Group Letter To Trump RE: House GOP Leadership

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November 8, 2018

President Donald J. Trump

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The current Republican congressional leadership has failed the American people. While you have kept your
promises, the establishment GOP leaders have been a drag on your agenda.

We write to encourage you NOT to prematurely endorse Kevin McCarthy for Minority Leader, and to
instead consider an endorsement of a better fighter and advocate for you and for us, Jim Jordan.

The current congressional leadership failed to fund your border wall, repeal Obamacare, and defund Planned
Parenthood. These were major campaign promises that motivated your base in 2016.

They forced you to sign a bad spending bill that once again increased spending and went against everything you
campaigned on.

They failed to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for destroying evidence and lying to Congress about
the IRS’s targeting of conservatives.

They failed to seek accountability for what happened in Benghazi.

They did nothing about the censorship of conservatives on social media and on college campuses.

They worked against you far too often, and were far too timid, passive, and accommodating to the Democrats,
who have proven they will stop at nothing to destroy your agenda and your Presidency. On the other hand, Jim
Jordan has never been timid, passive, or accommodating to Democrats.

We lost the House in this critical midterm election because congressional Republicans failed to keep their
promises. Despite a time of peace, prosperity, and Republican control of the House and Senate, GOP leaders
failed to deliver on nearly every major campaign commitment. Their performance is unacceptable. While your
tremendous efforts to nationalize the election pulled some Republicans over the finish line on Tuesday, our base
wasn’t sufficiently motivated to show up for ​a Republican Party that did not do what it said it would do.

With Democrats soon to be in power, your agenda and your Presidency will be constantly under attack.
The left will know no bounds as they fight to stop you and end your Presidency at every turn. In a few short
weeks, Democrats will control the House, and every committee will be led by someone who fiercely opposes
you. We need to put up a fight against what the left is about to do, and we need someone bold to lead it.

The Minority Leader should play a critical role in contesting the Democrats’ tactics and encouraging fights in
committees. Jim Jordan exceedingly outpaces Kevin McCarthy in both of these areas. He is effective on TV and
has a unique ability to connect with and energize your base because of his relationships with grassroots leaders
across the country. Our country cannot afford more losses. The American people deserve strong, principled,

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courageous conservative leadership to lead the fight against the vicious, appalling leftist tactics that will soon be
on fuller display.

As your allies, we urge you to support bold, courageous new leadership for the GOP — new leadership
that will have your back and fight for your agenda.​​ We urge you to support a clean slate of Republican
leadership, including Congressman Jim Jordan.

Thank you for your transformational leadership of this nation and for keeping your promises. We look forward
to working with you as you continue to make America great again.


(Affiliations for identification purposes only)

Hon. Ken Cuccinelli II Cleta Mitchell Jenny Beth Martin

President Partner Chairman
Senate Conservatives Fund Foley & Lardner LLP Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund

Richard A. Viguerie Eunie Smith Tim Macy

Chairman, President Chairman
and Eagle Forum Gun Owners of America

Hon. J. Kenneth Blackwell Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.) Ginni Thomas
Distinguished Fellow Executive Vice President President
American Civil Rights Union Family Research Council Liberty Consulting

Anne Schlafly Cori Frank J. Gaffney Alfred S. Regnery

Chairman President and CEO Chairman
Eagle Forum Center for Security Policy Conservative Action Project

Eric Metaxas The Hon Mica Mosbacher Timothy Daughtry, Ph.D.

The Eric Metaxas Show Mosbacher Interests Author
Daughtry & Company

Sandy Rios Rebecca Hagelin J. Christian Adams

Director of Governmental Affairs Secretary President
American Family Association Council for National Policy Public Interest Legal Foundation

Maria Zack Becky Gerritson Rick Manning

President Founder and President President
Nations in Action Wetumpka TEA Party (AL) Americans for Limited Government

Donna Hearne William R. Collier Jr Hon. George K. Rasley, Jr.

Radio Talk Show Host President Managing Editor
BRN The American Freedomist

David Kubal John Stover Elaine Donnelly

President/CEO President President
Intercessors for America Ohio Value Voters, Inc. Center for Military Readiness

Robert K. Fischer Matthew Tyrmand Christopher C. Hull, Ph.D.

Meeting Coordinator Principal Senior Fellow
Conservatives of Faith Matthew Tyrmand LLC Americans for Intelligence Reform

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Rolfe L. Carawan Jr. Amapola Hansberger Deborah Weiss, Esq
President President Senior Fellow
LifeMatters International Legal Immigrants for America Center for Security Policy

James Hansberger Marcia Taylor Lee A. Beaman

Chairman CEO CEO
Legal Immigrants for America Bennett Int. Group Beaman Automotive Group

Bob Adams Kelly Monroe Kullberg Philip B. Haney

President President DHS Founding Member
Revive America PAC American Association of Evangelicals CBP Officer (Retired)

Rachel Alexander Sue Trombino Stephanie Coleman

Journalist, Senior Editor with The President & Founder Executive Director
Stream, Townhall contributor Women Impacting the Nation Liberty Action Network

Jackie Siciliano Tim LeFever James Simpson

Councilwoman Chairman Author, Investigative Journalist
Borough of Surf City NJ Capitol Resource Institute

Peggy Dau Ralph Hudgens Sheryl Kaufman

Iran Alive Ministries Insurance Commissioner of Georgia Retired Corporate Executive

Jack Sarfatti Jessie Jane Duff LT. Col. Kenneth Benway US Army
Ph.D. (physicist, sci-tech Gunnery Sergeant U.S. Marine Corps (ret), Retired
intelligence) Senior Fellow London Center for Policy Co-Founder
Internet Science Education Project Research Special Operations Speaks

Elizabeth Yore Ron Pearson Jeremy Cerone

Attorney Executive Director CEO
YoreChildren Conservative Victory Fund EliteSafe Inc.

Aubrey Shines Mark Fitzgibbons The Honorable Diana Denman

Bishop President of Corporate Affairs President
G2G Ministries American Target Advertising, Inc. The Reagan Legacy Forum

James Dau J. Michael Waller Andresen Blom

CEO Vice President President
Iran Alive Ministries Center for Security Policy Hawaiian Values

Mary Fanning

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