with its isthmus at the divi-
followed by the appearance of typical interzonal phrag- sion site. An axial MT system extends from the plastid
moplasts. Thereafter, repeated cycles of adventitious isthmus to the plastid tips, becoming bipolar. The division
phragmoplasts guiding the growth of anticlinal walls be- site at the interface of the two half spindles is further
tween nonsister nuclei during interphase alternate with marked by a cortical PPB encircling this axial array of
interzonal phragmoplasts guiding periclinal walls after MTs (Fig. 3). The bipolar axial MT array encloses the
mitosis. nucleus from the chloroplast side and is transformed into
the spindle. The phragmoplast arises in overlap region of
Monoplastidy and cytoplasmic domains in early land spindle MTs, from newly generated MTs emanating from
plants—Cells in many lower land plants are monoplas- proximal faces of reforming nuclei and from the proximal
tidic; provision is made during cell division for the single surfaces of daughter plastids. Thus, the cytoplast is pre-
plastid to divide and the two halves to be correctly seg- cisely organized into daughter domains before karyoki-

Fig. 3. Monoplastidic mitosis, hornwort; two planes of focus. Bipolar axial MT system lying parallel to long axis of plastid. Region of MT
overlap coincides with plastid isthmus and future plane of division indicated by the encircling PPB. CLSM; MTs labelled by indirect immunofl-
Fig. 4. Quadrilobed sporocyte; the moss Entodon seductrix. During sporogenesis, the quadripolar microtubular system (QMS) defines four spore
domains and is later transformed into a bipolar spindle. CLSM of MTs labelled by indirect immunofluoresence.

nesis starts and the eventual plane of cytokinesis coin- Lemmon, 1987a, b; Busby and Gunning, 1988b: re-
cides with plastid division, the region of overlap in the viewed by Brown and Lemmon, 1997). These tetrahe-
axial MT array, and the plane of the PPB. drally arranged daughter domains (Fig. 4) do not receive
a nucleus until telophase of the second meiosis, at which
Establishment of daughter domains indicated by time the four spores are cleaved simultaneously. The cy-
phragmoplast-like structures before prophase—In cer- toplasm is usually deeply lobed with each of the cleavage
tain cell types, daughter domains are established prior to furrows precisely aligned with the overlap of the bipolar
nuclear division by precocious bipolar arrays of MTs de- arrays of the QMS. The cytokinetic planes may be par-
fining future cleavage planes. In bryophyte sporogenesis, tially or deeply marked by dense material like that in the
quadripolar MT systems (QMSs) emanating from plastids phragmoplast (Busby and Gunning, 1988b). The QMS is
in the four future spore domains establish the pattern of converted into a functional bipolar spindle with poles lo-
spore cleavage before prophase of meiosis (Brown and cated in the plane of opposite cleavage furrows; this re-

sults in placement of daughter nuclei in proper position on the persistent overlapping spindle MTs, a small phrag-
to be distributed into the four spore domains after second moplast develops at the region of contact (McAlister,
meiosis. 1931; Fowke and Pickett-Heaps, 1969a, b); it contains
In meiotic prophase of the fern ally Selaginella, a pro- dense material, aggregations of vesicles, and proliferating
cytokinetic plate marks the first division plane. This MTs. If the telophase spindle becomes tilted as it elon-
phragmoplast-like array on either side of the prophase gates, it straightens once contact is made (Pickett-Heaps,
nucleus marks the midzone of the bipolar MTs that merge unpublished in vivo observations); thus, the furrow af-
to form the meiotic spindle (Brown and Lemmon, 1985). fects spindle orientation. Spirogyra suggests that the
All these observations indicate that morphogenetic cues phragmoplast could originally have evolved from a spe-
for cytokinesis, a process we equate with definition of cialisation of the cytoplasm at the edge of the cleavage
daughter cytoplasts, are set up well in advance of nuclear furrow. There is a similar tight association of the cleavage
division. furrow with overlapping MTs in the animal midbody
(Wheatley and Yang, 1996); destruction of these MTs
CLEAVAGE AND EVOLUTION OF THE causes regression of the cleavage furrow.
