Seven Unsung Heroes of Ally Slopers Cavalry

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37 Divisional Supply Column (135

Mechanical Transport Company Army (1),

Service Corps), 4 Corps

Army Service Corps insignia 37th Division emblem

Seven Unsung Heroes of Ally Sloper’s

Cavalry (2)

Killed in action and died of wounds 3rd July

1917 and buried at Dranoutre Military
Cemetery, Heuvelland, West-Vlaanderen,
Belgium (3)


Susan Berry, Stanley Emms Great Grand Niece; Roy Iremonger, Headmaster and Marie Peters
Headmaster's Secretary, Shoreham College; Cumnor Parish Record; National Archives, Kew; Imperial
War Museum London; In Flanders Fields Museum Documentation Centre, Ieper, Belgium; June
(Weaver family); Commonwealth War Graves Commission; Royal Logistics Corps Museum, and

In Flanders Fields (4)

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved, and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields


The earliest memories I have of my paternal great grandfather, Charles Skingle, are of seeing an old
photograph of the headstone of his military grave on the wall of the living room at my paternal
grandparents’ house when I was about eleven years old. His son, my grandfather, also called Charles,
told me that he had been killed by a German hand grenade, a ‘tater masher’ as he called it, and that
he was buried in Belgium.

At about the same time I picked up a paperback laying around our house called ‘The Winding Road
Unfolds’, by T S Hope (5). As a deeply impressionable eleven year old child reading about the horrors
of war in the trenches of the Ypres Salient during the First World War the book had a very long lasting
effect and to this day can remember wondering at the time if that’s what it had been like for my great
grandfather. I recall at the time wondering about his life, last moments, and the possibility of going to
visit his last resting place. I didn’t mention the idea of going to Flanders or the reading book to my
parents who would have hit the roof if they knew I had read it.

A few weeks before Christmas 2007 I was visiting the Imperial War Museum North, in Manchester,
and it all came back to me. As an independent adult I could go under my own auspices so I started
planning my visit, checking the Commonwealth War Graves website to find out where Charles was
buried and to which unit he had belonged, as it turned out, Mechanical Transport, 37th Division,
Supply Column, Army Service Corps, and buried at Dranoutre (Dranouter) Military Cemetery,
Heuvelland, West-Vlaanderen, 11.5 km south west of Ieper.
On a very frosty morning, the 19 December 2008, I visited the ‘In Flanders Fields’ Museum Research
Centre in Ieper. As far as they were able they were marvellously helpful though the information I was
able to access about the 37 Division was very sketchy. At midday I caught the bus to Dranoutre.

I didn’t really know how I would react. When I finally found his grave I found myself thinking that, other
relatives excepted, I was connected to this man, or what remained of him, more intimately than most
people on this earth. Part of me is this man; he is a part of me. It was an intense and profoundly
moving moment. Again I wondered about his life, the experiences that led to him being laid to rest
here, his last moments and if he had been remembered in any way that might perpetuate his memory
and the sacrifice he’d made. It was with some surprise that, on checking the graves nearby, I
discovered six other graves, all from the same Army Service Corps Company and all who died or were
killed in action on the same day; 3 July 1917. I made my mind up there and then to try to find out
more about them, and what events had led to them dying on the same day and being buried side by
side. In some way to try to bring the memory of them back to life so they are not lost to posterity.
It took a lot of work but on 5 January 2008 I finally tracked down the War Diary of their Company at
the National Archives in Kew, London. It was at the point when I turned to the diary page for the 3
July 1917 that I found out what had happened to them. Again I experienced an intense and profoundly
moving moment. Here I was looking at a transcript written at the time by their Officer Commanding
detailing their deaths and the cause. God knows what he had seen and what carnage had taken place
that day. He had known them personally and this was written in his own hand and on the same day, or
very shortly afterwards. It was as if I was looking over his shoulder.

Army Service Corps, 37th Division, Supply Column, 135 Company ASC. Buried at Dranoutre Military
Cemetery*, killed in action/died of wounds on the 3 July 1917

Charles Skingle Corporal T4/085280. Plot II J 8

Frank Oliver Private M2/033827. Plot II J 9

Stanley Edward Emms Private M2/078127. Plot II J 10

Thomas Hughes Acting Warrant Officer Class 2 M2/045935. Plot II J 11

Harold George James Hardy Acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant M2/055251.

Plot II J 12

Percy Capel Private M2/166793. Plot II J 13

Frederick Gordon Weaver Corporal M2/032670. Plot II J 14

Given the sometimes paucity of records this, as far as is possible, is their story.

* Note: See

The Army Service Corps, and 37 Divisional Supply Column (135 Company A.S.C.,) 4 Corps
First World War, 1915 – 1918 (6)

As they mostly enlisted in or near to
London it is highly likely that Charles
Skingle, Frank Oliver, Stanley Edward
Emms, Thomas Hughes, and Harold
George James Hardy all trained at Grove
Park ASC Training Centre, Marvels Lane
London SE12 0PG, an old workhouse,
which from 1914 until 1918 was used as a
mobilisation / training centre for new
recruits by the Army Services Corps (now
Marvel’s Lane NHS Clinic). Records show
Harold Hardy and Charles Skingle were
posted to Aldershot from where they joined
the British Expeditionary Force.

Grove Park workhouse ("The Barracks")

from the west, 1914. (8)

Stanley Edward Emms may have been processed through the Army Service Corps Office at 11
Britannia Road, Norwich (Britannia Barracks Depot was at 1-9 Britannia Road - see the picture below)


Percy Capel’s enlistment was processed at Abingdon, Netheravon

UK – 1915: 135 Company A.S.C formed in
January 1915 (that month the 1 Zeppelin
raid took place on England) and in July 1915
was based at Weston-super-Mare in North
Somerset, an area which played an active
role in the First World War; 80 per cent of the
trees in Weston Woods were felled for
military use. Large numbers of soldiers were
billeted in Weston for training prior to being
posted, as the beach was used for training
exercises in digging trenches. Originally part
of the 11 Northern Division they were later
attached to the 37 Division.
Army Service Corps Training, Aldershot, Hampshire,
England, UK (10)

France 1915 – 1917: With the advent of hostilities the Company embarked at Southampton and left
for Rouen on 25 July 1915 from where they pushed on to Abbeville and then straight onto Arras;
arriving there on 31st July 1915. On 7 March 1916 the Company moved to Mondicourt, 4km west of
Arras, and though the Lorry Park was shelled on 17 May 1916 (with no casualties), they were to
remain in the area as part of VII Corps until the summer of 1917.
French/Belgian border 1916 – 1917: On the 19 April 1916 the Company moved with the Division to I
Corps at Dainville, 4km west of Arras. Due to heavy shelling they then moved into IX Corps on 1
June from where they eventually pushed on to Flanders. In March 1917 (as the Russian Revolution
kicked off and British Forces captured Baghdad) the Company was reorganised with 37 Ammunition
Sub Park joining the Supply Column to form the 37 Divisional Transport Company by which time their
total mileage was 1,244,057.
The Battle of Messines Ridge then
took place on 7 June 1917. At
01:00 hours the British moved up
into their jumping off positions. Just
before 03:10 hours everybody was
warned to lie flat on the ground. At
03:10 hours about 450,000 kilos of
explosives were detonated
exploding 19 huge mines under the
German front line. The effect was a
man made earthquake which sent
German soldiers in Lille, 20
kilometres away, into a panic and
was easily heard in the south east of
England. The Company would most
certainly have been a part of the
preparations for the attack, most
likely involved in Supply Logistics in
support of IX Corps who, during the
battle, attacked Wytschaete
(Wijtschate, Whitesheet to the
British), and would most certainly
have been witness to the
tremendous detonation of the mines.

