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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (‘Wizards’). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a) ‘Contributors’ means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) ‘Derivative Material’
means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction,
addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)
‘Distribute’ means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) ‘Open Game Content’ means
the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity
and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it


Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins and JD
System Reference Document Copyright 2000–2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy
Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
RuneQuest System Reference Document Copyright 2006, Mongoose Publishing; Author Matthew Sprange, based on original material by Greg
Stafford. BloodQuest material by Postmortem Studios (James Desborough) all text designated open content. OGL Horror is copyright 2003 Mongoose
Publishing Limited.


Writing, layout and design: James ‘Grim’ Desborough.

Artwork: James ‘Grim’ Desborough, Gavin Hargest, Darkzel.

“RuneQuest (TM)” and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks owned by Issaries, Inc. and
are used according to the terms of the RuneQuest logo Licence version 1.0. A copy of
this licence can be obtained from Mongoose Publishing. The mention or reference to
any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright

‘BloodQuest’ is copyright Postmortem Studios 2007

Blood! is copyright Underground Games 1990
Blood!: Second Edition material is copyright Postmortem Studios 2006.
Freakshow is copyright Postmortem Studios 2007.

Body Part • Body Parts that are transplanted
onto or into someone can engage
in a contest of wills with their
Attributes Random Average ‘owner’. This is a close contest Will
Strength 3d10+10 27 Vs Will check with the body part
Stamina 3d10+10 27 gaining control for a dramatically
Agility 5d10+10 38 appropriate amount of time.
Perception 2d10 11
Intelligence 9d10 50 • Body Parts can move
Pain Threshold 100 100
independently of their ‘owner’
Willpower 5d10+50 78
if they are severed or are never
Luck 7d10 39
attached, provided they have the
Movement - 1/2/5/x
obvious capability to move so.
Actions - 1
The movement scores given above
Damage Bonus - -1d6
Exert Strength -
are for hands and feet, arms and
Hear - Sight- - 5/5/3/3/8
viscera (which can move like
Smell -Taste - tentacles). Organs and other parts
Touch can inch along at half normal
Shock Survival - 70% speed.
Toxin Resistance - 75%
Initiative - -2 • Body Parts can inspire rebellion
Parry Bonus - -10 in the same body parts in other
Hit Points - 27 people, this is a Will Vs Will close
Blood Points - - contest with a penalty of -10% for
Energy Points - - the Body Part. It cannot repeat
Mind Points - 64 this against the same person,
Hand to Hand - 25% if they resist their ‘parts’ are
Melee - 10%
considered loyal. Rarely – on a
Thrown - 5% critical success – it may inspire
Archaic - -10%
Pistol -
rebellion in every body part,
Rifle -
causing the person to be torn
Heavy - -10%
apart by their own organs and
Attack Hit Parry Act Dmg Blood Crit
Base 25 - 1 1d6-1d6 Crush H2H • If you run a Zombie game where
the severed pieces of flesh
continue to move and attack Body
• Body Parts are a kind of ‘undead’ Parts – minus their powers – can
and, as such, are tireless and be used to represent those limbs
never run out of Energy Points. and parts.

Fear Effect
Nor do they have Blood Points
but are considered destroyed
by suitable Critical Hit or being
Having a rebelling body part requires a
reduced to negative hit points
Willpower check with a penalty of -20 and
equal to their positive hit points.
results in a Mind Points loss of 1d10 due to
the extreme body shock of not being able to
trust one’s own body and own parts.

Witnessing a dismembered body part Adventure Seeds
slithering or crawling across the ground
requires a straight Willpower check and • A series of violent attacks are being
incurs a penalty of 1d4 Mind Points. carried out by heart transplant
patients across the nation. The
Mutilating yourself or having yourself organs can all be traced in sourcing
mutilated to shed the problem body part to storage at one particular hospital,
requires a Willpower check modified by that same storage room containing
anything up to -20 and with the loss of some of the historical curiosities that
1d6, 1d8 or 1d10 Mind Points, depending the hospital has come into over the
what part is being cut off. many years there’s been a hospital at
this site. Amongst them is the pickled
Insanities resulting from these encounters and preserved heart of a notorious
are likely to include self-mutilation, serial killer from the early nineteen-
disassociation, acute dismorphia and hundreds, the very thing that’s been
paranoia. inspiring the hearts in storage to rebel
against the world, against the bodies