Spirogyra: experiments with anti-MT and anti-actin
Cytokinesis by cleavage, common to all procaryotic drugs—The functional relationship between these two
cells, is mediated by a specific set of proteins, notably successive modes of cytokinesis is revealed by simple
FtsZ (Bramhill, 1997). This protein can exist as mono- drug experiments (McIntosh, Pickett-Heaps, and Gun-
mers and in filaments and has a sequence similarity to ning, 1995). Both cleavage and the phragmoplast are re-
eucaryotic tubulins (Erickson, 1997). In most eucaryotic quired for full cytokinesis. Cleavage alone cannot com-
animal cells, cleavage is generated by a ring of actin fil- plete cytokinesis; thus, when the anti-MT drug oryzalin
aments assembled on the plasmamembrane at a site de- breaks down the phragmoplast at late cytokinesis, cells
termined during early mitosis by the spindle, particularly finish up with a central perforation in the cross wall, i.e.,
the asters (reviewed by Strome, 1993). Later, the furrow infurrowing is incomplete (see also Sawitzky and Grolig,
constricts onto the midbody, the region of MT overlap in 1995). Cleavage can be inhibited by the drug cytocha-
the non-kinetochore spindle fibers. Force is generated by lasin D (CD) and two different outcomes can be ob-
acto-myosin-II interactions (Fujiwara and Pollard, 1976) served. Figure 5A–C shows the result of inhibition of
with modulating and membrane attachment proteins con- cytokinesis with CD, after the cleavage furrow has con-
centrated in the furrow (Satterwhite and Pollard, 1992; tacted the interzonal spindle: the phragmoplast is now
Yonemura et al., 1993). able to complete cytokinesis. Figure 5C–F shows another
Cleavage is the common mechanism of cytokinesis in result from the same experiment, but in another cell in
eucaryotic algae but whether this is invariably an actin- which cleavage was stopped early, before the ingrowing
based phenomenon is unproven. In the simplest colonial furrow impinged upon the interzonal spindle; a phrag-
algae of many major groups (greens, reds, chrysophytes), moplast did form and it even succeeded in generating a
cells are held together loosely in gelatinous colonies. A long-lived (several hours) cell plate. However, the latter
major morphological advance was the evolution of the could not consolidate into a cross wall; after some hours,
filament, which required, first, that cells tightly adhere this phragmoplast and the cell plate dispersed and the cell
after division, and, second, that the plane of division is remained binucleate (Fig. 5F).
consistently perpendicular to the axis of the filament. To These experiments show that physical interaction of
achieve the latter, the division apparatus has to be sen- the cleavage apparatus with this phragmoplast is vital for
sitive to the direction of cell growth, perhaps via cyto- a successful transition from one cytokinetic system to the
skeletal components, which concurrently detect strain and other and, therefore, for successful cytokinesis. In living
control organization of wall microfibrils. (For a discus- Spirogyra, this interaction becomes evident as soon as
sion on the origin of the filamentous condition, see Pick- the interzonal spindle contacts the furrow. Interaction not
ett-Heaps, 1975a.) Simple green algae cleave, while the only triggers assembly of the cell plate into a cross wall,
phragmoplast is found in a few advanced forms (the but it also locates the edge of cell plate/overlap of the
Charales, Coleochaete) considered to be related to the interzonal MTs, in precisely the right position with re-
ancestors of the land plants. spect to the previously formed furrow. Such an ancient
juxtaposition, the same as that in the animal cells’ mid-
Spirogyra: an intermediate in the evolution of the body, ensures that daughter nuclei are separated into
phragmoplast from a cleavage apparatus—That the land daughter cells.
plants arose from charophycean algae (e.g., Pickett- This scenario suggests how the phragmoplast might
Heaps, 1975a; Graham and Kaneko, 1991) is supported have evolved, from an initial stimulation of wall synthe-
by biochemical, molecular, and comparative morpholog- sis occasioned by the presence of spindle fibers into a
ical evidence (reviewed by Graham, 1996). Ancestors of cytoskeletal system that became predominant over cleav-
land plants had a persistent telophase spindle; the nuclei age. It poses the important question: why did the phrag-
remained widely separated during cytokinesis by cleav- moplast become the dominant cytokinetic structure in
age (Pickett-Heaps, 1975a). In Spirogyra (and the related higher plants?
Mougeotia: Pickett-Heaps and Wetherbee, 1987; Galway
and Hardham, 1991), cytokinesis is initiated by an in- Coleochaete: a later step in the evolution of organized
growing furrow lined with actin (Goto and Ueda, 1988; divisions?—Some Coleochaete (particularly C. scutata
Sawitzky and Grolig, 1995). Once this furrow impinges and C. orbicularis) display a disc-like vegetative thallus

Fig. 5. Cytokinesis in Spirogyra treated with CD (20 mg/mL). In (A–C) the cleavage furrow had reached the cell plate when the CD was
applied. While cleavage stopped, a normal cell plate finished cytokinesis. In a second cell in the same filament, cleavage had stopped before the
furrow reached the cell plate. A phragmoplast containing a cell plate lasted many hours in the cell (D, E) but no cross wall was formed. (F) shows
the same cell 12 h later, confirming that the cross wall was absent.

Fig. 6. Divisions are confined to marginal cells of the discoid green alga Coleochaete obicularis. Migration of centrosomes and orientation of
half spindles predict division polarity. The cell at the left is preparing for a circumferential (periclinal) division, the cell on the right will divide
radially (anticlinal division). CLSM; MTs labelled by indirect immunofluoresence.