They eventually arrived at the

Divisional Reserve area at Locre
(Loker) on the 25th June 1917
where the Company set up a camp
and lorry park. The First World War
diary summary for the company
states that when they moved to
Locre on 25th June “The lorries had
a good standing in a paved yard on
the BAILLEUL Road”. (12)

Today this would be somewhere along what is now N375 Route De Locre - Douanestraat between
Bailleul and Loker, probably nearer to Loker. There are a number of farms just south west of Loker
which could have been the area where 135 Company had their lorry park, near the Belgian border with
France. The HQ Unit remained here until March 1918 where they would have been ‘responsible for
the supply of goods, equipment and ammunition from the Divisional railhead to the Divisional Refilling
Point and, if conditions allowed, to the dumps and stores of the forward units and were used, of course,
where loads were heavy. A Company initially comprised 5 officers and 337 other ranks of the Army
Service Corps, looking after 45 3-ton lorries, 16 30-cwt lorries, 7 motor cycles, 2 cars and 4 assorted
trucks for the workshop and stores of the Supply Column itself.’ (13) Activities listed for 135 Company
were training, rescuing ditched and broken down vehicles, the transfer and supply of drivers and
vehicles, vehicle repairs and extraneous activities. Whilst it was quiet leave was granted, usually for
10 days and to a party of one officer and four NCOs and men. Reveille was at 530am everyday and
guard was posted at 6pm. Casualty lists at the time showed those on leave, the transfer of men and
vehicles, illness, deaths and wounded. From June 1917 onwards Captain Prichard, the Officer
Commanding, reported frequent movement of supply dumps and railheads.

The weather at the time was fine and is reflected in

that fact that daytime bombing sorties were being
carried out by German Gothas, each able to carry
more than 1000 pounds (454 kilograms) of bombs,
from bases in the Ghent area of Belgium. Two raids
th th
over London, on June 13 and July 7 , resulted in
many deaths and injuries. German bombers were also
targeting high volumes of traffic in rear areas,
affecting the Western Allies supply lines. (14)

In the summer of 1917 the area around Bailleul, Locre and Dranoutre was a Divisional Reserve with
supply dumps, stores, baths, delousing stations, laundries and billets for soldiers coming out of the
line, casualty clearing stations, a hospital and with an influx of many refugees. Nearby Poperinghe,
known as ‘Pop’ was popular as a place of rest and relaxation with the troops. Facilities included (the
still extant) Skindles Hotel (and Officers Club), and Talbot House (also known as Toc H and run by
Reverend Tubby Clayton) located directly opposite Mrs Schabaille’s undertakers which had a sideline
in candles, tobacco, Belgian sweets, souvenirs, postcards and methylated tablets for the soldiers’ field
cookers. There were also cafes and estaminets selling egg and chips and vin blanc. In Locre there
was the Frontier café with seventeen year old Paula, the resident pianist, and the child of the house
six year old Marguerite. Victoria was the local attraction in Dranoutre, serving in the café and cutting
sandwiches in the YMCA. (15) There were football matches, field days, regimental ‘bull’, practicing
attacks and manoeuvres, horse shows and sports days at which the ACS would have shown off their
field gun talents in Wagon Mounting and Dismounting competitions (the precursors for the Royal
Tournament Field Gun competitions at Olympia) (16). Front line troops were generally cycled through
the rear areas with two weeks on the front line and two weeks in the rear echelons.

Bailleul, Kemmel and Ploegsteert area -

During July 1917, prior to the launch of Third Ypres on 31 July, the area around Bailleul suffered
substantial damaged due to heavy shelling. As part of their counter attack the Germans began to
harass and interrupt the British lines through night bombing raids. That July, for the first time, the
Germans used mustard gas which was intensely painful, blistered the skin, damaged the lungs and
caused blindness. Then early on the morning of Tuesday 3 July 1917 disaster struck the Company.
The 6am entry of the 37 Divisional Supply Train, 135 Army Service Corps Company War Diary, signed
by Captain J Lloyd Prichard, Officer Commanding, reads that at “Locre, 3/7/17, Casualties: Six NCOs
and men killed – the deceased NCOs and men were buried at DRANOUTRE Military Cemetery with
full Military Honours; the GOC (General Officer Commanding, Major-General H. Bruce Williams) 37th
Division attending. Fourteen men wounded of which five have since died. These casualties were
caused by a bomb dropping from enemy aircraft”. The diary summary for the company states that “On
the night of the 3rd July a bomb was dropped in this yard killing 15 NCOs and men.” In the 3 July
entry two Staff Sergeants and a Sergeant are listed as amongst the wounded. That the bomb most
likely fell where the men were bivouacked and not where any vehicles were parked is indicated in the
transcript for 3 July as no vehicles were listed under casualties with 27 lorries on supply work and 9
on various other duties. On 4 July vehicles were being used for regular duties - Divisional Supplies,
Royal Engineer work, conveying troops and extraneous duties with Horse Troops being used to load
the supplies. (17)

The scene must have been one of utter devastation. Six of those buried at Dranoutre were killed
outright and were probably blown to pieces. The others would have sustained the sorts of serious
traumatic amputation wounds that come from bomb blasts and flying shrapnel. Of the fifteen men who
died as a result seven are buried at Dranoutre; three Privates, two Corporals, one Acting Warrant
Officer and one Acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant. Where the remainder are buried and their
stories will require further investigation.

After the incident a fair amount of leave was granted and new men posted in to bring up the strength
of the Company. In March 1918 (as the Germans launched their ‘Michael’ offensive against the British
and French Forces and Paris came under fire from Big Bertha, a German 43-ton mobile howitzer, and
German Forces were attempting to capture Amiens) the post of Officer Commanding 135 Company
was taken over by Major Treadcroft RASC indicating that by this time the King, who held the ASC in
high regard, had managed to overcome Kitchener’s objections to the Corps having the Royal epithet
attached to it. The Company was then stationed at Dampemy. Then from May 1918 onwards large
groups of men, about 30 at a time, were demobilised until eventually on 7 June 1918 at Boisdinghem
in France all remaining personal apart from the Officers were transferred away.