that care nothing for them, even to
‘liberate’ their brothers.
Body Parts resemble severed chunks of
flesh, usually a discrete organ or set of • In a one-on-one game the character’s
organs, or a limb or a significant part of life slowly descends into madness.
a limb, something identifiable such as a His hands have become ‘alive’ and
hand, a foot, an arm, a leg or, perhaps, a are taking over and operating his
stomach and coils of intestine, a heart or body in his sleep and other bouts
some other unified organ. of unconsciousness which they are
prolonging or making happen by
Whether removed surgically or cut off feeding him tranquilisers on the sly.
crudely with an axe or similar, the limb or All of this building up to an inevitable,
body part remains independently mobile terrible, bloody ‘divorce’ even after the
and becomes ‘undead’, not needing any of character finds themselves accused of
the support networks of the rest of the body all sorts and apparently responsible
to persist and survive on their own, not for it all.
rotting and capable of healing at the normal
rate. • The characters are inhabitants of a
‘nuthatch’, there for various reasons
Body Parts may be the severed chunks of insanity but none of them really too
of some other monstrosity, may be the severe. The hospital does take in more
result of extreme body dismorphia, self acute cases, usually for diagnosis
mutilation, hatred or simply being the before they’re moved on to other
remains of some terrible and monstrous facilities. Amongst the new intake is
killer or ‘evil’ historical figure. a man who keeps self harming and
insists that his limbs have a mind of
their own. When he breaks free and
manages to hack off his own hands
(both!) somehow with an axe that’s
only the start of the problems in the

Body Part OGL Body Part MRQ
Species Traits:
Ability Scores: The Body Part has no
STR 1d6 (4)
Constitution score, it uses its Charisma CON 1d6 (4)
modifier for Concentration checks. DEX 3d6 (11)
Darkvision: The Body Part can ‘sense’ out to 60 SIZ 1d6 (4)
ft. in total darkness. INT 2d6+6 (12)
Immunities: Body Parts are immune to poison, POW 3d6 (11)
sleep, stunning, disease and necromantic CHA 3d6 (11)
effects. They are not subject to critical hits,
nonlethal damage or energy drain. Body Part Hit Locations
Special: Body Parts cannot be raised from the
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
Body Telepathy (Su): While attached to a 1-20 Body Part 0/4
body, Body Parts can communicate with the
brain as a type of telepathy. Weapons
Body Control (Su): Body Parts that are Type Skill Damage/AP
attached to a body may attempt to control it for Basic Attack 25 1d4
up to an hour by exerting their will over it. This
requires the owner of the body to make a Will
save against a DC of 14.
Rebellion (Su): Body Parts may, once, ever,
Body Telepathy: The Body Part can
try to instil rebellion in the same body parts in communicate with its ‘owner’ while
another person. This takes a whole round to attached by speaking into their mind.
attempt during which the part may do nothing Body Control: The Body Part can take
else and requires the target to make a Will save control of its ‘owner’, while attached, by
against a DC of 12 or creates a new Body Part making an opposed Influence roll against
as part of them. the host. The Body Part is assumed to have
an influence of 5 x Pow, 55 on average.
Body Part CR 1; Diminutive Undead; HD 1; Rebellion: The Body Part can make one
HP 7; Mas 10; Init +3; Spd 15 ft.; Defence 17 attempt to instil rebellion in the same body
(+3 Dex, +4 size), touch 14, flat-footed 14; BAB parts in another person. This is done by
+0; Grap -17; Atk -1 Melee (1, slam); Full Atk
making an opposed Influence roll against
-1 Melee (1, slam); FS 1ft. by 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.;
SQ darkvision, body telepathy, body control,
the host. The Body Part is assumed to have
rebellion; Panic 11, Fear 11, Madness 11; AL an influence of 5x Pow for this roll, 55 on
Chaos; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4; AP 0; Str 3, average, but makes the roll with a -10
Dex 16, Con -, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12. penalty.
Skills: Balance 7, Bluff 5, Climb -1, Hide 19, Tireless: The Body Part never tires and so
Jump -1, Move Silently 7, Swim -1, Tumble 7, doesn’t have Fatigue Points.
Listen 1.
Feats: Powerful Will (+2 to mind control effects)
Advancement: Increase HD to represent older,
more powerful and more malevolent Body
Parts, increase the difficulty of resistance to its
abilities equal to your judgement of the raised

Special Rules
Combat Actions: 2
Strike Rank: +11
Movement: 3m
Traits: Body telepathy, body control,
rebellion, tireless.
Power Points: 11
Mind Points: 23
Fatigue Points: None, cannot tire.
Courage: 65
Skills: Influence (Pow x5), Perception (Int +
Horror: Courage -10% to be controlled,
losing 1d8 Mind Points, witnessing a
disembodied body part is a straight check
losing 1d4 Mind Points.

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