that arises from coordinated divisions confined to the cell plate fuses with peg-like ingrowths from the wall
marginal cells. Division occurs in either of two planes (Marchant and Pickett-Heaps, 1973; Brown, Lemmon,
(Fig. 6): radial or circumferential (i.e., periclinal), and and Graham, 1994). This cytokinesis is quite different
a phragmoplast is present in both types of division. from that in Spirogyra, being mostly accomplished by
The circumferential division adds cells to preexisting the phragmoplast with cleavage relegated to a minor role
files of cells, and it is the primitive type, equivalent to although the wall pegs might result from slow cleavage.
transverse division of an elongating filament. This divi- (The terms ‘‘cleavage’’ and ‘‘wall ingrowths’’ may be
sion somewhat resembles cytokinesis in Spirogyra. An descriptions of the same process.) Thus this radial cyto-
ingrowing cleavage furrow impinges on the interzonal kinesis resembles that in higher plants.
spindle (Marchant and Pickett-Heaps, 1973) and a collar- We return now to the question of why the phragmo-
like phragmoplast grows outwards until it contacts the plast became the dominant cytokinetic system in green
outer wall, but no cell plate is laid down. Instead, cyto- plants. To evolve from a one-dimensional, filamentous
kinesis occurs centripetally as an ill-defined cleavage im- type of simple division into a two- or three-dimensional
pinging upon a persistent column of MTs in the center pattern of division was an absolute requirement for the
of the cell, whereupon the final separation of cells ap- evolution of complex plant bodies. Perhaps the phrag-
pears to be an irregular twisting (Brown, Lemmon, and moplast represents the cell’s mechanism for escaping
Graham, 1994). Immunofluorescence studies suggest that from the primitive restraint of transverse cleavage. Spi-
the ingrowing furrow and the expanding phragmoplast rogyra and Coleochaete exemplify two key stages in the
fail to coincide, a positional discrepancy possibly related origin of the phragmoplast: originally it might have been
to two unusual features of circumferential division. The an alternative way of achieving transverse division and
division is unequal; the spindle is tilted and the outer cell later exploited so that the plane of division could be var-
is considerably larger and will continue to divide whereas ied. Apices of Chara and Nitella exemplify still more
the smaller inner cell will normally cease to divide. The complex situations, also making use of phragmoplasts
latter feature of this division makes it difficult to make (Pickett-Heaps, 1975a; Cook et al., 1997).
live observations, but this cytokinesis begs reinvestiga-
tion since it may hold clues to the requirements for evo- THE CYTOPLAST CONCEPT AND DIVISION IN
lution of successful cytokinesis by the phragmoplast/cell HIGHER PLANT CELLS
We interpret the radial division as the more derived Higher plant cells do not have an interphase MT array
since it adds new files of cells to create the monostromic even remotely resembling that of animal cells; nor do
thallus. Well before prophase, the impending site of this they display centrosomes (except, briefly, in those cell
radial cytokinesis is indicated by a deep cleavage in the lineages leading to flagellated sperm). The periphery of
chloroplast (see earlier) and a cytoplasmic furrow that the cytoplast is defined by the transversely oriented wall
precisely aligns with the future division site. During this MTs, which profoundly affect the properties and mor-
division, the phragmoplast and the cell plate within it phogenesis of the wall. Higher plants also acquired an-
grow from the center of the spindle outwards, and the other, enigmatic structure. When they prepare to divide,

they redeploy their cytoskeleton to form the PPB of MTs. d) endosperm development (Van Lammeren, 1988;
As stated by Brown and Lemmon (1990a: p. 561): ‘‘. . . Brown, Lemmon, and Olsen, 1994). The PPB is absent
Introduction of the preprophase band into the cytokinetic from cells entering a developmental pathway where they
apparatus is a topic of extreme interest in the evolution are no longer part of an organized tissue. For example,
of land plants.’’ compare the development of the embryo and endosperm
in flowering plants. Both originate from fertilization, yet
The preprophase band (PPB) of microtubules—Since the zygote displays a PPB in the first division (Webb and
its discovery over 30 years ago (Pickett-Heaps and Gunning, 1991); in contrast, endosperm develops as a
Northcote, 1966a, b), the PPB of MTs has proved a ubiq- coenocyte (at least in cereals and Arabidopsis thaliana)
uitous feature of premitotic, vegetative, noncoenocytic before becoming cellular and does not exhibit a PPB until
cells in land plants. During the G2 phase of the cell cycle, later when divisions occur in the aleurone layer (Brown,
wall MTs steadily collect into a narrowly defined band Lemmon, and Olsen, 1994).
girdling the cell. The location of this PPB predicts the Thus, the PPB appears to be a land plant (embryo-
site and plane of the subsequent cytokinesis in those di- phyte) autapomorphy. It appears in cells inserting spa-
visions in which a new wall is inserted into a preexisting tially predetermined new walls within the pattern of
pattern of parental walls (reviewed by Pickett-Heaps, neighboring cells during histogenesis of the multicellular
1974b; Gunning, Hardham, and Hughes, 1978; Gunning, plant. The PPB clearly shows that the division plane has
1982; Lloyd, 1989; Gunning and Wick, 1985; Gunning been established before mitosis—just as do the various
and Sammut, 1990; Wick, 1991a, b). The PPB disappears examples of NCDs in algae and bryophytes, reviewed
as the cell goes into prophase and its role (if any) in above.