Ruins of Dranoutre and Bailleul in 1918

Crown Copyright, WO 95/740 – National Archives: 37 Divisional Supply Column (135 Company A.S.C.,) 4 Corps War Diary, the National Archives (18)
Kew, London
The Seven




Charles Skingle

Charles Skingle was, according to official records, born in 1877 at Hatfield Broadoak in Essex, son of
Mark Skingle and Mary Jane Emily Skingle (nee Milbourne, from Lincolnshire). In 1881 (aged 3)
Charles and his family were living in a cottage on Cage Road in Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex.

Cage End, Hatfield Broad Oak circa 1920

At the time Charles dad Mark was 45 and working as a

carpenter. His wife Eliza was 43. Charles siblings at
the time were Minnie (aged 11), George (aged 9), Mary
(aged 7), and Mark (aged 5). In 1861, when Mark was
a Police Constable, the family had been living at the
White Horse Inn, 51 White Horse Lane, Great Baddow,
Essex, England.

Charles wife Mary Jane Emily

In the years prior to the First World War Charles had enlisted and
served with the British Army in the bloody Anglo-Boer War in South
African Campaign.

He would have been awarded the Queens South Africa Medal,

awarded to all who served in South Africa between 11 October 1899
and 31 May 1902 (during the Boer War).

In April 1915 Charles enlisted in the Army. The National Roll of Honour
gives his address at the time as 17 Leffern Road, Shepherds Bush,

The family seemed to have moved, possibly after his death, to 48A,
Wardo Avenue, Fulham, London. His wife, Mary Jane survived till her
death at the age of 89 in the spring of 1964. At the time of Charlie’s
death she was left to bring up nine children ranging in age from 3 to 18
years old; the last being born in 1914, three years before his death.

Author’s note: I recall his wife Mary Jane Emily, my great grandmother,
visiting my grandparents; a tiny old lady who passed away when I was
ten years old.
Queens South Africa
Medal with 5 clasps

Thomas Skingle (b 1899) who would have been an 18 year old teenager at the time of his father’s

Mark Leonard Skingle

(b 1900 – d 1959)

Mark served in the 9th (Service) Battalion (County of London Volunteer Rifle Brigade),
The London Regiment, the King's Royal Rifle Corps, Photo: Cologne, Germany. Army
of Occupation, 2nd Infantry Division. 1918 – 1920

Twins, Sidney George Skingle (b 1902 – d 1903) and surviving twin Charles Skingle (b 1902 – d
1988) Note: Charles is the author’s paternal grandfather and served in India and Afghanistan in
between the wars

India Medal with Afghanistan North

West Frontier clasp

Charles Skingle with wife Violet in Ramsgate circa 1950 Violet Skingle (nee Jales) aged about 25

Margaret Anne Skingle (b 1904)

Emily Elizabeth Skingle (b 1904 – d 1988)

George Francis Skingle (b 1907)

Caroline (Kitty) F. Skingle (b 1912 – d 1940 at the age of 28)

Albert Edward Skingle (b 1914).

George Francis Skingle, born 2nd
quarter of 1907 and emigrated to
Australia 4 Oct 1923 aged 16 from
the Port of London to Adelaide on the
SS Balranald. One of the Barwell
Boys, encouraged to Australia to
replace the men lost to Australia
during the First World War. Never
heard from again.

Caroline (Kitty) Skingle

Albert Edward. Skingle born 8th Oct 1914, In

Fulham, London. Married Dorothy Forshaw,
Born 16th Dec 1914, in 2nd qtr 1948,
Preston. They had one known child and
emigrated to Australia. Departed from
Liverpool on 20th Sept 1950, on the
"SOMERSETSHIRE" destination Canberra

Charles served with the Army Service Corps till he was involved in the bombing incident in the Lorry
Park on the Bailleul Road near Locre, dying of his wounds aged 41. He was buried with full Military
honours next to his pals.

Plot II J 8 Charles Skingle Corporal T4/085280 Army Service

Corps, 37th Division, Supply Column, 135 Company ASC.
KIA 3 July 1917 aged 41. Son of Mark and Elizabeth (Eliza)
Skingle of Hatfield Broadoak, husband of Mary Jane Emily
Skingle of 48a Wardo Avenue, Fulham, London. Served in
the South Africa Campaign.

Charles Skingle – medal card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

‘Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’ (18)

1914-1915 Star (Pip) for service in all other theatres of war, 5 August 1914 and 31 December 1915;
and for service in France and Belgium, 23 November 1914-31 December 1915

British War Medal (Squeak) for service abroad (including India) 5 August 1914 - 11 November 1918,
or 1919-1920 in Russia.

Victory Medal (Wilfred) for military and civilian personnel who served in a theatre of war.

Frank Oliver

In 1881 Joseph Oliver (aged 42) was living with his wife Regia (aged 37), at Black Door Villa, with their
children Joseph (aged 17), Regiah (aged 15), Jessie (aged 13), Scott John (aged 12), James Albert
(aged 8) and Janice (aged 5).

In 1891 they were living at Turners Farm, Warbleton. Joseph was a farmer and his eldest son Joseph,
a poulterer.

Turners Farm
(Copyright: Richard Dear - 50:56.9771N 0:23.2307E

In 1893 Joseph (junior – aged 29) and his wife Ellen (aged 25) had a boy, Frank Oliver; there were 3

In 1906 aged 13 Frank was attending Shoreham College, St Julian's Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea,
West Sussex, BN43 6YW


Frank enlisted in London into the Army Service Corps serving in France and Belgium as part of the
First World War British Expeditionary Force till he was involved in the bombing incident at the Lorry
Park on the Bailleul Road near Locre, dying of his wounds aged 24. He was buried with full Military
honours next to his pals.

Plot II J 9 Frank Oliver Private M2/033827 Army Service Corps

KIA 3 July 1917, aged 24 (born June 1893), Son of Joseph
(born 1869?) and Ellen Oliver (born 1868?), (and lived at)
Turners Farm, near Punnett’s Town, Heathfield, Sussex. Roll
of Honour Sussex (and born) Warbleton. Enlisted London

Frank Oliver’s medal card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

‘Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’

He is remembered on the Roll of Honour at St Mary the Virgin Church in Warbleton, Sussex

Roll of Honour photographs – Copyright and courtesy of Roy Iremonger, Headmaster, Shoreham College

And also on the Shoreham College Roll of Honour where he was a pupil


Stanley Edward Emms


Eaton is a parish and suburb of Norwich extending 2 miles south-west, bounded by the Yare,
containing a large number of handsome villa residences, occupied by the merchants and traders of
the city, within the county of the city of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient flint building,
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave, covered with thatch, having a tower and 3
bells: the parents of Henry Kirke White, the poet, were interred in this church: the sacramental cup is
of date 1684, and there are a sedilia and a piscina. The register dates from the year 1568. The living is
a vicarage, yearly value £300 and house and 43 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of
Norwich and held since 2875 by the Rev. Wm. Melville Pigot M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford.

