Arithmetic Operators

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Arithmetic Operators

The following arithmetic operators with their standard functions are supported:

+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
~ exponentiation

The brackets ( ) and [ ] are recognised as subexpression delimiters.

The following operators with their standard functions are supported:

Operator Description
AND logical AND
OR logical OR
XOR logical exclusive OR
NOT logical negation
GT numeric greater than
LT numeric less than
GE numeric greater than or equal to
LE numeric less than or equal to
EQ numeric equal to
EQS String equal to.
NE numeric not equal to

as well as the string equivalents of the preceding relational numeric operators: GTS, LTS,

Numeric Functions

Numeric functions must be specified in the format:

FUNCTION (arg1, arg2, arg3,...)

where the list of function arguments are enclosed in brackets directly following the function
name. The following numeric functions are available:

Function Description
LN Natural log
EXP Inverse natural log
SIN Sine
COS Cosine
TAN Tangent
LOG Log to the base 10
SQRT Square root
ASIN Arcsine
ACOS Arccosine
ATAN Arctangent
INT Integer portion
FRAC Fractional portion
MOS Modulus
MIN Minimum (eg.MIN(column1, column2))
MAX Maximum
ABS Absolute value
SGN Sign of a number (< 0 = -1, 0 = 0, > 0 = 1)

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