determining the position of the cell plate—invariably pre-
dicted with exquisite accuracy—has remained enigmatic. Actin and MTs in the PPB and phragmoplast—F-
Actin and other interesting antigens (e.g., p34cdc2: Mine- actin is frequently, and perhaps ubiquitously, co-localized
yuki, Marc, and Palevitz, 1991; Colasanti et al., 1993; with MTs at the PPB site (Kakimoto and Shibaoka, 1987;
mitotic cyclins: Mews et al., 1997) have recently been Palevitz, 1987; Traas et al., 1987; Lloyd and Traas, 1988;
found to co-localize with MTs in PPBs (see below). Katsuta, Hashiguchi, and Shibaoka, 1990; McCurdy and
There may be additional unrecognized, positive markers Gunning, 1990; Mineyuki and Palevitz, 1990; Ding, Tur-
(i.e., determinants) at the PPB site as well. geon, and Parthasarathy, 1991; Eleftheriou and Palevitz,
1992; Liu and Palevitz, 1992; Panteris, Apostolakos, and
The distribution of the PPB in the plant kingdom— Galatis, 1992; Hepler et al., 1993; Cleary et al. 1992c;
The PPB is characteristic of dividing cells in land plants Cleary, 1995; Cleary and Mathesius, 1996). The behavior
but not algae, including Coleochaete and Chara, which of the actin and MTs is very different between determi-
display precisely controlled symmetric and asymmetric nation of the division site in preprophase and fulfilment
divisions (Pickett-Heaps, 1975a; Brown and Lemmon, at cytokinesis. PPB MTs disappear during prophase. Cor-
1990a; Brown, Lemmon, and Graham, 1994). The PPB tical actin becomes largely excluded from the PPB site,
of bryophytes is sometimes diffuse or asymmetric (re- and so narrow ‘‘actin-depleted zones’’ (Liu and Palevitz,
viewed in Brown and Lemmon, 1988b, 1993). Since 1992; Cleary et al., 1992c; Cleary and Mathesius, 1996)
bryophytes could be the earliest divergent extant em- mark the division site throughout mitosis in a negative
bryophytes (Graham, 1996), they may display primitive sense. Both actin and MTs appear to be redeployed co-
features of land plant division. Even in the pteridophyte operatively in establishing the limits of new cytoplasts,
Azolla PPBs are frequently incomplete (Gunning, Har- and perhaps the actin-depleted zone is the most precise
dham, and Hughes, 1978). The PPB is absent during tip spatial indication of this determination. One possibility is
growth and initiation of branches in filamentous moss that the PPB must prepare the division site, whereupon
protonema (Doonan et al., 1987; Doonan and Duckett, it is disassembled (see John, 1996, for mechanisms
1988; Doonan, 1991), but is present once multidimen- whereby this step could be integrated into the molecular
sional tissues are developed in both gametophytic and controls of the plant cell cycle) and the parental cell has
sporophytic generations. Hepatics such as Reboulia may initiated cytoplast division via redistribution of cortical
show a transitional stage in PPB evolution. The spindle actin. An alternative hypothesis is that the persistent actin
arises from astral MTs emanating from discrete polar or- flanking the depleted zone is a positive marker delimiting
ganizers that develop de novo in preprophase. The PPB the future cytoplasts; the zone may represent a gap be-
forms at the boundary of the two domains defined by tween the cytoskeletal systems of the two new cytoplasts
astral MTs, the two sets of MTs displaying considerable into which the phragmoplast directs deposition of the new
interaction (Brown and Lemmon, 1990b). This differs wall.
from the situation in higher plants where the PPB pre- The structure of the actin cytoskeleton during cytoki-
cedes assembly of visible spindle MTs. nesis is complex. It is absent (or perhaps masked) where
Throughout the land plants, the PPB is absent in cells the phragmoplast MTs are densest, at the mid-plane
of reproductive lineages: (a) archesporial cells in bryo- (Cleary et al., 1992c; Zhang, Wadsworth, and Hepler,
phytes (Busby and Gunning, 1988a, b; Gambardella and 1993; Hepler et al., 1993; Cleary, 1995; Cleary and Ma-
Alfano, 1990; Brown and Lemmon, 1992a); (b) meiotic thesius, 1996; Valster and Hepler, 1997). Thus, it appears
microsporogenesis and pollen mitosis (Hogan, 1987; as two opposing arrays between daughter nuclei, sepa-
Brown and Lemmon, 1991; Palevitz, 1993); (c) mega- rated by a narrow gap; this arrangement persists after the
sporogenesis and megagametogenesis (Webb and Gun- nearby MTs disappear, but it too, finally disperses. The
ning, 1990, 1991,1994; Huang and Sheridan, 1994); and gap matches the width of the actin-depleted zone towards

which it progresses as the phragmoplast grows. Currently plate approaches the margin of the protoplast (Sonobe,
available images show this actin as finely textured, some- 1990). This phenomenon differs from true cleavage (as
what contrasting with and also merging into the coarser in animal cells), being sensitive to anti-MT drugs (Cleary,
actin bundles nearby which extend between the daughter unpublished data) and stimulated by CB (Sonobe, 1990).