A district church named Christ Church was built by subscription, and was opened on the 4th of
November 1873: it is a handsome cruciform building of flint with brick and Bath stone facings, in the
French Gothic style: it consists of nave and transept, and has a stained glass east window, and a
pretty spire containing 1 bell. There are several nurseries here: that of Messrs. Ewing and Co. covers
an area of 40 acres, which are open to the public free on week days. The Norfolk and Norwich Cricket
Club have their ground here. The Dean and Chapter of Norwich, who are lords of the manor, and the
trustees of the late Richard Hanbury Gurney esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is light and
sandy; subsoil, sand and gravel. The crops are of the usual kind. The area is included in Norwich;
gross estimated rental, £8019 4s.; rateable value, £7,055; and the population in 1881 was 1,237.

Ref. Parish Clerk, Charles Chamberlain (19)

Eaton is within the city boundaries. As such, this means that St Andrew is the last surviving thatched
church in the city. Today, it is surrounded by development, but twenty years ago it was backed by
open countryside (20).

Stanley Emms was born in the third quarter of 1890 in Eaton, Norfolk, to William John and Agnes E.
(nee Newman) Emms, originally of Avenue House, Mile End Road, Norwich. He may have gone to St.
Phillip’s National Boys School which was on West Pottergate Street, Norwich, not far from where they
lived at 21 Pottergate Street. The Emms were a reasonably privileged family; William was a tailor and
draper (a dealer in clothing and dry goods) in Norwich and had a shop there. William John Emms is
listed as a tailor and draper at 21 Pottergate St. (21).

In 1901, when William was 39, when they were living at 21 Pottergate Street in the Parish of St.
Gregory, Norwich they lived next to the Morning Star Garter (pub), 23 Pottergate, Norwich (from
22.06.1880 the proprietor was Walter George Kelf and then, from 05.04.1913, Horace Arthur Smith.
Both would have been known to the Emms family).

Number 19 Pottergate (see here on the left) would have been the neighbouring house to the Emms at

(Note: The houses next to the pub shown in the picture on the bottom right, and below, backed onto the yard at the back of the
house where the Emms lived which is behind the shed in the centre ground. As can be seen in the picture o the bottom left, they
were demolished to make way for the rebuilding of the pub in 1937)

Photos -

The pub after its rebuild in 1937 looked much the same as it does today. The name changed in 1975
to the Brown Derby and in 1988 became the Pottergate Tavern

23 Pottergate, NR2 1DS. tel: 01603614589

The first house at the back of the pub would be 21 Pottergate, where the Emms lived.

Pottergate as it looks today

Stanley’s siblings are listed as Hilda Violet (4 years old) and William Reginald (2 years old). They had
a boarder; an Isabel A. Palmer (aged 16). By 1901 the family had grown substantially with the addition
of Agnes Maud (aged 6), Rose (aged 4) and Ruby Auriana (aged 1). By that time they had a domestic
servant living with them, Alice Sallas (aged 15). Subsequent siblings include Nora Winnifred (born
second quarter 1906) and John Clifford (born last quarter 1902).

Though Stanley is recorded as having enlisted in London he may have been processed through the
Army Service Corps Office at 11 Britannia Road, Norwich (Britannia Barracks Depot was at 1-9
Britannia Road - see picture below)

Photos -

Stanley was killed in action by a bomb dropped from a German aircraft on the Bailleul Road, near
Locre, Flanders, Belgium on 3 July 1917. Stanley’s mother, Agnes E. (born 1861), died in 1938 and
his father, William John (born 1861), died in 1944

Plot II J 10 Stanley Edward Emms Private M2/078127 Army

Service Corps. Born 1891. KIA 3 July 1917 aged 27. Son of
William John and Agnes E. Emms (nee Newman) of Avenue
House, Mile End Rd., Norwich. born Eaton, Norfolk.
Ecclesiastical Parish - St Gregory. Enlisted London.

Stanley Edward Emms – medal record card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

‘Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’

Thomas (Edward?) Hughes

Thomas’s age was unknown at the time of his death and the lack of any concrete Army records other
than his medal card makes it rather difficult to flesh out his life. He was known to have been born in
Marylebone and enlisted in London.

There are records of a Thomas Hughes

born in Marylebone in 1847 enlisting at
Westminster into the 4 Regiment of
Foot on 15 May 1865 at the age of 18
and went on to serve until 23 June 1883
aged 36. This could quite possibly have
been the father of the Thomas Hughes
who served in the Army Service Corps.
The earlier Thomas Hughes was illiterate,
as is shown by his ‘mark’, an ‘X’, made
on his Attestation. His next of kin is
shown as his mother, Charlotte Hughes
and that he had served in Afghanistan
and Abyssinia. He transferred on 14
November 1872 into the 1/5 Fusiliers by
which time, as his signature shows, he
was no longer illiterate. During his
service he had suffered many bouts of
recurring malaria and dysentery. Is it any
wonder then that when he was
discharged in Warrington he was
described as ‘gaunt’. His career was
peppered with offences, some of which
make amusing reading. On the ‘19
August 1875, Allahabad. Found in the Abyssinian War Medal 1869
Kutha Bazaar improperly dressed at 6pm’
Afghanistan 1878 Medal and on the ‘26 August 1880. Leaving his
guard without permission and found in
the company of a prostitute at 840pm’.

Census records of 1881 indicate that a Thomas Hughes was living at 31 Devonshire Street (now in
Westminster and today the site of the Devonshire Hospital) with dad Thomas and mum Caroline. Their
local pub may have been the Devonshire Arms (now called Inn 1888), 21a Devonshire Street,
Portland Place, Marylebone, London, W1G 6PD (Tel: 020 7935 8327).

Moving forward to 27 July 1891, a 19 year old Thomas Edward Hughes, born 1872, a labourer, of
Marylebone joined the Middlesex Regiment at St. George’s Barracks, Hounslow, London. A Roman
Catholic he had a scar on his left jaw and a mole on his left cheek, and with a fair complexion and
th nd
eyes and hair both dark brown. He served in the East Indies from 15 November 1892 until 2 March
1899. He is also shown to have been put on trial though the offence is difficult to determine form the
nd th
records. He served in South Africa from 2 December 1899 until 26 August 1902 on both the 1899
and the 1900-1902 campaigns. He had the Kings South Africa medal with 6 clasps and the Queens
South Africa medal with 2 clasps.