nuclei (Kakimoto and Shibaoka, 1987; Seagull, Falconer It may be that when turgor is reduced, the inbuilt ten-
and Weerdenburg, 1987; Traas et al., 1987; Lloyd and segrity of the cytoskeletal elements of the daughter cy-
Traas, 1988; Cho and Wick, 1990; Wick, 1991b; Valster toplasts can induce a constriction between them, i.e. at
and Hepler, 1997). An interpretation of this morphology the interface between the new NCDs that were set up
is that assembly of the fine actin defines the extent of the before division, first at the actin-depletion zone and then
new cytoplasts, with the phragmoplast becoming inte- at the spindle overlap zone. If so, such deformation may
grated via the coarser bundles so as to build the wall in not be powerful enough to be manifest in walled cells
the intervening gap. The phenomena involved exhibit dividing under full turgor. That internal, tensegral, forces
typical tensegral properties: for example, the internal exist within walled cells is apparent from various studies.
stiffness of the phragmoplast (and spindle pole) contrast- Hahne and Hoffman (1984) show that freshly isolated
ing with the elastic tensile forces acting on it. protoplasts have a dimpled surface, the dimples occurring
at the outer extremity of transvacuolar strands; when the
THE DIVISION SITE AND strands are cut by laser microsurgery, the dimples relax.
PHRAGMOPLAST IN THE CONTEXT OF THE Goodbody, Venverloo, and Lloyd (1991) and Grolig
DIVIDING CYTOPLAST (1998) have analyzed internal tension in the cytoplasmic
strands that position (and reposition) the nucleus. The
Preparations for cytoplast division—In symmetrical role of the wall in providing anchoring points for the
divisions of highly vacuolated cells, the nucleus becomes internal tensegral system is highlighted by the smoothing
centrally located and a sheet or strands of cytoplasm, the out of surface dimples when protoplasts regenerate walls
‘‘phragmosome,’’ indicates the plane of incipient cell di- (Katsuta and Shibaoka, 1989). Currently, trans-plasma
vision (Sinnott and Bloch, 1941; Sinnott, 1960) and con- membrane molecular linkages that can let the cytoskele-
nects the nucleus with the site of the PPB (Venverloo et ton exploit the mechanical strength of the wall are under
al., 1980). If division is asymmetrical, the nucleus mi- intense investigations.
grates into position prior to division, either before (e.g., There are a few observations that suggest that higher
Pickett-Heaps, 1969a) or after the PPB has appeared. The plant cells retain and can on occasion use cleavage in-
actin in the phragmosome (Traas et al., 1987; Katsuta, stead of the phragmoplast for cytokinesis. Cell division
Hashiguchi, and Shibaoka, 1990) remains, perhaps to in stress-induced pollen embryoids are of two different
constitute a ‘‘memory’’ (Lloyd and Traas, 1988) of the forms, characteristic of two types of cells: densely cyto-
division plane. plasmic and vacuolate (Huang, 1986). Vacuolate cells
The PPB may prepare the division site for subsequent cleave while dense cells use the phragmoplast/cell-plate
insertion of the new wall into the parental wall (Mineyuki system. While the mechanisms by which both the for-
and Gunning, 1990), but how this function is actually mation of wall stubs and these ‘‘cleavages’’ occur are
achieved remains unknown. Pickett-Heaps (1969b) and undetermined, the phenomena point to an alteration in
Gimenaez-Abiam et al. (1998) used caffeine treatment to the physical (i.e., tensegral) properties of the parental cy-
show that the signal, whatever its nature, can persist at toplasm at the division site, where the actin-depleted
the PPB site through a division cycle. Numerous obser- zones delineate the future cytoplasts.
vations show that wall stubs can be formed at the PPB
site, for example, after disruption of cell plates with caf- Phragmoplast initiation and expansion—The division
feine (references in Mineyuki and Gunning, 1990). The site predicted by the PPB marks only a surface band
stubs are similar to the wall ingrowths that mark the di- where the future cross wall will intersect the parental cell
vision site in spore mother cells, particularly in bryo- surface. In many divisions, the surface thus defined is a
phytes (see next subsection), although the latter arise simple plane, but it can be a complex curved surface,
without the participation of PPBs. If the actin-depleted symmetrically or asymmetrically placed. In all cases, the
zone represents a gap between the nascent cytoplasts, initial position and orientation of the mitotic apparatus do
wall ingrowths may be a consequence of lessened cyto- not determine final positioning of the new cross wall.
skeletal support of the plasma membrane or of altered Centrifugal growth of the phragmoplast from the middle
local control over wall deposition, permitting wall ma- of the spindle is subject to accurate guidance processes
terial to intrude inwards. toward the previously prepared division site. For exam-
The fact that actin is localized among PPB MTs raises ple, the mitotic spindle in guard mother cells (GMCs) is
the interesting possibility that higher plant cells retain a often tilted but invariably undergoes an actin-based re-
derivative of an ancient cleavage furrow at the division orientation (Palevitz and Helper, 1975; Palevitz, 1987).
site. O’Brien (1983) suggested that the PPB is a device Likewise, spindles and the initial phragmoplasts in de-
to block cleavage; however, one would then expect it to veloping epidermis of the maize leaf are frequently tilted
persist throughout mitosis. When wall-less plant proto- but later become aligned with the division site (Cleary
plasts divide, they appear to cleave (Meyer and Abel, and Smith, 1998). Tradescantia stamen hairs can be cen-
1975) even after a phragmoplast is initiated (Meyer and trifuged to displace the spindle without prejudice to the
Herth, 1978; Sonobe, 1990). Meristematic plant cells achievement later of a correctly oriented division (Ota,
plasmolyzed during cytokinesis (Cleary, unpublished 1961).
data) undergo slow indenting where the edge of the cell What the spindle does establish in these circumstances

Fig. 7. Destruction of cellular polarization by cytochalasin D in two epidermal cells that were dividing to form subsidiary cells next to two
guard mother cells (g) in Tradescantia. During asymmetrical mitosis in cell Y, the spindle, at prophase in (A), reverted back to a poorly placed
transverse division. In cell X, the future SC nucleus detached from the GMC (B–D), while its phragmoplast (arrowhead) wandered off across the
cell. (E, F) show the malpositioned new walls arising after the drug treatment. From time-lapse video recording.

is the development of the overlap between the half spin- Stebbins and Shah, 1960) are classic polarized divisions,
dles. In the context of the cytoplast model, the spindle and they provided the first unambiguous evidence that
has initiated one region of cytoplast demarkation within the PPB is related to plane of division (Pickett-Heaps and
a much larger cell volume that has already been prepared Northcote, 1966b; Pickett-Heaps, 1969a). Stomatal mor-
for division. During later telophase, these two are brought phogenesis requires two distinct phenomena: positioning
into conjunction, probably by the actin cytoskeleton. of the spindle and precise spatial control over the path
When phragmoplasts are formed adventitiously between of phragmoplast expansion. Treatment of forming sto-
nonsister nuclei, the required overlap is established at the matal complexes with cytochalasin B and D (CB, CD)
interface of opposing MT systems much as it is in the severely interferes with stomatal differentiation (Cho and
inetrzonal region of the spindle, so much so that they Wick, 1990; Fig. 7A–F), particularly of subsidiary cells
have been referred to as ‘‘secondary spindles.’’ (SCs) around the GMC. First, spindle polarization (at-
The highly asymmetric divisions required for morpho- tachment of the pole and SC daughter nucleus to the
genesis of stomatal complexes (Stebbins and Jain, 1960; GMC) is strong enough to resist centrifugation (Pickett-

Heaps, 1969c), but under CD treatment, the spindle pole example is given in Fig. 8A–D, in which the SC phrag-
and SC nucleus slowly detach from the wall at the GMC moplast was unusually crooked at first (Fig. 8A, B) and
and drift away (Fig. 7A–F). Second, the phragmoplast the cell plate underwent rocking movement (Fig. 8E). A
normally curves sharply around the SC nucleus, creating quite rapid (Fig. 8E) twisting then aligned one edge of
a hemispherical cell plate attaching to the site previously the phragmoplast into the correct position (Fig. 8C), and
occupied by the PPB. However, when in CD, this phrag- subsequent SC formation was normal (Fig. 8D). Even
moplast completely loses orientation; its growing edge is during normal, symmetrical divisions, the edge of the
no longer pulled into the correct position, and instead, it phragmoplast usually undergoes ‘‘hunting’’ movements,
wanders off to generate a randomly situated cross wall back and forth near the wall, before becoming firmly at-
(Fig. 7A–C; Palevitz and Hepler, 1974; Gunning and tached to it (Mineyuki and Gunning, 1990). In the tan-
Wick, 1985; Mineyuki and Gunning, 1990 and others). gled mutant of maize, skewed spindles fail to adjust cor-
Young phragmoplasts are not always aligned in the di-
rectly and its gene product appears to be necessary to
vision plane, but if initially skew, they soon become ad-
justed as they grow (e.g., Wick, 1991b; see above). Lloyd bring the skewed phragmoplast into proper alignment
(1988) poses the important question: ‘‘Why doesn’t the (Cleary and Smith, unpublished data).
expanding edge of the phragmoplast wander off into an- The positioning of the phragmoplast is the final ex-
other place?’’ and suggests that actin remaining in the pression of the mysterious process called polarization.
phragmosome in vacuolated plant cells normally ensures Our experience in interpreting the behavior of living cells
that such wandering is not allowed. Numerous observa- in algae as well as higher plants strongly suggests to us
tions show that adjustment is an active process. The that polarized activity (e.g., the movement of cell organ-
phragmoplast often wavers while becoming aligned, until elles like the nucleus, spindle, phragmoplast or chloro-
it comes under a more direct influence of the division plasts into specific positions) is generated by strands of
site, whereupon it appears to be attracted with great pre- cytoplasm that display tensegral properties (rigidity con-
cision to the midline of the former PPB site. A striking current with tension and force generation); we believe

Fig. 8. Cytokinesis forming lateral SC, normal Tradescantia. (A) The spindle had temporarily rotated untill the pole (*) was no longer adjacent
to the GMC. (B) Cell plate forming. (C) The spindle had rotated, the cell plate moving into the expected position adjacent to the GMC. (D) Cell
plate completed in correct position. (E) Plot of distance of the right-hand edge of the cell plate from its final position vs. time. Between T 5 0
(A’) and T 5 5.5 min (B’), the cell plate underwent small iregular movements often toward the upper division site, then rapidly (in 3.5 min)
repositioned into the lower division site (C’).