His next of kin is shown as his sister, Caroline Hughes, 31 Upper Hamilton Terrace, St. John’s Wood,
London. Sir Joseph Bazalgette (1819 – 1891) lived at number 17 so would have been known to the
family. The area was well to do with many doctors having moved into the area in the mid 1800s.
Though Thomas was a labourer that fact that they were living in the area may indicate that by the
1880s the Hughes were reasonably well off and that Thomas was part of a family that was becoming
or had already become middle class.

Thomas enlisted in London into the Army Service Corps serving in France and Belgium as part of the
First World War British Expeditionary Force till he was involved in the bombing incident at the Lorry
Park on the Bailleul Road near Locre, dying of his wounds probably aged about 45. He was buried
with full Military honours next to his pals.

Plot II J 11 Thomas (Edward?) Hughes Acting Warrant Officer

Class 2 M2/045935 Army Service Corps Died of wounds 3 July
1917, born Marylebone. Age unknown – possibly 45 born 1872.
Enlisted London. Resident Willesden

Thomas Hughes medal card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

‘Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’

Queens South Africa Kings South Africa Medal with

Medal with 5 clasps two clasps

Harold George James Hardy

Harold was born in East Dulwich and his birth was registered in Camberwell in the 1 quarter of 1882

According to the 1901 census the family may have moved as a Harold Hardy aged 19 and born in
East Dulwich is registered as living at 31 Bellevue Road, Enfield with father George (aged 47), mother
Ellen (aged 49) and a servant, one Alice Fisher (aged 19). Both father and son were travelling
ironmongers so it would seem that the must have had a fairly good business to have had enough
money to employ a servant.

Harold had already served for 3 years in the 1/7 Battalion the Middlesex Regiment when, at the age
of 32 years and 9 months he re-enlisted on the 25 September 1914 at Weybridge from the Reserve
into the 2/6 (Reserve) Battalion East Surrey Regiment, Regimental number 20471 on Home Service.
On the 6 October 1914 he was posted to the Regiment’s Guard at the Lang Propeller Works,
Riverside, Weybridge, which had been set up in 1913. Then on 24 March 1915 he was discharged
only to re-enlisted at East Molesey (near Hampton Court) into the Mechanical Transport, Army Service

He lived at with his wife Anne (she was originally from Shadingfield, Wangford, Suffolk) at “Casita”,
Dorchester Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13).

Harold served with the Army Service Corps till he was involved in the bombing incident in the Lorry
Park on the Bailleul Road near Locre, dying of his wounds aged 35. He was buried with full Military
honours next to his pals.

On the Walton-on-Thames Roll of Honour, unveiled by Admiral the Earl Beatty in July 1921 appears
the following inscription:

HARDY, H.G.J., C.Q.M. Sgt. A.S.C., M.T.

The unveiling of the Walton-on-Thames War Memorial in 1921. Image © Elmbridge Museum

The Walton War Memorial today
© Copyright Chris Clarke and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Plot II J 12 Harold George James Hardy Acting Company

Quartermaster Sergeant M2/055251 Army Service Corps
(born 1882) died of wounds 3 July 1917, aged 35, Husband
of Anne Hardy (nee Fordham), of Shadingfield, Wangford,
Suffolk. Born 1882 East Dulwich, Middlesex. Enlisted East
Molesey (near Hampton Court).

Harold George James Hardy’s medal card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

‘Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’

Percy Capel

Cumnor, Oxfordshire, famous for having been the place where Amy Robsart, wife of Queen Elizabeth
the First’s favourite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, died, was where Percy was born and spent most
of his life.

Percy’s parents, George Capel (born 1843 and died in 1910 in Cumnor) and Lucy Bennett (born 1841
Cumnor) were married at Cumnor on the 19 October 1863. George was an agricultural labourer, and
in 1890 is shown as living at rear of the present 'Bear & Ragged Staff'. At the time they had 12
children living at home with them – Eli (a stepson, born 1859) aged 31 and an agricultural labourer,
th th
Florence J. (born 25 November 1864) aged 26, Elizabeth (born 9 April 1865) aged 25, Rose (born
th th
25 December 1867) aged 23, Alfred (born 18 October 1868) aged 22 and an agricultural labourer,
th nd st
Thomas (born 26 March 1871) aged 19, Lily M. (born 2 February1873) aged 17, Ruth (born 21
February 1875) aged 16 (who married William Stanley, railway guard, of Oxford on 12 October 1901),
George (born 4 February 1877) aged 14, Percy (born 1880) aged 11, Albert H. (born sometime
th th th
between 20 – 26 February 1883) aged 7 and Arthur E. (born 5 April1885) aged 5. The 1891
census shows a stepson Thomas Bennett an agricultural labourer, in residence.

The 'Bear & Ragged Staff' cottages, formerly 32 – 38 Appleton Road, were converted to storage in the
1960s. A terrace of five cottages with limestone rubble walls and gabled stone roofs and very likely
with a beaten earth floor, they were originally positioned next to the road at the south end of the plot
behind the pub (about 400 years old a formerly a barn) at number 28, which still exists. Note: Bear &
Ragged Staff, 28 Appleton Road, Cumnor, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QH, Tel: 01865 862329,
Fax: 01865 862048. Email:

In 1896 at the age of 16 Percy was a member of the Cumnor Cricket Team

Percy Capel (aged 16)

(Photo -

Life in Cumnor at the turn of the Century

(Map -

Pimms came with the grocery from Eynsham on Saturday nights. Fish, fruit and vegetables were
brought from door to door once a week. Bread was delivered from Botley by horse and by Mr Surman.
The oil man came once a week. Shopping was done in Oxford once a week by carrier's cart.
Recollections of Mrs Ninn

The children too in those days played quite a considerable part in helping the domestic routine as
soon as they came out of school. Their first job was to take father's dinner to Chawley Works. The
meal was usually boiled bacon, cabbage and potatoes. Today it certainly sounds good but in those
days it was eaten with really monotonous regularity. Butcher's meat was only eaten once a week on
Sunday for a special treat. Most housewives cooked two meals a day for the children and father, at
midday and again in the evening when he came home from work. It was cheaper to live that way as
there was always plenty of vegetables and, of course, always bacon. The food was cooked in a huge
iron boiler over the fire. Cabbage, bacon and potatoes which were put in a net were put altogether in
the pot. Suet puddings were the order of the day, made with any fruit that happened to be in season,
not forgetting the ever-popular 'Spotted Dick'. I have never seen such huge puddings since I was a girl.
They were usually sewn up in a pudding cloth. Basins were not very popular for the sweet pudding but
it was very much in evidence on Sunday when practically every family sat down to their weekly treat of
beef steak pudding. There was real poverty in those days. Most of the people were very poor and life
was a hard struggle. But on the whole children all seemed to enjoy good health.

…there was quite a number of women who worked on the land. I think they were paid about 2d an
hour. But here again all women were not adapted for the soil.