these properties result from the close interactions of MTs and Lintilhac (1997) have demonstrated that shear force
with actin. applied to dividing, single, cultured plant cells orients the
Finally, we point out that such tensegral interactions, division plane to be either parallel or perpendicular to the
so apparent in plant cells, may apply universally. For ex- direction of that force. We suggest that this response is
ample, accurate orientation of the spindle in yeast divi- mediated through a tensegral cytoskeleton, which in-
sion requires interaction of the poles, via spindle MTs, cludes the PPB when the cell is preparing for division.
and cytoskeletal actin (Palmer et al., 1992). Establish- MTs may act as strain detectors: reorientation of F-actin
ment and maintenance of asymmetry in cleaving nema- is not needed for reorientation of MTs (Hush and Overall,
tode eggs specifically require actin for rotation of one 1992).
prophase spindle in the two-celled embryo (Hill and Stro- The wound response can be invoked to explain the
me, 1988; Waddle, Cooper, and Waterson, 1994); there- geometry of formation of stomatal complexes: the GMC
after the pole is tethered to a cortical site, just as with might mimic a ‘‘point injury,’’ creating polarization in
the GMC. Establishment of cellular polarity in fucoid zy- neighboring cells. Evidence that stomatal differentiation
gotes similarly requires actin, as does the subsequent re- may be a highly evolved adaptation of a wound response
orientation of the centrosomal MTs and the mitotic spin- polarized around a point injury is given by Kennard and
dle (reviewed in Kropf, 1992). Cleary (1997) who showed that physical pressure applied
by a micropipette tip can induce the nucleus of an epi-
SPATIAL CUES AND THE PLANT CYTOPLAST dermal cell to migrate toward the pressure point, just as
it does naturally toward the GMC during the G1 phase of
Clearly, the determination of the plane of cytokinesis its normal division. A similar relationship between os-
occurs early and is marked by subtle changes in the motically induced stress and the plane of division may
whole cell, particularly its cytoskeleton. Let us now brief- apply in vacuolated green algal cells. For example, nu-
ly consider the cues that might guide this determination. clear polarization and asymmetric division (and ultimate-
While chemical cues and messengers have long been con- ly, branching and hair cell differentiation) in Bulbochaete
sidered paramount in this role, we believe that physical (Pickett-Heaps, 1974c, 1975b) strongly resemble what
cues may be equally significant, a view recently exciting happens in antheridium formation in a fern (Kotenko,
more interest in animal cells (e.g., Ingber et al., 1994; 1986), while in Coleochaete, the switch from a transverse
Chicurel, Chen, and Ingber, 1998). to radial division could be triggered by the increased
stress in the outer wall of a cell effectively situated be-
Strain detection: growth in large cylindrical cells— tween two diverging files of cells. The same general re-
Expansion of cells in higher plants cells and some algae lationship of force to the plane of cytokinesis seems to
(e.g., Spirogyra) takes place along the length of a wall apply to animal cells. For example (Mazia, 1961, p. 328),
lined by transverse wall MTs. Very fine, transversely ori- in sea urchin eggs subjected to centrifugal force, cleavage
ented filaments of actin (Cleary, unpublished data) lie (inducible even without prior mitosis) was always at right
close to these MTs (Lancelle and Hepler, 1991; Cleary, angles to the direction of applied force—as it seems to
unpublished data). In cells stripped of their walls, re- be in phragmoplast formation. Such responses suggest a
sumption of cylindrical growth coincides with the estab- central role of force in determining the geometry of dif-
lishment of wall MTs (Galway and Hardham, 1986). The ferentiation. The concept of tensegrity (Ingber, 1993) pro-
cytoskeletal system of wall MTs and actin appears re- vides an excellent starting point for probing the structural
sponsive to forces induced in the wall by normal growth basis for such responses, as an alternative to any theories
(Kotenko, 1986; Green, 1987), and so these forces prob- based on chemistry and physiological gradients.
ably provide spatial cues and/or physical determinants
that affect cell division. The cytoskeleton in individual SUMMARY: THE CYTOPLAST AND
cells responds to external cues generated near a wound EVOLUTION OF THE PPB
site (Lintilhac and Vesecky, 1981; Gunning, 1982). That
MTs are concurrently involved in controlling elongation We use the cytoplast/NCD (nuclear-cytoplasmic do-
while being sensitive to external cues has been demon- main) concept as a basis for exploring morphological and
strated by Murata, Kadota, and Wada (1997; see also dynamic observations on morphogenesis. A cell is usu-
Kropf, Williamson, and Wasteneys, 1997); they irradiated ally a single NCD, but multinucleate cells contain many
single cells in photosensitive tissue and showed that wall NCDs, one around each nucleus. The spindle is seen as
MTs in just the irradiated cell became reoriented within the cell’s mechanism for replicating the cytoplast. During
an hour of the stimulus. cell division, the margin between the two new cytoplasts
is defined by the interdigitated MTs of the interzonal
Strain detection: control of the plane of cell spindle fibers. However, in many plants, the plane of fu-
division—After plant tissue is wounded, repair is initiated ture division is determined well before division and is
by cell divisions around the wound site, coplanar with therefore not just a function of the spindle. Cytokinesis
the wound surface (Venverloo, 1990). MTs and the actin is necessarily coincident with the spindle overlap (the
cytoskeleton respond rapidly by becoming reoriented par- midbody in animal cells, the phragmoplast in plant cells),
allel to the plane of the wound (Goodbody and Lloyd, an association mediated by unidentified actin-related,
1990; Hush, Hawes, and Overall, 1990). Subsequent morphogenetic cues (molecular determinants).
alignment of the phragmosome, PPB, and plane of cell Spirogyra exemplifies how the phragmoplast may have
divisions follow to initiate wound repair. Moreover, this arisen; interaction between the spindle and cleavage fur-
response is not confined to cells within tissues. Lynch row stimulated proliferation of phragmoplast MTs whose

transport properties contributed to evolution of the cell correctly into the division site marked previously by the
plate. As the phragmoplast became established, assembly PPB. While tissue is disorganized by these mutations, the
of actin into a cleavage furrow became less important. morphology of the plant is unaffected. These results con-
Acquisition of the phragmoplast may have enabled cells firm that the PPB accompanies highly organized cell di-
to divide at right angles to the transverse cytokinesis of visions that are normal during histogenesis, but they do
the primitive filament. However, this ancient cleavage site not yet suggest any particular role for it. Such mutations
may still be expressed during determination of the plane offer hope that we may be able to identify specific pro-
of cytokinesis and certain higher plant cells retain the teins involved in histogenesis, determine where they are
ability to cleave. located, and whether and how they interact with the cy-
During cell division in lower land plants, NCDs are toskeleton. But Harold (1995) in a provoking and
expressed in various ways; they can be set up before thoughtful review reminds us that morphological mutants
preprophase/prophase and they create phragmoplasts in in the simple, intensively studied system, yeast, still offer
various situations not immediately related to the presence no interpretable correlation between genotype and phe-
of mitotic spindles. In higher land plants, ancient posi- notype. The relationship between genes and morphogen-
tional cues that located actin at the site of cleavage are esis will be more complex in the multicelled tissues of
apparently now expressed during preprophase. Establish- plants.
ment of this ‘‘cleavage’’ site may define the two nascent The importance of membrane-bound proteins that at-
cytoplasts as manifested by relocation of actin and wall tach to cytoskeletal components is well established in an-
MTs into the PPB. The PPB delineates the perimeter of imal cells and equivalent proteins surely exist in plant
the interface between the future daughter cytoplasts, and cells, a possibility being explored in Fucus embryos
the actin-depleted zone that becomes visible at the cell (Fowler and Quatrano, 1997) in which the planes of cell
surface when the PPB disperses is viewed as an indica- division are strictly controlled (Quatrano and Shaw,
tion that the surface cytoskeleton has been rearranged 1997). One might expect to uncover such proteins at the
into daughter cytoplasts well before cytokinesis. During PPB site and we suspect that they may have attributes
telophase, the positional cues previously indicated by the more associated with actin (derived from an ancient
PPB are still related to actin localization and function, cleavage apparatus) than MTs. Such spatial determinants
even when visible as an ‘‘actin-depleted’’ zone. The de- presumably exert their influence via force-generating,
terminant(s) of actin function are activated to draw the tensegral systems and the means by which they establish
expanding edge of the phragmoplast to the primitive their three-dimensional expression will surely help ex-
cleavage site formerly occupied by the PPB. Polarization plain how asymmetric mitosis and the phragmoplast are
evident in asymmetric divisions also requires actin to controlled. The spindle itself may be a tensegral structure
hold the spindle pole in position. (Pickett-Heaps, Forer, and Spurck, 1997), in which event
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tect stress in their wall using their MT/actin cytoskeleton, tem responsive to physical (e.g., force) as well as chem-
maintaining uniaxial growth via control over orientation ical cues. We believe that plant cells offer tremendous
of wall microfibrils. This stress-detection system also ap- advantages, ripe for further exploitation, in such investi-
parently controls the plane of cell division, ensuring that gations into fundamental aspects of cellular and tissue
(in most cases) it is transverse to the axis of growth. Its morphogenesis.
controlling role is evident during wound response, when
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