There was work which was brought to the village from Oxford. It was brought in a big van and a pair of
horses and the stopping place was the 'Lion Tree'. It was making men's trousers, chiefly corduroy. It
was very thick and heavy material. I imagine it must have been very hard work. These trousers were
lined with unbleached calico. The linings were cut out but the worker had to actually make them ups
complete with buttons and buttonholes. These garments, as I remember, seemed to have endless
buttonholes, no comparison with the men's working apparel today. As far as I can remember, they
were paid 2d for a 'set' of buttons and button- holes. The finished garment, I think, produced the large
sum of 3d.

Note: Lucy, Percy’s mum, and Sister Ruth were both seamstresses (trousers).

Most of the women did their needlework on little round bare deal tables on which was usually an array
of threads of all colours and tailor's thimbles without tops. After the garments were finished they had to
be pressed with very hot irons which had to be heated on a trivet in front of an open fire. The work
when finished was stacked on a Windsor chair to await the arrival of Mr. Slay with the van and horses.
This was quite a day in the village. The work was taken to the 'Lion Tree'. People who managed to do
quite a lot pushed the work down the road on prams and push-chairs etc. Most of the women put on
big clean aprons, and a very popular type of headwear of those days was wearing the men folk’s caps
complete with hat pin. It was actually on a Thursday that the work was fetched and the women paid,
and you may be sure that there was no more welcome visitor to the village. I forgot to mention that the
firm from Oxford was Thomas Hale, whose factory was in Queen Street, but whose premises have
long since been used for other purposes. The work went on till round about 1912 or perhaps a little
later with the outbreak of the 1914 World War. Ref. Mrs F. Masters 1990, when she was living with her
daughter in Lake Street, Oxford.

Although we lived in a horse-dominated age, we did see the odd car. Something else appeared too:
we called them Flying Machines in 1909; one of these even flew from England to France, or was it the
other way round? One came to grief in the fields above our School, where ladies played hockey - very
daring: - I can smell the petrol now as I remember how we searched for souvenirs, fragments of this
wonderful machine. THE AGE OF HORSES, George King of Botley (22).

An early monoplane landed on Cumnor Meadow at Farmoor during haymaking c. 1914 (The meadow
is now covered by two Thames Water reservoirs) and probably shortly before Percy would have
enlisted (23).

(Photo -

Most of the men worked either as farm labourers or, as

with Percy (aged 21) and his dad George, as labourers
at the Chawley Brick and Kiln Works employed by the
Earl of Abingdon. Arthur (aged 16), Percy’s brother
also worked there as a sawyer in the Bricks and
Timber section. There they would have worked for 3d
an hour for 12 hour days from 6am to 6pm, though in
the summer would have carried on working till 10 or
11pm. Weekly earnings would have been 14 shillings
rising to £1 a week for the long hours worked in the
summer. There was also a blacksmith’s in a brick
building by the Vine which shod the local farm horses.
Recollections of Mrs Ninn and Mrs F Masters and Iris
Wastie (24).

The accounts of the Earl of Abingdon in the Bodleian

Library give details of the employees and the rents of
their tied cottages. In 1899 the works made a good
profit. Immediately after the Great War a lot of bricks
were produced but could not be sold. Production had
to close down till the surplus stock had been disposed
of. Wages remained low and in 1921 there was a strike
for better pay, eventually resolved by a rise of one
shilling but not before several workers were sacked Map -
and ejected by bailiffs from their cottages with their
furniture put in the street. Iris Wastie (25).

By the age of 20 Percy and his brother Albert, aged 16, had joined the Cumnor Reading Room Group
which took place in the Church House.

Cumnor Reading Room Group c.1900 (Photo -

Top row includes: A. Capel (probably Albert H.), R. Hoare, P. Capel, G. Inness, J. Belcher.
Third row: W. Brown, J. Bennett, M. Bennett, P. Lambourne (relation E. Lambourne – not pictured), R. Blake, E. Rowles, A.
Second row: A. Inness, E. Wernham, A. Costar, E. Woodward, E. Jordan, E. Sherwood, E. Buckingham, E. Buckingham, A.
Sherwood, H. Keene.
First row: A. Rowles, E. Durham, H. Woodward, E. Rowles, C. Shurmer, H. Lambourne (relation E. Lambourne – not pictured),
C. Brogden. (relation A. T Brogden, not pictured)
Sitting: A. Barson (relation P. Barson – not pictured), G. Neale (relation E. J. Neale – not pictured)

Note: Names shown in bold, including some who were related to those in the picture but who are not pictured, died in the First
World War and are remembered on the Cumnor War Memorial. Those included in the photo that died are circled

Percy Capel (aged 20) in 1900. Percy joined up and served

with the Army Service Corps till he was involved in the
bombing incident in the Lorry Park on the Bailleul Road near
Locre, dying of his wounds aged 37. He was buried with full
Military honours next to his pals.

Plot II J 13 Percy Capel Private, born 1880, M2/166793 Army

Service Corps Died of wounds, 3 July 1917, aged 37, Son of

George and Lucy (nee Bennett) Capel, (and born 1880 at) Cumnor, Oxford. Enlisted Abingdon,

Parishioners gather for the unveiling of the War Memorial in Cumnor High Street in 1921. The
memorial was on the site of the former pound


The little church at Cumnor was crowded on Saturday, the occasion being the unveiling of the village
roll of honour and war memorial. A large number were unable to obtain seats. The ex-Service men
turned out in large numbers and formed three sides of a square. Previous to the unveiling a memorial
service was held in the church, where the tablet is fixed. The Rev. L. M. Walker dedicated and
unveiled the stone, assisted during the service by the Rev. H. Milnes.

The Rev.E.M.Walker, in an address, said the names on that stone were the names of men who had
given their lives for their country, to keep it great and free. Although there were feelings of sorrow
among them that day, there must also be feelings of pride and gratitude. He referred to the way the
lads came forward in the early days of the war, seeming utterly unconscious of the splendid act they
were doing. They would not save themselves from death before they had saved others, and a man
could have no greater love than to lay down his life for others.

The tablet, which was executed by Messrs Axtell of Oxford, was inscribed as follows: "In undying
memory of the men of this place who laid down their lives in the Great War that others might live.
Lieut.F.D.Wilkinson M.C., E.W.Ayers, A.Barson, P.Barson, F.W.Bateman, M.Bennett, A.T.Brogden,
S.Bullock, P.Capel, W.T.Cook, E.W.Didcock, H.Gibbs, W.G.Hathaway, E.Lambourne, F.Lardner,
E.J.Neale, H.Parker, B.Pike, W.Richards, M.F.Saunders, E.P.Sparrow and R.Trinder. 1914-1918.
Their name Livet for evermore."

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the war memorial, erected on the roadside, was unveiled and
dedicated by Major Worsley, 'Stroud Court.' The memorial was draped with the Union Jack, and was
also the work of Messrs Axtell, bearing the same inscription as that on the tablet, and the Major, in a
brief address, referred to the memorial as a memorial of peace as well as of war, and also a warning
to any enemy in the future. It reminded them of the duty they had to perform under certain
circumstances, and of the horrors of war which should not be forgotten, as, should there be another
war, it would be at their own doors. Three buglers of the Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry sounded the
'Last Post' and 'Reveille', and parents and friends placed floral tributes at the base of the memorial.
These included three wreaths from 'The demobilised men of Cumnor, with deepest sympathy.' (26).

Aerial view of Cumnor village as it is today,

looking N.E.

(Photo - Cumnor Parish Website

Percy Capel’s medal card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

‘Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’

Frederick Gordon Weaver

Fred was born in December 1885 to John S & Eliza Weaver. John from Gloucester married Eliza from
Magor, Monmouthshire in 1875. Fred had nine sibling, three older brothers, John S (b 1876), George
H W (b 1878) and Stanley M (b 1883) an older sister Gertrude M (b 1879). More followed; Laura
‘Lottie’ A (b 1888), Charles (b 1889), Ethel (b 1892), Annie (b 1894) and Walter (b 1895).

In 1886, a builder sent some plans to Cardiff Council for some terraced houses to be built in a street
called Hirwain Street in a part of Cardiff called Cathays. In the 1880s, lots of new houses were being
built in Cathays. Before this, it was just fields. Today, most of the streets of terraced houses in
Cathays are still there (27).

5 Hirwain st

Photo - Gathering the Jewels: The website for Welsh cultural history (28).

In 1896 Cardiff staged and Industrial and Fine Art Exhibition

Photograph by William Booth. Glamorgan Record Office (29)

On 14 December 1897 Cardiff City Council bought Cathays Park from Marquis of Bute to establish the
new Civic Centre. Shortly thereafter the 1891 Wales Census records Fred at school, possibly Cathays
High School for Boys, and the family living at 11 Hirwain Street.

The 1901 Wales Census records Fred by this time employed as an errand boy and his older brother
John with his wife Henrietta and son William living at 119a Woodville Road, Cathays, Cardiff.

At the same time, in 1901, the foundations were laid for the new
Cardiff Town Hall in Cathays Park. Later, in 1905, Cardiff was
declared a City and the new Cardiff City Hall opened in Cathays
Park. In 1907 King Edward VII, Queen Alexandra and Princess
Victoria opened King Edward VII Avenue in Cathays Park and
Alexander Dock in Cardiff, for which a commemorative medal was

John and Henrietta Weaver – Fred’s

brother and sister in law (Courtesy of

Fred enlisted in Cardiff into the Army Service Corps serving in France and Belgium as part of the First
World War British Expeditionary Force till he was involved in the bombing incident at the Lorry Park on
the Bailleul Road near Locre, dying of his wounds aged 33. He was buried with full Military honours
next to his pals.

Frederick Gordon Weaver Corporal M2/032670 Army Service

Corps died of wounds 3 July 1917, aged 33, Son of John and
Eliza Weaver, of 42, Harriett St., Cathays (pronounced Cattays)
(Bute), (and born Dec 1885 at) Cardiff, Glamorgan, CF24.
Enlisted Cardiff

Frederick Gordon Weaver’s Medal card (National Archives – Crown Copyright)

’Pip, Squeak and Wilfred’


Whilst searching the British Military records database I came across a second Charles Skingle, a
gardener, born in Takeley in Essex in 1871, who also enlisted and served in the Army Service Corps
in France and lived in West London.

His address is given as 29 Alexandria Road, West Ealing, London. This was later changed to 29
Connaught Road and the records show that he married a spinster, Elizabeth Malster, at Holy Trinity
Church, Upper Tooting on the 1 August 1887 when, according the age on his records he would have
been 16 years old and born in 1871. As is the case at the time many lied about their ages to enlist. In
Charles case when he enlisted he lied to appear much younger than he actually was; he was about 25
at the time of his marriage and had been born in 1862 not 1871.
His records indicate that he had spent 20 years in the 2 Royal Middlesex (Volunteer) Battalion before
he re-enlisted in London on 3 November 1915, his actual age 53 not 44, and was posted to the Army
Service Corps, Labourer Company at 3 shillings a day, regimental number SS/22015, being deemed
physically fit for active service at home and abroad in a labour battalion.
th th
He landed in France on 6 December 1915 where he stayed until the 24 February the following year,
1917, when he returned to the UK and was admitted to the 3 General Hospital, Cardiff for 25 days
until the 20 March. What he was suffering from is difficult to discern, the handwriting being almost
illegible. Whatever his ailment his treatment (which can be deciphered) was that it was opened and
drained. When he was finally discharged from hospital he was classified as suitable for Category III
Employments Class C2
th st th
On the 30 April 1917 he returned to France, arriving there on the 1 May. Then, on the 11 June
1917 he returned to England and attended a special medical board in Plymouth on the 26 June 1917
where he was found fit for Category E. On 21 July 1917, 18 days after the death of the other Charles
Skingle, who was also serving in the Army Service Corps in Belgium, this Charles Skingle was
deemed no longer physically fit for active service and on 30 June 1917, according to Para 392 (XVI)
Kings Rules, was discharged.

Top Row Left to Right:

Thomas S, Charles S. Jessie S, James R Dobinson, Harry S.

Bottom Row Left to Right:

Thirza Gardener, Elizabeth Malster, Anne Cleverly, Charlotte S, Alice Newbury

Courtesy of Steve Abbott Grandson of Nellie Ellis (Nee Skingle)


(1) Mechanical Transport Companies in Divisional Supply Columns

In a similar role to the Companies of the Divisional Trains, responsible for the supply of goods, equipment and ammunition from
the Divisional railhead to the Divisional Refilling Point and, if conditions allowed, to the dumps and stores of the forward units.
Used, of course, where loads were heavy. A Company initially comprised 5 officers and 337 other ranks of the Army Service
Corps, looking after 45 3-ton Lorries, 16 30-cwt Lorries, 7 motor cycles, 2 cars and 4 assorted trucks for the workshop and
stores of the Supply Column itself. All Companies served in France unless otherwise mentioned.

The Divisional Train was the 'workhorse' of the Division in terms of carrying stores and supplies. It initially comprised 26 officers
and 402 other ranks of the Army Service Corps, looking after 378 horses, 17 carts, 125 wagons and 30 bicycles. These
comprise a headquarters and 4 horse transport companies (one for each infantry Brigade, and one for Divisional HQ and other
ASC Company 135: Formed January 1915. 11th (Northern) Division. Later, attached to 37th Division

(2) The Army Service Corps, were nicknamed Ally Sloper’s Cavalry. Ally Sloper's Half Holiday was the name of a weekly comic
strip which first appeared on 3 May 1884. Every age has its famous comic and cartoon characters. Present generations,
growing up with Alf Garnet and Andy Capp may not yet have heard of Ally Sloper, however, from 1884 until the 1920s, the red-
nosed social climber who poked fun at the English people and their customs was a household name and national favourite.

(3) Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Dranoutre Military Cemetery

(4) McCrae, John, The Penguin Book of First Wold War Poetry, pp. 155, pub. Penguin Books, 2006. First appeared in In
Flanders Fields and Other Poems, London, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1919

(5) The Winding Road Unfolds (aka The Rage of Battle/War), Thomas Suthren Hope (5th King’s), Pub 1937, 340 pp. Reprinted
(London; Tandem Books, 1965). Covering the period July to December 1917 the book was written by an under-age volunteer
who seems to have served with the King's (Liverpool) Regiment in Flanders and the Somme. The descriptions of battle are
powerful, unvarnished and, sometimes, harrowing. Describes the author’s service at Ypres, his wounding and subsequent
recovery in hospital. Interesting episodes include an account of a planned brigade mutiny when a soldier was tried for sleeping
at his post. It failed to materialise when, instead of being sentenced to death, the soldier was given ten years' imprisonment.
Another remarkable inside story is that of being hoovered up by the military police when returning from leave in Peronne and
being forced to join a scratch battalion to block the German counter attack at Cambrai.

(6) Grove Park workhouse ("The Barracks") from the west, 1914. © Peter Higginbotham.

(7) Whole: the image occupies the upper half, with the title and text arranged over the remainder, in white outlined blue. All are
set against a dark blue background. The Royal Charter is positioned at the top. Image: a depiction of a British Army officer being
driven in a car by a member of the Royal Army Service Corps. text: G R [Royal Charter] HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE
[Translation: 'Shamed be he that thinks evil of it'] DIEU ET MON DROIT [Translation: 'God and my right'] V. C. POLLEX, 1915
FOUND and Increased allowances for Dependents Apply Personally (or write) with references to:- CENTRAL RECRUITING

(8) WO 95/740 – National Archives: 37 Divisional Supply Column (135 Company A.S.C.,) 4 Corps War Diary, the National
Archives, Kew


(10) Reference: NNA/0402, Mechanical Transport Depot, Army Service Corps (ASC) Hounslow. Creation dates: 1916. Scope
and Content: Black and white postcard photograph of some members of the MT Depot at Hounslow. Reference: NNA/0433.
302nd (Mechanised Transport) Company, Army Service Corps (ASC). Creation dates: 1916. Scope and Content: Black and
white group photograph of the Company at Marlborough. Photographer: Panoras

(11) Map 4. Messines Ridge sector, June 1917. This shows the outlines of the battle of Messines Ridge, and some of the details
of the German position. The sheer number of targets to be bombarded can be seen on the inset maps. Source: Maps
reproduced from OH 1917, vol. 2, and trench maps inset. Permission to copy and reproduce this electronic version granted by
Mr. Mike Iaverone.

(12) WO 95/740 – National Archives: 37 Divisional Supply Column (135 Company A.S.C.,) 4 Corps War Diary Summary, the National
Archives, Kew



(15) Macdonald, Lynn. ‘They called it Passchendaele: The Story of the Third Battle of Ypres and the Men Who Fought in it’.
Penguin, London. 1993.

(16) Young, Mike. Army Service Corps 1902-1918, Pen & Sword Books Ltd., May 2000. ISBN-10: 0850527309 / ISBN-13: 978-

(17) Crown Copyright; the National Archives, WO 95/740 – National Archives: 37 Divisional Supply Column (135 Company
A.S.C.,) 4 Corps the National Archives, Kew

(18) Pip, Squeak and Wilfred are the names given to the trio of commemorative medals issued to personnel of the British and Empire
Forces who took part in the Great War. Pip, Squeak and Wilfred were characters in a comic strip which first appeared in the Daily
Mirror on 12th May 1919 and became very popular in the 1920's coinciding with the issue of the medals to forces personnel.

(19) Kelly's Directory for Cambridgeshire, Norfolk & Suffolk, 1883, pp. 403-411

(20), accessed 19 Jan 208

(21) Kelly's Directory of Norfolk, 1904

(22) Cumnor Parish Website

(23) Cumnor Parish Website. Op Cit

(24) Cumnor Parish Website Op Cit

(25) Cumnor Parish Website Op Cit

(26) Cumnor Parish Website Op Cit

(27) Plan for four houses in Hirwain Street, Cardiff, 1887. Gathering the Jewels: The website for Welsh cultural history.

(28) Gathering the Jewels: The website for Welsh cultural history

(29) Gathering the Jewels ref: GTJ69212

Bibliography/Suggested Reading

Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-19 Part 78 Royal Army Service Corps

Macdonald, Lynn. ‘They called it Passchendaele: The Story of the Third Battle of Ypres and the Men Who
Fought in it’. Penguin, London. 1993.

Young, Mike. Army Service Corps 1902-1918, Pen & Sword Books Ltd., May 2000. ISBN-10: 0850527309 /
ISBN-13: 978-0850527308

Massé, Charles Henri. The predecessors of the Royal Army Service Corps. Aldershot : Gale and
Polden, 1948. [covers 1757-1888: Royal Waggoners, 1794-95; Royal Waggon Corps and Train, 1799-
1833; Land Transport Corps, 1855-57; Military Train and Commissariat Staff corps, 1856-69; Army
Service Corps, 1869-81; Commissariat and Transport Staff and Commissariat and Transport Corps,

Fortescue, J. W. (John William), Sir; Beadon, Roger Hammet. The Royal Army Service Corps: a
history of transport and supply in the British Army. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1930-
1931. [2 v.] Volume 2 is by Colonel R. H. Beadon.

Crew, Graeme Campbell Eley. The Royal Army Service Corps. London: Leo Cooper Ltd., 1970.
(Famous regiments) ISBN: 0850520460

Richardson, Wodehouse, Sir. With the Army Service Corps in South Africa. London: Richardson & Co.,

Young, Michael. Army Service Corps 1902-1918. London: Leo Cooper, 2000. ISBN: 0850527309
Turpin, Patrick G. (Patrick George). The turn of the wheel: the history of the RASC 1919-1939.
Buckingham: Barracuda, 1988. ISBN: 0860234282

Sutton, D. J. The Story of the Royal Army Service Corps and Royal Corps of Transport, 1945-1982.
London: Leo Cooper in association with Secker and Warburg, 1984. ISBN: 0436506068

Hammerton J A and Wilson, Herbert Wrigley (Editor), The Great War Vol 6 - Victory at Last (The
Great War Series) (Hardcover), The Illustrated History of the First World War. Trident Press

The Golden Horseshoe. The Journal of the 37th Division (London: Cassell, 1919)

Note: Each man’s family would have received what was called the ‘Dead Man’s Penny’ as a memorial
to their loss

Trevor Skingle
10 February 2008


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